PRIVATE CHECK v1 - For Discharge and Purchase

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This private check for discharge debt combining elements from 10 successful processes. You simply present it for products or
services similar to the way we use postage paid taxe-percue. Your signature and seal (thumbprint) is all needed (no UCC, no
county clerk, no cancelled postage stamps, no notary public, no state apostille, no assumed name certificate, no bank medallion
stamp, etc.).
Change STATE to your state and remove the brackets [Ex. MARYLAND]
Change DOE, JOHN to YOUR NAME and remove the brackets [Ex. SMITH, ANNE]
If you do not have a social security number use the number 111-111-1111

Use a blue ink pen to fill in the blanks. This becomes your original to keep for your record.
Date: the day you add your signature/autograph
Pledge/Pay to the Order of: vendor name

Contract Number: USPS Registered Mail Number (RE) + Private Series Number
Send Form UCC-1 to yourself via Registered Mail (RE) The RE will become your private contract number in the form of a NON-UCC, created for
you to discharge the debts of your U.S. PERSON/CITIZEN. Place a number series on your NON-UCC. Example: 0001-9999. For each vendor/bill,
combine the RE # and Series # to create a new contract number. Example: Vendor 1, RE123456789US-0001, Vendor 2 RE123456789US-0002.
Manage this as you would a checkbook for bank checking account to keep track of your contracts. Here’s a blank UCC-1:

Account Number: account number the vendor assigned to you

Total Value $235.75 This should be the amount of the bill. However, what we recommend: For Credit Cards, subtract $50-$100 from the amount if you want the
vendor to keep the account open. For any other debt, Add an extra 20% to the amount of the debt.

BY: sign your first name last name with blue ink [honestly i adopted a squiggly line after the first letter “A” as my new autograph]
Stamp/Seal: Place your thumbprint with red ink over Stamp/Seal. [red stamp pads are available for $1 from Dollar Tree]
Authorized Representative Name & Return Address: Your name and address [use ℅ ]
Add the USPS Certified Mail # and USPS Return Receipt #
Optional Gold Seal: print as is or place a real gold foil certificate seal over the gold seal image on the copy you’ll mail to the vendor.
[12 seals for $1 from Dollar Tree or 250 seals for $6.99 from Amazon]
Staple the BILL OF [STATE] CREDIT with a copy B of your completed 1099-A and a completed W9. Send these items to the
original vendor.
Optional Red Fox Stamp: add further assured value and consideration backed by gold with a red fox stamp and get it cancelled by a
postal clerk. However, this a coupon and U.S. obligation so citing 18 USC §8 is enough. Here’s the link to the Red Fox Stamps from
Send the original bill with a copy of the BILL OF [STATE] CREDIT. Always keep your originals. Make a copy of everything for your
record. For court fines and notices, write on the back of the original notice: “Payable to: Ministry of Justice” (without quotations)
Send to address given for payments with ATTN: CFO or CEO (name and/or title of the CFO or CEO) via USPS Certified Mail Adult
Signature Required, and a USPS Green Return Receipt. I print my own envelope with Prepaid Taxe Percue.
LINK TO ENVELOPE [download or save it to your drive, then edit there]: Please thank Mark Metz for the style/design:
Administrative Process. If your private check instrument is dishonored, start the administrative process. (1) Notice of Claim (2)
Opportunity to Cure with Certificate of NonResponse (3) Notice of Default Judgment with Certificate of Default in Dishonor (CDD).
Send the CDD to Secretary of State for an apostille; at that point it is a summary judgment and the vendor is automatically placed in
voluntary bankruptcy. Send the vendor a copy of the judgement. Now this judgment has value which you can take to a brokerage
(Fidelity, Merrill Lynch, TD Ameritrade, etc.) for a special deposit. Or you may sell the debt to a collection agency for pennies on the

Everything is trial and error. Test this document with ANY vendor ---past, present or to establish new accounts. I plan to test it with
new vendors by attaching it to the credit application and call it a day. Student Loan? Apartment? Car Dealerships? Why not? Will it
work? I don’t know. Nothing ventured. Nothing gained. Good luck! ~ Anne Smith #ONELOVE #ISICNATION
Example of Form 1099-A. You are the lender. You keep Copy A. The federal ID is your SSN. The bill presenter/vendor is the

borrower. Send Copy B to the bill presenter/vendor.

