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ri 20201028130944 fo bate 1478 suo Conga en % Sma Kansas CORPORATION COMMISSION Orrice OF Pusuic Arrains & Consumer PROTECTION FORMAL COMPLAINT ‘Note: Formal Compl fed wh th KCC become a pub recor ané may be posted onthe KCC’ website Any ifomaton you proven the complaint ‘draner documents related tothe complaint, including, but not imited fo, your name, address, cy, state, zp code, telephone number, email address, and the {acs of your case may be available nine fr public viewing. BEFORE THE STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION ~ OF THE STATE OF KANSAS For Commission IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPLAINT AGAINST use only Bvergy Ine vice DOCKET NO. (Respondent, name of utlty company) 21.EKCE-170.COM by - Neg stele afee (Complainant, your name) la Please provide complainant (your) contact information: ruiname(s): Levsa he Mi harx Address: bso &. Centeal fee *JO7 Daytime Phone: -Z/e- AGS-o2st E-mail Address (optonay:_Lnees tocs 18+ me @ froton marl, co pte FORMAL COMPLAINT ——$£—£@ ——— states that the above-named respondent is a public utility providing service in Kansas and is subject to the jurisdiction of the State Corporation Commission. ‘The facts and circumstances surrounding the complaint are set out in detail below: (Be spectic and as brief as possible. f necessary, attach additional sheets.) Se AMobhmont? of Complacnt —Bepsadeag ple fren Lusszye legad olepasd cued the Avterasd tp Clacmest - Aeod? »F he Many se (Continued on the other side) Special Parware , PewerTy and in Confidence Formal Complaint continued Complainant requests that the respondent utility be required to provide an answer to the complaint and requests the following action be ordered by the Commission. (State action or result desired.) book enti) 1 Sard attounl). Honoe . id lines 17 14S Proper ‘and for such further order or orders as the Commission may deem necessary. Pveribe VERIFICATION: | do solemnly, sincerely, and truly declare and affirm that the statements made in this complaint form are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I do this under the pains and penalties of perjury. | understand that Formal Complaints fled with the KCC become a public record and may be posted on the KCC's website. ‘Any information provided in the complaint or other documents related to the complaint, including, but not limited to, my name, ‘address, city, state, zip code, telephone number, email address, and the facts of the case may be available online for public viewing. Roar bys -r [o-a -ADAD Ang sting ~ Sot wh, pees enn Prkoaty and 10 eet ten FILING INSTRUCTIONS. This form may be filed in person at the Kansas Corporation Commission's Office or by mail. All formal complaints, whether filed by mail or delivered in person, must be directed to: Secretary to the Commission Kansas Corporation Commission 1500 SW Arrowhead Road Topeka, KS 66604 For more information about the formal complaint process please refer to the instructions provided with this form or visit the KCC website:, Consumer Assistance, Filing a Complaint. You may also contact our Consumer Assistance ‘staff tolltree at 1-800-662-0027 or by e-mail at public.afairs @ kcc.ks gov. a ans a Kee How to Start Wetec: geri S_ Utility Complaint Procedure if you have a complaint about your utlity bill or services, and speaking with your utility company does not resolve the problem, Kansas law allows you to fle a complaint with the Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC), the stale agency responsible for regulating public utilities in Konsos. The KCC has established an informal ond formal complaint procedure fo ossist ratepayers seeking to resolve o utility problem. This two-step procedure only applies to ulliies under our authority. It is important to note that we do not regulate most electric cond water cooperatives, municipalities, wireless, or long distance telephone service providers, cable companies, or the Internet, (Our website lists the companies we regulate: hitps:// Contact the Public Affairs and Consumer Protection Division to start the process. Mos! of our complaints can be resolved through our informal procedure. Problems such as billing errors, pending disconnection of service, deposit disputes, cond other service issues are often informally resolved. No special form is required, but we will need this basic information to star our investigation: Your name os the customer of record; Mailing address or service address; Home and/or daytime phone numbers (e-mail, optional); Name of the uility company; Your account number; The facts about what the utility did or did not do {include dates, times, location ond persons involved}; and * The resolution you expect Notes Ifthe informal complaint procedure does not produce © solisfoctory resolution, or if you are dissatisfied with the ‘outcome, you have the righ! fo file a formal complaint. (See Step 2) The formal complaint is diferent from the informal complaint in that it: © Requires formal processing and filing under KCC administrative rules; ‘© Is sent in writen form tothe uility for response; Requires the uiliy to fle a writen answer within 10 days; Requires the KCC to issue o writen order, even if the matter is resolved without a hearing; * May renin oformal, quasi evident bering ons + Allows eiher you or the ulilly to appeal the KCC decision to District Court. The procedure for filing o formal complaint is found in the Kansas Administrative Regulations. (K.A.R.} 821-220. Any proceedings which follow the fling are governed by the KCC's rules of practice and procedures, KA.R. 821-201 et seq You are required to submit your formal complaint in writing with « signed verification. You may use the complaint form provided by the KCC or you may draft your own written complaint providing required information. Pleose contact the KCC Public Affoirs ond Consumer Protection Division to obtain the formal complaint form The formal complaint may be filed in person ot the KCC or by mail, When filed by mai, the formal complaint should be mailed to the attention of the Secretary to the Commission, 1500 SW Arrowhead Rood,Topeka, Konsos 66604. To expedite processing, do not direct your formal complaint to ther KCC personnel. AY this ime, we do not accept formal complaints by email or through our website. (Continved on back) aS Kansas Corporation Commission + Public Afoirs and Consumer Protection Division » 1500 SW Arrowhead Road » Topeka, KS 66604-4027 (785) 271-3140 + hip://kce-ksgow/ » 08/17 Establishing the Facts: When the complaint is received, it is assigned a docket number for identification purposes and is then reviewed by the KCC legal staf fo determine whether the complaint provides the facts needed to establish a complaint agains! the company. The foes, iftrue, must amount fo a violation for which the Commissioners may order relief. This step is referred fo €3 establishing a prima facie case. If you meet the legal requirements to establish @ prima facie case, a copy of the complaint is served on the ullity (respondent) by the KCC. If it is determined that you (the complainant have not established a prima facie case, the complaint will be retured fo you and you will be given an opportunity fo ‘amend the complaint, 2. The ily, after receiving the complaint, must either ‘answer or satisfy the complainant within 10 days. 3. KCC Staff reviews the complaint and company response and then recommends action to the Commissioners. The parties may reply to the Stal’s recommendation within 10 days afior service. 