Unit 1 Homework
Unit 1 Homework
Unit 1 Homework
Preview Vocabulary
A. Every chapter of American Ways contains many words from the Academic
Word List (AWL). Notice the words in italics as you work with a partner to
discuss the following questions.
1. If a country has great ethnic diversity, would you expect to find many
people who speak different languages and have different customs?
2. Could planning a Visit to another country motivate someone to learn a
foreign language? yes
3. Should immigrants be required to learn the language of their new country
before they become Citizens? I think it is a good idea for immigrants to
learn the language of the country they want to become citizens of however
it is easier to learn a language if you are Surrounded by it daily. They
should at least be familiar with basic communications in order to start the
citizenship process.
4. How could you learn about the customs and traditions for a holiday in
another country? On the internet.
5. If there are more people in the United States who speak English than
Spanish, which is the dominant language in the United States?
6. Is the climate of a country a significant factor in the daily lives of the
people? Why? Yes, the climate of a country is the significant factor in the
daily lives of people. Climate determines the things that people can do for a
living and the way that they live.
B. There are five AWL words in the quotation by Edward T, Hall at the beginning
of the chapter. Read the quotation and find the words with the fallowing
meanings. Write each word next to its meaning.
Check the predictions that you made on page 3. Did the chapter include
any of the information you predicted? Then work with a partner and
answer these questions about the main ideas.
1. What are two important factors that affect life in the United States?
The immense size of the united states and ethnic diversity
2. What is the heading for the section that discusses the history of immigration
in the United States?
A Nation of immigrants
4. What is the main idea of the section headed Making Generalizations About
American Beliefs?
The wisdom of a famous observer of the American scene, Alexis
5. What relationship is there between the quotation at the beginning of the
chapter, the introduction (first two paragraphs), and the conclusion
(paragraphs 25 and 26) of the reading? American culture, American values
and the way in which studying another culture helps to understand our
Understand Details
Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false according to the information in
the chapter.
T 1. One factor affecting lifestyles in the United States is the variety of climates.
T 4. For the first time, in the 2010 census, there were more Asian than Hispanic
T 5. Zangwill believed that immigrants would lose their native Cultures and
become something different When they came to the United States.
F 7. U.S. immigration policy has stayed the same for the last 100 years.
Improve Your Reading Skills: Scanning
In order to become a good reader in English, your reading
speed and techniques should vary according to your
purpose. For example, you may look down a page (or over
several pages) to find a particular piece or information—a
number, a date, place, or the time movie begins. This type of
reading a specific fact is called scanning.
2. In what year did Alexis de Tocqueville come to visit the United States?
In 1831.
4. What was the total U.S. population according to the 2010 census?
5. In what year did Israel Zangwill write a play in which he used the term melting
pot? in 1908.
6. What is Obama's family tie to Ireland? His ethic heritage includes an Irish
great, great, great grandfather who immigrated to the united states in 1850.
A. Use the context clues to figure out the meaning of the boldfaced words
in the sentences above. Then write the correct word next co its
Now fill in the blanks with some of the boldfaced words above to
complete the paragraph.
What qualities give people a national identity ? Do they have to have
characteristics that are distinct from those of other countries?
The people who are part of a minority group may feel they have a
set of characteristics that differ from those of the majority in their country,
B. Test your knowledge of these AWL words by matching them with their
d 1. aspect a. large organization, especially one dedicated to public
s service
f 2. category b. to start something that will continue
i 3. concept c. to be different
k 4. debate d. one part of an idea that has many parts
b 5. establish e. to continue in spite of difficulties
g 6. estimate f. group of things that all have the same qualities
j 7. hypothesis g. to judge by calculating and guessing
l 8. incidentally h. one of a kind
a 9. institution i. an idea
e 10. survive j. an explanation that is not yet proven
h 11. unique k. a discussion of different opinions
c 12. vary l. by the way
Understand Prefixes
Recognizing the meaning of a prefix, a group of letters added to the
beginning of a word (or its root), will also help you guess the meaning of
a new word, for example, the prefix mis-means ´´wrong,´´ so
misunderstand means ´´not understand correctly.´´
Each Of the boldfaced words in the sentences below has a prefix. Identify
the prefix and write its meaning. Use a dictionary, if necessary.
Word partners
Certain words and phrases tend to go together in English, for example, "ethnic
diversity" or ´´traditional values.´´ This is called collocation. Learning these
word partners will increase your ability to use new words correctly and help you
express yourself as native speakers do.
First read the sentences below. Then find the collocations to complete these
sentences by matching the adjectives on the left with their noun partners on the
right. use the collocations to complete the sentences.
c 1.Established a. immigrants
g 2. Significant b. culture
h 3. Neutral c.communities
f 4. Industrialized d. pluralism
a 5. Legal e. hypotheses
b 6. Dominant f. countries
d 7. Cultural g. factor
e 8. Working h. observer
1. In parts of the country with established communities that share a common
language, bilingualism continues.
2. Tocqueville was a neutral observer who saw both the good and bad sides
of the American character traits.
3. Ethnic diversity is a significant factor affecting American life.
4. Think of the traditional values in this book as working hypotheses that you
can test against your own observations.
5. The United States now takes in more legal immigrants each year than all
other industrialized countries combined.
6. When several cultures exist together successfully in a society, there is
cultural pluralism
7. The dominant culture in the United States is becoming less white in the
twenty-first century.