Delamination of Laminated Glass

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Delamination Issues with Laminated Glass –

Causes and Prevention

Mr. Phillip Davies, Du Pont (Australia) Limited
Mr. Robert Cadwallader, E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co. Inc.

1 = Laminated glass 2 = Sunburst Delamination 3 = Edge delamination
4 = Edge stability 5 = Weathering 6 = Silicone sealants

Abstract Fig 1
A ‘sunburst’ delami-
Despite the long history of the use nation; cause – poor
of laminated glass in buildings there manufacturing proc-
is concern with some architects on esses
the potential for serious delamination
issues with laminated glass. This paper
provides test data on the edge stability
of laminated glass and details various
types of delamination problems, which
can arise if proper glass processing and
installation practices are not followed.
Guidance is also given on how to avoid frameless façade glazing requires special for aesthetics, safety, security, energy

Session 16
such problems. processing to prevent thinning of PVB efficiency and sound reduction. Neither
around the holes in the corners of the the silicone butt-joined edges or
Types of Delamination laminates. Unless precautions are taken exposed edges of the laminated glass
thinning of the PVB around holes may exhibit any edge delamination.
Delamination issues with laminated occur due to PVB flow in the autoclave
glass made using PVB interlayers fall into process. Such thinning may result in the Case Histories
two main categories: formation of bubbles or delamination
• Sunburst delaminations A number of case histories, along
around the holes following installation
• Edge delamination with testing, have shown that the
of the glass.
edge delamination of around 12 mm
‘Sunburst’ Delaminations observed in some projects is related
Edge Delamination
to a now obsolete PVB type which is
‘Sunburst’ delaminations (see Figure Edge stability is defined as the laminate’s designated Type X in this paper. It is
1) in some projects have undoubtedly resistance over time to form defects important to understand that the edge
caused concern in the glazing industry. along the edge. Unfortunately projects stability of laminated glass for future
This type of delamination is generally in which edge delamination of around projects, as has been the case in many
the result of poor manufacturing 12 mm has been observed have raised past projects, while not always perfect,
processes, which impart stresses at concern with some architects and is not characterized by the performance
locations at the edges of laminated specifiers about the edge stability of of this obsolete interlayer.
glass, often combined with thinning laminated glass in general. On the
of the PVB. Optical distortion is also other hand there are many installations Case History 1 - Sydney Opera House
normally evident at these locations. of laminated glass containing B14
The most common cause of this type This icon was opened in 1973. By
PVB interlayer having exposed edges
of localized delamination is the use 1978 it was noticed by some observers
and silicone butt-joined edges that
of clamping devices on the edges of that the edges of the butt-joined
exhibit zero edge defects or only a few
laminated tempered glass during the laminated glass walls had developed
minor edge defects many years after
autoclaving of the laminated glass. up to around 12 mm (~ 1/2 inch) of
installation. This is exemplified, for
While the quality of the glass may delamination along the edges of the
example in the five-year old Melbourne,
appear to be satisfactory at time of glass. An article in the July 1984 edition
Australia residence shown in Figure 2.
dispatch of the glass from the factory of Glass Digest magazine entitled
More than 350 m² of 12.76 mm floor-
gradual release over time of the stresses “The Do’s and Don’ts of Laminated
to-ceiling laminated glass containing
imparted to the glass at the locations Glass” attributed this delamination to
B14 PVB is used throughout the home
that were clamped may result in
‘sunburst’ delaminations.
Fig 2
As detailed by Jorma Vitkala in his
Glass Processing Days 1999 paper, Five-year old resi-
dence in Melbourne
‘Low-E Tempering - The Latest Results’ exemplifies projects in
with laminated tempered or heat which laminated glass
strengthened glass special attention containing B14 PVB
have exhibited no
needs to paid to the glass quality in edge delamination.
relation to flatness and edge-curving.
“If any glass is heated unevenly in the
tempering process there is a tendency
for the edges of the glass to curl and
this is especially the case with pyrolytic
Low-E coated glass”.
Laminated glass for point fixed
applications such as canopies or

the acetoxy acid cure silicone used. Fig 3
However a study conducted by DuPont A laminate from
at the end of 1980 had reached a the Opera House is
shown in the centre;
different conclusion. In the DuPont on the left is the
study samples of laminated glass laboratory test sample
having the same construction as the containing the same
Type X PVB interlayer
Opera House glass were produced; as in the Opera House
some samples contained the same Type laminate; on the right
X PVB interlayer used in the Opera is the laboratory test
sample containing
House, while others contained B14 PVB B14 PVB interlayer
interlayer. The acetoxy silicone sealant
used in the Opera House was applied
to some edges, while other edges were
left bare. After exposure to humidity
and temperature cycling the samples
of laminated glass containing Type X
interlayer exhibited delamination similar
to that seen in the Opera House glass, Fig 4
both on edges with silicone and bare Samples of laminated
edges, while the samples containing the glass at the DuPont
Weathering Site,
B14 PVB interlayer exhibited zero edge Hileah Florida.
delamination. The samples used in this
study have the same appearance today
as in 1980 – see Figure 3.

Case History 2 - Singapore Changi

Airport Terminal 2
Another example which illustrates the
Session 16

contrasting edge stability performance

of B14 PVB interlayer to the Type X PVB
interlayer is the extension to Singapore
Changi Airport Terminal 2 carried out
around 1995. All the laminated glass
panels in the departure lounges of the
original part of the terminal, constructed
around 1991contain Type X PVB exhibit Sample ID Glass Type Laminate Defect Defect Defect Defect ESI
edge delamination averaging around 8 Perimeter Length Length Length 3.2 Length 4.7
mm in depth. This delamination became mm <1.6mm 1.6 to to 4.6mm to 6.3mm
evident in the first few years following 3.1mm
installation of the glass. In the 1995
1A Annealed 1676 1676 4.0
extensions to Changi Airport Terminal
2A Annealed 1676 250 457 1.2
2, however, most of the laminated
glass panels exhibit either zero edge 4A Annealed 1676 1073 255 3.9
delamination or almost zero delamination 5A Annealed 1676 90 524 1.3
(there are occasional small localized 7A Annealed 1676 837 465 1.6
patches of edge defects up to 2 mm 8A Annealed 1676 1319 0.8
deep on some panels). This laminated 14A Annealed 1676 792 637 120 2.6
glass contains B14 PVB interlayer. 16A Annealed 1676 762 807 2.4
3A Tempered 1676 30 1051 100 3.1
Edge Stability Studies 6A Tempered 1676 1189 457 5.3
Multiple ongoing studies are being 15A Tempered 1676 837 468 1.6
done at DuPont’s Hialeah, Florida site.
Laminates are positioned on racks as Table 1
shown in Figure 4. ESI for laminated glass with open edges containing B14 PVB interlayer after 54 months of Florida
These studies involve: exposure
1. Both laminates containing PVB
interlayers and laminates containing Sample ID Glass Type Laminate Defect Defect Defect Defect ESI
SentryGlas® Plus (SGP) ionoplast Perimeter Length Length 3.2 Length 4.7 Length
interlayer. mm 1.6 to to 4.6mm to 6.3mm >6.4mm
2. Both exposed natural edges and 3.1mm
edges butt-joined with silicone 4B Annealed 1676 1219 410 8.8
sealants. 5B Annealed 1676 1219 457 13.4
12B Annealed 1676 1676 9.0
Weathering of PVB Laminates with 6B Tempered 1676 427 1219 7.6
Exposed Edges 15B Tempered 1676 1676 9.0
One ongoing study compares the edge Table 2
stability data of PVB laminates with
ESI for laminated glass with open edges containing Type X PVB interlayer after 54 months of Florida
exposed edges made using B14 PVB exposure
interlayer with that of PVB laminates
made using the now obsolete Type Half of each sample was made with B14 construction technique was chosen to
X interlayer mentioned above. In this with the other half was laminated with minimize the variances that can occur
study 760 mm x 920 mm (30” x 36”) the Type X PVB. Most of the laminates from part to part during processing.
laminates were made with two different were made with annealed glass while The laminates were placed on exposure
types of PVB butted together at lay-up. the remainder used tempered glass. This in March 1998 and were last inspected

in August 2002 (54 months). On
inspection each laminate was assigned
an Edge Stability Index (ESI), a weighted
system that gives higher importance
for progressively deeper defects. A
laminate with no defects would have
an ESI of 0 while the maximum would
be 25 (equivalent to continuous defects
measuring > 6 mm (¼”) around the
entire perimeter).
The formula for Edge Stability Index
is as follows: Fig 5
ESI = 1/100(Pct1) + 4/100(Pct2) +16/ Open edge of a typical B14 laminate after 54 Fig 6
100(Pct4) +25/100(Pct5) months of Florida Exposure Open edge of a Type X laminate after 54
Where: months of Florida exposure
Pct1 = %Defect length with depth <1/
16 inch (<1.6 mm) Fig 7 60

