The document outlines an asana practice plan for 3 weeks. Week 1 focuses on conditioning and includes poses like Sukhasana, Ekpadasana, and Pranayama. Week 2 works on back strength, core strength, flexibility, and plank variations. Week 3 includes lunge poses, Hastapadangushtasana, Supine Vakrasana, and focuses on releasing tension and restrictions while cultivating inner strength.
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The document outlines an asana practice plan for 3 weeks. Week 1 focuses on conditioning and includes poses like Sukhasana, Ekpadasana, and Pranayama. Week 2 works on back strength, core strength, flexibility, and plank variations. Week 3 includes lunge poses, Hastapadangushtasana, Supine Vakrasana, and focuses on releasing tension and restrictions while cultivating inner strength.
The document outlines an asana practice plan for 3 weeks. Week 1 focuses on conditioning and includes poses like Sukhasana, Ekpadasana, and Pranayama. Week 2 works on back strength, core strength, flexibility, and plank variations. Week 3 includes lunge poses, Hastapadangushtasana, Supine Vakrasana, and focuses on releasing tension and restrictions while cultivating inner strength.
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The document outlines an asana practice plan for 3 weeks. Week 1 focuses on conditioning and includes poses like Sukhasana, Ekpadasana, and Pranayama. Week 2 works on back strength, core strength, flexibility, and plank variations. Week 3 includes lunge poses, Hastapadangushtasana, Supine Vakrasana, and focuses on releasing tension and restrictions while cultivating inner strength.
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Week 1:
Monday Wednesday Friday
Conditioning Conditioning Conditioning Stithprathnasana Stithprathnasana Sukhasana Ekpadasana Nataprathanasana Pranayama 1 - Equal Stretches Stretches Stretches -Hands -Hands -Hands -Shoulders -Shoulders -Shoulders -Neck -Neck -Neck -Twists -Twists -Twists Talasana 1,2 Talasana 1,3 Talasana 1,4 Standing Vakrasana Standing backward Utkatasana Namaste bending forward Konasana 1 Konasana 2 Chair twist Utkatasana Konasana 3 Konasana 3 Cakrasana Stretches Stretches Stretches -Hamstrings -Hamstrings -Hamstrings -Touch toes, sides -Touch toes, sides -Touch toes, sides Hastpadasana Trikonasana Sit down Trikonasana Garudasana Ardhamatsyendrasana Sit down Sit down Inverted V -stretch toes, ankles -stretch toes, ankles -stretch padmasana -stretch padmasana -side stretches -side stretches Stretch folding one Stretch folding one leg, Cat pose variations leg, twist, toe, front twist, toe, front Paschimmottanasana Yog mudra Lie down -raise leg 15,30,45,60,90 degrees -circle clockwise/ anti clockwise Parvatasana Parvatasana Yastikasana Yog mudra Manjariasana Paryankasana Cat pose Lie down Ustrasana Vipritkarni Yastikasana Hastapadangushtasana Sarvangasana All variations Pavanmuktasana Supine Vakrasana Halasana Savasana Savasana Lie on back Pranayama 5 – Pranayama 9 – Anulom Bhujangasana Shunyaka I2-E4-S5 Vilom 2:4:2 Makarasana Om chanting 5 times Om chanting 5 times + Shalabhasana Makar 5 times Dhanurvakrasana Savasana Pranayama 5 – Puraka E2-I5 Om chanting 5 times Week 2: Monday Wednesday Friday Conditioning – for back. Conditioning – Conditioning – Core strength Twisting from core. Awareness. Stithprathnasana Pranayama 4 – Diaphragm breathing Sukhasana for shoulders Cat pose Inhale – lift shoulders to ears. Exhale relax. All 4 actions of spine – Pranayama 2 and 3 Lie down – 30-60-90 circles backward, forward, sideways, with each leg. Clockwise and twist. anticlockwise. Stretch with fists in front – pull Both legs – 90 – swing front, pull upwards, bend slowly to right, then to left sideways, twist sides. sides. Rotate neck all sides. Resist Shoulder stretches. Arms Naukasana head with palm. All sides. swinging. Hold behind head. Standing – Konasana 1,2,3 Cat Pose Makarasana Cakrasana Cat pose For strength Plank Pose – sideways also Cow face pose – Gomukhasana Plank pose – also sideways Bridge pose Bridge pose – lie on back, lift hips, rest on shoulders, arms straight down. Dhanurvakrasana – all variations Legs outstretched Flexibility Talasana One leg fold in. Touch same Garudasana hand & other hand alternately to Namaste at back – bending toes. Try to touch head to knee. Lunge forward with upward Both sides. namaste Paschimottanasana Talasana – all variations Utkatasana Reverse stretch Sitting Vakrasana Hastapadasana Cakrasana Legs outstretched. Sit with Yogmudra hands support, back straight. Dandasana. Parvatasana – all variations Savasana Lunge poses with Konasana variations Ustrasana Dhradasana Hastapadangushtasana Lie down Sukhasana Supine Vakrasana Think in what areas of day/ life you holding up. Try to let go. Do not restrict yourself. Release the tension, restrictions from within and external factors. Yastikasana Om chanting Pavanmuktasana Naukasana – hold core Pranayama 5 – Shunyaka – Savasana 5 times Lie on stomach Pranayama 6 – Puraka – 5 Sukhasana times Bhujangasana Om chanting Equal Breathing Dhanurvakrasana Om Chanting Shalabasana Awareness – you have strength. Don’t give in to worry, distractions, cravings. Be aware of your strength. Makarasana Savasana Dhradasana Sukhasana Think in what areas of day/ life you are ready to push the limit, turn your back to, turn backwards to make things happen. You have inner strength to follow your intention. Week 3: