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Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

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Unravelling the biochemistry and genetics of ACC deaminase-An enzyme T

alleviating the biotic and abiotic stress in plants

Shikha Gupta, Sangeeta Pandey
Amity Institute of Organic Agriculture, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201313, India


Keywords: The enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase is known for alleviating the adverse effects of
ACC deaminase gene ethylene generated in response various stressors. Phylogenetic analysis of corresponding gene encoding ACC
Ethylene degrading enzyme (acds) reveals their occurrence in diverse group of bacteria and fungi. The transcription of
1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase acds gene is tightly regulated and expresses differentially under different environmental conditions. Moreover,
Stress tolerance
ACC metabolizing enzyme is an inductive enzyme which expressed only in presence of its substrate, ACC. This
microbial enzyme has prominent role as cost-effective and eco-friendly adjuncts in sustainable agricultural
system because it catalysed the breakdown of immediate precursor of ethylene, i.e. ACC into α-ketobutyrate and
ammonia, and thereby declined the concentration of ethylene and its associated negative effects on growth and
development of plants growing under various biotic and abiotic stressful conditions. Therefore, the present
review attempts to summarizes the knowledge regarding biochemistry and genetics of ACC deaminase enzyme,
prevalence and regulation of corresponding ACC deaminase gene (acds) across different groups of microbes as
well as future research approaches to create transgenic crops containing microbial acds gene to withstand variety
of stressful conditions.

1. Introduction unfavorable environment without deteriorating the soil fertility and

natural resources. The plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPR) with 1-
The drastic and unpredictable climate change, as well as rising aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase potential confer
population, poses the fundamental threat to the sustainability of global resistance to various abiotic stress conditions such as high temperature,
agricultural production. In addition to these, soil abnormalities like flood, drought, salinity, and acidity by minimizing the level of stress
high salinity and acidity are also responsible for low agricultural pro- triggered ethylene inside the plants. PGPR either thrive in the vicinity
ductivity. The conventional cultivation practices and development of of plant's roots (rhizosphere) or aerial parts of the plant such as leaves
genetically modified transgenic crops cultivars are majorly exploited in (phyllosphere), or inside the plant tissue (endophytes). PGPR with in-
order to withstand adverse climatic conditions and non-conducive soil trinsic activity of ACC deaminase has the potential to serve either as
environment. The usage of these techniques has undeniably contributed growth stimulators by promoting synthesis of different plant growth
to agricultural productivity but poses certain restriction with respect to regulators (auxin, gibberellins, cytokinin and ethylene) or as bio-
ethical standards, time consumption, and environmental risk. The fertilizers by solubilizing immobilized nutrients and making them ac-
plant-microbe interaction either symbiotic (bacteria living inside the cessible (zinc, potassium, phosphate, nitrogen) to plants or as biocon-
root nodules) or endophytic (bacteria inside plant tissues) or rhizo- trol agents by secreting iron-chelating siderophores, hydrogen cyanide,
spheric (bacteria binding to root surface) or phyllospheric (bacteria antibiotics, anti-fungal/cell-wall degrading metabolites and enhancing
binding on leaf or stem), plays a pivotal role in promoting sustainable induced systemic resistance in plants under harsh climatic conditions
agriculture (Glick et al., 1995; Hallmann et al., 1997; Kozdrój and van (Glick et al., 2007). There are several studies which have reported the
Elsas, 2000; Knief et al., 2011). They are economically feasible and beneficial influences of plant growth promoting microbes with the ACC
putative in comparison to inorganic chemical-based fertilizers, pesti- deaminase potential on plants growing under stressed conditions (Glick
cides, and insecticides. The best example of this bipartite association so et al., 2007; Li et al., 2013; Glick, 2014; Kang et al., 2013). Although in
far documented is the application of rhizobacteria in the agricultural the conducive environment, ethylene regulates various processes of
field for improving plant growth and restoring their health under plant growth and development but during plant-soil borne pathogen

Corresponding author at: I 2block, AIOA Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201313, India.
E-mail address: (S. Pandey).
Received 19 November 2018; Received in revised form 5 February 2019; Accepted 7 February 2019
Available online 07 February 2019
2352-4073/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

attempt to enhance the understanding of influence of ACC deaminase

on plant metabolic activities, mechanism of enzyme action, biochem-
istry and genetics of ACC deaminase, their role in the environment and
providing tolerance to plants against various abiotic stresses.

2. Ethylene and its biosynthesis

Ethylene is a natural phytohormone, gaseous in nature, consist of

two-carbon bond, facilitates various aspects of normal growth and de-
velopment of plant as illustrated in (Fig. 1).
Apart from these, it also hinders the roots elongation and nodula-
tion, accelerate the aging, senescence and abscission process in plants in
context to stress response (Glick et al., 2007; Tittabutr et al., 2015).
The ethylene biosynthesis mainly involves amino acid methionine,
converted to S-adenosylmethionine (S-AdoMet) (Poel and Straeten,
2014) by S-AdoMet synthase (EC utilizing one molecule of
ATP. S-AdoMet then donates its methyl group in many cellular anabolic
pathways of macromolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins and lipids.
The overall ethylene production comprises 2 steps: - conversion of S-
adenosylmethionine (S-AdoMet) to 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic
Fig. 1. Significance of Ethylene in various aspects of plant growth and devel- acid (ACC) and 5- methylthioadenosine (MTA) catalysed by ACC syn-
opment. thase (ACS, S-adenosyl-L-methionine methylthioadenosine-lyase,
EC4.4.14) (Yang and Hoffman, 1984). The 5- methylthioadenosine
interaction or adverse climatic conditions sudden rise in ethylene (MTA) is then recycled back to methionine to replenish the cellular
concentration was reported which has the deleterious effect such as concentration of methionine during high rates of ethylene synthesis
chlorosis, inhibition of plant growth and often leads to plant senes- (Murr and Yang, 1975). The second step is the oxidation of 1-amino-
cence. In this context, rhizobacteria producing the enzyme ACC dea- cyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) to ethylene and cyanoformate
minase decrease the disproportionate amount of ethylene, by catalyzing ion [NCCO2] - in the presence of oxygen as per the requirement of ACC
the breakdown of ACC, the immediate precursor of ethylene, into am- oxidase (ACO, EC The cyanoformate ion so formed is con-
monia and α-ketobutyrate, thereby plays the vital function in alle- sequently dissociated into carbon dioxide and cyanide. The cyanide
viating the harmful effects of stress factors and its associated ethylene then, subsequently metabolized to beta-cyanoalanine by beta-cyanoa-
(Honma and Shimomura, 1978). Hence, the present review makes an lanine synthase (EC, playing an important role in assimilation
and detoxification of excess cyanide (Singh et al., 2015; Plett et al.,

Different environmental stressors,

inducers, developmental signals

synthase ACC synthase

Methionine S-AdoMet ACC

ACC oxidase
Modified methionine cycle

Ethylene Cyanide CO2

Detoxified to



Fig. 2. Yang methionine pathway for Ethylene Biosynthesis.

S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

2009) (Fig. 2). leads to senescence and abscission process in plants. So, the damage
The enzymes involved in ethylene biosynthesis i.e. ACC synthase occurs in plants is an aftermath of pleiotropic effects induced by stress
and ACC oxidase are well characterized with respect to structure and ethylene rather than the direct effects of stressful conditions (Glick,
function. ACC synthase is a cytoplasmic enzyme which requires pyr- 2014; Ravanbakhsh et al., 2018).
idoxal-5′-phosphate (Vitamin B6) as a cofactor for its function. The Therefore, on the basis of such representation, many researchers
corresponding gene encoding ACC synthase was first recognized in and agriculturist around the globe are suggesting to employ those
zucchini and tomato plants (Poel and Straeten, 2014). The ACC oxidase agents that can lower the ethylene levels (second deleterious ethylene
belongs to dioxygenases family require iron (Fe2+) as cofactor and bi- peak) induced by a variety of environmental stress and its associated
carbonate (HCO3−) as an enzyme activator. The localization of ACC harmful pleiotropic effects. In this regard, ACC deaminase-mediated
oxidase in plants is not fully known. Some researchers reported it as deamination of the intermediate substrate of ethylene, ACC is an al-
cytoplasmic enzyme while some suggested it membrane-bound enzyme. ternative strategy to lower down the stress induced ethylene and its
Both the enzymes are multigenic, ACC synthase (encoded by 12 genes) associated tolerance. The soil microorganisms expressing ACC deami-
and ACC oxidase (encoded by 5 genes) in plants, controlled by different nase enzyme, a significant bacterial trait, support the growth and de-
environmental stimuli such as auxin, cytokine, brassinosteroids, ethy- velopment of plant under stressed conditions by optimizing ethylene
lene, pathogen attack and mechanical wounding which in turn regulate concentration so that it does not reach above the threshold level
the ethylene level in plant species (Wang et al., 2002; Barry et al., 1996; (Fig. 5).
Ravanbakhsh et al., 2018).
4. Enzymology of ACC deaminase
3. Signal transduction pathway of ethylene
The 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase (EC
Ethylene so synthesized is recognized by dimeric multipass trans- is the pyridoxal 5′- phosphate (PLP) dependent, multimeric
membrane, endoplasmic reticulum-localized receptors with extra- (homodimeric or homotrimeric) enzyme of tryptophan synthase beta
cellular copper-dependent ethylene binding domain and intracellular superfamily responsible for deamination reaction of ACC, the pre-
histidine kinase domain. There are 5 members in the ethylene receptor decessor of gaseous phytohormone ethylene. The pyridoxal phosphate
family named as ETR1, ETR2, ERS1, ERS2 and EIN4 which promote (Vitamin B6) acts as a tightly bound cofactor required as 1 mol per
negative regulation of ethylene signaling pathway. These hormone re- trimeric subunit for ACC deaminase enzyme activity (Singh et al.,
ceptors during the absence of effector molecule, ethylene (active state) 2015).
stimulate Raf-like serine/threonine kinase, Constitutive triple re- It has molecular mass 35–42 kDa is localized in cytoplasm of bac-
sponse1 (CTR1), associated with ubiquitylation and degradation of a terial cells (Gamalero and Glick, 2015). It has been regarded as an in-
nuclear gene regulatory protein called EIN3, responsible for transcrip- ducible enzyme which requires substrate, ACC at threshold level as low
tion of ethylene responsive genes. Therefore, phosphorylation by CTR1 as 100 nM in order to induce its activity. The induction of enzymatic
makes EIN2 inactive and eventually downstream signaling pathway for activity by substrate, ACC is validated by switching the nutrient-rich
ethylene biosynthesis is blocked (Wang et al., 2013). growth media for ACC deaminase producing bacterial strains to
On the other hand, the ethylene binding to its corresponding hor- minimal media containing ACC as its sole nitrogen source. There are
mone receptor inactivates and alters the conformation of receptors other amino acids homologous to ACC such as L-Alanine, D-Alanine, D-
which in turn cannot interact with CTR1. As a consequence, CTR1 be- valine, 2-alkyl-ACC, vinyl-ACC and 2-aminoisobutyric acid, capable of
comes inactivated and eventually, EIN2 is no longer inhibited and de- inducing ACC deaminase activity. Moreover, 2-aminoisobutyric acid
graded. The dephosphorylated EIN2 can stimulate the interaction be- has the same potential as ACC to induce activity (Honma, 1983).
tween the transcription factors such as EIN3, Ethylene Insensitive Like The enzymatic activity of ACC deaminase has been analyzed at
protein1 (EIL1) and EIN3-binding sequence (EBS) element in the pro- different pH but the maximum affinity for its substrate and competitive
moter region of various target genes or Ethylene Response Factors inhibitors was found at pH 8.5–9.0. The enzymatic activity of ACC
(ERFs) genes and results in expression of ethylene-mediated stress tol- deaminase is inhibited by L-amino acids or their derivatives (Honma,
erance and development response such as fruit ripening (Fig. 3) (Liu 1985).
et al., 2015a,b; Johnson and Ecker, 1998; Ravanbakhsh et al., 2018). The highest band of absorption spectra of ACC deaminase was ob-
The rate of ethylene biosynthesis depends on several factors in- served at wavelength 326 nm at pH 9.0 (Jacobson et al., 1994; Honma,
cluding extreme temperature, light, gravity, nutrition, too much or too 1985). The ACC deaminase activity of Pseudomonas putida strain
little water, phytopathogenic (fungi, bacteria, viruses) damage or me- GR12–2 is found to be optimum at 30 °C (Glick et al., 1998).
chanical wounding. (Gamalero and Glick, 2015; Glick, 2014). The enzyme does not have high affinity for ACC which is reflected
A paradigm was formulated (Glick et al., 2007; Pierik et al., 2006; by its Km value, ranges from 1.5 to approximately 17.4 mM at pH 8.5
Glick, 2014) which described ethylene as stress hormone and also ex- (Honma, 1983; Hontzeas et al., 2004). The catalytic efficiency (kcat/km)
plained its formation with time (Fig. 4) when plants are subjected to of the enzyme is approximately 690 M−1S−1 (Klee et al., 1991; Zhao
various environmental stressors. et al., 2003). The lower values of Km specified that ACC deaminase
According to this model, the first peak of small magnitude is formed should be present in higher amounts (100–1000 fold) to utilize ACC
during the onset of stress which accounts for the lower production of substrate before ACC oxidase in order to reduce ethylene levels because
ethylene. This correlates with the limited amount of ACC pool initially ACC oxidase has the greater affinity for ACC than that of ACC deami-
found in the plant tissues. The ethylene so produced in lower amounts nase (Glick et al., 1998).
actuates the expression of genes responsible for defense mechanisms
and acquired resistance is developed in plants. Then, one or two days 5. Mechanism of ACC deaminase enzymatic reaction
after environmental stress, the second ethylene peak larger than first in
magnitude, is formed in response to increased expression of ACC syn- The microbial enzyme ACC deaminase hydrolyses stressed plant-
thase gene and subsequently leads to ACC production. This large peak synthesized ACC to α-ketobutyrate and ammonia, ultimately reducing
regarded as “stress ethylene” confers the extensive damage to plants the stress triggered ethylene and its associated growth inhibition under
such as inhibition of root development and consequently impairment of environmental stress conditions. The main characteristic of ACC dea-
nutrient uptake potential, prevention of root nodulation in legumes, minase catalysed, second-order reaction is the cleavage of cyclopropane
destruction of chlorophyll and its associated photosynthetic apparatus, ring by nucleophilic addition and elimination mechanism as shown
promotion of epinastic movements in aerial parts of plants, and also below (Fig. 6) unlike other PLP dependent enzyme catalysed reaction

