Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis Synopsis: 1. Gravitational Field: 3. Gravitational Intensity (E)

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1. Gravitational field : 3. Gravitational intensity (E) :

Region or s pace around body in which i. The strength of gravitational field at a
gravitational force is experienced by other point is the measure of gravitational
bodies. intensity at that point.
2. Newton’s law of gravitation : ii. The intensity of gravitational field at a
point at distance r from centre of the body
i. Newton’s law of gravitation states that every
of mass m is given by
particle of matter in the universe attracts every
other particle with a force which varies directly
as the product of their masses and inversely as E =
the square of distance between them.
ii. It acts along the line joining the two =
E = g
F = iii. The unit of intensity of gravitational field
is N/kg and its dimensions are [M0L 1T –2].
= mg
iv. The value of intensity of gravitational field
is zero at infinity.
g =
4. Acceleration due to gravity (g) :
iii. Universal Gravitation constant : i. It is defined as the acceleration set up in a body
Value of G = 6.67 u 10 –11 2 2
Nm /kg . while falling freely under the effect of gravity
Dimensions of G = [M –1L3T–2]
ii. The value of g is zero at the centre of earth
iv. The gravitational force is the weakest
and at infinite distance.
interaction between the particles.
iii. The value of g on the surface of earth is
v. The gravitationa l force of attra ction
9.8 m/s2 and near the equator 9.78 m/s2 and
betwee n the elementary particles is
at poles 9.83 m/s2.
negligible when compared to the other
nuclear forces. 5. Relation between g and G :
vi. The work done by the gravitational force i. Weight of the body is equal to gravitational
between the planet and sun is zero. force acting on that body.
vii. The gravitational forces are conservative
forces and attractive forces. ? mg =
viii. Gravitational force is the weakest force
in nature. It is about 1038 times weaker
than the nuclear forces and 10 36 times
weaker than the electric forces.
2 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

6. i. Variation of ‘g’ just above earth’s

ª º surface :
« »
« » If h << R, then value of ‘g’ at the height is
« »
« » approximately given as,
« »
« » § ·
¬ ¼ gh = g¨  ¸
© ¹
ii. Variation of ‘g’ with depth :
? g =
If gd = acceleration due to
This is an acceleration due to gravity on the gravity at depth
surface of planet of mass M and radius R. d = depth from surface of
ii. For a body at height h above the planet earth
R = radius of earth,
m § ·
gd = g¨  ¸
mg = © ¹


? gh =

Thus gh < g i.e. acceleration due to gravity

decreases as we go above the planet from
its surface.

iii. = iii. Variation of ‘g’ on the surface of earth :

Value of g on earth’s surface varies because
of two reasons.
a. Due to shape : Earth is elliptical in shape.
? gh =
 It is bulged at equator because of
centrifugal force. Therefore radius of
earth is maximum at equator and
g = minimum at pole.

As g =
as M = U u SR3

§ · ? g v
¨' ¸
© ¹ For the same planet, when mass is
uUu S
g = Thus acceleration due to gravity is
minimum at equator and maximum at
iv. g = SUR

? g v R
Gravitation 3

b. Due to rotation of earth : Earth is earth in elliptical path.

rotating about an axis passing through b. If Vh = Vc : Satellite revolves in circular
poles. Its sense of rotation is from west orbit.
to east. c. If Ve > Vh > Vc : Satellite revolves in
1. As earth rotates, every particle on elliptical path.
earth rotates with same angular d. If Vh = Ve : Satellite will escape out of
velocity but with different radii. gravitational field following
2. Apparent acceleration is, parabolic path.
gc = g – RZZ2 cos2O
e. If Vh > Ve : Satellite will escape out of
i. Effect of earth’s rotation at gravitational field following
equator (i.e. at O = 0) hyperbolic path.
gc = Z2
g – RZ
8. Orbital or critical velocity (vc ) :
for given Z, acceleration due to
gravity is minimum at equator. i. It is the velocity required to put the satellite into
ii. Effect of earth’s rotation at a circular orbit around the earth.
poles (i.e. at O = 90) ii. Orbital velocity of a satellite, when it is
gc = g revolving around the earth of mass M,
for given Z , acceleration due radius R, at a height h is,
to gravity is maximum at
poles. =
Note :  
The acceleration due to gravity on the earth is g
= 9.81 ms–2 (mean value). Its value on the moon Vc =
is about one sixth of that on the earth and that 
on the sun is about 27 times that on the earth.
Among the planets, the g is minimum on = 
Mercury. The value of g at the centre of the earth
is zero. iii. When satellite is orbiting close to the surface
7. Projection of a satellite : of earth i.e. h < < R, then

i. The first artificial satellite “SPUTNIK-I” was

Vc =
launched in space by U.S.S.R. on 4th October,
ii. The first Indian artificial satellite
“ARYABHATTA” was launched in space on = 7.92 km/s # 8 km/s
19th April, 1975. iv. The orbital velocity that must be given to a
iii. Minimum two stages of rocket are used to satellite in order to put it in an orbit very
launch the satellite successfully in space. close to the surface of earth is 7.92 km/s.
iv. The first stage of rocket is used to launch 9. Time period of a satellite
the satellite to a desired height. Second stage
i. It is the time taken by a satellite to complete
of rocket is used to push the satellite into
one revolution around the earth.
horizontal direction.
v. Shape of the orbit of the satellite depends
upon horizontal velocity imparted to the T =
a. If Vh < Vc : Satellite returns back to
4 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

ii. As T2 v r3, graph of T2 and r3 is a straight

line passing through origin. The slope of the b. If h = R, then W = = gmh
graph, 4SS2/GM, is constant.
iii. Gravitational potential energy is a scalar
iii. Period of a satellite is :
quantity. Its SI unit is joule and its dimensions
a. Independent of mass of satellite are [M1L2T–2].
b. Depends on height of satellite
12. Binding energy (B.E.) :
c. Directly proportional to i. Minimum energy required to project a body
d. For a satellite revolving close to earth. from earth’s gravitational field to infinity is
T = S
2S called binding energy.
= 5078 sec a. For body at rest on earth’s surface :
= 1.41 hr
If body is at rest on earth’s surface
= 1 hour 24.6 min.
iv. The period of revolution of a geostationary P.E. =
satellite is 24 hours = 86400 s.
K.E. = 0
10. Gravitational potential (‘V’) :
i. Gravitational potential at a point, T.E. =

Negative sign indicates that body of

V = mass m is bound by gravitational
attraction with mass M.
Therefore binding energy of body which
= is at rest on earth’s surface is given by

B.E. =
= u
b. For body revolving at height h above
earth’s surface :
= If body of mass m is revolving at
height h above earth’s surface.
where M is mass of the body due to which
there is a gravitational field, r is the distance
P.E. =
of the point. 

ii. Its dimensions are [M0L2T–2]. K.E. = mv2c

11. Gravitational potential energy (P.E.) :

= m
i. Gravitational potential energy of a body 
of mass m placed on the surface of earth of
radius R, mass M is =

T.E. = P.E + K.E.
U = 'U =

= +

a. If h < < R, then W =

T.E. =

= gmh
Gravitation 5

Negative sign indicates that body is It is defined as a property of inertia :

bounded to earth with gravitational force.
i. Inertial mass and gravitational mass are
Binding energy required to project body equivalent.
out of gravitational field is ii. Inertial mass depends on amount of matter
present in the body.
B.E. =
 15. Geostationary satellite :
13. Escape velocity (Ve) : i. The communication satellite is also called
i. Minimum velocity with which a body should Geostationary satellite. It appears to be
be projected from surface of planet to reach stationary when observed from the earth
to infinity is called escape velocity. because its period is same as that of the earth.
ii. It is also called geosynchronous satellite,
since it coincides with the spin of rotation
Ve = of earth.
As, GM = gR2, We get Ve = iii. A satellite whose time period is same as that
of the time period of the earth about its own
ii. Greater the value of escape velocity from a axis i.e. 24 hrs.
planet, denser will be its atmosphere. iv. The satellite is at a height of nearly 36,000 km
iii. Value of escape velocity of Earth is 11.2 km/s. above the equator and 42,000 km from the
Value of escape velocity of Moon is 2.31 km/s. centre of earth.
Value of escape velocity of the Jupiter is 42 v. It is a satellite moving in equatorial plane,
km/s. west to east.
iv. There is no atmosphere on moon because vi. It is used for communication such as
the rms velocities of the molecules are television, broadcasting, weather
greater than the escape velocity(vrms > ve). forecasting, military purpose, to study
cosmic rays and solar radiation.
v. If the velocity of a satellite is increased

times or by 41.4 %, it escapes out from

the earth because its velocity becomes
greater than the escape velocity.
14. Gravitational and Inertial mass :
Gravitational mass of body is mass of the
body which determines the gravitational
attraction force acting on it due to earth
gravitational mass.

m =

Inertial mass of body is mass of body which

determines the force acting on body which
is given by Newton’s second law i.e. F = ma

m =
6 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

16. The physical quantity and its change with d. Weightlessness is observed only in an
orbit of satellite (r) : artificial satellite but it is not observed
on a natural satellite like moon,
Physical quantities Variation Relation with r
because it has its own gravity.
ii. Freely falling body :
Orbital velocity Decreases Vv A body is said to be a freely falling body,
when it falls under the effect of gravity of
Period Increases T v r3/2 the earth alone and the effect of all other
forces is negligible. A freely falling body is
one which falls with the acceleration due to
Linear momentum Decreases P v

Angular momentum Increases L v

Kinetic energy Decreases K.E. v

Potential energy Increases P.E. v –

Total energy Increases T.E. v

17. Weightlessness :
i. Weightlessness in a satellite :
a. Feeling of weight is due to the
reaction force exerted by the surface
of the earth. The weight of person is
maximum on the surface of the earth.
b. The astronaut in an orbiting satellite
feels weightless. The apparent
weight of the body is zero, but actual
weight can never be zero.

