Văn Minh 4 Chương
Văn Minh 4 Chương
Văn Minh 4 Chương
2. What is the heading for the section that discusses the history or immigration in the
United States? => A Nation of Immigrants of this book—American culture,
4. What is the main idea of the section headed Making Generalizations About American
Beliefs? => it’s difficult, but possible (Tocqueville) you to understand your own.
5. What relationship is there between the quotation at the beginning of the chapter, the
introduction (first two paragraphs), and the conclusion (paragraphs 25 and 26) of the
reading? =? They provide the main ideas or focus of this book- American culture,
American value, and they way in which studying another culture helps you to
understand your own.
Understand Details
Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false according to the information in the
1. One factor affecting lifestyles in the United States is the variety of climates. => T
3. The dominant American culture was established by immigrants who came from
southern Europe. => F
4. For the first time, in the 2010 census, there were more Asian than Hispanic
immigrants. => T
5. Zangwill believed that immigrants would lose their native cultures and become
something different when they came to the United States=> T
6. Immigrants change American culture and are changed by it => T
7. U.S. immigration policy has stayed the same for the last 100 years. => F
8. The English language has no adjective for United States and therefore uses the term
American to refer to its people. => T
9. It is not possible to make generalizations about what Americans believe because they
are so different. => F
10. Many of the characteristics of Americans that Alexis de Tocqueville observed in the
1830s are still true today. => T
1. Which states have the largest numbers of immigrants? p.5—CA, NY, NJ
2. In what year did Alexis de Tocqueville come to visit the United States? p.11—1831
3. In 1910, what percentage of the U.S. population was foreign born? p.6—Chart –
4. What was the total U.S. population according to the 2010 census? p.8, chart—
5. In what year did Israel Zangwill write a play in which he used the term melting pot?
6. What is Obama's family tie to Ireland? p.9—great, great, great grandfather came
from Ireland
Analyzing Polls
1. What does the phrase “country of origin” mean? What percent of all Hispanics
identify themselves by their country of origin? Give some examples of these countries of
origin. =>country where they came from, 51%, Mexico, Cuba
2. What does “generation” mean? What do the terms “first, second, or third generation”
Hispanic mean? Why did the researchers divide the group this way? => all the people
who are about the same age; first generation—immigrant, second—born in the U.S.,
third—grandchild of immigrant; experience of generations is different
3. Who are more likely to identify with the family's country of origin—new immigrants
or those who were born in the United States ?=> new immigrants
4. What percent refer to themselves as just “ American?” Who are likely to self-identify
as American than by any other term—new immigrants or those born in the United States?
=> 21%, those born in the U.S
5. What change happens to the identity of the grandchildren of Hispanic immigrants?
Why do you think this happens? => stop identifying with country of grandparent,
identify with American friends and think of themselves as American
Build Your Vocabulary
Use Context Clues
1. The word may be defined in the sentence. Sometimes the definition is set off by
commas or dashes. Other times it is not.
EXAMPLE: There is still a tie that binds Americans together. That tie is a sense of
national identity—o/ being an American.
EXAMPLE: A quota system was established that Specified the number of immigrants
that could come from each country.
2. There may be a synonym used in the same sentence.
EXAMPLE: Native Americans belong to separate and distinct Indian nations, each
with its own language, culture, and even government.
3. There may be a comparison or contrast with a word (or a phrase) more familiar to you.
EXAMPLE: As the minority non-white population of the United States continues to
grow, the white majority grows smaller.
4. The sentence may give an example that helps you figure out the meaning.
EXAMPLE: Tocqueville, however, was a neutral observer and saw both the good
and bad sides of these qualities.
A. Use the context clues to figure out the meaning of the boldfaced words in the
sentences above.
Then write the correct word next to its definition.
1. a limit on the number allowed => quota
2. a group of people whose race is different from that of most people in a country =>
3. someone who makes decisions based on facts, not personal feelings => neutral
4. the qualities that a group of people have that make them different from other people
=> identity
5. clearly different or separate => distinct
Now fill in the blanks with some of the boldfaced words above to complete
C. Read the quotation from the Declaration of Independence at the beginning of the
chapter, and
find the words with the following meanings. Write each word next to its meaning.
