E&M Unit I - Worksheet 2: Conductors and Insulators: Metal Nail Plastic Rod
E&M Unit I - Worksheet 2: Conductors and Insulators: Metal Nail Plastic Rod
E&M Unit I - Worksheet 2: Conductors and Insulators: Metal Nail Plastic Rod
Date Pd
2. Now the nail and the rod are separately brought near (but NOT in contact with) a negatively
charged Van de Graaff generator. For each object, explain and sketch the changes in the
distribution of the charged particles.
4. The charged pie pan in the previous question is now brought in contact to a previously
uncharged pie pan. Describe the process and the resulting distribution of charge on the new pie
pan. What percentage of the charge is transferred between pans?
5. Two pie pans touched together are brought near (but not touching) a negatively charged Van De
Graaff generator. The pie pans are then separated and then removed from the area. On each pie
pan, sketch in any areas of excess charge. Explain the process by which the plates are charged.
Steps involved
7. Benjamin Franklin has convinced his hapless assistant Mike Piepan to participate in an
experiment on electricity. Ben has set up a lightning rod, the end of which extends into his
laboratory. Mike is suspended from the ceiling by an insulating rope. To one side of Mike is
the end of the lightning rod, on the other side is a metal rod that is “grounded” (i.e. conducts
electricity into the Earth, essentially a “charge dump”). A bolt of lightning strikes the rod,
giving it an enormous quantity of excess negative charge. Assuming that no charge leaps
through the air in the lab, explain, in as much detail as possible, what you think will happen to
poor Mr. Piepan.