4, Alter reviewing the complaini, company answer, KCC staff recommendations, and other evidence, the Commissioners have the following options: ©. Schedule the matter for an evidentiary hearing; b. Issue other orders os oppropriate; and ¢_ Issue an order granting, denying or dismissing the complain. 5. Atany time, and with approval of he Commissioners, the Parties may enter info a voluntary setlement if: (I) the matter in controversy only affects the ports involved, or {2) the issue has no direct or substantial impact upon the generol pubic 6. Formal Complaints filed with the KCC become @ public record and may be posted on the KCC's website Therefore, any information you provide in the complaint or other documents related to the complaint, including, but no! limited to, your name, address, cily, sto, zip code, telephone number, email address, ond the facts of ‘your case may be available online for public viewing, To file an informal complaint or request @ formal complaint form, contact the KCC Public Affairs and Consumer Protection Division at: Kansos Corporation Commission Public Affairs and Consumer Protection Division 1500 SW Arrowhead Road Topeka, KS 66604-4027 Phone: (785) 271-3100 Toll Free: (800) 662-0027 Email: public.ofais@kcc ks gov Website: hp:// SS EEE ‘Kansas Corporation Commission + Public Affairs ond Consumer Protection Division » 1500 SW Arrowhead Road * Topeko, KS 66604-4027 (785) 271-3140 + htp://kccks.gow/ + 08/17 @ Certified # 70181130000230752439 AFFIDAVIT IN THE FORM OF ‘STATEMENT OF FACTS Proof of Claim TO ALL THAT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL AND NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT. AND UN REBUTTED AFFIDAVIT STANDS AS TRUTH. |, Latisah-Christine: Michaux, A Private American/State National, a woman and, registered name holder, authorized representative, Trustee/ grantee 1. That, Isn't F known that any business who uses my information, in this case, TL LIVING TRUST * Evergy, Electricity acct# INN and any private personal accounts for LATISA E MICHEAUX; Ges acctn Water acctt RIE at: acts II: have accessed my accounts of intellectual property aka Name, SSN, and signature, and these by has already have been paid for all requests? 2. That isn't t a known fact that all obligations are the responsibilty of the United States? (18 USC 8) 3. That isn't t known that the American/State National, Latisah christine Michaux A PRIVATE representative for TUM living Trust THAT & NOT N COMMERCE * has on several different occasions paid or discharged the obligation in the form of Bils of Exchange, Eft payment, and Tender of payment to Evergy Inc a private investment company? 4. That Isn't known that the American/State National is being forced monthly into submission, coercion, for payment using federal reserve notes, (See attachment A, which does nothing to decrease the national debt, but instead raises the debt? ‘5. Isn't it known that Nb corporation may force me, (In this case, Latisah Christine Michaux), representative for TLM living Trust not in commerce * to use federal reserve notes as/for method. payment, for this constitutes fraud? is this not a fact? 6 Isn't it known that #5 isa violation of HR 192 public law 73-10 chapter 48 stat 48-112 etc. These laws clearly state that all obligations are pre-paid. this not a fact? 7. That Evergy aka Westar Energy Electricity acti ses has violated Nationals, Private Latisah-Christine: Michaux A Private representative forTLM living Trust ", and derivatives, Kansas bil of right§ 1 Equal rights. Which states, "All men are possessed of equal and inalienable natural rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" 6 this not true? & Westar Energy Agents, have caused mental and emotional damages to the American State National Moor Latisa-Cristine: MicheauxEl, representative for TUM living Trust ", based on their fraudulent accounting? 9. That there is Usage of: Latisa Micheaux, * (#990940600026) and all derivatives information monthly, getting compensated @ Oh Certified # 70181130000230752439 10. And after compensation, the utility agents COERCE American State National, to pay again, after offering a bill of credit disguised as an obligation to pay using debt notes aka Federal Reserve Notes? (See Warning to Utility Companies) 111. That the payments these companies receive monthly are indeed share payments and are to have returns on the monthly payments as a shareholder, is this not true? 12, That this account is not held in trust and filed on UCC3 20-0021328997 TEXAS FILING AND KSUCC 111562078? What you are doing is called double dipping. (See Warning Notice) Evergy, Electricity acti is given notice several times thra unqualified respondents, while the concern was addressed to the CFO of evergy Tony sommy. In my opinion, the Westar Energy aka Evergy. Kansas gas, Wichita public works, att, appear to be acting as debt collectors and will not produce the ‘True bill but states that the statement is the bill. NOT. Latisah has attempted to discharge these obligations but was told by legal at evergy, that rno more of her presentments would not be addressed but would just be placed in a file. She too has attempted to handle presentments to Kansas Gas And the water department all ignored. {UCC 3- 603] States, (a) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrum made to a “person” entitled to enforce the instrument, the effect of tender is governed by principles of law applicable to tender of payment under a simple contract. (b) If tender of payment of an obligation to pay an instrument is made to 2 person entitled 10 enforce the instrument and the tender is refused, there is discharge, to the extent of the amount of, the tender, of the obligation of an endorser or accommodation party having a right of recourse with respect to the obligation to which the tender relates. AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH STATEMENT OF FACTS Based on the responses by agents of said utility companies, it appears that it is clear of their total disregard for the law and credit practices. {FCRA 1681n willful noncompliance) You must prove that, how does this not apply to any of these corps? Since House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192) (Public law 7310) was passed in 1933 we have only had debt, because all property and gold were seized by the government as collateral in the bankruptcy of the United States. Also located at [31 USC 5118] In 1863 the first Bank Act was passed. The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (or OCC) is a US federal agency established by the National Currency Act of 1863 and serves to charter, regulate, and supervise all national banks and the federal branches and agencies of foreign banks in the United States. ‘The OCC was created by Abraham Lincoln to fund the American Civil War but was later Certified # 70181130000230752439 Maxims of law A Maxim of Law is “an established principle of law universally admitted as being a correct statement, or as agreeable to reason,” Black's Law Dictionary. 