Value Chain Analysis of Lake Nasser Fisheries in Aswan, Upper Egypt

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Value chain analysis of Lake Nasser

fisheries in Aswan, Upper Egypt

Ahmed Mohamed Nasr-Allah, Olfat Anwar Habib, Malcolm Dickson and Cathryn Dickson


This publication should be cited as: Nasr-Allah AM, Habib OA, Dickson M and Dickson C. 2016.
Value chain analysis of Lake Nasser fisheries in Aswan, Upper Egypt. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish.
Program Report: 2016-11.

This research was funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation as part of the
Youth Employment in Aswan Governorate project, managed by CARE.

The authors would like to express thanks and appreciation to the study team: Mohamed Abdel-Aal,
Madkour Ibraheim, Tag El-Den Abdel-Reheem, Adel Abdel-Rahman, Moustafa Mahmoud,
Yasser Abdel-Hammed, El-Aref Eid, Fathi Hammed and Hussein Abu-Hassan for their effort in data
collection and validation; and the data entry team: Amr El-Terry, Ahmed Negm and Mahmoud Hassan.

Thanks are also due to Wasseem Emam for data analysis and initial report layout.

List of figures 4
List of tables 4
List of abbreviations 5
Executive summary 6
Introduction and background 8
Study methodology and approach 10
Overview of Egyptian fisheries 12
Lake Nasser fisheries value chain mapping 17
Analysis of critical factors and challenges 30
Benchmarking: Farmed vs. wild-caught fish 35
Recommendations 36
References 39
Appendix 1. Average size and sales price of fish reported by fishers 41
Appendix 2. Average sales price for fish at the three trading nodes 42
Appendix 3. Average sales price for fish produced by processors 43


Figure 1. Distribution of fishing zones among fisheries organizations (four cooperatives
and a company) and location of landing harbors in Lake Nasser. 10
Figure 2. Relative capture fisheries catches (excluding aquaculture) from Egyptian
waterbodies in 2013 (% of catch). 12
Figure 3. Geographical position of Aswan governorate within Egypt. 13
Figure 4. Annual trend of catch by fish group from Lake Nasser, 2004–2013. 14
Figure 5. Catch distribution of all species by month in year 2012. 15
Figure 6. Schematic chart for Lake Nasser fisheries value chain. 18
Figure 7. Monthly prices for Aswan tilapia and grade one farmed tilapia in El-Obour
wholesale market in 2013. 35


Table 1. Characteristics of the fisheries organizations in Lake Nasser. 11

Table 2. Number of value chain interviewees. 11
Table 3. List of scientific and common names of fish species in Lake Nasser. 14
Table 4. Salted fish processing. 19
Table 5. Employment creation in the Lake Nasser fisheries value chain. 19
Table 6. Characteristics of fishers interviewed in this study. 20
Table 7. Fishing nets and boats used by fishers in Lake Nasser. 21
Table 8. Operational data for the fishing subsector in Lake Nasser. 22
Table 9. Financial performance of fishers interviewed in this study. 23
Table 10. Characteristics of intermediaries, wholesalers and retailers in Aswan. 23
Table 11. Operational and financial performance for intermediaries, wholesalers and retailers. 25
Table 12. Characteristics of fish processors interviewed in this study. 26
Table 13. Average operational data for the fish processing subsector of the fisheries value
chain in Lake Nasser. 27
Table 14. Financial performance of fish processors interviewed in this study. 28
Table 15. Gross output values (average prices) for the Lake Nasser fisheries value chain. 28
Table 16. Operational and net profits created in the Lake Nasser fisheries value chain. 28
Table 17. Total value added created in Aswan fisheries value chain. 29
Table 18. Fish processing summary table. 29
Table 19. Summary of critical issues constraining the fisheries of Lake Nasser. 30

CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
EEAA Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency
EGP Egypt pound (1 USD = EGP 7.73)
FTE full-time equivalent (jobs)
GAFRD General Authority for Fishery Resources Development
HDLDA High Dam Lake Development Authority
kg kilogram(s)
km kilometer(s)
NGO nongovernmental organization
NIOF National Institute for Oceanography and Fisheries
NRNA Nile River Navigation Authority
SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
t metric ton(s)
YEAG Youth Employment in Aswan Governorate


Lake Nasser is an artificial lake established after construction of the High Dam in Aswan to generate
electricity, control river flooding and supply water for various uses throughout the year. The
lake extends for more than 300 kilometers (km) inside Egypt’s border, with a shoreline of about
7000 km. The lake has become an important source of fish for residents of Aswan and adjacent
governorates in Upper Egypt. Capture fisheries from Lake Nasser represented 55% of the total
production from inland lakes in Egypt in 2013.

Although the fishery in Lake Nasser has existed for more than 40 years, its economic performance
is not well understood or documented. To improve understanding of fisheries performance in
Lake Nasser, this report presents the outputs of a value chain analysis of the sector. Individual
interviews and focus group discussions with fishers, traders (intermediaries, wholesalers and
retailers) and processors were used to collect quantitative and qualitative information about
financial performance, employment creation and critical factors impacting performance of each
node throughout the chain.

Tilapia (bolti) account for 75% of capture volume, while Alestes spp. (raya) and tigerfish (kalb el
samak) together account for about 13% of total capture. Other fish recorded in the catch are Nile
perch (samoos), squeaker catfish (shall), sharptooth catfish (karmout) and Bagrus catfish (bayad).
The key features of the fisheries value chain are as follows:

• Trammel and gill nets are the main fishing nets used by fishers in Lake Nasser.
• All fish caught are destined for local consumption, with no record of exports. This is similar to
the value chain for Egyptian aquaculture.
• Fish processing is an important subsector of the Aswan fisheries value chain. Some fish species
(mainly tigerfish and Alestes spp.) are only consumed after going through a salting process.
These species comprise about 13% of total catch. Processing of fresh tilapia and Nile perch
(fillets and degutted) has developed more recently to meet demand from local tourist hotels.
• Tilapia and Nile perch are sold fresh on ice. Since fishing trips take on average 2.5 days from
the fishing ground to landing harbors, ice is essential to maintain quality during transport to
landing sites and during delivery to markets. However, availability of a sufficient supply of clean
ice is an ongoing problem.
• Intermediaries play an important role in collecting catches from fishers in their fishing camps
and selling on to wholesalers at landing sites or in the market.
• The fisheries sector contributes significantly to direct job creation, including for youth. One
hundred metric tons (t) of fish caught and sold provides an average of 29.99 full-time equivalent
jobs (FTE). Fish processing also contributes to direct job creation, providing 5.8 FTE for each
hundred tons processed. No women are employed in the fisheries or fish processing sectors
in Aswan, although there are prospects for female employment in fish processing. Most of the
fishers (57%) are under 30 years old and 49%–59% of other employees are under 30. Using
official General Authority for Fishery Resources Development (GAFRD) fish catch statistics for
Lake Nasser, this leads to a total employment estimate for the value chain of 8227 FTE.

Examining costs and earnings for each node in the value chain allowed comparison across the
various subsectors. Some key findings from data analysis in this study are the following:

• The average catch in the three fishing harbors per boat per day was 42 kilograms (kg), and the
average catch per fisher per day was 20 kg.
• Fishers obtained a relatively low percentage (49%) of the final consumer price, due to the long
supply chain.

• The average total cost in the three fishing harbors was EGP 5210/t. This represents the break-
even sales price; i.e. the average price of all fish sold by a fisher must be more than EGP 5210/t if
the fisher is to cover operational costs.
• Wages of fishers represented the highest proportion of operational costs in the three harbors
(54%). Similarly, fishing nets represented 54% of annual fixed costs of fishing.
• Operating costs represented the highest percentage (73%) of total costs for all fisheries
subsectors in the value chain, while fixed costs accounted for the remainder (27%).
• For the fishing subsector, operating profits were 37% and net profits were 15% of sales. For
intermediaries, operating profits were 13.4% and net profits were 10.8% of sales. Corresponding
figures for the wholesaler subsector were 21.7% and 20.5% of sales, and for the retail subsector,
25% and 22.2% of sales.
• Operating profits generated throughout the value chain were EGP 8972/t for fish caught and
sold, net profits were EGP 6896/t, and value added (net profits plus wage earnings) was EGP
10,375/t. The fishing and retail subsectors together contributed more than 60% of total profits
and value added for all of these indicators, with intermediaries and wholesalers contributing the
remaining 40%.
• Fish processing is an important subsector of the fisheries value chain in Aswan. Processing of
fresh fish generated 5.7 FTE/100 t of processed fish, while salted fish processing generated 5.5
FTE/100 t processed. Fresh fish processing led to higher value added (EGP 3652/t) than salted
fish processing (EGP 2507/t).

The above figures confirm that the fishery in Lake Nasser generates considerable profits and
employment. However, the current study also suggests that the fishery is under pressure from

overfishing. Critical factors facing the fisheries sector and impacting profitability can be grouped
into those related to (i) inputs, (ii) capture, and (iii) marketing, transportation and sale of product.

With regard to inputs, the availability and price of fuel have had a critical impact on costs and
profits. Additional problems of considerable importance include (i) availability of daily work
requirements (bread and other food), (ii) availability and quality of fishing gears, (iii) access to
credit, (iv) availability and quality of ice and salt, and (v) obtaining licenses and permission for
fishing or processing.

At the capture level, critical factors are (i) lack of services to fishers while fishing, (ii) poor living
conditions in the lake, (iii) competition at the fishing grounds, and (iv) absence of security in and
around the lake. Other capture problems are lack of experience in using new fishing methods and
consumption of fish by predators.

With regard to the marketing and distribution of fish, the study showed that the critical factors
are (i) poor postharvest handling practices and facilities throughout the value chain and (ii) the
absence of a fish auction in Aswan. Other important limiting factors include manipulation of fish
prices, fluctuating selling prices and lack of export opportunities. Demand for processed fish fell
after the revolution in 2011 due to a decline in the number of tourists visiting Aswan.

This report provides recommendations for support to the fisheries sector in Aswan, which follow
directly from these challenges and critical factors. It is recommended that some of the necessary
actions be the responsibility of the sector itself, some the responsibility of the government, and
some the responsibility of donors and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). For meaningful
improvements to take place in value chain performance, substantial action and investments will be
needed by many stakeholders.


