Spectre-Monte Carlo - Tutorial For Cadence 4.4.3 Using Spectres
Spectre-Monte Carlo - Tutorial For Cadence 4.4.3 Using Spectres
Spectre-Monte Carlo - Tutorial For Cadence 4.4.3 Using Spectres
z Necessary Setup-definitions
Enter the full model paths for all the devices you want a Monte Carlo analysis to be
performed. Model paths are of the form:
Two environment-files have been created for the definition of process-dependent random variables:
update.s and matching.s
and have to be defined in the Analog Artist depending on which analysis you want to perform.
Setup->Environment ...
Start the Monte Carlo tool via the Analog Artist menu
When using the spectreS simulator, Monte Carlo results are limited to scalar values. Keep this in mind
when defining the expressions.
You can define expressions for the Monte Carlo simulation in three possible ways:
You can enter your expression(s) in the Outputs section of the Monte Carlo Analysis form. Enter a
name for the expression and the expression itself in the edit fields above the button row. Then hit
the "Add" button to include your expression in the outputs list for the simulation.
2. Definition via the Analog Artist window
You can define your expression also directly in the Analog Artist window. Choose the Analog Artist
and define your expressions. After the definition has finished, choose
from the Monte Carlo window. Now all expressions should be transfered from the Analog Artist
window to the Monte Carlo window.
You can also use the Calculator for the definition of expressions. To do this hit the "Calculator..."
button. The Calculator will show up. Now you can define your expression in the Calculator. When
you are finished, hit the "Get Expression" button in the Monte Carlo window. This will fetch the
expression from the Calculator to the input field in the Outputs section of the Monte Calro form.
Now you should supply a name for the expression and then add it to the saved outputs by hitting
the "Add" button.
Hint: Sometimes you may want to analyze the influence of certain model parameters (e.g. the oxid
thickness or the VTH of a transistor) on a specific output characteristic (e.g. differential voltage,
gain,..). For this purpose select the device on your schematic and choose the model parameters in
the Calculator via the
mp - button
You then get a list of model parameters from which you can select the ones you are interested in.
Store them also in the Calculator and transfer them to the Monte Carlo window. After the
simulation you can easily perform correlation plots of model parameters to output variables.
{ Choose the Analysis Variation. Remember, that if you want to simulate just Mismatch, you have to
set the "mismatch.s" file in the environment of Analog Artist.
When the simulation is finished, you can display the results via the Results menu of the Monte Carlo
In the upcoming form select which output expressions to plot and hit the "Add" button.
To plot your selection hit "OK". Similarly you can produce scatter plots and correlation tables.
2. Uniform Temperature variations and Monte Carlo Analysis
To vary the temperature uniformly distributed e.g. between x and y degrees (y>x) during a Monte Carlo
analysis proceed as follows:
3. Known problems
z Corner Analysis and Monte Carlo Analysis in the same Analog Artist session.
It is possible to carry out a corner analysis and a Monte Carlo analysis within the same analog artist
session. However, conflicts can occur between the different model paths. It can happen that a corner
model path is used in the Monte Carlo run. Be sure to control the correctness of the specified model
path for either Corner Analysis or Monte Carlo Analysis before starting the simulation.
z Calculator expressions are saved with full path.
This means that you can not transfer calculator expressions for MC-Analysis via the load-command from
one circuit to another without defining the expressions again or editing the paths in the old expressions.
z Saving and subsequent loading of analog artist session states does not always work for MC-
Absolute paths become relative after reloading so that it is necessary to re-edit them. Some simulator
options are not saved at all (results plotting, analog simulator options.)