IEEE Standard Requirements, Terminology, and Test Code For Bushings For DC Applications

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This standard specifies requirements, terminology, and test procedures for bushings used in DC applications with voltage ratings of 110kV and above.

This standard defines terms, service conditions, ratings, insulation requirements, and test procedures for bushings used in DC converter transformers and smoothing reactors.

Routine tests specified include partial discharge tests, 1 minute dry withstand tests, DC tests, lightning impulse withstand tests, dry switching impulse withstand tests, and mechanical tests like pressure testing.

Recognized as an IEEE Std C57.19.

American National Standard (ANSI)

IEEE Standard Requirements,

Terminology, and Test Code for
Bushings for DC Applications

IEEE Transformers Committee
of the
Power Engineering Society

Approved 20 June 1996

IEEE Standards Board

Approved 6 January 1997

IEEE Standards Board

Abstract: This standard applies to outdoor and indoor power apparatus dc bushings of condenser
type that have basic impulse insulation levels of 110 kV and above for use as components of oil-
Þlled converter transformers and smoothing reactors, as well as air-to-air dc bushings. This stan-
dard deÞnes the special terms used, service conditions, rating, general requirements, electrical
insulation characteristics, and test procedure for the bushings for dc application.

Keywords: bushings, dc application

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA

Copyright © 1997 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Published 1997. Printed in the United States of America

ISBN 1-55937-830-1

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written permission of the publisher.
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jected to review at least every Þve years for revision or reafÞrmation. When a document is more
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(This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C57.19.03-1996, IEEE Standard Requirements, Terminology, and Test Code
for Bushings for DC Applications.)

This document is based on the standard practices for bushings applied to indoor and outdoor, oil-Þlled,
dc power apparatus, and air-to-air, wall, and roof dc bushings. It is the result of joint efforts of professional
engineers, manufacturers, and users working together under the auspices of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Work on this standard was started in 1988 within the Working Group on
Bushings for DC Applications of the Bushing Subcommittee of the IEEE Transformers Committee. The
working group decided to address requirements for these bushings in a self-standing document because
many problems speciÞc to this type of the bushing were being experienced within the industry and other
available standards on bushings were inadequate for this purpose. The main reference for the resulting docu-
ment was its counterpart for ac bushings, IEEE Std C57.19.00-1991, IEEE Standard General Requirements
and Test Procedures for Outdoor Power Apparatus Bushings, with portions adapted from the 1984 issue of
IEC Publication 137, Insulating Bushings for Alternating Voltages Above 1000 V. Requirements were also
coordinated with the CIGRE Joint Working Group 12/14.10 as well as with the HVDC Converter Trans-
former and Smoothing Reactor Subcommittee of the IEEE Transformers Committee, which developed stan-
dards for these HVDC apparatus during the same time frame.

The Accredited Standards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57, that reviewed and
approved this document, had the following membership at the time of approval:
P. E. Orehek, Chair vacant, Vice Chair
John A. Gauthier, Secretary
Organization Represented Name of Representative
Electric Light and Power Group .................................................................................................................... E. A. Bertolini
T. Diamantis
K. Hanus
M. C. Mingoia (Alt.)
P. Orehek
G. Paiva
J. Sullivan
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ..............................................................................................W. B. Binder
J. D. Borst
J. H. Harlow
J. W. Matthews
L. Savio
H. D. Smith (Alt.)
G. H. Vaillancourt
National Electrical Manufacturers Association ...............................................................................................G. D. Coulter
P. Dewever (Alt.)
J. Douglas
S. Endersbe
A. Ghafourian
P. Hopkinson
K. R. Linsley
R. L. Plaster (Alt.)
H. Robin
Tennessee Valley Authority...................................................................................................................................... F. Lewis
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc ......................................................................................................................... M. Schacker
US Department of Agriculture, REA ...................................................................................................................... J. Bohlk
US Department of Energy, Western Area Power Administration ........................................................ Kenneth C. Wolohon
US Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation .........................................................................................R. Chadwick
US Department of the Navy, Civil Engineering Corps ....................................................................................H. P. Stickley

The Working Group on Bushings for DC Applications had the following membership at the time that this
standard was developed and approved:

Olof Heyman, Chair Devki N. Sharma, Secretary

P. Bertolotto J. Frost H. Ruevekamp

F. Costa D. A. Gillies P. Singh
V. Dahinden A. J. Jonnatti W. W. Stein
F. Elliott S. Lindgren L. Wagenaar
J. Foldi J. C. Riboud W. A. Young
F. Richens

The following persons were on the balloting committee:

F. J. Gryszkiewicz
Edward J. Adolphson Matthew C. Mingoia
Michael E. Haas
D. J. Allan Russell E. Minkwitz
Geoff H. Hall
Raymond Allustiarti Michael I. Mitelman
E. Hanique
Michael S. Altman Harold R. Moore
N. Wayne Hansen
Glenn Andersen W. E. Morehart
Kenneth S. Hanus
J. C. Arnold D. H. Mulkey
James H. Harlow
J. Arteaga C. R. Murray
Frank W. Heinrichs
J. Aubin R. J. Musil
William R. Henning
Donald E. Ayers William H. Mutschler
K. R. Highton
Roy A. Bancroft Carl G. Niemann
Peter J. Hoeßer
Ron L. Barker E. T. Norton
Philip J. Hopkinson
David A. Barnard Paul E. Orehek
J .W. Howard
E. Bertolini Gerald A. Paiva
Edgar Howells
Wallace B. Binder Klaus Papp
J. Hunt
J. H. Bishop Bipin K. Patel
Y. Peter Iijima
W. E. Boettger Wesley F. Patterson, Jr.
C. W. Johnson
J. V. Bonucchi J. M. Patton
Anthony J. Jonnatti
John D. Borst Paulette A. Payne
R. D. Jordan
C. V. Brown Larry C. Pearson
E. Kallaur
M. Cambre Thomas J. Pekarek
J. J. Kelly
D. J. Cash Dan D. Perco
Sheldon P. Kennedy
D. Chu Mark D. Perkins
William N. Kennedy
Thomas F. Clark V. Q. Pham
James P. Kinney
J. L. Corkran Linden W. Pierce
Alexander D. Kline
Dan W. Crofts R. L. Plaster
J. G. Lackey
John C. Crouse Donald W. Platts
Michael Y. Lau
V. Dahinden Bertrand Poulin
J. P. Lazar
John N. Davis Jeewan L. Puri
Frank A. Lewis
R. C. Degeneff Vadim Raff
Harold F. Light
T. Diamantis J. D. Ramboz
S. R. Lindgren
Larry E. Dix Charles T. Raymond
Larry A. Lowdermilk
R. F. Dudley Pierre Riffon
Donald L. Lowe
John A. Ebert Peter G. Risse
Richard I. Lowe
K. Edwards S. M. A. Rizvi
David S. Lyon
Fred E. Elliott Chris A. Robbins
Joseph Ma
D. J. Fallon R. B. Robertson
William A. Maguire
P. T. Feghali A. L. Robinson
K.T. Massouda
Jeffrey A. Fleeman J. R. Rossetti
John W. Matthews
Michael A. Franchek G. W. Rowe
A. D. McCain
Jerry M. Frank Mahesh P. Sampat
Jack W. McGill
Dudley L. Galloway Leo J. Savio
Charles J. McMillen
A. A. Ghafourian William E. Saxon
W. J. McNutt
Donald A. Gillies Robert W. Scheu
Charles P. McShane
R. S. Girgis Devki N. Sharma
Ross McTaggart
R. D. Graham V. Shenoy
Sam P. Mehta
Robert L. Grubb Hyeong J. Sim
C. Kent Miller
R. L. Grunert J. W. Smith