S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

i. ii.
Absence of Ethylene
Presence of Ethylene
Copper Ethylene


CTR1 Active State CTR1 Inactive

Active State
EIN2 Degradation of
protein: Inactive

Transcription of Ethylene
responsive genes: OFF ERF
gene with
Ripening and

Fig. 3. Ethylene signal transduction pathway in the i. absence of ethylene; ii. Presence of ethylene and its impact on plant development.


Existing pool of
Increased level of

Ethylene (small by stress

and favourable) factors


Ethylene (large and

deleterious); Stress
ethylene; cause severe
Transcription of damage to plants
Pathogenesis related
and acquired
resistance genes

Time period of stress

Fig. 4. Ethylene formation in relative to time in plants when exposed to stressed conditions.

S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175


Existing pool of
Increased level of
Stimulated Soil

Ethylene (small by stress bacteria

and favourable) factors with ACC

Transcription of C4H6O3 + NH3

Pathogenesis related
and acquired
resistance genes

Time period of stress

Fig. 5. Ethylene formation with respect to time in plants inoculated with Plant growth promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) with ACC deaminase potential.

because there is an absence of alpha-hydrogen atom of ACC (Glick (Ose et al., 2003) (Fig. 8).
et al., 2007; Singh et al., 2015). The route 2 deviates from route 1 after external aldimine formation
Following are two proposed routes through which ACC deaminase where the nucleophilic attack is carried out by basic Lys(Joshi et al.,
carried out the deamination of its substrate ACC (Walsh et al., 1981; 2012) residue on proton of β-carbon of ACC (pro-S) followed by hy-
Zhao et al., 2003): drogen abstraction from the β-carbon of ACC (pro-R) resulting in the
formation of quinonoid. The further reaction steps after quinonoid
1. Direct β-hydrogen extraction- hydrogen atom is abstracted from formation are identical to that of route1 (Ose et al., 2003).
ACC substrate followed by Lys(Joshi et al., 2012) mediated hydro-
lytic reactions to cleave cyclopropane ring.
6. Molecular characterization of ACC deaminase enzyme
2. Nucleophilic addition followed by beta-hydrogen extraction- nu-
cleophilic attack of the β-carbon of ACC followed by Lys51mediated
The occurrence of ACC deaminase has been documented in all the
hydrogen abstraction to open cyclopropane ring.
three realm of cellular life- Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea. The first
existence of ACC deaminase enzyme was reported in bacterium
Initially, the internal aldimine (imine analog of aldehyde group) is
Pseudomonas sp strain ACP and yeast Hansenula saturnus (now re-clas-
formed between pyridoxal phosphate (PLP; cofactor) and ε-lysine re-
sified as Cyberlindnera saturnus). Thereafter, the evidence of ACC dea-
sidue of ACC deaminase enzyme. The α-amino group of ACC displaces
minase activity was found in the diverse range of bacteria, including
ε-lysine residue from the active site of enzyme resulting in the forma-
gram negative and gram positive and in some fungi colonizing different
tion of external aldimine via aminyl intermediate by the trans-aldimi-
ecological habitats such as human host, soil (rhizospheric), plant, water
nation reaction, which is common in both the proposed routes
etc. Among them, the ACC deaminase activity is extensively detected in
(Hontzeas et al., 2006) (Fig. 7).
the rhizospheric zone of soil, specifically rhizobacteria, conferring
In route 1, direct β- hydrogen removal of methylene proton is done
stress tolerance in plants by lowering the concentration of deleterious
by Lys(Joshi et al., 2012) basic residue on external aldimine to form
ethylene induced under stressful conditions (Timmusk et al., 2011;
quinonoid followed by subsequent electronic configuration and proto-
Honma and Shimomura, 1978; Gamalero and Glick, 2015; Singh et al.,
nation to form another molecule of quinonoid. The reaction proceeds
2015; Nascimento et al., 2013).
further by nucleophilic attack on quinonoid by basic lysine amino re-
The molecular characterization of bacterial ACC deaminase activity
sidue and resulted into another quinonoid and 2-aminobut-2-enoate
is done through amplification of corresponding 1000 bp acds gene se-
which in turn undergoes reversible hydrolysis to form final products as
quence located at chromosomal DNA by PCR (Polymerase chain reac-
2-oxobutanoate and ammonium ion and restoring internal aldimine
tion) using either a pair of universal primers (Hontzeas et al., 2005) or

Fig. 6. Enzymatic reaction of ACC deaminase, deaminating

substrate 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC).

S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

Fig. 7. Common pathway of ACC deaminase-catalysed reaction via external aldimine formation by the trans-aldimination.

degenerate primers (Duan et al., 2009; Jha et al., 2012) designed by phosphodiesterase which binds with ACC. Then this ternary complex
various researchers. (LRP-ACC-AcdB) activates the expression of acds gene resulting in the
In order to distinguish between ACC deaminase and other members breakdown of ACC molecule into α-ketobutyrate and ammonia. This α-
of tryptophan synthase enzyme family like D-cysteine desulfhydrase ketobutyrate is further metabolized into leucine (branched chain amino
enzyme (DCyD), several researchers analyzed their respective gene se- acid), which in turn binds to LRP octamer and dissociate it into inactive
quences acds and DcyD present in reference organism Pseudomonas sp. dimers and switch off the transcription of acds gene. While during un-
UW4 and reported that some conserved amino acids are important for availability of ACC, the transcription of acdR gene leads to the accu-
ACC deaminase activity in the bacterium, for instance, Lys(Joshi et al., mulation of LRP protein and binds at promoter region of LRP Box,
2012), required for hydrogen abstraction; Ser(Pierik et al., 2006), a negatively regulates its production by feedback inhibition. This in-
nucleophilic agent (Glick et al., 2007) and Tyr294,involved in the for- dicates that ACC deaminase is an inducible enzyme stimulates in in
mation of external aldimine (Ose et al., 2003) while residues Glu295 and response to substrate ACC only (Gontia et al., 2014).
Leu322 are exclusively for recognition of substrate ACC (Glick et al., This regulatory mechanism does not find in some bacterial species
2007). The expression of acds gene is regulated by the availability of such as Variovorax parrdoxus 5C2 and Achromobacter xylosoxidanis
oxygen, the concentration of substrate and resultant products (Singh A551. In some species such as Mesorhizobium loti the expression of acds
et al., 2015). The regulatory mechanism of acds gene varies with dif- gene is regulated by nitrogen-fixing gene nifA2 and σ54 sigma factor. It
ferent species. However, Li and Glick (2001) has reported the com- has been reported that ACC deaminase producing symbiotic bacteria
prehensive model of acds gene regulation in organism Pseudomonas such as Mesorhizobium loti reduced the deleterious effects of ethylene on
putida UW4. root nodules, promote nodulation and subsequently nitrogen fixation in
The transcriptional machinery for acds gene expression consists of leguminous plants under stressful conditions (Nukui et al., 2006).
many regulatory elements located upstream of acds such as acdR en- In addition to this, there are some other regulatory elements located
coding LRP (leucine-responsive regulatory) protein; regulatory protein downstream of acds gene found in many bacterial genera, for instance,
such as LRP Box, AcdB Box; FNR box for fumarate-nitrate regulatory GntR protein-coding gene in Actinobacteria and Meiothermus positioned
protein and CRP box for binding cAMP receptor protein significant in next to acds gene, regulatory elements of LysR family also found in
anaerobic and aerobic conditions, respectively (Fig. 9) (Singh et al., certain species like Brenneria sp. EniD312, Burkholderia xenovorans
2015; Glick, 2014; Glick et al., 2007; Gamalero and Glick, 2015). The LB4000 and Pantoea sp. At-9B (Singh et al., 2015).
regulatory protein LRP becomes active and forms LRP-octamer in the Hontzeas et al., 2005 has concluded lateral gene transfer of acds
presence of ACC and then activate another regulatory protein AcdB gene by conducting comprehensive comparison between acds gene and
resulting in the formation of glycerophosphoryl diester 16 s rRNA conserved gene sequences from the same bacteria. In many

Fig. 8. Elucidation of ROUTE1 (Direct β-hydrogen extraction) for ACC metabolism by ACC deaminase.

