MIT App Inventor IoT Button
MIT App Inventor IoT Button
MIT App Inventor IoT Button
This tutorial will help you get started with App Inventor + IoT and a button on an
Arduino 101 controller. We are also using a Seeed Grove shield for this tutorial.
You do not need to use this board, but it does make things easier. The button we
recommend is the Grove button sensor.
Before you start you should have first completed the App Inventor + IoT Setup
tutorial to set up your Arduino device.
● Connect the button to the
Grove board in the D4 pin
● For this tutorial make sure
and all others are set to
● You should also click the
arrow button in the top left to
upload the code
Next, you should complete the App Inventor + IoT Basic Connection tutorial to
make the app with a basic connection to the Arduino device. If you prefer, you
can download the completed .aia file here.
The remaining steps all build off of the the starter code for Basic Connection
tutorial and .aia:
● Drag a Label from the User Interface Palette and drop it between
LabelStatus and ListBLE
○ Rename the Label "LabelData".
○ Change its text to “Data: “.
First, we want to set it up to request data updates when the sensor value on the
Arduino changes.
● from Arduino101Button1 in the Blocks pane, add
call Arduino101Button1.RequestButtonStateUpdates to the existing
when BluetoothLE1.Connected block
Next we need to store the data we receive from the sensor. From the Variables
drawer in the Blocks pane, drag an initialize global name to block and name it
"buttonPresses". From the Math drawer add a number block and set it to "0". We'll
use this to keep track of the number of times the button is pressed.
Let's make a new procedure to display the number of times the button is pressed in
the LabelData. You can create a procedure by dragging out a purple procedure
block from the Procedures drawer in the Blocks pane. Let's rename it
○ from LabelData in the Blocks pane, add set LabelData.Text to.
○ from the Text drawer connect a join block.
■ From the Text drawer, connect a text block and type
"Button Presses: "
■ From the Variables drawer connect a get global buttonPresses.
The Button has two states that we can code for: When the Button is Pressed and
when the Button is Released. This means that you can have some things happen
each time the button is pressed or held down, and some things happen each time
the button is released. Let's see how each of these work.
First, let's program the behavior for when the button is pressed down. From
Arduino101Button1 in the Blocks pane drag in the
when Ardunio101Button1.Pressed block.
● From Screen1 in the Blocks pane, add in set Screen1.BackgroundColor to.
○ And from Color drawer in the Blocks pane, connect a Cyan block.
● From the Variables drawer, add set global ButtonPress to.
○ Then from the Math drawer connect an Addition block.
■ Next, from the Variables drawer add get globalButtonPress to
the Addition block.
■ From the Math drawer, add a 0 and change it to 1.
● Finally, from the Procedures drawer add call updateDataLabel.
Now let's code for when the button is released. From the Arduino101Button1
drawer in the Blocks pane, drag in the when Ardunio101Button1.Released block.
● From Screen1 in the Blocks pane, add in set Screen1.BackgroundColor to.
○ And from the Color drawer, connect a White block.