4 - ELISA - Human Pro-Collagen I Alpha 1 ELISA
4 - ELISA - Human Pro-Collagen I Alpha 1 ELISA
4 - ELISA - Human Pro-Collagen I Alpha 1 ELISA
11 References 6 Images
Serum 8 1.8%
Serum 3 3%
Sample type Cell culture supernatant, Serum, Plasma, Cell culture extracts, Tissue Extracts
Assay type Sandwich (quantitative)
Sensitivity 5.3 pg/ml
Range 39.06 pg/ml - 2500 pg/ml
Recovery Sample specific recovery
Assay duration One step assay
Species reactivity Reacts with: Human
Does not react with: Cow
Product overview Pro-Collagen I alpha 1 in vitro SimpleStep ELISA® (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) kit is
designed for the quantitative measurement of human Pro-Collagen I alpha 1 protein in serum,
plasma, cell culture supernatants, and cell and tissue extract samples.
The SimpleStep ELISA® employs an affinity tag labeled capture antibody and a reporter
conjugated detector antibody which immunocapture the sample analyte in solution. This entire
complex (capture antibody/analyte/detector antibody) is in turn immobilized via immunoaffinity of
an anti-tag antibody coating the well. To perform the assay, samples or standards are added to
the wells, followed by the antibody mix. After incubation, the wells are washed to remove unbound
material. TMB substrate is added and during incubation is catalyzed by HRP, generating blue
coloration. This reaction is then stopped by addition of Stop Solution completing any color change
from blue to yellow. Signal is generated proportionally to the amount of bound analyte and the
intensity is measured at 450 nm. Optionally, instead of the endpoint reading, development of TMB
can be recorded kinetically at 600 nm.
Samples diluted in Sample Diluent NS MDD = 5.6 pg/mL
Samples diluted in 1X Cell Extraction Buffer PTR MDD = 5.3 pg/mL
Notes Type I collagen is the most abundant structural protein of connective tissues such as skin, bone
and tendon. It is synthesized as a pro-collagen molecule that is characterized by a 300 nm triple
helical domain flanked by globular N- and C-terminal propeptides. Specifically, human Pro-
Collagen I alpha 1 consists of a signal peptide (amino acids (aa) 1-22), a propeptide (aa 23-161),
the mature chain (aa 162-1218), and another propeptide (aa 1219 – 1464). The non-helical
propeptides are removed by procollagen N- and C-proteinase activities so that the mature triple
helices can self-assemble into collagen fibrils that provide tensile strength to tissues.
Components 1 x 96 tests
Components 1 x 96 tests
Background-subtracted data values (mean +/- SD) are graphed.
Interpolated dilution factor corrected values are plotted (mean +/-
SD, n=2). The mean Pro-Collagen I alpha 1 concentration was
determined to be 197.3 ng/mL with a range of 113.0 – 417 ng/mL.
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