S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

High levels of
LRP protein (inactive)
Feedback Inhibition of LRP

Switch off transcription of acds



glycerophosphoryl diester Is ON
Octamer of LRP - O2

ACC + O2


Ternary complex AMMONIA
switch off
Binds to the LRP octamer

Fig. 9. The transcriptional machinery for the regulated expression of acds gene encoding ACC deaminase enzyme in the 1. Absence and, 2. Presence of ACC.

nitrogen-fixing species of Mesorhizobium sp. acds genes are horizontally interacts with host plants and helps them in ameliorating the negative
transferred between the strains by interchanging the nitrogen-fixing impact of stress on their growth and development. Numerous bacteria
gene cluster. Researchers also suggested that horizontal gene transfer belonging to different taxonomic groups such as Agrobacterium,
(HGT) is responsible for the presence of acds gene in fungi species and Arthrobacter, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, bacillus, Burkholderia,
different bacterial species (transfer of the gene between different do- Caulobacter, Chromobacterium, Erwinia, Flavobacterium, Micrococcous,
mains) (Prigent-Combaret et al., 2008). But Nascimento et al. (2013) Pseudomonas, Serratia have paramount significance in agriculture sector
aligned multiple acds sequences from the wide range of bacterial cells as plant growth promoter. These bacteria promote growth and toler-
and suggested that vertical gene transfer mechanism might also be re- ance of plants under environmental stressors by employing two me-
sponsible for the same. Therefore, evolution of acds gene could be re- chanisms, namely- direct and indirect (Ahemad and Kibret, 2014;
sulted from vertical transmission of acds gene with intermittent hor- Bhattacharyya and Jha, 2012).
izontal gene transfer. However, the exact picture of evolution and Among these, the potential of soil bacteria to produce ACC deami-
phylogeny of acds gene is unclear (Singh et al., 2015; Li et al., 2015). nase enzyme, significant trait that lowers the concentration of abiotic
stress-induced ethylene and subsequently its associated deleterious ef-
fects such as senescence, chlorosis, root curling, reduced shoot growth,
7. Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria with ACC deaminase leaf abscission and ultimately plant death (Glick, 2014; Nascimento
potential et al., 2018). The ACC deaminase producing bacteria colonizing the
root zone of host plants serve as the sink for plant produced ACC (non-
The abiotic stress includes drought, flooding, salinity, heat, cold, ribosomal peptide) because when released as root secretion, bacterial
presence of heavy metals toxicants and nutrient deficiency which has ACC deaminase cleaved it into α-ketobutyrate and ammonia, further
been reported to be more destructive in crop production worldwide. In utilized by bacteria for their growth and energy. The ACC deaminase
addition to these plants and crops also encounter many harmful bac- activity has been reported in numerous species of plant growth pro-
teria, virus, fungal and pests attacks. In response to external stress en- moting bacteria like Agrobacterium genomovars and Azospirillum lipo-
vironment, plants, being sessile, generates reactive oxygen species, ferum, Alcaligenes, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Enterobacter, Methylobacterium
accumulates hormones such as ethylene, which further triggers sec- fujisawaense, Pseudomonas, Ralstoniasolanacearum, Rhizobium, Rhodo-
ondary stress such as oxidative stress, nutrient deficiency, root curling coccus and Sinorhizobium meliloti and Variovoraxparadoxus.
which collectively results in reduction in growth rate, metabolism, There is one model-based description of the action mechanism
development, productivity of crop growth and ultimately leads to plant employed by ACC deaminase producing rhizobacteria (PGPR) for con-
death (Premachandra et al., 2016). ferring growth and tolerance in plant growth under stressed conditions.
Plant growth promoting bacteria are rhizospheric microbes (root- Roots exudates rich in sugar, organic acids, amino acids, phenolics
colonizing bacteria), form an integral part of soil microbiota that

S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

and other small molecules are secreted to external soil environment beneficial role of ACC deaminase possessing bacteria on plant growth
(rhizosphere). These nutrients are utilized as the source of energy by and tolerance when subjected to water stress conditions.
rhizospheric bacteria for their growth and metabolism thereby in-
creasing their number and thus density in the rhizosphere. The amino 8.2. Salinity
acids such as tryptophan are taken up by the associated rhizospheric
bacteria (~ 80%) and the synthesis of phytohormone indole-3-acetic Salinity is also a severe problem which negatively affected the
acid takes place. The newly synthesized IAA so produced by bacteria is agriculture production. It mainly increased the ionic concentration of
released outside and become available to the host plants. Both bacterial sodium salts in rhizosphere which results in nutrient deficiency, ion
IAA and plant synthesized natural auxin augments several develop- toxicity (Na+ and Cl− ions), overproduction of free radicals, reduced
mental aspects of plant-like root growth, vascular tissue differentiation, potassium as well as phosphorus availability for plants, stress ethylene
auxiliary bud formation, apical dominance, and flower organ devel- production, plasmolysis, inhibition of seed germination, reduces mi-
opment. It alters the root morphology promoting the formation of lat- neral uptake, inhibit root nodulation and nitrogenase activity (Nadeem
eral roots and adventitious roots that improve the water and nutrient et al., 2014) and disturbance in osmoregulation in plants
uptake efficiency of plants (Glick et al., 2007; Glick, 2012). (Egamberdieva and Lugtenberg, 2014). The plant growth promoting
In addition to this, it also stimulates the production of mRNA rhizobacteria yielding ACC deaminase activity improve the root de-
transcripts of ACC synthase (catalyze the formation of ACC from S- velopment as well as improve tolerance to cope up with high salt
AdoMet), indirectly induced the ethylene and triggered the stress re- conditions (Egamberdieva, 2013; Qin et al., 2014).
sponse. But the high production of ethylene promotes feedback in-
hibition of transcription of auxin response factors and thereby blocking 8.3. Heavy metal soil toxicity
the IAA induced activation of ACC synthase transcription (Glick, 2014).
Moreover, some portion of the ACC also releases along with other The presence of toxicants such as cobalt, copper, iron, manganese,
molecules either through root exudates or leaves which is then sub- molybdenum, nickel and zinc in trace amounts is recommended for the
jected to dissociation to yield α-ketobutyrate and ammonia by the as- normal plant development which otherwise become toxic and detri-
sociated rhizospheric bacteria with ACC deaminase production poten- mental to plant when present beyond threshold limit. The excessive
tial and subsequently the levels of stress hormone ethylene and its concentration of inorganic toxicants in rhizosphere decrease the me-
associated growth inhibition under abiotic stress could be regulated. tabolic activity enzymes in cytoplasm, trigger oxidative damage to
Therefore, plants root colonization with bacteria containing ACC dea- cellular structures, exchange with essential nutrient of plants thus de-
minase improved root and shoot growth and enhanced the tolerance pleting soil nutrient reserve, reduce chlorophyll pigment and photo-
against environmental stress condition (Glick et al., 1998) (Fig. 10). synthesis process, negatively affecting activities of certain beneficial
microorganisms associated with plants and thus reducing availability of
8. Bacterial ACC deaminase conferring stress resilience in plants soil nutrients to plants (Chibuike and Obiora, 2014). The ACC deami-
nase producers accelerate the rate of roots proliferation which in turn
It has been reported that plant growth promoting rhizobacteria, maximizes the metal uptake potential from surroundings and also,
specifically with ACC deaminase potential directly shield the plants lowers the amount of stress generated ethylene (Arshad et al., 2007).
from detrimental impact of various abiotic (environmental) factors such Therefore, the introduction of PGPR with an ability to deaminate ni-
as drought, flooding, salinity etc. (Milosevic et al., 2012; Ma et al., trogen source, ACC is a functional and cost-effective biological ap-
2004) and also indirectly enhance protection against several soil borne proach for soil remediation in ameliorating the negative impact of
pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, pests, insects and root nema- metal toxicants in the rhizosphere (Glick, 2010; Govindasamy et al.,
todes (Dimkpa et al., 2009) (Table 1). 2009; Bisht et al., 2014; Burd et al., 1998; Benson et al., 2017; Liu et al.,
8.1. Water stress: drought and flooding
8.4. Phytopathogen attack
The stress related to moisture or water in the broader sense can be
defined as drought and flooding, poses serious threat among abiotic The plant fungal, bacterial pathogens, insects, pests, nematodes and
stressors causing substantial loss of crops worldwide. Water deficit or their associated diseases, major biological problem, damage crop pro-
excess both resulted in several physiological and morphological al- duction at global scale. The intensive application of agrochemicals,
terations in plants which ultimately decreased the crop quality and fungicides, pesticides to control the growth and pathogenesis of pa-
growth. thogen developed of pathogenic strains and also contaminated and
Under excess water conditions, soil and roots are fully submerged in degraded the quality of the soil. The ACC deaminase producing plant
the water leading to hypoxic or sometime anoxic conditions, reducing growth promoting microbes can be used as biological control agents
O2 availability to plants. The plants synthesize large amounts of enzyme against these phytopathogen attack such as Fusarium wilt (Fusarium
ACC synthase and subsequently, ACC concentration increased in roots. oxysporum), leaf infection (Botrytis cinerea), Bacterial leaf blight
Since anoxic conditions prevails in the root system, the conversion of (Xanthomonas oryzae), damping off (Rhizoctonia solani), Southern blight
stress triggered ACC into ethylene could not take place due to inability (Sclerotium rolfsii), Root and stem rot (Phytophthora sp), Damping off
of ACC oxidase activity, therefore it is translocated to oxidative sur- and root rot disease (Pythium ultimum) etc. (Wang et al., 2000; Rasche
roundings of shoots system. This aggravated level of ethylene decreased et al., 2006; Barnawal et al., 2017; Dixit et al., 2016; Gamalero et al.,
soil respiration, root growth, leaf area, leaf abscission, premature se- 2017; Nascimento et al., 2013).
nescence, wilting, epinasty (Salazar et al., 2015; Gu et al., 2007). The These microbes either directly suppressed the growth of pathogens
application of rhizobacteria with ACC deaminase activity is a beneficial by producing antimicrobial compounds such as antibiotics (for in-
way to lessen the adverse influence of induced ethylene and thus pro- stance, amphisin, 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), oomycin A, phe-
mote growth in waterlogging condition. nazine, pyoluteorin, pyrrolnitrin, tensin, tropolone, oligomycin A, ka-
Drought primarily influenced water-plant potential, minimize sto- nosamine, zwittermicin A, and xanthobaccin), bacteriocins, antifungal/
matal conductance and subsequently lowers the chlorophyll content, lytic enzymes (chitinases, dehydrogenase, β-glucanase, lipases, phos-
disrupt photosynthesis process and thereby loss of carbohydrates phatases, proteases), flavonoids like compounds called phytoalexins,
(Vurukonda et al., 2015; Flexas et al., 2013). Various experiments were signaling molecules such as N-Acyl homoserine lactones that disrupt the
carried out by researchers around the globe with a view to assess the pathogens quorum sensing and subsequent infection, inhibitory

S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

3. PO3- Solubilization 5. Tolerance to Metal Toxicity 6. Suppression of phytopathogen attack

organic acids Phytase, Acid ACC deaminase producers

Phosphate solubilization bacteria secretes

e.g. Gluconic phosphatase, alter root morphology
acid, oxalic phosphonate
acid, citric , and C–P Enhanced metal uptake secretes
acid. lyase potential of plants leads to produces
ell wall
bioaccumulation of metals antibitotics
Decline degrading
rhizospheric pH
Subsequent degradation of production acid and
Chelates metal metallic /Xenobiotics of hydrcyanic ethylene
of organic
ions bound to P compounds acid for mediates
controlling ISR(induced
pathogens systemic
Release P to Production of osmolyte resistance)
soils (soluble and volatiles maintain
H2PO4-) osmotic balance and
salinity tolerance
Enhanced activity of Competence for Iron
antioxidant enzymes nutrition
such as PO, PAL, SOD,
CAT suppress ROS
mediated oxidative
Provide Iron nutrition

