Production of Feed Materials Checklist GMP+ B2: General
Production of Feed Materials Checklist GMP+ B2: General
Production of Feed Materials Checklist GMP+ B2: General
Certification requirements
2.0 Does the company comply with #See A1, A2, A3 and A4.
the requirements specified in the
GMP+ A and C-documents?
4.3 Is the scope of the Feed safety B2: # The scope must in any event B2: # A section of the B2: # Not all non-GMP+
management system, including include all feed ingredients and all process is excluded activities are fully
any particularities or exclusions, activities which relate to this. # The with a reason. described.
been established and recorded? participant must also describe all
activities and/or products which do
not relate to feed.
4.4.1 Does the quality manual include Required sections: # Scope, including
the required sections? any details (Gatekeeper function and
products are described) and
exclusions. # Minimum required
GMP+ procedures or a reference. #
Description of the interactions
between processes. # Structure of
the documentation.
4.4.2 Have the relevant records and # Documentation must be reviewed B2: # Necessary B2: # Necessary
documents been established, at least every year by a competent modifications not modifications not
maintained and stored? person. # Documentation must implemented or not implemented or not
always be available to and fully and the situation fully but the situation in
understandable by the personnel in practice is behind the practice corresponds to
who have to carry out the current situation in the the regulations. #
requirements of the procedure. # company or the Relevant records have
Retention period for records is at regulations. # There is a been overlooked or are
least three years. backlog (> 2 months) in out of date (< 2
the relevant records. # months). # No up-to-
Records are not kept date description of the
for the required period method of archiving. #
of time. Relevant records are
not easily accessible.
Personnel requirements
5.1.1 Is there an organisational chart #Authorities and responsibilities of
established and documented? the personnel
5.1.2 Are the employees competent and B2, B3: # This applies in particular to B2, B3: # Personnel do B2, B3: # No suitable
sufficiently qualified for the HACCP team and to the other not understand the record of the training
conducting the activities that are functions which influence feed procedures. # Principle courses, experience etc.
part of their tasks. Has this been safety. of HACCP is not known of employees. # Lack of
recorded and communicated? to the personnel. relevant refresher
Infrastructure requirements
5.3.5 Is waste and material which is not B2, B3: # Real risk that B2, B3: # Products
suitable for feed stored and waste and material which are not suitable
identified separately? which is not suitable for for delivery are not
feed becomes mixed identified.
with feed.
5.2.4 Have technical and organisational B2, B3: # Residue norms and the
measures been taken to prevent carry-over test in accordance with
cross-contamination and errors as GMP+ BA2 (if applicable)
much as possible?
5.0 Does the company have an B2, B3: # Reason for excluded
effective prerequisite program? prerequisites. # The additional
prerequisites have been worked out
and implemented. Are there sufficient areas for the B2, B3: # Contamination should be
reception and loading and avoided by creating good conditions.
unloading of feed ingredients and # The intrusion of rainwater and
for potentially harmfull products? contaminated water should be
prevented during loading, unloading
and storage Are there sufficient areas for the B2, B3: # Suitable floors, walls and
storage of feed ingredients and for ceilings.
potentialy harmful products?
6.2.2 Are appropriate descriptions B2, B3: # This also applies to services
available for products (raw
materials) packaging materials,
6.2.1 Has the company determined and B2, B3: # Legal provisions and B2, B3: # Not in B2, B3: # No action B2, B3: # Not all norms
specified all the (safety) relevant GMP+ requirements. # possession of required taken as a result of are recorded, complete,
requirements with respect to the Customer requirements. # If the legal certificates, analysis results which applied or analysed.
feed ingredients to be produced? participant produces a feed material records or permits. are outside the
then it should be included in the Feed tolerances.
Support Products (FSP) with an
identical production method.
6.4 Has the HACCP team established, B2, B3: # More than one control B2, B3: # The lacking of
recorded and implemented measure may be necessary to control a motivation for a CCP #
control measures and CCP's a risk and more than one risk may be Not all significant CCPs
(critical control points) with its controlled by a single control have been identified
critical limits, if applicable, for measure.
every risk documented on the risk
6.5 Has the HACCP team determined B2, B3: #See GMP+ BA1
for each CCP which parameters
must be measured, analysed or
observed and which product
standards apply to these
6.8.2 Has the the HACCP plan been # B2 Has it been documenten with
verified by the HACCP team? minimum frequency of once per year.
Internal audit
8.2 Does the company has a # Audit planning # Competency and
documented internal audit independency of internal auditors #
procedure which complies with Corrective actions and time-scales for
applicable frequency and their implementation are followed up
requirements? # were all relevant activities covered
by the scope of the internal audit
8.2 Does the company has a # Audit planning # Competency and B2 B3 B4: # Essential B2 B3 B4:#
documented internal audit independency of internal auditors # sections / departments Improvement measures
procedure which complies with Corrective actions and time-scales for were not audited. # from the internal audit
applicable frequency and their implementation are followed up Insufficient depth / are not demonstrably
requirements? # were all relevant activities covered insufficient reporting on monitored / followed
by the scope of the internal audit findings, improvement up.
measures not
demonstrable. #
Internal audit was
carried out more than a
12 months ago.
Management review
8.3 Does the company has a # Required minimum inputs and
documented management review outputs
procedure which complies with
the requirements?
8.1 Is there a documented procedure B2 B3: # Complaints registration
for handeling of complaints which
complies with the requirements?
6.7 Have the nonconformities (in the B2, B3: # No procedure B2, B3: # The procedure
animal feed or process) with available or applied. is incomplete.
respect to this GMP+ standard
been established and controlled?
Cleaning requirements
5.3.3 Is there a documented cleaning B2: # Is the chosen cleaning method B2: # Hygienic
programm established and effective? # An authorised person operation
implemented which complies with must carry out the inspections with unsatisfactory
the requirements? respect to the status of the cleaning
and maintain a record of this.
7.7.1 After the transport is there B2: # Is there minimally worked in B2: # No cleaning B2: # The cleaning B2: Validation of the
cleaning and/or disinfection in accordance with the Procedures procedure available or procedure is effectiveness of
accordance with the Procedures GMP+ International published on the is not applied when incomplete or is not cleaning is not carried
GMP+ International published on IDTF website. # Has a control necessary. # No release adhered to properly. # out properly.
the IDTF website, does the programme been established and by competent authority Use of disinfection after
cleaning programme comply with implemented for the assessment of / inspection body after transport of products
the statutory and supplementary cleaning and disinfectant methods? a prohibited load and with cleaning regime D
requirements and are they before the transport of is not demonstrable. #
validated? animal feeds. No validation of the
effectiveness of
Maintenance requirements
5.3.1 Has the customer drawn up and B2, B3: # Also agreements with B2, B3: # Structural B2, B3: # Incidental
implemented a documented external companies in relation to non-compliance with non-compliance with
programme of planned hygiene and safety. the established the established
maintenance for all the relevant procedure. procedure.
areas and equipment?
5.3.2 Are all equipment used for #Weighing and dosage equipment
inspection and measuring used to premixtures, feed additives and feed
confirm the specifications of the medicines must be calibrated twice
product were calibrated according per year. # For feed materials once
to the requirements? per year
5.4.2 Are the retained samples of the B1, B1.2, B2, B3: # Sampling and
product complying with the storage in accordance with GMP+
requirements? BA13. # The samples must be sealed,
clearly identified, complying with the
minimum weigth requirements and
retention period .
Purchase requirements
7.1.1 Is there a documented procedures # Services: transport, Storage #
available for purchase of (raw) Specification of the (raw) materials,
materials, feed ingredients and/or feed ingrediants, services. # Supplier
services? assessment
7.7.3 Is roadtransport (on the orders of B2: # for the transport of packaged
service providers) carried out in raw materials or feed ingredients, the
accordance with the requirements external carrier and/or fright broker
of this standard? does not have to be GMP+ certified
or equivalent (risk assessments must
consider any potential hazards and
ensure that controls effectively
preclude any serious risk of
contamination). # Transport of
packaged raw materials or feed
ingredients must take place in a clean
and dry loading compartment. #
Under certain conditions sealed
loading units are considered to be
packaged products, therefore non-
certified external carriers can be used
(this is allowed when non-certified
external carrier has no influence on
the transported raw materials or feed
7.7.5 Is transport by inland waterway, B2: # Transport to a GMP+ B1 B2: # LCI not carried B2: # Freighting party
sea or train carried out in company: Freight brokerage of inland out does not contract out
accordance with the requirements waterways is GMP+ B4.2-certified; the LCI to an external
of this standard? carriers are GMP+ B4.3 certified; CO. # Loading taking
freight brokerage of sea transport is place in advance of the
GMP+ B4.4 certified; freight LCI.
brokerage of rail transport is GMP+
B4.5 certified. # Transport to other
companies: LCI by an inspection
agency at EN 17020 level or a
company loading inspector. The
affreightment party may not
undertake his own LCI.
Storage requirements
7.3 Do the storage and transhipment
activities of the customer comply
with the applicalbe GMP+
Production requirements
Transport requirements