A Dutch Bibliophile Edition of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1928)

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A Dutch Bibliophile Edition of The Marriage of

Heaven and Hell (1928)
Oskar Wellens

Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly, Volume 37, Issue 3, Winter 2003/2004, pp.

Works Cited A Dutch Bibliophile Edition of
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1928)
Blair, Robert. The Grave, a Poem. London: T. Bensley for
R. H. Cromek, 1808.
Butlin, Martin. "New Risen from the Grave: Nineteen Un-
known Watercolors by William Blake." Blake/An Illus-
trated Quarterly 35.3 (winter 2001-02): 68-73.
. Paintings and Drawings of William Blake. 2 vols. New A fter the publication of Alexander Gilchrist's Life of
William Blake in 1863, "Blake was," in the words of
G. E. Bentley, Jr., "immediately elevated from obscurity to
Haven and London: Yale UP, 1981.
fame and notoriety." 1 It is no matter for surprise that
Essick, Robert N., and Morton D. Paley, eds. Robert Blair's
henceforth numerous editions of his works started roll-
The Grave Illustrated by William Blake. London: Scolar
inB off the presses, not only in EnBland and America, but
P, 1982.
also on the Continent. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,
Goodwin, Karin. "Blake's Lost Art Earns GlasBow Sellers
By William Blake, appeared in Maastricht, the Nether-
£3m." [GlasBow] Sunday Herald 2 Feb. 2003 <http://
lands, in 1928, an edition that deserves some special at-
tention, for it was brouBht out in a limited run desiBned
Heppner, Christopher. Reading Blake's Designs. Cam-
for bibliophiles only. This note is meant to throw some
bridBe: CambridBe UP, 1995.
liBht on the Benesis of this remarkable publication. 2
First a word on its publisher Alexandre Alphonse
Marius Stols (illus. 1) is in place here, for he was a monu-
ment in the annals of notable publications of Dutch as
well as of foreiBn belletristic works. 3 Born in Maastricht
in 1900 as the son of a printer and publisher, Stols was
from an early aBe steeped in the world of book produc-
tion which exerted a stronB fascination over him. How-
ever, his father never wanted his son to succeed in the
business, but instead sent him to the University of
Amsterdam in 1919 to acquire a deBree in law. In that
lively city Stols was cauBht up in the maelstrom of intel-
lectual and cultural life, commencinB his lifelonB acquain-
tance with writers, sculptors, painters, and actors. He also
attended lectures on art history, paleoBraphy, philoso-
phy, and Dutch and French literature. In 1923 he chanBed
to the University of Leiden, where he Braduated with a
B.A. in law. Meanwhile, he had started printinB and pub-
lishinB his own works, which over the years included an
extraordinary ranBe of prominent Dutch and Flemish
poets and novelists, many of them risinB to prominence.
Stols seems to have been endowed with an unusual flair
for spottinB Benuine literary talent. From the very beBin-
ninB of his publishinB career Stols also catered for an
international market, printinB works by Paul Valery,
Shakespeare, Paul Claudel, Rainer Maria Rilke, Andre Gide,
etc. His correspondence with writers and artists all over
the world—more than 10,000 letters have been pre-

1. G. E. Bentley, Jr., ed., William Blake: The Critical Heritage

(London: RoutledBe and KeBan Paul, 1975) 11 (Introduction).
2. Listed in G. E. Bentley, Jr., Blake Books: Annotated Cata-
logues of William Blake's Writings (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1977)
303, and in GeorBe Watson, ed.. The Sew Cambridge Bibliography
of English literature, vol. II (CambridBe: CambridBe UP, 1971)
3. AmonB the many articles and books on Stols, see especially
C. van Dijk, Alexandre A. M. Stols. 1900-1973. litgeveren Typograaf:
Een Documentatic (Zutphen: WalburB, 1992).

104 Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly Winter 2003-04

long to carry out the work with private materials entirely,
but for the time being either Mr. J. van Krimpen's new
and particularly fine 'Lutetia' type will be used . . . or the
old types of which the matrices belong to the world-fa-
mous typographical collection of Messrs. Joh. Enschede
en Zonen of Haarlem. Advantage will be taken, too, of
copies of old types such as modern art has learnt to pro-
duce so well. Similarly, it is intended that the Halcyon
publications shall ere long be printed on specially made
paper bearing the watermark of the Press. Until this can
be done use will generally be made of the various makes of
antique paper handmade after old Dutch methods. Title-
designs and initials shall give to text and page their full
measure of beauty.