Example of Form W-9

ACCOUNT SERIES RE669124575US-0001 to RE669124575US-9999


2-3-2020 0001 Lee Auto Sales $33,000.00
NOTICE OF TENDER FOR SETOFF (discharge existing debt)

Notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice to principal.

_____________________dba _________title
__________________ address ___________city Oklahoma Republic
Zip Exempt [RFD 74501]

Re: Account # ____________

Please see the enclosed copy of Tender for payment in the amount of $______________ as full satisfaction for
Account #_______________)___ sent to the Internal Revenue Service Stop 4440 P.O. Box 9036 Ogden, Utah [84201]
on __ /__/____.

I hereby conditionally accept further offers/communications from _______________________ upon these conditions;

1. True, correct, complete and not misleading copies of all assignments, negotiations, transfer of rights, novation and
the like, which unambiguously delineantes that debt collector is the owner, assignee, holder, holder in due course,
entitlement holder, which absolutely evidences Alleged Creditor’s full and complete disclosure, including but not
limited to any and all implied an/or expressed written contracts, and/or any and all consent with any such agreement if
a novation;

2. Produce all relative commercial instruments, contracts, whether implied or express, which contain exchange of
consideration, and which verified bona fide signature of Respondent.

Further communications not fulfilling the above described conditions shall be deemed frivolous at its/their face and
constitutes your agreement that the account has been paid in full, is settled and closed and that you cease and desist
from further communications and/or offers to Juan D. Hill

ALL non-frivolous Responses must be sent to Juan Hill United States Post Office via traceable certified or
registered mail only. Traceable mail to: ℅ 309 E. Modoc Ave Mcalester, Oklahoma Republic [RFD 74501].

NOTICE: Respondent shall be billed $1,000.00 per frivolous response as of the receipt of this mailing. Notice to
Declared intent or purpose of this tender of payment as a special deposit order of the payor and the Beneficiary and is
to be credited to depositors account as accord and satisfaction and payment in full and discharge of any and all
outstanding liabilities.

BY:___________________________________________©™ Stamp/Seal
Secured Party Creditor,
Executive Trustee of the Private Trust known as JUAN DEMETRIUS
NOTICE OF TENDER FOR SETOFF (use for new purchases)

Notice to principal is notice to agent, notice to agent is notice to principal.

Chan Lee d/b/a Owner

Lee Auto Sales
Mcalester, Oklahoma Republic
Zip Exempt [RFD 74501]

Re: Agreement or Purchase Order Dated 03-26-2019 for 2 automobiles

Please see the enclosed copy of instrument for payment in the amount of $ 33,000.00 as full satisfaction for
the above Regarding, sent to the Internal Revenue Service Stop 4440 P.O. Box 9036 Ogden, Utah [84201] on
3/26/2019 . I hereby conditionally accept further offers/communications from Lee Auto Sales and tender
payment with conditions of the following legal notice:

I tender payment in lawful money for the debt for the account in the above Regarding. ANY/ALL Debts are
ACCEPTED FOR VALUE, EXEMPT FROM LEVY By: [First Name] this day and Pay to US Treasury
without Recourse. Deposit to TT&L dept., Bank of America. Per: 31 USC 3113a1B, 12 USC ss 95a2, 50
USC 4305b2, HJR-192 Public Policy 73-10; authorized representative UCC 3-402 B Pay in Lawful money
12 USC ss 411 UCC 1-308, All rights reserved.

Public Law 1, 48 stat. 1, refers to H.R 1491 to which the U.S. GOVT. and the State are the Trustees of the
Trust created under this Public Law 1 which placed all property of the People into the U.S. GOVT and State,
and that these possessions are a “trust “ to be used as a credit line.

Public Law 10, Chapter 48, 48 stat 112. Refers to H.J.R.192 which removed all the lawful gold and silver
from the State to pay its employees, and for the People the means to receive pay for sweat equity and pay
debt. In 1933 – President Roosevelt passed HJR 192, June 5, 1933 – and since the government had taken the
gold, and the People had no money, the government would pay the ‘debts’ for the People, thereby giving
them unlimited credit. Whoever has the gold pays the bills. This legislation states that one cannot demand
from you a certain form of currency, since any form, and all forms of currency are your credit. If they
do, they are in breach of Public Policy, PL 73-10. Not only does this insurance policy (law) protect the
legislators from conviction for fraud and treason, but also it protects the People from damages caused by the
Federal & State governments.

Oklahoma Securities Act & Investment Advisors Act, 18 U.S.C., § 1956

US Code - Section 1956: Laundering of monetary instruments
(a)(1) Whoever, knowing that the property involved in a financial transaction represents the proceeds
of some form of unlawful activity, conducts or attempts to conduct such a financial transaction which
in fact involves the proceeds of specified unlawful activity -
(A)(i) with the intent to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity; or
(ii) with intent to engage in conduct constituting a violation of section 7201 or 7206 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986; or
(B) knowing that the transaction is designed in whole or in part -
(i) to conceal or disguise the nature, the location, the source, the ownership, or the control of the
proceeds of specified unlawful activity; or
(ii) to avoid a transaction reporting requirement under State or Federal law,
shall be sentenced to a fine of not more than $500,000 or twice the value of the property involved in
the transaction, whichever is greater, or imprisonment for not more than twenty years, or both.
The Bankruptcy Act of 1826 placed the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Comptroller of Currency & the
Department of Agricultural in charge of the 1933 Public Law 10, Chapter 48, 48 stat 112 and Public Law 1,
48 stat 1, and all property is registered and Titled to the STATE OF OKLAHOMA, and the State is required
to pay all taxes and all upkeep, and discharge this debt for the People.

This is legal notice that:Lee Auto Sales AGREEMENT in the above Regarding with “ONLY CERTIFIED
CHECK OR CASH ACCEPTABLE ON DELIVERY” is an unlawful demand.Lee Auto Sales, being
educated in the Law of Commerce, Statute Merchant, and the Laws have knowledge of the Statute at Large
Vol 48 of 1933-1934, pages 1-112, and Title 12 U.S.C., Sec. 95 b and its reference to Public Law 91, 40 stat
411 of Oct 6 1917 referring to H.R 4960, Trading With The Enemy Act.

Lee Auto Sales is required by the U.S. PATRIOT ACT to reveal the source of their funds by filing Currency
Transaction Reports, Currency and Monetary Instrument Transportation Forms (CMIR’s) under §§ 5311 et
seq. of 31 U.S.C. of THE BANK SECRECY ACT, and 31 CFR § 103.11 regulations et seq., under the U.S.
PATRIOT ACT and SEC Rule 17a-8, which applies to all broker-dealers, and incorporates the requirements
of the Bank Secrecy Act to file reports and maintain records showing the source of the funds.

Release of Information Under FOIA

Lee Auto Sales and their Attorneys will be required to provide evidence of an Internal Revenue form of
1099C, Change of Corporate Status from the standing of a public office to such as that of private
contractors.Lee Auto Sales and their Attorneys will be required to provide the EIN number or TIN number
for the change in status of a public office to that of a Private Corporation for tax purposes.
Lee Auto Sales and their Attorneys will be required to provide GSA FORMS SF 24 BID BOND, SF
AGREEMENTS 273, 274 and 275 of all financial activities in [your state].
Lee Auto Sales and their Attorneys will be required to show their licensing as “foreign agents” who are able
to buy, sell and transfer unregistered securities.
Lee Auto Sales and their Attorneys are required to provide evidence and proof of a performance in paying
the bond under the Miller Act as found in Title 40 USC, Section 270 a - 270 D.-1 as
Lee Auto Sales are claiming to be a private entity and private contractors, and NOT Constitutional public

Lee Auto Sales and their Attorneys are required to provide evidence of the method of payment being in gold
and silver in violation of Public Law 10, Chapter 48, 48 stat. 112, or in private currency known as Federal
Reserve Notes.

Lee Auto Sales and their Attorneys will be required to provide evidence and documentation to explain why
they have failed to comply with Public Law 10, Chapter 48, 48 stat 112 and Public Law 1, 48 stat 1, and
Public Law 91, 40 stat 411 of Oct 6, 1917, and why they failed to discharge the Public Debt.

