Sanitation+Tender APVVP Package+2
Sanitation+Tender APVVP Package+2
Sanitation+Tender APVVP Package+2
Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother &
Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra
Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West
Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Dated: 18.09.2020
The information contained in this tender document or subsequently provided to bidders whether
verbally or in documentary form by or on behalf of Andhra Pradesh Medical Services &
Infrastructure Development Corporation (APMSIDC), Department of Health, Medical & Family
Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh, or any of their employees or advisors, is provided to
bidders on the terms and conditions set out in this tender document and any other terms and
conditions subject to which such information is provided.
This tender document is not an agreement and is not an offer or invitation by APMSIDC,
Department of Health, Medical & Family Welfare or its representatives to any other party. The
purpose of this tender document is to provide interested parties with information to assist the
formulation of their Proposal. This tender document does not purport to contain all the
information each Applicant may require.
This tender document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for
APMSIDC, Department of Health, Medical & Family Welfare, their employees or advisors to
consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each entity/bidder
who reads or uses this tender document. Certain bidders may have a better knowledge of the
proposed Project than others. Each applicant should conduct its own investigations and analysis
and should check the accuracy, reliability and completeness of the information in this tender
document and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. APMSIDC, Department of
Health, Medical & Family Welfare, its employees and advisors make no representation or
warranty and shall incur no liability under any law, statute, rules or regulations as to the
accuracy, reliability or completeness of the tender document.
APMSIDC may, in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so,
update, amend or supplement the information in this tender document.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Table of contents
1. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................6
2. Bid Data Sheet (BDS) ..........................................................................................................7
2.1 Checklist to accompany the tender:.....................................................................................10
3. E-Procurement process .....................................................................................................12
4. General References ...........................................................................................................15
4.1.1 Bidders /Firms /Joint Ventures /Contracting firms ineligible to Tender: .............................15
5. Detailed Scope of Work of Service Provider.......................................................................17
6. Conditions of Eligibility of bidders .......................................................................................25
6.1 Eligibility criteria ..........................................................................................................25
6.2 Evaluation of proposals ...............................................................................................29
6.3 Evaluation criteria for financial proposal ......................................................................30
6.4 Reverse tendering / auction process on e-Procurement portal ....................................31
6.5 Finalization of successful bidder .................................................................................32
6.6 Bid validity period ........................................................................................................32
6.7 Minimum number of Bids ............................................................................................32
6.8 Cost of proposal..........................................................................................................33
6.9 Acknowledgement by Bidder .......................................................................................33
6.10 Conflict of interest .......................................................................................................33
6.11 Contents of the tender.................................................................................................34
6.12 Clarifications on tender by TIA ....................................................................................34
6.13 Amendments/Modifications .........................................................................................34
6.14 Preparation and submission of proposal .....................................................................34
6.14.1 Language of bid ...............................................................................................34
6.14.2 Format and signing of proposal ........................................................................34
6.14.3 Technical proposal ...........................................................................................35
6.14.4 Financial proposal ............................................................................................35
6.14.5 Submission of proposal ....................................................................................35
6.14.6 Proposal Submission Date ...............................................................................35
6.14.7 Bid fees and Earnest Money Deposit................................................................36
6.14.8 Fraud and Corrupt Practices ............................................................................36
6.15 Confidentiality .............................................................................................................37
6.16 Clarifications from Bidder ............................................................................................37
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
1. Introduction
The Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) ensures the smooth
functioning of all secondary health care institutions such as CHC, AH and DHs, MCH
The sanitation tender is divided into three zonal packages which is provided below:
3 Package - III Zone - III (Chittoor, Kadapa, Kurnool & Anantapur districts)
In this tender, the scope is restricted to Package – II, West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur,
Prakasam, Nellore Districts in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
S. No Information Details
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
S. No Information Details
number. Failure to pay the Processing fee in the
aforesaid manner will entitle for rejection of the bid.
9. Method of evaluation of bids Lowest cost bidder (L1) with reverse tendering /auction
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
S. No Information Details
procurement portal, GoAP
including scanned copies of
tender fee and EMD
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Sl. Document to be uploaded to Description to document Gist of
Page No.
No. profile be given s to be Document
Registration documents of
bidders Registration
Annual Yes / No
Certificates in
3. turnover
support of annual turnover
CA Certificate Yes / No
Information on
6. Undertaking Yes / No
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
1. Please upload documents in ZIP format with suitable description as defined above.
2. The scanned documents shall be legible failing which they will not be considered.
3. The format of B.G. towards E.M.D. should be adhered to as per prescribed format. Any
deviation will result in making the bid non-responsive. Further all other B.Gs to be
submitted at the time of agreement and for advance payment should also be in the
formats prescribed in the bid document
4. All the statements copies of the certificates, documents etc., enclosed to the Technical
bid shall be given page numbers on the right corner of each certificate, which shall be
indicated in above column against each item.
5. The tenderer shall furnish mail id in undertaking of tender
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
3. E-Procurement process
A. APMSIDC invites online bids through e-Procurement portal from eligible bidders for Selection
of Service Provider for sanitation services for hospitals
D. All the participating bidders should pay a Transaction fee [(@0.03% of ECV (estimate
contract value) with a cap of Rs.10,000/- for all works with estimated contract value up to
Rs.50.00 Crores and Rs. 25,000/- for works with estimated contract value above Rs. 50.00
Crores + GST on transaction fee shall be payable to M/s. Vupadhi Techno Services Pvt. Ltd
by using Credit cards (Any MASTER / VISA Card) issued by any bank or through net banking
accounts with ICICI or HDFC Banks as per G.O.Ms.No.13 of IT&C Dept. Dt.07.05.06 with
effect from 02.02.2007.
E. A transaction fee at 0.10% of the estimate contract value of the work towards service charges
has to be paid by successful bidder at the time of concluding agreement in the form of
Demand draft as follows in favour of:
F. Eligible Bidders must submit their bids for the complete scope of work. Any bid submitted for
incomplete scope shall be rejected.
G. Issuance of Bidding Documents will not be construed to mean that such bidders are
automatically considered qualified
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
H. All bids must be accompanied by EMD, failing which the bid will be rejected
I. All bids must be submitted on or before last date and time as mentioned in the bid data
sheet, through e-Procurement portal only (online).
J. APMSIDC reserves the right to reject bids without assigning any reason whatsoever.
K. In the event of date being declared as a holiday, the date for submissions of bids and
opening of bids will be the following working day at the appointed time.
B. The Bidders shall register on the following websites to submit the bids online:
D. Offline bids will not be entertained by the Tender Inviting Authority for the tenders published
in e-Procurement portal.
E. The Bidders shall submit their eligibility and qualification details, Technical bid, Financial bid
etc., in the online formats displayed in e-Procurement website. The Bidders shall upload the
scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents, etc., in support of their eligibility
criteria/technical bids and other certificates/documents in the e-Procurement website. The
Bidders shall sign on the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by them, owning
responsibility for their correctness/authenticity. The Bidders shall attach all the required
documents for the specific tender after uploading the same during the bid submission as per
the Tender Notice and Bid Document. The uploaded documents should be clearly legible.
F. Digital Certificate Authentication: The Bidders shall authenticate the bid with their Digital
Certificates for submitting the bid electronically on e-Procurement portal and the bids not
authenticated by digital certificate of the Bidders will not be accepted on the e-Procurement
G. APMSIDC shall not take any responsibility for any delay or non-receipt. If any of the
documents furnished by the Bidders are found to be false/fabricated/bogus, such Bidders are
liable for blacklisting, forfeiture of the EMD, cancellation of work and criminal prosecution.
H. Payment of Transaction Fee: All the participating bidders have to electronically pay a non-
refundable transaction fee to M/s. Vupadhi Techno Services Pvt. Ltd., the service provider
through "Payment Gateway Service on E-Procurement portal", as per the Government
Orders placed on the e-procurement website.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
I. Tender Document: The Bidders are requested to download the Tender Document and read
all the terms and conditions mentioned in the Tender Document. The Bidders have to keep
track of any changes by viewing the Addenda / Corrigenda issued by the Tender Inviting
Authority from time-to-time, in the e-Procurement portal. The Department calling for Tenders
shall not be responsible for any claims / problems arising out of this.
J. Bid Submission Acknowledgement: The Bidders shall complete all the processes and steps
required for Bid submission. The system will generate an acknowledgement with a unique bid
submission number after completing all the prescribed steps and processes by the Bidders.
Users may also note that the bids for which an acknowledgement is not generated by the e-
Procurement system are treated as invalid or not saved in the system. Such invalid bids are
not made available to the Tender Inviting Authority for processing the bids. The APMSIDC
and M/s. Vupadhi Techno Services Pvt. Ltd. are not responsible for incomplete bid
submission by users.
K. How to Apply
d) The system will generate an acknowledgement with a unique offer submission number on
successful completion of the above process.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
4. General References
a) The Procurement process shall be done by Andhra Pradesh Medical Services &
Infrastructure Development Corporation (APMSIDC) on behalf of “Commissioner, APVVP”
representing the Governor of Andhra Pradesh for the State of Andhra Pradesh
c) Commissioner, APVVP, AP representing the Governor of Andhra Pradesh for the State of
Andhra Pradesh shall sign and implement the contract with the successful bidder.
d) Commissioner, APVVP, AP representing the Governor of Andhra Pradesh for the State of
Andhra Pradesh hereafter shall be referred as “Client” in this document.
g) The Bidder who is successful in post evaluation of proposals according to terms and
conditions of this tender is hereafter referred to as “Selected Bidder ”
h) The Selected Bidder to whom the client issues the LOA shall be referred in this tender as
“Service Provider”.
4.1 Note
above on the administrative side. The bidder shall intimate the names of persons who
are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed. He shall also
furnish a list of Gazetted /Non-Gazetted, State Government Employees and any of those
within the meaning of public servants defined under Indian Penal Code and prevention
of corruption Act, including those held or holding any political posts related to him.
Note: Near relatives include
1. Sons, step sons, daughters, and stepdaughters.
2. Son-in-law, and daughter-in-law.
3. Brother-in-law, and sister-in-law.
4. Brothers and Sisters.
5. Father and Mother.
6. Wife / Husband.
7. Father-in-law and Mother-in-law
8. Nephews, nieces, uncle and aunts
9. Cousins and
10. Any person residing with or dependent on the bidder.
vi) Eligibility limitations to bid from any debt restructuring: The Bidder either individual
or other legal entity like JV or Partnership or even any member of the JV / partnership
applied for or availed corporate debt restructuring / strategic debt restructuring and not
cleared the loan for more than six years/ whether DRT/ NCLT proceedings pending or
not, is not eligible to participate in the bid.
4.1.2 EMD and existing commitments: The submission of original Hard copies of the
uploaded scan copies of DD/BG towards EMD by participating bidders to the tender
Inviting authority before opening of the price bid is optional as per Govt. Memo
No.ICDO1-COOR0MISC/22/2020/ REFORMS, Dt.27.03.2020. In case the bidder opts to
submit non originals hard or soft copies, the bidder shall file scanned copy of an affidavit
duly notarized to the effect that the information in the documents submitted is genuine
and true with undertaking for criminal prosecution if anything found in the information is
untrue besides right of the employer to terminate the contract and for other legal
Where the bidder submits that there are no existing commitments and ongoing works
anywhere in the country, he shall file an affidavit to that effect duly notarized with
undertaking for criminal prosecution if anything found in the affidavit information is untrue
besides right of the employer to terminate the contract and for other legal recourse.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Providing services to sanitation and hygiene within the APVVP hospitals and APVVP institutions
(which include District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, MCH & Community Health Centers), within the
state which include buildings and appurtenant sites of the premises at all times up to specified
levels of quality standards under the contract. The scope of work defined below:
i. The responsibility of the Agency extends to the quantities specified in the schedule in Form
1 in relation to the hospitals
ii. The schedule specifies the carpet area in each of the hospitals, of the facilities of various
types like wards, operation theatres, intensive care units, administrative areas, etc., and
also the open area.
iii. Head of the Department, based on the recommendation of the implementing authority, may
enhance the area due to upgradation/construction of new hospitals / buildings / facilities, or
to reduce the schedule' area due to closure of any block / facility. Suitable price
adjustments shall be made consequent upon such increase or decrease in the schedule of
quantities, on a “Pro Rata” basis. The payment shall be made for the actual areas under
the service time to time from any increase or decrease as the case may be.
iv. Prices quoted are inclusive of supply of chemicals specified for cleaning and lifting and
disposal of normal waste and biomedical waste as specified in the document also inclusive
of all taxes, cess, fees etc. payable if any thereon and on equipment and for the services.
v. The agency shall provide all men & machinery for maintenance of sanitation services of
vi. Mutually agreed proportionate reduction of manpower is permissible in case the agency
provided additional mechanized equipment like scrubbers, driers, jet pumps for cleaning
5.2) Cleaning
The Agency shall be responsible for cleaning of the entire area shown in the Form 1. The
following specific responsibilities have to be carried out with regard to cleaning activities:
i. Floor area: The Form 1 specifies the floor area of facilities. Disinfectants, cleaning
equipment and chemicals specified in Form 2 should be used every time for cleaning. Wet
floor signs are to be used to prevent injuries from slipping.
ii. The internal hospital premises shall be cleaned before 8.00 AM every day on priority basis
and subsequent cleaning as per enclosed service standards.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
iii. Toilets, Bathrooms & Sinks: Cleaning of the toilets, bathrooms and sinks and maintenance
in a sanitized condition is extremely important from the point of overall sanitation of the
a. Disinfectants and chemicals specified in Form- 2 should be used invariably every time for
cleaning of the toilets.
c. Adequate number of attendants should be posted at the toilets not only to ensure proper
maintenance, but also to educate patients and their attendants in the proper use of toilets
and to prevent misuse resulting in dis-function of the toilets.
d. Any blockages in toilets or drainages connected to the toilets shall be cleared within an
hour's time from the time it is noticed. For this purpose, special sanitary plumbers have to
be posted in the hospital on round the clock basis.
e. It shall be the responsibility of the Agency to ensure that the running water is available in all
the toilets and sinks at all times. While the responsibility of availability of the water supply to
the hospital is that of the hospital administration, the maintenance of the entire water
distribution network within the hospital shall be that of the Agency.
f. Patient check out cleaning is to be done as and when a patient is discharged irrespective of
the schedule. This includes shifting of soiled linen, cleaning the room / area: washroom and
all the furniture.
i. Drainages specified in the Form 1 shall be cleaned at least twice a day so as to maintain
continuous flow and to avoid scope for blockages. All drains including the underground
drainage within the hospital premises has to be maintained by the agency.
ii. Any maintenance requirement relating to the drainage facility shall be the responsibility of
the Agency and should be immediately attended to within two hours from the time of
informing it.
iii. Periodical maintenance of sewerage system is the responsibility of the agency and silt in
sewerage lines, manholes etc., to be cleaned by the agency as and when required and
generally once in a month and at any cost.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
i. It is the responsibility of the Agency to keep the entire open premises of the hospital in a
clean and tidy. The agency shall deploy sanitation workers for the open premises at the
rate of 1 per 6000 Sq. Yards per day.
ii. The garbage and litter caused by patients, attendants or employees shall be cleared
instantaneously by deploying required number of sweepers in the premises, especially
during the peak OP (Out Patient) hours i.e. from 8 am to 2 pm.
iii. An appropriate number of garbage bins shall be arranged by the Agency, at conspicuous
points for use by the patients, attendants and employees. The bins shall be cleared at
least three times during a calendar day. Where the bins are observed to be over-flowing
frequently, additional bins or larger bin (s) shall be arranged by the Agency. The areas
surrounding each bin shall be disinfected and mopped each time the bin is cleared.
iv. The open area specified in Form- 1 shall be landscaped by the hospital authorities. Such
landscapes are to be maintained in consultation with the management of the Institutions.
The scope of the agency is limited to watering the existing greenery. The capital
expenditure for landscaping and establishing the gardens and lawns shall be borne by the
management, subject to availability of budget. The responsibility of maintenance shall be
that of the Agency.
i. Normal waste: The normal waste arising out of routine hospital activities through the
cleaning operations shall be disposed off at the designated collection points within the
Institution premises to be specified in this regard. The Agency shall coordinate with the
Municipalities / Gram Panchayats for timely clearance of the garbage. The trash bags for
collection of normal waste shall be supplied by the Agency and shall be tied at the top
after they are 2/3 full. The trash bags will be transferred to a common collection point as
soon as they are ready for removal. Additional normal waste bins, if any required over the
available normal bins shall be provided by the Agency as per the request of the
implementing authority. Agency shall strive to recycle the waste generated at the extent
possible by coordinating with waste recycling companies.
a) The bio-medical waste shall be collected, strictly following the standards and norms laid
down in Form 3 on a daily basis. In case of heavy patient load, the bio-medical waste may
be collected twice in a calendar day in appropriate colour coded bags. Additional Bio-
medical waste bins, if any required over the available Bio-medical bins shall be provided
by the Agency as per the request of the implementing authority.
b) Supply of color-coded bags and collection of Bio medical waste is the responsibility of the
agency. The colour coded bags to be used by the agency shall strictly confirm to the
specifications approved by the Pollution Control Board, failing which the agency will be
held responsible for the penal actions initiated by the concerned Pollution Control Board
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
authorities. The segregation of Bio Medical waste is the responsibility of the Hospital
authorities and the segregated Bio Medical wastage to be kept by the agency at the place
identified by the Superintendent of the Hospital.
c) Transfer of the waste from the site of origin to the site of waste disposal should be done in
airtight containers to avoid smell in the corridors while transporting. It is the responsibility
of the agency to provide airtight containers and trolleys for the purpose and strictly as per
statutory norms in this regard. The Disposal of Bio Medical waste is the responsibility of
the Superintendent of the Hospital.
d) Additionally agency should make sure to maintain following biomedical waste bins, 1 set in
each -
i. Wards
ii. Operation Theatres
iii. Out Patient Department
5.6) Education
The Agency shall be responsible to educate employees, patients and their attendants on the
need for keeping the hospital facilities and premises neat and clean at all times. This shall be
achieved by undertaking a series of activities as may be required including the following:
a) Frequent announcements may be made in the local language in areas where there is
much gathering of people like in the OP areas, attendant facilities, main entrance etc. and
appropriate public address system may be arranged by the Agency for this purpose. The
volume should be low and soft so as not to cause noise pollution and irritation to the
b) Appropriate posters may be designed and affixed at relevant places to educate the public
on hand hygiene and on the proper usage of the toilets, sinks etc., and also advising
against spitting and littering at any place in the hospital.
c) Sanitary inspectors shall be posted by the Agency at all conspicuous places where the
people gather and also near each toilet place to prevent misuse. The Agency may also
ensure a system like reprimanding or penalizing the persons found to be misusing the
premises despite advice but has to take written permission from Superintendent and all
such proceeds if any shall be shared between agency and institute.
d) It may be noted that though educating the public is one of the responsibilities of the
Agency, at the same time, ensuring that the premises is neat and clean and meeting the
specified sanitation standards is also squarely that of the Agency.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Training: In addition to the frequencies and specifications for cleanliness, it is suggested that all
agencies providing staff are required to train this staff before joining, with refreshers every three
5.7) Personnel
i. The Agency shall deploy such number of personnel of various categories like sanitary
workers, sanitary supervisors and managers, as are required to execute the entire scope
of work defined in this Section. The deployment should be designed for 3 shifts i.e., (i)
from 6 am to 2 pm; (ii) from 2 pm to 10 pm and (iii) 10 pm to 6 am.).
ii. It is the responsibility of the Agency to estimate the accurate requirement of staff on a
day to day and month to month basis and provide supplementation as needed so as to
comply with the service levels, for the upkeep of the sanitation.
iii. The Agency shall ensure that the entire staff deployed by it should be highly disciplined,
maintain punctuality and refrain from any arguments or disputes with the employees,
patients or their attendants. The staff/ workers of the agency are prohibited from using
and / or possessing alcohol or un prescribed drugs while on duty.
iv. The Agency shall deploy female personnel to work in the labor rooms and
obstetric/gynecology patient rooms and female wards. Further the agency shall deploy
male personnel at places requested by the implementing authority.
v. The personnel employed shall be clean and wear a clean uniform at all times when on
duty. Fingernails shall be clean and free of dirt, and hair is neatly combed.
vi. It shall be the responsibility of the Agency to comply with the various statutory
requirements and labor laws in relation to payment of minimum wages, effecting
statutory recoveries and filing of the statutory returns. G.O. Rt. No 549 HM & FW (H2)
Department, Government of AP dated 26.10.2019 should be strictly followed. The salary
of Rs. 16,000 mentioned in the GO shall also include employer’s Agency’s contribution
of ESI and EPF.
vii. All staff salaries by the agency shall be paid to staff bank accounts and no cash to be
given as salaries to the staff under this contract.
viii. The age limit of sanitary workers should not exceed 60.
ix. Uniform shall be provided for different categories of the personnel deployed by the
Agency at its own cost. The Agency shall supply the required number of uniforms
annually and also pay appropriate uniform allowance to enable the employees to
maintain the uniforms. Failure to wear the uniform by any member of staff on duty shall
be treated as a violation by the Agency. Lapel card bearing the name of the employee
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
with code number and a photo ID card shall also be supplied to all of the employees by
the Agency at its cost (uniform should be approved by the Client).
x. The workers deployed for handling hazardous materials or chemical for cleaning toilets
or in the collection of bio-medical waste shall be provided appropriate protective gear
like shoes, aprons, gloves etc., at the cost of Agency.
xi. The Agency should maintain one housekeeper in charge during each shift who can be
contacted in case finding deficiency in the areas of service.
xii. The staff should register attendance through bio metric system in the hospital for proper
monitoring of the agencies manpower by the implementing authority.
xiii. The agency should provide minimum number of Sanitary Workers including supervisory
staff at the rate of -
For Hospitals:
a. 1 person for 10 beds in first shift (i.e, From 6 AM to 2 PM)
b. 1 person for 20 beds in the second shift and (i.e., From 2 PM to 10 PM)
c. 1 person for 30 beds in the third shift (i.e., 10 PM to 6 AM)
Ex. If there are 15 beds in hospital, as per first shift, 1.5 person shall be present as per
norms provided above. Therefore, in case, there is decimal no. in number of person due
to norms, then the rounding off to be done for closest integer Hence, the no. of person
required in first shift shall be 2.
i. In addition, sanitation workers shall be deployed for the open premises in Hospitals at
the rate of 1 per 6000 Sq. Yards per day. In case, if the open premises is less than
6000 sq. yard in hospital then 1 no. shall be considered for deployment. Further, the
agency shall maintain at least additional 5% reserve of employees at various levels so
as to ensure provision of uninterrupted services at the hospital. The Superintendent of
the hospital reserves the right to request the service provider to replace any member of
the staff in the event of indiscipline or inefficiency.
ii. The staff shall be deployed on 24x7 basis with proportionate deployment in each shift
keeping in view the variation of workload in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd shifts.
iii. It shall be the responsibility of the Agency to ensure that the staff deployed in the
hospital is adequately immunized against communicable diseases and occupational
diseases and to undertake health check-ups for all the staff at least once in 6 months.
iv. The Agency shall be liable to pay any compensation for any illness or injury occurring.,
to any of the staff member deployed by it in the performance of their duties. The hospital
administration shall be indemnified against all or any such claim in this regard.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
v. It shall be the responsibility of the Agency to comply with the various statutory
requirements and labor laws in relation to payment of minimum wages, effecting
statutory recoveries and filing of the statutory returns. The agency should pay E.S.I, EPF
payments regularly and submit the previous month of those payment receipt to the
Superintendent every month along with monthly invoice. On production of such proof
only subsequent payments will be paid by the concerned authority.
vi. The agency has to maintain separate sanitation workers for ICU / Labour room / OT /
building areas / Open areas etc., and they cannot inter change without written
permission from the competent authority.
vii. There is no question of exemption of service delivery on public holidays, but for to
arrange necessary staff and provide OT if any or compensatory holiday if any and
without violation of labour legislation provisions and rules.
viii. No Diversion of Staff: No diversion of staff for other duties should take place.
