Heal TH 2019 Research On Drugs Abuse - 2
Heal TH 2019 Research On Drugs Abuse - 2
Heal TH 2019 Research On Drugs Abuse - 2
Research On Drugs Abuse
Editorial Board:
Supervisor : Drs. Agus Irianto, S.H., M.H., M.Si
Consultant : Prof. Irwanto, Ph.D
Head of Research : Erma Antasari, S.Si
Secretary : Dwi Sulistyorini, S.Si., M.Si
Team Members : Siti Nurlela Marliani, SP., S.H., M.Si
Sri Lestari, S.Kom., M.Si
Novita Sari, S.Sos., M.H
Sri Haryanti, S.Sos., M.Si
Plamularsih Swandari, M.Si
Quazar Noor Azhim, A.Md
Armita Eki Indahsari, S.Si
Radityo Kunto Harimurti, S. Stat
Rizky Purnamasari, S.Psi
Cover Design : Tri Sugiharto, S.Kom
Content Design : Indoyanu Muhamad
Publisher :
Research, Data, and Information Center
National Narcotics Board of the Republic of Indonesia
Jl. MT. Haryono No. 11 Cawang, East Jakarta
Email : puslitdatin@bnn.go.id.
Call Center : 184
SMS Center : 081221675675
Email : puslitdatin@bnn.go.id
Website : www.bnn.go.id
All praises and thanks be to Allah, who has bestowed His blessings
and guidance so the book Health Research of Drugs Abuse Effects 2019
could be well-finished on time. This research is based on cooperation
between National Narcotics Board (BNN) and Atmajaya Catholic
University and National Institute of Health Research and Development,
Ministry of Health, the Republic of Indonesia. This research is supported
by local partners from Provincial Narcotics Board and research teams in
six provinces.
This research involves several parties starting from the BNN expert
teams to the Provincial Narcotics Board (BNNP), the BNN Rehabilitation
Centre, BNNP Pratama Clinic, and BNNP’s community component
partners in 6 Provinces. In this occasion, we would like to thank the
Head of National Narcotics Board, Drs. Heru Winarko, S.H, and Drs.
Adhi Prawoto S.H as chief secretary of National Narcotics Board, and
all staffs of National Narcotics Board for the support and cooperation
in every single step of producing this book.
All in all, we hope this book may give useful contribution and
benefits for decision-making and Prevention and Eradication of Drug
Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN) program improvement in Indonesia,
especially at the provincial level.
Editorial Board
iv Health Research Of Drugs Abuse Effects 2019
Executive Summary
vi Health Research Of Drugs Abuse Effects 2019
Executive Summary
1. Indonesia has long been facing the adverse effects of drug abuse.
Efforts with other countries globally have been made since the
beginning of the New Order, and up to this day, the problem is still
severe. Therefore, various analyses of policy need to be carried out.
Health impacts have a significant burden on the Draft of State Budget,
but detailed studies on health costs of drug abuse have not yet been
conducted. It is time for the government, in this case, is National
Narcotics Board to seek a variety of strategic researches related to
the economic costs of health, social and other benefits, and also to
determine a more comprehensive prevention strategy.
2. National Narcotics Board’s research since 2013 has shown that drug
abuse in Indonesia has characteristics of young people and polydrug
users instead of the trend of substance abuse. This fact is a challenge
itself because polydrug users are susceptible to the substance effect
but at the same time vulnerable to interaction among substances
(Vanderplasschen, De Maeyer, Colpaert, Cogel, Rea, Dom, Sabbe &
Broekaert, http://www.belspo.be/belspo/organisation/publ/pub_ostc/
Drug/rDR55_en.pdf) which are extremely dangerous for health and life
of consumers. Therefore, polydrug users may be a costly burden burden
for health if not being taken seriously.
3. One of the discussion topics in public policy in handling and
overcoming narcotics is the sectoral authority. National Narcotis
Board, which was established under the mandate of Law No. 35 of
2009 concerning Narcotics, has any authority to supervise and control
substances contained in the list of the Act. Out of the categories
listed, especially the abuse of drugs that can be purchased in the free
market or through prescription must be monitored and controlled
by the health sector, those are BPOM and the Ministry of Health.
This sectoral debate may lead to an adverse decision if the
statement above is not being paid attention to, in which drug
abusers also abuse other substances, including over-the-counter
drugs, which are called the polydrug users. Sectoral supervision will
viii Health Research Of Drugs Abuse Effects 2019
Executive Summary
1.1. Background 3
1.2. Formulation of the Problem 13
1.3. Aims of Research 14
1.4. Benefits of Research 14
xii Health Research Of Drugs Abuse Effects 2019
List of Tables
xiv Health Research Of Drugs Abuse Effects 2019
1.1. Background
a. Global Situation
A study conducted by Irwanto et al. (2019), together with the Sangai Tunas Cilik Foundation, showed that Tramadol
had been used by street children in Jakarta’s villages. National Narcotics Board’s data (2017) also shows its users are
more than 500 thousand people in Indonesia.
b. Situation in Indonesia
Period Cases Increase per Year
per year 54,705 151,723 22.1% Case
2013 July 62,334 163,152 19.2% Penitentiary
2014 July 64,224 163,711
2015 July 68,403 174,378
2016 July 77,284 197,656 68.7% Case
2017 July 96,945 224,604 41.1% Penitentiary
2018 July 104,206 249,933
Source : Online Data of Directorate General PAS: 2018
No total figures obtained because a person can be poly-drug user
Drug Information, https://obat-drug.blogspot.com/2014/10/amphetamine-amfetamine.html.
Eddyono et all. 2016. Reviewing the Rehabilitation of Narcotics Users in Judicial Practices Implementation of SEMA
and SEJA Regarding Placement of Narcotics Users in Rehabilitation Institutions in Surabaya. ICJR.
There are some National Action Plan’s program that have been
prepared, such as: 1. Survey on the prevalence of drugs abuse and
narcotics precursors; 2. Provision of data related to P4GN; and 3. Provision
The use of narcotics can also increase the risk of contracting Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (Hepatitis), Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. These
infection can occur from sharing injection equipment and unsterile sexual
activity. Heart and valve infections (endocarditis) and skin infections
(cellulitis) can occur after exposure to bacteria by injection drug use.
Tolerance is a biological-chemical process in which in the long-term use of the biological body will require a greater
amount of substances to cause the same effect.
Prohibition is a period in history where the government or religious institutions prohibit the use of certain psychoactive
substances for normative and moral reasons (Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prohibition_of_drugs)
Prohibiting the use of psychoative drugs not for medical purposes was carried out in the UK through the Pharmacy Act 1868
which regulates the distribution of poisons and drugs, then Dangerous Drug Acts were issued in 1928 which caused alcohol and
marijuana become illegal in the UK and spread to all colonies including in the US.
At the same time, scientists in the United States, especially who work
for NIDA (the National Institute of Drug Abuse) disseminated addiction
theory as a problem in the central nervous system or the brain that
called as The Science of Addiction: Drugs, Brains, and Behavior10 that put
forward initially by Alan Leshner in his writings Addiction is a Brain Disease
(1998; 2001) and Margaret Munro who wrote The Hijacked Brain (2015).
This brain disease theory is based on the assumption that psychoactive
substances are used not for medical purposes, indiscriminate doses,
and mixed with various other substances that have negative effects are
not only able to enslave the brain which has the same neurotransmitter
Although the convention itself does not provide specific instructions for the criminalization of possession of prohibited
substances (TNI, https://www.tni.org/en/publication/the-un-drug-control-conventions#5)
Asian Correspondents, 23 Dec.,2014 https://asiancorrespondent.com/2014/12/burmese-opium-farmers-seek-viable-
a. Research Time
The research was conducted for 7 (seven) months starting from May
to November 2019. Data collection were carried out in September-October
2019 with pre-visit activities beginning in September 2019. Then proceed
it with field data collection until October 2019
b. Research Location
a. Types of Research
This research is quantitative descriptive research supported by
qualitative research based on life history and experiences from informants.
