Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Met al-Casting P ro ce sses and

E quipment ; H eat Treat m e nt


5.1 Describe th e characteristics of (1) an alloy, (2) The most important factor is the thermal con­
pearlite, (3) a uste nite, (4) martensite, and (5) ductivity of th e mold material ; the higher the
cementite . conductivity, the higher the heat tr ansfer and
the greater th e tendency for the fluid to solid­
(a) Alloy: composed of two or more elements, ify, hence possibly imp eding the free flow of the
at least one element is a metal. The al­ molten metal. Also, the higher the cooling rate
loy may be a solid solution or it may form of the surfaces of the casting in contact with
int errn etallic compounds. the mold, the sm aller th e grain size and hence
the high er the strength. T he type of surfaces
(b) P earlite: a two-phase aggregate consisting developed in the prep ar at ion of mold materi­
of alternating lamellae of ferrite and ce-o als may also be different . For exam ple, sand­
mentite; the closer the pearlite spacing of mold surfaces ar e likely be rougher than those
lamell ae, the harder the steel. of me tal molds whose surfaces can be prepared
(c) Austenite: also called gamma iron, it has to varying degrees of roughness, including the
a fcc crystal structure which allows for a dir ections of roughness (Jay).
greater solubility of carb on in the crys­ 5.3 How does the sha pe of graphite in cas t iron af­
tal lattice. This structure also possesses a fect its propert ies?
high ductility, which increases the steel's
formabil ity. The sh ape of gr aphit e in cast irons has the fol­
(d) Martensite : forms by quenching austen­ lowing basi c forms :
ite. It has a bet (body-centered tetrag­ (a) Flakes . Graphite flakes have sh arp edges
onal) structure, and the carbon atoms in which act as stress raisers in tension.
interstitial positions impart high strength. This shape makes cas t iron low in tensile
It is hard an d very bri t tle. strength and ductility, but it still has high
(e) Cement it e: ab o known as iron-carbide compressive strength. On the other hand,
(Fe3C) , it is a hard and brittle intermetal­ th e flakes also act &5 vibration dampers ,
lic phase . a characterist ic important in damping of
machi ne-tool bases and other structures.
5.2 Wh at ar e t he effects of mold materials on fluid (b) Nodules. Graphite can form nodule; or
flow a nd heat transfer? spheroids whey magnesium or cerium is

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added to the melt. This form has in­ indicates that the material around the pores has
creased ductility, strength, and shock re­ to support a grea ter load than if no pores were
sistance compared to flakes, but the damp­ present ; t hu s , t he strength is also lowered. Con­
ing ability is reduced. sidering thermal and electrical conductivity, an
(c) Clusters. Graphite clusters are much like internal defect such as a pore decreases both the
nodules, except that t hey form from t h e thermal a nd electrical conductivity, nting that
breakdown of white cast iron upon anneal­ air is a very poor conductor.
ing. Clusters have properties that a re ba­
sically similar to flakes. 5.7 A spoked h and wheel is to b e cast in gray iron.
In order to prevent hot tearing of the spokes,
(d) Compacted flakes. These are short and
would you insulate the spokes or chill them?
thick flakes with round ed edges . This form E xp lain.
has properties that are between nodular
and flake graphite. Referring to Table 5.1 on p. 206, we note that,
5.4 Explain the difference between short and long during solidification, gray iron undergoes an ex­
freezing ranges. How are they determined? pansion of 2.5%. Although this fact may sug­
gest that hot tearing cannot occur, considera­
W hy are they important?
tion must also be given to significant contrac­
Freezing range is defined by Eq. (5.3) on p. 196 tion of the spokes during cooling. Since the hot­
in terms of temperature difference. Referring tearing tendency will be reduced as the strength
to Fig. 5.6 on p. 197, note that once t he phase increases, it wou ld thus be advisable to chill the
diagram and the composition is known, we can spokes to develop this strength.
determine the freezing range, '1 L - '1 's. As de­
scribed in Section 5.3.2 on p. 196, the freezing 5.8 W h ich of the following considerations are im­
range has an important influence on the for­ portant for a riser to function properly? (1)
mation and size of the mushy zone, and, co nse­ Have a surface area larger than that of the part
quently, affects struct ure-property re la t ionships being cast. (2) Be kep t open to atmospheric
of the casting. pressure. (3) Solidify first. Explain .

5.5 We know that pouring molten metal at a high Both (1) and (3) would result in a situation
rate into a mold has certain disadvantages.. contrary to a riser's purpose. That is, if a riser
Are there any disadvantages to pouring it very solidifies first, it cannot feed the mold cavity.
slowly? Explain. However, concerning (2), an open riser has some
advantages over closed risers. Recognizing that
There are disadvantages to pouring metal open risers have the danger of solidifying first,
slowly. Besides the additional time needed for
they must be sized pro perly for proper func­
mold filling, the liquid metal may solidify or
tion. But if the riser is correctly sized so that it
partially solidify while still in the gating system
remains a reservoir of molten metal to accom­
or before completely filling the mold, res ul ti ng
modate part shrinkage d ur ing solidification, an
in an incomplete or partial casting. This can
open riser helps exhaust gases from the mold
have extremely detrimental effects in a tree of
during pouring, and can thereby eliminate some
parts, as in investment cas t ing .
associated defects. A so-called blind riser that
5.6 Why does porosity have detrimental effects all is not open to the atmosphere may cause pock­
the mechanical properties of castings? Which ets of air to be trapped, or increased dissolu­
physical properties are also affected adversely tion of air into the metalvieading to defects in
by porosity? the cast part. For these reasons, the size and
placement of risers is one of the most difficult
Pores are, in effect , intern al discontin uit ies that challenges in designing molds.
are prone to cracking and crack propagation.
Thus, the toughness of a material will decrease 5.9 Explain why the constant C in Eq. (5.9) de­
as a result of porosity. Fu rt hermore, the pres­ pends on mold materia.l, metal properties, and
ence of pores in a piece of metal under tension temperature.

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The low du ctility of some cast alloys should cer­ coating on the pattern (whi ch then bec omes th e
tainly b e taken int o consideration in t he eng i­ mold ) cons ists of very fine silica, thus con tribut­
neering ap plication of the cas ting. T he low du e­ ing to the fine surface detail of the cast produ ct.
ti lity will:
5.27 Explain why a casting may have a slight ly dif­
(a) affect p ro p ert ies , such as toughness an d fa­ fer ent shape t h an th e pattern used to make the
tigue, mold .
(b) have a significant influ ence on further Aft er solidification, shr inkage co nti nues un til
processing and finish ing of t he casting, t he casting cools to ro om tempe rature. Also ,
i.e., machini ng processes, such as mill ing, d ue to surface tension, th e so lidifying metal
drilling, an d t appin g, and will, when surface tension is high enough , not
(c) p ossibl y affect tribological behavior . fully confor m to sharp co rners an d othe r intri­
cate surface fea tu res. T hus , the cast shape will
It sho uld be no ted th at many engi nee ring ap­ generally be slight ly different from that of t he
plicati ons do not req uire high d uct ili ty; for ex­ pattern used.
ample, when st resses are sufficien tl y small to
ensure th e material remains elas tic and where 5.28 Explain why squeeze casting pro d uces parts
impact load s do not occ ur. with be t ter mech anical p rope rt ies, d imensiona l
accuracy, and su rface finish than expe ndable­
5.24 The modulus of elasticity of gTay iron var ies mol d processes.
significa ntly with its ty pe, such as the ASTM
class. Explain why. The squeeze-casting pr ocess consis ts of a com­
bination of casting and forging. The pressure
Because t he sh ape, size, and distrib ution of applied to the molt en metal by th e punch, or
the seco nd -phase (Le., the graphi te flakes) vary up pe r d ie, keeps the entrapped gases in solu­
great ly for gray cast irons , th er e is a lar ge cor­ tion, and thus po rosity is generally not fou nd
resp onding variation of proper ties attaina ble. in th ese product." . Abo, the rapid hea t transfer
T he elastic modu lus, for examp le , is one prop­ resul ts in a fine mic rostructure with goo d me­
erty which is affected by t his factor . ch anical properties. Due to the applied pres­
sure and the ty pe of di e used, i.e. , metal, good
5.25 List and exp lain the cons iderations involved in
di mensional accuracy and surface finis h ar e typ­
selecting pa t tern materials.
ical ly foun d in squeeze-cast parts .
Pattern m at erials have a number of im portant 5.29 Why are steels mo re difficult to cas t th an cas t
material req uirem ent s, Often , they are ma­ ir OILS'!
chined, th us goo d m achinability is a require­
ment The mate rial should be su fficient ly stiff The pr imary reason st eels are more di fficult t o
to allow good sh ape development. The material cast than cast irons is that they melt at a higher
must have sufficient wear and corr osion resis­ t emp erature. T he high temperat ures compli­
tance so t hat the pat tern h as a reaso nable life. cate mold material se lec tio n, p repar a tion, and
The economics of t he op eration is affect ed also techniques involved for heating and pouring of
by materia l cos t . the metal.

