Elder 40 Kit
Elder 40 Kit
Elder 40 Kit
Wingspan: 65 in [1650mm]
Wing Area: 778 sq in [50.2 dm²]
Weight: 5.5 – 7.0 lbs [2500 - 3182g]
Wing Loading: 16 – 21 oz/sq ft
[50–64 g/dm²]
Length: 49.5 in [1257mm]
WARRANTY..... Top Flite Models guarantees this kit to be free of defects in both material and workmanship at the date of purchase. This warranty does
not cover any component parts damaged by use or modification. In no case shall Top Flite‘s liability exceed the original cost of the purchased kit. Further, Top Flite reserves
the right to change or modify this warranty without notice. In that Top Flite has no control over the final assembly or material used for final assembly, no liability shall be assumed
nor accepted for any damage resulting from the use by the user of the final user-assembled product. By the act of using the user-assembled product the user accepts all
resulting liability. If the buyer is not prepared to accept the liability associated with the use of this product, the buyer is advised to immediately return this kit in new
and unused condition to the place of purchase.
Top Flite Models 3002 N. Apollo Dr., Suite 1, Champaign, IL 61822 Technical Assistance Call (217)398-8970 productsupport@top-flite.com
The hinge material supplied in this kit consists of a
3 layer lamination of Mylar and polyester. It is
specially made for the purpose of hinging model
airplane control surfaces. Properly installed, this
type of hinge provides the best combination of
strength, durability and ease of installation. We trust
even our best show models to these hinges, but it
❏ 4. Locate the 2" x 9" [50 x 230mm] hinge material is essential to install them correctly. Please follow
and cut sixteen hinges as shown in the above sketch. the instructions carefully to obtain the best results.
These instructions may be used to effectively install B. Drill a 3/32” [2.4mm] hole, 1/2” [13mm] deep,
any of the various brands of CA hinges. in the center of the hinge slot. If you use a Dremel
Moto-Tool® for this task, it will result in a cleaner
The most common mistake made by modelers hole than if you use a slower speed power or
when permanently installing this type of hinge is hand drill. Drilling the hole will twist some of the
not applying a sufficient amount of glue to fully wood fibers into the slot, making it difficult to
secure the hinge over its entire surface area; or, insert the hinge, so you should reinsert the knife
the hinge slots are very tight, restricting the flow blade, working it back and forth a few times to
of CA to the back of the hinges. This results in clean out the slot.
hinges that are only “tack glued” approximately
1/8” to 1/4” into the hinge slots. The following C. Trial fit the hinges into the slots and, without
technique has been developed to help insure using any glue, temporarily attach the control
thorough and secure gluing. surface, to verify the fit.
The following steps are for the right wing panel.
❏ ❏ 19. Place the sheeting flat on the bench and ❏ 4. When you are satisfied with the fit of each
sand the joints of the sheeting smooth on the side brace, glue them in place with 30-minute epoxy. Use
that will be the top of the wing. When you have the center line you made on each brace as a guide
completed the sanding and are satisfied with the fit, to position the brace. It is important that exactly half
glue the sheeting in place between the leading edge of each brace goes into each wing panel. Set the
and trailing edge sheeting. ❏ 1. At the root rib, cut a 1/8" [3mm] slot in W1 as wing panel aside until the epoxy has fully cured.
shown for the leading edge and trailing edge brace.
Cut a 1/16" [1.6mm] slot through two W1 ribs for the
dihedral brace.
❏ 2. At the root rib of the left wing panel, cut two 1/8"
[3mm] slots in W1 at the leading edge and trailing
edge for the leading edge and trailing edge braces. ❏ ❏ 3. When satisfied with the fit, turn the wingtip over
Cut a 1/16" [1.6mm] slot through the two W1 ribs for and make two marks on the bottom of the tip. From the
the Dihedral Brace. Build the Wingtip tip, measure down 5/8" [15.9mm] and draw a line
perpendicular from the edge of the wing tip. Measure
❏ 3. Test fit the two wing panels together, inserting down from that line another 5/8" [15.9mm] and draw
the wing joiners from the right wing panel into the another line perpendicular from the edge of the wing tip.
slots you just cut in the left wing panel.
When the Elder was originally introduced we found ❏ 3. When you finish your model you will find that
that modelers chose to finish the plane in different either Fourmost Cockpit Coaming (FORQ2014) or
ways. The original plan had a cockpit in the top of the 18" of black neoprene fuel tubing makes a nice finish
wing. Some modelers chose not to do this. Just as to the cockpit opening. Installation instructions are at
❏ 1. Locate two laser-cut 1/16 x 3/4" x 1-1/2" [1.6 x 19 you had to make a choice to scallop the elevator and the end of the construction process.
x 38mm] plywood wing bolt plates. Glue them in place rudder, you need to decide if you would like to make
on the top of the wing. The plates should be positioned the cockpit. If not, skip this section.
1-1/2" [38mm] from the trailing edge of the wing.
❏ 2. On the bottom of the wing, cut an opening for ❏ 1. Locate the cockpit pattern on the plan and cut it
the aileron servo. Begin by drawing a line that is just out. Place the pattern on the top of the wing so that
behind the basswood main spar. With that line as a the back edge of the cockpit pattern is 2-1/2" [64mm]
reference, make an opening large enough for your from the trailing edge of the wing. Trace the pattern
particular brand of servo. onto the wing.
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Frame the Fuselage
Notice that you are building the right side first.
❏ 1. Tape the Fuselage Plan side view to your
building board. Cover the plan with Plan Protector.
Build the right fuselage side first.
❏ ❏ 6. Glue the fuse doubler to the fuse side on the
lines you have drawn.
Note: The left side will be glued to the other side.
❏ ❏ 4. Locate the die-cut 1/8" [3mm] balsa landing ❏ 9. Locate two 1/4" x 1/4" x 36" [6 x 6 x 914mm]
gear doubler. Glue this to the fuse side doubler. basswood sticks. On one end of each stick cut a 45
Note: The left fuse side will have the doubler glued degree angle.
on the other side.
❏ 18. The firewall has eight punch marks. Draw two ❏ 20. Locate the firewall mounting gauge. This
reference lines for mounting the engine to the firewall gauge will set the proper amount of right thrust
as shown. If you are using the O.S. FS 52 or O.S. 46 required for the engine. Glue the F1 firewall to the
❏ 22. Glue the left side of the fuselage to the formers.
FX, the remaining four punch marks are exactly fuselage side with 6-minute epoxy. Be sure to use the
Be careful to maintain the proper angle for the firewall.
where you need to drill the engine mounting holes. If gauge when gluing it in place. Do not glue the gauge
Use the firewall mounting gauge to verify the firewall is
you are using a different engine you may find that to the firewall or fuse.
correct as you glue the fuselage side in place.
you have to adjust the location of the mounting holes
for your particular engine and muffler combination.
Drill four 5/32" [4mm] holes on the engine mount
punch marks for the 6-32 blind nuts.
❏ 24. From the 1/8" x 3" x 24" [3 x 76 x 610mm] ❏ 26. Cut and glue the remaining cross braces in
balsa, sheet the bottom of the fuselage. The grain of place on the top and bottom of the fuselage.
the balsa needs to run across the width of the
fuselage. Once you have the fuselage bottom
completed, take the time to sand the bottom of the
fuselage. It will be much easier to do while the
fuselage is placed flat on the bench.
❏ 34. From former F5 measure forward 1-1/2" ❏ 5. Drill a 1/4" [6mm] hole through each of the
marks you made on the wing leading edge. Be sure
[38mm]. Make a mark on both sides of the fuselage.
to drill through the wing leading edge and the
plywood sub-spar dowel brace inside of the wing.
❏ 35. Glue the wing bolt mounting plate in position ❏ 7. Apply a liberal amount of epoxy into the holes
with 6-minute epoxy. The rear of the mounting plate you drilled in the wing. Apply a thin layer of epoxy to
is the side with the cut-out. This should be towards ❏ 2. Measure from the side of the fuselage to the the portion of the dowel that you will insert into the
the rear of the fuselage and aligned on the marks wing tip. Adjust the wing as needed until the distance wing. Insert the two wooden dowels into the holes,
you made on the fuselage. on the left side and right side are equal. twisting them as you insert them. Leave the dowel
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extending 3/8" [9.5mm] out of the wing leading edge. drilling be sure that the drill remains perpendicular to
Wipe any excess glue from the exposed dowel. Allow the top of the wing. If the drill does not remain
the glue to cure then round the ends of the dowels as perpendicular to the wing you may not hit the center of
shown on the plan. This will make it easier to insert the wing bolt mounting plate in the fuselage.
the dowels through the holes in F2T when installing
the wing on the fuselage. ❏ 10. Remove the wing from the fuselage. Drill a
17/64" [6.7mm] clearance hole through the wing bolt
holes you drilled in the wing. Do not drill through the
holes in the wing bolt plate in the fuselage.
❏ 9. Double check all your measurements to be sure ❏ 1. Place the fuselage on your bench with the right
the wing is still properly positioned. When you are side of the fuselage facing up. Using a builders
satisfied with the positioning of the wing drill a 13/64" triangle or a small square, mark a line across the
[5.2mm] hole through the wing on the marks you made side of the fuselage from the bottom corner of the
on the wing bolt plates. Drill through the wing and the fuselage to the top of the fuselage, perpendicular to ❏ 4. Install the engine mount to the firewall with four
wing bolt mounting plate inside of the fuselage. When the top fuselage. 6-32 x 3/4" [19mm] socket head cap screws, four #6 flat
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washers and four #6 lock washers. Temporarily place ❏ 7. Locate the two die-cut 1/8" [3mm] plywood nose
your engine in the mount to set the width of the rings. Glue them together to form one 1/4" [6mm]
mounting rails to fit your engine. Remove the engine plywood nose ring.
and tighten all the engine mount mounting bolts. For
our model we will be installing the engine inverted so
we have installed the engine mount inverted. Be sure to
properly install your engine mount for the position you
choose to install your motor. Drill two 3/16" [4.8mm]
holes in the firewall to accommodate the fuel line and
the engine pressure line from the fuel tank.
❏ 8. You are now going to install the nose ring to the
fuselage. The positioning of the nose ring is
determined by the length of your engine. Temporarily
position your engine onto the engine mount. (Do not
permanently mount your engine to the mount). ❏ 10. From the remainder of the 3/16" x 3/16" x 36"
Determine where the nose ring will be positioned so [4.8 x4.8 x 914mm] balsa stick, cut, fit and glue the
when the engine is installed the front of the engine remaining side stringers from F1S to the nose ring.
thrust washer is approximately 1/4" - 3/8" [6mm – Do this for both sides of the fuselage.
9mm] further forward than the nose ring. Mark the
location of the nose ring on the basswood rails.
❏ 9. Insert the nose ring onto the basswood rails. ❏ 12. You are now going to sheet the front of the
❏ 6. From a 3/16" x 3/16" x 36" [4.8 x4.8 x 914mm] Locate the die-cut 1/8" [3mm] nose ring gauge fuselage. This is going to require compound bends to
balsa stick cut the balsa side stringers. Sand a bevel (NRG). Use it to set the angle of the nose ring as the sheeting. To accomplish this you must wet the
on the end of the sticks that are glued flush to the shown. Glue the nose ring to the rails. If there is any wood before gluing it into place. Rubbing alcohol
fuselage side. Cut the sticks to length so they fit to of the basswood rail extending beyond the nose ring, misted onto the wood with a spray bottle works best
the middle of former F1S and glue them in place. cut it off flush with the nose ring. but you can also accomplish the task with water.
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❏ ❏ 15. Cut two more pieces of sheeting long enough
to fit from the fuselage side to the front of the nose ring.
Bevel the sheeting Cut one of the sheets to a width of 1-1/2" [38mm] (save
where it contacts the the remaining half of the sheeting to be used when
fuselage side. sheeting the opposite side of the fuselage). Edge glue
the full sheet to the 1-1/2" [38mm] wide sheet. This will
form a piece of sheeting wide enough to wrap around to
the center fuselage stringer.
❏ 4. Set the former in place against former F2T. Do HOW TO MAKE A WRAP AND SOLDER JOINT
not glue it in place! Fit one of the 3/32" x 3" x 3-1/2"
[2.4 x 76 x 89mm] balsa sheets to the former and the
wing. Do this for the left and right side. When you are
satisfied with the fit, glue the former to the wing and C. Bend the portion of the wire that was lying
the balsa sheets to the former and the wing. After perpendicular to the landing gear wires being
they have been glued in place, feather the wing joined forward towards the wraps of soft wire. This
fairing sheeting and wing together with balsa filler. will prevent them from unraveling.
Cut slot
❏ 3. Cut a 1/16" x 15/16 [1.6 x 23.8mm] slot into the
center of the tail brace as shown.
❏ 8. Wrap and solder the wire tail skid support in Set the assembly aside until instructed to permanently
place as shown on the plan. When you are finished ❏ 1. Drill a 3/32" [2.4mm] hole at the location shown install it in the “Join the Control Surfaces” section of
remove the tailskid from the fuselage. in the center of the rudder leading edge. the manual.
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FINAL CONSTRUCTION ❏ 5. Cut the 11-3/4" [298mm] gray outer plastic Install the Radio
pushrod guide to a length of 9". Use sandpaper to
Mount the Engine roughen one end of the 9" plastic tube. Insert the
smooth end of the tube through the firewall back into
the radio compartment. Apply a couple of drops of
CA to the roughened end of the tube. Then finish
inserting the rest of the tube flush with the firewall.
❏ 2. Mark the location of the engine bolt holes on the ❏ 2. Glue the plywood reinforcements to the bottom
engine mount. This can easily be done with a Great of the servo tray.
Planes® Dead Center™ tool. If you do not have this
you can also heat the end of a pointed wire with a ❏ 3. From left over 1/4" x 1/4" [6 x 6mm] basswood
torch and dimple the engine mount in the center of stringer material, cut two servo mounting rails 3-7/8"
each hole. [98mm] long. Glue them in position inside of the
fuselage at the location shown on the plan.
❏ 6. Trial fit the hinges and the tail wheel wire into
the rudder. Trial fit the rudder to the stab inserting the
hinges into the hinge slots and the nylon tail wheel
bearing into the slot in the fuselage cross bracing.
❏ 4. Cut a paper towel into 2" [50mm] squares. Add ❏ 7. When you are satisfied with the fit remove the
six drops of thin CA to the center of the hinges on rudder from the fin. Apply epoxy to the portion of the
both the top and bottom. The tunnels you drilled will tail wheel wire that fits into the rudder then slide the
wick the CA into the entire hinge surface. Use the wire into the rudder. Be careful not to get any epoxy
paper towel squares to absorb excess CA from the into the tail wheel bearing. Hint: A small amount of
hinge gap before it cures. petroleum jelly applied to the area where the wire
passes through the bearing will prevent glue from
getting into the bearing.