The Use of Anagrams To Increase Students' English Vocabulary Mastery
The Use of Anagrams To Increase Students' English Vocabulary Mastery
The Use of Anagrams To Increase Students' English Vocabulary Mastery
April 2020
The objective of the research was to find out whether Anagrams increased students’ vocabulary
mastery and to find out how was the students’ mastery in learning vocabulary by using Anagrams. The
subject of this research was the second year students of MTs Al Washliyah 32 Sei Bamban in
academic year 2018/2019 which consisted of thirty people. In this research, it was applied the
Classroom Action Research (CAR). Technique of collecting the data was to use a written test, in a
certain topic applied in Anagram technique where the researcher made the indicators as the test
consisted of twenty where each number amounts to 5. Then the researcher observed the students’
action while the use of Anagram technique was implemented and also the students’ opinion about the
effectiveness of Anagram technique toward their vocabulary mastery. The result of the research
showed that the students’ score in the second cycle was higher (85-95) than the first cycle (68-90). In
other words it indicated that the use of Anagrams really increase students’ vocabulary mastery.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 5 No. 1. April 2020
they are studying the vocabulary and also 2.4 Technique of Analyzing the Data
will motivate and encourage the students in Based on the explanation above, the
learning. researcher makes the indicators as the
follows: the test consists of twenty where
2. METHOD each number amounts to 5. It means that
the highest score is 100.
2.1 Design of the Research
Then the researcher observed the
In this research, it is applied the
students’ action while the use of Anagram
Classroom Action Research (CAR). The
technique was implemented and also the
Classroom Action Research (CAR) is
students’ opinion about the effectiveness of
defined as one of problem solving
Anagram technique toward their
strategies in which uses the action, and the
vocabulary mastery.
process of skill development to detect and
solve the problems (Hopkins in
Wiriaatmadja, 2008: 66).
It can be concluded that the 3.1 Preliminary Data
Classroom Action Research purposes to Before conducting action research,
solve the problems and it is reflective. In the researcher gave a pre-test to the
this case, the researcher and the teacher students. The purpose of pre-test was to
build collaboration in learning activity know students’ achievement in vocabulary.
until the researcher gets the same reason They were 30 students who followed the
and understanding about the problem. So test.
the research will be done in the effort of In this research, the researcher
the implementation of approximate found that the students’ score was weak. It
systems in teaching vocabulary skill. was shown in the percentage of the class
This Classroom Action Research success is 27 %. It meant that the students
(CAR) is completely done through several who passed the test on the pre-test were 27
cycles. Each cycle comprises several %, while 73% was unsuccessful.
integrated points such as students’ learning Based on the result above, the
achievement, the teachers’ teaching average of students in pre-test was poor.
procedures (lesson plan, teachers’ action, The researcher decided to use another
observation and the last is the reflection technique to make students interested in
stage where a teacher paid much attention the learning process in order to improve
on the present results for the sake of students’ vocabulary achievement in by
preparing the next cycles. using Anagrams.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Vol. 5 No. 1. April 2020