PSC Checklist: On Board Maintenance Check List

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PSC Checklist

On Board Maintenance Check List

The scope of this document is to be used by the Master as a preparatory instrument for a successful Port State Control
inspection, but also as a guide for routine maintenance. This PSC Checklist is not exhaustive and covers only basic items,
which are frequently examined during Port State Control inspections. It does not in any way replace or cover the scope of
class and/or statutory surveys carried out by INSB.

Ship Name :

Checklist No.: :

Date: :

Signature: :
Guidance Document

1. Certificate and Documents

Next Due Expiry
No. Certificates/Documents N/A Yes No Action be to taken
date Date
All required certificates must be valid and respectively endorsed
1.1 Registry Certificate
1.2 Radio Station License
1.3 Class Certificate
1.4 Minimum Safe Manning Document
1.5 International Tonnage Certificate
1.6 International Load Line Certificate
1.7 International Load Line Exemption
1.8 Cargo Ship Safety Construction
1.9 Cargo Ship Safety Equipment
1.10 Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate
1.11 Exemption Certificate
1.12 International Oil Pollution Prevention
1.13 International Sewage Pollution
Prevention Certificate
1.14 International Air Pollution
Prevention Certificate
1.15 International Anti-fouling System
1.16 International Pollution Prevention
Certificate for the Carriage of
Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
(NLS Certificate)
1.17 International Energy Efficiency
1.18 Document of Authorization for the
Carriage of Grain
1.19 Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous
Chemicals in Bulk
1.20 Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied
Gases in Bulk
1.21 Document of Compliance with the
Special Requirements for Ships
Carrying Dangerous Goods
1.22 Certificate of Insurance or Other
Financial Security in Respect of civil
liability for Oil Pollution Damage
1.23 Document of Compliance (Copy)
1.24 Safety Management Certificate
1.25 International Ship Security Certificate
(ISSC) or Interim International Ship
Security Certificate
1.26 Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR)

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Guidance Document

2. Manning (STCW Requirements)

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

2.1 Is the ship manned according to the Safe
Manning Document?
2.2 Deck and Engineer officers hold appropriate
2.3 Are the designated radio operators hold valid
certificates of competence (G.O.C) ?
2.4 Are the required documentation(s) for
personnel with designated duties in order?
(Re: Muster list)
2.5 Are crew members in possession of valid
medical examination certificates by Flag State
(not older than 2 years)?
2.6 Have new crew members been made
familiarized with their duties and the safety
equipment on-board?
2.7 Watch duty schedule posted?

2.8 Are the records of daily hours of rest of crew

maintained on-board?

3. Safety in General – Operational Requirements

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

3.1 Is the approved Intact Stability booklet and
associated stability information available on-
3.2 Is the approved grain loading manual available
3.3 Is the approved Loading/Unloading manual
available on-board?
3.4 Is the Cargo Securing Manual provided on-
3.5 Is the Enhanced Survey Programme report file
available on-board? (applicable to Bulk Carriers
and Oil Tankers)
3.6 Is a Fire Safety Training Manual provided in
each crew mess room or in each crew cabin?
3.7 Are up-to-date fire control plans posted in
accommodation alleyways, are clearly readable
and show a sign of approval?
3.8 Is one copy stored in a prominently marked and
weather tight container outside the deckhouse?
3.9 Is a Fire safety operational booklet provided in
each crew mess room or in each crew cabin?
(Maybe combined with the Fire Safety Training
3.11 Is a Training Manual containing instruction and
information on the life saving appliances
provided on-board and understood by all crew

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Guidance Document

3. Safety in General – Operational Requirements

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

3.12 Are Operating Instructions for lifesaving
appliances posted?
3.13 Are they in a language understood by all crew
3.14 Have regular drills for fire fighting, abandon
ship and rescue boat operation been carried
out satisfactorily as required?

3.15 Are they recorded in the logbook?

3.16 Have drills for use of emergency steering gear
and switch-over procedures been carried out?
3.17 Are they recorded in the logbook?
3.18 Are up-to-date muster lists written in a
language understood by the crew members?
3.19 Are public alarm systems as for general alarm
and engineer's alarm of unmanned machinery
system working properly?
3.20 Are all paint materials stored inside the
designated paint locker only?
3.21 Are all escape ways accessible and free of
obstructions and are they properly illuminated?
3.22 Are IMO symbols properly used?
3.23 Are pilot ladders and related boarding
arrangements clean and in good condition?
3.24 Is the crew familiar with the use of all lifesaving
and firefighting equipment?
3.25 Are the emergency power arrangements
working and maintained properly?
3.26 Is the key engine crew familiar with emergency
power arrangements?
3.27 Are key persons for firefighting familiar with
starting the emergency fire pump?
3.28 Is the designated lifeboat/rescue boat crew
familiar with starting the engines?
3.29 Are approved Ship Security Plan and associated
records provided on-board?