1. All are equal under the law. No one is above the law. 2. Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit. Swom truth, 3. An unrebutted affidavit stands as the truth in commerce. He who does not deny, admits. 4, An untebutted affidavit becomes the judgment in commerce. Authority/Law Interference with commerce: 18 US Code § 1951 - Interference with commerce by threats or violence hutps.//www. law, cornell eduuscode/text/18/1951 Whoever in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce, by robbery or extortion or attempts or conspires so to do, or commits or threatens physical violence to any person or property in furtherance of a plan or purpose to do anything in violation of... The all corporations appear to be guilty of this Code. Maintenance and Cure 1. Provide a forensic audit of accounts, reimburse all fraudulent collections paid by: LATISA E MICHEAUX ® (990960400026) d/b/a TLMLIVINGTRUST, AND ANY and all derivatives which did not decrease the national debt. 3. Evergy, Electricity accti# III and any private personal accounts; Gas accti! 1151 010 te ‘American State National that the coupon given each month is a request for permission to access account orto credit the consumer for usage of said credit it not ths constitutes lack of fll disclosure 4. Evergy ne ety 142 1 ‘compensation to Private National: Latisa. There will be a summary judgment filed and enforced placed on Evergy, Electricity acct? MERI 414 Upper Management of said corporations, in the event of acquiescence. The @ pe Certified # 70181130000230752439 transformed into a regulatory agency to instill confidence in the National Banking system and protect consumers from misleading business practices. The Lieber Code, or General Order 100 was also created by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. The National Bank Act (ch. 58, 12 Stat. 665, February 25, 1863) was a United States federal law that established a system of national charters for banks, the United States national banks. It encouraged development of a national currency based on bank holdings of U.S. Treasury securities, the so-called National Bank Notes. It also established the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) as part of the Department of the Treasury. This was to establish a national security holding body for the existence of the monetary policy of the state. The Act, together with ‘Abraham Lincoln's issuance of “greenbacks”, raised money for the federal government in the ‘American Civil War by enticing banks to buy federal bonds and taxing state bank issued currency out of existence. The law proved defective and was replaced by the National Bank Act of 1864, The money was used to fund the Union army in the fight against the Confederacy. This authorized the OCC to examine and regulate nationally-chartered banks. Notice ‘American Juris Prudence 2d p 67 Furthermore, the view has been expressed that all public officers, within whatever branch and Whatever level of government, and whatever be their private vocations, are trustees of the people, and accordingly labor under every disability and prohibition imposed by law upon trustees relative to the making of personal financial gain from a discharge of their trusts. “As expressed otherwise, the powers delegated to a public officer are held in trust for the people and are to be exercised in behalf of the government or of all Nationals who may need the intervention of the officer, You Westar Energy aka Evergy agents are in fact Nominees. if you (corporation) are the holder of an O1D debt instrument and you receive a Form 1099-OID that shows your taxpayer identification number and includes amounts belonging to another person (Me National), you are considered a “nominee.” You must file another Form 1099-OID for ea@hiaetual owner, (in this case actual Owner is: Latisa-cristine: Micheaux), and derivatives showing the OID for the owner. Show the owner of the debt instrument as the “recipient” and you as the “payer. “Complete Form 1099-OID and Form 1096 and file the forms with the Internal Revenue Service Center for your area. You must also give a copy of the Form 1099-OID to the actual owner, (Which is refused or denied) Certified # 70181130000230752439 amount of compensation $121,000 from Evergy, Kansas gas company, Wichita public works, and att for interference with commerce. And reimbursement of payments nunc pro tune. They can do the math from the inception of these fraudulent accounts that do not apply to the Private Woman, once discovered 1. Allagents will be Fined in the amount of 10,000 and refusal to provide tax forms when requested as required for tax assessment. 2. And violations of my Human rights life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 10,000$ redeemed in awful money, 3. Andif Management s unwiling to adhere tothe laws of commerce and todo ther duty as the fiduciary’s to discharge debt on the account on a monthly basis, The requested amount for there violations 20,000$ each month from each agency, to be redeemed in lawful money, and to correct the entries and do his lawful duty to discharge the account and balance to Zero monthly or provide a check for the bill of credit monthly according to HJR 192, P L 73-10 Chapter 48 Stat 48, 112-113. [31 USC 5118] and provide all tax forms 1099 OID’s, 1099a’s if applicable 4. Do so, WITHOUT RECOURSE Or retaliation. Response from heads of agency, if not the Kansas commission, then heads of Evergy, Electricity acct# [IINININNMand any private personal accounts; Gos 2c has 30 days to correct the accounting on Reflect to zero as it is pre-paid or each corporation is to book entries from both sides of the books and provide the TRUE bill of the accounting and not the statement that is found online. The Private Woman must be compensated for damages inflicted by these for-profit corporations. By your, on Every, Electric 3 £61452! 00 (05700, Notice of Nonresponse, to this affidavit by answering all questions 1-12, point for point, line for line, in affidavit form signed and notarized, return receipt or certified mail, and if not completed and account does not reflect the adjustments to zero, in the time allotted ten (10days) In the event, you Upper management. of these corporations, do not respond you have agreed by tacit agreement and agree to pay the fine ‘and damages , use the credits you request monthly from the treasurer to discharge, and agree to have your corporation reported to Dunn And Bradstreet and a criminal lawsuit submitted, based from the warning to utility companies. You also agree to zero the accounts and credit account the tenders submitted and to provide the check for the credit monthly. This is our security agreement once you refuse to honor. Latisah-Christine: Michaux d/b/a LATISA E MICHEAUX ® (990960400026) and for TLMLIVINGTRUST is recommending that said corporations, Evergy Inc, Electricity acct [aa 002° ‘American State National accounts as paid in full monthly. Latisah-Christine: Michaux d/b/a LATISA E MICHEAUX (990960400026) * d/b/a TLMLIVIINGTRUST experiences any retaliation, disconnections, or threats of disconnections agree to face criminal charges for violations of deprivation of rights. (18 USC 241 and 242) @ Certified # 70181130000230752439 COME WITH CLEAN HANDS AND PURE INTENTIONS. ANY ERRORS, OMMISSIONS, GRAMMATICAL ERRORS, DOES NOT TAKE AWAY THE VALIDITY OF THIS NOTICE. This is substance not form. And the laws that govern the rights of the Private woman are: EQUITY MAXIMS EXISTED BEFORE THE LAWS: Page 459 Institutes of American Law by Bouvier, 1870: section: 3726 "Maxims are rules or principles of law universally admitted as being just and consonant th reason, ... These existed before the law, for, it has been well observed, nations have been found without laws, none without maxims. Such maxims may be considered as fragments of the natural law which was promulgated at the beginning of the world. 