Background issues and pro-poor growth. In the case of

export products it can highlight global linkages.
This report documents the outputs of the Value chain analysis is composed of a number
Aswan fisheries value chain study that took of steps described in detail by Macfadyen et al.
place in January and February 2015. This (2011). The first is to describe the overall market
value chain analysis forms part of the Youth within which the specific value chain operates.
Employment in Aswan Governorate (YEAG) The second is to describe the value chain itself.
project funded by the Swiss Agency for This includes considering who is involved and
Development and Cooperation (SDC) and led tries to capture quantitative and qualitative
by CARE Egypt in partnership with WorldFish. information on employment, revenues, profits
and unit product values for those involved
The aim of the YEAG project is to increase in the value chain. Analysis is also conducted
incomes and employment for youth, women to assess the critical challenges and factors
and men in Aswan by focusing on improving impacting value addition through the chain.
the performance of key value chains and Finally, these descriptive and analytical steps
enhancing the enabling environment. The can be used to identify possible interventions
current study concentrates on mapping and to the critical challenges, and to specify

documenting fisheries value chains from fishers an implementation plan to bring about an
to retailers to identify the scope for job creation, upgrade or development of the value chain.
livelihood improvement and poverty reduction.
An important component of value chain
This work was carried out by the WorldFish analysis is the recognition that support and
team together with a team of local experts from action for improving performance can be
the High Dam Lake Development Authority achieved both by those within the value chain
(HDLDA). itself and by those outside it. Businesses in the
chain can improve performance by reducing
Introduction to value chain analysis costs, increasing outputs and/or increasing the
prices of their products. Typically, mechanisms
A value chain is a sequence of related to do so involve value chain actors being more
enterprises (operators) conducting activities efficient at what they do and improving the
(functions) so as to add value to a product from quality or value of the product being sold to the
its primary production, through its processing next actor in the value chain.
and marketing, to the final sale of the product
to consumers. The functions of each link in The development of a detailed value chain
the chain involve sourcing inputs, making and analysis can highlight the various opportunities
producing, and then delivering and selling and constraints associated with the system in
the product to the next link in the chain question as well as help to explain the market
(Kaplinsky and Morris 2001; Macfadyen et al. dynamics at play. This helps identify areas
2011). Value chain analysis was first described where there is potential to increase the value
and popularized by Michael Porter in the mid- added, either through improving the product
1980s (Porter 1985). The methodology is used itself, through producing it in a more efficient
to assess the relative importance of factors way, or by introducing additional higher-value
affecting competitiveness and the costs and services. After this process has been undergone,
earnings for those involved in the value chain. appropriate livelihood interventions can then
It helps to identify gaps or weaknesses in be identified and pursued.
value chain performance and, perhaps most
importantly, it aids identification of levers and External influencing factors, such as national
targeted action programs to upgrade and policy, the presence of other projects (either
improve value chain performance. Value chain private sector or government-administered)
analysis also involves benchmarking changes and the infrastructure in place must also be
over time and allows a focus on distributional considered. Such factors represent the enabling
environment for the governance of the value • From the perspective of fish value chain
chain and influence the likelihood of success for livelihoods, analyze the constraints and
each activity. opportunities in the value chain (from the
point of initial sale at the landing).
Given SDC’s interest in addressing youth • Make recommendations on pilot
unemployment, the present study focuses on interventions and partnerships with the
the potential to achieve job creation within potential to significantly expand livelihood
fishing communities and low-income groups. opportunities in the value chains.
This is the first study of the fisheries value chain • Consider job creation by the sector across
in Lake Nasser and could form the basis of the chain.
further studies. • Understand the costs and benefits of the
different subsectors of the value chain.
The YEAG project and fisheries • Where apparent during the course of field
work, note and describe any significant
The YEAG project is a 3-year intervention that planned or proposed investments targeting
began in September 2014. The aim of the YEAG the fishing economy in Aswan governorate
project is to increase incomes and employment (e.g. new port or processing facilities);
for youth, women and men in Aswan in the where possible, identify key levers and/or
agriculture sector, including fisheries. WorldFish approaches that would improve the poverty
was subcontracted through CARE International impacts of such investments.
(Egypt) to lead the fisheries activities of the • Identify the problems and opportunities


project. WorldFish solicited feedback from facing different actors in the fisheries value
local fishers regarding problems faced and chain.
ideas on how to address them during scoping
trips to Aswan in January and February 2014.
During project preparation, the WorldFish
team identified the need to carry out a value
chain analysis to identify potential areas for
intervention to improve performance of the
fisheries sector and create employment.

Study objectives
The objectives of the Lake Nasser fisheries value
chain study were to do the following:
• Identify and describe the products and
any distinct subgroups that constitute the
main focus for this study (wild-caught fish)
and, where possible, provide an estimate
of applicable production volumes (e.g. by
landing, main market or region).
• Map the value chain for fish caught from
Lake Nasser and the flow of fish products
through the chain(s). In doing so, identify the
various actors, their functions and existing
linkages in these fisheries value chains;
identify and as far as possible describe
any significant chains that lead into other
• Conduct a preliminary analysis of the input-
output structure and the distribution of
margins and return on investment along the
• Identify significant trends and policy
changes influencing fisheries value chains.

The study was completed by two teams: data • The questionnaires were translated into
collection (eight individuals) and data entry English for data entry and reporting.
(three individuals). Both teams had previous • The team discussed and agreed on a detailed
experience in data collection from fishers in activity and travel schedule and finalized and
Lake Nasser through their work in the Water printed multiple copies of the questionnaire
and Food Challenge Program (waterandfood. for fieldwork.
org). Three main target groups were identified
in this study: fishers, traders (intermediaries, As shown in Figure 1, Lake Nasser is divided
wholesalers and retailers) and fish processors. into five fishing zones that have been allocated
to four fishing cooperative societies through
The work for this study consisted of three main two national decrees: Decree No. 621, issued
stages: planning, data collection and data entry. in 1981, and Decree No. 45, issued in 1985
(van Zweiten et al. 2011; Halls et al. 2015). The
Planning numbers of fishing boats and fishers and the
designated landing harbor for each cooperative
The study team carried out the following are displayed in Table 1.

activities during planning:

• The study team leader made a presentation To ensure equal representation in the value
on value chain analysis to the rest of the team. chain analysis survey, fishers were selected
• The team designed and drafted (in Arabic) on a stratified random basis in the three fish
three questionnaires to be used in the study landing sites (Aswan, Garf Hussein and Abu
(one for fishers, one for processors—of Simbel). For fish processors, who are only based
both fresh and salted fish—and one for the in Aswan, the sample was selected randomly
postharvest subsector; i.e. intermediaries, from a list of fish processors. Fish traders were
wholesalers and retailers). selected to represent different trading activities
• The study team tested and revised the (intermediaries, wholesalers and retailers).
questionnaires—adding questions,
rephrasing and simplifying wording for the
interviewees as appropriate.

Distribution of fishing areas of Lake Nasser

Aswan harbor
1 1. Misr Aswan Company
(187 km shoreline)
2. Aswan Sons Cooperative Society
Garf Hussein harbor (300 km shoreline)

3. Fishermen Cooperative Society (Mother)
(800 km shoreline)

4. Nubian Cooperative Society

(370 km shoreline)
Abu Simbel harbor
5. El-Takamol Cooperative Society
5 (66 km shoreline)

Source: High Dam Lake Development Authority (HDLDA).

Figure 1. Distribution of fishing zones among fisheries organizations (four
cooperatives and a company) and location of landing harbors in Lake Nasser.

Data collection Data entry and analysis
The data collectors were organized into three The responses to the questionnaires were
groups, one for each of the three landing entered into an Excel spreadsheet. Each
harbors: Aswan, Garf Hussein and Abu Simbel. completed questionnaire was reviewed and
The strategy was to interview fishers at their checked for validity by the corresponding
campsites at the lake and/or at the landing interviewer. The data was then analyzed to
harbors while they were landing their catch. A generate the outputs presented in this report.
group of four or five data collectors also hired
boats to reach fishers at their fishing camps Operating and fixed costs estimation:
near the Aswan High Dam, at Garf Hussein and Operating costs for fishers are the costs that
in the Abu Simbel area. vary depending on the amount of fish captured.
Typical costs include boat fuel, fishing gears,
Fish processors are based only in Aswan and labor, transport, ice, and sales commission paid
were usually visited by two data collectors to intermediaries or wholesalers. For fish traders
at their site of operation. Fish traders were and processors, operating costs include fish
interviewed in Aswan and Abu Simbel, where bought, transportation, ice, fuel, electricity and
most of their activities were concentrated. The wages.
number of interviewees for each category are
listed in Table 2. A few interviews with fishers Fixed costs are the costs that do not vary


were excluded after data validation meetings depending on production volumes. These
with data collectors and managers of the typically include boat or equipment repair and
three fishing harbors. One fish processor was maintenance and government license fees.
excluded because he worked in processing of Depreciation costs have been estimated by
both fresh and salted fish. Another trader was obtaining information on the replacement of
excluded because he worked in more than one fixed assets and depreciation over standardized
segment of the fish trade. lifespans for each item; e.g. nets over 3 years,
boats over 7 years, freezers and fridges over 7
years, and fish handling boxes over 3 years.

Cooperative society or company # of # of # of # of Landing site

fishing fishers carrier transport
boats boats* cars**
Misr Aswan Company 218 780 3 (3) - Aswan
Aswan Sons Cooperative Society 615 2,300 25 (20) 35 Aswan
Fishermen Cooperative Society (Mother) 1,632 7,880 84 (20) 20 Garf Hussein
Nubian Cooperative Society 520 2,230 33 (18) 8 Abu Simbel
El-Takamol Cooperative Society 61 260 4 (4) - Abu Simbel
Total 3,046 13,450 149 (65) 63
* Numbers in parentheses refer to the estimated number of carrier boats actually operating and landing fish in the
** The number of fish transport cars operated by wholesalers and traders (harbor manager’s estimate).
Source: Halls et al. (2015).
Table 1. Characteristics of the fisheries organizations in Lake Nasser.

Interviewee category Number interviewed Number included in the analysis

Fishers 170 162
Processors (fresh and salted) 23 22
Traders (intermediaries, wholesalers 24 23
and retailers)
Table 2. Number of value chain interviewees.

National overview Despite this, the Lake Nasser fishery is locally

important as the main source of fish for
Despite receiving little rainfall, Egypt has Upper Egypt, where aquaculture has not yet
extensive marine and freshwater aquatic developed. Figure 3 shows the location of the
resources for fish production. It has over 1800 Aswan governorate within Egypt. Due to the
km of marine shoreline on the Mediterranean high quality of catch, processors of tilapia and
to the north and the Red Sea to the east. Inland Nile perch in Aswan began targeting tourist
but close to the Mediterranean coast, there are hotels and restaurants after the lake was
five brackish-water lakes: Bardawel, Manzala, created in the late 1960s. Also, there is potential
Burullus, Edku and Mariout, most of which are for export of fish from Lake Nasser if good
fed indirectly from the Nile through water from postharvest handling practices are adopted.
agricultural irrigation schemes. There are a few
brackish-water lakes further inland, including
Lake Qaroun and the Rayan Lakes near Fayoum. National macroeconomic and food
The Nile River itself is also an important fishery. security context affecting the sector
In Upper Egypt, Lake Nasser is the major fishery, With an estimated population of 87 million
providing an important source of income (CAPMAS 2014), Egypt has the 15th largest

and livelihood generation for fishers, traders population in the world, the third-largest
and processors in Aswan and attracting large population in Africa and the largest population
numbers of fishers from other governorates in in the Arab region. The population has been
Upper Egypt. increasing in recent years by around 2 million
per year. Lake Nasser represents an important
While Egypt has a long history of fishing source of livelihood and food security not
activities, yields from capture fisheries have only for the 1.4 million residents of Aswan, but
shown only limited increases in recent years. also for many people living in surrounding
Capture fisheries output increased from governorates, including Sohage (4.5 million),
305,000 t in 1993 to 357,000 t in 2013 (GAFRD Qena (2.9 million) and Luxor (1.1 million;
2015). In contrast, aquaculture production CAPMAS 2014).
(mainly from ponds near the Nile delta lakes)
increased from 54,000 to 1.08 million metric
tons over the same period (GAFRD 2015),
indicating that aquaculture now provides the
main source of fish for Egyptians.

% of total fisheries catch

Northern lakes and lagoons
12% Nile River
42% Mediterranean Sea
Red Sea
18% Lake Nasser

19% Other inland lakes

Source: GAFRD (2015).

Figure 2. Relative capture fisheries catches (excluding aquaculture) from Egyptian
waterbodies in 2013 (% of catch).
Since Upper Egypt is far from the main farmed However, data anomalies such as the rapid
fish production centers in the Nile Delta, fish increase in recorded catch of Nile perch between
captured from the lake is an important source 2008 and 2009 suggest that there have been
of animal protein for local consumers. Aswan is inconsistencies in data collection and recording.
famous for production of salted fish (muluha)
made from particular species caught in Lake Distribution of catches in 2012 (Figure 5) shows
Nasser. There is good market demand for that the lowest catches were recorded in April
muluha in Aswan and other governorates of and May and the highest in June, July and
Upper Egypt, especially during Easter and Eid November.
Institutional, policy and legal context
The economic importance of Lake governing the fisheries sector in Egypt
Nasser fisheries The Ministry of Agriculture and Land
Lake Nasser is a rich waterbody home to 52 fish Reclamation has overall responsibility for
species belonging to 15 families (van Zwieten managing the fisheries and aquaculture
et al. 2011). During recent decades, the lake’s sector. Implementation of sector policy and
ecosystem has undergone change and species management was delegated to GAFRD in 1983,
diversity has declined (Béné et al. 2009). Some when Presidential Decree No. 90/183 articulated
species are restricted to the southern part of the the powers and duties of GAFRD. Act No. 124


lake, while others are found only occasionally (1983) on fishing, aquatic life and aquaculture is
in the catch. Table 3 lists the important species the main body of fisheries legislation regarding
recorded in the catch from Lake Nasser. Tilapia, the sector. The act focuses on maintaining
including Oreochomis niloticus, Sarotherodon the fisheries catch in the Mediterranean Sea
galilaeus, Tilapia zillii and Oreochromis aureus, and Red Sea, as well as inland waters. The
form the bulk of the catch, comprising as much act covers the issuing of fishing licenses to
as 80% of the total catch by weight. fishers and fishing boat licenses. The act also
mentions specifications for fishing nets used
Official statistics of fish catches from Lake by fishers in their fishing activities. This act
Nasser by species group for the past 10 years names the National Institute of Oceanography
are presented in Figure 4. It shows that recorded and Fisheries (NIOF) as the scientific institution
fish catches declined in the last 5 years mainly responsible for stock assessment studies and
due to reduced tilapia and Nile perch catches. issuing advice on fisheries management.

El-Shaikh Idfu
Nagaa AR
Ritaj Al Bahari
Al Madiq
Izbat Al
Daraw Khamr Al Qibil
Al Aqabah Nagaa Baqlawis
as Saghirah


Lake Nasser

Abu Simbel

Figure 3. Geographical position of Aswan governorate within Egypt.

Scientific name Common names
English Arabic transliteration Arabic
Oreochromis niloticus Nile tilapia Bolti nily ‫ بلطى ابيض‬-‫بلطى نيىل‬
Sarotherodon galilaeus Tilapia Bolti galily ‫بلطى جليىل‬
Oreochromis aureus Blue tilapia Bolti azrag ‫ بلطى ازرق‬-‫بلطى اوريا‬
Tilapia zillii Tilapia zillii Bolti akhdar/shabar ‫ض‬
�‫اخ� – شبار اخ‬ ‫بلطى ض‬
Lates niloticus Nile perch Samoos ‫ ساموس‬-‫ق� بياض‬ ‫ش‬
Bagrus bayad, B. docmak Bagrus catfish Bayad ‫بياض‬
Labeo niloticus, L. Nile carp, black carp Lebis ‫لبيس‬
coubei, L. horie
Barbus bynni Barbel Binni �‫نب‬
Hydrocynus forskalii Tigerfish Kalb el samak ‫كلب السمك‬
Alestes dentex, A. Silverside/pebbly fish Raya ‫الراية‬
baremoze, A. nurse
Schilbe mystus Silver catfish Shelba ‫شلبة‬
Mormyrus kannume, M. Bottlenose Bweeza ‫بويزة‬

Clarias gariepinus Sharptooth catfish Karmout ‫قرموط –حوت‬

Heterobranchus Vundu Karmout ‫قرموط –حوت‬
Synodontis schall, S. Squeaker/shieldhead Shall ‫ قرقور‬-‫الشال‬
serratus catfish
Auchenoglanis Black spotted catfish Krafsh -‫ زمر‬- ‫الحلوف (كرفش شال‬
biscutatus )‫دقمان‬
Malapterurus electricus Electric catfish Raash ‫الرعاش‬/‫الرعاد‬
Table 3. List of scientific and common names of fish species in Lake Nasser.


Metric tons/year



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Total Tilapia Nile perch Other
Note: “Other” includes tigerfish, raya, labeos and unidentified species.
Source: GAFRD (2015).

Figure 4. Annual trend of catch by fish group from Lake Nasser, 2004–2013.

Management of fisheries in Lake Nasser is a On 14 June 2001, the Prime Minister issued
special case compared to other inland lakes several decrees to end the monopoly of the
in Egypt. Since 1973 the lake was managed marketing companies and liberalize fish trade.
under the Ministry of Construction and Housing The Prime Minister’s decree allocated 60%
and Land Reclamation through HDLDA. The of the shoreline of the lake to members of
Fishery Management Center was responsible cooperative societies and 40% to investment
for development and research within Lake by companies or persons with the relevant
Nasser. After Act No.124 (1983), GAFRD technical and financial abilities. In 2004, the lake
became responsible for issuing fishing cards was divided into six sectors. A tender took place
(for fishers) and fishing licenses (for boats). and six companies were selected through the
Then in 1996 HDLDA became part of the tender.
Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation
and in 2001 became fully responsible for Due to the social importance of the Lake
fisheries management. In 2010, according to Nasser fishery to surrounding societies, the
a memorandum of understanding between Governor of Aswan decided in 2004 to organize
GAFRD and HDLDA, responsibility for licenses price setting for fish catches. The Governor
and supervision of fisher societies reverted formed a committee from representatives of
to GAFRD. However, responsibility for different organizations to determine the fish
management of harbors remained with HDLDA. price. This committee decided fish prices every
2 weeks according to the price of fish at the
Allocation of fishing zones in Lake Nasser is wholesale market in Cairo (El-Obour market).


decided according to Ministry of Construction The Governor also allocated the Egyptian Fish
and Housing and Land Reclamation Decree Marketing Company and Misr Aswan Company
No. 621 (1981) and modified in Decree No. 45 the entire fish catch in their sectors. However,
(1985). these measures were unpopular, and in 2008
the fish pricing committee was disbanded and
Since 1979, Lake Nasser has been the only lake fishers now sell their catch freely.
in Egypt that was subject to compulsory pricing
of fish sales according to several decrees by The Ministry of Interior through the Aquatic
the Minister of Food Supply. Landing of fresh Police is responsible for security on the lake.
fish coming from the lake was shared between Fishing is only allowed by those with licenses.
two state-owned companies, the Egyptian Fish The Ministry of Interior also works closely with
Marketing Company and Misr Aswan Company. GAFRD to prohibit the use of illegal fishing nets
The two companies were responsible for and fishing gear in the lake. Border guards have
processing, freezing, packing and transporting a limited role in controlling smugglers.
fish to market.



Metric tons





Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Source: GAFRD (2015).
Figure 5. Catch distribution of all species by month in 2012.

This review of the stakeholders involved in At Eid, Easter and other occasions, traders rely
managing fisheries in Lake Nasser indicates on bringing fresh farmed fish from the Nile
a complex arrangement with participation Delta to meet market demand and fill the gap
by several authorities, which results in poor caused by declining local supply. Consumers
management of the resource and overlapping prefer this to imported frozen fish, which is
responsibilities for licensing, leasing and viewed with distrust. Tilapia processing (mainly
security (Halls 2015). degutting and filleting) is an important business
in Aswan. However, because tourist hotels and
The market for Aswan fish restaurants were the main market, demand for
these products declined following the January
Due to increasing demand, Egypt imports 2011 revolution. Currently, processed tilapia
much more fish than it exports. In 2013, fish and Nile perch are sold in local Aswan markets
imports reached 235,851 t, whereas fish exports for home consumption. Additional information
were only 20,452 t. The imports include low- on the marketing of captured fish is provided in
value species such as frozen wild mackerel and Table 11 (Section on Fish traders).
farmed pangasius, as well as higher-value fish
such as shrimp and salmon.

Most of the fish caught from Lake Nasser is sold

fresh on ice, including species such as tilapia,
Nile perch and catfish, while other species,

such as tigerfish and raya (Alestes spp.), are sold

salted. There is good market demand for salted
fish in Upper Egypt.

Photo Credit: Mohamed Abdel-Aal/WorldFish

A man filleting fish on the side of the road, Abu Simbel, Aswan.


Figure 6 summarizes the results of the value

chain mapping and analysis, while further
Employment creation in the fisheries
details are set out in subsequent sections. value chain
Because the main focus of the YEAG project
While most of the fish (all the tilapia and Nile is on youth employment and creating jobs
perch) is handled and traded as fresh fish, for youth, interviewers made special efforts
salted fish (muluha) is a product that is unique to collect information on this topic during
to Upper Egypt and comes mainly from Lake fieldwork. In addition to information on the
Nasser. It is important because the fishers can number of people employed, interviewees were
begin processing the fish in their remote camps
asked to provide the following information for
on the lake. In addition, it is a stable product,
each subsector of the value chain:
which unlike fresh fish does not need to be
chilled or transported on ice.
• whether employment is full-time, part-time
or seasonal;


Muluha is made from tigerfish, raya (Alestes
spp.), Nile carp (Labeo spp.) and other species • the number of working days per year for
that cannot be sold as fresh fish. This means part-time and seasonal workers;
that fishers can continue fishing and processing • whether employees are men or women;
even when they are not being visited by carrier • whether employees are over or under the
boats or cannot land their fresh fish to shore- age of 30;
based traders. The steps and actors involved in • where labor comes from.
muluha processing are described in Table 4.
After information on employment was
Processing starts in the fishing camp immediately acquired, the data was analyzed and converted
after the fish has been landed. The first step is to into FTE jobs, thereby enabling the generation
open the belly cavity of large fish, remove the gut of quantitative information on employment
contents and wash. The fish are then sorted and creation in the value chain (Table 5). From the
graded before being placed on mats in layers interview responses about the number of days
with salt spread on each layer (20 kg salt per 100 typically worked in the various subsectors, the
kg fish) and covered with a blanket or mat to following FTE estimates were obtained: 1 FTE
protect them from the sun. After 2–3 days, the = 300 days in fishing, fish processing and the
moisture level in the fish has dropped and they intermediary subsector; and 1 FTE = 330 days in
are ready to be placed in plastic barrels, during the wholesaling and retail trading subsectors.
which a further 10 kg of salt is added to each 100
kg of fish. After 5–7 days in barrels, the fish are The greatest number of jobs was in the fishing
repacked into tins (usually 20-liter cooking oil subsector at 18.1 FTE per 100 t of fish sold.
tins) and again 10 kg of salt is added to each 100 This equates to 60% of FTE across the value
kg of fish. At this stage, 100 kg of fresh fish results chain, whereas wholesaler employment
in around 80 kg of salted fish. contributed only 5% of total FTE. Based on the
FTE calculations, it is estimated that each 100 t
The salted fish remain in tins for 15–20 days at of fish caught generates around 30 jobs in the
ambient temperatures. During this time the fish value chain. More than 90% of fishers working in
is transported to the premises of one of the 50 Lake Nasser are from Upper Egypt governorates
muluha processing businesses based in Aswan. (Fayoum, Sohag and Qena). Meanwhile, 50% of
After arrival the fish is re-sorted and graded and wholesalers and 65% of retailers are also from
the salt is replaced (around 3–5 kg salt for each
outside Aswan (Table 5). This indicates that the
20 kg of fish). The final product from 100 kg of
fisheries sector is an important source of job
fresh fish is around 70 kg of salted fish (muluha),
creation not just for Aswan but also for other
which the processors sell to traders in Aswan, in
governorates, including those of Upper Egypt.
Upper Egypt, or in Cairo and the Nile delta.

