Personal Injury Cases: From Start To Finish
Personal Injury Cases: From Start To Finish
Personal Injury Cases: From Start To Finish
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The person who caused the injuries must have a duty to the victim of
the injuries.
2. The at-fault party must have breached his or her duty when causing
the injuries.
Lets take a typical motor vehicle crash such as a rear-end collision
as an example. All drivers on the road have a duty other drivers,
pedestrians, and cyclists to drive carefully and safely. In Colorado, a
driver who rear-ends another driver is presumed to be negligent
in other words, rear-ending another vehicle is a presumed breach of
the duty to drive safely. In order to have a personal injury claim,
injuries such as whiplash or broken bones must have resulted from
the crash. Finally, the injuries which resulted must have been
caused by the collision alone. If all these requirements are met, an
injury claim legitimately exists.
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Imagine that a driver causes $12,000.00 in damage to your car, while you
also need $5,000.00 in medical treatment because of your injuries. If the
driver were personally liable, he would have to pay out $17,000. Most
people do not have this kind of cash sitting around should this occur.
Thus, the government has mandated that all drivers pay premiums to an
insurance company who will cover this driver for any injuries or property
loss that their insured may have caused.
In Colorado, the minimum liability coverage is $25,000.00 per person
and $50,000.00 per accident. The per accident amount comes into
play when, for example, there are multiple people in one car who are
injured or multiple vehicles involved in a crash.
When you hire a personal injury attorney, most of the communications
from your lawyer will be with the insurance company, not the at-fault
driver. Insurance companies have large claims departments who will
work with your lawyer to discuss the injuries that occurred, what sort of
medical treatment was received, if there are any lost wages, and the
intangible ways the crash aected your life. The folks who initially handle
claims for an insurance company are called adjusters. While insurance
companies do, of course, also have many lawyers working for them,
generally lawyers only become involved once a lawsuit is filed.
On paper, insurance companies are supposed to pay for any and all
damages and losses caused by their own insured.
In reality, however, insurance companies are businesses with bottom
lines, profit margins, shareholders, and executives. Therefore, insurance
companies are constantly finding ways to deny claims entirely or severely
undervalue how much a claim is worth. In doing so, the insurance
company is hoping that people will drop their claims or take much less
than they deserve, putting more money into the insurance companys
This is precisely why hiring an experienced and dedicated personal injury
attorney is so important after you have been injured.
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is not licensed to practice law presents very little risk, as this person is not
well-versed in the intricacies of personal injury law and, most importantly,
cannot file a lawsuit and try a case before a jury if settlement negotiations
fail. Even an individual who takes the time to learn personal injury law
and advocate on their own behalf, and who may try and use legal
terminology with the insurance company, still does not present that much
of a risk to a giant corporation like State Farm.
Besides having the leverage of being able to file a lawsuit, which
automatically costs the insurance company a lot more money than just
settling the claim would, having an experienced lawyer on your side
always puts increased pressure on the insurer.
Also, there are many consumer-friendly laws that you will not know about
and insurance companies will surely not tell you about. Things like
medical payments coverage, the billed v. paid issue (whether you can
collect the amount of your bills or the amount your health insurance paid),
how much your health insurance is entitled to be reimbursed (subrogation
right) if any, etc. Additionally, there are additional categories of damages
which may be available beyond those typically included in a personal
injury claim based upon the at-fault partys conduct before, during, and
after the crash. Finally, a lawyer has the skills to take depositions, draft
and file court documents, and appear in front of a judge or jury that an
ordinary person does not have.
Of course, one of the benefits of having a lawyer is that we do all the
fighting for you, taking all the stress o your plate and leaving you time to
focus on what matters most: getting the medical treatment you need and
feeling better.
Once you bring Zaner Harden Law in on your case, you will not ever have
a frustrating call with the insurance company again. If your case does
proceed to litigation, you can rest assured knowing that you have the
best advocating for you and walking you through every step along the
way, even if that means taking your case all the way to trial.
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Start-Up Phase
This is when your attorneys send out the necessary
representation letters to all necessary parties: including the
at-fault drivers car insurance, your car insurance, your health
insurance, and other important players.
At this stage, the lawyers are making sure they uncover all
potential sources of recovery (insurance) and do everything
that is required under the policies to ensure your rights are
protected. If certain steps are not taken with your own
policies, you may lose coverage.
At this stage your lawyers will also be investigating the case
to look for other potentially responsible parties as well as
looking for helpful pieces of evidence that may not last for
very long (videos, witness, statements, etc.) In a perfect
world, its best to acquire legal representation early on so all
of these steps can be taken care of quickly. This sets up the
case the right way from the start
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Treatment Phase
During this stage, your only focus is to follow your doctors
recommendations and work on getting and feeling better.
