Guided Reading & Analysis: The Civil War, 1861-1865 Chapter 14
Guided Reading & Analysis: The Civil War, 1861-1865 Chapter 14
Guided Reading & Analysis: The Civil War, 1861-1865 Chapter 14
This guide is not only a place to record notes as you read, but also to provide a
place and structure for reflections and analysis using your noggin (thinking skills)
with new knowledge gained from the reading. This guide, if THOUGHFULLY and
ACURATELY completed in its entirety
(collage created by Rebecca Richardson using playbill from
The Civil War, map from wiki commons, and image from artshound)
1. Pre-Read: Read the prompts/questions within this guide before you read the chapter.
2. Skim: Flip through the chapter and note titles and subtitles. Look at images and read captions. Get a feel for the content you are about to read.
3. Read/Analyze: Read the chapter. If you have your own copy of AMSCO, Highlight key events and people as you read. Remember, the goal is not
to “fish” for a specific answer(s) to reading guide questions, but to consider questions in order to critically understand what you read!
4. Write: Write (do not type) your notes and analysis in the spaces provided. Complete
The North’s greater Read the William Tecumseh Sherman quote and first paragraph of the chapter on page 268.
manpower and List and explain the four main ways the civil war impacted the nation.
industrial resources, its
leadership, and the 1) 750,000 people died in this war
decision for
emancipation eventually
led to the Union military 2) 4 million slaves were set free
victory over the
Confederacy in the
devastating Civil War 3) Accelerated industrialization and modernization
First Years of a Long War… Who had more victories in the first years of
Although Confederate They were very unorganized and confusing because the troops were the war?
leadership showed untrained and had no knoledge The union
initiative and daring
early in the war, the
Union ultimately First Battle of Bull Run…
succeeded due to First major battle of the Civil War, in which untrained Northern troops
improved military and civilian picnickers fled back to Washington
leadership, more
effective strategies,
key victories, greater Union Strategy…
resources, and the This was a called the anaconda plan
Explain how technological innovation
wartime destruction of
impacted the war.
the South’s
environment and The railroads helped transport many troops
infrastructure. and equipment fast and new weapons
helped in the war
Peninsula Campaign…
It was General George McClellan's failed effort to seize Richmond and the
confederates won
This was a battle in which the Union tried to dislodge Confederates from
their bunkers but they failed badly
How was General Grant different from
General McClellan?
Grant was the general that took risks
and succeeded
decision to Failure of Cotton Diplomacy…
issue the Europe got cotton from other sources such as Egypt and India and a big setback at Antietam played
Emancipation a role in this
changed the
To what extent was the
purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation
war, enabling responsible for the South’s failed
many African The End of Slavery… “cotton diplomacy?” Defend
Americans to Lincoln was concerned about keeping the border states and he was scared that it would get out of your answer.
fight in the hand and due to this he has banned it slaves were freed and there was
Union Army, a shortage leading to less
and helping production of cotton due to the
prevent the Confiscation Acts
from gaining
full diplomatic Confiscation Acts…
support from This was a series of laws passed by the federal government that were designed to liberate slaves in
European the seceded states
The 13th
abolished Emancipation Proclamation…
slavery, bringing This proclamation was issued by Lincoln and it freed all slaves that were in the war with the union
about the war’s
most dramatic In what way was the Battle of
social and Antietam a turning point in the
war? Slaves were freed during
that war
change… Consequences…
Some states didn’t free the slaves and they didn’t listen to Abraham Lincoln
Thirteenth Amendment…
It abolished slavery Explain the significance of the
54th Regiment. #Glory
The North’s greater The Union Triumphs, 1863-1865… Support or refute the assertion that the Battle
manpower and of Gettysburg was a more important turning
industrial resources, point than the Battle of Vicksburg.
its leadership, and It was a more important turning point for some
in the war but for others it wast
the decision for
Turning Point
eventually led to the Vicksburg
Union military Grant besieged the city from May 18 to July 4, 1863, until it surrendered
victory over the
Confederacy in the
devastating Civil
Gettysburg… Which turning point Battle was most essential
A large battle in the American Civil War, took place in southern Pennsylvania it was the in implementing General Winfield Scotts war
Although biggest battle in the civil war known in history strategy?
