Chemistry 2 Answers A
Chemistry 2 Answers A
Chemistry 2 Answers A
2. B
k rate
[C H Br] = 0.2;
(e) 4 9
min ; 2
Allow ECF from (d).
+ –
(f) C4H9Br C4H9 + Br /in equation with curly arrows;
+ –
C4H9 + OH C4H9OH/in equation with curly arrows; 2
No penalty if primary structure is shown. No credit for SN2
mechanism, except by ECF
from (d).
4. C
5. D
6. (i)
N um ber
m o le c u le s /
fre q u e n c y T 1
T 2
E a E n e rg y
both axes correctly labelled;
T2 peak/lower;
and to right of T1; 3
Area under graph is not important.
(iii) rate = k[X] [Y](ECF from (ii))
–2 2
for experiment 1, 1.0×10 = k (0.25) (0.25);
k = 0.64;
–2 6 –1
mol dm s ; 4
Allow ECF from rate expression.
(iv) rate = 0.64[0.40] [0.60];
= 0.061; 2
Final answer to 2 sig figs only.
Allow ECF from (iii).
8. B
9. C
+ 2+
10. (i) CaCO3(s) + 2H (aq) Ca (aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) 1
States not required, accept molecular equation.
(ii) rate decreases with time;
as concentration decreases so fewer (successful) collisions;
draw tangent to the curve at time t;
rate = slope or gradient; 4
V o lu m e o f
C O 2 p ro d u c e d
in a l
o rig
T im e
I. (less CO2 because) amount of HCl is limiting and half the
II. (same amount of CO2 because) amount of HCl is the same;
curve less steep because less frequent (accept fewer) collisions 5
Awarded last mark if in either I or II.
11. (i) the increase in the concentration of a product/decrease in the
concentration of a reactant per unit time 1
–1 –1
(ii) s /min etc. 1
(iii) no effect (as [OH ] does not appear in the rate expression) 1
(iv) first order/one 1
(v) 8.0 seconds (since four half-lives elapse) 1
12. D
13. B
14. D
15. C
17. D
–6 –3 –1 –3 2 –3
(c) (2.53×10 mol dm s = k (0.100 mol dm ) (0.100 mol dm ))
k = 2.53×10 ; 1
–2 6 –1
mol dm s ; 1
ECF from (b).
(d) agrees/yes;
slow step depends on X and NO;
X depends on H2 and NO;
(so) NO is involved twice and H2 once;
Overall equation matches the stoichiometric equation;
Award [1] each for any three of the four above.
ECF for “no”, depending on answer for (b).
4 max
Or agrees/yes;
and H 2 NO = constant;
rate of slow step = k [X][NO]
= k [H2][NO] ; 4
ECF for “no”, depending on answer for (b).
19. C
20. (a) energy for the conversion of a gaseous molecule into (gaseous) atoms;
(average values) obtained from a number of similar bonds/compounds/OWTTE;
CH4(g) → C(g) + 4H(g); 3
State symbols needed.
(b) (bond breaking) = 1890/654;
(bond formation) = 2005/769;
enthalpy = –115(kJ mol ) 3
Allow ECF from bond breaking and forming.
Award [3] for correct final answer.
Penalize [1] for correct answer with wrong sign.
E a
e n e rg y re a c ta n ts
p ro d u c ts
re a c tio n p a th
exothermic shown;
activation energy/Ea shown; 2
Allow ECF from (b).
measure mass of chemicals/apparatus;
(b) Method 1
use powdered MgCO3/OWTTE;
particles collide more frequently/increased surface area/OWTTE;
Method 2
increase (reaction) temperature/heat/warm;
more of the collisions are successful/more particles with E > Ea/OWTTE;
Method 3
increase acid concentration;
more frequent (reactant) collisions;
Method 4
add catalyst;
lowers activation energy/Ea/OWTTE; 6 max
Award [2] each for any three methods
23. (a) 1/first order;
rate is (directly) proportional to concentration of oxygen/OWTTE; 2
ra te
[N O (g )]
correct axes;
correct shape curve; 2
(e) rate = k[NO(g)] [O2(g)];
= 70;
–2 6 –1
mol dm s ; 4
Allow ECF.
State symbols not needed.
24. C
25. (a) molecules must have sufficient/minimum energy/energy ≥ activation energy;
appropriate collision geometry/correct orientation; 2
(b) increased frequency of collisions/collisions more likely;
Not just “more collisions”, there must be a reference to time.
increased proportion of molecules with sufficient energy to react/E ≥ Ea;
Not “activation energy is reduced”.
Proportion of molecules with E ≥ Ea is more important;
(dependent on correct second marking point); 3
26. B
27. C
28. C
29. D
30. (a) increase in product concentration per unit time/decrease in reactant concentration
per unit time; 1
Accept change instead of increase or decrease.
(b) (i) high activation energy/not enough molecules have Ea/OWTTE;
incorrect collision geometry/OWTTE;
infrequent collisions; 2
Award [1] for any two reasons.
(c) rate = k[NO] [O2]; 1
Allow ECF from parts (a) and (b).
k 1.75102 ;
(d) (3.5010 2 ) 2 (1.7510 2 )
6 –2 –1
dm mol s ; 2
Award [1] mark for the answer and [1] mark for units.
Allow ECF from part (c).
(e) NO + NO N2O2;
N2O2 + O2 2NO2;
second step is rate determining step;
Allow ECF from part (c).
