CS 4 Effective Evacuation
CS 4 Effective Evacuation
CS 4 Effective Evacuation
This guide covers the evacuation of systems to remove contamination prior to charging
with refrigerant.
• Non condensable gases such as air or nitrogen, which would increase the head
pressure in a system, reducing its cooling capacity, efficiency and reliability, and
leading to premature tripping on a high pressure switch;
• Moisture, which can block expansion valves and lead to acid formation with
consequent compressor damage.
The vacuum pump should be in good condition and capable of achieving a vacuum of 50
microns – you can check this by connecting a vacuum gauge directly to the pump and
running the pump.
The vacuum pump oil should be at the correct level and in good condition – it needs to
be changed if the pump has been used to evacuate badly contaminated systems or at
regular intervals. When the oil needs changing it is best to do this when the pump is
warm, i.e. following evacuation so oil is changed ready for the next use. Make sure you
use the correct type of oil for the pump.
Note - Vacuum pumps are usually delivered without oil and must be charged with oil
prior to use.
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You will also need to measure the vacuum achieved on the
system. You should use the correct vacuum gauge – the low
pressure (compound) gauge on a manifold gauge set does not
provide an accurate indication of vacuum. The photo, right,
shows a suitable gauge with a range of units (including Torr,
microns, mbar, Pascal, mm Hg).
The vacuum pump should be connected into the system with as little restriction as
possible. This is best achieved using ¼” or 3/8”copper tube connected directly from the
vacuum pump onto the system. If you do use a manifold gauge set ensure you
minimise pressure drops by fully opening the valves during evacuation and make sure all
points of connection are as unrestricted as possible. Some manifold sets include a 3/8”
common hose – this is better than a ¼” line as it offers less restriction.
If you are evacuating the whole system connect the pump to both the high and low
pressure sides. Connect the vacuum gauge to the system as far as possible from the
pump connections to ensure you are accurately measuring the vacuum in the system
and not just the vacuum achieved by the pump.
Ensure there is no pressure in the system before opening the system to the vacuum
pump – pressurising the vacuum pump will damage it. If there is refrigerant in the
system it should be recovered prior to evacuation. Start the vacuum pump with the
system isolated, then slowly open the system to the pump. If you are evacuating the
whole system ensure there are no isolated sections of the system:
• Ensure the access service valves are off the back seat;
• Ensure solenoid valves are open by replacing the coil with a permanent magnet
or by energising the coils.
When the required vacuum has been achieved the system should be isolated before the
vacuum pump is stopped.
A single evacuation process is appropriate for small systems. The system is evacuated
to the level required without breaking the vacuum with dry nitrogen.
Triple evacuation
For larger systems a quicker and more effective method is to use a triple evacuation
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The dry nitrogen absorbs moisture and gas remaining in the system and increases the
effectiveness of the evacuation process.
Gas ballast
Most vacuum pumps have a gas ballast which introduces air into the pump, preventing
condensation of moisture into the pump oil and helping to exhaust the moisture from
You should start the vacuum pump and open the gas ballast valve. When a vacuum of
approximately 2000 microns has been achieved you should close the gas ballast valve to
allow the pump to pull the system down to the required vacuum.
Vacuum levels
The section at the end of this document provides other units of vacuum measurement.
When you have achieved the required vacuum you should check that the vacuum does
not rise when the system is isolated from the pump. The pressure should not rise by
more than 2% of the vacuum achieved. For example, for a new system you have
evacuated to 500 microns, the vacuum should rise to more than 510 microns.
If you don’t achieve the required vacuum this is either because there is a leak (see
below) or because there is still moisture in the system or because there is a problem
with the vacuum pump:
If you don’t hold the required vacuum this is likely to be for one of the following
• There is a leak. In this case the pressure will rise continuously when the pump
is isolated:
o The leak could be at one of the connections between the vacuum pump
and the system. You can check this by applying oil to the suspected
leak – the vacuum will briefly improve while the oil is sealing the leak.
Do not use any other substance to check this;
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o The leak could be on the system. Leaks should have been identified
during the strength and leak tightness test procedure;
• There is still moisture in the system - you just need to extend the evacuation
• There is still refrigerant dissolved in the compressor oil or. In this case the
Vacuum units
A perfect vacuum is 0 microns (29.92 in Hg) and will never be achieved! So strictly
speaking we only ever achieve a partial vacuum in a refrigeration system.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this document,
but the content is subject to change and Cool Concerns Ltd cannot guarantee its
accuracy or currency. No legal responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or
misleading statements.
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