J. E. Smith Louis A. Tauber Georges H. Vaillancourt
J. E. Smith James B. Templeton Robert A .Veitch
Stephen D. Smith V. Thenappan Loren B.Wagenaar
Ronald J. Stahara James A. Thompson Barry H. Ward
W. W. Stein R. W. Thompson R. J. Whearty
Ron W. Soner Thomas P. Traub D. W. Whitley
John C. Sullivan E. R. Trummer A. L. Wilks
David Sundin Charles W. Williams

When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on 20 June 1996, it had the following membership:

Donald C. Loughry, Chair Richard J. Holleman, Vice Chair

Andrew G. Salem, Secretary

Gilles A. Baril E. G. ÒAlÓ Kiener Jose R. Ramos

Clyde R. Camp Joseph L. KoepÞnger* Arthur K. Reilly
Joseph A. Cannatelli Stephen R. Lambert Ronald H. Reimer
Stephen L. Diamond Lawrence V. McCall Gary S. Robinson
Harold E. Epstein L. Bruce McClung Ingo RŸsch
Donald C. Fleckenstein Marco W. Migliaro John S. Ryan
Jay Forster* Mary Lou Padgett Chee Kiow Tan
Donald N. Heirman John W. Pope Leonard L. Tripp
Ben C. Johnson Howard L. Wolfman

*Member Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:

Satish K. Aggarwal
Alan H. Cookson
Chester C. Taylor

Rochelle L. Stern
IEEE Standards Project Editor



1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................... 1

2. References............................................................................................................................................ 1

3. Definitions............................................................................................................................................ 2

4. Service conditions................................................................................................................................ 6

4.1 Usual service conditions .............................................................................................................. 6

4.2 Unusual service conditions .......................................................................................................... 6

5. Rating................................................................................................................................................... 7

5.1 Rated maximum line-to-ground voltage ...................................................................................... 7

5.2 Rated frequency ........................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Rated dielectric strength .............................................................................................................. 8
5.4 Rated current................................................................................................................................ 9

6. General requirements ......................................................................................................................... 10

6.1 Electrical requirements .............................................................................................................. 10

6.2 Mechanical requirements ........................................................................................................... 11
6.3 Nameplate markings .................................................................................................................. 12
6.4 Specific creepage distance ......................................................................................................... 12

7. Test procedure.................................................................................................................................... 12

7.1 Test conditions ........................................................................................................................... 12

7.2 Design tests ................................................................................................................................ 13
7.3 Routine tests............................................................................................................................... 21
7.4 Special tests................................................................................................................................ 23

IEEE Standard Requirements,
Terminology, and Test Code Bushings
for DC Applications

1. Overview

1.1 Scope

This standard applies to outdoor and indoor power apparatus dc bushings of condenser type that have basic
impulse insulation levels of 110 kV and above for use as components of oil-Þlled converter transformers and
smoothing reactors, as well as air-to-air dc bushings. This standard does not apply to the following:

a) High-voltage cable terminations (potheads)

b) Bushings for instrument transformers
c) Bushings for test transformers
d) Bushings in which the internal insulation is provided by a gas
e) Bushings applied with gaseous insulation (other than air at atmospheric pressure) external to the
f) Bushings for distribution class transformers

1.2 Purpose

This standard deÞnes the special terms used, service conditions, rating, general requirements, electrical insu-
lation characteristics, and test procedure for the bushings for dc application.

2. References

This standard shall be used in conjunction with the following publications. When the following standards are
superseded by a revision, the revision shall not apply.

ANSI C84.1-1982, Electric Power Systems and EquipmentÑVoltage Ratings (60 Hz).1

1ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor,
New York, NY 10036, USA.


ANSI C92.2-1981, Power SystemsÑPreferred Voltage Ratings for Alternating-Current Electrical Systems
and Equipment Operating at Voltages above 230 kV Nominal (revision and redesignation of ANSI C92.2-

IEC 137 (1984), Insulating bushings for alternating voltages above 1000 V.2

IEC 270 (1981), Partial discharge measurements.

IEC 60-1 (1989), High-voltage test techniques. Part 1: General deÞnitions and test requirements.

IEEE Std 4-1995, IEEE Standard Techniques for High-Voltage Testing (ANSI).3

IEEE Std 100-1992, IEEE Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms (ANSI).

IEEE Std 1313-1993, IEEE Standard for Power SystemsÑInsulation Coordination (formerly C92.1)

IEEE Std C57.19.100-1995, IEEE Guide for Application of Power Apparatus Bushings (ANSI).

IEEE Std C57.19.00-1991, IEEE General Requirements and Test Procedures for Outdoor Apparatus Bush-
ings (ANSI).

IEEE Std C57.19.01-1991, IEEE Standard Performance Characteristics and Dimensions for Outdoor Appa-
ratus Bushings (ANSI).

IEEE Std C57.113-1991, IEEE Guide for Partial Discharge Measurement in Liquid-Filled Power Trans-
formers and Shunt Reactors (ANSI).

3. DeÞnitions

For terms not speciÞcally deÞned in this standard, see IEEE Std 100-1992.4

3.1 ambient temperature: The temperature of the surrounding air that comes in contact with the bushing
and device or equipment in which the bushing is mounted.

3.2 arcing distance: The shortest external tight-string distance measured over the insulating envelope
between the metal parts at line potential and ground. Formerly referred to as striking distance or flashover

3.3 absorption current: Current resulting from charge absorbed in the dielectric as a result of polarization.

3.4 bushing: An insulating structure, including a through conductor or providing a central passage for such
a conductor, with provision for mounting on a barrier, conducting or otherwise, for the purpose of insulating
the conductor from the barrier and conducting current from one side of the barrier to the other.

2IEC publications are available from IEC Sales Department, Case Postale 131, 3, rue de VarembŽ, CH-1211, Gen•ve 20, Switzerland/
Suisse. IEC publications are also available in the United States from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 11
West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.
3IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1331, USA.
4Information on references can be found in clause 2.


3.4.1 bushing condenser: The component within a capacitive graded bushing in which the grading element
is embedded in the major insulation.

3.4.2 capacitance graded bushing: A bushing in which metallic or non-metallic conducting layers are
arranged within the insulating material for the purpose of controlling the distribution of the electric field of
the bushing, both axially and radially.

3.4.3 completely immersed bushing: A bushing in which both ends are intended to be immersed in an insu-
lating medium such as oil or gas.