Uniform: At least 3 pairs of uniform per annum. For ladies, the agency may provide
the Punjabi dress with matching colors and pattern. The uniform for supervisors
deployed by the agency should be “Safari Suit”.
Training: All staff must receive adequate training to be able to safely perform the
role asked from them.
Supply of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): All the health care workers
appointed by the agency need to be provided adequate colour coded uniforms and
personal protective equipment (cap, mask, Industrial gloves, boots, etc.). A separate
register should be maintained for protective equipment.
The colour and the pattern of the uniform will be decided by the Head of
Implementing Agency i.e., Client
The agency should maintain register mentioning the no. of staff with protective gear
as mentioned in table below:
5.9) Supervision:
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
5.9.1. The agency should establish one front office at a place suggested by the implementing
authority. One responsible person should be always available i.e., round the clock in the
front office. The intercom facility will be provided by the Hospital authorities.
a. The Agency shall deploy, at its cost, adequate number of qualified and experienced
supervisory staff, in any case, not less than 1 supervisor for every 10 sanitation
workers deployed in each shift where the workers strength is 10 or more and
minimum 1 supervisor where even the workers strength is less than 10 in each
institution. The institution which has total requirement of only one supervisor then
that supervisor should be available during the peak times and further should be
available on call and also visit institution whenever required. A responsible person
should be available at the front office round the clock.
b. The minimum qualification requirement for the supervisory staff should be Bachelor
degree holder, in any discipline.
c. Further, One Graduate with office equipment and furniture shall be deployed by the
agency in each district for overall supervision and redressal of complaints.
5.9.3. The Agency shall create different levels of monitoring system with necessary supporting
systems such as office equipment and furniture etc., to coordinate as detailed below:
c) At Regional Level: To Co-ordinate with Regional Level Monitoring Committee (As per
5.9.4. The quality of sanitation in all the areas and facilities specified in Form - 1 shall be
inspected by the Supervisory staff of the Hospital nominated by the Superintendent of
the Hospital, consisting of RMO's, HOD's, Civil Surgeons and Asst. Surgeons. The
Supervisory Officers shall make rounds in the areas allocated at the prescribed
frequency every day and submit a report to the Superintendent in the prescribed format
every day. The performance of the Agency shall be evaluated by the implementing
authorities at the end of each day based on the aggregation of all the reports of
supervisors. A notice to the agency shall be issued frequently / regularly by the
Implementing Authority duly notifying the deficiencies in the performance of the
agencies. The performance of the Agency shall be evaluated by the implementing
authorities at the end of each week based on the aggregation of all the reports of
supervisors in the week, with an e-mail communication to the concerned Head of the
Department. Further weighted average monthly performance will be calculated through
the web site specifically developed by the client for the purpose and payments to the
Agency regulated accordingly.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Performance of the Agency will be evaluated on daily basis. The following aspects will also be
i. Discrepancies in work which affect the safety, health or comfort of the patients and
cannot wait till the next scheduled performance will be recorded by unscheduled
inspections which will be done more frequently in the specialized areas than the general
and administrative areas.
iii. Maximum allowable discrepancies will be fixed to enable an action to be initiated if the
critical level is crossed by the superintendent and his decision will be final and binding.
5.11 It is the duty of the employer to see that the contractor has to take all necessary
precautions and safety measures including of COVID-19 preventive conditions.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
5. The bidder should have annual turnover of CA certificate and Audited annual
Rs. 5.00 Crores during any one of the last five reports
financial years (i.e., 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18,
2018-19 and 2019-20), preferably related to the
income from similar service contract
ii. The JV partners should be responsible for liability individually proportionate to the extent
of their share in the JV and jointly for 100% share.
iii. Shall submit JV agreement (as per format enclosed) on Rs.100/- non-judicial stamp
paper with condition that lead partner share shall not be less than 51% in Joint Venture.
The lead partner only should upload all relevant documents at the time of bidding.
iv. The JV partner of one bidder/firm shall not enter into JV partnership with another
bidder/firm for the bid.
vi. The change of MOU/ Joint Venture partner shall not be accepted under normal
conditions after submitting the Bid documents. However, the change in joint
venture/MOU partner may be considered in the event of insolvency, death, stoppage of
business, abstaining from country for longer period and participation in terms of people’s
representation Act of India etc, only with the prior approval of the employer.
vii. The employer reserves the right to reject such requests/proposals from any joint venture
/ MOU partner if it adversely affects the Joint venture/ MOU strength.
viii. The Bidder shall be nominated, as being in charge and his authorization shall be
evidenced by submitting a power of attorney signed by legal authorities of both the
MOU/Joint venture partners.
ix. The Bidder nominated as in charge shall be authorized to incur liabilities and receive
instructions for and on behalf of any and both partners of the MOU/Joint venture and the
entire execution of the contract including payments shall be made in favor of joint
venture only.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
xi. The Joint Venture must be registered. In case if Joint venture registration is not available
at the time of bidding, an MOU on Rs 100/- non-judicial stamp paper to be provided and
Joint Venture registration must be provided before entering into the agreement.
xii. The Joint Venture should have turnover (Mentioned in Clause 6.1 Point (5)) to the extent
of individuals share shall be considered.
xiii. Both the JV partners shall have valid GST Registration with Commercial Tax department
of A.P. If not, shall furnish the same before concluding the agreement.
xiv. Both the JV partners should furnish copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) card and
copy of latest Income Tax returns submitted along with proof of receipt etc.
xv. The Joint Venture should have executed the quantities (Mentioned in Clause 6.1 Point
(3) and (4)) to the extent of individuals share shall be considered.
xvi. The Lead Member shall be authorized by the other member of the JV to act for and on
behalf of the JV including interacting with the Authority, receive instructions and
furnishing EMD etc.
xvii. Bidders/Firms entering for the work in association with their MOU/ Joint venture partners
shall obtain and submit along with Bid, an undertaking from the MOU/Joint Venture
partnership jointly or separately if participating with MOU/Joint Venture partner to the
effect that they have read the Bid documents and they undertake to effectively associate
with the Bidder/Firms/Joint Venture in discharging the contracting obligations under the
The bidder should open office at each hospital and regional office where the location will be
finalized by Implementation Authority. The space for opening office within hospital premises
shall be provided by implantation authority.
6.1.2. Note:
A. If any variation is noticed between the up loaded documents and the self-declaration
submitted by the bidder, the bidder will be suspended from participating in the tenders on e-
procurement platform for a period of 3 years. If any of the documents furnished by the
bidder are found to be false / fabricated / Bogus, at any time the bidder will be black listed
and the EMD will be forfeited. The bidder shall also be liable for criminal prosecution.
B. The bidder is subjected to be black listed and the EMD forfeited if he is found to have misled
or furnished false information in the forms / statements / certificates submitted in proof of
qualification requirements or record of performance such as abandoning of work , not
properly completed in earlier contracts, inordinate delays in completion of the works,
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
litigation history and / or financial failures and /or participated in the previous tendering for
the same work and had quoted unreasonable high bid prices
C. Even though the bidder / firm / JV meet the above qualifying criteria, they are liable to be
disqualified / debarred / suspended / blacklisted / Prosecuted if they have:
i. Technical Evaluation
b. Technical evaluation of bids will be done as per the criteria mentioned in Section 6.1.
Based on the technical evaluation, a list of short-listed applicants shall be prepared.
c. The bidders, who are technically qualified, will be eligible for financial evaluation.
d. Financial bid shall consist of monthly price that will be charged by the Service Provider
for providing services under this engagement.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
e. The Bidder shall be selected on the basis of Lowest Cost Bidder (L1), having the lowest
financial proposal. The Reverse tendering/auction process will be conducted to finalize
the L1 bidder. Detailed process of Reverse tendering / auction is defined in Section 6.4.
f. The next ranked Bidder shall be kept in reserve and maybe invited for negotiations in
case the selected Bidder withdraws or fails to comply with the requirements specified in
this document.
g. Tender inviting authority has every right to accept any Bid and to reject any or all Bids.
h. The bids received will be evaluated with the following committee consist of
The decision taken by the above committee in evaluation of bids is final and binding on
all parties. The Committee can reject any bid without assigning any reasons
i. The TIA reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding process
and reject all bids at any time prior to award of contract, without there by incurring any
liabilities to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder
or Bidders of the grounds for the Tender Inviting Authority’s action. The evaluation
committee during the process of evaluation bids shall take in to account the past
performance of the bidder under earlier policy of this organization and its performance
with other public policy along with other parameters before selecting the successful
j. Savings Clause: No suit, prosecution or any legal proceedings shall lie against the
Tender Inviting Authority or any person for anything that is done in good faith or
intended to be done in pursuance of the tender.
k. TIA reserves the right to make modification, alteration or relaxation in any of the clauses
or conditions given in this tender document.
6.3 Evaluation criteria for financial proposal
Bidders shall upload the financial proposal in the format at Annexure- 4 (the “Financial
Proposal”), clearly indicating the total cost of the service in both figures and words, in
Indian Rupees, and signed by the Bidder’s authorized signatory. In the event of any
difference between figures and words, the amount indicated in words shall be taken into
While submitting Financial Proposal, the Bidder shall ensure the following:
a) All the costs associated with the assignment shall be included in the Financial
Proposal. The total amount indicated in the Financial Proposal shall be without any
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
condition and shall be final and binding. In case any assumption or condition is
indicated in the Financial Proposal, it shall be considered non-responsive and liable
to be rejected.
b) The Financial Proposal shall take into account all expenses and tax liabilities.
Further, all payments shall be subject to deduction of taxes at source as per
applicable laws. Any input tax claim deduction benefit shall go to the
i) The online Reverse tendering / auction process will be run on the total
monthly amount to be paid to the Bidders.
ii) Only the technically qualified bidders will be permitted to participate in the
reverse auction/tendering.
iii) The ‘opening price’ i.e. start price for Reverse Auction/tendering will be the
lowest (L1) price quoted by the Bidders amongst all technically qualified
iv) Bidders can modify the total monthly service charge, based on the minimum
bid decrement or the multiples thereof, to displace a standing lowest bid and
become “L1”, and this will continue as an iterative process. The ‘monthly total
price’, will be used to determine the total cost of the bid.
v) For the purpose of Reverse Auction, the minimum bid decrement will be INR
1,00,000 for the price per month.
vii) In case, if any bidder decides to lower the price in the last fifteen (15) minutes
of the reverse auction duration, then the duration of the reverse auction will
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
viii) After the completion of reverse tendering, the system will calculate the total
price of the bid based on the monthly charge per month. The unit rate per
month shall be proportionately reduced based on the total amount reduced in
the reverse tendering.
After completion of online reverse auction, bidder who quotes the lowest monthly price
shall be considered as L1. Post reverse auction, negotiations may be undertaken
towards finalization of bidder.
If any successful bidder fails to submit the original hard copies of uploaded certificates /
documents, Online Payment receipts / BG towards EMD within the stipulated time or if
any variation is noticed between the uploaded documents and the original hard copies
submitted by the bidder, the successful bidder will be suspended from participating in the
tenders on e-Procurement platform for a period of 3 years besides forfeiting the EMD
and also be blacklisted. The e-Procurement system would deactivate the user ID of such
defaulting successful bidder based on the trigger / recommendation by the tender
Inviting Authority in the system. Besides this, the Department shall invoke all processes
of law including criminal prosecution of such defaulting bidder as an act of extreme
deterrence to avoid delays in the tender process for execution of the development
schemes taken up by the Government. The information to this extent will be displayed in
the e-procurement platform website.
A. The Bids shall remain valid for 180 days from the date of submission for
acceptance and the prices quoted shall remain for the duration of the agreement.
The TIA/Client may request for further extension as deemed fit and the Bidder
will send intimation of acceptance. A bidder may refuse the request without
forfeiting its EMD. A bidder granting the request is not permitted to modify its bid.
In case only a single bid is received against this tender, APMSIDC reserves the right to
cancel the tender process and float a fresh tender.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
The Bidders shall be responsible for all the costs associated with preparation of their
Proposals and their participation in the selection process. The TIA/Client will not be
responsible, nor in any way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome
of the Selection Process.
a) A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. Any Bidder found to have a conflict of
interest shall be disqualified.
b) A Bidder may be considered to have a conflict of interest for the purpose of this
bidding process, if the Bidder:
ii. receives or has received any direct or indirect subsidy from another Bidder; or
iv. has a relationship with another Bidder, directly or through common third parties, that
puts it in a position to influence the bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions
of the TIA regarding this bidding process; or
vi. Or any of its affiliates has been hired (or is proposed to be hired) by the TIA in
implementing Service Provider Agreement.
vii. has a close business or family relationship with a professional staff of the Client who:
This RFP comprises the Disclaimer set forth hereinabove and will additionally include
any Modification / Addendum / Amendment / Corrigendum issued in accordance with
Clause 6.13.
There will be no prebid meeting for the tender. Any pre-bid meeting shall be confined
only for clarifications and not to make any modifications on the preview-process
undertaken and findings given and compliance made in Form-III of the Act for the reason
the prospective bidder like any public can submit objections or suggestions if any to the
tender documents covered by the RFP during time given in preview process..
6.13 Amendments/Modifications
At any time prior to the deadline for submission of Proposal, the TIA may, for any
reason, at its own initiative may extend the Proposal Submission Date. Any such
extension to the Proposal Submission Date will be posted only on the website and shall
not be published in any newspaper and will be binding on all Bidders.
The Bid prepared by the bidder and all correspondence and documents relating to
the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Tender Inviting Authority, shall be written
in the English language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by
the Bidder may be written in another language provided they are accompanied by
an accurate translation of the relevant passages in the English language in which
case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, the English translation shall govern.
The Bidder shall provide all information sought under this tender. The TIA would
evaluate only those proposals that are received in the specified forms and complete
in all respects.
The proposal shall be typed and signed by the authorized signatory of the Bidder /
Lead Bidder, who shall initial each page. All the alterations, omissions, additions, or
any other amendments made to the Proposal shall be initialed by the person(s)
signing the Proposal. The Proposals must be properly signed by a duly authorized
person holding the Power of Attorney (the “Authorized Representative”). The Power
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
of Attorney should be registered as per the applicable laws, Also the format for
applicable lead bidder declaration can be seen at annexure 5A or 5B.
i. Bidders shall upload the technical proposal in the proposed formats given at
ii. Failure to comply with the requirements shall make the Proposal liable to be
iii. The Technical Proposal shall not include any financial information relating to the
Financial Proposal.
iv. The Client reserves right to verify all statements, information and documents,
submitted by the Bidder in response to the tender. Failure of Client to undertake
such verification shall not relieve the Bidder of its obligations or liabilities
hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Client there under.
v. The Bidder shall complete the Technical Bid in the formats furnished in the
bidding documents, indicating for all the Services to be provided a brief
description of the Service, quantity, methods and techniques proposed to be used
and the standards that will be followed.
vi. The Bidder must obtain for himself on his own responsibility and at his own
expense all the information which may be necessary for the purpose of making
the Bid document and for entering into a contract through visit to site and
inspection of the premises.
6.14.4 Financial proposal
i. Bidders shall upload financial proposal in the format at Annexure- 4 (the “Financial
Proposal”) clearly indicating the total cost of the services in both figures and words,
in Indian Rupees, and signed by the Bidder’s authorized signatory. In the event of
any difference between figures and words, the amount indicated in words shall be
taken into account.
ii. Any bid not accompanied by EMD (Earnest Money Deposit), Tender Processing
fees will be rejected as non-responsive.
The Proposal Submission Date is listed in the Bid Data Sheet. The TIA may, in its
sole discretion, extend the Proposal Submission Date by issuing a Corrigendum.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
(a) The Bid shall be accompanied by non-refundable Tender Processing Fee and
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as mentioned in BDS in favour of Managing
Director, Andhra Pradesh Medical Services & Infrastructure Development
Corporation (APMSIDC), payable at Mangalagiri
(b) No Bidding entity is exempted from deposit of EMD. Bids submitted without EMD
shall be not considered.
(c) EMD of unsuccessful Bidder will be returned to them without any interest, after
conclusion of resultant agreement. EMD of successful Service Provider will be
returned without any interest, after receipt of performance security as per terms
of agreement.
(d) EMD of Bidder may be forfeited without prejudice to other rights of the TIA
if the Bidder withdraws or amends its Bid or impairs or derogates from the
Bid in any respect within the period of validity of its Bid, or if it comes to
notice that information / documents furnished in its Bid is incorrect, false,
misleading or forged. In addition to aforesaid grounds, successful Bidder’s
EMD will also be forfeited without prejudice to other rights of the bidder, if he
fails to furnish the required performance security within specified period.
Bidders and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall observe
highest standard of ethics during the selection process. Notwithstanding anything to
the contrary contained in this tender, TIA shall reject a Proposal without being liable
in any manner whatsoever to the Applicant, if it determines that the Applicant has,
directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent
practice, collusive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice (collectively
the “Prohibited Practices”) in the Selection Process.
Without prejudice to the rights of TIA hereinabove and the rights and remedies
which TIA may have under the Letter of Award (LOA), if an Applicant, as the case
may be, is found by TIA to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged
or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice,
undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the Selection Process, or after the
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
issue of the LOA, such Applicant or Consultant shall not be eligible to participate in
any tender or tender issued by TIA during a period of 3 (three) years from the date
such Applicant, as the case may be, is found by TIA to have directly or through an
agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive
practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice, as the case may be.
For the purposes of this Clause, the following terms shall have the meaning
hereinafter respectively assigned to them:
i. “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or
indirectly, of anything of value to influence the action of any person connected
with the Selection Process.
ii. “fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or
disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the Selection Process;
iii. “coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm,
directly or indirectly, any persons or property to influence any person’s
participation or action in the Selection Process;
iv. “undesirable practice” means
establishing contact with any person connected with or employed or
engaged by TIA with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner
influencing or attempting to influence the Selection Process; or
having a Conflict of Interest; and
v. “restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or
arrangement among Applicants with the objective of restricting or manipulating a
full and fair competition in the Selection Process.
6.15 Confidentiality
To facilitate evaluation of Proposals, the TIA may, at its sole discretion, seek
clarifications from any Bidder regarding its Proposal. Such clarification(s) shall be
provided within the time specified by the TIA for this purpose. Any request for
clarification(s) and all clarification(s) in response thereto shall be in writing.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
If a Bidder does not provide clarifications sought under Sub-Clause mentioned above
within the specified time, its Proposal shall be liable to be rejected. In case the Proposal
is not rejected, the TIA may proceed to evaluate the Proposal by construing the
particulars requiring clarification to the best of its understanding, and the Bidder shall be
barred from subsequently questioning such interpretation of the TIA.
The TIA reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the Bidding process
and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring any
liability to the affected bidder or bidders or any obligation to inform the affected bidders
or bidders of the grounds for the TIA’s action.
Prior to expiry of the period of Bid validity prescribed by Client, the Client will notify the
successful bidder(s) in writing, that their Bid has been accepted. This letter (hereinafter
and in the Conditions of Contract called “Notification of Award”/‟Letter of Award‟) shall
name the sum which the Client will pay to Service Provider in consideration of the
execution, completion and maintenance of the Work by the Service Provider as
prescribed by the Contract (hereinafter and in the Conditions of Contract called the
“Contract Price”). Within 5 days of receipt of the “Notification of Award”/‟Letter of
Award” the successful bidder shall sign and return a copy of the same to the Client as
acknowledgement of receipt of the same.
a) Upon receipt of Letter of Award (LOA) from the Client, the successful Bidder
within 14 days shall furnish the Performance Security for an amount equal to 25%
of the total amount of one year contract price value, which shall be valid for 30
days beyond the contract period from the date of submission, by way of Bank
Guarantee for the due performance of the Contract in the format of Performance
Security Form. If Selected Bidder fails to submit performance security within
stipulated time, the EMD shall be forfeited.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
d) The Selected Bidder shall have to provide extended Bank Guarantee, before
expiry, as required.
b) In case it is found during evaluation or at any time before signing of the Agreement or
after its execution and during the period of subsistence thereof, that one or more of the
eligibility conditions have not been met by the Bidder, or the Bidder has made material
misrepresentation, or has given any materially incorrect or false information, the Bidder
shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed as the Service Provider either by
issue of the LOA or entering into of the Agreement
c) If the Bidder has already been issued the LOA or has entered into the Agreement, as
the case may be, the same shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained
therein or in this tender, be liable to be terminated, by a communication in writing by
the Client without the Client being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Applicant, as
the case may be. In such an event, the Client shall forfeit and appropriate the
performance Security and also pre-estimated compensation and damages payable to
the Client as mutually agreed for, inter alia, time, cost and effort of the Client without
any other right or remedy that may be available to the Client
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
6.20.1 Definitions
a. "Contract" means the agreement entered into between the Client and the Agency as
recorded in the Contract Form signed by the parties, including all the attachments
and appendices thereto and all documents incorporated by reference therein.
c. "Contract Price" means the price payable to the Agency under the Contract for the
full and proper performance of its contractual obligations.
e. “Completion” means the fulfillment of the Related Services by the Service Provider in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract.
h. “APMISDC which is Tender Initiating Authority shall act as facilitator in the contract
i. “Payment Authority” is As per G.O. MS. No. 159, By Health, Medical & Family
Welfare (H2) Department, Dated. 31.12.2015, Government of Andhra Pradesh, Head
of the Departments i.e. Commissioner APVVP based on the marks awarded by
implementing authority.
l. "Services" means Sanitation Services and other obligations of the Agency covered
under the contract and specified in Clause-5 read with the relevant Annexures.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Union of India and
State of Andhra Pradesh.