Provide fixed N2
Perform Biological
nitrogen fixation

Iron chelating

1. Lowers stress induced ethylene 2. Phytohormone Production 4. Exopolysaccharide production

Amino Acids Trp
(Trp) Root
Exudates EPS-producing bacteria
Maintain water potential
Root exudates ACC
deaminase Lateral root Auxin
development (IAA)
Prevent water loss and
growth desiccation of plants
α-ketobutyrate Inhibit the Na+ inside
Ethylene mineral and the plant roots
water uptake
Shield the plant from
Plant roots ACCD bacteria Plant roots ACCD phytopathogen attack

Fig. 10. Stress tolerance- Direct and Indirect mechanism conferred by PGPR with ACC deaminase activity.

metabolites e.g. HCN, volatile organic compounds (VOCs; acetoin and caused by these soil and foliar borne pathogens (Saraf et al., 2011).
2,3-butanediol), siderophores, or by competing for nutrients and eco- However exact mechanism of action of ACC deaminase needs to be
logical niches or indirectly by priming or enhancing the plant defensive deciphered in all above examples.
system against biotic stress (jasmonates and ethylene-mediated induced
systemic resistance, ISR), increasing the enzymatic activities of anti-
oxidants and defensive enzymes of plants such as catalase, peroxidase, 9. Transgenic plants with ACC deaminase activity
polyphenol oxidases, phenylalanine ammonia lyase, phenolics (Liu
et al., 2017; Mendes et al., 2013; Sindhu et al., 2009). In addition to The reduction in stress ethylene and associated growth enhance-
these, ACC deaminase containing microbes also lowers the level of ment of plant by ACC deaminase bacteria has motivated scientists to
ethylene and its detrimental effects generated in response to infection transfer acds gene encoding ACC deaminase activity into plants as fu-
ture approach to minimize the deleterious effect of ethylene in plants

Table 1
Effect of ACC deaminase producers on plants against various stress conditions.
S. Gupta, S. Pandey

ACC producing PGPR Effects on host plants Against stress factor Results Source

ACC deaminase producing bacteria Transgenic tomato plants Heavy metal stress Improved plant growth in soil with metals such as Cd, Co, Cu, Mg, Ni, Pb, or Zn and Grichko et al., 2000
also scavenged the surrounding metals.
Transformed Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHA0 Cucumber, potato, canola Phytopathogen attack Provided resistance against Pythium damping-off, and Erwinia soft rot. It also Wang et al., 2000
seedlings improved the root morphology of canola seedlings under gnotobiotic conditions
Enterobacter cloacae and Pseudomonas sp. Tomato plants Flooding ameliorated the effects of flooding stress induced ethylene. Grichko and Glick, 2001
Achromobacter piechaudii ARV8 Tomato and pepper Drought Increment in fresh and dry weight of biomass as well as reduction in ethylene levels Mayak et al., 2004
A. piechaudii ARV8 Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Drought Increased root and shoot biomass and low moisture content of soil Dodd et al., 2005
P. fluorescens Maize Salinity Increased root growth of maize seedlings Kausar and Shahzad, 2006
P. fluorescens strain TDK1 Groundnut (Arachis Salinity Improved plant growth and salt tolerance of plants. Saravanakumar and
hypogea) Ramasamy, 2007
Pseudomonas spp. Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Drought Reduced the triple response of ethylene under drought conditions and stimulated Arshad et al., 2008
the growth, yield and ripening of pea.
Pseudomonas fluorescens Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Drought Increased growth and mitigate drought impact on pea under low water stress Zahir et al., 2008
Paenibacillus x Rhizobium tropici common bean (Phaseolus Flooding Promoted growth and mitigate the negative effects of water stress Figueiredo et al., 2008
vulgaris L.)
Variovorax paradoxus 5C-2 Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Drought Improved growth, yield and nutritive value. It also induces local and systemic Belimov et al., 2009
hormone (ABA) signaling under soil drying conditions
Rhizosphere bacteria containing ACC-deaminase Wheat (Triticum aestivum Drought Lowered the levels of ethylene, increased root-shoot length, root-shoot biomass and Shakir et al., 2012
L.) thereby improved water and nutrient uptake under axenic conditions
Achromobacter xylosoxidans Basil Ocimum sanctum Flooding Enhanced tolerance against water logging stress with minimum production of Barnawal et al., 2012
ethylene and higher herb yield.