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Guidance Document

4. Life saving Appliances

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

4.1 Are lifeboats with all parts in proper
condition without wastage; are blocks and
release mechanisms properly maintained as
4.2 Are the inherent buoyancy tanks
Are the fitted life lines in good condition?
4.4 Are retro reflective tapes properly fitted, as
required, on bottom, sides and top, and in
satisfactory condition?
4.5 Is lifeboat inventory complete, serviced and
in good condition?
4.6 Are dates of expiration for pyrotechnics and
foodstuff rations recorded and not outdated?
Is sufficient fuel for 24 hours continuous
operation, provided for each motor lifeboat?
4.8 Are rescue boats complete and in good
4.9 Is the inventory as required stored in the
4.10 Are lifeboat/rescue boat engines in good
working condition?
4.11 Are life rafts and launching arrangements in
good condition?
4.12 Is the hydrostatic release unit for the rafts
properly connected (weak link) and still
4.13 Is a ladder or other means for embarkation
for the additional life raft at the bow (if
appropriate) readily available?
4.14 Are launching arrangements for
lifeboats/rescue boats and life rafts, including
limit switches, in good condition and without
4.15 Are the embarkation ladders satisfactory and
lighting systems working with main and
emergency sources?
4.16 Are the lifeboat launch appliances subjected
to thorough annual examination and dynamic
test? Is relevant report and checklist, by
approved service provider, available on-
4.17 Are the lifeboat launch appliances subjected
to thorough examination and dynamic test
within 5 years? Is relevant report and
checklist, by approved service provider,
available on-board?

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Guidance Document

4. Life saving Appliances

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

4.18 Is the lifeboat on load-release gear subjected
to annual thorough examination and
operational testing? Is relevant report and
checklist, by approved service provider,
available on-board?
4.19 Is the lifeboat on load-release gear subjected
to a thorough examination and operational
testing under overload, whenever
overhauled and anyway within 5 years? Is
relevant report and checklist, by approved
service provider, available on-board?
4.20 Are wire falls of all launching/recovery
arrangements in good condition and
turned/renewed as required?
4.21 Has reversal/renewal of falls/crane wires
been recorded?
4.22 Are life buoys (including reflective tape,
correct ship's name/home port, self igniting
lights and smoke signals with non-outdated
batteries) available in sufficient amount and
in good condition?

4.23 Is a "heavy" life buoy (4.5kg) attached to the

smoke/light-buoy at bridge wings in a free-
fall arrangement?
4.24 Are the lifejackets stowed in accessible and
clearly marked places?

4.25 Are additional lifejackets, included in the

above, provided for persons on watch,
stowed on the bridge, in the engine control
room and at any other manned watch
4.26 Are suitable accessories available to allow
the secure of lifejackets for persons weighing
up to 140 kg and with chest girth of up to
1.75 m, in case the lifejackets provided are
not designed for such persons?
4.27 Are line throwing appliances with valid
expiration dates?
4.28 Are parachute distress signals available in
sufficient amount and in good condition with
valid expiration dates placed on the bridge in
an appropriate dispenser which is marked?
4.29 Are immersion suits and thermal protective
aids available in required amount and in good

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Guidance Document

5. Bridge & Navigation Equipment

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

5.1 Are nautical publications including pilot
books, list of lights, sailing directions, tide
tables, code of signals, IAMSAR vol.III
5.2 Are nautical charts to be used for the
intended voyage updated?
5.3 Is the radar installation in operational
5.4 Is the second radar installation, if fitted, in
operational condition?
5.5 Is the Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA) in
operational condition?

5.6 Is a G.P.S receiver provided and in good

working condition?
5.7 Is the Automatic Identification System (AIS)
5.8 Is the AIS annual test report available?

5.9 Is a Long Range Identification and tracking

system (LRIT) operational?
5.10 Is the LRIT conformance test report provided
5.11 Is a Voyage data recorder system (VDR/S-
VDR) fitted and in working condition?
5.12 Is the VDR/S-VDR certificate of compliance
provided on-board?