5.26 W hy is the investmen t-cas ti ng process capable 5.30 What would you recommend to imp rove the
of producing fine surface detail on castings? sur face finish in ex pendable-mo ld cas ting pro­
T he surface det ail of th e casting depends on
t he qu ality of the pattern surface. In invest­ On e me t hod of improving t he surface finish of
ment casting, for example, th e pa tter n is m ade cas t in gs is to use wha t is know n as a facing
of wax or a thermoplastic poured or injected sand , s uch as Zircon, T his is a sand h avin g bet­
into a metal die with good surface finish . Con­ ter prope rties (such as permeability and surface
sequen tly, surface det ail of the cas t ing is very finish) than bulk san d , but is gene r ally mo re
goo d and can be controlled. Furthermore, the expensive. T hus, facin g sand is use d as a first

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layer against the pattern, with th e rest of the 5.35 Explain the difference in the importance of
mold being made of less expensive (silica) sand. drafts in green-sand casting vs, permanent­
mold casting.
5.31 You have seen that even though die casting pro­
duces thin parts, there is a limit to the mini­ Draft is provided to allow the removal of the
mum thickness. Why can 't even thinner parts p a ttern wit hout damaging the mold. If the
be made by this process? mold material is sand and has no draft, the
mold cavity is likely to be damaged upon pat­
Because of the high thermal cond uctivity that tern removal , d ue to the low strength of the
metal dies exhibit, there is a limiting thickness
sand mold. However, a die made of high­
below which the molten metal will solidify pre­ strength steel, which is typical for permanent­
maturely before fil ling the mold cavity. Also , mold cas t ings, is not at all likely to be damaged
the finite viscosities of the molten metal (wh ich during the removal of the part; thus smaller
increases as it begins to cool) will require higher dra ft angles can be employed.
pressures to force the m etal in t o the narrow pas ­
sages of the die cavities. 5.36 Make a list of the mold and die materials used
in the casting processes described in this chap­
5.32 What di fferences, if any, would you expect in ter. Under each type of material, list the cast­
the properties of castings made by permanent­ ing processes that are used, and explain why
mold vs. sand-casting methods'? these processes are suitable for that particular
mo ld or die material .
As described in the text, p ermanent- mold
castings generally possess better surface fin­ This is an open-ended problem, and students
ish, closer toleran ces, more unifor m mecha ni­ sho uld be enco ur aged to develop an answer
cal properties, and more sound thin-wa lled sec­ based on the contents of this chapter. An ex­
tions than sand castings. However, sand cast­ ample of an acceptable answer would, in a brief
ings generally can have more int ricate shap es, for m , b e:
larger overall size, and lower in cost (depending
upon the alloy) than permanent-mold castings. • Sand: Used because of its ability to resist
very high te mperat ures , availability, and
5.33 'Which of the casting processes would be suit­ low cost. Used for sand, shell, expanded­
able for making small toys in large numbers'? pattern, investment, and ceramic-mold
Explain. cast ing processes.
This is an open-ended problem, and the stu­ • Metal: Such as steel or iron. Results in
dents should give a rationale for their choice. excellent surface finish and good dimen­
Refer also to Table 5.2 an d note that die casting sional accuracy, Used for die, slush, pres­
is one of the best processes for this application. sure, centrifugal, and squeeze-casting pro­
The student should refer to the application re­ cesses.
q uiring large productio n runs , so that to oling • G raphite: Used for conditions similar to
cost per casting can be low, the sizes possible those for metal molds; however, lower
in die casting are suitable for su ch toys, an d t he pressures should be employed for this ma­
dimensional tolerances and s urface finish are ac­ terial. Used mainly in p ressure- and
ceptable. centrifugal-casting.
• Plas t er of paris: Used ill plaster-mold cast­
5.34 Why are allowances provided for in ma king pat­
ing for the production of relatively small
terns'? What do they depend on'?
components, such as fittings and valves.
Shrinkage allowances on patterns are correc­ 5.37 Explain why carbon is so effective in imparting
tions for the shrinkage that occurs upon solidifi­ strength to iron in the form of steel.
cation of the casting and its subsequent contrac­
tion while cooling to room temperat ure. T he Ca rb on has an atomic radius that is about 57%
allowance will therefore depend on the amount of t he iron atom, thus it occupies an interstitial
of contraction an alloy undergoes. position in the iron .unit cell (see Figs. 3.2 on