ACC producing PGPR Chili Phytopathogen attack Screening PGPR as biocontrol agents against Fusarium wilt disease Joshi et al., 2012
Bacillus isolate 23-B + Pseudomonas 6-P + Mesorhizobium Cicer arietinum Drought Enhanced germination, root and shoot length, fresh weight and also increased the Sharma et al., 2013
ciceris concentration of proline in low osmotic potential
P. putida UW4 Cucumber plants Flooding Enhanced the expression of proteome related to nutrient metabolism, defense Li et al., 2013
responsive and antioxidant enzymes in plant.
Bacillus licheniformis K11 Pepper Drought Increased gene expression of stress proteins such as Cadhn, VA, sHSP and CaPR-10 Hui and Kim, 2013
P. fluorescens and P. migulae Tomato plants Salinity Improved health status and growth under high salt concentration. Ali et al., 2011
Pseudomonas fluorescens canola (Brassica napus L.) Salinity Reduced the ethylene concentration and hence promote growth and development Akhgar et al., 2014
of salt stressed canola seedlings
Micrococcus variansSBA8 Populus deltoides polyaromatic hydrocarbon Served as biocontrol agents against several phytopathogens and act as PAH Bisht et al., 2014
stressed soil degrader and simultaneously significantly improved the root-shoot morphology
Paenibacillus xylanexedens and Enterobacter cloacae Canola Salinity Increased root length, alter the levels the of IAA and ethylene and increased Yaish et al., 2015
nutrient uptake potential
Pseudomonas sp. and Pseudomonas fluorescens Wheat (Triticum aestivum Cadmium stress stimulated root elongation and reduces ethylene production Govindasamy et al., 2009
Citricoccus zhacaiensis B-4 onion seeds (cv. Arka Drought Exhibited plant growth promoting traits and improved germination index PEG Selvakumar et al., 2015
Kalyan) induced osmotic stress
Ochrobactrum pseudogrignonense RJ12, Pseudomonas sp. Vigna mungo L. and Pisum Drought (scarcity of Regulated ethylene level, enhanced seed germination, root-shoot length, and dry Saikia et al., 2018
RJ15 and Bacillus subtilisRJ46 sativum L. freshwater) biomass, increase the production of antioxidant enzymes and cellular osmolytes.
Parastrephia quadrangularis Andean Altiplano plant Salinity Enhanced the biomass and salt tolerance in wheat seedlings under stress conditions Acuña et al., 2019
and also enhance the activity of Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
Trichoderma longibrachiatum T6 Saline rhizospheric soil of Salinity Conferred salt tolerance in wheat plants. Zhang et al., 2019a, b
Rahnella aquatilis HX2 vineyard soil Salinity Promoted plant growth and stress tolerance under salinity stress. Peng et al., 2019
Trichoderma harzianum T Soybean Salt stress Increased ROS scavenging, antioxidant enzymatic activity and stabilized osmotic Zhang et al., 2019a,b
Pseudomonas protegens MP12 Temperate deciduous Grapevine Phytopathogen Produced anti-fungal compounds such as 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (2,4-DAPG), Andreolli et al., 2019
forest attack pyoluteorin, siderophore, ammonia and pyrrolnitrin
Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175
S. Gupta, S. Pandey Plant Gene 18 (2019) 100175

subjected to adverse environmental conditions (Grichko and Glick,

Sergeeva et al., 2006

Robison et al., 2001
Grichko et al., 2000

Farwell et al. 2006,

2001; Robison et al., 2001; Nie et al., 2002). A large number of trans-

Zhang et al., 2008

Klee and Kishore,

Reed et al., 1995

Heydarian et al.,
Klee et al., 1991

Nie et al., 2002

Lei et al., 1996
genic plants with foreign acds gene have been genetically engineered to
reduce the deleterious ethylene levels in plants (Table 2). However,
there is a limited report of the performance of transgenic plant con-



taining acds gene under field condition (Farwell et al., 2007). Fur-
thermore, future research should focus on (i) field performance of

as Cd, Co, Cu, Mg, Ni, Pb, or Zn in the soil and also improve their accumulation inside
Significantly increased the plant growth under high concentration of heavy metals such

Reduced the biotic stress induced ethylene concentrations and also diseases symptoms
transgenic plant, (ii) their survival and yield under adverse condition,

Promote the growth of plants in soil supplemented with inorganic compound Cobalt
Significantly increased the plant growth under high concentration of arsenate in the
and (iii) genetic re-arrangement for target gene identification for gene

Increased growth and salt tolerance have been reported in transgenic plants. In
insertion and deletion. Although function of ACC deaminase activity

addition to these, the yield of seed oil under high salinity has also improved
has been reported in tomato, poplar and Arabidopsis plants in context to
ripening and fruit development (Plett et al., 2009; McDonnell et al.,
2009) but their significance in ameliorating the harsh consequences of
Delay the senescence process and reduce ethylene concentration

stress conditions is still less explored. Therefore, a detailed study is

Delay the ripening process by reducing ethylene concentration

needed to determine the distribution of acds gene in different plants and

their role in alleviation of stress.
Increased shoot biomass and reduced Ni accumulation

10. Conclusions and future prospects

This review emphasizes the importance of plants roots colonizing

Lower the levels of ACC in pollen cells

microbes associated with ACC deaminase activity in providing toler-

To withstand high salt concentration

ance by mitigating the adverse impact of against biotic and abiotic

stresses generated ethylene on plants. Therefore, it is essential to
Reduced ethylene synthesis

evaluate the mechanism behind secretion of plant synthesized ACC and

reduction of ethylene generated due to adverse environmental condi-
in transgenic plants

tions and pathogen attack. Understanding of plant-microbe interactions

the plant tissues.

under stressed conditions will help to develop successful agriculture

under various kind of adverse conditions. Physiology of plants and their
responses to various stresses varies. Therefore, it is pivotal to develop

new strategies for more specific and efficient ACC deaminase producing

microbes that can be used as an alternative under saline, acidic, water

logged and drought affected regions.
AcdS gene of Pseudomonas sp. 6GS

ACC deaminase and tryptophan

ACC deaminase enzyme of
AcdS gene of Pseudomonas
Transgenic plants carrying genes involved in ACC deaminase biosynthesis along with their application.

Enterobacter cloacae UW4

ACC deaminase enzyme

ACC deaminase enzyme

ACC deaminase enzyme

ACC deaminase enzyme

The authors thank DST-SERB for providing financial support with

ACC deaminase gene

research grant ECR/2017/000080 to carry out the work described in

Transgenic gene

ACC deaminase

this review. The authors are also thankful to the Amity University Uttar

Pradesh for providing infrastructural support. There is no conflict of

AcdS gene


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Soil polluted with Arsenate

Verticillium wilt disease

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Against stress factor

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