5.13 Is the echo-sounding device working properly

and spare paper and ink provided?
5.14 Are the navigation lights incl. duplication and
failure alarm working?
5.15 Are the speed and distance indicators
5.16 Is the steering gear including rudder angle
indicator as well as emergency steering gear
functioning? Are instructions for handling
posted in vicinity?
5.17 Is the propellers rate of revolution indicator
5.18 Is the rate of turn indicator working?

5.19 Are communication systems between bridge

and engine room and steering gear room in
working condition?

5.20 Is the magnetic steering compass in good

5.21 Is an updated deviation table available?

5.22 Is the gyrocompass in good condition?

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5. Bridge & Navigation Equipment

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

5.23 Are suitable arrangements provided for
supplying visual compass readings to the
Emergency steering position?

5.24 Are means of taking bearings over 360˚

(pelorus or compass bearing device) available
on board?
5.25 Is an illustrated table describing the life-
saving signals, readily available to the officer
of the watch?
5.26 Is the daylight signaling lamp (ALDIS) and the
independent power supply in good
operational condition?
5.27 Are daylight shapes in operational condition?

5.28 Are records of navigational activities,

including drills and pre-departure tests,
maintained on board?

6. GMDSS / Radio Equipment

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

6.1 Are updated ITU publications provided on-
6.2 Are the main and reserve GMDSS equipment
including sources of energy in working
6.3 Are operating manuals for radio equipment
provided on-board?
6.4 Is the radio station lighting (independent of
the main and emergency sources) in working
condition? Are the call sign, ship station
identity and other required codes, clearly
6.5 Are portable VHF hand held radios, for
survival craft, including batteries with spares
/ re-charger in good working condition?
6.6 Are Radar Transponders (SARTs) in working
condition? Is the expiration date of battery
still valid?
6.7 Is the 9 GHZ radar capable of receiving
signals from SART?

6.8 Are SARTs serviced in accordance with

manufacturer's requirements?
6.9 Is, in case of a freefall boat arrangement, one
SART permanently stowed within the freefall

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Guidance Document

6. GMDSS / Radio Equipment

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

6.10 Is the EPIRB installed in easily accessible
position, ready to be manually activated,
capable of floating free and being
automatically activated when afloat?
6.11 Is the expiration date of EPIRB's battery and
hydrostatic release unit, still valid?
6.12 Is the required GMDSS MF/DSC installation,
capable of transmitting and receiving distress
alerts and distress traffic?
6.13 Is (are) the required GMDSS INMARSAT (with
EGC receiver) installation(s) capable of
transmitting and receiving distress and safety
alerts and distress and safety traffic?
6.14 Is the required GMDSS MF/HF/DSC (with
Direct Printing Telegraph) installation capable
of transmitting and receiving distress alerts
and distress traffic?
6.15 Is the duplicate GMDSS radio equipment,
ensuring the availability of functional
requirements, in order and operational?
6.16 Is a valid Shore based maintenance contract,
available on-board?
6.17 Are radio operators familiar with the use of
the GMDSS equipment?
6.18 Are radio operators familiar with cancellation
procedures for false distress alarms?
6.19 Is the fitted radio equipment complying with
the Record of Equipment?
6.20 Is the installed NAVTEX capable of receiving
and printing Maritime Safety information?
6.21 Is the INMARSAT ECG receiver, capable of
receiving and printing Maritime Safety
information, where NAVTEX coverage is not
6.22 Is the radio reserve source of energy,
including automatic charger unit, available at
all times and in operational condition?
6.23 Are all GMDSS radio installations capable of
being connected to the reserved source of
6.24 Is a Radio Logbook, properly filled,
maintained on-board?

7. Fire Fighting Arrangements

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

7.1 Is all equipment described on fire plans,
available for immediate use and positioned in
the right place?
7.2 Is the fire detection and alarm system in
working condition?

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Guidance Document

7. Fire Fighting Arrangements

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

7.3 Are fire main piping and all hydrants in good
7.4 Are couplings and valves free of leakages?

7.5 Are fire pumps in engine room including

emergency fire pump in proper working
condition and with sufficient delivery of
water pressure?
7.6 Are all fire stations equipped with required
7.7 Are nozzle spray adjustments workable and
hoses without deterioration?