Juan Hill is prepared to provide evidence of Administrative Law that allows for freedom of information to be
given as to why Company Name may fail to comply with the code, rules, regulations, public law, and
policies of the United States of America and Oklahoma. Such violations come under Title 31 Money and
Finances under section 3729; False Claims, Oklahoma Securities Act & Investment Advisors Act & 18
U.S.C. § 1956: and this failure has a remedy under U.S. Constitution 14th amendment section 4 bounty
against public debt.

ALL non-frivolous Responses must be sent to [First Name] United States Post Office via traceable
certified or registered mail only. Traceable mail to: #309 East Modoc Avenue Mcalester, Oklahoma
Republic [RFD 74501].

NOTICE: Respondent shall be billed $1,000.00 per frivolous response as of the receipt of this mailing.
Notice to Declared intent or purpose of this tender of payment as a special deposit order of the payor and the
Beneficiary and is to be credited to depositors account as accord and satisfaction and payment in full and
discharge of any and all outstanding liabilities.

BY:__________________________________©™ Stamp/Seal
Foreign Office of Origin
Executive Trustee of the Private Trust known as
ATTN: CFO and/or CEO. This Foreign Commercial BILL OF CREDIT is hereby endorsed having the required
Contractor’s Surety “Performance” Bond and/or “Payment” Labor Bond OR BOTH; together listed and traded as a
Fidelity Bond. I accept your charges for value and consideration and return this remittance for full discharge,
settlement and/or closure of the account. Post full settlement in accord with UCC 3-401, UCC 3-419, HJR 192, P.L.
73-10, UNCITRAL, UNILOS & UN CHARTER, Congressional Record page A3220 of May 11, 1955, Title 31 USC
5118(d)2 for the use of my exemption as it is PREPAID AND EXEMPT FROM LEVY.
Date: ____________ Pledge/Pay to the Order of: _________________________________________________

Account No.: _____________________ Contract No.: RE669124575US-______ Total Value $ _____________

Account Preference: ____Close this Account ___Keep this Account Open

Signed and Sealed for the Shadow

HILL, JUAN 248-35-6644


_________________________________©™ Stamp/Seal

TERMS. This remittance coupon is a U.S. Obligation redeemable, authenticated and authorized with Full Faith & Credit pursuant to 18 USC §8, 12 USC §95a2 and 50 USC §4305B2,
31 USC §3113a1B and 28 USC §1738 for Federal, State and Territorial statutes and judicial proceedings. Redeem the total value of this government obligation remittance coupon through
the U.S. Treasury or any federal reserve member bank. This vessel is private property consumer goods pursuant to UCC 9-109(1). All private sector payments are private property.
Any theft and/or dishonor will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. My political status under U.S. Federal Law is American National, domiciled as “legal alien allowed to work”,
per 8 USC §1101(a)(21) and 26 CFR 301.6109-1(g)(1)(i). Negotiate this discharge item through the back office of settlement via pass-through account at the treasury window under
public policy for discharge of debts in accordance in HJR 192 June 5, 1933; 73rd Congress, 1st Session and all associated policies. Return this instrument with a full written explanation of
why your organization is exempt from the legislation as outlined below within 15 days of receipt, or the bill has been paid in full and my account balance is zero and you are required to
confirm my account balance is zero. Any portion of this Instrument must be refuted on the public record via signed affidavit, sworn under penalty of perjury with an assessment of
$1,000,000.00 for each occurrence of perjury, false and misleading information, or unproven misleading statements or assertions. No other refuting documents will be accepted. Failure to
respond within 10 days will be agreement and estoppel. The IRS requires a 1099-C filed by the UCC Contractor to show the Commercial UCC National Debt has been CANCELLED.
After 3 days, this Action comes under Title 15 USC Section 1; as a charge to the IRS/CID. THIS NOTICE OF TENDER FOR SETOFF IS PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

MEMORANDUM AT LAW. Act of State Primary Signature Certification (Convention de La Hague de 5 October 1961) TIAS 10072.33 UST 883.527 UNITS 189, (Convention #12)
pursuant to the Hague convention on private international law on 5 October 1961, abolishing the requirements of legislation for foreign public documents and adheres to the procedure for
immediate legalization of administrative / judicial documents bearing the title, primary signature and seal, self-authenticating and lawful executed this instrument, noted usage, subject to
terms and conditions herein. This authorized representative does not recognize color of law. Default of Trust. $10,0000 penalty for misuse of name. All rights retained, reserved and
unalienable; without recourse.