§ ·
§ · ¨ ¸
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
¨ ¸
© ¹ ¨ ¸
© ¹

= mg – ma
= m(g – a)
c. If centripetal acceleration of a
satellite is equal to acceleration due
to gravity i.e. a = g, then the
apparent weight of the astronaut is
Gravitation 7

CLASSWORK (6) The ratio of g at the surface of two planets of

mean densities U1 & U2
Multiple Choice Questions
(1) A reference frame attached to the earth
(a) is an inertial frame by definition U U
(c) (d)
(b) is an inertial frame because there is no pseudo
force (7) If R is the radius of a planet and g is the
(c) is an inertial frame because Newton’s laws acceleration due to gravity, then the mean density
are applicable in this frame of the planet is given by

(d) cannot be inertial frame because the earth is S

rotating about its axis. (a) (b)
(2) If the distance between two masses is doubled,
the gravitational attraction between them S
(c) (d)
(a) Is doubled
(8) A body raised to a height ‘nR’ from the surface of
(b) Is reduced to half
earth of radius R. The ratio of acceleration due to
(c) Becomes four times gravity on the surface to that at a given height is
(d) Is reduced to a quarter (a) (n+1)–3 (b) (n+1)–2
(3) The value of G depends upon (c) (n+1)2 (d) (n+1)
(a) the medium between two masses (9) Figure below shows an arrangement of five
particles with masses m1 = 8 kg, m2 = m3 = m4 =
(b) temperature at the time of observation
m5 = 2 kg and a = 2 cm, T = 300.
(c) the nature of attracting masses
(d) it is universal constant.
(4) If the radius of earth were to be decreased by
1% its mass remaining the same,the acceleration
due to gravity on the surface of the earth
(a) will increase by 1%
(b) will decrease by 2%
(c) will decrease by 1%
(d) will increase by 2%
(5) The density and acceleration due to gravity of The net gravitational force on particle 1 due
moon are 3/5 th and 1/6 th those of earth
to other particles is
respectively. If the radius of the earth is
5.4 u 106 m (a) 2.3 u 10–6 N (b) 4.6 u 10–6 N

(a) 1.4 u 106m (b) 3.6 u 106m (c) 6 u 10 –6 N (d) 8.2 u 10–6 N

(c) 4.5 u 106m (d) 5.4 u 106m

8 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(10) An interplanetary spaceship passes through a (a) 14 km s–1 (b) 21 km s–1

point in space where the gravitational forces
(c) 7 km s –1 (d) 28 km s–1
from the sun and the earth on the ship exactly
cancel. If mass of earth is me , mass of sun is ms (15) A satellite is revolving around the earth with a
and r is the distance between earth and sun uniform speed u. The speed of the satellite when
then the distance of spaceship from centre of the gravitational force suddenly disappears is :
earth is (a) infinity (b) 2u
(c) u (d) zero
(a) (b)
(16) A high jumper can jump 2.0 m on earth. With
 the same effort, how high will he be able to
jump on a planet whose density is half and
radius one-fourth that of the earth ?
(c) (d) (a) 6 m (b) 16 m
 (c) 12 m (d) 24 m
(17) If Vh, Vc and Ve denote horizontal velocity of
2.2. PROJECTION OF SATELLITE : projection, critical velocity and escape velocities
(11) A stationary satellite of a planet may orbit at respectively then which of the following pairs
are correct.
(a) any object
Condition Path taken by satellite
(b) a definite height independent of its own
mass 1) Vh < V c a) elliptical

(c) a height depending on its own mass 2) Vh = V c b) spiral

(d) a definite height independent of the mass 3) Vc < V h < Ve c) circular

of the planet 4) V h > Ve d) parabolic
(12) Two artificial satellites are revolving around a 5) V h = Ve e) hyperbolic
planet in circular orbits. If the radii of their orbits
are in the ratio 2 : 1, their critical speeds are in (a) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-e
the ratio (b) 1-a, 2-c, 3-a, 4-e, 5-d
(a) 2 : 1 (b) (c) 1-c, 2-b, 3-e, 4-d, 5-a
(d) 1-c, 2-a, 3-e, 4-d, 5-b
(c) 1 : 2 (d)
(18) Orbital velocity of earth’s satellite near the
(13) In the case of a satellite moving along a circular surface is 8 km/s. When the radius of the orbit
orbit, a larger orbit corresponds to is 4 times that of earth’s surface, then orbital
(a) longer period and slower velocity velocity in that orbit will be

(b) larger velocity and longer period velocity (a) 4 km/s (b)
(c) smaller period and smaller velocity
(d) smaller period and larger (c) (d) 16 km/s

(14) Two satellites of mass 100 kg and 400 kg are in

the same orbit. The orbital velocity of 100 kg
satellite is 7 km s–1, the orbital velocity of the
other satellite will be
Gravitation 9

(19) For a satellite revolving in a circular orbit around (24) Time period of second pendulum on a planet,
the earth, the physical quantity that remains whose mass and diameter are twice that of
constant is its earth, is
(a) velocity
(a) (b) 2 sec
(b) acceleration
(c) angular momentum
(c) (d)
(d) linear momentum
(20) If the horizontal velocity given to a satellite is (25) If the distance between earth and sun becomes
greater than the critical velocity but less than 1/4th then its period of revolution around the
the escape velocity, then the satellite will sun will become

(a) revolve in a circular orbit (a) 6 hours (b) 8 hours

(b) will strike the earth along a parabolic path (c) 16 hours (d) 3 hours

(c) start revolving in an elliptical orbit (26) If U is the density of a planet, the time period
of nearby satellite is given by
(d) it will disappear in the outer space
(a) (b)
(21) An artificial satellite makes 8 revolutions in 72
hours. How many revolutions a geostationary
satellite will make in the same time ? S S
(c) (d)
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 8 (d) 16
(22) A geostationary satellite has an orbital period of (27) The period of a satellite moving very close to
the surface of the earth of radius R is 84 minute.
(a) 2 hr (b) 6 hr (c) 12 hr (d) 24 hr What will be the period of the same satellite, if
(23) Which of the following graph depicts relation it is taken at a distance of 3R from the surface
between time period (T) and radius of orbit (r) of the earth ?
of a planet ? (a) 84 min (b) 84 u 4 min

(c) 84 u 8 min (d) min

(28) A satellite is orbiting around the earth with a

(a) (b) period of T. If the earth suddenly shrinks to
half its radius without change in mass, the period
of revolution of the satellite will be

(a) (b) (c) T (d) 2T

(c) (d)
10 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

2.4. KEPLER’S LAWS OF MOTION : (a) t1 > t2 (b) t1 = t2

(29) A planet revolves in an elliptical orbit around (c) t1 < t2 (d) t1 = 2t2
the sun. The kinetic energy of the planet will
be maximum at (33) A satellite (S) is moving in an elliptical orbit
around the earth. The mass of ths satellite is
very small as compared to the mass of the
(a) the angular momentum of S about the
centre of the earth changes in direction,
but its magnitude remains constant

(b) the acceleration of S is always directed

(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D towards the centre of the earth
(30) Kepler’s second law (law of areas) is nothing
(c) the total mechanical energy of S varies
but a statement of
periodically with time
(a) work energy theorem
(d) the linear momentum of S remains constant
(b) conservation of energy in magnitude
(c) conservation of linear momentum
(34) A satellite is revolving around the earth in a
(d) conservation of angular momentum circular orbit 4 times the radius of the parking
(31) A planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical orbit. The time period of the satellite will be.....
orbit. The speed of the planet (a) 2 days (b) 4 days
(a) is the same at all points on its path (c) 16 days (d) 8 days
(b) is maximum when it is at the minimum
(35) Which of the following graphs represents the
distance from the sun
motion of a planet moving about the sun?
(c) is maximum when it is at the maximum
distance from the sun
(d) is maximum when it is at the ends of the
minor axis of the elliptical path
(a) (b)
(32) A planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical
orbit with the sun at one focus as shown in the
figure. The shaded areas are equal. If t1 and t2
are the times taken by the planet to move from a
to b and from c to d, respectively. Then

(c) (d)
Gravitation 11

(36) The period of revolution of an earth satellite (41) A Missile is launched with a velocity less than
close to surface of earth is 90 min. The time the escape speed. The sum of its kinetic energy
period of another satellite in an orbit at a radius and potential energy
four times the radius of the earth from its (a) is positive
surface will be.....
(b) is negative
(c) is zero
(a) 90 (b) 360 min
(d) may be positive or negative depending
(c) 720 min (d) 270 min upon its initial velaocity
(37) A satellite goes along an elliptical path around (42) The radius of the earth is 6.6 u 106 m, its mean
earth. The rate of change of arc ‘a’ swept by density is 5500 kg/m 3 and G = 6.6 u 10–11 SI
the line joining earth satellite is propotional units. The gravitational potential at a point on
to ...... the surface of the earth is
(a) r (b) r2 (c) r1/2 (d) r3/2 (a) 0.6 u 107 J/kg (b) 6.6 u 108 J/kg

2.5. BINDING ENERGY AND ESCAPE (c) 6.6 u 104 J/kg (d) 6.6 u 107 J/kg
VELOCITY OF A SATELLITE : (43) The escape velocity of a projectile from the earth
(38) With what velocity should a particle be is approximately
projected so that it reaches a height equal to (a) 7 km/sec (b) 112 km/sec
the radius of earth?
(c) 11.2 km/sec (d) 1.1 km/sec

(a) (b) (44) The radius of a planet is 1/4th of earth’s radius

and its acceleration due to gravity is double of
earth’s acceleration due to gravity. How many
(c) (d) times is the value of escape velocity at the planet
as compared to its value at the earth?

(39) A ball of mass m is fired vertically upward from

the surface of the earth with velocity nve where (a) (b) (c) 2 (d) 2
v e is the escape velocity of n < 1. neglecting air
resistance, to what height will the ball rise? (45) How much energy will be required if a mass of
Take radius of earth as R. 100 kg escapes from the earth?
(a) R/n2 (b) R/(1 – n2) (R0 = 6.4 u 106 m,g = 10 ms–2)

(c) Rn2/(1 – n2) (d) Rn 2 (a) 3.22 u 106 joule (b) 6.4 u 109 joule

(40) An earth satellite is moved from one stable orbit (c) 1.6 u 109 joule (d) 8 u 109 joule
to a farther stable orbit. Which quantity out of (46) If g is the acceleration due to gravity on the
the following increases ? earth’s surface, then the change is potential
(a) Linear speed energy of the earth at a height equal to radius
of earth will be
(b) Gravitational P.E.
(c) Centripetal acceleration (a) mgR (b) mgR

(d) Gravitational force.

