ICT Skills Test FEB 24
ICT Skills Test FEB 24
ICT Skills Test FEB 24
1. Create a custom sort with your data by DISTRICT, SCHOOL ID, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME and
2. Change the alignment of the data to LEFT
3. Change page orientation to Landscape
4. Center table header values
5. Rename Sheet1 as Enrollment
6. Add a new worksheet
7. Bold all headings and change headings font to 12 points
8. Merge and Center the table title "ENROLLMENT DATA"
9. Change the width of Columns A and I fit all the contents
10. Put ALL BORDERS in the data
11. Calculate to total enrollment per district using subtotal formula
12. Save the file to Documents Folder using your name as the filename
Microsoft PowerPoint
Create a presentation of at least 3 slides based on your essay
1. Create a title slide with a title from your essay
2. Put your name as the subtitle
3. Add a fade animation to the title
4. Add a fly In animation to the subtitle
5. Create a title and content slide
6. Put a title
7. Insert a bulleted content
8. Insert a picture (any picture available on the device)
9. Format the picture width to 7.5cm or 3in
10. Move the picture to the bottom right portion to the slide
11. Add shape animation to the title
12. Add Appear animation to the content
13. Change background color of all slides to purple
14. Change all text color to white
15. Save the file to Documents Folder using your name as the filename