ArmafixEcolight Application Guide
ArmafixEcolight Application Guide
ArmafixEcolight Application Guide
Select the correct size of Armafix pipe support (at least the insulation thickness of the
tube). The stamp on the pipe support indicates the applicable pipe dimension.
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Install Armafix Ecolight pipe Close the seam applying firm Tighten the screws.
support on the pipe, seal the pressure. Push the pipe sup-
surfaces using Armaflex ad- port into the open clamp. It
hesive and remove the pro- must be in the middle of the
tective paper strip on the clamp.
overlapping PVC cover.
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Before insulating the pipe, Wet seal the butt joints using Install Armaflex insula tion
glue the edges of the pipe Armaflex adhesive. on either side of the pipe
support to the pipe. support. Ensure that the pipe
insulation is installed under
slight compression.
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