Aramco Apcs 1b
Aramco Apcs 1b
Aramco Apcs 1b
External Surface
Rev. No. Procedure Date: Issued By: Verified By: Approved By:
0 2019-035 06/08/2019 Edoardo Parotti Edoardo Parotti Rossana Della Foglia
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
3 Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................... 13
10 Masking............................................................................................................................................... 26
14 Abrasive .............................................................................................................................................. 31
17 Application ......................................................................................................................................... 34
21 Inspector ............................................................................................................................................. 43
1 Scope
This document governs the application of coating as below detailed.
This Coating procedure Specification (CPS) provides the requirements during the receive control, cleaning,
surface preparation, blasting, coating, packing and Quality Control Inspection for protective systems applied.
This Specification provides requirements for the selection, supply, preparation, application, inspection and
testing of coating and painting systems in according to Reference Document SAES-H-001 and Purchase
Specification 09-SAMSS-069 for Application of Paint System APCS 1B.
This liquid coating procedure is for the external of carbon steel valves according to SAES-H-001, SAES-H-
002, or SAES-H-004. The following are the conditions wherein this coating procedure shall be used.
a) Type of Exposure/Service: Above ground, onshore (per SAES-H-001), offshore (per SAES-H-004),
buried/below ground (per SAES-H-002)
b) Maximum service temperature: As per maximum exposure/service temperature involved with valve
SAPMT or valve end-user shall provide below details that are involved with their concerned valves Purchase
Order (P.O.) in the Valve Information Sheet for Coating and Procedure Selection for proper coating selection
a) Specific type of exposure/service (onshore or offshore, above ground or buried in dry ground or in subkha,
b) Above ground exposure environment (mild atmosphere or corrosive industrial atmosphere)
c) Insulated or non-insulated
d) Maximum exposure/service temperature (deg. C.)
This coating procedure shall only be used when External Liquid Coating application is required.
Saudi Aramco Inspection Department (SAID) or Saudi Aramco Vendor Inspection Division (SAVID)
representative shall review and approve the applicability of this coating procedure and the suitability of the
selected coating system and materials to be used in this procedure based on the above information provided
in the Valve Information Sheet prior to the start of coating application by the vendor.
The corresponding Valve Information Sheet shall be attached with this coating procedure when submitted to
the SAID or SAVID representative prior to the review and approval of this coating procedure.
Provide the following General Requirements in accordance with SAES-H-101V and SAES-H-102.
a. Handling, storage, and preparation of materials
b. Abrasive materials acceptable quality
c. Acceptable ambient/climatic/weather conditions for surface preparation and coating application
d. General requirements of the vendor or manufacturer that are not covered by Saudi Aramco’s coating
SAES-H-002V Approved Saudi Aramco Data Sheets for the Pipeline and Piping Coatings
SAES-L-133 Corrosion Protection Requirements for Pipelines, Piping and Process Equipment
09-SAMSS-069 Epoxy Coatings for Atmospheric Service (with and without Polyurethane Topcoat)
09-SAMSS-101 Epoxy Mastic Coating (Self-Priming, with and without Polyurethane Topcoat)
ISO 2063 Thermal spraying - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Zinc, aluminum and their alloys
ISO 4628 Paint and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings Part 2-3-4-5: Designation
of degree of blistering, rusting, cracking, flaking
ISO 4677-1 Atmospheres for conditioning and testing – Determination of relative humidity – Part 1:
Aspirated Psychrometer method
ISO 8501-1 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 1: Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated
steel substrates and of steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings
ISO 8501-2 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 2: Preparation grades of previously coated steel
substrates after localized removal of previous coatings
ISO 8501-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness. Part.3: Preparation grades of welds, cut, edges and
other areas with surface imperfections
ISO 8501-4 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Visual
assessment of surface cleanliness -- Part 4: Initial surface conditions, preparation grades
and flash rust grades in connection with high-pressure water jetting
ISO 8502-3 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Part 3:
Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness Assessment of dust on steel surfaces
prepared for painting (pressure-sensitive tape method)
ISO 8502-4 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for
the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 4: Guidance on the estimation of the probability
of condensation prior to paint application
ISO 8502-6 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for
the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 6: Extraction of soluble contaminants for
analysis – The Bresle method
ISO 8502-9 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products tests for the
assessment of surface cleanliness Part 9: Field method for the determination of metric conduct
water-soluble salts
ISO 8503 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Surface
roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates
ISO 8504-2 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface
preparation methods - Part 2: Abrasive blast cleaning
ISO 11126 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products –
Specification for non-metallic blast cleaning abrasives
ISO 11127 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products – Test
methods for non-metallic blast cleaning abrasives
ISO 12944 Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems.