Average fishing trip is 2.5 days; average catch is 20 kg/day;
average sales price is EGP 6.3/kg (all species)
Quantities: Tilapia 76%; raya and tigerfish 13.6%; Nile perch, bayad and other 10.4%
Employment: 18.1 FTE per 100 t of fish caught

Intermediaries Fish processors

• Sell 620 kg/day, average EGP 9.32/kg Fresh fish processors: 98.4 t/year
• Average sales value/year: EGP 1.744 million • Hold fish on average for 4–5 days
• Tilapia and Nile perch sold on ice • Average sales price: EGP 21/kg
• Raya and tigerfish sold salted in tins • Average sales: EGP 1.77 million/year
• 3.19 FTE per 100 t sold • By volume degutted: fish 84%; fillet 16%
• Product sold frozen
• 5.7 FTE per 100 t

Salted fish processors: 71 t/year

Wholesalers • Hold fish an average for 4–5 days
• Sell 1730 kg/day, average EGP 10.4/kg • Average sales price: EGP 13.7/kg
• Average sales value/year: EGP 5.4 million • Average sales: EGP 0.975 million/year
• Tilapia and Nile perch sold on ice • Raya and tigerfish represent 93%
• Raya and tigerfish sold salted in tins • Product sold in salt in tins or jars
• 1.63 FTE per 100 t sold • 5.5 FTE per 100 t

26% of salted fish

14% of fresh fish
66.5% of fresh fish

• Sell 104 kg/day, average sales price: EGP 12.79/kg
• Average sales value: EGP 438,573/year
• Tilapia and Nile perch sold on ice for local consumers
• Raya and tigerfish sold salted in tins
• 7.08 FTE per 100 t sold

Upper Egypt markets: 35% fresh fish, 50% salted fish and 24% processed fresh

El-Obour (Cairo) and other markets in Delta: 50% fresh fish, 24% salted fish and 9%
processed fresh

Figure 6. Schematic chart for Lake Nasser fisheries value chain.

Step Capture Initial curing Final curing Retailing
By whom Fishers Fishers Processors Retailers or
Inputs Fishing boats, Salt, tins or Salted fish, salt, Whole salted fish,
required nets, fuel, food, containers for tins or containers fillets of salted fish
labor, fish (raya, packing fish, food, for repacking fish,
tigerfish, labeos) fuel, labor, fish weighing balance,
storeroom, transport,
Details Average muluha Activities carried Activities in the fish • 26% sold by
fish catch/boat out in fishing processing store: retailers in Aswan
is 1,688 kg/ camps: • Re-sort and grade • 50% sold to
year: 963 kg • Sort and grade • Add more salt wholesalers from
raya, 150 kg • Open gut and (3–5 kg/tin) Upper Egypt
large tigerfish, clean • Final curing for • 24% sold to
250 kg medium • Use 40 kg salt 15–30 days wholesalers in
tigerfish and per 100 kg fish Cairo and Delta
325 kg small


• Initial curing for Average production
tigerfish 5–7 days per processor per year:
• Later packed • 25 t raya
into tins for • 8.4 t large tigerfish
transfer to fish • 12.6 t medium
processor tigerfish
• 100 kg fresh fish • 20 t small tigerfish
produces 75–80 • 2.5 t salted fish fillet
kg salted fish

Table 4. Salted fish processing.

Employment Jobs (FTE) Proportion of Full-time Youth (% Source of labor

per 100 t FTE across the jobs (% less than 30
Aswan Other
sold value chain of FTE) years old)
Fishers 18.1 60% 79% 57% 9% 91%
Intermediaries 3.19 11% 78% 53% 47% 53%
Wholesalers 1.63 5% 95% 59% 50% 50%
Fish retailers 7.08 24% 97% 49% 35% 65%
TOTAL 29.99 100%
Table 5. Employment creation in the Lake Nasser fisheries value chain.

Across all subsectors, most work was full time across the value chain of 8227 FTE, with 4785
(>79%), while in fish retailing and wholesaling, FTE engaged directly in fishing. However, it is
almost all employment was full time (97% and very likely that GAFRD figures are significantly
95% respectively). The number of FTE days underestimated because of underreporting of
contributed by those under 30 years of age catches to avoid fish landing taxes, which also
was 49%–59%, indicating that working in the casts doubt on the total employment figure
fisheries value chain is an acceptable option (Halls et al. 2015).
for young men. All fishers interviewed were
men, which was attributed to the remoteness
of fishing grounds from harbors and poor living
conditions in fishing camps. However, the study The characteristics of the fishers interviewed
team met a few families who were living in the in this study are described in Table 6. Similar
Lake Nasser area and also women who were not numbers of fishers were interviewed at each
involved in the fishing sector. Job creation in fish landing site. Most fishers were married
fish processing activities is presented separately (82%), were in possession of a fishing license
in Table 12, as only a limited percentage of (83%), and had no access to alternative sources
catches undergoes processing. Fresh fish of income (90%). The average number of family
processing generates slightly more jobs dependents was 5.5. The average time spent

compared to salted fish processing (5.7 and 5.5 working in fishing was 24 years (ranging from
FTE/100 t, respectively). 6 to 44 years) and the average time spent
working at the same fishing location was 16
The 10-year average estimated by GAFRD years, indicating a high level of stability within
for fish catches from Lake Nasser is 26,704 t, the sector.
which results in total estimated employment

General information Aswan Garf Hussein Abu Simbel Overall

Number interviewed 55 51 56 162
Average age of respondents 35 47 40 41
% possessing a fishing license 82% 98% 70% 83%
Number of licenses in operation 66 129 63 258
Level of education attained
University 2% 4% 4% 3%
High school 27% 27% 23% 26%
Primary school 11% 10% 11% 10%
No education 60% 59% 63% 60%
Years of experience in fishing 19 29 24 24
±1.4 ±1.8 ±1.7
Number of years fishing in the same location 15 17 15 16
±1.4 ±1.7 ±1.7
% that are married 73% 92% 82% 82%
Family size (individuals) 5.4 5.1 5.9 5.5
±0.3 ±0.3 ±0.5
Have another income source 13% 12% 5% 10%
Table 6. Characteristics of fishers interviewed in this study.

Data on the four types of fishing nets and three generated per hundred metric tons (20.8) was
types of boats used by fishers in the lake is recorded in Aswan, followed by Garf Hussein
presented in Table 7. Trammel nets (duk) were (18.4), while the lowest was in Abu Simbel (15.4
the most widely used for catching species for FTE/100 t). In all areas, tilapia made up the bulk
fresh fish sales; e.g. tilapia, Nile perch, bayad of the catch (average 76%). However, in the
and large-sized catfish. These are reported to Aswan area, a higher proportion of the total
have higher catch rates compared with floating catch (57.6%) was small-sized tilapia (around
gill nets (Habib et al. 2014). Bottom gill nets 250 grams [g] average weight) compared with
(kobok) were used on a semipermanent basis, Garf Hussein and Abu Simbel (43.2% and 42.7%
mostly set in the khors and sometimes in open respectively). This is important, as it may explain
waters. Fish caught by these nets include Nile the lower annual catch volume and sales price
perch, tilapia, benni and catfish. Floating gill and higher FTE/100 t observed in Aswan and
nets (sakarota) were used to capture species may indicate higher fishing pressure in this area.
destined for salting; i.e. raya (Alestes spp.) and
tigerfish (Hydrocynus spp.). Long-line fishing Fish species for salting (raya and tigerfish)
methods were commonly used in deep waters represented on average 13.5% of the total
to catch Nile perch (samoos) and bayad in the catch, while Nile perch and other species
summer season (Habib et al. 2014). represented on average the remaining 10.6% of


capture volume. The average sizes of different
Fishing boats were constructed from wood, species of fish and size grades for selected
metal or fiberglass. Wooden boats were the most species are presented in Appendix 1. The
common boat type in Aswan (52%) and Garf distribution of catch by species indicated that
Hussein (45%), while in Abu Simbel, metal boats fishers were catching small-sized fish, which
predominated (57%). Wooden boats are cheaper was previously not allowed and suggests
than fiberglass and metal boats, but they last for that the lake may be under pressure from
only 2 to 3 years. Metal boats are more durable overfishing. Lake fisheries management bodies
than wood and fiberglass boats. Fiberglass boats and fishers’ associations need to take action to
are easy to clean but need higher maintenance improve fish stocks in the lake to maintain the
to avoid damage by sunlight. fishery for future generations.

The average operational data for fishers at the The operational data for fishers should
three landing sites sampled is presented in be evaluated with data on the financial
Table 8. The data shows that the highest total performance of the fishers interviewed
catch per boat per year was in Abu Simbel (Table 9). The average fish sales revenue per
and the lowest in Aswan, while the sale price boat was higher in Garf Hussein and Abu
for captured fish was highest in Garf Hussein Simbel compared with Aswan. This was due
and again lowest in Aswan. The highest FTE to higher catches and sales prices in both Garf

Operational data Aswan Garf Hussein Abu Simbel Overall

Proportion of fishing gear used (as % of total)
Trammel net (duk) 47% 28% 49% 39%
Bottom gill net (kobok) 24% 25% 23% 24%
Floating gill net (sakarota) 14% 24% 12% 18%
Long line 15% 23% 16% 19%
Proportion of fishing boats used (as % of total)
Wooden 52% 45% 33% 44%
Metal 14% 36% 57% 35%
Fiberglass 34% 20% 10% 21%
Table 7. Fishing nets and boats used by fishers in Lake Nasser.

Hussein and Abu Simbel compared with Aswan.
Despite lower average operating costs, average
Fish traders
income above operating costs per boat was The trading subsector consists of three distinct
lower in Aswan than in both Garf Hussein and functions or roles: intermediaries, wholesalers
Abu Simbel, following the same trend as sales and retailers. Intermediaries play an important
revenue per boat. Operating profit per boat role in the fish trade in Aswan. They own or
as a percentage of sales ranged from 26% in manage carrier boats and collect fish from
Aswan to 44% in Abu Simbel. Fixed costs per fishers to deliver to wholesalers in the landing
boat were noticeably higher in Garf Hussein harbors. With liberation of fish trade (Prime
than Abu Simbel and lowest in Aswan. Income Minister Decree, 14 June 2001), intermediaries
above total costs was similar in Garf Hussein started to use pickup cars instead of carrier
and Abu Simbel, but lowest in Aswan. Net profit boats (Table 10). The advantage of cars is that
as a percentage of sales was noticeably lower they are faster than carrier boats and can collect
in Aswan (5%) compared with the other two fish from fishers around the lakeshore. Use of
fishing areas (20%–21%), giving an average of cell phones allows the intermediaries to arrange
15%. Value added was calculated as revenue lakeside meetings with fishers and enables fish
minus operational and fixed costs, excluding to be transported to wholesalers more quickly.
labor costs. Estimates of value added per metric This also means that fish is landed at locations

ton were lowest in Aswan and highest in Garf where there is no system for recording catches
Hussein, with an average of EGP 3148/t. or for collection of landing taxes.