(c) mgR (d) mgR
12 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(47) If R is the radius of earth and g is acceleration (52) If a body is taken to a place where there is no
due to gravity on the surface of earth,then gravity, then
binding energy of the satellite of mass m at the
(a) both its mass and its weight become zero
height h above earth’s surface is (r is orbital
(b) neither its mass nor its weight becomes
radius of satellite)
(c) its mass becomes zero but not its weight
(a) (b) (d) its weight becomes zero but its mass
remains the same
(53) An astronaut weighs 70 kg on the earth. If he
(c) (d)
is inside a satellite revolving in circular orbit
around the earth at height of 3200 km, he would
(48) If g is the acceleration due to gravity on earth’s
weigh (Radius of earth = 6400 km)
surface, the gain of the potential energy of an
object of mass m raised form the surface of earth (a) 26 kg (b) 140 kg (c) 70 kg (d) zero
to a height equal to the radius R of earth is 2.7. VARIATION OF “ g ” DUE TO LATITUDE
(a) 2 mgR (b) mgR ALTITUDE AND DEPTH :
(54) Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform
(c) (d) mass density, how much would a body weigh
800 km below the surface of earth, if it weighs
2.6. WEI GHTLESSNESS CONDITI ON I N A 360 N on the surface? Given radius of earth,
SATELLITE : R = 6400km.

(49) A man inside an artif icial sa te llite fe els (a) 200 N (b) 315 N (c) 430 N (d) 600 N
weightless because the force of attraction due (55) A body weighs 64 N on the surface of the earth.
to earth is what is the gravitational force on it due to earth
(a) Zero at that place at a height equal to one-third the radius of
(b) Is balanced by the force of attraction due earth?
to moon.
(a) 12 N (b) 24 N (c) 36 N (d) 48 N
(c) Equal to the centripetal force
(d) Non - effective due to particular design of (56) The angular speed of earth so that the bodies
the satellite lying on the equator may appear weightless
(50) The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is is..... (g = 10m/S2, R = 6400 km)

(a) zero (a) 1.25 u 10–3 rad/s (b) 1.5 u 10–3 rad/s

(b) same as on the surface of the earth (c) 1.75 u 10–3 rad (d) 2 u 10–3 rad/s

(c) infinite (57) If radius of earth is R then the speed with which
the earth has to rotate about its axis so that a
(d) same as that at the equator
person on the equator would weigh 2/5 th of
(51) Weightlessness experienced by space ship while his present weight is
orbiting the earth is the result of
(a) inertia (a) (b) (c) (d)

(b) acceleration
(c) zero gravity
(d) acceleration and zero gravity
Gravitation 13

(58) Suppose g be the acceleration due to gravity at 2.8 COMMUNICATION SATEL LITE AND
the equtor and g p be that at the poles. Assuming USES OF SATELLITE :
earth to be a sphere of radius Re rotating about
(64) The orbit of a geostationary satellite is
its own axis with angular speed Z, then gp – ge
is given by...... (a) very close to the surface of the earth

(a) Z2 /Re (b) ReZ2 (b) in any plane around the earth

(c) Z2 R2e (d) Z 2 /R2e (c) in the equatorial plane of the earth
(d) any of the above
(59) The acceleration due to gravity is minimum
(65) A geostationary satellite
(a) at the equator
(a) revolves about the polar axis
(b) at the poles
(b) has a time period less than that of the earth
(c) at the centre of the earth
(d) at a latitude of 500
(c) moves faster than a near satellite
(60) The height of a point vertically above the earth’s
(d) is stationary in the space
surface at which the acceleration due to gravity
becomes 1% of its value at the surface of the (66) The mean radius of the earth is R, its angular
earth of radius R is speed about its OWN axis is Z and the
acceleration due to gravity at earth’s surface is
(a) 3 R (b) 9 R (c) 18 R (d) 6 R
g, then the cube of the radius of the orbit of a
(61) A man weighs 100 kg on the surface of the geostationary satellite will be
earth of radius R. At what height above the
(a) R 2g/Z
Z (b) R2Z2/g
surface of the earth, he will weigh 50 kg?
(c) Rg/Z
Z (d) R2g/Z
(a) 0.41 R (b) 0.51 R
(67) A geo-stationary satellite is orbiting the earth
(c) 0.31 R (d) 0.61 R
at a height of 6R above the surface of the earth,
(62) The linear speed of a particle at the equator of R being the radius of the earth. The time period
the earth due to its spin motion is V. What is its of another satellite at a height of 2.5 R from the
linear speed at latitude 600 ? surface of the earth is ....

(a) hr (b) 6 hr
(a) 2 V (b) (c) (d)

(c) hr (d) 10 hr
(63) If the earth stops rotating, then the apparent
value of ‘g’ on its surface will (68) A geostationary satellite is orbiting the earth
(a) decrease everywhere at a height of 5R above the surface of earth, R
being the radius of the earth. The time period
(b) increase everywhere of another satellite in hours at a height of 2R
(c) remain constant everywhere form the surface of earth is ....

(d) increase at some places and will remain the

same at some places (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) (d)

(69) What is the time period of polar satellites?

(a) 1440 minutes (b) 100 minutes
(c) 3600 minutes (d) 60 minutes
14 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

HOMEWORK (c) weight of a body on the moon is less than

that on the earth
Multiple Choice Questions
(d) All the statements are correct
2.1. NEWTON’S LAW OF GRAVITATION : (7) W is the weight of man on the surface of the earth.
(1) A body weighs 64 N on surface of earth. What is What would be his weight, if he goes to a depth
the gravitational force on it due to the earth at a (h) equal to the radius of the earth, below the
height equal to one third of radius of earth ? surface of the earth?

(a) 12 N (b) 36 N (c) 72 N (d) 90 N

(a) w’ = (b) w’ = 0
(2) If a person travels from the equator to the poles,
he finds that the value of acceleration due to
gravity (g) (c) w’ = d) w’ = 2w
(a) decreases
(8) Two identical spheres each of mass M and radius
(b) increases R are separated by a distance 3R . The force of
(c) remains constant attraction between them is proportional to

(d) decrease upto a certain latitude, becomes zero

and then it increases (a) (b) R4 (c) R2 (d)

(3) If the speed of rotation of the earth about its axis

(9) If the density of the earth is doubled, by keeping
increases, the weight of a body at the equator
its radius constant, then the acceleration due to
gravity will be
(a) decrease
(a) 4.9m/s2 (b) 9.8m/s2
(b) increase
(c) 19.6m/s2 (d) 15m/s2
(c) remain constant
(10) The weight of a man in a lift moving upwards
(d) some times increases and sometimes with an acceleration ‘a’ is 600 N. When the lift
decreases moves downwards with the same acceleration his
weight is found to be 360 N. The real weight of
(4) The dimensional formula for G is
the man is
(a) [ L1 M1 T–1 ] (b) [ L2 M1 T–2 ]
(a) 380 N (b) 600 N
(c) [ L3 M–1 T–2 ] (d) [ L3 M–1 T–2 ]
(c) 480 N (d) 700 N
(5) The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is
(11) If the potential at the surface of the earth is
(a) infinite assumed to be zero, then the potential at infinity
(b) zero is given by

(c) same as that on the surface of the earth (a) 0 (b) f

(d) half of that on the surface of the earth

(c) – (d) +
(6) Choose the wrong statement from the following :
(a) weight of a body is more at the poles than
that at the equator
(b) weight of a body is more on the surface of
the earth, than on top of Mount Everest
Gravitation 15

(12) The time period of a simple pendulum inside a (19) Assuming that the earth is a sphere of radius
stationary lift is 2 seconds. What would be its R. At what altitude will the value of the
period, when the lift moves upwards with an acceleration due to gravity be half its value at
the surface of the earth?
acceleration ?

(a) h = (b) h =

(a) 2 sec (b) sec

(c) h = (d) h =
(c) sec (d) 4 sec
(13) A simple pendulum of length L is taken from earth
(20) Which of the following statements regarding a
to a planet where the acceleration due to gravity
satellite moving around earth is wrong ?
is doubled. What should be its new length so that
its periodic time is not changed ? (a) If falls freely
(b) It moves with constant speed
(a) L (b) 2L (c) (d) 3L
(c) It suffers no acceleration

(14) The unit of g/G is (d) Its angular momentum remains constant

(a) kg/m (b) kg/m2 (c) m2/kg (d) m/kg (21) A communication satellite appears stationary
(15) For two planets, density ratio (U U2) = 1/2 and
diameter ratio (d 1 /d 2 ) = 4/1. Compare the (a) it is always at rest
acceleration due to gravity of two planets is (b) its linear speed is the same as that of earth
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 3 : 4 (c) its period of revolution is equal to the period
(c) 1 : 2 (d) 2 : 1 of rotation of earth

(16) The gravitational acceleration on the surface of (d) it is at a very large distance from earth
earth of radius R and mean density U is (22) The synchronous satellite of the earth orbits from :

(a) S (b) S (a) north to south in the polar plane

(b) south to earth in the polar plane

(c) S (d) S (c) east to west in an equatorial plane

(d) west to east in an equatorial plane
(17) Two bodies of masses m and 4m are placed at a
(23) In the case of a satellite moving along a circular orbit,
distance r. The gravitational potential at a point
a larger orbit corresponds to
on the line joining them where the gravitational
field is zero is (a) longer period and slower velocity