Methodologically, this study is called mixed-method where quantitative
descriptive method used as the main approach. While, a qualitative
approach is used to provide more detailed explanations that are not
possible to obtain from quantitative instruments. Quantitative data were
collected through a survey using a questionnaire, while qualitative data
were obtained through semi-structured interviews by using guidelines on
topics that wanted to be explored further from informants.
b. Research Framework
Health problems are not only a matter of “not being sick” physically-
biologically and mentally, but also at the same time there is a sense of
social and cultural well- being. Therefore, the impact of the narcotics use
is formulated as the influence and impact of psychoactive substances
used not for medicinal /medical purposes on the physical and biological,
mental-psychological, and socio-cultural health and welfare of a person or
unit (family and community) where they live.
The formulation above implies that health problems are not only
individual problems but also systemic problems. It means an individual’s
experience in using narcotics will be reflected not only as an individual’s
experience, but also as the most proximal system experience in his life.
c. Ethical Clearence
The ethical clearence assessment of the research was carried out
by the Ethics Commission of the UNIKA Atmajaya Research and Service
2) Sampling Technique
Respondents as research samples were taken by using a sampling
technique Proportional Random Sampling (Sage Research Methods 13)
b. Qualitative Approach
1) Narcotic Users
• Willing to be interviewed
• Ages 15-64 years
• Do not experience severe mental disorders
• Having a living history in experiencing the effects of systemic
narcotics and toughness in facing those impacts - particularly if
it contains the story of a successful recovery.
• Having a living history in experiencing the effects of systemic
narcotics and showing helplessness in preventing and
overcoming the adverse effects of narcotics use.
2) Technical stakeholders (doctors / psychiatrists, social workers)
• Willing to be interviewed
c. Research Instrument
d. Trial Questionnaire
After the trial activities, then discussed and evaluated its trial results
of each researcher carried out. Evaluation of trial findings is used to
improve research instruments, determined appropriate interview methods
and improved research protocols.
1) Researcher Team
The research team are people who have capacities and
experience in researching and handling narcotics problems. The
Research Team was led by a researcher from BNN and supervised by
Senior Consultants and high leaders of BNN. In collecting field data,
researchers are assisted by local partners, field coordinators and
enumerators. The number of enumerators in each province is different
according to the number of respondents in the province.
2) Data Management
a. Data Collection:
• Research data were taken by enumerators who had attended
training and had special expertise in communicating with
drug abusers.
• EURO QoL (EQ-5D) data regarding self-assessment of motor
skills and self-health assessment will be filled in by each
participant / respondent accompanied by an enumerator
• The life-history interview will be conducted by the researcher
after the researcher determined that the respondent‘s “case”
falls within the criteria for the life- h i story interview. Data will
be recorded and transcribed by verbatim for analysis.
• Interviews for stakeholders will be along with life history
interviews where data and information are obtained based on
life events, especially events that determine the participant’s
life (trajectories).
b. Quality control
Data quality control is carried out in before and during the research
process. Before going on the field, enumerators and interviewers are
trained to ensure understanding of research instruments, research
methods, and other field techniques. During collecting data, the
researcher was assisted by one field coordinator whose special
task was data controlled and two local partners would check the
data before data entry. After entering data into database system,
random checking will be performed to ensure the correctness of
data entering the system.
1) Technical guidance
Technical guidance is carried out at the preparation stage before
starting to collect data. Technical guidance was facilitated by two
facilitators from the research team. Technical guidance was followed
by local partners, field coordinators and enumerators. Activities in
technical guidance are to provide an understanding of the description,
objectives and research procedures, understand the instrument,
collect sample and data techniques.
2) Licensing/ Permit
Licensing activities carried out by researchers together with a local
partner of rehabilitation centers and Provincial Narcotics Board
(BNNP) to the Director of Rehabilitation Institute at the sites. This
activity carried out to promote the purpose and goals of research and
ask for referrals as well as support to the research smoothly.