1. Equity sees that as done what ought to be done. 2. Equity will not suffer a wrong to be without a remedy. 3. Equity delights in equality. 4, One who seeks equity must do equity. 5. Equity aids the vigilant, not those who slumber on th 6. Equity imputes an intent to fulfill an obligation. 7. Equity acts in personam. 8. Equity abhors a forfeiture. 9. Equity does not require an idle gesture. 10. He who comes into equity must come with clean hands. 11. Equity delights to do justice and not by halves. 12. Equity will take jurisdiction to avoid a multiplicity of suits. 13. Equity follows the law. 14, Equity will not aid a volunteer. 15. Where equities are equal, the law will prevail. 16. Between equal equities the first in order of time shall prevai 17. Equity will not complete an imperfect gift. 18. Equity will not allow a trust to fail for want of a trustee. 19. Equity regards the beneficiary as the true owner. 20. He who occasioned the loss must bear the burden. ‘And King James bible @ OR Certified # 70181130000230752439 You are to respond to this notice thru the Notary as a Notary presentment. eee PACTS AND CiRCumsrances 03 onl are B08 ‘near Wichita without Kansas [67206] Secretary to the Commission, Kansas Corporation commission 1300 SW Arrowhead Road Topeka, KS 66604 Notice of Bill DisputeRE: Electricity accra Pn Greetings Secretary to the Commission, Am called latisah a Private, non-citizen, non-resident, non-legal enti and; come in peace as a private man. Affirm-ant has recently realized that she has been unknowingly complicit in a fraud perpetuated by the local providers of utilities services. With this knowledge, it is my duty and responsibility to right myself and give the proper persons lawful notification, Notification is the first essential element of due process of law. As silence is acquiescence under the law, silence can only be equated with fraud where there is a lawful or moral duty to speak, or where an inquiry left unanswered would be misleading, whether intentionally or not. What Affirm-ant has realized is that pursuant to Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978/ 92 STAT. 3134 PUBLIC LAW 95-617, section 115g(2)(A), Affirm-ant is, “unable to pay for such service in accordance with the requirements of the utility's billing”, because: | Affirmant not the class of user that is to be billed 2.Affirmant is not using the service in federally regulated activity 3.Affirmant is not using the service within the territorial jurisdiction of the Constitution's ‘Commerce Clause, ‘Whereas the Commerce Clause describes an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3) and, Whereas Congress can only regulate Interstate trade and businesses under the Commerce Clause and Affirmant am not engaged in any such pecuniary scheme in use of utilities at the above address; and, Wheres a State Government is free to adopt any scheme for regulating businesses it prefers as long as that scheme: (My domicile is not a business or in commerce) — Does not interfere with the exercise of Congress’ authority to regulate interstate commerce or late other provisions of the Federal Constitution, and; j es ; confidence Speciqd PAIWATE, Pawu»ry, and in ~ Does not result in the taking of private property without just compensation; and, Whereas Affirm-ant's private property (aka Social Security Account Number) is used to secure federal appropriation funding for the various utility without just compensation and under threat duress and coercion that if Affirm-ant did not also “pay/promise to pay”, essential utility services would be terminated; and, ‘Whereas Utility Providers have a lawful obligation to provide reasonably adequate service on a non-discriminatory basis to people located within that service territory; and, User Class Jurisdiction Whereas the term "electric consumer” means any person... to which electric energy is sold other than for purposes of resale. (16 USC 2602 (5)) Whereas “person” means an individual or a corporation; (16 USC 796 (4)) Whereas “Person” may include an individual, partnership, corporation, association, joint venture, private organization or other legal entity... (5 CER § 582.102 (4)) and Affirm-ant is not such class of person, Whereas to establish personal jurisdiction over Affirm-ant, it must be show that jurisdiction is proper under the laws of the forum state and has such minimum contacts that the exercise of jurisdiction would not offend due process. Whereas Specific jurisdiction, is premised on something of a quid pro quo: in exchange for “benefiting” from some purposive conduct directed at the forum state, a party is deemed to consent to the exercise of jurisdiction for claims related to those contacts. (sce Dudnikov, 514 F.3d at 1078) Federally Regulated Activity Whereas “When said power or any part thereof shall enter into interstate or foreign commerce the rates charged and the service rendered by any such fi in public service shall be reasonable, nondiscriminatory, and just to the customer and all unreasonable discriminatory and unjust rates or services are prohibited and declared to be unlawful (16 U.S. Code § 813) ‘nsee.. for sale and distribution or use Whereas “[EJlectric energy shall be held to be transmitted in interstate commerce if transmitted from a State and consumed at any point outside thereof; but only insofar as such transmission takes place within the United States. ” (16 U.S.C. § 824(c). SPEANL PAVETE , PeroeTy and \a ConRdence Federally Regulated Territorial Jurisdiction. Whereas accroding to Article 1 section 8 clause 17 of the federal constitution, “The Congress shall have power... to exercise exclusive legislation... over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the States... for the erection of forts...and other needful buildings."; and, Whereas “public lands” means such lands and interest in lands owned by the United States as are subject to private appropriation and disposal under public land laws (16 USC 796 (1)) yet, the property where utiltites service is enjoyed in not in such territory belonging to and owned by the United States; and, Whereas the term "United States", when used in a geographic sense, means all places and waters, continental or insular, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States Where as the term "State" includes any Territory or possession of the United States, and the term "Federal area" means any lands or premises held or acquired by or for the use of the United States or any department. establishment, or agency of the United States; and any Federal area. or any part thereof, which is located within the exterior boundaries of any State, shall be deemed to be a Federal area located within such