   (b) larger velocity and longer period velocity

(a) (b) (c) (d) 0
(c) smaller period and smaller velocity
(18) If the distance between the sun and the earth is (d) smaller period and larger
increased by three times then attraction between
two will
(a) remain constant (b) decrease by 67 %
(c) increase by 63% (d) decrease by 89%
16 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(24) Two satellite of masses m1 and m2 (m2 > m1) are (28) A satellite of the earth is revolving in a circular
revolving around the earth in circular orbits of orb it with a uniform speed v. If the
radii r1 and r2 (r1 > r2). If their orbital velocities are gravitational force suddenly disappears, then
v1 and v2 then the satellite
(a) v1 = v2 (b) v1 < v2 (a) Will fall down like a freely falling body
(c) v1 > v2 (d) v1r1 = v2r2 (b) will continue to move with velocity v along
the original path
(25) When horizontal velocity of projection is greater
than critical velocity but less than escape velocity (c) Will go outwards in the direction of the
centrifugal force
(a) Apogee will be greater than projection
height. (d) Will move with a velocity n along the
tangent to the original orbit
(b) Apogee will be less than projection height
(29) Which on e of the following state me nts
(c) Both apogee and perigee will be greater
regarding an artificial satelite is wrong?
than projection height.
(a) The minimum velocity that should be given
(d) Both apogee and perigee will be less than
to a satellite to orbit quite close to the earth
projection height
is about 8 km/sec.
(26) Spiral path of satellite is taken only when
(b) The height of a communication satellite is
(a) Velocity of projection is less than critical about 36000 km from the earth’s surface
velocity and enters the atmosphere while
(c) The orbital velocity of the satellite depends
coming towards perigee.
upon the mass of the satellite
(b) Velocity of projection is less than critical
(d) The period of revolution of a satellite is
velocity and enters the atmosphere while
independents of its mass
coming towards apogee.
(30) The radius of the circular orbit of a satellite
(c) Velocity of projection is less than critical
depends upon
velocity and even if it does not enter the
atmoshere while coming towards perigee. (a) the escape velocity
(d) Velocity of projection is less than critical (b) the critical velocity
velocity and even if it does not enter the
(c) the velocity with which the first stage
atmosphere while coming towards apogee.
rocket is projected
(27) Two satellite of mases m1 and m2 (m 1 > m 2) are
(d) air resistance to the motion of the satellite
revolving round the earth in circular orbits of
radius r1 and r2 (r1 > r2) respectively. regarding (31) The orbital velocity of an articial satellite,
their speed V 1 and V2? revolving very close to the surface of the earth
depends upon
(a) (b)
(a) mass of the satellite
(b) radius of the earth
(c) (d)
(c) radius of the satellite
(d) density of the satellite
Gravitation 17

(32) Two satellites orbiting around the earth have (38) An artificial satellite orbiting around the earth
their critical speeds in the ratio 4 : 5 What is the does not fall down because the gravitational
ratio of their orbital radii? force of attraction of the earth
(a) is balanced by the attraction of the moon
(a) (b) (c) (d) and the sun
(b) is zero at such large distances
(33) The critical speed of a satellite orbiting very
close to the surface of the earth is (c) provides the necessary centripetal force
[ g = 10m/s2 and R = 6.4 × 106 m) for its motion in a curved path

(a) 8 × 103 m/s (b) 4 × 10 3 m/s (d) is balanced by the centrifugal force

(c) 16 × 104 m/s (d) 2 × 10 4 m/s (39) A planet revolves around the sun in an elliptical
orbit. The speed of the planet
(34) Two satellites are moving at heights of R and
5R above the surface of the earth of radius R. (a) is the same at all points on its path
(b) is maximum when it is at the minimum
The ratio of their velocities is distance from the sun
(c) is maximum when it is at the maximum
(a) (b) 1 : 1 (c) : (d) distance from the sun

(35) If U is the mean density of the earth and R is its (d) is maximum when it is at the ends of the
radius, then the critical speed of a satellite minor axis of the elliptical path
revolving very close to the surface of earth is : (40) When a planet moves around the sun, the
quantity that remains constant is its
(a) 2R (b) 2R (a) angular velocity (b) linear velocity
(c) areal velocity (d) Kinetic energy
(c) 2R (d) 2R
(41) A planet is revolving round a star in a circular
(36) Two satellites of masses 80 Kg and 120 Kg orbit of radius R, with a period T. If the
revolve round a planet in circular orbits of radii gravitational force between the planet and the
16R and 9R respectively, where R is radius of star is propotional to R–5/2, then
the planet. The ratio of the speeds of satellites
(a) T 2 v R4 (b) T2 vR
v 3/2
will be
(c) T 2 v R -7/2 (d) T2 vR
v 7/2

(a) (b) (c) (d) (42) The distances of two planets A and B from the
sun are 1012 m and 1011 m and their periodic times
(37) Two satellites of mass m1 and m2 (where m1 is are T A and T B respectively. If their orbits are
greater than m2) are going around the earth in assumed to be circular, then the ratio of their
orbits of radius r1 and r2 (r1 > r2). Which of the
§ ·
following statement about velocities is correct ? periodic times ¨ ¸¸ will be
© ¹
(a) (b) (a) 10 (b) 100

(c) (d) (c) 10 (d) 10

18 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(43) A planet revolves round the sun 8 times faster (50) Two planets move around the sun. The periodic
than the earth. Then the ratio of the distance times and the mean radii of the orbits are T1 , T2 ,
of the planet from the sun to the distance of r1 and r2 respectively. The ratio T1/T2 equal to
the earth from the sun is
(a) (r 1/r 2 ) 1/2 (b) (r 1/r 2 )
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 2 (c) 3 : 1 (d) 1 : 4
(c) (2r1 /r 2 ) 2 (d) (r1 /r 2 ) 3/2
(44) For a planet, the graph of T2 against r3 is plotted.
(51) The period of a satellite in a circular orbit of radius
The slope of the graph is
R is T. The period of another satellite in a circular
orbit of radius 4R is
SGM (b)
(a) 4S (c) (d)
(a) 4T (b) (c) 8T (d)
(45) If T is the period of a satellite revolving just
above the surface of a planet whose average (52) For a satellite orbiting close to the surface of earth
density is U then U T2 is...... the period of revolution is....

S S S S (a) 48.2 minutes (b) 42.3 minutes

(a) (b) (c) (d)
(c) 84.6 minutes (d) 120 minutes
(46) The mean radius of earth is R, angular speed (53) A simple pendulum is suspended from the roof of
about its own axis is Z and the acceleration due a trolley which moves in a horizontal direction with
to gravity at the earth’s surface is g. The cube an acceleration a, then the time period is given by
of radius of orbit of a geostationary satellite
will be..... T= S , where g’ is equal to

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) g (b) g – a

(47) Two satellites of mass 100 kg and 400 kg are in (c) g + a (d)
the same orbit. The orbital velocity of 100 kg
(54) A simple pendulum is suspended from the
satellite is 7 km s–1, the orbital velocity of the other
roof of a lift. When the lift is moving upwards
satellite will be
with an acceleration a (a < g). Then the time
(a) 14 km s–1 (b) 21 km s–1
(c) 7 km s–1 (d) 28 km s–1 period is given by T = S where gcc is equal

(48) The period of revolution of a geo-synchronous to

satellite is
(a) g (b) g – a (c) g + a (d)
(a) zero (b) one day
(c) one month (d) one year (55) A satellite is launched in a circular orbit of radius R
and another satellite is launched in circular orbit
(49) If a planet describes a circular motion, the time
of radius 1.01 R. The time period of second satellite
taken to complete one revolution T is related to
is different from that of the first satellite by
radius of the circular orbit r as
(a) 1.5% increased (b) 1% decreased
(a) T v r (b) T v r 2
(c) 1% increased (d) 1.5% decreased
(c) T2 v r3 (d) T v r 4
Gravitation 19

2.4. KEPLER’S LAWS OF MOTION : (c) tangential acceleration is zero

(56) A reference frame attached to the earth (d) radial acceleration is zero
(a) is in inertial frame of reference (61) Choose the correct statement. In planetary
(b) is an inertial frame because Newton’s laws
of motion are applicable in this case (a) the speed along the orbit remains constant
(c) is a non inertial frame because the earth is (b) the angular speed remains constant
rotating about it own axis
(c) the total angular momentum remains
(d) is a non inertial frame because the moon is constant
revolving round the earth
(d) the radius of the orbit remains constant
(57) A planet is revolving around the sun in an
(62) A planet moves around the sun. At a given
elliptical orbit. The sun is
point p’ it is closest from the sun at a distance
(a) at the centre of the ellipse d1 and has a speed v1. At another point Q, when
it is farthest from the sun at a distance d2 its
(b) at one of the foci
speed will be
(c) at one end of the major axis
(d) at one end of a minor axis (a) (b) (c) (d)
(58) Figure below shows a planet in ellipical orbit
around the sun S. Where is the Kinetic energy (63) If the distance between the earth and the sun
of the planet maximum? gets doubled, then the duration of the year will
be nearly

(a) days (b) days

(c) 365 days (d) 730 days

(64) If a and b are the nearest and farthest distances
of a planet from the sun and the planet is
(a) p1 (b) p2 (c) p3 (d) p 4 revolving in elliptical orbit, then square of
period of revolution of that is proportional to
(59) A planet of mass m moves around the sun of
mass M in an elliptical orbit. The maximum and (a) a3 (b) b3
minimum distance of the planet from the sun (c) (a + b)3 (d) (a – b)3
are r1 and r 2 respectively. The time period of the
planet is proportional to....
(a) (b)
(65) A body of mass m, placed on earth’s surface, is
taken from earth surface to a height h = 3R. Then,
(c) (d) change in gravitational potential energy is.....