Research Location
No Province Directly managed by Provincial Managed by Provincial
Narcotics Board Coordination Narcotics Board Partner
1 Riau • Rehabilitation Center Coaching House
Islands Provincial Narcotics Board
• Post Rehab Program
Provincial Narcotics Board
• Pratama Clinic
2 Lampung • Kalianda Rehabilitation • Ataraxis Home
Workshop • House of Serenity
• Provincial Narcotics Board
Post Rehab Program
• Pratama Clinic Provincial
Narcotics Board
3 North • Deli Serdang Rehabilitation • Charitas Foundation
Sumatera Center • Bukit Doa Foundation
• Provincial Narcotics Board • Medan Plus Foundation
Post Rehab Program • Yaomi Foundation
• Pratama Clinic Provincial • KM Rumah kita
Narcotics Board
c) Spot-Check
Spot-check tasks are taken by researchers, field coordinators, and
localpartners. Spot Check is a random re-check of a number of
respondents who have been interviewed. Spot check questions
d) Supervision
Supervision performed by representatives of the Research
and Development Centre of National Narcotics Board to ensure
data collection run wel, in accordance with the design and research
Data from research findings are entered into tabulated data using
SPSS Version 23 after managing it by using Microsoft Excel. Before
it processed, the data was cleaned to check the wrong data entry
or various anomalies in the received data. Analysis of research data
through calculation of frequency distribution to check data consistency
and cross-tabulation among variables. The quantitative data will be
presented in tabular/ graphical form.
Janssen Bas, Van Reenen, EQ- %D-5L User Guide Basic Information on How To Use The EQ-5D-5L Instrument.
Data Self-reported health using the EQ-5D-5L descriptive system and the EQ VAS. Sumber Purba et al, The
Indonesian EQ-5D-5L Value Set. July 2017.
Third, this also applies to recruite heroin users. As the numbers are
small, the researchers recruit everything in the listing without random
It is known that crystal meth is the most used of the 10th most
used substances, then followed by cannabis, other types of ATS -
specifically MDMS (ecstasy), and psychotropic substances (Dextro,
Tramadol and others). This trend was consistent with the facts in
this found in the prevalence survey of National Narcotics Board from
2014 which stated that the achievement rate of crystal meth and ATS
seizures increased rapidly.
Table 10 data showed the duration of substances use, crystal meth was
the longest substance used with an average use (6 years 5 months),
From the data above, there is interesting information the more mature
the more substance used. From the education side, the higher education
the more substances used, especially after secondary education and
above. Thus, more than 80% of research respondents were polydrug
users or used more than 2 substances and more than 62% used more
than 3 substances. In particular, they represented young people both
students and productive workers who were the nation’s hopes. Using
and mixing more than one type of substances will risk the interaction
between substances that have an impact on death more than one
type of substance it will be a risk of the interactions effects among
substances that can be deadly (see ANNEX).
Sublingual 4.8
Injection and suction 6.3
Swallowed up 51.0
Inhaled 39.4
Be smoked 64.3
Injected 5.1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Drug drinking
To brave
For Sex
Self injury
Non-sterile injection
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Other disease
Psychiatric disorders
Hearth valve leakage
Sexualy Transmitted
Liver cirrhosis
Hepatitis C
0,0% 2.0% 4,0% 6,0% 8,0% 10.0% 12,0% 14,0% 16.0%
“... After using drugs, the quality of life is ruined and very
messy, morals are not maintained, up to me, do not care
about other people, do not care about who you are, who I am.
Physical health feels bad, insomnia, difficulty in eating, and
“... The glue is usually used by underage, and their economic level
is middle. Beginners….they tend to do hallucinations sometimes
also breathless, the mental disorders from methamphetamine
is mostly hallucinations…. hallucinations of vision and hearing,
some delusions cannot be broken .. “
“….The physical disorders of men and women are more or less the
same, but it’s just because of women’s menstruating, so it starts
to be disturbed, then there is a physiological problem. Sometimes
there are not getting menstruation for 1-3 months. Whereas,
normally there is no problem, no complaints...” (Doctor 42017,
M-38 Years)
“... What I felt when I used it to my body, I was being thin and then
forgetful, having a sensitive feeling to other people, then they felt a
shadow of people who were talking about me” (510015, F, 24 Years)
... I feel like I want to keep on using it, bro, for example, when I
don’t use, I continue to see the family so sad, bro, when I use it I
am happy, cool, I don’t think, then when the dosage goes down it
becomes sad again, bro, oh why am I like this, I see. The problem is
that I have been thinking about my family, I finally drank mosquito
repellent and seven glasses of rat poison in my room to kill myself,
but I don’t know, when I was in middle school in 3rd grade, the
effect was just nausea, nausea, vomiting, bro,“ (41002, F).