1. the act of trying to achieve something in a Determined way => pursuit
2. easily noticed or understood; obvious => self-evident
3. that cannot be taken away from you => inalienable
4. given a good quality => endowed
Understand Main Ideas
1 . Check the predictions you made on page 30. How many of these six values did you
predict—individual freedom, self-reliance, equality of opportunity, competition, material
wealth, and hard works
2. In Chapter I, we looked at the relationship between the introduction and the
conclusion, and at how the headings signaled the main ideas. Now look at the structure
of Chapter 2. Reread paragraph 6 of the introduction section on page 32. What does this
paragraph tell you about the structure of the reading! Notice that the six values are
written as headings in the chapter. The outline below shows the structure of Chapter 2:
the introduction (A), the three sections containing the six traditional values (B, C, D),
and the conclusion (E). The numbers under each heading show the main ideas of each
section. Work with a partner to complete the outline. (Part of it is done for you.)
A. Introduction: The Context of Traditional American Values: Racial, Ethnic,
Religious, and Cultural Diversity
1. The United States has great diversity, but it also has a national identity.
2. What holds the United States together is a common set of values
B. Individual Freedom and Self-Reliance
1. The early settlers came to the North American continent for individual
freedom—the most basic of all the American values.
2. The price for individual freedom is self-reliance
1. Immigrants have always come for equality of opportunity—the belief that everyone
should have an equal chance to succeed
2. The price for equality of opportunity is competition.
2. Even though many of the traditional values are ideals that may not describe the reality
of American life, they still influence almost every facet of American life
Understand Details
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences based on the chapter.
1. Early settlers came to the North American continent and established colonies
mainly because they wanted to be free from
a. the power of kings, priests, and noblemen.
b. the influence of their families.
2. There are no titles of nobility in the United States today because
a. no one likes aristocrats.
b. the church does not allow it.
c. they are forbidden by the Constitution.
3. The price that Americans pay for their individual freedom is
a. self-reliance.
b. competition.
c. hard work.
4. The American belief in selfieliance means that
a. receiving money from charity, family, or the government is never
b. if a person is very dependent on others, he or she will be respected
by others.
c. people must take care of themselves and be independent, or risk
losing their personal freedom.
5. The American belief in equality of opportunity means that
a. all Americans are rich.
b. Americans believe that everyone should be equal.
c. everyone should have an equal chance to succeed.
6. In the United States, learning to compete successfully is
a. part of growing up.
b. not seen as healthy by most people.
c. not necessary, because Americans believe in equality.
7. Traditionally, immigrants have been able to raise their standard of
living by coming to the United States because
a. Americans value money more than anything else.
b. there were such abundant natural resources.
c. the rich have shared their wealth with the poor.
8. Americans see their material possessions as
a. having nothing to do with social status.
b. the natural reward for their hard work.
c. showing no evidence of a person's abilities.
9. A belief in the value of hard work
a. developed because it was necessary to work hard to convert natural
resources into material goods.
b. developed because the immigrants who came here had a natural
love of hard work.
c. has never been a part of the American value system because people
have so much.
10. In reality, such American ideals as equality of opportunity and self-
a. do not exist because there is no equality in the United States.
b. are always put into practice in the United States and truly describe
American life.
c. are only partly carried out in real life, but are still important
because people believe in them.
Improve Your Reading Skills: Scanning
Read the questions below. Scan the chapter to find the specific information you need to
answer each question.
1. What three types of freedoms were the early settlers seeking? => p. 32—freedom from
the power of kings and governments, priests and churches, noblemen and
6. Who was James Madison and what did he say in the late 1700s? => p. 36— father of the
American Constitution; differences in material possessions reflect differences in personal abilities
7. Who said, “We ... wish to allow the humblest man an equal chance to get rich with
everybody else“? => p. 34—Abraham Lincoln
Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills
Using poll data to support research conclusions.
The Center for the Study ofthe American Dream at Xavier University conducts an annual
survey of the
state for the American Dream. In their 2011 survey, they found that the American Dream
is still alive in
spite of economic bad news and international uncertainty. Here are the results o[the
1. While people are worried about the economy and America's place in the world, they
are still confident about their personal ability to achieve their personal American
Dream=> e. 63 percent are extremely or fairly confident of reaching their American
Dream in their lifetime, and 75 percent say they have already attained some measure of
2. Currently, the most popular definitions of the American Dream are “a good life for my
family,” "financial security,” "opportunity,” and "freedom.” => d. 45 percent choose “a
good life for my family” as their first or second choice of how they would define the
American Dream, while 34 percent choose "financial security," 32 percent choose
"freedom,” and 29 percent choose "opportunity.”
3. Most Americans believe that immigration is important for keeping the American
Dream alive. => a. 54 percent believe that “One of America's greatest strengths is that
it has always been a beacon of opportunity to the rest of the world. People still yearn to
come here for a better life.”
4. But people have lost faith in American institutions that have protected the American
Dream, including politics, business, government, and the media. => c. 83 percent have
less trust in politics in general, 79 percent have less trust in big business and major
corporations, 78 percent have less trust in government, and 72 percent have less trust
in the media.
5. People also believe that the United States is losing economic power and influence in
the world, and the world is looking to other countries as the standard for success.=> b.
63 percent believe that China's role in the world economy is more powerful than that
of the U.S.
Build Your Vocabulary
More AWL Words
1. accumulate d. to gradually get more and more money, possessions, or
knowledge over a period of time
2. authority f. the power you have because of your official position
3. convert h. to change from one form, system, or purpose to a different one
4. diminish a. to become smaller or less important d.
5. eliminate g. to get rid of something completely
6. energy C. the physical and mental strength that makes you able to be active
7. ethic i. a general idea or set of moral beliefs that influences people's behavior and
8. financial k. relating to money
9. fundamental b. of central and underlying importance
10. global j.relating to the whole world
11. promote l. to help something or someone advance and be successful
12. shift e. to move from one place or position to another
Use Context Clues
Review the four kinds of context clues on pages 15 and 16 in Chapter I. Use
context clues in these sentences to choose the best meaning for the boldfaced words.
1. In 1776, the British colonial settlers declared their independence from England and
established a new nation, the United States of America. In so doing, they defied the king
of England and declared that the power to govern would lie in the hands of the people.
a. They killed the king and members of his court.
b. They openly resisted the king's power to govern them.
2. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right of all individuals
to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government, a ruling
class, the
church, or any other organized authority.
a. They wanted to control their own future lives.
b. They wanted to control their Constitution.
3. To say that a person is materialistic is an insult. To an American, this means that this
values material possessions above all else.
a. The person loves things.
b. The person fears being poor.
4. John Kenneth observes that in spite of all the changes in the nation's population,
economy, and culture, the behaviors and values of Americans have remained remarkably
a. The behaviors and values have stayed the same.
b. The behaviors and values have changed.
5. Because of its incredibly abundant natural resources, the United States appeared to
be a land
of plenty where millions could come to seek their fortunes.
a. There were many natural resources.
b. There were very few natural resources.
Word Partners
There are many verb + noun object collocations, or word partners, in English.
EXAMPLE: achieve independence
Americans expect their adult children to achieve independence and support themselves.
A. Read these word partners. Then complete the sentences that follow with the
correct verb + noun object collocation.
face challenges
seek their fortunes
provide a decent standard of living
surveys public opinion
control their own destiny
1. John Zogby is an American pollster who => surveys public opinion
2. By freedom, Americans mean the desire and the right to => control their own destiny
3. Millions came to the United States to => seek their fortunes
4. The working poor have low-paying jobs that do not => provide a decent standard of living
5. Of course, new immigrants continue to => face challenges
Multiple Word Partners
Self-reliance is an important American value. Most Americans emphasize the importance
of eventually becoming independent and standing on their own two feet. They teach this
concept to their children as they are growing up, expecting them to achieve financial and
emotional independence by the time they are in their early twenties. American children
often earn spending money by selling lemonade. Americans do not their reject adult
children; they still love them and believe this is the best preparation for life in the
American culture.
Preview Vocabulary
A. Work with a partner to answer the questions. make sure you understand the
meaning of the AWL words in italics.
1. If a country tries to accommodate new immigrants, is it trying to help them succeed or
trying to prevent them from entering the country? => HELP THEM SUCCEED
2. If there is discrimination against a minority group, how might the people be treated
differently?=> BE TREATED WORSE
3. Is a federal government program one at the state level or at the national
4. If you are inclined to do something, are you likely or unlikely to do it? => LIKELY
5. Is instruction usually given by a teacher or by a student?=> TEACHER
6. When public facilities were segregated in the South, did blacks and whites go to
different schools and sit in separate areas of restaurants and movie theaters? => YES
7. Do most people live in residential or commercial (business) areas? =>
8. If an ethnic minority wants to retain its culture, are families more likely to continue
speaking their native language at home or to speak English? => CONTINUE
9. If a law has a bias, does it treat everyone equally? => NO
10. How many generations back can you trace your ancestry? => ANSWER WILL
B. The following words refer to DOSitive or negative situations or conditions.
Write a plus sign (+) next to the positive and write a minus sign (-) next to the
negative connotation.
accommodation enrich
inspire prejudice
late 1800s and early 1900s: p. 188—millions of immigrants from eastern and southern
Europe came to the United States
6. What the majority of Americans probably value most about higher education is
a. its cultural value.
b. its monetary value.
c. its moral value.
