Schedule - A Site of The Project: (See Clauses 2.1 and 8.1)
Schedule - A Site of The Project: (See Clauses 2.1 and 8.1)
Schedule - A Site of The Project: (See Clauses 2.1 and 8.1)
(See Clauses 2.1 and 8.1)
1.1 The site of project highway shall include land, buildings, structures and road works
as described in Annex-I of this Schedule-A.
1.2 The dates of handing over the Right of Way to the Concessionaire are specified in
Annex-II of this Schedule-A.
1.3 An inventory of the Site including the land, buildings, structures, road works, trees
and any other immovable property on, or attached to, the Site shall be prepared
jointly by the Authority Representative and the Concessionaire, and such inventory
shall form part of the memorandum referred to in Clause 10.3.1 of this Agreement.
1.4 The alignment plans of the Project Highway are specified in Annex-III of Schedule-
A. The proposed levels (FRL) as indicated in the alignment plan shall be minimum
requirement and treated as an approximate assessment. The Concessionaire shall
design the Road Profile as per the finalised Detailed Project Report (DPR) including
plan & profile of the project highway based on site/design requirement, prepared
by the Concessionaire.
1.5 The status of the environment clearances obtained or awaited is given in Annex IV.
ANNEX – I: Site
1 The Site
Construction of Six laning from Naidupeta (Green fields) to Turpu Kanupur Ch:57+046
to Ch:91+910 and greenfield area which falls in Nellore district, in the State of
Andhra Pradesh. The land, carriageway and structures comprising the site are
described below.
2 Land
The project stretch is a greenfield alignment and predominantly passes through plain
terrain through Karaganda, Vinnamala, Rudravaram, Vellapalem, Talavayapadu, Kapuluru,
Chilamathuru, Gudali, Juvvalapalem, TurpuKanupur, Chendodu, Kota, Vinnamala,
Biradawada, Nellorepalle, Pudur, Karlapudi, Siddavaram, Marlapalli, Annamedu. villages.
Latitude and longitude of the project corridor lies between 13°54'03.5"N 79°54'37.1"E
and 14° 8'17.50"N, 80° 5'6.88"E An index map showing the existing features of the
Project Highway is given at Appendix A-I.
Chainage (km)
Sr. Chainage
To Remarks
No From (km)
Project Starts NH-16 at Naidupeta
Junction Ch:106+100
1 Nil
Note: The substantial Land for construction of the project & scope of work is being
acquired as per the requirement and shall be handed over to the Concessionaire
before commencement of construction activities. However, it may have some
encroachments which shall be removed jointly by the parties with the help of State
Authorities. So Authority shall only be responsible for provide the site/land free
from legal encumbrance and w.r.t illegal encroachments, Authority will provide
help to the Concessionaire for its removal.
3 Carriageway
There is no existing alignment as the proposed project highway is a new Greenfield
Existing Chainage
Sr. No. Lane Configuration
From (Km) To (Km)
4 Major Bridges
The site includes the following Major Bridges:
Existing No of Spans
Sr. No. Chainage Type of Structure with span Width (m)
(Km) length (m)
6 Grade Separators
The site includes the following Grade Separators:
9 Vehicle Underpasses
10 Culverts
The site has following Culverts:
Note: Above mentioned structures are falling within the Proposed Right of Way (PRoW).
11 Bus Bays
The details of Bus Bays on the site are as follows:
S. No. Chainage (km) Length (m) Left Hand Side Right Hand Side
12 Truck Lay-Byes
The details of Truck Lay-Byes are as follows:
Sr. No Existing Chainage (Km) Length (m) Left Hand Side Right Hand Side
13 Road side drains
The details of road side drains are as follows:
Location Type
S. No.
From km To km Masonry/cc (Pucca) Earthen (Kutcha)
14 Major Junctions
The details of major junctions are as follows:
(Note: NH: National Highway, SH: State Highway, MDR: Major District Road)
15 Minor Junctions
The details of the minor junctions are as follows:
S. No. Type of Junction Leading to
Existing Chainage ( km)
16 Bypasses
The details of the existing road sections proposed to be bypassed are as follows:
Chainage (km)
Sr. No. Name of Bypass (town) Length (Km)
From (km) to To (km)
17 Electrical Utilities
The site includes the following electrical utilities:
(a) Extra High Tension Lines (EHT Lines)
The dates on which the Authority shall provide Right of Way of construction zone to the
Concessionaire on different stretches of the Site are stated below:
The Right of Way is being acquired and shall be provided to the Concessionaire on
different stretches presented below:
The Authority shall provide the Right of Way on no less than 80% (Eighty percent) of the
total length of Project Highway on Appointed date in compliance to clause 10.3 of
Additional land required for Toll Plaza Building at Flyover with slip roads location shall be
provided to the Concessionaire as per Agreement.
1 Alignment Plans:
The alignment of the Project Highway is enclosed in alignment plan. Finished road
level indicated in the alignment plan shall be minimum requirement and treated as an
approximate assessment. The Concessionaire shall design the Road profile of the
project highway based on site/design requirement mentioned in Schedule D.
2 Traffic Signage plan of the Project Highway showing numbers & location of traffic
signs is enclosed, which is minimum requirement. The Concessionaire shall, however,
improve/upgrade upon the traffic signage plan as indicated in Annexure-III based on
site/design requirement as per IRC: SP: 87-2019 & IRC: 67-2012.
Construction of Six laning from Naidupeta (Green field) to Turpu Kanupur Ch: 57+046 to Ch:91+910 in the State of
Andhra Pradesh on EPC mode under Sagarmala Scheme
Environmental Clearances
(Schedule-A) Index Map