3.4.4 oil-impregnated paper-insulated bushing: A bushing in which the internal insulation consists of a
condenser wound from paper and subsequently impregnated with oil. The condenser is contained in an insu-
lating envelope, the space between the condenser and the insulating envelope being filled with oil.

3.4.5 outdoor bushing: A bushing in which both ends are in ambient air and exposed to external atmo-
spheric conditions.

3.4.6 outdoor-immersed bushing: A bushing in which one end is in ambient air and exposed to external
atmospheric condition and the other end is immersed in an insulating medium such as oil or gas.

3.4.7 outdoor-indoor bushing: A bushing in which both ends are in ambient air but one end is intended to
be exposed to external atmospheric conditions and the other end is intended not to be so exposed.

3.4.8 sealed bushing: An oil-filled bushing in which the oil is contained within the bushing and not allowed
to mix with the oil of the apparatus on which it is used.

3.4.9 self-Þlling bushing: An oil-filled bushing in which the oil is allowed to circulate freely between the
inside of the bushing and the apparatus on which it is used.

3.4.10 tilted bushing: A bushing intended to be mounted at an angle of 20¡ to 70¡ from the vertical.

3.4.11 vertical bushing: A bushing intended to be mounted vertically or at an angle not exceeding 20¡ from
the vertical.

3.4.12 wall (roof) bushing: A bushing intended to be mounted on the wall (roof) of a building such as a
converter valve hall.

NOTEÑA wall or a roof bushing may be an outdoor, outdoor-indoor, or indoor bushing.

3.5 bushing test tap: A connection to one of the conducting layers of a capacitance graded bushing for mea-
surement of partial discharge, power factor, and capacitance values.

3.6 bushing voltage tap: A connection to one of the conducting layers of a capacitance graded bushing pro-
viding a capacitance voltage divider.

NOTEÑAdditional equipment can be designed, connected to this tap, and calibrated to indicate the voltage applied to
the bushing. This tap can also be used for measurement of partial discharge, power factor, and capacitance values.

3.7 capacitance (of bushing):

a) The main capacitance, C1, of a bushing is the capacitance between the high-voltage conductor and
the voltage tap or the test tap.
b) The tap capacitance, C2, of a capacitance graded bushing is the capacitance between the voltage tap
and mounting ßange (ground).


c) The capacitance, C, of a bushing without a voltage or test tap is the capacitance between the high-
voltage conductor and the mounting ßange (ground).

3.8 charging (capacitance) current: Current resulting from charge absorbed by the capacitor formed by the
capacitance of the bushing.

3.9 corona: A luminous discharge due to ionization of the air surrounding a conductor caused by a voltage
gradient exceeding a certain critical value.

3.10 creep distance: The shortest distance measured along the external contour of the insulating envelope
that separates the metal part operating at line voltage and the metal flange at ground potential.

3.11 dc bushing: A bushing carrying a dc stress, i.e., bushings applied to the valve winding side of a con-
verter transformer, bushing applied to a dc smoothing reactor or a bushing applied to a dc converter valve.

3.11.1 bushings for combined voltage application: A bushing applied to the valve winding side of a con-
verter transformer or a bushing applied to the converter transformer side of a dc converter valve. This bush-
ing is exposed to a large ac stress superimposed on a dc bias.

3.11.2 bushings for pure dc application: A bushing applied to the dc side of a dc converter valve or a bush-
ing applied on a dc smoothing reactor. This bushing is exposed to dc stress with a small ac ripple.

3.12 dissipation factor: The tangent of the dielectric loss angle.

NOTEÑFor small values of dielectric loss, the dissipation factor is virtually equal to the insulation power factor.

3.13 draw-lead bushing: A bushing that will allow the use of a draw-lead conductor.

3.14 draw-lead conductor: A cable or solid conductor that has one end connected to the transformer or
reactor winding and the other end drawn through the central tube of the bushing and connected to the top of
the bushing.

3.15 horizontal bushing: A bushing intended to be mounted horizontally at an angle 70¡ to 90¡ from the

3.16 indoor bushing: A bushing in which both ends are in ambient air but are not exposed to external atmo-
spheric conditions.

NOTEÑAn outdoor bushing may be used indoors but an indoor bushing may not be used outdoors.

3.17 indoor-immersed bushing: A bushing in which one end is in ambient air but not exposed to external
atmospheric conditions and the other end is immersed in an insulating medium such as oil or gas.

3.18 insulating envelope: An envelope of inorganic or organic material such as a ceramic or cast resin
placed around the energized conductor and insulating material.

3.19 insulation power factor: The ratio of the power dissipated in the insulation, in watts, to the product of
the effective voltage and current in volt-amperes, when tested under a sinusoidal voltage and prescribed

NOTEÑThe insulation power factor is equal to the cosine of the phase angle between the voltage and the resulting cur-
rent when both the voltage and current are sinusoidal.


3.20 internal insulation: Insulating material provided in a radial direction around the energized conductor
in order to insulate it from the ground potential.

3.21 leakage (conduction) current: Current resulting from the resistance of the dielectric insulation and
surface leakage.

3.22 major insulation: The insulating material providing the dielectric, which is necessary to maintain
proper isolation between the energized conductor and ground potential. It consists of internal insulation and
the insulating envelope(s).

3.23 oil: Mineral oil as described in ASTM D3487-88 (1993).

3.24 partial discharge: A discharge that does not completely bridge the insulation between electrodes.

NOTEÑThe term corona is preferably reserved for partial discharges in air around a conductor, but not within the bush-
ing assembly.

3.25 polarity: Polarity of the dc voltage with respect to ground, e.g., positive or negative.

3.26 polarity reversal: Change of voltage polarity from positive to negative or from negative to positive

3.27 radio-inßuence voltage (RIV): A high-frequency voltage generated as a result of partial discharge or
corona, which may be propagated by conduction, induction, radiation, or a combined effect of all three.

3.28 resin-impregnated paper-insulated bushing: A bushing in which the internal insulation consists of a
condenser wound from untreated paper and subsequently impregnated with a curable resin.

NOTEÑA resin-impregnated paper bushing may be provided with an insulating envelope, in which case the intervening
space may be Þlled with another insulating medium.

3.29 speciÞc creepage distance: For bushings for pure dc application, the creep distance divided by the
rated voltage for the dc system where the bushing is intended to be used.

For bushings for combined voltage application, the speciÞc creepage distance is the creep distance divided

Z ´ Vd


Z is the number of six pulse bridges in series.

Vd is the dc rated voltage per valve bridge.


4. Service conditions

4.1 Usual service conditions

Bushings conforming to this standard shall be suitable for operation at their ratings, provided

a) The temperature of the ambient air is within the following (see 4.2):
Maximum: 40 ¡C
Maximum daily mean: 30 ¡C
Minimum: Ð30 ¡C
b) The altitude does not exceed 1000 m (3300 ft)
c) The temperature rise of the transformer insulating oil in which one end of the bushing is immersed,
and the bushing mounting surface does not exceed 65 ¡C above the ambient temperature.
d) The external terminal and bus connections, when operated alone at rated current, do not exceed 30 ¡C
rise above ambient.
e) No moisture condensation is present on the outer surface of the indoor part of the outdoor-indoor
bushing, indoor bushing, and outdoor-immersed bushing.