7.8 Are portable fire extinguishers available in

sufficient amount?
7.9 Are due dates for required servicing recorded
and not outdated?
7.10 Are spare charges for fire extinguishers or
spare extinguishers provided?
7.11 Are fireman's outfits available in sufficient
amount, complete and stored in widely
separated positions?
7.12 Are fixed fire fighting systems for engine
room and cargo spaces in proper working
7.13 Have filling status of gas bottles or foam
tanks been checked?

7.14 Is the CO2 room properly ventilated, clear of

improperly stored items, with sufficient
lighting and closable with a spare key
7.15 Is the CO2 control box clearly marked,
including posted instructions, and locked? Is
the key located in a box with break-glass-type
located adjacent to the control box?

7.16 Are the last test records of the systems

7.17 Are all fire dampers and ventilation closing
arrangements in proper working condition?

7.18 Are all fire doors closing properly by their

automatic closing devices?
7.19 Are all quick closing devices for shutting-off
fuel and lube oil suction pipes and
emergency stop of pumps and fans, in proper
working condition?
7.20 Is the paint locker fire extinguishing
arrangement working properly?

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Guidance Document

7. Fire Fighting Arrangements

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

7.21 Are Emergency Breathing Devices (EEBDs)
available in required amount (plus additional
training unit) and as per fire plan within
superstructure and engine room?
7.22 Is the international shore connection
including reducer piece with appropriate
bolts and nuts as per safety plan available?

8. Hull & Machinery

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

8.1 Is the structure of cargo holds with regard to
bulkheads, frames, brackets,
tank tops etc. without damages and
excessive wastage?
8.2 Are the local and remote controls of
watertight doors and relevant indicators,
8.3 Are electric cable arrangements properly
installed and insulated?
8.4 Are light covers properly fixed on all lamps?

8.5 Is the engine room, with regard to work and

fire safety, in a generally clean condition?

8.6 Are the main propulsion system as well as

auxiliary engine and power system in proper
working condition?
8.7 Are the anchor and chain cables in
satisfactory condition?

8.8 Is the anchor windlass (including foundations,

winches, brakes, etc) in proper working
8.9 Are the mooring arrangements (including
winches, capstans, brakes, etc) as
8.10 Are ropes and wires in good condition?

9. Load Line

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

9.1 Are bulwarks, guardrails and gangways,
without signs of damage and excessive

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9. Load Line

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

9.2 Are hatchways coamings, including stiffeners,
and hatch covers without signs of excessive
9.3 Are the hatchways closing arrangements in
good condition and capable of tight closing?
9.4 Are ventilators and air pipes (including
automatic air pipe heads) without signs of
damage and excessive wastage and fitted
with efficient watertight closing appliances?
9.5 Are weather tight doors including keyhole
closing devices and small access hatches
weather tight?
9.6 Are draft marks and Plimsoll marks painted in
contrasting color?

10. Marpol

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

10.1 Is the Oil Record Book provided on-board and
filled as appropriate?
10.2 Is an approved Shipboard Oil Pollution
Emergency Plan (SOPEP) provided on-board,
including updated National Operational
Contact Points?
10.3 Is the oily water separation system in proper
working condition and without any illegal by-
pass piping?
10.4 Is the testing arrangement in proper working
10.5 Is the crew in charge familiar with the system
and its use?
10.6 Is (if installed) 15 ppm alarm and automatic
closing system in proper working condition?
10.7 Has the incinerator suitable for burning oil
residues been marked in the IOPP certificate?
10.8 Is the manufacturer's Operating manual for
the incinerator(s) provided?
10.9 Has the auxiliary boiler suitable for burning
oil residues been marked in the IOPP

10.10 Has the sludge pipeline a standard

discharged connection to enable pipes of
reception facilities?
10.11 Is the International Shore Connection on-
10.12 Are engine room bilges and other machinery
areas free of excessive oil matters?
10.13 Are Bunker Delivery Notes and
representative samples kept on-board?

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10. Marpol

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

10.14 Is a ship-specific Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan (SEEMP) provided on-
10.15 Is a Garbage Management Plan provided on-
10.16 Is the Garbage Record Book provided on-
board and filled as appropriate?
10.17 Are the specially required manuals for
tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers
10.18 Is Cargo Record Book available?

