Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Learning Objective(s)/Competency
Students will: Be able to understand how credit is earned based on the
Competency-Based Education Pilot Program.
Students will: Be able to understand what requirements are needed for graduation.
Zoom/Google classroom
Evidence Base:
x Best Practice
⬜ Action Research
⬜ Research-Informed
⬜ Evidence-Based
Procedure: Describe how you will:
Introduce: (5 min) Counselors will introduce themselves and do a wellness check by
asking students to post an emoji on the Nearpod slide that shows how
they are feeling.
(5 min) Do Now Activity: Counselors will ask, “ What does it mean to be
on track?” Students will post their responses to this question on the
collaborative board in Nearpod. Counselors will read aloud responses
and students will “like” responses they agree with.
Communicate Counselors will explain: by the end of the lesson you will understand
Lesson Objective: what it means to be ontrack and the requirements for being on track.
Teach Content: (15 minutes) On Nearpod slides:
● Counselor will explicitly define the term “on track” and list the
core subjects (English, Math, Science or Social Science).
● Counselors will share what students must have accomplished in
their freshman year to be considered ontrack: “ Under the CBE
pilot program Juarez awards students a Course Competency
Score (1= Emerging, 2= Developing, 3= Proficient, 4=Excelling)
rather than a traditional letter grade (A, B, C, D or F). A student
advances and receives course credit once they demonstrate
sufficient mastery of all identified course competencies (a score
of 3 or 4) or instead receives more time and personalized
instruction (a score 1 or 2) until mastery is demonstrated.”
○ Policy No. 605.1 High school Promotion Policy
○ Policy No. 605.9 Physical Education Policy
○ Policy No. 605.6 No Pass No Play Policy
These represent the criteria to become a sophomore in Chicago
Public Schools.
● Counselors will explain why staying on track is important:
Students who are On Track are far more likely to graduate from
high school than their off-track peers. “
● Counselors will list the graduation requirements
○ Policy No. 605.3 Minimum High School Graduation
Close: Students will complete a reflection and set a SMART goal for their GPA.
Data Collection Plan – For multiple lessons in a unit, this section only need be completed once
Participation Data:
Anticipated number 30
of students:
Planned length of 50 minutes
Mindsets & Behaviors Data:
▪ Pre-test administered before first lesson
▪ Post-test administered after lesson (if standalone) or after last lesson of unit/group session
▪ Pre-/post-assessment attached
Outcome Data: (choose one)
⬜ Achievement (describe): Students will be motivated to stay on track for graduation.
⬜ Attendance (describe):
⬜ Discipline (describe):