(60) Kepler’s second law states that the straight line

joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal (a) (b) (c) (d)
areas in equal times. This statement is equivalent
to saying that (66) A spacecraft of mass m describes a circular orbit
of radius r 1 around the earth of mass M.
(a) total acceleration is zero
Calculate the additional energy to be imparted
(b) transverse acceleration is zero to the spacecraft to transfer it into a circular
20 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

orbit of larger radius r2 . (72) Escape velocity from the earth’s surface is
11. 2 km/s. The escape ve locity from the
surface of a planet having twice the radius
(a) (b)
and the same mean density as the earth is
(a) 22.4 km/s (b) 11.2 km/s
(c) (d)
(c) 5.6 km/s (d) 33.6 km/s

(67) The ratio of the kinetic energy required to be

(73) The escape velocity of a particle of mass m varies as
given to the satellite to escape from earth’s
surface & the kinetic energy required to be (a) m2 (b) m (c) m0 (d) m –1
given so that the satellite moves in a circular
(74) If m, v e , E B are mass, escape velocity and
orbit just above earth’s surface is
binding energy of the body then choose the
(a) One (b) Two (c) Half (d) Infinity correct expression from the following
(68) A planet of mass m is moving about the sun of
(a) (b)
mass M in a circular orbit of a radius R.
Assuming the sun to be at rest in an inertial
reference frame, the total energy of the planet (c) (d)

(75) ve and vp denote the escape velocities from the

(a) (b) earth and another planet having twice the
radius and the same mean density as the earth,
(c) (d)
(a) ve = vp (b) v e = vp/2

(69) An artificial satellite moving in a circular orbit (c) vp = 2v e (d) v e = vp/4

around the earth has a total energy E 0 . Its (76) The mass of the moon is 1/81th of earth’s mass
potential energy is and its radius 1/4th of that of the earth. If the
(a) –E 0 (b) 1.5 E0 (c) 2 E0 (d) E0 escape velocity from the earth’s surface is 11.2
km/sec, its value for the moon will be
(70) Change in potential energy of body of mass m
when it is taken from earth's surface to a height (a) 0.14 km per sec (b) 0.5 km per sec
nR above the earth's surface is (n = 1, 2, 3 ....) (c) 2.5 km per sec (d) 5.0 km per sec
(a) mgR (b) mngR (77) The escape velocities of the two planets, of
densities r1 and r2 and having same radius, are
§ ·
(c) ¨ ¸ (d) Zero v1 and v2 respectively. Then
©  ¹
(71) The diameter of the earth is four times as large (a) (b)
as the diameter of the moon. The gravitational U U
acceleration at the earth’s surface is six times
as large as that at the moon’s surface. The ratio §U · U
of the escape velocity from the earth’s surface (c) ¨¨ ¸¸ (d)
©U ¹ U
to that of the moon's surface is

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Gravitation 21

(78) At some point the gravitational potential and 2.6 W EIGHTLE SS NE SS CONDITION IN A
also the gravitational field due to earth is Zero. SATELLITE :
The point is
(84) Weightlessness is not experienced by a person
(a) on earth’s surface in an orbiting natural satellite around the sun
in space because of
(b) below earth’s surface
(a) gravity is more than sun
(c) at a height R from earth’s surface
(b) it has its own gravity
(d) at infinity
(c) sun’s reaction force
(79) An object of mass 2 kg is moved from infinity
to a point P. Initially that object was at rest but (d) free fall towards the sun
on reaching P its speed is 2 m/s. The work done
(85) Astronauts in a stable orbit around the earth
in moving that object is –16 J. Then potential at
are said to be in a weightless condition. The
P is
reasons for this is that
(a) 8J/kg (b) –8J/kg
(a) the capsule and its contents are falling
(c) 4J/kg (d) –4J/kg freely at the same rate
(80) There are two bodies of masses 100 kg and (b) there is no gravitational force action on
10000 kg separated by a distance 1 m. At what them
distance from the smaller body, the intensity
(c) the gravitational force of the earth balances
of gravitational field will be zero?
that of the sun
(d) there is no atmosphere at the height at
(a) m (b) m (c) m (d) m
which they are orbiting

(81) What is the percentage change in the value of (86) An astronaut weighs 90 N on the earth. If he is
g on shifting from equator to poles on earth’s inside a satellite revolving in circular orbit
surface? around the earth at the height of 3200 km, he
would weigh ..... (Radius of earth = 6400 km)
(a) 4.5 % (b) 0.65 % (c) 0.05 % (d) 0.43 %
(a) 26 N (b) 140 N
(82) The work done to remove a body of mass 10
kg from the surface of the earth of radius ‘R’ (c) 90 N (d) zero
and ‘g’ acceleration due to gravity of values
(87) The apparent weight of a man standing in a lift
6400 km and 10 m/s 2 respectively to infinity is
is more than his real weight, when the lift
(a) 1.28 J (b) 6.4 u J
(a) goes down with an acceleration
(c) 1.28 u 10 8 J (d) 3.2 u  J
(b) goes down with a uniform speed
(83) The escape velocity of a body of mass m
(c) goes up with a uniform acceleration
depends upon
(d) goes up with a uniform speed
(a) Mass of earth (b) Mass of body
(88) The weight of an astronaut in an artificial
(c) Radius of earth (d) Both (a) & (c)
satellite revolving around the earth is
(a) equal to that on the earth
(b) less than that on the earth
(c) zero
(d) more than that on the earth
22 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(89) A geostationary satellite of the earth (95) If the radius of the earth were to decrease by
2% , its mass remaining constant then the
(a) has a period of 12 hours
acceleration due to gravity on the surface of
(b) is stationary in space the earth will
(c) revolves from west to east in the equatorial (a) increase by 2% (b) increase by 4%
(c) decrease by 2% (d) decrease by 4%
(d) revolves from east to west in the equatorial
(96) What would happen to the weight of the body
at the north or south pole s, if the earth
(90) The weight of a person in a lift accelerating suddenly stops rotating about its polar axis ?
(a) increases (b) decreases
(a) increases (b) becomes zero
(c) reduces to zero (d) does not change
(c) decreases (d) does not change
(97) If the weight of a man on the surface of the
(91) When a lift is moving up with a uniform speed earth is 75 kg, then his weight on the surface
of 1 m/s. the weight of a man recorded by a of the moon will be
weighing machine in the lift is 70 kg. If the lift
(a) 158 kg (b) 50 kg
starts moving down with a uniform speed of
2 m/s, the weight of the man recorded by the (c) 12.5 kg (d) 25 kg
weighing machine will be
(98) The earth is to be considered as a homogeneous
(a) 72 kg (b) 70 kg solid sphere. Scientist A goes deep down in mine
and scientist B goes high up in a balloon. The
(c) 68 kg (d) 75 kg
value of g measured by
(a) A goes on decreasing and that by B goes
on increasing
(92) The percentage decrease in weight of a body
(b) B goes on decreasing and that by A goes
when taken 16 km below the surface of earth
on increasing
is ...... (Radius of earth = 6400 km)
(c) each decreases at the same rate
(a) 0.5% (b) 0.15% (c) 0.25% (d) 25%
(d) each decreases at diffrent rates
(93) At what depth below the surface of earth, value
of g is same as that at a height 64 km above the (99) As one moves from north pole of the earth to
surface of the earth? the south pole, the value of g along the path
(a) 64 km (b) 112 km (a) decreases and becomes minimum
(c) 120 km (d) 128 km (b) increases and becomes maximum
(94) At what depth below the surface of the earth, (c) first decreases and then increases to its
is the value of g same as that at a height of 10 initial value
Km from the surface of the earth?
(d) first increases and then decreases
(a) 5 Km (b) 10 Km (c) 20 Km (d) 40 Km
(100) Where will it be profita ble to purchase
1 Kilogram sugar ?
(a) At poles (b) At equator
(c) At 450 latitude (d) At 400 latitude
Gravitation 23

(101) If radius of the earth contracts 2% and its mass (105) The graph that represents variation of g at the
remains the same, then weight of the body at equator with square of angular velocity of
the earth surface rotation of earth is
(a) will decrease
(b) will increase
(c) will remain the same (a) (b)
(d) none of these
(102) The acceleration due to gravity at the equator
becomes zero, if
(a) the speed of rotation of earth decreases
to 1/17 th of its present value
(c) (d)
(b) the time period of rotation of earth
decreases to 1/17 th of its present value
(c) the speed of revolution of earth around
the sun increases 17 time (106) Assuming that the earth is a sphere of radius
R, at what a ltitude will the value of the
(d) the angular velocity of rotation of earth
acceleration due to gravity be half its value at
becomes zero
the surface of the earth ?
(103) If the earth stops rotating about its axis, then
acceleration due to gravity remains unchanged at (a) 3R (b) R/
(a) the equator (b) the poles
(c) ( +1) R (d) ( – 1) R
(c) latitude 450 (d) latitude 600
(107) If g is acceleration due to gravity at the equator
(104) The graph that represents variation of g with
w hen earth w ere at rest and g1 is acceleration
depth (d) from the surface of earth is
due to gravity at the same place when earth
spins with angular velocity Z the relation
between them is

(a) (b) § Z ·
(a) ¨¨  ¸¸ (b)  Z
© ¹

(c)  Z (d)  Z

(108) The depth d at which the value of acceleration

(c) (d) due to gravity becomes (1/n) times the value
at the surface, is (R = radius of the earth)

§  ·
(a) (b) ¨ ¸
© ¹

§ ·
(c) (d) ¨ ¸
©  ¹
24 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(109) The mass of earth is 80 times that of moon. Their (115) The orbits of Geostationary satellites are
diame ters are 1280 0 km and 3200 km
(a) elliptical (b) circular
respectively. The value of g on moon will be, if
its value on earth is 980 cm/s2 (c) parabolic (d) hyperbolic