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p . 84 and 3.9 on p . 90 ). However, because its Case harde ning is a t reatment t hat hardens
radius is greater than that of the la rgest hole only t he surface layer of the part (see Table
between the Fe etoms, it strains t he la t ti ce, 5.7 on p. 242). T he b ulk retains its to ughness,
thus int erfering with dislocation movement and which allows for blunting of surface cracks as
leading to strain hardening. Also, the size of t hey p ropagate inward . Case ha rdening gener­
the carbon a t om a llows it to h ave a hig h solu­ ally induces compressive resi dual stresses on t he
bility in t he fcc hig h-temperature phase of iron surface, thus retarding fatigue failure. Through
(a ustenite) . At low tem p era t ur es , t he structure hardened parts have a hig h har dness across t he
is bee and has a very low solubili ty of carbon whole part; consequent ly, a crack could propa­
atoms. On quenching, t he a ustenitic structure gate easily t hroug h t he cross section of the part,
transforms to body-centered \. tetragonal (b et) causing major failure.
martensite, wh ich produces high distortion ill
the crystal la t t ice . Because it is hig her, t he 5.42 Type metal is a bismuth alloy used to cast type
strength increase is more than by other element for printing. E xp lain why bismuth is ideal for
additions. this process.

5.38 Describe the engineering significance of t he ex­ When one considers t he use of type or for preci­
is tence of a eut ect ic point in p hase diagrams. sion cas ti ngs such as mech anical typewriter im­
p ressions, one realizes that th e type tool must
T he eutectic point corresponds to a compo­ h ave extremely high precision and smooth sur­
sition of an alloy that has a lowest me lting faces . A die casting using most metals would
temperature for that alloy system. The low h ave shrinkage that would resul t in the distor­
m elting temperature associated wit h a eutec­ t ion of the type, or even t he metal shrinking
tic point ca n , for example, help in controlling away from t he mo ld wall. Since bismuth ex­
therm al damage to parts d ur ing joining, as is p ands d uring solidification, t he mo lten metal
done in soldering . (See Section 12.1 3.3 starting can act ually exp an d to fill m olds fully, thereby
on p . 776). ens ur ing accurate casting a nd rep eat able type­
faces .
5.39 Explain the difference be tween hardness and
5.43 Do you expect to see larger solidification shrink­
Hardness rep resents t he material's resistance to age for a material with a bee crys tal structure
p lastic deformation when indented (see Section or fcc? Explain.
2.6 starting on p . 51), while hardenabilit y is
T he great er shrinkage would be expected from
the material's capability to be h ardened by heat
t he mat erial with the greater packing efficien cy
treatment. (See also Section 5.11. 1 starting on
or atomic packin g fact or (APF) in a solid state.
p . 236 ).
Since t he APF for fcc is 0.74 and for bee it is
5.40 Explain why it may be desirable or necessary for 0.08, one would expect a lar ger shrinkage for
castings to be subjected to var ious h eat t reat­ a mate rial with a fcc structure, This can also
ments. been seen from Fig. 3.2 on p . 84. Note, how­
eve r, t hat for an alloy, the answer is not as sim­
The morpho logy of grains in an as-cast struc­ ple, since it mus t be determined if the alloy­
ture may not be desirable for commercial appli­ ing element can fit into interstitial positions or
cations. T hus, hea t treatmen ts, such as q ue nch­ serves as a substit utional element.
ing and tempering (a mong ot hers), are carried
out to optimize the grain structure of castings. 5.44 Describe the drawbacks to having a riser that
In this manner, t he mechanical properties can is (a) too la rge, or (b) too small.
be controlled and enha nced.
T he main drawbacks to having a riser too lar ge
5.41 Describe the differ enc es between case hardening a re: the material in the riser is eventually
and through har dening insofar as engineering scrapped and has to b e recycled; the riser hass
applications a re concerned. to b e cut off, and a .larger riser will cost more