Operational data Aswan Garf Hussein Abu Simbel Overall

Number interviewed 55 51 56 162
Average yearly catch (kg/boat/year) 10,651 12,995 13,907 12,506
±342 ±410 ±345
Average daily catch (kg/boat/day) 36 43 46 42
±1.1 ±1.4 ±1.1
Average FTE/100 t 20.8 18.4 15.1 18.1
±0.8 ±0.6 ±0.5
Average sales price (EGP/kg; all species) 5.4 7.2 6.2 6.3
±0.2 ±0.3 ±0.2
Proportion of catch (as % of total)
Large-sized tilapia* 17.6% 11.3% 22.1% 17.3%
Medium-sized tilapia* 5.6% 9.5% 17.8% 11.6%
Small-sized tilapia* 57.6% 43.2% 42.7% 47.1%
Large-sized Nile perch 3.0% 4.6% 1.4% 2.9%
Small-sized Nile perch 4.8% 5.0% 1.3% 3.5%
Raya or Alestes spp. 5.8% 7.0% 9.7% 7.7%
Large-sized tigerfish 0.5% 2.3% 0.7% 1.2%
Medium-sized tigerfish 1.3% 3.4% 1.2% 2.0%
Small-sized tigerfish 0.7% 5.7% 1.3% 2.6%
Shieldhead catfish 1.2% 3.6% 0.9% 1.9%
Catfish 1.6% 2.8% 0.6% 1.6%
Bayad 0.2% 1.7% 0.1% 0.6%
Other 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1%
* Tilapia size grades as reported by fishers: large size, greater than or around 1 kg average weight; medium size,
around 0.5 kg average weight; small size, around or less than 250 g average weight.
Table 8. Operational data for the fishing subsector in Lake Nasser.

Financial performance data Aswan Garf Hussein Abu Simbel Overall
Fish sales (EGP/boat/year) 57,767 92,720 86,383 78,621
±2,506 ±3,366 ±3,054
Operational cost (EGP/boat/year) 40,293 51,517 47,895 46,447
±1,512 ±1,699 ±2,025
Income above operational cost (EGP/boat/year) 17,474 41,444 38,555 32,273
±2,028 ±3,048 ±2,541
Average operational cost (EGP/t catch) 3,912 4,059 3,466 3,807
±154 ±137 ±131
Average operational profit (EGP/t) 1,560 3,253 2,772 2,511
±176 ±259 ±175
Average operational profit as % of sales 26% 42% 44% 37%
±2.9 ±2.2 ±2
Labor cost (EGP/t) 2,187 2,206 1,812 2,065
±87 ±73 ±59
Fixed cost per boat (EGP/year) 12,264 20,977 18,831 17,269


±970 ±1,581 ±929
Total cost per boat (EGP/year) 52,557 72,493 66,726 63,717
±2,116 ±2,678 ±2,506
Income above total cost (EGP/boat/year) 5,209 20,468 19,724 15,004
±1,872 ±2,859 ±2,766
Fixed cost per metric ton (EGP/t) 1,158 1,673 1,398 1,403
±86 ±146 ±87
Average total cost (EGP/t catch) 5,071 5,732 4,865 5,210
±154 ±137 ±131
Average net profit (EGP/t) 401 1,580 1,374 1,107
±168 ±240 ±202
Net profit as % of sales 5% 20% 21% 15%
±3 ±2.7 ±2.7
Average total value added (EGP/t) 2,588 3,786 3,186 3,172
±144 ±242 ±184
Table 9. Financial performance of fishers interviewed in this study.

General information Intermediaries Wholesalers Retailers Overall

Number interviewed (sample size) 8 5 10 23
Average age of respondents 42 40 37 39.4
Level of education attained
University 25% 0% 0% 8.7%
High school 37.5% 80% 60% 56.5%
Primary school 37.5% 0% 0% 13%
No formal education 0% 20% 40% 21.7%
Average years of experience (years) 12.5 16.2 18 15.7
Family information
Proportion married 100% 100% 100% 100%
Average family size (individuals) 5 5.8 4.7 5
Proportion with other income source 12.5% 20% 0% 9%
Table 10. Characteristics of intermediaries, wholesalers and retailers in Aswan.

Wholesalers have land-based storage facilities per day for wholesalers was EGP 18,003, while
and are able to sell fish in bulk outside Aswan for intermediaries it was EGP 5815 and for
(to El-Obour market in Cairo and other Upper retailers EGP 1462. Tilapia sales prices indicated
Egypt governorates). They sell small quantities that wholesalers made around EGP 1/kg and
to retailers in Aswan according to retail market retailers added more than EGP 2/kg to cover
capacity. The number of registered wholesale their expenses and generate income.
traders in Aswan governorate is 23 (6 in Aswan
harbor, 6 in Garf Hussein harbor and 11 in Abu The financial performance data for each type
Simbel). of trader indicated that they were all making
good profits from their businesses. The highest
Table 10 displays the general characteristics return on operating costs was for retailers, with
of business operators at the different trading an average of 25%, followed by an average of
stages. Most intermediaries and wholesalers 22% for wholesalers, while intermediaries had
had attained some level of education, whereas the lowest return (13%). Average net profits as a
a high proportion of retailers had no formal percentage of sales were similar for wholesalers
education. Of those interviewed, retailers had and retailers, but again lower for intermediaries.
the most experience in their jobs, followed
by wholesalers, then intermediaries. All The results show that based on FTE/100 t, the

interviewees were married, with an average highest level of employment was in retailing
family size of 4–6 individuals. For retailers, (7.08 FTE/100 t), followed by intermediaries
fish sales were their only source of income, (3.19 FTE/100 t), but only 1.63 FTE/100 t within
while middle and wholesaler traders had some wholesaling. Labor costs per metric ton were
additional sources of income (12% and 20%, highest for retailers and lowest for wholesalers,
respectively). while fixed costs were highest for wholesalers
and lowest for retailers. The results indicate
Prices of different fish species as they move that the highest value added per 100 t fish
through trader subsectors are listed in sold was in the retailer subsector, followed by
Appendix 2. Large Nile perch and large tigerfish wholesaling, and the lowest was within the
were the highest-priced fish products from Lake intermediary subsector.
Nasser (average sales price >EGP 24/kg) while
the lowest-priced fish were small-sized tilapia,
squeaker catfish, sharptooth catfish and raya.
Fish processors
The retail price for tilapia fillets was EGP 49.3/kg, Basic information about fish processors is
while the wholesale price for Nile perch fillets presented in Table 12. The total number of fish
was EGP 60/kg. processors interviewed was 22, of which 14
were salted fish processors and 8 were fresh
Profit margins for retail sales of tigerfish appear fish processors. The overall level of education
to be higher than for all the other fish available among fresh fish processors was higher than
in Lake Nasser. The average wholesale price was among salted fish processors. The percentage
EGP 29/kg and average retail was price EGP 40/kg of fresh fish processors attaining high and
(Appendix 2). medium levels of education reached 75%,
compared with 35% for salted fish processors.
The operational and financial performance Also, the number of years in the business was
results for the fish trading, wholesaling and higher for salted fish processors (21.7) than
retailing subsector of the value chain are fresh fish processors (9.9). These observations
displayed in Table 11. The individuals involved reflect the traditional nature of salted fish
in this subsector play a pivotal role within the processing, where sons are employed in the
value chain, as they are involved in setting family business from a young age. By contrast,
selling prices. fresh fish processing is a newer business,
offering more diverse opportunities, and may
The average volume of fish sales was high be attractive to well-educated individuals.
for wholesalers (519 t/year) compared with Most fish processors did not have access to
intermediaries (187 t/year), and only 34 t/year alternative sources of income other than their
for retailers. Similarly, the average sales value fish processing jobs. Almost all interviewed

Intermediaries Wholesalers Retailers Overall
Number interviewed (sample size) 8 5 10 23
Operational data
Average annual sales volume (t/year) 187 519 34 -
±22 ±121 ±7
Average daily sales volume (t/day) 0.62 1.73 0.104 -
±0.07 ±0.4 ±0.02
Average FTE/100 t of sales 3.19 1.63 7.08 4.5
±0.5 ±0.4 ±0.9
Average sales price (EGP/kg; all species) 9.32 10.40 12.79 -
±0.4 ±0.6 ±0.7
Average daily sales value (EGP/day) 5,815 18,003 1,462 -
±812 ±3,838 ±398
Financial performance
Average annual sales value (EGP/year) 1,744,425 5,400,780 438,573 1,971,523
±243,647 ±1,151,466 ±119,393


Average operating costs (EGP/year) 1,481,428 4,319,974 341,312 1,602,800
±189,029 ±1,055,661 ±97,380
Average operating profit (EGP/year) 262,998 1,080,806 97,261 368,723
±71,242 ±151,294 ±22,982
Average labor costs (EGP/t) 494 299 622 507
±71 ±64 ±178
Average operating profit (EGP/t) 1,249 2,340 2,873 2,192
±275 ±364 ±187
Average operating profit as % of sales 13% 22% 25% 20%
±2.6 ±2.8 ±2.2
Average fixed costs (EGP/year) 39,256 64,450 10,059 32,038
±5,966 ±17,292 ±1,951
Average net profit (EGP/year) 223,741 1,016,356 87,203 336,684
±74,822 ±136,887 ±21,711
Average net profit (EGP/t) 1,009 2,214 2,565 1,948
±314 ±363 ±191
Average net profit as % of sales 11% 21% 22% 18%
±3.1 ±2.8 ±2
Average total value added (EGP/t) 1,503 2,513 3,187 2,455
±254 ±406 ±235
Table 11. Operational and financial performance for intermediaries, wholesalers and retailers.

individuals were married and had families average operating profit as a percentage of
consisting of an average of 5.4 and 7.5 sales was lower than for salted fish producers.
members (fresh and salted fish processors The average net profit as a percentage of sales
respectively). However, approximately one- and the average profit per metric ton were
third of the processors had other sources of also lower for fresh fish producers due to the
income; for example, some owned fishing boats higher level of investment associated with
and collected salted fish from their boats or these businesses (e.g. freezers and cold storage
fishers for processing. facilities).

Table 13 presents the average operational data

for processors of fresh and salted fish in Aswan.
Data summary
Average sales volume per processor was higher This section maps the value chain and
for fresh fish compared to salted fish (98.4 and constructs models of costs and earnings for
70.9 t/year respectively). Basket prices of all fish each link (or subsector) in the value chain, thus
were also higher for fresh fish (EGP 20.9/kg) allowing comparison across various value chain
compared to salted fish (EGP 13.6/kg). Fresh subsectors. This comparison is laid out in Tables
fish processing focused mainly on tilapia, 15–17.
which represented 97% of species processed.

By contrast, Nile perch represented only 1.5% Changes in the average product price across the
of the total volume (either fillets or degutted) value chain are shown in Table 15. This includes
of fresh fish processed. Most tilapia (81.8%) the average sales price for each link in the value
was processed as degutted, while tilapia fillets chain (i.e. the basket price). It is evident that
represented only 15% of processing volume. prices increase at each node of the chain. This
Salted fish processing focused mainly on raya table also gives information on the percentage
(35%) and different size grades of tigerfish (58%). of final retail price achieved by each node in
the value chain. The data indicates that fishers
The financial performance of fish processors receive just below 50% of the final retail price.
in this study is presented in Table 14. The
average value of sales was higher for fresh The operational and net profits (per metric ton)
fish processors than for salted due to higher at each link in the value chain are displayed
sales volume and price per kilogram (see in Table 16. Results show that the retailing
Table 13). This contributed to higher overall subsector generated the highest operational
operating costs. Average operating profit for and net profits (EGP/t of fish sold). In terms of
fresh fish processors was also higher, but when percentage of return to own sales, fishers have
labor costs per metric ton were included, the the highest return on operation costs, followed

General information Salted fish Fresh fish Overall

processors processors
Number interviewed (sample size) 14 8 22
Average age of respondents 46 44 45
Average years of experience in fish processing 21.7 9.9 17.4
% married 92.9% 100% 95%
Average family size (individuals) 7.5 5.4 6.7
Existence of other income source 35.7% 25.0% 32%
Maximum level of education attained
University 7.1% 37.5% 18%
High school 28.6% 37.5% 32%
Primary school 28.6% 12.5% 23%
No education 35.7% 12.5% 27%

Table 12. Characteristics of fish processors interviewed in this study.

Operational data Salted fish Fresh fish Overall
processors processors
Number interviewed (sample size) 14 8 22
Average annual sales volume (t) 70.94 98.25 81
±11 ±27
Average FTE/100 t 5.5 5.7 5.5
±0.6 ±1.6
Average sales price (EGP/kg; all species) 13.6 20.9 16.3
±0.7 ±3.6
Sales volume distribution by species and as % of total
Tilapia fillet (kg) - 14,953 -
Nile perch fillet (kg) - 513 -
Tilapia, large, degutted (kg) - 5,588 -


Tilapia, medium, degutted (kg) - 13,650 -
Tilapia, small, degutted (kg) - 61,125 -
Nile perch, large, degutted (kg) - 375 -
Nile perch, small, degutted (kg) - 600 -
Squeaker catfish, degutted (kg) 1,071 250 -
(1.5%) (0.3%)
Sharptooth catfish, degutted (kg) - 375 -
Bayad, degutted (kg) - 825 -
Squeaker catfish, salted (kg) 1,071 - -
Raya or Alestes spp. (kg) 25,071 - -
Tigerfish, large (kg) 8,411 - -
Tigerfish, medium (kg) 12,643 - -
Tigerfish, small (kg) 20,143 - -
Salted fish, fillet (kg) 2,529 - -
Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to % of total quantity of fish processed.
Table 13. Average operational data for the fish processing subsector of the fisheries value chain
in Lake Nasser.

Financial performance Salted fish Fresh fish Overall
processors processors
Average annual sales value (EGP) 975,046 1,766,025 1,262,677
±164,388 ±305,132
Average operating costs (EGP) 788,288 1,526,789 1,056,834
±105,105 ±264,343
Average operating costs (EGP/t) 11,112 15,539 13,820
±634 ±2,686
Average operating profit (EGP/t) 2,091 3,028 2,432
±558 ±1,054
Average operating profit as % of sales 15% 12.9% 14%
±3 ±2.6
Average fixed costs per metric ton 151 324 214
±24 ±110
Average net profit (EGP/t) 1,939 2,703 2,217
±567 ±1,058

Average net profit as % of sales 13.8% 11.3% 13%

±3.1 ±2.9
Average labor costs (EGP/t) 567 948 706
±71 ±214
Average total value added (EGP/t) 2,507 3,652 2,923
±538 ±1,036
Table 14. Financial performance of fish processors interviewed in this study.

Subsector Average price EGP/kg Price as % of retail price

Fishers 6.29 49%
Intermediaries 9.32 73%
Wholesalers 10.40 81%
Retailers 12.79 100%

Table 15. Gross output values (average prices) for the Lake Nasser fisheries value chain.

Operational profit EGP/t % of own sales % of value chain net profit creation
Fishers 2,511 37.3% 28%
Intermediaries 1,249 13.4% 14%
Wholesalers 2,340 21.7% 26%
Retailers 2,873 24.9% 32%
Total 8,972   100%
Net profit EGP/t % of own sales % of value chain net profit creation
Fishers 1,107 15.2% 16%
Intermediaries 1,009 10.8% 15%
Wholesalers 2,214 20.5% 32%
Retailers 2,565 22.2% 37%
Total 6,896   100%
Table 16. Operational and net profits created in the Lake Nasser fisheries value chain.

by retailers. Net profit estimates show that processors started adding value to fresh fish
retailers and wholesalers generated the highest such as tilapia and Nile perch by producing
return on investment. degutted fish and fillets to meet market
demand for such products.
Value added estimates indicated that retailers
and fishers created the highest value added Benefits generated by the fish processing
per metric ton (Table 17). Together these subsector are summarized in Table 18. Fresh
subsectors accounted for 61% of value fish processing generated slightly higher
added that was created through the chain. FTE/100 t compared with salted fish processing.
Wholesalers generated EGP 2513/t of value Both labor costs and output value per metric
added, representing 24.2% of value added ton were higher for fresh fish processing.
generated per metric ton. Similarly, operational and net profits were
higher in fresh fish processing. However, this
Value-added processing activities within the data shows that fresh fish processing generates
Aswan fishery started some time ago with the higher value added per ton (EGP 3652)
salting of tigerfish and raya. Species of fish compared with fish salting processing (EGP
used for salting have no market fresh and are 2507/t) due to the high cost of labor in fresh
consumed only as salted products. Recently fish processing.


Total value added EGP/t % of value chain value added creation
Fishers 3,172 30.6%
Intermediaries 1,503 14.5%
Wholesalers 2,513 24.2%
Retailers 3,187 30.7%
Total 10,375  
Table 17. Total value added created in Aswan fisheries value chain.

Salted fish processors Fresh fish processors All

FTE/100 t 5.5 5.7 5.6
Output value or basket price (EGP/t) 13,597 20,898 16,252
Labor cost (EGP/t) 567 948 706
Operational profit (EGP/t) 2,091 3,027 2,431
Net profit (EGP/t) 1,939 2,703 2,217
Value added (EGP/t) 2,507 3,652 2,923
Table 18. Fish processing summary.


This section of the report outlines the major The importance of the lake in terms of jobs,
challenges facing the Lake Nasser fishery. The income and food security, coupled with the
fishery is an important source of jobs both within challenges and opportunities identified by
local communities and for those coming from the value chain analysis, calls for a change
farther afield. Many households are dependent in attitudes by all stakeholders towards
on the Lake Nasser fishery for their livelihoods, management of the Lake Nasser fishery.
including the families of fishers, processors, Effective enforcement of the existing
traders, wholesalers and retailers. The businesses regulations might cause hardship in the short
stemming from the fishery are profitable at each term but is essential if the fishery is to provide
stage of the value chain, and across the value employment and financial benefits for fishers,
chain there is considerable value added. Based traders, processors and retailers in the future.
on the number of years of experience recorded
for those working in each subsector of the value The structure used to outline the key challenges
chain, it is also clear that in its current form the facing the Lake Nasser fishery in this section

value chain is relatively stable. of the report is largely based upon the results
of focus group discussions. These were held
However, it cannot be overstated that from between members of the study team and board
a management perspective, the Lake Nasser members of the various fishers’ associations
fishery is in a fragile state. Most of the fish being from 18 to 20 January 2015. Attempts to identify
caught at present are small sized, and total solutions to these challenges are outlined in the
catches from the last year of official reporting subsequent sections of the report.
(GAFRD 2013) are the lowest they have been
in almost 10 years (18,716 t), indicating that
overfishing in the lake is a serious problem.

Critical factor or problem Severity of problem

Input problems Fuel availability and prices High
Living requirements (bread and food) High
Health and social insurance High
Access to credit or finance Medium
Availability and quality of fishing gear Medium
Ice and salt Medium
Access to fishing site Medium
Licenses Medium
Handling boxes Low
Capture problems Competition on fishing grounds High
Poor living conditions on the lake High
Lack of service to fishers on the lake High
Current legislation does not protect the lake High
Predator consumption of fish Medium/High
Lack of experience with new fishing methods Medium
Postharvest and Poor postharvest handling facilities High
marketing problems Absence of a fish auction in Aswan High
Manipulation of fish prices Medium
Fluctuations in selling price Medium
Lack of export Medium
Table 19. Summary of critical issues constraining the fisheries of Lake Nasser.

Summary of critical factors service. Obtaining permission to renovate
service boats was a problem due to ownership
Table 19 summarizes the main issues identified responsibilities.
through three focus discussion groups held
with board members of fisheries cooperatives Similarly, the majority (75%) of carrier boats
(Nubian, El Takamol, Nile River, “Between Dams” were out of service due to difficulties in
and Aswan Sons associations). The 50 board renewing licenses. Moreover, there is no
members who participated in the discussion medical or health, accidental death, pension,
groups represent actors across the value chain or social insurance scheme for the fishing
(fishers, traders and processors), are experts in community, and there is no compensation
their relevant fields, and were familiar with the mechanism for boat owners in the case of boat
various business operations across the value damage or theft.
chain. These issues are then explored in more
detail throughout the following subsections. Regarding health and safety, the issue of
Although many of the issues identified here are scorpion stings was raised. The risk of being
directly related to poor performance of value stung was high, but no antidote was available
chain actors, it is evident that some issues relate in remote camps. Within the lake, there was
to factors outside of the value chain, such as generally an absence of equipment for issuing


health and safety. It is interesting to note that distress signals in emergencies. Further, the
during one of the focus group discussions, lighting system within the lake was not well
participants remarked that it was the first time maintained and there was no navigation system
they had ever been asked about the issues or for boats.
challenges they were facing.
Concerns were expressed around the charge
Input factors (one piaster per kg of captured fish) levied
by the Ministry of Social Services through the
Fuel availability and prices fishers’ welfare association (Aquatic Union of
In recent years, and especially in 2013 and Fisheries Cooperatives), for which no perceived
2014, it was difficult for fishers to buy fuel for benefit is received. Participants complained
fishing boats, carrier boats and small generators that this association has not worked or
in fishing camps. Shortages of fuel supply at provided any services to fishers for a long time.
gas stations led to the development of a black
market and an increase in prices. The high cost Capital and credit
of fuel increased operational costs and reduced Members of the fisheries associations mentioned
the number of fishing days and fish catches. that they had limited access to credit to use in
Fishers suggested having a fuel quota for each their daily operations. There are typically no
boat to secure their operational needs. interactions between the formal banking sector
and the fishing sector in Lake Nasser, since
Living requirements (bread and food) fishing is generally considered by the banks to
Because fishers stay in remote fishing camps be high risk. Another important factor affecting
most of the time, they need to buy bread and the ability to access funding is that most fishers
food in bulk to cover their needs for several working in the lake are not boat owners, and
days. In order to buy bread at subsidized prices, banks do not usually work with people who do
fishers need to stand in line for a long time. The not have licenses. Associations could play an
fishers suggested having bread quotas issued important role in buying fishing nets and gear
through a card system for each boat. to supply to fishers on credit, but they have
not done so for the last 15 years. A lot of work
Health, safety, wellbeing and social is needed to convince associations to take the
insurance responsibility of supporting fishers to buy nets
Participants discussed concerns over their and equipment in bulk at lower prices for the
safety and wellbeing. Within fishing camps association members.
along the lakeshore, living standards were
low, with poor housing or shelters and However, it should be noted that fishers, fish
limited services. Service boats were in need processors, fish traders and retailers generally
of renovation, with only one currently in appear to be able to finance their business
operations using their own capital, as they are while fishers use baskets made from palm
able to generate cash flow soon after starting fronds and cover the fish with a blanket to
business. In terms of the financial impact on protect them from the sun. These materials
the value chain, this issue remains a relatively do not insulate the fish from heat and are
low priority. However, there is still a need for unhygienic, as they are difficult to clean.
capital to finance upgrading of fishing gear, Also, these baskets may cause physical
investing in newer processing and packaging damage to fish, increasing the likelihood of
technologies, and upgrading cold chain contamination and spoilage.
transportation of fish and fish products.