4.2 Unusual service conditions

It is recognized that an ambient temperature limit of 40 ¡C may not be high enough for bushings in the valve
hall. In such instances, the user should specify expected ambient temperature for the valve hall bushings.

Bushings complying with this standard may be applied at higher or lower ambient temperatures or at higher
altitudes than speciÞed in 4.1, but their performance may be affected. See IEEE Std C57.19.100-1995 for
general guidance.

4.2.1 Application at altitudes greater than 1000 m (3300 ft)

The dielectric strength of bushings, which depends in whole or in part upon air for insulation, decreases as
the altitude increases due to the effect of decreased air density. When speciÞed, bushings shall be designed
with larger arcing distance using the correction factors of table 1 to obtain adequate air dielectric strength at
altitudes above 1000 m (3300 ft). The minimum insulation necessary at the required altitude can be obtained
by dividing the standard insulation at 1000 m (3300 ft) by the appropriate correction factor from table 1.

4.2.2 Other conditions that may affect design, testing, and application

Where other unusual conditions exist, they shall be brought to the attention of those responsible for the
design, testing, and application of the equipment. Examples of such conditions are

a) Damaging fumes or vapors; excessive abrasive or conducting dust; explosive mixtures of dust or
gases; steam; salt spray; icing; etc.
b) Excessive tilting
c) Abnormal vibration or shocks
d) Unusual transportation or storage conditions
e) Unusual space limitations
f) Unusual temperature applications
g) Proximity of installation adapters and tank walls
h) Proximity of building walls to wall bushings


Table 1ÑDielectricÐstrength correctionÐfactors for altitudes greater than 1000 m (3300 ft)

Altitude correction factor for
dielectric strength
(ft) (m)

3300 1000 1.00

4000 1200 0.98

5000 1500 0.95

6000 1800 0.92

7000 2100 0.89

8000 2400 0.86

9000 2700 0.83

10 000 3000 0.80

12 000 3600 0.75

14 000 4200 0.70

15 000 4500 0.67

NOTEÑAn altitude of 4500 m (15 000 ft) is considered a max-

imum for bushings conforming to this standard.

5. Rating

A designation of performance characteristics based upon deÞnite conditions shall include the following
where applicable:

a) Rated maximum line-to-ground voltage

b) Rated frequency
c) Rated dielectric strength
d) Rated continuous current

5.1 Rated maximum line-to-ground voltage

5.1.1 Rated voltage

The rated voltage of a bushing is the voltage of the dc system at which the bushing is designed to operate
under usual service conditions.

5.1.2 Continuous dc voltage

The continuous dc voltage is the maximum continuous dc voltage the bushing is required to withstand under
usual service conditions.


5.1.3 Peak voltage

The peak voltage is the maximum combined dc voltage plus ac peak voltage the bushing is required to with-
stand under usual service conditions. This voltage includes a continuous dc component and superimposed ac
component (ripple or converter transformer valve winding voltage).

5.2 Rated frequency

Rated frequency is the frequency of the ac system to which the bushing is connected. Rated frequency for
bushings used for pure dc application is ÒdcÓ.

5.3 Rated dielectric strength

The rated dielectric strength of a bushing is expressed in terms of speciÞed values of ac, dc, and impulse
voltages. The values chosen for a bushing shall be such that the lightning impulse, chopped wave impulse,
and the switching impulse insulation levels include a suitable margin in excess of the dielectric stresses to
which the bushing will be subjected in actual service.

The BIL and BSL values should be chosen from the recommended values listed in IEEE Std 1313-1993. The
chopped wave insulation level shall be determined by multiplying the BIL with 1.15.

5.3.1 Rated low-frequency test voltage

The test for a bushing is the ac test voltage, which a new bushing shall be capable of withstanding for 1 min
when tested in dry condition as speciÞed in 7.3.3.

5.3.2 Rated full-wave lightning-impulse voltage

The rated full-wave lightning-impulse voltage is the crest value of a standard 1.2 ´ 50 ms impulse voltage
wave, which a new bushing shall be capable of withstanding when tested under the conditions speciÞed in

5.3.3 Rated chopped-wave lightning-impulse voltage

The rated chopped-wave lightning-impulse voltage is the crest value of a standard 1.2 ´ 50 ms impulse volt-
age, which a new bushing shall be capable of withstanding for a speciÞed time from the start of the wave at
virtual time zero until ßashover of a rod gap or coordinating gap occurs when tested under the conditions
speciÞed in 7.2.3.

5.3.4 Rated switching-impulse voltage Rated wet switching-impulse voltage

The rated wet switching-impulse voltage is the crest value of a 250 ´ 2500 ms switching-impulse voltage
wave, which a new bushing shall be capable of withstanding when tested under the conditions speciÞed in Rated dry switching-impulse voltage

The rated dry switching-impulse voltage is the crest value of a 250 ´ 2500 ms switching-impulse voltage
wave, which a new bushing shall be capable of withstanding when tested under the conditions speciÞed in


5.3.5 Rated dc test voltage

The rated dc test voltage is the voltage that a new bushing shall be capable of withstanding when tested
under the condition speciÞed in 7.2.5.

5.4 Rated current

The deÞnition of rated current depends on the bushing application.

If the bushing is one for pure dc application, the rating is deÞned in 5.4.1. If the bushing is one for combined
voltage application, the rating is deÞned in 5.4.2.

5.4.1 DC applications

In these applications, the bushing conducts dc current and voltage with a small superimposed ac ripple. Rated continuous dc current

The rated continuous dc current is the maximum continuous direct current the bushing is required to carry
under usual service conditions. DC overload current

The bushing dc overload current is the maximum direct current above the continuous rating the bushing is
intended to carry for a stated short time. The current magnitude, duration, and frequency of occurrence shall
be speciÞed based on system performance requirements. Rated momentary (short-time) dc current

The rated momentary short-time dc current is the peak current that the bushing is required to withstand
mechanically and thermally for a stated short time. Duration of the short-time in milliseconds shall be spec-
iÞed by the purchaser.

5.4.2 Combined voltage applications

In these applications, the bushing conducts a combined ac and dc current. Rated continuous ac current

The rated continuous ac current is the rms equivalent of the actual operating current wave shape based on the
dc rated load commutated with zero commutating angle. AC overload current

The ac overload current is the maximum alternating-current above the continuous rating that the bushing is
required to carry for a stated short time. The current magnitude, duration, and frequency of occurrence shall
be speciÞed based on system performance requirements. Rated momentary (short-time) current

The rated momentary short-time current is the current ßowing through the bushing at the major peak of the
maximum cycle as determined from the envelope of the current wave. This current is expressed as the root-


mean-square value including the dc component. Duration of the momentary current shall be 3 s unless other-
wise speciÞed.