(a) 98 cm/s2 (b) 196 cm/s2 (116) A communication satellite of the earth travels
(c) 100 cm/s 2 (d) 294 cm/s2
(a) North to south in the polar plane
(110) An object weights 20 N at the north pole of the
earth. In a satellite, revolving at an altitude 4 (b) East to west in the equatorial plane
times the radius of the earth its true weight (c) West to east in the equatorial plane
and apparent weight are
(d) South to north in the polar plane
(a) 0,0.8 N (b) 5 N, 0
(117) The weight of a person in a lift accelerating
(c) 1.25 N, 0 (d) 0.8N,0 downwards
(111) If R is the radius of the earth, the height from (a) increases (b) becomes zero
its surface at which the acceleration due to
(c) decreases (d) does not change
gravity is 9% of its value at the surface is
(118) A satellite which is geostationary in a particuler
orbit is taken to another orbit, the distance of
(a) (b) (c) (d) 9R
which is twice that of the earlier orbit. The
(112) The weights of two objects one lying at the periodic time of the satellite in the second orbit
equator and the other at latitude 45 0 on earth is
are 100N each. If the angular velocity of rotation (a) 24 hours (b) 48 hours
of earth increases such that the object at the
equator becomes weightless (zero N), the
(c) hours (d) hours
weight of the object at latitude 450 will be
(a) 100 N (b) 50 N (c) 25 N (d) 0 N
(119) A satellite is orbiting around the earth at a mean
2.8 C OMMUNIC AT ION SATELLITE AND radius of 16 times that of the geostationary
USES OF SATELLITES : orbit. What is the period of the satellite ?
(113) To have an earth satellite synchronous with the (a) 64 days (b) 32 days
rotation of the earth, it must be launched at a
(c) 16 days (d) 8 days
proper height from
(120) Which satellite has altitude of 500 to 800 Km
(a) west to east in earth’s equatorial plane
(a) Geo-synchronous satellites
(b) south to north in equatorial plane
(b) communication satellites
(c) east to west in equatorial plane
(c) polar satellites
(d) south to north in polar plane
(d) Both 1 and 2
(114) The radius of the earth is R. For a satellite to
appear stationary, it must be placed in orbit
around the earth at a height near about
(a) 5.62 R (b) 6.62 R (c) 7.62 R (d) 8.62 R
Gravitation 25


1 d 2 d 3 d 4 d 5 a 6 d 7 a 8 c 9 b 10 a

11 b 12 d 13 a 14 c 15 b 16 d 17 b 18 a 19 c 20 c

21 b 22 d 23 b 24 a 25 d 26 c 27 c 28 c 29 d 30 d

31 b 32 b 33 b 34 d 35 a 36 c 37 c 38 a 39 c 40 b

41 b 42 d 43 c 44 a 45 b 46 b 47 c 48 c 49 c 50 a

51 b 52 d 53 d 54 b 55 c 56 a 57 c 58 b 59 c 60 b

61 a 62 b 63 d 64 c 65 a 66 d 67 a 68 c 69 b



1 b 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 d 7 b 8 b 9 c 10 c

11 d 12 b 13 b 14 b 15 d 16 d 17 c 18 c 19 d 20 c

21 c 22 d 23 a 24 b 25 a 26 a 27 b 28 d 29 c 30 b

31 b 32 c 33 a 34 d 35 a 36 d 37 c 38 c 39 b 40 c

41 d 42 c 43 d 44 b 45 a 46 a 47 c 48 b 49 c 50 d

51 c 52 c 53 d 54 c 55 a 56 c 57 b 58 d 59 c 60 c

61 c 62 c 63 a 64 b 65 d 66 a 67 b 68 c 69 c 70 c

71 c 72 a 73 c 74 a 75 c 76 c 77 c 78 d 79 b 80 c

81 b 82 b 83 d 84 b 85 a 86 d 87 c 88 c 89 c 90 c

91 b 92 c 93 d 94 c 95 b 96 d 97 c 98 d 99 d 100 b

101b 102 b 103 b 104 d 105 b 106 d 107 a 108 b 109 b 110 d

111b 112 b 113 a 114 a 115 b 116 c 117 c 118 c 119 a 120 c

26 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(7) (a)
Hints & Explanation S
(1) (d) cannot be inertial frame because the earth
is rotating about its axis. SUR

(2) (d) Is reduced to a quarter

? U
(8) (c) (n + 1)2

? gv

if r is doubled, g decreases by 4 times.
(3) (d) it is universal constant. ?
G = 6.67 u 10 –11 Nm2/kg2
(4) (d) will increase by 2% ? = (n + 1)2

g= , M - constant ? gv
(9) (b) 4.6 u  1
From figure,
if R p 1% R1 = 0.99R ? gv
F12 = F14 =

' §' ·
? = – 2¨ ¸
© ¹ F13 = F15 =
= – 2 (–1 %)
= 2%
(5) (a) 1.5 u 106 m


U u
? u

(6) (d) u ? and are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction so these forces cancel
with each other.
SU U and can be resolved along y axis
U and the resultant force F 1 will be,
F1 = 2F13 cos T

= cos T
Gravitation 27

(11) (b) a definite height independent of its own

= mass

= 4.6 × 10–6 N (12) (d)

? (b) is correct.
Vc v

(10) (a) (13) (a) longer period and slower velocity

 (14) (c) 7 Km s–1

Orbital velocity is independent of mass
(15) (b) 2u
T.E = P.E + K.E
As P.E = 0

? T.E will become twice.

(16) (d) 16 m
v2 = u2 + 2gh
Let and be the gravitational forces
exerted on the spaceship by the earth and
by sun. h = ; hv
Let spaceship be at a distance x from earth
? Its distance is (r – x) from sun.
? g v RU
U ? hv
Fe = FS U

= = × = 2×4

h2 = 8h1 = 8 × 2 = 16 m
 ? H = 16m
(17) (b) 1 – a, 2 – c, 3 – a, 4 – e, 5 – d
(18) (a) 4 km/s
Orbital velocity near the earth’s surface
? r–x=
V = = 8 Km/s

? r =
when R = 4R then

V =


? (a) is correct
28 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

? V = = 4 Km/s S  S

? a) is correct.
T 1 = 8T = 84 × 8 min
(19) (c) angular momentium
(20) (c) start revolving in an elliptical orbit
(21) (b) 3
Geo – stationary Satellite; T = 24 hrs ? T 2 = 8T1
(28) (c) T
? no. of rev = =3
ª  º
(22) (d) 24 hr S «« »
‘T’ same as earth «¬ »¼

(23) (b) When earth shrinks to half of its radius,

the radius of the orbit of satellite still
remains the same i.e. (R + h)
Hence time period remains the same.
(29) (d) D

(24) (a) Highest velocity.

(30) (d) conservation of angular momentum

T= (31) (b) is maximum when it is at the minimum

S distance from the sun

(25) (d) 3 hours (32) (b) t1 = t2

(Kepler’s law)
T2 v r 3
(33) (b) the acceleration of S is always directed
towards the centre of the earth
rp th

(34) (d) 8 days

T p 8 times
? T 2 D r 3
Time period for parking orbit is 1 days.
? for given satelite it is 8 days.

(26) (c)
U (35) (a)

(27) (c) 84 u 8 in
T2 v r 3

Gravitation 29

According to Kepler’s law, the square of

the periodic time of planets is proportional (38) (a)
to the cubes of semi-major axis of their
orbits. Let u be the speed with which body is
thrown from the surface of earth so as to
(36) (c) 720 min
reach a height h(= R) above the surface of
Distance of second satellite from centre of earth.
earth has become four times.
P.E. of body at height h(= R)

§ ·
? ¨ ¸
© ¹ 

? Time period of second satellite will

become (4)3/2 or 8 times. 
? Tcc = 8T = 8 u 90 = 720 min.
(37) (c) r1/2
Let satellite move from Q to P in time dt.
? Area swept = area EPQ

Area EPQ = u EP u PQ ? u=

(39) (c) Rn 2/(1-n2 )

According to this problem.

= u r (r d T) = T
r 2 dT
The rate at which the area is swept.

T § T· Also,
= ¨ ¸
© ¹
= Z
On solving

§ ·
= ¨ ¸
© ¹

= '

? rate D (r) 1/2

30 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

? B.E =

(48) (c)

(49) (c) Equal to the centripetal force

(50) (a) zero
§ · § ·
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸= 0
(40) (b) Gravitational P.E. © ¹ © ¹

(51) (b) acceleration

= (52) (d) its weight becomes zero but its mass
remains the same
(41) (b) is negative
Mass m is the quantity of matter contained
T.E is always negative in a body which is constant everywhere.
(42) (d) 6.6 x 10 7 J/kg Weight however, is the force experienced
by a body and is given by mg.
u S (53) (d) zero
(43) (c) 11.2 km/sec
(54) (b) 315 N
Ve =
mg = 360 N

(44) (a) gcc= g

u mgcc = mg

(45) (b) 6.4 x 109 joule

? (55) (c) 36 N

gcc = g
(46) (b)

P.E at Earth at height h = R mgcc = mg

(47) (c)

B.E = and

GM = gR2
Gravitation 31

= g – g + Rew 2 = Rew 2
(59) (c) at the centre of the earth
= 64 u

(60) (b) 9 R

= 64 u § · § ·
= ¨ ¸ ? = ¨ ¸
©  ¹ ©  ¹
(56) (a) 1.25 u 10–3 rad/s
Let Z ’ be the angular speed of earth at ? = ? R + h = 10 R
which g(equator) will become zero. 

? h = 9R
(61) (a) 0.41 R

§ ·
¨  ¸
© ¹

= 1.25 u 10–3 rad/s. § ·

? ¨  ¸
© ¹
(57) (c)
§ ·
? ¨  ¸
mg equator = mg – mRZ © ¹

Let Zcc be speed of rotation when weight

of body on equator will become 2/5 th of ?
its present weight.

(62) (b)
When Z = Zc,
Zc mg (equator)
= mg.

At latitude 600, r = R cos 600 =

? Zc
(63) (d) increase at some places and will remain the
same at some places
(64) (c) in the equatorial plane of the earth
(65) (a) revolves about the polar axis
(66) (d) R2g/Z2

(58) (b) re Z 2
V0 = Z
and V0 = rZ
gcc = g – ReZ2 cos2 T
Here gp = g because T = 900 at poles and
ge = g – ReZ2 because T = 0 ?
gp – ge = g – (g – Rew )
(67) (a) hr
32 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

The time period of a satelite orbiting at a

distance r from the centre of earth is,

For two satellites at distances r1 and r 2 we


For geo stationary satellite,

T1 = 1 day = 24 hours.
r1 = 6R + R = 7R
For other satellite, r2 = 2.5 R + R = 3.5 R

§ ·
? u ¨ ¸
© ¹

§ ·
u ¨ ¸
© ¹

= 6 hours

(68) (c)

T1 = 24 hr

Solving, T2 =
(69) (b) 100 minutes
Gravitation 33

HOME WORK (8) (b) R4

Hints & Explanation

(1) (b) 36 N
mg = 64 N

«¬ »¼ ¬ ¼
h = gcc =

i.e. F v or F vR
v 4
mgcc= mg

(9) (c) 19.6 m/s2

= 64  u  S S
§ ·
¨  ¸
© ¹
= 64 u (10) (c) 480 N

= 36 N 600 = m (g + a), 360 = m (g – a)

(2) (b) increases ? 600 + 360 = 2mg

Radius of earth decreases.

