Basic Yoga Program
Basic Yoga Program
Basic Yoga Program
Manibandha Namana – Wrist bending, upward-downward Inhale with upward & exhale with downward movement
of fingers
Skandha Chakra – Shoulder socket rotation, front to Inhale when arms going upward and exhale when going
side/side to front – in both directions, alternately downward
Greeva Sanchalana – Neck movements, forward bending Exhale with forward bend, Inhale with backward bend.
and backward stretching, twisting left & right, and Exhale with side bend and twists, Inhale when coming to
stretching to left & right over shoulders centre
Greeva Chakra – Neck rotation, clockwise and anti- Inhale as head moves up, exhale as it moves down
Padanguli Naman – Toe bending, forward bend and Exhale when clenching, Inhale when moving backward
backward stretch
Goolf Naman – Ankle bending, forward stretch and Inhale when stretching, exhale when moving backward
backward bend
Goolf Chakra – Ankle rotation, clockwise and anti-clockwise Inhale with upward movement, exhale with downward
Ardha Titali Asana – Half butterfly Inhale with upward movement of knee, exhale with
downward movement
Shroni Chakra - Hip rotation in sitting pose Exhale with outward rotation
Poorna Titali Asana – Full butterfly Follow the instructions given in the class
Supta Pawanamuktasana – Leg lock pose, head to knee Exhale when bending leg and raising head
Naukasana – Boat pose, lifting arms and legs Inhale and hold, then raise arms and legs
Gatyatmak katichakrasan 5 rotations each side Exhale with forward twisting movement
Inhale and stretch the arms, shoulders and chest
Tadasan 5 rounds upward.
Raise the heels, coming up onto the toes.
Stretch the whole body from top to bottom.
Lower the heels and arms while breathing out.
Tiryak Tadasan (5 rounds each side) Inhale raising the arms, exhale while bending to
the side, inhale to centre. Exhale while releasing
the posture.
Pranayama – Kapalbhati (30 breaths, 3 rounds), Anuloma-viloma (5 minutes), Bhramari (5-10 rounds), Omkar (3
Important Note: