03 Personal Injury
03 Personal Injury
03 Personal Injury
Published by
College of Law Publishing,
Braboeuf Manor, Portsmouth Road, St Catherines, Guildford GU3 1HA
Julie Mardell and Kate Serfozo have asserted their moral rights
in accordance with ss 77–89 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any way or
by any means, including photocopying or recording, without the written permission of the copyright holder, application for
which should be addressed to the publisher.
Crown copyright material is licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0.
The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to the large and complex area of personal injury and
clinical negligence litigation. It does not set out to cover the subject fully, neither does it purport to include
all recent developments in this area of law.
Although we hope that this text will be of interest to practitioners, primarily it has been written as an
integrated element of the Legal Practice Course elective ‘Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence
Litigation’, and its aim is to provide a framework upon which the course is built. Students are expected to
carry out their own research into some aspects of the course and will receive further tuition in others.
The Civil Procedure Rules are amended from time to time and it is important that readers make reference
to the most up-to-date provisions which can be found on the Ministry of Justice website. This is a fast-
changing area of law, and practitioners must update themselves continually.
In the interests of brevity, we have used the masculine pronoun throughout to include the feminine.
The law is generally stated as at 1 September 2013.
vi Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Contents vii
5.5 Causation 71
5.6 Consent 74
5.7 The role of the NHS Litigation Authority 77
5.8 The structure of the NHS 77
5.9 The NHS complaints procedure 79
5.10 Plans for reform 82
5.11 Disciplinary proceedings 82
5.12 Criminal proceedings 83
5.13 Conclusion 83
5.14 Further reading and relevant websites 84
5.15 Diagram – Structure of the NHS 84
5.16 Extract from the NHS constitution 85
9.1 Introduction 127
9.2 Methods of funding 127
9.3 Qualified one way costs shifting 138
9.4 Conclusion 139
21.1 Introduction 305
21.2 Application of the protocols 305
21.3 The three stages 306
21.4 Interim payments 308
21.5 Fixed costs 308
21.6 Offers to settle 309
21.7 What if a claim exits the Portal? 309
21.8 Conclusion 311
Appendices 313
xii Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Table of Cases xiii
Table of Cases
A v Hoare [2008] EWHC 1573 (QB) 108
A v Hoare [2008] UKHL 6 102
AC (1) DC (2) TR (3) v Devon County Council [2012] EWHC 796 (QB) 39
AC Billings & Son Ltd v Riden [1968] AC 240 62
Adams v Bracknell Forest BC [2004] UKHL 29 102
Afzal v Chubb Guarding Services Ltd [2002] EWHC 822 5
Ahanonu v South East Kent Bus Company Limited [2008] EWCA Civ 274 26
Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1992] 1 AC 310 87, 88, 89
Ali v Courtaulds Textiles Limited [1999] Lloyd’s Rep Med 301 101
Allison v London Underground Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 71 47
Anderson v Newham College of Further Education [2002] EWCA Civ 505 62
Appleton v Medhat Mohammed El Safty [2007] EWHC 631 (QB) 232
Armstrong and Another v First York Ltd [2005] EWCA Civ 277 162
ATM v MS (2002) The Times, 3 July 283
Attorney-General’s Reference (No 2 of 1999) [2000] 2 Cr App R 20 270
Auty v National Coal Board [1985] 1 All ER 930 281, 284
Bailey v Ministry of Defence [2008] EWCA Civ 883 72
Ball v Street [2005] EWCA Civ 76 50
Barber v Somerset [2004] UKHL 13 92
Barker v Corus (UK) plc & Others [2006] UKHL 20 60
Barlow v Broxbourne Borough Council [2003] EWHC 50 (QB), [2003] All ER (D) 208 (Jan) 94
Barnett v Chelsea and Kensington Hospital Management Committee [1969] 1 QB 428 72
Beahan v Stoneham [2001] LTL, 16 May 241
Beattie v Secretary of State for Social Security [2001] 1 WLR 1404 124
Beesley v New Century Group Ltd [2008] EWHC 3033 (QB) 283
Birkett v Hayes [1982] 2 All ER 70 241
Bolam v Friern Hospital Management Committee [1957] 1 WLR 582 69
Bolitho v City and Hackney Health Authority [1997] 3 WLR 1151 69, 74
Bonnington Castings Ltd v Wardlaw [1956] AC 613 59, 95
Booth v Britannia Hotels Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 529 5
Bradburn v Great Western Railway Co (1874) LR 10 Exch 1 220
Braithwaite v Homerton University Hospitals Foundation Trust [2008] EWHC 353 (QB) 196
Brayson v Wilmot-Breedon [1976] CLY 682 218
Brazier v Dolphin Fairway Ltd [2005] EWCA Civ 84 52
Breeze v Ahmed [2005] EWCA Civ 223 170
Brooks v J & P Coates (UK) Ltd [1984] 1 All ER 702 104
Bruce v Genesis Fast Food Ltd [2003] EWHC 788 254
Buckley v Farrow and Buckley [1997] PIQR Q78 222
Burgess v Florence Nightingale Hospital for Gentlewomen [1955] 1 QB 349 281
Bux v Slough Metals Ltd [1974] 1 All ER 262 56
Cachia v Faluyi [2001] EWCA Civ 998, [2001] 1 WLR 1966 280
Cain v Francis; McKay v Hamlani [2008] EWCA Civ 1451 109
Cairn-Jones v Tyler [2010] EWCA Civ 1642 108
Capps v Miller [1989] 1 WLR 839 30
Carlton v Fulchers (a Firm) [1997] PNLR 337, CA 110
Casey v Cartwright [2006] EWCA Civ 1280 29
Cassidy v Ministry of Health [1951] 2 KB 343 70
Chan Wai Tong v Li Ping Sum [1985] AC 446 231
Chappell v De Bora’s of Exeter (SCCO, 2004 136
Chatterton v Gerson [1981] QB 432 75
Chester v Afshar [2004] UKHL 41 73
xiv Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Chewings v (1) Williams & (2) Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University NHS Trust [2009] EWHC 2490 (QB) 237
Clenshaw v Tanner [2002] EWCA Civ 1848 219
Clenshaw v Tanner [2002] EWHC 184 (QB) 248
Close v Steel Co of Wales [1962] AC 367 56
Clough v First Choice Holidays and Flights Ltd [2006] EWCA Civ 15 59
Coad v Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Health Authority [1997] 1 WLR 189, CA 108
Coates v Jaguar Cars Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 337 54
Cobham Hire Services Ltd v Eeles [2009] EWCA Civ 204 196
Coddington v International Harvester Co of Great Britain (1969) 113 SJ 265 42
Colledge v Bass Mitchells & Butlers [1988] 1 All ER 536 219
Collett v Smith and Middlesborough Football & Athletics Company (1986) Ltd [2008] EWHC 1962 (QB) 235
Conn v Council and City of Sunderland [2007] EWCA Civ 1492 96
Connor v Surrey County Council [2010] EWCA Civ 286 95
Cookson v Knowles [1979] AC 556 281
Corbin v Penfold Metalizing [2000] Lloyd’s Rep Med 247 101
Corr v IBC Vehicles [2006] EWCA Civ 331 88
Coward v Comex Houlder Diving Ltd, 18 July 1988, CA 282
Cox v Hockenhull [1999] 3 All ER 577 281
Crabtree v Wilson [1993] PIQR Q24 280
Cunningham v Harrison [1973] 3 All ER 463 219
Curi v Colina [1998] EWCA Civ 1326 237
D and D v Donald [2001] PIQR Q44 284
Dabinett v Somerset County Council [2006] LTL 20/4/2007 36
Davie v New Merton Board Mills Ltd [1959] AC 604 45
Davies v Health & Safety Executive [2002] EWCA Crim 2949, [2003] IRLR 170 46
Davis v Inman [1999] PIQR Q26 228
Department of Transport, Environment and the Regions v Mott Macdonald Ltd & Others [2006] EWCA Civ 1089 37
Dhaliwal v Personal Representatives of Hunt (Deceased) [1995] PIQR Q56, CA 282
Dickins v O2 plc [2008] EWCA Civ 1144 94, 95
Dimond v Lovell [2000] 2 WLR 1121 226
Dobbie v Medway Health Authority [1994] 1 WLR 1234, CA 104
Doleman v Deakin (1990) The Times, 30 January 287
Dugmore v Swansea NHS Trust [2003] 1 All ER 333 56
Duller v South East Lincs Engineers [1981] CLY 585 218
Dunhill (a protected party by her litigation friend Paul Tasker) v Burgin [2012] EWCA Civ 397 300
Dureau v Evans [1996] PIQR Q18 228
E H Humphries (Norton) Ltd, Thistle Hotels v Fire Alarm Fabrication Services Ltd [2006] EWCA Civ 1496 45
Eagle Star Insurance v Department of Social Development (Northern Ireland) (2001) NICE, 12 February 254
Eagle v Chambers [2003] EWCA Civ 1107 30
Eagle v Chambers [2004] EWCA Civ 1033 221, 248
Edwards-Tubb v JD Wetherspoon Plc [2011] EWCA Civ 136 164
Ehrari v Curry & Another [2006] EWCA Civ 120 30
Eyres v Atkinsons Kitchens & Bathrooms [2007] EWCA Civ 365 62
Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd and Others; Fox v Spousal (Midlands) Ltd; Matthews v Associated
Portland Cement Manufacturers (1978) Ltd and Others [2002] UKHL 22, [2002] 3 All ER 305 60
Fairclough Homes Ltd v Summers [2012] UKSC 26 5
Fallon v Beaumont, 16 December 1993, CC (Leeds) 277
Farthing v North East Essex Health Authority [1998] Lloyd’s Rep Med 37, CA 108
Felmai Lawrence v Chief Constable of Staffordshire (2000) The Times, 25 July 241
Fitzgerald v Ford [1996] PIQR Q72 223
Flynn v Leeds City Council, 10 September 2004 156
Forbes v Wandsworth Health Authority [1997] QB 402 103
Foster v Tyne and Wear County Council [1986] 1 All ER 567 231
Franklin v Gramophone Co Ltd [1948] 1 KB 542 56
Fretwell v Willi Betz, 8 March 2001 279
Froom v Butcher [1976] QB 286 30
Fytche v Wincanton Logistics [2003] EWCA Civ 874 52
Table of Cases xv
Galli-Atkinson v Seghal [2003] EWCA Civ 697 89
Gammell v Wilson [1982] AC 27 278
Garrett v Camden LBC [2001] EWCA Civ 395 92, 95
General Cleaning Contractors Ltd v Christmas [1953] AC 180 43, 44
Giambrone & Others v JMC Holidays Ltd (formerly t/a Sunworld Holidays Ltd) [2004] EWCA Civ 158 222
Gibbon v Manchester City Council [2010] EWCA Civ 726 210
Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority and Department of Health and Social Security
[1986] AC 112, [1985] UKHL 7 75, 300
Gleeson v Court [2007] EWHC 2397 (QB) 30
Goad v Butcher & Another [2011] EWCA Civ 158 28
Gold Shipping Navigation Co SA v Lulu Maritime Ltd [2009] EWHC 1365 (Admlty) 111
Goode v Martin [2001] EWCA Civ 1899, [2002] 1 WLR 1828 181
Graham v Dodds [1983] 2 All ER 953 283
Gregg v Scott [2005] UKHL 2 73
Griffiths and Others v British Coal Corporation (QBD, 23 February 1998) 287
Griffiths and Others v British Coal Corporation and the Department of Trade and Industry [2001] 1 WLR 1493, CA 248
H and Another v S [2002] EWCA Civ 792, [2003] QB 965 286, 288
Halford v Brookes [1991] 3 All ER 559 100, 107
Halsey v Milton Keynes General NHS Trust [2004] EWCA Civ 576 204
Hammond v West Lancashire Health Authority [1998] Lloyd’s Rep Med 146, CA 108
Harris v Empress Motors [1983] 3 All ER 561 282
Hartley v Sandholme Iron Co Ltd [1975] QB 600 218
Hatton v Sutherland; Barber v Somerset County Council; Jones v Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council;
Bishop v Baker Refractories Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 76, [2002] 2 All ER 1 92, 93, 94
Hawkes v Southwark LBC [1998] EWCA Civ 310 53
Heil v Rankin and Another [2000] 2 WLR 1173 229
Henderson v Temple Pier Co Ltd [1998] 1 WLR 1540 104
Hewson v Downs [1970] 1 QB 73 219
Hicks v Wright [1992] 2 All ER 65 277
Hilton International v Martin-Smith [2001] LTL, 12 February 254
Hotson v East Berkshire Health Authority [1987] AC 750 72
Hudson v Ridge Manufacturing Co [1957] 2 QB 348 42
Hughes v Addis [2000] LTL, 23 March 226
Hunt v Severs [1994] 2 All ER 385, HL 222
Hunter v British Coal [1999] QB 89, CA 90
Huntley v Simmons [2010] EWCA Civ 54 162
Hussain v New Taplow Paper Mills Ltd [1988] AC 514 219
ICI v Shatwell [1965] AC 656 61
Intel Corporation (UK) Limited v Daw [2007] EWCA Civ 70 94
J, K & P v Archbishop of Birmingham & Trustees of the Birmingham Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church
[2008] LTL, 21 August 112
Jameson and Another v Central Electricity Generating Board and Another [2000] AC 455 276
Johnson v Ministry of Defence [2012] EWCA Civ 1505 102
Johnstone v NEI International Combustion Limited [2007] UKHL 39 88
Kearsley v Klarfeld [2005] EWCA Civ 1510 29
Kew v Bettamix Ltd (formerly Tarmac Roadstone Southern Ltd) & Others [2006] EWCA Civ 1535 103
Kilby v Gawith [2008] WLR (D) 163 136
King (Administratrix of the Estate of Robert Gadd deceased) v Milton Keynes General NHS Trust [2004] LTL 261
Kite and Others (1994) Independent, 9 December 270
Kotke v Saffarini [2005] EWCA Civ 221 279
Lane v The Personal Representatives of Deborah Lake (Deceased) [2007] All ER (D) 258 232
xvi Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Majrowski v Guy’s and St Thomas’s NHS Trust [2006] UKHL 34 96
Manning v King’s College Hospital NHS Trust [2008] EWHC 3008 (QB) 283
Martine Wildake v BAA Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 1256 5
Massey v Tameside & Glossop Acute Services NHS Trust [2007] EWHC 317 (QB) 222
Mattis v Pollock [2003] EWCA Civ 887 58
McCamley v Cammell Laird Shipbuilders Ltd [1990] 1 All ER 854 220
McCoubrey v Ministry of Defence [2007] EWCA Civ 17 104
McCrae v (1) Chase International Express Ltd (2) Justin Smith [2003] LTL, 14 March 232
McDermid v Nash Dredging & Reclamation Co Ltd [1987] 2 All ER 878 45
McDonnell & Another v Walker [2009] EWCA Civ 1257 108
McFarlane v EE Caledonia Ltd [1994] 2 All ER 1 91
Mehmet v Perry [1977] 2 All ER 529 283
Ministry of Defence v AB and others [2012] UKSC 9 101
Morgan v Lucas Aerospace Ltd [1997] JPIL 4/97, 280–1 44
Morris v Breaveglen [1993] ICR 766, CA 45
Morris v Johnson Matthey & Co Ltd (1967) 112 SJ 32 232
Motor Insurers’ Bureau v Shikell & Others [2011] EWHC 527 (QB) 5
Navaei v Navaei, 6 January 1995 287
Naylor v Volex Group Plc [2003] EWCA Civ 222 55
Nettleship v Weston [1971] 2 QB 691 26
Newbury v Bath DHA (1999) 47 BMLR 138 77
Newman v Marshall and Dunlop Tyres Ltd [2001] LTL, 19 June 218
Ng Chun Pui & Others v Le Chuen Tat & Another [1988] RTR 298 28
O’Connell v Jackson [1972] 1 QB 270 30
O’Loughlin v Cape Distribution Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 178, [2001] JPIL 191 284
O’Neill v DSG Retail Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 1139 53
Ogur v Turkey (2001) 31 EHRR 912 279
Opoku v Tintas [2013] All ER (D) 81 (Jul) 226
Owen v Martin [1992] PIQR Q151 282, 284
Owens v Brimmel [1977] QB 859 30
Page v Sheerness Steel Co Ltd; Wells v Wells; Thomas v Brighton Health Authority [1998] 3 WLR 329 233, 235
Page v Smith [1996] AC 155 87, 88
Palfrey v Greater London Council [1985] ICR 437 219
Pankhurst v White [2010] EWHC 311 (QB) 210
Paris v Stepney Borough Council [1951] AC 367 45
Parry v Cleaver [1970] AC 1 219
Pearce v Doncaster MBC [2008] EWCA Civ 1416 103
Petch v Commissioners of Customs and Excise [1993] ICR 789 92
Pirelli v Gaca [2004] EWCA Civ 373 220
Pitman v Southern Electricity Board [1978] 3 All ER 901 39
Powell v Phillips [1972] 3 All ER 864, CA 28
Prendergast v Sam and Dee Ltd (1989) The Times, 14 March 72
Table of Cases xvii
Quinn v Scott [1965] 2 All ER 588 27
R (Bentley) v HM Coroner for Avon [2001] EWHC 170 (Admin), [2001] LTL, 23 March 263
R (O’Connor) v HM Coroner for the District of Avon [2009] EWHC 854 (Admin) 266
R (on the application of Anderson and Others) v HM Coroner for Inner North Greater London
[2004] EWHC 2729 (Admin) 266
R (on the application of Neil Sharman) v HM Coroner for Inner London [2005] EWHC 857 (Admin) 266
R (on the application of the Ministry of Defence) v Wiltshire and Swindon Coroner [2005] EWHC 889 266
R v Adomako [1995] 1 AC 171 269
R v Director of Public Prosecutions, ex p Manning and Another [2000] 3 WLR 463 266
R v Gateway Foodmarkets Ltd [1997] 3 All ER 78 64
R v HM Coroner for Derby and South Derbyshire, ex p John Henry Hart Jnr (2000) 164 JP 429 266
R v HM Coroner for Inner London North District, ex p Cohen (1994) 158 JP 644, DC 263
R v HM Coroner for Inner London South District, ex p Douglas-Williams (1998) 162 JP 751 264
R v HM Coroner for the Western District of Somerset & Another, ex parte Middleton [2004] UKHL 10 268
R v Hoare [2008] UKHL 6 105
R v Howe & Son (Engineers) Ltd [1999] 2 All ER 249 65
R v HTM Ltd [2006] EWCA Crim 1156 64
R v Lincolnshire Coroner, ex p Hay (1999) 163 JP 666 264
R v Misra; R v Srivastava [2004] EWCA Crim 2375 269
R v Poplar Coroner, ex p Thomas [1993] 2 WLR 547 259
R v Rollco Screw & Rivet Co Ltd [1999] 2 Cr App R (S) 436 65
R v Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust [2006] EWCA Crim 2971 269
R v Surrey Coroner, ex p Wright [1997] 2 WLR 16 259
R v Tangerine Confectionery and Veolia [2011] EWCA Crim 2015 64
R v W [2013] EWCA Crim 820 6
Ratcliffe v Plymouth and Torbay Health Authority [1998] PIQR P170 70
Reed v Sunderland Health Authority (1998) The Times, 16 October 228
Regan v Williamson [1976] 1 WLR 305 283
Rialas v Mitchell (1984) The Times, 17 July 223
Richardson v Butcher [2010] EWHC 214 (QB) 27
Rider v Rider [1973] 1 All ER 294 38
Roach v Home Office [2009] EWHC 312 (QB) 261
Roberts v Johnstone [1988] QB 878, [1988] 3 WLR 1247 224, 241
Rose v Plenty [1976] 1 All ER 97 57
Rush v JNR (SMD) Ltd (CA, 11 October 1999) 105
Sanderson v Hull [2008] All ER (D) 39 (Nov) 61
Sandhar v The Department of Transport, Environment and the Regions [2004] EWHC 28 (QB) 37
Sarwar v Alam [2001] EWCA Civ 1401 135
Shah v Ul-Haq and Others [2009] EWCA Civ 542 5
Sharman v Sheppard [1989] CLY 1190 288
Sharpe v Southend Health Authority [1997] 8 Med LR 299, 170
Shepherd v Post Office (1995) The Times, 15 June 279
Sherlock v Chester City Council [2004] EWCA Civ 201 62
Sidaway v Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital and Maudsley Hospital [1985] AC 871 76
Simmons v Castle [2012] EWCA Civ 1039 229
Simpson v Norwest Holst Southern Ltd [1980] 2 All ER 471 105
Smith v Co-operative Group Ltd & Another [2010] EWCA Civ 725 26
Smith v Crossley Bros (1951) 95 Sol Jo 655 42
Smith v Finch [2009] EWHC 53 (QB) 30
Smith v Leech Brain & Co Ltd [1962] 2 QB 405 59
Smith v Manchester Corporation (1974) 17 KIR 1 230, 231
Smith v Northamptonshire County Council [2008] EWCA Civ 181 50
Smoker v London Fire and Civil Defence Authority [1991] 2 All ER 449 219
Sniezek v Bundy (Letchworth) Ltd (2000) LTL, 7 July 102
Spargo v North Essex District Health Authority [1997] 8 Med LR 125 101
Speed v Thomas Swift & Co [1943] KB 557 43
Spillman v Bradfield Riding Centre [2007] EWHC 89 196
Spittle v Bunney [1988] 1 WLR 847 241
xviii Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
St George’s Hospital NHS Trust v S; R v Collins and others, ex p S [1998] 3 All ER 673 75
Stanton v Collinson [2010] EWCA Civ 81 30
Stapley v Gypsum Mines Ltd [1953] AC 663 60
Stark v Post Office [2000] ICR 1013 50
Steeds v Peverel Management Services Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 419 109
Stephen John Monk v (1) PC Harrington Ltd (2) HTC Plant Ltd (3) Multiplex Constructions Ltd [2008] EWHC 1879 (QB) 91
Stewart and Hubbard v Medway NHS Trust [2004] LTL 261
Stewart v Glaze [2009] EWHC 704 (QB) 26, 162
Stobart v Nottingham Health Authority [1992] 3 Med LR 284 262
Stokes v Guest Keen and Nettlefold Bolts & Nuts Ltd [1968] 1 WLR 1776 44
Stringman v McCardle [1994] 1 WLR 1653 194
Stubbings v Webb [1993] AC 498 105
Sumner v William Henderson & Sons Ltd [1964] 1 QB 450 45
Tameside and Glossop Acute Services NHS Trust v Thompstone [2008] EWCA Civ 5 240
Taylor v Novo Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ 194 89
TCD v (1) Harrow Council (2) Worcester County Council (3) Birmingham City Council [2008] EWHC 3048 (QB) 101, 108
Thomas v Kwik Save Stores Ltd (2000) The Times, 27 June 280
Thorn v Powergen [1997] PIQR Q71 231
Tomlinson v Congleton Borough Council and Another [2002] EWCA Civ 309, [2003] 2 WLR 1120 58
Usher v Crowder [1994] CLY 1494 226
Veakins v Kier Islington Ltd [2009] EWCA Civ 1288 96
Vernon v Bosley [1997] 1 All ER 577 87
Wadley v Surrey County Council (2000) The Times, 7 April 241
Walker v Northumberland County Council [1995] 1 All ER 737 13, 92
Walters v North Glamorgan NHS Trust [2002] EWHC 321 (QB), [2002] All ER (D) 65 89
Walton v Kirk [2009] EWHC 703 (QB) 5
West v Shephard [1964] AC 326 227
Wheat v E Lacon & Co Ltd [1966] AC 522 58
Wheatley v Cunningham [1992] PIQR Q100 284
Whiston v London Strategic Health Authority [2010] EWCA Civ 195 103
White v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire [1999] 2 AC 455 87, 90
White v EON and Others [2008] EWCA Civ 1436 103
White v ESAB Group (UK) Ltd [2002] All ER (D) 02 (Jan) 283
Whittle v Bennett [2006] EWCA Civ 1538 29
Wickham v Dwyer (1995) Current Law Weekly, 1 January 146
Widdowson v Newgate Meat Corporation & Others (1997) The Times, 4 December 28
Willbye (by her mother and next friend) v Gibbons [2003] EWCA Civ 372 232
Williams v BOC Gases Ltd [2000] PIQR Q253 220
Williams v Devon County Council [2003] EWCA Civ 365, [2003] All ER (D) 255 (Mar) 249, 252, 254
Williamson v East London and City Health Authority [1998] Lloyd’s Rep Med 6 74
Willson v Ministry of Defence [1991] 1 All ER 638 237
Wilsher v Essex Area Health Authority [1988] AC 1074 68, 70
Wilson v Pringle [1986] 3 WLR 1, CA 75
Wilson v Tyneside Window Cleaning Co [1958] 2 QB 110 44
Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co v English [1938] AC 57 42, 59
Woollard v Fowler [2006] EWHC 90051 (Costs), 12 April 2006 168
Wright (by her litigation friend Karen Fay) v Kevin Sullivan [2005] EWCA Civ 656 167
Young v Charles Church (Southern) Ltd (1997) 39 BMLR 146 90
Young v Post Office [2002] EWCA Civ 661 93
Table of Statutes xix
Table of Statutes
Access to Health Records Act 1990 146 Damages Act 1996 – continued
Administration of Justice Act 1982 278, 279, 280 s 2(2)–(3) 239
s 5 219 s 2(4) 208, 239
Adoption Act 1976 280 s 2(8) 240
s 2(9) 239
Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 265 s 3 238, 276
Data Protection Act 1998 146, 147, 148, 154
Carriage by Air Act 1961 100, 276
Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008 248 Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969
Civil Evidence Act 1968 64
s 11 157 Employers’ Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969 43
Civil Evidence Act 1995 158, 288 s 1(1) 43
Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978 107 Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 57, 66
s 1(1) 182 s 69 46, 57, 66
Compensation Act 2006 61 Equality Act 2010 234
s 2 80
s 3 61 Family Law Reform Act 1969
Consumer Credit Act 1974 226 s 8(1) 75
Coroners and Justice Act 2009 257, 258, 265, 274 Fatal Accidents Act 1976 106, 179, 195, 238, 251, 275, 276,
s 1 274 277, 278, 279, 280, 286, 287, 288, 289
s 4 260 s 1 276
s 6 260 s 1(3) 279
s 7 264 s 1(4) 279
s 7(2)–(3) 264 s 1(5) 280
s 8 264 s 1A(4) 287
s 9(2) 264 s 2(3) 280
s 10(2) 265 s 3(3) 284
s 14 260 s 3(4) 279
s 48 264 s 3(5) 287
Sch 1 262 s 4 287
Sch 5 Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
para 7(1) 265 s 213 239
Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007
269, 270–3, 273 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 41, 45, 64, 65, 66,
s 1 270 257, 269, 274
s 1(1) 270 s 2 45, 64, 65
s 1(2) 270, 271 s 2(1) 64
s 1(4) 272 s 3 45, 64, 65, 269
s 1(4)(b) 272 s 4 64
s 2(1) 271 s 15 45
s 8(2) 272 s 16 44, 45
s 8(2)(a)–(b) 272 s 40 46
s 11(1) 271 s 47 57
Sch 1 271 Health and Safety Offences Act 2008 65
County Courts Act 1984 179 Health and Social Care Act 2012 78
s 50(5) 194 Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards)
s 51 179, 236, 237 Act 2003 253
s 52 154 Part 3 253
Courts Act 2003 Highways Act 1980
s 100 239 s 36(2) 36
Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 130 s 36(6)–(7) 36
s 58 130 s 41 39, 121
s 58A 130 s 41(1) 36
s 58AA 131 s 41(1A) 37
s 58 37, 38, 180
Damages Act 1996 s 150 37
s 1(2) 233 s 150(1) 36
s 2 239 Human Rights Act 1998 129, 279
xx Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 – continued
s 1 62 s 2(4)(b) 59
s 1(1) 29 s 2(5) 58
s 4 62
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934 106, 275, Pneumoconiosis etc (Worker’s Compensation) Act 1979
276, 277, 278, 287, 289 248
s 1(2) 276, 278 Powers of Criminal Courts Act 1973
s 1(2)(a)(ii) 278 s 35 251
s 1(2)(c) 278 Protection from Harassment Act 1997 96
Law Reform (Personal Injuries) Act 1948 s 1 96
s 2(4) 221 s 6 96
Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act s 7 96
2012 127, 128, 130
s 10 261 Road Traffic Act 1988 32, 274
s 10(3) 129 s 1 268
s 44 131 s 2 27, 268
s 44(6) 229 s 2B 269
s 45 131 s 3 27
Sch 1, Pt 1 s 3A 268
para 23 128 s 3ZA 268, 269
para 23(5) 128 s 3ZB 269
Limitation Act 1980 35, 99, 108, 112 ss 4–5 27
s 2 100, 105 ss 14–15 27
s 11 99, 100, 107, 109 s 16 28
s 11(1) 105 s 38(7) 28
s 11(4) 99, 106 s 40 27
s 11(5) 106 s 41A 27
s 11(7) 106 s 41D 27
s 11A 107 s 143(1) 30
s 12 99, 100, 107 s 151 31, 144, 177
s 12(1) 106, 107 s 151(4) 32
s 12(2) 106 s 152 31, 32, 144, 177
s 14 100, 105 s 154 32, 33
s 14(1) 101 Road Traffic (NHS Charges) Act 1999 253
s 14(1)(c) 105
s 14(2) 104 Senior Courts Act 1981 179
s 14(3) 102, 104 s 32(5) 194
s 28(6) 105, 300 s 32A 179, 236
s 33 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, s 33 154
113, 300 Social Security Act 1998
s 33(1) 107 Sch 7
s 33(3) 105, 107 paras 148–152 246
s 33(3)(a) 108 Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997 124, 219,
s 33(3)(b) 108 246, 248, 254, 278, 288
s 33(3)(c) 108 s 1 246
s 38 99 s 4 250
s 38(2) 105 Sch 1
Part I 251
Maritime Conventions Act 1911 107 Part II 251
Mental Capacity Act 2005 105, 107, 299, 301 Sch 2 246, 247, 248
s 1 300
s 2 299 Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977
Mental Health Act 1983 s 2 59
Pt IV 75
Merchant Shipping Act 1995 107 Water Industry Act 1991 37
Welfare Reform Act 2012 124
NHS Redress Act 2006 82
International legislation
Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 41, 58 European Convention on Human Rights 280
s 1(1)–(3) 58 Art 2 261, 265, 268
s 2(1) 59 Art 6 181, 182
s 2(2)–(4) 58 Art 6(2) 46
Warsaw Convention 107
Table of Secondary Legislation xxi
Civil Legal Aid (Financial Resources and Payment for Civil Procedure Rules 1998 – continued
Services) Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/480) 128 Part 21 299
Civil Legal Aid (Merits Criteria) Regulations 2013 r 21.2 300
(SI 2013/104) 128 r 21.4 300
Civil Procedure Rules 1998 (SI 1998/3132) 1, 184, 187, 200 r 21.4(3) 301
Part 1 197, 203 r 21.5 301
r 1 2, 149, 159, 163, 184 r 21.6(5) 301
r 1.1 187 r 21.9 302
r 1.1(2)(e) 187 r 21.10 302
r 1.1(2)(f) 187 PD 21 299
r 1.3 187 para 2.2 301
r 1.4 187 para 8.1 303
Part 3 para 10.1 303
r 3.1(f) 112 para 10.2 303
r 3.4(2) 5 Part 22
r 3.4(2)(a) 178 r 22 179
PD 3D 142 r 22.1 158
PD 5 PD 22
para 2.2 178 para 1.4(3) 211
Part 7 311 Part 23 111, 181, 193, 238
r 7.4(1)(b) 111 Part 24
r 7.4(2) 111 r 24.2 178
r 7.5(2) 111 r 24.2(a)(i) 112
r 7.6 111 Part 25
r 7.6(3) 111 r 25.6 194
PD 7A r 25.7 195
para 2.2 177 r 25.7(1) 194
para 2.3 177 r 25.7(4) 195, 196
Part 8 302, 308 r 25.7(5) 195
PD 8B 308 r 25.8 196
Part 16 238 r 25.9 194
r 16.2(c) 177 PD 25B
r 16.3 177 para 1.2 195
r 16.3(3) 178 para 2.1 195
r 16.4 178 para 2.2 195
r 16.4(a) 111 Part 26
r 16.5(c) 178 r 26.2(A) 188
PD 16 178, 238 r 26.3 188
para 4.2 242 r 26.6 188
para 4.4 179 r 26.8(2) 189
para 8.2 179 r 26.10 189
para 14.1 180 Part 28 189
Part 17 r 28.5 193
r 17 181 PD 28
r 17.4 181, 182 para 3.9(4) 165
Part 19 184 Part 29
PD 19B 184 r 29.5 193
Part 20 37, 182 r 29.6 193
r 20.2(1) 182 PD 29
r 20.4 181 para 4.10(4) 165
r 20.5 182 Part 30
r 20.6 183 r 30.1 188
r 20.7 183 Part 31 191
r 20.13 190 r 31.5 191
PD 20 182 r 31.12 191
paras 2.1–2.3 183 r 31.16 154
para 5.3 183, 190 r 31.17 154, 197
xxii Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Civil Procedure Rules 1998 – continued Civil Procedure Rules 1998 – continued
r 31.17(3) 196 Section IIIA 310
Part 32 192 Part 41 237
r 32.4(1) 192 r 41.2 236
r 32.5(2) 192 r 41.5 240
r 32.8 192 r 41.7 240
r 32.9 192 r 41.8 208
PD 32 192 r 41.8(1) 239
Part 33 PD 41 237
r 33.6 193 PD 41B
Part 35 129, 161, 173, 192 para 1 240
r 35.1 163 Part 44
r 35.4 164 r 44.13(1) 138
r 35.4(1) 163 rr 44.13–44.17 138
r 35.4(2) 163 r 44.14 138, 209
r 35.4(3A) 163 r 44.14(1)–(2) 138
r 35.5 162, 164 r 44.15 138
r 35.6 165 r 44.16 138
r 35.7 164, 165 r 44.3B(1)(c) 150
r 35.7(2) 165 r 44.3B(1)(e) 150
r 35.8 165 PD 44 General Rules About Costs
r 35.10(4) 171 paras 12.1–12.7 138
r 35.12(1) 165 para 12.4 138
r 35.12(3) 165 para 19.4 150
r 35.13 164 Part 45 132, 308, 310
PD 35 161 r 45.19 309
para 2 162 r 45.24 310
para 3.1 163 r 45.29J 311
para 3.2 171 r 45.29K 311
para 11.1 164 r 45.29L 311
Protocol for the Instruction of Experts 161, 172 section II 168
para 4.2 163 PD Pre-Action Conduct 140
para 4.3 163 Pre-Action Protocols 2, 142, 150, 159, 200
para 17.6 165 clinical disputes 2, 4, 7, 8, 142, 145, 149, 152, 153, 203,
Part 36 207, 208, 209, 210, 214, 238, 252, 254, 310 205, 371–86
r 36.3(7) 210 Annex B 146
r 36.4 209 Annex C2 152
r 36.5 208 disease and illness 142, 149, 153, 310
r 36.5(3) 208 para 4 148
r 36.5(4) 208 Annex A 149
r 36.5(5–(7)) 208 Annex A1 149
r 36.6 208 employers’ and public liability 2, 142, 143, 152,
r 36.6(1) 208 305–11, 387–98
r 36.6(2)–(5) 209 para 4.1 306
r 36.9 209 para 4.3 306
r 36.9(2) 209 para 5.1 306
r 36.10A 310 para 6.1 306
r 36.10A(2) 310 para 6.3 307
r 36.10A(4)–(5) 310 para 7 308
r 36.14(2) 310 Low Value Employers’ Liability and Public Liability
r 36.14(3)(d) 309 Claims see employers’ and public liability
r 36.14A 310 Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic
r 36.14A(2) 310 Accidents see road traffic accidents
r 36.14A(3) 310 personal injury 2, 7, 140, 168, 173, 204, 310, 355–70
r 36.15 209 para 2.6 149
r 36.15(3) 252 para 2.10A 152
r 36.15(6) 252 para 2.14 163
r 36.17(1) 309 para 2.15 168
r 36.17(2) 309 para 3.1 149
r 36.19 309 para 3.15 163
r 36.21 309 para 6.1 149
Section II 309 Annex B 153
Section III 310 Annex C 170
Table of Secondary Legislation xxiii
Civil Procedure Rules 1998 – continued Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992
Annex D 124, 125, 221 (SI 1992/2051) 46–7
road traffic accidents 1, 2, 152, 305–11 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
para 1.1(14) 306 (SI 1999/3242) 46, 47
para 1.1(18) 306 reg 3 47, 48, 53, 55, 62–3
para 1.2 306 reg 3(6) 47
para 4.1 305 reg 4 47–8
para 4.3 306 reg 5 48
para 4.4 306 reg 6 48, 53
para 5.1 306 reg 7 48
para 7 308 reg 10 48
Conditional Fee Agreements Order 2013 (SI 2013/689) reg 12 48
Art 5 130 reg 13 48
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations reg 14 49, 63
1994 (SI 1994/3246) 55 reg 16 48
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations reg 19 48
2002 (SI 2002/2677) 55 reg 21 64
reg 6 55 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
reg 7 55, 56 (SI 1992/2793) 52, 53
regs 8–12 56 reg 2(1) 52
Coroners Allowances, Fees and Expenses Regulations 2013 reg 4 53, 63
(SI 2013/1615) 258 reg 4(1) 53
Coroners (Inquests) Rules 2013 (SI 2013/1616) 258 reg 4(1)(a) 52
r 13 262 reg 4(1)(b) 52
r 17 263 reg 4(1)(b)(ii)–(iii) 53
r 18 263 reg 4(3) 53
r 21 263 reg 5 53
r 22 264 Motor Vehicles (Wearing of Seat Belts) Regulations 1993
r 25(4) 262 (SI 1993/176) 27
Coroners (Investigations) Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/1629)
258 National Health Service (Injury Benefits) Regulations 1974
reg 28 265 (SI 1974/1547) 251
Damages (Variation of Periodical Payments) Order 2005 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
(SI 2005/841) 240 (SI 1992/2966) 43, 51, 52
Damages-Based Agreements Regulations 2013 reg 4(4) 51
(SI 2013/609) 131 reg 6 52
reg 4 132 reg 7 52
reg 4(1)–(2) 132 reg 7(1) 52
reg 9 52
European Communities (Rights Against Insurers) Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992
Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/3061) (SI 1992/2932) 49
reg 3 143 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
(SI 1998/2306) 43, 49, 51
Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations reg 2 50
1992 (SI 1992/2792) 49 reg 4 50
reg 2 49 reg 5(1)-(2) 50
regs 5–7 49 reg 6(1) 50
Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) reg 8 50
Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/2174) 53 reg 9 51
reg 11 51
Income Support (General) Regulations 1987 (SI 1987/1967) reg 13 51
reg 41(2) 124 regs 15–17 51
Insurance Companies (Legal Expenses Insurance) reg 19 51
Regulations 1990 (SI 1990/1159) 136 reg 20 51, 63
reg 6 136 regs 21–28 51
reg 6(1) 136
Recovery of Costs Insurance Premiums in Clinical
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 Negligence Proceedings (No 2) Regulations 2013
(SI 1998/2307) 53 (SI 2013/739)
Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service reg 3 134
Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/309) 79 reg 3(1) 134
reg 3 81 reg 3(2) 135
xxiv Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
Regulations 1995 (SI 1995/3163) 153, 155 (SI 1992/3004) 44, 53
Sch 2 154 regs 5–8 53
reg 11 54
Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) (Lump Sum reg 12 54
Payments) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/1596) 249 regs 20–21 54
Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Regulations 1997
(SI 1997/2205) 246 EU secondary legislation
reg 2 251 Directive 89/391 (Health and Safety at Work, Framework) 47
Directive (Motor Insurance, 4th) 143
Work at Height Regulations 2005 (SI 2005/735) 54
reg 2(1) 54 Codes and Agreements
reg 4 54 Highway Code 26, 27, 28
reg 5 54 SRA Code of Conduct 2011 127, 130, 137
reg 6 55 Indicative Behaviours 127, 128, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17
reg 7 54, 55 Outcomes 1.6 127
regs 9–13 55 Outcomes 1.13 115, 127
Sch 1 55 Outcomes 5.1 5
Sch 7 55 Outcomes 5.2 5
Uninsured Drivers Agreement 1999 32–4, 144, 177
Untraced Drivers Agreement 2003 34–6, 144, 306
List of Abbreviations xxv
List of Abbreviations
PL public liability
PPE personal protective equipment
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
QOCS qualified one way costs shifting
RIDDOR 1995 Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
RTA road traffic accident
RTA 1988 Road Traffic Act 1988
SSP statutory sick pay
VWF vibration white finger
WRA 2012 Welfare Reform Act 2012
WRULD work-related upper limb disorder
Introduction to the Work of a Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Solicitor 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Personal injury claims 3
1.3 Clinical negligence claims 4
1.4 Fraudulent and exaggerated claims 5
1.5 Conclusion 6
1.6 Overviews of personal injury and clinical negligence claims 7
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• understand the scope and limitations of this book
• explain the similarities and differences between personal injury claims and clinical
negligence claims
• set out an outline of the main steps in each type of claim
• explain how these claims are viewed from the perspectives of the claimant, the
defendant and their solicitors
• appreciate that solicitors acting for claimants and defendants need to be vigilant in
order to spot fraudulent claims, and understand how the courts might deal with
dishonest litigants.
The aim of this text is to provide an introduction to personal injury and clinical negligence
litigation. It is assumed, however, that the basic civil litigation procedure has been studied
before. Reference to the Legal Practice Guide, Civil Litigation and the Civil Procedure Rules
1998 (CPR 1998) may be necessary for those unfamiliar with the essential elements of High
Court and county court procedure.
The terms ‘personal injury litigation’ and ‘clinical negligence litigation’ are widely used to
describe claims for compensation for injuries which a client has suffered. This text will not
deal with every type of claim that is encountered in practice, but it should serve as a basic
introduction to a fascinating and rapidly developing area of law.
In practice, many personal injury claims will be based on either public liability, where the
injury is sustained on property which is open to the public, or product liability, where the
injury is caused by products made available to the public. However, in this text, the focus will
be on the following:
(a) Road traffic accident and other highway claims. These are usually the most
straightforward type of personal injury claim. See Chapter 3.
2 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
(b) Employers’ liability claims. This term is used for personal injury claims where the claimant
was injured in the course of his employment and his employer is the defendant. Common
examples of this type of personal injury claim arise where workers slip on the factory floor,
fall from ladders or are caught in moving machinery. More complex cases arise where
workers suffer a disease or injury which manifests itself many years after their exposure
to dust, fibres, gases, fumes or noxious substances within the workplace. See Chapter 4.
(c) Clinical negligence claims, which arise as a result of the negligence of doctors or other
medical professionals, such as nurses, physiotherapists and dentists, or of institutional
health providers, such as NHS Trusts or private hospitals. See Chapter 5.
(d) Claims for psychiatric injury. These may arise in the context of any of the above types of
claim but the law in relation to claims for nervous shock and occupational stress is
complex enough to warrant separate treatment in this text. See Chapter 6.
While the basic litigation procedures for personal injury and clinical negligence claims and
the skills required of the solicitor are similar, there are differences, some of which are
significant. Where the procedure for a clinical negligence claim differs notably from that of a
personal injury claim, specific reference is made in the text.
Where a fatality arises from an accident in one of the above areas, special considerations arise.
These are discussed in Chapter 17. Liability
It is for the claimant to prove his case; the onus will therefore be on the client to persuade the
court that the defendant was in breach of a statutory or common law duty owed to the client.
The claimant has to prove, on a balance of probabilities, that:
(a) the defendant owed him a duty of care and/or there was a relevant statutory duty;
(b) the defendant was in breach of that duty;
(c) the breach caused injury and consequential losses which were reasonably foreseeable.
This is further explored in the context of the various types of personal injury claim dealt with
in this book in Chapters 3, 4 and 6. Quantum
The claimant’s solicitor should have as his aim the maximisation of damages for his client,
and he must take all legitimate steps to achieve that aim. The assessment of damages is dealt
with in Chapter 15 and, where there has been a fatality, in Chapter 18. Most solicitors working
in this area acknowledge that a weariness on the part of the victim himself can set in if months
pass and the claimant perceives that little has been done, or due to anxiety at having to attend
trial. This can result in the client accepting inappropriately low offers rather than instructing
the solicitor to progress the matter to trial. This should be acknowledged as a factor to be
dealt with by the solicitor, and the client’s concerns should be anticipated.
Medical evidence is required by the court to prove the injuries suffered by the client.
Instructing a doctor may appear to be a simple task, but the choice of the appropriate doctor is
significant as the value of the client’s injuries will be based on the medical evidence, including
the reports of the medical experts. The instruction of experts is dealt with in Chapter 11 and a
list of important medical specialities is contained in Chapter 2.
Many insurance companies require the insured to sign a letter of authority allowing them to
act on the insured’s behalf and to dispose of the case in any way that the defendant’s solicitor
sees fit. This is often a formality, as the terms of the insurance policy will allow the insurance
company and its solicitor to have control of the case. The role of insurers is explored further
at 3.3.
third man, who had signed a witness statement in support of the claim without reading it, for
contempt, after surveillance revealed that he was an active, sporty man, with no significant
disability. The Shikells were each sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, and the third man
was fined £750.
For a fascinating insight into the magnitude of the problem of fraud in relation to RTAs, we
recommend the full judgment in the case of Locke v (1) Stuart (2) Axa Corporate Solutions Services
Ltd [2011] EWHC 399 (QB). This is particularly interesting because the defendant’s insurers
were able to use Facebook to demonstrate a connection between the claimant in this matter
and claimants and defendants in a number of other claims.
Finally, it should be noted that criminal charges may be brought against anyone who
dishonestly makes false representations contrary to s 2 of the Fraud Act 2013. Such charges
may arise when the accident was genuine but the claim has been fraudulently exaggerated (see
R v W [2013] EWCA Crim 820).
Personal injury and clinical negligence litigation is a diverse and expanding area. At its least
complex, it may involve a claim for compensation for minor injuries suffered as a result of a
road traffic accident, or, at the other extreme, it may involve representing a child who is
severely disabled, allegedly as a result of being starved of oxygen at birth.
Overviews of the main steps in a typical personal injury claim and a typical clinical negligence
claim are set out in 1.6 below.
This text aims to provide an introduction to personal injury and clinical negligence litigation,
but reference should also be made to practitioners’ works and original sources. Where
appropriate, reference must be made to the CPR 1998 and pre-action protocols.
Introduction to the Work of a Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Solicitor 7
Exchange of witness statements
Exchange of expert witnesses’ reports
Listing questionnaire
Pre-trial review
8 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
1.6.2 Main steps in a typical clinical negligence claim against an NHS Trust
Adverse outcome
Exchange of witness statements
Exchange of expert witnesses’ reports
Listing questionnaire
Pre-trial review
Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Terminology 9
2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Common injuries, conditions and medical terms 10
2.3 Areas of medical speciality 15
2.4 Common abbreviations used in medical records 17
2.5 Diagrammatic representation of the human skeleton 23
2.6 Conclusion 24
2.7 Further reading 24
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• appreciate the importance to the personal injury/clinical negligence solicitor of
acquiring a working knowledge of medical terms and abbreviations, and of
understanding the nature of the most common injuries that arise and the scope of
different types of medical expertise
• know where to find assistance to acquire such information and knowledge.
A trainee solicitor who enters the personal injury/clinical negligence department of a legal
firm has to cope not only with the pressures of being able to understand fully and advise
accurately on the law, but also with a barrage of unfamiliar medical terms. If a trainee is faced
on his first day with his colleagues referring to claims dealing with work-related upper limb
disorders (WRULD), vibration white finger (VWF), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),
etc, and he is unfamiliar with the terminology, he will obviously be at a disadvantage.
There can be no doubt that proficient solicitors who practise in this area have extensive
medical knowledge and a detailed understanding of the terms used. This knowledge enables
them to comprehend fully clients’ complaints, experts’ reports and medical notes, and also
enables them to explain matters thoroughly to clients. For example, upon receipt of a medical
report obtained following a simple road traffic accident, the solicitor must read the report
carefully and then send it to the client. If the client subsequently contacts his solicitor stating
that he does not understand the terms used in the medical report, it is not acceptable for the
solicitor to say, ‘Neither do I’!
In addition, it is important for the trainee solicitor to have some knowledge of the areas of
medical specialisation, so that appropriate experts can be instructed.
The purpose of this chapter is to assist in the understanding of the terms and abbreviations
commonly found in personal injury/clinical negligence work, and of the main areas of
specialisation. It should be noted, however, that a medical dictionary is an essential
requirement for the personal injury solicitor, and more detailed medical texts may also be of
10 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
fractures can occur at any point. Fractures to the pelvis are of two main types: first,
isolated fractures of one of the bones which make up the pelvis; and, secondly, double
fractures of the bones which make up the pelvic rim.
for example, have a system of assessing the risk from noise, provide ear protectors and have
clearly marked zones where ear protection must be worn.
2.2.13 Obstetrics
A normal labour and delivery take place in three stages. The first stage refers to the period of
time it takes the cervix to dilate fully to 10 cms, and this is the longest stage of labour. The full
dilation of the cervix is also associated with the rupture of the amnion, which is the tough
fibrous membrane lining the cavity of the womb during pregnancy, containing amniotic fluid
which supports the foetus. The rupture of the amnion is often referred to as ‘the breaking of
the waters’. The second stage of labour is the actual birth of the baby. The third stage is the
delivery of the placenta.
If a baby is deprived of oxygen, it is said to have become ‘hypoxic’. Hypoxia refers to a state
where there is an inadequate supply of oxygen to maintain normal tissue function. If a baby is
deemed to be in danger, it will be intubated and ventilated. This involves the insertion of an
endotracheal tube into the baby’s trachea to facilitate the maintenance of the baby’s airway.
Once a baby is born, it is assessed using the Apgar score. This is a method of assessing a
baby’s condition by giving a score of 0, 1 or 2 to each of five signs: colour, heart rate, muscle
tone, respiratory effort, and response to stimulation. A total score of 10 is the best Apgar
score. If a baby is described as ‘apnoeic’, it means that it is not breathing; ‘bradycardia’ refers
to the fact that the baby’s heart is beating too slowly.
Perinatal mortality refers to the death of a foetus after the 28th week of pregnancy and to the
death of the newborn child during the first week of life.
(i) Obstetrics – covers pregnancy and birth, and is concerned with the health of the mother
and of the foetus from conception to delivery. The obstetrician will also deal with
sterilisations and infertility, cervical cancer, tumours of the ovaries and endometriosis.
Both doctors and nurses can specialise in obstetrics. A consultant obstetrician will have
‘MRCOG’ or ‘FRCOG’ after his name.
(j) Occupational health – this deals with the effect of work on the individual’s health, both
mental and physical, and the effect of ill-health on the individual’s work. Specialists
identify and treat specific occupational illnesses and diseases, and deal with the
prevention of ill-health caused by chemical, biological, physical and psychological
factors arising in the workplace. The term ‘occupational health’ covers a number of
areas, and therefore there are various specialists, including occupational physicians,
occupational psychologists, occupational health nurses, occupational hygienists,
disability managers, workplace counsellors, health and safety practitioners, and
workplace physiotherapists. The consultant occupational physician will usually have
‘FFOM’ (Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine) after his name. Others
specialising in this area may have a Diploma in Occupational Medicine (DOccMED).
(k) Ophthalmology – the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the eye. The consultant
ophthalmologist will usually have ‘FRCOphth’ (Fellow of the Royal College of
Ophthalmologists) after his name.
(l) Orthopaedics – this is concerned with injuries to and disorders of the bones and muscles.
Surgeons who work in this area may specialise in certain parts of the body – the knee,
the hip, the spine etc. The orthopaedic surgeon will have FRCS after his name, possibly
followed by (Orth) and/or (Tr & Orth) signifying his specialism in orthopaedics and
(m) Paediatrics – diseases and illness affecting children. A paediatrician may have a sub-
speciality, eg a paediatric neurologist, a paediatric surgeon, etc. The consultant
paediatrician will normally have ‘MRCP’ or ‘FRCP’ after his name, and may have
‘FRCPCH’ (Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health).
(n) Palliative care – the care of patients suffering from a terminal illness, including pain
control and psychological and spiritual care, and the provision of services either at
home or in a hospital, hospice or day centre. It also encompasses support for the family
of the patient, which continues into the bereavement period.
(o) Pathology – the science of the changes which the body goes through as a result of disease.
A pathologist examines body samples in order to diagnose disease and undertakes post-
mortem examinations in order to determine the cause of death. The consultant
pathologist will have ‘FRCPath’ after his name.
(p) Physiotherapy – the use of exercise, manipulation, and heat in the treatment of disease or
injury, which is often essential in the rehabilitation process. All physiotherapists will
have either ‘MCSP’ (Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy) or ‘FCSP’
(Fellow of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy) after their names, and must be
registered with the Health Professions Council, the regulatory body for
(q) Psychiatry – the branch of medical science which treats mental disorder and disease, and
which helps with the management of individuals with learning disabilities. A
psychiatrist deals with depression, PTSD, drug and substance abuse, schizophrenia, etc.
A consultant psychiatrist will have ‘MRCPsych’ or ‘FRCPsych’ (Member or Fellow of the
Royal Colleges of Psychiatrists) after his name.
(r) Psychology – the scientific study of how people think, how and why they act, react and
interact as they do. It covers memory, rational/irrational thought, intelligence, learning,
personality, perception and emotions. Psychology is used in promoting rehabilitation
and assessing rehabilitation needs following an accident. There are a number of
different branches, including educational psychology (concerned with children’s
Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Terminology 17
SE Side effects
SH Social history
SJ Supinator jerk (reflex: see AJ)
SL Sub linguinal (under the tongue)
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
SOA Swelling of ankles
SOB (OE) Shortness of breath
SOS (a) if necessary
(b) see other sheet
SROM Spontaneous rupture of membranes
stat Immediately
Supp Suppositories
SVC Superior vena cava
SVD Spontaneous vaginal delivery
SVT Supraventricular tachycardia
SXR Skull x-ray
Ts and As Tonsils and Adenoids
TCI 2/52 To come in (to be admitted to hospital), in 2 weeks’ time
tds To be given/taken 3 times a day
TGH To go home
THR Total hip replacement
TIA Transient ischaemic attack
TJ Triceps jerk (reflex: see AJ)
TPR Temperature, pulse and respiration
TSH Thyroid stimulating hormone
TTA To take away
TVF Tactile vocal fremitus
TX Transfusion
UC Ulcerative colitis
U&E Urea and electrolytes (biochemical tests)
UG Urogenital
UMN Upper motor neurone
URTI Upper respiratory tract infection
USS Ultra sound scan
UTI Urinary tract infection
VA Visual acuity
VE Vaginal examination
VF Ventricular fibrillation
VT Ventricular tachycardia
V/V Vulva and vagina
VVs Varicose veins
WBC White blood corpuscle/white blood cell count
WCC White blood cell count
WR Wasserman reaction
wt Weight
XR X-ray
Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Terminology 23
A basic understanding of the medical terms involved in personal injury and clinical negligence
cases can assist the trainee when reading medical reports, and also provides an insight into
the client’s problems which can often be useful in the negotiation of any settlement.
3.1 Introduction 25
3.2 Establishing liability for road traffic accidents 25
3.3 Insurance 31
3.4 The Motor Insurers’ Bureau 32
3.5 Duties of the highway authority 36
3.6 Conclusion 39
3.7 Further reading and relevant websites 39
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• describe how liability for road traffic accidents may be established
• set out the circumstances in which a claimant might be held to be contributorily
negligent and how damages might be reduced in such circumstances
• explain the role of insurance and insurers in this type of claim
• explain the role of the Motor Insurers Bureau, and the impact of the Uninsured
Drivers Agreement 1999 and the Untraced Drivers Agreement 2003
• set out the statutory duties of highway authorities and the defence under s 58 of the
Highways Act 1980.
According to the Department of Transport’s statistics bulletin, Road Casualties Great Britain:
Main Results 2012, which is based on accidents reported to the police, 1,754 people were killed
in road traffic accidents in 2012, which is the lowest figure since national records began in
1926. The number of people seriously injured was 23,039 and the overall number of casualties
in road accidents was 195,723. Not surprisingly therefore, road traffic accidents form a large
part of the personal injury lawyer’s casework.
A road user may be liable to an injured person, or to the estate or dependants of a deceased
person, on the basis of common law negligence. A highways authority may be liable to such
people on the basis of negligence and/or breach of statutory duty.
Clearly, a driver has a duty to drive carefully so as not to cause injury to his passengers or other
road users, but other examples include the duty of a driver not to park his vehicle where it
might constitute a danger, the duty of a pedestrian not to step into the path of a vehicle, and
the duty of the highway authority to keep the highway in good repair.
This duty of care is well established and, in the majority of cases, will not be in dispute
between the parties.
(f ) The wearing of safety helmets. Under s 16 of the RTA 1988, it is an offence to ride on a
motor cycle without a safety helmet in accordance with the relevant regulations.
Followers of the Sikh religion who are wearing a turban are exempt from this
Times, 4 December. The claimant, who was suffering from mental disorder, had been walking
at the side of a dual carriageway just before midnight, when he was hit by a van driven by an
employee of the respondent company. Neither the claimant, who could not be considered a
reliable witness, nor the driver of the van gave evidence. Having heard evidence from a
psychiatrist on behalf of the claimant, the Court of Appeal held that despite the claimant’s
mental illness, he was aware of road safety issues, was not a risk-taker and did not have any
suicidal tendencies. Moreover, it was ‘pure surmise’ that he fell into the van’s path as a result
of losing his balance. Consequently, the defendants had failed to put forward a plausible
3.2.5 Causation
The claimant will have to prove that the breach of duty caused the loss and damage
complained of. He will have to show that ‘but for’ the defendant’s breach, the injuries would
not have arisen. Causation will be disputed where the defendant argues:
(a) that the cause of the injury was not the defendant’s breach of duty but the claimant’s
own negligence. In Whittle v Bennett [2006] EWCA Civ 1538, a car driven by the
defendant in excess of the speed limit and too close to the car in front, was involved in a
collision with the claimant’s car. Although the defendant’s actions were negligent, the
court held that the accident was caused by the gross negligence of the claimant, who
had been attempting a U-turn manoeuvre on a busy single-carriage ‘A’ road. Courts
frequently find that the negligence of the defendant and the claimant have played a part
in causation, and apportion damages accordingly (see 3.2.6).
(b) that the accident could not have caused the injuries complained of. In recent years, it has
become increasingly common for insurers to defend on this basis in low-velocity impact
claims. This type of accident, where damage to the vehicles may be no more than a
scratch, typically results in whiplash, where there are no visible signs of injury. In some
instances, defendants are going further than disputing the severity of the injuries; they
are making positive allegations that the claimant has fabricated the claim. The Court of
Appeal considered these types of cases in Kearsley v Klarfeld [2005] EWCA Civ 1510 and
Casey v Cartwright [2006] EWCA Civ 1280, and gave guidelines as to how they should be
dealt with. These guidelines are beyond the scope of this book.
Therefore, the court will reduce the amount of damages payable by the defendant to the
claimant only where the defendant is able to prove, on the balance of probabilities:
(a) that the claimant was at fault;
(b) that the fault was causative of the injury suffered; and
(c) that it would be just and equitable for the claimant’s damages to be reduced.
When determining the extent to which damages will be reduced, the court will apportion
responsibility between the parties by looking at the relative causative potency of what each of
the parties has done and their respective blameworthiness. (You may find it useful to read the
full judgment in Eagle v Chambers [2003] EWCA Civ 1107.)
It would be rare for a court to find a pedestrian more responsible than a driver of a vehicle (and
therefore reduce damages by more than 50%), unless the pedestrian suddenly moved into the
path of the vehicle in circumstances where the driver could not have anticipated such a thing
to happen. The court will consider all the relevant circumstances, including whether the
driver was driving in a manner appropriate for the prevailing conditions, whether he was
aware that pedestrians were about and might step into the road, and the age of the pedestrian.
Children are not expected to exercise the degree of care reasonably expected of an adult. Very
young children will never be held to have been negligent, and those under the age of 12 are
seldom held to be so. However, in the case of Ehrari v Curry & Another [2006] EWCA Civ 120, the
claimant, who was 13 years old at the time of the accident, was held to be 70% to blame for
the accident which had left her brain-damaged. The defendant driver had been travelling at no
more than 20 miles per hour when the claimant stepped into the road without looking.
In the following types of cases, the courts will follow the precedents set in the cases cited:
(a) Where a driver or passenger fails to wear a seat belt, damages will be reduced by 25% in
cases where the injury would not have happened at all, or by 15% where the injuries
would have been less severe (Froom v Butcher [1976] QB 286). From time to time,
defendants attempt to argue that the court should depart from these guidelines, but the
case of Stanton v Collinson [2010] EWCA Civ 81 highlights the court’s reluctance to do so.
In this case, the teenage claimant was a front seat passenger in a car driven by his friend.
