A Dutch Bibliophile Edition of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1928)
A Dutch Bibliophile Edition of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1928)
A Dutch Bibliophile Edition of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1928)
2-3. Text (above) and title page (right) of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by William Blake (Maastricht: Halycon Press, 1928).
Courtesy of Koninklijke Bibiotheek, The Hague.
The Halcyon Press was to publish limited editions only, and separately reprinted in 1923 by Claude Aveline, Stols's
chiefly aimed at an international market, for fanciers of French agent in Paris, it was probably van Eyck himself
exclusive works were exceptional in Holland at the time. who had spurred Stols to publish Blake's work. In a letter
In the year of the foundation of this distinguished, if ex- to Stols, dated 12 September 1927, van Eyck, residing in
pensive, bibliophile series Stols published his first English London as a foreign correspondent, focused on Max
work, Odes by John Keats, in a dual language edition of Lowman's facsimile edition of Blake's Marriage of Heaven
125 copies featuring Keats's six famous odes. The follow- and Hell, published in 1927 by J. M. Dent, and from the
ing year, 1928, the Halcyon Press brought out The Mar- many books on Blake in van Eyck's library we know that
riage of Heaven and Hell, by William Blake (illus. 2-3) in a ever since 1925 he had been engrossed in the English poet. i:
run of 325 copies on Pannekoek Antique paper, printed Apparently the preparatory work for the text and ty-
by Joh. Enschede en Zonen, using van Krimpen's Lutetia pography of Stols's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell en-
Roman and Italic with caps in red for the initials. They tailed some serious difficulties. Stols spoke of "a vehe-
were bound in limp parchment with the title on the spine ment quarrel" between van Eyck and van Krimpen be-
and the printer's mark on the upper cover in gold, or in cause
quarter buckram. The editorship was entrusted to P. N.
van Eyck (1887-1954), a prominent Dutch poet and jour-
nalist, who later became professor of Dutch literature at
the University of Leiden. Although Stols had hinted that
12. See S. A. J. van Faassen, "Een Weldoordacht Uitgaafie,"
he had drawn van Eyck's attention to Andre Gide's French Optima 6 (1988-89): 310. I am much indebted to this article for
translation of The Marriage of Heaven ami Hell, pub- information concerning the relationship between Stols, van Kyck.
lished first in the 1922 issue of the Nouvellc Revue I'raneaise and van Krimpen.