Confederate Vicksburg because his strategy weakened the
leadership showed Confederacy Grant in Command
initiative and daring
early in the war, the
Union ultimately
succeeded due to
improved military Grant in Command…
leadership, more Grant's approach was to outlast Lee by fighting a war of attrition and succeeded
Explain the political impact of Sherman’s
effective strategies,
March to the Sea.
key victories,
greater resources, It broke the spirit of the Confederacy and
and the wartime weakened it
destruction of the
South’s Sherman’s March…
environment and He marched through town and he was very destructive he mainly destroyed buildings and
infrastructure. property to prove a point
The Union victory Effects of the War on Civilian Life… What is the difference between a
in the Civil War scalawag and a copperhead?
and the contested Political Change…
Reconstruction of The secession created a lot of political representatives on both sides of the house Northern Radicals who moved to the
the South settled the South and Southerners who
issues of slavery cooperated with Radicals
and secession, but
left unresolved
many questions
about the power of Civil Liberties…
the federal Lincoln focused a lot on war and he did focus on people which made them made because he
government and didn’t make any good laws for the south
citizenship rights.
Explain how the Union victory
The Civil War … impacted federal politics and regional
altered power economics.
The victory and all the political
Ex Parte Milligan… commotion made people form the
between the states
Civil War Era case in which the Supreme Court ruled that military tribunals could not be used to peoples party
and the federal try civilians if civil courts were open.
government and
among the
legislative, and
judicial branches,
ending slavery and The Draft…
the notion of a The north was struggling to get soldiers so they made men join buy forcing them into it
divisible union, but
leaving unresolved
questions of relative
power and largely
unchanged social
and economic
Political Dominance of the North…
After the civil war the supremacy of federal government was treated as a fact and there was a
new meaning for new birth of freedom
The Union Modernizing Northern Society… Support or refute the assertion that the
victory in the A lot of industries opened and businesses and there was a lot of new things happening that came Civil War was a Second American
Civil War and from the north but slavery was more gone Revolution. Back up your answer with
the contested evidence.
Reconstruction workers' wages didn't keep up with
of the South inflation in North and there was a tariff
placed on good due to that
settled the issues
of slavery and
secession, but
left unresolved
many questions While the Democrats are away… the Republicans will play…
about the power
of the federal a. Morrill Tariff Act
government and
b. Homestead Act
End of Slavery…
This led to the south falling apart because that’s what it mainly relied on for money and for
its wealth
Which factor do you see as most significant to the Confederate loss? Explain your choice.
Economic reasons because if they had a better economic system they would have more money that they could spend o n troops to win the war
I here declare my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule -- to all political, social and business
connection with the Yankees and to the Yankee race. Would that I could impress
these sentiments, in their full force, on every living Southerner and bequeath them
to every one yet to be born! May such sentiments be held universally in the
outraged and down-trodden South, though in silence and stillness, until the now
far-distant day shall arrive for just retribution for Yankee usurpation, oppression
and atrocious outrages, and for deliverance and vengeance for the now
ruined, subjugated and enslaved Southern States!
...And now with my latest writing and utterance, and with what will be near my latest breath, I here repeat and
would willingly proclaim my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule--to all political, social and business connections
Yankees, and the perfidious, malignant and vile Yankee race."
--Edmund Ruffin
(June 18, 1865 His lasts words before he committed suicide saying he’d rather die than live under Yankee rule.)
Taking into consideration Edmund Ruffin’s comments (he, by the way, fired the first shot at Fort Sumter), how did the Civil War impact the relationship between the North
and the South?
It made one side start to blame the other for its actions and there was a debate but
the north was stronger so it feared less