6.20.4 Language
The language for communication shall be English, unless otherwise modified by the
6.20.5 Notices
Any notice given by one party to the other pursuant to this Contract shall be sent to
other party in writing or by facsimile or email and confirmed in writing to the other
Party's address.
Notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice's effective date, whichever is
i. The Service Provider shall be liable and pay all GST, non-Indian taxes, duties,
levies, lawfully assessed against the Client or the Service Provider in pursuance of
the Contract, if applicable. Tax liability, if any, on Service Provider’s personal income
& property shall be borne by the Service Provider and shall be responsibility of the
Service Provider as per Tax Laws of India.
ii. So far as GST concerned: The service contracts on hand no way require to pay any
GST or other indirect tax from exemption of GST entitled for the following:
(a) As per Entry No: 3A of N. 12/2017 dated 28-06-2017, “Composite supply of
goods and services in which the value of supply of goods constitutes not more
than 25 percent of the value of the said composite supply provided to the
Central Government, State Government or Union Territory, or local authority or
a Governmental Authority or a Government Entity by way of any activity in
relation to any function entrusted to Panchayat under article 243G of the
Constitution or in relation to any function entrusted to a Municipality under
article 243W of the Constitution”.
(b) Vide the above entry the service received are eligible for exemption subject to
the satisfaction of the following conditions.
(i) The services are provided to the specified entities,
(ii) The constitution of the material value shall be less then 25% of the
aggregate value.
(iii) The activity performed shall be in relation to any function entrusted to a
Panchayat or Municipality under article 234G or 243W respectively.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
(c) As the subject tender had satisfied all the above three conditions, the same
shall be exempted under GST and hence no GST shall be added on the bidder
quoted value being finalized under the Tenders in respect thereof.
(d) In case the service contract is not entitled to GST exemption, as service
provider shall not suffer loss, the employer/client shall undertake to pay/
reimburse actual GST liability sum after input tax credit deduction in such a
(e) From the contingency provided, as part of it the contract conditions shall also
contain the following:
(i) The prospective bidder/ service provider/ contractor must be one having
GST registration within the State of Andhra Pradesh and without which not
eligible to bid, so that the State Government shall not suffer any loss of
revenue. The prospective bidder/ service provider/ contractor is liable to
produce proof of its GST registration within the State of Andhra Pradesh as
one of the eligibility criteria of technical bid qualifications. If in case not
already registered shall undertake by affidavit to cause registered before
bid finalization so to consider, however without which not eligible for bid
acceptance even declared as eligible and accepted bidder and even under
reverse tendering process and for such default not only forfeiture of EMD,
but also be made liable for other civil and penal consequences.
(ii) The service provider/contractor is liable to pay GST which can be deducted
at source on every respective bill payment made by client which includes all
components as per Section 15(2) of GST Act, 2017.
(iii) As per Section 9 of APSGST Act,2017 GST is to be levied on value of
supply (value of supply defined in Section-15 of the Act as the sum total of
consideration charged by the supplier (contract value)). Coming to the
contract value, the SOR/Market quoted rates on base price for only material
components excluding the GST component shall have to be taken as basis
in preparing the estimates for arriving value of the services contract
(defined by Section-2(119) of CGST Act,2017 and to add GST for it. It is
needless to say so far as GST payment on contractor`s profit, the employer
if all to include GST on contractor`s profit, deduct while payment for no way
liable to bear burden of GST on his profit component. The same shall be
taken care of in consultation with the Commercial tax department, so that
the State shall not suffer any financial loss and the contractor shall not
unduly be benefited.
(iv) If any of the value of the individual components of the services contract are
considered at inclusive of taxes embedded and GST considered on the
work order value so arrived at, it amounts to reimbursing GST twice to the
contractor and loss to the exchequer that has to be taken care of so that
only base value excluding tax component involved in any material or
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
(j) The contractor is bound to produce as required by the employer all invoices,
receipts, bills, accounts, vouchers, licenses, permissions etc., compliance of
labour Laws applicable if any, safety and standard certificates applicable if any
and produce all the above and also any exemption from GST or ITC for
GST/CGST/IGST availed by and or available to him and also any ITC claimed
and availed by him for GST in so far as the services contract concerned with
TAN & respective Registration particulars, Labour Cess etc., to even any
component or any part of the contract works in so far as the service contract
(k) The rate quoted by the bidder/ contractor shall be deemed to be inclusive of all
rates, taxes, cess, fees, etc., except GST and subject to what is stated on GST
and ITC thereon.
iii. Client shall be entitled to deduct applicable tax (if any) at source as per Indian Laws
from all payments due to the Service Provider under the contract.
iv. If any rates of taxes/duties/levies (hereinafter called ‘Tax’) are increased or
decreased, a new Tax is introduced, an existing Tax is abolished or any change in
interpretation or application of any Tax occurs in the course of the performance of
Contract, which was or will be assessed on the Service Provider in connection with
performance of the Contract, an equitable adjustment of the Contract Price shall be
made to fully take into account any such change by addition to the Contract Price or
deduction there from, as the case may be.
v. The client / Employer is entitled to recover if paid any of the Tax, fees or Cess due by
the Contractor on the supplies, while making payment/s for the supplies.
vi. The deduction of Income Tax shall be as per Section 194(c) (4) and such other
provisions as are applicable and at such rates.
This Contract shall come into force and effect on the date (the “Effective Date”) of the
Client’s notice to the Service Provider instructing the Service Providers to begin
carrying out the Services.
Unless terminated earlier, this Contract shall terminate at the end of such time period
after the Effective Date as shall be specified in the Agreement.
This Contract contains all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed by the Parties.
No agent or representative of either Party has authority to make, and the Parties shall
not be bound by or be liable for, any statement, representation, promise or agreement
not set forth herein.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
6.20.10 Modifications
Modification of the terms and conditions of this Contract, including any modification of
the scope of the Services, may only be made by written agreement between the
Parties and shall not be effective until the consent of the Client, as the case may be,
has been obtained. Each Party shall give due consideration to any proposals for
modification made by the other Party.
Force Majeure means any circumstances beyond the control of the parties, including
but not limited to:
a) war and other hospitalities, (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act of
foreign enemies, mobilization, requisition or embargo;
b) ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any
nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, radioactive toxic explosives, or
other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear
components thereof.
e) Force Majeure situation arises, the Agency shall promptly notify the implementing
authority in writing of such conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise
directed by the implementing authority in writing, the Agency shall continue to
perform its obligations under the Contract as far as is reasonably practical and shall
seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the force
majeure event.
- Commissioner, APVVP
The agency shall make a reference for adjudication under this clause within six
months from the date of intimating the agency of the preparation of final bill or his
having accepted payment whichever is earlier.
No doubt, the Government of Andhra Pradesh(while under the composite state)
issued proceedings in G.O.Rt.No.116, Law (M-I) Department, dated.30-01-2002,
with finance concurrence, to refer disputes to the ICADR in government contracts
for arbitration up to Rs.10.00 Lakhs.
Having regard to the above, modified proceedings to G.O.Rt.No.116 supra are
yet to be issued increasing said sum of the claim up to Rs.10.00 Lakhs, for what
is stated supra of in-house arbitration up to 10.00 Lakhs is since provided, no
matter as per to the G.O.Rt.No.116 supra to refer unless enhanced atleast to
Rs.1.00 Crore, from the cost of the work components in the present prevailing
price from the estimates as per SOR/market rates/ service provider
remunerations-are also increased many more times when compared to past 18-
20 years.
From the above, it is directed that where the claim is below Rs.10.00 Lakhs to
settle by in house arbitration supra as per the Indian Arbitration Act,1996
amended from time to time and where the claim is above Rs.10.00 Lakhs, it is up
to Rs.1 Crore the dispute shall be referred to the International Centre for
Alternative Dispute Resolution, Regional Centre,(ICADR), Andhra Pradesh,
(since covered by G.O.Rt.No.116 up to Rs.10.00 Lakhs, to read as above
Rs.10.00 Lakhs and up to Rs.1 Crore till State Government issue modified
proceedings by virtue of the above directions).
Further, where the claim value in dispute is above Rs.1 Crore, since the services
contracts coming for judicial preview are all above Rs.100 Crores value, it is only
to invoke the jurisdiction of civil courts within the State of Andhra Pradesh by
excluding jurisdiction outside the State of State of Andhra Pradesh.
6.20.13 Confidentiality
The Service Provider either during the term or within three (3) years after expiration of
this Contract, should not disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to
the Services, this Contract or the Client’s business or operations without prior written
consent of the Client.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
The Service Provider shall comply with all the provisions of Government of AP, G. O.
Rt. No. 549, Health, Medical & Family Welfare Department, dated 26.10.2019 Minimum
Wages Act/ Rates of Government and other applicable Labour laws issued by
Government from time to time and the Client is not responsible to that effect.
(a) Workmen compensation Act 1923: The Act provides for compensation in case if injury by
accident arising out of and during the course of employment.
(b) Payment of Gratuity Act 1972: Gratuity is payable to an employee under the Act on
satisfaction of certain conditions on separation if any employee has completed 5 years
service or more, or on death, the rate of 15 days wages for every completed year of
service. The Act is applicable to all establishments, employing 10 or more employees.
(c) Employees P.F. and Miscellaneous provision Act 1952: The Act provides for monthly
contributions by the Department plus workers @ 10% or 8.%. The benefits payable
under the Act are:
(i) Pension or family pension on retirement or death, as the case may be.
(d) Maternity Benefit Act 1951: The Act provides for leave and some other benefits to
women employees in case of confinements or miscarriage etc.
(e) Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970: The Act provides for certain welfare
measures to be provided by the contractor to contract labour and in case the Contractor
fails to provide, the same are required to be provided by the Principal Department by
Law. The Principal Department is required to take certificate of Registration and the
contractor is required to take license from the designated Officer before concluding
agreement. The Act is applicable to the establishments or Contractor of Principal
Department if they employ 20 or more contract labour.
(f) Minimum wages Act 1948: The Department is supposed to pay not less than the
Minimum wages fixed by appropriate Government as per provisions of the Act
(g) Payment of wages Act 196: It lays down as to by what date the wages are to be paid,
when it will be paid and what deductions can be made form the wages of the workers.
(h) Equal Remuneration Act 1979: The Act provides for payment of equal wages for work of
equal nature to Male or Female workers and for not making discrimination against
Female employee in the matters of transfers, training and promotions etc.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
(i) Trade Unions Act 1926: The Act lays down the procedure for registration of trade unions
of workmen and Departments. The Trade Unions registered under the act have been
given certain immunities from civil and criminal liabilities.
(j) Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act 1986: The Act prohibits employment of
children below 14 years of age in certain occupations and processes and provides for
regulation of employment of children in all other occupations and processes,
Employment Child Labour is prohibited in Building and Construction Industry.
