Ermias Lulu
Ermias Lulu
Ermias Lulu
“The Potential Use of Cinder as a Sub base Material When Blended with Fine
Grained Soil (The Case of Durame Intercity Road Project)”
Ermias Lulu
A Thesis Submitted to the Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies for the
partial fulfillment of a Degree of Masters of Science in Civil Engineering
(Geotechnical engineering)
Advisor:Dr. Im SooBeen
Ermias Lulu
A Thesis Submitted to the Addis Ababa University School of Graduate Studies for the
partial fulfillment of a Degree of Masters of Science in Civil Engineering
(Geotechnical engineering)
Advisor:Dr. Im SooBeen
Addis Ababa University
School of Graduate Studies
The Potential Use of Cinder as a Sub base Material When
Blended with Fine Grained Soil (The Case of Durame Intercity
Road Project)
Ermias Lulu
Addis Ababa Institute of Technology
I am grateful to my hardworking advisor, Dr. Im SooBeen for his patience, his kind encouragement,
understanding, criticism and guidance throughout this entire period.
Special thanks is to the Ethiopian Roads Authority for sponsoring all the expenses for this
study. I also thank Beza Consulting Engineers Plc., soil section laboratory staffs for their numerous
support on the laboratory work by providing necessary information.
Finally, many thanks to my family for their entire support during my study and also to my
colleagues who contribute a lot forwarding their positive advice.
Soil stabilization is the process of improving the engineering properties of the soil and thus making
it more stable. In the process of soil stabilization and modification or soil strengthening, emphasis
is given for maximum utilization of local materials. In this study, cinder and fine grained soil were
blended to be used as sub base material.
The research is basically conducted based on the available cinder gravel and fine grained soil found
in Durame area. The significance of the study is to provide alternative material for road
construction, specifically for road sub base construction. The objective of this study is to investigate
the strength characteristics of mechanically stabilized cinder to be used as sub base material. An
attempt has been made in this study to evaluate the potential use of cinder gravel as sub base
material when blended with fine grained soil.
Accordingly, to achieve the Ethiopia Road Authority manual specification, the cinder gravel was
blended with some trail proportion of 0, 10, 20 and 33 % of fine-grained soil by dry weight. In this
study the conducted tests includes gradation, compaction test, atterberg limits, free swell, specific
gravity, and California Bearing Ratio test.
Laboratory test results showed that the optimum amount of fine grained soil required to achieve the
ERA manual standard specification requirement was found to be 20 %. Laboratory tests conducted
on specimen prepared using the optimum amount of fine grained soils revealed that cinder gravel
responded very well to the fine grained soil treatment, as exhibited in improvement of its gradation
and plasticity. From the laboratory test results of moisture content vs. density relationship, it has
been observed that the optimum amount of fine grained soil is 20 % by weight proportion at a
density of 1.87 g/cc, the range of soaked CBR of the blended mix increases from 64 % to 97 % and
PI value from zero to 0 % to 6.1 %.
KEY WORDS: CBR, Cinder Gravel, Compaction, Gradation, Sub base, Optimum fine- grained
soil Content
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................... ii
1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................................. 8
4.3. Laboratory Test Results of Cinder Blended with Fine grained soil ................................. 30
5.1. Conclusion............................................................................................................................ 42
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 44
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... 46
Table 3-1: Ethiopian climatic zones ............................................................................................. 23
Table 3-2: Monthly Rainfall and Average Temprature of Project Corridor ................................. 28
Table 4-1: Descriptive test results of natural cinder gravels used for the study ........................... 28
Table 4-2 : Test results of fine-grained soil used for mechanical stabilization ............................ 29
Table 4-3 : Ethiopia Road Authority grading limits for sub-base material .................................. 31
Table 4-4 : Determination of MDD & OMC with different fine-grained soil proportions .......... 36
Table 4-5 : Plastic index for blended material .............................................................................. 37
Table 4-6 : Values of CBR and Swell percent of different proportion of fine-grained soil ......... 38
Table A-1: Determination of specific gravity ............................................................................... 48
Table A-2 : Sieve Analysis (wet preparation method).................................................................. 48
Table A-3 : Hydrometer analysis for fine grained soil ................................................................. 49
Table A-4: Determination of free swell test of borrow soil .......................................................... 50
Table A-5 : Atterberg Limits of fine-grained Soil ........................................................................ 50
Table A-6: Moisture-Density relations of Soils by Modified Proctor .......................................... 52
Table A-7 : Dry density before & after soaking of fine-grained soil only ................................... 53
Table A-8: Penetration Test result of fine-grained soil ................................................................ 54
Table A-9: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) of fine-grained soil only................................... 55
Table A-10: Determination of CBR & Swell at 95 % of MDD of fine-grained soil only ............ 56
Table B-1: Moisture-Density relations for cinder gravel only...................................................... 58
Table B-2 : Moisture-Density relations for cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained Soil ............... 59
Table B-3: Moisture-Density relations for cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil ................ 61
Table B-4 : Moisture-Density relations for cinder gravel with 33 % fine-grained Soil ............... 62
Table C- 1: Penetration Test result of cinder with 10 % fine-grained soil ................................... 65
Table C- 2: Determination of dry density before & after soaking of cinder with 10 % fine-grained
soil ................................................................................................................................................. 66
Table C- 3: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) of cinder with 10 % fine-grained soil.............. 66
Table C - 4: Determination of CBR & Swell at 95 % of MDD of cinder with 10 % fine-grained
soil ................................................................................................................................................. 68
Table C- 5: Penetration Test result of cinder with 20 % fine-grained soil ................................... 68
Table C - 6: Determination of dry density before & after soaking of cinder with 20 % fine-grained
soil ................................................................................................................................................. 69
Table C- 7: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) of cinder with 20 % fine-grained soil.............. 70
Table C - 8: Determination of CBR & Swell at 95 % of MDD of cinder with 20 % fine-grained
soil ................................................................................................................................................. 71
Table C- 9: Penetration Test result of cinder with 33 % fine-grained soil ................................... 72
Table C - 10: Determination of dry density before & after soaking of cinder with 33.3 % fine-
grained soil .................................................................................................................................... 72
Table C- 11: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) of cinder with 33% fine-grained soil............. 73
Table C- 12: Determination of CBR & Swell at 95 % of MDD of cinder with 33.3% fine-grained
soil ................................................................................................................................................. 75
Table D - 1: Sieve analysis of Sub-base material only cinder gravel ........................................... 77
Table D - 2: Sieve Analysis of Sub-base material cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained Soil ..... 78
Table D - 3: Sieve Analysis of Sub-base material cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil ..... 79
Table D - 4: Sieve Analysis of Sub-base material cinder gravel with 33 % fine-grained Soil ..... 80
Table E - 1: Atterberg Limit for cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil ................................ 82
Table E - 2: Atterberg Limit for cinder cinder gravel with 33 % fine-grained Soil ..................... 83
Table F - 1: Free swell test for cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained Soil .......................................... 86
Table F - 2: Free swell test for cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil .......................................... 86
Table F - 3: Free swell test for cinder gravel with 33 % fine-grained Soil .......................................... 86
Table G - 1: Determination of dry density before & after soaking ............................................... 88
Table G - 2: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) ........................................................................ 88
Table G - 3: Determination of CBR & Swell at 95 % of MDD of cinder gravel only ................. 89
Table G - 4: Resistance of Abrasion of cinder by use of the Los Angeles Abrasion machine ..... 90
Table G - 5:Specific gravity test for cinder gravel only ............................................................... 91
Table G - 6: Absorption test result for cinder gravel only ............................................................ 91
Figure 1-1 Methodology ................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2-1 Cinder Cone Distribution in Ethiopia, Survey area enlarged…………………………13
Figure 3-1 Traditional climatic zones in Ethiopia ....................................................................... 23
Figure 3-2 Traditional climatic zones in Ethiopia ........................................................................ 24
Figure 3-3 Location of the Project ............................................................................................... 26
Figure 4-1 Gradation before and after compaction of natural cinder gravel only ........................ 32
Figure 4-2 Gradation before and after compaction of cinder with 10 % fine-grained soil ........... 33
Figure 4-3 Gradation before and after compaction of cinder with 20 % fine-grained soil ........... 33
Figure 4-4 Gradation before and after compaction of cinder with 33 % fine-grained soil ........... 34
Figure 4-5 Variation of MDD with percentage of fine-grained soil mixed with cinder ............... 36
Figure 4-6 : percent of fine grained soil Vs Percent CBR ............................................................ 39
Figure A-1Combined sieve analysis for fine-grained soil ............................................................ 50
Figure A-2 : Flow curve for Fine Grained Soil............................................................................. 51
Figure A-3 : Moisture-Dry Density curve of fine grained soil ..................................................... 53
Figure A-4 : Load-penetration curves of fine-grained soil only ................................................... 55
Figure A-5 : Dry Density Vs Percent Swell of fine-grained soil only .......................................... 55
Figure A-6 : Dry Density Vs Percent CBR of fine-grained soil only ........................................... 56
Figure B- 1: Moisture-Dry density curve for cinder gravel only .................................................. 59
Figure B- 2 : Moisture-Dry density curve for cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained Soil ........... 60
Figure B- 3: Moisture-Dry density curve for cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil ............ 62
Figure B- 4: Moisture-Dry density curve for cinder gravel with 33% fine-grained Soil ............. 63
Figure C- 1: Load-penetration curves of cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained soil .................... 66
Figure C- 2: Dry Density Vs percent swell of cinder with 10 % fine-grained soil....................... 67
Figure C - 3 Dry Density Vs percent CBR of cinder with 10 % fine-grained soil ....................... 67
Figure C- 4: Load-penetration curves of cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained soil ................... 69
Figure C - 5: Dry Density Vs percent swell of cinder with 20% fine-grained soil...................... 70
Figure C - 6 Dry Density Vs percent CBR of cinder with 20 % fine-grained soil ...................... 71
Figure C- 7: Load-penetration curves of cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained soil ................... 73
Figure C - 8 Dry Density Vs percent swell of cinder with 33 % fine-grained soil ...................... 74
Figure C-9 Dry Density Vs percent CBR of cinder with 33 % fine-grained soil ...................... 74
Picture 3-1 Material site for fine grained soil ............................................................................... 27
Picture 3-2 Quarry site for cinder gravel ...................................................................................... 27
Appendix A Test results of Fine Grained Soil from quarry site ................................................... 48
Appendix B Moisture-Density relation by modified proctor test ................................................. 57
Appendix C California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test results ............................................................. 64
Appendix D Grading Limits of different proportion fine-grained soil with cinder ...................... 76
Appendix E Atterberg Limits of different proportion fine-grained soil with cinder .................... 82
Appendix F Free swell test for different proportion of fine grained soil with cinder ................... 85
Appendix G Atterberg Limits of different proportion fine-grained soil with cinder .................... 87
AACRA Addis Ababa City Road Authority
AASHTO American Association of Highway and Transportation
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CBR California Bearing Ratio
E Easting
ERA Ethiopian Roads Authority
GPS Global Position System
GSB Granular Sub-Base
ITCZ Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
LAA Los Angeles Abrasion
LL Liquid Limit
MDD Maximum Dry Density
ML Inorganic Silts with low plasticity
N Northing
NP Non plastic
OMC Optimum Moisture Content
PI Plastic Index
PL Plastic Limit
TRRL Transport and Road Research Laboratory
UCS Unconfined compressive strength
UK United kingdom
USA United States of America
Gm Gram
kg Kilogram
km Kilometer
kN Kilo Newton
mm millimeter
g/cm3 Gram per centimeter cube
kN/m2 Kilo Newton per meter square
kPa Kilo Pascal
Mm millimeter
o Degree Centigrade
cc Centimeter cube
In inch
cm3 Centimeter cube
1.1. Background
Transport is a key infrastructure of a country. The rate at which a country’s economy grows is very
closely linked to the rate at which the transport sector grows. To meet the demands of
industrialization and urbanization high quality of road network is required and construction
methods should be done in a manner so as to achieve good roads with minimum expenditure.
Performance of the roads depends on the structural components of the road pavement such as
subgrade, sub base, base and surface courses. Presently suitable sub base materials required for
construction of roads are insufficient at many locations. Hence it is necessary to find the alternative
materials for economical road construction [12].
Cinder is a highly porous pyroclastic material and is vitric in nature and does meet the conventional
sub base specification when stabilized with fine grained soil. The suitability of a cinder for a
particular use should be determined based on its engineering characteristics and not on visual
inspection. In this study try to explore the potential use of cinder as sub base material when
stabilized with fine grained soil. They occur in characteristically straight sided cone-shaped hills
which frequently have large concave depressions in their tops or sides where mixtures of solids and
gases were released during the formation of the cone. Cinders vary in color, often within the same
cone and may be red, brown, grey or black [6].
Soil stabilization is the alteration of one or more soil properties, by mechanical or chemical means,
to create an improved soil material possessing the desired engineering properties. The process may
include blending of soils to achieve a desired gradation or mixing of commercially available
additives that may alter the gradation, texture or plasticity, or act as a binder for cementation of the
soil. Stabilizing material in the construction industry is essential if there is no locally available
material meet the required quality [9].
During construction the selection of material for pavement layer is very critical. Among the layers
of the pavement special attention should be given to sub base course because it serves as a
separating layer preventing contamination of the road base by the sub-grade material and, under
wet conditions; it has an important role to play in protecting the sub-grade from damage by
construction traffic. The component parts of a road consist of individual layers of specified
materials laid and compacted to form a stable composite [8].
A road foundation consisting of sub-base and capping layers is designed to achieve a satisfactory
working platform for constructing the pavement. On thinner pavements, it also contributes to the
overall load spreading capability of the pavement structure [6]. A capping layer is a layer of selected
fill material placed on the top of the topmost embankment layer or the bottom of excavation. These
materials are often required to provide sufficient cover on weak sub-grades. They are used in the
lower pavement layers as a substitute for a thick sub-base to reduce costs, and a cost comparison
should be conducted to assess their cost effectiveness [14].
Sub-base is the secondary load-spreading layer underlying the road base. It enables traffic stresses
to be reduced to acceptable levels in the sub-grade, acts as a working platform for the construction
of the upper pavement layers and serves as a separation layer between sub-grade and base course.
It also consist of a material of lower quality than that used in the road base such as unprocessed
natural gravel, gravel-sand, or gravel-sand-clay. This layer also serves as a separating layer
preventing contamination of the road base by the sub-grade material and, under wet conditions; it
has an important role to play in protecting the sub-grade from damage by construction traffic [8].
Material selection is an important component of pavement design. In wet climatic conditions, the
most stringent requirements are dictated by the need to support construction traffic and paving
equipment. In these circumstances, the sub-base material needs to be more tightly specified. In dry
climatic conditions, in areas of good drainage, and where the road surface remains well sealed, un-
saturated moisture conditions prevail and sub-base specifications may be relaxed. The selection of
sub-base materials will therefore depend on the design function of the layer and the anticipated
moisture regime, both in service and during construction [3].
of sub-base layers shall be either natural gravel, cinder gravel, weathered rock, crushed gravel,
crushed rock or crushed boulders, recycled pavement material [8]. This research was tried to show
the use of cinder gravel for the construction of sub base.
In general, from the various ground improvement techniques, the technique of soil stabilization is
being widely used now-a-days and replacing the conventional ground improvement techniques [2].
This research was conducted taking the case of Durame Intercity Road Project which was 6.56 km
length. In most of the area along the side of road, good type of sub-base material is not available.
But in this area there is abundant cinder gravel material and is used as a sub-base material by mixing
it with fine-grained soil but without any specified proportion. The objective of this thesis is to
investigate the performance of cinder gravel blended with fine-grained soil as sub-base material
and propose the optimum blending proportion. For this purpose, cinder samples and locally
available fine-grained soil were collected from the Project site which is under construction and
blended with different percentage in order to use as sub base material.
In our country, there is widely distributed cinder gravel. However, this material has the problem of
compaction due to its light weight, its rough circular surface and its high porosity. Beside, in some
regional part of Ethiopia, there is a scarcity of a good sub-base material such as natural gravel and
crushed rock. Since the distribution of these sub base materials is limited only in some parts of the
country, using these materials everywhere increase transportation cost and is time consuming. In
those areas where cinder gravel is available, they are used by mixing with fine-grained soils without
having any research based output and guideline about their proportion.
The project standard technical specification states that, “sub base material shall be natural screened
or crushed or an approved blended combination of such material providing a smooth continuous
grading within the limits for grading “A” given in Table 5104/1 of the standard technical
specification or as directed by the Engineer. If the natural material available at the project can’t
meet the specified grading requirements, it shall be screened, crushed and screened or blended as
required to meet the grading requirement.” [9].
Based on the project initial investigation made by the design consultant for identification of sub
base sources, it actually found that most of the sources pertained to the required tests; fail to satisfy
the requirement of the project technical specification or ERAS 2002 Standard Technical
Specification. Especially to the required indices or properties of the material especially to its
gradation, and plasticity index.
Accordingly, blending of the locally available cinder material with fine grained soil is taken to solve
the problem in the project area. In this project area cinder gravel is mixed with fine-grained soils
without having any research based output and guideline about their proportion. Therefore,
determining a good blending proportion of the cinder gravel with fine-grained soil is required.
To determine a good blending proportion of the cinder gravel with fine-grained soil used
as sub-base materials.
1.4. Methodology
To achieve the objectives mentioned, different data collection procedures and analysis techniques
were adopted.
I. Sampling and testing: material sampling and testing methods that have been employed are critical,
since they are required to characterize material and physical properties of the soil that can potentially
affect the performance of the road.
II. Sampling procedures: The procedures used in order to perform the laboratory tests are AASHTO and
ASTM standard tests. The program include various laboratory tests on the samples such as; grain size
analysis, atterberg Limit Test, Determination of Specific Gravity, California Bearing Ratio, LAA,
Modified Compaction Tests and Free Swell tests
III. Sample preparation of the experimental work involved air drying, pulverization and sieving of the
natural soil sample and also cinder gravel sample to the required particle sizes. Classification of soil
was made by running grain size distribution and Atterberg limit tests. Then Atterberg limit, free swell,
gradation, compaction and California Bearing Ratio tests are carried out on cinder as well as on cinder
mix to study the effect of the stabilizer (fine grained soil)
IV. Analysis and discussion of test results: based on the theories and laboratory tests
performed, the results obtained have been analyzed and discussed thoroughly.
V. Formulation of conclusions and recommendations based on the results obtained is done.
Specific gravity
Particle size distribution
Atterberg limit
Swell test
Modified proctor test
CBR ratio test
2.1. Review of Previous Research
KASSAYE & NEWILL (1980) studied the location and engineering properties of volcanic cinder
gravels in Ethiopia. The main conclusions from this preliminary investigation of cinder gravels
which covered a field survey, a laboratory study and an examination of a cinder gravel road, are
given below [12]:-
i. Cinder gravels are more widespread in Ethiopia than was originally believed; this showed
the value of using aerial photographs in survey work and enabled a preliminary map to be
prepared giving the distribution of cinder cones.
ii. In order to obtain representative material from a cinder cone, it is important that samples
are taken from below the weathered zone, which can extend to a depth of two meters.
iii. Although 'as dug' cinder gravels do not meet the recommended grading requirements for
road base materials, the laboratory investigation revealed that, because of the weak nature
of the aggregate particles, breakdown under compaction occurred with an improvement in
both grading and strength properties.
iv. In the laboratory investigation, the cinder gravels were not affected by changes in moisture
and even complete immersion in water only reduced their strength slightly.
v. The addition of locally available plastic volcanic ash soil, to make up for the deficiency of
fine material in the grading, improved the mechanical stability of cinder gravels and
indicated that this could be a valuable construction practice. However, unlike the natural
cinders the mixed materials lost some of their strength when they were saturated with
vi. The gravel road study confirmed that an improvement in the grading and the strength of
cinder gravels occurred under normal road conditions even when trafficking was used as
the means of compaction.
The results from the preliminary investigations indicated that cinders could provide useful road
construction materials especially for gravel roads. However, it was necessary to carry out further
work under known conditions of traffic and climate in bituminous surfaced roads, as well as in
gravel roads, before limits could be recommended for their various uses. It was therefore decided
to construct pilot scale compaction trials and then a full-scale road experiment to examine these
aspects further.
Kassaye A., D.Newill and R .Robinson (1987) Studied Experimental Use of Cinder Gravel in
Ethiopia. Based on this study [6], it showed that they typically have weak particles, deficient in fine
material and upon compaction breakdown of large particles occurs producing a better grading and
a higher strength. It was also found that the addition of fines improves the strength and density of
the compacted cinder gravels. The Road examination confirmed that the action of traffic produces
the same breakdown effect in gravel roads as was observed in the laboratory compaction tests [6].
A full scale experiment has been carried out in Ethiopia to examine the performance of volcanic
cinder gravels as the surfacing material for unpaved roads and as the road base under bituminous
surfaced roads as a joint road research project by the Ethiopian Transport Construction Authority
and the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (UK) Compaction trials were carried out to
determine the type of plant to be used and an experimental road comprising 20 different sections
was then constructed. Six sections were left unsurfaced and were monitored for 28 months during
which they carried approximately 140,000 vehicles. A bitumen surface was provided for the
remaining 14 sections and these carried 150-200 vpd (Vehicles per day) for 7.5 years giving a total
of 440,000 esa in one direction. Monitoring was carried out by taking quantitative measurements
of the performance of the road pavement throughout this period. As a result of the study,
recommendations are made for the use of cinders in both paved and unpaved roads [6].
For unpaved roads, recommendations are made for a particle size distribution which provides a road
surface that is resistant to corrugations. Improved performance can be obtained by mechanically
stabilizing cinders with plastic fines. For paved roads, it is concluded that the types of materials
used in this experiment are all capable of carrying in excess of 400,000 ESA when sealed with a
surface dressing and designed according to Road Note 31. Road mixed asphalt is not a suitable
surfacing for cinder gravels. In addition to the cinders, other materials also performed satisfactorily
including dry bound macadam, agglomerate and a tuff. Cinders are easier to compact when they
are mechanically stabilized with 10 percent of volcanic ash soil [6].