ISO 14919 Thermal spraying - Wires, rods, and cords for flame and arc spraying - Classification -
Technical supply conditions
ISO 19840 Paint and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint system -
Measurement of and acceptance criteria for the thickness of dry film films on rough surfaces
ISO 20340 Paints and Coatings - Performance requirements for protective paint systems for offshore
and related structures
ASTM A385 Standard Practice for Providing High-Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip)
ASTM D3359 Standard Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test
ASTM D4138 Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Protective Coating
Systems by Destructive Means
ASTM D4227 Standard practice for qualification of coating applicators for application of coatings to
concrete surfaces
ASTM D4228 Standard practice for qualification of coating applicators for application of coatings to steel
ASTM D4285 Test Method for Indicating Oil or Water in Compressed Air Blotter test
ASTM D4417 Test Method for Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Blast Cleaned Steel
ASTM D4541 Test Method for "Pull-off Strength" of Coatings Using Portable Adhesion Testers
ASTM D4752 Tests Method for Measuring MEK Resistance of Ethyl Silicate (Inorganic) Zinc-Rich Primers
by Solvent Rub
ASTM D4940 Test method for Analysis of Water Soluble Ionic Contamination of Blasting Abrasives
ASTM D5162 Standard practice for Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of Nonconductive Protective Coating on
Metallic Substrates
ASTM D7127 Measurement of Surface Roughness of Abrasive Blast Cleaned Metal Surfaces Using a
Portable Stylus Instrument
NACE NO. 12 Specification for the application of thermal spray coatings (metallizing) of Aluminum, Zinc,
and their Alloys and composites for the corrosion protection of steel
NACE RP 0287 Field Measurement of Surface Profile of Abrasive Blast - Cleaned Steel Surfaces Using a
Replica Tape
NACE SP 0178 Design, Fabrication and Surface Finish Practices or Tanks and Vessels to be Lined for
Immersion Service
NACE SP 0198 Control of Corrosion under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials
SSPC-SP 16 Brush-off Blast Cleaning of Coated and Uncoated Galvanized Steel, Stainless Steels, and
Non-Ferrous Metals
3 Responsibilities
3.1 Involved Parties:
6 Classification of environments
6.1 ISO 12944 - 2
P1 C1 and C2
P2 C3 and C4
P3 C5 and CX
7 Logistic Establishments
Ross Color total surface is over 15000 square feet between Gorla Minore (Varese) plants and Marnate
(Varese) plants, all under controlled temperature.
(Daily log)
Hard surface Layers No Hard surface layers Remove by grinding prior to blast cleaning
10 Masking
Before abrasive blast cleaning and painting, all equipment which could be damaged by blast, dust or particulate
matter shall be suitably protected by wrapping, taping, rubber, plastic caps or other means to prevent damage.
This equipment shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
a) RTJ Flanges;
b) Sealing face of the flanges;
c) Compact flanges;
d) Bearings;
e) Control panels;
f) Control valves;
g) Instrument dials;
h) Nameplates/Code stampings;
i) Valve stems and position indicators;
j) Exposed moving parts;
k) Push buttons.
11 Ambient condition
No final blast cleaning or coating application shall be done if:
a) The relative humidity is more than 85%, (Refer. To ISO 4677);
b) Steel temperature is less than 3°C related to the dew point;
c) When ambient and steel temperatures is below 10°C or above 35°C.
All surface preparation and protective coating work shall be performed in indoors facilities with climate control
ensuring that the conditions are in compliance with the specified requirements.
The application of painting should begin within 4 hours after the blasting end, and before visible rusting, and not
more than 4 hours from its start without interruption until completing the protection of the prepared surfaces
without substrate oxidation having occurred.
All surface preparation and protective coating work shall be performed in indoors facilities with climate control
ensuring that the conditions are in compliance with the specified requirements.
12 Pre-Blasting preparations
The surface shall be free from all surface contaminants such as oil, grease, residue, slivers, dirt etc., in
accordance with ISO 12944-4. Prior to blasting operations, bolt holes shall be solvent cleaned using a suitable
solvent, oil emulsifier, alkaline degreaser or other appropriate product in accordance to SSPC-SP1.
ISO 8501-3 (Preparation Grade P3) and NACE Remove of all surface imperfection
Steel Preparation
SP 0178 prior to blasting operation
Conductivity of abrasives ASTM D4940 ≤ 1000 Microsiemens Changed of abrasive and retesting
13 Blast Cleaning
Cleaning of surfaces shall be done by dry blast cleaning as outlined in ISO 8504-2.
Steel subject to surface preparation shall as a minimum requirement be in accordance with rust grade B
according to ISO 8501-1.
Size of abrasive particles for blast cleaning shall be such that the prepared surface anchor profile, is in
accordance to the requirements.
Handling of degreased and blast cleaned surfaces, shall be done with clean gloves and with lifting equipment
that does not contaminants the surfaces.
The surface profile shall be graded in accordance with ISO 8503 / NACE RP 0287
Note: Blast cleaned steel surface shall not be touched by bare hands.
No acid washes, cleaning solvents or other chemical treatments shall be used on metal surfaces after they have
been dry blast cleaned.
Prior to initiation of blast cleaning, the applicator shall confirm that all environmental and safety requirements
relating to blast cleaning have been met.
14 Abrasive
Abrasives used for blast cleaning shall be free from oil, grease, moisture, chloride contamination etc., and
supplied with certification documentation traceable to batches of material.
