Topology Optimization Notes
Topology Optimization Notes
Topology Optimization Notes
✓ Topology Optimization (TO) is the methodology that defines the best structure and material to
get optimal structure performance. TO connects shape and topology through the element. The
TO algorithm takes the 3D model, boundary condition, loading, performance objectiveness as
the input to optimize the structure of the design of the part that is so chosen. The primary
objective of TO is to reduce the mass of the part. The results of 3D model for TO cannot be
manufactured using Traditional Manufacturing (TM) so Additive Manufacturing (AM) is used to
manufacture the part.
✓ Complex shapes and structures can be produced by reducing time and material as well. It is
possible to reduce the structure and eliminate the some of the fixture’s constraints.
✓ The creation of unstable phases, because of high cooling rates, is something that negatively
affects the mechanical properties of AM Produced parts.
✓ There are many advantages of AM, complex design structure for lightweight applications, such
as cellular foams or monolithic foams. New ways of combinations are used to improve
reticulated mesh structures and non-stochastic mesh structures. The complex shapes and
structures cannot be produced easily by TM methods such as Casting, Moulding etc. Cellular
shapes combine high strength and stiffness as well, in very low densities. Cellular shapes and
structures are related with the mechanical properties of the potential printing parts.
✓ Optimizing cellular structure under different stress conditions has developed the new approach
of the lattice structure. High mass efficiency is obtained by reducing the structure’s mass and
slim elements that contributes to the stress-bearing properties.
✓ TO can be used to for proposing a new design structure through Finite Element Analysis (FEA).
After many trial and errors, the structure which gives the best design structure and AM Process
is implemented. The field of TO offers designers a way to bypass the process of manual
1.1 Research Area:
1.2 Research Questions:
a. What are the advantages of applying TO on metal parts?
b. What are the barriers to the implementation of TO for AM?
c. What are the pros and cons of producing metal 3D print parts?
2. Theoretical Framework:
2.1 Design Optimization:
2.1.1 Topology Optimization by Isotopic Material:
2.2 Additive Manufacturing:
✓ TO offers to the various complex structures, the warranty that is required for AM to move on in
the process.
✓ AM is a method of transforming the 3D model, usually layer by layer in contrast to the
conventional subtractive manufacturing process that requires detailed CAD analysis and GCodes
to define the geometry to organize which feature should be produced.
2.2.1 AM Technologies:
There are different types of technologies in AM and it has been shown in the above figure. The
various categories of AM are:
2.2.2 AM Materials:
✓ AM process is a technology that can be used with different kinds of materials.
✓ Metal and plastic are the most important for industries.
✓ Ceramics, waxes can also be used for 3D models of these materials.
✓ While selecting a material, it is important to be able to understand the intended usage.
✓ A wide range of plastic printed using AM is available. The properties of each plastic can vary
from different machine printing. It is also very important that plastics have different
temperatures of resistance. Heat Distortion Temperature (HDT) is the main property of plastics.
✓ Some of the well-known plastics, such as Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS), Polyvinyl Alcohol
(PVA), Polylactic Acid (PLA) and Polycarbonate (PC) are materials which can be used in AM.
✓ ABS is the most popular polymer type and can be found in many products. ABS have many
advantages such as good resistance to impact, strength, rigidity, and surface finish. The
disadvantages of ABS are its low incessant service temperature, very low dielectric, and some
diluent tolerance.
✓ PLA is a biodegradable thermoplastic made from renewable resources such as maize starch or
sugar cane. PLA is very sturdy and lightweight but has a very low HDT and hence breakable. It is
a must to add fibres or filler materials to improve the mechanical properties of PLA. PLA parts
are primarily used in biomedical and packaging applications. PVA is also dissolvable in liquids and
hence it is used as a form of support material in AM applications. PVA also absorbs water, and
hence must be controlled for moisture. (Moisture makes the material softer and more durable
than being hard and brittle)
✓ PC requires a high-temperature nozzle that can be difficult to implement for 3D printers. PC has
many advantages associated with it namely, high impact strength, strong dimensional stability,
wear resistance, and all thermoplastic methods can handle it. PC is constrained by relatively soft
substrate, only good resistance to solvents and poor sensitivity to cracking pressure. PC can be
used to make helmets used in sports, vehicle tail and headlights.
2.2.3 AM Defect:
The defects mainly associated with AM are listed below:
1. Warping: Warping is a common problem in 3D printing, which happens when the first layers
of the plastic part are cooling too fast and the layers are not properly attached with the
other layers. A heated bed platform is generally used to reduce warping.
2. Elephant Foot: This mostly occurs because of the first layer. If the temperature of the print
bed platform is too high or if we have insufficient cooling, then we have this deformation on
the surface in comparison with other parts.
3. Shifted Layers; This is a problem when the layer of our print does not align properly leaving a
staggered “staircase” look behind. This is a visual defect and can easily be identified since it
is larger if we compare with other parts.
4. Lower Parts Sinks: This is also a visual defect that we can observe the sinking of the layer.
5. Layer Misalignment: This is a defect where we observe that a line is missing in the part.
6. Missing Layers: This defect can be checked when we calculate the surface’s roughness and
7. Cracks in Tall Objects: This defect is a crack that can be measured with respect to the
distance between layers, roughness, depth, and length of the cracks.
8. Pillowing: It is a defect which is observed at the top surface of a 3D part. Usually, a lot of
space is empty and filled up with infill material.
9. Stringing: It is a defect that can be prevented in a couple of layers and is related to the
roughness and the quality of surfaces.
2.2.4 AM Future:
Very few technologies have offered so much as 3D manufacturing has done in the concept of
product in the last few years. The global market is impatient and price-sensitive so 3D A<
technology is there to eliminate the costs of the product and add value to that.
Costs related to the TC and the FC starts from the same starting point since this point
includes costs that exist despite any goods production. TC grows based on VC since it is
related to the quantity of the product.
2.3.2 Cost of AM:
Deciding which method of process is better for producing a designing part should face the
factor of choosing between TM and AM and the question is always about cost. In product,
line saving could be reached with different ways because every case is unique and different.
3D printing supports the production of small parts with a high level of complexity.
For a small quantity of fewer than 700 parts, AM is more economical. Injection Moulding
overlaps with the first advantages of Am and makes TM more profitable in a large number of
parts. AM has a much higher cost for the raw material in contrast with TM.
From the above table, advantages of 3D printing could have been more if small changes
could be made in the shape and the need for less volume. In the AM process, if we modify
the CAD file, we can produce a product with a different size. The model could be easily
printed easily with no additional cost, but in case of injection moulding, it would require a
new model and a new pattern which makes it more expensive as a single part.
AM can be advantageous for instance when a company needs a d=few spare parts for
repairing a manufacturing air vent. Using AM, the cost will be extremely low since it can
produce only few and the delivery time will be less than a couple of days, and there is no
need for stocking of any extra parts.
Using AM, it is not difficult to replace components that are missed or are broken. AM gives
us the opportunity to have the spare part in cheap price, in the right amount and in
reasonable delivery time since for 3D printing these parts are a straightforward process.
2.3.3 Cost of Materials:
✓ Thermoplastics and photopolymers material for AM costs around $175-250/kg and injection
moulding thermoplastics cost around $2-3/kg. This makes AM 58-125 times more expensive
than injection moulding.
✓ AM metal powder materials are always more expensive when compared to the materials that
are used in the TM process.
✓ The cost of 3D printers for AM process starts at €20,000 for plastic and begins from €150,000 for
a metal printer. The higher limit to purchase 3D printers is roughly €1.7 Million. More expensive
3D Machines offer greater construction space and higher quality for finished parts.
✓ Maintenance costs of the components such as repair, tooling, and retirement costs, for material
and 3D printer costs are also important factors to consider.
✓ Equipment (tooling) is a big issue which is directly connected with the initial investment in
manufacturing. In Am we do not need to have stock of any tools which we might require later.
✓ The elimination of storages and hard tooling is a great advantage of AM technologies. The
manage to save space, time, and money during manufacturing and mostly the durability of the
✓ AM is a recyclable technology in comparison to TM. Nylon can be recycled but is generally more
difficult than other thermoplastics such as ABS.
✓ The prices of metal material will lower due to the competition between companies. Profit
rates will get higher because of the development of technologies and machines. A reliable
machine will reduce the process of AM for service, monitoring and troubleshooting to lower
labour costs.