Distribution Management Module 3
Distribution Management Module 3
Distribution Management Module 3
Welcome Notes:
Get ready to be challenge…
Learn something new every day by adapting the
‘New Normal’
In this module you will be learn the various environments market channel participants need to consider and
understand the impact it may bring to the channels.
Before you proceed to the main lesson, test yourself in this activity.
You may now proceed to the main lesson.
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The Environment of Marketing Channels
Based on the preliminary activities, what did you notice about it?
You may now proceed to the lesson.
Let’s Begin!
The Environment of Marketing Channels
Marketing Channel and the Environment
Marketing channels develop and operate in a complex environment that is continually changing.
Channel managers must therefore have an understanding of the environment and how it can
influence channel management in order to plan effective marketing channel strategies for meeting
these changes successfully.
Major Environment
1. Economic environment
2. Competitive environment
3. Sociocultural environment
4. Technological environment
5. Legal environment
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The Environment of Marketing Channels
1. Economic environment
The most obvious and pervasive category of variables affecting all members and
participants in the channel.
Major economic phenomena:
Recession: 2 consecutive quarters of decline in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), any
period in which the GDP is stagnant or increasing very slowly is often referred to as
‘recessionary” or at least and “economic slowdown.”
Inflation: Inflation is the rate of increase in prices for goods and services. When the price
level rises, each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services.
There are a number of different measures of inflation in use. The most frequently quoted
and most significant ones are the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) and the Retail Prices Index
Deflation: When the overall price level decreases so that inflation rate becomes negative, it
is called deflation. It is the opposite of the often-encountered inflation.
Other economic issues:
Trade deficit
National debt/ budget deficit
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The Environment of Marketing Channels
High interest rate
2. Competitive environment
Types of competition:
Horizontal (Intratype) competition - Competition between firms of the same type.
Intertype competition - Competition between different types of firms at the same channel
3. Sociocultural environment
Age patterns of population
Changing ethnic mix
Educational trends
Family or household structure
Changing role of women
4. Technological environment
Scanners, Computerized inventory management & Portable computers help retailers &
wholesalers closely monitor success or failure of products they handle.
Electronic data interchange - the concept of businesses electronically communicating
information that was traditionally communicated on paper, such as purchase orders and
Links together channel information systems
Provides real-time responses
Enhanced by Internet
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The Environment of Marketing Channels
Enhance Distribution Efficiency
5. Legal environment
The set of laws that impact marketing channels
Continually evolving
Affected by changing values, norms, politics, & precedents
Knowledge of basics helps channel manager avoid serious & costly legal problems
Legal issues in channel management
Dual Distribution, or multi-channel distribution
Producer or manufacturer uses 2 or more different channel structures for distributing the
same product.
Exclusive Dealing
Supplier requires its channel members to sell only its products or to refrain from selling
directly to competitive suppliers.
Full-Line Forcing
Supplier requires channel members to carry a full-line of its products in order to sell any
particular products in supplier’s line.
Price Discrimination
Supplier sells at different prices to the same class of channel members.
Price Maintenance
Supplier dictates prices charged by channel members to their customers.
Refusal to Deal
Supplier has right to refuse to deal with whomever they want as channel members.
Resale Restrictions
Manufacturer attempts to stipulate to whom and in what geographical market channel
members may resell the manufacturer’s products.
Tying Agreements
Supplier sells a product to a channel member on condition that the channel member also
purchase another product.
Vertical Integration
Firm owns and operates organizations at other levels of the distribution channel.
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The Environment of Marketing Channels
B. Explain the four types of competition discussed in the chapter. Why is it important to recognize
these different forms of competition?
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The Environment of Marketing Channels
Situation A: Home Depot, Toys “R” Us, Staples, Best Buy and many other giant retailers (often referred to
as “category killers” or “big box” retailers because of their dominance in particular merchandise categories
and the sheer physical size of the stores) are fierce competitors and are frequently accused of driving
small retailers out of business. Observers who have witnessed this competitive struggle take place over
the past decade say the reason that small retailers go out of business is that they “can’t compete” with
these giants. The verdict in most cases has been “no contest” between the retail giants and the little guys
because the little guy so seldom wins or even gets to stay in business.
Question: From a competitive standpoint, is such an outcome inevitable? Discuss. Is it really the “big guys”
driving the “little guys” out of business or is there something more fundamental at work here?
B. Instructions: Discuss several major sociocultural forces that have emerged in recent years and how they
have already affected marketing channel strategy and management and how they might do so in the
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The Environment of Marketing Channels
You have come to an end of Module 3.
OOPS! Don’t forget that you have still an assignment to do.
Here it is….
2. ___________________________________
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The Environment of Marketing Channels