(k) Inter-State Migrant workmen’s (Regulation of Employment & Conditions of service) Act
1979. The Act applicable to an establishment, which employs 5 or more inter-state
migrant workmen through an intermediary (who has recruited workmen in one state for
employment in the establishment situated in another State). The inter State migrant
workmen, in an establishment to which this Act becomes applicable, are required to be
provided certain facilities such as housing, medical aid, travelling expenses from home
upto the establishment and back, etc.
(l) Insurance Coverage: The employer is not intending to take any Insurance coverage as
the G.O.Ms.No.5, Finance (Works & Projects–F7) Dept., dt.05.03.2014 have issued
orders dispensing with mandatory insurance cover of all works. However, it will not
exempt the bidder/contractor so far as statutory liability to take insurance coverage for
vehicles, workmen/employees of the contractor/service provider including for any claim
for deficiency in service caused harm, loss or damage to the consumers of the service
and as such it is for the contractor to take insurance for the workers, equipment/
machinery/ vehicles etc., else to bear risk to make good for any loss/damage etc.,
accidental or otherwise.
6.20.16 Indemnity
By this agreement, the Service provider indemnifies the Client and/or Government
against damages of any kind or for any mishap/injury/accident caused to any
personnel/property of the Service provider while performing duty.
The Service provider agrees that all liabilities, legal or monetary, arising in any
eventuality shall be borne by the Service provider.
ii. Monthly, quarterly and yearly review by the different levels at convenient intervals
to be conducted.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
At state level a committee with all HODs will review the progress –
Supervisory Staff of Hospital for RMO’s, HOD’s, Civil Surgeons and Asst.
monitoring. Surgeons, Sanitation Supervisors.
● Payments will made to the sanitation agencies based on the reports received as above
by Payment Authority.
A State level committee comprising of the Commissioner of Health & Family Welfare
(Chairperson) and Head of the Departments (DME& Commissioner, APVVP) and
Managing Director, APMSIDC as members will establish mechanism for effective
Supervision and monitoring of hygiene & Sanitation in various Hospitals.
a) The quality of sanitation in all the areas and facilities specified in Form 1 shall be
inspected by the Supervisory staff of the Hospital nominated by the Superintendent
of the Hospital, consisting of RMO's, HOD's, Civil Surgeons and Asst. Surgeons.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
The Supervisory Officers shall make rounds in the areas allocated at the prescribed
frequency every day and submit a report to the Superintendent in the prescribed
format every day. The performance of the Agency shall be evaluated by the
implementing authorities at the end of each day based on the aggregation of all the
reports of supervisors. A notice to the agency shall be issued frequently / regularly
by the Implementing Authority duly notifying the deficiencies in the performance of
the agencies, The performance of the Agency shall be evaluated by the
implementing authorities at the end of each week based on the aggregation of all
the reports of supervisors in the week, with an e-mail communication to the
concerned Head of the Department. Further weighted average monthly
performance will be calculated through the web site specifically developed by the
Client for the purpose and payments by Payment Authority to the Agency regulated
b) The areas mentioned in Form 1 and subsequently in Annexure 4 may vary as per
actuals. The payment shall be based on as per actual areas.
c) The payment shall be made on price per month for each hospital. However, if there
is variation in the total quantity certified by the authority nominated by the client
then payment shall be made based on the total area multiplied by the unit rate per
d) Payment will be paid based on Service standards fixed for giving marks by the
concerned Payment Authority as per the table below:
For Hospitals -
2 Cleanliness of Wards
No dust to be accumulated in wards
All spillages to be cleaned regularly
Curtains, bed sheets to be clean and stain free
All joints/grouts, beds, tables, doors, windows, fans, ACs, ceilings to be dirt
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Performance of the agency will be decided based on the percentage of marks given and is as
e) If the agency is fully compliant (i.e. = or > 96%), 100% payment of agreement
amount will be made to the agency By Payment Authority.
g) The Client or any other agency, as per existing rules of the Government, will have
the right to examine the invoices as required under relevant rules. If such
examination reveals any extra payment already provisionally made, the extra
amount will be adjusted from the payment due to the Service Provider after due
h) The agency should pay E.S.I, EPF payments regularly and submit the previous
month of those payment receipt to the Superintendent every month along with
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
i) The agency also need to provide Aadhaar numbers of all the workers deployed with
The Service Provider, hereby, agrees to maintain all required books of accounts and to
provide them to such audit as may be required to be carried out.
The electricity to be used by the Agency in connection with the sanitary services in the
hospital will be provided by the implementing authority free of cost.
The document clearly lays down service standards of Sanitation for different areas in a
Hospital as per “Swatchata guidelines for public health facilities” issued by MoHM&FW,
Government of India (Appended as an Annexure – 9, to this order).
a. Equipment:
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
b. Consumables:
c. Durables:
6.20.23 Penalties
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Misbehavior by Housekeeping
4 Penalty @ Rs.500/- per incident.
The total penalties should not be more than 10% of the contract value.
The tenure of the contract will be for a period of 3 years. The contract is extendable for
the next two years at the discretion of the State Level Committee, with enhancement of
3% subject to satisfactory performance.
A. The performance security will be discharged by the Client and returned to the
Agency not later than 30 days following the date of completion of the Agency's
performance obligations under the contract.
B. The Agency's request(s) for payment of bills shall be made to the Head of the
Department in writing, accompanied by an invoice describing, as appropriate,
the Services delivered or performed and upon fulfillment of other obligations
stipulated in the contract.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
D. If any change in the scope of work causes an increase or decrease in the cost
of, or the time required for, the Agency's performance of any provisions under
the Contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the Contract Price or
delivery schedule, or both, and the Contract shall accordingly be amended. Any
claims by the Agency for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within
thirty (30) days from the date of instructions of receipt of the Head of the
G. Whenever additional blocks are constructed the contract price will be enhanced
by adjustment of the value of the monthly bills by the Head of the Department
based on the recommendations of the Superintendent / Commissioner, if the
agency execute contract services in that additional blocks.
H. Any change in the scope and contract price shall be effective only on approval
from Client.
I. The contractor/service provider is bound to produce as and when required by
the employer all invoices, receipts, bills, accounts, vouchers, licenses,
permissions etc., compliance of labour Laws and other applicable laws if any,
safety and standard certificates applicable if any and produce all the above and
also any exemption from GST or ITC for GST/CGST/IGST availed by and or
available to him and also any ITC claimed and availed by him for GST in so far
as the service contract concerned with TAN & respective Registration
particulars, Labour Cess etc. if any.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
1 West District Hospital, 450 46,190 157,917 153,523 15,128 342 10,500 198 69,757 185 55
Godavari Eluru
2 Area 100 9,189 13,966 38,284 3,464 110 780 50 9,645 40 70
3 Area Hospital, 100 5,303 8,790 18,894 1,794 57 576 39 17,878 35 72
4 Area Hospital, 100 6,844 7,073 22,144 3,707 86 966 83 21,287 40 85
5 CHC Narsapur 50 1,710 3,575 19,522 1,065 67 250 17 8,166 25 18
6 CHC Palakole 50 4,971 5,355 9,994 1,315 49 280 19 60,303 23 17
7 CHC Bhimavaram 50 6,710 5,686 9,067 8,942 61 300 20 5,783 28 19
8 CHC Kovvur 50 2,918 3,461 8,266 746 61 280 19 10,716 20 15
9 CHC Chintalapudi 30 1,359 3,080 5,838 1,381 26 90 6 3,153 5 3
10 CHC Bhimadole 30 1,891 2,573 4,823 571 23 140 9 12,578 6 4
11 CHC Denduluru 30 1,506 2,139 3,744 850 25 120 8 8,667 6 5
12 CHC Gopalapuram 30 1,947 2,857 7,169 1,721 29 100 7 8,060 8 4
13 CHC Nidadavolu 30 2,405 3,073 6,118 594 25 200 19 7,147 6 5
14 CHC Penugonda 30 1,308 2,041 5,084 391 27 0 4 7,828 6 9
15 CHC Achanta 30 3,260 2,133 9,880 1,537 20 120 8 7,634 10 8
16 CHC Akiveedu 30 1,241 3,038 4,845 630 23 120 8 9,317 8 5
17 CHC Polavaram 30 2,204 1,877 2,909 324 21 90 6 6,250 6 5
18 CHC Buttaigudem 30 3,842 1,872 8,392 640 27 200 19 7,202 6 5
Sub Total 1,250 104,798 230,506 338,496 44,800 1,079 15,112 539 281,371 463 404
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
1 Krishna District Hospital, 450 46,406 46,776 98,535 8,621 208 2,329 175 17,931 70 25
2 Area Hospital, 100 11,411 3,200 53,501 14,018 52 790 38 11,273 30 35
3 Area Hospital, 100 8,110 12,494 27,781 2,468 54 247 64 8,150 5 9
4 CHC Avanigadda 50 4,821 5,048 17,054 426 26 560 26 1,850 8 4
5 CHC Nandigama 50 3,360 4,450 11,315 1,520 35 300 42 8,170 25 15
6 CHC Thiruvuru 50 4,919 5,269 14,484 1,786 28 850 30 2,940 35 15
7 CHC Mylavaram 30 2,965 2,010 9,615 1,100 15 400 31 20,956 30 10
8 CHC Vuyuuru 30 1,904 1,904 5,577 378 22 339 28 4,900 8 4
9 CHC Guduru 30 914 2,525 7,019 730 10 60 10 14,430 3 2
10 CHC Challapalli 30 914 2,218 7,358 650 10 60 10 14,430 6 3
11 CHC Kaikaluru 30 3,541 5,625 23,840 1,824 51 202 27 800 6 3
12 CHC Gannavaram 30 3,560 2,214 3,662 340 13 136 22 3,025 15 8
13 CHC Visannapeta 30 1,535 2,500 3,160 135 8 82 12 1,060 6 4
14 CHC Kankipadu 30 296 1,486 1,285 180 6 102 10 1,175 6 3
15 CHC Jaggaiahpeta 30 1,770 3,143 4,732 912 20 200 15 4,710 25 15
Sub Total 1,070 96,426 100,862 288,918 35,088 558 6,657 540 115,800 278 155
1 Guntur District Hospital, 300 24,857 86,487 93,303 2,755 175 3,409 93 15,652 20 70
2 Area Hospital, 100 8,416 34,156 14,616 3,440 54 2,365 29 5,031 77 13
3 Area Hospital, 100 6,252 40,047 19,998 1,650 56 908 78 3,605 3 26
4 CHC Sattenapalli 50 1,518 7,177 2,735 1,093 38 185 15 546 8 4
5 CHC Repalle 30 1,450 6,000 8,817 920 15 175 35 1,855 20 25
6 CHC Macherla 30 3,271 2,308 6,973 264 24 115 16 11,361 3 2
7 CHC Chilakaluripet 30 5,045 2,274 7,784 2,000 30 1,000 25 15,000 30 39
8 CHC Amaravathi 30 6,809 2,133 5,995 933 20 250 30 3,680 2 2
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Consumables to be used for Maintaining 10,000 Sq.Ft. of floor space (Per month)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
* The quantities are arrived at on an assumption of average utilization of the facility but might
vary as per actual scenario from premises to premises
Criteria Remarks
S. (I.e., 1 equipment
No. for sq ft of area
mentioned below)
In case the institution does not have the
suggested area for considering the said
Wet and Dry Vacuum
1 1,00,000 item then the agency should consider at
least one such equipment in those
Backpack Vacuum To be proposed if the institution area is
2 1,00,000
Machine 1,00,000 sqft
Auto Heavy Duty To be proposed if the institution area is
3 Scrubbing Machine 1,00,000 1,00,000 sqft
(Ride on Floor)
High Pressure Water To be proposed if the institution area is
4 1,00,000
Jet Machine 1,00,000 sqft
In case the institution does not have the
suggested area for considering the said
Walk behind Manual
5 1,00,000 item then the agency should consider at
least one such equipment in those
In case the institution does not have the
suggested area for considering the said
6 Bucket Trolley 50,000 item then the agency should consider at
least one such equipment in those
In case the institution does not have the
suggested area for considering the said
7 Glass Cleaning Kit 1,00,000
item then the agency should consider at
least one such equipment in those
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Criteria Remarks
S. (I.e., 1 equipment
No. for sq ft of area
mentioned below)
1. All equipment to be proposed should be for hospital use.
2. The areas mentioned for the considering the equipment is indicative. The agency may
include the additional no. of equipment or any other type of equipment as per requirement.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
A) Waste Management
Waste generated within a health facility should always follow a well-defined stream from their
point of generation until their final disposal
i) Yellow polythene bags are to be of minimum 300 microns gauge marked and indicated with
the international biohazard symbol.
ii) All the supervisors in the agency are to be well versed in the health care waste
management’s guidelines of WHO.