(3) (a) decrease
(4) (c) L3 M–1 T–2
(11) (d) +
F =
Potential at the surface of the earth

(5) (b) zero

To make it zero. we must add to it
§ ·
¨ ¸
© ¹
? Potential at infinity =
(6) (d) All the statements are correct
(7) (b) Wcc = 0
(12) (b)
ª º
gcc = g « » If x = R, then gcc = 0
¬ ¼

? Wcc = 0
34 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

r – x = 2x
?   u     Gravitational potential

u V = –
§ · § ·
? 7 = ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© ¹ © ¹

(13) (b) 2L
For a simple pendulum l D T2g =

(18) (c) decrease by 89%


F1 =
(14) (b) kg/m2
Unit of g = m/s2
F2 = =
Unit of G = =
? decrease in F
(15) (d) 2 : 1

= u

U § ·
U  u  ¨ ¸ u
© ¹

(16) (d) G S RU

S ? $ttraction force between sun and earth

g=   is decreased by 89%

(19) (d) h = 

(17) (c)

= =

? h= R
? d) is correct.
Gravitation 35

(20) (c) It suffers no acceleration

(32) (c)
(21) (c) its period of revolution is equal to the period
of rotation of earth

T = 24 hrs. =

(22) (d) west to east in an equatorial plane

(23) (a) longer period and slower velocity § ·

?    ¨ ¸  
© ¹
(24) (b) v1 < v2
(33) (a) 8 × 103 m/s
r ! r

? V1 < V2 vc = = u = 8 u
u  m/s

(25) (a) Apogee will be greater than projection

(34) (d)

(26) (a) Velocity of projection is less than critical

velocity and enters the atmosphere while
coming towards perigee. = =

(27) (b) 

(35) (a) 2R
V=  ' GM = gR2

vc = =
? V=R 
= 2R

? V v ' R + h = r )

(36) (d)
' r1 > r2 ? V1 < V2
(28) (d) Will move with a velocity V along the
tangent to the original orbit u
= =
(29) (c) The orbital velocity of the satelite depends
upon the mass of the satelite
(37) (c) 
(30) (b) the critical velocity
i.e. orbital velocity ' r ! r

(31) (b) radius of the earth V1 < V2

| (38) (c) provides the necessary centripetal force

for its motion in a curved path (F = C.F)

(39) (b) is maximum when it is at the minimum

36 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(40) (c) areal velocity

Equal area swept in equal time. S
T = 2S
(41) (d) T2 vR
v 7/2
when satellite is revolving just above
C.P. force = Gravitational force
the surface of planet, (R + c) = R.
? mRZ .R –5/2

S ? T S
? mR = .R –5/2

? T2 = ? T v R7/2 T S

(42) (c) 10
U T2  

= = 10 = 1000
(46) (a)

?    If r is radius of orbit of satellite, then

its time period is given by
(43) (d) 1 : 4
T = 2S
T2 vr
v 3 ?

§ ·
? ¨ ¸
© ¹ S
T = 2S

?          ?  'T=

(44) (b) S
?  S
The graph of T2 against r3 is a straightline.

S S ? r3 =
T = ?  Slope = Z

(47) (c) 7 km s–1

(45) (a) Independent of mass

(48) (b) one day

The time period of a satellite revolving
around a planet of mass M and radius R at T = 24 hr. Same as Earth.
a distance X above its surface is,
Gravitation 37

(49) (c) T2 v r3 (58) (d) p4

Angular momentum is always conserved.
T= = T2 v r ? I 1Z  = I  Z 
? MR21Z = MR22 Z
(50) (d) (r 1/r 2) 3/2
? R1Vl = R2V2
At P4 value of R is minimum and hence
velocity is maximum.
(51) (c) 8T
? K.E. is maximum.
T2 v R 3
? (d) is correct.
(52) (c) 84.6 minutes
(59) (c)
(53) (d) 
By Kepler’s law
T 2 D a3

a = semi – major axis =

pseudo force

? T2 D
© ¹
g1 = 
? T D (r1 + r2) 3/2
(54) (c) g + a
(60) (c) tangential acceleration is zero
(61) (c) the total angular momentum remains
The orbits of planets are elliptical. The
pseudo force acting downwards
speed of the planet and its angular speed
a p (or angular frequency) keep changing.
? total accl n = (g + a) Since no net torque acts on the planet, its
angular momentum remains constant.
(55) (a) 1.5% increased
T2 v R3
(62) (c)


T2 = 1.015 T1 1.5 % n v2 =
(56) (c) is a non inertial frame because the earth
is rotating about it own axis
(63) (a) 730 days
(57) (b) at one of the foci
38 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

T2 = 365 u 2 u
(72) (a) 22.4 km/s
= 730
(64) (b) b3 Vcc e =

R increases force
(65) (d)
? M increase four times
Vcc e = 2Ve = 2 u 11.2 = 22.4
Change in P.E = 
 (73) (c) m0
m0 = 1
(66) (a)
Independent of mass

(74) (a)

EB =
(67) (b) Two

Ve =

 (75) (c) vp = 2ve

Same as (72)

(68) (c) (76) (c) 2.5 km per sec

T.E = P.E + R.E

(69) (c) 2 E0 u

P.E =

u u
T.E =

? P.E = 2 T.E = 2Eo

(77) (c)
§ ·
(70) (c) ¨ ¸
©  ¹

uUu S
(71) (c)
Ve =

u ? v U
Gravitation 39

(78) (d) at infinity (88) (c) zero

V is 0 at infinity. F = G.F.
(79) (b) – 8J/kg (89) (c) revolves from west to east in the equatorial
(80) (c) (90) (c) decreases

pseudo force acts upwards.

u u

(91) (b) 70 kg
? ? There is no change in weight as the lift is
moving with uniform velocity.
(81) (b) 0.65 %
(92) (c) 0.25%
Z cos I
gc = g – RZ 2 2

§ · § ·
G At equator I = 0 ? gc = g – Rw2 ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© ¹ © ¹
? gc = g – 0.0338
(93) (d) 128 Km
At poles I = 90 ? gcc = g
§ · § ·
c cc ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
change = u © ¹ © ¹
(82) (b) 6.4 × 108 J
(94) (c) 20 Km
= mgR
d = 2h = 20 km
= 10 × 10 × 6.4 × 10
(95) (b) increase by 4%
= 6.4 × 108 J

(83) (d) Both (a) and (c)

Ve = ? log g = log M + log G – 2 log R


(84) (b) it has its own gravity 

? u  u
(85) (a) the capsule and its contents are falling
freely at the same rate (96) (d) does not change
(86) (d) zero At poles weight does not change.
weightlessness (97) (c) 12.5 Kg
(87) (c) goes up with a uniform acceleration
On the surface of the moon,

pseudo force p

? weight = = 12.5 kg wt.

40 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(98) (d) each decreases at different rates

(106) (d) 


(99) (d) first increases and then decreases

h = 
(100) (b) At equator
g maximum § Z ·
(107) (a) ¨¨  ¸¸
(101) (b) will increase © ¹

§  ·
g= , M constant (108) (b) ¨ ¸
© ¹

§ ·
? gv ¨ ¸
© ¹
(102) (b) the time period of rotation of earth
decreases to 1/17 th of its present value
§ ·
(103) (b) the poles ¨ ¸
© ¹

(109) (b) 196 cm/s 2

(104) (d)
§ · § ·
¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
© ¹ © ¹

(110) (d) 0.8N, 0

mg = 20N m =
§ ·
¨ ¸ It is straight
© ¹
line with negative slope.  

mg = 20 N ;
(105) (b)
mgh = = 0.8 N

(111) (b)

=g– Z ; Y = –mx + c. It is a straight ¨ ¸ ¨ ¸
©  ¹ © ¹
line with negative slope.
Gravitation 41

(112) (b) 50 N


For weightlessness condition at the equator


(113) (a) west to east in earth’s equatorial plane

(114) (a) 5.62 R
For a geostationary satellite, h = 35870 km

(115) (b) circular

(116) (c) West to east in the equatorial plane
(117) (c) decreases

(118) (c) hours

§ ·
T2 D R 3 ¨ ¸
© ¹

? hour

(119) (a) 64 days

§ ·
¨ ¸
© ¹

(120) (c) polar satellites

42 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

Points to remember
„ The reference frame attached to the earth is non-inertial, because the earth revolves about its own axis as
well as about the sun.

„ Gravity holds the atmosphere around the earth.

„ If the earth were at one fourth the present distance from the sun, the duration of the year will be one eighth
of the present year.

„ If a packet is just released from an artificial satellite, it does not fall to the earth. On the other hand it will
continue orbiting along with the satellite.

„ Astronauts orbiting around the earth cannot use a pendulum clock. However, they can use a spring clock.

„ To the astronauts in space, the sky appears black due to the absence of atmosphere above them.

„ The gravitational force is much smaller than the electrical force because the value of G is very very small.

„ The dimensional formula of gravitational field is same as that of acceleration due to gravity.

„ A body in gravitational field has maximum binding energy when it is at rest.

„ The moon is the natural satellite of the earth, but a man does not feel weightlessness on the surface of the
moon. This is because, the mass of the moon is very large and it exerts a gravitational force on the man. On
the other hand, the mass of the artificial satellite is very small and it exerts negligible or no gravitational
force on the astronaut, so astronaut feels weightlessness in the artificial satellite but not on the moon.

„ The planets are heavenly bodies revolving around the sun. The sun and the nine planets, revolving around
it, constitute the solar system.

„ All other planets except mercury and pluto revolve around the sun in almost circular orbits.

„ If the radius of planet decreases by x% keeping the mass constant. The acceleration due to gravity on its
surface increases by 2x%.

„ If the mass of a planet increases by x% keeping radius constant, the acceleration due to gravity on its
surface increases by x%.