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5.55 Rank the casting processes described in this ing, die casting (hot chamber), permanent mold
chapter in terms of their solidification rate. casting, shell mold casting, investment casting,
For example, which processes extract heat the sa nd casting, loot foam, cer amic-m old casting,
fastest from a given volume of metal and which and plaster-mold casting.
is the slowest?
5.56 The heavy re gions of parts ty pical ly are placed
in the drag in sand casting and not in the cope.
There is, as expected, some overlap between the Explain why.
various processes, and the rate of hea t t ransfer
can be modified whenever desired. However, a A simple ex planation is that if they were to be
general ranking in terms of rate of heat extrac­ placed in the cope, they would develop a high
tion is as follows: Die casting (cold ch amb er), buoyancy for ce that would tend to separate the
squeeze casting, centrifugal casting, slush cast- mold and thus develop flashes on the casting.


5.57 Referring to Fig. 5.3, estimate the follo wing rule (see Example 5.1):
quantities for a 20% Cu-80% Ni alloy: (1) liq­
uidus temperature, (2) solidus temperature, (3) %0< = ( x-y - x o ) x 100%
percentage of nickel in t he liqui d at 1400°C x-y - X a
(2550°F), (4) the major phase at 1400°C, and 0.77 - 0.60 )
(5) the ratio of solid to liquid at 1400°C. ( 0.77 _ 0.022 x 100%
23% or 2.3 kg
We estimate the following quantities from Fig.
5.3 on p. 192: (1) T he liquid us temperature is
1400°C (2550°F). (2) The solidus temperature
is 1372°C (2500°F). (3) At 2550°F, the alloy is
%y (xx-yo-- ~.a)
X 100%

still all liquid, t hus t he nickel concentration is 0.60 - 0.022) 07'

80%. (4) The major phase at 1400°C is liquid, ( 0.77 _ 0.022 x 100/0
with no solids present since the alloy is not be­
77% or 7.7 kg ...;
low the liqu idus tem pe rat ure. (5) The ratio is
zero, since no solid is present. (c) At 726°C, the alloy is in the two-phase al­
pha and Fe3C field. No gamma phase is present.
Again t he lever ru le is used to find the amount
5.58 Determine the amount of gamma and alpha of alpha present:
- - Ph&'ies (see Fig. 5.4b) in a 1G-kg, AISI 1060
steel casting as it is being cooled to the follow­ 07' ( 6.67 - 0.60 )
ing temperatures: (1) 750°C, (2) 728°C, and /00< = 6.67 _ 0.022 x 100% = 91% or 9.1 kg
(3) 726°C.
5.59 A round casting is 0.3 m in diameter and 0.5 m
We determine the following quantities from in length. Another casting of the same metal
Fig. 5.6 on p. 197: (a) At 750°C, the alloy is is ellip t ical in cross section, with a major-to­
just in t he single-phase austenite (gamma) re­ minor axis ratio of 3, and has the same length
gion, thus the percent gamma is 100% (10 kg), and cross sectional area as the round casting.
and alpha is 0%. (b) At 728°C, the alloy is B ot h pieces are cast under the same conditions.
in the two-phase gamma-alpha field, and the Wh a t is the difference in the solidification times
weight percentages of each is found by the lever of the two castings? ,

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For the same length and cross sectional area Similarly.