Production factors
The lack of skilled labor was mentioned many Absence of security
times. Skilled fishers also migrate from Aswan The lack of security in and around Lake Nasser
towards Sudan, where fishing is more profitable. was raised during discussions with all three focus
A number of focus group participants raised the groups, showing its importance. This leads to
issue of a lack of training among fishers in the competition on fishing grounds, as unlicensed
use of long lines for catching large Nile perch. fishers compete with licensed fishers for the
same areas. All fishers called for border security

The issue of long working contracts for fish

traders was also identified. guards to control and prevent illegal fishers, the
use of illegal fishing nets, electrofishing and fish
License renewal smuggling. It was suggested that part of their
The difficulty of renewing and obtaining enforcement role could be to park all fishing
licenses was raised during several focus group boats in harbors during the spawning season
discussions. Most fishers are using small boats to prevent fishing at this time. Fishers would be
(less than 40-horsepower [hp] engine); licenses allowed to return to the same place to resume
for larger boats such as carrier boats are issued activities after the spawning season. There was
by the Nile River Navigation Authority (NRNA). widespread belief that current legislation did not
According to the NRNA, each carrier boat needs provide sufficient protection for fish resources,
to have insurance for two workers before a and participants called for the establishment of a
license can be issued, whereas owners of carrier special police force for the lake.
boats are reluctant to insure boat workers who
are working on a casual basis. Fishers would Poor living conditions and lack of services on
like to simplify the process through carrier boat the lake
licensing by the Lake Management Authority or Fisheries association board members
GAFRD (the same authorities that issue fishing complained about poor living conditions in
licenses). the fishing camps and a lack of services around
the lake, as most fishers live in tents on islands
Other input-related issues within the lake. The only attempt to improve
Other input-related issues for the Lake living conditions for fishers was by CARE in the
Nasser fishery raised during the focus group 1970s, when they established houses along
discussions included the following: the lakeshore (Fraenkel 1981). However, water
levels declined, and most of the houses are now
• The cost of ice is high and the ice is of poor too far away from the shore to be useful. Fishers
quality; fishers ranked this as a medium- are calling for the establishment of floating
importance problem. Generally ice prices houses or tents, which could perhaps be carried
increase in the summer due to high demand out using donor funding. This funding could
for ice in hot weather. Also, fishers are not also include renovation of service boats to
happy with the quality of ice available in provide rescue services to fishers.
• There is a lack of handling boxes (crates) Overfishing and reduction in fish resources
in Aswan, and there is no supplier of Overfishing in Lake Nasser was a major concern
expanded polystyrene foam boxes for use for participants. There were concerns about
in fish transportation. The use of traditional (i) the lack of enforcement by government
boxes in fish handling is limited to traders, authorities, (ii) the inaccessibility of various sites

to law enforcement officials, (iii) electrofishing, (CITES). CITES lists crocodiles in Appendix 1.
and (iv) the smuggling of captured fish to (Species listed in Appendix 1 are fully protected,
Sudan. These factors have reportedly led to and governments should not allow catching or
a depletion of fish stocks in some areas. Also, selling of these species.)
since 2011, there has been no enforcement of
a closed period during the spawning season Some fishers are calling for the conservation
(usually from 15 April to 15 May) and a lack of status of crocodiles to be moved from CITES
restrictions on net mesh sizes (which would Appendix 1, which requires full protection, to
prevent catching tilapia of less than 500 g). CITES Appendix 2, which they believe would
These factors cause overfishing, indicated by allow hunting of crocodiles in Lake Nasser.
the presence of large quantities of small tilapia However, a listing in CITES Appendix 2 would
(less than 250 g) in the catches. probably only allow the catching of crocodiles for
cultivation or ranching. Furthermore, Egyptian
There were concerns that crocodiles environmental laws (4/1994 and 9/2009) forbid
contribute to stock depletion through fish killing and capturing crocodiles, as well as
consumption (fishers estimated 30 kg of fish transporting or trading them or their eggs.
per crocodile per day). On the other hand, the


official environmental organization, Egyptian Fishers also mentioned the problem of
Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA), stated in migratory birds feeding upon shoreline and
a recent report that the contents of crocodiles’ shallow-water vegetation that serves as fish
stomachs weighed only 7 kg, including stones. habitats, thereby negatively affecting fish
According to EEAA, catching of crocodiles is stocks. The details of this problem were not
not allowed in Lake Nasser. Egypt is a member explained (e.g. types of birds, seasons and
of the Convention on International Trade in vegetation affected).
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora

Photo Credit: Ashley Halls/WorldFish

A fishing camp on Lake Nasser.

Other production-related issues improve fish markets and to regulate fish
A number of participants raised the issue of prices. Association members ranked this
using side extensions of the lake (khors) for issue as highly important and a critical factor
fish farming. This was already taking place, in selling their catches. Having an auction in
but without training it was inefficient. With Aswan would enable them to participate in
appropriate training, these areas could be used price setting. Higher prices for good-quality fish
to improve fisheries through restocking or for would increase competition among fishers to
fish culture. Also, fishers called for solar energy provide the best-quality product and improve
to reduce the need for fuel, especially in remote product handling in the markets.
areas such as Abu Simbel. Fishers could buy
solar cells where appropriate to save fuel costs. Unstable market price and poor market
Marketing (transport, delivery and In more than one of the focus group
discussions, participants raised concerns
distribution) factors about unstable prices in the fish market. Many
Poor postharvest handling facilities retailers sold fish independently, without much
There was great concern about poor handling communication with each other, resulting in

of fish after harvest. Because fishing activities wide fluctuations and variations in fish prices.
take place at night, the fish are kept in the Large fish traders sometimes controlled the
boats, either without ice or with only a small market price by storing fish obtained from Lake
amount of ice, until the morning, when they Nasser for either selling at El-Obour market in
are handed over to the carrier boats. Since the Cairo or for wholesaling in Esna. Some traders
fishing boats do not typically have suitable suffer from the inconvenient location of their
storage facilities, the fish can spoil, resulting in stalls, where, for example, they do not have
reduced fish quality at the point of sale. This has access to electricity or water. Lack of such
consequences for marketing and processing facilities contributes to the reduced shelf life of
the product. Fish freshness was frequently fish in the market.
raised as an important issue. Fishers called
for the transport of fish after harvest in small Fish processing technology
boxes to avoid damage to fish and reduce the Participants in the focus group discussions
spoilage rate. mentioned that the processing technology
used for both fresh and salted fish was quite
Absence of fish auction basic (traditional) technology. Also, waste from
Many fishers called for the establishment of processing of fresh fish was discarded instead
fish auctions in Aswan and Abu Simbel to of being processed as fertilizer or animal feed.

Photo Credit: Mohamed Abdel-Aal/WorldFish

Salted fish in boxes, Lake Nasser, Aswan.


Since Egyptian fish (both wild caught and in 2013. The data shows that the lowest prices
farmed) is rarely exported, it is difficult to for wild tilapia were in July and August, followed
benchmark or compare the performance by October. This is explained by monthly catch
reported in this study with cost and earning data in Figure 5, which indicates that the season
data for capture fisheries in other countries. with highest catches is from June to November.
There are few comparable studies on capture
fisheries within Egypt. However, it is possible to A separate component of the WorldFish study
benchmark costs and earnings from Lake Nasser mentioned directly above explored fish retailers’
capture fisheries with the Egyptian farmed fish performance (for farmed fish). According to the
sector, because the fish products are largely findings of the field surveys, fish retailers were
the same and good data is available. Since the buying small-sized tilapia (125–200 g/fish) for an
majority of the catch in Lake Nasser consists of average of EGP 4.4/kg to EGP 7.6/kg and selling
tilapia (76%), and small-sized tilapia represent them at an average of EGP 6.71/kg to EGP 9.80/kg
47.1% of total catch, the comparisons carried in the morning and EGP 5.51/kg to EGP 8.96/kg


out in this subsection will deal mostly with in the afternoon. These retail prices align with the
farmed tilapia, and small tilapia in particular. values obtained in this study (average sales price
for wild-caught fish retailers of EGP 8.1/kg).
In this study, the average retail price for small-
sized tilapia from Lake Nasser ranged from EGP Due to the nature of the data collected, it is not
5.1/kg to EGP 8.1/kg (depending on whether possible to do a quantitative comparison of
it was being sold by the trader, wholesaler changes in performance within the value chain
or retailer). A similar study by WorldFish subsectors. It should be noted that this detailed
(Macfadyen et al. 2011) on fish farmer financial costs and earnings survey of the Lake Nasser
performance reported an average sales price fisheries value chain is the first of its kind. Despite
for farmed tilapia grade three (small size), across the fact that it is not possible to generate a
Egyptian governorates, of EGP 7.65/kg (range of time-series assessment of changes in value chain
EGP 6–9/kg). Therefore, fish farmers are selling performance using this study’s data, the outputs
small-sized farmed tilapia at similar prices to may still serve the purpose of baseline data to be
their wild-caught counterparts. Figure 7 shows used for future benchmarking of changes over
price fluctuations of wild tilapia (from Lake time. This data could also be used to evaluate any
Nasser) against large-sized farmed tilapia (grade future interventions on youth unemployment (or
one is greater than 335 g) from El-Obour market other topics).



Kg price (EGP)

Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Farmed Tilapia grade 1 Tilapia Aswan
Source: GAFRD (2015).
Figure 7. Monthly prices for Aswan tilapia and grade one farmed tilapia in El-Obour
wholesale market in 2013.