Jan van Krimpen (1892-1951) was probably the most dis-

tinguished typographer and calligrapher of the twentieth
century in the Netherlands, who was also much in de-
mand internationally, especially in Britain, France, and
America. 6 He had created and cast the Lutetia Roman
letter, called after the old name for Paris, for the cata-
logue of L'Art Hollandais a l'Exposition Internationale
des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Moderns, an exhibition
held in Paris in 1925. This new letter, for which he was
awarded the Grand Prix by the French organizers of the
exhibition, caused quite a stir among contemporary ty-
pographers. An anonymous contributor to The Fleuron:
A Journal of Typography wrote that the Lutetia "created
something of a sensation, not only for its singular beauty
and clarity of form, but because the face was in no recog-
1. Portrait of A. A. M. Stols by Edmond Bellefroid (1938). nizable way purloined from ancient times but instead
Courtesy of Stadsbibliotheek Antwerpen. rose freshly from the reasoned canons of type design.' 7
Bruce Rogers described the Lutetia as having "strength
with delicacy, grace with dignity";8 A. van der Boom styled
served—constitutes a rich mine of information on the it "a letter of noble pomp and full of distinguished grace";9
changing climate of opinion in the former half of the past and Stols himself wrote that the new letter was "the result
century. When he died in 1973, Stols had brought out of labor and of a study of the good old-national Italian
more than 1,000 literary works of outstanding value. His and French l e t t e r s . . . it has a fresh, original c a c h e t . . . it
biographer C. van Dijk describes him as "a man of not can be used for every good work."10 The house Enschede
one outspoken talent or competence" but as a "mixture and Sons of Haarlem, for which van Krimpen worked,
of intelligence, artistic-typographical capacity, linguistic was founded at the beginning of the eighteenth century
knowledge, social adaptability, decency, conceitedness, and soon emerged as one of the most famous Dutch
unbusinesslikeness, feeling for quality, and the capacity printing businesses and especially typefounders the Neth-
of growing with his time."4 erlands has ever witnessed.11
In 1927 Stols launched a prestigious series called "The
Halcyon Press,"5 which, according to the First Prospectus
of The Halcyon Press (1927),
6. On van Krimpen, see John Dreyfus, The Work of Jan van
Krimpen: An Illustrated Record (Haarlem: Joh. Enschede en Zonen,
proposed to publish in Dutch, English, French, German 1952).
and Italian books whose exceptional importance demands 7. The Fleuron: A Journal of Typography 6 (1928): 215.
an adequate typographical execution. . . . It is hoped ere 8. Quoted by Dreyfus, van Krimpen 23.
9. "De Letter 'Lutetia', Ontworpen door J. van Krimpen voor
de Firma Joh. Enschede en Zonen te Haarlem," ElsevierFs
Geillustreerd Maandschrift, vol. 35 (1925) 152.
4. van Dijk, Stols 437. This and the subsequent translations 10. "De Letter 'Lutetia' van J. van Krimpen." De Witte Mier 3
from the Dutch are my own. (1926): 84.
5. A. A. M. Stols, "A Short History of The Halcyon Press," The 11. See Jan van Krimpen, Het Huis Enschede 1703-1953 (Haarlem:
Private Library 5 (1972): 69-82. Joh. Enschede en Zonen, 1953).

Winter 2003-04 Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 105

. / . 1 / L MORABl I I ANCt
T1 ' H E Giants who formed this world into
X its sensual existence and now seem to live

I Was in a Printing house mHell&saw the method

in which knowledge is transmitted from generation
to generation^.
in it in chains, are in truth the causes of us life
& the sources of all activity, but the chains
are the cunninq ot weak and tame minds which
In the firtf chamber was a Dragon-Man, clearing have power to resist energy: according to the
away the rubbish from a cave's month. within, a num- proverb, the weak in courage is strong in
ber of Dragons were hollowing the OWL \ cunning.
In the second chamber was a Viper folding round Thus one portion of being is the Prolific, the
the rock cr the am, and ethers adorning it with gold Other, the Devouring: to the devourentseems
stiver and precious Hones as if the producer was in his chains; but it is
In the third chamber was an Eagle with wings ami not so, he only takes portions of existence and
feathers of air: he caused the inside of the cave to be_j fancies that the whole.
infinite: around were numbers of Eagle-like men, who But the Prolific would cease to be Prolific un
built palaces in the immense clijfs. less the Devourer as a sea recievcd the excess
In the fourth chamber were Lions of flaming fire^j, of his delights
raging around c'r melting the metals into living fluids. Some will » y , Is not God alone the Prolific''
In the fifth chamber were llnnam'd forms, which cast 1 answer, 'God only Acts and Is, in existing
the metals into the expanse—>. beings or Men.'
There they were rectev'd by Mai who occupied the These two classes of men are always upon
sixth chamber, and took the forms of books <2r were earth.&they should be enemies: whoever tries
arranged in libraries. to reconcile them seeks to destroy existence.
Religion is an endeavour to reconcile the two
Note. Jesus Christ did not wish to unite, but
to separate them, as in the Parable of sheep
and goats! & he says, 'I came not to send Peace
but a Sword.'

2-3. Text (above) and title page (right) of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake (Maastricht: Halycon Press, 1928).
Courtesy of Koninklijke Bibiotheek, The Hague.

The Halcyon Press was to publish limited editions only, and separately reprinted in 1923 by Claude Aveline, Stols's
chiefly aimed at an international market, for fanciers of French agent in Paris, it was probably van Eyck himself
exclusive works were exceptional in Holland at the time. who had spurred Stols to publish Blake's work. In a letter
In the year of the foundation of this distinguished, if ex- to Stols, dated 12 September 1927, van Eyck, residing in
pensive, bibliophile series Stols published his first English London as a foreign correspondent, focused on Max
work, Odes by John Keats, in a dual language edition of Lowman's facsimile edition of Blake's Marriage of Heaven
125 copies featuring Keats's six famous odes. The follow- and Hell, published in 1927 by J. M. Dent, and from the
ing year, 1928, the Halcyon Press brought out The Mar- many books on Blake in van Eyck's library we know that
riage of Heaven and Hell, by William Blake (illus. 2-3) in a ever since 1925 he had been engrossed in the English poet. i:
run of 325 copies on Pannekoek Antique paper, printed Apparently the preparatory work for the text and ty-
by Joh. Enschede en Zonen, using van Krimpen's Lutetia pography of Stols's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell en-
Roman and Italic with caps in red for the initials. They tailed some serious difficulties. Stols spoke of "a vehe-
were bound in limp parchment with the title on the spine ment quarrel" between van Eyck and van Krimpen be-
and the printer's mark on the upper cover in gold, or in cause
quarter buckram. The editorship was entrusted to P. N.
van Eyck (1887-1954), a prominent Dutch poet and jour-
nalist, who later became professor of Dutch literature at
the University of Leiden. Although Stols had hinted that
12. See S. A. J. van Faassen, "Een Weldoordacht Uitgaafie,"
he had drawn van Eyck's attention to Andre Gide's French Optima 6 (1988-89): 310. I am much indebted to this article for
translation of The Marriage of Heaven ami Hell, pub- information concerning the relationship between Stols, van Kyck.
lished first in the 1922 issue of the Nouvellc Revue I'raneaise and van Krimpen.

106 Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly Winter 2003-04

The publisher had left the typography entirely in Van Eyck s
hands—considering him deservedly as an experienced pri­ R E V I E W
vate printer—but had not reckoned with Van Krimpen's
touchiness. It appeared that the latter did not suffer inter­
ference with typographic design in 'his' department It
became a question of'give and take.'13

Whatever the differences of opinion between van Eyck

and van Krimpen concerning the typography, The Mar­
riage of Heaven and Hell was printed as a brilliant ex­
ample of their superior craftsmanship and therefore must
be seen as a fine tribute to Blake's genius. Regrettably, I
have been unable to trace any critical English and Dutch
response to this splendid publication. But that Stols scored
a success with his Halcyon Press's publications in English
appears from the fact that he continued to bring out such
exclusive English works, including Dante Gabriel Rossetti's
Hand and Soul (1928), Milton's The Sonnets, Both English
and Italian (1929), Keats's The Collected Sonnets (1930),
Lord Byron's Lyrical Poems (1933), etc.

13. "Chronological List of the English Publications of The

Halcyon Press, 1927­1934," The Private Library 5 (1972): 76.

G. E. Bentley, Jr. The Stranger from Paradise: A

Biography of William Blake. New Haven and
London: Yale University Press for the Paul
Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art, 2001.
xxviii + 532 pp., illus. Hardcover $39.95/£25.00;
JiEA VEN A N D HELL paperback (2003) $24.95/£16.95.

. E. Bentley, Jr. needs no introduction to the audi­

I G ence of Blake, most of whom depend, in their work
with its subject, on his indispensable Blake Records (1969),
Blake Books (1977), Blake Records Supplement (1988),
Blake Books Supplement (1995), and Blake: The Critical
Heritage (1975), not to mention his editions of Tiriel
(1967), The Four Zoas (1963), and Blake's Writings (1978),
as well as the nearly issue­long annual updates which he
' prepares as the journal's bibliographer. Having com­
pleted his Oxford B.Litt. dissertation on Blake in 1954, G.
E. Bentley has for half a century been profoundly in­
volved with original research in Blake and laying up trea­
The jiakyon^ Press sures for the heaven of our collective endeavors.
The problem for general readers with Bentley's massive
contributions has been that their rigorous factualness
offers little narrative accommodation. More than any

student of Blake, he has taken to heart Blake's comment,
"Tell me the Acts, O historian, and leave me to reason
upon them as I please; away with your reasoning and

Winter 2003­04 Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly 107

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