C) Labeling of Health Care Waste categories
Category Labeling
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Managing Director
2nd Floor, PHYCARE Building
Plot No. 9, APIIC IT Park
Autonagar, Mangalagiri,
Andhra Pradesh
Tender Ref:
Tender Name: Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother &
Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra
Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West
Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Dear Sir,
1) All information provided in the Proposal and in the Appendices, is true and correct and all
documents accompanying such Proposal are true copies of their respective originals.
2) I/We shall make available to the Client any additional information it may deem necessary or
require for supplementing or authenticating the Proposal.
3) I/We acknowledge the right of the Client to reject our Proposal without assigning any reason
or otherwise and hereby waive our right to challenge the same on any account whatsoever.
4) I/We to the best of our knowledge certify that in the last five years, we or any of our
Associates have neither failed to perform on any contract, as evidenced by imposition of a
penalty by an arbitral or judicial authority or a judicial pronouncement or arbitration award
against the Bidder, nor been expelled from any project or contract by any public authority
nor have had any contract terminated by any public authority for breach on our part.
5) I/We understand that you may cancel the Selection Process at any time and that you are
neither bound to accept any Proposal that you may receive nor to select the Service
Provider, without incurring any liability to the Bidders
6) I/We to the best of our knowledge certify that, we or any of our Associates have not been
convicted by a Court of Law or indicted or adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
which would cast a doubt on our ability to undertake the Project or which relates to a grave
offence that outrages the moral sense of the community.
7) I/We to the best of our knowledge further, we have not been charge-sheeted by any agency
of the Government or convicted by a Court of Law for any offence committed by us or by
any of our Associates.
8) I/We agree and understand that the Proposal is subject to the provisions of the Tender
document. In no case, shall I/We have any claim or right of whatsoever nature if our
Proposal is not opened or rejected.
9) I/We agree to keep this offer valid for 180 days from the Proposal Submission Date
specified in the Tender.
10) I/We agree and undertake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the Tender Document.
In witness thereof, I/We submit this Proposal under and in accordance with the terms of the
Tender Document.
Yours faithfully
Date: Signature of authorized signatory
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Managing Director
2nd Floor, PHYCARE Building
Plot No. 9, APIIC IT Park
Autonagar, Mangalagiri,
Andhra Pradesh
Tender Ref:
Tender Name: Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother &
Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra
Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West
Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Dear Sir,
I / We, ________________ have gone through carefully all the Tender conditions and solemnly
declare that I / we will abide by any penal action such as disqualification or black listing or
determination of contract or any other action deemed fit, taken by, the Department against us, if
it is found that the statements, documents, certificates produced by us are false / fabricated.
Yours faithfully
Date: Signature of authorized signatory
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Annexure 2: Declaration that the bidder is not blacklisted and not declared NPA
Subject: Self Declaration of not been blacklisted in response to the Tender for “Providing
Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad
(APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore
Dear Sir,
We confirm that our (Name of the entity), ____________, is not blacklisted in any manner
whatsoever by any of the Central Government/State Government/PSU/Parastatal agencies in
India or abroad on any ground including but not limited to indulgence in corrupt practice,
fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice.
We shall be liable for termination and also for penalty and for criminal prosecution in case any
information found not true and correct.
Bidder’s Seal:
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
This Agreement is made and entered into on this _____ of Month 2020 by and between
M/s. ______________________, a ……… (Mention the type of entity) having its office at
________________(address) Andhra Pradesh, India (here in after referred to as “______ the
first part”), represented by its …….(mention designation of Head of the entity), Sri ________,
who is authorized to execute any document on behalf of the …….(Mention the type of entity).
M/s. __________________ a ……… (Mention the type of entity) having its office
____________, Andhra Pradesh, India (hereinafter referred to as second party, represented by
its …….(mention designation of Head of the entity), Sri. _________________, who is authorized
to execute any document on behalf of the …….(Mention the type of entity).
Whereas the Managing Director, APMSIDC, (An Enterprises of Govt., of Andhra Pradesh) (MD /
Employer) has invited tenders vide Tender Notice No. / APMSIDC/2020-21 dated . .2020
Whereas the Parties desire to co-operate in the preparation and submission of the qualification
criteria to qualify and if qualified and if awarded the contract(s) to execute the project(s).
NOW, THEREFORE, and in consideration of the foregoing premises and the covenant set forth
under, the parties have agreed to establish and constitute by and between themselves a joint
venture for the exclusive purpose of participating in the tenders for projects and actually
undertaking execution thereof, should the parties be successful in being awarded the project(s)
by the employer’.
A. To Jointly prepare and submit the qualification criteria for the projects.
B. To Jointly prepare and submit the tender for the project(s) in the name of the joint
C. To execute the Project(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract to
be made between Client (on behalf of the Employer) and the Joint Venture, if the
Contract is awarded to the Joint Venture.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
No Party has the right to represent the other Party or to enter into any commitment on behalf of
the other Party without prior written consent of the other party.
We the joint venture shall be responsible, liable jointly and severally for the execution of contract
in accordance with contract terms and a relevant statement to this effect shall be included in the
MOU / Joint venture partnership deed.
3. Participation Ratios:
Participation Ratio of each party shall be as follows:
Any and all profit or loss of the project shall be shared between the parties in proportion to
Participation Ratio.
5. Roles / Obligations:-
5.1 The Parties agree that for the execution of the whole of the work, the parties shall
work in full integration in arrangement to bring the required finance (both Fund
Based and Non-Fund Based), Plants and equipment, materials, man power and
other resources in such manner as may be mutually agreed to for the successful
completion of the project, with full commitments and responsibility.
5.2 It is agreed that the partner incharge(leading partner) after obtaining the written
consent of the other J.V.partner is authorized to raise the required funds,
resources for augmenting working capital and the JV is liable to liquidate the said
liability of the extent that the same is brought into the regular books of accounts.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
7. Management Committee:-
For the purpose of the Joint venture policy and expediting decisions and approvals,
requiring the action of the Joint Venture, it is hereby agreed to establish a Management
Committee consisting of one representative from each constituent of joint venture with full power
and authority from the Board of Directors of the concerned entity, under the chairmanship of the
representative of the partner incharge. The entire work of the contract shall be executed under
the control and guidance of the Management Committee.
9. Equipment:-
The Management Committee shall be entitled to own, hire or acquire such equipments,
which may not be available with the joint venture partners.
13. Confidentiality:-
All information acquired by any party from the other party shall be treated as confidential
by the recipient and shall not be used other than for the purpose contemplated by this joint
venture without the consent from the party providing the information.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Any dispute or difference between the parties arising out of, or in connection with this
joint venture agreement which cannot be resolved amicably between the parties at the level at
which it arose within 15 days thereof shall, in the first instance, be referred to the Management
of each party for resolution within the next 30 days for claims upto one crore and beyond only in
civil courts in Amaravathi.
If the said dispute can’t be settled within the said 30 days, then all disputes arising out of or in
connection with this joint venture agreement shall be finally settled by arbitration as provided
under the arbitration & conciliation Act., 1996, and any amendment thereto or re-enactment
thereof. The venue of the arbitration shall be at Mangalagiri. The courts in Amaravathi, Andhra
Pradesh shall have exclusive jurisdiction to try any matter arising out of agreement.
15. Termination:-
This Agreement shall terminate upon any of the following:
a. Employer reject the technical bid for not satisfying the qualification criteria (to accept
application for pre-qualification)
b. Employer cancels the project(s).
c. The Parties fail to reach an agreement on the important terms and conditions of the
Bid, including but not limited to Tender Price.
d. Any Party commits material breach of this Agreement and fails to cure such defects
within a reasonable period.
16. Assignment:-
No member firms shall assign, encumber or transfer its interests in, or any assets or
revenue of the joint venture, or any of its rights or obligation under this agreement without
obtaining the prior written consent of the other party.
17. Any of the terms of this agreement may be amended, modified or otherwise be dealt with
provided that the same shall be in writing and which shall have the same effect as if embodied
in this agreement and shall from part of this agreement.
18. On witness where of both the parties have executed this joint venture
agreement on the day month and year first above mentioned.
Witness Witness
Authorized signatory
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Sl:No Finger Print in Black Passport size Name & Permanent
(Left Thumb) Photograph (Black Postal Address of the
and White) Firms/Bidders/Joint
ventures .
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Drainages and
Bathrooms and 140047
wash area
Toilet Rooms Nos. 3274
Total Rs.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
1. Price is inclusive of any applicable taxes.
2. The pro rata amount based on services standards quoted by the bidder will be considered whenever addition / deletion of
quantities are necessitated.
3. If there is discrepancy between the amount quoted in online Commercial form and in the Price Schedule, the lesser of the
two statements will be used for entering into agreement.
4. All bidders shall submit the detailed cost breakup for both before (online) and after reverse tendering (in hard copy format).
5. In case the bidder does not quote for any of the line items, no additional cost shall be incurred to the client.
1 Manpower
2 Equipment
3 Consumables
5 Total
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
1 The amount quoted by the bidder in the online Commercial form will only be considered for financial evaluation.
2 The price schedule is used for entering into institution wise agreements.
3 The reverse tendering shall happen on the grand total monthly price quoted in Annexure 4(a). The percentage of reduction on
total monthly price done by the successful bidder during reverse tendering shall be used for proportionately reducing the
individual component mentioned in Annexure 4(a). The unit rates arrived in Annexure 4(a) after reverse tendering, shall be used
to calculate the total monthly price for each institution based on the areas provided in Form 1. In case, there is a discrepa ncy
found between the calculated monthly price from Annexure 4(a) and the calculated total monthly price from Form 1 then the
lowest of the two shall be considered as monthly price for that particular institution for concluding agreement.
Signature of Authorized
representative of bidder.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
For ___________________________
(Name, Designation and Address)
(Name, Title and Address of the Attorney)
Date : __________
i. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the procedure,
if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of the executants(s) and
when it is so required the same should be under common seal affixed in accordance with the
required procedure.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Whereas ……………………………… (“the Client”) has invited bids for ............................... in the
State of Andhra Pradesh (“Project”). Whereas, , and
(collectively the “JV”) being Members of the JV are interested in
bidding for the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Tender
and other connected documents in respect of the Project, and Whereas, it is
necessary for the Members of the JV to designate one of them as the Lead
Member with all necessary power and authority to do for and on behalf of the JV, all
acts, deeds and things as may be necessary in connection with the JV’s bid for the
Project and its execution.