5.4.3 Thermal basis of rating

The hottest-spot temperature rise of the current-carrying parts in contact with the insulation and the temper-
ature of noncurrent-carrying metal parts in contact with the insulation shall not exceed the following temper-
ature limits when

a) For an apparatus bushing, one end is completely immersed in oil (within 2 in [5 cm] of the mounting
ßange) having a rise of 65 ¡C over the maximum daily mean ambient temperature (30 ¡C) and the
bushing is carrying the rated current
b) For a wall bushing or a roof bushing, both ends are exposed to a maximum daily mean ambient tem-
perature (30 ¡C) and the bushing is carrying the rated current.

Temperature limits

Hottest-spot temperature rise

Insulation temperature index Maximum temperature (¡C)

105 75 105

120 90 120

5.4.4 Draw-lead conductor applications

For draw-lead conductor application, the central tube of the bushing does not carry any current and there-
fore, the current rating of the draw-lead conductor is not associated with the bushing current rating. The cur-
rent rating for this type of application is limited by the thermal characteristics of the draw-lead conductor
used together with the thermal characteristics of the bushing.

These characteristics will vary with the size of the draw-lead conductor, the inside diameter of the bushings
central tube, the overall length of the bushing, and the insulation on the draw-lead conductor.

Recommendations for the draw-lead application should be obtained from the bushing manufacturer.

6. General requirements

This standard includes a number of the following general requirements that are applicable to certain ratings
of outdoor power apparatus bushings. SpeciÞc values for these requirements are listed under the correspond-
ing headings.

6.1 Electrical requirements

a) Voltage withstand tests (see 7.2.1 through 7.2.5; 7.3.3 through 7.3.7)
b) Partial discharge (see table 3)
c) Power factor and capacitance (see table 4)
d) Creep distance (see 6.4)


6.2 Mechanical requirements

a) Dimensions
b) Cantilever strength (see table 5)
c) Internal pressure and vacuum (see
d) Apparatus bushings shall be designed to withstand full vacuum when mounted in the apparatus tank
e) Draw lead bushing cap pressure
f) Bushing voltage tap. All bushings 450 kV BIL and above shall be provided with a bushing voltage
tap. These taps shall be normally grounded as shown in Þgure 1.
g) Bushing test tap. All capacitance graded bushings with BIL below 450 kV shall be provided with a
bushing test tap. This tap is normally grounded and is intended for measurement of power factor,
capacitance from conductor to tap, and partial discharge. Since the capacitance from tap to ground is
not controlled, the tap is not intended for use as a voltage divider during normal operation.

A 2.250-12 UNF 2A F 1 in (25.4 mm)

B 0.375 in minÐ0.750 in max G 2.940 in (74.676 mm)

(9.525 mm minÐ19.050 mm max)

C 0.310 in (7.874 mm) H 2.266 in ± 0.003 in

(57.556 mm ± 0.076 mm)

D 0.313 in ± 0.003 in J 0.125 in minÐ0.290 in max

(7.950 mm ± 0.076 mm) (3.175 mm minÐ7.366 mm max)

E 1.750 in (44.45 mm) K 3.033 in (77.038 mm)

Figure 1ÑBushing potential tap dimensions


6.3 Nameplate markings

The following information where applicable shall appear on all bushing nameplates, except on small 110 kV
BIL bushings, which shall be marked in a conspicuous place with a manufacturerÕs speciÞc identiÞcation.

a) ManufacturerÕs name, identiÞcation number, type, year of manufacture, and serial number
b) Continuous dc voltage (for bushings for pure dc application, see 5.1.2)
c) Peak voltage (for bushings for combined voltage application, see 5.1.3)
d) Continuous dc current (for bushings for pure dc application, see
e) Continuous ac current (for bushings for combined voltage application, see
f) Rated full-wave lightning impulse withstand voltage (BIL)
g) Capacitance, C1 and C2, on all bushings equipped with voltage taps, and C1 on all bushings
equipped with test taps
h) Power factor measured from conductor to tap, where applicable, at 10 kV or above and referred to
20 ¡C by the ungrounded specimen test (UST)
i) Length of bushing below mounting surface (L) (not applicable for wall bushings)

6.4 SpeciÞc creepage distance

The minimum speciÞc creepage distance for indoor bushings shall be 17 mm/kV. Requirements for outdoor
bushings are under consideration.

7. Test procedure

This test procedure summarizes the various tests that are made on bushings for dc application, describes
accepted methods used in making these tests, and speciÞes the tests that will demonstrate ratings in this stan-
dard. It does not preclude the use of other equivalent or more effective methods of demonstrating the ratings.
These tests are divided into following classiÞcations:

a) Design tests
b) Routine tests
c) Special tests

7.1 Test conditions

7.1.1 General requirements

Bushings shall be prepared for dielectric tests, and measurements and corrections for conditions shall be
made in accordance with appropriate clauses of this standard. The following shall be in accordance with
applicable clauses in IEEE Std 4-1995:

a) DeÞnitions of tests (clause 3)

b) General test procedures (clauses 4, 5.2, 6.2, 7.8, 8.5)
c) Characteristics and tolerances of waveshapes (clauses 7.1Ð7.5, 8.1, 8.2)
d) Method of measurement (clauses 7.7, 8.4, 12, 13, 17)
e) Standard atmospheric and precipitation conditions (clauses 14, 15, 16)
f) Rate and duration of voltage application for low-frequency tests (clause 6)

7.1.2 Test specimen requirements

The test specimen shall comply with the following requirements:


a) Except for mechanical tests, bushings shall be mounted on a supporting structure and in the position
approximating that for which they were designed and with their ends in the media of the type in
which they are intended to operate.
b) Bushings shall be completely assembled with all elements normally considered essential parts of the
bushings. Connectors not provided as part of the bushing are not part of the test.
c) The bushing shall be dry and clean.
d) For partial discharge tests, suitable external shielding may be applied to eliminate external corona on
the air end terminal(s).
e) DC tests on apparatus bushings shall be done with external insulation and ground planes surround-
ing the lower end of the bushing in a position as similar as possible to that in the intended service
f) DC tests on wall bushings shall be done with wall ground plane and mounting arrangements as sim-
ilar as possible to that in the intended service condition.

7.1.3 Test conditions Air temperature

The ambient temperature at the time of test shall be between 10 ¡C and 40 ¡C (50 ¡F and 104 ¡F). Humidity

The absolute humidity at the time of test shall be between 7.0 g/m3 and 15.0 g/m3. Refer to Þgure 35 of
IEEE Std 4-1995 for determination of the absolute humidity.

7.1.4 Correction factors

When actual test conditions vary from standard test conditions, as speciÞed in IEEE Std 4-1995, correction
factor k1 (for variation in relative air density) and k2 (for variation in humidity) may be applied to correct the
applied withstand voltages to withstand voltages at standard conditions.