Neither the claimant nor the girl sitting on his lap wore a seatbelt, and when the driver
lost control and crashed into an oncoming car the claimant sustained serious brain
damage. In spite of the claimant’s reckless behaviour, the Court of Appeal held that
there was no contributory negligence as the defendant had failed to supply medical
evidence proving the causal link between the claimant’s failure to wear a safety belt and
his injuries.
(b) Where a motor cyclist fails to wear a crash helmet, damages will be reduced by 15%
(O’Connell v Jackson [1972] 1 QB 270) or, where the helmet’s chin strap is not fastened, by
10% (Capps v Miller [1989] 1 WLR 839).
(c) Where a passenger allows himself to be carried in a vehicle when he knows the driver is
drunk and should not be driving, damages will be reduced by 20% (Owens v Brimmel
[1977] QB 859).
(d) Although there is no legal compulsion for a cyclist to wear a helmet, and there has not
been a case where damages have been reduced as a result of a cyclist’s failure to wear a
helmet, in Smith v Finch [2009] EWHC 53 (QB) the judge appeared to suggest that such a
failure would amount to contributory negligence. On the facts of this case, however, the
wearing of a helmet would have made no difference to the injuries sustained by the
If the claimant has contributed to his own injuries in more than one way, the court will not
necessarily calculate the overall reduction simply by adding the normal percentage reductions
together. So, in Gleeson v Court [2007] EWHC 2397 (QB), where the claimant had allowed
Road Traffic and Other Highway Claims: The Law 31
herself to be driven in a car when she was aware that the driver was drunk (20% reduction) and
had sat in the boot of the hatchback car (25% reduction), the overall reduction was 30%.
The reduction of damages as a result of contributory negligence will be a theoretical, rather
than an actual, disadvantage to the motorist who has the benefit of fully comprehensive
insurance, as his own insurer, being bound to indemnify him for his own injuries irrespective
of blame, will cover any shortfall in damages recovered from the defendant. However, few
pedestrians, particularly children, will have relevant insurance cover, and therefore they will
suffer a loss in real terms from any finding of contributory negligence.
3.3.1 Statutory provisions and types of policy
Under s 143(1) of the RTA 1988, any person who drives, or causes or permits another person
to drive a motor vehicle on a road or other public place, must have a policy of insurance which,
at the very least, covers third party risks. The minimum protection afforded by what is
commonly known as a Road Traffic Act policy or third party insurance covers:
(a) the death or bodily injury of a third party;
(b) damage to property belonging to a third party up to £1,000,000; and
(c) any emergency treatment, ie medical or surgical examination or treatment which is
required by those suffering an injury (including a fatal injury) immediately following the
A common type of policy, known as Third Party Fire & Theft, provides this minimum cover,
plus cover for the policyholder’s own vehicle should it be damaged or destroyed by fire or
stolen. Neither of these types of policies indemnifies the policyholder where his own vehicle
is damaged due to his own negligence, or where nobody was at fault. More importantly,
neither do they cover the policyholder for injuries that he might himself suffer in such
circumstances. It is perhaps little understood by the public at large how common road traffic
accidents are, how devastating the resulting injuries can be, and just how important adequate
financial compensation is for someone suffering long-term disability.
Policies which are commonly known as ‘fully comprehensive’ cover the minimum risks and
damage to the policyholder’s property. They might also cover the injury or death of the
policyholder and legal expenses arising from taking or defending proceedings following an
accident, but terms do vary and should be checked carefully.
under s 152 of the Act, before or within seven days of commencement of the proceedings.
Because it is not always clear at the start of proceedings whether or not any of the above
situations applies, those acting for claimants in road traffic accident cases should always send
out the required notice to the insurer of the vehicle (see 12.3.2).
Under s 151(4), there is an exception in relation to third parties who were willing passengers
in a vehicle they knew or had reason to believe had been stolen.
returning the MIB’s standard form to the MIB or its nominated solicitors, together with
documents in support (clause 7.1). It is important to note that the application must be signed
by the claimant or his solicitor. If this is not complied with, the MIB can refuse to accept the
application (clause 7.2 of the 1999 Agreement).
Where the MIB accepts that the uninsured driver was negligent, it will try to settle the matter
in order to avoid civil proceedings. Where the MIB declines responsibility to pay
compensation, the injured party has the option of commencing proceedings against the
uninsured driver. The claimant’s solicitors should name the MIB as second defendant, but if
this is not done, the MIB will usually seek to be joined as a party to the proceedings.
The 1999 Agreement sets out a far more complicated set of procedural steps than its
predecessors, and it is widely thought to be in need of amendment. A summary of the main
points is set out below, but those acting for claimants should be aware that this is a minefield
for the unwary. The MIB is more than willing to use minor breaches of the procedural steps to
reject claims, and therefore reference must be made to the detail of the 1999 Agreement itself
and to the associated guidance notes. Where the MIB is a party to the proceedings, it will
receive notification of various stages of the proceedings, court hearings, etc directly from the
court, and the claimant’s solicitor should ask the MIB to waive compliance with some of the
notice requirements. Copies of the relevant documentation and the application form may be
obtained from the MIB website at www.mib.org.uk.
after commencement of proceedings (clause 9.1), together with the following documents (in
so far as they have not already been supplied to the MIB):
(a) the completed application form and supporting documents as required by clause 7.1;
(b) a copy of the sealed claim form;
(c) a copy of any relevant insurance policy covering the claimant;
(d) copies of all relevant correspondence in the possession of the claimant or his solicitor;
(e) a copy of the particulars of claim;
(f ) a copy of all other documents required by the rules of procedure to be served on the
defendant (although it is not necessary to enclose the response pack); and
(g) such other information relevant to the proceedings as the MIB may reasonably require.
The notice and supporting documentation must be served either by facsimile transmission,
or by registered or recorded delivery post to the MIB’s registered office (clause 8.1). Service by
ordinary post and Document Exchange is not allowed.
Clauses 10 and 11 require notification to the MIB in writing within seven days of the
occurrence of the following:
(a) service of proceedings;
(b) filing of a defence;
(c) amendment of particulars of claim;
(d) setting down for trial;
(e) notification of trial date received.
In the event that the claimant intends to enter judgment, the claimant must, not less than 35
days before applying for judgment, give notice in writing to the MIB of his intention so to do
(clause 12).
suffered injury and loss wishes to claim under the 2003 Agreement, he must make an
application in writing to the MIB. If the application is signed by a person who is neither the
applicant nor a solicitor acting on behalf of the applicant, the MIB may refuse to accept the
application (clause 4(2)). Requirements
The applicant, or person acting on behalf of the applicant, must have reported the event to the
police (clause 4(3)(c)):
(a) in the case of claims for death or bodily injury alone, not later than 14 days after the
event occurred; and
(b) in the case of claims for property damage, not later than five days after the event
Evidence of the report must be supplied in the form of the crime or incident number, and the
applicant must have co-operated with the police in any investigation they conducted. Compensation
The MIB shall award a sum equivalent to the amount which it would have awarded to the
applicant for general and special damages if the applicant had brought successful proceedings
to enforce a claim for damages against the unidentified person. In calculating the sum
36 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
payable, the MIB shall adopt the same method of calculation as the court would adopt in
calculating damages (clause 8).
It will include in the award a sum representing interest on the compensation payable at a rate
equal to that which a court would award a successful litigant (clause 9).
(a) that the condition of the highway made it a foreseeable danger to road users; and
(b) the condition of the highway was due to the failure of the highways authority to
maintain it; and
(c) that the damage was caused by the dangerous condition of the highway.
In applying the forseeability test, the danger must be foreseeable to a road user having
reasonable care for his own safety. In Rider v Rider [1973] 1 All ER 294, Sachs LJ concluded
The highway authority must provide not merely for model drivers, but for the normal run of drivers to
be found on their highways, and that includes those who make the mistakes which experience and
common sense teach us are likely to occur.
When considering whether the highway authority has failed to maintain the highway,
reference should be made to the Department of Transport’s Well-maintained Highways – Code of
Practice for Highway Maintenance Management. Although the recommendations set out in the
Code are not mandatory, courts are likely to treat them as relevant considerations when
determining whether a breach has occurred.
Highway authorities are required to carry out safety inspections in order to identify all defects
which are likely to create a danger to road users. Section 9.4 of the Code deals with the safety
inspection regime, the frequency of which is largely determined by the category of the road,
footway or cycle path within the highway network hierarchy. For example, as a starting point,
strategic routes should be inspected once every month, whereas local access roads may be
inspected just once a year. Other factors, such as the volume of traffic use and the number of
accidents, are then taken into account, which may either increase or decrease the frequency of
During inspections, all observed defects posing a risk to road users must be recorded and the
appropriate level of risk determined. Category 1 defects represent an immediate hazard or a
risk of short-term structural deterioration, and should be dealt with at the time of inspection,
if reasonably practicable, or, if not, within a maximum of 24 hours. A temporary resolution,
such as warning notices or cordoning off the hazard, may be used, but a permanent repair
should be carried out within 28 days.
systems of regular inspection and maintenance were in place in order to detect each defect
and repair it within a reasonable time. Where the highways authority had departed from the
frequency of inspections set out in the Code of Practice for that type of highway, it would need
to satisfy the court that the departure was based on proper evidence-based considerations
(see AC (1) DC (2) TR (3) v Devon County Council [2012] EWHC 796 (QB)). If it is able to show that
the frequency of inspections was appropriate for the nature and character of that particular
highway and that, at the time of the last inspection before the accident, the defect was not
present or not considered to be dangerous, it is likely to be successful in its defence. If,
however, it had been aware of the defect but had taken an unreasonable time to effect the
necessary repairs, the defence will not succeed. What is a ‘reasonable time’ will depend on the
nature of the defect and the potential consequences to road users of failing to repair it.
When considering the point at which differing levels in a highway become dangerous to
pedestrians, practitioners sometimes do refer to one inch as being the appropriate
measurement. However, claimants have been successful where the difference has been as
little as one-eighth of an inch (Pitman v Southern Electricity Board [1978] 3 All ER 901).
Road traffic accident claims are the most common type of personal injury claims, and they
are, in the main, fairly straightforward. This means that the trainee solicitor or junior solicitor
is likely to be dealing with this type of case when he is first introduced to personal injury
work. It is useful to be aware that many low value claims will be handled, on behalf of
claimants and defendants, by individuals who have no legal qualifications, sometimes with
minimal training and supervision. If the solicitor has a thorough understanding of the legal
principles which govern RTA claims, he will bring clarity to the procedure and will be better
able to bring about the optimum conclusion for his client.
4.1 Introduction 41
4.2 The employer’s common law duty of care 42
4.3 Breach of statutory duty 45
4.4 Vicarious liability 57
4.5 Occupiers’ liability 58
4.6 Remoteness of damage 59
4.7 Causation 59
4.8 Defences 61
4.9 Enforcement of health and safety at work 63
4.10 Conclusion 66
4.11 Further reading and relevant websites 66
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• explain the duty of care owed by an employer to an employee at common law
• explain how an employer may be liable to an employee for breach of statutory duty
• identify breaches of key health and safety regulations
• understand the defences that are likely to be relied upon in a workplace claim
• explain the role of the Health and Safety Executive in enforcing health and safety in
the workplace.
An employer may be personally liable to an injured employee on the basis of:
(a) common law negligence; and/or
(b) breach of statutory duty, for example under the Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974
(HSWA 1974), the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 (OLA 1957), or European Directives
covering safety by way of regulations under the HSWA 1974.
The heads of liability are not mutually exclusive. For example, in certain circumstances the
employer may be liable to the injured employee under both heads, while in other
circumstances the employer may be liable only in common law negligence but not otherwise.
The employer may also be vicariously liable to the injured employee where the injury was
caused by a tort (eg, negligence) of another employee who was acting in the course of his
employment. We consider these heads of liability below, together with the defences which are
most likely to be relied upon.
In addition to civil liability, an employer who breaches health and safety regulations may face
a criminal prosecution. This is also considered below, together with the role of the Health and
Safety Executive (HSE) in investigating accidents.
42 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The duty to maintain plant and equipment in good order is now supplemented by the
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/2306) (see When
considering whether plant has been adequately maintained, the court will look to current
practice, which will be different according to the type of equipment involved. Depending on
the type of equipment, all or any of the following matters may be relevant, and evidence
should be looked for, both when using the pre-action protocol and at the disclosure stage of
(a) inspection and servicing records;
(b) reports of defects, breakdown or poor running;
(c) replacing worn-out parts or equipment;
(d) steps taken to repair or replace equipment shown to be defective.
The frequency and method of inspection or testing that employers should adopt will depend
on the nature of the equipment in question. Items which are subject to stress, such as ropes,
should be inspected and, if necessary, replaced more regularly than items which are subject
simply to ordinary wear and tear, such as floor coverings.
The requirement to provide adequate plant also extends to a duty to make reasonable
provision of safety and protective equipment, eg goggles, safety gloves and shoes. This duty at
common law is now supplemented by the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations
1992 (SI 1992/2966) (see
If an employee is injured as a result of a latent defect in the equipment he is using, he may also
be able to rely on the Employer’s Liability (Defective Equipment) Act 1969, which imposes a
form of strict liability on the employer. Section 1(1) provides:
Where … an employee suffers personal injury in the course of his employment in consequence of a
defect in equipment provided by his employer for the purposes of the employer’s business and the
defect is attributable wholly or partly to the fault of a third party (whether identified or not) the injury
shall be deemed to be also attributable to negligence on the part of the employer.
In General Cleaning Contractors v Christmas [1953] AC 180, the claimant window cleaner was
instructed by his employers in the sill method of cleaning windows. He was to hold on to
the window sash whilst cleaning. A window closed on his fingers and he fell to the ground.
It was held that the employers were in breach of their duty to provide a safe system of
work, as they should have told the claimant to test the sashes to see if they were loose, and
should have provided him with wedges.
44 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
In Morgan v Lucas Aerospace Ltd [1997] JPIL 4/97, 280–1, the claimant was employed in the
defendants’ factory to clean waste swarf (oil contaminated with metal waste) from trays
underneath machinery. He had been given no formal training. Swarf caught in the
machine cut through his heavy-duty glove, causing a gash to the claimant's hand. The
claimant alleged this injury was caused by the defendants’ failure to provide and maintain
a safe system of work. In the first instance, it was held that the defendants were not
absolved from the duty to provide a safe glove merely because it was difficult or expensive
to obtain. If no better glove could be obtained at a reasonable price, the whole system was
unsafe. The defendants appealed. On appeal, it was held that it was not necessary for the
claimant to prove what alternative system of work could be adopted and which would have
been safer. The claimant proved that the defendants allowed an unsafe practice to be
adopted which they ought to have known to be unsafe and which they could have altered.
If the gloves provided were the best available, the obligation of the defendants was to
devise a system which would remove or reduce the risk of injury.
Section 16 of the HSWA 1974 authorises Approved Codes of Practice (ACOPs), which set out
guidance as to what is good practice in a particular trade and, as such, are a reflection of
current informed thinking in the health and safety industry. Similarly, Guidance Notes issued
by the HSE, although not binding, will be indicative of whether good working practices were
being followed. It will be difficult for an employer to argue that a risk could not be foreseen
where information was available in documents published by the HSE.
In Stokes, Swanwick J went on to say that an employer:
… must weigh up the risk in terms of the likelihood of injury occurring and the potential consequences
if it does; and he must balance against this the probable effectiveness of the precautions that can be
taken to meet it and the expense and inconvenience they involve.
The employer must take into account the likelihood and potential gravity of an injury. It must
then consider the measures necessary, and the cost involved in taking those measures, to avert
Employers’ Liability Claims: The Law 45
the risk of injury. In Latimer v AEC Ltd [1953] AC 643, the claimant was one of 4,000 employees
at the defendant’s factory. During a night shift, the claimant slipped on the factory floor, the
surface of which had become oily following recent flooding after a thunderstorm. The House
of Lords held that it was reasonable for the defendant to put on the night shift rather than
close the factory until the oily surface had been rendered safe.
The duty of care is owed to each employee individually, and so all the circumstances relevant
to each employee must be taken into account. A good illustration of this is the case of Paris v
Stepney Borough Council [1951] AC 367, in which the employers were held to be negligent for
failing to supply goggles to a one-eyed workman, even though it was not necessary to provide
goggles to fully-sighted workers.
Regulations 1992. These Regulations implement European Health and Safety Directives
relating to the employer’s obligations in respect of health and safety for workers, and in
relation to minimum health and safety requirements for the workplace as to fire safety.
The main provisions regarding employer’s duties are as follows:
Clearly the question of whether an employer has carried out a suitable and sufficient risk
assessment will be a central issue in establishing liability in many cases.
(h) give collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures; and
(i) give appropriate instruction to employees.
absence of awareness of existing or potential risks, or the fact that young persons have not yet
fully matured. Subject to this, employers are not allowed to employ young persons for work
which is beyond their physical or psychological capacity, or involves harmful exposure to
agents which are toxic, carcinogenic, cause heritable genetic damage or harm to an unborn
child, or which in any other way may chronically affect human health. Employers must not
allow young persons to work where they may be involved in harmful exposure to radiation;
nor involve the risk of accidents which it may reasonably be assumed cannot be recognised or
avoided by young persons owing to their insufficient attention to safety, or lack of experience
or training. Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (as amended)
The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 (SI 1992/2792) are
applicable to new display screen equipment (DSE) as from 1 January 1993, and to existing
DSE from 1 January 1996. However, the requirement of ongoing risk assessment applies to
both old and new DSE as from 1 January 1993.
The main provisions are as follows:
(a) Employers must make a risk assessment of workstations used by display screen workers
and reduce risks identified (reg 2).
(b) Employers must ensure that display screen workers take adequate breaks, and must
ensure that an appropriate eyesight test is carried out by a competent person (reg 5).
(c) Employers must provide users with adequate health and safety training in the use of any
workstation upon which they may be required to work (reg 6).
(d) Employers must also provide adequate health and safety information to DSE operators,
which should cover such things as information and reminders of how to reduce risks,
such as early reporting of problems and provision of adjustable furniture (reg 7).
The main health problems associated with DSE operation are:
(a) general fatigue caused by poor workstation design;
(b) upper limb disorders, such as peritendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome. Repetitive
strain injury (RSI) is the most common problem experienced by keyboard users;
(c) eyesight problems, such as temporary fatigue, sore eyes and headaches.
Employers should have, and be able to show that they have, an adequate policy designed to
reduce risks associated with DSE work. The policy should identify hazards, such as visual
fatigue, and action to be taken to reduce risk, such as provision of eyesight tests, screen filters
and training in workstation adjustment. Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (as amended)
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/2306) replace the
Provision of Work Equipment Regulations 1992. The Regulations apply to all types of
machine, appliance, apparatus, tool or installation for use at work (reg 2) in all types of
50 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
workplaces. The Regulations are intended to ensure the provision of safe work equipment and
its safe use. The main provisions are as follows:
(a) The employer shall ensure the suitability of work equipment for the purpose for which it
is provided. The equipment must be suitable, by design and construction, for the place
in which it will be used and for the intended purpose (reg 4).
(b) The employer must ensure that the equipment is maintained in an efficient state (reg
5(1)) and, if machinery has a maintenance log, that the log is kept up to date (reg 5(2)).
The wording of reg 5(1) was considered by the Court of Appeal in Stark v Post Office
[2000] ICR 1013. The claim concerned an accident at work, where a postman was
thrown from a bicycle provided by his employer when part of the front brake snapped in
two. It was accepted that the defect to the bicycle would not have been detected by a
rigorous inspection. Nevertheless, the Court found that the form of words used in the
regulation gave rise to a finding of strict liability in relation to the provision of work
In Ball v Street [2005] EWCA Civ 76, the Court of Appeal reinforced the view that reg 5(1)
gives rise to liability where injury is caused by machinery that is not in an efficient state
of repair. The claimant was a farmer who was injured when part of a hay bailing machine
fractured and ricocheted into his left eye. The Court found that notwithstanding that
this was a ‘freak accident’, it was only necessary for the claimant to prove that the
equipment failed to work efficiently and that that failure caused the accident. The Court
found that the machine was no longer in good repair, neither was it in an efficient state,
and such failure caused the accident. The imposition of an absolute duty by the
Regulations was designed to render the task of an injured workman easier by simply
requiring him to prove that the mechanism of the machine, that is the significant part of
the machine, failed to work efficiently or was not in good repair and that such failure
caused the accident. In this context ‘efficient’ refers to its state of repair from a health
and safety standpoint and not from that of productivity.
Despite this apparent strict line taken by the courts, there have been examples where
defendants have escaped liability. In Smith v Northamptonshire County Council [2008] EWCA
Civ 181, the appellant local authority appealed against a decision that it was strictly
liable under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, reg 5(1), for
failure to maintain an access ramp used by the respondent employee (S) at a person’s
home. S was employed by the local authority as a carer/driver. As part of her duties she
was required to collect a person (C) from her home and take her by minibus to a day
centre. As S was pushing C in a wheelchair down a ramp which led out from C’s house, S
stepped on the edge of the ramp which gave way, causing her to stumble and injure
herself. The ramp had been installed by the NHS some years previously. The Court of
Appeal allowed the appeal on the basis that the duty to maintain could not normally
apply to something which was part of someone else’s property. It could furthermore not
normally apply to something in relation to which access was limited, and in relation to
which, if some maintenance was necessary, consent to carry out the work was required.
S’s appeal to the House of Lords was dismissed. Their Lordships confirmed that control
over the use of equipment is not enough. Control over the equipment must be
demonstrated. This could not be achieved simply from the fact that an employer has
assessed and inspected the piece of equipment in question.
(c) If the work equipment must be assembled and installed correctly in order for it to be
safe to use, the employer must ensure that:
(i) it is inspected after installation and prior to being put into service; or
(ii) it is inspected after assembly at its new location (reg 6(1)).
(d) The employer must ensure that employees have adequate health and safety information,
and, if appropriate, written instruction in the use of equipment (reg 8).
Employers’ Liability Claims: The Law 51
(e) The employer must ensure that anyone using the equipment has had adequate training,
including as to any risks which use may entail and precautions to be adopted (reg 9). In
particular, the ACOP attached to these Regulations states that induction training is
particularly important when young people first enter the workplace.
(f ) Employers must ensure the protection of persons from dangerous parts of machinery in
the following order of precedence (reg 11):
(i) by fixed guards if practicable; but if not
(ii) by other guards or other protection devices if practicable; but if not
(iii) by use of jigs, holders, push-sticks or similar protective devices where practicable;
but if not
(iv) by providing information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary.
(g) Employers must ensure that where equipment or the substances produced are at a very
high or low temperature, there must be protection to prevent injury to any person (reg
(h) Employers must ensure that, where appropriate, equipment is provided with one or
more easily accessible stop controls, and, where appropriate, emergency stop controls,
and that they are clearly visible and identifiable (regs 15, 16 and 17 respectively).
(i) Employers must ensure that, where appropriate, the equipment is provided with
suitable means to isolate it from all sources of energy. This must be clearly identifiable
and readily accessible. Appropriate measures must be taken to ensure that reconnection
of the energy source to the equipment does not expose any person using the equipment
to any risk (reg 19).
(j) The equipment must be suitably stabilised and suitably lit (regs 20 and 21 respectively).
(k) When maintenance is being carried out, equipment must be shut down if reasonably
practicable (reg 22).
(l) The equipment must be suitably marked with appropriate health and safety information
and warning devices as appropriate (regs 23 and 24).
(m) Due to the rising number of accidents arising out of the use and misuse of forklift
trucks, there are comprehensive regulations relating to the use of mobile work
equipment. The Regulations require employers to ensure that employees are not carried
on mobile equipment unless it is both suitable and incorporates reasonably practicable
safety features (reg 25). They also seek to reduce the risk of equipment rolling over or
overturning by placing on the employer an obligation to increase the stability of the
equipment by making structural alterations if necessary (regs 26–28).
(c) Employers must ensure that PPE is maintained in efficient working order and good
repair (reg 7). The obligation to supply protective equipment relates to identified risks.
The Regulations will not be concerned with risks other than those necessitating
protective equipment, and no absolute duty was intended to be imposed by reg 7(1) in
relation to other risks (see Fytche v Wincanton Logistics [2003] EWCA Civ 874). In Fytche,
the claimant suffered frostbite in the little toe of his right foot because there was a small
hole in his boot where the steel cap met the sole. The steel-capped boots were PPE
within the 1992 Regulations. The Court found that the boots were provided for the
purpose of protecting the employee’s foot from falling objects, and therefore his claim
must fail.
(d) Employers must ensure that where PPE is provided, employees obtain such information,
instruction and training as is adequate to ensure that they know what risks the PPE will
avoid or limit, the purpose of the PPE, and any action they must take to ensure efficient
working of the PPE, and must ensure that this information is available to employees (reg
(c) If it is not reasonably practicable to avoid manual handling operations which involve risk
of injury, employers must take steps to reduce manual handling to the lowest level
reasonably practicable (reg 4(1)(b)(ii)). In the context of assessing manual handling
risks for the purpose of complying with reg 4, the correct approach is for the employer
to consider the particular task in the context of the particular place of work and the
particular employee who has to perform that task: see O’Neill v DSG Retail Ltd [2002]
EWCA Civ 1139. In this case the employer conceded that it had failed to give adequate
training once it had recognised it was necessary to increase awareness of the risks in
manual handling, and therefore it had failed to reduce the risk of injury ‘to the lowest
level reasonably practicable’ (as required by reg 4(1)(b)(ii)).
(d) Employees must be provided with information on the weight of each load, and the
heaviest side of any load (reg 4(1)(b)(iii)).
Regulation 4 was amended by the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments)
Regulations 2002 (SI 2002/2174) by the addition of the following paragraph:
(3) In determining for the purposes of this regulation whether manual handling operations at work
involve a risk of injury and in determining the appropriate steps to reduce that risk regard shall
be had in particular to—
(a) the physical suitability of the employee to carry out the operations;
(b) the clothing, footwear or other personal effects he is wearing;
(c) his knowledge and training;
(d) the results of any risk assessment carried out pursuant to regulation 3 of the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999;
(e) whether the employee is within a group of employees identified by that assessment as
being especially at risk; and
(f ) the results of any health surveillance provided pursuant to regulation 6 of the
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.
Employees have a duty to make full use of any system of work provided by the employer to
reduce manual handling risks (reg 5). As to the meaning of ‘so far as reasonably practicable’ in
reg 4(1), see Hawkes v Southwark LBC [1998] EWCA Civ 310. In this case, it was found that the
defendant had not carried out any risk assessment as required under the Regulations. The
judge made it clear that the burden of proving what was ‘reasonably practicable’ lay on the
defendant, and that failure to carry out an assessment did not by itself prove liability, rather it
was the failure to take appropriate steps to reduce risk of injury to the lowest level reasonably
practicable that was at issue. See also the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment
Regulations 1998 (SI 1998/2307), which deal with health and safety requirements with
respect to lifting equipment.
(e) Workplaces, including furniture, fittings, floors, walls and ceilings, must be kept
sufficiently clean. So far as is reasonably practicable, waste materials must not be
allowed to accumulate (reg 9).
(f ) Every workstation must be arranged so that it is suitable for any person likely to work
there (reg 11).
(g) Every floor or traffic route surface must be suitable for the purpose for which it is used.
In particular, it must have no hole or slope, or be uneven or slippery so as to expose any
person to a risk to his health or safety. So far as reasonably practicable, every floor or
traffic route must be kept free of obstructions or articles which may cause a person to
slip, trip or fall (reg 12). The claim in Coates v Jaguar Cars Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 337
concerned an accident that occurred as the claimant was going up a number of steps at
the defendant’s factory. The claimant tripped on the third stair, causing him to fall and
break his arm. The claimant contended that this amounted to a breach of reg 12 as, if
there had been a handrail, he would not have fallen. The Court of Appeal held that there
had been no reason to find that the steps posed any real risk provided that those who
had used them used a sufficient degree of care, as had been the case for any other steps
of this nature. The judge at first instance was correct to have dismissed the claim.
(h) Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences must be provided at readily accessible
places. They must be adequately lit and ventilated, and kept in a clean and tidy condition
(reg 20).
(i) Suitable and sufficient washing facilities must be provided, including showers if
required by the nature of the work for health reasons (reg 21).
(j) An adequate supply of wholesome drinking water must be provided at the workplace,
which should be readily accessible and conspicuously marked where necessary.
In Dugmore v Swansea NHS Trust [2003] 1 All ER 333, the claimant developed a severe allergy to
latex as a result of wearing surgical gloves. The Court of Appeal held that the defendant should
have provided vinyl gloves and was in breach of its duty to control the claimant’s exposure to
latex under reg 7.
The prevention or adequate control of the exposure to hazardous substances must be secured
by measures other than the provision of personal protective equipment so far as is reasonably
practicable. This means that the employer’s first act should be to control the process or
substance hazardous to health by, for example, closing off the process or machine, or by
providing suitable exhaust ventilation.
upon the claimant to show a breach; for breach of statutory duty the onus is often on the
defendant to show that he acted ‘as far as (reasonably) practicable’ (see
However, this is set to change when the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 comes
into force (see 4.3.4 below).
claimants. The abuse took place while he was carrying out the duties required by his
employment. On that basis, the proximity between the employment and the tort complained
of was very close, and therefore the defendant ought to be liable.
The Court of Appeal applied the reasoning in Lister and Others v Hesley Hall Ltd in the subsequent
case of Mattis v Pollock [2003] EWCA Civ 887. There, the claimant was stabbed by a doorman of
a nightclub who was employed by the defendant nightclub owner. The Court found that the
defendant expected the doorman to carry out his duties in an aggressive manner; and where
an employee was expected to use violence while carrying out his duties, the likelihood of
establishing that an act of violence fell within the scope of his employment was greater.
Whether the claimant can establish causation is a question of fact to be decided by the judge
in each case. The basic test both for common law negligence and breach of statutory duty
is the ‘but for’ test . In Clough v First Choice Holidays and Flights Ltd [2006] EWCA Civ 15, Phillips
LJ said that the term ‘but for’
encapsulates a principle understood by lawyers but applied literally or as if the words embody the
entire principle the words can mislead. The claimant is required to establish a causal link between the
negligence of the defendant and his injuries, or in short, that his injuries were indeed consequent on
the negligence.
The claimant is not required to show that the breach is the sole cause of the loss; it is
sufficient if the breach materially contributed to the loss (Bonnington Castings Ltd v Wardlaw
[1956] AC 613). To determine who caused the accident, the courts apply common sense to the
facts of the case. If a number of people can be shown to have been at fault, that does not
necessarily mean that they all caused the accident; it is a question of looking at the facts and
60 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
deciding which factors are too remote and which are not (Stapley v Gypsum Mines Ltd [1953] AC
In most straightforward personal injury claims the issue of causation will be clear. However,
this may not be so in occupational disease cases, where two or more defendants have
negligently exposed an employee to work practices that may prove injurious to health. This
was the situation in the House of Lords’ ruling in Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd and
Others; Fox v Spousal (Midlands) Ltd; Matthews v Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers (1978) Ltd
and Others [2002] UKHL 22, [2002] 3 All ER 305. Here, during the course of his career with
more than one employer, the claimant had been exposed to asbestos dust which in later years
manifested itself as mesothelioma, for which there is no cure. The House of Lords found that
where there had been employment with more than one employer and:
(a) both employers had a duty to take reasonable care to prevent the claimant from inhaling
asbestos dust; and
(b) both were in breach of that duty; and
(c) the claimant did subsequently suffer from mesothelioma,
then the claimant could recover damages from both former employers. In these
circumstances it was not necessary to satisfy the ‘but for’ causation test. It was enough that
the claimant was able to prove that a defendant had materially increased his risk of injury. In
his speech to the House, Lord Bingham of Cornhill put it like this: ‘… such injustice as may be
involved in imposing liability on a duty breaking employer is heavily outweighed by the
injustice of denying redress to a victim’.
The case of Barker v Corus (UK) plc & Others [2006] UKHL 20 is another House of Lords decision
following hot on the heels of Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services. In Barker v Corus, the House of
Lords concluded that where it was established that a number of employers were liable, on the
basis that they had negligently exposed an employee to asbestos and thereby created a risk of
mesothelioma which did in fact occur, those employers should be liable to the claimant only
to the extent of the share of the risk created by their breach of duty. To understand this case it
is necessary to take a step back to the previous state of the law. Prior to this judgment, if there
were a number of employers all of whom were negligent to some degree, the claimant would
simply sue all of them and claim joint and several liability (ie sue all potential defendants for
100% of the loss and let them apportion the blame between them). This allowed the claimant
to gain damages in full from one defendant in circumstances where the others might be
insolvent or uninsured. Not surprisingly, defendants and their insurers were keen to resist
The facts of the case are as follows. The employer (Corus) appealed against a decision of the
Court of Appeal in respect of its liability for damages for negligently exposing Mr Barker to
asbestos dust, from which he ultimately died, having contracted mesothelioma. During his
career he had worked at three stages where he was exposed to asbestos dust. The first two
episodes were due to breaches of duty by his then employers. However, the third instance
occurred when he was self-employed, and arose due to his failure to take reasonable care for
his own safety.
The Court of Appeal held that the defendant was jointly and severally liable with the first
employer, but subject to a 20% reduction for B’s contributory negligence while he was self-
The defendant submitted that it should not be liable at all as a matter of causation, since there
had been a period when B, and no one else, had been responsible for his exposure to asbestos
dust; and submitted, amongst other things, that it should be severally liable only according to
the share of the risk created by its breach of duty.
Employers’ Liability Claims: The Law 61
By a majority decision the House of Lords held that a defendant who is found liable under the
Fairchild exception to the usual rule of causation, will be liable only to the extent that it
contributed to the risk.
Fairchild constitutes an exception to the normal principles of causation. In the House of Lords
judgment it was accepted that there may well be instances when the same principle should
be applied to other circumstances. However, those circumstances are likely to be strictly
controlled by the courts.
In Sanderson v Hull [2008] All ER (D) 39 (Nov), the claimant alleged that she had been infected
by the campylobacter bacterium as a result of her employer’s breach of duty during the course
of her employment as a turkey plucker. At first instance the judge held that her case fell within
the Fairchild exception. However, the Court of Appeal disagreed. The Court did not accept that
this was a case where it was impossible for the claimant to show that ‘but for’ negligence on
the part of her employer there would have been no injury. The appeal judges stated that the
conditions set out in Fairchild in respect of mesothelioma cases, which might justify a
relaxation of the test, were not intended to exclude the application of the exception to other
diseases, but an essential element is the impossibility of the claimant satisfying the ‘but for’
test: mere difficulty of proof is not enough.
4.8.1 Volenti non fit injuria
Where the defence of volenti non fit injuria applies, if a person engages in an event, being aware
of and accepting the risks inherent in that event, he cannot later complain of, or seek
compensation for, an injury suffered during the event. In order to establish the defence, the
claimant must be shown not only to have perceived the existence of danger, but also to have
appreciated it fully and voluntarily accepted the risk.
In ICI v Shatwell [1965] AC 656, two brothers, both experienced shotfirers, agreed to test
detonators without obeying safety regulations imposed by their employers. Both were injured
when one of the detonators exploded. One of the brothers sued his employer on the basis that
ICI were vicariously liable for injuries caused to him by the negligence of his fellow worker.
The Court held that ICI were not liable. Shatwell had voluntarily consented to a risk of which
he was well aware. The Court went on to say that the defence of volenti non fit injuria should be
available where the employer is not himself in breach of statutory duty and is not vicariously in
breach of any statutory duty through neglect of some person of superior rank to the claimant
and whose commands the claimant is bound to obey, or who has some special and different
duty of care.
It is important to note that in ICI v Shatwell there was no breach of statutory duty by the
employers. The defence is not available to an employer on whom a statutory obligation is
imposed as against liability for his own breach of that obligation.
62 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
While volenti non fit injuria may be a defence in theory, in practice it is rarely successful; an
employee will not often consent freely to run the risk of injury with full knowledge of that risk.
The only real defence to a work-based claim will therefore be contributory negligence.
‘Fault’ is defined by s 4 as ‘negligence, breach of statutory duty, or other act or omission which
gives rise to a liability in tort or, apart from this Act, gives rise to the defence of contributory
The question for the court, when considering contributory negligence, is whether the
claimant acted reasonably in taking the risk (AC Billings & Son Ltd v Riden [1968] AC 240).
Whether the claim is in negligence or for breach of statutory duty, there cannot be a finding of
100% contributory negligence (see Anderson v Newham College of Further Education [2002] EWCA
Civ 505).
In assessing the claimant’s conduct, allowance will be made for his working conditions. Mere
inadvertence by the employee will generally not be sufficient for contributory negligence, for
example where the employee is engrossed in his work or is in a hurry to get on with his job.
The relative age and experience of the claimant will also be a relevant consideration for the
court when deciding questions of contributory negligence. Disobedience or reckless
disregard for the employer’s orders are far more likely to give rise to a finding of contributory
In Eyres v Atkinsons Kitchens & Bathrooms [2007] EWCA Civ 365, the defendant was the claimant’s
employer. The claimant asserted that the defendant was liable in negligence and/or for breach
of statutory duty because it caused or permitted him to drive when he was too tired after
having worked excessively long hours without a proper break.
At the time of the accident, the claimant was a 20-year-old kitchen fitter employed by the
defendant. Long hours, resulting in good money, were accepted by all the defendant’s
employees to be normal. If the work took them far from their factory base, the fitters,
including the claimant, tended to prefer a long drive back to Bradford and getting home late
rather than staying away overnight. The claimant was held to be 25% to blame for his injuries
because he had not been wearing a seat belt. The court was asked to consider the degree of
culpability of the claimant, as he had, whilst driving, become tired and liable to fall asleep.
The court concluded that the claimant had to bear some further responsibility for the
accident, but went on to say that the claimant was in that predicament because his employer
had put him there. His employer was next to him, fast asleep. His employer was doing nothing
to guard against the very risk of injury from which he ought to have been saving his employee.
Bearing in mind the relative blameworthiness of the parties’ respective faults and their
degrees of responsibility, the judge assessed the claimant’s overall contributory negligence
at 33%.
In Sherlock v Chester City Council [2004] EWCA Civ 201, the claimant was a joiner who lost his
thumb and index finger in an accident when using a circular saw provided by his employer. He
claimed that his employer was both negligent, for failing to carry out an appropriate risk
assessment, and in breach of statutory duty in relation to breaches of reg 3 of the
Employers’ Liability Claims: The Law 63
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, reg 20 of the Provision and Use
of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, and reg 4 of the Manual Handling Operations
Regulations 1992. On appeal to the Court of Appeal, Arden LJ considered whether it was
appropriate for there to be findings of contributory negligence in a breach of statutory duty
There may be some justification for the view [that the findings of contributory negligence are not
appropriate] in cases of momentary inattention by an employee. But where a risk has been consciously
accepted by an employee, it seems to me that different considerations may arise. That is particularly so
where the employee is skilled and the precaution in question is neither esoteric nor one which he could
not take himself … In those circumstances it seems to me that the appellant can properly be required to
bear the greater responsibility. I would assess his responsibility for the accident at 60 per cent.
4.9.2 The employer’s duty to report, maintain and implement safety provisions
The following are the principal requirements imposed on an employer:
(a) An employer who employs five or more persons must have written details of his policy in
regard to the organisation, control, monitoring and review of health and safety
(b) An employer is under a duty to report certain accidents, diseases and dangerous
occurrences to the HSE via its website at www.riddor.gov.uk. This enables the HSE to
consider an investigation of the incident. Only accidents resulting in death or injury
which leads to a worker being unable to work for seven days or more need to be reported
to the HSE. All occurrences which result in a worker being unable to work for three days
or more must be recorded and details of the injuries must be kept in an accident book.
The records must be kept for at least three years.
(c) The employer may (and in certain circumstances must) have a safety representative to
represent the health and safety interests of the employees. Such a representative has
wide powers to investigate potential hazards and dangerous occurrences, and to follow
up complaints made by employees.
64 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
(d) In addition to the safety representative, the employer may (and in certain circumstances
must) have a safety committee, the function of which includes:
(i) the studying of accidents and notifiable diseases in order to recommend
corrective measures to management;
(ii) making recommendations on safety training;
(iii) examining reports of the HSE and safety representatives;
(iv) making recommendations on developing/changing safety rules.
(e) Where an employee is injured at work and claims benefit, in certain circumstances the
employer is obliged to complete Form B176 to be sent to the Department of Work and
(f ) Subject to certain exceptions, an employer is required by the Employers’ Liability
(Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 to take out insurance against liability to his own
inexplicable decision not to isolate the machine before entering it was not foreseeable and
therefore the employer could not have been expected to guard against it. Veolia, a waste
company, was convicted of breaches of ss 2 and 3 of the HSWA 1974 and fined £225,000,
following an accident in which a worker collecting litter from the roadside was killed when hit
by a car driven by a member of the public. Veolia appealed on the basis that the risk arose from
the negligent driving of a member of the public and was not something over which the
employer had any control. Both appeals were rejected by the Court of Appeal, which held that
foreseeability of risk is relevant but it is only the risk that needs to be foreseeable (such as an
employee being crushed in the arms of a sweet-making machine) and not the mechanics of
the actual events which occurred.
Following concern at the low level of fines being imposed for offences under the HSWA 1974,
the Court of Appeal has given guidance on the factors to be taken into account by courts when
considering the appropriate penalty for this type of offence. In R v Howe & Son (Engineers) Ltd
[1999] 2 All ER 249, the Court stated that the aim of the Act was to ensure safety for
employees and the public, and therefore fines needed to be large enough to convey that
message. In general, they should not be so large as to put the employer out of business. In
determining seriousness, the court should consider:
(a) how far short of the appropriate standard the defendant had been;
(b) that the standard of care was the same for small organisations as for large;
(c) the degree of risk and extent of danger involved; and
(d) the defendant’s resources and the effect of a fine on its business.
Aggravating factors could include:
(a) failure to heed warnings;
(b) deliberate breach of regulations in pursuit of profit or saving money; and
(c) loss of life.
Mitigating factors could include:
(a) early admission of responsibility;
(b) a plea of guilty;
(c) taking action to remedy any breach brought to the company’s notice; and
(d) a good safety record.
The Court further held that it was incumbent upon a defendant seeking to make
representations about its financial position to provide copies of accounts to the court and the
prosecution in good time.
The above guidelines were considered by the Court of Appeal in R v Rollco Screw & Rivet Co Ltd
[1999] 2 Cr App R (S) 436. The defendant company and two of its directors protested that the
length of time given for payment of fines was inappropriate, and that no distinction should be
made between personal and corporate defendants (as there was a risk of double penalty if
directors and shareholders were the same people). On appeal, the Court agreed that a
personal defendant’s period of punishment had to remain within acceptable boundaries; this
was not true of a corporate defendant, as the same sense of anxiety was unlikely and a fine
could be ordered to be payable over a longer period. The level of fines must make it clear that
directors had a personal responsibility; there was a risk of double penalty in smaller
companies where directors were also shareholders and would be the principal losers.
The Health and Safety Offences Act 2008 (HSOA 2008), which came into force on 16 January
2009, was introduced as a result of concern that sentences under the HSWA 1974 were too
lenient. The HSOA 2008 does not create any new offences, but it raises the maximum penalties
available to the courts in respect of many health and safety offences. Previously such offences
were punishable only by fines (maximum £5,000 in the magistrates’ court). Under the HSOA
66 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
2008, most offences under the HSWA 1974 (and regulations made under it) will also carry a
sentence of imprisonment for 12 months following prosecution in the magistrates’ court, and
for two years following prosecution in the Crown Court. The maximum fine that may be
imposed in the magistrates’ court increases to £20,000; fines imposed by the Crown Court are
Where an accident results in death and the evidence indicates that a serious criminal offence
other than a health and safety offence may have been committed, the HSE is required to liaise
with the CPS in deciding whether to prosecute. This is dealt with in more detail in Chapter 17.
As stated at the beginning of this chapter, until the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act
2013 comes into force, the possible heads of liability of an employer are not mutually
exclusive. When acting for a claimant, it is important for the solicitor to consider all heads of
claim in order to maximise the client’s chances of success. It is necessary to succeed under
only one head for the claimant to be successful overall.
Once s 69 of the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 comes into force, however,
claimants will only be able to bring a claim in negligence, although breaches of statutory duty
will continue to be relevant as evidence of negligence.
Defendants’ solicitors need to be alert to possible arguments of contributory negligence on
the part of the claimant, although there is generally less scope for substantial reductions for
contributory negligence in work-based claims than in road traffic accident claims. It is
important that the solicitors for both sides regularly review the evidence available, including
all relevant health and safety documentation which can often hold the key to establishing
liability and which it is essential to obtain at an early stage.
An example of an employers’ liability case may be found in Appendix 1.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• set out the nature and scope of the duty of care owed by institutional health providers
and individual medical practitioners
• explain how the Bolam test is used to determine whether there has been a breach of
• appreciate that causation is a more complicated issue in clinical negligence cases
than in personal injury cases
• set out the role of the NHS Litigation Authority, the structure of the NHS and the
operation of the NHS complaints procedure.
Clinical negligence claims arise when a medical practitioner, such as a doctor, nurse, midwife
or dentist, or an institutional health provider, such as an NHS or Foundation Trust or a private
hospital, breaches his or its duty of care to the claimant, who is injured as a result of the
breach. The claimant may seek legal advice following an adverse outcome from medical
treatment, for example an unexpected injury or condition, a worsening of the original
condition, an increased length of stay in hospital, a subsequent unplanned re-admission, a
transfer to the intensive care unit, or perhaps even the death of the patient. However, whereas
in the case of an accident on the highway or in the workplace it is generally a straightforward
matter to establish breach and causation, this is not so in clinical negligence claims. The fact
that the claimant has had an unexpected or disappointing outcome from the medical
treatment he received does not necessarily mean that the healthcare provider failed to act with
reasonable care and skill. Even where a breach can be established, it may not be possible to
show that the breach caused the injury, as the underlying medical condition may have led to
the same outcome for the patient in any event.
68 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
From the outset, the claimant’s solicitor will need to manage his client’s expectations with
sympathetic tact and diplomacy. His client may struggle to understand why the case is not as
clear-cut as he had imagined and, in the absence of a very careful explanation, may feel that
the solicitor is simply incompetent. The client may have objectives other than compensation,
such as an explanation as to what went wrong, an apology, the punishment of those
responsible and the assurance that similar mistakes will not happen in the future. These
options should be explored with him and the shortcomings of each option highlighted. For
instance, the NHS complaints procedure will not lead to the payment of compensation. The
NHS complaints procedure and the disciplinary procedures followed by the General Medical
Council and the Nursing and Midwifery Council are dealt with in 5.9 and 5.11 below.
Clinical negligence claims are, in the main, more complex than personal injury claims, and
should therefore be handled only by those solicitors who have the required specialist skills.
For a number of reasons, including the implicit allegations of professional incompetence, the
high levels of compensation awards and the need for NHS bodies in particular to maintain the
confidence and support of the public, claims are frequently defended.
Where a patient has been treated privately and a certain outcome had been anticipated, such
as in the case of cosmetic surgery or dentistry, a claim may be brought for breach of contract.
However, most claims against NHS bodies and private doctors and hospitals are brought
under the tort of negligence. If the claim is to be successful, the claimant must show, on a
balance of probabilities, that the essential elements are proved, ie:
(a) that the medical practitioner or institutional health provider owed him a duty of care;
(b) that the medical practitioner or institutional health provider breached that duty;
(c) that he suffered injury and losses as a result of that breach of duty, which were
reasonably foreseeable.
Each of these three elements is examined in detail below.
AC 1074, in which it was held that an institutional health provider has a duty to provide
services of doctors of sufficient skill and that there was no reason why a health authority could
not be liable for a failure to provide such services.
The duty of care owed by an institutional health provider encompasses, for example:
(a) the provision of staff with the appropriate levels of knowledge, experience and ability;
(b) the provision of adequate instruction, training and supervision of staff;
(c) the provision of equipment which is reasonably suitable for the patient’s needs and is
maintained in good working order;
(d) ensuring that the working conditions within the hospital are not such that they lead to
levels of fatigue or stress which pose a risk to the patient; and
(e) ensuring that appropriate systems are in place for the storage and retrieval of patients’
In respect of private treatment, the doctors and some other healthcare providers will usually
be independent contractors. Where it is their breach of duty which has led to the claim,
vicarious liability is not applicable. A private hospital is vicariously liable for the breaches of
duty of its own employees, such as nurses, and it will also owe a duty to provide appropriate
services and equipment.
Thus, if the defendant NHS body can show that the doctor it employed acted in accordance
with a reasonable body of opinion, it will have a defence to the claim. The word ‘reasonable’ is
important, because it is possible that a sizeable group of doctors might hold firm and honest
beliefs which are rejected by their peers, for example because they are outdated or have been
This point was addressed when the House of Lords considered the Bolam test in Bolitho v City
and Hackney Health Authority [1997] 3 WLR 1151 (see 5.5.4 for the facts of this case). It held:
70 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The court is not bound to hold that a defendant doctor escapes liability for negligent treatment or
diagnosis just because he leads evidence from a number of medical experts who are genuinely of the
opinion that the defendant's treatment or diagnosis accorded with sound medical practice. … The
court has to be satisfied that the exponents of the body of opinion relied upon can demonstrate that
such opinion has a logical basis.
Practitioners sometimes refer to the Bolam test as the 10% rule. It is said that if 10% of the
doctors in the country would have taken the same course of action, and that action has a
logical basis, then it will not be a negligent act.
A number of further clarifications should be noted:
(a) A medical practitioner will be judged in accordance with the reasonable body of opinion
which existed at the time of the alleged negligent act. It would, of course, be inequitable
to consider medical practice which exists at the time of trial, as advances in knowledge
and practice are almost inevitable.
(b) A medical practitioner will normally be judged in accordance with the opinion of
practitioners of the same rank and experience. So the standard of an obstetric senior
registrar is assessed by reference to the opinion of other obstetric senior registrars
rather than that of a consultant obstetrician. However, a doctor has a responsibility to
ensure that he practises within the confines of his own knowledge and experience, and
where he fills a more demanding role, a higher standard of care may be applied. The
position of an inexperienced doctor was considered in Wilsher v Essex Area Health Authority
[1988] AC 1074. The facts of this case were that Dr Wiles, a senior house officer (a
junior rank in the medical hierarchy), was attending to a premature baby in an intensive
care neo-natal unit when he made the mistake of inserting a catheter into a vein instead
of an artery. Dr Wiles asked Dr Kawa, the senior registrar, to check to see that what he
had done was correct, but Dr Kawa failed to notice the mistake. As a result the child was
given excess oxygen which the claimant alleged caused near blindness.
It was held that the standard of care required of those who worked in the intensive care
neo-natal unit was that of the ordinary skilled person exercising and professing to have
that special skill, but that the standard was not to be to be determined by reference to
the rank and status of an individual filling a particular post, but rather to the nature of
the post itself. Because Dr Wiles had elected to perform the duties of a specialised role,
inexperience was no defence to an allegation of negligence.
Glidewell LJ said that an inexperienced doctor who exercised a specialist skill and who
made a mistake would satisfy the necessary standard of care if he had sought the advice
and help of his superior when necessary. In this particular case, Dr Wiles had sought the
advice of Dr Kawa and therefore was not in breach of duty. Although Dr Kawa was in
breach of duty, the claimant was unable to establish causation and the claim failed.
difficulty in assessing the applicability of the doctrine to cases involving allegations of clinical
negligence, and reviewed the relevant principles in detail.
Lord Justice Brooke made the following points:
(a) The maxim applies where the claimant relies on the happening of the thing itself to
raise the inference of negligence, which is supported by ordinary human experience,
and with no need for expert evidence.
(b) The maxim can be applied in that form to simple situations in the clinical negligence
field (a surgeon cutting off a right foot instead of the left; a swab left in the operation
site; a patient who wakes up in the course of a surgical operation despite a general
(c) In practice, in contested clinical negligence cases the evidence of a claimant which
establishes the res is likely to be buttressed by expert evidence to the effect that the
matter complained of does not ordinarily occur in the absence of negligence.
(d) The position may then be reached at the close of the claimant’s case that the judge
would be entitled to infer negligence on the defendant’s part unless the defendant can
then adduce some evidence which discharges the inference.
(e) This evidence may be to the effect that there is a plausible explanation of what may have
happened which does not rely on negligence on the defendant’s part.
(f ) Alternatively, the defendant’s evidence may satisfy the judge on the balance of
probabilities that he did exercise proper care. If the untoward outcome is extremely rare,
or is impossible to explain in the light of the current state of medical knowledge, the
judge will be bound to exercise great care in evaluating the evidence before making such
a finding.
The judgment goes some way in explaining why res ipsa loquitur is not commonly pleaded in
such cases. Whilst it is commonplace for a claimant not to have full knowledge of what had
occurred, particularly if the procedure was an operation carried out under anaesthetic, in
practical terms, few cases are brought to trial without full disclosure of relevant information
being supplied by the defendant, and both sides will rely on expert evidence. Consequently, by
the time the matter comes to trial, most claimants will be able to particularise allegations of
negligence and the trial opens ‘not in the vacuum of available evidence and explanation’ as
sometimes occurs in road traffic accident cases. The court will be able to decide the case on
the evidence which is presented.
In a clinical negligence claim, the claimant will argue that, as a result of the negligent
treatment by the doctor or hospital, he suffered an unexpected injury or condition, his pre-
existing injury or condition became worse, he failed to recover from that condition, or the
chances of him recovering diminished. Where a patient has died, his estate or dependants
may argue that the death was caused by negligent treatment.
However, the issue of causation which is likely to be admitted (subject to liability) in personal
injury cases, is likely to be hotly disputed by the defendant in clinical negligence cases. In
personal injury cases, the claimant is normally fit and well prior to the accident, and it is
clearly the accident which caused the injury. In contrast, in clinical negligence cases, the
adverse outcome complained of can arise as a result of many different variables, and it may be
difficult to show that ‘but for’ the breach, this outcome would not have arisen.
Also in contrast with personal injury cases, in clinical negligence cases, the term ‘liability’ is
usually confined to matters relating to breach of duty. ‘Causation’ is dealt with separately and
the evidence of a further medical expert may be required. Consequently, where the defendant
admits liability prior to trial, the claimant’s solicitor should seek confirmation that the
defendant also admits causation.
72 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
House of Lords overturned the decision. The claimant had failed to prove causation as the lost
chances of recovery, being less than 50%, were less than probable.
This approach was confirmed in the case of Gregg v Scott [2005] UKHL 2. The claimant, Mr
Gregg, visited his GP, Dr Scott, because he had discovered a lump under his left arm. Dr Scott
negligently misdiagnosed the lump as a lipoma or benign fatty tumour and therefore as non-
cancerous. Nine months later, the claimant went to a new GP who was more cautious and
referred him on to a specialist. It was then that he discovered that he had cancer of a lymph
gland. By that time the tumour had spread and he had to undergo painful chemotherapy. The
claimant sued Dr Scott, alleging that he should have referred the claimant to hospital and
that, if he had done so, the condition would have been diagnosed earlier and there would have
been a significant likelihood of a cure. Although the claimant could claim for the extra pain
and suffering caused by the defendant, the claimant tried to sue on the basis that he had
suffered a loss due to diminished chances of surviving the cancer. On appeal to the House of
Lords, their Lordships found in favour of the defendant on the basis that the claimant was
unable to prove that his negligence had caused or materially contributed to the injury. It had
not been shown that, on the balance of probabilities, the delay in commencing the claimant’s
treatment had affected the course of his illness or his prospects of survival, which had never
been as good as even. Further, liability for the loss of a chance of a more favourable outcome
should not be introduced into personal injury claims.
The patient’s consent is required by the medical practitioner before any sort of operation is
performed or treatment (such as an injection of drugs or manipulation of a limb)
administered. The consent must be freely given and informed. It need not be in writing,
although, in relation to surgical procedures, it invariably will be, and the patient will be asked
to sign a consent form. However, it should be noted that a signed consent form is evidence
that consent was given but not necessarily that consent was valid, ie freely given by someone
with capacity, following full disclosure of all the relevant facts.
The standard NHS consent forms are drafted widely so as to allow a surgeon to deal with any
procedure that he deems to be necessary, in the patient’s best interests, during the course of
the operation. However, the surgeon would be justified in carrying out such additional
measures only where they were closely related to the initial procedure, or where they became
necessary due to an emergency.
In Williamson v East London and City Health Authority [1998] Lloyd’s Rep Med 6, the claimant
agreed to an operation to replace a leaking silicone breast implant. Immediately prior to the
operation, the surgeon noted that the situation was worse than had originally been thought,
but did not tell the claimant that she intended to carry out a more extensive procedure than
she had initially planned, and no further consent form was signed. A mastectomy was
performed without the patient’s consent and the patient sued the health authority. The court
found that the clinician did not properly or sufficiently inform the claimant of her intention to
increase the scope of the operation, the claimant had not consented to the operation, and
accordingly damages were awarded in respect of the claimant’s pain and suffering.
Clinical Negligence: The Law 75
Where treatment is less risky, oral consent is common. It may also be implied by the very fact
that the patient has consulted the doctor.
If the medical practitioner acts without consent, this may lead to a criminal prosecution for
battery and to civil proceedings under the tort of trespass to the person (or battery in
particular). The basis of these actions is that the interference with the physical integrity of the
patient was intentional. (A consideration of the tort of battery lies beyond the scope of this
However, where the medical practitioner seeks the consent of the patient and advises him, in
broad terms, of the nature of the operation or treatment, but fails to advise him of all the
associated risks, the consent may not be fully ‘informed’ but it will not be invalidated (see
Chatterton v Gerson [1981] QB 432). This failure to advise fully may lead to civil proceedings in
negligence (see 5.6.4).
Where the patient suffers from a mental incapacity and thereby falls under Pt IV of the Mental
Health Act 1983, his consent is not required for any medical treatment necessary for the
management of his mental disorder. (A consideration of the treatment of those who are
mentally incapacitated also falls outside the scope of this book.)
child depends on it. Her right is not reduced or diminished merely because her decision to exercise it
may appear morally repugnant. The declaration in this case involved the removal of the baby from
within the body of her mother under physical compulsion. Unless lawfully justified, this constituted an
infringement of the mother's autonomy. Of themselves, the perceived needs of the foetus did not
provide the necessary justification.
In the case of Re MB (An Adult: Medical Treatment) (1997) 38 BMLR 175, a woman who was 40
weeks pregnant and in labour refused to consent to a caesarean section because she had a
phobia about needles and therefore could not consent to anaesthesia. Her life and that of her
unborn child were therefore at risk. The Court of Appeal held that a competent woman could
choose to reject medical intervention, even on irrational grounds, ie where the decision was
so outrageous in its defiance of logic or of morally accepted standards that no sensible person
could have arrived at it. However, in this case, the appellant’s fear of needles had made her
incapable of making a decision in relation to anaesthesia and had therefore rendered her
temporarily incompetent.
In Newbury v Bath DHA (1999) 47 BMLR 138, it was held that if the claimant was led to believe
that the operation was trivial and risk free, and such was not the case, that advice would be
wrong and negligent within the terms of Sidaway. The judge went on to give examples of
circumstances where the patient was entitled to be told when surgery was not in the
mainstream of treatment:
(a) if it involved a method which was entirely new or relatively untried;
(b) if the method had fallen out of use because it has been shown to be defective and was
not accepted by a responsible body of medical opinion.
It should be noted that in Chester v Afshar (see 5.5.3) the House of Lords found that the surgeon
had been negligent in accordance with the Bolam test. The claimant had specifically asked
about the risks involved in the operation and had not been given a full and honest answer.
Although the House of Lords used the lack of consent to justify a finding in favour of the
claimant, this case is predominantly about the issue of causation and the decision was based
on policy grounds.
In relation to the warning of such risks, see Lybert v Warrington HA (1996) 7 Med LR 71 for
guidance as to the form such warnings should take. In this case, the claimant claimed
damages for failure to advise on the risk of the possibility of failure of a sterilisation operation.
The court held that it was the duty of those running the sterilisation unit to ensure that there
was a proper and effective system for warning patients at some stage. Ideally, the warning
should be given orally and in writing, and could have been given on admission, or before the
patient agreed to sterilisation or before discharge. There was evidence that no warning at all
had in fact been given.
On 1 April 2013, as a result of the implementation of the provisions of the Health and Social
Care Act 2012, fundamental changes were made, the full extent of which is beyond the scope
of this book. However, a basic diagrammatical structure showing the bodies relevant to the
personal injury solicitor is provided at 5.15, and an outline of the responsibilities of those
bodies is as follows:
(a) The Department of Health, under the leadership of the Secretary of State for Health, is
responsible for standards of health and social care and is accountable to Parliament. It
provides strategic leadership to the health and care system, the basis of which is set out
in the NHS Mandate published by the Secretary of State in November 2012.
(b) NHS England (formerly the NHS Commissioning Board) is an independent body which
has a statutory obligation to pursue the objectives found in the NHS Mandate. It is
responsible for improving health outcomes for people in England by driving up the
quality of care, by commissioning specialist services and primary care (GP services,
dental services, pharmacy, and certain aspects of optical services), through the local
area teams, and by allocating resources to, and overseeing the work of, the clinical
commissioning groups (see below).