EQUALITY UNDER THE LAW IS PARAMOUNT AND MANDATORY BY LAW. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) United Nations General Assembly
Resolution 2200A (XXI) Article 1 - Article 27. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indegenous Peoples - ( United Nations
Convention on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, United Nations Charter; Articles 55 & 56, UNCITRAL, UNILOS, Presidental Proclamation 7500, HJR 194, S. Con. Res. 26, S. 1200,
HJR 3, U.S. Department of Treasury.

ORDER. This Instrument is backed by the Geneva Convention Article 75, United Nations (UNCITRAL) Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory
Notes Articles 2-10, 12, 13, 36, 46(3), 47 & 55, United States of America Article 1, Section 10, United States Government pursuant to 31 USC §3123,, States and Banks are foreign
states. Ownership of all property is in the States. The Foreign Office is a non-taxpayer, citizen of the United States of America, foreign to the United States and the States and immune
under the Foreign Immunities Act as the creditor for the shadow employee and national bank, under Title 28 USC §1300, et al (FSIA), Foreign State means Foreign Estate. It is a
violation of the law if you fail to discharge your invoice as commanded. Your failure to perform will result in a claim in recoupment to my possessory rights to the proceeds and/or
exercise my right to rescind the entire contract under Article 8 and UCC 3-306. Until the State Governments come out of suspension and placing lawful silver and Gold-backed money
back into general circulation or to fully back all notes in circulation, you are required to accept this instrument and credit the above account, in honor, within 24 hours of receipt pursuant
to UCC §3-501 to offset the account pursuant to remedy in Public Law Chap 48, 48 Stat. 112, tender in terms of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881: Public Law 73-10, Chapter 48, 48
Stat §112; UCC Article 9; 31 USC §5118(d)(2) ; 31 USC §463, Public Law 97-258; UCC Article 4, §302; Securities Act §2(1), 3(a)(3); Congressional Statutes at large Title 62; Positive
Law; 31 USC §5312; 31 USC §5103 - Legal tender (Pub. L. 97–258, Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 980 ; Pub. L. 97–452, §1(19), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2477), UCC 2 §304; 12 USC 1813(L);
Public Policy AND settlement in terms of the United States Supreme High Court of Justice Rule 45, remedy for violations of the Coinage Act of April 2, 1792, 1 Statutes at Large 246
CHAPTER XVI, an Act establishing a Mint, and regulating the Coins of the United States, Section 19, 36 Am J1st Money §17; 12 USC 411 - Issuance to reserve banks, nature of
obligation; redemption, Public Laws 95-109 and 99-361, 12 USC §95a2, 50 USC 4305B2, 31 USC §3113a1B, 12 USC §411 and HJR-192/73-10, UCC 1-308, UCC 3 § 3-311, 3-603, 3-
402b. This account and discharge coupon is accepted for value and exempt from levy under U.S. Constitution and International Treaty. No right of Title can be acquired by fraud. Notice
to discharge debt against the account named herein. The required IRS form 1099-A is attached to document/cover the process of this transaction. The 1099-A is so the IRS accounting
department can properly account for the transfer of these funds from my account to your account. Performance or Acceptance Under UCC §1-308 Reservation of Rights to explicitly
reserve all of my rights without prejudice. The Grantor claims common law jurisdiction at every moment and at all time per this notice and change of terms.

Authorized Representative: Juan-D:Hill ©™

Return Address: ℅ 309 E Modoc Ave Mcalester,Oklahoma Republic, Zip Exempt [RFD 74501]
USPS Certified Mail # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
USPS Return Receipt # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Mail Tampering is a Federal Offense Punishable by Law under Title 18 USC 1341, Title 18 USC 1702, Title 18 USC 1703, Title 18 USC 1708

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