Correction factors shall be determined in accordance with clause 16, Atmospheric Correction Factors of
IEEE Std 4-1995 or clause 11, Atmospheric Conditions of IEC 60-1 (1989), and shall be applied as follows:

a) Dry 1 min low-frequency withstand testsÑNo corrections

b) Full-wave lightning-impulse withstand testsÑCorrection factor k1 ´ k2 may be applied. When the
corrected test voltage is lower than the speciÞed test voltage, the correction shall be applied to the
polarity where the external withstand voltage is the most critical. The opposite polarity shall be
tested with at least the speciÞed uncorrected voltage.
When the corrected test voltage is higher than the speciÞed test voltage, the corrected test voltage
shall be used on both polarities. If the correction multiplier exceeds 1.05, the test shall continue only
by the mutual consent of the purchaser and the supplier.
c) Chopped-waved lightning impulse withstand testÑNo correction.
d) Wet switching-impulse withstand testsÑCorrection factor k1 may be applied.
e) DC voltage withstand testÑCorrection factors k1 ´ k2 may be applied.
f) Polarity reversal testÑNo correction
g) Temperature correction factor for the power factorÑIf the temperature of the condenser body is sus-
pected to deviate more than ±3 ¡C from the reference temperature (+20 ¡C), a correction factor for
the power factor shall be provided by the manufacturer.

7.2 Design tests

Design tests are those made to determine the adequacy of the design of a particular type, style, or model of
power apparatus bushing; to meet its assigned ratings, to operate satisfactorily under usual service condi-


tions or under special conditions if speciÞed, and to demonstrate compliance with appropriate standards of
the industry.

Design tests are made only on representative bushings to substantiate the ratings assigned to all other bush-
ings of the same design. These tests are not intended to be made as a part of normal production. The applica-
ble portions of these design tests may also be used to evaluate modiÞcations of a previous design and to
assure that performance has not been adversely affected. Test data from previous designs may be used for
current designs where appropriate. Once made, the tests need not be repeated unless the design is changed so
as to modify performance.

During these tests, the bushing will be stressed higher than usually encountered in service and the bushings
must withstand these tests without evidence of partial or complete failure. Hidden damage that may occur
during the dielectric withstand voltage tests can usually be detected by comparing values of certain electrical
characteristics before and after the withstand voltage tests. The characteristics usually measured are capaci-
tance, power factor, and apparent charge. These diagnostic tests may be associated with individual withstand
tests or a group of withstand tests. The criteria for acceptance is given in tables 3 and 4.

Design tests are listed in table 2.

7.2.1 Low-frequency withstand voltage with partial discharge measurements

The test shall be performed as speciÞed in 7.3.3 except that the voltage in step c) shall be applied for 1 h.
Partial discharge measurements shall be made at 5 min intervals.

7.2.2 Full-wave and chopped wave lightning-impulse withstand voltage

Both positive and negative standard 1.2 ´ 50 ms waves as described in IEEE Std 4-1995 shall be used. Proce-
dures shown in IEEE Std 4-1995 under, Withstand voltage testÑprocedure B, shall be used, plus Þve
more chopped wave impulses of negative polarity. The test voltage shall be as speciÞed by the user.

The test shall be done in the following sequence:

1) Fifteen (15) full-wave impulses of positive polarity; followed by

2) One (1) full-wave impulse of negative polarity; followed by
3) Five (5) chopped-wave impulses of negative polarity; followed by
4) Fourteen (14) full-wave impulses of negative polarity

The time to chopping shall be 3 ms. The peak-voltage level shall be 115% of the full-wave value.


Table 2ÑRoutine and design tests for dc bushings

Tests Routine Design Special

7.2.1 Low-frequency dry X

7.3.3 Low-frequency dry X

7.2.2 Lightning impulse X

7.3.5 Lightning impulse X

7.2.3 Switching-impulse wet X

7.2.4 Switching-impulse dry X

7.3.6 Switching impulse Xa DC applied voltage X DC polarity reversal X

7.2.6 Capacitance X

7.2.6 Power factor X Pressure test X Cantilever strength X

7.2.8 Thermal test X

7.3.4 Potential tap withstand X

7.3.9 Mechanical tests X

7.4.1 Contamination test X

7.4.2 Even rain test X

7.4.3 Uneven rain test X

a Only for wall bushings and roof bushings.

Table 3ÑPartial discharge limits (pC)

Type of construction AC tests DC tests

Resin impregnated paper 10 pC

See NOTE 2
Oil-impregnated paper 10 pC

1ÑThese limits include background corona. Since these measurements are re-
lated to partial discharges within the major insulation, external shielding may
be used to reduce corona that may occur at the bushing terminals or the
grounded projections.
2ÑSee 7.2.5.


Table 4ÑPower factor and capacitance limits

Power factorc Capacitance

Type of construction
Acceptable Acceptable
change%a change%b

Resin-impregnated 0.85 +0.04 +1.0

Paper-insulated Ñ Ð0.04 Ð1.0

Oil-impregnated 0.50 +0.02 +1.0

Paper-insulated Ñ Ð0.06 Ð1.0

a The arithmetic difference in power factors (expressed in percent) measured at 10 kV or at
the rated maximum line-to-ground voltage before and after dielectric withstand voltage test
shall be within the specified limit. For example, if the power factor of the oil-impregnated,
paper-insulated bushing was 0.30% before the withstand test, the maximum acceptable power
factor after the test would be 0.32%.
b The percent change in capacitance after the dielectric withstand voltage test based on the ini-
tial value shall be within the specified limit. The measurements are to be made at 10 kV or at
the rated maximum line-to-ground voltage. If the bushing has more than 100 conductive lay-
ers, the accepted percentage change in capacitance will be (1/No. of Layers) ´ 100.
c Corrected to 20 ¡C. See 7.1.4 g).

7.2.3 Wet switching-impulse withstand voltage

This test shall apply only to outdoor bushings and outdoor indoor bushings with a BIL of 900 kV and above.
A positive polarity standard 250 ´ 2500 ms impulse, as described in IEEE Std 4-1995, shall be applied under
wet conditions described in IEEE Std 4-1995 in 14.2, table 3, standard test procedure. Procedures shown in
IEEE Std 4-1995 under, Withstand voltage testÑprocedure B, shall be used. The test voltage shall be
as speciÞed by the user.

7.2.4 Dry switching-impulse withstand voltage

This test shall apply only to indoor bushings with a BIL of 900 kV and above. A positive polarity standard
250 ms´ 2500 ms impulse as described in IEEE Std 4-1995 shall be applied under dry conditions. Procedures
shown in IEEE Std 4-1995 under paragraph 8.5, Withstand voltage testÑprocedure B, shall be used. The test
voltage shall be as speciÞed by the user.

7.2.5 DC tests

DC tests shall include the following:

a) DC voltage-withstand test with partial discharge measurement

b) Polarity reversal test with partial discharge measurement DC test voltages

The dc test voltage for the apparatus bushings shall be 1.15 times the test voltage for the associated appara-
tus. The dc test voltage for the wall bushings shall be the same as that for the apparatus to which the wall
bushing is connected.

Test voltages shall be calculated by using the equations below. The factor 1.15 in these equations is the mar-
gin stated above.