„ If the density of the planet decreases by x%, keeping the radius constant, the acceleration due to gravity
decreases by x%.
Gravitation 43

„ If the radius of the planet decreases by x%, keeping the density constant, the acceleration due to gravity
decreases by x%.

„ For the planets orbiting around the sun, angular speed, linear speed, kinetic energy etc. change with time
but angular momentum remains constant.

„ The ratio of inertial mass to gravitational mass is 1.

„ Inertial mass m becomes infinite if the body moves with velocity of light.

„ Intensity of gravitational field inside a shell is zero.

„ If two spheres of same material, mass and radius are put in contact, the gravitational attraction between
them is directly proportional to the fourth power of their radius.

„ (a) There is no atmosphere on the moon because escape velocity on the moon is less than the rms velocity
of the gas molecules.
(b) Two satellites are orbiting in circular orbits of radii r1 and r2. Their orbital speeds are in the ratio : . It is

. It is independent of their masses.

„ Planets describe equal area around the sun in equal intervals of time.

„ If the gravitational attraction of the sun on the planets varies as nth power of distance (of the planet from
the sun), then year of the planet will be proportional to R(n+1)/2.

„ An object will experience weightlessness at equator, if the angular speed of the earth about its axis becomes
more than (1/800) rad s–1.

„ Orbital velocity very near the surface of the earth is about 7.92 kms–1.

„ Greater the height of the satellite, smaller is the orbital velocity.

„ Orbital velocity independent of the mass of the satellite.

„ Orbital velocity depends on the mass of the planet as well as radius of the orbit.

„ If the altitude of the satellite is n times the radius of the earth, then the orbital velocity will be 
times the orbital velocity near the surface of the earth.
44 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

„ If the radius of the orbit of a sattelite is n times the radius of the earth, then its orbital velocity will be

the orbital velocity near the surface of the earth.

„ The centripetal acceleration of the satellite is equal to the acceleration due to gravity.

„ The gravitational potential energy of a satellite of mass m is where r is the radius of the orbit

of satellite.

„ Kinetic energy of the satellite

„ Total energy of the satellite

„ When velocity of the satellite increases, its kinetic energy increases and hence total energy becomes less
negative. That is the satellite begins to revolve in orbit of greater radius.

„ If the total energy of the satellite becomes +ve, the satellite escapes from the gravitational pull of the earth.

„ When the satellite is taken to greater height the potential energy increases (becomes less negative) and
kinetic energy decreases.

„ For the orbiting satellite, the kinetic energy is less than potential energy. When KE = PE, the satellite escapes
away from the gravitation pull of the earth.

„ No energy is dissipated in keeping the satellite in orbit around a planet

„ Time period of the satellite very near the surface of the earth is about 84.6 minutes or 1.4 hr.

„ Geo-stationary satellite is a satellite which appear stationary to the observers on the earth. It is also called
geosynchronous satellite.

„ The orbit of a geostationery satellite is known as the parking orbit.

„ To throw an ant or an elephant out of the gravitational field, the required velocity of projection is same !

„ Escape velocity depends on the mass and size of the planet. That is why escape velocity on the planet
Jupiter is more than on the earth and escape velocity on the Moon is less than that on the earth.

„ If a body is orbiting around the earth, then it will escape away, when its velocity is increased by 41.8%.
Gravitation 45

„ If the radius of earth is doubled keeping the density unchanged the escape velocity will be doubled.

„ Escape velocity  orbital velocity.

„ If the body is at a height h above the surface of the earth, then escape velocity is given by

„ It is the least velocity required by a body to escape away from the gravitational pull of the earth.

„ Escape velocity from the surface of the earth = 11.20 kms–1

„ Body does not return to the earth when fired with escape velocity, irrespective of the angle of projection

„ The escape velocity from the moon is 2.4 kms–1.

„ When a projectile is fired with velocity less than the escape velocity, the sum of its gravitational potential
and kinetic energy is negative.

„ If ratio of the radii of two planets is r and the ratio of the acceleration due to gravity on the their surface is

a, then ratio of escape velocities is .

„ If the radius of the earth is doubled keeping the mass unchanged, the escape velocity will become
times the present value.

„ If a body falls freely from infinite height, then it reaches the surface of the earth with velocity 11.2 km/s.

„ When a body falls from a height h to the surface of the earth, its velocity on reaching the surface of the earth

is given by When h << R, we find : .

„ The tail of the comets points away from the sun due to the radiation pressure of the sun.
46 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)


Time : 30 Min. Marks : 25

(1) A satellite is revolving around Earth in a circular orbit whose radius is R. Work done by gravitational
force in one revolution is
(a) zero (b) 2mgR2 (c) mgR2 (d) mgR

(2) The mass and diameter of a planet have thrice the value of the corresponding parameters of
Earth. Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet is
(a) 9.8 m/s2 (b) 29.4 m/s2 (c) 3.26 m/s2 (d) 4.9 m/s2

(3) The value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the Earth is 9.8 m/s2, what is the mean
value of density of Earth ? (G = 6.67 u 10–11 Nm2/kg2, R = 6400 km)
(a) 5.5 u 103 gm/cm3 (b) 5.5 u 103 kg/m3
3 3
(c) 0.55 u 10 gm/cm (d) 0.5 u 103 kg/m3

(4) If ‘R’ is the radius of the Earth and ‘g’ is the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the
Earth, the mean density of the Earth is
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(5) Two satellite of masses ‘m1 ’ and ‘m2’ (m1 > m2) are revolving round the Earth in circular orbits of
radii ‘r1’ and ‘r2’ (r1 < r2), if their orbital velocities are v1 and v2 then
(a) v1 > v2 (b) v1 < v2 (c) v 1 = v2 (d) can’t say

(6) Two satellites A and B go around Earth in circular orbits at a height of ‘RA’ and ‘RB’ from the
surface of Earth. If Earth is assumed to be a uniform sphere of radius ‘R’, the ratio of
magnitudes of the velocities vA/vB is

(a) (RA/RB) (b) (c) (d)

(7) If the Earth is at one fourth of its present distance from the Sun, the duration of the year will be
(a) half the present year (b) one eighth the present year
(c) one fourth the present year (d) one sixth the present year

(8) A body released from a height ‘h’ takes time ‘t’ to reach earth’s surface. The time taken by the

same body released from the same height to reach the Moon’s surface is

(a) t (b) 6t (c) (d)

Gravitation 47

(9) If the ratio of weights of two bodies is 2 : 3 then the ratio of their binding energies on the Earth’s
surface is,
(a) 3:2 (b) 2:3 (c) 4:9 (d)

(10) A tunnel is dug along the diameter of Earth from north pole to sourth pole. A marble is dropped
into the tunnel. The mechanical energy of marble at the centre of Earth is
(a) zero (b) wholly potential
(c) wholly kinetic (d) partly kinetic and partly potential

(11) There is no atmosphere on the Moon because

(a) it is closer to the Earth
(b) it revolves round the Earth
(c) it gets light from Sun
(d) the escape velocity of gas molecules is lesser than their root mean square velocity here

(12) The escape velocity of a body from the surface of a planet of radius R and mean density U is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(13) The ratio of the radius of a planet A to that planet B is r. The ratio of acceleration due to gravity on
the planet is x. The ratio of the escape velocity from the two planets is

(a) xr (b) (c) (d)

(14) The value of ‘g’ at a depth of 80 km will be (radius of Earth = 6400 km and value of ‘g’ on the
surface of Earth is 10 m/s2)
(a) 990 cm/s2 (b) 900 cm/s2 (c) 970 cm/s2 (d) 1000 cm/s2

(15) If the Earth rotates faster than its present speed, the weight of an object will
(a) increase at the equator but remain unchanged at the poles
(b) decrease at the equator but remain unchanged at the poles
(c) remain unchanged at the equator bu decrease at the poles
(d) remain unchanged at the equator but increase at the poles

(16) The weight of the body at the centre of earth is

(a) zero (b) 9.8 times the weight on the surface
(c) infinity (d) none of these

(17) A communication satellite appears stationary, because

(a) it is always at rest
(b) its linear speed is same as that of the earth
(c) its period of revolution is equal to the period of rotational of the earth
(d) it is at a very large distance from the earth
48 MHT-CET - Part I (Std. 12)

(18) The ratio of kinetic energy required to be given to stationary satellite to escape earth’s gravitational
field to K.E. required to be given so that the satellite move in circular orbit just above earth’s
atmosphere is
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 1:2 (d) Infinite

(19) The period of a satellite in a circular orbit of radius R is T. The period of another satellite in a circular
orbit of radius 4R is

(a) 4T (b) (c) 8T (d)

(20) An artificial satellite moving in a circular orbit around the earth has a total energy E0. Its potential
energy is
(a) –E0 (b) 1.5 E0 (c) 2E0 (d) E0

(21) The acceleration due to gravity is minimum

(a) at the equator (b) at the poles
(c) at the centre of the earth (d) at a latitude of 500

(22) A planet has twice the value of mass and radius, Acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the
planet is
(a) 9.8 m/s2 (b) 4.5 m/s2 (c) 980 m/s2 (d) 19.6 m/s2

(23) The escape velocity for a rocket on earth is 11.2 km/s. Its value on a planet where acceleration due
to gravity is double that on the earth and diameter of the planet is twice that of the earth will be in
(a) 11.2 (b) 5.6 (c) 22.4 (d) 3.6

(24) If the value of g at the surface of earth is 9.8 m/s2 then the value of g at a place 480 km above the
surface of the earth will be nearly (Radius of earth = 6400 km)
(a) 4.2 m/s2 (b) 7.2 m/s2 (c) 8.5 m/s2 (d) 9.8 m/s2

(25) How much energy will be necessary for making a body of 500 kg to escape from the earth ?
(g = 9.8 m/s2, radius of the earth = 6.4 u 106 m)
(a) About g = 9.8 m/106 J (b) About g = 3.1/1010 J
(c) About g = 6.4/108 J (d) About g = 27.4/1012J
Gravitation 49


1 a 2 c 3 b 4 d 5 a 6 d 7 b 8 c 9 bd 10 c

11 d 12 b 13 d 14 a 15 b 16 a 17 c 18 b 19 c 20 c

21 c 22 b 23 c 24 c 25 b


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