Its important to take the appropriate length of time for
your body to heal. This looks dierent for everyone, as the
same injury can heal at dierent speeds for dierent
Because settlement is a one-time deal, its crucial to settle
(or attempt to settle) at the right time. If you settle too
early, you risk needing future medical treatment and not
getting the proper funds from a settlement to pay for it.
As attorneys, we are here to monitor your treatment, not
direct it. Only you know how your body feels in
comparison to before the incident. What you need to do
to feel better is a decision made between you and your
doctors. If needed, we can help you connect with the right
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Demand Phase
This is where your story is told to the insurance company.
First, we gather medical records and bills from all the
doctors you visited for incident-related care. We then
create and send a demand packet to the insurance
In this demand, we tell the insurance company how the
incident occurred, why their insured is at fault, the types of
injuries you sustained, the type(s) of medical treatment
you received, the medical bills you incurred, and how your
injuries aected your life. We also include the miles you
had to drive to go back and forth from doctors
appointments and any wage loss you incurred because of
your injuries.
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Negotiations/Settlement Phase
Once the insurance company reviews the demand packet,
we start negotiations in an attempt to settle your case.
We ask the insurance company to start with their initial
oer. This oer is typically quite low, as the insurance
company is trying to settle your claim for the lowest dollar
amount possible. Our mission is to get you top dollar for
your claim and we will accept nothing less.
After going back and forth with the insurance on numbers,
we will finally get them to their top amount. This is the
number they have valued the case at and are willing to pay
to avoid court.
This is when you and your attorney have an honest
conversation about your case. You will discuss both the
positive and negative facts about your case and ultimately,
whether the insurance companys top amount is an
appropriate number to settle your case.
As always, we are there to oer our advice, but the final
decision is yours. The decision not only takes into account
the actual dollar amount, but also weighs the risks and
benefits of not accepting the settlement amount. Ultimately,
you and your attorney decide whether to accept the
settlement or initiate litigation and file a complaint within the
court system.
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Litigation Phase
Litigation does not guarantee a trial. Litigation begins by
filing a complaint within the court system. From there,
settlement may still occur at any point before trial.
Usually, the time between filing a complaint and starting
trial is one year, so there is plenty of time to settle if you so
choose. Think of it as a marathon rather than a sprint.
Once a complaint is filed, we wait for the insurance to file an
answer. The answer is their response to the claims we
allege in our complaint. Then the discovery phase starts,
which is when both sides gather evidence on their own and
aski the other side for any evidence in their possession.
Depositions come next, where the insurance company and
your attorneys get to formally ask people (including you,
your doctors, any witnesses, maybe even your friends)
questions under oath.
After depositions, the parties will likely schedule a mediation. Mediation is when both sides agree to speak with an
unbiased mediator (usually a retired judge) about settling
the case before a trial becomes necessary. The case may or
may not get settled here. If not, trial is the next step.
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Trial Phase
When the parties cannot agree on a settlement amount,
trial becomes necessary. Trial is a formal process, where
both sides argue their case, a judge makes decisions
about the law, and the jury makes the ultimate decision
about how much money, if any, you the Plainti are
entitled to receive as a result of the incident. A trial
usually lasts somewhere between two to five days.
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you trust your attorneys, believe in their skills, and are confident they can
deliver the very best result.
If you decide to have Zaner Harden Law represent you, we immediately
get started on your case. We introduce you to your team. Typically, your
team will consist of a lead attorney and a paralegal. We are all there to
help you. Each team member is suited to the task they are best qualified
to handle.
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If you are not able to pay your medical bills, or you dont have any health
insurance, you may want to have your lawyers look into a medical lien to
finance your medical care. With this option, you will not have to pay
anything out of pocket as the lien company will handle all your bills on the
front end. Then, after your case settles, you will pay them back out of
your settlement. This is a good option for folks with no insurance, bad
insurance, or high deductibles/co-pays that they cant aord.
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Not all lawyers will do this; some firms will hire an outside company to
negotiate with the insurance company and then they will take money out
of your settlement for this service. Zaner Harden Law does not do this;
Zaner Harden Law negotiates these balances down in-house and
considers it part of the attorney fee you are paying them.
Once the balances have been reduced, the firm will then draft a
distribution statement which will break down your settlement in great
detail and will show you how much money will be going into your pocket.
At that point, the firm will schedule a time for you to come in, review, and
sign the distribution statement. If you have any questions about your
settlement, you are of course free to ask them before signing anything.
Once the distribution statement is signed, the firm will hand you a check
which you can then deposit in any bank account with your name on it.
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