Teshome, T. (2015), Studied The Use of Natural Pozzolana (Volcanic Ash) to Stabilize Cinder
Gravel for a Road Base (Along Modjo-Ziway Route).Based on the study the cinder gravel is
blended with 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24% by mass of volcanic ash (Pumicite). Compaction, CBR,
Gradation, Atterberg limit, Los Angeles Abrasion, Aggregate Crushing Value, Ten Percent Fines
Value, Absorption and Specific gravity tests were conducted in the laboratory. From the laboratory
test results of moisture content vs. density relationship, it has been observed that the optimum
amount of natural pozzolana (volcanic ash) is 20% by mass proportion at a density of 1.76g/cc. Air
curing technique was used for the soaked and unsoaked condition where the stabilized samples were
covered with a polyethylene sheet and kept in a normal air temperature and out of water intrusion
during the a curing period of zero, three, seven, fourteen and twenty eight days. For the optimum
blending proportion; the range of soaked CBR increases from 98% to 245% whereas for the
unsoaked condition the CBR increases from 118% to 307%, for 0 to 28 days curing [15].
Girma, B. (2009) studied stabilizing cinder gravel for heavily trafficked base course. Based on this
study Mechanical and cement stabilization were investigated in two subsequent phases. In the first
phase, optimum amount of fine soils that makes up the deficiency of the fine particles of natural
cinder gravels was found to be 12%. In the second phase, natural cinder gravel sample without, and
with 12% fine soils were stabilized with 3, 5, 7, and 10% of cement by weight. The result of
investigation indicated that the optimum amount of cement required to achieve the minimum UCS
of 3.0 MPa as specified in ERA and AACRA pavement design standard for heavily trafficked base
course without adding fine soil is found to be 7% cement. However, this high cement requirement
was reduced to 5% cement which is practical value by mechanically stabilizing cinder gravel with
12% of fine soils before cement stabilization. Nevertheless, it was recommends that the
performance of cement stabilized cinder gravel should be investigated in a full-scale road
experiment against cracking due to stresses induced by thermal, shrinkage and traffic [11].
compressive strength was obtained as 0.132kg/cm² for 0 days curing. The strength increased 1.12
times compared to pure soil specimen. The optimum amount of cinder is obtained as 15% and that
of coir pith is obtained as 1%. The CBR value is obtained as 15% which is 2.12 times the untreated
soil sample. From these observations it can be concluded as cinder and coir pith can be used as the
stabilizers for the improvement of strength properties of the soil [2].
Yitayou E. (2011) studied blending of cinder gravels with fine grained soil to be used as sub
base material. In road construction, the use of locally available materials should be made as much
as possible. However, when appropriate material cannot be found in areas close to the construction
site, very high prices have to be paid with significant time delays and cost increases. In many parts
of Ethiopia, there is widely distributed cinder gravel. However, this material has the problem of
compaction due to its light weight, its rough circular surface and its high porosity. An investigation
has been made on the performance of mechanically stabilized natural cinder gravels of Butajira area
to be used as road sub-base material. To achieve the Ethiopia Road Authority manual specification,
the cinder gravel was blended with some trail proportion of 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 % of fine-
grained soil by weight and different tests including grain size distribution, Atterberg Limit,
compaction, CBR, LAA, absorption and linear shrinkage are conducted in the laboratory. Based on
the laboratory test results it is shown that, from both MDD and CBR percent of fine grained soil
curve, the optimum amount of fine-grained soil required in order to improve its properties is 19 %
by weight proportion [16].
Sub base course with thickness typically between 100 and 405 mm is a layer of selected material
between the subgrade and the base course. Sub base course provides uniform support and adds to
the required structural capacity of the pavement section. The material can be gravel, crushed stone
or subgrade soil stabilized with cement, fly ash or lime [9].The use of permeable sub base course is
becoming more common to accommodate drainage of water infiltrating from the surface or to keep
subsurface water from reaching the surface. In certain regions, the course is also used to impede
frost penetration into the subgrade and thereby minimizing frost heave damage to the pavement
surface. Compaction and moisture control is generally achieved with specialized equipment as
opposed to solely by construction traffic [8].
Figure 2-1 Cinder Cone Distribution in Ethiopia, Survey area enlarged [13].
Recent (Quaternary) volcanics on the geological map, a preliminary map was compiled showing the
occurrence of cones throughout the country (see Fig 2-1). They were mostly concentrated in the Rift
Valley which extends from Tanzania and Kenya and bisects the country in a SSW-NNE direction;
an indication of~ their frequency for each of the areas that were identified has been given [13].
The geological outcrop pattern of Ethiopia is as complex as any country, with a wide range of
igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. A humid, sub-tropical climate has led to the
development of deep residual soils in many parts of the country, with large areas containing very
limited naturally occurring gravels for use in road construction. The haulage of suitable naturally
occurring gravels over long distances, and the use of crushed rock as road construction aggregate,
are expensive operations that limit the effectiveness of resource constrained road construction and
rehabilitation programs. The Rift Valley is the most active divergent intercontinental plate
boundary in the world. During the Plio-Pleistocene, felsic and mafic lavas and pyroclastic materials
have been extruded and ejected from fissures and vents bordering the Rift Valley and the Afar
Depression, with Holocene activity continuing on the Rift Valley floor in association with the active
Wonji Fault Belt (Fig. 2-1). Pyroclastic material ejected during these events has typically formed
cones comprising ash, lapilli, bombs and blocks of varying vascularity [13].
Basaltic scoriaceous (cinder) gravel, cobbles and boulders are common constituents of these cones
and, in some areas, have been extensively quarried for use in the manufacture of hollow blocks.
Selected materials have also been used as subgrade replacement, capping layer and sub-base in trial
sections of road construction and as surfacing gravel in the rehabilitation of some town roads [13].
Scoria forms when magma containing abundant dissolved gas flows from a volcano or is blown out
during an eruption. As the molten rock emerges from the Earth, the pressure upon it is reduced and
the dissolved gas starts to escape in the form of bubbles. If the molten rock solidifies before the gas
has escaped, the bubbles become small rounded or elongated cavities in the rock. This dark-colored
igneous rock with the trapped bubbles is known as scoria [6].
When some volcanoes erupt, a rush of gas blows out of the vent. This gas was once dissolved in
the magma below. The gas often blows out small bodies of magma that solidify as they fly through
the air. This action can produce a ground cover of scoria all around the volcanic vent, with the
heaviest deposits on the downwind side [6].
Small particles of scoria that litter the landscape around the volcano are known as "lapilli" if they
are between 2 millimeters and 64 millimeters in size. Larger particles are known as "blocks." [6].
sizes also vary from irregularly shaped lumps of 0.5 m in diameter to sand and silt sizes. Other
characteristics features of cinder are their light weight, their rough vesicular surface, and their high
porosity [6].
An advantage of cinders as a road construction material is the relative ease with which they can
be dug from the quarry; a mechanical shovel or hand tools are usually adequate for their
extraction although occasionally a bulldozer may be required to open up a working face [6].
In road projects with weak subgrades, it is common practice to provide capping layers between
the subgrade and the sub-base. The capping layer is of granular material of less quality of the
specification requirement for sub-base material. As alternative to provision of capping layer of
imported granular material, subgrade soil stabilization using different stabilizers such as lime,
cement and fly ash has comparative advantage with respect to environmental protection and
economic advantage in areas where the granular materials are scarce [9].
In road construction, all the naturally available material cannot be utilized as construction material
as there exists some problematic soils (such as expansive soils) and soils with limitations to meet
specifications and design standards. The problematic nature and limitations of such soils can be
improved by application of stabilizing agents.
The application of stabilizing agents can improve: [9].