Table 5ÑCantilever test requirements for dc bushings

BIL Rated current Transverse force

(kV) (A) (lb) (N)

Up to 200 Up to 1000 150 667

1000Ð2000 200 890
2001Ð3000 250 1112
> 3000 300 1335

250 to 350 Up to 1000 200 890

1001Ð2000 250 1112
2001Ð3000 300 1335
> 3000 350 1557

550 to 650 Up to 1000 300 1335

1001Ð2000 350 1557
> 2000 400 1780

750 to 900 Up to 1000 400 1780

1001Ð2000 450 2002
> 2000 500 2225

1050 to 1175 Up to 1000 500 2225

1001Ð2000 550 2447
> 2000 600 2670

1300 to 1550 Up to 1000 600 2670

1001Ð2000 650 2892
> 2000 700 3115

1ÑThe above values apply to bushings operated at inclinations up to 20 degrees from
the vertical. For bushings operated at angles greater than 20 degrees, an equivalent
force appearing at the terminal due to the weight of the bushing should be added to
the above test values.
2ÑDuring operation, the maximum transverse static force should not exceed 50% of
the above values. For bushings operated at angles greater than 20¡ the maximum
transverse static force should be limited to 30% of the above test values.

a) Transformer bushings

V DCT = 1.15 ´ 1.5 [ ( Z Ð 0.5 )V d + 0.7 V VO ] (1)

V PRT = 1.15 ´ 1.25 [ ( Z Ð 0.5 )V d + 0.35V VO ] (2)

b) Smoothing reactor bushings

V DCR = 1.15 ´ 1.5Z V d (3)

V PRR = 1.15 ´ 1.25Z V d (4)

c) Wall bushings connected to transformer

V DCTW = 1.5 [ ( Z Ð 0.5 )V d + 0.7 V VO ] (5)


V PRTW = 1.25 [ ( Z Ð 0.5 )V d + 0.35V VO ] (6)

d) Wall bushings connected to smoothing reactors

V DCRW = 1.5Z V d (7)

V PRRW = 1.25Z V d (8)


VDCT is the dc test voltage for the applied voltage test for transformer bushings
VDCR is the dc test voltage for the applied voltage test for smoothing reactor bushings
VPRT is the dc test voltage for polarity reversal test for transformer bushings
VPRR is the dc test voltage for polarity reversal test for smoothing reactor bushings
VDCTW is the dc test voltage for applied voltage test for wall bushings connected to transformer
VPRTW is the dc test voltage for polarity reversal test for wall bushings connected to transformer
VDCRW is the dc test voltage for applied voltage test for wall bushings connected to smoothing reactors
VPRRW is the dc test voltage for polarity reversal test for wall bushings connected to smoothing reactors
Vd is the maximum dc voltage per valve bridge = VDCS/Z
VDCS is the maximum dc rated voltage of the system
Z is the number of six-pulse bridges in series
VVO is the maximum phase-phase ac operating voltage of valve winding of converter transformer DC applied voltage withstand test with partial discharge measurement

A positive polarity voltage shall be applied to the bushing conductor. The duration of the test shall be a min-
imum of 2 h and this test shall be conducted before the polarity reversal test.

If the bushing withstands the speciÞed test voltages and satisÞes the partial discharge requirements as speci-
Þed below, it shall be considered to have passed the test. If a ßashover occurs on the outside of the insulating
envelope, the test may be repeated. If the repeat test also results in ßashover, the bushing shall be considered
to have failed.

Partial discharge measurements shall be made continuously during the test. The result shall be considered
acceptable and no further applied voltage tests required when during the last 30 min of the test no more than
7 pulses greater than 2000 pC are noted. If the number of pulses exceeds 7 during the last 30 min of the ini-
tial 120 min period, the test may be extended for another 30 min period, and the bushing shall be accepted
when the number of pulses in this extension is no more than 7. Pulses that are proven to be external to the
test object shall be disregarded. DC polarity reversal test with partial discharge measurement

The following test sequence shall apply:

1) Apply negative polarity voltage for 90 min.

2) Reverse the polarity and maintain the voltage for 90 min.
3) Reverse the polarity again and maintain the voltage for 45 min.
4) Reduce the voltage to zero.


In service conditions, the polarity reversals occur in 300 ms or less. In order to come closest to this actual
service condition, the polarity reversal should be accomplished as fast as possible with no intentional delay,
and shall be performed within 2 min maximum.

If the bushing withstands the speciÞed test voltages and satisÞes the partial discharge requirements, it shall
be considered to have passed the test. If a ßashover occurs on the outside of the insulating envelope, the test
may be repeated. If the repeat test also results in ßashover, the bushing shall be considered to have failed.

Partial discharge shall be measured throughout the entire polarity reversal test. The results shall be consid-
ered acceptable and no further polarity reversal tests required when during the 30 min following each rever-
sal no more than 7 pulses greater than 2000 pC are noted. Because some discharge activity is normal during
the polarity reversal, all pulses during the polarity reversal shall be disregarded. Pulses that are proven to be
external to the test object shall be disregarded.

7.2.6 Power factor and capacitance

Power factor and capacitance measurements shall be made between the conductor and the bushing voltage or
test tap before and after the dc tests. These measurements shall be made at a voltage of 10 kV or above as per
7.3.1 and 7.3.2. A bushing shall be considered to have passed the test if the limits and the tolerance of
acceptable change as given in table 4 are satisÞed.

7.2.7 Mechanical tests Draw lead bushing cap pressure test

The bushing cap assembly shall withstand an internal hydraulic pressure test (gage) of 20 lb/in2 (138 kPa)
for 1 h without leakage. Cantilever strength test

The bushing shall be rigidly mounted with load applied normal to the longitudinal axis of the bushing, at the
midpoint of the thread or threaded terminals, and at the lower terminal plate on bushings so equipped. Tests
shall be applied to the top and bottom (where applicable) terminals of the bushing but not simultaneously.

During the cantilever test the bushing internal pressure (gage) shall be 10 lb/in2 (69 kPa). The speciÞed load
shall (see table 5) be applied for a period of 1 min Permanent deformation, measured at the bottom end 1 min
after removal of the load, shall not exceed 0.06 in (1.52 mm). There shall be no leakage at either end at any
time during or within 10 min after removal of the load.

7.2.8 Thermal test

This test does not apply to draw-lead bushings. All other bushings shall be tested as speciÞed in this sub-
clause. Connections

The connections to the bushings shall be made in such a manner that they will not appreciably affect the
bushing temperature rise. Connections of the oil side of apparatus bushings

The lower end of the bushing shall be immersed to the oil level required in 5.4.3 and with the oil at a temper-
ature of 65 ± 2 ¡C above the ambient temperature. The temperature of the lower end (oil bath) shall be mea-


sured by a thermocouple immersed approximately 2 in (50 mm) below the oil surface and located
approximately 6 in (150 mm) from the surface of the bushing. Connections of the air side of apparatus bushings and connections of wall

The temperature of the surrounding air shall neither be less than 10 ¡C nor more than 40 ¡C. No corrections
for variations of the ambient temperature within this range shall be applied.

For apparatus bushings the ambient temperature shall be determined as that of the surrounding air by taking
the average reading of the three thermometers placed at least 2 ft (610 mm) away from any part of the bush-
ing on test. The thermometers shall be located at heights corresponding to the mounting ßange, midpoint and
top of the bushing.