(thus the sa me volume), and the Harne casting
conditions, the same C value in Eq . (5.11) on P v2 P v2
p . 205 on p. 205 should be applicable. The sur­
ho +~ + ...!!.- = ~ + ~
pg 2g
+ --2 + f
pg 2g
face area and volume of the round casting is
Arouud = 21rrl + 21rr2 = 0.613 m

Vro un d = 1rr 2 l = 0.0353 in 2 Sub. titut ing th ese results into the cont inuity
equation given by Eq . (5.6), we have
Since the cross-sectional area of the ellipse is
the same as that for the cylinder, and it has a
major and minor diameter of a an d b, respec­
tiv ely, wher e a = 3b, then
A l V2gh l = A 2V2gh2
nob = 1rr2
A l _ J 2gh 2 _ (h;
3b2=r2 ----; b=V(0 .~5)2 A2 - J2gh l - Vh;
which is the desired relationship .
or b = 0.0866 rn, so that. a = 0.260 m , The sur­
face area of the ellipse-based part is (see a ba­ 5.61 Tw o halves of a mold (cope and drag) are
sic geomet ry text for the area equation deriva­ weighted down to keep them from separat­
ti ons): ing due to th e pressure exerted by the molten
metal (buoyancy) . Consid er a solid , spheri­
A ellipse = Znab + 21r Va 2 + fill = 1.002 m 2 cal steel cas t ing, 9 in. in di ameter, that is be­
The volume is still 0.0353 irr'. According to ing pro du ced by sand casting. Each flask (see
Eq. (5.11) on p. 205, we thus have Fig. 5.10) is 20 in. by 20 in . and 15 in. deep. T he
p ar t ing line is at the middle of the part. Est i­
l ~ouud (V/A round )2 AelliPse) 2 = 2.67 mat e the clamping force required. Assume that
l ~lIipse (V/ AellipseF ( Around the molten metal has It density of 500 Ib/ft 3 and
th at the san d has a density of 100 Ib/ft 3 ,
5.60 Derive Eq, (5.7).
The force exert ed by the molten metal is the
We note that Eq. (5.5) on p . 200 gives a rela­ product of it." cross-sectional ar ea at the parting
tionship between height, h, and velocity, v, and line and the pressure of the molten metal due to
Eq . (5.6) on p . 201 gives a re la tionship between the height of the sprue. Assum e t ha t the sprue
height, h , and cross sect ional ar ea, A. With the has the same height fl." the cope, namely, 15 in.
reference plate at the top of the pouring basin Th e pressure of th e molten metal is the prod­
(and denoted as subsc ript 0), the sprue top is uct of height an d de nsity. Assuming It density
denoted fl." 1, and the b ottom as 2. Note that for the molten metal of 500 Ib/ft" , the pr es­
h2 is num erically great er than h l , At th e top sure at the parting line will be (500)(15/12) =
of the sprue we have v » = 0 and h o = O. As a 625 Ib/ft 2 , or 4.34 psi , The buoyancy force 1.,;
first approxim ation, assume that th e pr essures the prod uct of projected area and pressure, or
Po, PI and P2 ar e equal and that the frictional (625) (1r)( 9/ 12? = 1100 lb. The net volume of
loss f is negligible. ThIL", fro m Eq. (5.5) we the san d in each flask is

P v2 P v2 v = (20) (20) (15) - (0.5) ( 4; ) (9)3

b; +~ + zs: = hI + ---.!c
pg 2g pg
+ -..l
or V = 4473 in 3 = 2.59 ft 3 . For a sand den­
or, solvin g for Vl ,
sity of 100 lb/ft", the cop e weighs 454 lb. Un­
der these circums tances, a clamping force of
1100 - 259 R: 850 Ib-is required.


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