Developed by Anna Falcon of Deped-Bld
Developed by Anna Falcon of Deped-Bld
Developed by Anna Falcon of Deped-Bld
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!
9:00 - 9:30
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
9:30 - 11:30 AralingPanlipunan Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng AralingPanlipunan Module 1, Personal submission by the
Asyatungosapaghahatingheograpiko: SilangangAsya, Lesson 1 parent to the teacher in school
Timog-SilangangAsya, Timog-Asya, KanlurangAsya, Quarter I, Week 1
HilagangAsya, at Hilaga/GitnangAsya.
9:30 - 11:30
Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.
Family Time
4:00 onwards
Note: Under the Learning Task column, write the title of the module, the tasks (consider all parts) in the module and the teacher may prepare a checklist of the module’s
parts for additional monitoring guide for both teacher and the learner.
Sample Weekly Home Learning Plan for Blended Distance Learning
Developed by Glenda Granadozin of DepEd-BLD
Source: DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162
8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!
9:30 - 11:30 Mathematics Illustrate well-defined sets, subsets, From the SLM, consider the following sets: The parent can drop the output
universal sets, null sets, cardinality of U = {a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i} in the assigned drop-box in
sets, union and intersection of sets, and A = {a,b,c,d,e,f,g} school on the scheduled date of
the difference of two sets. B = {set of vowels} submission before the month
C = {consonants} ends.
D = {a,b,i,j}
E = {f,a,c,e}
1:00 - 3:00 Filipino Nahihinuha ang kaugalian at Mulasa SLM, basahin ang “Alamat ng Lawa ng Ang magulang ang magpapasa
kalagayangpanlipunan ng Paoay” ng output sa drop-box
lugarnapinagmulan ng kuwentong namatatagpuansahttps://mgakwentongalamatsa nanasaeskuwelahansapetsa ng
bayan bataysamgapangyayari at usapan pagpasabagomatapos ang
ng mgatauhan. Sagutin ang mgasumusunodnatanong: buwan.
1. Tungkolsaan ang alamat?
2. Anongmga ugali ang ipinakita ng
3. Sa paanongparaannatamo ang parusa o
gantimpala ng mgatauhansaalamat?
9:30 - 11:30 Science Describe the components of a scientific From the SLM, an informative text explaining the The parent can drop the output
investigation. process of scientific investigation (definition, in the assigned drop-box in
types, components, and examples) is given to school on the scheduled date of
the learner through the school LMS. Answer the submission before the month
following questions: ends.
1. Given 2 scenarios of scientific
experiments, identify and describe the
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
1:00 - 3:00 EdukasyonsaPagpapaka Natatanggap ang Mulasa SLM, gawin ang mgasumusunod: Ang magulang ang magpapasa
tao mgapagbabagongnagaganapsasarilina 1. Magdikit ng iyonglarawansakwaderno; ng output sa drop-box
may pagtatayasamga kilos ilarawan ang iyongsarili at isulatitosa nanasaeskuwelahansapetsa ng
tungosamaayosnapagtupad ng baba ng iyonglarawan. pagpasabagomatapos ang
kanyangmgatungkulinbilangnagdadalag 2. Isulat ang buwan.
a/nagbibinata. mgapagbabagongsaiyomulapagkabataha
nggangsakasalukuyan. Anu-ano ang
Kapanayamin ang
dalawahanggangtatlongkakilalanatuladmo ay
nagdadalaga o nagbibinata. Ang paksa ay
tungkolsaparaan ng paglinang ng
mgaangkopnainaasahangkakayahan at kilos
sapanahon ng pagdadalaga o pagbibinata.
Bigyang puna ang mgaparaan ng
kanilangpaglinang ng mgainaasahangkakayahan
at kilos bataysanatutunanmosapamamagitan ng
isangliham. Gawin ang panayamgamit ang
Facebook Messenger.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
9:30 - 11:30 English Identify real or make-believe, fact or From the SLM, accomplish and answer the The parent can drop the output
non-fact images. following: in the assigned drop-box in
1. Watch a slideshare presentation of “Real school on the scheduled date of
and Make-Believe” found here: submission before the month ends.
2. Determine whether the following are
considered real or make-believe:
a. people
b. monsters
c. dwarfs
d. air
e. superheroes
f. Maria Makiling
g. siblings
h. astronauts
i. Filipino mythical creatures
j. earthquake
Real Make-Believe
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
1:00 - 3:00 TLE: Beauty Care Explain basic concepts in Beauty Care From the SLM, The parent can drop the output
(Nail Care) Services 1. Watch the video found in this URL: in the assigned drop-box in school on the scheduled date of
2. Request your parent or sibling to take a submission before the month
video of yourself while explaining the ends.
basic concepts of beauty care based on
the video that you watched. If possible,
show pictures or actual representations
while explaining the concepts.
9:30 - 11:30 AralingPanlipunan Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng Mulasaiyong SLM, gawin ang mgasumusunod: The parent can drop the output
Asyatungosapaghahatingheograpiko: 1. Panoorin ang lecture video in the assigned drop-box in
SilangangAsya, Timog-SilangangAsya, tungkolsapaghahatingheograpikal ng school on the scheduled date of
Timog-Asya, KanlurangAsya, Asya: submission before the month
HilagangAsya, at Hilaga/GitnangAsya. v=g40GvRLAOCk&fbclid=IwAR0jLLced7TF ends.
2. Kulayan ang mapa ng
Asyaayonsapagkakahati ng
heograpiyanito. Sundin ang
a. SilangangAsya – pula
b. Timog-SilangangAsya – bughaw
c. Timog-Asya – dilaw
d. Kanlurang-Asya – berde
e. Hilagang-Asya – kahel
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
f. HilagangGitnangAsya – lila
3. Gumawa ng maikling comic strip
nanagpapaliwanag ng
paghahatingheograpiko ng Asya.
1:00 - 3:00 Music Describe the musical characteristics of From your SLM, accomplish the following: The parent can drop the output
(one MAPEH representative music selections from 1. Listen/watch the following videos of in the assigned drop-box in
component the lowlands of Luzon after listening sample lowland music in Luzon via school on the scheduled date of
per week) YouTube: submission before the month
a. ends.
2. Describe the musical characteristics of
the sample music heard/watched.
Arts Analyze elements and principles of art From the SLM, accomplish the following: The parent can drop the output
in the production of one’s arts and 1. Using a Venn diagram, analyze the in the assigned drop-box in
crafts inspired by the arts of Luzon similarities and differences of the school on the scheduled date of
(highlands and lowlands) following art forms in terms of: (1) submission before the month
principles of design; (2) arts elements ends.
Physical Education Set goals based on physical fitness (Assumption: Learners have finished their The parent can drop the output
assessment results personal fitness test.) in the assigned drop-box in
school on the scheduled date of
From the SLM, write a Personal Contract based submission before the month
on the results of PF Test, using the following ends.
Health Explain the dimensions of holistic From the SLM, create a visual representation of a The parent can drop the output
health (physical, mental/intellectual, healthy Grade 7 learner through drawing. in the assigned drop-box in
emotional, social, and moral-spiritual) school on the scheduled date of
submission before the month
9:30 - 11:30 Self-Assessment Tasks; Portfolio Preparation, e.g., Reflective Journal; Other Learning Area Tasks for Inclusive Education
1:00 - 4:00 Self-Assessment Tasks; Portfolio Preparation, e.g., Reflective Journal; Other Learning Area Tasks for Inclusive Education
8:00 - 9:00 Wake up, make-up your bed, eat breakfast, and get ready for an awesome day!
9:30 - 11:30 AralingPanlipunan Naipaliliwanag ang konsepto ng AralingPanlipunan Module 1, Online submission through
Asyatungosapaghahatingheograpiko: SilangangAsya, Lesson 1 Google Classroom
Timog-SilangangAsya, Timog-Asya, KanlurangAsya, Quarter I, Week 1
HilagangAsya, at Hilaga/GitnangAsya.
Also watch the following:
1:00 - 3:00 EdukasyonsaPagpapaka Natatanggap ang mgapagbabagongnagaganapsasarilina EsP Module 1, Lesson 1 and Isumitegamit ang Google Forms
tao may pagtatayasamga kilos tungosamaayosnapagtupad Lesson 2
ng Quarter I, Week 1
Sagutan ang mga Gawain 1 at 2
namakikitasa Google Forms
9:30 - 11:30 Filipino Nahihinuha ang kaugalian at kalagayangpanlipunan ng Filipino Module 1, Lesson 1 Submit essay to the teacher via
lugarnapinagmulan ng kuwentong bayan Quarter I, Week 1 e-mail
bataysamgapangyayari at usapan ng mgatauhan.
1:00 - 3:00 English Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images. English Module 1, Lesson 1 Online submission through
Quarter I, Week 1 Google Classroom
9:30 - 11:30 Mathematics Illustrate well-defined sets, subsets, universal sets, null Mathematics Module 1, Lesson Online submission through
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
sets, cardinality of sets, union and intersection of sets, 1 and Lesson 2 Google Classroom
and the difference of two sets. Quarter I, Week 1
1:00 - 3:00 Science Describe the components of a scientific investigation. Science Module 1, Lesson 1 Online submission through
Quarter I, Week 1 Google Classroom
9:30 - 11:30 TLE: Beauty Care Explain basic concepts in Beauty Care (Nail Care) Beauty Care Module 1, Lesson 1 Online submission through
Services Quarter I, Week 1 Google Classroom
1:00 - 3:00 MAPEH (One Music: Describe the musical characteristics of Music Module 1, Lesson 1 Online submission through
component per week) representative music selections from the lowlands of Quarter I, Week 1 Google Classroom
Luzon after listening
Watch the following:
9:30 - 11:30 Revisit all modules and check if all required tasks are done.
1:00 - 4:00 Parents/Learners Meet to return all modules and answer sheets for the week and get new modules to be used for the following week.