8. In 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court said that racially segregated schools
and other public facilities
a. violated the principle of equality.
b. violated the U.S. Constitution.
c. did not violate the principle of equality or the U.S. Constitution.
9. Which of these statements about American schools is false?
a. Public schools that are mainly black or mainly white today usually
are the result of the racial makeup of neighhborhoods
b. African Americans are the fastest growing minority in the schools today.
c. In some school districts, 100 different languages may be spoken.
10. Which of these statements about multiculturalism in the United States is true?
a. In the United States, all immigrant children attend bilingual programs until they learn
English very well and are allowed to attend regular classes with native speakers.
b. In the United States, there are almost no uniform standards for any
c. Multicultural education discusses history from the perspectives of all the ethnic
groups involved, not just the Anglo-American.
Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills
IN this Chapter. there are references to two important goals op education: teaching
students facts,
and teaching them creative thinking skills. These two approaches to teaching can be
summed up in
the question, “Are students vessels to be filled or lamps to be /it?” Which do you think
is more
important—learning a large quantity of facts or learning to think creatively? Why?
Do some research to support your opinion. Reread the last three sections of the
concentrating on paragraphs 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 41, and 49. Think about your own
experience and
consider these questions.
• Which approach is used more in your country?
• How do the college admission standards in the United States compare to those in your
• Which approach prepares students better for the world of work?
• How do you teach a large quantity of facts to students?
• How do you teach creative thinking?
Think of three more questions raised by this contrasting approach and then share your
opinions and
your questions with other students in a small group.
Build Reading Skills: Types of Supporting Details
Usually, each paragraph has a topic sentence that states the main idea o[the
paragraph. Often, this
is the prat sentence. The rest o(the paragraph contains supporting details that develop
or explain
the main idea. There are many Apes o[supporting details:
• definitions
• facts or opinions
• statistics
• examples or illustrations
• descriptions
• quotations
Look back at the reading and find the paragraphs that begin with the
following topic sentences. Then find the details that support the main ideas
stated in the topic sentence. Write at least one detail for each sentence, and
identify the type of detail that it is.
1. Despite its costs, the percentage of Americans seeking a college education continues
to grow.
Paragraph 18—statistics: today over half of all Americans have taken some college courses, more
than 20 million college students now, half of college students are first generation of their family to
Paragraph 28—fact: standards used to be set by local school districts but since the 1990s states and
the federal government are setting them; examples: teacher education programs must meet federal
standards, and national education professional associations are supporting and developing new
Paragraph 31—quotation: “By now, we should be able to point to sharp reductions of the
achievements gaps between children of different racial and ethnic groups and children from different
Paragraph 48—statistics: one in four children lives with immigrant parent, 45% of students are
members of ethnic or racial minorities; fact: more inclusive curricula; example: textbooks with
2. In the past, many students who went to competitive schools such as Harvard received
their high
school education at ELITE private schools for the rich.
3. Sports, clubs, and other EXTRACURRICULAR activities held after school
help students get a well-rounded education.
4. Ravitch believes that it is the responsibility of our public schools to provide equality
of educational opportunity to all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, or income, and if
they are unable to reach equality of educational ATTAINMENT , we must give them
special help.
5. Murray says that members of the new upper class live in certain super ZIP CODES
in the United States, where the income and education levels are high, and the people are
often the leaders and decision makers of the country.
6. However, because these schools are relatively few in number, they do not
DISPLACE the public school as the central educational institution in the
United States.
7. Murray worries that these elite Americans are ISOLATED
from the rest of the country and do not understand the problems of the middle class.
8. At the university level, there is no free system of public education; even universities
supported by public funds charge students TUITION
9. It is OBVIOUS that children who are not native speakers of
English are going to be at a disadvantage when taking standardized tests.
10. Before the civil rights laws were passed, segregation of public FACILITIES was
legal in the South.
11. Parents were given the opportunity to REMOVE their children from
schools with low or failing grades and send them to schools with better grades.
12. Some American high schools offer VOCATIONAL education to prepare
students for jobs right after school; these students do not attend college.