(c) Clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) are responsible for a substantial part of the NHS
commissioning budget, namely that relating to the provision of secondary care. This
includes planned hospital care, rehabilitative care, urgent and emergency care, most
community health services and mental health and learning disability services. Services
may be commissioned from any provider that meets NHS standards and costs,
including charities and private sector providers.
There are 211 CCGs, overseen by 27 NHS England local area teams (including 10
specialised commissioning hubs responsible for those who have very rare conditions),
which are themselves overseen by four regional offices. All GP practices must belong to
a CCG, and each CCG board must include at least one hospital doctor, a nurse and a
member of the public.
(d) Providers of primary and secondary care. These will be the defendants in civil
proceedings, and complaints about the services provided will usually be made directly
to them, at least in the first instance.
(i) Primary care. This is the first point of contact for most people experiencing health
problems and is delivered by a wide range of independent contractors, such as
GPs, dentists, opticians and pharmacists. It also includes NHS walk-in centres,
NHS 111 and the NHS Direct telephone service.
Those who are not primary care providers (see (ii)–(iv) below) are sometimes
referred to as secondary care providers.
(ii) Hospital care. Hospitals in England are managed by acute trusts, many of which
are NHS Hospital Trusts. However, Foundation Trusts were introduced in 2004
with the aim of decentralising health services and tailoring them to meet the
needs of the local population. They have more financial and operational freedom
than NHS Hospital Trusts, and the aim is that all NHS Trusts, including those
providing community care or mental health services (see below), will have
become Foundation Trusts by 2016.
(iii) Community care services. Care trusts manage integrated services between health
and social care which arise from joint working agreements between the NHS and
local authorities. Services include those provided by district nurses and health
(iv) Mental health services. Mental health trusts (the majority of which have
foundation status) oversee the specialist care required by those with mental health
problems, such as severe anxiety or psychotic illness. Services include
counselling, psychological therapies, community and family support and more
Clinical Negligence: The Law 79
specialist care. Services may be provided in partnership with other primary and
secondary care providers and local authorities.
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of all health and social care
services in England. It makes sure that the care provided by hospitals, dentists, ambulances,
care homes and services in people’s own homes and elsewhere meets national standards of
quality and safety by regulating, monitoring and inspecting those services and sharing its
findings with the public.
In March 2013, the Department of Health published the NHS Constitution (the
‘Constitution’), which establishes the principles and values of the NHS in England. It sets out
the rights and responsibilities of patients, public and staff, and the pledges which the NHS is
committed to achieve. Further information is set out in the NHS Constitution Handbook (the
‘Handbook’). The Secretary of State for Health, NHS bodies, private and voluntary sector
providers of NHS services, and local authorities exercising their public health functions are
statutorily obliged to take account of the Constitution. NHS England and clinical
commissioning groups are obliged to promote the Constitution.
For the purposes of the Constitution, rights are legal entitlements protected by law. The legal
basis of each right is set out in the Handbook. Pledges are not legally binding, but rather
express an ambition to improve, going above and beyond what is required by right, and
therefore cannot be guaranteed for everyone all of the time.
involved. This may provide the claimant’s solicitor with valuable information for civil
proceedings, should they be necessary. In the past, it was common for the complaints
procedure to be suspended as soon as legal proceedings were commenced, or where
there was a stated intention to commence proceedings. This should no longer happen.
(c) An apology, an offer of treatment or other redress is not an admission of negligence
(Compensation Act 2006, s 2).
(d) The purpose of the procedure is to satisfy complaints, rather than apportion blame
amongst staff, and it is separate from disciplinary procedures. A complaint may bring
the shortcomings of individual members of staff to the notice of the management of an
NHS body, which may then consider taking action in accordance with its internal
disciplinary procedures. Negligence amounting to gross misconduct may lead to
dismissal and/or a referral of the matter by the NHS body to an individual’s professional
body. However, a complainant should not assume that this will happen, and he may
wish to seize the initiative and bring the matter to the attention of the appropriate
professional body himself (see 5.11).
(e) There are various sources of information and bodies that will provide assistance
regarding the complaints procedure:
(i) Basic information as to how to complain and how the complaint will be dealt with
may be found on the NHS website (www.nhs.uk).
(ii) Each NHS Trust has its own complaints policy, and this is normally found on the
Trust’s own website. For example, the Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust’s
‘Patient Complaints Management Policy and Procedure’ may be found at
(iii) There is a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) within each Trust, which is
staffed by NHS employees and volunteers. Its role is to provide confidential advice
and assistance to patients, their relatives, visitors to the hospital and staff
members, with the aim of resolving problems and concerns quickly, wherever
possible. It does not investigate formal complaints but it can provide advice as to
the complaints procedure, and it will refer complainants on to the Independent
Complaints Advocacy Service. The website of the National Network of NHS
Patient Advice and Liaison Services may be found at www.pals.nhs.uk, although
some individual PALS have their own websites.
(iv) The Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) is an organisation which is
independent of the NHS. Its staff, known as advocates, can assist with all stages of
the complaints procedure, for example writing letters of complaint, contacting
third parties on the complainant’s behalf and attending meetings with him. Its
website may be found at www.seap.org.uk/icas.
(v) The Citizens Advice Bureau and NHS Direct can also provide help and assistance.
The complaints procedure involves two stages, local resolution and, if the complainant
remains dissatisfied, referral to the Health Service Commissioner. However, complaints may
be made to the Care Quality Commission or to the local Clinical Commissioning Group where
Regulation 3 requires each NHS body to make arrangements for the handling and
consideration of complaints. These arrangements must be such as to ensure that
(a) complaints are dealt with efficiently;
(b) complaints are properly investigated;
(c) complainants are treated with respect and courtesy;
(d) complainants receive, so far as is reasonably practicable—
(i) assistance to enable them to understand the procedure in relation to complaints;
(ii) advice on where they may obtain such assistance;
(e) complainants receive a timely and appropriate response;
(f ) complainants are told the outcome of the investigation of their complaint; and
(g) action is taken if necessary in the light of the outcome of a complaint.
Each NHS body must designate a person, known as a ‘responsible person’ to be responsible
for ensuring compliance with the arrangements and, in particular, ensuring that action is
taken if necessary in the light of the outcome of the complaint. This will be the Chief
Executive Officer, although he may authorise others to act on his behalf. Each NHS body must
also designate a person as a ‘complaints manager’, to be responsible for managing the
procedures for handling and considering complaints. The responsible person and the
complaints manager may be the same person.
A complaint should be made within 12 months of the date the matter complained of occurred
or, if later, the date when it came to the notice of the complainant. However, the time limit
shall not apply where the NHS body is satisfied that the complainant had good reasons for not
making the complaint within the time limit and, notwithstanding the delay, it is still possible
to investigate the complaint effectively and fairly.
Unless a complaint is made orally and is resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction not later
than the next working day after the day on which the complaint was made, a complaint must
be dealt with in accordance with the procedures set out in the Regulations. This means that
the NHS body should:
(a) acknowledge the complaint not later than three working days after the day on which it
receives the complaint;
(b) investigate the complaint in a manner appropriate to resolve it speedily and efficiently,
and, during the investigation, keep the complainant informed, as far as reasonably
practicable, as to the progress of the investigation;
(c) as soon as reasonably practicable after completing the investigation, send a response to
the complainant setting out how the complaint has been considered, its conclusions, a
confirmation that it is satisfied that any necessary action has been taken or is proposed
to be taken, and details of the complainant’s right to take his complaint to the Health
Service Commissioner;
(d) provide the response within six months commencing on the day on which the
complaint was received, or such longer period as may be agreed by the NHS body and
the complainant, or set out in writing to the complainant the reasons why this has not
been possible and provide a response as soon as possible thereafter.
Each NHS body must maintain systems for monitoring complaints, and must prepare an
annual report which is made available to any person on request.
5.9.2 The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman and the Public Service
Ombudsman for Wales
The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (‘the Ombudsman’) deals with
complaints arising in England about the NHS and other government departments and public
82 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
(a) misconduct;
(b) poor performance;
(c) receipt of a criminal conviction or caution;
(d) physical or mental ill-health;
(e) determination by a regulatory body either in the British Isles or overseas.
The GMC’s procedures are divided into two separate stages: ‘investigation’ and ‘adjudication’.
At the investigation stage, cases are investigated to assess whether the matter is sufficiently
serious to warrant referral for adjudication. The adjudication stage consists of a hearing of
those cases which have been referred to a Fitness to Practise Panel.
A Fitness to Practise Panel may come to any of the following conclusions:
(a) the doctor’s fitness to practise is not impaired and no further action should be taken;
(b) the doctor’s fitness to practise is not impaired but he is required to give an undertaking,
eg to have further training or to work only under supervision;
(b) the doctor’s fitness to practise is not impaired but a warning should be issued;
(c) the doctor’s fitness to practise is impaired and –
(i) conditions should be placed on the doctor’s registration (for example, restricting
the doctor to certain areas of practise or stating that he must be supervised), or
(ii) the doctor’s name should be suspended from the medical register, or
(iii) the doctor’s name should be erased from the medical register.
An appeal may be made by either side within 28 days.
Clinical negligence claims are, in the main, more complex than personal injury claims and
should be handled only by those practitioners who have the required specialist skills. The
claimant’s chances of success are less than in personal injury claims, largely due to the
increased difficulties in establishing breach of duty (see the Bolam test) and causation.
84 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The claimant’s solicitor’s job may be made more difficult by his client’s ambivalent attitude
towards taking action against medical practitioners, particularly where a relationship with
those practitioners is on-going. A sound knowledge of the NHS complaints procedure and the
procedures of the relevant disciplinary bodies is required.
NHS England
provides funds
4 Regional offices
oversees commissions/
provides funds
27 NHS England local area teams
commissions/ oversees
provides funds
211 Clinical commissioning groups
Clinical Negligence: The Law 85
6.1 Introduction 87
6.2 Claims for nervous shock 87
6.3 Occupational stress 91
6.4 Claims under the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 96
6.5 Conclusion 97
6.6 Further reading and relevant websites 97
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• explain what is meant by the term ‘nervous shock’
• identify whether a person is a primary or a secondary victim
• understand the control mechanisms that apply to claims brought by secondary
• explain what must be established in order to make a claim for occupational stress.
Not all accidents result in physical injury. Claims for psychiatric injury or illness have risen
markedly in recent years, and are usually awarded in a claim arising from an accident (so-
called ‘nervous shock ‘claims) or as a consequence of occupational stress. The purpose of this
chapter is to examine some particular issues that arise when dealing with these types of claim.
(a) the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association,
4th edn (DSM IV); and
(b) The World Health Organisation International Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders,
10th edn (ICD-10).
The most common psychiatric illness that arises is PTSD following a life-threatening
experience or exposure to the sudden death of a close relative, the symptoms of which are
listed at 2.2.12.
a horrifying event, which violently agitates the mind’. Some of the claimants in Alcock
had watched the events at Hillsborough unfold via live television broadcasts. This was
held to be insufficient to satisfy the test of proximity, because watching the events on
television was not felt to be equivalent to witnessing the events at first hand.
of Lords rejected the police officers’ claims for psychiatric injury, stating that there was no
authority for placing rescuers in a special position. The decision was based on two factors:
(a) the problem of applying a definition to delineate the class of rescuers that could claim;
(b) the fact that, if the law did allow the claims to succeed, the result would be unacceptable
to the ordinary person, who would think it wrong that police officers should have the right
to compensation for psychiatric injury out of public funds when bereaved relatives did
not. Fairness demanded that the appeal be allowed, and the claims were therefore
A rescuer who is not exposed to danger of physical injury, or who does not believe himself to
have been so exposed, is therefore classified as a secondary victim who must satisfy the control
mechanisms set out in Alcock before he can recover damages for pure psychiatric injury.
In Stephen John Monk v (1) PC Harrington Ltd (2) HTC Plant Ltd (3) Multiplex Constructions Ltd [2008]
EWHC 1879 (QB), the claimant had been working as a self-employed foreman on site during
the construction of Wembley Stadium. While he was working, a temporary platform fell 60
feet onto two fellow workers. One of the men died from his injuries shortly after the accident,
the other suffered a broken leg. Having arrived at the scene of the accident, the claimant tried
to help both men and, specifically, to comfort the man with the broken leg. Thereafter, as a
result of the accident, he began to suffer from symptoms of PTSD, which ultimately caused
him to stop work. The defendant admitted liability for the accident, and the claimant claimed
damages for psychiatric injury on the grounds that his involvement in the accident was such
that he fulfilled the necessary conditions to recover compensation as a rescuer; and even if he
was unable to bring himself within the rescuer category of primary victim, he could
nevertheless establish the necessary proximity to the accident, which he believed he had
caused, in order that he could be regarded as an unwilling participant.
While it was accepted by the court that the claimant had provided significant help and
comfort to the injured men, and that this assistance entitled him to be regarded as a rescuer,
the claimant could not show on the evidence that he had reasonably believed that he was
putting his own safety at risk. He could not therefore establish himself as a primary victim on
the basis of his acts as a rescuer. As for the second ground advanced by the claimant – that he
was a primary victim as an unwilling participant – it was held that he had to show that his
injuries were induced by a genuine belief that he had caused another person’s injury or death,
and there was no reasonable basis for such a belief in this case. Therefore, it was not
reasonably foreseeable that someone in his position would suffer psychiatric injury as a result
of such a belief. Bystanders as victims
A ‘mere bystander’ will be unable to claim damages for pure psychiatric injury as he will be
unable to satisfy control mechanisms for a secondary victim outlined at above. This is
well illustrated by the case of McFarlane v EE Caledonia Ltd [1994] 2 All ER 1, which arose out of
the Piper Alpha oil rig disaster. The claimant had been off duty on a support vessel some 550
metres away when he witnessed the explosions and consequent destruction of the oil rig,
which resulted in the death of 164 men. His claim failed as he was not himself in any danger,
and it had not been shown that it was reasonably foreseeable that a man of ordinary fortitude
would have suffered a psychiatric injury as a result of what he saw.
In trying to come to some workable definition of ‘occupational stress’, Hale LJ, in Hatton v
Sutherland; Barber v Somerset County Council; Jones v Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council; Bishop v
Baker Refractories Ltd [2002] EWCA Civ 76, [2002] 2 All ER 1, referred to three documents
which she said the Court had found particularly helpful:
(a) Stress in the Public Sector – Nurses, Police, Social Workers and Teachers (1988) defines stress as
‘an excess of demands upon an individual in excess of their ability to cope’.
(b) Managing Occupational Stress: a Guide for Managers and Teachers in the School Sector (Education
Service Advisory Committee of the Health and Safety Commission, 1990) defines stress
as ‘a process that can occur when there is an unresolved mismatch between the
perceived pressures of the work situation and an individual’s ability to “cope”’.
(c) The HSE booklet Stress at Work (1995) defines stress as:
The reaction people have to excessive pressures or other types of demand placed upon them. It arises
when they worry that they can’t cope ...
Stress is not the same as ill health. But in some cases, particularly where pressures are intense and
continue for some time, the effect of stress can be more sustained and far more damaging, leading to
longer term psychological problems and physical ill health.
In Hatton v Sutherland, the judge concluded that harmful levels of stress are more likely to occur
in situations where people feel powerless or trapped, and are therefore much more likely to
affect people at junior levels; and, secondly, stress is a psychological phenomenon which can
lead to either physical or mental ill-health, or both.
6.3.3 Reasonable foreseeability, breach of duty and causation – the Hatton guidelines
In Hatton v Sutherland [2002] EWCA Civ 76, the Court of Appeal set out guidance for courts to
follow in occupational stress cases which was approved by the House of Lords in Barber v
Somerset [2004] UKHL 13. Hale LJ set out the guidance as follows:
(1) There are no special control mechanisms applying to claims for psychiatric (or physical) illness
or injury arising from the stress of doing the work the employee is required to do. The ordinary
principles of employer’s liability apply.
(2) The threshold question is whether this kind of harm to this particular employee was reasonably
foreseeable: this has two components (a) an injury to health (as distinct from occupational
stress) which (b) is attributable to stress at work (as distinct from other factors).
(3) Foreseeability depends upon what the employer knows (or ought reasonably to know) about the
individual employee. Because of the nature of mental disorder, it is harder to foresee than
physical injury, but may be easier to foresee in a known individual than in the population at
large. An employer is usually entitled to assume that the employee can withstand the normal
pressures of the job unless he knows of some particular problem or vulnerability.
(4) The test is the same whatever the employment: there are no occupations which should be
regarded as intrinsically dangerous to mental health.
Claims for Psychiatric Injury 93
Young v Post Office [2002] EWCA Civ 661 was decided after Hatton v Sutherland and considered
whether it is the responsibility of the claimant to inform the employer if he is unable to cope,
and whether the claimant will be contributorily negligent if he fails to do so. The claimant had
worked for the Post Office for a number of years and had been promoted to workshop
manager. He had no direct line manager, and when a new computer system was introduced he
was expected to familiarise himself with it without formal training. The claimant began to
show signs of stress and eventually suffered a nervous breakdown, and subsequently took four
months off work to recover. Arrangements were made to allow the claimant to return to work
gradually and on a flexible basis. When the claimant returned to work he quickly shouldered
the burden of the management position that had led to his breakdown. Seven weeks later the
claimant was again unable to continue due to stress and left. The defendants contended that
they had done all that they could in offering a less stressful work pattern for the claimant. On
appeal, the Court found for the claimant, as it was plainly foreseeable that there might be a
recurrence if appropriate steps were not taken when the claimant returned to work, and the
94 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
employer owed a duty to take such steps. Although the employer had told the claimant that he
could adopt a flexible approach to his work, the reality was that he was a hardworking and
conscientious employee, and it was foreseeable that he would quickly revert to overworking,
and the employer had a duty to ensure that help was on hand. Regarding the allegation of
contributory negligence, the Court found that this was not relevant in this case and would be
unusual but was ‘theoretically possible’.
The High Court decision in Barlow v Broxbourne Borough Council [2003] EWHC 50 (QB), [2003]
All ER (D) 208 (Jan), provides an example of the application of the principles set out by the
Court of Appeal in Hatton v Sutherland. B had initially been employed as a gardener and had
obtained several promotions to become senior operations manager in 1993. B’s claim was
based on two broad grounds: systematic victimisation and ‘general’ bullying. He alleged that
from approximately 1997 he had been deliberately victimised and bullied by senior members
of the council’s staff, which had caused him to suffer emotional distress and psychological
injury. The alleged ‘victimisation’ and ‘bullying’ had included receipt of lengthy letters
detailing B’s non-performance, threats of disciplinary action and, at times, abusive language.
Medical experts for each party were agreed that B had suffered a moderately severe depressive
episode. Consequently, B had been unable to continue working for the council. B argued that
he had been exposed to such stress at work that he had developed a stress-related illness
which had prevented him from remaining in the council’s employ. However, B’s claim failed
on the following grounds:
(a) The actions of the council and its employees did not give rise to a foreseeable risk of
injury. Hale LJ’s guidelines in Hatton v Sutherland applied. In the circumstances, it was
not necessary for the court to consider causation issues.
(b) The council could not have reasonably known or foreseen that the conduct complained
of by B would have caused him harm.
(c) Nothing in B’s behaviour, at the time, had given any cause for concern about the risk of
psychiatric illness.
This judgment assists the defendant by confirming that the alleged incidents of bullying and/
or harassment must be considered in context. In the context of the claimant’s working
environment, the use of bad language (which was not disputed at trial) and the actions of his
line managers in highlighting areas of non-performance, did not amount to victimisation or
In Intel Corporation (UK) Limited v Daw [2007] EWCA Civ 70, Pill LJ approved of the guidance in
Hatton but warned courts against following it too slavishly:
A very considerable amount of helpful guidance is given in Hatton. That does not preclude or excuse the
trial judge either from conducting a vigorous fact-finding exercise, as the trial judge in this case did, or
deciding which parts of the guidance are relevant to the particular circumstances. The reference to
counselling services in Hatton does not make such services a panacea by which employers can
discharge their duty of care in all cases. The respondent, a loyal and capable employee, pointed out the
serious management failings which were causing her stress and the failure to take action was that of
management. The consequences of that failure are not avoided by the provision of counsellors who
might have brought home to management that action was required. On the judge’s findings, the
managers knew it was required.
This approach was endorsed by the Court of Appeal in Dickins v O2 plc [2008] EWCA Civ 1144,
when the Court upheld the trial judge’s decision to award the claimant damages for injury
caused by occupational stress.
Ms Dickins’ job involved the preparation of management and regulatory accounts. She found
one particular audit in February 2002 ‘extremely stressful’. She had a short holiday but
returned to work exhausted, and on 11 March 2002 she asked her line manager for a different
and less stressful job. As there were no vacancies available at the time, Ms Dickins was told
Claims for Psychiatric Injury 95
that the matter would be reviewed in three months. On 23 April 2002 she requested a six-
month sabbatical. She said she was stressed out, was having a real struggle to get out of bed in
the mornings and to get to work on time because she felt so drained of physical and mental
energy, and she did not know how long she could carry on before being off sick. She was
advised to access O2’s confidential counselling helpline, and was told that her request for a
sabbatical would be considered. On 30 May 2002 Ms Dickins repeated her concerns during
her appraisal and was referred to occupational health, albeit with some delay. Before any
appointment was fixed she suffered a breakdown and never returned to work.
The Court of Appeal upheld the judge’s finding that psychiatric injury was reasonably
foreseeable from 23 April 2002 onwards. There was sufficient indication of impending harm
to health, given the claimant’s description of the seriousness of her symptoms and the
important background context that these problems had not come ‘out of the blue’. The fact
that the claimant had been mentioning difficulties over a period of time was significant, given
that she was usually a conscientious employee.
The Court of Appeal also agreed with the trial judge that the defendant employer was in
breach of duty in not sending her home and in not making an immediate referral to
occupational health.
More recently, in Connor v Surrey County Council [2010] EWCA Civ 286, the claimant, a head
teacher in a primary school, was awarded damages against the defendant local education
authority for its failure to have regard to the effect of its conduct on her health or to give her
the support she needed, which resulted in her suffering severe depression. The defendant
raised in its defence the issue of foreseeability of injury, and argued that there were no signs of
impending harm to the claimant’s health, particularly as she had not been absent from work
prior to her breakdown. However, the judge held that the fact that the claimant had not been
absent from work was irrelevant; the risk was apparent from comments made by the claimant
and others, and action should have been taken to respond to it. The decision at first instance
was upheld by the Court of Appeal.
It seems clear from these recent decisions that, in an appropriate case, it may not be necessary
to show that the claimant has previously suffered a breakdown if his words and actions in the
recent past would alert a reasonable employer to the risk of illness. Furthermore, whereas
Hatton had indicated that an employer who offered a confidential counselling service was
unlikely to be found in breach of duty, the recent cases cast doubt over whether the provision
of such a service will exonerate an employer.
6.3.4 Causation
Having established a breach of duty, it is still necessary to prove that the particular breach of
duty caused the harm. Where there are several different possible causes (as will often be the
case with stress-related illness), the claimant may have difficulty proving that the employer’s
breach of duty was one of them. This will be a particular problem if, as in Garrett v Camden LBC
[2001] EWCA Civ 395, the main cause was a vulnerable personality which the employer knew
nothing about. However, the employee does not have to prove that the breach of duty was the
sole cause of his ill-health: it is enough to show that it made a material contribution (see
Bonnington Castings Ltd v Wardlaw [1956] AC 613). Expert medical evidence will be crucial in
determining causation.
6.3.5 Damages
The Hatton guidelines (see 6.3.3) suggested that an employer found liable for psychiatric
injury caused by occupational stress should pay only for that proportion of the injury caused
by his wrongdoing and not for any part of the injury caused by other factors. However, in
Dickins v O2, the Court of Appeal was critical of the trial judge’s decision to reduce the total
damages by 50% for the other non-tortious factors which had contributed to the claimant’s
96 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
illness. In the Court’s view, albeit obiter, the injury was indivisible, and so an employer should
be liable for the whole injury if it is proved that the tort has made more than a minimal
contribution to the injury.
Although further guidance by the Court of Appeal on the whole issue of apportionment can be
expected, for the time being it seems that no reduction should be made for the other stresses
which contributed to a claimant’s illness. A more appropriate route may be for defendants to
argue that particular heads of damage (eg loss of future earnings) should be discounted to
reflect the fact that a claimant might in any event have suffered a breakdown at some time in
the future.
undervalued the evidence. The claimant’s account was of victimisation, demoralisation and
reduction of a substantially reasonable and usually robust woman to a state of clinical
depression. This was, the Court of Appeal felt, to have self-evidently crossed the line into
conduct which is ‘oppressive and unreasonable’.
The main points to bear in mind when bringing a claim for psychiatric injury are as follows:
• To claim damages for nervous shock there must be evidence of a recognised psychiatric
• It is necessary to identify whether the client is a primary victim (directly involved in the
accident) or a secondary victim (a witness/bystander).
• If the client is a secondary victim, he must satisfy the control mechanisms laid down in
Alcock to establish closeness to the victim and the incident itself.
• There are no special control mechanisms in claims for occupational stress – the
ordinary principles of employers’ liability apply.
• The injury to the individual employee must have been reasonably foreseeable.
• In order to establish a breach of duty, it will be necessary to identify the steps the
employer could and should have taken to prevent harm.
• The provision of a counselling service will not automatically exonerate an employer.
Limitation of Actions
7.1 Introduction 99
7.2 The limitation period 99
7.3 Date of knowledge 100
7.4 Persons under a disability 105
7.5 Limitation in assault cases 105
7.6 Claims following fatal accidents 106
7.7 Other periods of limitation 107
7.8 The court’s discretion to override the limitation period 107
7.9 Dealing with limitation issues in practice 110
7.10 Conclusion 112
7.11 Claimant’s limitation checklist 113
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• set out the law as it relates to limitation in cases involving a claim for personal injuries
and a claim following a fatal accident
• appreciate that the court may use its discretion to disapply the limitation period, and
set out the factors which it takes into consideration
• apply the law to real-life situations.
The law relating to limitation is fairly complex and can cause difficulties for the unwary. Each
year, there is a steady flow of case law relevant to this area, partly because clients seek legal
advice far too late, but also because solicitors sometimes breach the duty of care owed to their
clients by failing to ensure that proceedings are issued within the limitation period.
Consequently, one of the first priorities for the claimant’s solicitor will be to identify when the
limitation period ends and, having established this, to mark the file with that date and enter it
into the diary system.
The principal statute dealing with limitation issues is the Limitation Act 1980 (LA 1980).
For the purpose of limitation in a personal injury claim, ‘personal injury’ includes any disease
and any impairment of a person’s physical or mental condition (s 38).
When calculating the three-year period (generally referred to as the ‘primary’ limitation
period), the day on which the cause of action accrued is excluded (s 2). Therefore, in a simple
road traffic accident case, generally the claimant has three years from the incident (excluding
the date of the incident) in which to commence the claim. If the last date of this period is a
Saturday, Sunday or Bank Holiday, the time is extended until the next day when the courts are
open and the claim can be issued.
Where the three-year period has expired, the claimant is not prohibited from commencing
proceedings, although if he does so, the defendant may seek to have the claim struck out on
the grounds that it is statute barred. However, the claimant may apply to the court for the
limitation to be disapplied under s 33 of the LA 1980 (see 7.8).
scientific evidence that the exposure could cause the illnesses complained of. Although,
applying that test, none of the cases was statute barred, five of the veterans had already
formed a strong belief that exposure to radiation had caused their illnesses, and this was
sufficient to amount to actual knowledge. These cases would have been statute barred had the
court not exercised its discretion under s 33 to disapply the limitation period (see 7.8 below).
The Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court determined that the wrong approach had been
taken in relation to the date of knowledge, and that the discretion to disapply the limitation
period should not be exercised. The claimants had argued that they had not known that their
illnesses were attributable to the acts or omissions of the defendant more than three years
prior to issue of proceedings; they might have believed this to be the case, but the Act required
knowledge. However, the Court of Appeal unanimously and the Supreme Court by a majority
held that a reasonable belief (ie more than a fanciful suggestion) that the defendant was
responsible amounted to knowledge. All that was required was sufficient knowledge to justify
further investigation and commencement of the preliminaries to making a claim.
For the purposes of establishing knowledge, it was irrelevant that the claimants were still not
in a position, after many years of investigation and campaigning, to establish causation.
However this, and the lapse of time, led to the Court determining that time should not be
extended under s 33.
It is possible that a claimant may be fixed with actual knowledge of certain facts even if a
medical expert has advised him that this was not the case. In Sniezek v Bundy (Letchworth) Ltd
(2000) LTL, 7 July, the Court of Appeal ruled that the claimant had the knowledge from the
date when he went to complain to his doctor of severe symptoms but was assured that there
was no link between the illness and his work. The Court decided that the claimant knew that
his severe throat symptoms, which had persisted for five years, were a significant injury, and
that he had always attributed them to his work. The fact that a doctor subsequently advised
him that this was not the case, did not change the fact that he had actual knowledge.
In Forbes v Wandsworth Health Authority [1997] QB 402, the claimant, who suffered from poor
circulation, underwent surgery for a by-pass operation. This was not a success and a further
by-pass was performed the next day. Unfortunately, the second operation was too late to be
successful and the claimant was told that it was necessary to amputate his leg to prevent
gangrene, to which he agreed. The sole allegation was that the authority had been negligent
not to perform the second operation sooner. The claimant did not seek advice until seven
years after the limitation period had expired. The Court of Appeal held by a majority that the
claimant was deemed to have constructive knowledge as soon as he had time to overcome the
shock of the injury, take stock of his disability and seek advice.
In Kew v Bettamix Ltd ( formerly Tarmac Roadstone Southern Ltd) & Others [2006] EWCA Civ 1535, the
claimant issued proceedings in respect of injuries suffered from his exposure to vibrating
equipment during his employment with the defendants. As early as 1991 the claimant had
experienced numbness in his fingers, but had thought this was due to his age. On 29 March
2000, following a routine occupational health care assessment, he was informed by means of
a letter from an occupational physician that his symptoms might be attributable to his
exposure to vibration at work. The Court held that it was necessary for the claimant to have
sufficient knowledge to make it reasonable for him to seek to acquire further knowledge of
the link between his injury and his prior working conditions. He did not have such knowledge
until 29 March 2000, when he received the physician’s letter. Although he was not told about
the causative link at that time, he knew that there was a real possibility that his working
conditions had caused his symptoms, and a reasonable man would have investigated further.
He was therefore fixed with constructive knowledge at that date.
In Pearce v Doncaster MBC [2008] EWCA Civ 1416, the Court of Appeal considered the
knowledge of a man who claimed damages from the local authority for its failure to take him
into care when he was a child. The claimant’s actual knowledge arose when he saw his care
records, shortly before issuing proceedings. However, constructive knowledge took place
several years earlier, when he had requested his files but had failed to take up the appointment
to view them, even though the authority had offered to pay his train fare.
In Whiston v London Strategic Health Authority [2010] EWCA Civ 195, the claimant suffered from
cerebral palsy caused at the time of his birth, but he was highly intelligent and lived a full life.
The claimant’s mother had told him that he had been delivered by forceps and that he had
been starved of oxygen at birth, but she did not tell him that she thought the junior doctor
attending her may have been at fault until 2005, when she was prompted to do so by a
deterioration in the claimant’s condition. Proceedings were commenced in 2006, when the
claimant was 32 years old, more than 11 years after the expiry of the limitation period.
Although the Court of Appeal accepted that a person who suffers from a disability at birth is
more likely to be accepting of his disability, and therefore less likely to ask questions, than a
person who suffers an injury during adult life, it held that a reasonable man in his position
would have wanted to know more about the circumstances of his birth and would have asked
his mother, particularly as she was a nurse and a trained midwife. Consequently, it concluded
that the claimant had constructive knowledge of the facts which he discovered from his
mother in 2005 no later than when he was in his early 20s, in about 1998.
It is not necessary for the court to specify an exact date when constructive knowledge took
place. In White v EON and Others [2008] EWCA Civ 1436, the claimant claimed damages for
vibration white finger (VWF) caused whilst working for the defendant between 1962 and
1996. He argued that he first had the requisite knowledge in the summer of 2003, when he
saw an advert from a claims company describing the symptoms of VWF. At first instance, the
judge dismissed his claim on the basis that he knew he had a significant injury and it was
reasonable for him to have obtained medical advice which would have led to his linking that
injury to his employment. Consequently, he had constructive knowledge at the end of 1996.
On appeal, the claimant’s argument that it was illogical for the judge to have plucked the end
104 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
of 1996 as the date of constructive knowledge, because nothing significant happened at that
point to have led to that knowledge, was dismissed by the Court of Appeal. The Court held
that the end of 1996 was the latest time at which the claimant could be fixed with constructive
knowledge, as the claimant’s symptoms had reached a plateau by that time.
The issue of constructive knowledge of the identity of the defendant was considered in
Henderson v Temple Pier Co Ltd [1998] 1 WLR 1540. In this case, it was held that, where a
claimant instructed solicitors to bring a claim for damages, on the proper construction of
s 14(3) of the LA 1980 the claimant was fixed with constructive knowledge of facts which the
solicitor ought to have acquired.
the result of an act or omission of the health authority and, therefore, time began to run even
though she did not appreciate until later that this act or omission may have been negligent.
lottery ticket and won over £7 million. When the claimant heard of the defendant’s windfall,
she commenced proceedings against him, seeking to rely on the court’s discretion to
disapply the limitation period under s 33. The House of Lords heard the claimant’s appeal
against the decision that her claim was statute barred, together with four other cases, all
relating to the abuse of children in children’s homes.
Their Lordships held that Stubbings had been wrongly decided, and they extended the meaning
of claims under ‘negligence, nuisance or breach of duty’ to include deliberate assault.
Consequently, the limitation period in assault cases was three years. They remitted the matter
to the judge, for him to reconsider whether the court was able to exercise its discretion under
s 33 to disapply this limitation period (see 7.8).
7.6.1 Claims under the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934
Where a claim is brought on behalf of the deceased’s estate, s 11(5) of the LA 1980 provides
that if the injured person died before expiration of the limitation period of three years as set
out in s 11(4), the limitation period is three years from:
(a) the date of death; or
(b) the date of the personal representative’s knowledge,
whichever is the later. If there is more than one personal representative and they have
differing dates of knowledge, time runs from the earliest date of knowledge (s 11(7)).
If the injured person died after the expiry of the primary limitation period under s 11(4)
without commencing proceedings for the personal injuries he had suffered, or if he died
before the expiration of the primary limitation period and his personal representatives failed
to commence proceedings within three years of death or date of later knowledge, the claim is
statute-barred. However, in both instances, the court does have a general discretion to
override the above provisions and disapply the limitation period under s 33 of the LA 1980
(see 7.8).
no longer maintain a claim and recover damages in respect of the injury, whether because of a
limitation problem or for any other reason. In other words, the dependants of the deceased
are not in a better position than the deceased would have been. When considering whether a
claim brought by the deceased person would have been time-barred, no account may be made
of the possibility that the court would have exercised its discretion under s 33 to disapply the
limitation period. However, the court may exercise its discretion to disapply the primary
limitation period in respect of the dependants’ action. See s 12(1) of the LA 1980.
The onus rests upon the claimant to show why the limitation period should be disapplied
(Halford v Brookes [1991] 3 All ER 559).
Under s 33(3), the court is required to have regard to all the circumstances of the case, and it
will attempt to balance the needs of the parties by seeking to avoid prejudice caused to the
claimant by depriving him of the right to continue with the claim, or prejudice caused to the
defendant by allowing the matter to continue when he has been deprived of the ability to
defend himself.
The court is specifically directed to six factors, which are outlined below:
(a) the length and reasons for the delay on the part of the claimant;
(b) the effect of any delay on the cogency of the evidence;
(c) the conduct of the defendant following the date of the cause of action;
(d) the duration of any disability (within the meaning of the Mental Capacity Act 2005)
suffered by the claimant after the cause of action arose;
(e) the conduct of the claimant after he became aware that he might have a claim against
the defendant;
(f ) the steps taken by the claimant to obtain medical, legal or other expert advice, and the
nature of any advice received.
108 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
‘Delay’ in s 33(3)(a) and (b) is the delay since the expiry of the limitation period. However, the
court may consider the overall delay when having regard to all the circumstances of the case.
See McDonnell & Another v Walker [2009] EWCA Civ 1257 and Cairn-Jones v Tyler [2010] EWCA Civ
Guidance in relation to s 33(3)(a) was provided by the Court of Appeal in Coad v Cornwall and
Isles of Scilly Health Authority [1997] 1 WLR 189, CA. The Court held that it must apply a
subjective test when determining why the claimant had delayed, the length of the delay and
whether the reason was good or bad. There was no requirement for the claimant to provide a
‘reasonable’ explanation.
When considering s 33(3)(b), the extent to which evidence is less cogent, the Court of Appeal
highlighted the importance of written evidence when memories of witnesses are unreliable
due to the lapse of time (see Farthing v North East Essex Health Authority [1998] Lloyd’s Rep Med
37, CA). In 1981, the claimant had had a hysterectomy which was negligently performed, but
proceedings were not issued until 1995. When considering her application under s 33, the
court found that due to the lapse of time a number of the witnesses had died, or had moved
abroad and could recall little of the events in question. However, the Court of Appeal further
found that because there was considerable evidence available in the form of the medical
records and a letter from the surgeon to the claimant’s GP written shortly after the operation,
there would be little need for reliance on memory alone and consequently the appeal should
be allowed.
In TCD v Harrow Council and Others (see 7.3.2), it was argued on behalf of the claimant that she
had been unable to confront some aspects of the abuse to the extent that would be necessary
for the purposes of litigation, and that she had delayed proceedings until her children were
older. Nevertheless, the judge repeated what was said in Hoare (see 7.5), that not everyone who
brings a late claim for damages for sexual abuse, however genuine his or her complaint, can
expect the court to exercise the s 33 discretion favourably. He refused to exercise his
discretion in relation to the claims against two of the authorities on the grounds that the long
delay meant that evidence was not forthcoming and the defendants were therefore severely
prejudiced. (Discretion was not exercised in relation to the third claim due to the weakness of
the claim.)
In relation to s 33(3)(c), where the court is satisfied that the defendants have brought upon
themselves the prejudice that they claim to suffer, that should be taken into account and the
prejudice should be significantly discounted. In the case of Hammond v West Lancashire Health
Authority [1998] Lloyd’s Rep Med 146, CA, the defendants claimed prejudice to their case as
they had destroyed the deceased’s x-rays after three years had elapsed. The Court held that the
destruction of the x-rays was a policy implemented by the defendants, and which had no
regard for the time limits of the LA 1980. Consequently, although the prejudice caused to
their case should still be taken into account, it would be significantly discounted.
These factors are guidelines only, and the court is entitled to take into account any other
matter which it considers to be relevant. For example, the time of notification of the claim to
the defendant is of extreme importance in ascertaining prejudice, although there is no
specific reference to this in s 33. In addition, the court is entitled to consider the ultimate
prospects of the claim being successful. In TCD v Harrow Council and Others (see above), the
judge refused to grant discretion in relation to the case against Worcester County Council on
the grounds that the claim had no realistic prospects of success. (Also see Forbes v Wandsworth
Health Authority at
In the case of Hoare (see 7.5), the House of Lords remitted the matter to the judge to
reconsider the application of s 33 in accordance with the opinions of their Lordships. In A v
Hoare [2008] EWHC 1573 (QB), the parties agreed that the main reason why the claimant had
not commenced proceedings within the limitation period was because the defendant had
Limitation of Actions 109
been impecunious and, because he had been serving a life sentence, this was unlikely to
change. She had commenced proceedings in 2004, almost 14 years after expiry of the three-
year limitation period, principally because she had learned that the defendant had won £7
million on the lottery. It was also agreed that there was no reported authority on the court
being asked to exercise its discretion under s 33 on the grounds that the defendant was
impecunious. However, the judge determined that this was a relevant factor when considering
the exercise of the discretion to disapply the limitation period. In doing so, he took into
account the fact that the defendant’s own actions were the cause of his impecuniosity. The
judge found in favour of the claimant and exercised his discretion under s 33. (The full
judgment in this case may aid understanding of the application of s 33.)
Where the proceedings are brought against the defendant outside the limitation period as a
result of the negligence of the claimant’s solicitor, and the claim is not allowed to proceed, the
claimant may have a claim against his own solicitor. It has been argued by defendants that the
fact that the claimant has a cast-iron claim against his own solicitor provides an
overwhelming reason why the limitation period should not be disapplied; the claimant will
not be prejudiced because he can pursue an alternative claim against his solicitor (rather than
the defendant). However, although the ability to claim against the solicitor is a factor for the
court to bear in mind, it is not an absolute bar against disapplying the limitation period.
The court considered this issue in Steeds v Peverel Management Services Ltd [2001] EWCA Civ 419.
In this case, solicitors issued proceedings 49 days outside of the limitation period. On appeal,
the court found that the district judge at first instance was wrong to treat the claimant’s good
claim against his own solicitors as justification for refusing to exercise a discretion under s 33.
The better view was that the existence of a claim against his own solicitors was a relevant
factor in weighing the degree of prejudice suffered by the defendant in not being able to rely
on the limitation period as a defence. To that end, it would always be relevant to consider
when the defendant first had notification of the claim. On the facts of the case, the judgment
was set aside and the court exercised its discretion under s 33, as it was unlikely that the
defendants were caused any appreciable prejudice and it was equitable to allow the claim to
continue allowing for all of the circumstances of the case.
However in McDonnell v Walker (see above), the Court of Appeal refused to disapply the
limitation period as the defendant had been forensically disadvantaged by a substantial
period of inexcusable delay.
It has also been argued by defendants that the loss of the limitation defence itself, and the
subsequent requirement to pay damages, is a prejudice which must be taken into account by
the court when considering the exercise of the s 33 discretion. In Cain v Francis; McKay v
Hamlani [2008] EWCA Civ 1451, both road traffic accident claims, the Court of Appeal
considered the so-called ‘windfall defence’, which arises where the defendant has no defence
other than one based on limitation due to the claimant’s solicitors failing to issue proceedings
on time. In each case, the defendant had admitted liability but, in the course of negotiating
damages, the claimant’s solicitors had missed the limitation deadline. In Cain, where there
was a delay of just one day, the judge refused to exercise his discretion; in McKay, the delay was
one year, but the judge exercised his discretion and allowed the case to proceed. In order to
establish a consistency of approach, as opposed to a ‘lottery for litigants’, the Court of Appeal
dealt with both cases together.
The Court of Appeal held that the defendant had a right to a fair opportunity to defend himself
and had a complete procedural defence under s 11, which would remove the obligation for
him to pay damages. However, fairness and justice meant that the obligation to pay damages
should be removed only if the passage of time had significantly damaged the defendant’s
opportunity to defend himself. Parliament could not have intended the financial
consequences for the defendant to be a consideration relevant to the exercise of discretion
under s 33. The important factor is whether the defendant is able to defend himself, and
110 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
therefore it would always be important to consider when the defendant was notified of the
claim against him, and whether it was still possible for him to investigate the claim and gather
evidence. This judgment has brought clarity to this area, and is likely to result in the court
exercising its discretion under s 33 in more claims which were issued late but where the
defendant’s ability to defend himself is not prejudiced.
It will be for the claimant to prove the later date of knowledge, and therefore this issue should
be addressed in the witness statements of the claimant and any other witness who can give
evidence on this point.
In practice, where there is a limitation problem and the parties have discussed this prior to
commencement, the claimant’s solicitor will deal with the limitation issue in the particulars
of claim. However, if the matter has not been discussed before issue, some solicitors acting
for claimants will not pre-empt a defence by raising the limitation problem in the particulars
of claim, on the basis that it is not in their client’s interests to do so. If the defendant is not
aware of the existence of the rules relating to limitation, or does not notice that the limitation
period has expired, he may admit the claim.
Practitioners must be alert to limitation issues and maintain a good working knowledge of the
key sections of the LA 1980. The courts’ interpretation of the statutory provisions,
particularly in relation to actual and constructive knowledge and the discretion to disapply the
limitation period, is something of a moveable feast, and therefore practitioners must keep an
eye out for relevant case law.
Sound case management processes and an exemplary diary system are essential for claimants’
solicitors. There is claimant’s limitation checklist at 7.11 below.
Limitation of Actions 113
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• identify the important matters that must be dealt with during the first interview
• identify any urgent action that needs to be taken
• take a proof of evidence.
The first interview is the cornerstone of the solicitor/client relationship, and it is therefore
worthwhile making the effort to get it right. The Law Society’s Practice Note on initial
interviews, dated 6 October 2011, contains useful guidance on this topic and may be obtained
from The Law Society website. Reference should also be made to Skills for Lawyers, which
deals with how to conduct an interview. The interview will normally last at least an hour. The
client should tell his own story, and the solicitor will often complete a long and detailed
accident questionnaire, prior to drafting a proof of evidence. Detailed preparation at this
stage will save a great deal of time later. The matters that should be considered in preparation
for this first interview are examined below.
You should note that conduct requirements, such as checking for conflicts of interest and
obtaining evidence of identity, are not dealt with in this book, but should be strictly followed.
Many people are wary of solicitors’ charges, and are reluctant even to approach a solicitor in
order to enquire about making a personal injury or clinical negligence claim. Consequently,
some firms offer a free, fixed fee or reduced cost initial interview, in which they can give
preliminary advice about the viability of the claim and provide information about costs and
funding options.
Should the solicitor be instructed in relation to the matter, in accordance with Outcome 1.13
of the SRA Code of Conduct 2011, he must ensure the client receives, at the time of
engagement, the best information possible about the likely overall cost of the matter. This
includes information about funding options, disbursements which may arise and potential
liability for inter parties costs. Funding is discussed in more detail in Chapter 9.
116 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
If an urgent matter, such as a limitation issue, comes to light during the first interview, the
solicitor should bear in mind the question of funding prior to making lengthy or expensive
investigations on the client’s behalf.
8.3.1 Limitation
Limitation is discussed in detail in Chapter 7. At the first interview in a personal injury or
clinical negligence claim, it may become apparent that:
(a) the three-year primary limitation period is about to expire (see 7.2). If so, the solicitor
should consider entering into a standstill agreement with the defendant or issuing
protective proceedings immediately (see 7.9.2);
(b) the three-year primary limitation period has recently expired. If so, consideration
should be given to issuing proceedings as soon as possible, including in the claim form
or particulars of claim, a request for a direction that the limitation period should be
disapplied (see 7.8). Thereafter, the solicitor should inform the defendant without delay
that proceedings have been issued, to minimise any claim by the defendant of prejudice
due to the passage of time;
(c) there is a question as to the client’s ‘date of knowledge’ of the injury complained of. The
client should be questioned closely regarding the earliest date on which he realised he
might have a cause of action, and how he came to that conclusion. The client’s medical
records should be obtained without delay in order to confirm the precise date of
knowledge. Proceedings can then be issued as in point (b) above, and thereafter it can
be argued that the limitation period has not yet expired because the client’s date of
knowledge of the injury is within the last three years. If this is not successful, an
application should be made for the court to exercise its discretion and disapply the
limitation period (see 7.8).
Having established when the primary limitation period is due to expire, it is important that
the time limit is recorded separately from the file in a diary system. The file itself may be
similarly marked with the date on which limitation expires. This double recording of the
primary limitation period is good practice, as failure to issue the claim within the limitation
period is a common pitfall, and one which may lead to a negligence claim by the claimant
against his solicitor.
8.3.2 Photographs
In most personal injury cases, persons seeking advice following an accident will do so
relatively soon after the accident occurs. If this is the case, a task, which is often overlooked,
will be to secure photographic evidence.
needed, specialist medical photographers are available, for example at larger teaching
wishes to recover damages in respect of it. It should therefore be explained to the client that
damages are made up of general damages (for pain, suffering and loss of amenity) and special
damages (everything the client has had physically to pay for and other quantifiable losses as a
direct result of the accident). For a detailed analysis of the subject of damages, see Chapter 15.
It will assist greatly, when it comes to proving his losses, if the client has kept a detailed record
or account of his out-of-pocket expenses. To this end, the client should be advised at the first
interview to keep all receipts for expenses incurred as a direct result of the accident, and that
it is his responsibility to do so. Common examples are prescriptions, the cost of items lost or
damaged beyond repair in the accident, and taxi fares to the out-patient or physiotherapy
departments. Similarly, with respect to general damages for pain and suffering, although the
client’s distress may be keen at the first interview, by the time of trial his recollection may have
dimmed, to the extent that he has forgotten many of the minor losses of function he suffered
in the early stages of recovery from his injuries. The client should therefore be advised to keep
a diary if he does not already do so, to record, for example, the fact that he is unable to sleep
due to pain, or is unable to dress himself unaided or to do housework, and to record how long
these disabilities last. Any number of tasks, either recreational or work-related, should be
recorded so that they are not forgotten later when it comes to preparing the client’s witness
It is particularly important in clinical negligence cases that the client is made aware of the
difficulties in pursuing the claim, and especially that he must establish not only a breach of
duty, but also that the breach was causative of the damage that resulted (rather than the
underlying illness or injury being the root cause of the loss). If the client is paying for the
litigation privately, the high costs involved must be explained to him clearly. The solicitor
should also explain the difficulty in giving a preliminary view on liability without first
obtaining all the client’s medical notes and at least one expert’s views.
Following the client’s personal details, the proof should next detail the date, time and location
of the incident. It should then follow through chronologically and meticulously:
(a) the events leading up to the incident;
(b) the circumstances of the accident, including a clear explanation of the mechanics of the
accident itself;
(c) what happened immediately after the incident;
(d) why the client feels that the incident was caused by the negligence of some other
(e) what medical treatment was given and injuries incurred; and
(f ) how the client feels that the incident has affected his day-to-day life.
The solicitor should bear in mind that the proof will form the basis of the witness statement,
and that, usually, the witness statement will be ordered to stand as the witness’s evidence-in-
chief at the trial. It is important, therefore, that the proof is detailed in its description of how
the incident actually happened, and the effect the incident has had on the client’s day-to-day
life. All aspects of the client’s life should therefore be considered in the proof. The following
areas should always be covered, including an estimate in weeks or months of how long the
incapacity affected the client’s life, or confirmation that the incapacity is still continuing:
(a) Everyday tasks which he is unable to do for himself, eg dressing, bathing, housework,
shopping, driving. This will be important if a claim is made for loss incurred in
employing someone else to carry out these tasks.
(b) Recreational activities such as sports, hobbies, gardening, DIY in maintaining the home
and the family car. The client’s inability to participate in sports will have an effect on his
loss of amenity claim for general damages. The client should also be asked whether he is
a member of any sports team or club, and about any prizes or trophies he has won as
further evidence of his level of commitment. The inability to carry out jobs of
maintenance around the home will similarly affect his claim for loss of amenity. If the
client gives evidence that DIY is a hobby, details should be obtained of any projects he
has undertaken. This will also affect his special damages claim for the labour element of
the cost of having to employ someone else to fulfil those tasks in the future.
(c) Whether and to what extent the injury has affected his sex life. This area of loss of
amenity should always be broached with the client, as the stress of an accident can often
bring about a degree of sexual dysfunction, even if the injury itself would not
immediately suggest that such was the case.
(d) Specifically, whether the incident will affect the client’s ability to continue with his
employment, and the extent to which he is affected. It may be obvious that the client
will never work again, or will be unable to work in his pre-incident position but will have
to retrain, or that he intends to return to his pre-incident employment but is unsure
whether he will cope. Details should also be obtained as to the client’s position if he
were to be made redundant, and the degree of difficulty he would have in obtaining
similar employment elsewhere because of his injuries.
It is important that all of the above issues are considered and, if relevant, that they are covered
in the proof in some detail, as there is little point in the client and/or his solicitor knowing the
extent to which the incident has ruined the client’s life, if this is not articulated sufficiently to
the court. If a matter is not covered in the client’s witness statement, the chances are the court
will never hear of it; and if the court is not made aware of all relevant matters, the claimant’s
solicitor has not achieved one of his main aims, that of maximising the client’s damages.
Before finishing the proof in personal injury cases, the client should always be asked whether
he has had any pre-existing incident injury which may affect the current case.
120 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The proof should always end with the client’s signature and the date on which it was prepared
so that, if the client dies prior to the conclusion of the case, the proof will still be of use
will fade quickly and will therefore be of less use evidentially. The question of whether there
are any independent third party witnesses is of central importance, because the case will be
much easier to prove if an independent witness can be found who is prepared to give evidence
to a court that he saw the incident and believes that the cause of the incident was the fault of
the other driver. If the client does not have any details of witnesses, the police accident report
may have statements from witnesses whom the solicitor can contact. The police should be
notified of all incidents involving personal injury, and will prepare a report on the incident
including witness statements (see Chapter 10).
John is an instrument artificer employed to work at a chemical plant. Part of his duties is to
check the temperature of certain chemicals stored in large tanks above ground on the site.
On the day of the accident, John climbed to the top of a storage tank and removed the
outer cover. Without warning, John was blown backwards by excess pressure in the tank,
causing him to fall from the tank approximately 4 metres to the ground. Because the
chemical was corrosive on contact with the skin, John suffered burns to his face and
hands, as well as a damaged spine and broken left leg. John tells you that he has done the
same task many times before without incident, but he believes that whoever last checked
that particular tank failed adequately to secure the inner seal, so that when he next
opened the outer seal the sudden change in pressure was like releasing a cork from a
bottle. John tells you that he is usually accompanied by a fellow employee when doing
these checks, as the company’s safety policy requires this. On the day of the incident, his
colleague had telephoned in sick, but the duty manager had not called in anyone else to
take his place. John also tells you that the company used to have a nurse on site to deal
with minor injuries, but when the last nurse ceased to be employed she was not replaced.
John believes that this was because of the expense involved. John also believes that his
burns would not be so severe if he had received first aid more quickly.
In the above example, if, when describing any part of his duties, John becomes unclear, he
should be asked to explain it again, perhaps drawing a sketch to assist his narrative. It is
important that there is no misunderstanding at this stage, as the solicitor will probably use
this information as the basis for his statement of case. In addition, if the solicitor is unsure
from the client’s explanation precisely how the incident happened, it is also likely that a judge
will be similarly confused. It is therefore vitally important that any ambiguity is resolved at
this point. If ambiguity remains, facilities should be sought for a site inspection. Where the
place of work is privately-owned property, and may be a dangerous environment for the
visitor, the solicitor must always seek permission from the employer for a site inspection. The
inspection can be carried out with the claimant’s expert engineer if the accident involves a
piece of machinery.
In the above example, it is necessary to include in the proof John’s suspicions as to:
(a) the cause of the incident;
(b) disregard of safety policy; and
(c) his belief that the burns were worsened by delay in treatment.
All these matters will have to be checked, however, as the chemical engineer who inspects the
plant may conclude that the incident had a completely different cause, possibly involving
contributory negligence by John himself. It may be apparent to the engineer that the tank is
fitted with a large pressure gauge that John should have checked prior to opening the tank.
Similarly, the company safety policy may specify that rubber gloves and a full face mask must
be worn when working with corrosive chemicals, and that the burn time for that particular
chemical is less than 30 seconds, in which case having medical personnel on site would have
made no difference to John’s injuries.
The First Interview 123
A client injures his leg playing football and attends at the local A&E department. The
department is busy and, although the client is sent for an x-ray, the house officer fails to
spot the fracture and discharges the client immediately. The client is in considerable pain
for a number of weeks and eventually visits his GP, who refers him back to the hospital for
another x-ray. In such circumstances, the client may be told that in fact the leg is fractured
and that it was missed when the client first attended. Such information is clearly of
assistance in assessing liability.
is unfit for work, he may experience financial difficulties and feel pressured into accepting the
first offer of compensation from the defendant. The solicitor should give the client general
advice on the types of benefits that may be available to him in view of his inability or
decreased capacity to work, and to assist with the costs of mobility issues, household tasks
and child care requirements.
The law relating to state welfare benefits is complex and subject to frequent amendment. In
particular, the Welfare Reform Act 2012 (WRA 2012) is bringing in sweeping reforms over the
next few years. Details of the benefits which may be available are beyond the scope of this
book. If the solicitor is not fully familiar with the current situation regarding available
benefits, and the firm does not have a welfare rights adviser, he should give only general
advice and tell the client to contact Jobcentre Plus (an agency of the Department for Work and
Pensions (DWP)) for further information. The client must act quickly when seeking benefits,
as it is not always possible to back-date them.
The client should be advised that where he does qualify for benefits, if his claim is successful
there may be some recoupment under the Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997.
This area is considered in detail in Chapter 16.
Lastly, when considering eligibility for benefits, it is necessary to have regard to whether the
receipt of compensation will take the claimant out of financial eligibility for means-tested
benefits. In Beattie v Secretary of State for Social Security [2001] 1 WLR 1404, Charles Beattie was
injured in a road traffic accident and rendered quadriplegic. He sued by his litigation friend
and Court of Protection receiver, Stephen Beattie. The claimant appealed a decision of the
Social Security Commissioner that he was not entitled to income support because payments
‘falling to be treated as income’ under a structured settlement took him beyond the limit on
income for the purpose of claiming income support. This issue was appealed because
guidance from the Public Trust Office suggested that, as long as the compensation was held
on trust and payments were made on a discretionary basis and were not used to fund items
that would normally be paid for using benefits, then those payments would not affect benefit
entitlement. In Beattie the court ruled that the agreement, as part of the structured settlement,
to make regular payments for a fixed number of years was in fact an annuity and was therefore
‘capital treated as income’ under reg 41(2) of the Income Support (General) Regulations 1987
(SI 1987/1967). The essential difference in this case is that the compensation was paid to the
Court of Protection, which would hold the money for the benefit of the patient, rather than
simply held on discretionary trust.
injured person makes the best and quickest possible medical, social and psychological
recovery. The Code is designed to apply whatever the severity of the injury suffered by the
The Code provides a framework within which all those involved in the claim can work together
to ensure that the claimant’s needs are assessed at an early stage and appropriate treatment
provided as a matter of priority. Both claimants’ solicitors and insurers are required to
consider whether rehabilitation is appropriate and, if so, to raise the matter with the other
party. It should be noted that the provisions of the Code are not mandatory and that the aims
of the Code might be achieved by means of an alternative framework agreed between the
For the details of the provisions of the Code, you are referred to the Code itself. Further
assistance can be found in APIL’s Practice guide to rehabilitation, 2nd edn (2008).
If the first interview is handled correctly, it should save the solicitor a great deal of time in the
future. As personal injury litigation is ‘front loaded’, much of the essential work is covered
during or shortly after the first interview. If essential matters have been missed, old ground
will need to be covered again, which will lead to delay and upset for the client, and may allow
the opposition to gain the advantage. An overview of matters to be considered is set out below
at 8.10.
Client’s proof/questionnaire
Photos of
Urgent considerations Limitation issues
Financial concerns/
Rehabilitation welfare benefits
Methods of Funding and Qualified One Way Costs Shifting 127
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• describe the methods of funding available to a client
• explain how a conditional fee agreement operates
• explain how a damages-based agreement operates
• understand how qualified one way costs shifting works.
The ways in which personal injury and clinical negligence claims may be funded and costs
recovered by both sides have undergone many changes following the Legal Aid, Sentencing
and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (LASPO 2012), which came into operation on 1 April
2013. The so-called ‘big bang’ introduced a new method of funding in the form of damages-
based agreements (DBAs) and placed restrictions on the recovery of costs by prohibiting in all
but a few cases the recovery of success fees and insurance premiums, applying a new system of
qualified one way costs shifting (QOCS). This chapter aims to summarise the methods of
funding that are now available and to describe how the new regime of QOCS will be applied.
(c) where acting for a client under a fee arrangement governed by statute, such as a
conditional fee or a damages-based agreement, giving the client all relevant
information relating to that arrangement (IB 1.17).
Solicitors should therefore bear in mind these Outcomes and IBs when advising on the
funding options outlined below.
Investigative Help
Investigative Help will be granted only where the prospects of success on a claim are not clear
and substantial work needs to be undertaken before the prospects of success can be
Methods of Funding and Qualified One Way Costs Shifting 129
The Lord Chancellor has issued guidance for both inquest and non-inquest cases which would
otherwise not qualify for legal aid. Inquest cases are discussed further in Chapter 17. As for
non-inquest cases, the guidance makes it clear that the overarching question is ‘whether the
withholding of legal aid would make the assertion of the claim practically impossible or lead
to an obvious unfairness in proceedings’. This threshold is very high.
130 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The same means criteria apply to legal aid under the exceptional funding scheme as to general
cases, and it will only be available to those claimants of qualifying means who do not have any
form of alternative funding, such as before the event (BTE) insurance, and are unable to
secure a conditional fee agreement (CFA) or a DBA. The type of claim that is most likely to
succeed in an application for exceptional funding is a clinical negligence claim of moderate to
high value where the claimant has failed to find a solicitor to accept it as a CFA or a DBA
because its merits appear to be moderate rather than good. All clinical negligence claims
require medical expert evidence on breach of duty, causation and quantum and involve
complex issues of law. It may therefore be possible to assert that the claimant could not
represent himself and should therefore qualify for exceptional funding.