Strength (stability and bearing capacity) of the soil
Durability and resistance to the effect of water
Volume stability
Wet soils can be dry out
The workability of clay soils
Load spreading capacity of pavement layers
Grain size analysis is used to determine the effective diameter of the soil particles that constitute
and strongly affect the uniformity characteristics of the soil mass. Mechanical analysis is used for
the coarse sized soils by using a set of sieve sizes and hydrometer analysis is used for fine grained
soils. For a soil-containing fine to coarse sized particles the combined analysis is employed.
iii) Plasticity Index: is simply the numerical difference between the liquid limit and the plastic
limit and indicates the magnitude of the range of moisture content over which the soil remains
plastic. It is the measure of the cohesion qualities of the binder resulting from the clay content.
Also it gives some indication of the amount of swelling and shrinkage that will result in the wetting
and drying of that fraction tested. The plasticity index is nothing but a measure that gives the amount
of water which must be added to change a soil from its plastic limit to its liquid limit. Generally the
behavior of all soils and specifically clays considerably differs with the presence of water so one
needs a reference index to clarify the effects [3].
The Atterberg limits and related indices have proved to be very useful for soil identification and
classification. The limits are often used directly in specifications for controlling soil quality for use
in fill and in semi empirical methods of design Soils are classified by AASHTO and USCS based
on their Atterberg limits and on particle size as determined by sieving [3].
method is primarily intended for but not limited to evaluating the strength of cohesive materials
having maximum particle size less than 19mm. the determination of the CBR of a material is at
optimum moisture water content or range of water content from specified compaction test and
specified dry unit weight. The dry unit weight is usually given as a percentage of maximum dry
unit weight from the compaction test. This method covers the laboratory determination of the
California Bearing Ratio of a compacted or undisturbed sample of soil. The principle is to determine
the relation between force and penetration when a cylindrical plunger with a standard cross-section
area is made to penetrate the soil at a given rate. At certain values of penetration the ratio of the
applied force to a standard force, expressed as a percentage, is defined as the California Bearing
Ratio [1].
Method A – A 101.60mm (4 in) mold: soil material passing a 4.75mm sieve size.
Method B – A 152.40mm (6 in) mold: soil material passing a 4.75mm sieve size.
Method C – A 101.60mm (4 in) mold: soil material passing a 19mm sieve size.
Method D – A 152.40mm (6 in) mold: soil material passing a 19mm sieve size.
The minimum in- situ dry density of sub-base material shall be as specified hereinafter for the
layers in terms of a percentage of modified AASHTO density.
𝐺 = 𝛾𝑤
, Where: G = specific gravity of soil solids
The specific gravity of a soil is used in calculating the phase relationships of soils water, and
solids in a given volume of the soil. Also specific gravity of soils is an important engineering
index. Which is frequently used in determination of different properties of soils in laboratory
as well as in real practice. In the present tests, it will be used to calculate the percentage finer
in hydrometer analysis. Procedures for performing the specific gravity are provided in ASTM
D854-00 [4]
The research was conducted as a case study on the Durame Intercity Road Project which is a
part of the project road Mazoria – Durame – Durgi contract 1 Km 0+000 – 37+500 located in
the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional States (SNNPRS) and it connects
two major link roads, namely Alemgena – Hosanna – Sodo and Alaba – Sodo – Arbaminch.
The project starts at Mazoria Town, 335km South West of Addis Ababa, and passes through
Durame and Shinshicho towns.The work comprises upgrading of an existing road to a DS4
standard road as per ERA’s manual 2002 Classification. The detailed engineering design and
tender documents for the proposed works have been carried out by METAFERIA consulting
engineers PLC.
The road when completed will enhance all round development in the vicinity of the project in
particular and in the country in general. Moreover, in addition to accelerating the economic
development, the road will reduce the operation cost of vehicles and increase the administrative
and social coverage in the region.
3.3. Climate
The major factors influencing the rainfall in Ethiopia are the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone
(ITCZ) and wings blowing from the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. The traditional classification of
climatic zones in Ethiopia is based on altitude and temperature. It divides the country into five
climatic zones as shown in the table [9]:
received from the month November to February which amounts from 10mm to 50mm, while the
maximum rainfall is received from June to August ranging from 100mm to 300mm. The mean
period of onset of summer rains is from 6th to 10th of April and the mean period of cessation of
summer rain is from September 28 to October 20.
September - November -
Item June - August
October February March - May
Rainfall (mm) 10-50 100-300
Temperature (°c)
Source: National Meteorological Services Agency (NMSA)
The project technical specification for the quality of the material or sub base states that, “sub base
material shall be natural screened or crushed or an approved blended combination of such material
providing a homogeneous sub base material meeting the requirements of grading A of table 5104/1
of the standard technical specification or as directed by the Engineer. If the natural material
available at the project can’t meet the specified grading requirements, it shall be screened, crushed
and screened or blended as required to meet the grading requirement.”
Based on the project initial investigation made by the design consultant for identification of sub
base sources, it actually found that most of the sources pertained to the required tests; fail to satisfy
the requirement of the project technical specification or ERA 2002 Manual Standard Technical
Specification. Especially to the required indices or properties of the material especially to its liquid
limit, plasticity index and gradation problem. In order to solve this problem, the contractor use by
blending the fine grained soil with locally available cinder.
The samples in this study were collected around Durame area. The available cinder gravels are
located 15 km (GPS indicated 07o04.5370’N, 037o58.8975’E) far from the project and the fine
grained soil of the blending materials are located 5 km (GPS indicated 07o14.2191’N,
037o51.2904’E) far from Durame town. The fines borrow materials are also used in the sub-grade
construction of the road. Cinder is collected from quarry. They vary in colour, often within the same
quarry and may be red, brown, grey, or black. The particle sizes also vary from irregularly shaped
lumps of 0.5 m diameter to sand and silt sizes. Other characteristics features of cinder are their light
weight, their rough vesicular surface, and their high porosity. The surface of cinder aggregate is
usually rough and highly porous due to its mineral structure. The specific gravity of cinder gravels
is obtained as 2.44.
The status of the project, when this study was conducted, was under construction of the sub-base
layer. The blended cinder gravels with fine-grained soils being used to construct the sub- base layer
is without any specified proportion of the blended sub-base materials.
The cinder gravel is classified as A-1-a material since in gradation test of cinder gravel less than 15
% passes through No.200 sieve, less than 30 % passes through No.40 sieve and its PI value is less
than 6%. The cinder gravel is a weak material and has a high water absorption capacity because of
high porosity.
Table 4-1: Descriptive test results of natural cinder gravels used for the study
Type of test Test Results
63 100
50 100
25 69.2
Gradation, % 4.75 27.8
passing 0.075 2.1
Plasticity Index NP
Moisture- MDD,g/cc 1.67
Density OMC,% 2.3
Specific Gravity 2.44
CBR (%) 64
The descriptive test results in Table 4.1 show that cinder gravel is a weak material in general to be
used as a Sub base material. The gradation test result has shown that the cinder gravel is deficient
in fines. To improve the property of this material fine grained soils found near the quarry sites was
blended with cinder gravel to make up for the deficiency of fine materials to use as Sub base
material. Table 4.2 shows the descriptive test results carried out on fine grained soil samples that
were collected from quarry sites of the road project for this purpose.
Atterberg limits
Grain size analysis
Specific gravity
Free swell
From the summary of the test result shown in Table 4.1, the fine-grained soils obtained in the project
area are visually classified as yellowish silt and based on the laboratory test results and AASHTO
classification; it is classified as clay with medium plasticity (A-6) and ML based on USCS soil
classification system. These materials were also used in the embankment and sub-grade road
construction in the Mazoria – Hadero upgrading road project. Test results have been summarized
in table 4.2, and detailed test results are given in Appendices.
Table 4-2 : Test results of fine-grained soil used for mechanical stabilization
Type of test Test Results
63 100
50 100
25 98.73
Gradation, 4.75 90.61
% passing 0.075 53.32
4.3. Laboratory Test Results of Cinder Blended with Fine grained soil
In this section, laboratory test results of blended materials was discussed for fine grained soil of
various combinations.
The property of aggregate used for road construction purpose is distribution of particles sizes in the
aggregate mix. The gradation of cinder gravel improved by blending with the fine grained soil and
the blend of the particle sizes in the mix, affects the density, strength, and economy of the pavement
structure. A grain size analysis is used to determine the relative proportions of various particle sizes
in a given soil. To do this analysis, a wet sieve analysis is performed which is given in AASHTO
T-146 and selected sample of dried soil is shaken over a nest of sieves having selected sizes of
square openings. The cinder sample is shaken, and the weight of material retained on each sieve is
determined and expressed as a percentage of the original sample. Detailed procedures for
performing a grain sieve analysis of coarse and fine aggregates are given in AASHTO Method T-
27 [1].
In order to meet the requirements stipulated under ERA manual (2002), the sub-base material shall
comply with one of the grading shown in Table 4.3. The material shall have a smooth continuous
grading within the limits for grading A, B or C given below.
Table 4-3: Ethiopian Roads Authority grading limits for sub-base material [9]
The complete sub-base shall contain no material having a maximum dimension exceeding two-
thirds of the compacted layer thickness.
Among the grading limits, grade A has a practical implementation as practiced in the Project.
Taking these advantages this thesis work is made based on grading A specification.
Percent passing (%)
Upper limit
60 % Passing After
Lower limit
% Passing Before
100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Sieve size (mm)
Figure 4-1 Gradation before and after compaction of natural cinder gravel only
The grading chart of natural cinder gravel in Figure 4.1 shows the deficiency in fine particle.
Therefore, it is out of the specification. Blending of a trial proportion of fine-grained soil
improves the gradation and the optimum proportioning is found to fulfill the ERA specification
manual requirement for respective project. Among the trail proportioning of fine-grained soil 20 %
and 10 % are good proportioning from gradation point of view. The next Figures summarize the
above point.
Upper limit
Percent passing (%)
%passing After
60 Lower limit
%passing Before
100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Sieve size (mm)
Figure 4-2 Gradation before and after compaction of cinder with 10 % fine-grained soil
Percent passing (%)
Upper limit
60 %passing After compaction
Lower limit
40 %passing Before compaction
100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Sieve size (mm)
Figure 4-3 Gradation before and after compaction of cinder with 20 % fine-grained soil
Percent passing (%)
Upper limit
60 %passing After compaction
Lower limit
40 %passing Before compaction
100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Sieve size (mm)
Figure 4-4 Gradation before and after compaction of cinder with 33 % fine-grained soil
Figures 4.1 to 4.4 clearly show that the modified AASHTO compaction method resulted in the
largest amount of crushing. The laboratory test result shows that because of the weak nature of
cinder gravels, break down under compaction occurred with an improvement of gradation but still
needs an additional fine-grained soil to achieve the ERA specification. For construction purposes,
optimum amount of fine-grained soils are required to ensure that the finished granular surface is
stable enough to carry the paving equipment without disruption of the surface and some fines are
required so that when the sub-base is compacted, the granular material will bind and the particles
will inter lock. Otherwise they would shear when loaded [16].
If a material has a continuous grading following the full curve, then the voids between the larger
particles are filled with fine material resulting in a dense packing. This immediately results in a
larger number of contact points between the particles. The resistance to shear of the skeleton
depends on the sum of the frictional forces that are generated between the particles. When the
number of contact points increases, also the total friction in the skeleton increases which in turn
results into a higher resistance to shear. Other descriptive results shown in the Appendices.
Soil placed as engineering fill (embankments, foundation pads, road bases) is compacted to a dense
state to obtain satisfactory engineering properties such as, shear strength, compressibility, or
permeability. Also, foundation soils are often compacted to improve their engineering properties.
In this thesis, a heavily trafficked asphalt road was considered hence the modified proctor test is
used. The Ethiopia Road Authority recommends using AASHTO T-180 method D. In this test, a
specimen is prepared by compacting soil in 152.4 mm mold in five approximately equal layers to
give a total compacted depth of about 127 mm, each layer being compacted by 56 uniformly
distributed blows from the rammer. Table 4.4 summarize the variations of MDD and OMC with
different proportion of fine grained soil. Figures 4.5 also show the variation of MDD and OMC for
different proportion of cinder mixed with fine grained soil. The detailed test results are presented
in appendix.
Table 4-4: Determination of MDD & OMC with different fine-grained soil proportions
% of fine grained
soil MDD(g/cc) OMC (%)
0 1.67 2.3
10 1.7 6.5
20 1.87 11.8
33 1.84 14
Dry Density (g/cc)
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
Percent of Fine Grained Soil(%)
Figure 4-5 Variation of MDD with percentage of fine-grained soil mixed with cinder
From the compaction test result, it is found that, the max dry density increases by the addition of
cinder up to 20 % and then the MDD decreases.
0 NP
10 NP
20 3.5
33 6.1
The test is conducted as per AASHTO T-180 method D. In CBR test mould of internal diameter
150 mm and height 175 mm and collar of 50 mm is used. From the maximum dry density obtained
from modified proctor test, the mass of soil occupied in the mould is determined by multiplying the
maximum dry density by volume of CBR mould. The soil is mixed with optimum amount of water
and filled in the mould completely in 5 layers. Unsoaked samples were made for the determination
of CBR ratio. Soil samples are placed on bottom plate of loading device. Annular surcharge weight
equal intensity of base material and the pavement is placed. Load is applied at a strain rate of 1.27
mm/min. Penetration is measured by strain gauge. Load is recorded at the penetration of 0.0, 0.64,
1.24, 1.96, 2.54, 3.18, 3.81, 4.48, 5.08, 7.62, and 10.16 mm. The CBR test has been performed on
cinder with different percentage of fine grained soil of 0%, 10%, 20% and 33 % of dry weight of
soil. This proportion was selected in order to comply with the actual site condition at the time of
According to ERA manual, for the sub-base material the minimum soaked California Bearing
Ratio (CBR) shall be 30% when determined in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO T-
193. The Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR) shall be determined at a density of 95% of the
maximum dry density when determined in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO T-180
method D [9]. The determination of the CBR and percent swell of cinder gravel only are presented
in Appendix C.
Table 4-6: Values of CBR and Swell percent of different proportion of fine-grained soil
% of fine
grained soil CBR (%) (%)Swell
0 64 0.033
10 72 0.054
20 97 0.14
33 62 0.34
Percent of CBR(%)
0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0
Percent of Fine Grained Soil(%)
All the results shown on the above figure for 0, 10, 20 & 33 % of fine-grained soil by dry weight
satisfies the ERA manual requirements. The variations of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) with
different percentage of fine grained soil are shown in Figures 4.6 for soaked condition. The
maximum California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of 97% is found to occur with the combination of
20 % fine grained soil contents under soaked condition.
From the CBR vs. percent of fine grained soil shown in Figure 4-6 one can see that the CBR value
increased as the percentage of fine grained soil increase up to 20 % and decrease beyond that this
implies the optimum amount of fine-grained soil is 20 % by dry weight.
According to ERA specification, for the sub-base materials the minimum soaked California Bearing
Ratio (CBR) shall be 30% when determined in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO T-
193. The result shows that the minimum soaked CBR meets the minimum requirements of
the specification. The overall results confirms that the blended material is best material when used
as a sub base material.
