341 CDCFactSheets8 FactsFigures
341 CDCFactSheets8 FactsFigures
341 CDCFactSheets8 FactsFigures
• Type 1 Diabetes affects 3 million people; projects that the gluten-free industries
6% (180,000) of those diagnosed also revenues will reach $1.7 Billion by 2010.
have celiac disease.
• 610,000 women in the US experience Data from www.bakingbusiness.com August 2005.
unexplained infertility; 6% (36,600)
of these women might never learn that For more information contact the
celiac disease is the cause. University of Chicago Celiac
• 350,000 people in the United States Disease Center at 773.702.7593
are living with Down Syndrome; 12% or www.CeliacDisease.net.