In other words, the claimant’s recoverable costs will be assessed in the conventional way, ie
how many hours were reasonably spent on the case, what is a reasonable rate for those hours,
etc. If the fee agreed with the lawyer is higher than the figure arrived at through that exercise,
the claimant will have to pay the shortfall out of the damages.
The claimant (C) has entered into a DBA with his solicitor which provides for a
contingency fee of 25% and is awarded damages of £100,000. C owes the solicitor
If the costs recoverable from the defendant are assessed at £15,000, then C has to pay his
solicitor the excess £10,000 out of his damages – ie, C receives £90,000 of the damages.
Accordingly, the existence of a DBA will not increase the amount of the defendant’s costs
liability. It may, however, decrease the defendant’s costs liability. The indemnity principle
applies to DBAs, so that the claimant cannot recover more in costs than he is liable to pay his
own lawyer. Therefore, if the agreed contingency fee is lower than the figure arrived at
through a traditional costs assessment, the defendant will only have to pay the lower amount.
Continuing the scenario in Example 1 above, if the assessed costs are £30,000 then the
defendant only has to pay the lower contingency fee figure of £25,000 due to the
indemnity principle, and there is nothing further for C to pay his lawyer.
Mr Brown enters into a DBA with his solicitor which provides for a contingency fee of 25%.
Mr Brown is awarded £70,000 damages for PSLA, £30,000 for past loss of earnings and
£400,000 for future loss of earnings. The contingency fee will be £25,000 (25% of the
combined sums for PSLA and past loss of earnings). The £400,000 awarded to Mr Brown
for future losses cannot be touched.
The 25% cap will apply only to claims or proceedings at first instance, not to appeals.
(f ) Loss and damage: can the losses sustained be proved by way of medical and other forms of
The second stage in the risk assessment is to assess the chance of each of the above risk
factors actually occurring and harming the viability of the case. To do this, each factor needs
to be categorised or ‘scored’ in some way. This can be done by giving each factor a percentage,
or a score between 1 and 10 or, more simply still, by assessing it as a high, medium or low risk.
Based on the result (or score) from the above assessment, a risk assessment co-ordinator
(usually a partner in the firm) will judge whether to accept the case on a conditional fee basis
and, if so, on what level of success fee. In the event that he is unable to do so, because of
insufficient information being available, he will pass the file back to the case worker for
further investigation, for example obtaining witness statements or contacting the police for
clarification of key issues.
In the event that the claim is accepted on a CFA or DBA basis, it is essential to record the
reasoning behind the decision and the reason for the success fee claimed, as this will be
needed in the event that the claim is successful and either the client (or the opponent in the
case of a CFA entered into prior to 1 April 2013) wishes to challenge the level of the success
(2) The amount of the premium that may be required to be paid under the costs order shall not
exceed that part of the premium which relates to the risk of incurring liability to pay for an
expert report or reports relating to liability or causation in respect of clinical negligence in
connection with the proceedings.
Therefore, in clinical negligence cases, a party may recover the cost of an AEI premium taken
out to cover the risk of having to pay for his own or the other side’s costs in relation to
obtaining expert evidence on liability and causation (but not quantum). The reasoning behind
this exception to the normal rules is that clinical negligence claimants should not be deterred
from pursuing their case by the unusually heavy burden of expert evidence required in such
(c) any stand-alone BTE insurance policy belonging to the client and/or any spouse or
partner living in the same household, and, if possible, their driver (if they are an injured
passenger), in advance of the first interview.
A decision then needs to be made about whether any legal expenses insurance policy is
satisfactory. The Court emphasised that the decision related to small road traffic accident
claims with a quantum of £5,000 or less and that enquiries should be proportionate. (See also
Kilby v Gawith [2008] WLR (D) 163.)
As with union-funded work (see 9.2.8 below), the insurer may have nominated firms of
solicitors who must be instructed to undertake the insured’s claim. If the insured is free to
instruct the solicitor of his choice, it is usual for the insurer to require the solicitor to report to
it regularly on the progress of the case. In terms of confidentiality, it is essential for the
solicitor to explain to the client at the outset that a term of the insurance is that the insurer has
the right to receive reports on the viability of the case and whether or not it is worthwhile to
continue with it. The progress of the case can be slowed down considerably by the obligation
on the solicitor to report back to the insurer to seek approval (and therefore funding) to
continue with the claim to the next stage.
The interpretation given to the term ‘enquiry or proceedings’ will determine whether or not
the insured person does have freedom to choose his lawyer. Some insurance companies
providing legal expenses insurance (LEI) cover put a narrow interpretation on it, saying that
only when there are actual court proceedings is there any freedom for the policy holder to
choose. The insurer will often prefer to refer the insured’s claim to its panel of solicitors only,
effectively concentrating the bulk of claims to so-called ‘panel firms’. Not all LEI providers
operate panels of preferred solicitors but many do, citing quality assurance and consistency of
claims handling as the rationale for insisting on operating panels to which to channel claims.
Non-panel firms see this as damaging to their position, as they may be forced to advise clients
that they should avail themselves of pre-existing LEI cover rather than take up the non-panel
solicitors’ offer to work on the basis of a CFA or DBA. The non-panel solicitors will often take
the view that the wording of reg 6(1) of the 1990 Regulations should be given a wide
interpretation, and ‘enquiry or proceedings’ will encompass the work undertaken at pre-issue
stage under the pre-action protocol. Their justification for this is due to the ‘front loading’ of
litigation, where much of the work and advice is, of necessity, conducted before the issue of
A case which illustrates many of the points outlined above is Chappell v De Bora’s of Exeter (SCCO,
2004). This is a Supreme Court Costs Office case in which the costs claim of a non-panel local
firm of solicitors was allowed despite the existence of pre-existing LEI. The facts briefly are as
follows. The claimant’s claim was in respect of the personal injuries she suffered when she fell
down some steps at the defendant’s shop in Exeter. The claimant, who lived near Exeter,
instructed solicitors in Exeter. They entered into a CFA with a success fee of 71%. They also
arranged a policy of AEI and corresponded with DAS, the legal expenses insurers with whom
the claimant had an existing BTE insurance policy. DAS said that, under the terms of her
policy with them, the claimant was obliged to instruct solicitors who were on their panel for
any work which had to be done before the issue of proceedings, although she was entitled to
Methods of Funding and Qualified One Way Costs Shifting 137
instruct the solicitors of her choice for the purpose of the proceedings themselves should
proceedings be necessary. The claimant’s solicitors (who were not on the DAS panel)
undertook the usual pre-proceedings work, including sending the letter of claim, taking
witness evidence and obtaining two medical reports. The defendant’s solicitors eventually
offered to settle the matter for £31,156 plus costs. This offer was accepted, but the issue of
costs could not be agreed and, following detailed assessment, the defendant was given
permission to appeal on the issue of whether it was reasonable for the claimant to enter into a
CFA with a success fee and AEI with the solicitors of her choice, when BTE insurance was
available but the claimant’s chosen solicitors were not on the BTE insurers’ panel.
The defendant’s counsel submitted that the onus was on the claimant to show why it was
reasonable, on the standard basis, that the more expensive route of proceedings under a CFA
with AEI should have been adopted. He submitted that solicitors on the DAS panel up and
down the country conducted very many cases no less serious and complex than the present
case on a regular basis. He accepted what the Master of the Rolls had said in Sarwar v Alam (see
9.2.7 above).
In this case we are concerned only with a relatively small personal injury claim in a road traffic
accident. We are not concerned with claims which look as if they will exceed about £5,000, and we are
not concerned with any other type of BTE claim. We have no doubt that, if a claimant possesses pre-
existing BTE cover which appears to be satisfactory for a claim of that size, then in the ordinary course
of things that claimant should be referred to the relevant BTE insurers.
The claimant’s counsel submitted that this was not a straightforward case and that the
amount of the damages, in excess of £31,000, reflected those complexities. It had been
reasonable for the claimant to go to solicitors in Exeter to handle her case rather than to
solicitors in Bristol or Salisbury. He submitted that the costs which the district judge had
allowed were proportionate in relation to a multi-track case of this nature. The judge
concluded that it was reasonable in a case of this kind for the claimant to instruct the
solicitors of her choice in Exeter rather than DAS panel solicitors, the nearest of whom would
have been many miles away from where she lived. Accordingly, he dismissed the appeal in so
far as it related to the claimant’s choice of solicitor.
that the solicitor proposes to charge (as to which see 9.2.1 above and Legal Foundations,
Professional Conduct).
Rule 44.14 does permit costs orders to be made and enforced against claimants, but only to
the extent that those costs do not exceed the total damages the claimant recovers. Therefore
the effect is that a claimant who loses (and so has no damages against which an order for costs
can be enforced) will not have to pay the defendant’s costs. However, it does not preclude a
successful claimant being deprived of all or part of his costs, or ordered to pay the defendant’s
costs, in other circumstances. Enforcement of any such costs order cannot take place until
after the conclusion of the proceedings. The intention is to enable costs orders to be made in
the usual way against a claimant who fails to beat a Part 36 offer, loses an application or fails
to comply with court orders and directions.
costs order against a person other than the claimant, ie generally the injured claimant
will retain the QOCS protection for the injury element of the claim.
It is expected that there will be some satellite litigation with regard to the interpretation of
these new rules.
Personal injury lawyers are facing challenging times following the implementation of these
new rules on costs and funding, and it will take time before we can assess their true impact.
The introduction of QOCS was aimed at counter-balancing the impact on personal injury
claimants of the decision to abolish recoverability of CFA success fees and, in particular, ATE
insurance premiums. The intention behind QOCS is to make ATE insurance unnecessary for
personal injury actions, since the claimant will not be liable for the defendant’s costs if the
claim fails. It is not clear how effective this will be in practice, however, for the following
(a) The fact that the claimant can lose the QOCS protection where the defendant has made
a Part 36 offer means that the claimant will potentially be back on risk for costs
whenever a Part 36 offer is made, though only up to the amount of the claimant’s
damages. If ATE cover is available in respect of this risk, and is taken out, the premium
will not be recoverable.
(b) ATE is also taken out, normally, to cover own disbursements as well as adverse costs.
The government has carved out from the reforms the cost of ATE premiums to cover
expert reports on liability and causation in clinical negligence cases, but the cost of ATE
cover in respect of other disbursements will not be recoverable.
Not surprisingly, there was a significant increase in the number of CFAs and AEI policies
entered into immediately before 1 April 2013. So far the profession has not shown any
enthusiasm for DBAs.
140 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Investigating the Claim and Preliminary Steps 141
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• set out the main requirements of the pre-action protocols for personal injury claims,
disease and illness claims, and clinical disputes, and the Practice Direction on pre-
action conduct
• identify the appropriate defendant in personal injury and clinical negligence cases
• set out the preliminary steps in such cases
• draft an appropriate letter of claim on behalf of the claimant
• respond appropriately on behalf of the defendant
• appreciate the different types of evidence which may be available and understand
how to go about collecting such evidence.
During the first interview, the claimant’s solicitor will have taken a proof of evidence from his
client, who may have been able to supply additional evidence, such as documents or
photographs. However, in all but the most straightforward low value personal injury cases,
further information will be required before the claimant’s solicitor is able to send either the
Claim Notification Form (CNF) in a case falling within the scope of one of the low value pre-
action protocols, or a letter of claim in all other cases. In all cases where liability is not
accepted by the proposed defendant, full investigations must be made before proceedings are
The defendant may contact his solicitor immediately after the incident which has given rise to
the potential claim, but in many cases the defendant’s solicitor or the defendant’s insurer’s
solicitor will become involved only after the letter of claim or the CNF has been received. In
any event, the defendant’s solicitor must also make full investigations and, where a claim is to
be defended, gather evidence in support of his client’s case.
142 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Solicitors acting for both parties should be keen to gather evidence quickly, while events are
fresh in the minds of clients and witnesses, and before real and documentary evidence is
repaired, misplaced or destroyed. In this chapter, the investigations that should be made will
be outlined. This chapter will also deal with the procedural steps that must be taken before
proceedings are issued. In this regard, the parties and their solicitors are guided by the
relevant pre-action protocols (PAPs).
(e) PAP for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims. This
is the correct protocol to use where damages for personal injury in an employers’ liability
or public liability claim are valued at no more than £25,000 and the accident occurred on
or after 31 July 2013 or, in a disease claim, no letter of claim was sent before 31 July 2013
(although there are exclusions – see para 4.3 of the PAP). As in (d) above, there are
circumstances where claims commenced under this PAP may cease to be governed by it.
This PAP is set out in full in Appendix 4 and is covered in more depth in Chapter 21.
In addition to these protocols, there is a Practice Direction on pre-action conduct (‘PD Pre-
action Conduct’) which describes the conduct the court will normally expect of the
prospective parties prior to the start of the proceedings.
The PAPs deal with such matters as the letter of claim and the defendant’s response, but
before the claimant’s solicitor can think about writing the letter of claim, he will need to
investigate the matter further and ensure that he has identified the correct defendant.
that he can issue proceedings against the insurer alone, or in addition to the driver. How this
is dealt with in practice varies. Some solicitors acting for claimants always issue proceedings
directly against insurers where they are able to do so; some never do so. On a practical level, it
is unlikely to make any measurable difference to how the proceedings are conducted or to the
final outcome. Where a driver is insured, it will be the insurance company and its solicitors
who will determine how the proceedings are conducted, and it will be the insurance company
who will pay up, should liability be established, whether or not it is named as a defendant.
Under the terms of the policy, the driver will be obliged to cooperate with the insurer in
defending the matter, including giving evidence at trial if necessary, whether or not he is
named as a defendant. Invalid insurance – Road Traffic Act 1988, ss 151 and 152
Sometimes, a situation will arise where a vehicle was covered by a policy of insurance at the
time of the accident, but the policy did not cover the driver or the insurer has grounds to void
the policy. The claimant should not be dissuaded from commencing proceeding against the
driver on the grounds that he may be impecunious, as the insurance company will be obliged
to pay out on the judgment to the claimant, provided the correct notice is given (see 3.3
and 12.3.4). Highway authorities, statutory undertakers and other owners of the highway
Where there are indications that the actions or omissions of a highway authority, statutory
undertaker or some other owner of the highway have caused or contributed to the claimant’s
accident, enquiries may be made of the local council in order to identify who that body is.
Every council is obliged to keep and allow access to records detailing the ownership of
highway land within its area (see 3.5.1); and it will also have information about any activities
of statutory undertakers on highway land, as the council operates a licensing system (see Whilst highway authorities and statutory undertakers will always have public liability
insurance, other owners of the highway may not.
or community nurses. The hospital records will contain details of the client’s admission, his
consents to treatment, x-rays, photographs, print-outs from monitoring equipment, nursing
records and comments made by the doctors who were treating him.
The claimant’s solicitor should ensure that he obtains all the notes, not just those which are
supplied and marked relevant to the matter in hand, as background history may be highly
relevant. In Wickham v Dwyer (1995) Current Law Weekly, 1 January, the court held that it was for
the expert to determine whether or not there was any information of any irrelevance
contained within the notes, and therefore it was fair to allow the solicitors and experts access
to the full notes.
Until all records have been traced and disclosed, the solicitor will not be in a position to
instruct an expert to review the evidence and form a view on liability and/or causation. Early
and full disclosure is the key to successful clinical negligence litigation as, without this, it may
be impossible for the claimant and his solicitor to know exactly what happened.
should not result in a profit for the record holder. No fee is chargeable where the request is for
access merely to inspect the health records.
The DPA 1998 allows the record holder 40 days from the date of the request to supply the
information requested, although the Department of Health’s policy is to comply with the
request promptly and, in any event, within 21 days.
The GP’s records will be relevant in many cases where there is no potential claim against the
GP. In such cases, when making a request for records, the claimant’s solicitor should inform
the GP that he is not a potential claimant. In all cases, the GP should be asked to preserve the
original records, so that they are not inadvertently destroyed or microfiched before the trial.
alert the potential defendant or his insurer to the fact that a potential disease claim is being
investigated. A specimen letter and request form to be used for this purpose is set out at
Annexes A and A1 of the Protocol.
Records should be provided within a maximum of 40 days of the request, free of charge. The
Protocol suggests that as a matter of good practice, the potential defendant should also
disclose any product data documents which the claimant has requested which may resolve a
causation issue. Where documents are not provided within 40 days and no information is
forthcoming from the defendant to explain the reasons for the delay, the claimant should
apply to the court for an order for pre-action disclosure (see 10.10.2).
The claimant’s solicitor should also seek to obtain relevant occupational records held by other
bodies or individuals who have employed the claimant in the past.
will not be possible for the claimant’s solicitor to assess whether or not there are grounds for a
claim until his client’s medical records have been obtained and analysed by a medical expert.
The letter of claim should be sent after the medical expert has confirmed that liability and
causation can be established. Any letter of claim sent to an NHS Trust or Independent Sector
Treatment Centre should be copied to the NHS Litigation Authority.
relates, the level of cover provided by the insurance, whether the insurance premiums
are staged, and, if so, the points at which an increased premium is payable. The letter
should not give details of the success fee (unless fixed by law) or the cost of the
insurance premium as this would give some indication to the defendant as to how the
claimant’s solicitors perceive the strength of the claim. Form N251 may be used to
provide the required information (see and 12.3.2).
(d) In RTA cases where the claimant was treated in hospital, the letter of claim should set
out the name and address of the hospital and his hospital number, where available.
(e) In occupational disease and illness claims and the more complex clinical negligence
claims, the letter should include or enclose a chronology of events.
(f ) In occupational disease and illness claims, particularly where the claimant had several
employers and the disease has a long latency period, the letter should include or enclose
details of the claimant’s employment history.
(g) In EL claims, the letter should include a request for information relating to the
claimant’s earnings, for quantum purposes.
(h) In a clinical negligence claim, the letter should refer to any documents, including
medical records, which the claimant considers to be relevant and, if possible, enclose
copies of those which are not already in the possession of the potential defendant.
(i) In an occupational disease or illness claim, the letter should refer to any relevant
documents, including health records not already in the potential defendant’s
possession. Copies of these records should not be enclosed with the letter of claim.
Instead, the defendant should be invited to nominate an insurance manager or a
solicitor to whom the documents may be supplied upon receipt of the defendant’s
(j) In the majority of cases, witness statements and the reports of experts would not be
disclosed at this stage. However, where the claimant’s solicitor feels that such evidence
demonstrates a very strong case on liability, he may decide to disclose it with the letter
of claim, as this may lead to an admission of liability by the defendant.
(k) The claimant’s solicitor may make an offer to settle in the letter of claim, by setting out
what his client would be willing to accept in full and final settlement of the matter.
However, in many cases, a detailed investigation into quantum will not have been
undertaken by the claimant’s solicitor and therefore an offer should not be made.
See Document 2 of the Case Study in Appendix 1 for an example of a letter of claim.
documents which will give real insight into the causes of the accident will be in the possession
of the proposed defendant.
The pre-action protocols are designed to encourage parties to have an open-handed approach
to litigation, and this requires each party to allow the other to see relevant documents at an
early stage. In clinical negligence claims and in occupational disease and illness claims, the
relevant pre-action protocols envisage that the claimant will obtain medical records or
occupational health records prior to the sending of the letter of claim (see 10.4 and 10.5). In
all other cases, where the defendant denies liability, he should enclose with his letter of reply
copies of all documents in his possession which are material to the issues between the parties
and which would be likely to be ordered to be disclosed by the court, either on an application
for pre-action disclosure or on disclosure during proceedings. In clinical negligence and
occupational disease and illness claims, the defendant should disclose any relevant
documents he has not yet disclosed.
An order under r 31.16 will specify the documents or class of documents which the
respondent must disclose and require him, when making such disclosure, to specify any of
those documents which he no longer has, or which he claims the right or duty to withhold
from inspection. The order may also specify the time and place for disclosure and inspection
to take place.
report. All these documents should be disclosed to the claimant with other relevant
documents it holds.
a 50 pence piece and a ruler, had been taken by the claimant’s partner, who happened to be a
litigation solicitor. The defendant claimed that these photographs appeared to have been
‘massaged slightly’. The judge did not feel that anything sinister was being suggested, but he
accepted that the 50 pence piece appeared to be leaning at an angle and that there may have
been some slight excavation of material between the paving stones. The claimant failed to
prove that the discrepancy between the paving stones was a dangerous one and the judge
found in favour of the defendant.
The proof of evidence, once converted into a formal witness statement and exchanged with
the other side, will form the basis of the witness’s evidence to be relied on at trial and will
stand as his evidence-in-chief. Furthermore, the statement may have to be used at the trial
under the Civil Evidence Act 1995 if the witness subsequently becomes unavailable.
Consequently, it should contain all the relevant evidence the witness can give and, needless to
say, it should be the truth. In accordance with r 22.1 of the CPR, the witness statement must
conclude with a statement of truth, and this must be signed by the witness himself.
In an EL case, it may be advisable for the claimant’s solicitor to obtain statements from
individuals, such as shop stewards or co-workers, who, although they may not have seen the
accident, may know of other similar accidents in the past, or be able to give background
information on policy changes that may have taken place within the organisation. In road
incident or tripping cases, people living or working adjacent to the location of the incident
may be able to give useful information relating to similar incidents that have happened in the
past, and even as to the identities of past claimants in similar incidents, or information on
how long the defect has been in existence.
agencies should be approached for evidence of availability of work within the client’s
specialism and the level of possible earnings. Photographs
Photographs of the injuries immediately after the accident, during the various stages of
recovery and as at the date of trial, where they are continuing, are also very useful.
The claimant’s solicitor is obliged, under the overriding objective found in r 1 of the CPR and
under the pre-action protocols, to be fully prepared before proceedings are commenced.
Once proceedings have been issued, the court will actively manage the case and will require
the parties to deal with each step of the proceedings in accordance with the timetable it lays
down in the order for directions. Where a solicitor fails to prepare adequately prior to issue
and consequently is unable to comply with the directions within the specified time limits, the
court may impose cost penalties.
The essential element when gathering evidence at the preliminary stage is to act quickly. A
failure to act on the client’s instructions as soon as they are received can have disastrous
consequences for the subsequent conduct of the litigation. In extreme cases, this may
seriously prejudice the client’s chances of success and can amount to negligence on the part of
the solicitor.
160 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Instructing Experts 161
Instructing Experts
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• understand the role of experts in personal injury and clinical negligence cases
• appreciate the different types of expert who might be instructed
• explain the expert’s overriding duty to the court and the court’s case management
powers in relation to experts
• write a letter of instruction to an expert.
In almost every personal injury or clinical negligence case, the claimant’s solicitor will
instruct at least one medical expert. Commonly, an expert will prepare a report on the
claimant’s injuries for quantum purposes, which is often referred to as a report on condition
and prognosis. In clinical negligence and disease and illness claims, medical evidence will not
only be required in order to assist the court in assessing damages, but will also be necessary in
order to prove liability and/or causation. Indeed, the claimant’s solicitor may be unable to
understand precisely what happened to the claimant, and therefore advise him in relation to
the claim, until such evidence has been obtained. In some personal injury cases, other types
of experts, such as accident reconstruction experts or engineers, may be required for liability
The purpose of this chapter is to examine the role of experts and the matters that must be
considered when instructing an expert in a personal injury or clinical negligence case.
With regard to the procedural law, the practitioner must have a sound grasp of CPR Part 35
and the accompanying Practice Direction, which govern the use of experts in civil trials. In
addition, the Protocol for the Instruction of Experts to give Evidence in Civil Claims (the
‘Protocol’) provides guidance on the interpretation of and compliance with Part 35 and PD 35
in the interests of good practice.
162 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
In Stewart v Glaze [2009] EWHC 704 (QB), the judge said that although the expert could be of
considerable assistance, it was the primary factual evidence which was of the greatest
importance, and that expert evidence should not be elevated into a fixed framework or
formula against which the defendant’s actions were to be judged rigidly with mathematical
Paragraph 4.2 of the Protocol provides that experts are under an obligation to assist the court
in dealing with cases in accordance with the overriding objective set out in r 1 of the CPR.
However, it goes on to state that the overriding objective does not impose on experts any duty
to act as mediators between the parties or require them to trespass on the role of the court in
deciding facts.
Paragraph 4.3 of the Protocol offers a test for independence as being, ‘Would the expert
express the same opinion if given the same instructions by an opposing party?’, and goes on
to say that experts should not take it upon themselves to promote the point of view of the
party instructing them or engage in the role of advocates.
In accordance with para 3.1 of PD 35, the expert’s report should be addressed to the court and
not to the party from whom the expert has received instructions.
days within which to communicate any objections he has to any expert appearing on the
list, and the claimant’s solicitor is thereby able to select a mutually acceptable expert.
The expert is instructed only by the claimant’s solicitor (and in this respect, joint
selection differs from joint instruction as envisaged by CPR, r 35.7 – see (d) below), but
there is a presumption in fast track cases that the defendant will not be permitted to
instruct his own expert in relation to that issue. Where the defendant objects to all the
experts suggested by the claimant, he may instruct his own expert. However, if the
matter proceeds, the court will consider whether the defendant acted reasonably in this
In Edwards-Tubb v JD Wetherspoon Plc [2011] EWCA Civ 136, the claimant, Mr Edwards-
Tubb, brought a claim arising out of a fall at work in October 2005. His employer, JD
Wetherspoon, accepted liability. The issue related to damages and causation.
The claimant in the pre-action letter of claim gave notice to the defendant of three
medical experts he wished to instruct. The defendant raised no objection and the
claimant obtained a report from one of those experts, Mr Jackson. It was accepted that
this was not a joint instruction and the report would remain privileged unless and until
Proceedings were issued close to limitation. Shortly before service, the claimant
disclosed a medical report from a Mr Khan, who was not originally nominated. The
defendant sought an order that disclosure of the original report by Mr Jackson should be
made a condition of the permission which the claimant needed to rely on Mr Khan.
The main issue before the Court of Appeal was whether the Court’s power to impose a
condition on the permission granted to rely on a particular expert could be utilised to
require the disclosure of another expert report. The Court concluded that, before the
claimant could rely on the second expert report, he should disclose the findings of the
first expert report.
The Court was mindful of the duty under CPR, r 35.4 to discourage ‘expert shopping’. In
the circumstances of the case, expert A had been instructed for the purposes of the
litigation. A factor which held significant weight for the Court of Appeal was that the
parties had embarked upon the pre-action protocol procedure of co-operation in the
selection of experts. This is not something which is generally undertaken under the pre-
action protocol for the resolution of clinical disputes, and it remains to be seen whether
the Court would impose such a condition upon a request for leave to rely upon a
particular expert where there has been no pre-action discussion in relation to the
instruction of experts.
(d) Where the parties wish to submit expert evidence on a particular issue, the court has the
power, under CPR, r 35.7, to direct that a single joint expert be used. See 11.2.2 below.
(e) A party will be entitled to use the report or call the expert at trial only if the report has
been disclosed to the other parties to the action in accordance with CPR, r 35.13.
(f ) At trial, expert evidence is to be given by means of a written report unless the court gives
permission for the expert to give oral evidence. In small claims and fast track cases,
permission will be given for an expert to attend a hearing only if it is necessary in the
interests of justice (CPR, r 35.5).
(g) In accordance with para 11.1 of PD 35, at any stage in the proceedings the court may
direct that some or all of the experts from like disciplines shall give their evidence
concurrently. This is known as hot-tubbing and may include, for example, the judge
inviting the experts, in turn, to give their views, or the judge questioning one witness
and then asking the other witness to comment on the answers given.
Under CPR, r 35.7, where two or more parties wish to submit expert evidence on a particular
issue, the court may direct that the evidence on that issue be given by a single joint expert. In
fast track cases, the court is likely to direct that a single joint expert be used unless there is
good reason not to do so (PD 28, para 3.9(4)). Similar wording is used in PD 29, para 4.10(4)
in relation to multi-track cases, but the insertion of the words ‘on any appropriate issue’
reflects the reality that there will be more issues in a multi-track case which will not be
suitable for a single joint expert to determine. Single joint experts are more likely to be used to
determine issues in relation to quantum than issues relating to liability or causation. In
clinical negligence and illness and disease cases, it is recognised that single joint experts are
less likely to be acceptable to the parties, and the pre-action protocols state that the courts are
less prescriptive as to the use of experts in these types of claim.
Where the parties are unable to agree who the single joint expert should be, the court may
select an expert from a list provided by the parties, or direct how the expert should be
selected (CPR, 35.7(2)). Paragraph 17.6 of the Protocol requires parties to try to agree
instructions to single joint experts, but allows for each party to give instructions in default of
such an agreement. Where each party gives instructions to the expert, he should supply a
copy of those instructions to the other side (CPR, r 35.8). Unless the court otherwise directs,
the instructing parties are jointly and severably liable for the expert’s fees and expenses.
and the cost of living with the particular injury suffered by the claimant. In a simple, low-value
case, a report from a general practitioner may be sufficient, but in a complex, high-value case,
experts in several areas of medical expertise may be required. The types of medical experts
who may assist in this regard are numerous, but may include doctors of various specialities,
occupational therapists, behavioural therapists, speech therapists and physiotherapists.
In clinical negligence cases, it will be necessary to instruct an expert to advise in relation to
liability and possibly causation. A consultant should be instructed with expertise in the same
speciality as the doctor who is alleged to have been negligent.
A list of the most common areas of medical expertise can be found at 2.3.
appropriate steps to ensure that the vehicles are not disposed of or repaired prior to the expert
carrying out his examination. The evidence of tachographs will be particularly useful. The
reconstruction expert will want to see the PAR and any associated reports prepared by the
police, such as a police reconstruction report, and proofs of evidence from anyone involved in
the accident or anyone who witnessed the accident. He will then be in a position to provide
an opinion as to the cause of the accident.
A client is injured while driving a fork-lift truck and alleges that the steering wheel failed to
respond while he was driving it. It is part of the client’s case that the employer failed
adequately to maintain the fork-lift truck. If the truck has not been modified prior to the
solicitor being instructed, a consulting engineer may be instructed to examine the vehicle
and its maintenance records. The solicitor will therefore obtain an expert’s view as to
whether the appropriate system of maintenance was adopted and attempt to identify the
cause of the accident.
The expert will need to inspect the machinery, and the permission of the proposed defendants
(who are normally the claimant’s employers in such cases) is required. If this is not granted
then it will be necessary to apply to court for an order for preservation and inspection.
Where both parties are given permission to instruct their own experts, it is common for them
to attend the scene of the accident at the same time in order to conduct a joint inspection.
This has the advantage of saving costs and time, as the engineers can agree on measurements
and technical details.
(f ) The New Law Journal and Solicitor’s Journal regularly issue expert witness supplements
which carry advertisements from experts who are prepared to provide reports for the
purposes of litigation.
(g) Many professional institutes also prepare a directory of expert witnesses.
(h) The Medico-Legal Society publishes reports which may reveal the name of a suitable
In relation to the requirement for a statement of the substance of the instructions given to the
expert, it should be noted that r 35.10(4) specifically states that the instructions are not
privileged. However, the court will not normally allow cross-examination of the expert on the
instructions, unless it believes the statement is inaccurate (see also Lucas v Barking, Havering
and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust [2003] EWCA Civ 1102, [2003] All ER (D) 379 (Jul)).
Once an expert’s report has been received, it should be read (and understood) by the solicitor
and sent to the client for his approval. It should then be disclosed to the other party in
accordance with the order for directions.
A specimen medical report can be found at Appendix 1(7).
The role that the expert has in a personal injury or clinical negligence case is a significant one.
The importance of the selection of the correct individual cannot be overestimated. The key
points are summarised below at 11.12.
In-house directory.
How to find an expert Recommendation.
Organisations: APIL/AvMA.
Commencement of
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• set out the main matters to be considered before and upon the issue of proceedings
• explain where and how proceedings are issued
• draft appropriate Particulars of Claim and Defence
• explain what additional claims are and how such claims are made.
Where the defendant has denied liability, or where he has failed to respond within the time
limits set out in the relevant pre-action protocol (see 10.2), the claimant is entitled to
commence proceedings by issuing and serving the claim form.
It is usually to the claimant’s advantage to begin proceedings early for the following reasons:
(a) To avoid problems with the limitation period. In personal injury litigation, proceedings
must normally be commenced within three years of the accident occurring (see Chapter
7). Ongoing negotiations with the proposed defendant/defendant’s insurers do not have
the automatic effect of extending the limitation period, and in any event, negotiations
may continue after proceedings have been commenced.
(b) To avoid further delay in so-called ‘long-tail’ occupational disease and illness claims,
and in some clinical negligence claims where claimants will be relying on a later date of
knowledge in order to overcome limitation problems. Claimants may have suffered
from poor health for many years, and it is important that their claims are progressed
with expedition.
176 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
(c) To exert pressure on the defendant/defendant’s insurers to act in relation to the claim.
In personal injury cases, it will often precipitate the defendant’s file moving from the
insurance company claims department to the insurer’s nominated solicitors, who may
be more willing to negotiate.
(d) In practice, judgment usually carries entitlement to interest and costs. A settlement
achieved prior to the commencement of proceedings does not carry such an entitlement
(although the claimant’s solicitor will always include in any such settlement an element
in respect of interest and costs). After proceedings have been issued, if there is any
argument by the defendant as to how much of the claimant’s costs he should pay on
settlement, the claimant’s solicitor can have his costs assessed by the court.
(e) Commencing proceedings enables the claimant to apply to the court for an interim
payment in the event that a voluntary payment cannot be negotiated.
12.3.1 Medical report and schedule of past and future loss and expense
A medical report and a schedule setting out past and future loss and expense should be served
with the particulars of claim. Medical experts can be extremely busy and there may be a
lengthy delay in obtaining an appointment for the claimant. Schedules in relation to
Commencement of Proceedings 177
substantial claims may be complex and cannot be put together overnight. Bearing in mind the
fact that the particulars of claim must be served within 14 days of service of the claim form,
the claimant’s solicitor should be wary of issuing proceedings until these documents are
12.3.2 Notice in road traffic cases: Road Traffic Act 1988, ss 151 and 152
In RTA claims, where the claimant is entitled to require an insurance company to settle the
judgment under s 151 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (see 3.3.2 and, the claimant must
give the insurer notification of the claim under s 152, either before or within seven days of the
commencement of the claim. It makes sense to give this notification as soon as possible,
although some solicitors may choose to wait until commencement and then serve the notice
on the insurers with a copy of the claim form and particulars of claim. There is no prescribed
form for the notice.
(b) where the claimant is relying on a relevant conviction of the defendant, the nature of the
conviction, the date of conviction, the name of the convicting court and the issue in the
claim to which it relates;
(c) where the claimant is relying on a later date of knowledge for the purposes of limitation
(see Chapter 7), details of the date of knowledge (PD 16, para 8.2);
(d) for the purposes of assessing damages, the claimant’s date of birth and brief details of
his injuries. The main points of the medical report can be summarised for this purpose
but, especially in a high-value claim, it is important to ensure that all the relevant
information is included, ie the immediate impact of the accident, the duration of any
stay in hospital, the number and nature of any operations or other treatments,
continuing pain and disability, the practical effects on the claimant’s life, disability in
the labour market, loss of congenial employment, etc;
(e) if the claimant wishes to rely on the evidence of a medical expert, a report detailing the
injuries, which must be served with or attached to the particulars of claim;
(f ) details of past and future expenses and losses, which should be provided in a schedule
attached to the particulars;
(g) if the claimant is seeking provisional damages, a statement to that effect and his
grounds for claiming them. Further guidance as to what must be set out is found in PD
16, para. 4.4, namely:
(i) that the claimant is seeking the award under either s 32A of the Senior Courts Act
1981, or s 51 of the County Courts Act,
(ii) that there is a chance that at some future time he will develop some serious
disease or suffer some serious deterioration in his physical or mental condition,
(iii) the disease or type of deterioration in respect of which an application may be
made at a future date;
(h) where the claim relates to a fatal accident, a statement by the claimant covering:
(i) the fact that it is brought under the FAA 1976,
(ii) the dependants on whose behalf the claim is made,
(iii) the date of birth of each dependant, and
(iv) details of the nature of the dependency claim;
(i) where the claimant seeks interest, this must be pleaded by reference to the Senior Courts
Act 1981 or the County Courts Act 1984, depending on whether the claim is to be issued
in the High Court or the county court. The amount of interest which may be claimed, and
the period for which it may be claimed, differs in relation to special damages and
damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (see 15.6). Consequently, where the
amount sought is considerable or the calculation of damages complex, the plea for
interest may be set out in detail. However, it is common practice, particularly in low value
claims, to claim interest at such rates and for such periods as the court thinks fit.
The particulars of claim and the schedule of special damages must also contain a statement of
truth, ie that the claimant (and if the claimant is acting as a litigation friend, the litigation
friend) believes that the facts stated in the document are true. This may be signed by the
claimant (or litigation friend), or by the solicitor on his behalf (CPR, r 22).
See Document 10 of the Case Study in Appendix 1 for an example of Particulars of Claim,
Document 7 for an example of a medical report and Document 11 for a Schedule of Loss.
See Civil Litigation for the rules governing the service of court documents.
fraudulently made or exaggerated the claim. If the defendant has obtained his own
medical report on the claimant, he should attach it to the defence.
(g) If the claimant has attached a schedule of past and future expenses and losses to his
particulars of claim, the defendant must include with his defence a counter-schedule
stating which items he agrees, disputes, or neither agrees nor disputes but has no
knowledge of. If items are disputed, an alternative figure must be supplied.
(h) The defence must contain a statement that the defendant, or, if the defendant is
conducting proceedings with a litigation friend, the litigation friend, believes the facts
stated in it are true. The statement of truth may be signed either by the defendant (or
litigation friend), or by his legal adviser.
(i) Unless the defendant has already acknowledged service, the defendant must give an
address for service which is within the jurisdiction.
alternative plea proposed. The Court of Appeal agreed with the claimant that to prevent the
claimant from putting her alternative case before the court would impose an impediment on
her access to the court that would have to be justified. It was possible to interpret r 17.4 in
such a way as to allow the claimant’s amendment, and that should be done to comply with
Article 6 of the Convention.
Generally, it is in the claimant’s interests for proceedings to be commenced as early as
possible. Nevertheless, the claimant’s solicitor should ensure that the matter has been
investigated as thoroughly as possible, and that all preliminary steps to protect the client’s
position and to comply with the overriding objective set out in r 1 and the relevant pre-action
protocol are complied with prior to issue of proceedings.
Practitioners require a good working knowledge of the rules which govern whether the
proceedings should be commenced in the county court or High Court, and where and how
they should be issued. A sound understanding of what should be contained in the Particulars
of Claim and the Defence, and competent drafting skills are essential.
Commencement of Proceedings 185
• Describe parties to establish duty of care if necessary
• Succinctly describe what happened
• Allege breach of statutory duty/duty of care
• Date of birth
• Summary of injuries, treatment and continuing effect on
• Weakening in labour market (Smith v Manchester)
• Refer to attached medical report(s)
• Refer to attached schedule
• Claim for interest
• Remedies sought (the prayer)
• Statement of truth
• Ending
186 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Case Management and Interim Applications 187
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• explain why and how and upon what criteria claims are allocated to the appropriate
track, and the court’s role in managing cases
• set out the standard directions together with the timeframe for fast track cases, and
explain how directions are dealt with in multi-track cases
• explain what an interim payment is, the grounds and procedure for obtaining an
interim payment, and how the amount of an interim payment is determined.
Case management is one of the key elements of the CPR 1998. The overriding objective of the
Rules, as set out in CPR, r 1.1, is to enable the court to deal with cases justly and at
proportionate cost. In accordance with CPR, r 1.4, the court must further the overriding
objective by actively managing cases, and r 1.3 requires solicitors and their clients to assist the
court in furthering the overriding objective. Dealing with cases justly and at proportionate
cost includes allotting to each case an appropriate share of the court’s resources (r 1.1(2)(e)),
which, in the first instance, requires the court to ensure that cases are dealt with in the
appropriate court and are allocated to the appropriate track. It also means that the court will
enforce compliance with rules, practice directions and orders (r 1.1(2)(f )), and it has various
sanctions at its disposal in order to enable it to do so.
188 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The bulk of the activities which require active management by the court arise in the period
between the filing of the defence and trial, or earlier settlement. During this period, the case
is allocated to the appropriate track and the parties receive from the court a set of directions,
setting out a number of steps which must be taken within specified time limits. The aim of
these directions is to encourage settlement and, where this is not possible, ensure the matter
is properly prepared for trial.
This chapter contains a brief account of some of the main issues relating to case management
and interim applications which are relevant to personal injury and clinical negligence cases.
See Civil Litigation for a more in-depth consideration of this area.
the parties may seek to agree directions, they are unlikely to be approved if they are not based
on the following:
Disclosure 4 weeks
Exchange of witness statements 10 weeks
Exchange of experts’ reports 14 weeks
Pre-trial checklists, listing questionnaires sent out by court 20 weeks
Pre-trial checklists, listing questionnaires filed by parties 22 weeks
Trial 30 weeks
When giving directions relating to the trial, the court may fix a trial date but would more
usually set a ‘trial period’, a three-week period within which the trial will take place.
13.8.1 Procedure
Each party must make and serve a list of documents, which must identify the documents ‘in a
convenient order and manner as concisely as possible’. The list must indicate documents
which are no longer in the parties’ control and state what has happened to those documents.
The list must include a disclosure statement by the party:
(a) setting out the extent of the search made to locate the documents;
(b) certifying that he understands the duty of disclosure and that, to the best of his
knowledge, he has carried out that duty.
13.9.1 Procedure
According to CPR, r 32.4(1): ‘A witness statement is a written statement signed by a person
which contains the evidence which that person would be allowed to give orally.’ A witness
statement must comply with the requirements set out in PD 32 (CPR, r 32.8).
The court will normally give directions that each party serve the witness statements of the oral
evidence on which he intends to rely at the trial. The directions usually envisage that
simultaneous exchange will take place, but that court may give directions as to the order in
which such witness statements are to be served and whether or not the statements are to be
If a witness statement has been served and a party wishes to rely on that evidence at trial, the
party must call the witness to give oral evidence unless the court otherwise orders.
13.15.2 Procedure
Before making an application to the court for an interim payment, the claimant’s solicitor
should contact the defendant’s solicitor and request that the defendant make a voluntary
interim payment. The defendant may be amenable to such a request; if the payment is to fund
treatment or rehabilitation costs, this may reduce the final award of damages and interest
payments will be reduced. However, where the claimant is a child or protected party, the
permission of the court is required before an interim payment is made (PD 25B, para 1.2).
A claimant may not seek an interim payment until after the time for acknowledging service
has expired.
The application should be made using Form N244 and must be supported by evidence.
Although the evidence may be set out on the application form itself, generally it will be set out
in a witness statement. Paragraph 2.1 of PD25B states that the evidence must deal with the
(1) the sum of money sought by way of an interim payment,
(2) the items or matters in respect of which the interim payment is sought,
(3) the sum of money for which final judgment is likely to be given,
(4) the reasons for believing that the conditions set out in rule 25.7 are satisfied,
(5) any other relevant matters,
(6) in claims for personal injuries, details of special damages and past and future loss, and
(7) in a claim under the Fatal Accidents Act 1976, details of the person(s) on whose behalf the claim
is made and the nature of the claim.
Paragraph 2.2 of PD 25B states that any documents in support of the application should be
exhibited, including, in personal injuries claims, the medical report(s).
The application notice and witness statement in support must be served on the defendant (the
respondent) at least 14 days before the return date for the application. If the defendant wishes
to rely on a witness statement in response to the application, he must file and serve a copy of
that witness statement at least seven days before the hearing; and if the claimant (the
applicant) wishes to file a further witness statement in reply, he must do so at least three days
before the hearing.
Where the claimant has been in receipt of recoverable benefits which will fall to be repaid by
the defendant to the Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) (see Chapter 16), the defendant
should obtain a certificate of recoverable benefits and file this with the court.
(a) that allowing substantial interim payments to cover the cost of purchasing new
accommodation and/or an expensive care regime, in circumstances where the
defendant argues that the accommodation or care regime is excessive for the claimant’s
needs, distorts the ‘level playing field’ against defendants. When quantum is ultimately
considered by the court, it is considerably harder for the defendants to argue this point
when the accommodation has already been purchased and the care regime is up and
running, and where expert witnesses are able to give evidence as to how the claimant’s
needs are being met. In Spillman v Bradfield Riding Centre [2007] EWHC 89, the claimant, a
minor, suffered serious head injuries when she was kicked by a horse at the defendant’s
riding school. The application for an interim payment to fund special care and to enable
her parents to purchase a larger house, which they argued was necessary for her benefit,
was rejected at first instance. At appeal, the defendant unsuccessfully argued that if
the interim payment was ordered in the amount sought by the claimant, the head of
damage would become self-fulfilling as, at the date of trial, the claimant would have
benefitted from the accommodation and care to which the defendants argued she was
not entitled;
(b) that allowing a substantial interim payment may prevent the court at trial from awarding
periodical payments (see 15.5) because there will be insufficient damages left to be
paid. This argument is particularly relevant to cases where the claimant’s life expectancy
has been reduced significantly. Where it is likely that the final judgment would involve
an order for periodical payments to be made, the court has to consider what is the ‘likely
amount’ for the purposes of CPR, r 25.7(4). In Braithwaite v Homerton University Hospitals
Foundation Trust [2008] EWHC 353 (QB), the court held that the amount of the final
judgment was the capital sum plus a periodical sum payable during the life of the
claimant. Consequently, the court must be confident that the amount of the proposed
interim payment is not in excess of the capital sum ultimately awarded at trial.
There is no rule as to what constitutes a ‘reasonable proportion’, but decided cases appear to
suggest that the courts will order a maximum of 75% of the likely final award of damages.
For guidance in cases where an interim payment is sought and where the final judgment is
likely to include a periodical payment order, see the Court of Appeal’s judgment in Cobham Hire
Services Ltd v Eeles [2009] EWCA Civ 204.
It should be noted that where recoverable benefits have been received by the claimant, he will
receive the interim payment net of the amount of the benefits. The defendant will pay an
amount equal to the recoverable benefits to the CRU.
The application must be supported by appropriate evidence. An order under r 31.17 will
specify the documents or class of documents which must be disclosed, and require the
respondent to make disclosure or specify any of those documents which are no longer in his
possession or for which he claims the right or duty to withhold from inspection. The order
may specify a time and place for such disclosure and inspection.
When proceedings are defended, upon completion of the directions questionnaires, the case
will be allocated to the appropriate track, and may be transferred from the court of issue to
another court where appropriate. The court will then actively manage the matter in
accordance with the overriding objective set out in CPR, r 1, and will require the parties and
their solicitors to co-operate fully in achieving that objective. The parties will be expected to
do their best to settle the matter as soon as possible and without the need for a court hearing.
Directions will be issued as are appropriate for the track to which the case has been allocated,
and practitioners must do all they can to ensure that steps are taken within the specified time
Solicitors acting for claimants and defendants may make interim applications to the court in
relation to diverse issues such as time extensions, specific disclosure and interim payments,
either where agreement cannot be reached between the parties or where the CPR require the
court’s involvement. Where possible, such applications should be made at the time of case
management conferences, pre-trial reviews or at the same time as other applications, in order
to save court time and costs.
Sound case management systems and procedures are essential, as judges are increasingly
intolerant of avoidable delays and mistakes which lead to unnecessary applications.
198 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Negotiations, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Trial 199
Negotiations, Alternative
Dispute Resolution and Trial
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• understand how to prepare for and conduct a negotiation on behalf of the client
• draw up an appropriate consent order
• draft a Part 36 offer including provisional damages or periodical payments
• identify steps necessary to prepare a case for trial.
Over 90% of personal injury claims and many clinical negligence claims settle without trial. It
is usually the case that the solicitor’s skill in arguing his client’s claim with the other side’s
representative, rather than his ability to argue the case at trial, will determine the level of
damages. For this reason, the personal injury solicitor is more likely to become a skilled
negotiator than a trial advocate.
In order to avoid a potential negligence claim, it is imperative that the claimant solicitor is
absolutely sure that the client’s medical prognosis is clear prior to proceeding to settle the
claim, or to advising the client that it is appropriate to settle the claim. In this regard the
solicitor will rely heavily on the medical report and the prognosis for recovery contained
within it. It should be stressed to the client that the prognosis is only an estimate, and if the
client does not feel that he has recovered then the solicitor cannot advise the client to settle
his claim prematurely. It should be pointed out to the client that the compensation offered by
the defendant is a ‘once and for all payment’, and he therefore cannot (normally) return at a
future date to obtain further compensation if the prognosis for recovery should prove to be
200 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
This chapter aims to summarise the main factors to take into account when negotiating, and
considers other methods of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) which may be used in
personal injury and clinical negligence cases (including cases within the low value protocols).
Inevitably there will be cases which are not capable of settlement and which must proceed to
trial, in which case it is vital to prepare properly as a poorly presented case will not impress a
judge. The steps that should be taken to prepare the case for trial are also explained below.
(but note that, for cases which are proceeding within the low value protocols, different
procedures apply and reference should instead be made to Chapter 21)
reviewing the file it is good practice to build up a profile of the severity of the injuries by
reading the medical reports and client’s statement. Matters relevant to each head of loss
should be noted, so that the solicitor has a list of areas of loss without having to make
reference to the specifics of the claim itself.
Client A is aged 56. She suffered injuries to her left shoulder and abrasions to both arms
and legs when she tripped over a loose paving stone in her local high street. She is a keen
gardener and likes to attend aerobics once a week, and enjoys walking her dog in the
countryside near her home. Her husband took early retirement due to ill-health and is not
able to assist her much, but he has been driving her to the doctor and to physiotherapy,
and has been helping her bathe and dress herself. Day-to-day cleaning of the house and
gardening has been undertaken by friends and relations.
The profile in such a case would be:
General damages claim:
(a) female aged 56, therefore likely to take some time for injuries to mend, danger of
osteoarthritis revealed in medical report;
(b) report revealed split fracture to the clavicle (collar bone) together with a tear to the
latissimus dorsi (muscle beneath the shoulder) and associated soft tissue damage;
(c) medical intervention involved substantial and uncomfortable strapping to render
the injury immobile followed by light physiotherapy. Physiotherapy continued for 20
(d) reasonably fit, unable to undertake pastimes such as aerobics and walking in
countryside for X weeks.
Special damages:
(a) clothes and personal items lost or damaged in the accident;
(b) mileage claim for travel to and from hospital/physiotherapy;
(c) prescription charges;
(d) daily care necessary;
(e) husband unable to care on his own due to his own ill-health;
(f ) cleaning of house and garden maintenance undertaken by others.
Having built up such a profile, the next stage is for the solicitor to become familiar with the
likely level of damages to be awarded in such a claim. Such familiarity comes with experience.
The method of approach to calculation of damages is considered in detail in Chapter 15.
In addition to reviewing quantum, the solicitor must ensure he has a good grasp of the facts of
the accident and the evidence supporting the case on liability. The solicitor must undertake a
thorough review of all pleadings, witness statements and other documents disclosed, and
consideration should be given to possible arguments of contributory negligence.
The client should be aware that any form of litigation carries with it a certain amount of risk
that the claim will fail because the evidence may not come up to proof at trial. Because of this
‘litigation risk’, it is likely that the defence solicitor will seek some reduction in damages
because the claimant is being spared the upset and risk of failure at trial.
If acting for the defendant, the solicitor must obtain a certificate of recoverable benefit from
the DWP before making any offer in settlement so that any relevant benefits can be taken into
202 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation Mediation
In mediation, a neutral third party is chosen by the parties as their intermediary (mediator).
The mediator is likely to meet the opposing parties separately to try to establish some
common ground before finally bringing the parties together to try to reach an agreement. Conciliation
Conciliation is a similar process to mediation. However, the conciliator is likely to take a more
interventionist approach by taking a more central role. He will often consider the case as put
forward by both sides, and then suggest terms of settlement which he feels to be most
later failed to co-operate with ADR, the court is entitled to take that into account when
considering what costs order to make, or whether to make any costs order at all.
14.7.8 Mediation
Mediation may be appropriate in some cases where the parties agree. This may be seen as
particularly useful when there are allegations of clinical negligence, as ADR will be conducted
in private, and this is something which is likely to appeal to medical practitioners who may
not wish the allegations to be made public and reportable, as would be the case if the matter
were to proceed in open court to a trial.
In a case where a settlement is achieved by which the defendant agrees to pay £3,000 plus
costs to be assessed if not agreed, the order should state:
(a) that the claim is stayed on payment of £3,000;
(b) that the £3,000 is to be paid by the defendant within a given timescale (usually 14
(c) where the money is to go (in this case to the claimant). In a case involving a minor
the money will usually be ordered to be invested by the court;
(d) who is to bear the costs. If this has been agreed, the figures should be stated with a time
limit for payment. Usually, the provision will be for costs to be assessed if not agreed;
(e) whether legal aid assessment is needed; and
(f ) liberty to apply – which simply allows the parties to return to the court if there is
subsequently a disagreement as to what the terms of the order mean or because the
terms have not been complied with.
If there had been an interim payment in the above example, this should also be reflected in the
terms of the order. The order should state that the amount agreed in full and final settlement
takes into account the interim payment, specifying the amount and the date it was given, or
the date of the court order so ordering it to be paid. An example of a consent order may be
found at Appendix 1.
14.10.1 Special provisions applicable to Part 36 offers and personal injury claims for
future pecuniary loss
It is possible to make an offer to settle a claim involving future pecuniary loss either by way of
a lump sum, or by way of periodical payments or a combination of both (see Chapter 15). To
be treated as a Part 36 offer with all the costs consequences that follow, the offer must
explicitly set out the amounts which relate to the lump sum and periodical payments, and the
duration of the periodical payments. If the offer is accepted, in addition to serving a notice of
208 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
acceptance, the claimant must apply to the court for an order for an award of damages in the
form of periodical payments. This must be done within seven days of the date of acceptance.
Rule 36.5 provides as follows:
(3) A Part 36 offer may contain an offer to pay, or an offer to accept—
(a) the whole or part of the damages for future pecuniary loss in the form of—
(i) a lump sum; or
(ii) periodical payments; or
(iii) both a lump sum and periodical payments;
(b) the whole or part of any other damages in the form of a lump sum.
(4) A Part 36 offer to which this rule applies—
(a) must state the amount of any offer to pay the whole or part of any damages in the form of
a lump sum;
(b) may state—
(i) what part of the lump sum, if any, relates to damages for future pecuniary loss;
(ii) what part relates to other damages to be accepted in the form of a lump sum;
(c) must state what part of the offer relates to damages for future pecuniary loss to be paid or
accepted in the form of periodical payments and must specify—
(i) the amount and duration of the periodical payments;
(ii) the amount of any payments for substantial capital purchases and when they are
to be made; and
(iii) that each amount is to vary by reference to the retail prices index (or to some other
named index, or that it is not to vary by reference to any index); and
(d) must state either that any damages which take the form of periodical payments will be
funded in a way which ensures that the continuity of payment is reasonably secure in
accordance with section 2(4) of the Damages Act 1996 or how such damages are to be
paid and how the continuity of their payment is to be secured.
(5) Rule 36.4 applies to the extent that a Part 36 offer by a defendant under this rule includes an
offer to pay all or part of any damages in the form of a lump sum.
(6) Where the offeror makes a Part 36 offer to which this rule applies and which offers to pay or to
accept damages in the form of both a lump sum and periodical payments, the offeree may only
give notice of acceptance of the offer as a whole.
(7) If the offeree accepts a Part 36 offer which includes payment of any part of the damages in the
form of periodical payments, the claimant must, within 7 days of the date of acceptance, apply
to the court for an order for an award of damages in the form of periodical payments under rule
(2) Where he does so, the Part 36 offer must specify whether or not the offeror is proposing that the
settlement shall include an award of provisional damages.
(3) Where the offeror is offering to agree to the making of an award of provisional damages the Part
36 offer must also state—
(a) that the sum offered is in satisfaction of the claim for damages on the assumption that
the injured person will not develop the disease or suffer the type of deterioration
specified in the offer;
(b) that the offer is subject to the condition that the claimant must make any claim for
further damages within a limited period; and
(c) what that period is.
(4) Rule 36.4 applies to the extent that a Part 36 offer by a defendant includes an offer to agree to
the making of an award of provisional damages.
(5) If the offeree accepts the Part 36 offer, the claimant must, within 7 days of the date of
acceptance, apply to the court for an order for an award of provisional damages under rule 41.2.
In Gibbon v Manchester City Council [2010] EWCA Civ 726, the claimant brought a personal injury
claim against Manchester City Council after she tripped and injured herself in a playground.
The Council admitted liability and the claimant made a Part 36 offer of £2,500 which was
rejected. The defendant made various low Part 36 offers culminating in a final Part 36 offer of
£2,500. The claimant rejected it so the defendant accepted the claimant’s earlier Part 36 offer
of £2,500 instead. The claimant’s Part 36 offer was never formally withdrawn.
The judge at first instance held that because the claimant’s offer was not formally withdrawn
under CPR, r 36.3(7), the offer had been open for acceptance by the Council. The Court of
Appeal has now upheld this decision and confirmed that CPR, Part 36 does not acknowledge
implied withdrawals or rejections of offers. To remove the possibility of acceptance, an offer
must be formally withdrawn. The Court of Appeal also set guidelines as to what a valid notice
of withdrawal should contain. It was held that a notice must clearly identify which offer it
relates to (this will include a reference to the date and terms of the offer), together with
explicit wording stating that the offer is withdrawn.
Parties must therefore retain a record of all Part 36 offers and keep them under review. If new
evidence comes to light that means that a Part 36 offer made some time previously is now too
high (or, if a claimant’s offer, too low), it should be withdrawn in writing so that it is no longer
capable of acceptance. A new Part 36 offer can be served at the same time as the notice to
withdraw the previous offer. However, in Pankhurst v White [2010] EWHC 311 (QB) the
claimant in a personal injury case made a Part 36 offer which was almost immediately rejected
by the defendant. Following success in respect of liability in the course of a split trial, the
claimant wrote to the defendant stating that he would no longer be prepared to accept the Part
36 offer he had previously made but would continue to rely on it on the question of costs.
MacDuff J held that the offer continued to be relevant for the purposes of costs assessment. It
had not been ‘withdrawn’ within the meaning of Part 36, because no court would have ordered
that it could be accepted (the only method available for accepting a Part 36 offer outside of the
21 day period after which it has been made) following the judgment on liability. The impact
was that the effect of the offer for the purposes of costs applied from the date 21 days after it
was made up until the making of a Part 36 offer by the defendant nearly two years after the
judgment on liability.
14.11.2 Experts
Experts’ reports will usually have been exchanged in accordance with directions. Provision of
joint experts and agreed expert evidence is dealt with in Chapter 11.
to send the witness statements to counsel for approval before exchange to ensure that an
important area concerning the conduct of the case at trial is not overlooked. It may be more
cost-efficient to brief counsel for the trial than for the solicitor himself to attend. However,
with trial on the fast track limited to one day, and with fixed costs of trial, it may be that many
more solicitor-advocates will undertake the advocacy of this type of claim.
If the case involves complex elements, such as clinical negligence, catastrophic injuries, or
difficult questions of fact or law, consideration should be given to whether it would be
appropriate to instruct leading counsel; junior counsel will usually advise the solicitor if he
thinks that this would be appropriate. The solicitor should advise the client accordingly of the
extra cost involved and, if the client is funded by legal aid, seek authority to instruct leading
counsel. The client should also be advised that if leading counsel is instructed, and this is
disallowed on assessment, the cost will ultimately be borne by the client in the form of the
statutory charge on the client’s damages.
The defendant’s solicitor should be sent the updated schedule of special damages, with a
covering letter requesting that he agrees it or specifies the items he is not prepared to agree,
and giving a time limit for the reply. It should be pointed out that if he fails to reply, the
claimant’s solicitors will have to issue a witness summons for any persons necessary to prove
the amounts claimed, and the claimant will ask for the costs of this exercise be paid by the
defendant in any event.
In clinical negligence claims, where special damages claims are likely to involve substantial
amounts of money, it is more likely that the defence will seek to query items claimed as special
damages. For this reason the directions will normally require that the defendant also provide a
counter-schedule of special damages itemising the areas of disagreement.
212 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The solicitor should ensure at the trial that there are enough copies of photographs for the use
of the judge, advocates and witnesses.
trial. However, the parties must apply to the trial judge on the first day of the trial to use this
procedure, as the order of evidence in the judge’s court will be decided by the individual judge
as a matter of discretion.
14.12.5 Judgment
The solicitor should take a careful note of the judgment delivered by the judge at the end of the
case, as it may be crucial if the client decides to appeal.
Counsel must be made aware of any specific orders which may be necessary. In addition,
counsel must be informed about any Part 36 offers which may have a bearing on costs.
The solicitor should also check the pre-trial orders to see if costs were reserved in any interim
proceedings, and if so, that this is brought to the attention of the judge so that a costs order
can be made in relation to that application.
The judgment should be fully explained to the client, which can be undertaken by counsel.