% Of Total Defects
Pct2 = %Defect length with depth 1/16 Plot of defect depth 50
for B14 annealed
to <1/8 inch (1.6 to <3.2 mm) laminates after 54
Pct3 = %Defect length with depth 1/8 40
months of Florida
to <3/15 inch (3.2 to <4.7 mm) exposure 30
Pct4 = %Defect length with depth 3/16 20
to <1/4 inch (4.7 to <6.4 mm)
Pct5 = %Defect length with depth >1/4 10
inch (>6.4 mm) 0
Tables 1 and 2 show the results after <1.6 1.6 to 3.1 3.2 to 4.6
the 54-month period for the laminates
containing B14 PVB interlayer and Type Defect Depth Range, mm
X PVB interlayer respectively.

Session 16
Figure 5 shows a picture representative A considerable difference can be sealant. After securing the butt-joined
of the exposed edges of laminates seen in the edge stability performance laminates to aluminum frames the
containing B14 interlayer after 54 of exposed edges of laminates samples were placed on exposure (see
months of Florida exposure while Figure containing B14 interlayer versus those Figure 9). The laminates were placed
6 shows the exposed edge of a laminate containing Type X interlayer. on exposure in April 1998 and last
containing Type X interlayer after the It is believed that the minor degree inspected in August 2002 (4.3 years of
same 54 months of Florida exposure. of edge delamination seen in the natural weathering).
Figure 7 shows a plot of average Florida studies with B14 is the result of Table 4 and Figure 10 summarize the
defect depth for the annealed B14 thinning of the PVB at the very edge of ESI results after 4.3 years of weathering.
laminates in Table 1 as a percentage of the laminate caused by a small amount The following observations were made:
the total number of defects. 57% of the of PVB flow at the edges during the 1. As with exposed edges there is a
edge defects are less than 1.6 mm (1/16 autoclave process. This mechanism has considerable difference between the
inch) in depth, 39% of the edge defects been demonstrated with laminated glass results for laminates containing B14
are between 1.6 mm and 3.1 mm (1/8 containing holes for point fixing. As in interlayer and the now obsolete Type
inch) and 4% of the total exposed edge the case of holes in laminated glass, it X interlayer.
length had defects between 3.2 mm is believed that improvements to the 2. There was not a great difference
and 4.7 mm (3/16 inch) in depth. lamination process can prevent this small between the results with the two
The data from Tables 1 and 2 are amount of PVB flow at laminate edges different silicone cure systems. The
summarized in Table 3 and Figure 8. although this has yet to be demonstrated. neutral cure silicone gave slightly
higher ESI values than the acetoxy
PVB Data Annealed Tempered Weathering of B14 Laminates with cure silicone with both interlayer
Type Type Silicone Sealants types.
B14 Samples 8 3 In addition to evaluating natural edge 3. With the laminates containing B14
Average 2.2 3.3 weathering other studies are being interlayer no defects were deeper
Std Dev 1.2 1.9 conducted in parallel to ascertain the than 4 mm.
Type Samples 3 2 effect silicone sealants have on edge The observation that ESI values with
X Average 10.4 8.3 stability. 305 mm x 305 mm (12” x 12”) the acetoxy cure silicone were little
PVB Std Dev 2.6 1.0 B14 laminates were each cut in half different and in fact less than for the
and butt joined together using either a neutral cure silicone will surprise many in
Table 3 the industry as it has been widely believed
neutral cure or an acetoxy cure silicone
Summary of ESI data by PVB and glass type that neutral cure silicones result in better
edge stability than acetoxy cure silicones.
PVB Data Acetoxy Neutral
Type Type Cure Cure
8 Silicone Silicone
ESI 6 B14 Samples 3 3
4 Average 2.5 4.7
2 Tempered Std Dev 0.7 0.9
0 Annealed Type Samples 3 2
B14 X Average 16.3 18.1
Type X PVB Std Dev 8.0 5.8
PVB Type
Table 4
Fig 8 Fig 9
ESI data by PVB and silicone type after 4.3 years
ESI data by PVB and glass type Silicone butt-joined samples used for Florida of weathering
edge stability study