For wall bushings, the ambient temperature shall be determined as that of the surrounding air by taking the
average reading of Þve thermometers placed at least 2 ft (610 mm) away from the bushing. the thermometers
shall be located at positions corresponding to the mounting ßange, midpoints of air insulators, and at both
ends of the bushing. Measurement of the hot-spot temperature

The temperatures during the test shall be measured with thermocouples in sufÞcient number to detect the
hottest part. The temperature of the hottest point on the conductor of the bushing shall be determined by
thermocouples soldered or suitably Þxed along the length of the conductor or imbedded in the insulation.
The test shall be continued until the temperature has stabilized and does not vary by more than ± 2¡ during
2 h. Application of current

The applied current is different depending on the application of the bushing.

For bushings for pure dc application, the applied current should be equal to the rated continuous dc current.
If a dc current source is not available, an alternating 50 Hz or 60 Hz current supply will be acceptable. In
such a case, the same current shall be used (if an ac source is used, correction for skin effect might be done if
agreed upon by purchaser and manufacturer).

For bushings for combined voltage application, the test current Itestac is a 50 Hz or 60 Hz current calculated
using the formulas (9) and (10) below:

I eqdc = å I n2 ´ K n (9)

2 R dc
I testac = I eqdc ´ -------- (10)
R ac


In is the magnitude of harmonic current

Kn is the effective resistance at nth harmonic
R dc


Ieqdc is the total equivalent dc current

Itestac is the applied fundamental frequency ac current during the thermal test
Rdc is the dc resistance for the test object
Rac is the resistance at fundamental frequency Acceptance criteria

Requirements, as outlined in 5.4.3, shall be fulÞlled or the bushing shall be considered to have failed.

7.3 Routine tests

Routine tests are those tests made to check the quality and uniformity of the workmanship and materials
used in the manufacture of power apparatus bushings.

Routine tests are listed in table 2.

Measurements of power factor, capacitance, and apparent charge shall be carried out before and after the
series of routine tests in order to check whether any change has occurred.

7.3.1 Capacitance, C1, and C2 measurement

Capacitance C1 between the bushing high-voltage conductor and the voltage or test tap, and where applica-
ble, capacitance C2 between the voltage tap and grounded ßange shall be measured at 10 kV or above before
and after their respective low-frequency withstand voltage tests. Tolerance of acceptable change is speciÞed
by table 4.

7.3.2 Power factor

The power factor between the bushing conductor and the bushing voltage or test tap shall be measured at
10 kV or above by the Ungrounded Specimen Test (UST) method before and after the low-frequency with-
stand voltage test.

Solid bushings not equipped with test taps shall be tested by the Grounded Specimen Test (GST) method
after the low-frequency withstand voltage test. Limits and tolerance of acceptable change are speciÞed by
table 4.

7.3.3 Low-frequency dry withstand test with partial discharge measurements

The test shall be made with the bushing clean and dry. If the bushing withstands the speciÞed test voltage
and meets the partial discharge limits, as speciÞed below, it shall be considered to have passed the test.

Partial discharges generated within the bushing during test shall be determined by apparent charge

General principles and circuit for apparent charge measurement are described in IEC 270-1981 and a partic-
ular type of wide-band measurement is described in IEEE Std C57.113-1991.

Measurements may be made by using either the bushing voltage tap or the coupling capacitor method.


The bushing shall be subjected to the following test procedure:

a) Measure apparent charge at a Voltage VAC. The test voltage VAC shall be calculated as follows:
1) Transformer bushings

1.5 2
V ACT = 1.15 ´ ------- ´ ( Z Ð 0.5 ) ´ V d + ------- ´ V vo (11)
2 3

2) Smoothing reactor bushings

V ACR = 1.15 ´ ------- ´ Z ´ V d (12)

The test voltages for the wall bushings connected to transformers or the smoothing reactors shall be
calculated as above except that the factor 1.15 may be omitted.
The partial discharge limits are speciÞed in table 3.
b) Perform a 1 min dry withstand test at a voltage level equal to the bushing BIL divided by 2.1. If a
ßashover occurs outside the insulating envelope, the test may be repeated. If the repeat test also
results in a ßashover, the bushing shall be considered to have failed. No partial discharge measure-
ments are required during this test.
c) Repeat measurements of apparent charge at VAC. The partial discharge limits are speciÞed in table 3.

7.3.4 DC tests

DC tests shall be performed as speciÞed in 7.2.5.

7.3.5 Full-wave lightning impulse withstand test and chopped wave lightning impulse with-
stand test

For wall bushings and roof bushings, this test shall be performed as speciÞed in 7.2.2.

For bushings other than wall bushings and roof bushings, Þve full-wave impulses of negative polarity shall
be applied. By contractual agreement, three full-wave impulses of negative and two chopped-wave impulses
of negative polarity can be applied.

Procedure as described in IEEE Std 4-1995, including procedure shown under, Withstand voltage
testÑprocedure B, shall be used. The test voltages shall be as given in 7.2.2.

7.3.6 Dry switching impulse withstand test

For wall bushings and roof bushings, this test shall be performed as speciÞed in 7.2.4. For other bushings, no
test is speciÞed.

7.3.7 Tap withstand voltage

A low-frequency withstand test shall be applied to or induced at the tap for 1 min with the bushing mounting
ßange grounded. Voltage taps shall be tested at 20 kV. Test taps shall be tested at 2 kV.


7.3.8 Mechanical tests

An internal hydraulic pressure test shall be applied at 20 psi gage (138 kPa) for a minimum of 1 h without
resultant leakage.

7.4 Special tests

Special tests are not a part of routine or design tests. Special tests shall be done only when agreed upon
between the user and the manufacturer.

7.4.1 Contamination test

Proper test methods to prove the performance of the bushing under contaminated conditions are in the stage
of development. As a guide to the contamination test procedure, IEC Technical Report [Reference Number:
36 (Secretariat) 85], ArtiÞcial pollution tests on high-voltage insulators to be used on dc systems, might be
used. ESDD level shall be as agreed upon between the user and the manufacturer.

7.4.2 Even rain tests

The test shall be carried out at a voltage level of 1.25 times the maximum continuous dc line voltage.

The rain shall be as described in IEEE Std 4-1995, subclause 14.2, table 3, standard test procedure.

The voltage shall be applied after the rain has been on for at least 2 min. The test duration shall be 1 h. The
bushing shall be considered to have passed the test if no ßashovers occur during the test.

7.4.3 Uneven rain tests

Laboratory tests have indicated that the dielectric withstand ability of (nearly) horizontal wall bushings may
be affected by non-uniform wetting of the outdoor insulator, which can take place when the lower ßange end
of insulator is shielded by the building wall, creating a dry zone. The most severe reductions are seen with
bare porcelain insulators.

The reproducibility of uneven rain tests made in different laboratories has not been established in a manner
consistent with other standardized tests because of the difÞculty and expense of performing these tests.
However, further guidance will become available as research continues and when appropriate inter-labora-
tory comparisons are made.

If a test is carried out, the test voltage level should not be higher than 1.25 times the continuous dc voltage.


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