State. (4 USC 110(e) and () Whereas "Navigable waters" (for which the Commission has jurisdiction under the ‘Commerce Clause) are defined to include "streams or other bodies of water over which Congress has jurisdiction to regulate commerce among foreign nations and among the States" (16 U.S.C. 796(8)) Anability to “pay” According to_ Whereas Article | section 8 Clause | dictates that, “Congress shall... Pay the Debts”; and, Whereas Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 grants, “Congress shall have coin Money, regulate the Value thereof...” and Section 10 sates, “no state...shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”; and, Whereas in the United States, legal tender is statutorily defined as all coins and currency issued by the United States Treasury ot the Federal Reserve System, including fiat money coins and notes but this definition exceeds Congress’s power under the Constitution; and Whereas existing legal tender law (31 U.S.C. 5103), first passed in 1862, declares Federal Reserve Notes to be legal tender but,such notes are not legal tender in the constitutional sense, because they are fiat money and bills of credit (no longer backed by gold since 1933), wi the Constitution forbids (Article 1 Section 10); and, Special , Peewate Peroesty and ns, Coates Whereas according to the statutes and rules that govern the Federal Reserve System, bills and other certificates of indebtedness are “obligation of the United States” (18 USC § 8) and asa non-citizen, non-resident, non-federal reserve agent, non-federal reserve bank A ffirmant is not authorized to “pay” using the Federal Reserve System (12 USC § 411). Conclusion: Enclosed is proof that Affirmant, as one of the “real men with arms and legs” on this land called America, is a collateral creditor (18 USC 1692a (4)) of the full faith and eredit of the United States (12 USC § 1825(4)). As such creditor A ffirmant is not liable for any “obligation of the United States” Termination of service for one's inability to lawfully be charged or legally “pay”, especially where there is a duty to provide service, is Cruel And Unusual Punishment (See Article the Eighth, aka Eight Amendment). All know what lack of electricity, water, gas and communication does to people, family and ‘communities yet most are willing to allow injury and damages if one chooses to feed, house and/or clothe themselves without use of the Federal Reserve System, Who or what gave utility corporations/States the right to pillage earth, separate the people from our ancestral knowledge of land air and water then sell it back to us, anyway? ‘To demand “payment” from Affiant in the form of Federal Reserve Notes is to demand an impossibility as the notes are debt obligations and not “money” (12 USC § 1825(¢)(6)) Due to these facts, and having the natural, unalienable right to land air and water, Affirmant cannot, in good faith, participate in the fraudulent of use of the Federal Reserve system for charges in Interstate Commerce when she/he is not so authorized nor engaged Termination of Affiant's service due to the exercise of rights to access basic necessities like electricity, water, gas and/or telecommunications for personal use, is considered retaliation and will result in a Remontrance filed with the legislature to order an investigation and have the ‘Commissions business charter/ license revoked and actors prosecuted for rights violations. Sincerely, Bearer op fe May ET Certificate of Service 1 $a. certify that a copy, ofthe forgoing Notice of Liability and Intent, Points of Authorites and attachments, was sent via mail and/or email to the following regulatory agencies/persons: *Awwomney General Washington 800 Sth Ave, Suite 2000 Seattle, WA. 98108-3188; * Washington State Department of Revenve PO Box 47460 Olympia, WA 98504-7460 *Secretary of State Washington 801 Capitol Way S, Olympia. WA 98504 *US. See of state Harry § Truman Building 2201 C Street Northwest, Washington, D.C. *Compiroller of the Currency101 Stewart St, Suite 1010 Seattle, WA98101 ; *US. Comptroller of Curency 400 7h St. SW Washington, DC 20219) ‘Federal Energy Regulatory commission: 888 First St, NE Washington, DC 20426 *Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: 700 G St. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20852 “Internal Revenue Service Building, Charles P. Rettig 1111 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20224 “US. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 "Secretary U.S. Departinent of Commerce 1401 Constitution Ave NW Washington, DC 20230 “DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20220 Linda Berry (consumer protectionSusan K. Dufly (Chairman) Karsas Corporation Commission 1500 S.W. Arrowhead Road ‘Topeka, KS 66604 Phone: (785) 271-3100; Fax: (785) 271-3354; Web site: hup/Wwww.hor ks pov SPeciad fuyole Muorety are ur Crfdence UCC APPROVAL SHEET ** EXPEDITED SERVICE ** ** KEEP WITH DOCUMENT ** FEES REMITTED r] oan vow MLUAAA NAAN $2500 $2500 $2500 325.00 32500 “ue owen COPY MADE pblie France wail aasiqnmet- Tius.a. DePARTENT OF DEFENSE US.A. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND : SECURITY] ATT: CLERK, HALL OF JUSTICE-C1110714- 1 43470 6 191 NORTH-FIRST STREET, [SANJOSE Ca 95113-1006 Hy Bz Tne tz 3A 938 WR a trast (15 USC) TTAGOMONAL DEBTOR'S EXACT FILL LEGAL NMS eet on ss re rr crn emi wean ee [a ATONE AE on{-E PLURIBUS UNUM- THE UNITED STATES OF [a RaNBUATS ASTM An = 1500) Avenue, NW. t [Scoroe a trustee (15 ‘THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY 1789 The United States of America_| AG 59880464 A -U.S.S.E.C W: De de. | 20220 Dare The United States of America AG 59880464 A "SECURED PARTY'S Aa (rnd OTK ASSES ASSOWON GP) mney [ie CREAM 1000247556 =, Seal’_ No. 285521 6733753691 |= Seal__No. 285522 00242066 = |= Seal No. 285523 FV26390-2, , «Seal No. 285524 FILING OFFICE COPY — UCC FINANCING STATEMENT (FORM UCC) (REV. 05-202) Ucc FINANCING STATEMENT ADDENDUM TST Te Romne ae ear -OUT OF MANY (all 50 states, all cities, real estate in - THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , this |FIRST NAME: EVERTON, |LAST NAME : ROCHA, MIDDLE NAME: DEOLIVEIRA, M -be as-extracted, with-prejuadice, in-t the United States of America, ‘State of California on this 15th day of July, 2011.- [A SECURITY (15 USC) COMMERCIAL AFFIDAVIT—-NOT A POINT OF LAW] Brent 4 GLOBALLY EXTENDED NAWAPA's approach signifies a change n the organization ofthe planet as a whole, and ts applcaton will et off a pattern of sovereign nation states acting 1 sovereign natlon-atetes, ut laing the fll compass oftheir own terettories forthe sceatific ‘enait and Increasing power of thar eltizens. The Increase of wad toa guaranteed increase inthe productive powers of labor, er unit of relevent territory, and in greater fates than ever before, for every continent where the principle It apple. SCIENTIFIC ADVANCEMENT ‘Along with ts planetary tfects axa continental water maa~ ‘agement system, NAWAPA TS a scl driver In the true tents ofthe tore +The accomplishment of implementing» reservoir manage- ‘ment syater of ts seal, over ane continuous, active cordor of tclentie coordhntion, will ead to unpredictable, but guaran teed quaitative atfects in overall technologeal and sclentitl management, 1+ The creation of large tunnels, toting 1900 miles, typlty the great advancements to be made in geoiogical mapping. as well as fundamental licoveres inthe understanding of It's Creation of the earth's crust, and the nature offs useful lor sent ores, * Creating » permanent presence of civitzation Inthe nrtn- tn regions wh transform oue current sclentiie perspective of the Arctic from telat research stations ln remate and danger- (us conditions Inte an active sclentifie capeblity, With the Are- tes unique proximity te the singular eectremagnatic conditions of the Polar Reglons, the complex of electromagnetic relation: ‘ships. defining the Earth-Sun magnetic Interactions, and deter- ‘mining the evolutionary procestas ofthe Biosphere, wil nay be Integrated Into the power of man's understanding, end economy. "= wth a restored, non-ersis management approach to the hydrological yee, new breakthroughs will be made In the bio spheric engineering of emate, plant ie, ground ' Theough the ciose management of NAWAP, voir, not only wil the continent's production of fish and aquatic protein multipty several fol, Dut new frontiers wil be breached in revervok sclance and water trestmant methods, mastering the use and engineering of mlcro-organiams, fs end plant contr. Inaccompllahing NAWAPA, man willbe polaed to begla mas- tering and making use of the Integrated ralationships which {efine ite on arth, and participate ln creating its continued ever tution rather than being subject to the whima of nature ard oct condtions, NORTH AMERICAN WS ae 5] ALLIANCE PLD Nene) REGIONAL BREAKDOWN 1. Susttna Reservoir 2. Yukon Reservolr ‘3. Copper Reservoir 4, Taku Lire ‘5. Conadian/Great-Lakes Waterway 6. Rocky Mountain Trench 7, Sowtooth Lits @. Dakota Waterway 9. Sawtooth Tunnel 10, Great Basin Waterway Th Lake Nevada 12. Colerade Reservoir 13, Boje Aqueduct 14, Colorado Aqueduct 15, Sonora Aqueduct 16, Chituahua Aqueduct 17, Rlo-Grande Aqueduet 18, Hudson Bay Seaway 19, James Bay Seaway 20, Knob Lake Barge Canal NAWAPA ‘The melementation of NAWAPA means making the bold oe Cision to solve the longterm needs of mankind for the next $0 yrs in te management of water and other presently known {and oew resources. metns a cvilzation taking its destiny Into ‘ts own hands, by managing continental and global characteris: tes Instead of local ones. EMPLOYMENT & INDUSTRY NAWAPA Itself creates drectiy and Indirectly 4 mition Jobs plus close to an adallonal LS milion Jobs through appiica- ton of muciear technologies for the 30,000 MW (mega watt) pumping requrement of the system, fr # total of 5.5 milion ew jobs. For More, Vist WATER MANAGEMENT ‘Due te Its specie topographical shape, and ocean ale cur- ‘rants, a quarter of al the rai ar snow that hits the ground In North “Ameria euch year als ina narrow corridor of the continent, with {800 MAFY( millon acre feet per yeer) running directly into the Pa ‘ile and Arctic Oceuns, unused by the blosphere on land, and wasted. Meanwtile, a large swath of the western hatf of continent remains dry, and barree. NAWAPA will remedy thls presenty Ineticlent cistribution of Precipitation: utizing 20% of this runot, 160 MAFY, strategically placed dams and tunnels will reste a collection system of major ‘ew roservolrs and canals, taking advantage ofthe natural topeg- raphy of the Rocky Mountain Chal, and effecting a distribution of water to parched lands and strategic water ways. Through 22 MAFY to the Canadian Praire Provinces, 69 MAFY to US states, land 21 MAFY for Northern Mexlce, 86,000 square miles will be Irrigated, doubting the curent ivigable acreage west ofthe Mis~ siasipp, and replacing the increasingly Inefficient and Wnited sources of well water with a permanent source from gravity flow, ‘alleving agriculture of pumping costs and restoring is produc- ‘ty. Ina known fect, thet 40% of precipitation over continents {Category A) returns directly as runotf or groundwater dlacherge to oceans, while 60% percent of precipitation over continents (Category 8) re-evaporates, and falls back onto land, recycig ‘tsa roughly 2:7 times overland before returning to oceans. By bullding NAWAPA, the 60 MAFY of normal Category A preciita- tion wil be brought into participation with Category 8, being ‘used not once, but multiple times as It recycles a8 rafal croas the continent, belore exiting the system, EFFICIENCY ‘The NAWAPA design has the least amount of reservoirs an isteibuton syatern fr the greatest effect: ‘3180 Individual water resource projects authorized/propetes by Army Corps in 1966: 2.7 lion acre feet of water storage capacity created 369 Incvigual water resource projects proposed In NAWAPA: ‘4.3 bition acre feet Water storage capacity created: HYDRO-POW! Because of Its continental deslgn approach, NAWAPA annu- ally generates 38,000 MW of power for Canada and 30,000 MW for the US, trom gravity low. NUCLEAR RENAISSANCE ‘The 2450 foat idaho Saw Tooth Lit, necessitating 26,000 ‘MW of power, wil require 65, - 400MW modular plants, such ax the GE-Hitechi PRISM. The long term settlement of northern rer ‘ions of Canada and Alaska, wll lead tothe long awalted applca- {ion of high temperature nuclear procens heat in integraty der signed nuplexes (nuclear powered industrial complexes), featur Ing high temperature(2-3000F) chemical procesting Industrie, ‘water desalination, and electrical power production. ‘THE CANADIAN/GREAT LAKES SEA WAYS ‘Barge canals connecting Lake Superior to the Pacific, ané Hutton Bay, Georglan Bay, the ore felis of Labrador, and ‘Quebec tothe Great Lakes, wil lead to an explosion of mining, In ‘Gustia and research potentials. RAIL CONSTRUCTION Various Union Pacific, Burtington Northern Santa Fe, and Canadian Pacific routes wil need double, and In some cones, tripe tracking. 2200 miles of new ral, connecting Prince George ‘ond Dawson Creek each to Fairbanks, Alaska must be but. Over {975 miles of double track connecting Fairbanks with Eqveninot. ‘Chutatha, nciucting a 6O-ralle Bering Strat connection, wil bein order. } US Generel Services. Energy Divicion Publie Baliding Bervice Washington, DC 38405, Areawide Pubiie Utilities Contract Kansas City Power and Light Company Kansas City, Missouri Electric and Enetgy Management Services Contract No, 47PA0418D0010 GSA Areawide Public Utility Contract For Electric, Energy Management Services, and Services Provided under the Appropriate Regulatory Authority Contract No. 47PA0418D0010 between the United States of America and Kansas City Power and Light Company Franchised service areas of Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and Nebraska NEGOTIATED AREAWIDE CONTRACT No, 47PA0418D0010 BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND Kansas City Power and Light Company ‘THIS AREAWIDE CONTRACT FOR Bectrc, Epergy Management Services and Services Proved Under The ‘Appropriate Regulatory Authority Is executed this of Quhebee _, 2017, between the UNITED STATES OF ‘AMERICA, acting through the Administrator of General Services (Rerenafer refered to as the “Gavernment’), pursuant to the authority contained in Section 201(a) ofthe Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1549, as amended, 40 US. 501(0X1), and Kanses Cry Power and Light Company, 8 corporation orpenized and exsting under the laws of the State of Missour, and having ts prixipaloffce ard place of buses at 1200 Main Steet, aneas Cty, Missourt 64105, on behal? of Kself ond Rs afitate, KCPRL Greater Missouri Operations Company (Perenafter collectively referred to asthe “Contractor: WHEREAS, the Contractor is a public tty company that is regiated by the Hisscurt Pulic Serdce Commissions end the Kensas Corporation Commission having jurlscktion over the Contractor (herenafer refered to bectvely es the “Conmisions"}; ond WHEREAS, the Corrector now has on fe with the Commissions aloft effective tr, rete schedies, tiers, nies and reguiatory terms and condlons of service, as appcable; and WHEREAS, wth some exceptions, the Gaversments generatyrequred by Chapter 1 of The 48 ofthe Federal ‘Aazxistion Regulation (FAR), 48 CFR 4124, to enter into a blateral ara for Elect, Energy Management Services andor Servcas Prov Under the Appropriate Reguatory Autorty at each Federal facthy where the vale ofthe Serves provided i expected to exceed $150,000 annual, and WHEREAS, where the Government has an areawide contrect heffect with 2 particular uty, then such service {snomally to be procured thereunder; are WHEREAS, tte Government is now purchasing such slecifc, energy management services frm the Conractr under he Neewid Pub Uns Corrct No, GS-OOP7-260.0508 tat expres on Seplrbar 2 217, the former Negotiated Areawide Contract No. GS-00P-O4-BS0-0297 between the Governmant and Aguila ne. oF Under some ofher serves emangement and WHEREAS, the Contractor and the Government mutually ded that ths Areawide Contract be used by the ‘agencies of the Government in obtaining electric, energy management services sndi/or services provided under the ‘Appropetate Regulatory Authorty from the Contractor and to facitate the potential partnering arrangements as ‘encouraged and authorized by 10 U.S.C. 2911-2918 and 42 U-S.C. 8256; and WHEREAS, the parties desire for this Aremwide Contract to cover Services in the Contractors certfcated terrtory Induding without the nition to the Contractor Konsas service ares, the Contractor service area, and the graatar Missourl operations service area of KCPAL Greater Missour Operations Compscy-and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereby agree Bs follows: ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS. 2.2, As wed ln this Areawide Contract, the folowing terms have the mesring as prescribed below "Masmmida Contzact” means this master contract entered into between the Goverment end Cartrector to ‘the Service acruistions of al Federal agencies in the franchised cstiicabed service terrtory from Contractor ‘which shal Induce without Imitation to the Contractor Kansas service area, the Contractor Missour service area, and a mm a ‘ten (10) years (©) “Appropriate Remulstory Authority” meons the Missouri Putte Service Commissions and the Kansas Corporation Commission having jurstiction over the Contractor. “haan means any Federal department, agency, or Independent establishment in the executive branch of any eaten the leave Of koa branches f Be Ferd Govermer, o any waagrnd erste ones se caval ne Goer Cmpertion Cntr i,» Wf wach at ADM 4800 2E on the TD) Spacers Necross nel aang Sasa ae DP) Energy Management Services and/or Services provided under the Appropriate Requitory Authorty under ‘ps preoade Cokrac. (©, “Authorization” means an order form used to acquire Services under this Areawide Contract (see Exhibit “AY AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE, Exhibit “B" ENERGY MANAGEMENT SERVICE, Exhibit "D~ (0), “Tecmtuation Authorization” mears an order form used to dlscontinue or disconnect Services under this ‘Arwawhe Contract (see Exhibit "A" AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE, Exhibit "B" ENERGY MANAGEMENT ‘SERVICE, hibit “D" AUTHORIZATION FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THE APPROPRIATE REGULATORY AUTHORITY); (@ __ “Smcvicala)" means any electric, energy management services and/or services provided under the Regular Authorty that are generaly avlabl from the Contractor pursue to Contractor's Tarfs or (H) “Blac Service” means reguloted dlectic commodties, tranartaion, clsbbution, and/or related sarices. (0__ _“Eoermy Conservation Mansura” means ony specfc eneryy reated or water service Irterces to provide nergy savings end/orGemond reduction n Federal flies (Reference Atide 18 here). D)_ “Eoaray Mansoament Service (EM51" means ory project that ls designed to reduce and/or marages energy doand a cy ms wel sere eu acd any Sry suis racemic Dena it pope coaron of re ‘energy conservation measure. Such measures indude, but are rot linlted to, operating and maintenance end ‘commissioning services (Energy Conservation Measure and Demand Sde Management Measure are considered ‘equivalent tems) To be considered an EMS measure, the measure must satisfy 2 of the following requirements: 1, The EMS measure must be designed to produce measurable energy reductions or measurable amounts of controlled energy andlor water use; 2. The OMS measure rmust be directly retated to the use of energy or rectly control the use of energy or water; 3. Tagore ef werk ceed eS manne (neat oa) mat efor Rod 4. The EMS measure must be an improvement to resi property or any action that is necessary to ensure the functionality of the EMS measure. <0 “Contractor's Tariffs" means Kansas Chy Power and Ught Company utity service tarts and Incudes rte rn ruck rapa, bru rs cova ef seve oy be Mi sed oF Senses ger by ee Cortyactor thom time to Urns, and approved by the Appropviete Reguistory Authority. (on a and/or not specicly subject to Appropriate Regulatory Autherity approval before they take effect. The defination of “Terms and Conditions" shall not Inde price-ralated matters or contract terms developed for specific Authorizations. (m)_ “Connection Charaa” means: charge for faites on the Contractor's sie ofthe delivery point ‘which facies (1) are required to make’ with the nearest point of supply and (2) are in accordance wath the Contractor's Terffs and the Contractor's rues and reguiations, retalled, owned, meintained and operated by the n ose ciate of mica seated Mant hed Ue COON SELENE AGENTS TN ERSTE. COMMERCE - (©) “Hazardous Materials” means those substances defined as “hazardous substances” pursuant to Section 101(14) ofthe Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended by the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization ‘Act of 1986 (42 U.S.C. Sections 9601 et seq); |. these substances designated as a "hazardous substance” pursuant to Section 311(bX2KA) oF as a “enc ‘polutant” pursuant to Section 307(a}(1) of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. Sections 1251 et seq (hose substances defined 25 “hazardous mzteriais” pursuant to Section 103 of the Hazardous Materials ‘Transportation Act (49 U-S.C Sections 1801 et seq); those substances regulated 25 a ‘chemical substance or mbture” or as an “inmmicently hazardous chemical ‘substance or mixture” pursuant to Section 6 or 7 ofthe Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. Sections 2601 et sea) i. those substances defined as “contaminants” pursuant to Section 1401 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 USCC. Sections 3001 et seq), present in excess of permissibe levels; those substances regulated pursuant to the OF Pollution Act of 1990 (33 U.S.C. Sections 2701 et seq,); those substances