Most cases settle, and taking a case to trial will be the exception rather than the rule in
personal injury litigation. The court, as we have seen, actively encourages parties to negotiate
and attempt to settle at every opportunity. Nevertheless, every case must be approached from
the standpoint that it will go to trial, and must be prepared accordingly. It is important to keep
a case under review as the case progresses. In particular, any Part 36 offers should be kept
under review and, if necessary, withdrawn if further evidence comes to light which alters your
views of quantum and /or liability.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• explain what special damages are and how the main items of loss are calculated
• explain what general damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity are, and how
such damages are quantified
• explain what general damages for future financial loss are and how they are
• draft a schedule of past and future expenses and losses
• set out and apply the law in relation to provisional damages
• explain the court’s power to make an order for periodical payments and set out the
procedure for obtaining such an order
• set out how interest is calculated in personal injury and clinical negligence claims.
In November 2012, a teenage girl left paralysed following a road traffic accident was awarded
a lump sum plus annual payments thought to total over £23 million over her lifetime, in what
is believed to be the highest personal injury award in England and Wales. Of course, the vast
majority of claims are settled or determined for considerably smaller amounts, most within
the fast track limit of £25,000.
The aim of the claimant’s solicitor is to establish liability against the defendant and to achieve
the highest possible level of damages for his client (without falsifying or exaggerating the
claim). The primary aim of the defendant’s solicitor is to defeat the claimant’s claim.
However, if he cannot prevent his client being found liable for the claimant’s injuries and loss,
his fallback position is to minimise the level of damages his client is obliged to pay. It
therefore follows that the task of valuing the claimant’s losses is just as important to those
representing defendants as it is to those representing claimants. Although the claimant and
defendant will usually only be interested in the final amount of the award, the personal injury
solicitor must fully understand the various heads of damages which the court can order, to
ensure that he can achieve the best possible result for his client. However, even the most
experienced personal injury lawyer will be able to quantify the damages only approximately,
and therefore solicitors should take care to manage their client’s expectations. It is a wise
216 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
claimant’s solicitor who gives his client a slightly lower assessment of the likely damages, and
a wise defendant’s solicitor who gives his client a slightly higher assessment.
In negligence, the aim of the award of damages is to restore the claimant to the position that
he was in prior to the accident. Of course, it is impossible to take away the pain and suffering
associated with a personal injury, particularly as, in many cases, there will be lasting physical
and/or psychological disability. The award of monetary compensation is the only remedy
available to the court and, particularly in cases of catastrophic injury, claimants and their
families will cope better with the physical, mental, social and financial consequences of the
injuries where appropriate monetary compensation is received.
In most cases, the claimant will receive a lump sum award in full and final settlement of his
claim, which means he will not be able to return to court at a later date to seek additional
compensation (see provisional damages and periodical payments at 15.4 and 15.5 below for
exceptions to this rule). It is therefore important that the claimant’s solicitor is thorough in
his investigations to identify all losses. Where the case is determined at trial, damages are
assessed as at the date of the trial (or, in ‘split trials’, at a later hearing), and therefore detailed
and up-to-date evidence, such as an updated loss of earnings calculation and medical report,
should be provided to the court. Most claims are settled through negotiation, but it is equally
important for the claimant’s solicitor to have detailed and up-to-date evidence available
whenever quantum is discussed with the defendant’s solicitor.
Some claimants have more complex employment histories, such as where they worked on
short-term contracts or were self-employed. In such circumstances, more detailed enquiries
must be made in order to provide evidence of income lost before the trial. Self-employed
claimants should be asked to supply copies of their accounts and/or tax returns for the year
prior to the accident, or a longer period if one year’s figures are not representative. This
information may be difficult to obtain, leaving scope for those representing defendants to
argue that losses have been exaggerated. It may be necessary to obtain a report from an
accountant (the term ‘forensic accountant’ is often used for those who specialise in this area).
In an attempt to establish details of how much the claimant would have earned between the
accident and trial in cases where an erratic employment history is presented, reference can be
made to the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings produced by the Office for National
Statistics, which is a statistical analysis of earnings throughout the country. The Survey can
provide details of average earnings for particular industries or occupations on a national or
regional basis, and can be useful in attempting to persuade the defendant to accept that the
claimant would have received a particular wage.
It is possible for an accident victim who was, prior to the accident, receiving earnings from a
lawful source but failing to pay tax or National Insurance, to bring a claim for past and future
loss of earnings (although adjustments will have to be made to the past and future loss of
earnings calculation) (see Newman v Marshall and Dunlop Tyres Ltd [2001] LTL, 19 June and Duller
v South East Lincs Engineers [1981] CLY 585).
Very few employees receive no income whatsoever while absent from work, and so the
calculation of the claimant’s lost earnings is not simply a case of multiplying the net weekly
loss by the number of weeks’ absence. Such an approach would place the claimant in a better
financial position than he would have been in had the accident not occurred. A detailed
examination of what income the claimant received while absent from work is required, as
certain types of income have to be credited in calculating the net loss figure.
(ii) The sum is paid under a legal obligation (eg, under the contract of employment)
and must be repaid by the claimant to his employer out of any damages the
claimant receives from the defendant. Such a payment is effectively a loan and, as
such, is not deducted when assessing the damages.
(iii) The sum is paid ex gratia by the employer who is not the tortfeasor. Such a payment
is effectively a ‘charitable’ payment and is not to be deducted when assessing the
damages (Cunningham v Harrison [1973] 3 All ER 463).
(iv) The sum is paid ex gratia by the employer who is the tortfeasor. An amount
equivalent to the whole of the payment may (in certain circumstances) be
deducted from the damages (Hussain v New Taplow Paper Mills Ltd [1988] AC 514).
(v) The claimant receives statutory sick pay (SSP) from his employer. This is not a
recoverable benefit to the DWP (see Chapter 16), and therefore an amount
equivalent to the whole payment should be deducted (the contract of employment
may need to be examined in case the employer is entitled to claw back the SSP in
some way). See also Palfrey v Greater London Council [1985] ICR 437.
(c) Any saving to an injured person attributable to his maintenance wholly or partly at public expense.
This would apply where the claimant was, for example, admitted into an NHS hospital, a
nursing home or other institution. The savings must be calculated and set off against
any claim for income lost as a result of the injuries (Administration of Justice Act 1982, s
5). In practice, this deduction is overlooked because in most cases the sums saved are de
minimis. (While in hospital the claimant will generally have to meet the same household
expenses such as rent, mortgage and council tax; any saving will usually be only in
regard to the cost of food. This saving is then so small as to be ignored.)
(d) Redundancy payments. An equivalent amount is to be deducted in full from the damages
calculation when redundancy occurs as a result of the injury caused by the accident
(Colledge v Bass Mitchells & Butlers [1988] 1 All ER 536).
(e) Benefits outside the ambit of the Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) Act 1997. A sum equivalent
to certain benefits received by the claimant as a result of the accident will be deducted
from the judgment sum or negotiated settlement by the defendant and paid directly to
the Compensation Recovery Unit (see Chapter 16). However, when calculating the
award, benefits which are not subject to offsetting are potentially deductible. In Clenshaw
v Tanner [2002] EWCA Civ 1848, the Court of Appeal held that as the claimant was not
required to reimburse the local authority for receipt of housing benefit, if he was
allowed to recover for loss of earnings in full, he would be overcompensated to the
extent of the housing benefit. Consequently, the housing benefit payments were
deducted from the loss of earnings award. It therefore follows that, potentially, other
benefits, such as council tax benefit, child tax credit, working tax credit, motability
payments, etc are deductible.
(c) Insurance moneys. Where a claimant has taken out an insurance policy specifically to cover
him against the risk of sustaining personal injuries, or where such cover is an incidental’
benefit to other types of insurance, such as motor insurance, he may receive a payment
as a result of injuries caused by the defendant’s negligence. In such cases, the payment
is usually a fixed sum according to the type of injury; for example, in the event of a loss
of a specified limb, the insurance company will pay the insured the sum of £5,000.
The claimant need not give credit for moneys received under such a policy against the
damages payable by the defendant, provided he paid for or contributed to the policy
premiums. The justification is that the defendant should not benefit from the fact that
the claimant had the foresight to take out the cover and pay the premium (Bradburn v
Great Western Railway Co (1874) LR 10 Exch 1; McCamley v Cammell Laird Shipbuilders Ltd
[1990] 1 All ER 854). Where the claimant does not pay for or contribute to the policy, as
where the employer sets up a non-contributory group personal accident insurance
policy, credit must be given (see Pirelli v Gaca [2004] EWCA Civ 373).
In cases where credit does not have to be given to the defendant, the terms of the
insurance policy should be checked carefully. There will often be a provision
(particularly in motor insurance) which obliges a policyholder to reimburse the
insurance company for any sum it paid to him under the policy in respect of a loss for
which he receives compensation from a third party. In such a case, the claimant will not
receive any financial benefit from commencing proceedings, but the insurance
company may insist on commencing and conducting proceedings in his name.
(d) Charitable payments. If money is received by the claimant as a charitable payment (even if
it is on an informal basis such as the proceeds of a collection taken among his friends)
then the claimant is not required to give credit for such payment against the damages
received. The justification is that as a matter of policy, people should not be discouraged
from making such payments to the victims of accidents. However, the exact
circumstances and sources of the ex gratia payment must be considered. In Williams v
BOC Gases Ltd [2000] PIQR Q253, the Court of Appeal held that where an employer (who
was the tortfeasor) made an ex gratia payment on termination of the claimant’s
employment on the basis that it was to be treated as an advance against any damages
that might be awarded in respect of any claim the claimant had against the employer,
credit had to be given for that amount in a subsequent personal injury claim.
A 10-year-old girl is injured and has to undergo major abdominal surgery at the local
hospital, which leaves her with a large surgical incision. As part of her general damages
award she will claim for pain and suffering relating to the scarring. It is also likely that she
will claim that she will suffer psychological problems in relation to the embarrassment of
wearing swimming costumes throughout her teenage years and perhaps in later life. In
such a case, the claimant should undergo specialist plastic surgery in an attempt to reduce
the significance of the scarring and the potential psychological problems, which, in turn,
will reduce the level of damages that the defendant will pay.
Future private medical care may also be claimed as part of the future pecuniary loss head of
general damages (see 15.3.5), provided it is reasonably likely to be incurred.
which the claimant would have normally received from the carer. So, for example, where a
mother is severely injured and her child slightly injured in a road traffic accident as a result of
the defendant’s negligence, it is not possible for the child to claim damages for the care
element from the defendant, as the mother would normally provide such care. The
appropriate course is for the mother to include, as part of her damages claim, the costs of the
care of the child which she can no longer provide herself (see Buckley v Farrow and Buckley
[1997] PIQR Q78).
The value of gratuitous services may be claimed by the claimant irrespective of whether the
third party has been put to actual expense in providing those services, for example by
incurring loss of earnings, and it is unnecessary for there to be any agreement between the
claimant and the third party as to reimbursement for the services.
Initially, courts were reluctant to award damages for the cost of gratuitous care except in the
most serious cases. However, in Giambrone & Others v JMC Holidays Ltd ( formerly t/a Sunworld
Holidays Ltd) [2004] EWCA Civ 158, holiday makers who had developed gastro-enteritis at the
defendant’s hotel, which persisted for more than 14 days, were able to recover for gratuitous
care provided by family members once they had returned home. The Court of Appeal rejected
the defendant’s argument that an award for the value of such services should be made only in
serious cases or where the claimant could point to a demonstrable financial expense in
providing the necessary care. Consequently, claimants’ solicitors should always include a
claim for gratuitous care when it has been provided.
As has already been said, the claim for the value of the services is made by the claimant, not by
the third party, as it is the claimant’s loss (his need for the services) which is being
compensated. However, although it is the claimant who obtains the award for the value of the
services, the damages are held by him in trust for the carer. Therefore, where the carer is also
the defendant (eg, where a wife is injured as a result of her husband’s negligent driving and the
husband provides quasi-nursing services to her), the claimant cannot recover the value of
those services from the defendant/carer, as the claimant would have to repay the damages to
the defendant/carer (Hunt v Severs [1994] 2 All ER 385, HL).
If the claimant seeks a rate in excess of the commercial rate, he has the onus of proving the
higher value (Rialas v Mitchell (1984) The Times, 17 July, where the claimant justified care at
home which was approximately twice the cost of care in an institution) (see also Fitzgerald v
Ford [1996] PIQR Q72).
sale of his previous home, he would be overcompensated. He would benefit from a more
expensive house than perhaps he would otherwise have been able to buy, and the capital value
of the property would remain intact on his death and represent a windfall to his estate.
In such circumstances, the solution developed by the courts is to say that the loss is not a
straightforward capital loss, ie the cost of buying a larger house less the proceeds from the
sale of the previous house, but rather the loss of the net income which that capital sum would
have earned had it been invested. This lost income is not calculated by reference to a normal
commercial rate of interest but in accordance with the rate set by the Court of Appeal in Roberts
v Johnstone [1988] 3 WLR 1247. The rate of 2.5% per annum represents the real rate of return
on a risk-free investment.
The loss to the claimant is calculated as follows:
• Past loss: extra capital outlay x 2.5% (rate of return) x number of years of loss
• Future loss: extra capital outlay x 2.5% x whole life multiplier (obtained from the Ogden
tables) – see
• In either case, add any cost of conversion less any enhancement value
The claimant, Abdul, was 39 at the time of the trial and has, as a result of catastrophic
injuries, been confined to a wheelchair. Prior to the accident, he had lived in a third-floor
flat, which was wholly unsuitable for his needs following the accident. Consequently, a
year before the trial, he sold his former flat for £200,000 and moved to a bungalow, which
he purchased for £300,000. The bungalow was more or less suitable for his needs, but a
number of adaptations were required, including alterations to the bathroom and the
installation of a ramp to the front door, which cost a further £15,000. In addition, an
extension was built, costing £55,000, in order to accommodate a full-time carer. The
extension has added £60,000 to the value of the bungalow. The other adaptations have
not altered the valuation in any way.
Cost of replacement accommodation: £300,000
LESS: value of current house: £200,000
Capital difference £100,000
@2.5% of £100,000 £2,500
Past loss - £2,500 x 1 £2,500
Future loss - Multiplier (Table 1, Pecuniary loss for
life, male; aged 39 at trial) = 26.86
£2,500 x 26.86 £67,150
ADD conversion costs £70,000
LESS increase in value £60,000
Future loss £77,150
Total loss claimable: £79,650
claimed as legal costs rather than as damages, it is common to see them in the claim for
special damages.
Where the claimant uses his own vehicle, there is usually a dispute between the parties
regarding the reasonable amount payable for mileage. Claimants may seek to rely on the
amount HM Revenue and Customs allows employees to claim for business mileage before tax
is charged – currently 45p per mile for up to 10,000 miles per year and 25p per mile for any
additional miles. The defendant may seek to rely on figures based on running costs, such as
those provided by the AA and the RAC. For example, the 2013 AA rates for petrol vehicles
range from 23.30p to 38.50p, depending on the purchase price of the car when new (see
In many cases, family members and friends will incur additional travelling expenses, for
example by visiting the claimant whilst he is in hospital. The claimant is able to claim such
expenses as part of his loss (because he has a need for the visit), but it will be necessary to
prove that they were reasonably incurred as a result of his injuries. Consequently, only those
expenses which exceed what the family member or friend would have ordinarily spent on
visiting the claimant can be recovered.
The claimant, Peter, lived with his girlfriend, Sally, prior to the accident. Ordinarily, Sally
would not have incurred any expense in seeing him, so all travelling expenses associated
with visiting him in hospital can be claimed. On the other hand, if she had lived several
miles away from Peter, a claim could be made only in respect of the costs which were over
and above the normal travelling costs. If the hospital is further away than Peter’s house, or
she visits him more frequently than she would have otherwise done, a claim should be
made for the additional expense.
Where there is a claim for future travelling costs, these can be calculated by means of a
multiplicand and multiplier (see 15.3.4). A claim for parking charges should also be made
where appropriate.
involved in the accident, or has continued to hire a vehicle after his own vehicle has been
repaired. Also, if the hire car is hired at the more expensive daily rate rather than at the
cheaper weekly rate, then the defendant should argue that only the weekly rate should be
recovered, although the claimant may be able to show a good reason for using the daily rate
(see Usher v Crowder [1994] CLY 1494).
In certain circumstances, the claimant may use a vehicle supplied by a ‘credit hire’ company,
but for any such agreement to be enforceable, it must comply with the Consumer Credit Act
1974 (or be exempt), the hire charges should be at the ‘market rate’ (Dimond v Lovell [2000] 2
WLR 1121) and the period of hire should be reasonable (Opoku v Tintas [2013] All ER (D) 81
Where a claim for hire charges is made, generally, a claim for loss of use will not be made as
the claimant has not been without a vehicle.
(b) The pain and suffering associated with the accident itself and the immediate aftermath.
What were the injuries? How did the claimant react? Was he taken to hospital by
(c) Any periods of time the claimant was in hospital, and the number and nature of any
operations or other medical procedures he had to undergo.
(d) The short-term/long-term prognosis. Will the claimant recover in full? If not, what will
his continuing pain/disabilities be, and how long will they continue?
(e) Is there a risk of any future degeneration (eg, osteoporosis)?
(f ) What has been/will be the effect of the injuries on the claimant’s lifestyle?
In attempting to value the claim, courts will refer to the awards made in comparable cases, so
the solicitor’s next step is to carry out the relevant research. As no two cases are exactly alike (for
example, there may be differences in relation to the sex and age of the claimant, the injuries
suffered and the effect on the claimant’s life), this is not as straightforward as it might appear.
A useful starting point is the Judicial College’s Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in
Personal Injury Cases, currently in its 11th edition, which was published in September 2012. The
Guidelines are commonly used by personal injury lawyers and judges to obtain a ball-park
figure for the claimant’s injuries. (An on-line version of the Guidelines can be found on Lawtel
Personal Injury.) The Guidelines are based on an analysis of previous judgments and provide an
easy reference to broad categories of injuries, such as head injuries, psychiatric damages,
injuries affecting the senses, injuries to internal organs, etc. These categories are further
divided, so, for example, the section on orthopaedic injuries is divided into neck injuries,
back injuries, shoulder injuries, etc. Finally, each of these sub-categories is divided into
severe, serious, moderate and minor classifications, with an indication of what each of these
types of injuries are worth.
If you are familiar with the older versions of the Guidelines published by the Judicial Studies
Board, you should note that in the 11th edition values have increased across the board,
averaging at a rate of 9%, and that there are additional chapters on Injuries Resulting In
Death, Chronic Pain, and Minor Injuries.
In addition, it is crucial to note that the 11th edition does not take account of the 10% uplift in
general damages resulting from the revised decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of
Simmons v Castle (see below), which was published in October 2012. A 12th edition of the
Guidelines, which will reflect the uplift, is expected to be published in the autumn of 2013, but
until such time as it is published the values in the 11th edition should be increased
You should not base your assessment of the claimant’s losses solely on the Guidelines but rather
should make reference to specific comparable cases. The importance of comparable cases was
stressed by the Court of Appeal in Dureau v Evans [1996] PIQR Q18, when it commented on the
limited assistance provided by the Guidelines in relation to claimants who have suffered
multiple injuries. Similarly, in Reed v Sunderland Health Authority (1998) The Times, 16 October, it
was held that while the Guidelines were an important source of information, they did not have
the force of law, and the Court of Appeal is unlikely to overturn a decision if the Guidelines are
not followed precisely (see Davis v Inman [1999] PIQR Q26).
Traditionally, solicitors looking for comparable cases would use specialist sources, such as:
(a) Kemp and Kemp, The Quantum of Damages (Sweet & Maxwell);
(b) Butterworths Personal Injury Service;
(c) Personal Injuries and Quantum Reports (Sweet & Maxwell);
(d) Current Law (Sweet & Maxwell);
(e) Personal and Medical Injuries Law Letter (IBC).
The Quantification of Damages 229
However, increasingly, solicitors are using on-line services, such as Butterworth’s PI or Lawtel
(which includes access to Kemp and Kemp), to identify comparable cases.
Once a comparable case has been found, the relevant figure is that relating to pain, suffering
and loss of amenity. Remember the difficulties associated with terminology. Frequently, the
case reports will helpfully set out a figure for pain, suffering and loss of amenity, but
sometimes they will refer to ‘general damages’. If it is clear from the facts of the case that
there are no future losses, or alternatively a figure for future losses appears, it is safe to
assume that the term ‘general damages’ is the award for pain, suffering and loss of amenity. If
it is unsafe to make such an assumption, further investigations will need to be made.
There will be differences between the claimant’s situation and the circumstances of the
claimants in the comparable case so, once the relevant figure in the comparable case has been
identified, adjustments will need to be made in order to take account of the following matters:
(a) Sex – for example, traditionally, female claimants have received more for facial scarring
than male claimants. This seems to be based on the assumption that a woman’s
appearance is of greater importance than that of a man and that women suffer more as a
result of disfigurement. Although the Judicial College has maintained the gender
differences in the 11th edition, it acknowledges that it is doubtful whether gender itself
can be a proper or lawful factor to take into account. In her Foreword to the Guidelines,
The Rt Hon Dame Janet Smith DBE suggests that judges should put the matter of gender
out of their minds when assessing damages, and should state that they have done so
when giving judgment.
(b) Age of the victim – in cases of permanent disability, younger victims tend to get more
compensation than older victims as the young will suffer longer. On the other hand,
some injuries will have a more severe impact on an older claimant than on a younger
(c) Loss of amenity – this is heavily influenced by whether the victim had a previously active
(d) Limb injuries – injuries to dominant limbs attract higher awards than injuries to non-
dominant limbs.
(e) Inflation – previous awards must be inflated to present-day values. The inflation table in
Kemp and Kemp, The Quantum of Damages, can be used for that purpose although on-line
sources, such as the one on Lawtel PI, provide both original and inflated figures in their
quantum reports. Lawtel also has an on-line calculator which is very easy to use.
(f ) 2000 uplift – in the case of Heil v Rankin and Another [2000] 2 WLR 1173, the Court of
Appeal considered the level of damages for pain and suffering, concluded that they were
too low, and stated that there should be staged increases for all future cases where the
value of awards for pain and suffering was in excess of £10,000. Consequently, when
seeking to rely on a pre-March 2000 case in excess of £10,000, a conversion table (such
as that found in Quantum 2/2000, 18 April 2000 (Sweet & Maxwell)), must be used to
update the award, which will then need to be inflated to present-day values. The inflated
figures provided in Lawtel’s quantum reports take account of Heil v Rankin, and their on-
line calculator will do this automatically, where relevant. The latest edition of the JSB
Guidelines also takes the increases into account.
(g) 2013 uplift – following the Court of Appeal’s revised decision in Simmons v Castle [2012]
EWCA Civ 1039, in order to mitigate the effects of the reforms to the civil litigation
costs regime, a 10% uplift is to be applied for damages for pain, suffering and loss of
amenity in all cases where judgment is given after 1 April 2013, except where the
claimant has entered into a CFA before that date (LASPO 2012, s 44(6)). The idea is that
this increase will be used by the claimant to pay for any success fee owed to his solicitor,
as this will no longer be recoverable from a losing defendant. Lawtel’s updated figures
230 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
take account of this uplift. The 11th edition of the Guidelines does not, but the next
edition will provide two sets of figures, one set with the uplift and one set without.
When carrying out the research relating to a client who has sustained multiple injuries, it is
extremely unlikely that a comparable case will be found. The accepted approach is to identify
the most serious injury, find a comparable award for that injury and then take account of
awards made for the other injuries. It will not normally be appropriate simply to bolt the
separate awards together, as the court will seek to compensate the claimant for the totality of
his pain and suffering, and some discount will be required in recognition of this.
Samantha suffered from a degenerative condition of the spine prior to her involvement in
a RTA caused by the defendant’s negligence. The defendant argues that this condition
would eventually have generated the symptoms of which Samantha is now complaining,
and that his actions have merely accelerated her disabilities. The defendant is able to
prove that, but for his actions, her symptoms would have developed in five years' time in
any event. The court will apply the ‘acceleration period‘ approach and the defendant will
be liable only for a five-year period for injury, loss and damage. Evidence
Although the medical evidence will be the primary matter to which the court will have regard
in determining the award for pain, suffering and loss of amenity, the claimant will also give
evidence of his injuries at trial. It is important that details are contained within the client’s
witness statement. It is surprising how many clients forget the exact details of the difficulties
they had immediately post-accident or post-operation, and it is good practice for the
claimant’s solicitor to suggest that a diary is kept by the client, detailing the pain and practical
difficulties that were suffered. It may also be helpful to obtain evidence from others, such as
the claimant’s spouse and family members, or his employer, as to the effect of the injuries on
the claimant.
(a) consider whether there is a ‘substantial’ or ‘real’ risk that the claimant will lose his
present job at some time before the estimated end of his working life; and if there is
(b) assess and quantify the present value of the loss which the claimant will suffer if that
risk materialises. In doing so, the court will have regard to the degree of risk, the time
when it is likely to materialise and the factors, both favourable and unfavourable, which
may affect the claimant’s chance of getting another job at all or an equally well-paid job.
When seeking to establish whether there is a risk that the claimant will lose his job, the courts
have given the words ‘substantial’ or ‘real’ a liberal interpretation, so that what is required to
be shown is that the risk is ‘real’ rather than ‘speculative’. The risk might lie in the nature of
the injuries themselves, which might make it impossible for the claimant to continue in that
line of work. If this is the case, the matter should be addressed in the medical report, and the
claimant may also give evidence in his witness statement. Alternatively, the risk might lie in
matters that have nothing to do with the injuries, such as business restructuring. The client’s
trade union will have details of any redundancies that have been made by the employer in
recent years, and it may also be able to provide information about the employer’s future plans,
of which the client may not have been aware. If the client does not belong to a trade union,
evidence should be obtained from the client’s workmates or managers. (If the defendant is the
claimant’s employer, such information should be obtained from the defendant’s insurers or
solicitor.) The solicitor representing the defendant must obtain clear evidence concerning the
claimant’s job security in an attempt to refute the Smith v Manchester claim.
Once the first test has been satisfied, the court will attempt to quantify the risk and calculate
the appropriate damages. The court has to anticipate what would be the claimant’s chances of
getting an equally well-paid job if he was forced onto the labour market. This head of damages
is notoriously hard to quantify as the court will consider each individual case on its own facts,
but a common approach is to award between zero to two years’ net loss of earnings as at the
date of trial. However, the Court of Appeal in Foster v Tyne and Wear County Council [1986] 1 All
ER 567 stated that there was no ‘conventional’ figure for damages under this head, and
awarded a sum equivalent to four years’ net salary.
Examples of cases where a Smith v Manchester award may be considered appropriate include the
(a) The claimant has returned to work after the accident and thus he has no continuing loss
of earnings claim. However, there is a risk that he will lose his job in the future and will
have difficulty in obtaining a job as well paid due to his injuries. A Smith v Manchester
award will be claimed.
(b) The claimant has returned to work and is earning, say, 20% less than he did prior to the
accident. As a result, he will have a continuing partial loss of earnings claim that could
be calculated by using the multiplier/multiplicand approach (see 15.3.4). In addition,
the court is satisfied that he will lose his job and will have difficulty in obtaining another
equally well-paid job due to his injuries. A Smith v Manchester award will be claimed.
(c) The claimant is still absent from work at the time of the trial as a result of the injuries
suffered in the accident, but he expects to return to his job in a few years when he has
recovered further. The medical evidence suggests that, should he lose his job, he may
still have problems in obtaining equally well-paid work due to his injuries. In these
circumstances, a Smith v Manchester award will be claimed.
This type of award is not normally appropriate where the claimant will never be able to return
to work, as he will be compensated by his claim for future lost earnings. However, the number
of cases where the claimant is unable to work at all in the future will be small.
A Smith v Manchester award should normally be claimed in the particulars of claim (Chan Wai
Tong v Li Ping Sum [1985] AC 446). However, the Court of Appeal, in Thorn v Powergen [1997]
PIQR Q71, upheld a decision allowing a Smith v Manchester award in a case where it had not
232 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
been claimed specifically but was found by the trial judge to be implied due to the nature of
the injuries revealed by the medical evidence.
Evidence must be obtained concerning the claimant’s future job prospects, including any
skills he possesses (eg, a labourer of 50 years of age with no qualifications will find it difficult
to retrain if he loses his job), the prospects of the industry in which the claimant works and
any unusual local problems that may be relevant to the claimant. It may be necessary to
instruct an employment consultant to provide information about these matters, or to obtain
relevant information from other sources, for example the Annual Survey of Hours and
Earnings. The expert would consider the client’s injuries and personal qualifications, and
analyse employment statistics and local press advertisements in order to report on the
severity of the handicap on the labour market. In other cases, the trial judge will be aware of
the employment situation in his area and be able to formulate the appropriate award.
Any evidence relating to handicap on the labour market claim must be included within the
medical report and the witness statements for exchange.
Traditionally, the award was incorporated within the award for pain, suffering and loss of
amenity, but it is now well established that the court will normally make a separate award
under this heading. Generally, those who received such awards were deprived of jobs which
have a vocational element or where a period of training is required, such as firemen, nurses,
members of the armed forces, dancers, actors, and craftsmen such as carpenters. Those
employed in repetitive manual work, such as factory workers, are unlikely to be able to
convince a court that they found their job rewarding. However, claimants’ solicitors should
listen carefully to what their clients have to say on this point, as courts will judge each case on
its facts. In McCrae v (1) Chase International Express Ltd (2) Justin Smith [2003] LTL, 14 March, the
Court of Appeal overturned an award made to a motor-cycle courier on the basis that it was
not satisfied with the evidence in support of the claim, but said that that an award might
otherwise have been appropriate. In Lane v The Personal Representatives of Deborah Lake (Deceased)
[2007] All ER (D) 258, the defendant tried to argue that this award should be reserved for
policemen, firemen, etc, but this was rejected by the judge on the basis that such an award
‘should be confined to those who truly have suffered a loss under this head and not be
awarded merely by reference to the type of employment nor automatically as an extra’.
Awards tend to be in the range of £5,000 to £10,000. In Willbye (by her mother and next friend) v
Gibbons [2003] EWCA Civ 372, the Court of Appeal reduced an award of £15,000 which had
been made to a girl who had been 12 years old at the time of the accident and who had wanted
to become a nursery nurse. It said that it was important to keep this head of damages in
proportion and reduced the award to £5,000. Nevertheless, higher awards will be made in
appropriate circumstances. The highest award so far was made in Appleton v Medhat Mohammed
El Safty [2007] EWHC 631 (QB), to a footballer who had been playing for West Bromwich
Albion before clinical negligence cut short his career. The Court of Appeal found the facts of
this case to be exceptional and awarded £25,000.
Any evidence relating to a loss of congenial employment claim must be included within the
witness statements for exchange. In particular, the claimant must give full details of the
The Quantification of Damages 233
nature of his previous employment, any training or qualifications required, his career
progression, etc, so that the loss of job satisfaction can be proved.
(d) identify the appropriate multiplier, which can be found where the relevant vertical and
horizontal columns meet;
(e) consider whether further discounts are appropriate to take account of other ‘risks and
vicissitudes of life’, such as the possibility that there would be periods when the
claimant would not have been earning due to ill-health or loss of employment. The
factors which are to be taken into account are as follows:
(i) whether the claimant was employed or not at the time of the accident. Employed
includes being self-employed or being on a government training scheme;
(ii) whether the claimant was disabled or not at the time of the accident. A claimant is
disabled if he has an illness or a disability which has or is expected to last for over
a year or is a progressive illness, satisfies the Equality Act 2010 definition that the
impact of the disability substantially limits his ability to carry out normal day-to-
day activities, and his condition affects either the kind or the amount of paid work
he can do;
(iii) the claimant’s level of educational attainment at the time of the accident. There
are three levels: degree or equivalent and higher, GCSE grades A to C up to A levels
and equivalent, and below GCSE grade C or CSE grade 1 or no qualifications.
Section B of the Ogden Tables gives further information regarding these discounts and
how they should be applied (see Appendix 5). The calculation
In order to determine the amount for future loss of earnings, the multiplicand is multiplied by
the amended multiplier.
Simon was 43 when the accident occurred and 45 at trial. He was employed as a
labourer prior to the accident, earning £20,000 per annum. He was not disabled, had no
qualifications and was due to retire 65.
(a) As he is male and his retirement age is 65, the correct table is Table 9;
(b) Using his age at trial, 45, and the 2.5% rate of return, a multiplier of 15.27 is
(c) Account for risks other than mortality, ie for Simon being employed, not disabled
and having no qualifications. Table A is the correct table as Simon is male, would
have retired at 65, and was not disabled. Identify the correct age bracket on the left
hand side (45–49) and, across the top, identify the correct column. This is the third
column (headed O), as he was employed but without qualifications. The correct
discount figure is 0.86.
(d) The amended multiplier is 15.27 x 0.86 = 13.13
(e) The future loss of earnings 13.13 x £20,000 = £262,600
(b) use stepped multiplicands for each stage of the claimant’s career. Generally, this will
result in a lower multiplicand at the beginning and possibly at the very end of the period
of loss, with one or more higher multiplicands to represent the likely career progression
that would have been followed.
In Collett v Smith and Middlesborough Football & Athletics Company (1986) Ltd [2008] EWHC 1962
(QB), the court was required to assess damages in relation to a young man whose promising
football career had been cut short, at the age of 18, as a result of a negligent tackle. In assessing
damages for future loss of earnings at £3,854,328, the court was obliged to make decisions on
such issues as the level at which he would have played football and at what remuneration, how
long he would have played for, whether his career would have otherwise have been cut short by
injury and whether he would have gone on to work as a coach or manager.
The amount of ‘crystal ball gazing’ which the court will of necessity have to undertake in this
exercise is increased in cases where the claimant was a child at the time of the accident. If the
child is old enough to have attended school, taken a few exams and shown some interest in
one career or another, it might be possible to anticipate a likely career progression. With a
younger child, this will be much more difficult. The court will take into account the following
evidence, where available:
(a) the nature of the employment of the claimant’s parents and siblings;
(b) any qualifications obtained so far;
(c) evidence from the claimant’s former teachers, club leaders, sports trainers, etc
regarding the claimant’s abilities and personality;
(d) neuropsychological evidence of the claimant’s pre-accident IQ;
(e) the claimant’s own evidence and personality, as demonstrated in the witness-box. Evidence
The importance of expert evidence in such a case is vital. Medical evidence can provide an
indication as to what work the claimant will be capable of undertaking, both at present and in
the future. This, together with evidence of the claimant’s employment prospects, will assist
the court in determining what will happen to the claimant in the future, which, while often
appearing unsatisfactory to many clients, is usually the approach that the court will take.
15.3.5 Future cost of medical expenses, care and quasi-nursing services, and
aids and appliances
In cases of catastrophic injury, it is possible that the claim for the cost of future care and quasi-
nursing services will exceed the claim for future loss of earnings. This is because the need for
care will often continue beyond the claimant’s normal retirement age, plus the fact that
specialist care is extremely expensive. It must be remembered that the cost and type of care
may change in the future. For example, a severely injured child’s costs of care will increase as
he becomes older because it is unlikely that his parents will be able to look after him when
they are elderly and, as such, increased professional help will be required.
The calculation for the future cost of care is carried out in the same way as set out in 15.3.4.
However, when identifying the multiplier, the correct table will be either Table 1 or Table 2,
depending upon whether the claimant is male or female. In addition, following the House of
Lords’ decision in Page v Sheerness Steel Co Ltd; Wells v Wells; Thomas v Brighton Health Authority (see, it is not appropriate to discount whole life multipliers.
The cost of medical expenses and aids and appliances may also be dealt with using a
multiplier from Tables 1 or 2 and a multiplicand where a continuing need can be
demonstrated. For example, the claimant may include the cost of a wheelchair as part of his
special damages claim. That wheelchair will not last the claimant for the rest of his life, and
therefore the replacement cost will need to be annualised. So, where the cost of a wheelchair
236 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
is £1,000 and it would have a life span of five years, the multiplicand would be £200.
Generally, the annual cost of items relevant to the same period of loss are added together to
produce one multiplicand.
Alternatively, the claimant may require an operation which will not need to be repeated, or an
appliance which will not need to be replaced. In such cases, a one-off payment should be
included in the claim.
Fred is injured. At the time of the trial he has no loss of sight, but there is a 10% possibility
that in the future he will lose the sight in one eye. Bearing in mind that quantum for pain
and suffering and loss of amenity for the total loss of sight in one eye is approximately
£30,000, how does the judge award damages to Fred?
If the judge awards £3,000 (10% of £30,000) and Fred does lose the sight in his eye in the
future, Fred will be under-compensated by £27,000 but cannot return to court for more
damages. If Fred does not lose the sight in his eye in the future, Fred is unjustly enriched
by £3,000 and the defendant cannot recover the excess damages.
Provisional damages are aimed at solving the above problem by providing an exception to the
basic rule. In certain limited circumstances the claimant can be compensated for his injuries
with the proviso that if a specific condition occurs in the future, he will be allowed to return to
court so that further damages may be awarded. ‘Chance’
The expression ‘chance’ is not defined in the legislation. It clearly indicates something less than
a probability, ie less than 50% likelihood, and in Curi v Colina [1998] EWCA Civ 1326, the Court
of Appeal said there had to be a ‘possibility but no more than a possibility’. However, it must be
measurable rather than merely fanciful (Willson v Ministry of Defence [1991] 1 All ER 638, where
it was held that the possibility that the claimant would incur further injury from a fall as a result
of an ankle injury was not evidence of ‘serious deterioration’ as it might not ever happen).
In order to be measurable, the chance should be expressed in terms of a percentage figure.
The courts have been prepared to make an order for provisional damages where the likelihood
of deterioration has been expressed in terms of single figure percentages, but an award should
not be made where the risk is de minimis. In Chewings v (1) Williams & (2) Abertawe Bro Morgannwg
University NHS Trust [2009] EWHC 2490 (QB), the claimant sought provisional damages,
reserving the right to claim further damages should he suffer a below the knee amputation of
his right leg. One of the issues for the court to determine was whether the risk of amputation
was more than fanciful. In allowing the award, the court held that the chance of amputation
was more than fanciful and, although it was difficult to ascribe a precise percentage to it, if it
were necessary to do so, it would be about 2%.
If there is doubt as to whether the case is appropriate for a provisional damages claim then
advice from a solicitor or barrister with expertise in this area should be sought.
documents must be amended. Part 16 of the CPR 1998 and the accompanying Practice
Direction set out the necessary information which must be included.
The court will be slow to make an order for provisional damages, on the basis that finality is
better for all parties. Evidence is therefore very important, and the medical report should
address the issues with precision. In particular, it should set out the nature of the
deterioration, the chance of deterioration by means of a percentage figure and an anticipated
time frame.
The only basis for an award of provisional damages is a court order. Any application by
consent for an award of provisional damages should follow the procedure set out in Part 23 of
the CPR 1998.
If the specified disease or deterioration occurs within the specified period, the claimant must
give at least 28 days’ written notice to the defendant of his intention to apply for further
It is possible to apply to extend the period of time for claiming further damages, and a medical
report should be filed in support of such an application. Such an application must be made
within the original time limit.
(b) under-compensation, leading to a lack of financial security for the claimant. Where a
claimant will be dependent on care for many years, the money may run out;
(c) a lack of prudence on the part of the claimant or his family. Few have experience of
managing large sums of money, and inappropriate spending or unwise investment may
dissipate the fund;
(d) a lack of flexibility. The general rule is that the claimant cannot return to court if his
condition deteriorates (unless there is an order for provisional damages, see 15.4
These problems will be less severe where the court orders periodical payments to be made.
Here, the court will assess the annual needs of the claimant in order to calculate the amount of
the periodic payments; the payments rise in accordance with inflation and are paid, free of
tax, to the end of claimant’s life. In addition, the management and administration involved in
the investment of damages is transferred from the claimant to the defendant, but as the
payments must be secure, the continuity of the payments is guaranteed. Indexation
Under s 2(8) of the Damages Act 1996, the payments will rise by reference to the Retail Price
Index (RPI), although s 2(9) allows for s 2(8) to be disapplied. There has been much
controversy as to whether the RPI is the appropriate index as it is based on prices, which
historically have not risen as sharply as wages. In the provision of care services, it has been
wages that have been driving the cost up, and it is therefore argued that the Aggregate Annual
Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE 6115) is the appropriate index to use. In Tameside and
Glossop Acute Services NHS Trust v Thompstone [2008] EWCA Civ 5, the Court of Appeal settled this
debate by endorsing the use of ASHE 6115. Variation
In accordance with the Damages (Variation of Periodical Payments) Order 2005 (SI 2005/841),
where the court is satisfied that, at some time in the future, the claimant will:
(a) as a result of the act or omission which gave rise to the cause of action, develop some
serious disease or suffer some serious deterioration; or
(b) enjoy some significant improvement in his physical or mental condition, where that
condition had been adversely affected as a result of that act or omission;
the court can include in an order for periodical payments an order that they may be varied.
The consent of the parties is not required. The wording is similar to that used for provisional
damages (see 15.4), and it is thought that the courts will apply the same strict criteria before
including a provision for variation in a periodical payments order.
Although the court must have regard to the wishes of the parties, ultimately it must decide
what order best meets the claimant’s needs, and this may not necessarily coincide with what
the claimant prefers. The claimant’s solicitor must instruct an independent financial adviser
to report on the form of order which he considers is in the best interests of the claimant.
However, in the Tameside case (see, the Court of Appeal stated that it was able to have
regard to the defendant’s preferences without the need for the defendant to call evidence on
this point. It went on to say that only in rare cases would it be appropriate for the defendant to
call expert evidence in order to seek to demonstrate that the form of order preferred by the
claimant would not best meet his needs.
The Quantification of Damages 241
A claim for interest should be included in the court proceedings. In the majority of personal
injury cases, the court will award interest (simple, not compound) in addition to the basic
damages. The purpose of an interest award is to compensate the claimant for having to wait to
receive his compensation. Interest in a personal injury claim is generally awarded in
accordance with the following guidelines:
(a) Special damages carry interest at half the short-term investment/special account rate
from the date of the accident to the date of trial. For the seven years prior to February
2009, the special account rate remained at 6%. It has since been reduced three times to
its current rate of 0.5%. In Roberts v Johnstone [1989] QB 878, it was held that damages for
unpaid past services of care and attendance should be awarded in a similar manner to
any other items of special damages.
It should also be noted that following the case of Wadley v Surrey County Council (2000) The
Times, 7 April, the House of Lords confirmed that when calculating interest on special
damages, the court should disregard deductible State benefits; interest is claimed on
the gross amount.
(b) Damages for pain and suffering and loss of amenity carry interest from date of service of
proceedings to the date of trial at 2% per annum, following the case of Felmai Lawrence v
Chief Constable of Staffordshire (2000) The Times, 25 July.
(c) Damages for future losses carry no interest (as, by definition, the losses have not yet
been incurred).
(d) General damages for a handicap on the labour market carry no interest.
It should be noted that these are general guidelines, but the court does have a discretion to
depart from them in exceptional cases. In Kemp and Kemp, The Quantum of Damages, it is
argued that while the general approach for special damages stated above is appropriate for
regular losses between the accident and trial (eg, weekly wage loss), it is not satisfactory
where the claimant had incurred a large, one-off item of expenditure shortly after the
accident. In such circumstances, he would be under-compensated by the application of the
normal interest rule, and therefore, it is argued, interest should be awarded at the full rate on
such items.
Interest is awarded to mitigate the effects of delay. However, if the delay is the fault of the
claimant, this may be a ‘special reason’ not to award full interest (Birkett v Hayes [1982] 2 All
ER 70). This point was raised in the case of Beahan v Stoneham [2001] LTL, 16 May, where an
appeal from an assessment of damages in a claim for personal injuries was allowed in part
where the trial judge failed to reduce interest on damages. The matter concerned a case where
there was a significant delay in proceeding with the claim (see also Spittle v Bunney [1988] 1
WLR 847). The court held that the judiciary should be more ready to mark their disapproval of
delay in this matter.
242 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Subject to liability being established, the aim of the claimant’s solicitor is to recover the
highest possible award of damages on behalf of his client (without falsifying or exaggerating
the claim), and the aim of the defendant’s solicitor is to minimise the award. Both require an
in-depth understanding of the rules which govern what may be recovered under the heads of
special damages for pecuniary losses incurred up to the date of the trial or earlier settlement,
and general damages for non-pecuniary loss and future pecuniary loss.
The claimant’s solicitor should make thorough enquiries of his client to ensure that all
pecuniary losses and expenses are included in the schedule of loss, as the client may not
appreciate the true cost of his losses and expenditure thus far or the possible financial
implications stretching out into the future. The schedule should be updated as required as the
matter progresses. The defendant’s solicitor should not be afraid to challenge the inclusion of
items of loss or the amounts claimed where it is appropriate to do so.
General damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity, and for handicap in the labour
market and loss of congenial employment, are not capable of precise mathematical
calculation. Nevertheless, the courts have adopted an approach to quantifying these heads of
damage which aims to ensure, in so far as possible, that comparable cases receive comparable
amounts in damages. The starting point for practitioners when calculating an appropriate
award for pain, suffering and loss of amenity is the Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages
in Personal Injury Cases, but research of reported cases involving similar injuries will also be
Future pecuniary losses, such as the loss of earnings or the cost of care, are calculated by
means of a multiplicand, a figure representing the claimant’s annual loss, and a multiplier, a
figure which is based on a best guess of how long the incapacity will continue into the future
and is found by reference to the Ogden Tables.
In the vast majority of cases, lump sum damages are awarded in full and final settlement of
the claim, which means that the award cannot be changed in the event that the claimant
makes a substantial recovery or suffers an unexpected deterioration. However, an exception
to this rule exists where the court makes an order for provisional damages, enabling the
claimant to return to court to seek a further award of damages in the event that a specified
condition or deterioration occurs within a specified time period. A further exception arises
where the court makes an order for periodical payments, where an annual sum is paid to the
claimant in accordance with his needs, usually in addition to lump sum damages. Such
payments may be increased, decreased or stopped on the application of either party, where
the claimant’s needs have changed.
The Quantification of Damages 243
Proceedings should always include a claim for interest, as this may be a considerable amount,
but practitioners should be aware that different rules apply to different heads of damage and
that there is no interest on future losses.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• explain how the Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) recovers benefits paid to a
claimant as a result of an accident or disease
• explain how the cost of NHS treatment provided to a claimant as a result of an
accident or disease is recovered from a defendant who is found liable
• identify which benefits may be set off against each head of damage by way of ‘like for
like’ offsetting
• describe the steps that each party must take in order to comply with the CRU system.
Where a claimant has received State benefits as a result of an accident or disease and is
subsequently awarded compensation, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will seek
to recover those benefits from the defendant (or his insurer) via a system operated by the
Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU). The CRU is also responsible for collecting from a
defendant the cost of any NHS treatment that a claimant has received following an accident.
The purpose of this chapter is to explain how these systems of recovery operate and how they
may affect a compensation payment.
246 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
A claimant agrees to accept compensation totalling £100,000 which is broken down as
follows: £40,000 for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA), £30,000 for loss of
earnings, and £30,000 for the cost of care.
The Certificate shows that the claimant has received incapacity benefit totalling £5,000,
income support totalling £10,000 and attendance allowance amounting to £10,000.
The compensator (the defendant’s insurer) may not offset any of the benefits against the
PSLA element of the award, but may offset the incapacity benefit and income support
against the loss of earnings award. He therefore deducts a total of £15,000 from the loss of
earnings sum, leaving £15,000 to be paid to the claimant.
Similarly the compensator may offset the £10,000 attendance allowance against the
damages for cost of care, leaving £20,000 to be paid to the claimant.
The claimant has settled his claim for £100,000 but following offsetting he receives
£75,000 (he has already received the remaining £25,000 in benefits so double
compensation is avoided).
In addition to paying the claimant £75,000, the compensator must now pay £25,000 to the
DWP, representing the amount of recoverable benefits.
If compensation for cost of care is less than the amount actually paid out in listed benefits
during the relevant period, the claimant will receive nothing in respect of that head of loss;
however, any excess in benefits for cost of care which has not so far been offset, cannot be
offset against any other head of compensation. In this instance, the burden of paying off the
248 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
excess falls on the compensator (usually the insurance company) and will be refunded to the
DWP, so that the State will always achieve 100% recovery, the only question being how much
will be out of compensation, and how much will be paid by the compensator.
In contrast to the system applied to benefits (see 16.4.2 above), under the provisions of the
Social Security (Recovery of Benefits) (Lump Sum Payments) Regulations 2008 the
compensator can deduct any amount in respect of a lump sum from any part of the
compensation award. However, lump sum payments must be offset against damages for pain
and suffering first. Furthermore, if the amount of compensation is less than the lump sum
payment, the CRU can only recover an amount up to the equivalent of the gross compensation
award. The compensator is liable to repay lump sum payments before repaying recoverable
An award of compensation totalling £60,000 is agreed and broken down as follows:
£15,000 for pain, suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA), £25,000 in respect of loss of
earnings and £20,000 in respect of loss of mobility.
The CRU certificate lists lump sums totalling £20,000, Income Support totalling £15,000,
and Disability Living Allowance (Mobility Component) totalling £10,000.
The compensator must offset the £20,000 lump sum payment from the PSLA first, which
would leave an outstanding balance of £5,000. He may then offset from any of the
remaining heads of damage, ie the compensator may offset the outstanding balance of
£5,000 plus the £15,000 Income Support from the loss of earnings head of damage and
the £10,000 DLA (Mobility) from the loss of mobility head of damage.
The claimant has settled his claim for a total of £60,000. Following offsetting, he receives
£15,000 from the compensator in addition to the £45,000 he has already received from the
state benefits system. Double compensation is thereby avoided.
The compensator pays £15,000 to the claimant and £45,000 to the CRU representing the
amount of recoverable benefits and lump sums.
Assume that on a full liability basis the claimant’s damages are valued at £10,000 for pain,
suffering and loss of amenity (PSLA) and £10,000 for loss of earnings (LE), and that the
certificate of recoverable benefit shows that he has received £7,500 in incapacity benefit.
If the claimant is 25% contributorily negligent, the calculation is as follows:
Total damages awarded £15,000 (£7,500 PSLA plus £7,500 LE)
Benefits deducted £7,500 (from LE award)
Defendant pays claimant £7,500
Defendant repays benefits to CRU £7,500
If the Claimant is 50% contributorily negligent, the calculation is as follows:
Total damages awarded £10,000 (£5,000 PSLA plus £5,000 LE)
Benefits deducted £5,000 (from LE award)
250 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
16.6.1 Notifying the CRU
(a) Section 4 of the 1997 Act requires the compensator to inform the CRU not later than 14
days after receiving the claim.
The notification is made on Form CRU 1 which is sent to the CRU. The information
required by the compensator to complete Form CRU 1 includes:
(i) the full name and address of the claimant;
(ii) (if known) the date of birth and National Insurance number of that person;
(iii) the date of the accident or injury (or in the case of disease, the date of diagnosis);
(iv) the nature of the accident, injury or disease (as alleged by the claimant);
(v) (if known) the name and address of the claimant’s employer and his payroll
number at the relevant time;
(vi) the name and address of any NHS hospital the claimant has attended as a result of
the accident.
(b) On receipt of Form CRU 1, the CRU will send Form CRU 4 to the defendant. This has a
two-fold function:
(i) it acknowledges receipt of the notification of claim; and
(ii) the compensator should retain it safely on the file as it will be needed later to
obtain the Certificate (ie, the details of the benefit paid or to be paid to the
(c) The claim then progresses to the settlement stage.
(d) When ready to make an offer of compensation, the compensator submits Form CRU 4
to obtain a Certificate.
(e) The CRU acknowledges receipt of Form CRU 4 (within 14 days).
(f ) The CRU sends the Certificate to the compensator. A copy will also be sent to the
claimant’s solicitor. The compensator will then settle the compensation claim and pay
the relevant amount to the CRU within 14 days of the settlement. The compensator will
also complete and send to the CRU Form CRU 102 detailing the outcome of the claim.
Despite the requirement that the CRU be informed of the claim within 14 days of notification
of the claim, this is sometimes overlooked by insurance companies. If proceedings are issued
and the insurer instructs solicitors, Form CRU 1 should be completed immediately, if this has
not already been done. In such circumstances, it may be appropriate for the address of the
compensator given on Form CRU 1 to be care of the solicitors, to ensure that the Certificate is
forwarded to the solicitors, who are likely to make the compensation payment to the
When the matter is lodged with the CRU, the claimant’s solicitor will be notified and a Form
CRU 4R will also be sent to the claimant’s representative, which can be used to obtain benefit
information (the claimant’s solicitor can also obtain benefit details by writing to the DWP). It
is important that, prior to negotiating any settlement or accepting any payment into court, the
claimant himself examines the benefit details to ensure that they are correct. It is therefore
essential to send a copy of the CRU certificate to the client.
Recovery of Benefits and NHS Charges 251
There is a less formal procedure that can be adopted, known as a ‘review’. This can be
requested at any time, and as a result the CRU will look at the matter again and clear the
benefits that are listed as recoverable.
16.13.2 Procedure
In many ways, the NHS costs recovery scheme mirrors the benefit recovery scheme
considered above. However, unlike the benefit recovery scheme, the NHS costs recovery
scheme will not affect the amount of damages recovered by the claimant, and if the injury
occurs on or after 29 January 2007, the 2003 Act makes provision to take into account
contributory negligence, eg a finding of 25% contributory negligence will reduce the NHS
charges by 25%.
The procedure to follow is as follows:
(a) The compensator will apply to the CRU in the usual way by completing Form CRU 1, and
must ensure that the form contains the name and address of the hospital where
treatment was provided.
(b) The CRU will send Form CRU 4 to the compensator to acknowledge receipt of Form
CRU 1.
(c) The case progresses to the settlement stage.
(d) When ready to make an offer to the claimant, the compensator submits Form CRU 4.
254 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
(e) The CRU will provide a Certificate of NHS Charges at the same time as the Certificate of
Recoverable Benefit. The Certificate of NHS Charges will specify the name of the NHS
Trust or Health Board where the treatment took place, the number of days’ admission,
the appropriate NHS treatment and ambulance charges.
(f ) The compensator must pay to the CRU the amount shown on the Certificate of NHS
Charges within 14 days of making the compensation payment.
The appeal and review procedures for NHS costs recovery are designed to mirror the appeal
and review provisions governing benefit recovery under the Social Security (Recovery of
Benefits) Act 1997, as to which, see 16.12 above.
Solicitors should exercise care when dealing with this area, to ensure that it is clear whether
any offer put forward is net or gross of benefits, and that the benefit figures are correct. In
Hilton International v Martin-Smith [2001] LTL, 12 February, it was held that where a party made
an error of judgement (in this case, in relation to the amount stated on the Certificate), it did
not follow that the court would permit that party to escape its consequences. Similarly,
solicitors acting for defendants also need to ensure that benefits listed as recoverable benefits
are as a consequence of the accident (see Eagle Star Insurance v Department of Social Development
(Northern Ireland) (only persuasive) (2001) NICE, 12 February). See also Williams v Devon County
Council [2003] EWCA Civ 365, [2003] All ER (D) 255 (Mar), concerning details to be included
on a Part 36 notice; and Bruce v Genesis Fast Food Ltd [2003] EWHC 788, concerning whether
defendants are entitled to take the benefit of any reduction in recoverable benefits when an
appeal takes place.
An overview of the recovery of benefits system is set out at 16.16 below.
Defendant informs his insurance company of the claim; insurance company sends
CRU 1 to CRU
Settled Trial
The compensator will submit CRU 4 The defendant may lose at trial so
and obtain details of the benefits and must still obtain the relevant benefit
or lump sums paid to the claimant information by submitting CRU 4
Post-death Investigations
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• explain the purpose of an inquest
• take appropriate steps to prepare to represent a client at an inquest
• understand the procedure involved and verdicts that may be given at an inquest
• advise on the possible criminal prosecutions that might follow a fatal accident.
The personal injury/clinical negligence solicitor must, on occasion, advise either the family of
an accident victim who has died, or the person who it is claimed is responsible for the death.
There are two main processes in which the solicitor may become involved:
(a) the coroner’s inquest; and
(b) a criminal prosecution for:
(i) manslaughter (corporate or individual);
(ii) death by dangerous or careless driving; or
(iii) offences under the HSWA 1974.
Although each process has its own purpose, post-death investigations offer an important
opportunity to gain evidence on liability for the civil claim, and we consider both processes
17.2.1 The Coroners and Justice Act 2009
There has been pressure for many years for reform of the coroner system. This has largely
been due to a series of high-profile disasters, such as Hillsborough in 1989, where the
coroner’s verdict at the inquest into the deaths of the 96 victims was simply ‘accidental death’,
which meant that no one has ever properly been held to account. After years of campaigning
by the Hillsborough families, those verdicts were eventually quashed by the High Court in
December 2012 and new inquests into the Hillsborough deaths will take place in 2014.
In the 1990s, coroners came under further, intense public scrutiny for their actions. For
example, there were many concerns raised over the coroner in the Marchioness disaster, who
ordered the hands of the victims to be cut off for identification purposes. Then there was the
258 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Shipman case, where the faking of patients’ death certificates brought home the
shortcomings of the death certification process.
The Shipman Inquiry (2003) and the Fundamental Review of Death Certification and
Investigation (2003) found the level of service provided to bereaved people was inconsistent;
family and friends were not always involved in coroners’ investigations; there was a lack of
leadership and training for coroners; and there was insufficient medical knowledge in the
system as a whole.
After years of consultation, the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 (CJA 2009) finally came into
force on 25 July 2013, together with three new sets of rules which regulate the day-to-day
conduct of inquests:
• Coroners (Inquests) Rules 2013 (SI 2013/1616) (the ‘Inquests Rules’);
• Coroners (Investigations) Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/1629) (the ‘Investigations
Regulations’); and
• Coroners Allowances, Fees and Expenses Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/1615) (the
‘Expenses Regulations’).
The CJA 2009 introduces a national coroner service for England and Wales, headed by a new
Chief Coroner, HHJ Peter Thornton QC. The intention behind the CJA 2009 is to improve the
experience of bereaved people coming into contact with the coroner system, giving them
rights of appeal against coroners’ decisions and setting out the general standards of service
they can expect to receive. It is hoped that the new system will be simpler and quicker and will
result in a coroner service that meets both the interests of bereaved families and the wider
public interest in terms of the quality and effectiveness of investigations. The system also aims
to ensure that the knowledge gained from death investigation is applied for the prevention of
avoidable death and injury in the future.
in an ambulance reaching her. There was evidence that if she had reached hospital earlier, she
might have survived. Was this an unnatural death? The Court of Appeal overturned the
decision of the Divisional Court that it was an unnatural death and stated that ‘unnatural’ was
an ordinary word, the meaning of which should be left to the coroner (unless his decision was
unreasonable). If a solicitor believes that the death was unnatural, the coroner’s officer must
be contacted immediately and informed of the solicitor’s interest.
Normally, the police, the GP or the hospital will contact the coroner’s officer and inform the
coroner of the death. However, on occasion, the relatives of the deceased will contact the
coroner’s officer, for instance if they believe that there has been an act of clinical negligence.
Once the coroner has been informed of the death, the coroner’s officer will make preliminary
enquiries, and the coroner may then require a post-mortem examination to be made.
Section 6 of the CJA 2009 provides that a senior coroner who conducts an investigation into a
person’s death must (as part of the investigation) hold an inquest into the death. However, s 4
of the CJA 2009 provides an exception to this rule where a post-mortem examination reveals
the cause of death before the inquest begins and the coroner thinks that it is not necessary to
continue the investigation. This power to discontinue cannot be used where the deceased
died a violent or unnatural death or died in custody. A senior coroner who discontinues an
investigation into a death under s 4 must, if requested to do so in writing by an interested
person, give to that person as soon as practicable a written explanation as to why the
investigation was discontinued.
notify the Director of Public Prosecutions if, during the course of an inquest, it appears to the
coroner that the death of the deceased is likely to have been due to a homicide offence and
that a person may be charged in relation to that offence.
In such a case, the claimant’s solicitor should attend the criminal proceedings and take notes
of the trial (see below), as useful evidence may be obtained which can assist in identifying any
civil liability for the death.
The majority of evidence at the resumed inquest will usually be given orally by witnesses on
oath, but the coroner has power to admit documentary evidence if he believes that the
evidence is unlikely to be disputed. However, it is possible to object to such a decision, and a
solicitor should do this where he believes that a witness should be called to answer questions
(see also R (Bentley) v HM Coroner for Avon [2001] EWHC 170 (Admin), [2001] LTL, 23 March).
Rules 17 and 18 of the Inquests Rules provide that a coroner may direct that evidence is to be
given by video link or from behind a screen when it is in the interests of justice or national
security to do so.
The actual order of calling the witnesses lies entirely within the discretion of the coroner.
However, it is often the pathologist who is the first substantive witness to give evidence. The
coroner will normally then examine each witness so that the evidence is heard in the same
order as the events leading to the death occurred. The solicitor should make careful notes, as
these witnesses may need to be contacted in relation to a potential civil claim. If the witness
does not give evidence in accordance with his previous written statement to the coroner, and
the interested party is not aware of this, then the coroner must deal with this point (see R v HM
Coroner for Inner London North District, ex p Cohen (1994) 158 JP 644, DC). Once the coroner has
dealt with the witness, each interested party (or his legal representatives) will be allowed to
question him. A witness is examined by his own representative last (Inquests Rules, r 21).