The test is performed by slowly pouring 10cm3 of dry soil which has passed the No. 40 (0.425mm)
sieve in to 100 cm3 graduated cylinder filled with distilled water. After 24 hours, final volume of
the suspension is read. From the test results the value of the free swell was 37.5%, this shows that
the soil was not expansive because the free swell < 50% .The details of the free swell test for fine
grained soil is shown in Appendix A.
The Ethiopia Road Authority Manual Specification recommends that the Los Angeles Abrasion
value shall not exceed 51% when determined in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO T-
96. Abrasion resistance applies only to coarse aggregates. Aggregates vary in their resistance to
fracturing under impact (toughness) and breaking down into smaller pieces from abrasive action
(hardness). The acceptable limits are set by the Los Angeles Abrasion Test AASHTO T-96. The
limits vary from 30.0 to 50.0 percent, depending on the classification of the aggregate. The
percentage is a measure of the degradation or loss of material as a result of impact and abrasive
actions [9].
To conduct this test the test sample place in the Los Angeles testing machine and rotate the machine
at a speed of 30 to 33 r/min for 500 revolutions. After the prescribed number of revolutions,
discharge the material from the machine and make a preliminary separation of the sample on a sieve
coarser than the 1.70-mm (No. 12).
(Total weight of material tested − Material retained on 1.7mm sieve size after testing) × 100
Total weight of material tested
The average calculated values LAA for natural cinder by use of the Los Angeles Abrasion machine
is 45.6 %.This value satisfies the ERA manual specification but shows that cinder gravel is weak
in resistance to abrasion.
Laboratory test results showed that the absorption of the cinder gravel that passes sieve 4.75 mm is
12.85 %. This high water absorption capacity of the cinder gravel is due to the fact that cinder is
light weight aggregate and highly porous at its natural state.
5.1. Conclusion
The following conclusions can be drawn from the results of the study/investigation carried
out within the scope of the study.
1. The sieve analysis, which was conducted after the compaction of natural cinder gravels,
has shown that a significant breakdown of coarser cinder gravel particles.
2. The gradation of cinder gravel samples lacked fine particles and 20 % of fine soil by weight
was found to be optimum for making up this deficiency.
3. The CBR ratio at 20% replacement of fine grained soil was found to be 97%. The CBR ratio
increased 4 times than raw fine grained soil. This is the optimum percentage of fine grained
soil from CBR-percent of fine-grained soil curve.
4. The property of cinder gravel is improved when blended with optimum fine grained soil
From the above results, one can conclude that fine grained soil improves the strength characteristics
of the given cinder gravel.
5.2. Recommendation
From the results of the study, it is observed that the application of fine grained soil improves
the strength characteristics of cinder gravel. However, this research was conducted to obtain the
optimum blending proportion of cinder with fine-grained soil only in the case of Durame Intercity
Road Project due to financial constraints and time limitations the present research work did not
cover the whole cinder gravel in Ethiopia. As a result, the following recommendations for better
use of cinder gravels in road construction.
[1] American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (1993). “AASHTO
Guide for Design of Pavement Structures”. Washington, D.C.
[2] Aiswarya P. (2017). “An experimental investigation on stabilization of fine grained soil using
cinder and coirpith”, PARIPEX: Indian Journal of Research, Volume: 06 Issue: 17.
[3] Arora, K.R. (2004), “Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering”. (6th Ed.)Delhi: A.K. Jain.
[4] ASTM. (2004). “Special Procedures for Testing Soil and Rock for Civil Engineering
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[5] Das, B.M. (2006), “Principles of Geotechnical Engineering”. (7th Ed.). U.S America:
Henderson, Nevada.
[6] D Newill, R Robinson and Kassaye Aklilu, (1987) “Experimental Use of Cinder Gravels on
Roads in Ethiopia” 9th regional conference for Africa on soil mechanics & foundation engineering.
[7] Efrem, G.E. (2000), “Stabilization of cinder with foamed bitumen and cement and its use as sub
base for roads”. (UN published MSc Thesis), Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa.
[9] Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) manual (2002), “Standard Technical Specification”
[10] Ethiopian Road Authority (2018). “Guideline for the Use of Cinder Gravels in Pavement
Layers for Low Volume Roads”. Addis Ababa.
[11] Girma B (2009), “Stabilizing Cinder Gravels for Heavily Trafficked Base Course”. Journal of
EEA, Vol. 26
[12] Ijirest (2017). “Evaluation of properties of cinder as a replacement for aggregate in the
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Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume: 06 Issue: 6.
[13] KASSAYE, A. & D.NEWILL, (1980) “The Location and Engineering Properties of Volcanic
Cinder Gravels in Ethiopia” 7th Regional Conference for Africa on Soil Mechanics &
Foundation Engineering, Accra.
[14] Standard Specification for AACRA Urban Infrastructure Works, February, 2003
[15] Teshome, T. (2015), “The Use of Natural Pozzolana (Volcanic Ash) to Stabilize Cinder Gravel
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[16] Yitayou, E. (2011), “Blending of Cinder with Fine Grained Material to be Used as Sub base
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[17] Yodit, M. (2012), “Correlation between Critical State Soil Parameters and Index Properties
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Appendix A
Test results of Fine Grained Soil from quarry site
Temperature C0 22 21.5
GT 0.9996 0.9997
GT × (M2 − M1) 2.53 2.56
𝐺 =
(M2 − M1) + (M4 − M3)
Specific gravity
25 12 13.57 98.73
4.75 77 8.29 90.61
0.075 354 21.57 52.32
pan 506.1 55.31
sample 50
time Elapsed T Actual menisc L k D Ct Correct %finer %adjusted
time hydrometer us (mm) hydro. finer
(min) reading correct
1 1 21 1.032 1.033 7.8 0.014 0.04 0.0002 1.0322 96.31672 49.634923
120 120 22 1.0103 1.0113 9.8 0.014 0.004 0.0004 1.0107 32.00587 16.493592
240 240 23 1.009 1.01 10. 0.014 0.003 0.0007 1.0097 29.01466 14.952135
480 480 23 1.007 1.008 10. 0.014 0.002 0.0007 1.0077 23.03226 11.869221
960 960 22 1.0066 1.0076 10. 0.014 0.002 0.0007 1.0073 21.83578 11.252638
1440 1440 22 1.0056 1.0066 11 0.014 0.001 0.0007 1.0063 18.84457 9.7111806
Percentage Finer(%)
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001
Grain size (mm)
Test No. 1 2 3 1 2
Number of blows 30 24 20
Container No. A2 B3 H C J
LL = 37.75%
PL = 25.66%
PI = 12.1%
Moisture Content (%)
10.0 100.0
Number of blows
12 23.2 24.5 26.0 27.6
(10/11)*100, (%)
1.49 1.53 1.55 1.52
(5/(100+12))*100, (g/cc)
22.0 24.0 26.0 28.0
Moisture Content (%)
Table A-7 : Dry density before & after soaking of fine-grained soil only
Before Soaking After Soaking
Blows Moisture Moisture
DD (g/cc) DD (g/cc)
(%) (%) SWELL
Load (kN)
30 Blows
65 Blows
4 10 Blows
0 1.27 2.54 3.81 5.08 6.35 7.62 8.89 10.16 11.43
Penetration (mm)
Table A-9: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) of fine-grained soil only
LOAD (kN) CBR (%)
2.54mm 5.08mm 2.54mm 5.08mm
Percent Swell (%)
1.400 1.440 1.480 1.520 1.560 1.600 1.640
Dry Density (g/cc)
Percent CBR (%)
1.400 1.440 1.480 1.520 1.560 1.600 1.640
Dry density (g/cc)
Table A-10: Determination of CBR & Swell at 95 % of MDD of fine-grained soil only
OMC (%) 24
MDD (g/cc) 1.55
95 % of MDD (%) 1.47
CBR at 95 % of MDD (%): 14
Percent Swell (%): 0.88
Appendix B
Moisture-Density relation by modified proctor test
OMC = 2.3 %
Dry Density (g/cc)
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0
Table B-2: Moisture-Density relations for cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained Soil
10 31.0 27.0 30.0 33.0
11 349.0 345.0 340.0 328.0
12 4.0 5.2 6.5 10.4
1.61 1.64 1.74 1.65
(5/(100+12))*100, g/cc
OMC = 6.5 %
Dry Density (g/cc)
3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 11.0
Moisture Content (%)
Figure B-2: Moisture-Dry density curve for cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained soil
Table B-3: Moisture-Density relations for cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil
5 WET DENSITY OF SOIL, (3/4), (g/cc) 1.980 2.087 1.975
7 WET SOIL + CONTAINER (g) 216.0 222.0 229.0
8 DRY SOIL + CONTAINER (g) 198.8 202.0 210.3
11 WEIGHT OF DRY SOIL, (8-10) (g) 168.8 170.0 176.3
OMC = 11.8 %
Dry Density (g/cc)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Moisture Content (%)
Figure B- 3: Moisture-Dry density curve for cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil
Table B-4: Moisture-Density relations for cinder gravel with 33 % fine-grained Soil
1 9415 9627 9879 9879
2 5454 5454 5454 5454
OMC = 14 %
Dry Density (g/cc)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Moisture Content (%)
Figure B- 4: Moisture-Dry density curve for cinder gravel with 33% fine-grained Soil
Appendix C
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test results
Table C- 2: Determination of dry density before & after soaking of cinder with 10 % fine-grained
Load (kN)
30 Blows
14 65 Blows
12 10 Blows
0 2.54 5.08 7.62 10.16 12.7
Penetration (mm)
Table C- 3: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) of cinder with 10 % fine-grained soil
LOAD (kN) CBR (%)
Percent Swell (%)
1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80
Dry Density (g/cc)
Percent CBR (%)
1.470 1.510 1.550 1.590 1.630 1.670 1.710 1.750
Dry density (g/cc)
Table C - 6: Determination of dry density before & after soaking of cinder with 20 % fine-
grained soil
Before Soaking After Soaking
DD (g/cc) Moisture (%) DD (g/cc) Moisture (%)
Load (kN)
18 30 Blows
16 65 Blows
14 10 Blows
0 2.54 5.08 7.62 10.16 12.7
Penetration (mm)
Table C- 7: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) of cinder with 20 % fine-grained soil
LOAD (kN) CBR (%)
Percent Swell (%)
1.50 1.56 1.62 1.68 1.74 1.80 1.86 1.92
Figure C - 5: Dry Density Vs percent swell of cinder with 20% fine-grained soil
Percent CBR (%)
1.500 1.560 1.620 1.680 1.740 1.800 1.860 1.920
Dry density (g/cc)
Table C - 10: Determination of dry density before & after soaking of cinder with 33 % fine-
grained soil
DD (g/cc) Moisture (%) DD (g/cc) Moisture (%)
Load (kN)
18 30 Blows
16 65 Blows
14 10 Blows
0 2.54 5.08 7.62 10.16 12.7
Penetration (mm)
Table C- 11: Determination of CBR & Swell (%) of cinder with 33% fine-grained soil
LOAD (kN) CBR (%)
Percent Swell (%)
1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84
Dry Density (g/cc)
Percent CBR (%)
1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.76 1.80 1.84
Dry density (g/cc)
Figure C-9: Dry Density Vs percent CBR of cinder with 33 % fine-grained soil
Table C- 12: Determination of CBR & Swell at 95 % of MDD of cinder with 33% fine-grained
Blow Dry Density (g/cc) CBR (%) Swell (%)
OMC (%) 14
MDD (g/cc) 1.77
95 % of MDD (%) 1.68
CBR at 95 % of MDD (%): 60
Percent Swell (%): 0.29
Appendix D
Grading Limits of different proportion fine-grained soil with
The method used for the sieve analysis was wet sieve method
Table D - 2: Sieve Analysis of Sub-base material cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained Soil
i) Gradation before Compaction
Table D - 3: Sieve Analysis of Sub-base material cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil
i) Gradation before Compaction
Table D - 4: Sieve Analysis of Sub-base material cinder gravel with 33 % fine-grained Soil
i) Gradation before Compaction
Appendix E
Atterberg Limits of different proportion fine-grained soil with cinder
Table E - 1: Atterberg Limit for cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil after compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 1 2
Number of blows 33 26 18
Container No. A B C G I
Wet Soil+Cont
55.40 54.4 54.6 25.4 25.4
Dry Soil+Cont
47.8 47.00 46.90 24.65 24.70
Mass Container
17.2 17.8 17.7 21.30 21.5
Mass Moisture
7.60 7.4 7.7 0.75 0.70
Mass Dry Soil
30.6 29.2 29.2 3.35 3.20
Moisture Content
24.84 25.34 26.37 22.39 21.88
Average 25.52 22.13
Moisture Content (%)
10 Number of blows 100
Table E - 2: Atterberg Limit for cinder gravel with 33 % fine-grained Soil after compaction
Test No. 1 2 3 1 2
Number of blows 32 28 22
Container D B4 A C J
Wet Soil+Cont (g) 56.90 55.4 57 25.4 25.4
Dry Soil+Cont (g) 48.5 47.05 48.00 24.00 24.10
Mass Container (g) 19.8 19.4 19 18.30 18.8
Mass Moisture (g) 8.4 8.35 9 1.40 1.30
Mass Dry Soil (g) 28.7 27.65 29 5.70 5.30
Moisture Content
29.27 30.20 31.03 24.56 24.53
Average 30.17 24.54
Moisture Content (%)
10 100
Number of blows
Appendix F
Free swell test of different proportion fine-grained soil with cinder
Table F-1: Free swell test for cinder gravel with 10 % fine-grained Soil
Test No. volume Difference % Swell Average
24hr) (cc)
1 10 10.2 0.2 2 3
2 10 10.4 0.4 4
Table F-2: Free swell test for cinder gravel with 20 % fine-grained Soil
Test No. volume Difference % Swell Average
24hr) (cc)
1 10 10.75 0.75 7.5 6.25
2 10 10.5 0.5 5
Table F-3: Free swell test for cinder gravel with 33 % fine-grained Soil
Test No. volume Difference % Swell Average
24hr) (cc)
1 10 11 1 10 12.5
2 10 11.5 1.5 15
Appendix G
Test results of cinder gravel from quarry site
Load (kN)
30 Blows
16 65 Blows
14 10 Blows
0 3 6 9 12 15
Penetration (mm)
Table G-3: Determination of CBR & Swell at 95 % of MDD of cinder gravel only
Blow Dry Density (g/cc) CBR (%) Swell (%)
Percent Swell (%)
1.46 1.50 1.54 1.58 1.62 1.66 1.70 1.74
Dry Density (g/cc)
Percent CBR (%)
1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.68 1.72
Table G-4: Resistance of Abrasion of cinder by use of the Los Angeles Abrasion machine
Test No. 1 2
Table G-5 Specific gravity test result for Cinder gravel only
Temperature C0 23 22.5
GT 0.9993 0.9995
Specific gravity