defined as a “pesticide” pursuant to Section 2{v) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, end ‘Rodenticide Act as amended by the Federal Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1972 and by the Feral Pesticide Act of 1978 (7 U.S.C Sections 136 et seq.); As Mi. those substances defined as 8 “soures’, “special nuclear" or “by-product” mater pursuant to Section 11 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 USC. Section 2014 et seq); vil. those substances defined as “reschal radioactive meteal” In Section 101 of the Uranium Mal Tolings Raclation Control Act of 1978 (42 U.S.C. Sections 7901 et s22.); ‘x those substances defined a5 “ude materials” or "harmful physical agents” pursuant to Section 6 of the ‘Occupational Safety and Heath Act (29 U.S.C. Section 651 et seq); x those substances defined as “hazardous sir polutants” pursuant to Section 112(2)6), or “regusted ‘Substance” pursuant to Section 112(8}(2XB) ofthe Clean Ar Act (42 U.S.C. Sections 7401 et sea.) a. ‘nazardous x x. ‘contaminants, Polluted, tonic end hazardous materials, the use, dspostion, possession or contral of which is reguated by ‘one or more Laws. (p) __"Hamardous Wastes” means those substances defined as “hazardous waste” pursuant to Section 1004(5) of the Resource, Conservation and Recovery Act (42 U.S.C. Section £901 et seq.) and those other hazardous wastes efires — in any regulations promugated pursuant = t>any environmental Law. 11.2, This Article is hereby expanded to incute the addtional defiaons contained in FAR Clause S2.202-1, Definitons (MAY 2001), 48. CFR. 52.202-1, which are incorporated herein by reference. ARTICLE 2. SCOPE AND DURATION OF CONTRACT. 2.1. This Areawide Contract shall be in effect on and aftar the September 2, 2017 CEffective Date’), and shail ‘continue fora period often (10) years ("Lacan except that the Government, pursuant tothe dause contained in FAR 52.249-2; 48 CFR. 52.249-2, Incorporated into this Areawide Contract under Artie 14.1-34, or the Contractor, upon Shey (60) days writen notice to the Government, and without Habilty to the Government or any Ordering Agency, may 3 Woman Not a Fedenal ocderin, Akoncss = terminate this Areawide Contract, whol or npart, when sin thes respective intrest odo 0, provided, hovrever, {hut nether the stated duration ofthis Areawide Carract no any other termination of in whole orn ar, pursuant to such incorporated couse, bis Aric 21, or oterwise, shal be construed to alec any ctbgaton for ay payment, ‘rye, oi, or other motes that may be imposed pursuant tothe Contractor's Tarif, rates, res, reguitons, riders, practices, o terms and conditions of Service as may be madiied, amended, or supplemented by the Contractor and ‘2pproved fron time to tine bythe Commissions. 2.2, hutharizations may be executed under this Areawide Pube Uy Contract at any time during the term ofthis, Coreract. The tet of any Auterization executed under tis conrat may be for aterm of up to ten (10) years, which tem may extend beyond the term ofthis Areawide Contract. Authrtations execied pursuant tthe author under 42US.C Section 8256 may be for aterm of up to 25 year, as long 2s the other requirements ofthis Secon are met, and the term may extend beyond the tem ofthis Arewwide Contract. Termination, mosdicton or expan of tis Areavige Contact shal not afect In any way Bry Athorzators previously entered into under this Contec. 12.3, The provisions ofthis Areawide Contract shall not apply to the Contractor's Service to any Agency until oth the Ordering Agency and the Contractor execute a written Authortztion for Electric, Energy Management Services, and/or Services Provided Under the ‘Authortty. Upon bilateral execution of an Authorization, the (Contractor agrees the Ordering Agency agrees to purchase from the Contractor, the above noted forthe ‘OF Facies named inthe Authorization pursuent to the terms ofthis ‘Areawide Contract. 24, Nothing n this Arezwide Contract shal be construed as precucng the Ordering Agency and the Contractor from (rtzrng into an Authorization for negotiated rates or Service of a special nature, provided such negotted rates or Service ae in acaoréonce Wh the res and repuations ofthe Contractor, if appable 2.5. This Areawide Contract may be used by an Ordering Agency to obtain elec services that are offered by ‘Contraco, 25 further described in 40 U.S.C. Section 591, to the extent Is apphable, (qucted here in relevant ad): "A department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal Government may not use amounts appropriated OF ‘made avaable by any low to purchase elecichy in 8 manner incase with state lw governing the provision of eect uty servic”. “To facta an Ordering Agency obtaining services under Contractors standard agreements for uty service, an Exhibit {1 has been Included inthis Areawide Contra. This Exhibit "D” is designed so R also can be used by on Ordering ‘agency when 8 change requested by the Ordering Agency to Contraco’ standard terms and condos for wity s2rvice has been approved by the Appropriate Reguatry Authoty. ARTICLE 3. EXISTING CONTRACTS. 3.1. The parties agree that an Agency curretly acquiring Service from the Contractor under a separate writen contract Tay continue to do 30 untl that contract expires or un such time as the Agency and the Contractor mutually agree to terminate that separate writen contract and have such Service provided pursuant tn this Arezwide Contract by ‘executing an apropriate Authorization or Authortzatons. 3.2. Edsting special rates and services of a spacial nature currently provided under separate wien contract may be continued under the Authorizations described in Ace 3.1 F requested by the Ordering Agency and agreed upon by the Contractor. ARTICLE 4. AUTHORIZATION PROCEDURE AND SERVICE DISCONNECTION. 4-1, To obtan or change Service under this Areawike Contract, the Ordering Agency shail complete the appropriate ‘Authorization and forward it tothe Contractor. Upon the request of the Ordering Agency, the Contractor shall endeavor tw provide reasonable assistance to the Ordering Agency in selecting the service classification which may be most {evorable to the Ordering Agency. Upon execution ofan Authorization by both the Contractor and the Ordering Agency, the date of ination or change in Service shal be effective as of the date specfied inthe Authorimtion. An exec.ted ‘copy of the Authorization shal be tranemited by the Ordering Agency to GSA atthe address provided in Arise 16.1. 4:2. During the Term ofthis Areawide Contract, effective Authorizations need not be amended, modified, or changed bby an Ondering Agency to reflect changes in: accounting and appropriation data, the Contractor's Tar, the Contractor's ‘ost of purchased fuel, or the estimated annual cost of Service. Such changes are considered intemal tothe party Involved. Where changes are required ineffective Authorizations because of a chenge in the Service requrements of {an Ordering Agency, an amended Authorization shal be mutual agreed upon and executed. 43. An Ordering Agency or the Contractor may dscontinue Service provided pursuant to this Areawide Contract to a articular Federal fecity or instalation by delverng a wetten Termination Authorization to the other. Such

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