Cut Edges versus Autoclaved Edges Fig 10

A outdoor weathering study has been

ESI data by silicone
type after 4.3 years of
conducted in Sydney since January weathering
2001 involving six 600 mm x 300 mm 15
laminates containing B14 interlayer butt
joined with Dow Corning 795 interlayer.
Some of the edges the laminates ESI 10
were manually cut while other edges
were natural autoclaved edges. After 5
23 months of exposure the following
observations were made: Neutral Cure
Autoclaved Edges: Defects on both 0 Acetoxy Cure
exposed edges and butt-joined edges
were similar in appearance, frequency B14
and size. Defects were typically 1.5 mm
Type X
deep. No defect was deeper than 3 mm. PVB Type
The percentage of the length of edge
affected by defects varied from only 3% Weathering of SGP Laminates with
up to 75%. Silicone Sealants
Cut Edges: Butt-joined cut edges
gave both the best and worst results This study consists of twenty-eight 305
in relation to defects. One cut edge mm x 305 mm (12” x 12”) laminates.
exhibited only seven tiny bubbles Each laminate was cut in half and butt
(maximum diameter 0.3 mm) in a joined using the following silicones:
length of 600 mm. Another butt-joined 1. C. R. Laurence 33SC
cut edge exhibited nine small bubbles 2. C. R. Laurence RTV408AL
with the largest bubble, located 1 mm 3. Dow Corning 995
from the edge, having a diameter of 4. Dow Corning 999-A
Session 16

1.2 mm. Another butt-joined cut edge The laminates were secured to
exhibited edge defects along almost aluminium frames and placed on
exposure in March 2000. They were Fig 11
its entire length. These defects did
not extend more than 4 mm from the inspected in October 2002 after 2.6 SGP laminate exposed edge after 61 months of
years of natural weathering. No defects Florida exposure – no edge defects
edge. The difference in edge stability
of these the cut edges are presumed to were found in either the exposed or
be attributable to the variable effect of silicone butt-joined edges. edges and silicone butt-joined edges.
cutting on the integrity of the interlayer In the Florida and Sydney studies
at the edge. Glazing of Laminated Glass reported the majority of edge defects
with B14 laminates were less than
Laminated glass must be installed in a
Weathering of Laminates Containing 3.1 mm (1/8”) in depth whereas
glazing system that incorporates a weep
SGP Interlayer defects up to 12 mm have been
system. Prolonged exposure to water
observed with the obsolete interlayer.
Weathering of SGP Laminates with may cause ‘edge cloud’ around the
3. Numerous existing installations of
Exposed Edges periphery of the glass.
laminated glass containing B14 PVB
Thirteen 762 mm x 1194 mm (30” x interlayer exhibit zero edge defects
Summary and Conclusions
47”) laminates with exposed edges or a very few minor edge defects.
were placed on exposure in September 1. ‘Sunburst delaminations’ can This fact illustrates the edge stability
1997. Inspection after 61 months be avoided by the use of good performance that is achievable with
of weathering has revealed no edge laminating practices and in the case laminated glass containing state-of-
defects in any of the laminates (ESI of of laminated heat treated glass by art PVB interlayer.
0). use of heat treated glass of a suitable 4. The method of cutting laminated
Figure 11 shows a picture of the quality for lamination. Mechanical glass containing PVB can influence
edge of laminate 824-74-13 that is force should not be employed to laminate edge stability.
indicative of all thirteen laminates. The the edges of laminates during the 5. Laminates containing SGP interlayer
SGP along the laminate edge forms autoclaving process. have demonstrated excellent edge
an opaque white polymeric residue 2. There is a substantial difference stability (no defects) even after
approximately 1 mm in depth. In some in the edge stability performance five years of Florida exposure with
instances this residue has turned green of laminates containing B14 PVB exposed edges and after 31 months
due to the mold from the high humidity interlayer and a now obsolete Type of Florida exposure with silicone
X PVB interlayer, both with exposed butt-joined edges.


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