Stigma in Women
‘... because women are usually more strict, even though there are
many cases ... because here they are ashamed, when they are
rehabilitated, families are also ashamed, men are normal ... so
women usually take care” (32011, F)
N sampel
Parents fight a lot 41.9 56.3 53.8 38.4 47.4 50.0 36.4 46.5 49.4 54.3 70.6 37.5 44.4 43.2 41.7
Conflict with parents 19.5 28.1 13.6 27.4 10.5 30.0 28.0 24.1 18.0 16.0 17.6 12.5 20.5 16.2 23.6
Parents who are 31.6 32.8 30.3 23.3 31.6 10.0 25.8 32.4 30.6 30.9 47.1 25.0 23.4 35.1 40.3
already out of
harmony, it is getting
Conflict with siblings 65.6 64.1 69.7 64.4 63.2 60.0 52.3 66.5 69.4 69.1 76.5 75.0 63.2 75.7 73.6
You become a 60.9 48.4 58.3 38.4 42.1 50.0 43.9 61.8 58.4 58.0 76.5 62.5 49.7 67.6 58.3
scapegoat for all
problems in the family
One or both of your 56.7 50.0 53.8 52.1 47.4 50.0 50.0 57.6 52.9 61.7 70.6 75.0 55.0 52.7 52.8
parents is sick
Family financial 40.0 39.1 45.5 37.0 42.1 50.0 28.0 44.7 46.7 54.3 35.3 50.0 39.2 52.7 44.4
The family is 74.9 71.9 70.5 75.3 78.9 50.0 80.3 74.7 68.6 72.8 82.4 50.0 75.4 68.9 72.2
approved from the
closest community
Harmonious parents 24.7 25.0 25.0 17.8 26.3 40.0 18.2 24.1 26.7 22.2 29.4 25.0 22.2 28.4 22.2
get worse
Relationships with 54.4 57.8 70.5 38.4 31.6 70.0 37.9 54.7 67.5 55.6 58.8 62.5 57.3 59.5 70.8
spouse become out of
Divorced / separated 32.6 37.5 41.7 20.5 36.8 60.0 25.0 28.2 40.8 33.3 17.6 25.0 41.5 31.1 44.4
from spouse
Children/other fam- 20.5 31.3 28.0 21.9 21.1 10.0 12.1 27.6 24.7 29.6 41.2 37.5 21.1 18.9 31.9
ily members used
narcotics because of
influenced by others
Relationships with families are not good, families don’t trust us,
in daily terms, they are stigmatized, want to ask for suspicious
venture capital. Relationships with families are destroyed. Children
also don’t trust their mothers. Children don’t want to talk the same
as his mother. In May of 2017, I entered rehabilitation and ended
in September. Enter again in March of 2018 ended in July. Enter
again in August 2019 until now. Children are disappointed, and
they choose to stay with their grandparents. My father-in-law also
asked my husband and me to divorce, because if I join, use it again.
Clients don’t work, and husbands work part-time for car seats. The
average number of users, including the nieces, is all used. Friends
who don’t use are just a little, but they aren’t close. If you use it, it
will be messier, talk carelessly. Friends who do not use goes away.
There is no respected figure other than her husband and parents,
it is also a mess, let alone the husband also uses it so even though
I respect it is still distrustful and very messy. I live independently
with my husband near the in-law’s house, but after 2016 relapses,
many quarrels, finally, I separated the house and returned to the
parents’ house. The initial repair is after sister brother in law put
me in rehab. The environment around the house when still in
use, do not want to accept, they know but do not care. It can be
concluded that the quality of life after using drugs is destroyed
and not qualified ... ‘“
““.. I don’t feel close to my parents ... not comfortable like that.
Sometimes we talk, but not too much... “(61002, F- 18 Years)
“At the age of (8 years old) he talks like this” he became a righteous
person please, sorry mom waiting here crying every day “he said
just like that .... indirectly my child is growing up with not his age ..
I’m afraid there is, yes the impact of all of that is the impact of my
behavior as his father does give him a good education” (41004- M,
45 years)
Drug abuse affects the life of the closest people to drug users.
Family to be anxious when bringing clients to visit and withdraw
from an extended family environment due to childlike behavior
stealing not only at home but also at relatives’ homes. This thing
causes parents to visit their families rarely. There is a wife who
ultimately often gets rough treatment, both verbal and physical
from a partner who is dependent on drugs. The following is an
acknowledgment from the informant regarding the impact of drug
abuse by a cousin or close relatives:
“In that case, the first change he had earlier understood the
situation, even he used to be able to advise people or advised me
so. Because even the age is different six years, but increasingly
active, he was reacting like a child that is, whenever there is a
problem he immediately gets emotional, then he starts feeling that
way verbally and physically.“ (13019, F).
Having a dispute /
fighting with friends
The table above illustrates that the duration of drugs uses, the greater
tendency to deal with the law. Addicts with drug use over five years
have experienced to be arrested by officers (70.3%), detained officers
(71.8%), processed cases in court (78%), and incarcerated (77.9%). It
shows the more experienced addicts in consuming drugs, the more
likely they are dealing with the law because those who initially only
become drug users can develop to be couriers, dealers, and even drug
dealers to be able to meet their needs in consuming drugs.
“It’s already dirty bro ... labeled as s user, shunned by people ... We
don’t even use it, but people say he is a user ...” (11008, M).
“... The school doesn’t know he uses it, but as there is a problem,
he likes to fight ... hit my class’s sister ... then he was given a
warning letter even though he will do the exam ... often given
warning letter previously because he likes to crash, hit my class’s
sister ...” (61002)
“... school, was dropped out, because of the crime of snatching bro.
The money is used for narcotics use and jackpot gambling. It is
more used for narcotics use especially crystal meth..” (11004, M).
“It’s just a fad ... so believe it yourself ... feels good, .. he has
repeatedly entered the counseling guidance room. I have read
later..then .. given out apparently ... “ (61002)
“when I was in grade 1st Islamic Junior High School, I can still
be top 10 as using narcotics, then after the second year begins
to decline ... I rarely go to schools, often play drugs. No more
concentration, sitting in the back of the class.” (11011, M).
“... the work is disturbed, sis ... if we don’t consume it, most of
us don’t work, just sleep ... when we consume it, we can work ...
income runs out there..” (31003, M - 46 Years)
“... If there are more vacancies ... but I am sick ... so if my body is
not strong, it’s better if I stop ... if people expect us, but can’t work
... it’s better to stop ...” (61004. F-40 Years).
“If there is no more money then stolen it ... I once stole in 2 mosques.
Infaq money ,, and then go tococonut trees people. I climbed the
tree, then I took it and sold it .. “ (11020, M).
Self interest
Spouse interest
Family Support
Legal proceedings
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
The following interview with the respondents told about a child who
receives various supports from parents and close relatives.
“... I feel my family very support me. I started calling both parents,
calling another family yesterday, . It’ was very supportive, bro ... so
I’ was touched, I’ also cried bro. Yes, it was natural that I cried too, I
sinned a lot, I lied a lot too, to both parents, my family. When I joined
to this rehabilitation, my family often used to get angry because I
rarely came home .. came home late at night, in the morning....got
angry. I felt that ahh... i was excluded from my family ... actually i
wasn’t..... bro. My family really loves me, bro” (41008, M)
“….I”m very happy ... to see my mother, brother and sister... happy
we could talk together..“ (31001, M -19 Years)
The addicts really need family in recovery process, but not all
clients get the support. As stated by one rehabilitation officer ::
Among those who visited their familiy who were being rehabilitated,
there were also friends of clients visited. however it was restricted,
because they could be friends who may gave a negative impact to
the clients (PIC). As stated by the following rehabilitation officers:
“... i’m affraid that they were not just an ordinary friends of client,
but also their PIC friends., it’s dangerous. He has asked to use it.
....most of friends are rarely give them support than families ...”
(52020, M)
Self motivation
It is not only support obtained from those closest person, but also it
much needed motivation from the client itself. No matter how much
encouragement was given by the family and closest person, it will
not be able to recover the addiction without any motivation from
the client itself. But it is very difficult for addicts to get it because
the effects of addiction caused by drugs is very large, as well as
the influence of negative friends who will always overshadow the
addicts to go back to use narcotics.
“.... I have a father, sir, ... my father is also a drug dealer too ... then
my father was arrested. Well my “mother” ... I am thinking about
her ... she is my motivation to change ... and make my mam happy,
sir. That’s why I joined this rehab. If it just changes like that ... I
can’t ...“ (11007, M -17 Years)
“... I might feel tired, spend quite a lot of money, I think the money I
spent could be used to build a house, have a family ... that’s what I
think...” (51017, M - 20 Years)
“... i had my goal here so that when i return to Nunukan, i can help
others ...” (51013, M - 32 Years)
Data Self-reported health using the EQ-5D-5L descriptive system and the EQ VAS. Sumber Purba et al, The Indonesian
EQ-5D-5L Value Set. July 2017.
VAS Score
<20 20-29 30-39 40+
Male 81.03 86.84 85.47 83.36
Female 82.50 87.94 85.00 70.00
Total 81.15 86.78 85.45 82.47
“... Yes, it does not stigmatize even though I feel so hard to get
through this to be able to change...” (51012 – M)
But there were also respondents who stated that they would keep
trying not to consume drugs even though they received stigma from the
public. As stated by the following respondents:
“... Thinking about it now. Surely people think put a negative thought
on me huh. but certainly I have to do the best for the family. Let
that stigma ... surely it is my own deed, it’s clear. People also don’t
believe. Most people don’t know what I did in rehab. Maybe they
think it’s like in prison. There are those who know and don’t know
what it seems to be like. IMaybe stigma might still exist. Because
I went home yesterday, to celebrate Eid, i just been there for two
days ... Yes, so why should I go back to the village again, surely
Long-term effects :
• Impairment of thinking ability, memory processing,
and learning functions which also affect brain
• Respiratory problems. Marijuana smoke can cause
irritation on lungs which triggers coughing with
phlegm, lung disease to lung infections.
• Heart rate increase. Marijuana can increase heart
rate after 3 hours of smoking. This can cause heart
• Impairment on infancy. The use of marijuana during
pregnancy may affect infant’s brain and behavior.
Effects on users :
If someone tries to abuse a drug once, and it
becomes a habit, it will tend to be difficult for the
abuser. This abuse can also lead to addiction and
compulsive PCP seeking behavior despite severe
adverse consequences. During this process, there
are long and short term effects depending on the
quantity and the use of the drug.
Short-term effects:
• Extreme happiness and vitality
• High mental alertness
• Hypersensitivity to light, sound, and touch
• Very easily offended
• Paranoia - extreme mistrust of others
• Large amounts of cocaine consumption will trigger
unusual, unexpected, and aggressive behavior
Other effects:
• Vasoconstriction
• Nausea
• Increased body temperature and blood pressure
• Fast and irregular heartbeat
• Tremors and twitching muscles
• Extreme anxiety
Sedative / Xanex Cam- Are medicines that are used to reduce brain
sleeping let/ Calmlet activity so that individuals feel more relaxed. These
pills (Alpra- medicines are usually prescribed to people who are
zolam) always anxious and have trouble sleeping.
Side effects:
• Dry mouth
• Bulging eyes or blurred vision
• Tired or dizzy
• Difficulty urinating or constipation
• Nervous or anxious
• Stomach disease
• Reduced sweating
• Irritated/agitation
References :
Drugabuse.com: https://drugabuse.com
NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse: https://www.drugabuse.gov/
Narconon : https://www.narconon.org
Type and
Effects Class of Sub- Description
Constipa- Anti- psy- General constipation (25% of the frequency
tion chotic: of bowel movements) occurs in psychotic
Clozapine patients who take antipsychotic drugs,
especially clozapine. This drug can cause
gastrointestinal complications, which may
(rarely) cause death. It is estimated that 30-
60% of patients taking clozapine experience
Type and
Effects Class of Sub- Description
Gastroin- Alcohol Alcohol affects the acidity of the digestive system,
testinal which may cause peptic ulcers and a condition
Disorders called Mallory-Weiss Syndrome, i.e., bleeding
that occurs due to tearing of the mucosal lining
between the stomach and esophagus.
Type and
Effects Class of Sub- Description
Hormonal Types Serotonin (pleasure hormone)
effect of brain Dopamine (reward hormone)
hormones Epinephrine - adrenaline hormone to fight
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Research of Drugs Abuse Effects