10.19 Is the Sewage Treatment plan available?

10.20 Is the Sewage Unit in good condition?

11.ISM Requirements

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

11.1 ISM certification on board (DOC/SMC)?

11.2 Are certificates and particulars in order?

11.3 Is Safety Management documentation (e.g

manual) readily available on board?
11.4 Can senior officers indentify the Company
For the operation of the ship and does this
correspond with the entity on the ISM
11.5 Can senior officers indentify the “designated
11.6 Are procedures in place for establishing and
maintaining contact with shore management
in an emergency?
11.7 Are programmes for drills and exercises to
prepare for emergency actions available on
11.8 Can the master provide documented proof of
his responsibilities and authority, which must
include his overriding authority?
11.9 Does the ship have a maintenance routine
and are records available?
11.10 Is the crew familiar with the company's
safety and environmental protection policy?
11.11 Are programs for drills and training available
and are such actions recorded?
11.12 Are records available about familiarization of
new crew members?

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11.ISM Requirements

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

11.13 Have Non-conformities been reported to the
company and corrective action been taken by
the company?

12. Ship Security

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

12.1 Is a valid ISSC or Interim ISSC on board and
issued by the ship’s Administration, an
Organization authorized by it, or by another
government at the Administration’s request?
12.2 If there is a subsequent Interim ISSC, is it
clear that it was issued for a valid reason
such as change of operator or flag (rather
than as a means of avoiding full compliance
with ISPS)?
12.3 Is the ship currently operating at the same or
higher security level than the port facility?
12.4 Does there appear to be an effective system
of control of access to restricted areas such
as the bridge, the engine room, etc. of the
12.5 Is the security plan on board and approved?

12.6 Do records exist for the last ten calls at port

facilities, including the records of any ship to
ship operations as appropriate?
12.7 Are the restricted areas controlled or
12.8 Are key members of ship’s crew able to
communicate effectively with each other on
security matters?
12.9 Are records available to indicate that security
drills have been carried out at the
appropriate intervals, taking into account of
crew changes?

13. Accommodation – Working and Living Conditions

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

13.1 Is a copy of the Maritime Labor Convention
(MLC 2006), provided on-board?
13.2 Is a valid Maritime Labor Certificate (MLC)
provided on-board?
13.3 Are all seafarers provided with a copy of their
seafarers’ employment agreement (SEA)
signed by both the seafarer and the
shipowner or shipowner’s representative?

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Guidance Document

13. Accommodation – Working and Living Conditions

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

13.4 Are Seafarers paid at no greater than
monthly intervals and in full for their work in
accordance with their employment
agreements or collective bargaining
13.5 Are the seafarers is given a monthly account
(such as a wage slip) of wage.
13.6 Is a copy of the national provisions on
repatriation, provided on board, accessible to
13.7 Are there records of seafarers’
a) hours of work?
b) hours of rest?
13.8 Is food and drinking water of appropriate
quality, and sufficient quantity for the
intended voyage, provided?
13.9 Are Galleys and Catering facilities hygienic
and generally fit for purpose?
13.10 Are there on-board records to confirm that
frequent and documented inspections are
made, by the master, of:
a) supplies of food and drinking water,
b) spaces used for handling and storage of
food, c. galleys and other equipment used in
the preparation and service of meals.
13.11 Is the number of sleeping rooms and berths
in accordance with the crew list?
13.12 Are accommodation spaces and recreational
facilities maintained in clean and habitable
13.13 Are ventilation, heating and lighting in
accommodation spaces, adequate?
13.14 Are sanitary facilities adequate, in acceptable
condition and functioning?
13.15 Are laundry facilities adequate and
functioning correctly?
13.16 Is the hospital accommodation, if required,
being used to accommodate persons who are
not sick?
13.17 Is the ship equipped with sufficient medical
supplies including a medicine chest and
equipment, including either the most recent
edition of the International
Medical Guide for Ships or a medical guide as
required by national laws and regulations.
13.18 Are medical report forms, provided on-
13.19 Is there at least one seafarer on board (who
is trained and qualified to the requirements
of STCW) to be in charge of medical care?

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13. Accommodation – Working and Living Conditions

No. Item Yes No Action taken Date / Signature

13.20 Are relevant occupational safety, health and
accident prevention notices and official
instructions, posted on the ship in a location
that will bring it to the attention of
13.21 Is the appropriate protective equipment
available and in satisfactory condition, for
seafarers to use.
13.22 Is a reporting procedure for occupational
accidents provided on-board?
13.23 Are all seafarers provided with a copy of the
on-board complaint procedures, applicable
on the ship?

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