UCSP Long Test Q2
UCSP Long Test Q2
UCSP Long Test Q2
Second Quarter
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Avoid erasures.
I. 1. The state works like a family; it creates agencies to provide for the welfare of its
II. members. Meanwhile, non-state institutions work as _________________ to lessen the
III. burden of the state.
IV. A. parents
V. B. brothers and sisters
VI. C. tito and tita
VII. D. lolo and lola
IX. 2. Backed up by the government itself, this institution has less tendency to be
X. bankrupt. In relation, this non-state institution can also be a state institution. Which
XI. one is it?
XII. A. Banks
XIII. B. Cooperatives
XIV. C. Corporations
XV. D. Trade unions
XVII. 3. Helen is maltreated by her employer in Saudi Arabia where she works as a
XVIII. domestic helper. Which Philippine government agency must she seek help?
XIX. A. Department of Health
XX. B. Department of Interior and Local Government
XXI. C. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
XXII. D. Department of Education
XXIV. 4. Non-state agencies like JICA, CIDA, and USAID provide financial assistance to
XXV. particular projects of a country like building bridges or roads that are essential for
XXVI. development. Which non-state institution provides this kind of aid?
XXVII. A. Banks
XXVIII. B. Corporation
XXIX. C. Civil organization
XXX. D. Development agencies
XXXII. 5. Former United States of America vice president Al Gore went to the country last
XXXIII. 2017 to speak about the impacts of climate change. This kind of advocacy is the duty
XXXIV. provided by a non-state agency known as ____________________________.
XXXV. A. Bank
XXXVI. B. Corporation
XXXVII. C. Civil organization
XXXVIII. D. Development agencies
1. The state works like a family; it creates agencies to provide for the welfare of its
members. Meanwhile, non-state institutions work as _________________ to lessen the
burden of the state.
A. parents
B. brothers and sisters
C. tito and tita
D. lolo and lola
5. Former United States of America vice president Al Gore went to the country last
2017 to speak about the impacts of climate change. This kind of advocacy is the duty
provided by a non-state agency known as ____________________________.
A. Bank
B. Corporation
C. Civil organization
D. Development agencies
1. Backed up by the government itself, this institution has less tendency to be bankrupt. In relation, this non-
state institution can also be a state institution. Which one is it?
A. Banks B. Cooperatives C. Corporations D. Trade unions
2. Non-state agencies like JICA, CIDA, and USAID provide financial assistance to particular projects of a country
like building bridges or roads that are essential for development. Which non-state institution provides this kind of aid?
A. Banks C. Civil organization
B. Corporation D. Development agencies
3. There are various kinds of institutions in any society. Some are state-owned while some are not. Which of the
following can be an example of a non-state institution?
A. Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) C. Local government
B. Banks D. Philippine executive government
4. Non-state institutions from other countries can also have a big impact to the Philippines. What is the MOST
expected function of these non-state institutions?
A. Development C. Investments, finances
B. Investigations D. Reforms on economic and political practices
5. Non-state institutions are often seen as doing what the government also does. To set it apart from the government,
which of the following terms BEST describes non-state institutions?
A. Involuntary C. Non-governmental
B. Locally-based D. Publicly and privately owned
6. Which non-state institution raises awareness on certain issues, such as Amnesty International for human rights
A. Advocacy groups C. Civil organizations, e.g. research
B. Civil organizations, e.g. religion D. Transnational development agencies
7. Civil organizations come in many form. Which one is MOST expected to show the realities of the daily living of
ordinary members of society?
A. Law firms C. Overseas research team
B. Mass media D. People’s organizations in communities
8. The state works as a family, it creates agencies to provide for the welfare of its members. Meanwhile, non-state
institutions work as _______________ to lessen the burden of the state-government.
A. parents B. brothers and sisters C. tito and tita D. lolo and lola
9. Helen is maltreated by her employer in Saudi Arabia where she works as a domestic helper. What
government agency must she seek help?
A. Department of Health C. Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
B. Department of Interior and Local Government D. Department of Education
10. Former United States of America vice president Al Gore went to the country last 2017 to speak about the impacts of
climate change. This kind of advocacy is the duty provided by a non-state agency known as ____.
A. Bank C. Civil organization
B. Corporation D. Development agencies
11. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about non-state institutions?
A. Some are for profit while some are not.
B. Some are foreign while some are local.
C. They contribute a lot to the economy.
D. They do not influence what the government does.
12. Non-state institutions function just like the government. In relation to government functions, what term BEST
describes the function of non-state institutions?
A. Band-aid B. Gap-filling C. Long-term D. Replacement
13. Non-state institutions play a very important role in people’s daily lives. Which non-state institution helps people
acquire money or property in order to start a business?
A. Banks B. Cooperatives C. Corporations D. Trade unions
14. If workers want to convince the government to end contractualization but the government is not listening, which
non-state institution will be able to gather workers and force dialogue with the government?
A. Cooperative C. Rural and farmers’ banks
B. Labor unions D. Workers who are members of corporations
15. Which of the following is the social institution through which a society’s children are taught basic academic
knowledge, learning skills, and cultural norms?
A. UNESCO B. Church C. Education D. Society
16. It is learning of academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum.
A. Formal Education C. Alternative Learning System (ALS)
B. Informal Education D. Traditional Education
17 .Which of the following statements do not describe informal education?
A. We learn how to dress for different occasions.
B. Informal education describes learning about cultural values and norms.
C. Informal education uses academic facts and concepts through a formal curriculum.
D. Informal education teaches us how to keep our bodies clean.
18. Which of the following is said to be the “Key to Success”?
A. Power B. Education C. Influence D. Money
19. They are individuals who focus on concerns outside of themselves; they appreciate the world around them with a
sense of awe and wonder.
A. Educated person C. Introvert person
B. Self-actualizing person D. Extrovert person
20. Which of the following is not an example of self-actualization needs?
A. The satisfaction of the human body.
B. Realization of a person’s potential
C. The desire of a person’s expression of creativity
D. Strong desire of becoming an ideal parent.
21. The institution that has the greatest effect on individual behavior.
A. Political B. Education C. Family D. Peer group
22. It is a power beyond the law that impedes sustainable development, robs the children of today of the resources they
will need to survive.
A. People Power B. Corruption C. Terrorism D. Patronage
23. Education has several functions to people and society. Which of these statements tells the function of education?
A. Education is for all.
B. Education is reinforced by state or religion.
C. Provides new experiences, offers alternatives.
D. Education transmits culture and provides socialization.
24. Education has a formal and non-formal form. Which of the following does not belong to a formal education?
A. Computer Literacy Program B. Primary Education C. Secondary Education D. Tertiary Education
25. Which of the following is an example of a compulsory formal education?
A. Welding B. College Education C. Elementary Education D. Alternative Learning System
26. What important factor is highlighted in class system for some social mobility?
A. Race B. Meritocracy C. Power D. Wealth
27. Why could social stratification be considered as a form of social belief?
A. Beliefs are universal in every society in the world.
B. Everyone believes that he or she belongs to a social class.
C. Beliefs about social stratification that inform people what it means to deserve wealth, success or power.
D. It continues from generation to generation in every society.
28. How does social stratification start in the society?
A. As societies evolved and became more complex, it began to elevate some members of the society through land
acquisition and gaining social status.
B. It started when people think that they can afford to invest into material things.
C. It started when a person can buy a lot of foods and drinks for his family.
D. The elements of meritocracy is based on personal merit and achievement of a person.
29. How do you describe a caste system?
A. It is an open system of stratification requiring the element of meritocracy for sociality.
B. It is a close system of stratification in which an individual is restricted to his or her social class only.
C. It is an open system of stratification with a combination of achieved and ascribed status.
D. Caste system is universal in every society in the world.
30. In caste system, is social mobility possible?
A. Yes, because caste system has element of meritocracy that is based on personal success.
B. Yes, because a man, in any chances, can change his/her own social class.
C. No, because of social control restriction based on a set of a strong cultural and religious beliefs.
D. Yes, because anyone can achieve greatness as long as he or she works hard for it.
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. A
25. C
26. B
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. C