9.2 Steel Grades
9.2 Steel Grades
9.2 Steel Grades
Table 32 : Minus tolerances on nominal thickness and to the International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC
Nominal thickness t (mm) Minus tolerance (mm) Code).
3≤t<5 −0,3 For gas fuelled ships, reference is to be made to Society
Rule Note NR 529, and to the International Code of Safety
5≤t<8 −0,4
for Ships using Gases or other Low-flash point Fuels (IGF
8 ≤ t < 15 −0,5 Code).
15 ≤ t < 25 −0,6
25 ≤ t < 40 −0,7 9.2 Steel grades
40 ≤ t < 80 −0,9
9.2.1 The requirements apply to Cr-Ni austenitic and auste-
80 ≤ t < 150 −1,1 nitic-ferritic stainless steels.
150 ≤ t < 250 −1,2 Note 1: Reference is made for designation to the corresponding
AISI grade.
t ≥250 −1,3
Other stainless steel of martensitic types, in accordance
with international or national standards, may be accepted
8.4 Mechanical tests
for specific applications such as in [9.1.3].
8.4.1 For applications under [8.1.2] a) and [8.1.2] b), irre-
spective of the grade of steel, the testing may be in batches 9.3 Manufacture
in accordance with the relevant requirements of Article [2].
9.3.1 Approval
One tensile test is to be carried out from one piece for each Unless otherwise agreed, the manufacturers of steel
batch presented or fraction thereof. intended for the construction of cargo tanks, storage tanks
Unless otherwise required, the impact tests may be omitted. and pressure vessels for chemicals and liquefied gases are
to be approved by the Society and the relevant require-
8.4.2 For applications under [8.1.2] c), the testing proce- ments of [1.2] and [1.3] apply.
dure is to be in accordance with the requirements of Sec 3, Provisions for the approval are given in NR480 “Approval of
[1.7.4] relevant to forgings. the manufacturing process of metallic materials”.
8.4.3 The results of tensile and impact tests are to comply 9.3.2 Corrosion resistance
with requirements of Articles [2], [6] and [7], [9], as appli- The resistance of tank material to cargoes is under the
cable. responsibility of the yard.
Justification of such resistance is to be submitted to the
9 Stainless steel products Society.
9.1.2 Austenitic stainless steels are suitable for use both at Surface defects which cannot be removed by grinding may
elevated and low temperatures. be generally repaired under the conditions given in [2.4.4],
as applicable.
When austenitic stainless steels are proposed for use at ele-
vated temperatures, details of chemical composition, heat
9.4 Condition of supply
treatment and mechanical properties are to be submitted for
consideration and approval. 9.4.1 All materials are to be supplied in the solution treated
Unless otherwise specified, austenitic-ferritic stainless steels condition.
are in general suitable for design temperature between −20°C
and +275°C. 9.5 Chemical composition
9.1.3 Stainless steel bars may be used for propeller shafts or 9.5.1 The chemical composition on ladle analysis is to
similar applications under the conditions given in [8.1.2] c). comply with the requirements specified in Tab 33.
9.1.4 In cases of applications involving the storage and 9.6 Mechanical properties
transport of liquefied gases, reference is to be made to Soci-
ety’s Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships Pt D, Ch 9 9.6.1 The mechanical properties are specified in Tab 34.
AISI grade Yield strength (N/mm2) min. (1) Tensile strength Rm Average impact energy (J) min.
A5 (%) min.
designation Rp0,2 Rp1,0 (N/mm2) KVL KVT
Austenitic at −196°C at −196°C
304 L 175 215 470 - 670 45 41 27
304LN 270 310 570 - 790 40
316L 195 235 490 - 690 45
316LN 300 340 ≥ 590 45
317L 195 235 490 - 690 40
317LN 300 340 ≥ 590 45
321 205 245 500 - 750 40
347 205 245 500 - 750 40
Duplex austenitic-ferritic at −20°C at −20°C
UNS S31803 ≥ 470 660 - 800 25 41 27
UNS S32550 ≥ 490 690 - 890 25
UNS S32750 ≥ 530 730 - 930 25
(1) The yield strength Rp0,2 is in general to be determined
9.7 Mechanical tests 9.7.2 Samples from plates and wide flats for other
9.7.1 Samples from plates and wide flats for cargo The products are grouped in batches of 20 tons or fraction
tanks, secondary barriers and process thereof, consisting of parts coming from the same cast, the
pressure vessels of liquefied gas carriers
thickness of which differs by no more than 5mm in the case
Samples for tests are to be cut from the products in the final of flat products.
supply condition. The tests are to be carried out on each
rolled unit as heat treated. When the batch is made up of plates, the plate selected to
take the test specimens is to be one of those of highest
One sample is to be taken from one end of each rolled unit
when the mass and the length do not exceed 5t and 15m,
respectively. 9.7.3 Samples from sections and bars
When either of these limits is exceeded, samples are to be The products are grouped in batches of 20 tons or fraction
cut at both ends of each rolled unit. thereof, consisting of parts coming from the same cast, the
The definition of rolled unit is given in Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.3.3]. thickness of which differs by no more than 5mm.