Abrasives for use in blast cleaning steels shall be in accordance with ISO 8504-2
The properties of abrasives used shall meet the requirements of the relevant parts of ISO 11124 and ISO 11126
respectively. Test methods shall be in accordance with the tests specified in ISO 11127.
Each batch of abrasive shall be tested to check that the abrasive meets the requirements as specified in the
relevant ISO standard. The conductivity of abrasives for stainless steels shall be a maximum of 150 μS/cm. The
Principal shall approve the use of alternative abrasive materials.
Roughness ISO 8503 / NACE RP 0287 Reblast and retest the surface profile
Dust Test ISO 8502-3 – Rating Max 2 Recleaning and retetsing until acceptable
Salt test on Before Blasted ISO 8502-6 / ISO 8502-9 Repeat washing with potable water and
surface (See table given below) retesting until acceptable
Blast cleaned surfaces shall be paint as shortly as possible, but in no case may exceed intervals given below:
a) Immediately if condensation is likely to take place due to weather change or if weather conditions are
likely to worsen;
b) 2 hours if weather is changing;
c) 4 hours if weather is stable.
17 Application
Provide the specific requirements based on the concerned APCS of SAES-H-001 or SAES-H-004 including
manufacturer’s recommendation.
Painting, including storage, mixing, thinning, pot life, application method, drying/curing period, and recoating
period, shall conform to the coating manufacturer’s published data sheets.
Ross Color provides to operators: brush (for spot repair, stripe coating or other irregular surfaces not suitable for
spray application), Airless or conventional spray gun. The Method of application shall be as per
recommendation of Coating Manufacturer.
For each coat, a stripe coat shall be applied by brush to all welds, corners, behind angles, edges of beams etc.
and areas not fully reachable by spray in order to obtain the specified coverage and thickness.
17.3 Priming
a) Prepared surfaces shall be primed before 4 hours (2 hours for TSA);
b) To minimize the time between abrasive blasting and priming, stripe coating of primer coats may be
carried out following spray application of the full primer coat;
c) Prepared surface shall show no sign of deterioration before paint application and it shall:
o Be applied to grit blasted surfaces only;
o Be sealed with a tie coat as soon as practicable after complete curing has taken place;
o Tie coat shall achieve sound adhesion to the zinc silicate primer and be compatible with the
subsequent coat;
o The inorganic zinc shall be subject to the control of polymerization according to ASTM D4752
with the following results: Level 4 Min (Mek Test only if applicable).
o Operators shall perform Ross Color internal calculation procedure (Theoretical WFT, Practical
WFT and DFT) for each coat, using the equipment provided from Ross Color on” Ross Color
Master Station”, which are available in each painting cabin.
All work shall be carried out only by operators employed in abrasive blast cleaning and coating qualified to
Tradesman level as blaster or painter.
Curing test only for Zinc
Silicate Not Applicable Allow to cure
** Testing shall be done on fully cured systems only, usually after 15 days from the application of the last coat;
Adhesion test shall be as per par. 9.3.5.d of SAES-H-001 and applicable SAMSS requirement.
Minimum Thickness: The average of the spot measurements shall not be less than the specified minimum
thickness. Although no single spot measurement shall be less than 80% of the specified minimum thickness, it
is possible for any single gage reading to under-run by a greater amount.
Maximum Thickness: The average of the spot measurements shall not be more than the specified maximum
thickness. Although no single spot measurement shall be more than 120% of the specified maximum thickness,
it is possible for any single gage reading to over-run by a greater amount.
Definition: Spot Measurement: The average of at least three gage readings made within a 4 cm (1.5 inch)
diameter circle. Gage Reading: A single reading at one point.
Repair Sketch
A. Boundary of typical holiday or damage spot with feathered edges of existing coating system
B. Limit of first masking (1st coat of 2-coat system or 1st and 2nd coat of 3- or 4-coat system)
C. Limit of second masking (subsequent coat(s) of 2, 3, and 4 coat systems)
D. Visible boundary of abraded surface of existing coating
X. = 15 mm minimum, 25 mm maximum distance between boundaries
Y. = 5 mm minimum, 15 mm maximum distance between boundaries
18 Paint System
18.1 Paint System: APCS 1B
Type of Coating: Epoxy Coating System for Atmospheric Service (with Epoxy Primer)
Service Condition Limitations: Maximum Service Temperature 120°C
Level of Surface Preparation: Sa 2½ (SSPC-SP10)
Roughness Profile: 40-65 μm
Min. Max.
Coat Type of Paint Brand Product Colour
Epoxy Primer HEMPEL Hempadur 15570 55 µ 100 µ MS*
2 Hempadur Mastic
Epoxy Mastic HEMPEL 110 µ 150 µ MS*
Coat 45880
3 Hempadur Mastic
Epoxy Mastic HEMPEL 110 µ 150 µ Ral 9006
Coat 45880
275 µ 400 µ
* Manufacturer Standard
- All inspection results shall be recorded. Documentation requirements shall comply with par. 10.2 of SAES-H-001
21 Inspector
Ross Color has Internal Inspector, Mr. Edoardo Parotti Frosio Inspector Level II No 9580
End of Document