Drug Induced Anaphylaxis During General Anesthesia in 14 Tertiary Hospitals in Japan: A Retrospective, Multicenter, Observational Study
Drug Induced Anaphylaxis During General Anesthesia in 14 Tertiary Hospitals in Japan: A Retrospective, Multicenter, Observational Study
Drug Induced Anaphylaxis During General Anesthesia in 14 Tertiary Hospitals in Japan: A Retrospective, Multicenter, Observational Study
Since perioperative anaphylaxis occurs suddenly, and it can be life-threatening, anesthesiologists need to have sufficient
knowledge of the epidemiology of perioperative anaphylaxis and appropriate coping strategies to deal with it. Recent studies
conducted in Western countries reported the characteristics of perioperative anaphylaxis in each country. However, there
are few studies of perioperative anaphylaxis in Japan. To bridge the gap between Japan and other countries, the data of 46
anaphylaxis patients at Gunma University Hospital and 13 neighboring hospitals between 2012 and 2018 were collected and
analyzed. The recently developed clinical scoring system was combined with a skin test to include only cases with a definite
diagnosis. The most common causative agents were sugammadex, followed by rocuronium, cefazolin, and antibiotics other
than cefazolin. Furthermore, the characteristics of anaphylaxis for each causative drug were identified. Time from drug
administration to appearance of the first symptom was the longest in the cefazolin group. The incidence of canceled opera-
tion was the highest in the rocuronium group. Although it is unclear whether the results of this study can apply to Japan as
a whole, the information about the agents responsible for perioperative anaphylaxis and the characteristics of anaphylaxis
due to each agent would be helpful to anesthesiologists.
Journal of Anesthesia
Table 1 Clinical backgrounds, causative agents, timing and onset of the appearance of symptoms, anaphylactic symptoms, severity grades, clinical scores, and outcomes in patients with periop-
erative anaphylaxis
Patient no. Age (years) Sex Causative agent Timing Onset (min) Symptoms Severity Clinical score Cancelled Delayed
grade operation extuba-
Journal of Anesthesia
35 77 M Vancomycin Maintenance 5 Ca, Cu 4 28 − −
Table 1 (continued)
Patient no. Age (years) Sex Causative agent Timing Onset (min) Symptoms Severity Clinical score Cancelled Delayed
grade operation extuba-
The timing of symptom appearance was classified into three categories, including induction, maintenance, and end of anesthesia. The induction of anesthesia refers to within 10 min after
the start of anesthesia. The end of anesthesia means from the end of surgery to the end of anesthesia. Maintenance of anesthesia is the period between induction of anesthesia and the end of
anesthesia. The onset indicates time from drug administration to the appearance of the first symptom. The severity of clinical symptoms was assessed by the Ring and Messmer scale [15]. All
patients had a clinical score of 8 or above, suggesting possible anaphylaxis [9]. Delayed extubation was defined as when the patient was extubated after leaving the operating room, or when it
took more than two hours from the end of surgery to extubation even in the operating room
M male, F female, Ca cardiovascular signs, Cu cutaneous signs, Re respiratory signs, Ga gastrointestinal signs
Journal of Anesthesia
Journal of Anesthesia
“Antibiotics” refers to antibiotics other than cefazolin. Categorical variables are shown as the actual numbers, and percentages are shown in
parentheses. Since age and clinical score were normally distributed, they are shown as means, and standard deviations are shown in square
brackets. For onset and severity grade, the median values and interquartile ranges are shown. The timing of symptom appearance was classified
into three categories, including induction, maintenance, and end of anesthesia. The induction of anesthesia refers to within 10 min after the start
of anesthesia. The end of anesthesia means from the end of surgery to the end of anesthesia. Maintenance of anesthesia is the period between
induction of anesthesia and the end of anesthesia. The onset indicates the time from drug administration to the appearance of the first sign. The
accuracy of anaphylaxis diagnosis was assessed using the clinical grading scale [9]. The severity of clinical signs was assessed by the Ring and
Messmer scale [15]. Delayed extubation was defined as when the patient was extubated after leaving the operating room, or when it took more
than two hours from the end of surgery to extubation even in the operating room. The symbols indicate significant differences between groups,
and p values were 0.005 or less unless otherwise specified
Rocuronium vs. sugammadex, cefazolin, and antibiotics; bCefazolin vs. rocuronium and sugammadex
Antibiotics vs. rocuronium and sugammadex
Sugammadex vs. all other groups
Cefazolin vs. sugammadex (p < 0.05)
Miscellaneous vs. sugammadex, rocuronium, cefazolin, and antibiotics (p < 0.05)
Rocuronium vs. sugammadex (p < 0.05)
perioperative antibiotic use in Japan, a survey of periopera- by drug (Table 1), this does not necessarily mean that the
tive drugs we recently conducted at four tertiary hospitals causative drug can be determined by the timing alone. For
showed that cefazolin was used in 69% of general anesthesia example, drugs other than rocuronium, including lido-
cases, followed by cefmetazole in 12% (unpublished data). caine and propofol, were also included in the “Induction
Taken together, the reason for the differences in the caus- of anesthesia” category (Table 1). An informed guess,
ative agents of perioperative anaphylaxis in the current study which is based on the relationship between the timing
compared to previous studies might be partially explained of substance exposure and that of symptom appearance,
by the differences in the drugs used. The fact that sugamma- is not a reliable way of determining the cause of a sup-
dex, rocuronium, and cefazolin account for 67% of causative posed allergic reaction [18]. We would emphasize that the
agents (31 of 46 cases) in perioperative anaphylaxis in the cause of anaphylaxis should be identified by allergy tests
present study might be a prominent feature of perioperative such as skin tests. Otherwise, many patients would be at
anaphylaxis in Japan. unnecessary risk.
Although the results of the present study suggest that The median time of onset was the latest in the cefazolin
the timing of anaphylaxis development is clearly different group (Table 2). In some cases with a delayed onset, the
Journal of Anesthesia
patient’s body might have already been covered with a Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
surgical drape when the signs of anaphylaxis appeared. bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
In rocuronium-induced anaphylaxis cases, surgery was as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
cancelled in 60%, the highest rate among the groups. In provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
general, skin testing is recommended to both find a causa- were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
tive agent and identify alternative NMBAs, especially included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
in cases where re-operation is required [16]. Since in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
patients with anaphylaxis due to rocuronium, skin tests permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
were reported to be positive in 44% for succinylcholine, need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
40% for vecuronium, and 5% for cisatracurium, cisatra- copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
curium is recommended for use as an alternative NMBA
[17]. In countries such as Japan where cisatracurium is
not available, anesthesia without NMBAs should be con- References
sidered [16, 19].
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tion of the participating hospitals was limited to the Kanto AB, Hepner DL, Hopkins PM, Khan DA, Kolawole H, Kopac P,
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be applied to Japan as a whole. Second, since the drugs Savic LC, Savic S, Volcheck GW, Voltolini S. Comparative epi-
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unknown. Future studies, including the ongoing national S, Torevell H, Warner A, Ferguson K, Hitchman J, Egner W,
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