An ‘interested person’ entitled to examine witnesses at an inquest includes:
(a) a spouse, civil partner, partner, parent, child, brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild,
child of a brother or sister, stepfather, stepmother, half-brother or half-sister;
(b) a personal representative;
(c) a medical examiner exercising functions in relation to the death of the deceased;
(d) any beneficiary under a policy of insurance issued on the life of the deceased;
(e) the insurer who issued such a policy of insurance;
(f ) any person whose act or omission, or that of his agent or servant, may, in the opinion of
the coroner, have caused, or contributed to, the death of the deceased, or whose
employee or agent may have done so;
(g) any person appointed by a trade union to which the deceased belonged at the time of his
death, if the death of the deceased may have been caused by an injury received in the
course of his employment or by an industrial disease;
(h) a person appointed by, or a representative of, an enforcing authority, or any person
appointed by a government department to attend the inquest;
(i) the chief officer of police;
(j) any other person that the senior coroner thinks has a sufficient interest.
The questioning of witnesses at the inquest can be a difficult matter as the strict purpose of
the inquest is limited to finding:
(a) who the deceased was;
(b) how, when and where the deceased came by his death;
(c) the particulars required by the Registration Acts to be registered concerning the death.
The Divisional Court has repeatedly reaffirmed that these are the only matters with which the
coroner’s court is concerned, and the coroner will wish to concentrate on these fundamental
points. However, there can be no doubt that many solicitors attend the inquest with a slightly
264 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
wider agenda, that of trying to identify who was liable for the death and to examine the
evidence surrounding the case. Much will depend upon the individual coroner as to the types
of questions which are allowed, but the coroner will always limit questions concerned with
civil liability.
To prevent the inquest apportioning blame, r 22 of the Inquests Rules specifically provides
that a witness is not obliged to answer any questions tending to incriminate himself. The
witness may be called to the witness box and asked merely to give his name and address. On
occasion, no further questions will be put to him. However, practice varies widely on this
point, and in R v Lincolnshire Coroner, ex p Hay (1999) 163 JP 666, it was held that the privilege
against self-incrimination did not give the witness complete immunity against further
questioning. The privilege against self-incrimination is against criminal proceedings (and not
civil proceedings), and this should be borne in mind when the coroner is deciding if the
witness is entitled to claim self-incrimination. The solicitor may have to remind the coroner
about this point. If the coroner allows the witness to be questioned, it is for the witness’s
representative to make the objection if a question is put which might lead to self-
incrimination. If the witness answers the question, he will waive the privilege.
17.2.9 Juries
Section 7 of the CJA 2009 sets out the circumstances in which a senior coroner is required to
hold an inquest into a death with a jury. It also gives the coroner the power to decide to hold
an inquest with a jury in any case where he thinks there is sufficient reason.
The general rule is that an inquest must be held without a jury. Subsections (2) and (3) set out
the exceptions to this rule. A jury must be summoned where:
(a) the deceased died while in custody or otherwise in state detention, and the death was
violent or unnatural, or of unknown cause;
(b) where the death was as a result of an act or omission of a police officer or member of a
service police force (defined in s 48) in the purported execution of his duties; or
(c) where the death was caused by an accident, poisoning or disease which must be
reported to a government department or inspector. This includes, for example, certain
deaths at work.
Although a jury is not required in any other case, the coroner will be able to summon one in
any case where he believes there is sufficient reason for doing so.
Section 8 of the CJA 2009 provides that the jury must consist of between seven and 11 people.
The senior coroner calls people to attend for jury service by issuing a summons stating the
time that they are needed and the place that they must attend. At the outset, the coroner will
require jury members to swear they will make a true determination according to the evidence.
A jury will initially be directed by the senior coroner to reach a unanimous determination or
finding. If the coroner thinks that the jury have deliberated for a reasonable time without
reaching a unanimous verdict, under s 9(2) of the CJA 2009, he may accept a determination or
finding on which the minority consists of no more than two persons. The jury spokesperson
should announce publicly how many agreed. If there is no agreement by the required number
of jurors, the coroner may discharge the jury and summon a completely new jury and the case
will be heard again.
statement prior to summing up. If no jury are present, the coroner normally sums up by
means of a revision of the evidence and states his conclusions.
17.2.13 Transcripts
At the conclusion of the inquest, the coroner’s officer will collect any documents or copy
statements which were used during the hearing. A copy of the transcript of the case may be
obtained on payment of a fee. (See also R (on the application of the Ministry of Defence) v Wiltshire
and Swindon Coroner [2005] EWHC 889.)
The solicitor should help the staff by reviewing their statements prior to submission to the
coroner. He should ensure that the statements contain only relevant facts and do not offer any
opinion which the witness is not competent to give. For example, a house officer should not
give an opinion on whether specific parts of the treatment contributed to the death but should
restrict his statement to the facts alone.
If it appears from the statements that disciplinary action might be taken against a member of
the medical staff (eg, because a mistake in treatment has been made), that person should be
advised to seek his own representation from his defence organisation as his interests will
conflict with those of the hospital.
The solicitor should advise the medical and nursing staff that the original records will be
available at the inquest, and that they are permitted to refer to these.
Expert evidence
The solicitor may consider obtaining a specialist opinion on the issues arising at the inquest
from a hospital consultant (but not from a consultant who is directly involved in the case).
culpability is increased by the fact that the driver has driven after consuming drugs or
The maximum penalty in the Crown Court is 14 years’ imprisonment with a minimum
disqualification of two years.
(c) Causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving (RTA 1988, s 2B). Careless driving is
described in (b) above. Under s 3ZA of the RTA 1988, a person is to be regarded as
driving without reasonable consideration for other persons, ‘only if those persons are
inconvenienced by his driving’. Examples of careless driving given in the Guideline
include overtaking on the inside, emerging from a side road into the path of another
vehicle, and tuning a car radio. Examples of inconsiderate driving include flashing of
lights to force drivers in front to give way and driving with undipped headlights.
The maximum penalty for this offence is five years’ imprisonment with a minimum of
12 months’ disqualification.
(d) Causing death by driving: unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured drivers (RTA 1988, s 3ZB). This
charge is likely to be prosecuted alongside one of the more serious offences outlined in
(a) to (c) above, and is self-explanatory. It carries a maximum penalty of two years’
imprisonment with a minimum disqualification of 12 months.
to their health and safety. The Trust had failed to provide enough junior doctors in the Trauma
and Orthopaedic Department, and had failed to implement systems for the adequate
supervision of staff by consultants. The Trust pleaded guilty, and the initial fine of £100,000
was reduced on appeal to £40,000 on the grounds that the judge had not taken account of the
early guilty plea and that the public would suffer as a result of a large fine.
It is also now possible that an NHS Trust, Foundation Trust or health authority could be
prosecuted for corporate manslaughter (see 17.3.4 below).
Meaning of ‘organisation’
Section 1(2) states the offence applies to the following bodies:
(a) a corporation;
(b) a department or other body listed in Sch 1;
(c) a police force; and
(d) a partnership, or trade union or employer’s association that is an employer.
Crown immunity has been a long-established legal doctrine that means that Crown bodies
(such as government departments) cannot be prosecuted. Section 11(1) now allows
prosecutions under the Act to apply to such bodies. Schedule 1 sets out a list of government
departments to which the offence applies.
The Act will also apply to a wide range of statutory public bodies which are not part of the
Crown, including local authorities and NHS bodies.
It will not be necessary for the management failure to have been the sole cause of death. The
prosecution will need to show that ‘but for’ the management failure (including the substantial
element attributable to senior management), the death would not have occurred. The law
does not, however, recognise very remote causes, and in some circumstances the existence of
an intervening event may mean that the management failure is not considered to have caused
the death.
Gross breach
Once a relevant duty of care has been established, any breach must fall far below what could
reasonably be expected of the organisation in the circumstances (s 1(4)(b)).
This is a matter for the jury to decide, and s 8 sets out factors for the jury to consider. Section
8(2) states that the jury must consider whether health and safety legislation was breached and,
if so:
(a) how serious the breach was (s 8(2)(a)); and
(b) how much of a risk of death it posed (s 8(2)(b)).
Corporate manslaughter will not apply to certain public and government functions where
there exist wider questions of public policy. So, for example, the Act exempts the military, the
police and the emergency services when conducting certain activities, including dealing with
emergencies, terrorism and violent disorder. Punishment for corporate manslaughter and health and safety offences causing death
The Sentencing Council issued the Definitive Guideline on Corporate Manslaughter and
Health and Safety Offences which cause death (the ‘Guideline’) in February 2010. It sets out
the key principles relevant to assessing the seriousness of such offences and the factors that
should be taken into account in deciding on an appropriate sentence. The Guideline applies
only to organisations which commit serious health and safety offences. It does not apply to
The possible sentencing options for such offences are:
(a) Unlimited fine. The Guideline states that fines must be punitive and sufficient to have an
impact on the defendant and that the appropriate fine for the offence of corporate
manslaughter will seldom be less than £500,000. For health and safety offences causing
death, the appropriate fine will usually be at least £100,000.
(b) Publicity order. This is available only for offences of corporate manslaughter. A publicity
order may require publication of:
(i) the fact of the conviction;
(ii) specified particulars of the offence;
(iii) the amount of any fine; and
(iv) the terms of any remedial order (see (c) below).
Post-death Investigations 273
The Guideline states that a publicity order should ordinarily be imposed in a case of
corporate manslaughter. The order should specify the place where the public
announcement is to be made (for example, a newspaper or a website) and consideration
should also be given to the size of any notice or advertisement required.
(c) Remedial order. A remedial order can be made for both corporate manslaughter and
health and safety offences. The guideline points out that a defendant ought, by the time
of the sentencing, to have remedied any dangerous practices, and if it has not will be
deprived of significant mitigation. Nevertheless, if it still appears to be necessary, a
judge may make a remedial order requiring a defendant to address the cause of the
accident. The order should be sufficiently specific to make it enforceable. Corporate manslaughter convictions
So far there have only been three successful prosecutions for corporate manslaughter. The
first company to be convicted under the CMCHA 2007 was Cotswold Geotechnical Holdings
Ltd, which was fined £385,000 in February 2011 following the death of an employee who was
crushed to death when the sides of an excavated pit collapsed as he was collecting samples.
Although the fine was less than the suggested starting-point fine of £500,000 (see,
the court took account of the fact that the company was in financial difficulties, and the fine
was in fact 116% of the company’s turnover.
The second conviction was in May 2012 against JMW Farms, based in Northern Ireland. This
was the first corporate manslaughter conviction in Northern Ireland. The company was
convicted under the CMCHA 2007 following the death of its employee, Robert Wilson, on 15
November 2010. Mr Wilson, who was 45 years old, was working at a farm, when he was
crushed by a large metal bin, which had fallen from the raised forks of a forklift. The vehicle
was being driven by one of the company’s directors, Mark Wright. The bin had not been
properly attached to the forklift. JMW Farms was fined £187,500 plus £13,000 costs.
In July 2012, Lion Steel Equipment Ltd became the third company in the UK to be convicted of
corporate manslaughter and was fined £480,000 and ordered to pay prosecution costs of
£84,000. The case followed the death of an employee who suffered fatal injuries when he fell
through a fragile roof at its site in Hyde, Cheshire in May 2008. The company admitted the
offence, part way through the trial, on the basis that all charges against its directors would be
dropped (three men had been charged with gross negligence manslaughter and health and
safety charges).
Lion Steel is the largest of the three organisations so far convicted of the offence (it has over
100 employees), but it is still nothing like the size of the businesses that were probably the real
targets of the changes in the law four years ago, and a healthcare organisation is yet to be
Inquests and criminal prosecutions are important processes which may be used to gather
evidence at an early stage, and the outcome of a criminal prosecution may be extremely
influential in establishing liability in a civil claim for compensation. From a personal injury
solicitor’s point of view, this can be very demanding work, as the client is likely to make
considerable demands of the solicitor, both professionally and emotionally. A summary of the
main points is set out below at 17.6.
Purpose of inquest:
(a) who deceased was;
(b) how, when and where the deceased came
by his death;
(c) particulars required by the Registration Acts
Other matters:
Obtain evidence/medical notes
Contact coroner’s office
Explain role of inquest to client
Purpose not to express blame or determine criminal
or civil liability
Introduction to Fatal Accident Claims — Procedure and Quantification 275
Introduction to Fatal
Accident Claims — Procedure
and Quantification
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• understand the causes of action available to the estate and dependants of the
deceased after a fatal accident
• identify who may claim as a dependant of the deceased
• advise on the heads of damage which may be claimed by the estate of the deceased
• calculate the amount of a dependency claim
• identify who may claim bereavement damages and the amount of those damages.
This chapter sets out the basic principles involved in assessing damages in personal injury and
clinical negligence cases where the victim has died before trial.
There are two main causes of action in such circumstances:
(a) the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934 (LR(MP)A 1934), which allows a
claim for the benefit of the deceased’s estate; and
(b) the Fatal Accidents Act 1976 (FAA 1976), which allows a claim for the benefit of the
dependants and those entitled to an award of bereavement damages.
It will be assumed that the death occurred on or after 1 January 1983, as the above Acts were
amended substantially relating to deaths after that date. While the Acts provide two separate
causes of action, they are commonly brought together. The methods of valuing damages
which may be claimed under each Act are considered below.
276 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
In certain cases, specific statutes provide for recompense for the deceased’s family, such as
the Carriage by Air Act 1961 in cases of death arising out of civil aviation accidents. These are
not dealt with in this text.
Tom is driving his car when it collides with a car driven by Sharon. Tom dies as a result of
his injuries. He is survived by his widow, Elaine, and his son, Christopher. The accident is
entirely the fault of Tom. As a result, neither Tom’s estate, nor Elaine or Christopher has
any right of action against Sharon.
Lucy is killed in an accident at work. She is survived by her husband, Michael, and
daughter, Patricia. Lucy and her employers are equally to blame for the accident. Although
Lucy’s estate, Michael and Patricia may claim against the employers, the damages
awarded to each will be reduced by 50%.
In the case of Jameson and Another v Central Electricity Generating Board and Another [2000] AC 455,
the House of Lords held that in a case where the second co-defendant had paid a
compensation payment to the injured person when he was still alive (on a less than full
liability basis), this did prevent the dependants bringing a claim under FAA 1976 against the
first co-defendant (who was a concurrent tortfeasor) and did amount to a settlement of claim.
Pleadings may be amended to plead a fatal accident claim if the deceased dies during the
course of proceedings which were commenced in his name when he was alive. However, once
judgment is given or a claim is settled by a living claimant, there can be no subsequent claim
by dependants. If there is a possibility that a claimant might die of his injuries during the
course of proceedings, a claim for provisional damages should be made (see 15.4). Section 3
of the Damages Act 1996 makes it clear that a provisional damages award does not bar a claim
under the FAA 1976, although the award will be taken into account in assessing damages
payable to the dependants under the 1976 Act.
can be made for loss of income in respect of any period after that person’s death (LR(MP)A
1934, s 1(2)(a)(ii), as amended by the Administration of Justice Act 1982).
18.4.7 Conclusion
In the case of instantaneous death, damages under the LR(MP)A 1934 will normally be
limited to damages for funeral expenses and damage to chattels. Where there is a period of
survival, the damages may be more extensive but will normally still be severely curtailed by the
inability of the estate to claim the lost future income of the deceased.
The requirement to come within the statutory definition of ‘dependant’ has resulted in
adverse judicial comment (see Shepherd v Post Office (1995) The Times, 15 June), and the
introduction of the cohabitee as a possible claimant ((b) above) by the Administration of
Justice Act 1982 was controversial.
In Fretwell v Willi Betz, 8 March 2001, the definition of a ‘dependant’ was challenged, by virtue
of the Human Rights Act 1998. The case was settled without any admission as regards the
claimant’s status as a ‘dependant’ (the argument concerned a child of the girlfriend who was
living with the deceased prior to the accident), but it does illustrate the possibility of using the
Human Rights Act 1998 to challenge the narrow statutory definition of a ‘dependant’ (see
also Ogur v Turkey (2001) 31 EHRR 912).
The requirement to have been living together for two years prior to the death should be noted,
and evidence should be obtained on this point if it is anticipated that the defendant will
challenge this (see Kotke v Saffarini [2005] EWCA Civ 221). The FAA 1976 contains a provision
that the cohabitee’s lack of enforceable right to support is to be taken into account (FAA 1976,
s 3(4)). This may mean that a cohabitee will receive less compensation than a lawful spouse,
as the court may use a lower multiplier in determining the dependency claim. For example, a
multiplier of 13 was used for a cohabiting couple, instead of 15 which would have been used if
they were married.
… former wife or husband … includes a reference to a person whose marriage to the deceased has been
annulled or declared void as well as a person whose marriage to the deceased has been dissolved.
Section 1(5) of the FAA 1976 (as amended by the Administration of Justice Act 1982) provides:
(a) any relationship by affinity shall be treated as a relationship by consanguinity, any relationship
of the half blood as a relationship of the whole blood, and the stepchild of any person as his
(b) an illegitimate person shall be treated as the legitimate child of his mother and reputed father.
Thus, for example, the stepbrother of the deceased is treated as his true brother; the uncle of a
wife is treated as the husband’s uncle.
The Adoption Act 1976 provides that, generally, an adopted child is treated as the natural
child of the adopters.
In the case of Cox v Hockenhull [1999] 3 All ER 577, the Court of Appeal held that the important
point in assessing the dependency was to identify the loss the claimant has suffered as a result
of a death. In that case, the deceased’s income had been certain State benefits which she and
her husband had relied upon. The Court allowed the husband’s claim for dependency on the
basis that he was dependent on certain benefits that had been received prior to the death and
which he no longer obtained after his wife was killed in a road traffic accident. The loss must be as a result of a personal family relationship with the deceased
If the loss to the dependant is, in reality, a loss attributable to a business relationship with the
deceased, the claim for loss of dependency will fail (Burgess v Florence Nightingale Hospital for
Gentlewomen [1955] 1 QB 349).
Tom is killed in a car accident as a result of the negligent driving of Keith. Tom is survived
by his widow, Sally, and his 6-month-old son, Brian. Tom was the sole financial support of
Sally and Brian. Tom worked in business with his brother, Joe. As a result of Tom’s death,
the business fails and Joe suffers heavy financial losses. Tom’s married sister, Edwina, is
very upset at the news of her brother’s death.
Sally and Brian may claim as defined dependants who suffer financial losses as a result of a
family relationship with Tom.
Joe cannot claim because, although he is a defined dependant, his financial losses are as a
result of a business relationship with Tom.
Edwina cannot claim because, although she is a defined dependant, she has suffered no
financial losses (merely grief and sorrow).
Mike and Susan both earn £50,000 pa net. They have no children. Mike dies in an
accident at work. Two-thirds of their joint income is approximately £66,600 (£100,000 x
66%), but Susan’s earnings of £50,000 must be deducted to calculate her dependency
claim. Susan’s annual loss of dependency is therefore £16,000.
On the deceased’s death, such free services will be lost. The family will have to pay for the
services (eg, by employing a decorator) and thus incur a loss. The value of these services can
add considerably to the multiplicand. Evidence must be obtained, for example by quotations
from the appropriate source.
In Beesley v New Century Group Ltd [2008] EWHC 3033 (QB), the claimant’s husband had died
from malignant mesothelioma as a result of his employment with the defendant company.
The court made an award of damages for loss of ‘intangible benefits’ in respect of the extra
value to be attached to help such as domestic services provided by a husband. The court held
that there were considerable advantages in having jobs around the house and garden done by a
husband in his own time and at his own convenience, rather than having to employ a
professional. Accordingly, it awarded the claimant £2,000. See also Manning v King’s College
Hospital NHS Trust [2008] EWHC 3008 (QB), in which similar sums were awarded to the
husband and children of the deceased for the loss of personal attention of a wife and mother,
‘in recognition that what is lost goes beyond the material’.
However, each case will turn upon its own facts, and the period of dependency may end before
or after what would have been the normal date of the deceased’s retirement. For example,
where the deceased was a professional person, he might have been expected to work and
support his dependants beyond normal retirement age. Equally, if the deceased would have
enjoyed a pension, it may be argued that he would have continued to provide for his
dependants beyond normal retirement age (although evidence would be needed to
substantiate this: Auty v National Coal Board [1985] 1 All ER 930; see Chapter 15).
Conversely, the period of dependency may stop before what would have been the normally
expected retirement age of the deceased. For example, if the deceased was already in a poor
state of health, he may not have been expected to work until normal retirement age, and the
financial support for the dependants would therefore have ended earlier. Similarly, if the
dependant himself is in a poor state of health and has a short life-expectancy, the period of
dependency will be shorter.
Tom Brown is killed in a road traffic accident. At the time of his death, Tom was 30 years
old. Tom has left a widow, Lucy, aged 29, and twin boys, Mark and James, aged 9. Tom was
a DIY enthusiast, and performed many decorating and maintenance tasks in the family
home. The value of the services to the family was £750 per year. Prior to the accident, Tom
was in good health and was expected to work until he was 65. His net annual earnings at
trial have been calculated as £10,000. The case comes to trial three years after the
Introduction to Fatal Accident Claims — Procedure and Quantification 285
A simplified schedule of loss for the above example is set out below:
Tom Brown’s date of birth January 1981
Date of accident/death January 2011
Date of schedule/trial January 2014
Past loss of earnings to date of schedule
Net pre-accident wage £10,000 pa
Reduction for deceased’s own needs: 25% so initial multiplicand = £7,500
1 January 2011 to 1 January 2014 (3 years) 3 x £7,500 = £ 22,500
Other services to family per annum (eg, gardening, housework, DIY)
3 × £750 = £2,250
Future loss of dependency – earnings
Annual rate of £7,500
Multiplier based on Tom Brown retiring at 65 = 19.84 (22.84 – 3)
£7,500 x 19.84 = £148,800
Future non-financial dependency – gardening, DIY etc
Annual rate of £750
Multiplier of 26.60 (29.60 – 3)
£750 x 26.60 = £19,950
Pre-trial loss £24,750
Future loss £168,750
Bereavement damages £12,980
Funeral expenses £1,390
TOTAL £207,870
In addition, interest is claimed on the pre-trial loss to the date of trial at half the short-term
rate, and on bereavement damages and funeral expenses at the full short-term investment
account rate.
The significant factors in the calculation are as follows:
(a) The length of loss of earnings dependency is likely to be based on Tom’s age of 30
and his retirement age of 65, that is a period of 35 years. This is likely to produce an
overall multiplier of 22.84 using table 9 of the Ogden Tables (see Appendix 5).
(b) There is a separate multiplicand based on the value of the services. The length of
this dependency would be longer than the earnings dependency, on the assumption
that Tom would have continued to provide these services throughout his lifetime
Using table 1 of the Ogden Tables this produces a multiplier of 29.60.
286 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
(c) In practice the multipliers may be further reduced to take account of contingencies
other than mortality (see Chapter 15).
(d) Three years have elapsed from the date of death to the date of this schedule. These
three years must be deducted from the overall multipliers which are calculated from
the date of death (not the date of trial as in straightforward personal injury cases).
Losses in this period are treated as special damages and will attract interest.
(e) The calculation may be split into various sub-calculations to reflect, for example,
that for the first nine years after the accident (but for his death) Tom would have
been supporting a wife and children (therefore he might have been expected to
spend one-quarter of his net earnings on his own maintenance), but for the
remaining 26 years of his working life (after the children became independent) he
would have been supporting only a wife (and therefore he might be expected to
spend one-third of his net earnings on his own maintenance). Another reason for
splitting the calculation may be to reflect any increased earnings because of
The above example is given merely to illustrate the general principles of quantifying a claim. It
will be appreciated that, in practice, it will be rare that a person’s working and family life can
be predicted with such certainty, and other methods of calculating the loss of dependency (eg,
nil discount tables issued by the Government’s Actuary’s Department) have been advocated.
It should also be remembered that different multipliers must be applied to items that would
not have ceased at the age of 65. Detailed instructions need to be obtained from the client on
this point. In practice, therefore, the facts of a particular case are usually such as to defy
precise mathematical calculation. The assessment of dependency damages is a difficult
matter, and the court has to anticipate what would have occurred in the future. To assist the
court, as much evidence as possible should be obtained.
18.5.4 Bereavement The claimants
The claim for bereavement is open only to a limited class (not just ‘dependants’ generally: see The possible claimants are:
(a) the spouse of the deceased; or
(b) the parents of a legitimate unmarried deceased minor;
(c) the mother of an illegitimate unmarried deceased minor.
It should be noted that a cohabitee is excluded from the definition, despite the fact that a
cohabitee can pursue a dependency claim, as noted above. Furthermore, a child is not entitled
to the award of bereavement on the death of his parent; and in a case where both parents can
claim, the damages are divided equally between them (FAA 1976, s 1A(4)). However, in Navaei
v Navaei, 6 January 1995, the mother was negligent, and this resulted in the death of her
daughter. The father claimed all of the bereavement damages and stated that they should not
be shared with the mother. He argued that if he were to be paid only half of the damages, the
mother/tortfeasor would be benefiting contrary to public policy. The court held that in
bringing a claim under the FAA 1976, a claimant is under a duty to act on behalf of all
dependants and the father was allowed only half the damages.
In the case of Griffiths and Others v British Coal Corporation (QBD, 23 February 1998), it was held
that the FAA 1976 did not require an apportionment of damages for bereavement where there
were two causes of death (in this case, smoking and exposure to mine dust), and therefore the
claimant recovered the full statutory sum.
The claim for the bereavement award by parents depends on the deceased being a minor at the
date of death, not at the date of the accident (Doleman v Deakin (1990) The Times, 30 January).
For example, if a dependant receives insurance money as a result of the deceased’s death, the
dependant does not have to give credit for that money against the FAA 1976 damages.
Similarly, if damages awarded to the estate under a LR(MP)A 1934 claim end up in the hands
288 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
of a dependant by reason of the deceased’s will or rules of intestacy, those damages do not
necessarily reduce any FAA 1976 damages which may be awarded to that dependant.
See also H and Another v S [2002] EWCA Civ 792, [2003] QB 965, concerning support now
being given by a surviving parent who was unlikely to have supported the children if the death
had not occurred.
Interest on the bereavement damages may be awarded at the full short-term investment rate
(Sharman v Sheppard [1989] CLY 1190) from the date of death. Interest on funeral expenses is
usually awarded at the full rate from the date that they were paid.
The remaining pecuniary losses to the date of the trial are treated as special damages in a fatal
injury claim, and therefore are often awarded interest at half the short-term investment rate,
although it is arguable that interest can be awarded at the full rate in certain circumstances
(see 15.6). Future pecuniary loss attracts no interest.
To avoid conflicts of interest arising, it is good practice to ensure that none of the dependants
who could be to blame in whole or part for the accident that resulted in the death are
appointed as personal representatives.
The conduct of a fatal accident claim clearly requires sympathy and diplomacy on the part of
the solicitor. There are frequently conflicts of personality between the dependants and
personal representatives, and this is compounded by the fact that only one claim can be
brought in respect of the fatal accident. If, after the fatal accident, it comes to light that the
deceased had more than one dependent family, it can be anticipated that any interviews with
the deceased’s wife may be difficult!
Introduction to Fatal Accident Claims — Procedure and Quantification 289
Acting on behalf of the relatives in a fatal accident claim requires the personal injury/clinical
negligence solicitor to have tact, sympathy and a detailed understanding of the law involved.
It should be appreciated that each case will be dealt with on its own facts, and only broad
principles have been established by the case law in this area. In fatal accident cases the court is
required to anticipate what would have occurred in the future, which will be different in every
case. An overview of damages which may be claimed in fatal cases is set out at 18.12 below.
Criminal Injuries
Compensation Authority
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• set out the criteria for eligibility to make a claim under the Criminal Injuries
Compensation Scheme 2013, and the relevant procedure
• explain how compensation is calculated
• explain when compensation may be withheld or reduced.
Those who have suffered injury as a result of acts of violence may be unable to take civil
proceedings to recover damages, because those responsible are either unknown or have
insufficient means to pay compensation. However, blameless victims of crimes of violence in
Great Britain who have suffered injuries and associated loss can apply for compensation from
a government-funded scheme known as the Criminal injuries Compensation Scheme 2012
(the ‘Scheme’), which is administered by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
(CICA). The Scheme is relevant for applications received on or after 27 November 2012.
The types of payment which may be available under the Scheme are:
(a) injury payments, which are calculated by reference to a tariff (see 19.4.1);
(b) loss of earnings payments (see 19.4.2);
(c) special expenses payments in respect of injury-related requirements which are not
available free of charge from any other source (see 19.4.3); and
(d) various payments relating to fatal injuries, which are beyond the scope of this book.
The maximum award payable in relation to one incident, before any reduction (see 19.5), is
£500,000, which may fall short of the actual losses suffered by the applicant. However, the
Scheme is not designed to provide full financial recompense, but rather to provide some
compensation, where there would not otherwise be any, out of the public purse and in
recognition of public sympathy for the victim. It is for this reason that the victim must be
‘blameless’ (see 19.5 below).
292 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The Scheme is both comprehensive and complex and consequently only the basics are dealt
with here. For more information, you can find the Scheme, the 2008 Scheme (relevant for
applications received prior to 27 November 2012), the application forms and the Guide to the
2012 Compensation Scheme (the ‘Guide’) on the CICA website at www.cica.gov.uk.
It should be noted that CICA will not cover the costs of making an application under the
Scheme and therefore the client will need to fund the matter himself should he want a
solicitor to deal with the application on his behalf. The client should be advised that free
independent advice and help to make the application may be available from Victim Support,
Citizens Advice, law centres or welfare rights organisations.
In order to be eligible for compensation under the Scheme, an applicant must show that he
has sustained a criminal injury which is directly attributable to his being a direct victim of a
crime of violence committed in a ‘relevant place’ (para 4). In the vast majority of cases, and for
the purposes of this book, ‘relevant place’ means Great Britain (para 8), but it also covers, for
example, British-controlled aircraft and Her Majesty’s ships (see Annex C of the Schedule).
Compensation may also be paid to those who have sustained an injury while taking an
exceptional and justified risk in order to remedy or prevent a crime (para 5), to those who have
sustained a mental injury as a result of witnessing or being involved in the immediate
aftermath of an incident in which a loved one is injured (para 6), or to a qualifying relative of a
victim who died as a result of a crime of violence (para 7), but these matters are beyond the
scope of this book.
Applications must be made by filling in CICA’s application form and submitting it online at
www.justice.gov.uk/victims-and-witnesses/cica/apply-online or by supplying the relevant
details over the telephone. Initially, a regional casework team will handle the application but,
once CICA has all the relevant evidence, a claims officer will be assigned to the claim and he
will determine the matter on the balance of probabilities.
At all times, the applicant must comply with his obligations as set out in paras 91 and 92 of the
Scheme. In other words, he must comply with any direction or condition imposed by the
claims officer, assist the claims officer as far as reasonably practicable, and provide all
information and evidence relevant to the application.
The onus is on the applicant to prove that he is eligible for a payment, and therefore evidence
that the applicant meets the residency requirements and basic medical evidence of the injury
suffered must be provided. The applicant must also provide signed consent for the release of
all records relevant to the application to CICA. These might include:
(a) evidence the applicant gave to the police about the incident. CICA will obtain
confirmation from the police that the incident was reported to them and that the
applicant’s behaviour was not a contributory factor;
(b) criminal records;
(c) medical records; and
(d) where loss of earnings and/or special expenses payments are being claimed,
information from the Department for Work and Pensions and/or HM Revenue and
CICA may require further medical evidence, in which case the applicant will be required to
meet the costs of providing initial medical evidence up to maximum of £50. If further medical
evidence is required, such as where injuries are complex, the application involves a claim for
mental illness, or where there may be pre-existing conditions, the applicant will be required
to see his existing doctor or an expert arranged by CICA, and the costs of will be met by CICA.
If the applicant wishes to provide his own medical evidence, CICA will cover the cost only if it
relies on the evidence to determine the claim.
seriousness to an injury which does appear, CICA may refer the matter to the Secretary
of State for consideration for inclusion.
(b) Where an applicant is eligible for an injury payment in respect of an injury requiring an
operation, no separate payment will be made in respect of scarring arising from that
operation (para 35).
(c) Where an applicant’s injury includes the acceleration or exacerbation of an existing
condition, the payment will only compensate for the degree of acceleration or
exacerbation, will be calculated by reference to such tariff injuries as the claims officer
considers appropriate, and will not be paid at all unless the relevant payment is £1,000
or more (para 36).
In order to calculate the total tariff award where there are two or more injuries, the three most
serious injuries must be identified and the associated tariffs added together as follows:
(a) 100% of the tariff for the highest rated injury; plus
(b) 30% of the tariff for the second highest injury; plus, where relevant
(c) 15% of the tariff for the third highest injury.
No compensation is payable in respect of any additional injuries (para 37).
(b) discounting the payment so calculated in accordance with the Tables in Annex F, which
set out:
(i) multipliers to be applied to account for the accelerated receipt of payments, which
are found by reference to the number of years of future loss (Table A);
(ii) discount factors to be applied to a lump sum in respect of loss which starts at a
future date, which are also found by reference to the number of years of future loss
(Table B); and
(iii) assumptions in relation to life expectancy, which are calculated by reference to the
applicant’s age at the date of determination (or death in the case of fatality)
(Table C).
and this must be done by the applicant in person, unless his injuries prevent him from
doing so. Co-operation with the police includes making a statement, attending identity
procedures and giving evidence in court, if required. Co-operation with the CICA
includes supplying complete and truthful information, and attending independent
medical examinations, if required;
(b) where the applicant behaved inappropriately either before, or during or after the
incident (para 25). This will include where the applicant’s consumption of alcohol or
illegal drugs caused him to act aggressively or to provoke the attack, where he
voluntarily took part in a fight, where he threw the first punch, or where his use of
abusive language or gestures led to the incident. However, this does not include where
intoxication through alcohol or drugs made the applicant more vulnerable to becoming
a victim of a crime of violence. So an applicant who was sexually assaulted whilst
intoxicated may still be eligible to receive a full award;
(c) where the applicant has unspent criminal convictions (para 26). Annex D sets out how
CICA will determine what effect an unspent criminal conviction will have in respect of
the withdrawal or reduction of an award. However, in general terms, an unspent
conviction which attracted a custodial or community sentence will result in the
withdrawal of the award, whilst a lesser sentence (other than endorsements, penalty
points or fines resulting from motoring offences) will result in a reduction in the
amount of the award;
(d) where the applicant’s character, other than in relation to an unspent conviction, makes
it appropriate (para 27). CICA will consider evidence relating to involvement with illegal
drugs or other crimes, tax evasion or benefit fraud, anti-social behaviour orders and
cautions or reprimands;
(e) where the applicant receives or is awarded criminal injuries compensation or a similar
payment, receives an order for damages from a civil court, agrees the settlement of a
damages claim, or receives a compensation order or offer made during criminal
proceedings (para 85); or
(f ) in relation to payments for special expenses only, where the applicant has received State
benefits or insurance payments in respect of the injury (paras 54–56 – see 19.4.3).
Last year, Jacob was attacked in Birmingham city centre as he made his way home from work.
He was punched to the ground and kicked repeatedly by assailants who have not been
identified. He suffered a depressed fracture of the skull, for which he required surgery, his jaw
was dislocated and a front tooth was knocked out. The tooth has been replaced, but his other
injuries are continuing to cause him significant difficulties. In addition, he has completely
lost his sense of smell. Jacob was unable to work for 40 weeks, but he has now returned to his
previous job as a shop assistant. His salary throughout the period when he was unable to work
would have been £250 per week, but Jacob received only statutory sick pay of £86.70 per week
during this period.
Tariff for injuries: depressed fracture of skull requiring operation = £4,600 (Level A6);
dislocated jaw causing continuing significant disability = £3,500 (Level A5); loss of one front
tooth = £1,500 (Level A2); total loss of smell = £11,000 (Level A8). Only the three most serious
injuries may be considered.
Calculation: 100% of £11,000 (loss of smell) = £11,000; 30% of £4,600 (fractured skull) =
£1,380; 15% of £3,500 (dislocated jaw) = £525.
Total for injury = £12,905.
Lost salary: Nothing for first 28 weeks. Thereafter, 12 weeks at the SSP rate of £86.70 per week
= £1,040.40. The SSP he has already received is not deductible.
Total payment: £12,905 + £1,040.40 = £13,945.40.
298 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Generally, those who have suffered injury as a result of an act of violence are unable to take
civil proceedings against the perpetrator as their attacker is unlikely to have the financial
means to pay damages. Where such a situation exists, and it is not possible to hold another
individual or body, such as an employer, responsible for the perpetrator’s actions, the
Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme may provide compensation to the victim.
As the costs associated with making an application are not recoverable by the applicant, the
solicitor should advise him that free assistance may be available elsewhere. However, if the
client instructs the solicitor to make the application on his behalf, the solicitor should ensure
that he falls within the criteria set out in the Scheme rules and that the procedure for making a
claim is followed correctly.
Compensation for injuries suffered is based on a tariff which sets out a comprehensive list of
injuries of varying seriousness. Where such an award is made and the victim is unable to work
for more than 28 weeks, past and future loss of earnings from the 29th week may also be
awarded, as may items of special expense. The total claim cannot exceed £500,000.
Awards may be withheld or reduced as a result of the applicant’s conduct before, during or
after the incident.
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• identify a child and a protected party
• understand who might act as a litigation friend, what their duties are, how they are
appointed and when their appointment ceases
• appreciate the court’s role in sanctioning settlements involving children and
protected parties
• set out how the money recovered on behalf of a child or protected party will be dealt
The Civil Procedure Rules (CPR), Part 21 and PD 21 set out special provisions relating to
proceedings brought or defended by children and protected parties, ie those who lack the
mental capacity to conduct proceedings on their own behalf. Many of these provisions apply
equally to children and protected parties, for example:
(a) proceedings will usually be conducted on behalf of the child or protected party by a
litigation friend (see 20.3);
(b) the court must approve any settlement of a claim made on behalf of a child or protected
party (see 20.4); and
(c) the court will direct how damages recovered on behalf of a child or protected party will
be dealt with (see 20.5).
behaviour, which might lead others to make unjustified assumptions about his capacity, are
not of themselves sufficient to establish incapacity.
The principles to be applied when dealing with questions of capacity are set out in s 1 of the
2005 Act as follows:
(2) A person must be assumed to have capacity unless it is established that he lacks capacity.
(3) A person is not to be treated as unable to make a decision unless all practicable steps to help
him to do so have been taken without success.
(4) A person is not to be treated as unable to make a decision merely because he makes an unwise
(5) An act done, or decision made, under this Act for or on behalf of a person who lacks capacity
must be done, or made, in his best interests.
(6) Before the act is done, or the decision is made, regard must be had to whether the purpose for
which it is needed can be as effectively achieved in a way that is less restrictive of the person’s
rights and freedom of action.
The case of Dunhill (a protected party by her litigation friend Paul Tasker) v Burgin [2012] EWCA Civ
397 illustrates how important it is for practitioners to consider whether a party to the
proceedings might lack capacity to deal with them. The claimant was an adult woman who
had been injured as a result of a road traffic accident, and the modest claim bought on her
behalf was settled in the sum of £12,500. Although it was known that she had suffered brain
damage, it appears that none of the legal advisers gave any thought as to whether or not she
had the capacity to deal with the litigation. Consequently, a litigation friend was not
appointed and the court was not asked to approve the settlement. Several years later (when it
was realised that a more realistic valuation of the claim might exceed £2,000,000), the Court
of Appeal determined that an application made on the claimant’s behalf to set aside the
settlement, on the grounds of her lack of capacity to manage her affairs at that time and the
absence of court approval, should succeed.
Under s 28(6) of the Limitation Act 1980, where a person under a disability (ie a child or an
individual lacking mental capacity) has a cause of action, the three year limitation period does
not start to run until he ceases to be under a disability.
For a child who is not also a protected party, this is when he reaches his 18th birthday, which
means that he has until his 21st birthday to commence proceedings.
For a protected party, provided he was incapacitated at the time when the cause of action
accrued, disability ceases if and when he regains mental capacity. Where mental incapacity
arises after the limitation period has commenced, it will not prevent time from continuing to
run. However, an application may be made under s 33 of the LA 1980 to disapply the
limitation period (see 7.8).
(a) in the case of a protected party, a deputy appointed by the Court of Protection under the
Mental Capacity Act 2005 with power to conduct proceedings on the protected party’s
(b) in all other cases, someone who:
(i) can fairly and competently conduct proceedings on behalf of the child or
protected party,
(ii) has no interests adverse to that of the child or protected party (eg, if a child is
injured in a road traffic accident while a passenger in a car being driven by his
father, the mother should act as litigation friend as the father may become a
defendant in the proceedings), and
(iii) where the child or protected party is a claimant, undertakes to pay any costs which
the child or protected party may be ordered to pay in relation to the proceedings,
subject to any right he may have to be repaid from the assets of the child or
protected party.
This is the case whether the litigation friend is appointed without a court order or with a court
order (see CPR, r 21.6(5)).
In circumstances where there is no one suitable and willing to act as the litigation friend, the
Official Solicitor will so act subject to his costs being covered.
20.5.1 Children
Where the case has been concluded by settlement, the court will forward to the Court Funds
Office a request for investment decision and the Public Trustee’s investment managers will
make the appropriate investment.
Where the matter has been concluded at trial, unless the amount is small (in which case it will
be paid to the litigation friend to be placed in a building society account or similar for the
benefit of the child), the court will direct that the money be paid into court and placed into the
special investment account until further investment directions can be given by the court.
The court may appoint the Official Solicitor to be a guardian of the child’s estate. Those with
parental responsibility must agree, unless the court decides that their agreement can be
dispensed with.
When the child reaches 18, any money invested in court must be paid out to him.
This chapter merely outlines the most important issues which need to be considered when
dealing with a claim involving a child or a protected party. It does not include everything that
must be considered, for example the issue of the costs which may be recovered by the
claimant’s solicitor in these matters. The court always requires solicitors to deal with personal
injury and clinical negligence claims competently and professionally, but it will be less
tolerant of inadequacies in the services provided when dealing with claims involving children
and protected parties. It is therefore incumbent on solicitors to ensure that they are familiar
with the relevant issues and the court rules which govern them.
304 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
The Pre-Action Protocols for Low Value RTA, EL and PL Claims 305
After reading this chapter you will be able to:
• appreciate when the RTA or EL/PL Protocol for low value claims applies
• understand how to commence a claim through the Claims Portal
• describe the further stages that a claim may go through once commenced
• identify the fixed costs that may be claimed at the end of each stage
• understand how to make an offer to settle under the RTA or EL/PL Protocols
• understand what happens to a case which exits the Portal.
On 31 July 2013, two new Pre-Action Protocols for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road
Traffic Accidents (the ‘RTA Protocol’) and Employers’ Liability and Public Liability Claims
(the ‘EL/PL Protocol’) came into force, extending the previous Protocol which had been in
force for RTAs from £10,000 to £25,000 and introducing a new procedure for EL or PL claims
valued at up to £25,000. Solicitors who are instructed to act in RTA, EL or PL cases need to
understand how to run these so called ‘Portal’ claims and so must be familiar with the
Protocols, Practice Direction 8B, and the accompanying regime of fixed costs which are
outlined in this chapter.
(c) the claimant values the claim at no more than the ‘Protocol Upper Limit’ (see below);
(d) if proceedings were started, the small claims track would not be the normal track for
that claim.
The ‘Protocol Upper Limit’ is defined in para 1.2 as:
(a) £25,000 where the accident occurred on or after 31 July 2013; or
(b) £10,000 where the accident occurred on or after 30 April 2010 and before 31 July 2013.
The value is on a full liability basis including pecuniary losses but excluding interest.
Paragraph 4.3 states that a claim may include vehicle related damages, but these are excluded
for the purposes of valuing the claim.
‘Vehicle related damages’ are defined as damages for the pre-accident value of the car, vehicle
repair, insurance excess and vehicle hire (para 1.1(18)). ‘Pecuniary losses’ are defined as past
and future expenses and losses (para 1.1(14)).
Paragraph 4.4 sets out a number of claims to which the RTA Protocol will not apply including:
(a) claims made to the MIB under the Untraced Drivers Agreement 2003; and
(b) where the claimant or defendant acts as the personal representative of a deceased
person or is a protected party.
21.2.2 When will the EL/PL Protocol apply?
Paragraph 4.1 of the EL/PL Protocol states that it applies where:
(a) either:
(i) the claim arises from an accident occurring on or after 31 July 2013; or
(ii) in a disease claim, no letter of claim has been sent to the defendant before 31 July
(b) the claim includes damages in respect of personal injury;
(c) the claimant values the claim at not more than £25,000 on a full liability basis including
pecuniary losses but excluding interest (‘the upper limit’); and
(d) if proceedings were started, the small claims track would not be the normal track for
that claim.
Paragraph 4.3 sets out claims to which the EL/PL Protocol will not apply, most notably:
(a) claims where the claimant or defendant is the personal representative of a deceased
person or a protected party;
(b) claims arising out of the harm, abuse or neglect of a child/protected party;
(c) mesothelioma claims; and
(d) disease claims where there is more than one employer defendant.
21.3.1 Stage 1
(a) To begin the process, the claimant must complete and send the Claim Notification
Form (CNF) to the defendant’s insurer. It must be sent electronically via
(b) At the same time, the Defendant Only CNF must be sent to the defendant by first class
post. This is the only exception to para 5.1 of both Protocols, which provides that all
information sent to a party must be sent electronically.
There are further detailed provisions to follow in para 6.1 of the EL/PL Protocol where
the identity of the insurer is not known or there is no insurance. It is sometimes difficult
The Pre-Action Protocols for Low Value RTA, EL and PL Claims 307
to establish the identity of insurers in EL/PL claims (due to the passage of time that
sometimes elapses before claims are brought), but para 6.1(3) states that the claimant
must make a reasonable attempt to identify the insurer and, in an EL claim, must carry
out a database search through the Employers’ Liability Tracing Office.
(c) The insurer must send to the claimant an electronic acknowledgement the day after
receipt of the CNF.
(d) The insurer must complete the ‘Insurer Response’ section of the CNF and send it to the
claimant within:
(i) 15 days for an RTA claim;
(ii) 30 days for an EL claim;
(iii) 40 days for a PL claim.
(e) If the insurer admits liability, the insurer must pay the Stage 1 fixed costs (see below)
within 10 days of receiving the Stage 2 settlement pack (see Stage 2 below).
(f ) If the insurer does not respond, denies liability, alleges contributory negligence (other
than failure to wear a seatbelt in an RTA case) or asserts that the information in the CNF
is inadequate, then the claim exits the Protocol and the claimant may continue the claim
under the existing procedure.
(g) Both Protocols provide that, before the end of Stage 1, the insurer must apply to the
CRU for a certificate of recoverable benefits.
21.3.2 Stage 2
Liability having been admitted, the process now turns to valuation of the claim and
(a) In an EL claim, the defendant must within 20 days of the admission of liability provide
earnings details to verify the claimant’s loss of earnings. Under both Protocols, the
claimant now obtains a medical report. There is no time limit for doing this.
(b) When ready to value the claim, the claimant sends the Stage 2 settlement pack to the
insurer. This includes:
(i) the medical report(s);
(ii) any medical records or photographs served with medical reports;
(iii) evidence of all special damages claimed;
(iv) receipts for disbursements (eg the cost of the medical report);
(v) any witness statements; and
(vi) an offer of settlement.
Non-medical reports are not expected to be required as part of the Stage 2 pack, but may
be obtained where reasonably required to value the claim. In most cases, witness
statements, whether from the claimant or otherwise, will not be required as part of the
Stage 2 pack, but they may be provided where reasonably required to value the claim.
(c) The insurer must respond within 15 days by accepting the offer or making a counter-
offer (the ‘initial consideration period’).
(d) If the claim is not settled, there follows a 20-day negotiation period (the ‘negotiation
(e) Both the initial period and the negotiation period may be extended by agreement.
(f ) An offer to settle by either party will automatically include an agreement to pay Stage 2
fixed costs and disbursements. In some cases, additional advice may be obtained from
counsel or a specialist lawyer to assist in valuing any claim over £10,000, recoverable as a
disbursement, but this should not be the norm.
(g) If the insurer does not respond to the Stage 2 settlement pack, the claim exits the RTA or
the EL/PL Protocol.
(h) If the insurer responds but the claim is not settled, the claimant’s solicitor prepares a
court proceedings pack (CPP) and sends it to the insurer or its nominated solicitor to
308 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
check for accuracy. The pack includes both parties’ comments on disputed heads of
damage and both parties’ final offers. The insurer has five days to check the pack.
(i) In addition, except where the claimant is a child, the insurer must pay to the claimant its
final offer of damages (net of any CRU benefits and interim payments already made)
plus Stage 1 and 2 fixed costs and disbursements within 15 days of receiving the CPP.
21.3.3 Stage 3
(a) The claimant issues proceedings under CPR, Part 8 in accordance with Practice
Direction 8B.
(b) The defendant must acknowledge service within 14 days.
(c) It is assumed that the final assessment of damages will be a paper exercise which neither
party will attend. However, either party may request an oral hearing.
(d) The court will notify both parties of the date when a district judge will assess damages.
Type B
Type B costs are additional advocate’s costs for conducting an oral Stage 3 hearing and are
also £250 for RTA cases and the same for EL/PL Protocol cases, giving a total fee of £500 for an
oral Stage 3 hearing in all portals.
Type C
Type C fixed costs are the costs for the advice on the amount of damages where the claimant is
a child and are £150 in both Protocols.
All fixed costs at all stages are exclusive of VAT, and a further allowance may be made for
disbursements such as medical reports and court fees under CPR, r 45.19.
action protocol (PAP). Both the Personal Injury PAP and the Disease and Illness Claims PAP
provide that in such a case the CNF will serve as the letter of claim.
21.7.2 Costs consequences of Part 36 offers after a claim exits the Portal
Two new provisions have been added to CPR, Part 36 to cover the costs consequences of
acceptance of a Part 36 offer or a protocol offer after a claim has left the Portal (CPR,
r 36.10A), and the costs consequences for a claimant who obtains a judgment less
advantageous than an offer made by the defendant after exiting the portal (CPR, r 36.14A).
The rules are complex but in summary they provide as follows:
The extension of Portal claims to all RTA, EL and PL claims up to £25,000 and the reduction in
costs that can now be claimed has been controversial. Many have suggested that, whilst the
Portal might work for RTAs which are on the whole relatively straightforward, the complexity
in the law relating to employers’ liability and public liability claims make them unsuitable for
such a process. The figures suggest that approximately one-third of RTA claims exit the Portal
as a result of allegations of contributory negligence. Although only time will tell, many
practitioners believe that the figure for claims exiting the EL/PL Portal is likely to be much
312 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
314 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Employers’ Liability Case Study 315
The following case study is illustrative of the low-value personal injury cases which form the
bulk of the personal injury lawyer’s caseload. The documentation charts the basic procedural
steps, from instruction, through commencement of proceedings, to settlement. It does not
cover all eventualities and not all documents which would be relevant to the case have been
provided. Please note that as the accident occurred before 31 July 2013, the Pre-action
Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims does
not apply. However, if it had been applicable, the only difference to the procedure and case
documents set out in this case study would be that:
• Goodlaw would carry out a search to discover the name and address of the defendant’s
• A Claim Notification Form (CNF) would be sent to the defendant’s insurer and a
Defendant Only Claim Form to the defendant via the Portal instead of the Letter of
Claim at Document 2.
• Once the defendant had indicated its intention to defend the matter, the claim would
fall out of the protocol procedure and the CNF would stand as the Letter of Claim.
The claim proceeds as follows:
1 The claimant, Neil Worthing, instructs a firm of solicitors, Goodlaw, in relation to an
injury he has suffered whilst in the employment of Guildshire Engineering Limited. A
proof of evidence is taken (Document 1). The matter is funded by means of a CFA
backed up by an AEI policy.
2 A letter of claim is sent (Document 2).
3 Guildshire Engineering Limited is covered by BTE insurance. The insurer instructs
Winter Wood & Co, to act on its behalf. A letter of denial is sent (Document 3) together
with relevant documents, including the accident report (Document 4) and the RIDDOR
report (Document 5).
4 In accordance with the PAP for personal injury claims, the claimant’s solicitors write to
the defendant’s solicitors with the aim of appointing a jointly selected medical expert
(Document 6). They provide three names.
5 The defendant does not raise any objection to those named, one is instructed and a
medical report is obtained (Document 7).
6 Following receipt of the medical report, the assistant solicitor acting for the claimant
conducts research into what the claimant would be entitled to in respect of general
damages for pain, suffering and loss of amenity, and he sends a memo to his principal
solicitor setting out his findings (Document 8).
7 A claim form is issued (Document 9) in the Northampton County Court (through the
County Court Money Claims Centre), and served with the particulars of claim
(Document 10), the Schedule of Past and Future Expenses and Losses (Document 11)
and the medical report.
8 The defendant’s solicitors notify the Compensation Recovery Unit (CRU) of the claim by
means of Form CRU 1 (Document 12).
9 The defence is filed (Document 13). The case is provisionally allocated to the fast track
and is transferred to the Christlethorpe County Court.
316 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
forward and the thumb of my left hand was caught between the handles of the two
trolleys. It was excruciatingly painful.
7. I immediately went to see the first aider, Alison Jacobs, who examined my thumb and
said she thought it might be broken. My hand was already swelling up, and I was in great
pain and very distressed. As I am left handed, I was worried about being able to write.
Also I was concerned about my ability to play the piano, which is my great passion. I
perform as a pianist in the restaurant at the Swan Lake Hotel on Tuesday, Thursday, and
Friday evenings from 7pm to 11pm, for which I am paid £80 each Tuesday and Thursday
evening and £100 each Friday evening.
8. As I was unable to drive, Alison Jacobs drove me to the A&E department at Guildshire
Hospital. By the time we arrived, the pain and swelling in my thumb had increased. My
left thumb was x-rayed, which confirmed that it had been fractured. A plaster cast was
applied to my thumb up to my elbow and I was given a sling. I wore this plaster for two
weeks and then a splint for a further two weeks.
9. Obviously I could not go to work. On Wednesday 19 June, I received a call from Tony
Benson. He sounded quite cross. He said that the accident had been due to me mucking
about with Jerry and that I hadn’t carried out his instructions. He said that he would
send me two weeks’ wages, which was more than generous and that my services were no
longer needed.
10. A few days later, I received a cheque from GEL for two weeks’ wages, £550. Because of
the injury, I was incapable of working for about four weeks, but when I had recovered
enough to work, I was unable to find another job for what remained of the summer
break. In addition, I lost money due to being unable to play the piano at the Swan Lake
Hotel for a period of eight weeks. Luckily, they took me back once I was able to play
again. I did not claim benefits as I did not think I would be entitled to any.
11. I was unable to cook or clean, or do anything much after the accident. Consequently, my
mother came and stayed with me for two weeks to look after me. She doesn’t work, so
she didn’t lose any money, but it was very inconvenient for her and quite embarrassing
for me.
12. I had a course of five physiotherapy treatments at Guildshire Hospital. I incurred
travelling expenses attending these physiotherapy treatments. I travelled in my own car
to the hospital, which is a round trip of 10 miles from my flat.
13. I was then advised to continue with a course of exercises at home. I still do these
exercises on a daily basis as I still have restricted movement in my thumb. It continues
to give me pain, especially in cold weather, or if I knock or catch it accidentally.
Sometimes, it locks when I am trying to grip with my left hand. I can play the piano, but
it does hurt towards the end of the four-hour period when I am playing at the hotel. It
also hurts when I have been writing for a while, which obviously I have to do at college.
14. Jerry rang me a few weeks after the accident to apologise and to ask how I was. He told
me that he had never received any information or training regarding stacking boxes or
moving trolleys, and that GEL had recently had foam placed over the metal handles of
all the trolleys in the factory.
6. failed to take appropriate steps to reduce the risk of injury to our client arising out of
undertaking the operation set out above to the lowest practicable level contrary to reg
4(1)(b)(ii) of the Manual Handling Regulations;
7. failed to provide competent fellow workers. Our client informs us that Mr Packman was
well known to his colleagues and to you as a practical joker. It was as a direct result of Mr
Packman’s inappropriate behaviour that the injury to our client arose.
The above matters should not be taken as a comprehensive list of allegations of fault. We
reserve the right to include any further allegations of fault as are appropriate once we have
received a substantive response to this letter and when any further necessary investigations
which may be required have been concluded.
Injuries and losses.
As a result of your negligence/breach of statutory duty our client has suffered personal injuries
which consist of a fractured thumb. He lost 8 weeks' salary from his employment with you and
8 weeks' salary from his work as a professional piano player at the Swan Lake Hotel. He has
also incurred miscellaneous expenses relating to travelling to hospital for physiotherapy and
the provision of care gratuitously provided by his mother for a two-week period immediately
following the accident.
Disclosure of documents.
Unless liability is admitted in full we expect you to disclose all relevant documents in
accordance with the protocol. At this stage of our enquiries we consider that the documents
contained in the standard disclosure list for workplace claims and sections A, B and D of that
list to apply. Please confirm that the originals of all relevant documents will be preserved.
Should you fail to provide the disclosure requested above, in so far as that it is required by the
protocol, please be aware that we will make the appropriate application to the court to ensure
disclosure is complied with. Should this be necessary, we reserve the right to draw the
contents of this letter to the attention of the court in relation to the question of costs.
Details of earnings.
We understand that our client was contracted to work for you for a period of 10 weeks, that he
had been working for you for only four and a half days when the accident arose and,
consequently, he has lost 9 weeks of employment. We further understand that he has received
a payment of £550 from you in recompense for both the week that he worked and one more
week. Hence, he has lost earnings equivalent to 8 weeks’ work. Could you please confirm that
this is the case and provide details of:
(1) the agreed weekly gross and net earnings for the 10-week period;
(2) any other financial benefits he would have been entitled to had he not been injured, for
example, loss of overtime, shift allowance, bonus, commission and pension or other
benefits; and
(3) any sick pay paid to our client during his absence from work, including company sick
pay, statutory sick pay and tax refunds. If any payments of company sick pay have been
made, please state whether these are refundable or not.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).
Our client would prefer to try to resolve this matter without the need for litigation. We
consider the appropriate method of ADR to be negotiation. We hope that you will comply with
your obligations under the pre-action protocol. If you fail to do so, we reserve the right to refer
the court to the contents of this letter when seeking orders on case management that may be
necessary due to your failure to negotiate.
Timetable of pre-action protocol.
We consider that this letter commences the timetable applicable under the pre-action
protocol for personal injury claims. We therefore request acknowledgement of this letter from
320 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
you or your insurers by 14 October 2013 and a decision on liability by 13 January 2014 at the
latest. A copy of this letter is enclosed for your insurers.
We look forward to hearing from you or your insurers in response to this letter of claim in
accordance with the pre-action protocol.
Yours faithfully
Goodlaw Solicitors
Employers’ Liability Case Study 321
In addition to the risk assessment mentioned above, we enclose the following documents:
• Copy of your client’s contract of employment. Please note the requirement for
employees to read the health and safety information and the standards of behaviour
required by all employees at all times.
• Copies of all health and safety documents supplied to your client
• Accident book entry
• First aider report
• RIDDOR report to the HSE
• Earnings information
There are no further relevant documents to disclose.
Mr Worthing was dismissed by our client due to his unreasonable behaviour.
This was an unfortunate accident for which we have every sympathy with your client.
Nevertheless, we have no offers to make to settle this matter as we do not consider that our
client was either negligent or in breach of statutory duty.
Please note that, should you wish to continue with this matter, we are instructed to accept
service of proceedings on our client’s behalf.
Yours faithfully,
Winter Wood & Co
Employers’ Liability Case Study 323
If you did not have the accident, write your name and position
If the person who had the accident suffered an injury, give details Crushed left
thumb - fractured
Complete this box if the accident is reportable under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases
and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).
Employers’ Liability Case Study 325
326 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
drop them. Writing or playing the piano for long periods of time would cause pain and
discomfort. Mr Worthing has to do both of these activities on a regular basis as he is a
student and plays the piano at a hotel several evenings a week on a commercial basis. He
can drive without difficulty. His sleep is not disturbed unless he has been playing the
piano at the hotel. On those occasions, he sometimes has to take pain killers in order to
get a good night’s sleep.
6. On examination
The left thumb was not swollen, bruised or discoloured. However, there was light
tenderness over the dorsal aspect of the MCP joint. Ligaments and tendons to the
thumb appeared to be intact. Resisted movements of the MCP and IP joints of the
thumb were possible without pain. He felt, however, that he could not bend the left
thumb as well as the right thumb. The grip and pinch grip of the left hand appeared to
be normal.
7. Diagnosis and opinion
7.1 Undisplaced avulsion fracture base of proximal phalanx radial side left thumb with
bruising to IP joint.
7.2 In my opinion, an injury of this nature would have prevented Mr Worthing from working
for one month following the accident and from playing the piano competently for a
period of two months following the accident.