This section of the report includes a number Training fishers to build skills and knowledge
of recommendations to support the fisheries Fishers told the study team that they are in
sector of Lake Nasser. Recommendations need of training in new fishing methods; e.g.
include policy changes and suggestions to instructions on the use of long lines to catch
modify the current institutional arrangements. high-value species such as large Nile perch.
These recommendations are largely based on Other training topics identified during the
the issues identified in the report. For effective study were improved fish handling, and fish
implementation of the recommendations, it processing technologies. Where possible, the
will be necessary for the various stakeholders to training courses or programs should be more
take ownership of the relevant items. This could practical, since previous training has been
be done by holding stakeholder workshops theoretical. In the short term, the YEAG project
to bring together all actors (including GAFRD, will deliver training to fishers to improve their
HDLDA and the fisheries organizations such as income from fishing. But longer term there
cooperatives and Misr Aswan) to discuss the is a need to ensure continuation of capacity
issues facing the sector and identify solutions. development of fishers and to improve their
awareness of fisheries management. Donors
Recommendations to address and governmental organizations have to take
the lead in these activities to improve the
input factors working environment for fishers.
Establishing general associations to improve

access to fishing gear and fishing licenses Access to affordable bread and fuel
A number of people (including the Aquatic The high cost of bread and fuel creates
Union of Fisheries Cooperatives and many tough living conditions for many fishers. It is
fishers) have recommended that new service recommended that a bread oven be built in each
organizations (provisionally called general association. These bread ovens would sell bread
associations) be created. These organizations at an affordable price, ensuring continuous
would have wider representation and a wider, supplies for the fishing communities. The
more commercial remit compared to the current HDLDA could take the lead on this by getting
fisheries organizations and cooperatives, which permission from the Ministry of Supply to allow
are limited to not-for-profit activities and only the establishment of bread ovens in each of the
represent fishers. The general associations fishing harbors. Introducing a system of fuel
would be responsible for providing inputs cards per boat (based on a quota) could provide
(such as nets) and help with fish marketing fairer distribution of fuel and could be done in
and getting licenses. They could also provide conjunction with the association and Aswan
the necessary equipment to fishers, such as governorate administration.
handling boxes and maybe even fish-salting
equipment, where appropriate and feasible. Ending the monopoly on ice production
They could be involved in manufacturing or Fishers complained that there has been a
distributing legal-sized nets at affordable prices. monopoly in ice production and trade in Aswan
in recent years. For instance, one producer
On the issue of fishing cards and boat licenses, one has hired two ice plants from the Misr Aswan
solution would be to put in place an agreement Company since 2007. The same producer has
with GAFRD allowing the fisheries organizations two other plants in Aswan city and the Allaqi
(cooperatives and Misr Aswan) to issue licenses. A area. Associations are calling for permission to
second action would be to allow GAFRD to issue hire these ice plants or to establish new ones
licenses for carrier boats, without dealing with the for each association, thus securing the supply
NRNA. The current size of the boats used (40-hp of ice for their members. The monopoly has led
motor) is typically within the range permitted to to increasing prices for ice blocks and declining
obtain a license directly from GAFRD. quality.

Training hatchery owners to improve the GAFRD should be allowed to grant permission
quality and availability of tilapia seed to renovate carrier boats (this has also been
The efficiency of tilapia hatcheries needs to discussed under input factors).
improve to provide sufficient quantities of high-
quality seed for lake restocking purposes. This To minimize the risk of serious health
can be done by the lake management through consequences from scorpion stings, anti-venom
delivering technical support to khor owners should be distributed through the associations.
to spawn tilapia in their khors. Owners should Fishers should receive appropriate training
be trained in best management practices on to deliver first aid to victims until they can
tilapia spawning and release of fingerlings to reach medical centers to get the appropriate
the lake. A best management practice manual treatment and medical care. This could be done
developed by WorldFish Egypt could be used as through HDLDA in collaboration with the YEAG
the guideline for this training. project.

Recommendations to address One of the benefits of fisheries organization

membership should be that the fishers are
production factors provided with social insurance. However,
Minimizing or eliminating depletion of there is no provision for pensions, healthcare
fish resources or accidental damage support. In practice,
In order to overcome overfishing in the lake none of these systems is working, not even
and allow for fish stock recovery, the authorities the social insurance. Health services used to
should enforce closed fishing seasons. Security be provided by a service boat (provided under
on and around the lake also needs to be a previous project by CARE) but this was sold.
The responsibilities of the various organizations

improved, which may require the deployment
of dedicated police personnel. If possible, involved in the fishery need to be reviewed
border security guards should be tasked with to provide some level of social and insurance
catching illegal fishers. In addition, current protection, particularly for fishers working in a
legislation needs to be modified to specify legal very vulnerable situation.
and illegal fishing gears and to provide greater
protection for fish resources. Although the Safety equipment within the lake
fishers are interested in reducing the numbers An agreement should be reached with the
of crocodiles and migratory birds, this does not border guards to allow the use of wireless
fit with the policies of EEAA. equipment in emergency situations. In order to
provide a lighting and navigation system in the
Improvement of fish stocks is an important lake, the use of solar cells can be investigated.
issue for securing existing jobs in the sector. The use of solar energy is particularly pertinent
Results presented in Table 8 showed that 47% in Abu Simbel. Options should be explored to
of tilapia catch is under the legal catch size. minimize or prevent theft of equipment. The
Such fishing practices represent a real threat fisheries organizations (cooperatives and Misr
to fish stocks in the lake. Using a community- Aswan) should take the lead on calling for the
based management approach should create a development of security systems for fishers in
high level of awareness among stakeholders the lake.
about the current situation in the lake and was
one of the solutions recommended by Halls Recommendations to address
(2015) to rebuild fish stocks in the lake.
marketing factors (transport, delivery
Improving health, safety and wellbeing and distribution)
of fishers Reducing fluctuations in prices
The living standards within the fishing camps A fish auction should be established in both
in the lake need to be improved as a matter Aswan and Abu Simbel to regulate fish
of priority. Lake-based boats providing basic prices. To limit the effect of large fish traders
services for fishers should be considered. To controlling market prices, fishers should sell fish
increase the number of carrier boats, the carrier through associations, thereby restricting the
boat licensing procedure should be revised and power of the wholesalers. Some wholesalers
have established fish stores to hold fish
until prices increase or until they distribute
Recommendations to support
to markets in Upper Egypt or El-Obour. employment creation
Diversification of market outlets would also If action is taken on the recommendations
improve marketing. This could be achieved by outlined above, this in itself should safeguard
working with Misr Aswan or selling directly to the existing level of employment provided
retailers and restaurants in Aswan. The fisheries by the sector. This value chain analysis
organizations should take the lead on this demonstrates the financial viability and
point by asking the governor to allocate land to profitability of the fisheries in Lake Nasser (from
establish wholesale fish markets. fishing to processing to retailing). Quantitative
data shows that the sector generates a large
Improving the health and hygiene number of jobs, both directly and indirectly.
conditions in trader markets However, overexploitation of fish stocks in Lake
Fish market auctions or collection centers Nasser is leading to smaller and fewer fish, as
should be located in a central area that is well as declining revenues at each link in the
clean and well connected to major public value chain.
transportation routes. Water and electricity
access should be provided. This is particularly The number of jobs created by the sector can
important in the case of Kom Ombo fish traders. be increased through a number of methods.
This recommendation should be discussed by First, minimizing or eliminating overfishing
the project team with the local authority in would allow catch levels to rebound after a
Aswan. short lag period. This would directly translate
into more jobs (i.e. the highest level of
Improvements to postharvest fish handling,

employment in this value chain is in the fishing

storage and transportation subsection and the proxy used for jobs was
To reduce fish spoilage, fishers should be number of jobs per metric ton of fish caught).
provided with ice and iceboxes. Fish should also The number of jobs to be created can be
be handled using small boxes to avoid damage estimated using the calculations summarised
to fish. The movement of fish between fishing in Table 5 of this report. Fishing is carried out
sites and carrier boats should be improved. exclusively by men in remote fishing camps, as
If fishing is known to occur at night, fishers is wholesaling and trading at present.
should use ice and appropriate arrangements
should be made to supply carrier boats at this Second, improvements to postharvest handling
time. The YEAG project should demonstrate procedures, and particularly the hygiene
to the fisheries organizations the importance conditions during transport and sale of fish,
of good handling practices in maintaining fish would improve quality and reduce waste. In
quality to obtain higher selling prices. turn, this would lead to greater employment
through increased demand for fish.
Investigation into appropriate methods of
processing for value addition Finally, even if catch levels were to remain
To modernize the traditional methods of fish unchanged, the development of postharvest
processing currently in use, training should be processing could create more jobs. Although
provided on processing of both fresh and salted processing is currently limited to salting and a
fish. The conversion of fish waste into fishmeal limited amount of filleting and degutting, there
should be promoted. Improved fish processing is potential for this to increase and to employ
should start with best practices for fish handling more women and youth. The first step is to
after capture. Salted fish processing starts understand the market conditions, including
directly after capture in fishers’ camps. Current investigating the existing level of demand for
practices for salted fish processing in camps are various processed products and determining
basic and need further development to improve whether it is feasible for fish processors to meet
product quality and reduce waste. The YEAG this demand. The next step is to examine what
project should provide technical support and steps would be needed to incentivize processors
training to fish processors to improve practices. (by providing finance and stimulating market
demand) to take up new activities.

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reservoirs. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 557. Rome: FAO.

Fish species and grade Average fish size at capture (g)
Aswan Garf Hussein Abu Simbel Overall
Tilapia – large 1,143 1,057 1,313 1,173
Tilapia – medium 472 507 594 536
Tilapia – small 232 228 268 243
Nile perch – large 1,848 3,134 2,682 2,696
Nile perch – small 348 432 507 420
Raya or Alestes spp. 222 352 207 306
Tigerfish – large 1,585 1,138 1,313 1,209
Tigerfish – medium 306 469 533 463
Tigerfish – small 192 228 150 221
Squeaker catfish 1,208 848 940 895
Sharptooth catfish 1,571 2,724 1,275 2,472
Bayad 1,500 2,676 2,000 2,595
Fish species and grade Average sales price (EGP/kg)
Aswan Garf Hussein Abu Simbel Overall
Tilapia – large 10.1 12.0 10.4 10.8

Tilapia – medium 5.5 6.9 6.5 6.6
Tilapia – small 3.1 3.8 3.3 3.4
Nile perch – large 19.9 18.7 19.5 19.2
Nile perch – small 7.2 9.5 9.7 8.9
Raya or Alestes spp. 4.5 6.0 5.6 5.6
Tigerfish – large 22.8 24.8 23.5 24.3
Tigerfish – medium 8.5 11.4 13.1 11.2
Tigerfish – small 3.3 6.2 5.0 5.7
Squeaker catfish 2.7 2.4 3.0 2.5
Sharptooth catfish 3.0 2.1 2.8 2.3
Bayad 7.4 8.1 3.0 7.8
Other 8.7 1.3 0.0 2.7

Fish species and grade Average sales price (EGP/kg)
Intermediaries Wholesalers Retailers
Tilapia – large 13.6 14.3 16.1
Tilapia – medium 8.6 8.9 10.6
Tilapia – small 5.1 6.1 8.1
Nile perch – large 24.6 25.5 28.5
Nile perch – small 12.0 12.3 12.9
Raya or Alestes spp. 5.8 7.0 7.7
Tigerfish – large 24.0 29.3 40.0
Tigerfish – medium - 10.0 15.0
Tigerfish – small - 5.0 10.0
Squeaker catfish 5.0 5.6 8.6
Sharptooth catfish 5.1 5.5 7.5
Bayad 13.9 15.0 18.0
Tilapia fillet - - 49.3
Nile perch fillet - 60.0 -
Salted fish fillet - - -

Fish species, grade and product form Sales price by species (EGP/kg)
Fresh Salted
Tilapia fillet (kg) 49 -
Nile perch fillet (kg) 61 -
Tilapia – large degutted (kg) 20 -
Tilapia – medium degutted (kg) 16 -
Tilapia – small degutted (kg) 11 -
Nile perch – small degutted (kg) 21 -
Raya or Alestes spp. (kg) - 10
Tigerfish – large (kg) - 28
Tigerfish – medium (kg) - 15
Tigerfish – small (kg) - 8
Squeaker catfish degutted (kg) 8 10
Sharptooth catfish degutted (kg) 8 -
Bayad degutted (kg) 21 -
Salted fish fillet (kg) - 40
Salted fish fillet - -


This publication should be cited as:
Nasr-Allah AM, Habib OA, Dickson M and Dickson C. 2016. Value chain analysis of Lake Nasser fisheries in
Aswan, Upper Egypt. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Report: 2016-11.

© 2016. WorldFish. All rights reserved. This publication may be reproduced without the permission of,
but with acknowledgment to, WorldFish.

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