NO + O2 NO3;
NO3 + NO 2NO2;
second step is rate determining step; 3
Allow ECF from part (c).
32. B
(b) 1000 s;
1000 s; 2
Accept 900-1100 s.
= 15.2;
Accept answer in range 15.2 to 15.3.
2 6 1
mol dm min ; 3
34. A
35. C
37. C
38. A
39. D
(c) 47 sec;
Accept answer in range 45 to 49.
t 1 0.693 0.015;
2 2
Accept answer in range 0.014-0.015.
ECF from half-life.
41. C
42. (i) 2ICl + H2 I2 + 2HCl; 1
(ii) ICl order
because doubling [ICl] doubles rate (when [H2] constant);
H2 order
because halving [H2] quarters rate (when [ICl] constant);
or doubling [H2] quadruples rate (when [ICl] constant); 4
(iii) rate = k [ICl][H2] ; 1
ECF from (ii).
3 2
(iv) k = 5.00×10 ÷0.100×0.0500 = 20;
2 6 1
mol dm s ; 2
ECF from (iii).
2 2 3 1
(v) rate = 20×0.200×0.100 = 4.00×10 (mol dm s ); 1
ECF from (iii).
(b) (i) homogeneous catalyst is in same phase as reactants and heterogeneous
catalyst is in different phase from reactants; 1
(ii) 4
E a
E cat
C H 2C H 2 C l2
C H 2 C lC H 2C l
E a
E cat
C H 2 C H 2 C l2
C H 2C lC H 2 C l
44. B
45. A
46. (a) change of concentration/mass/amount/volume/of a reactant/product with time; 1
Do not accept “substance”.
(b) all the CaCO3(s) has been consumed/no further CO2(g) is produced/reaction
is complete; 1
Do not accept reaction has stopped or all reactants used up.
(c) line on graph should be initially less steep/a smaller gradient and should
plateau at the same mass loss; 1
M a ss lo ss / g
T im e / m in u te s
(d) there are more particles with KE greater than or equal to Ea;
collisions more frequent/more collisions per unit time/more
successful/forceful collisions per unit time;
the rate increases; 3
3 3 1
(e) 1.00×10 (mol cm s ) 1
Ignore units even if wrong.
Apply 1(sf).
47. (a) (i) (C) first order;
doubling [C] doubles rate/OWTTE;
(D) zero order;
changing [D] has no effect on rate/OWTTE; 4
1 0
(ii) rate = k[C]/rate = k[C] [D] ; 1
Apply ECF from (a)(i).
48. A
49. A
50. C
(b) rate = k [NO] [Br2]; 1
Allow ECF from (a).
3 2 2 3
(c) 3.20×10 = k(2.00×10 ) ×5.00×10
k = 1.60×10 ;
6 2 1
dm mol s ; 2
Allow ECF from (b).
E a
E a (c a t)
E a w ith o u t c a ta ly s t
H R /E R
E n th a lp y o f E a w ith c a ta ly s t
re a c ta n ts
E n th a lp y o f
p ro d u c ts
T im e
52. D
53. B
54. (i)
N u m b e r/F ra c tio n o f M o le c u le s
T2 > T 1
T 2
E n e rg y /s p e e d
T2 peak lower/T1 higher;
T2 peak at higher energies/T1 curve at lower energies; 2
Maximum [1] if axes not labeled correctly
(ii) minimum energy required to react/energy difference between
reactants and transition state; 1
(iii) makes the reaction go faster;
because it lowers the activation energy/Ea; 2
55. (i) a curve showing concentration decreases with time; 1
i.e .
[a c id ]
T im e
No penalty if curve reaches x axis
Do not accept a straight line
(ii) slope decreases; 1
(iii) rate decreases;
fewer collisions per unit time; 2
56. B
57. D
58. (i) rate = k[CH3COCH3][H ];
rate = k[CH3COCH3] ;
+ 2
rate = k[H ] ; 3
(ii) [CH3COCH3] doubles, rate doubles and [H ] doubles, rate doubles;
[Br2] double, no effect on rate;
[CH3COCH3] doubles, rate quadruples;
[Br2] doubles/[H ] doubles, no effect on rate;
[H ] doubles, rate quadruples;
[Br2] doubles/[CH3COCH3] doubles, no effect on rate; 2
The answer given must correspond to the selected expression in (i).
(iii) constant half-life;
at least two sets of data to justify statement; 2
e.g. [ ] from 1.6 to 0.8 mol dm , 10s; 0.8 to 0.4, 10s; 0.4 to 0.2,
59. B
60. A
61. C
(b) rate = k[H2][NO] ; 1
ECF from (a).
−6 –3 –1 −3 –3 2
(c) (2.53×10 mol dm s = k(0.100 mol dm )(0.100 mol dm ) )
k = 2.53×10 ;
−2 6 –1
mol dm s ; 2
ECF from (b).
(d) agrees/yes;
slow step depends on X and NO;
(so) NO is involved twice and H2 once;
overall equation matches the stoichiometric equation/OWTTE;
ECF for “no”, depending on answer for (b).
and [H 2 ][ NO] = constant;
rate of slow step = k[X][NO];
but X depends on H2 and NO;
rate of slow step = k[H2][NO] ; 4 max
Award [1] each for any three of the four above.
ECF for “no”, depending on answer for (b).