7.3 Mr Worthing appears to have made a good but not complete recovery from the injury.
There appears to be some slight stiffness of the MCP joint of the left thumb with
tenderness over the dorsal aspect but resisted movements are pain free. Gripping
appears to cause some pain and discomfort, the thumb occasionally ‘locks’ and he
sometimes drops objects.
7.4 On a balance of probabilities, I believe that his symptoms will gradually settle over a
period of 18 months from the accident. He will not develop osteoarthritic changes in his
left thumb, IP or MCP joints as a result of the injury sustained on 14 June 2013 and his
ability to work and pursue leisure activities will not be disadvantaged as a result of these
injuries 18 months post-accident.
8. Declaration
8.1 I understand that my overriding duty is to the court, both in preparing reports and in
giving oral evidence.
8.2 I have set out in my report what I understand from those instructing me to be the
questions in respect of which my opinion as an expert is required.
8.3 I have done my best, in preparing this report, to be accurate and complete. I have
mentioned all matters which I regard as relevant to the opinions I have expressed. All of
the matters on which I have expressed an opinion lie within my field of expertise.
8.4 I have drawn to the attention of the court all matters, of which I am aware, which might
adversely affect my opinion.
8.5 Wherever I have no personal knowledge, I have indicated the source of factual
8.6 I have not included anything in this report which has been suggested to me by anyone,
including the lawyers instructing me, without forming my own independent view of the
8.7 Where, in my view, there is a range of reasonable opinion, I have indicated the extent of
that range in the report.
8.8 At the time of signing the report I consider it to be complete and accurate. I will notify
those instructing me if, for any reason, I subsequently consider that the report requires
any correction or qualification.
8.9 I understand that this report will be the evidence that I will give under oath, subject to
any correction or qualification I may make before swearing to its veracity.
Employers’ Liability Case Study 329
1. The Defendant is a manufacturer of industrial tools. At all material times, the Claimant
was employed by the Defendant as a process engineer at their factory at 77, Blizzard
Lane, Christlethorpe, Guildshire, Surrey GU59 2YZ.
2. At all times, the provisions of the Management of Health and Safety at Work
Regulations 1999 (“the Management Regulations”), the Manual Handling Operations
Regulations 1992 (the ‘Manual Handling Regulations’) and the Provision and Use of
Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (“the Work Equipment Regulations”) applied.
3. On 14 June 2013, at approximately 2.45pm, whilst acting in the course of his
employment, the Claimant and a co-worker Mr Jeremy Packman, were in the process of
moving boxes of widgets from one part of the factory to another. They were
transporting the boxes on two trolleys both of which had metal handles on each side.
The Claimant was standing at the side of the first trolley, with his left hand on the
handle, when the second trolley was pushed forward by Mr Packman with force, causing
it to slam into the first trolley. The Claimant’s left thumb was trapped between the
handles of the two trolleys.
4. The accident was caused or contributed to by the negligence and/or breach of statutory
duty of the Defendant, its servants or agents acting in the course of their employment.
The Claimant repeats the allegations of breach of statutory duty as allegations of
negligence and further alleges the Defendant was negligent in that it:
(a) failed to provide a safe system of work in that the Claimant was not given adequate
information, instruction and training in relation to manual handling and health
and safety matters;
(b) failed to provide safe or adequate plant in that the trolleys were not reasonably
safe as the handles were not covered with foam or an alternative appropriate
(c) failed to provide the Claimant with competent fellow workers. The Defendant was
aware that Mr Packman was prone to practical jokes and horseplay within the
(d) exposed the Claimant to a foreseeable risk of injury.
5. By reason of the matters aforesaid the Claimant has suffered pain and injury and
sustained loss and damage.
The Claimant, who was born on 14 December 1991, suffered a fracture to his left thumb. He
has made a good but not complete recovery and continues to suffer from some joint stiffness
and tenderness. It is anticipated that he will make a full recovery within 18 months of the
accident. Further details of the Claimant’s injuries and prognosis are provided in the attached
medical report of Mr GD Cookson, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, dated 10 January 2014.
I believe that the facts stated in these Particulars of Claim are true.
The Claimant (d.o.b 14 December 1991) was employed by the Defendant and injured at the
Defendant’s premises on 14 June 2013, when his left thumb was trapped between the metal
handles of two trolleys. He suffered a fracture of the left thumb. His hand and arm were placed
in a plaster of paris casing for two weeks and his thumb was bandaged for two weeks
thereafter. He underwent five physiotherapy treatments, was unable to work for the remaining
nine weeks of his contract with the Defendant, or play the piano at the Swan Lake Hotel for
eight weeks.
Loss of earnings
Guildshire Engineering Ltd
Pre-accident weekly net wage = £275
9 weeks @ £275 £2,475
Less received from employers £275
Net loss of earnings £2,200
Swan Lake Hotel
Pre-accident weekly net wage = £260
8 weeks @ £260 £2,080
Total net loss of earnings £4,280
Travelling expenses
Journeys to and from hospital/outpatients
5 x trips (10 miles @ 45p per mile £4.50 per trip) £22.50
Car parking 5 x £2 £10
Total £32.50
Cost of care
4 hours per day for 14 days @ £7 per hour £392
TOTAL £4,704.50
I believe the facts stated in this schedule are true
Signed: Neil Worthing
Dated this 7th day of February 2014
Employers’ Liability Case Study 337
Claim No: N 14 123
6. Further or in the alternative, if, which is not admitted, the Claimant’s thumb became
trapped between the handles of the trolleys as alleged and this was caused wholly or
partly by any inappropriate behaviour on the part of Mr Packman, which is denied, Mr
Packman was acting contrary to instructions given to him by the Defendant and was
therefore not acting in the course of his employment.
7. Further or in the alternative, if, which is not admitted, the Claimant’s thumb became
trapped between the handles of the trolleys as alleged, the accident was wholly caused
or alternatively materially contributed to by his own negligence.
The Claimant:
(a) stacked the second trolley with five boxes instead of four as instructed;
(b) engaged in horseplay with Mr Packman and encouraged him to behave
(c) failed to exercise reasonable care for his own safety.
8. The Defendant denies that any pain, injury, loss or damage alleged in Paragraph 4 was
caused by any breach of statutory duty and/or negligence by the Defendant as alleged or
at all. The Defendant is not in a position to agree or dispute the contents of the attached
medical report of Mr Cookson or the alleged losses and expenses set out in the attached
Schedule. Consequently, the Defendant puts the Claimant to strict proof in relation to
all damages claimed.
DATED this 18th day of February 2014 SIGNED Winter Wood & Co
The Defendant believes that the facts stated in this Defence are true.
I am duly authorised by the Defendant to sign this statement.
Full name: Jacob Hudson
Signed: J Hudson Position held: Managing Director
18th February 2014
The Defendant’s solicitors are Winter Wood & Co, Rembrandt House, Lee Lane, Brampton,
Guildshire, GU7 8TU where they will accept service of proceedings on behalf of the
To: The Claimant
To: The Court Manager
(Note to readers – the attachments referred to in this Defence are not reproduced)
Employers’ Liability Case Study 341
Warning: you must comply with the terms imposed upon you by this order otherwise your
case is liable to be struck out or some other sanction imposed. If you cannot comply you are
expected to make formal application to the court before any deadline imposed upon you
On 21 April 2014, DISTRICT JUDGE BILLINGHURST, sitting in the Christlethorpe County
Court, considered the papers in the case and ordered that:
1. This case is allocated to the fast track
2. (a) Standard disclosure by lists between the parties by 4:00pm on 26 May 2014 and
CPR 31.21 shall apply in the event of default.
(b) Inspection of documents by 4:00pm on 9 June 2014
3. (a) Statements of witnesses as to fact to be exchanged by 4:00pm on 7 July 2014
(b) Witness statements shall stand as evidence in chief.
(c) Evidence shall not be permitted at trial from a witness whose evidence has not
been served in accordance with this order.
4. (a) The Claimant is permitted to rely on the written report of Mr G D Cookson.
(b) The Defendant shall raise any questions of the said expert in writing by 4:00pm on
21 July 2014 which shall be responded to by 4:00pm on 16 August 2014.
5. (a) The Claimant shall serve an updated schedule of damages by 4:00pm on 25
August 2014 and the Defendant shall serve any counter schedule by 4:00pm on 1
September 2014 both incorporating an estimate of the general range of damages.
(b) Within 7 days of the exchange of schedules the parties shall communicate and
shall agree subject to liability the range of general damages and the extent to
which the general damages are agreed and shall agree a case summary setting out
the extent of agreement and of disagreement giving reasons for the disagreement.
6. The parties shall file a Listing Questionnaire by 4:00pm on 29 September 2014 together
with the case summary directed at 5(b) above.
7. (a) The matter be listed for trial before a District Judge in a 3 week trial window
commencing 3 November 2014 with an estimated length of hearing of 3 hours.
(b) The Claimant shall lodge the trial bundle by no later than 5 days prior to the date
of trial.
Dated 21 April 2014
The court office at CHRISTLETHORPE County Court is open between 10am and 4pm Monday
to Friday. When corresponding with the court, please address forms or letters to the Court
Manager and quote the claim number. Tel: 01483 123123 Fax: 01483 123345.
348 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Tel.: 0191-2252377
Fax.: 0191-2252366
Below is a copy of the Certificate of Recoverable Benefits sent to Winter Wood & Co.
Please note: This is for information only – no payment is required from you
1 Introduction
2 Notes of guidance
3 The protocol
4 Rehabilitation
5 Resolution of issues
A Letter of claim
B Pre-action personal injury protocol standard disclosure lists
C Letter of instruction to medical expert
D The 2007 rehabilitation code
1 Introduction
1.1 Lord Woolf in his final Access to Justice Report of July 1996 recommended the
development of pre-action protocols:
To build on and increase the benefits of early but well informed settlement which genuinely satisfy
both parties to dispute.
1.2 The aims of pre-action protocols are:
• more pre-action contact between the parties
• better and earlier exchange of information
• better pre-action investigation by both sides
• to put the parties in a position where they may be able to settle cases fairly and
early without litigation
• to enable proceedings to run to the court’s timetable and efficiently, if litigation
does become necessary
• to promote the provision of medical or rehabilitation treatment (not just in high
value cases) to address the needs of the claimant
1.3 The concept of protocols is relevant to a range of initiatives for good litigation and
pre-litigation practice, especially:
• predictability in the time needed for steps pre-proceedings
• standardisation of relevant information, including documents to be disclosed.
1.4 The Courts will be able to treat the standards set in protocols as the normal reasonable
approach to pre-action conduct. If proceedings are issued, it will be for the court to
decide whether non-compliance with a protocol should merit adverse consequences.
Guidance on the court’s likely approach will be given from time to time in practice
1.5 If the court has to consider the question of compliance after proceedings have begun, it
will not be concerned with minor infringements, e.g. failure by a short period to provide
relevant information. One minor breach will not exempt the ‘innocent’ party from
following the protocol. The court will look at the effect of non-compliance on the other
party when deciding whether to impose sanctions.
356 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
2 Notes of Guidance
2.1 The protocol has been kept deliberately simple to promote ease of use and general
acceptability. The notes of guidance which follows relate particularly to issues which
arose during the piloting of the protocol.
Early notification
2.6 The claimant’s legal representative may wish to notify the defendant and/or his insurer
as soon as they know a claim is likely to be made, but before they are able to send a
detailed letter of claim, particularly for instance, when the defendant has no or limited
knowledge of the incident giving rise to the claim or where the claimant is incurring
significant expenditure as a result of the accident which he hopes the defendant might
pay for, in whole or in part. If the claimant’s representative chooses to do this, it will not
start the timetable for responding.
2.8 In road traffic cases, the letter of claim should always contain the name and address of
the hospital where the claimant was treated and, where available, the claimant’s
hospital reference number.
2.9 The priority at letter of claim stage is for the claimant to provide sufficient information
for the defendant to assess liability. Sufficient information should also be provided to
enable the defendant to estimate the likely size of the claim.
2.10 Once the claimant has sent the letter of claim no further investigation on liability should
normally be carried out until a response is received from the defendant indicating
whether liability is disputed.
2.10AWhere a claim no longer continues under the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value
Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents or the Pre-Action Protocol for Low
Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims the Claim
Notification Form (‘CNF’) completed by the claimant under that Protocol can be used as
the letter of claim under this Protocol unless the defendant has notified the claimant
that there is inadequate information in the CNF.
Disclosure of documents
2.13 The aim of the early disclosure of documents by the defendant is not to encourage
‘fishing expeditions’ by the claimant, but to promote an early exchange of relevant
information to help in clarifying or resolving issues in dispute. The claimant’s solicitor
can assist by identifying in the letter of claim or in a subsequent letter the particular
categories of documents which they consider are relevant.
2.14 The protocol encourages joint selection of, and access to, experts. The report produced
is not a joint report for the purposes of CPR Part 35. Most frequently this will apply to
the medical expert, but on occasions also to liability experts, e.g. engineers. The
protocol promotes the practice of the claimant obtaining a medical report, disclosing it
to the defendant who then asks questions and/or agrees it and does not obtain his own
report. The Protocol provides for nomination of the expert by the claimant in personal
injury claims because of the early stage of the proceedings and the particular nature of
358 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
2.20 Where a claim is not resolved when the protocol has been followed, the parties might
wish to carry out a ‘stocktake’ of the issues in dispute, and the evidence that the court is
likely to need to decide those issues, before proceedings are started. Where the
defendant is insured and the pre-action steps have been conducted by the insurer, the
insurer would normally be expected to nominate solicitors to act in the proceedings and
the claimant’s solicitor is recommended to invite the insurer to nominate solicitors to
act in the proceedings and do so 7–14 days before the intended issue date.
3 The protocol
Letter of claim
3.1 Subject to paragraph 2.10A the claimant shall send to the proposed defendant two
copies of a letter of claim, immediately sufficient information is available to
substantiate a realistic claim and before issues of quantum are addressed in detail. One
copy of the letter is for the defendant, the second for passing on to his insurers.
3.2 The letter shall contain a clear summary of the facts on which the claim is based
together with an indication of the nature of any injuries suffered and of any financial
Pre-action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims 359
loss incurred. In cases of road traffic accidents, the letter should provide the name and
address of the hospital where treatment has been obtained and the claimant’s hospital
reference number. Where the case is funded by a conditional fee agreement (or
collective conditional fee agreement), notification should be given of the existence of
the agreement and where appropriate, that there is a success fee and/or insurance
premium, although not the level of the success fee or premium.
3.3 Solicitors are recommended to use a standard format for such a letter – an example is at
Annex A: this can be amended to suit the particular case.
3.4 The letter should ask for details of the insurer and that a copy should be sent by the
proposed defendant to the insurer where appropriate. If the insurer is known, a copy
shall be sent directly to the insurer. Details of the claimant’s National Insurance number
and date of birth should be supplied to the defendant’s insurer once the defendant has
responded to the letter of claim and confirmed the identity of the insurer. This
information should not be supplied in the letter of claim.
3.5 Sufficient information should be given in order to enable the defendant’s insurer/
solicitor to commence investigations and at least put a broad valuation on the ‘risk’.
3.6 The defendant should reply within 21 calendar days of the date of posting of the letter
identifying the insurer (if any) and, if necessary, identifying specifically any significant
omissions from the letter of claim. If there has been no reply by the defendant or insurer
within 21 days, the claimant will be entitled to issue proceedings.
3.7 The defendant(’s insurers) will have a maximum of three months from the date of
acknowledgment of the claim to investigate. No later than the end of that period the
defendant (insurer) shall reply, stating whether liability is denied and, if so, giving
reasons for their denial of liability including any alternative version of events relied
3.8 Where the accident occurred outside England and Wales and/or where the defendant is
outside the jurisdiction, the time periods of 21 days and three months should normally
be extended up to 42 days and six months.
3.9 Where the claimant’s investigation indicates that the value of the claim has increased to
more than £15,000 since the letter of claim, the claimant should notify the defendant as
soon as possible.
3.10 If the defendant denies liability, he should enclose with the letter of reply, documents in
his possession which are material to the issues between the parties, and which would be
likely to be ordered to be disclosed by the court, either on an application for pre-action
disclosure, or on disclosure during proceedings.
3.11 Attached at Annex B are specimen, but non-exhaustive, lists of documents likely to be
material in different types of claim. Where the claimant’s investigation of the case is
well advanced, the letter of claim could indicate which classes of documents are
considered relevant for early disclosure. Alternatively these could be identified at a later
3.12 Where the defendant admits primary liability, but alleges contributory negligence by
the claimant, the defendant should give reasons supporting those allegations and
disclose those documents from Annex B which are relevant to the issues in dispute. The
claimant should respond to the allegations of contributory negligence before
proceedings are issued.
3.13 No charge will be made for providing copy documents under the Protocol.
360 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Special damages
3.14 The claimant will send to the defendant as soon as practicable a Schedule of Special
Damages with supporting documents, particularly where the defendant has admitted
3.15 Before any party instructs an expert he should give the other party a list of the name(s)
of one or more experts in the relevant speciality whom he considers are suitable to
3.16 Where a medical expert is to be instructed the claimant’s solicitor will organise access to
relevant medical records – see specimen letter of instruction at Annex C.
3.17 Within 14 days the other party may indicate an objection to one or more of the named
experts. The first party should then instruct a mutually acceptable expert (which is not
the same as a joint expert). It must be emphasised that if the Claimant nominates an
expert in the original letter of claim, the defendant has 14 days to object to one or more
of the named experts after expiration of the period of 21 days within which he has to
reply to the letter of claim, as set out in paragraph 3.6.
3.18 If the second party objects to all the listed experts, the parties may then instruct experts
of their own choice. It would be for the court to decide subsequently, if proceedings are
issued, whether either party had acted unreasonably.
3.19 If the second party does not object to an expert nominated, he shall not be entitled to
rely on his own expert evidence within that particular speciality unless:
(a) the first party agrees,
(b) the court so directs, or
(c) the first party’s expert report has been amended and the first party is not prepared
to disclose the original report.
3.20 Either party may send to an agreed expert written questions on the report, relevant to
the issues, via the first party’s solicitors. The expert should send answers to the
questions separately and directly to each party.
3.21 The cost of a report from an agreed expert will usually be paid by the instructing first
party: the costs of the expert replying to questions will usually be borne by the party
which asks the questions.
4 Rehabilitation
4.1 The claimant or the defendant or both shall consider as early as possible whether the
claimant has reasonable needs that could be met by rehabilitation treatment or other
4.2 The parties shall consider, in such cases, how those needs might be addressed. The
Rehabilitation Code (which is attached at Annex D) may be helpful in considering how
to identify the claimant’s needs and how to address the cost of providing for those
4.3 The time limit set out in paragraph 3.7 of this Protocol shall not be shortened, except by
consent to allow these issues to be addressed.
4.4 The provision of any report obtained for the purposes of assessment of provision of a
party’s rehabilitation needs shall not be used in any litigation arising out of the accident,
the subject of the claim, save by consent and shall in any event be exempt from the
provisions of paragraphs 3.15 to 3.21 inclusive of this protocol.
5 Resolution of issues
5.1 Where the defendant admits liability in whole or in part, before proceedings are issued,
any medical reports obtained under this protocol on which a party relies should be
Pre-action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims 361
disclosed to the other party. The claimant should delay issuing proceedings for 21 days
from disclosure of the report (unless such delay would cause his claim to become time-
barred), to enable the parties to consider whether the claim is capable of settlement.
5.2 The Civil Procedure Rules Part 36 permit claimants and defendants to make offers to
settle pre-proceedings. Parties should always consider before issuing if it is appropriate
to make Part 36 Offer. If such an offer is made, the party making the offer must always
supply sufficient evidence and/or information to enable the offer to be properly
5.3 Where the defendant has admitted liability, the claimant should send to the defendant
schedules of special damages and loss at least 21 days before proceedings are issued
(unless that would cause the claimant’s claim to become time-barred).
Letter of claim
Dear Sirs
Re: Claimant’s full name
Claimant’s full address
Claimant’s Clock or Works Number
Claimant’s Employer (name and address)
We are instructed by the above named to claim damages in connection with an accident at
work/road traffic accident/tripping accident on day of (year) at
(place of accident which must be sufficiently detailed to establish location)
Please confirm the identity of your insurers. Please note that the insurers will need to see this
letter as soon as possible and it may affect your insurance cover and/or the conduct of any
subsequent legal proceedings if you do not send this letter to them.
The circumstances of the accident are:
(brief outline)
The reason why we are alleging fault is:
(simple explanation e.g. defective machine, broken ground)
A description of our clients’ injuries is as follows:
(brief outline)
(In cases of road traffic accidents)
Our client (state hospital reference number) received treatment for the injuries at name and
address of hospital).
Our client is still suffering from the effects of his/her injury. We invite you to participate with
us in addressing his/her immediate needs by use of rehabilitation.
He is employed as (occupation) and has had the following time off work (dates of absence).
His approximate weekly income is (insert if known).
If you are our client’s employers, please provide us with the usual earnings details which will
enable us to calculate his financial loss.
We are obtaining a police report and will let you have a copy of the same upon your
undertaking to meet half the fee.
362 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
We have also sent a letter of claim to (name and address) and a copy of that letter is attached.
We understand their insurers are (name, address and claims number if known).
At this stage of our enquiries we would expect the documents contained in parts (insert
appropriate parts of standard disclosure list) to be relevant to this action.
Please note that we have entered into a conditional fee agreement with our client dated
in relation to this claim which provides for a success fee within the meaning of section
58(2) of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990. Our client has taken out an insurance policy
with [name of insurance company] of [address of insurance company] to which section 29 of
the Access Justice Act 1999 applies. The policy number is and the policy is dated
. Where the funding arrangement is an insurance policy, the party must state the name
and address of the insurer, the policy number and the date of the policy, and must identify the
claim or claims to which it relates (including Part 20 claims if any).
A copy of this letter is attached for you to send to your insurers. Finally we expect an
acknowledgment of this letter within 21 days by yourselves or your insurers.
Yours faithfully
Pre-action personal injury protocol standard disclosure lists
Fast track disclosure
RTA Cases
Section A
In all cases where liability is at issue—
(i) Documents identifying nature, extent and location of damage to defendant’s vehicle
where there is any dispute about point of impact.
(ii) MOT certificate where relevant.
(iii) Maintenance records where vehicle defect is alleged or it is alleged by defendant that
there was an unforeseen defect which caused or contributed to the accident.
Section B
Accident involving commercial vehicle as defendant—
(i) Tachograph charts or entry from individual control book.
(ii) Maintenance and repair records required for operators’ licence where vehicle defect is
alleged or it is alleged by defendant that there was an unforeseen defect which caused or
contributed to the accident.
Section C
Cases against local authorities where highway design defect is alleged.
(i) Documents produced to comply with Section 39 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 in respect
of the duty designed to promote road safety to include studies into road accidents in the
relevant area and documents relating to measures recommended to prevent accidents in
the relevant area.
Workplace claims
(i) Accident book entry.
(ii) First aider report.
(iii) Surgery record.
(iv) Foreman/supervisor accident report.
(v) Safety representatives accident report.
(vi) RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations)
report to HSE.
(vii) Other communications between defendants and HSE.
(viii) Minutes of Health and Safety Committee meeting(s) where accident/matter considered.
(ix) Report to DSS.
(x) Documents listed above relative to any previous accident/matter identified by the
claimant and relied upon as proof of negligence.
(xi) Earnings information where defendant is employer.
Documents produced to comply with requirements of the Management of Health and Safety
at Work Regulations 1992—
(i) Pre-accident Risk Assessment required by Regulation 3.
(ii) Post-accident Re-Assessment required by Regulation 3.
(iii) Accident Investigation Report prepared in implementing the requirements of
Regulations 4, 6 and 9.
(iv) Health Surveillance Records in appropriate cases required by Regulation 5.
(v) Information provided to employees under Regulation 8.
(vi) Documents relating to the employees health and safety training required by
Regulation 11.
(v) Documents relating to the assessment of the Personal Protective Equipment to comply
with Regulation 7(3A).
(vi) Documents relating to the maintenance and replacement of Personal Protective
Equipment to comply with Regulation 7(3A).
(vii) Record of maintenance procedures for Personal Protective Equipment to comply with
Regulation 7(3A).
(viii) Records of tests and examinations of Personal Protective Equipment to comply with
Regulation 7(3A).
(ix) Documents providing information, instruction and training in relation to the Personal
Protective Equipment to comply with Regulation 7(3A).
(x) Instructions for use of Personal Protective Equipment to include the manufacturers’
instructions to comply with Regulation 7(3A).
(xi) Air monitoring records for substances assigned a maximum exposure limit or
occupational exposure standard to comply with the requirements of Regulation 7.
(xii) Maintenance examination and test of control measures records to comply with
Regulation 9.
(xiii) Monitoring records to comply with the requirements of Regulation 10.
(xiv) Health surveillance records to comply with the requirements of Regulation 11.
(xv) Documents detailing information, instruction and training including training records
for employees to comply with the requirements of Regulation 12.
(xvi) Labels and Health and Safety data sheets supplied to the employers to comply with the
CHIP Regulations.
Letter of Instruction to Medical Expert
Dear Sir,
Re: (Name and Address)
D.O.B. –
Telephone No. –
Date of Accident –
We are acting for the above named in connection with injuries received in an accident which
occurred on the above date. The main injuries appear to have been (main injuries).
We should be obliged if you would examine our Client and let us have a full and detailed report
dealing with any relevant pre-accident medical history, the injuries sustained, treatment
received and present condition, dealing in particular with the capacity for work and giving a
It is central to our assessment of the extent of our Client’s injuries to establish the extent and
duration of any continuing disability. Accordingly, in the prognosis section we would ask you
to specifically comment on any areas of continuing complaint or disability or impact on daily
living. If there is such continuing disability you should comment upon the level of suffering or
inconvenience caused and, if you are able, give your view as to when or if the complaint or
disability is likely to resolve.
Pre-action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims 367
Please send our Client an appointment direct for this purpose. Should you be able to offer a
cancellation appointment please contact our Client direct. We confirm we will be responsible
for your reasonable fees.
We are obtaining the notes and records from our Client’s GP and Hospitals attended and will
forward them to you when they are to hand/or please request the GP and Hospital records
direct and advise that any invoice for the provision of these records should be forwarded to us.
In order to comply with Court Rules we would be grateful if you would insert above your
signature a statement that the contents are true to the best of your knowledge and belief.
In order to avoid further correspondence we can confirm that on the evidence we have there is
no reason to suspect we may be pursuing a claim against the hospital or its staff.
We look forward to receiving your report within _______ weeks. If you will not be able to
prepare your report within this period please telephone us upon receipt of these instructions.
When acknowledging these instructions it would assist if you could give an estimate as to the
likely time scale for the provision of your report and also an indication as to your fee.
Yours faithfully
The 2007 Rehabilitation Code
The aim of this code is to promote the use of rehabilitation and early intervention in the
compensation process so that the injured person makes the best and quickest possible
medical, social and psychological recovery. This objective applies whatever the severity of the
injuries sustained by the claimant. The Code is designed to ensure that the claimantís need
for rehabilitation is assessed and addressed as a priority, and that the process of so doing is
pursued on a collaborative basis by the claimantís lawyer and the compensator.
Therefore, in every case, where rehabilitation is likely to be of benefit, the earliest possible
notification to the compensator of the claim and of the need for rehabilitation will be
1. Introduction
1.1 The purpose of the personal injury claims process is to put the individual back into the
same position as he or she would have been in, had the accident not occurred, insofar as
money can achieve that objective. The purpose of the rehabilitation code is to provide a
framework within which the claimant’s health, quality of life and ability to work are
restored as far as possible before, or simultaneously with, the process of assessing
1.2 Although the Code is recognised by the Personal Injury Pre-Action Protocol, its
provisions are not mandatory. It is recognised that the aims of the Code can be achieved
without strict adherence to the terms of the Code, and therefore it is open to the parties
to agree an alternative framework to achieve the early rehabilitation of the claimant.
1.3 However, the Code provides a useful framework within which claimant’s lawyers and
the compensator can work together to ensure that the needs of injured claimants are
assessed at an early stage.
1.4 In any case where agreement on liability is not reached it is open to the parties to agree
that the Code will in any event operate, and the question of delay pending resolution of
liability should be balanced with the interests of the injured party. However, unless so
agreed, the Code does not apply in the absence of liability or prior to agreement on
liability being reached.
368 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
1.5 In this code the expression “the compensator” shall include any loss adjuster, solicitor
or other person acting on behalf of the compensator.
3. The Compensator
3.1 It shall be the duty of the compensator, from the earliest practicable stage in any
appropriate case, to consider whether it is likely that the claimant will benefit in the
immediate, medium or longer term from further medical treatment, rehabilitation or
early intervention. This duty is ongoing throughout the life of the case but is most
important in the early stages.
3.2 If the compensator considers that a particular claim might be suitable for intervention,
rehabilitation or treatment, the compensator will communicate this to the claimant’s
solicitor as soon as practicable.
3.3 On receipt of such communication, the claimant’s solicitor will immediately discuss
these issues with the claimant and/or the claimant’s family pursuant to his duty set out
3.4 Where a request to consider rehabilitation has been communicated by the claimant’s
solicitor to the compensator, it will usually be expected that the compensator will
respond to such request within 21 days.
Pre-action Protocol for Personal Injury Claims 369
3.5 Nothing in this or any other code of practice shall in any way modify the obligations of
the compensator under the Protocol to investigate claims rapidly and in any event
within 3 months (except where time is extended by the claimant’s solicitor) from the
date of the formal claim letter. It is recognised that, although the rehabilitation
assessment can be done even where liability investigations are outstanding, it is
essential that such investigations proceed with the appropriate speed.
4. Assessment
4.1 Unless the need for intervention, rehabilitation or treatment has already been identified
by medical reports obtained and disclosed by either side, the need for and extent of such
intervention, rehabilitation or treatment will be considered by means of an assessment
by an appropriately qualified person.
4.2 An assessment of rehabilitation needs may be carried out by any person or organisation
suitably qualified, experienced and skilled to carry out the task. The claimant’s solicitor
and the compensator should endeavour to agree on the person or organisation to be
4.3 No solicitor or compensator may insist on the assessment being carried out by a
particular person or organisation if [on reasonable grounds] the other party objects,
such objection to be raised within 21 days from the date of notification of the suggested
4.4 The assessment may be carried out by a person or organisation which has a direct
business connection with the solicitor or compensator, only if the other party agrees.
The solicitor or compensator will be expected to reveal to the other party the existence
of and nature of such a business connection.
relevant accident and will normally not be expected to fund treatment for conditions
which do not directly relate to the accident unless the effect of such conditions has been
exacerbated by the injuries sustained in the accident.
7. Recommendations
7.1 When the assessment report is disclosed to the compensator, the compensator will be
under a duty to consider the recommendations made and the extent to which funds will
be made available to implement all or some of the recommendations. The compensator
will not be required to pay for intervention treatment that is unreasonable in nature,
content or cost or where adequate and timely provision is otherwise available. The
claimant will be under no obligation to undergo intervention, medical or investigation
treatment that is unreasonable in all the circumstances of the case.
7.2 The compensator will normally be expected to respond to the claimant’s solicitor within
21 days from the date upon which the assessment report is disclosed as to the extent to
which the recommendations have been accepted and rehabilitation treatment would be
funded and will be expected to justify, within that same timescale, any refusal to meet
the cost of recommended rehabilitation.
7.3 If funds are provided by the compensator to the claimant to enable specific
intervention, rehabilitation or treatment to occur, the compensator warrants that they
will not, in any legal proceedings connected with the claim, dispute the reasonableness
of that treatment, nor the agreed costs, provided of course that the claimant has had the
recommended treatment. The compensator will not, should the claim fail or be later
discontinued, or any element of contributory negligence be assessed or agreed, seek to
recover from the claimant any funds that they have made available pursuant to this
Pre-action Protocol for the Resolution of Clinical Disputes 371
Executive Summary
1 Why this protocol?
2 The aims of the protocol
3 The protocol
4 Experts
5 Alternative dispute resolution
A Illustrative flowchart
B Medical negligence and personal injury claims
C Templates for letters of claim and response
D Lord Woolf ’s recommendations
E How to contact the Forum
Executive Summary
1 The Clinical Disputes Forum is a multi-disciplinary body which was formed in 1997, as
a result of Lord Woolf ’s ‘Access to Justice’ inquiry. One of the aims of the Forum is to
find less adversarial and more cost effective ways of resolving disputes about healthcare
and medical treatment. The names and addresses of the Chairman and Secretary of the
Forum can be found at Annex E.
2 This protocol is the Forum’s first major initiative. It has been drawn up carefully,
including extensive consultations with most of the key stakeholders in the medico-legal
3 The protocol—
• encourages a climate of openness when something has ‘gone wrong’ with a
patient’s treatment or the patient is dissatisfied with that treatment and/or the
outcome. This reflects the new and developing requirements for clinical
governance within healthcare;
• provides general guidance on how this more open culture might be achieved
when disputes arise;
• recommends a timed sequence of steps for patients and healthcare providers, and
their advisers, to follow when a dispute arises. This should facilitate and speed up
exchanging relevant information and increase the prospects that disputes can be
resolved without resort to legal action.
4 This protocol has been prepared by a working party of the Clinical Disputes Forum. It
has the support of the Lord Chancellor’s Department, the Department of Health and
NHS Executive, the Law Society, the Legal Aid Board and many other key organisations.
• to encourage early communication of the perceived problem between patients and
healthcare providers;
• to encourage patients to voice any concerns or dissatisfaction with their treatment
as soon as practicable;
• to encourage healthcare providers to develop systems of early reporting and
investigation for serious adverse treatment outcomes and to provide full and
prompt explanations to dissatisfied patients;
• to ensure that sufficient information is disclosed by both parties to enable each to
understand the other’s perspective and case, and to encourage early resolution.
• to provide an early opportunity for healthcare providers to identify cases where an
investigation is required and to carry out that investigation promptly;
374 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Awareness of options
• to ensure that patients and healthcare providers are made aware of the available options
to pursue and resolve disputes and what each might involve.
2.3 This protocol does not attempt to be prescriptive about a number of related clinical
governance issues which will have a bearing on healthcare providers’ ability to meet the
standards within the protocol. Good clinical governance requires the following to be
(a) Clinical risk management: the protocol does not provide any detailed guidance to
healthcare providers on clinical risk management or the adoption of risk
management systems and procedures. This must be a matter for the NHS
Executive, the National Health Service Litigation Authority, individual trusts and
providers, including GPs, dentists and the private sector. However, effective co-
ordinated, focused clinical risk management strategies and procedures can help
in managing risk and in the early identification and investigation of adverse
(b) Adverse outcome reporting: the protocol does not provide any detailed guidance
on which adverse outcomes should trigger an investigation. However, healthcare
providers should have in place procedures for such investigations, including
recording of statements of key witnesses. These procedures should also cover
when and how to inform patients that an adverse outcome has occurred.
(c) The professional’s duty to report: the protocol does not recommend changes to
the codes of conduct of professionals in healthcare, or attempt to impose a
specific duty on those professionals to report known adverse outcomes or
untoward incidents. Lord Woolf in his final report suggested that the professional
bodies might consider this. The General Medical Council is preparing guidance to
doctors about their duty to report adverse incidents and to co-operate with
3 The Protocol
3.1 This protocol is not a comprehensive code governing all the steps in clinical disputes.
Rather it attempts to set out a code of good practice which parties should follow when
litigation might be a possibility.
3.2 The commitments section of the protocol summarises the guiding principles which
healthcare providers and patients and their advisers are invited to endorse when dealing
with patient dissatisfaction with treatment and its outcome, and with potential
complaints and claims.
3.3 The steps section sets out in a more prescriptive form, a recommended sequence of
actions to be followed if litigation is a prospect.
Pre-action Protocol for the Resolution of Clinical Disputes 375
Protocol steps
3.6 The steps of this protocol which follow have been kept deliberately simple. An
illustration of the likely sequence of events in a number of healthcare situations is at
Annex A.
3.8 Requests for copies of the patient’s clinical records should be made using the Law
Society and Department of Health approved standard forms (enclosed at Annex B),
adapted as necessary.
3.9 The copy records should be provided within 40 days of the request and for a cost not
exceeding the charges permissible under the Access to Health Records Act 1990
(currently a maximum of £10 plus photocopying and postage).
3.10 In the rare circumstances that the healthcare provider is in difficulty in complying with
the request within 40 days, the problem should be explained quickly and details given of
what is being done to resolve it.
3.11 It will not be practicable for healthcare providers to investigate in detail each case when
records are requested. But healthcare providers should adopt a policy on which cases
will be investigated (see paragraph 3.5 on clinical governance and adverse outcome
3.12 If the healthcare provider fails to provide the health records within 40 days, the patient
or their adviser can then apply to the court for an order for pre-action disclosure. The
new Civil Procedure Rules should make pre-action applications to the court easier. The
court will also have the power to impose costs sanctions for unreasonable delay in
providing records.
3.13 If either the patient or the healthcare provider considers additional health records are
required from a third party, in the first instance these should be requested by or
through the patient. Third party healthcare providers are expected to co-operate. The
Civil Procedure Rules will enable patients and healthcare providers to apply to the court
for pre-action disclosure by third parties.
Letter of claim
3.14 Annex C1 to this protocol provides a template for the recommended contents of a letter
of claim: the level of detail will need to be varied to suit the particular circumstances.
3.15 If, following the receipt and analysis of the records, and the receipt of any further advice
(including from experts if necessary – see Section 4), the patient/adviser decides that
there are grounds for a claim, they should then send, as soon as practicable, to the
healthcare provider/potential defendant, a letter of claim. Any letter of claim sent to an
NHS Trust or Independent Sector Treatment Centre should be copied to the National
Health Service Litigation Authority.
3.16 This letter should contain a clear summary of the facts on which the claim is based,
including the alleged adverse outcome, and the main allegations of negligence. It
should also describe the patient’s injuries, and present condition and prognosis. The
financial loss incurred by the plaintiff should be outlined with an indication of the
heads of damage to be claimed and the scale of the loss, unless this is impracticable.
3.17 In more complex cases a chronology of the relevant events should be provided,
particularly if the patient has been treated by a number of different healthcare providers.
3.18 The letter of claim should refer to any relevant documents, including health records,
and if possible enclose copies of any of those which will not already be in the potential
defendant’s possession, eg any relevant general practitioner records if the plaintiff ’s
claim is against a hospital.
3.19 Sufficient information must be given to enable the healthcare provider defendant to
commence investigations and to put an initial valuation on the claim.
3.20 Letters of claim are not intended to have the same formal status as a pleading, nor
should any sanctions necessarily apply if the letter of claim and any subsequent
statement of claim in the proceedings differ.
3.21 Proceedings should not be issued until after three months from the letter of claim,
unless there is a limitation problem and/or the patient’s position needs to be protected
by early issue.
Pre-action Protocol for the Resolution of Clinical Disputes 377
3.22 The patient or their adviser may want to make an offer to settle the claim at this early
stage by putting forward an amount of compensation which would be satisfactory
(possibly including any costs incurred to date). If an offer to settle is made, generally
this should be supported by a medical report which deals with the injuries, condition
and prognosis, and by a schedule of loss and supporting documentation. The level of
detail necessary will depend on the value of the claim. Medical reports may not be
necessary where there is no significant continuing injury, and a detailed schedule may
not be necessary in a low value case. The Civil Procedure Rules are expected to set out
the legal and procedural requirements for making offers to settle.
The response
3.23 Attached at Annex C2 is a template for the suggested contents of the letter of response.
3.24 The healthcare provider should acknowledge the letter of claim within 14 days of
receipt and should identify who will be dealing with the matter.
3.25 The healthcare provider should, within four months of the letter of claim, provide a
reasoned answer—
• if the claim is admitted the healthcare provider should say so in clear terms;
• if only part of the claim is admitted the healthcare provider should make clear
which issues of breach of duty and/or causation are admitted and which are denied
and why;
• if it is intended that any admissions will be binding;
• if the claim is denied, this should include specific comments on the allegations of
negligence, and if a synopsis or chronology of relevant events has been provided
and is disputed, the healthcare provider’s version of those events;
• where additional documents are relied upon, eg an internal protocol, copies
should be provided.
3.26 If the patient has made an offer to settle, the healthcare provider should respond to that
offer in the response letter, preferably with reasons. The provider may make its own
offer to settle at this stage, either as a counter-offer to the patient’s, or of its own accord,
but should accompany any offer by any supporting medical evidence, and/or by any
other evidence in relation to the value of the claim which is in the healthcare provider’s
3.27 If the parties reach agreement on liability, but time is needed to resolve the value of the
claim, they should aim to agree a reasonable period.
4 Experts
4.1 In clinical negligence disputes expert opinions may be needed—
• on breach of duty and causation;
• on the patient’s condition and prognosis;
• to assist in valuing aspects of the claim.
4.2 The civil justice reforms and the new Civil Procedure Rules will encourage economy in
the use of experts and a less adversarial expert culture. It is recognised that in clinical
negligence disputes, the parties and their advisers will require flexibility in their
approach to expert evidence. Decisions on whether experts might be instructed jointly,
and on whether reports might be disclosed sequentially or by exchange, should rest with
the parties and their advisers. Sharing expert evidence may be appropriate on issues
relating to the value of the claim. However, this protocol does not attempt to be
prescriptive on issues in relation to expert evidence.
4.3 Obtaining expert evidence will often be an expensive step and may take time, especially
in specialised areas of medicine where there are limited numbers of suitable experts.
Patients and healthcare providers, and their advisers, will therefore need to consider
378 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
carefully how best to obtain any necessary expert help quickly and cost-effectively.
Assistance with locating a suitable expert is available from a number of sources.
Illustrative Flowchart
Protocol Stages
Medical Negligence and Personal Injury Claims
Protocol for Obtaining Hospital Medical Records
(Revised Edition (June 1998); Civil Litigation Committee, The Law Society)
Application on Behalf of a Patient for Hospital Medical Records for Use When
Court Proceedings are Contemplated
• that the common practice of setting a standard rate for an application or charging an
administration fee is not acceptable because there will be cases when this fails to
comply with the 1990 Act.
Enquiries/further information
Any enquiries about the forms should be made initially to the solicitors making the request.
Comments on the use and content of the forms should be made to the Secretary, Civil
Litigation Committee, The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PL, telephone
(020) 7320 5739, or to the NHS Management Executive, Quarry House, Quarry Hill, Leeds
LS2 7UE.
The Law Society
May 1998
382 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Application on Behalf of a Patient for Hospital Medical Records for Use when
Court Proceedings are Contemplated
(a) Full name of patient (including previous surnames)
(b) Address now
(c) Address at start of treatment
(d) Date of birth (and death, if applicable)
(e) Hospital ref no if available
(f) N.I. number, if available
2 This application is made because the patient is considering
(a) a claim against your hospital as detailed in para 7 overleaf YES/NO
(b) pursuing an action against someone else YES/NO
3 Department(s) where treatment was received
4 Name(s) of consultant(s) at your hospital in charge of the treatment
5 Whether treatment at your hospital was private or NHS, wholly or in part
6 A description of the treatment received, with approximate dates
7 If the answer to Q2(a) is ‘Yes’ details of
(a) the likely nature of the claim
(b) grounds for the claim
(c) approximate dates of the events involved
8 If the answer to Q2(b) is ‘Yes’ insert
(a) the names of the proposed defendants
(b) whether legal proceedings yet begun YES/NO
(c) if appropriate, details of the claim and action number
9 We confirm we will pay reasonable copying charges
10 We request prior details of
(a) photocopying and administration charges for medical records YES/NO
(b) number of and cost of copying x-ray and scan films YES/NO
11 Any other relevant information, particular requirements, or any
particular documents not required (eg copies of computerised records)
Signature of Solicitor
Telephone number
Fax number
Pre-action Protocol for the Resolution of Clinical Disputes 383
Our ref
Your ref
1 Date of receipt of patient’s application
2 We intend that copy medical records will be dispatched within 6 weeks of YES/NO
that date
3 We require pre-payment of photocopying charges YES/NO
4 If estimate of photocopying charges requested or pre-payment required £ /notified to you
the amount will be
5 The cost of x-ray and scan films will be £ /notified to you
6 If there is any problem, we shall write to you within those 6 weeks YES/NO
7 Any other information
Please address further correspondence to
Direct telephone number
Direct fax number
384 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
We confirm that the enclosed copy medical records are all those within
the control of the hospital, relevant to the application which you have
made to the best of our knowledge and belief, subject to paras 2–5 below YES/NO
2 Details of any other documents which have not yet been located
3 Date by when it is expected that these will be supplied
4 Details of any records which we are not producing
5 The reasons for not doing so
6 An invoice for copying and administration charges is attached YES/NO
Templates for Letters of Claim and Response
C1 Letter of claim
Essential Contents
1 Client’s name, address, date of birth, etc
2 Dates of allegedly negligent treatment
3 Events giving rise to the claim:
• an outline of what happened, including details of other relevant treatments to the
client by other healthcare providers.
4 Allegation of negligence and causal link with injuries:
• an outline of the allegations or a more detailed list in a complex case;
• an outline of the causal link between allegations and the injuries complained of.
5 The Client’s injuries, condition and future prognosis
6 Request for clinical records (if not previously provided)
• use the Law Society form if appropriate or adapt;
• specify the records required;
• if other records are held by other providers, and may be relevant, say so;
• state what investigations have been carried out to date, eg information from client
and witnesses, any complaint and the outcome, if any clinical records have been
seen or expert’s advice obtained.
7 The likely value of the claim
• an outline of the main heads of damage, or, in straightforward cases, the details of
Optional information
What investigations have been carried out
An offer to settle without supporting evidence
Suggestions for obtaining expert evidence
Suggestions for meetings, negotiations, discussion or mediation
Pre-action Protocol for the Resolution of Clinical Disputes 385
Possible enclosures
Clinical records request form and client’s authorisation
Expert report(s)
Schedules of loss and supporting evidence
C2 Letter of response
Essential Contents
1 Provide requested records and invoice for copying:
• explain if records are incomplete or extensive records are held and ask for further
• request additional records from third parties.
2 Comments on events and/or chronology:
• if events are disputed or the healthcare provider has further information or
documents on which they wish to rely, these should be provided, eg internal
• details of any further information needed from the patient or a third party should
be provided.
3 If breach of duty and causation are accepted:
• suggestions might be made for resolving the claim and/or requests for further
• a response should be made to any offer to settle.
4 If breach of duty and/or causation are denied:
• a bare denial will not be sufficient. If the healthcare provider has other
explanations for what happened, these should be given at least in outline;
• suggestions might be made for the next steps, eg further investigations, obtaining
expert evidence, meetings/negotiations or mediation, or an invitation to issue
Optional Matters
An offer to settle if the patient has not made one, or a counter offer to the patient’s with
supporting evidence
Possible Enclosures
Clinical records
Annotated chronology
Expert reports
Lord Woolf’s Recommendations
1 Lord Woolf in his Access to Justice Report in July 1996, following a detailed review of the
problems of medical negligence claims, identified that one of the major sources of costs
and delay is at the pre-litigation stage because—
(a) Inadequate incident reporting and record keeping in hospitals, and mobility of
staff, make it difficult to establish facts, often several years after the event.
386 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
(b) Claimants must incur the cost of an expert in order to establish whether they have
a viable claim.
(c) There is often a long delay before a claim is made.
(d) Defendants do not have sufficient resources to carry out a full investigation of
every incident, and do not consider it worthwhile to start an investigation as soon
as they receive a request for records, because many cases do not proceed beyond
that stage.
(e) Patients often give the defendant little or no notice of a firm intention to pursue a
claim. Consequently, many incidents are not investigated by the defendants until
after proceedings have started.
(f ) Doctors and other clinical staff are traditionally reluctant to admit negligence or
apologise to, or negotiate with, claimants for fear of damage to their professional
reputations or career prospects.
2 Lord Woolf acknowledged that under the present arrangements healthcare providers,
faced with possible medical negligence claims, have a number of practical problems to
contend with—
(a) Difficulties of finding patients’ records and tracing former staff, which can be
exacerbated by late notification and by the health-care provider’s own failure to
identify adverse incidents.
(b) The healthcare provider may have only treated the patient for a limited time or for
a specific complaint: the patient’s previous history may be relevant but the records
may be in the possession of one of several other healthcare providers.
(c) The large number of potential claims do not proceed beyond the stage of a request
for medical records, or an explanation; and that it is difficult for healthcare
providers to investigate fully every case whenever a patient asks to see the records.
How to Contact the Forum
The Clinical Disputes Forum
Dr Alastair Scotland
Medical Director and Chief Officer
National Clinical Assessment Authority
9th Floor, Market Towers
Telephone: (020) 7273 0850
Sarah Leigh
c/o Margaret Dangoor
3 Clydesdale Gardens
Surrey TW10 5EG
Telephone: (020) 8408 1012
Pre-action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims 387
1.1 In this Protocol—
(1) ‘admission of liability’ means the defendant admits that—
(a) the breach of duty occurred;
(b) the defendant thereby caused some loss to the claimant, the nature and extent of
which is not admitted; and
(c) the defendant has no accrued defence to the claim under the Limitation Act 1980;
(2) ‘bank holiday’ means a bank holiday under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act
(3) ‘business day’ means any day except Saturday, Sunday, a bank holiday, Good Friday or
Christmas Day;
(4) ‘certificate of recoverable benefits’ has the same meaning as in rule 36.15(1)(e)(i) of the
Civil Procedure Rules 1998.
(5) ‘child’ means a person under 18;
(6) ‘claim’ means a claim, prior to the start of proceedings, for payment of damages under
the process set out in this Protocol;
(7) ‘claimant’ means a person starting a claim under this Protocol; unless the context
indicated that it means the claimant’s legal representative;
(8) ‘clinical negligence’ has the same meaning as in section 58C of the Courts and Legal
Services Act 1990;
(9) ‘CNF’ means a Claim Notification Form;
(10) ‘deductible amount’ has the same meaning as in rule 36.15(1)(d) of the Civil Procedure
Rules 1998;
(11) ‘defendant’ includes, where the context indicates, the defendant’s insurer or legal
(12) ‘disease claim’ means a claim within sub-paragraph (14)(b);
(13) ‘employee’ has the meaning given to it by section 2(1) of the Employers’ Liability
(Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969;
(14) ‘employers’ liability claim’ means a claim by an employee against their employer for
damages arising from—
(a) a bodily injury sustained by the employee in the course of employment; or
(b) a disease that the claimant is alleged to have contracted as a consequence of the
employer’s breach of statutory or common law duties of care in the course of the
employee’s employment, other than a physical or psychological injury caused by
an accident or other single event;
(15) ‘legal representative’ has the same meaning as in rule 2.3(1) of the Civil Procedure Rules
(16) ‘medical expert’ means a person who is—
(a) registered with the General Medical Council;
(b) registered with the General Dental Council; or
388 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
2.1 This Protocol describes the behaviour the court expects of the parties prior to the start of
proceedings where a claimant claims damages valued at no more than £25,000 in an
employers’ liability claim or in a public liability claim.
The Civil Procedure Rules 1998 enable the court to impose costs sanctions where this
Protocol is not followed.
3.1 The aim of this Protocol is to ensure that—
(1) the defendant pays damages and costs using the process set out in the Protocol without
the need for the claimant to start proceedings;
(2) damages are paid within a reasonable time; and
(3) the claimant’s legal representative receives the fixed costs at
each appropriate stage.
4.1 This Protocol applies where—
Pre-action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims 389
(1) either—
(a) the claim arises from an accident occurring on or after 31 July 2013; or
(b) in a disease claim, no letter of claim has been sent to the defendant before 31 July
(2) the claim includes damages in respect of personal injury;
(3) the claimant values the claim at not more than £25,000 on a full liability basis including
pecuniary losses but excluding interest (‘the upper limit’); and
(4) if proceedings were started the small claims track would not be the normal track for that
(Rule 26.6 provides that the small claims track is not the normal track where the value of any
claim for damages for personal injuries (defined as compensation for pain, suffering and loss
of amenity) is more than £1,000.)
4.2 This Protocol ceases to apply to a claim where, at any stage, the claimant notifies the
defendant that the claim has now been revalued at more than the upper limit.
4.3 This Protocol does not apply to a claim—
(1) where the claimant or defendant acts as personal representative of a deceased person;
(2) where the claimant or defendant is a protected party as defined in rule 21.1(2);
(3) in the case of a public liability claim, where the defendant is an individual (‘individual’
does not include a defendant who is sued in their business capacity or in their capacity
as an office holder);
(4) where the claimant is bankrupt;
(5) where the defendant is insolvent and there is no identifiable insurer;
(6) in the case of a disease claim, where there is more than one employer defendant;
(7) for personal injury arising from an accident or alleged breach of duty occurring outside
England and Wales;
(8) for damages in relation to harm, abuse or neglect of or by children or vulnerable adults;
(9) which includes a claim for clinical negligence;
(10) for mesothelioma;
(11) for damages arising out of a road traffic accident (as defined in paragraph 1.1(16) of the
Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents).
4.4 The fixed costs in rule 45.18 apply in relation to a claimant only where a claimant has a legal
Time periods
5.3 A reference to a fixed number of days is a reference to business days as defined in paragraph
390 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
5.4 Where a party should respond within a fixed number of days, the period for response starts
the first business day after the information was sent to that party.
5.5 All time periods, except those stated in—
(1) paragraph 6.11 (response);
(2) paragraph 7.34 (the further consideration period),
may be varied by agreement between the parties.
5.6 Where this Protocol requires the defendant to pay an amount within a fixed number of days
the claimant must receive the cheque or the transfer of the amount from the defendant before
the end of the period specified in the relevant provision.
Limitation period
5.7 Where compliance with this Protocol is not possible before the expiry of the limitation period
the claimant may start proceedings and apply to the court for an order to stay (i.e. suspend)
the proceedings while the parties take steps to follow this Protocol.
Where proceedings are started in a case to which this paragraph applies the claimant should
use the procedure set out under Part 8 in accordance with Practice Direction 8B (“the Stage 3
5.8 Where the parties are then unable to reach a settlement at the end of Stage 2 of this Protocol
the claimant must, in order to proceed to Stage 3, apply to lift the stay and request directions
in the existing proceedings.
Stage 1
Completion of the Claim Notification Form
6.1 (1) The claimant must complete and send—
(a) the CNF to the defendant’s insurer, if known; and
(b) the Defendant Only Claim Notification Form (“Defendant Only CNF”) to the
but the requirement to send the form to the defendant may be ignored in a disease claim
where the CNF has been sent to the insurer and the defendant has been dissolved, is
insolvent or has ceased to trade.
(2) If—
(a) the insurer’s identity is not known; or
Pre-action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims 391
6.6 The claimant must set out details of rehabilitation in the CNF. The parties should at all stages
consider the Rehabilitation Code which may be found at: http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/about-
6.9 The defendant must send to the claimant an electronic acknowledgment the next day after
receipt of the CNF.
6.10 If the claimant has sent the CNF to the defendant in accordance with paragraph 6.1(2)—
(a) the defendant must send to the claimant an electronic acknowledgment the next day
after receipt of the CNF and send the CNF to the insurer at the same time and advise the
claimant that they have done so;
(b) the insurer must send to the claimant an electronic acknowledgment the next day after
its receipt by the insurer;
(c) the claimant must then submit the CNF to the insurer via the Portal as soon as possible
and, in any event, within 30 days of the day upon which the claimant first sent it to the
6.11 The defendant must complete the ‘Response’ section of the CNF (“the CNF response”) and
send it to the claimant—
392 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
(a) in the case of an employers’ liability claim, within 30 days of the step taken pursuant to
paragraph 6.1; and
(b) in the case of a public liability claim, within 40 days of the step taken pursuant to
paragraph 6.1.
Stage 2
Medical reports
7.1 The claimant should obtain a medical report, if one has not already been obtained.
7.2 It is expected that most claimants will obtain a medical report from one expert but additional
medical reports may be obtained from other experts where the injuries require reports from
more than one medical discipline.
7.3 The claimant must check the factual accuracy of any medical report before it is sent to the
defendant. There will be no further opportunity for the claimant to challenge the factual
accuracy of a medical report after it has been sent to the defendant.
7.4 (1) The medical expert should identify within the report—
Pre-action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury (Employers’ Liability and Public Liability) Claims 393
Non-medical reports
7.7 (1) In most cases, a report from a non-medical expert will not be required, but a report may
be obtained where it is reasonably required to value the claim.
(2) Paragraph 7.2 applies to non-medical expert reports as it applies to expert medical
Witness Statements
7.10 In most cases, witness statements, whether from the claimant or otherwise, will not be
required. One or more statements may, however, be provided where reasonably required to
value the claim.
Stay of process
7.11 Where the claimant needs to obtain a subsequent medical report or a report from a non-
medical expert the parties should agree to stay the process in this Protocol for a suitable
period. The claimant may then request an interim payment in accordance with paragraphs
7.12 to 7.20.
7.15 Where an interim payment of more than £1,000 is requested the claimant must specify in the
Interim Settlement Pack the amount requested, the heads of damage which are the subject of
the request and the reasons for the request.
7.16 Unless the parties agree otherwise—
(a) the interim payment of £1,000 is only in relation to general damages; and
(b) where more than £1,000 is requested by the claimant, the amount in excess of £1,000 is
only in relation to pecuniary losses.
Costs of expert medical and non-medical reports and specialist legal advice
7.29 (1) Where the claimant obtains more than one expert report or an advice from a specialist
solicitor or counsel—
(a) the defendant at the end of Stage 2 may refuse to pay; or
(b) the court at Stage 3 may refuse to allow,
the costs of any report or advice not reasonably required.
(2) Therefore, where the claimant obtains more than one expert report or obtains an advice
from a specialist solicitor or counsel—
(a) the claimant should explain in the Stage 2 Settlement Pack why they obtained a
further report or such advice; and
(b) if relevant, the defendant should in the Stage 2 Settlement Pack
identify the report or reports or advice for which they will not pay and explain why they
will not pay for that report or reports or advice.
Submitting the Stage 2 Settlement Pack to the defendant
7.30 The Stage 2 Settlement Pack must comprise—
(1) the Stage 2 Settlement Pack Form;
(2) a medical report or reports;
(3) evidence of pecuniary losses;
(4) evidence of disbursements (for example the cost of any medical report);
(5) any non-medical expert report;
(6) any medical records/photographs served with medical reports; and
(7) any witness statements.
7.31 The claimant should send the Stage 2 Settlement Pack to the defendant within 15 days of the
claimant approving —
(1) the final medical report and agreeing to rely on the prognosis in that report; or
(2) any non-medical expert report,
whichever is later.
Consideration of claim
7.32 There is a 35 day period for consideration of the Stage 2 Settlement Pack by the defendant
(“the total consideration period”).
This comprises a period of up to 15 days for the defendant to consider the Stage 2 Settlement
Pack (“the initial consideration period”) and make an offer. The remainder of the total
396 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
consideration period (“the negotiation period”) is for any further negotiation between the
7.33 The total consideration period can be extended by the parties agreeing to extend either the
initial consideration period or the negotiation period or both.
7.34 Where a party makes an offer 5 days or less before the end of the total consideration period
(including any extension to this period under paragraph 7.32), there will be a further period of
5 days after the end of the total consideration period for the relevant party to consider that
offer. During this period (“the further consideration period”) no further offers can be made by
either party.
7.44 Except where the claimant is a child or paragraphs 7.46 and 7.47 apply, the defendant must
(1) the agreed damages less any—
(a) deductible amount which is payable to the CRU; and
(b) previous interim payment;
(2) any unpaid Stage 1 fixed costs in rule 45.18;
(3) the Stage 2 fixed costs in rule 45.18;
(4) where an additional advice on quantum of damages is justified under paragraph 7.8, a
sum equal to the Type C fixed costs to cover the cost of that advice;
(5) the relevant disbursements allowed in accordance with rule 45.19; and
(6) where applicable, any success fee in accordance with rule 45.31(1) (as it was in force
immediately before 1 April 2013),
within 10 days of the parties agreeing a settlement.
(Rule 21.10 provides that the approval of the court is required where, before proceedings are
started, a claim is made by a child and a settlement is reached. The provisions in paragraph
6.1 of Practice Direction 8B set out what must be filed with the court when an application is
made to approve a settlement.)
7.45 Where the parties agree a settlement for a greater sum than the defendant had offered during
the total consideration period or further consideration period and after the Court Proceedings
Pack has been sent to the defendant but before proceedings are issued under Stage 3,
(1) paragraph 7.44 applies; and
(2) the defendant must also pay the fixed late settlement costs in rule 45.23A.
Pack (Part A and Part B) Form does not comply it must be returned to the claimant within 5
days with an explanation as to why it does not comply.
7.51 Where the defendant intends to nominate a legal representative to accept service the name
and address of the legal representative should be provided in the Court Proceedings Pack (Part
A) Form.
7.52 Where the defendant fails to return the Court Proceedings Pack (Part A and Part B) Form
within the period in paragraph 7.50, the claimant should assume that the defendant has no
further comment to make.
General provisions
7.59 Where the claimant gives notice to the defendant that the claim is unsuitable for this Protocol
(for example, because there are complex issues of fact or law or where claimants contemplate
applying for a Group Litigation Order) then the claim will no longer continue under this
However, where the court considers that the claimant acted unreasonably in giving such
notice it will award no more than the fixed costs in rule 45.18.
Stage 3 Procedure
8.1 The Stage 3 Procedure is set out in Practice Direction 8B.
Actuarial Tables – Introduction 399
26. As stated in paragraph 19, the tables for loss of earnings (Tables 3 to 14) take no account of risks other than mortality.
This section shows how the multipliers in these tables may be reduced to take account of these risks.
27. Tables of factors to be applied to the existing multipliers were first introduced in the Second Edition of the Ogden
Tables. These factors were based on work commissioned by the Institute of Actuaries and carried out by Professor S
Haberman and Mrs D S F Bloomfield (Work time lost to sickness, unemployment and stoppages: measurement and
application (1990), Journal of the Institute of Actuaries 117, 533-595). Although there was some debate within the
actuarial profession about the details of the work, and in particular about the scope for developing it further, the findings
were broadly accepted and were adopted by the Government Actuary and the other actuaries who were members of the
Working Party when the Second Edition of the Tables was published and remained unchanged until the 6th edition.
28. Some related work was published in 2002 by Lewis, McNabb and Wass (Methods of calculating damages for loss
of future earnings, Journal of Personal Injury Law, 2002 Number 2). For the publication of the 6th Edition of the Ogden
Tables, the Ogden Working Party was involved in further research into the impact of contingencies other than mortality
carried out by Professor Richard Verrall, Professor Steven Haberman and Mr Zoltan Butt of City University, London and,
in a separate exercise, by Dr Victoria Wass of Cardiff University. Their findings were combined to produce the tables of
factors given in section B of the 6th edition and repeated here.
29. The Haberman and Bloomfield paper relied on data from the Labour Force Surveys for 1973, 1977, 1981 and
1985 and English Life Tables No. 14 (1980-82). The Labour Force Survey (LFS) was originally designed to produce a
periodic cross-sectional snapshot of the working age population and collects information on an extensive range of socio-
economic and labour force characteristics. Since the winter of 1992/3, the LFS has been carried out on a quarterly basis,
with respondents being included in the survey over 5 successive quarters. The research of Professor Verrall et al and Dr
Wass used data from the Labour Force Surveys conducted from 1998 to 2003 to estimate the probabilities of movement
of males and females between different states of economic activity, dependent on age, sex, employment activity and
level of disability. These probabilities permit the calculation of the expected periods in employment until retirement
age, dependent on the initial starting state of economic activity, disability and educational attainment. These can then be
discounted at the same discount rate that is used for obtaining the relevant multiplier from Tables 3 to 14, in order to give
a multiplier which takes into account only those periods the claimant would be expected, on average, to be in work. These
discounted working life expectancy multipliers can be compared to those obtained assuming the person remained in work
throughout, to obtain reduction factors which give the expected proportion of time to retirement age which will be spent
in employment.
30. The factors described in subsequent paragraphs are for use in calculating loss of earnings up to retirement age. The
research work did not investigate the impact of contingencies other than mortality on the value of future pension rights.
Some reduction to the multiplier for loss of pension would often be appropriate when a reduction is being applied for
loss of earnings. This may be a smaller reduction than in the case of loss of earnings because the ill-health contingency
(as opposed to the unemployment contingency) may give rise to significant ill-health retirement pension rights. A bigger
reduction may be necessary in cases where there is significant doubt whether pension rights would have continued to
accrue (to the extent not already allowed for in the post-retirement multiplier) or in cases where there may be doubt over
the ability of the pension fund to pay promised benefits. In the case of a defined contribution pension scheme, loss of
pension rights may be allowed for simply by increasing the future earnings loss (adjusted for contingencies other than
mortality) by the percentage of earnings which the employer contributions to the scheme represent.
31. The methodology proposed in paragraphs 33 to 42 describes one method for dealing with contingencies other than
mortality. If this methodology is followed, in many cases it will be appropriate to increase or reduce the discount in the
tables to take account of the nature of a particular claimant’s disabilities. It should be noted that the methodology does
not take into account the pre-accident employment history. The methodology also provides for the possibility of valuing
more appropriately the possible mitigation of loss of earnings in cases where the claimant is employed after the accident
or is considered capable of being employed. This will in many cases enable a more accurate assessment to be made of the
mitigation of loss. However, there may be some cases when the Smith v Manchester Corporation or Blamire approach
remains applicable or otherwise where a precise mathematical approach is inapplicable.
32. The suggestions which follow are intended as a ‘ready reckoner’ which provides an initial adjustment to the multipliers
according to the employment status, disability status and educational attainment of the claimant when calculating awards
for loss of earnings and for any mitigation of this loss in respect of potential future post-injury earnings. Such a ready
reckoner cannot take into account all circumstances and it may be appropriate to argue for higher or lower adjustments in
particular cases. In particular, it can be difficult to place a value on the possible mitigating income when considering the
potential range of disabilities and their effect on post work capability, even within the interpretation of disability set out
in paragraph 35. However, the methodology does offer a framework for consideration of a range of possible figures with
the maximum being effectively provided by the post injury multiplier assuming the claimant was not disabled and the
minimum being the case where there is no realistic prospect of post injury employment.
400 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
34. The research by Professor Verrall et al and Dr Wass referred to in paragraphs 28 and 29 demonstrated that the key
issues affecting a person’s future working life are employment status, disability status and educational attainment.
35. The definitions of employed/not employed, disabled/not disabled and educational attainment used in this analysis
and which should be used for determining which factors to apply to the multipliers to allow for contingencies other than
mortality are as follows:
Employed Those who at the time of the accident are employed, self-employed or on a government training
Not employed All others (including those temporarily out of work, full-time students and unpaid family
Disabled A person is classified as being disabled if all three of the following conditions in relation to the ill-
health or disability are met:
(i) has an illness or a disability which has or is expected to last for over a year or is a progressive
(ii) satisfies the Equality Act 2010 definition that the impact of the disability substantially limits
the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities
(iii) their condition affects either the kind or the amount of paid work they can do
Normal day-to-day activities are those which are carried out by most people on a daily basis, and we are interested
in disabilities/health problems which have a substantial adverse effect on respondent’s ability to carry out these
There are several ways in which a disability or health problem may affect the respondent’s day to day activities:
Mobility – for example, unable to travel short journeys as a passenger in a car, unable to walk other than at a slow pace
or with jerky movements, difficulty in negotiating stairs, unable to use one or more forms of public transport, unable
to go out of doors unaccompanied.
Manual dexterity – for example, loss of functioning in one or both hands, inability to use a knife and fork at the same
time, or difficulty in pressing buttons on a keyboard
Physical co-ordination – for example, the inability to feed or dress oneself; or to pour liquid from one vessel to
another except with unusual slowness or concentration.
Problems with bowel/bladder control – for example, frequent or regular loss of control of the bladder or bowel.
Occasional bedwetting is not considered a disability.
Ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects (for example, books, kettles, light furniture) – for example,
inability to pick up a weight with one hand but not the other, or to carry a tray steadily.
Speech – for example, unable to communicate (clearly) orally with others, taking significantly longer to say things.
A minor stutter, difficulty in speaking in front of an audience, or inability to speak a foreign language would not be
considered impairments.
Hearing – for example, not being able to hear without the use of a hearing aid, the inability to understand speech
under normal conditions or over the telephone.
Eyesight – for example, while wearing spectacles or contact lenses – being unable to pass the standard driving
eyesight test, total inability to distinguish colours (excluding ordinary red/green colour blindness), or inability to read
Memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand – for example, intermittent loss of consciousness or confused
behaviour, inability to remember names of family or friends, unable to write a cheque without assistance, or an
inability to follow a recipe.
Actuarial Tables – Introduction 401
Perception of risk of physical danger – for example, reckless behaviour putting oneself or others at risk, mobility to
cross the road safely. This excludes (significant) fear of heights or underestimating risk of dangerous hobbies.
Three levels of educational attainment are defined for the purposes of the tables as follows:
The following table gives a more detailed breakdown of the allocation of various types of educational qualification
to each of the three categories above and are based on the allocations used in the research by Professor Verrall et al
and Dr Wass.
Degree or equivalent GCSE grades A to C Below GCSE C or
or higher up to A levels CSE 1 or equivalent
or equivalent or no qualifications
Any degree (first or higher) A or AS level or equivalent CSE below grade 1
Other higher education qualification O level, GCSE grade A-C GCSE below grade C
below degree level or equivalent
Diploma in higher education
NVQ level 4 or 5 NVQ level 2 or 3 NVQ level 1 or equivalent
HNC/HND, BTEC higher etc BTEC/SCOTVEC first or general BTEC first or general certificate
OND/ONC, BTEC/SCOTVEC SCOTVEC modules or equivalent
RSA higher diploma RSA diploma, advanced diploma RSA other
or certificate
Teaching, GNVQ intermediate or advanced GNVQ/ GVSQ foundation level
Nursing etc
City and Guilds craft or City and Guilds other
advanced craft
SCE higher or equivalent Trade YT/ YTP certificate
Scottish 6th year certificate (CSYS) Other qualifications
No qualification
Don’t know
Note: “educational attainment” is used here as a proxy for skill level, so that those in professional occupations such
as law, accountancy, nursing etc who do not have a degree ought to be treated as if they do have one.
36. The research also considered the extent to which a person’s future working life expectancy is affected by individual
circumstances such as occupation and industrial sector, geographical region and education. The researchers concluded that
the most significant consideration was the highest level of education achieved by the claimant and that, if this was allowed
for, the effect of the other factors was relatively small. As a result, the Working Party decided to propose adjustment
factors which allow for employment status, disability status and educational attainment only. This is a change from earlier
editions of the Ogden Tables where adjustments were made for types of occupation and for geographical region.
37. A separate assessment is made for (a) the value of earnings the claimant would have received if the injury had not
been suffered and (b) the value of the claimant’s earnings (if any) taking account of the injuries sustained. The risk of non-
employment is significantly higher post-injury due to the impairment. The loss is arrived at by deducting (b) from (a).
402 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
38. In order to calculate the value of the earnings the claimant would have received, if the injury had not been suffered,
the claimant’s employment status and the disability status need to be determined as at the date of the accident (or the onset
of the medical condition) giving rise to the claim, so that the correct table can be applied. For the calculation of future
loss of earnings (based on actual pre-accident earnings and also future employment prospects), Tables A and C should be
used for claimants who were not disabled at the time of the accident, and Tables B and D should be used for those with a
pre-existing disability. In all of these tables the three left hand columns are for those who were employed at the time of the
accident and the three right hand columns are for those who were not.
39. In order to calculate the value of the actual earnings that a claimant is likely to receive in the future (i.e. after
settlement or trial), the employment status and the disability status need to be determined as at the date of settlement or
trial. For claimants with a work-affecting disability at that point in time, Tables B and D should be used. The three left
hand columns will apply in respect of claimants actually in employment at date of settlement or trial and the three right
hand columns will apply in respect of those who remain non-employed at that point in time.
40. The factors in Tables A to D allow for the interruption of employment for bringing up children and caring for other
41. In the case of those who at the date of the accident have not yet reached the age at which it is likely they would have
started work, the relevant factor will be chosen based on a number of assessments of the claimant’s likely employment
had the injury not occurred. The relevant factor from the tables would be chosen on the basis of the level of education the
claimant would have been expected to have attained, the age at which it is likely the claimant would have started work,
together with an assessment as to whether the claimant would have become employed or not. The work multiplier will
also have to be discounted for early receipt using the appropriate factor from Table 27 for the number of years between the
claimant’s age at the date of trial and the age at which it is likely that he/she would have started work.
42. Tables A to D include factors up to age 54 only. For older ages the reduction factors increase towards 1 at retirement
age for those who are employed and fall towards 0 for those who are not employed. However, where the claimant is older
than 54, it is anticipated that the likely future course of employment status will be particularly dependent on individual
circumstances, so that the use of factors based on averages would not be appropriate. Hence reduction factors are not
provided for these older ages.
Table A
Loss of Earnings to pension Age 65 (Males – Not disabled)
Age at date Employed Not employed
of trial D GE-A O D GE-A O
16-19 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.82
20-24 0.92 0.92 0.87 0.89 0.88 0.83
25-29 0.93 0.92 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.82
30-34 0.92 0.91 0.89 0.87 0.86 0.81
35-39 0.90 0.90 0.89 0.85 0.84 0.80
40-44 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.82 0.81 0.78
45-49 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.77 0.77 0.74
50 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.72 0.72 0.70
51 0.82 0.82 0.82 0.70 0.70 0.68
52 0.81 0.81 0.81 0.67 0.67 0.66
53 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.63 0.63 0.63
54 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.59 0.59 0.59
Actuarial Tables – Introduction 403
Table B
Loss of Earnings to pension Age 65 (Males – Disabled)
Age at date Employed Not employed
of trial D GE-A O D GE-A O
16-19 0.55 0.32 0.49 0.25
20-24 0.61 0.55 0.38 0.53 0.46 0.24
25-29 0.60 0.54 0.42 0.48 0.41 0.24
30-34 0.59 0.52 0.40 0.43 0.34 0.23
35-39 0.58 0.48 0.39 0.38 0.28 0.20
40-44 0.57 0.48 0.39 0.33 0.23 0.15
45-49 0.55 0.48 0.39 0.26 0.20 0.11
50 0.53 0.49 0.40 0.24 0.18 0.10
51 0.53 0.49 0.41 0.23 0.17 0.09
52 0.54 0.49 0.41 0.22 0.16 0.08
53 0.54 0.49 0.42 0.21 0.15 0.07
54 0.54 0.50 0.43 0.20 0.14 0.06
Table C
Loss of Earnings to Pension Age 60 (Females – Not disabled)
Age at date Employed Not employed
of trial D GE-A O D GE-A O
16-19 0.81 0.64 0.77 0.59
20-24 0.89 0.82 0.68 0.84 0.76 0.60
25-29 0.89 0.84 0.72 0.83 0.75 0.61
30-34 0.89 0.85 0.75 0.81 0.75 0.63
35-39 0.89 0.86 0.78 0.80 0.74 0.63
40-44 0.89 0.86 0.80 0.78 0.72 0.60
45-49 0.87 0.85 0.81 0.72 0.64 0.52
50 0.86 0.84 0.81 0.64 0.55 0.43
51 0.85 0.84 0.81 0.60 0.51 0.40
52 0.84 0.84 0.81 0.56 0.46 0.36
53 0.83 0.83 0.81 0.50 0.41 0.32
54 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.44 0.35 0.27
404 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
Table D
Loss of Earnings to Pension Age 60 (Females – Disabled)
Age at date Employed Not employed
of trial D GE-A O D GE-A O
16-19 0.43 0.25 0.35 0.19
20-24 0.64 0.44 0.25 0.58 0.33 0.17
25-29 0.63 0.45 0.25 0.50 0.32 0.16
30-34 0.62 0.46 0.30 0.44 0.31 0.15
35-39 0.61 0.48 0.34 0.42 0.28 0.14
40-44 0.60 0.51 0.38 0.38 0.23 0.13
45-49 0.60 0.54 0.42 0.28 0.18 0.11
50 0.60 0.56 0.47 0.23 0.15 0.10
51 0.61 0.58 0.49 0.21 0.14 0.09
52 0.61 0.60 0.51 0.20 0.13 0.08
53 0.62 0.62 0.54 0.18 0.11 0.07
54 0.63 0.66 0.57 0.16 0.09 0.06
The factors in Tables A to D will need to be reviewed if the discount rate changes.
44. It should be noted that the reduction factors in Tables A, B, C and D are based on data for the period 1998 to 2003.
Whilst the reduction factors and adjustments allow for the age-specific probabilities of moving into, or out of, employment
over future working life time, based on data for the period 1998-2003, the methodology assumes that these probabilities
remain constant over time; there is no allowance for changes in these age-specific probabilities beyond this period. It is
also assumed that there will be no change in disability status or educational achievement after the date of the accident.
Future changes in the probabilities of moving into, and out of, employment are especially difficult to predict with any
certainty. It is the intention that the factors should be reassessed from time to time as new data become available.
(1) Choose the table relating to the appropriate sex of the claimant and period of loss or expense (e.g. loss for
life, or loss of earnings to a set retirement age). Where loss of earnings is concerned, and none of the tables is
relevant because the claimant’s expected age of retirement differs from that assumed in the tables, the procedure
in paragraphs 13 to 16 of the explanatory notes should be followed.
(3) In that column find the appropriate figure for the claimant’s age at trial (“the basic multiplier”).
Actuarial Tables – Introduction 405
0 264.76 195.32 147.14 113.22 88.96 71.35 58.34 48.60 41.17 35.41 30.89 0
1 259.11 191.95 145.15 112.06 88.31 71.00 58.18 48.54 41.18 35.46 30.96 1
2 252.28 187.68 142.46 110.35 87.22 70.30 57.73 48.24 40.98 35.33 30.87 2
3 245.58 183.46 139.78 108.64 86.12 69.58 57.26 47.94 40.78 35.19 30.78 3
4 239.02 179.29 137.12 106.93 85.01 68.86 56.78 47.62 40.56 35.05 30.68 4
5 232.59 175.19 134.48 105.22 83.89 68.12 56.30 47.29 40.34 34.90 30.58 5
6 226.29 171.15 131.87 103.52 82.78 67.39 55.80 46.96 40.12 34.75 30.47 6
7 220.14 167.18 129.29 101.83 81.66 66.65 55.31 46.63 39.89 34.59 30.36 7
8 214.13 163.28 126.74 100.15 80.55 65.90 54.80 46.28 39.65 34.42 30.24 8
9 208.23 159.43 124.21 98.48 79.43 65.15 54.29 45.93 39.41 34.25 30.13 9
10 202.47 155.64 121.71 96.81 78.31 64.39 53.78 45.58 39.16 34.08 30.00 10
11 196.83 151.92 119.23 95.15 77.19 63.63 53.25 45.22 38.91 33.90 29.87 11
12 191.33 148.26 116.79 93.50 76.07 62.86 52.72 44.85 38.65 33.72 29.74 12
13 185.95 144.67 114.37 91.87 74.96 62.09 52.19 44.47 38.39 33.53 29.61 13
14 180.69 141.14 111.98 90.24 73.84 61.32 51.65 44.10 38.12 33.34 29.47 14
15 175.56 137.67 109.62 88.63 72.73 60.55 51.11 43.71 37.84 33.14 29.32 15
16 170.55 134.27 107.30 87.02 71.61 59.77 50.56 43.32 37.57 32.94 29.17 16
17 165.66 130.93 105.00 85.44 70.51 58.99 50.01 42.93 37.28 32.73 29.02 17
18 160.89 127.66 102.74 83.86 69.41 58.22 49.46 42.53 37.00 32.52 28.87 18
19 156.25 124.45 100.52 82.31 68.31 57.44 48.91 42.14 36.71 32.31 28.71 19
20 151.72 121.31 98.32 80.76 67.22 56.66 48.35 41.73 36.41 32.10 28.55 20
21 147.28 118.22 96.15 79.23 66.13 55.88 47.78 41.32 36.11 31.87 28.39 21
22 142.94 115.17 94.00 77.70 65.04 55.09 47.21 40.90 35.81 31.64 28.22 22
23 138.69 112.17 91.87 76.18 63.94 54.30 46.63 40.48 35.49 31.41 28.04 23
24 134.54 109.22 89.77 74.67 62.85 53.51 46.05 40.05 35.17 31.17 27.86 24
25 130.49 106.33 87.69 73.17 61.76 52.71 45.46 39.61 34.85 30.92 27.67 25
26 126.54 103.50 85.65 71.69 60.68 51.91 44.87 39.17 34.51 30.67 27.48 26
27 122.69 100.72 83.63 70.22 59.59 51.11 44.28 38.73 34.18 30.42 27.28 27
28 118.90 97.98 81.63 68.74 58.51 50.30 43.67 38.27 33.83 30.15 27.08 28
29 115.20 95.28 79.64 67.28 57.42 49.49 43.06 37.81 33.48 29.88 26.87 29
30 111.59 92.63 77.69 65.83 56.34 48.68 42.45 37.34 33.12 29.60 26.65 30
31 108.09 90.04 75.78 64.40 55.27 47.87 41.83 36.87 32.76 29.32 26.44 31
32 104.68 87.52 73.89 62.99 54.20 47.06 41.22 36.40 32.39 29.04 26.21 32
33 101.36 85.04 72.04 61.60 53.15 46.26 40.60 35.92 32.02 28.75 25.99 33
34 98.10 82.61 70.21 60.21 52.09 45.45 39.98 35.44 31.65 28.46 25.75 34
35 94.92 80.21 68.39 58.83 51.03 44.63 39.35 34.95 31.26 28.15 25.51 35
36 91.82 77.86 66.60 57.46 49.98 43.82 38.71 34.45 30.87 27.84 25.27 36
37 88.78 75.55 64.83 56.10 48.93 43.00 38.07 33.95 30.47 27.53 25.01 37
38 85.81 73.27 63.08 54.74 47.87 42.18 37.42 33.44 30.06 27.20 24.75 38
39 82.89 71.03 61.35 53.39 46.82 41.35 36.77 32.91 29.65 26.86 24.48 39
40 80.05 68.83 59.63 52.05 45.76 40.51 36.11 32.39 29.22 26.52 24.20 40
41 77.27 66.67 57.94 50.72 44.71 39.68 35.44 31.85 28.79 26.17 23.91 41
42 74.56 64.55 56.28 49.41 43.67 38.84 34.77 31.31 28.35 25.81 23.62 42
43 71.92 62.47 54.63 48.10 42.62 38.01 34.10 30.76 27.91 25.45 23.32 43
44 69.34 60.43 53.01 46.81 41.59 37.17 33.42 30.21 27.45 25.08 23.01 44
45 66.82 58.43 51.41 45.52 40.55 36.33 32.73 29.65 26.99 24.70 22.69 45
46 64.36 56.46 49.83 44.25 39.52 35.49 32.05 29.08 26.53 24.31 22.37 46
47 61.96 54.53 48.28 42.99 38.49 34.65 31.35 28.51 26.05 23.91 22.04 47
48 59.63 52.64 46.74 41.74 37.47 33.81 30.66 27.94 25.57 23.51 21.70 48
49 57.35 50.79 45.24 40.50 36.45 32.97 29.97 27.36 25.09 23.10 21.36 49
50 55.14 48.99 43.76 39.29 35.45 32.14 29.27 26.78 24.60 22.69 21.01 50
51 52.99 47.23 42.31 38.09 34.45 31.31 28.58 26.19 24.11 22.27 20.65 51
52 50.90 45.51 40.89 36.91 33.47 30.48 27.88 25.61 23.61 21.85 20.29 52
53 48.87 43.83 39.49 35.74 32.49 29.67 27.19 25.02 23.11 21.42 19.92 53
54 46.90 42.19 38.12 34.60 31.53 28.85 26.50 24.43 22.61 20.99 19.55 54
55 44.99 40.60 36.79 33.47 30.58 28.04 25.81 23.85 22.11 20.56 19.18 55
56 43.15 39.04 35.48 32.37 29.64 27.25 25.13 23.26 21.60 20.12 18.80 56
57 41.35 37.53 34.19 31.28 28.71 26.45 24.45 22.67 21.09 19.68 18.42 57
58 39.59 36.04 32.93 30.19 27.78 25.65 23.76 22.08 20.58 19.23 18.02 58
59 37.87 34.57 31.67 29.11 26.85 24.85 23.07 21.47 20.05 18.77 17.62 59
60 36.17 33.12 30.42 28.04 25.92 24.04 22.36 20.86 19.51 18.30 17.20 60
61 34.52 31.69 29.19 26.97 25.00 23.23 21.65 20.24 18.96 17.81 16.77 61
62 32.91 30.30 27.98 25.92 24.08 22.43 20.95 19.62 18.41 17.33 16.34 62
63 31.36 28.95 26.80 24.89 23.17 21.63 20.25 19.00 17.86 16.84 15.90 63
64 29.85 27.63 25.65 23.88 22.28 20.85 19.55 18.38 17.31 16.35 15.47 64
65 28.40 26.37 24.54 22.90 21.42 20.08 18.87 17.77 16.77 15.86 15.03 65
66 27.02 25.14 23.46 21.94 20.57 19.33 18.20 17.17 16.24 15.38 14.60 66
67 25.68 23.96 22.41 21.01 19.74 18.59 17.54 16.58 15.70 14.90 14.16 67
68 24.38 22.81 21.39 20.10 18.93 17.86 16.88 15.99 15.17 14.42 13.73 68
69 23.13 21.69 20.39 19.21 18.12 17.14 16.23 15.40 14.64 13.93 13.29 69
406 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
70 21.91 20.60 19.41 18.32 17.32 16.41 15.58 14.81 14.10 13.44 12.84 70
71 20.70 19.52 18.43 17.44 16.53 15.69 14.92 14.21 13.55 12.94 12.38 71
72 19.52 18.44 17.46 16.56 15.72 14.96 14.25 13.60 12.99 12.43 11.91 72
73 18.34 17.38 16.49 15.67 14.92 14.22 13.57 12.97 12.42 11.90 11.42 73
74 17.18 16.32 15.52 14.79 14.10 13.47 12.89 12.34 11.83 11.36 10.92 74
75 16.04 15.27 14.56 13.90 13.29 12.72 12.19 11.70 11.24 10.81 10.40 75
76 14.93 14.25 13.62 13.03 12.48 11.97 11.50 11.05 10.64 10.25 9.88 76
77 13.86 13.26 12.70 12.18 11.70 11.24 10.82 10.42 10.05 9.69 9.36 77
78 12.83 12.31 11.82 11.36 10.93 10.53 10.15 9.79 9.46 9.15 8.85 78
79 11.86 11.40 10.97 10.57 10.19 9.84 9.50 9.19 8.89 8.61 8.34 79
80 10.94 10.55 10.17 9.82 9.49 9.18 8.88 8.60 8.34 8.09 7.85 80
81 10.10 9.75 9.43 9.12 8.83 8.56 8.30 8.05 7.82 7.60 7.38 81
82 9.33 9.03 8.74 8.47 8.22 7.98 7.75 7.53 7.33 7.13 6.94 82
83 8.62 8.36 8.11 7.88 7.65 7.44 7.24 7.05 6.87 6.69 6.53 83
84 7.97 7.74 7.53 7.32 7.13 6.94 6.76 6.59 6.43 6.28 6.13 84
85 7.36 7.16 6.98 6.80 6.63 6.47 6.31 6.16 6.02 5.88 5.75 85
86 6.79 6.62 6.46 6.31 6.16 6.02 5.88 5.75 5.62 5.50 5.39 86
87 6.25 6.11 5.97 5.83 5.71 5.58 5.46 5.35 5.24 5.14 5.04 87
88 5.74 5.62 5.50 5.38 5.27 5.16 5.06 4.96 4.87 4.78 4.69 88
89 5.26 5.15 5.05 4.95 4.86 4.76 4.68 4.59 4.51 4.43 4.35 89
90 4.81 4.72 4.64 4.55 4.47 4.39 4.31 4.24 4.17 4.10 4.03 90
91 4.40 4.32 4.25 4.17 4.10 4.04 3.97 3.91 3.85 3.79 3.73 91
92 4.01 3.94 3.88 3.82 3.76 3.70 3.65 3.59 3.54 3.49 3.44 92
93 3.65 3.59 3.54 3.49 3.44 3.39 3.34 3.30 3.25 3.21 3.17 93
94 3.33 3.29 3.24 3.20 3.16 3.11 3.07 3.03 2.99 2.96 2.92 94
95 3.06 3.02 2.98 2.94 2.91 2.87 2.84 2.80 2.77 2.74 2.71 95
96 2.83 2.79 2.76 2.72 2.69 2.66 2.63 2.60 2.57 2.54 2.52 96
97 2.62 2.59 2.56 2.53 2.50 2.48 2.45 2.42 2.40 2.37 2.35 97
98 2.44 2.41 2.38 2.36 2.34 2.31 2.29 2.27 2.24 2.22 2.20 98
99 2.27 2.25 2.22 2.20 2.18 2.16 2.14 2.12 2.10 2.08 2.06 99
100 2.11 2.09 2.07 2.06 2.04 2.02 2.00 1.98 1.97 1.95 1.93 100
Actuarial Tables – Introduction 407
0 285.20 208.39 155.57 118.70 92.57 73.74 59.95 49.69 41.92 35.94 31.26 0
1 279.01 204.72 153.41 117.45 91.86 73.36 59.76 49.62 41.91 35.97 31.32 1
2 271.81 200.28 150.65 115.73 90.77 72.67 59.33 49.34 41.73 35.86 31.24 2
3 264.75 195.89 147.91 114.00 89.68 71.97 58.88 49.05 41.55 35.73 31.16 3
4 257.83 191.56 145.19 112.28 88.58 71.27 58.43 48.75 41.35 35.60 31.08 4
5 251.06 187.30 142.49 110.56 87.49 70.56 57.97 48.45 41.15 35.47 30.99 5
6 244.43 183.11 139.83 108.85 86.38 69.85 57.50 48.14 40.95 35.34 30.89 6
7 237.94 178.98 137.18 107.15 85.28 69.13 57.03 47.83 40.74 35.19 30.80 7
8 231.59 174.92 134.57 105.46 84.18 68.40 56.55 47.51 40.52 35.05 30.70 8
9 225.38 170.93 131.98 103.77 83.07 67.67 56.06 47.18 40.30 34.90 30.60 9
10 219.31 167.00 129.43 102.10 81.97 66.94 55.57 46.85 40.08 34.75 30.49 10
11 213.37 163.14 126.90 100.43 80.86 66.20 55.07 46.52 39.85 34.59 30.38 11
12 207.57 159.34 124.40 98.78 79.76 65.46 54.57 46.18 39.62 34.42 30.27 12
13 201.89 155.60 121.92 97.13 78.65 64.71 54.07 45.83 39.38 34.26 30.15 13
14 196.33 151.93 119.48 95.49 77.55 63.96 53.55 45.47 39.13 34.09 30.03 14
15 190.91 148.32 117.06 93.86 76.44 63.21 53.03 45.12 38.88 33.91 29.90 15
16 185.61 144.77 114.67 92.25 75.34 62.45 52.51 44.75 38.62 33.73 29.77 16
17 180.42 141.28 112.31 90.64 74.24 61.70 51.99 44.38 38.37 33.55 29.64 17
18 175.36 137.86 109.98 89.05 73.14 60.94 51.46 44.01 38.10 33.36 29.51 18
19 170.42 134.50 107.68 87.46 72.05 60.17 50.92 43.63 37.83 33.16 29.37 19
20 165.60 131.20 105.42 85.89 70.96 59.41 50.38 43.25 37.56 32.97 29.22 20
21 160.88 127.95 103.17 84.33 69.86 58.64 49.84 42.86 37.28 32.76 29.08 21
22 156.26 124.76 100.95 82.78 68.77 57.86 49.28 42.47 36.99 32.56 28.92 22
23 151.72 121.60 98.74 81.22 67.67 57.08 48.72 42.06 36.70 32.34 28.76 23
24 147.29 118.50 96.56 79.68 66.57 56.29 48.16 41.65 36.40 32.12 28.60 24
25 142.97 115.46 94.41 78.15 65.48 55.50 47.58 41.23 36.09 31.89 28.43 25
26 138.74 112.47 92.28 76.63 64.38 54.71 47.01 40.81 35.78 31.66 28.26 26
27 134.61 109.53 90.18 75.12 63.29 53.92 46.43 40.38 35.46 31.42 28.08 27
28 130.57 106.65 88.11 73.62 62.20 53.12 45.84 39.95 35.14 31.18 27.90 28
29 126.63 103.81 86.05 72.13 61.11 52.32 45.25 39.51 34.81 30.93 27.71 29
30 122.78 101.02 84.03 70.65 60.02 51.52 44.65 39.06 34.47 30.68 27.51 30
31 119.02 98.29 82.03 69.18 58.94 50.71 44.05 38.61 34.13 30.41 27.31 31
32 115.34 95.60 80.06 67.72 57.86 49.90 43.44 38.15 33.78 30.15 27.11 32
33 111.75 92.97 78.11 66.27 56.77 49.09 42.83 37.68 33.42 29.87 26.89 33
34 108.24 90.37 76.18 64.83 55.69 48.27 42.21 37.21 33.06 29.59 26.67 34
35 104.80 87.81 74.27 63.40 54.61 47.45 41.58 36.73 32.69 29.31 26.45 35
36 101.45 85.31 72.39 61.98 53.53 46.63 40.95 36.24 32.31 29.01 26.22 36
37 98.17 82.84 70.53 60.57 52.46 45.81 40.31 35.75 31.93 28.71 25.98 37
38 94.97 80.42 68.69 59.17 51.38 44.98 39.67 35.25 31.54 28.40 25.74 38
39 91.83 78.04 66.88 57.78 50.31 44.15 39.03 34.74 31.14 28.09 25.48 39
40 88.77 75.71 65.08 56.39 49.24 43.31 38.37 34.23 30.73 27.76 25.23 40
41 85.78 73.41 63.31 55.02 48.17 42.48 37.71 33.71 30.32 27.43 24.96 41
42 82.86 71.16 61.56 53.66 47.10 41.64 37.05 33.18 29.90 27.09 24.69 42
43 80.01 68.94 59.84 52.31 46.04 40.80 36.38 32.65 29.47 26.75 24.41 43
44 77.23 66.77 58.14 50.97 44.98 39.95 35.71 32.11 29.03 26.39 24.12 44
45 74.52 64.65 56.46 49.64 43.93 39.11 35.03 31.56 28.59 26.03 23.82 45
46 71.87 62.56 54.81 48.32 42.87 38.27 34.35 31.01 28.14 25.67 23.52 46
47 69.28 60.51 53.17 47.02 41.83 37.42 33.67 30.45 27.69 25.29 23.21 47
48 66.77 58.50 51.57 45.73 40.79 36.58 32.98 29.89 27.23 24.91 22.90 48
49 64.32 56.54 50.00 44.46 39.76 35.74 32.30 29.33 26.76 24.53 22.58 49
50 61.93 54.62 48.44 43.20 38.73 34.90 31.61 28.76 26.29 24.14 22.25 50
51 59.60 52.73 46.91 41.95 37.71 34.06 30.91 28.19 25.81 23.74 21.92 51
52 57.33 50.88 45.40 40.71 36.69 33.22 30.22 27.61 25.33 23.33 21.57 52
53 55.11 49.07 43.92 39.49 35.68 32.38 29.52 27.02 24.84 22.92 21.22 53
54 52.96 47.30 42.46 38.28 34.68 31.55 28.82 26.44 24.34 22.50 20.87 54
55 50.86 45.57 41.02 37.09 33.68 30.71 28.12 25.84 23.84 22.07 20.51 55
56 48.83 43.88 39.61 35.91 32.69 29.88 27.42 25.25 23.34 21.64 20.14 56
57 46.84 42.22 38.23 34.75 31.71 29.05 26.72 24.65 22.83 21.21 19.76 57
58 44.89 40.60 36.86 33.59 30.74 28.22 26.01 24.05 22.31 20.76 19.37 58
59 42.99 38.99 35.50 32.44 29.76 27.39 25.29 23.43 21.78 20.30 18.98 59
60 41.12 37.41 34.16 31.30 28.78 26.55 24.57 22.81 21.24 19.83 18.57 60
61 39.30 35.86 32.83 30.16 27.80 25.70 23.84 22.18 20.69 19.35 18.15 61
62 37.52 34.33 31.52 29.03 26.83 24.86 23.11 21.54 20.13 18.86 17.72 62
63 35.79 32.84 30.24 27.92 25.86 24.02 22.38 20.90 19.57 18.37 17.28 63
64 34.11 31.39 28.98 26.83 24.91 23.19 21.65 20.26 19.01 17.87 16.84 64
65 32.50 29.99 27.76 25.77 23.98 22.38 20.93 19.63 18.45 17.38 16.40 65
66 30.94 28.64 26.58 24.73 23.07 21.58 20.23 19.00 17.89 16.88 15.96 66
67 29.44 27.32 25.43 23.72 22.18 20.78 19.52 18.38 17.34 16.39 15.52 67
68 27.99 26.05 24.30 22.72 21.29 20.00 18.83 17.76 16.78 15.89 15.07 68
69 26.57 24.80 23.19 21.74 20.42 19.22 18.13 17.13 16.22 15.39 14.62 69
408 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
70 25.19 23.57 22.10 20.76 19.55 18.44 17.43 16.50 15.65 14.87 14.15 70
71 23.83 22.35 21.01 19.79 18.67 17.65 16.72 15.86 15.07 14.35 13.68 71
72 22.47 21.14 19.92 18.81 17.79 16.85 16.00 15.20 14.48 13.80 13.18 72
73 21.13 19.93 18.83 17.82 16.89 16.04 15.25 14.53 13.86 13.24 12.66 73
74 19.80 18.72 17.73 16.82 15.99 15.21 14.50 13.84 13.23 12.66 12.13 74
75 18.48 17.53 16.64 15.83 15.08 14.38 13.74 13.14 12.58 12.06 11.58 75
76 17.20 16.35 15.57 14.84 14.17 13.55 12.97 12.43 11.92 11.45 11.01 76
77 15.95 15.21 14.51 13.87 13.28 12.72 12.20 11.72 11.27 10.84 10.45 77
78 14.75 14.10 13.50 12.93 12.40 11.91 11.45 11.02 10.62 10.24 9.88 78
79 13.62 13.05 12.52 12.03 11.56 11.13 10.72 10.34 9.98 9.64 9.32 79
80 12.56 12.07 11.61 11.17 10.77 10.38 10.02 9.69 9.37 9.07 8.78 80
81 11.58 11.15 10.75 10.37 10.02 9.68 9.36 9.06 8.78 8.51 8.26 81
82 10.67 10.30 9.95 9.62 9.31 9.02 8.74 8.48 8.23 7.99 7.76 82
83 9.83 9.51 9.21 8.92 8.65 8.39 8.15 7.92 7.70 7.49 7.29 83
84 9.06 8.78 8.52 8.27 8.03 7.81 7.59 7.39 7.19 7.01 6.83 84
85 8.34 8.10 7.87 7.65 7.45 7.25 7.06 6.88 6.71 6.55 6.40 85
86 7.66 7.45 7.25 7.07 6.89 6.72 6.56 6.40 6.25 6.11 5.97 86
87 7.01 6.84 6.67 6.51 6.36 6.21 6.07 5.93 5.80 5.68 5.56 87
88 6.41 6.26 6.11 5.98 5.85 5.72 5.60 5.48 5.37 5.26 5.16 88
89 5.84 5.71 5.59 5.47 5.36 5.25 5.15 5.05 4.95 4.86 4.77 89
90 5.31 5.20 5.10 5.00 4.90 4.81 4.72 4.64 4.55 4.47 4.40 90
91 4.82 4.73 4.64 4.55 4.47 4.40 4.32 4.25 4.18 4.11 4.04 91
92 4.37 4.29 4.22 4.15 4.08 4.01 3.95 3.89 3.83 3.77 3.71 92
93 3.97 3.90 3.84 3.78 3.72 3.67 3.61 3.56 3.51 3.46 3.41 93
94 3.62 3.56 3.51 3.46 3.41 3.36 3.31 3.27 3.22 3.18 3.14 94
95 3.32 3.27 3.23 3.18 3.14 3.10 3.06 3.02 2.98 2.94 2.91 95
96 3.06 3.02 2.98 2.94 2.91 2.87 2.84 2.80 2.77 2.74 2.71 96
97 2.84 2.80 2.77 2.74 2.70 2.67 2.64 2.61 2.58 2.56 2.53 97
98 2.64 2.61 2.58 2.55 2.52 2.49 2.47 2.44 2.42 2.39 2.37 98
99 2.45 2.42 2.40 2.37 2.35 2.32 2.30 2.28 2.26 2.23 2.21 99
100 2.27 2.25 2.22 2.20 2.18 2.16 2.14 2.12 2.10 2.08 2.06 100
Actuarial Tables – Introduction 409
16 69.28 61.13 54.18 48.26 43.18 38.81 35.03 31.77 28.93 26.46 24.29 16
17 66.90 59.22 52.65 47.02 42.18 38.00 34.38 31.24 28.50 26.11 24.01 17
18 64.58 57.34 51.13 45.79 41.18 37.19 33.73 30.71 28.07 25.75 23.72 18
19 62.30 55.49 49.63 44.57 40.19 36.38 33.06 30.17 27.62 25.39 23.42 19
20 60.08 53.68 48.15 43.36 39.20 35.57 32.40 29.62 27.17 25.02 23.11 20
21 57.90 51.89 46.68 42.15 38.21 34.75 31.72 29.06 26.71 24.64 22.80 21
22 55.76 50.13 45.23 40.95 37.21 33.93 31.04 28.50 26.25 24.25 22.47 22
23 53.66 48.40 43.79 39.76 36.22 33.11 30.36 27.93 25.77 23.85 22.14 23
24 51.61 46.69 42.37 38.57 35.23 32.28 29.66 27.35 25.28 23.44 21.80 24
25 49.60 45.01 40.96 37.40 34.24 31.45 28.97 26.76 24.79 23.02 21.44 25
26 47.64 43.35 39.57 36.22 33.25 30.61 28.26 26.16 24.28 22.59 21.08 26
27 45.71 41.72 38.19 35.06 32.27 29.77 27.55 25.56 23.77 22.16 20.71 27
28 43.82 40.12 36.83 33.90 31.28 28.93 26.83 24.94 23.24 21.71 20.32 28
29 41.97 38.54 35.48 32.74 30.29 28.09 26.10 24.32 22.70 21.25 19.92 29
30 40.15 36.99 34.14 31.59 29.30 27.24 25.37 23.69 22.16 20.78 19.52 30
31 38.38 35.46 32.83 30.46 28.32 26.39 24.64 23.05 21.61 20.29 19.10 31
32 36.65 33.96 31.53 29.33 27.34 25.53 23.89 22.40 21.04 19.80 18.67 32
33 34.96 32.48 30.24 28.21 26.36 24.68 23.15 21.75 20.47 19.30 18.23 33
34 33.30 31.03 28.97 27.09 25.38 23.82 22.39 21.09 19.89 18.79 17.78 34
35 31.67 29.60 27.71 25.98 24.40 22.96 21.63 20.42 19.30 18.27 17.32 35
36 30.07 28.19 26.46 24.88 23.43 22.09 20.87 19.74 18.69 17.73 16.84 36
37 28.51 26.80 25.23 23.78 22.45 21.22 20.09 19.04 18.08 17.18 16.35 37
38 26.98 25.43 24.01 22.69 21.48 20.35 19.31 18.34 17.45 16.61 15.84 38
39 25.48 24.08 22.80 21.60 20.50 19.47 18.52 17.63 16.81 16.04 15.32 39
40 24.00 22.76 21.60 20.52 19.52 18.59 17.72 16.91 16.15 15.44 14.78 40
41 22.56 21.45 20.41 19.45 18.54 17.70 16.91 16.17 15.48 14.84 14.23 41
42 21.15 20.16 19.24 18.38 17.57 16.81 16.10 15.43 14.80 14.21 13.66 42
43 19.76 18.90 18.08 17.31 16.59 15.92 15.28 14.68 14.11 13.58 13.07 43
44 18.41 17.65 16.93 16.26 15.62 15.02 14.45 13.91 13.41 12.93 12.47 44
45 17.08 16.42 15.79 15.20 14.64 14.12 13.61 13.14 12.69 12.26 11.85 45
46 15.78 15.21 14.67 14.16 13.67 13.21 12.77 12.35 11.95 11.58 11.22 46
47 14.50 14.02 13.56 13.12 12.70 12.30 11.92 11.55 11.21 10.88 10.56 47
48 13.26 12.85 12.46 12.08 11.73 11.38 11.06 10.75 10.45 10.16 9.89 48
49 12.03 11.69 11.37 11.05 10.75 10.47 10.19 9.93 9.67 9.43 9.19 49
50 10.83 10.56 10.29 10.03 9.78 9.55 9.32 9.10 8.88 8.68 8.48 50
51 9.66 9.44 9.22 9.01 8.81 8.62 8.43 8.25 8.08 7.91 7.75 51
52 8.51 8.34 8.17 8.00 7.84 7.69 7.54 7.40 7.26 7.12 6.99 52
53 7.38 7.25 7.12 7.00 6.87 6.76 6.64 6.53 6.42 6.32 6.21 53
54 6.27 6.18 6.08 5.99 5.90 5.82 5.73 5.65 5.57 5.49 5.41 54
55 5.18 5.12 5.05 4.99 4.93 4.87 4.81 4.75 4.69 4.64 4.58 55
56 4.12 4.07 4.03 3.99 3.95 3.91 3.87 3.84 3.80 3.76 3.73 56
57 3.06 3.04 3.02 2.99 2.97 2.95 2.93 2.91 2.89 2.86 2.84 57
58 2.03 2.02 2.01 2.00 1.99 1.98 1.97 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.93 58
59 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 59
410 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
16 70.04 61.77 54.73 48.72 43.57 39.14 35.32 32.02 29.14 26.64 24.45 16
17 67.65 59.85 53.18 47.48 42.57 38.33 34.67 31.49 28.72 26.29 24.17 17
18 65.30 57.96 51.66 46.24 41.57 37.52 34.01 30.96 28.28 25.94 23.88 18
19 63.01 56.10 50.15 45.02 40.57 36.71 33.35 30.41 27.84 25.58 23.59 19
20 60.76 54.27 48.66 43.80 39.57 35.90 32.68 29.87 27.39 25.21 23.28 20
21 58.56 52.46 47.18 42.58 38.58 35.08 32.01 29.31 26.93 24.83 22.97 21
22 56.40 50.69 45.71 41.37 37.58 34.25 31.32 28.74 26.46 24.44 22.64 22
23 54.29 48.94 44.26 40.17 36.58 33.42 30.64 28.17 25.98 24.04 22.31 23
24 52.21 47.21 42.83 38.98 35.58 32.59 29.94 27.59 25.50 23.63 21.97 24
25 50.18 45.51 41.41 37.79 34.59 31.75 29.24 27.00 25.00 23.21 21.61 25
26 48.19 43.84 40.00 36.60 33.59 30.91 28.53 26.40 24.49 22.78 21.25 26
27 46.24 42.20 38.61 35.43 32.59 30.07 27.81 25.79 23.98 22.34 20.87 27
28 44.33 40.58 37.24 34.26 31.60 29.22 27.09 25.17 23.45 21.89 20.49 28
29 42.46 38.98 35.87 33.09 30.60 28.37 26.36 24.55 22.91 21.43 20.09 29
30 40.63 37.41 34.53 31.94 29.61 27.51 25.62 23.91 22.37 20.96 19.69 30
31 38.83 35.86 33.19 30.79 28.62 26.65 24.88 23.27 21.81 20.48 19.27 31
32 37.08 34.34 31.87 29.64 27.62 25.79 24.13 22.62 21.24 19.98 18.83 32
33 35.35 32.84 30.57 28.50 26.63 24.93 23.37 21.96 20.66 19.48 18.39 33
34 33.67 31.37 29.28 27.37 25.64 24.06 22.61 21.29 20.07 18.96 17.93 34
35 32.01 29.91 28.00 26.25 24.65 23.18 21.84 20.60 19.47 18.43 17.46 35
36 30.40 28.48 26.73 25.13 23.66 22.30 21.06 19.91 18.86 17.88 16.98 36
37 28.81 27.08 25.48 24.02 22.67 21.42 20.28 19.21 18.23 17.32 16.48 37
38 27.26 25.69 24.24 22.91 21.68 20.54 19.48 18.50 17.60 16.75 15.97 38
39 25.73 24.32 23.02 21.81 20.69 19.65 18.68 17.78 16.95 16.17 15.44 39
40 24.24 22.98 21.81 20.72 19.70 18.76 17.88 17.05 16.29 15.57 14.90 40
41 22.78 21.66 20.61 19.63 18.71 17.86 17.06 16.31 15.61 14.96 14.34 41
42 21.35 20.35 19.42 18.55 17.73 16.96 16.24 15.56 14.93 14.33 13.77 42
43 19.95 19.07 18.24 17.47 16.74 16.05 15.41 14.80 14.23 13.69 13.18 43
44 18.58 17.81 17.08 16.40 15.75 15.15 14.57 14.03 13.52 13.03 12.57 44
45 17.24 16.57 15.93 15.33 14.77 14.23 13.73 13.25 12.79 12.36 11.95 45
46 15.92 15.34 14.80 14.28 13.79 13.32 12.87 12.45 12.05 11.67 11.30 46
47 14.63 14.14 13.67 13.23 12.80 12.40 12.01 11.65 11.30 10.96 10.64 47
48 13.37 12.95 12.56 12.18 11.82 11.48 11.15 10.83 10.53 10.24 9.96 48
49 12.13 11.79 11.46 11.14 10.84 10.55 10.27 10.00 9.75 9.50 9.26 49
50 10.92 10.64 10.37 10.11 9.86 9.62 9.39 9.17 8.95 8.74 8.54 50
51 9.73 9.51 9.29 9.08 8.88 8.69 8.50 8.31 8.14 7.97 7.80 51
52 8.57 8.39 8.22 8.06 7.90 7.75 7.60 7.45 7.31 7.17 7.04 52
53 7.43 7.30 7.17 7.04 6.92 6.80 6.68 6.57 6.46 6.36 6.25 53
54 6.31 6.21 6.12 6.03 5.94 5.85 5.76 5.68 5.60 5.52 5.44 54
55 5.21 5.14 5.08 5.02 4.95 4.89 4.83 4.77 4.72 4.66 4.61 55
56 4.13 4.09 4.05 4.01 3.97 3.93 3.89 3.85 3.82 3.78 3.74 56
57 3.07 3.05 3.03 3.00 2.98 2.96 2.94 2.92 2.89 2.87 2.85 57
58 2.03 2.02 2.01 2.00 1.99 1.98 1.97 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.93 58
59 1.01 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 59
Actuarial Tables – Introduction 411
16 81.11 70.46 61.56 54.09 47.80 42.47 37.95 34.08 30.77 27.92 25.46 16
17 78.49 68.41 59.95 52.82 46.80 41.68 37.32 33.59 30.38 27.61 25.21 17
18 75.93 66.39 58.35 51.56 45.80 40.89 36.69 33.09 29.98 27.29 24.96 18
19 73.42 64.40 56.78 50.31 44.80 40.10 36.06 32.58 29.58 26.97 24.70 19
20 70.97 62.45 55.22 49.07 43.81 39.30 35.42 32.07 29.16 26.64 24.43 20
21 68.57 60.53 53.68 47.83 42.82 38.50 34.78 31.55 28.74 26.30 24.15 21
22 66.21 58.63 52.16 46.60 41.82 37.70 34.13 31.02 28.31 25.95 23.87 22
23 63.90 56.77 50.65 45.38 40.83 36.89 33.47 30.49 27.88 25.59 23.57 23
24 61.64 54.93 49.15 44.16 39.84 36.08 32.81 29.94 27.43 25.22 23.27 24
25 59.43 53.12 47.68 42.95 38.85 35.27 32.14 29.39 26.98 24.85 22.96 25
26 57.26 51.35 46.22 41.75 37.86 34.45 31.46 28.84 26.52 24.47 22.65 26
27 55.14 49.60 44.77 40.56 36.87 33.63 30.78 28.27 26.05 24.07 22.32 27
28 53.06 47.87 43.34 39.37 35.88 32.81 30.10 27.70 25.57 23.67 21.98 28
29 51.02 46.17 41.92 38.18 34.89 31.98 29.40 27.11 25.08 23.26 21.63 29
30 49.03 44.50 40.52 37.01 33.90 31.15 28.70 26.52 24.58 22.84 21.28 30
31 47.08 42.86 39.14 35.84 32.92 30.32 28.00 25.93 24.07 22.41 20.91 31
32 45.17 41.25 37.78 34.69 31.94 29.49 27.29 25.33 23.56 21.97 20.54 32
33 43.31 39.67 36.43 33.54 30.96 28.65 26.58 24.72 23.04 21.53 20.16 33
34 41.48 38.11 35.10 32.40 29.99 27.81 25.86 24.10 22.51 21.07 19.77 34
35 39.69 36.57 33.78 31.27 29.01 26.97 25.14 23.48 21.97 20.60 19.36 35
36 37.94 35.06 32.47 30.14 28.03 26.13 24.41 22.84 21.42 20.13 18.95 36
37 36.22 33.57 31.18 29.02 27.06 25.28 23.67 22.20 20.86 19.64 18.52 37
38 34.54 32.11 29.90 27.90 26.08 24.43 22.92 21.55 20.29 19.13 18.08 38
39 32.89 30.66 28.64 26.79 25.11 23.57 22.17 20.88 19.70 18.62 17.62 39
40 31.27 29.24 27.38 25.69 24.13 22.71 21.41 20.21 19.11 18.09 17.16 40
41 29.69 27.84 26.14 24.59 23.16 21.85 20.64 19.53 18.50 17.55 16.68 41
42 28.14 26.46 24.92 23.50 22.19 20.98 19.87 18.84 17.88 17.00 16.18 42
43 26.62 25.10 23.70 22.41 21.22 20.11 19.09 18.14 17.26 16.44 15.68 43
44 25.13 23.77 22.50 21.33 20.25 19.24 18.30 17.43 16.62 15.86 15.16 44
45 23.68 22.45 21.32 20.26 19.28 18.36 17.51 16.71 15.97 15.27 14.62 45
46 22.25 21.16 20.14 19.19 18.31 17.48 16.71 15.98 15.30 14.67 14.07 46
47 20.86 19.89 18.98 18.14 17.34 16.60 15.90 15.24 14.63 14.05 13.50 47
48 19.49 18.64 17.84 17.08 16.38 15.71 15.09 14.50 13.94 13.42 12.92 48
49 18.15 17.41 16.70 16.04 15.41 14.82 14.27 13.74 13.24 12.77 12.33 49
50 16.85 16.20 15.58 15.00 14.46 13.94 13.44 12.98 12.53 12.11 11.71 50
51 15.57 15.01 14.48 13.98 13.50 13.04 12.61 12.20 11.81 11.44 11.09 51
52 14.32 13.84 13.39 12.95 12.54 12.15 11.77 11.42 11.08 10.75 10.44 52
53 13.09 12.69 12.30 11.94 11.59 11.25 10.93 10.62 10.33 10.05 9.78 53
54 11.89 11.56 11.24 10.93 10.63 10.35 10.08 9.82 9.57 9.33 9.10 54
55 10.71 10.44 10.18 9.92 9.68 9.45 9.22 9.00 8.79 8.59 8.40 55
56 9.56 9.34 9.13 8.93 8.73 8.54 8.35 8.17 8.00 7.84 7.67 56
57 8.43 8.26 8.09 7.93 7.77 7.62 7.47 7.33 7.19 7.06 6.93 57
58 7.32 7.19 7.06 6.94 6.82 6.70 6.59 6.48 6.37 6.26 6.16 58
59 6.22 6.13 6.03 5.94 5.85 5.77 5.68 5.60 5.52 5.45 5.37 59
60 5.14 5.08 5.01 4.95 4.89 4.83 4.77 4.71 4.66 4.60 4.55 60
61 4.09 4.04 4.00 3.96 3.92 3.89 3.85 3.81 3.77 3.74 3.70 61
62 3.04 3.02 3.00 2.98 2.95 2.93 2.91 2.89 2.87 2.85 2.83 62
63 2.02 2.01 2.00 1.99 1.98 1.97 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.93 1.92 63
64 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 0.98 64
412 Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence Litigation
16 82.26 71.41 62.34 54.74 48.34 42.93 38.33 34.41 31.05 28.16 25.66 16
17 79.62 69.34 60.72 53.47 47.34 42.14 37.71 33.91 30.66 27.85 25.41 17
18 77.03 67.31 59.12 52.20 46.34 41.35 37.08 33.42 30.26 27.53 25.16 18
19 74.50 65.30 57.53 50.95 45.34 40.55 36.45 32.91 29.86 27.21 24.91 19
20 72.02 63.33 55.96 49.70 44.34 39.75 35.81 32.40 29.45 26.88 24.64 20
21 69.59 61.39 54.41 48.45 43.34 38.95 35.16 31.88 29.03 26.54 24.37 21
22 67.20 59.48 52.87 47.21 42.34 38.15 34.51 31.35 28.60 26.20 24.08 22
23 64.87 57.59 51.35 45.98 41.35 37.33 33.85 30.82 28.16 25.84 23.79 23
24 62.58 55.73 49.84 44.75 40.35 36.52 33.19 30.27 27.72 25.47 23.49 24
25 60.34 53.91 48.35 43.53 39.35 35.70 32.51 29.72 27.27 25.10 23.19 25
26 58.14 52.11 46.87 42.32 38.35 34.88 31.84 29.16 26.80 24.72 22.87 26
27 55.99 50.33 45.41 41.11 37.35 34.05 31.15 28.60 26.33 24.33 22.54 27
28 53.88 48.59 43.96 39.91 36.36 33.23 30.46 28.02 25.85 23.93 22.21 28
29 51.82 46.87 42.53 38.72 35.36 32.39 29.77 27.44 25.36 23.51 21.86 29
30 49.80 45.18 41.12 37.53 34.36 31.56 29.06 26.84 24.87 23.09 21.51 30
31 47.82 43.52 39.72 36.35 33.37 30.72 28.35 26.25 24.36 22.66 21.14 31
32 45.88 41.88 38.33 35.18 32.38 29.87 27.64 25.64 23.84 22.22 20.77 32
33 43.98 40.27 36.96 34.01 31.38 29.03 26.92 25.02 23.31 21.77 20.38 33
34 42.12 38.68 35.60 32.85 30.39 28.18 26.19 24.39 22.78 21.31 19.98 34
35 40.30 37.11 34.26 31.70 29.40 27.32 25.45 23.76 22.23 20.84 19.57 35
36 38.51 35.58 32.93 30.56 28.41 26.47 24.71 23.12 21.67 20.35 19.15 36
37 36.76 34.06 31.62 29.42 27.42 25.61 23.96 22.47 21.10 19.86 18.72 37
38 35.05 32.57 30.32 28.28 26.43 24.74 23.21 21.81 20.52 19.35 18.28 38
39 33.38 31.10 29.04 27.16 25.44 23.88 22.44 21.14 19.93 18.83 17.82 39
40 31.73 29.66 27.76 26.04 24.45 23.00 21.68 20.46 19.33 18.30 17.35 40
41 30.12 28.24 26.51 24.92 23.47 22.13 20.90 19.77 18.72 17.76 16.86 41
42 28.55 26.84 25.26 23.81 22.48 21.25 20.12 19.07 18.10 17.20 16.37 42
43 27.01 25.46 24.03 22.71 21.50 20.37 19.33 18.36 17.46 16.63 15.85 43
44 25.49 24.10 22.81 21.62 20.51 19.48 18.53 17.64 16.82 16.05 15.33 44
45 24.02 22.77 21.61 20.53 19.53 18.60 17.73 16.92 16.16 15.45 14.79 45
46 22.57 21.46 20.42 19.45 18.55 17.71 16.92 16.18 15.49 14.84 14.23 46
47 21.15 20.17 19.24 18.38 17.57 16.81 16.10 15.43 14.81 14.22 13.66 47
48 19.77 18.90 18.08 17.31 16.59 15.92 15.28 14.68 14.11 13.58 13.08 48
49 18.41 17.65 16.93 16.26 15.62 15.02 14.45 13.91 13.41 12.93 12.47 49
50 17.08 16.42 15.80 15.21 14.65 14.12 13.62 13.14 12.69 12.26 11.85 50
51 15.78 15.21 14.67 14.16 13.67 13.21 12.77 12.35 11.96 11.58 11.22 51
52 14.51 14.02 13.56 13.12 12.70 12.30 11.92 11.56 11.21 10.88 10.56 52
53 13.26 12.85 12.46 12.09 11.73 11.39 11.06 10.75 10.45 10.17 9.89 53
54 12.04 11.70 11.37 11.06 10.76 10.47 10.20 9.93 9.68 9.43 9.20 54
55 10.84 10.56 10.30 10.04 9.79 9.55 9.32 9.10 8.89 8.68 8.49 55
56 9.67 9.44 9.23 9.02 8.82 8.63 8.44 8.26 8.09 7.92 7.75 56
57 8.52 8.34 8.17 8.01 7.85 7.70 7.55 7.40 7.26 7.13 7.00 57
58 7.39 7.25 7.13 7.00 6.88 6.76 6.65 6.53 6.43 6.32 6.22 58
59 6.28 6.18 6.09 5.99 5.91 5.82 5.73 5.65 5.57 5.49 5.41 59
60 5.19 5.12 5.05 4.99 4.93 4.87 4.81 4.75 4.69 4.64 4.58 60
61 4.11 4.07 4.03 3.99 3.95 3.91 3.87 3.84 3.80 3.76 3.73 61
62 3.06 3.04 3.02 2.99 2.97 2.95 2.93 2.91 2.88 2.86 2.84 62
63 2.03 2.02 2.01 2.00 1.99 1.98 1.97 1.96 1.95 1.94 1.93 63
64 1.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.98 64
Index 413