We, having our registered office/principal place of business (Insert suitable name)
at , and M/s. , having registered office/principal place
of business (Insert suitable name) at ,{insert the respective
names and addresses of the registered office} (hereinafter collectively referred to
as the “Principals”) do hereby irrevocably designate, nominate, constitute, appoint
and authorize M/s , having its registered office/principal place of business
(Insert suitable name) at , being one of the Members of the JV, as the Lead
Member and true and lawful attorney of the JV (hereinafter referred to as the
“Attorney”) and hereby irrevocably authorize the Attorney (with power to sub-
delegate) to conduct all business for and on behalf of the JV and any one of us
during the bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Project, during
the execution of the Project, and in this regard, to do on our behalf and on behalf of
the JV, all or any of such acts, deeds or things as are necessary or required or
incidental to the submission of its bid for the Project, including but not limited to
signing and submission of all applications, bids and other documents and writings,
participate in bidders’ meetings and other conferences, respond to queries, submit
information/ documents, sign and execute contracts and undertakings consequent
to acceptance of the bid of the JV and generally to represent the JV in all its
dealings with the Client, and/ or any other authorized representative of the Client or
any person, in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of the JV’s
bid for the Project and/ or upon award thereof till the Contract Agreement is entered
into with the Client.
AND hereby agree to ratify and confirm and do hereby ratify and confirm all acts,
deeds and things lawfully done or caused to be done by our said Attorney pursuant
to and in exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all
acts, deeds and things done by our said Attorney in exercise of the powers hereby
conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by us/JV.
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
2. Office address:
3. Date of Incorporation:
7. Presence in India:
Mobile no.:
Fax no.:
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
A. General experience
Period in Area of
Name and Description Total value
S. which services service
address of the of services of contract
provided provided
No Client
From To
B. Specific experience
The bidder to furnish supporting documents as mentioned in Clause 6.1 Point (3) and (4).
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
1. The bidder shall submit Audited Balance Sheets/ Annual Reports
2. The annual Turnover worth data should be certified by a practicing Chartered Accountant and
the same should be accompanied with this certificate
SIGNATURE ___________________
NAME _________________________
DESIGNATION ___________________
SEAL ___________________
DATE ___________________
Signature of the Chartered Account
with name & registration number
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
1. Key personnel to be deployed by the bidders (To be filled by the successful bidder
at the time of concluding the contract)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Facility Wet & Dry Backpack Floor HP Water Jet Walk behind Bucket Trolley Glass Ladders (Nos) Grass cutting
Vacuum Vacuum M/c Scrubbing M/c M/c (Nos) Manual (Nos) Cleaning Kit machine Steam
Cleaner (Nos) (Nos) (Nos) Sweeper (Nos) (Nos) cleaning
Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Min Pro
mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed imu pos
Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by m ed
red bidder red bidder red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde Re by
r r r r r r r quir bid
ed der
Hospital, 2 2 2 2 2 7 1 1 1 2
Hospital, 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Jangareddy 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Bhimavaram 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Chintalapudi 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Bhimadole 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Facility Wet & Dry Backpack Floor HP Water Jet Walk behind Bucket Trolley Glass Ladders (Nos) Grass cutting
Vacuum Vacuum M/c Scrubbing M/c M/c (Nos) Manual (Nos) Cleaning Kit machine Steam
Cleaner (Nos) (Nos) (Nos) Sweeper (Nos) (Nos) cleaning
Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Min Pro
mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed imu pos
Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by m ed
red bidder red bidder red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde Re by
r r r r r r r quir bid
ed der
Denduluru 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Buttaigude 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Hospital, 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 2
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Facility Wet & Dry Backpack Floor HP Water Jet Walk behind Bucket Trolley Glass Ladders (Nos) Grass cutting
Vacuum Vacuum M/c Scrubbing M/c M/c (Nos) Manual (Nos) Cleaning Kit machine Steam
Cleaner (Nos) (Nos) (Nos) Sweeper (Nos) (Nos) cleaning
Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Min Pro
mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed imu pos
Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by m ed
red bidder red bidder red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde Re by
r r r r r r r quir bid
ed der
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Gannavara 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Visannapet 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Jaggaiahpet 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Hospital, 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 2
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Facility Wet & Dry Backpack Floor HP Water Jet Walk behind Bucket Trolley Glass Ladders (Nos) Grass cutting
Vacuum Vacuum M/c Scrubbing M/c M/c (Nos) Manual (Nos) Cleaning Kit machine Steam
Cleaner (Nos) (Nos) (Nos) Sweeper (Nos) (Nos) cleaning
Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Min Pro
mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed imu pos
Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by m ed
red bidder red bidder red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde Re by
r r r r r r r quir bid
ed der
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Chilakalurip 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Vijaypuri 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Pedakurapa 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
CHC Ipuru 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Nizampatna 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Facility Wet & Dry Backpack Floor HP Water Jet Walk behind Bucket Trolley Glass Ladders (Nos) Grass cutting
Vacuum Vacuum M/c Scrubbing M/c M/c (Nos) Manual (Nos) Cleaning Kit machine Steam
Cleaner (Nos) (Nos) (Nos) Sweeper (Nos) (Nos) cleaning
Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Min Pro
mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed imu pos
Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by m ed
red bidder red bidder red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde Re by
r r r r r r r quir bid
ed der
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
Hospital, 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Yerragonda 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Facility Wet & Dry Backpack Floor HP Water Jet Walk behind Bucket Trolley Glass Ladders (Nos) Grass cutting
Vacuum Vacuum M/c Scrubbing M/c M/c (Nos) Manual (Nos) Cleaning Kit machine Steam
Cleaner (Nos) (Nos) (Nos) Sweeper (Nos) (Nos) cleaning
Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Min Pro
mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed imu pos
Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by m ed
red bidder red bidder red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde Re by
r r r r r r r quir bid
ed der
CHC Darsi 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
CHC Pamur 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
CHC Podili 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 0
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Hospital, 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
CHC Allur 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Buchireddy 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and Community Health Centres under the control of
Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Facility Wet & Dry Backpack Floor HP Water Jet Walk behind Bucket Trolley Glass Ladders (Nos) Grass cutting
Vacuum Vacuum M/c Scrubbing M/c M/c (Nos) Manual (Nos) Cleaning Kit machine Steam
Cleaner (Nos) (Nos) (Nos) Sweeper (Nos) (Nos) cleaning
Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Mini Propo Min Pro
mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed mum sed imu pos
Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by Requi by m ed
red bidder red bidder red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde red bidde Re by
r r r r r r r quir bid
ed der
Venkatachal 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
CHC Rapur 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
CHC Kota 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
Note :-
1. Deployment of the above-mentioned equipment is minimum and compulsory by the agency.
2. In case of any discrepancy between the above mentioned table and equipment being arrived with areas mentioned in Form 2,
Form 2 to be considered for equipment calculation.
3. To maintain prescribed service standards, the bidder should arrive at actual requirement necessary for equipment as per
service standards.
WITNESS……………….. SEAL………………………………………………..
(Signature, Name and Address)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Annexure 9: Schedule of Frequency and Agents to be Used (as per Swatchata Guidelines)
Schedule of Frequency and Agents to be Used
(as per Swatchata Guidelines)
Activity Frequency Agents to be Used
Thrice a day and more As per the BMW
1 Garbage Removal
when bags are 3/4th full guidelines
Cleaning of Soap & water followed by
2 After every procedure
Instruments sterilization
Damp Mop with detergent
Cleaning of clean Twice a day/ as & when and water/ 0.5% chlorine
3 areas and corridors of
complex Required Hydrogen peroxide in case
of blood spills
Mopping. (Care to be
Thrice a day and after Damp mop with detergent
4 taken in case of
each Procedure and water / 0.5% chlorine
special epoxy flooring)
Cleaning of
equipment’s like Damp Mopping , dry,
anaesthesia Disinfect
Twice a day/ as & when
5 machines, monitors, with 70% isopropyl
ventilators, infant alcohol / 2%
warmers/ glutaraldehyde
baby cribs etc
Cleaning of OT table Twice a day/ after each 0.5% chlorine /70%
and OT Stretcher surgery Isopropyl alcohol
Doctor's / nurses /
7 Twice a day Detergent & water
technician room
Wash with Soap & water,
Washroom & wash Thrice a day and as &
8 then dry, wipe 0.5% chlo-
basins cleaning when required
once a day and when re-
9 Washing of slippers Soap & water
Collection of soiled
10 As and when required --------
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Activity Frequency Agents to be Used
Soak in clean water with
bleaching powder 0.5% for
9 Cleaning of Mops After every use 30 minutes. Wash again
with detergent and water
to remove the bleach.
As per the BMW
Twice a day and more / guidelines
1 Garbage Removal
when bags are 3/4th full
Activity Frequency Agents to be Used
Thrice a day and more As per the BMW
1 Garbage Removal
when bags are 3/4th full guidelines
Damp mop with detergent
2 Mopping of floor Once a day
and water
Wash with Soap & water,
Washrooms & Wash
3 Once a day then dry, wipe with 0.5%
4 Dusting Once a day Duster
Thrice a day and more As per the BMW
1 Garbage Removal
when bags are 3/4th full guidelines
2 Dusting Once a day Duster
Damp mop with detergent
3 Mopping of floor Once a day
and water
Thrice a day and more As per the BMW
1 Garbage Removal
when bags are 3/4th full guidelines
2 Dusting Once a day Duster
Damp mop with
3 Mopping of floor Once a day
detergent and water
Cleaning of autopsy Once a day and after 0.5% chlorine / 70%
table every procedure isopropyl alcohol
5 Drains Once a day Soap & Water
Thrice a day and more As per the BMW
1 Garbage Removal
when bags are 3/4th full guidelines
2 Dusting Once a day Duster
Damp mop with detergent
3 Mopping of floor Once a day
and water
4 Dry Mopping Once a day Soft brush
Wash with Soap & water,
Washrooms & Wash
5 Once a day then dry, wipe with 0.5%
Tender for Providing Sanitation Services to all District Hospitals, Area Hospitals, Mother & Child Hospitals and
Community Health Centres under the control of Andhra Pradesh Vaidya Vidhana Parishad (APVVP) under Zonal
Wise Package II (West Godavari, Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore Districts)
Activity Frequency Agents to be Used
Thrice a day and more As per the BMW
1 Garbage Removal
when bags are 3/4th full guidelines
2 Dusting Twice a day Duster
Mopping & Washing Damp mop with detergent
3 Twice a day
of floor and water
Mopping (CSSD) 0.5% chlorine/ 70%
4 Once a day
sterile areas Isopropyl alcohol
Wash with Soap & water,
Washrooms & Wash
5 Once a day then dry, wipe with 0.5%
Thrice a day and more As per the BMW
1 Garbage Removal
when bags are 3/4th full guidelines
Dusting of Damp duster, dry , then
2 Once a day
infrastructure wipe with
Cleaning of Damp cleaning, dry, 70%
3 Once a week
equipment’s isopropyl alcohol
Mopping & Washing Damp mop with detergent
4 Twice a day
of floor and water
5 Washing of Slippers Once a week Detergent & water
Wash with Soap & water,
Washrooms & Wash
6 Once a day then dry, wipe with 0.5%
Other Areas: