Ufos & Alien Contact - Two Centuries of Mystery
Ufos & Alien Contact - Two Centuries of Mystery
Ufos & Alien Contact - Two Centuries of Mystery
In the twenty-first century the greatest progress in civilization will be made not
through science and technology, but in the understanding of what it means to be
-John Naisbitt
This book is dedicated to Robert C. Girard and Thomas Bullard, UFO pioneers.
7. Phantom German Air Raids and Spy Missions over Canada, America, and
South Africa during World War I
8. Sweden's Ghost Rocket Delusion of 1946
'his book could not have been written without several people who
contributed rare newspaper clippings on UFO sighting waves. Foremost is
Thomas E. Bullard at the department of folklore, Indiana University at
Bloomington, Indiana, for providing a treasure trove of press accounts for most
UFO sighting episodes in this book. For providing British press reports on UFO
sightings, we are indebted to Nigel Watson, Granville Oldroyd, and David
Clarke; also to Naomi Miller of the British Columbia Historical Federation.
We would like to thank the Prometheus team who worked closely and
professionally with us at every stage, on what was a challenging manuscript to
edit: editor-in-chief Steven L. Mitchell, freelance copyeditor Michele Pelton-
Fall, typesetter Bruce Carle, freelance proofreader Nicholas A. Read, and
especially associate editor Mary A. Read.
Sky Searches Marked Last Days
Last October, the group known as Heaven's Gate moved into the sprawling
mansion that would eventually become their highpriced mausoleum. Here,
according to people who knew them through their business incarnation of Web
site designers, Higher Source Contract Enterprises, group members followed a
schedule of almost military precision. They got up at 3 A.M. for prayers,
searched the sky at 4 A.M., ate a communal meal at 5. The rest of the day it was
work and more work ...
They wore black and kept their hair trimmed to marine recruit length. They
didn't drink alcohol. They didn't do drugs. They didn't have sex. Some of the
men had taken celibacy to the extreme: castration.
"I have the same kind of penetrating questions that you have: Who or what
would make thirty-nine people take their life in this manner?" asked Sheriff Bill
Kolender at a news conference describing the deaths. In mid-November, a rumor
began to circulate that there was a spaceship lurking behind Hale-Bopp. On their
Web site, cult members made references to the ghost ship. But they said it was
irrelevant, because the comet signaled it was time for "the arrival of the
spacecraft from the Level Above Human to take us home to 'Their World.' " .. .
On Friday, March 21, the ball of frozen gas and dust known as Hale-Bopp
made its closest pass to Earth. The Heaven's Gate Web site was updated one last
time at 10:26 Pacific time. In its final version, the page carried a flashing logo
borrowed from Star Trek. "Red Alert, Hale-Bopp Brings Closure to Heaven's
Notes, a trash can full of plastic bags, and medical evidence indicate the
final hours of Heaven's Gate was a calmly choreographed dance of death.
Members put on a uniform of long black pants, oversized black shirts and brand-
new black Nike sneakers emblazoned with the shoemaker's cometlike white
"swoosh" trademark.
All but one group member had left a final message on videotape. Most
tucked identification into their shirt pockets along with a $5 bill and some
quarters. They packed suitcases or canvas grips and stowed the luggage neatly at
the foot of their beds!
What are we to make of this bizarre event? Is it best understood as an extremist
religious cult-like David Koresh's Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas, or Jim
Jones's mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana? In 1993 the Davidians perished after
turning their compound into a hellish inferno to avoid capture by advancing
police. On November 18,1978, about nine hundred of Jones's followers
swallowed a lethal mix of cyanide-laced Kool Aid-many willingly, some
unwillingly-or were shot. Perhaps the San Diego tragedy is more representative
of what occurs when a group of UFO enthusiasts becomes completely unglued.
Or it can be seen as the first in a series of events that shows what happens to
people who spend too much time in cyberspace and not enough time in the world
of real people and social relationships. How are we to understand the events that
led to the largest mass suicide in the history of the United States?
"My name is Claire Martin. I live near Sydney. I've sought you out because
I understand that you study people who have had encounters with UFOs. Is this a
convenient time to talk?"
"So to answer your question, Claire, I'm not sure, but as a scientist I try to
be a bit like Mr. Spock on 'Star Trek.' I try to suppress my emotional side and
examine the evidence in a logical, systematic fashion. Otherwise, we can throw
science books out the window. If all scientists went on gut feelings, we would be
living in the Dark Ages again. Remember, in the nineteenth century, a lot of
famous scientists believed in the existence of witches and fairies. So far I have
examined a lot of interesting, even compelling, cases, but nothing so clear-cut as
to represent obvious proof. As a scientist, I have to ignore what my heart says
and go on the evidence."
"Claire, you have to realize that there are thousands of reports worldwide
every year. It's just not possible for any one person to be familiar with all of
them. Some UFO investigators have spent years examining a single case. What
I'm looking for is the broad picture. Remember, in the nineteenth century alone
there were tens of thousands of fairy sightings and contact claims. So it is
important to keep things in historical perspective and not get too carried away by
our emotions. Before we discuss this further I'd like to introduce you to a
colleague from the United States, George Howard, who is spending a sabbatical
in Australia. George is a psychologist with an interest in UFO percipients-people
who claim to have had contact with aliens. I'd like to ask him to join us, if you
don't mind."
Claire nods her acquiescence, and Bob uses the intercom to invite his
colleague in the next office to join them. George quickly arrives.
"George, this is Claire Martin. She tells me she has had an experience with
a UFO. I've briefly summarized my beliefs about aliens, and I'd like you to share
your perspective on this topic also. Then, I think, we'll be in a position to hear
her story."
"Okay, Bob," George begins. "To this point in time I've led an extremely
boring life. I've never been contacted by aliens, nor (for that matter) have I ever
been contacted by God! Every experience in my life seems to me to have had a
natural or an ordinary explanation. So while I now study the possibility of the
existence of God and of alien visitors, honesty demands that I tell you that my
experience in life strongly suggests that there are natural explanations for
everything that has happened to me."
"Absolutely not, Claire. A parallel argument would be that since I have had
no supernatural or religious experience I therefore believe there is no God. That
represents a flawed inference that I would never draw. Rather, if you are looking
for evidence of the existence of God (or aliens), my life and experiences simply
represent a bad. place to look. At this point in time, my life and experiences
simply have nothing to say on that topic. If God wants me to believe in Him
more concretely, He will simply have to call to me a bit more forcefully.
Similarly, if aliens want me to believe in them, then they'll have to first get in
touch with me. So far neither gods nor aliens have seen fit to attract my attention
to themselves, but that poses no particular problem to me.
Claire laughed and replied, "Not really! Well, at least I now know where
both of you stand on alien contact. So I'll tell you my story. My experience with
aliens began one night two months ago as I was driving from Sydney to Murray
-Octave Chanute'
The airship sightings took place between November 17, 1896, and mid-May
1897, during which time it was seen in most states. During the 1890s, Americans
were enchanted by literature on science and invention, which had become
something of a national obsession. This was "an age that was in love with the
great wonders of science."2 The sightings occurred during a period of great
social and technological change that fostered the widespread belief that almost
any invention was possible. The second half of the nineteenth century was
marked by a series of revolutionary inventions that would permanently alter
people's lifestyles. These included the telephone (1876), gramophone (1877),
filament lamp (1879), motor car (1884), steam turbine (1884), diesel engine
(1893), X-rays (1895), and radio (1896), to name a few. Of particular in terest
was the age-old dream of heavierthan-air flight, for during this period
"magazines devoted to science and engineering vied with Jules Verne's Robur
the Conquerer and other fictional publications to describe the flier which would
soon succeed."3 The voluminous literature on aviation "fed the public a steady
diet of aeronautical speculation and news to prime people for the day when the
riddle of aerial navigation finally would receive a solution."4 This social climate
fostered an exaggerated optimism in the belief that the perfection of the world's
first heavierthan-air flying machine was imminent.
This illustration of how the airship reflected the hope of rapid technological
advancement appeared on the front page of the Denver, Colorado, newspaper the
Rocky Mountain News, May 9, 1897.
In terms of historical context, however, nineteenth-century science lacked
the technological sophistication to navigate heavierthan-air machines.' In
practical terms, this technology was several years away, and when it was
invented, it was a very modest achievement by modern standards. The first
recorded piloted selfpowered flights of Orville and Wilbur Wright at Kitty
Hawk, North Carolina, did not occur until December 17, 1903, and consisted of
four brief "hops" totaling just ninety-seven seconds. While an array of crude
prototypes was developed during this period, they held little practical value.
Aerial navigation over the next decade was a dangerous occupation, as a sudden
wind gust could easily bring down the fragile, clumsy airplanes of the era, and
night flying was tantamount to suicide. Despite heavy press coverage of the
numerous flight trials during this time, most were abysmal failures. Albert and
Gaston Tissandier's electric motordriven dirigible of 1883 and 1884 in France
was hailed as successful, yet it was unable to maintain itself even against a
current of wind.' Eminent British aviation historian Charles H. GibbsSmith, a
specialist in aeronautical flight before 1910, is emphatic in his view that the
airships sighted during 1896 and 1897 were not feasible.
I can say with certainty that the only airborne vehicles, carrying
passengers, which could possibly have been seen anywhere in North
America ... were free-flying spherical balloons, and it is highly
unlikely for these to be mistaken for anything else. No form of
dirigible ... or heavierthan-air flying machine was flying-or indeed
could fly-at this time.'
During the 1880s and 1890s, numerous backyard tinkerers in America and
Europe claimed to be perfecting the first practical airship, and they were
typically afforded hero or adventurer status, their exploits glorified in the press
and by science-fiction writers. There was intense competition to be the first to
patent such a vessel, resulting in a flurry of submissions to the Washington,
D.C., patent office, and a shroud of secrecy prevailed, as many inventors
withheld vital data on their patents and experimental craft.' This veil of mystery
surrounding the state of aerial development further fostered public belief that a
practical airship had been developed.
In the late 1890s many people in the United States obtained patents for
proposed airships. Most people believed someone would soon invent a
flying machine, and many wanted to capitalize on the fame and fortune
that would certainly come to the first person to launch an American
into the skies. As soon as someone had a glimmer of an airship design,
he immediately applied for a patent. These would-be inventors
constantly worried over possible theft or plagiarism ... [and] most
people kept their patents secret. Given this atmosphere and the
numerous European and American experiments with flight, it is not
surprising that secret inventor stories so captured the public
imagination and seemed such a logical explanation for the airship
"Fake journalism" has a good deal to answer for, but we do not recall a
more discernible exploit in that line than the persistent attempt to make
the public believe that the air in this vicinity is populated with airships.
It has been manifest for weeks that the whole airship story is pure
Walter McCann claims to have used a box camera to take this photo of an
airship passing over Chicago during April 1897. In reprinting the photo, many
newspapers failed to note that the original object in the photo was very vague
and the "airship" had to be enhanced by a sketch artist.
Other editors attacked the initial sensationalism of the airship rumors and
sightings by portions of the California press.-' One editor noted that the
California press was notorious for propagating "the fake," which "at its best is a
lie well told; that is, a piece of pure fiction dressed up with an air of probability
and presented as truth."52 It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that the
airship wave was a hoax. While yellow journalism was instrumental in
propagating the episode, witnesses were usually seeing something (e.g., stars,
This gentleman is six feet in height, about forty years of age, and as far
as his mysterious habits are concerned [Mr.] Keiser said last night:
"We have had him in the house for two years and don't know any more
about him than on the day he came in. He goes away every little while
on trips to Oroville, Sacramento and Stockton, sometimes staying a
few days, sometimes a month. He has plenty of means and fills his
time when at his room experimenting with various metals, principally
aluminum and sheet copper.
With the exception of one report in 1896, all of the Wisconsin sightings were
confined to late March and April of 1897. The first report occurred in
Milwaukee on Sunday afternoon, December 6,1896, as hundreds of residents
were greatly excited after spotting what appeared to be a flying machine high
above the bay. The incident began when local millionaire Herman Nunnemacher
was sitting in his room at the Pfister Hotel and saw an object in the sky.
Grabbing a field glass, he saw not only that it appeared to be an airship, but also
that there seemed "to be a man working the wings." He dashed down to the
lobby, exclaiming, "It is a flying machine!"74 This aroused considerable
excitement as more and more people saw it. However, it was later determined
that the object was an experimental kite that the army was testing.75
The first sighting of 1897 was recorded on April 8 at 9 P.M. by "a number
of reliable people" in the village of Lake Mills, including well-known baseball
player Lynn Mills.' It carried "a great red light, moving up and down as if on
wings" as it traveled westward before disappearing behind the woods on the
western shore of Rock Lake." At 10 P.M. about fifty residents in Wausaw
claimed to see an illuminated aerial craft pass over the city and head northwest.
"A dim outline of it could be seen which appeared to be shaped like an egg. The
main talk of the city today is about the airship."78 The next night about twelve
people in Kenosha saw a greenish light in the clear skies and believed it to be the
airship.79 It was also seen moving westward by citizens in Oshkosh at 8:30 P.M.
John C. Thompson said that he could plainly see the outline of the flying
machine-"the forward portion being cigarshaped and the rear part square or box-
On the night of April 10, an airship was spotted near Marshfield just after
sunset as hundreds of residents poured onto the streets. When viewed with
binoculars, it appeared to be coneshaped with a powerful headlight.81 It was
also seen in Mani-towoc.82 At about 10 P.M., the following account was
recorded in Green Bay of an object that was viewed for thirty minutes:
Some press accounts openly ridiculed the Green Bay sightings on the grounds
that it had all been a practical joke caused by a twelvefoot-high fire balloon
made of tissue paper with a rod across the bottom from which hung two Chinese
lanterns. Its remains were later found in the barnyard of Fred Reschke.84
The airship was also observed by several people at Fond du Lac between 10
P.M. on the tenth and 3 P.M. on the eleventh, and some observers claimed to see
the guy ropes on the vessel." One press account was highly skeptical, noting that
"their visions were so acute that they clearly distinguished the stern light which
was green, from the fore light which was red. "I At about midnight on the tenth it
was seen by Racine resident Silas Bilderback, who saw a variety of colored
lights-red, blue, yellow-"attached to some apparatus or machine," of which only
a dim outline could be seen. He also claimed to hear what sounded like faint
voices "uttered in authoritative and commanding tones, as of a captain giving
orders to sailors," although he could not discern what they were saying. The
object slowly faded off to the northwest.B7 The airship was also spotted on the
evening of April 11 in Appleton,88 and on both the eleventh89 and twelfth" in
The airship hysteria peaked between April 11 and 12, as it was appearing
everywhere at once. The following reports illustrate the scale of the sightings:
Rio, Wis., April 12-The airship was seen passing over this place
at 8:45 last evening. Several persons saw a white and red light
apparently about three hundred feet above the earth, moving swiftly in
a northwesterly direction.
Lodi, Wis., April 12-James Wilson and many others say they saw
the airship here tonight between 10:20 and 11 o'clock. It seemed quite
low and was passing from a southeasterly to a northeasterly
"Have you seen the airship!" took the place of the conventional
"Good evening," when two friends met upon the street, and they
immediately took a look ... in hopes of discovering the aerial
navigator.... People coming out of the churches lost the inspiration of
the prayer and the praise service as they sought out the invention of the
man amid the handiwork of the Creator in space. Audiences coming
from the theaters halted upon the street to cast aloft a searching glance,
and they discussed the craze that is sweeping over the country.92
The reports rapidly declined and ceased altogether by the end of the month.
On the night of the thirteenth the vessel was seen at Portage at about 8 P.M. 93
and by hundreds in Racine on the fourteenth where some of the most
enthusiastic declared they could see the outline of the mysterious ship, and some
even went so far as to state that they could hear voices.94 It was also seen on the
night of the eighteenth near Beloit.95
Perhaps the most sensational report was from the town of Norway, where
there was "great excitement" after a small boy swore that he saw the ship alight
on the John Johnson farm, where its occupants took water aboard that was
poured into the vessel's boiler. After telling the story, the boy "was taken down
cellar and spanked by his mother."" There were other reports of contact with the
pilots and their crew at remote sites near Rice Lake on April 12,101 while at
Potosi two airship occupants were seen sitting on the rail track smoking
cigarettes before jumping into the craft and flying off after being startled by
local resident John MacGuire.112 Near the end of the episode, a woman rushed
into the offices of a local newspaper in Racine in a state of great excitement and
holding a wooden arrow that she said she found in the street. On the end was
attached a note: "Airship S & G, dropped from a distance of two miles in the
air." While her faith that it had fallen from an airship could not be shaken, an
investigation revealed that it was a publicity stunt by the firm of Silber and
The first Michigan airship sighting took place in the village of Alma on
Saturday evening, April 10, in the western sky." At Benton Harbor at 7:45 P.M.
on the following night it was watched for fifteen minutes flying high above Lake
Michigan by a group of residents on Morton Hill, before it faded off to the
northwest."' The vessel was described as having red, green, and blue flickering
lights, and was also seen at St. Joseph at about the same time."' An hour later
several hundred people saw the aerial "machine" floating above Black Lake near
Holland, including prominent citizens Dr. J. D. Wetmore and Mr. C. L. King,
manager of the large King Basket Factory.1' Near Niles, Michigan, two men saw
bright aerial lights during the evening, of what may have been the airship,"'
while at 10 P.M. it was seen by three Mendon residents."' On April 12, some
twenty "reputable citizens" in Battle Creek claimed to watch the vessel pass two
miles west of the city at 8:55 P.M. "Sparks flew forth and the ship began to
slowly settle to within about half a mile from the earth. 11115 It was twentyfive
to thirty feet long and hovered near the ground a few moments, when a buzzing
noise was heard. "Again the sparks flew out as if from an emery wheel and the
machine began to rise slowly ... [and] the lights went out."16 Some witnesses
even claimed they could discern faint voices coming from the "craft.""' The
object disappeared to the southwest.18 When the brilliantly illuminated airship
was spotted by several residents of Kalamazoo on the same evening, it was said
to be moving about fifty miles per hour as it passed northwesterly. The editor of
the Kalamazoo Gazette, Andrew J. Shakespeare, also observed it.19 The most
sensational report of the evening was from the town of Pavillion, where residents
George W. Somers and William Chadburn saw an illuminated object explode in
the air, leading them to assume that the airship had blown up. Several other
residents heard the noise but saw nothing. When part of an electric appliance
was found lying on the ground the next morning, it was thought to have come
from the airship, as were mysterious tiny fragments of an unknown material
found scattered near a barn in the town of Comstock.12'
On Tuesday night, April 13, the airship mania continued. When a
mysterious glow was noticed in the southern sky over Kalamazoo, the cry of
airship immediately went up, but the illumination was a reflection from Thomas
Moore's barn burning down on South Burdick Street.12' Meanwhile, George
Parks and his wife reported that an airship swooped to within one hundred feet
of a field on their Pennfield farm, five miles north of Battle Creek, and claimed
that a wheel fell off, embedding itself in the ground. The wheel was three feet in
diameter and was put on display at their farm.122
From this point on, witnesses were mercilessly ridiculed in most press
accounts, although sightings continued until early May when they tapered out,
with reports in Manistee,"' Saginaw,130 Davison,"' Three Rivers,"' Saline,"'
Grant,'34 Marquette,"' Marshall,"' Geneseeville,137 Sidnaw,'38 Dayton,"' and
Flint.14' After a report by several people in Wyandotte, it was noted that beer
season was open.141 One journalist quipped that an American had "the same
right to see airships that he has to see pink-winged elephants and man-eating
cockroaches."142 Another reporter warned that if the sightings did not abate
soon, large numbers of citizens were in danger of getting cricks in their necks.
One newspaper reported that "the sea serpent was green with envy over the
notoriety being enjoyed just now by its rival the airship."143 Meanwhile, the
Saginaw Globe commented that future historians should note "the fact that the
airship is always seen on Saturday night, when a large portion of the population
is in a proper mood to see such things."144 One writer told of being pleased by
three consecutive days of rain, since during this time "nobody claims to have
seen the airship."145 A press editor sarcastically urged sinners to repent, noting
that the Bible predicts the appearance of strange signs and wonders during the
Last Days, and that the airship may portend that "the day of judgment draws
Spoof sketch of the airship published in the St. Louis Republic, April 29, 1897,
page 9.
Many advertisers jumped on the airship theme in order to sell their products,
often humorously. This ad appeared in the Rocky Mountain Daily News on
April 14, 1897, to pitch the popularity of "News Small Ads."
A humorous incident was recounted near Galesburg, when a hunter came
upon a hole which appeared to contain a metal instrument. "Visions of airships
and grappling hooks arose before him and he made all speed to town" to relay
his finding to the local newspaper office. While the paper reported that an anchor
dropped from the airship had made a deep hole, a subsequent investigation
revealed "a steel trap in the entrance of a skunk's dwelling place."147
The Indiana airship mania lasted from early April until mid-May of 1897. The
first sighting was recorded on the evening of Friday, April 9, when several
"reputable citizens," including deputy postmaster D. A. Gibbons, saw what
appeared to be an airship pass to the north of Newport. It was visible for twenty
minutes and had a reddish color.148 At 1 A.M. on the tenth, Mrs. William
Marsh of Anderson went to fetch water from an outside hand pump when she
was startled by a powerful headlight overhead. She roused her husband and
neighbors, and they watched as it appeared to circle around before attaining
great height and flying southward. At one point they claimed to hear what
sounded like its wings flapping.149 Meanwhile, at about this time, farmers north
of Anderson reported seeing a "crazy star,"150 and in Lowell, it was seen by the
Elliot family.151
On the night of the eleventh, it was spotted across the state. The airship
light was seen at about 7:30 at Warsaw, swaying in the distance as it traveled to
the northwest.152 At least one hundred residents in New Carlisle claimed to
have watched it pass by at 8:30, its lights "distinguished from a dark object far
up in the heavens."153 It had a green light in the front and a red light at the
rear.154 At nine o'clock it reportedly passed over Plymouth,"' while in LaGrange
"great excitement" prevailed after it was observed by numerous people at 9:30
before fading away after forty minutes.15G It was reported at Elkhart about ten
o'clock,157 and by 11 P.m. several prominent citizens of Logansport saw the
airship, including Henry Poit of Porter's Drug Store and Al Anderson of Kraut's
Barber Shop. It appeared to have red and green lights. One witness, Charles
Knowlton of Lock Mills, claimed that there was a man in the vessel who
projected "magic lantern" pictures1-" onto the side of his barn.159 Meanwhile,
on the following night, residents along South 10th Street in Terre Haute were
excited by "a powerful revolving searchlight with a dark object behind it."" In
Danville on the evening of the thirteenth, Green Burris, John Tinder, and
Livingstone Rankin claimed not only that it passed overhead, but that they could
hear singing and talking coming from the vessel.161 At about 9 P.M., it flew just
a few hundred feet above Michigan City.162 At the same time, near Brook
numerous residents saw the illuminated airship whose wings "flopped slowly"
and majestically. Some could even see a propeller that made "a loud whirring
During midafternoon on the fourteenth, several residents in Gas City
reported seeing a cigarshaped airship with broad canvas wings land in a corn
field on the John Roush farm, but that it flew off before they were able to reach
it. There appeared to be six men on board.164 Also on the fourteenth, "a strange
craft" was seen to pass by Mid-dlefork,1 and there was a sensation in Valparaiso
when the airship was sighted at about eight o'clock. "In less than ten minutes
nearly half the population ... was on the streets and on top of buildings watching
its movements." It disappeared after thirty minutes.166 It was also observed at
Princeton at about the same time, where there "was great excitement,"167 and in
the countryside near Frankfort, where it passed over the treetops and was
described as "cigarshaped and rigged with wings or fins. '1161 Also on the night
of the fourteenth, a vivid encounter was reported near Shelburn by Mr. I. H.
Woolsey, T. J. Cushman, and Edward Woods, who were returning from
Currysville at about 11:30. They reported that a brilliantly illuminated airship
passed overhead about two hundred feet above the ground. It was barrel-shaped
with a point in the front and "was bound by heavy bands and had the steering
apparatus in the rear."169
A sighting by three Fort Wayne residents on the fourteenth, provides insight
into the influence of the mass media on airship accounts, making it clear that
residents were scanning the skies in hopes of glimpsing the craft.
Telegrams from various places have told about the sight of this strange
light and Fort Wayne people have been on the lookout for it. For
several nights telescopes have been directed toward the heavens of the
northwest, and at last F. Crocker and R. J. and J. L. Tretheway have
been rewarded....
Mr. Crocker, who lives at 56 Barr street, was the first man to see
it, and after watching the light for some time, called his wife ... [and
neighbors] ...
When asked to describe what he saw, Mr. Crocker said: "I had
taken a great deal of interest in the stories printed in the newspapers
about this star or airship, and was standing at the window of my flat
endeavoring to get a glimpse of it. In a short time I was rewarded..."
During mid-April there were wild rumors that the airship had alighted for
repairs atop Weed Patch Hill in Brown County, after two farmers claimed that
they had seen it anchored there. As a result, a number of residents, mainly from
Martinsville, became excited and trekked to the hill, only to be disappointed
when they could not locate the ship, and locals had no idea what they were
talking about."'
On April 15 it was sighted by several citizens of Albany," the same day that
Mrs. C. Strock of St. Joseph Street in Elkhart said she found a note dropped from
the airship in which it was claimed the vessel would pass back over the city on a
return trip Friday night. As a result "several parties have been formed here to
watch for the return trip of the machine."13 On the next evening of the sixteenth,
over twenty residents of Vincennes saw a "strange body" at great altitude fly
over the city.14 There was pandemonium in Muncie on April 17 as several
thousand Saturday-night shoppers were certain that an aerial craft passed near
the city low to the ground. It was later revealed to have been four hot-air
balloons tied together and attached to lanterns with colored globes which were
sent up by two mischievous reporters.15
On the night of April 21, several members of the First Spiritual Circle saw
the airship as they exited their meeting hall, at which time one member returned
to the building and went into a trance. He claimed that the vessel was occupied
by two men and a dog.16 On Saturday evening, April 24, several East Greenfield
residents reported that the vessel hovered above the filter at the Greenfield paper
mill, and a man was clearly visible and standing in front of a boat-shaped
As was typical of the reports across the country, as the sightings continued,
press accounts, which were often positive near the beginning of the episode,
grew increasingly skeptical. The editors of the Indianapolis Journal remarked
that the description of the airship seemed to vary depending as to whether it was
"viewed through a common tumbler, a champagne glass, a demi john or a quart
bottle.""' In describing a sighting at Terre Haute, a reporter noted, "They looked
through all kinds of glasses ... field glasses, beer glasses and whiskey glasses in
use."19 Another editor noted that the widespread sightings indicated that either
an airship was afloat or "alcoholic visions have become epidemic."" One
journalist asserted: "If you haven't seen the air ship yet you are behind the
time."181 Another observed that the airship far exceeded the powers of the sea
serpent, as "an inland town has the same show as a fishing village on the
coast."182 The editors of the Evening Republican expressed displeasure at
having "been slighted" since the vessel had not yet been viewed in Columbus,
and wondered why the tiny community of New Carlisle should be favored, as it
"never did anything to entitle it to any distinction.""' The Ligonier Banner editor
sarcastically wrote, "If you want to know anything about the airship that passed
over here Saturday night ask Operator Schwab and he will tell you all about
Greensburg, Ind., April 13-The skeptics of this city who have read the
accounts of the airship ... now no longer doubt its reality, since the
machine itself was seen here this evening. The airship made its
appearance in this county about 6:30 o'clock and was seen by several
hundred people. One hundred fifty-six prominent citizens of the city
and county are willing to make sworn statements that they saw the
strange machine.
The news of the sighting of the airship spread like wildfire, and it
is the sole topic of conversation on the streets tonight.... Three or four
hundred people were immediately on the streets, when, in a few
minutes, the strange object made its appearance....
The Greensburg Review editor condemned the Chicago Chronicle for making
Greensburg and its inhabitants "appear silly and ridicu-loos."193
Several Indiana residents claimed to have talked with the airship occupants
in remote locations at night. The vessel and its three occupants allegedly landed
near the Monon depot and alighted in order to make minor repairs to the
motor.194 On the evening of April 17, it reportedly landed near Charles Brown's
feed mill near Upland, where a quantity of ground cattle feed was purchased by
its lone occupant-a stout man with long flowing whiskers who spoke good
English. The man then got into his cab, pressed a button, and the craft rose above
the treetops and sailed off.195 At Hodge's Branch near Rushville Charles
Worthington and John Rodabaugh claimed they saw an airship with enormous
wings alight, its three occupants taking water aboard before the craft flew off to
the northeast.196 George Haskell, a farmer living just east of Muncie, told that
while he was milking his cows at night, an airship landed in his barnyard. "One
of the occupants stepped from the car attached to the ship and asked for some
milk. After receiving a pail full, the man pulled on a cord and it flew off."197 In
northern Hamilton county the airship reportedly alighted to take on provisions
which were paid for with a gold coin.198 Finally, the airship purportedly landed
under cover of darkness near a mine shaft, where two men took on a quantity of
coal and conversed with a bystander, before taking off.199
The reports continued to decline during the latter part of April until they
ceased altogether by mid-May. During this period there were sightings on the
twenty-first at Terre Haute,200 reports by several witnesses, including police
officers, at Kokomo201 and Logans-port202 on the twenty-second, sightings at
Cannelton on the twentythird,203 Logansport and Greenfield on the
twentyfourth,204 Logansport again on the twenty-fifth,"' and Auburn on the
twenty-eighth.206 One of the last sightings was at Seymour on May seventh.207
Minnesota was inundated with airship reports during a two-week period in April
1897. The first sighting was in the city of Albert Lea at 11:00 P.M. on Friday,
April 8, when a bright object that "seemed to be under perfect control" and that
was carrying red and white lights was seen traveling northward.208 Residents
were greatly excited.2a' It was also seen about ten minutes later at Waseca.210
On April 10, a peculiar square-shaped reddish light was spotted by several
Minneapolis residents at about 9:25 P.M. It was estimated to have been half a
mile high and nine miles in the distance before disappearing and then
reappearing 211 The vessel was also witnessed by a large number of residents as
it again hovered over Albert Lea. Among the observers was ex-mayor Gillrup
212 It was first seen at about 9 P.m. and was visible for twentyfive minutes
before vanishing to the north.213
The Kentucky sightings persisted from mid-April to mid-May, and just before
they began, at least one resident in Morganfield was holding nightly parties on
the roof of his house in expectation of seeing the airship that had been reported
in other parts of the country.228 The first sighting occurred on Monday evening,
April 12, near Adairsville, in Robertson County. The airship caused a sensation
among the inhabitants when it was spotted at 8:30 P.M. nearly a mile high. It had
a bright headlight attached to a steel body twentyfive to thirty feet long that
sported wings or propellers and a red lantern on the tail.229 Many people
panicked at the sight and "shouted and prayed as if they thought the millennium
was at hand."' Early the next morning, two miles south of Louisville, farmer
Augustus Rodgers claimed to observe an illuminated oblong-shaped airship
traveling about one hundred miles per hour just four hundred feet above the
ground. Rodgers called to his wife, and they "saw a form, like that of a man,
standing at the front of the ship and directing its course," and the vessel soon
disappeared to the southeast." At about the same time, John S. McCollough, who
resided near Churchill Downs, reported that a brilliantly lighted airship passed
overhead while he was traveling near the city and that a piece of half-burned
coal fell from it.732
On the evening of April 15, several Russellville residents saw the airship
"plainly and distinctly," including Mayor Andrews and prominent dry goods
merchant Colonel James McCutchens. The illuminated object sailed out of sight
westward.233 It was also spotted that night by many people in the communities
of Todd' Clarksville," and Hopkinsville.6 The following day, the managers of
the Nashville Centennial Exposition used the growing public interest in the
airship to their advantage to gain free publicity by claiming that the vessel was
real and the owners were under contract to put it on display." On the sixteenth at
8:30 P.M., hundreds of people in Cairo saw the airship pass slowly just above
the western horizon.238 At about this time, Samuel Bunnel of Mercer County
made perhaps the most incredulous report when he claimed to have viewed the
airship through his telescope and saw that it contained exquisitely garbed,
winged angels.?
Lewisburg, April 24-A profound sensation was created here last night
by the discovery of the lights of an airship moving in a south of west
course and at a great height. It was witnessed by a great number of our
most reputable citizens. There can be no doubt whatever that it was the
airship that is said to have been seen in so many places.248
Also on the night of April 24, a Louisville man gave a particularly vivid
description of the vessel. Thomas J. Casey stated that he was behind his home at
1237 13th Street when he heard a buzzing sound and saw the cigarshaped ship
about two hundred feet up.249 He saw the outline of a man standing in the lower
rear section: "He looked at me and I waved my hat. Two other men were sitting
in the helm."' The object rapidly disappeared to the south. Station keeper
Thomas O'Neil of the central police station also reported seeing the airship at
about the same time." The ship which "carried a very bright light" was again
sighted by Clarksville residents on Sunday evening, April 25, flying half a mile
high to the southwest. 12
There were other reports of close encounters with the airship's occupants:
Meanwhile, on the evening of April 17, three men in Lexington claimed to have
met an airship occupant, about forty years of age, who emerged from the vessel
with a bucket. After filling it with water from a nearby stream, he declined to
answer any questions and sailed off.754
During late April the episode peaked, at which time the claims grew more
sensational, and the belief in the flying machine's existence began to rapidly
erode. As had occurred in other parts of the country, some Kentucky residents
maintained that they found letters dropped from the airship." In Corbin, a
businessman who also served as a church deacon claimed to be in possession of
a piece of metal that he said had fallen from the airship.'S9 By April 30, the
sightings had declined dramatically. One of the last observations was recorded
on the thirtieth when Gillis Hendricks, a section foreman with the Louisville and
Nashville railroad, reported seeing a coneshaped airship with blue and white
signal lights. The account states that "Hendricks' story is laughed at. "161
When the craft was flying near us, it did seem to travel in a flat
trajectory. I toyed with the idea that it even slowed down somewhat,
for how else could we observe so much detail in a mere flash across
the sky? All three of us agreed that we had seen something other than
any planes we had seen or read about from our Earth, or that we had
seen a "craft from Outer Space."'
Since an observer's mental outlook at the time of the sighting is of key
importance, the context of the episode is very significant. The 1896-97 airship
sightings occurred amid widespread rumors that a flying machine was on the
verge of being perfected. Many Americans believed that such a dramatic
achievement was at hand, and their emotions were stoked by speculative and
often fabricated newspaper stories. As people began searching the skies for
confirmation of the airship-invention stories, they expected to see airships, and
did see them. Whereas modern sightings consist almost exclusively of "flying
saucers" from outer space, citizens in 1896-97 were predisposed by popular
literature of the era to see airships. The overwhelming majority of reports
occurred at night and described ambiguous lights viewed at a distance. It is not
surprising that given these circumstances, residents interpreted information in
ways that were consistent with their view of the world.
Studies on the fallible nature of human perception and the tendency for
people in group settings to conform are especially applicable." The human mind
does not gather information like a videotape recorder. Humans interpret events
as they perceive the world and often come to opposite interpretations of the same
event witnessed under nearly identical circumstances, as anyone who has
watched a hotly contested sporting event can attest. Perception is sometimes
based more on inference than on reality, allowing for interpretations that often
differ substantially from what actually exists. Research on autokinetic movement
is applicable to such situations, as it concerns problem-solving dynamics.26' The
variance of interpretations from what actually exists is especially noticeable with
the perception of ambiguous stimuli or conflicting patterns of information within
a group setting, which will result in members developing an increased need to
define the situation, depending less on their own judgment for reality validation
and more on the judgment of others for reality testing.
When the stimulus situation lacks objective structure, the effect of the
other's judgement is ... pronounced.... In one ... study of social factors
in perception utilizing the autokinetic phenomenon, an individual
judged distances of apparent movement first alone and then with two
or three other subjects. This unstruc tured situation arouses
considerable uncertainty. Even though they were not told to agree and
were cautioned against being influenced, the individuals in
togetherness situations shifted their judgement toward a common
standard or norm of judgement.... The influence of various individuals
differed, and the emerging common norm for judgement was in
various instances above or below the average of individual judgements
in the initial session alone.268
During highly ambiguous situations, such as people scanning the nighttime skies
for an imaginary but plausible airship, "inference can perform the work of
perception by filling in missing information in instances where perception is
either inefficient or inadequate.""'
... coming to the brow of a hill overlooking a small ... clearing rested a
vessel similar in outline to the airship shown in the PostDispatch of a
few days ago.... The vessel itself was about twenty feet long and eight
feet in diameter and the propellers about six feet in diameter.
Near the vessel was the most beautiful being I ever beheld. She
was rather under medium size, but of the most exquisite form and
features such as would put to shame the forms as sculptured by the
ancient Greeks. She was dressed in nature's garb and her golden hair,
wavy and glossy, hung to her waist, unconfined excepting by a band of
glistening jewels that bound it back from her forehead.... In one hand
she carried a fan of curious design that she fanned herself vigorously
with, though to me the air was not warm and I wore an overcoat.
In the shade of the vessel lay a man of noble proportions and
majestic countenance. His hair of dark auburn fell to his shoulders in
wavy masses and his full beard of the same color, but lighter in shade,
reached to his breast. He also was fanning himself ... as if the heat
oppressed him.
I asked them by signs where they came from ... [and they
pronounced a word that] sounded like Mars. I pointed to the ship and
expressed my wonder in my countenance. He took me by the hand and
led me towards it. In the side was a small door. I looked in. There was
a luxurious couch....
I pointed to the balls attached to the propellers. He gave each of
the strips of metal a rap, those attached to the propellers under the
vessel first. The balls began to revolve rapidly, and I felt the vessel
begin to rise, and I sprang out, and none too soon, for the vessel rose
as lightly as a bird, and shot away like an arrow . . . out of sight. The
two stood laughing and waving their hands at me.280
One miscellaneous contact claim involved inhabitants from the North Pole,
which was considered the Holy Grail of the era, one part of Earth that had been
inaccessible to explorers despite many well-publicized attempts. Swedish
explorer Salomon Andree's unsuccessful balloon expeditions to the pole in 1896,
and a subsequent fatal attempt in 1897, generated intense global interest.
Correspondingly, two men fishing by a creek near Waxachie, Texas, reportedly
encountered "North Pole people" resting on "furs" and "smoking pipes" near a
cigarshaped airship. The men said they learned to speak English from a polar
expedition in 1553, which was believed lost. The buildings and soil of the North
Pole were heated by pipes containing steam, and the country was "lighted by
electricity" generated by melting icebergs.281
When we compare the events of the airship episode with contemporary UFO and
flying saucer sighting waves, the similarities are striking. Perhaps most
conspicuous is the complete absence of flying saucers or tiny extraterrestrials
with technology far in advance of our own. What people claim to observe and
experience are reflections of popular social and cultural expectations of a
particular era. It is important to remember that humans are meaningoriented
beings capable of adapting to changes in their environment in a myriad of
creative and often unprecedented ways. New coping strategies and methods of
ordering reality provide meaning and stability. The emergence of the plausible
existence of the world's first practical airship in America during the late
nineteenth century embodied the promise of "magical" science during a secular
age. The airship itself seemed to have quasi-supernatural qualities as it appeared
to be omnipresent and often performed maneuvers beyond the capability of our
most sophisticated modern aircraft.
5. V. Sanarov, "On the Nature and Origin of Flying Saucers and Little
Green Men," Current Anthropology 22 (1981): 163-67; C. H. GibbsSmith, The
Aeroplane: An Historical Survey of Its Origins and Development (London: Her
Majesty's Stationery Office, 1960); GibbsSmith, Aviation.
10. "Voices in the Sky ... People Declare They Heard Them and Saw a
Light," Sacramento Evening Bee, November 18, 1896, p. 1.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid.
13. "A Lawyer's Word for That Airship," San Francisco Chronicle,
November 22, 1896, p. 16.
15. "That Peculiar Night Visitant," The Call (San Francisco), November
20,1896, p. 1; "Floating in the Air ... All the Stories Coincide," Oakland Tribune,
November 23, 1896, p. 1; "Body Like a Bird," The Call (San Francisco),
November 24, 1896, p. 1; "Mission of the Aerial Ship," The Call (San
Francisco), November 25, 1896, p. 1; "New Converts," The Call (San
Francisco), November 26, 1896, p. 1; "Saw the Airship," San Jose Daily
Mercury, November 26, 1896, p. 5.
17. "Airships Over Oakland Grouped in Flocks in the Sky," San Francisco
Examiner, November 26, 1896, p. 10.
18. "The Scarecrow Fly-by-Night," San Francisco Examiner, November 26,
1896, p. 10.
20. "Sailed High Overhead," The Call (San Francisco), November 22, 1896,
p. 13.
21. "That Airship Again," The Call (San Francisco), November 21, 1896, p.
22. "Saw the Mystic Flying Light," The Call (San Francisco), November
22, 1896, p. 13.
24. "A Singular Phenomenon. Was It an Airship?" Red Bluff Daily People's
Cause, November 24, 1896.
25. "The Airship Again," Riverside Daily Press, December 10, 1896, p. 5.
27. "Seen Again. Many People of Chico Gaze at the Supposed Airship,"
Morning Chronicle-Record (Chico, Calif.), November 25, 1896, p. 3.
28. "The Air Ship," Weekly Visalia Delta, November 26, 1896, p. 2.
39. "The Tourist of the Air," Tacoma News (Wash.), November 28, 1896,
p. 4; "Beats the Airship," Tacoma News (Wash.), November 30, 1896, p. 2.
40. "The Airship of Winnemucca," Carson City Morning Appeal,
November 26, 1896, p. 3; "The Airship," Reno Evening Gazette, December 3,
1896, p. 1; "The Airship Again," Reno Evening Gazette, December 5, 1896, p. 3;
"That Airship," Carson City Morning Appeal, December 6, 1896, p. 2; "Airship
Burned," Carson City Morning Appeal, December 9, 1896, p. 3; "Airship
Yarns," Territorial Enterprise (Virginia, Nev.), December 12, 1896, p. 2; "What
Could It Have Been?" Central Nevadan, December 10, 1896, p. 3; "The Air
Ship. It Reached Carson Saturday Night," Carson Weekly, December 7, 1896, p.
42. "Others Who Saw It" (letter), The Call (San Francisco), November 23,
43. "Three Strange Visitors. Who Possibly Came from the Planet Mars,"
Evening Mail (Stockton, Calif.), November 27, 1896, p. 1.
48. "San Diego to Heaven," San Diego Union, December 10, 1896, p. 5.
49. R. Hiebert, T. Bohn, and D. Ungurait, Mass Media III (New York:
Longman, 1982).
51. "A Necessity," San Luis Obispo Tribune, December 18, 1896, p. 3;
"California's Fake," Dalles Times Mountaineer (Ore.), November 28, 1896, p. 2;
"A Journalistic Failure," San Francisco Examiner, December 6,1896, p. 6;
"Coincidents," Roseburg Plaindealer (Ore.), November 30, 1896, p. 6; Merced
Express (Merced, Calif.), December 4, 1896, p. 3; "Credit Where It Is Due," San
Francisco Chronicle, December 5, 1896, p. 6; "The Airship," Spokane
Spokesman-Review (Wash.), April 17, 1897, p. 4; "The Airship Fake," Daily
News (Lincoln, Nebr.), April 22, 1897, p. 4; Daily Free Press (Streator, Ill.),
April 22, 1897, p. 2.
52. "The Liar of the Faker," Portland Oregonian, November 29, 1896, p. 4.
53. See, for example, Nevada State Journal (Reno), December 5, 1896, p. 3.
54. "A Winged Ship in the Sky," The Call (San Francisco), November 23,
1896, p. 1.
55. "Stories of the Airship.... Believe that Clinton A. Case Has Carried Out
His Ideas to a Successful Conclusion," Omaha World-Herald, April 25, 1897, p.
12; "Says He Sailed the Airship," Chicago Record, April 24, 1897, p. 2.
57. "Local News Items," Darby Sentinel (Mont.), May 11, 1897, p. 1.
59. "An Air Ship Located. G. D. Schultz has one locked up in his barn,"
Kansas City Times, April 3, 1897, p. 1.
60. "An AirShip Inventor," Weekly Visalia Delta (Calif.), December 10,
1896, p. 4; "An Inventor. Dr. E. H. Benjamin of San Francisco in Visalis,"
Tulare County Times (Visalis, Calif.), December 10, 1896, p. 4; "Aerial
Navigation," Woodland California Daily Democrat, November 23, 1896, p. 3.
62. See, for example: "It Was Seen Here," Calaveras Prospect (San
Andreas, Calif.), November 21, 1896, p. 3; "Lights Aloft," Oakland Times,
November 25, 1896, p. 3; "Was It an Airship?" Woodland Daily Democrat,
November 24, 1896, p. 3; "People in Winnemucca Saw the Airship One Day
Before Sacramentans," Silver State (Winnemucca, Nev.), November 23,1896, p.
3; "Sighted Triple Lights," The Call (San Francisco), November 25, 1896, p. 1.
63. "Saw the Mystic Flying Light," The Call (San Francisco), November
22, 1896.
64. Fire balloons were popular during this period and were typically sold at
shops selling pyrotechnics. They consisted of paper balloons with candles
attached near the mouth and were made buoyant by the generation of heat.
68. From the Latin, literally meaning "trembling delirium," the term refers
to a violent form of delirium that is characterized by muscular tremors,
frightening hallucinations, and restlessness. This condition is typically triggered
by excessive, prolonged consumption of alcoholic substances.
72. "Topeka's Vision," St. Joseph Daily Herald (Mo.), March 30, 1897, p. 4.
73. "Tales of the Town," Kearney Hub, April 14, 1897, p. 2. This verse read
in part: "There are airships in the sky, Rock and rye. Don't you see them as they
fly, Rock and rye.... If you don't believe it try, Rock and rye.
75. Ibid.
76. "Says He Saw the Airship. Lake Mills Man Describes the Aerial
Conveyance," Milwaukee Sentinel, April 11, 1897, p. 11.
77. "Saw the Airship. Lake Mills People Watched It Ten Minutes,"
Wisconsin State Journal (Madison), April 10, 1897, p. 1.
78. "Airship Comes North. Or Else the Citizens of Wausau Have Been
Imbibing in Strong Drinks," Milwaukee Journal, April 9, 1897, p. 2.
81. "They Saw the Airship.... Eminent Green Bay Citizens Willing to Make
Oath," Milwaukee Sentinel, April 11, 1897, p. 1.
84. "Look for Airships. And Green Bay Always Gets What She Wants,"
Green Bay Gazette, April 12, 1897, pp. 1 and 5; "Secret of an Airship. It Was a
Big Hot Air Balloon That Deceived All Green Bay," Milwaukee Journal, April
12, 1897, p. 2.
86. Ibid.
87. "Claims He Saw It," Racine Daily Journal, April 10, 1897, p. 5.
88. "Appleton Saw Only a Star," Milwaukee Journal, April 12, 1897, p.
93. "City Affairs," Daily Register (Portage, Wis.), April 14, 1897, p. 6.
94. "They Saw the Air Ship," Racine Daily Journal, April 15, 1897, p. 1.
95. "Saw the 'Air Ship,' " Beloit Weekly Free Press, April 22,1897, p. 3.
102. "Proof Beyond Controversy," The Times (London, Ohio), April 29,
1897, p. 1, citing the Inter Ocean (Chicago), April 26, 1897.
106. "Weird Lights. Seen in Two Little Lakes in Ogemaw County," Detroit
Evening News, March 29, 1897, p. 4.
107. "Caseville Has a Mystery. Strange Light Moves at Night in the Bay ...
," Saginaw Globe, March 30, 1897, p. 1.
112. "Is Seen at Holland," Benton Harbor Evening News, April 12, 1897, p.
1; Grand Haven Daily Tribune, April 12, 1897, p. 1.
113. "Queer Object. Seen in the Skies Last Evening-Might Have Been
Airship," Niles Daily Star, April 12, 1897, p. 2.
115. "The Air Ship. It Was Seen to Pass Over Battle Creek Last Night,"
Battle Creek Daily Moon, April 13,1897, p. 4; "The Airship with Us. It Was
Seen by Responsible Citizens in a Number of Cities...," Saginaw Evening News,
April 13, 1897, p. 2.
116. Ibid., p. 4.
117. "High in the Air. Airship Taking Spin over Michigan. If the Testimony
of Sober Men Is Accepted," Evening News (Detroit), April 13,1897, p. 4.
118. "Shower of Sparks. Marks the Air Ship's Path in Michigan ... ," Grand
Rapids Evening Press, April 13, 1897, p. 3.
121. "Not an Air Ship. Just a Reflection in the Sky of the Light from a
Burning Barn," Kalamazoo Gazette, April 14, 1897, p. 1.
122. "Airship Again. Broken Wheel Dug up Near Battle Creek," Evening
News (Detroit), April 15, 1897, p. 4; "That Airship. Well-to-Do Battle Creek
Farmer Claims to Have Found a Wheel from the Mysterious Craft," Saginaw
Courier-Herald, April 16, 1897, p. 1.
123. "Dropped from the Clouds. A Message from the Airship Picked Up on
Maple Street," Battle Creek Daily Moon, April 16, 1897, p. 5; "Letter from
Airship. Received by a paper in Battle Creek," Evening News (Detroit), April
16, 1897, p. 4.
124. "Trip of the Airship . . . ," Saginaw Courier-Herald, April 17, 1897, p.
127. Ibid.
128. "Trip of the Airship.... Seen at Different Points Throughout the State
as Well as in Other Parts of the Country," Saginaw Courier-Herald, April 17,
1897, p. 5.
129. "That Air Ship. The CigarShaped Body Gives Us a Call," Manistee
Daily News, April 17, 1897, p. 5; "Was It an Air Ship?" Manistee Daily
Advocate, April 20, 1897, p. 1.
130. "People Who Saw It. Three Citizens of Saginaw Claim to Have Been
Favored," Saginaw Evening News, April 17, 1897, p. 7; "That Airship Again ...
," Saginaw Courier-Herald, April 21, 1897, p. 5.
131. "Are Adrift in the Air-," Flint Daily News, April 19,1897, p. 3.
132. "Michigan News. Some Citizens of Three Rivers Are Positive the
Airship Passed Over that Place Saturday Night," Saginaw Globe, April 19, 1897,
p. 2.
133. "Beats Any Fish Story . . . ," Detroit Free Press, April 20, 1897, p. 3.
134. "That Rapid Airship. Now the Citizens of Grant, Newaygo County,
Claim to Have Spied It," Muskegon Daily Chronicle, April 20,1897, p. 2.
135. "Air Ship Passed Over . . . ," Daily Mining Journal (Marquette), April
23, 1897, p. 8; "Out in Broad Daylight ... ," Flint Daily News, April 24, 1897, p.
137. "The Airship at Geneseeville," Flint Daily News, April 28, 1897, p. 2.
138. "Airship Seen at Sidnaw," Daily Mining Journal (Marquette), April
28,1897, p. 8.
140. "The Airship in Flint," Flint Daily News, May 11, 1897, p. 3.
141. "Saw the Airship. Bock Beer Season Has Opened ... ," Evening News
(Detroit), April 18, 1897, p. 9.
142. Ibid., p. 2.
143. "Around the State," Muskegon Daily Chronicle, April 14, 1897.
147. "Stories of the State," Evening Press (Grand Rapids, Mich.), April 23,
1897, p. 3.
148. "Moving Lights in the Sky," Indianapolis Journal, April 11, 1897, p. 6;
Hoosier State (Newport, Mich.), April 14, 1897, p. 4.
150. Ibid.
151. "Lowell Items," Lake County Star (Crown Point, Ind.), April 16, 1897,
p. 2.
154. "Saw It at New Carlisle," South-Bend Daily Tribune, April 12, 1897,
p. 1.
155. "Headed Northwest," Indianapolis News, April 12, 1897, p. 9; South-
Bend Daily Tribune, April 13, 1897, p. 1.
156. "The Airship.... Several Towns and Villages Claim to Have Witnessed
Its Flight," Indianapolis News, April 12, 1897, p. 9.
157. "Saw the Airship at Elkhart," Indianapolis Journal, April 13, 1897, p.
158. Magic lanterns were a crude precursor of the modern slide projector.
160. "Saw an Air Ship. Residents of South 10th Street Think They Have
Seen the Electric Air Ship," Terre Haute Evening Gazette, April 13, 1897, p. 2.
161. "Danville Has 'Em," Daily Banner Times (Greencastle), April 15,
1897, p. 1; "Merry Party on the Ship," Indianapolis Journal, April 15, 1897, p.4.
162. "That 'Airship' Again," Michigan City Dispatch, April 15, 1897, p. 8;
"Chesterton Chips," Westchester Tribune, April 17, 1897, p. 4.
163. "Air Ship Passes Over Brook," Brook Reporter, April 16, 1897, p.1.
164. "Landed at Gas City," Indianapolis Sentinel, April 15, 1897, p. 6; "No
Affidavit to This. The Mysterious Air Ship Alleged to Have Rested in a Field,"
Indianapolis Journal, April 15, 1897, p. 4; "Airship Comes to Earth," Logansport
Daily Reporter, April 16, 1897, p. 4; "Indiana News . . . ," Marion Daily Leader,
April 15, 1897, p. 1.
165. "The Mysterious Air Ship," Kokomo Daily Tribune, April 16,1897, p.
166. "Valparaiso Sees the Ship," Indianapolis Journal, April 15, 1897, p. 4.
169. "Saw the Air Ship," Terre Haute Evening Gazette, April 15, 1897, p. 5.
170. "Sighted Here," Fort Wayne Weekly Gazette, April 15, 1897, p.1.
174. "That Air Ship," Daily Banner-Times (Greencastle), April 17, 1897, p.
1; "They Saw a 'Strange Body,' " Indianapolis Journal, April 17, 1897, p. 1.
176. "Two Men in the Ship ... Spiritualists Make a Discovery," Fort Wayne
Weekly Gazette, April 22, 1897, p. 12.
177. "The Air Ship in Greenfield," Hancock Democrat, April 29, 1897, p. 1.
178. "Saw the Airship ... ," Indianapolis Journal, April 13, 1897, p. 2.
181. "That Air Ship," Daily Banner Times (Greencastle), April 14,1897, p.
183. "Anent the Airship," Evening Republican (Columbus), April 15, 1897,
p. 2.
188. "Brevities of Local Interest," Angola Herald (Steuben City), April 21,
1897, p. 5.
191. "That Air Ship," Mitchell Commercial (Lawrence City), April 22,
1897, p. 1.
192. "The Greensburg Liar Loose Again," Greensburg Review, April 17,
1897, p. 1.
193. Ibid.
197. The Times (London, Ohio), April 29, 1897, p. 1, citing the Inter Ocean
(Chicago), April 26, 1897.
198. "Local News," Hamilton County Ledger (Noblesville), April 23, 1897,
p. 8.
200. "Saw the Air Ship," Terre Haute Evening Gazette, April 22, 1897, p. 4.
201. "The Mysterious Air Ship," Kokomo Daily Tribune, April 23, 1897, p.
4; "On Their Oaths," Kokomo Dispatch, April 23,1897, p. 4.
202. "Saw the Airship," Logansport Daily Register, April 23, 1897.
203. "Right in the Swim," Cannelton Inquirer, April 24,1897, p. 1; "An Odd
Light Seen ... Was It the Air Ship?" Davies County Democrat (Wash.), April 24,
1897, p. 2.
204. "Did They See It?" Logansport Daily Reporter, April 26, 1897, p. 5;
"The Air Ship in Greenfield," Hancock Democrat, April 29, 1897, p. 1.
205. "Looked Like a Kite," Logansport Daily Reporter, April 27, 1897, p. 3.
207. "Sure It Was the Air Ship," Indianapolis Journal, May 9,1897, p. 2.
209. "License Fluid. What Is This That Enabled Them to See the Air Ship?"
St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 10, 1897, p. 2.
212. "That Airship Again Seen by Albert Lea Citizens," St. Paul Pioneer
Press, April 12, 1897, p. 4.
214. "Navigator of the Air Ship," St. Paul Pioneer Press, April 12, 1897, p.
216. "Anoka See the Airship," St. Paul Dispatch, April 12, 1897, p. 4.
217. "That Air Ship," Minneapolis Tribune, April 12, 1897, p. 4.
222. "Schweitzer Saw It. Latest Testimony Respecting the Airship," St.
Paul Dispatch, April 14, 1897, p. 4.
223. Ibid.
224. Ibid.
226. "It Was ... Scott's ... Airship," St. Paul Dispatch, April 20, 1897, p. 4.
230. Ibid.
231. "Airship Passed in the Night," Louisville Evening Post, April 13,
1897, p. 6.
232. Ibid.
233. "Airship. Mayor and Reputable Citizens of Russellville Saw It Last
Night," Louisville Evening Post, April 16, 1897, p. 5. Also see: Owensboro
Daily Inquirer, April 16, 1897, p. 1.
234. "Todd People Saw It," Louisville Evening Post, April 16, 1897, p. 5.
236. "Seen in Christian County," Louisville Evening Post, April 16, 1897,
p. 5.
239. "Must Have Been Hitting the Pipe," Louisville Times, April 19, 1897,
p. 2.
240. "The Airship Seen by Bowling Green People Last Night," Louisville
Evening Post, April 19, 1897, p. 3.
249. Another Press Account Gives His Address as 1227 13th Street.
250. "Saw the Air Ship," Louisville Courier-journal, April 25,1897, sec.
251. Ibid.
252. "They Saw It," Louisville Evening Post, April 26, 1897, p. 2.
255. "Made of Thin Air," Daily News, April 19, 1897, p. 2. For similar
descriptions, see "News via Airship. A Heavenly Lightning Bug ... ," Paducah
Daily News, April 23, 1897, p. 3.
258. "That Air Ship," Louisville Courier Journal, April 30, 1897, p. 5.
264. P. Klass, UFOs-Explained (New York: Random House, 1976), pp. 14-
269. M. Sherif, The Psychology of Social Norms (New York: Harper and
Row, 1936).
275. "Sees Man Fishing from Air Ship," Chicago Tribune, April 16, 1897,
p. 4.
276. "Air Ship Steals a Calf," Kansas City Times, April 27, 1897, p. 1.
277. "That Airship. Farmer Near Josserand Conversed with the Crew,"
Houston Post, April 26, 1897, p. 2.
278. See, for instance: "Three Strange Visitors," Evening Mail (Stockton,
Calif.), November 27, 1896, p. 1; St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 12, 1897, p.
12; "Startling!" Bellefontaine Republican (Ohio), May 14,1897, p. 1.
279. "The Worst Yet," Parsons Advocate (W. Va.), April 23, 1897, p. 2.
280. "Golden Haired Girl Is in It. The Airship Discovered . . . ," St. Louis
PostDispatch, April 19, 1897, p. 1.
284. Cubans staged several revolts during the nineteenth century, and
although there was much discussion of annexing Cuba as a state, the U.S.
government declined to intervene. American sympathies strongly sided with the
Cubans, as many Cuban-Americans solicited funds for arms and food shipments.
Sensational newspaper stories depicting Spanish atrocities against Cubans
further crystallized American sentiments.
286. "Time for a Rest," San Francisco Examiner, November 26, 1896, p. 6.
Tain't what a man don't know that hurts him; it's what he knows that
just ain't so!
During 1897, amid rumors that Edison was conducting "electric balloon"
experiments with lamps of phenomenal candle power along with powerful
reflectors to determine how far the light could be seen, the unusual series of
reports began. On Tuesday evening, March 29, a large crowd gathered in the city
of Iron Mountain, Michigan, as rumors spread that a conspicuous object in the
evening sky "was an electric light hoisted two miles high over St. Paul" in the
adjacent state of Minnesota. One man claimed that it consisted of a storage
battery attached to a tethered balloon.2 A story circulated that the light was sent
up at about 5 P.M., was visible across the entire United States, and was taken
down midevening. Correspondingly, many residents claimed that they could see
the balloon being slowly reeled in toward the ground at about 9 P.M.3 The
following night in Portland, Maine, a large number of people gathered at various
street corners and stared at Venus under the delusion that it was a "mammoth
electric searchlight suspended by a block and tackle."4 The "electric balloon"
was seen in the Portland vicinity for several days in early April, and one
newspaper noted that "Nine out of ten men and women who parade the streets
nowadays are excited over it."5 It was widely believed that they had observed an
electric light suspended atop New Hampshire's Mount Washington, and residents
in Dover and Foxcroft, Maine refused to accept that it was Venus.' In Bangor,
Maine, one man was emphatic that he could see "by the light of the balloon, a
faint outline of the frame which sustained the machinery." Meanwhile, a
sensation was created in Waterville and throughout the Kennebec valley in
Maine as the light was seen to suddenly move "as if it had been pulled down
with a rope."'
During early April, rumors of the electric balloon swept across America,
and it was even sighted for a week over Montreal, Canada.' One newspaper
editor remarked that "no blizzard ... ever swept over the country with greater
rapidity or more thoroughly."' The Augusta Chronicle editors commented on the
extent of the delusion: "[J]ust think of the people of New England, the cultured
east, in the state of Massachusetts where Boston is, taking the planet Venus for
an electric light swung in the sky by Mr. Edison."10 A Boston astronomer
remarked that he was unable to work as he was inundated with queries about
"Edison's experimental star."11 In Berrien Springs, Michigan, the "electric star"
was rumored to have been a monumental advertising ploy to promote a popular
brand of soap manufactured in Michigan City. In sup porting this story, one
press account stated that "we all now know that many things are possible to
electrical engineers."12
To understand the sightings, we need to examine their context in relation to
the events in America during the latter nineteenth century. It was the same
context that engendered the phantom airship sightings-only this time the image
had changed. The period between 1850 and 1897 was marked by unprecedented
technological changes," the most visible highlight of which was the installation
of electric lights that were dotting the countryside and quickly changing
lifestyles forever; a marvelous and practical example of the Enlightenment faith
in science and technology. The sightings were a symbolic projection of the
prevailing technological mania and seemingly limitless faith in science and
inventions that was sweeping America.
What can be learned from the episode of the "Edison Star" and other
attempts to superimpose magical qualities to his abilities and inventions? We
should be mindful that history repeats itself. During the late nineteenth century,
astronomer Percival Lowell, blinded by the hope of extraterrestrial life, was
certain that he could see through his telescope a complex system of Martian
made canals on the surface of Mars. As new inventors arrive on our modern
scene and new technologies are developed, it will be interesting to observe what
social delusions they will engender. During the past two centuries, the rise of
secularized governments and technological innovations has coincided with a
growing hope that science and technology will provide humanity with answers
to questions that have until recently been the exclusive domain of magic and
religion. As the world grows ever more technologically sophisticated, people
will increasingly turn to science for the answers to religious and philosophical
questions. In this regard it may be prudent to recall the words of the late
astronomer Carl Sagan: "Wherever we have strong emotions we are liable to fool
ourselves. "16
2. "There Is No String to It. Venus, the Evening Star ... ," Daily Tribune
(Iron Mountain, Mich.), March 30, 1897, p. 3.
3. Ibid.
7. Ibid.
10. "A Light in the East," Times and Democrat (Orangeburg, S.C.), April 7,
1897, p. 4, citing verbatim from the Augusta Chronicle (Maine).
11. "That Experimental Star," Boston Evening Transcript, April 15, 1897,
p. 4.
14. F. A. Jones, The Life Story of Thomas Alva Edison (New York:
Grosset & Dunlap, 1931), pp. 174-75.
The following day, August 13, more details of the dispatch became public.
Dated July 3, it was sent from Hazelton and told of a boy who reported seeing a
semicircular black object near the setting sun, which disappeared about forty feet
above the timber line. The dispatch, sent to Vowell by agent R. E. Loring,
concluded by noting that "the boy's description of the balloon and its action
leaves no doubt as to its reality, and is no doubt Andree's balloon expected to
have left Spitzbergen for the north pole" on July 1.10 A second dispatch was
also detailed in the same press account, again sent by Loring to Vowell from
Hazelton on July 10. He wrote that Ghali, chief of the Kispiox, had seen a
balloonlike object while trapping with a group of Indians on Blackwater Lake,
above the head waters of the Skeena on the evening of July 3. The object was
brightly illuminated and traveling almost due north. Loring also noted that the
Indians living along the Skeena "were made aware that they were liable to see
during the beginning of this month, a balloon going north, and of the purpose of
its occupants, etc., and to report to me anything noticed by them of that
Andree's second and final attempt to reach the North Pole transpired on July 11,
1897, when he ascended from Danes Island. The exact details of his demise were
not known until 1930, when sailors stopping at White Island discovered the
expedition's remains, including undeveloped film and notes describing the
tragedy that befell them. Sixtyfive hours after taking off, Andree was forced to
land just three hundred miles from his departure point after an ice coating
formed on the balloon. He and his crew died on the arduous trek back to
civilization. It was not until thirty-three years after the event, however, that the
world learned his fate. In the days and weeks after Andree and his crew sailed
into oblivion, his whereabouts were again the subject of intense press discussion,
and those living in northern countries were told to keep a watch for his balloon.
The first sighting of the 1897 episode was reported in northern British
Columbia by Rivers Inlet fisherman W. S. Fitzgerald, who was salmon fishing
with a companion on the morning of July 10. At about 2:45 A.M. they spotted a
"great balloon-shaped body" that was "powerfully illuminated" floating about a
mile above a mountain range, when "all at once the thought burst upon us that it
was a balloon and none other than Andree's."12 The light appeared to drift
southwest for about two hours, when it faded out of sight.13 On July 12, several
residents of a nursing home at Kamlooms, British Columbia, reported a similar
illuminated object "fluttering" for over two hours before disappearing to the
southwest.14 Over the course of several days between the last week of July and
August 3, several sightings of a "mysterious balloon or pillar of fire" were
recorded in Victoria, British Columbia, including by three women camping at
Sidney, who watched it drift north over Salt Spring Island." On early Sunday
morning, August 1, three young men camping near Goldstream also reported
what appeared to be "a brilliantly lighted balloon."16
The phantom sightings of Andree's balloon are a classic example of the power
expectation has over perception. The sky became a Rorschach inkblot test,
mirroring the social expectations. Contemporary waves of claims and public
discourse surrounding observations of other strange aerial phenomena across
Canada continue today, such as thunderbirds and flying saucers. While
eyewitnesses are often stereotyped by scientists and the public as mentally
disturbed, in both instances there are social and cultural traditions that observers
are usually aware of that influence their perceptual orientations. For instance, the
Ojibway Indians of Ontario continue to see "thunderbirds" the size of airplanes,
which is entirely consistent with their cultural worldview.ZS These folk beliefs
are often reinforced through oral traditions, the mass media, and popular
7. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
11. Ibid.
12. "That Pillar of Fire. The Mysterious Visitor Seen Again Drifting over
Northern British Columbia ...... Victoria Daily Colonist (British Columbia), July
18, 1897, p. 5; "Aerial Mystery. The Wonderful Sight Witnessed by Two
Fishermen ...... Manitoba Free Press, July 20, 1897, p. 1.
13. "Aerial Mystery . . . ," Manitoba Free Press, July 20, 1897, p. 1.
14. "What Is It?" Daily Colonist, July 20, 1897, p. 4.
16. Ibid.
17. "Again the Airship. Can Andree's Balloon Be Visiting These Parts . . . ,"
Manitoba Free Press, August 9, 1897, p. 3.
18. "That Light in the Air ...... Victoria Daily Colonist, August 7, 1897, p.
19. "The Ruddy Moon. Late Hours Prove Too Much ... ," Victoria Daily
Colonist, August 8, 1897, p. 2.
20. "That Morning Mystery," Victoria Daily Colonist, August 12, 1897, p.
21. "Another Aerial Visitor," Manitoba Morning Free Press, August 10,
1897, p. 5.
22. "News from the Province," Daily News-Advertiser, August 15, 1897, p.
23. "A Balloon Again. This Time One Is Seen Near Souris," Manitoba Free
Press, September 20, 1897, p. 8.
The year 1909 was a turbulent year in New Zealand's history, characterized
by enthusiasm over rapid and dramatic aeronautical achievements, xenophobia,
fears of invasion, and a sudden perception of vulnerability. Amid this setting, a
remarkable event occurred. Between Sunday evening, July 11, and September 2,
tens of thousands of New Zealanders reported seeing Zeppelin-type dirigibles.
Equally remarkable is that the episode has yet to be thoroughly documented' and
has been virtually forgotten by contemporary scholars.
Two subjects dominated New Zealand newspaper headlines prior to the
sightings: rapid aviation advancement and concern over the adequacy of the
country's defense from a potential German invasion. While in early 1909 press
discussion focused on the likelihood of Germany's directly attacking the British
Isles, by midyear there was concern that they might instead attack the Empire's
more vulnerable, remote outposts, which engendered considerable anxiety,
especially in distant New Zealand. New Zealand had one of the world's most
dynamic economies, with such natural resources as gold, minerals, timber, beef,
sheep, wool, hides, forestry products, and farm and refrigerated produce, which
likely fostered a perception by many of its citizens that it was a prime German
Heavy press coverage detailing the inadequacy of British defenses and the
German military buildup began on March 22, when the New Zealand
government made a heavily publicized decision to offer Britain funding for one
and possibly two dreadnought battleships to bolster its defenses. Throughout this
time until June 14, when Parliament approved the offer, there was virtually daily
press coverage of the issue and the general inadequacy of New Zealand
The dreadnought offer kindled patriotic feelings toward the motherland, and
the New Zealand government began holding public meetings to debate the
suitability of compulsory military conscription in response to the perceived
threat. On May 12, the New Zealand press reported on the British House of
Commons's "Great Debate" on military strategy for Empire defense. A New
Zealand correspondent in attendance reported on the sense of "semi-hysteria."4
Similar patriotic fervor was expressed at town meetings across New Zealand as
citizens debated the conscription issue. The following display of emotionalism at
one meeting was typical: "The resolution was received with loud applause,
mingled with hooting. A few of the audience commenced to sing 'Rule
Britannia,' but their voices became inaudible when a score or two Socialists sang
a few lines of 'The Red Flag.' "5
Simultaneous with the press accounts describing Germany's threat to the British
Isles, and New Zealand in particular, numerous reports detailed rapid aviation
advancements. At the forefront of this technology was the Zeppelin, which
remained impractical but was slowly gaining in scope and capability. During
1909 "the aeroplane came of age" with French aeronaut Louis Bleriot's dramatic
flight across the English Channel on July 25, and gained rapid acceptance as a
potentially practical device for long-distance transportation.' Then suddenly, on
May 19, it was widely reported that Germany was contemplating a shift in its
military strategy away from naval warship construction and toward producing a
fleet of Zeppelins capable of traveling long distances in short periods while
transporting soldiers and ordnance.' Some letters from worried citizens appeared
in the press, supporting earlier accounts exaggerating the German threat. Once
the danger was defined as real and the belief that the British defense scheme was
inadequate, citizens began redefining what had once been perceived as an ade
quate local defense force. For example, in mid-September 1908, the annual
report of New Zealand's chief artillery instructor noted that despite deficiencies,
"the records of the field garrison artillery volunteers show that considerable
progress has been made in both efficiency and shooting.... [A]rtillery volunteers
throughout the Dominion were never more efficient than they are now."8
However, the dominion's military capability was still viewed as ill-prepared and
inadequate, a position espoused in many editorials. For instance, one newspaper
editor stated that defenses were insufficient to repel a single "good" enemy ship
and complained of insufficient artillery, ammunition, manpower, and
searchlights in Auckland Harbour, concluding by saying that "citizens may well
wonder what the Government has been doing that it should have left the country
in such a defenseless state."9
From about 1880 to the early twentieth century, a wave of popular science-
fiction literature appeared on the scene, trumpeting the wonders of science and
technology." But during the first decade of the twentieth century, amid rapid
aviation advances, Germany's growing naval prowess and its leadership in aerial
technology, popular fiction took on a more dark and sinister tone. The notion of
aerial warfare became a popular science-fiction theme," following the
widespread press discussion of the likelihood that aircraft would soon play a
major part in a looming confrontation with Germany. In 1908 the influential H.
G. Wells novel The War in the Air was published and serialized in Pall Mall
Magazine. In the book airships inflicted horrific damage on New York by
dropping bombs. Literary serials sharing a similar theme were common. For
instance, Chums published a lengthy series of stories by Captain Frank Shaw in
1908, The Peril of the Motherland, in which Russia declared war on Britain,
wreaking havoc with a fleet of airships. It was within this sociopolitical context
that Zeppelin invasion rumors circulated across New Zealand and the first
sightings occurred."
The episode began on the evening of July 11 on the south island, when several
Kaitangata residents reported seeing the mysterious light of a possible airship for
thirty minutes as it bobbed in and out of view to the east over the Wangaloa
Hills. The witnesses were prepared to sign an affidavit as to their veracity.13 It
was widely rumored that the German vessel Sees tern, which had recently left
Brisbane, was somewhere off the south island where it had "set the airship free"
for secret aerial reconnaissance flights.14
On July 19, a mysterious flickering light was reported by three residents in
Oamaru.15 Widespread sightings began on the twentyfourth, the day after a
spectacular daylight incident at Kelso, where twenty-three schoolchildren and an
adult described a Zeppelin-type airship that swooped low over the township.
Four detailed sketches were made by witnesses, and an excited reporter
proclaimed it to be "nothing short of dumbfounding."
Thomas Jenkins gave a very clear account of the whole incident. He
saw the vessel first at 12 o'clock as he was going home from school. It
had come over the hill on the east side of the school ... and sailed
across the plain to the gorge on the other side. He watched it all the
time, and saw it altogether about ten minutes. ... As it passed over he
saw that it had supports on each side ... but these sails did not move.
There was a wheel at the rear revolving very rapidly. There was a box
beneath the body of the ship.... The vessel was entirely black in color...
Cyril Falconer was with other boys on the school ground when
the airship passed over. A big wheel was revolving at the rear. He saw
this reversed, and the vessel suddenly turned.... This boy drew an
angular picture, which appeared to represent the ship as it was turning,
with a wheel at the back. Other children saw it but these gave the
clearest accounts.
Mrs. Russell, evidently the only adult who saw the phenomenon,
said she ... saw a streak of blackness shoot over the hill on the left and
apparently come straight towards her. Then it suddenly turned and
swerved away over some trees out of her sight. ... In appearance it was
just like a boat. It was black in colour. She saw it for just a few
minutes. It was travelling very fast at first, but when it turned it came
lower and went somewhat slower. She did not notice any wheel at the
rear or any sails, but was very flustered, as she thought the end of the
world had come.16
Shortly after the sighting a party of young men from Kelso trekked into the
nearby Blue Mountains in a vain attempt to locate the vessel," and local police
also searched.18 The incident received heavy press coverage, and a deluge of
reports followed over the next ten days. On the following evening, July 24, just a
few miles away at Kaka Point, another dramatic account was recorded of an
airship flying over the beach. A Mr. Bates and several boys observed "a huge
illuminated object moving about in the air." The vessel seemed like it was going
to land, and in apparent fear that it was a German Zeppelin, thinking it had been
attracted by their lantern, the boys ran off, leaving it behind.19 If the vessel flew
within close range again, some of the boys said they would "try to 'prick the
bubble' with a bullet. "10
Near Gore on July 30, two mining dredge hands working the night shift
claimed to see an airship at 5 A.M. descend in the fog and circle the area, with
"two figures ... plainly discernible on board."21 Later that day a rumor began
that a Zeppelin had crashed at Waikaka, killing two or three Germans.22 The
report by the dredge hands followed other airship sightings in the Gore vicinity
over the previous several nights23 as well as local reports of mysterious
luminous lights.24 On Sunday evening, August 1, a large crowd gathered in
front of the post office at Temuka, debating the origin of a mysterious luminous
orb, which was soon revealed as a prank played by some boys who had placed a
candle in a hollowed turnip and raised it to the top of the high school flagpole.25
Once the Zeppelin's existence was widely accepted, various past and
present events and situations that would have ordinarily received prosaic
interpretations were redefined as airship-related. On the night of July 14, Mary
Guinan of Kelso watched a gradually dimming "star," but after hearing of
subsequent airship sightings, "she at once concluded that it was this she had
seen."28 A mysterious "swaying light" observed by several Christchurch
residents for three weeks "excited little comment" until the airship reports, and
one witness said that it "seemed to be attached to some object moving gently
across the line of sight."29 When a farmer in the Black Hills found two gas cans
on a remote slope inaccessible by car, it was suggested that the oil was used to
fuel an airship motor.30 In the Otama district, another farmer thought an airship
may have landed for repairs after he found several screw wrenches in his field.31
W. S. McIntosh of Hedgehope reported that when he and two friends were
trapping near Glenham during the previous winter, they had seen a mysterious
aerial illumination "resembling a searchlight" hovering about thirty-five feet off
the ground three hundred yards away from them. McIntosh said, "At the time ... I
did not say much about it, as I knew people would not credit it."32
While a Zeppelin was the prominent explanation for these sightings,
alternative folk theories included a local inventor's secret airship trial flights; 3 a
luminous cloth attached to a carrier pigeon or sea gull,' "a visitation from another
world,"35 and 31 myriad atmospheric and meteorological phenomena.
The author concluded by noting that the "German scare, the Dreadnought
episode, and the conquest of the air" had combined to create an improbable yet
plausible threat that culminated in a popular delusion. One resident wrote to
express surprise at the public's gullibility, facetiously noting that a Zeppelin
invasion by the Germans or Japanese was remote, but the episode was almost
certainly an attack by octopuslike Martians: "The presence of a dead squid on
the beach at Burkes a few days ago is fairly conclusive evidence."43 It was
widely noted in many newspapers from late July that sales of fire balloons' had
increased dramatically," and their remains were often found in the vicinity of
sightings. Press accounts became increasingly skeptical in early August 96 as
numerous reports of mysterious aerial lights were increasingly described as
stars" or fire balloons.48
On July 29, the New Zealand Herald editor described them as "flights of
fancy," while commentary in the Evening Post referred to them as "hot-air"
ships, remarking that a combination of hoaxes and misperceptions of heavenly
bodies composed "the nucleus of an aerial German invasion."49 After residents
reported seeing what appeared to be a searchlight circling above the town of
Nelson, a reporter quipped: "It has come at last. We have been expecting the
dread news for weeks ...... 50 By early August, press accounts became still more
incredulous, even despite vivid descriptions:
Nelson took more interest in astronomy last evening than it has ever
done before. People in all directions stood and stared upwards at the
sky. An airship had come to Nelson.
There it was, plain enough. Some people could even tell that it
had an acetylene lamp at the front of the car [gondola] which was
shining so brightly. Others declared that there were lights shining, just
as is the case with a motor car.
Attempts, fortunately unsuccessful, were made to break into the
Atkinson Observatory and Mr. F. G. Gibbs was literally besieged by
telephone and callers. The fact that the light was seen to move was
what particularly gave rise to the opinion that the "airship" which was
making those night attacks down south, had at last arrived in Nelson,
and was skimming about in the air above the towns'
During August, there was a brief spate of sightings over Australia, almost
exclusively confined to the east coast between August 9 and 14. The Australian
press discussion of the perceived German invasion threat was much lower key,
and the number of subsequent airship sightings over Australia was much lower,
confined to just a few days and almost universally described as the work of a
local, nonthreatening airship inventor. All of the press reports describe the
airship with different degrees of skepticism, most attributing the observations to
overactive imaginations.58 One reporter used the headline "Aerial Hysteria,"
cautioning that the reports were not to be taken seriously.59 The Australian
episode occurred as the New Zealand reports were waning, and since no
invasion had occurred, a popular view among some Australians was that a local
inventor had perfected the world's first practical airship and was making secret
trial flights. Correspondingly, the Australian reports were exclusively described
as mysterious lights or airships, not Zeppelins, and citizens were enthusiastic
during sightings, not anxious as they were in New Zealand.60
After a three-week absence of reports in New Zealand, a final flurry of
sightings took place at Gore, as hundreds reported a dark cigarshaped object near
the Tapanui Hills between 4:30 and 6 P.M. on September 1 and 2.61 The reports
abruptly ended when a press correspondent visited the site and found that the
sensation was caused by "repeated flights of thousands of starlings, which, prior
to nesting season, were making their temporary homes in a clump of pine trees."
About 5:00 P.M. movements from the pine trees commenced. The
birds would rise up in one thick black mass and circle round in the sky.
Their evolutions were wonderful to behold. At first they would look
like a dark cloud; then they would assume the shape of a very long
strip, darting up into the air and then descending with very great
rapidity towards earth, at one minute compressed formation, and at
another in extended line.... As they ascended into the air their numbers
were so great that their wings make a great noise, just as if it was the
whirl of machinery in motion.
The reporter quipped that " 'birds; only birds!' soon became the general cry."62
With the Gore sightings, the New Zealand airship scare had come to a close.
12. It is notable that just prior to and encompassing the New Zealand
sightings, a spate of phantom airships, typically described as Zeppelins, were
observed across England, accounts of which appeared widely in the New
Zealand press. See "Airships and Scareships," Evening Star, July 7, 1909, and
numerous other New Zealand newspapers. The following is an excerpt from this
account: "The people who are always discovering German spies in England
disguised as waiters or tourists have found a new occupation of apparently
absorbing interest. They are writing to the papers to report having seen
mysterious airships making midnight voyages over various parts of England.
The ghostly vessels have been seen at spots as distant from each other as Belfast
and East Ham, but the most numerous reports are from the eastern counties. The
'Daily Express' is full of dark tales of a long, cigarshaped craft dimly visible
through the night air, passing overhead with a whirring noise. Those watchers
who are particularly lucky espy searchlights and hear 'foreign sounding' voices."
For similar accounts in the New Zealand press, see "Mysterious Airships,"
Timaru Herald, July 23, 1909; "Real Scareship," Timaru Herald, August 14,
13. Otago Daily Times, July 16, 1909, p. 10; "A Mysterious Light. Was It
an Airship? Excitement in the South," The New Zealand Herald, July 27, 1909.
14. The following account appeared in "Was It Made in Germany?"
Evening Star, July 27, 1909: "The explanation that is finding favor with those
who have put two and two together is that the fact that German vessels are in
New Zealand waters is responsible for it. They aver that the German
Government yacht Seestern, for which the German warship Condor, which left
Auckland on Sunday, is 'supposed' to search for (the Seestern being said to be
considerably overdue at the Island from Brisbane), is, they state, in reality off the
New Zealand coast. They are not backward in advancing the theory that the
Seestern set the airship free somewhere in the neighborhood of the Nuggets,
where it was first observed.... A thorough elucidation of the whole mystery is
awaited with keen interest." For similar discussions of the German origin of the
mysterious lights, refer to: "The 'German' Theory," Evening Star, July 29, 1909;
"The German Scare," Timaru Post, July 28, 1909; "Airship Mysteries," The New
Zealand Herald, July 27, 1909. In a letter to the editor of the Otago Daily Times,
August 3, 1909, one resident proclaimed: "Now, with regard to the origin of this
airship, I pinned my faith at the start to the German cruiser theory, and I will
stick to that.... Where is this cruiser Seestern and where is the Condor? One or
both of these boats may have dirigibles of this type stowed away on board.
Deflated, 'the thing' may be quite compact, and the gas generator-of course, a
more unwieldy piece of goods-remains on board when 'the bird' flies away."
15. A. Brunt, "The New Zealand UFO Wave of 1909," Xenolog 101
(1975): 2.
20. Ibid.
21. "Two Miners See the 'Ship,' " Dominion, July 31, 1909; "Airship Seen
by Two Dredge Hands. At Close Quarters. Two Persons on Board," Evening
Star, July 30, 1909; "Close View of the Craft," The Auckland Star, July 31,
1909. The time and location of this sighting suggests that they misidentified the
27. Brunt, "The New Zealand UFO Wave," p. 7, quoting a New Zealand
Broadcasting Service documentary from 1961; "The Mysterious Lights,"
Geraldine Guardian, August 12, 1909.
29. "A Strange Light in Canterbury," Evening Star, July 29, 1909.
31. Ibid.
33. "Was It an Airship?" Timaru Post, July 14,1909; "One Man Sees an
Airship," Dominion, July 31, 1909.
37. "The Airship Mystery Seen at Dunedin," Evening Star, July 28, 1909, p.
4; "Clear Evidence," Evening Star, July 29, 1909, p. 4; "The Kelso Airship.
Cumulative Evidence," Otago Daily Times, July 29, 1909, p. 7; "The Airship,
Seen in North Otago," Otago Daily Times, July 30, 1909, p. 8; "What the
Dredge-Men Saw," Auckland Weekly News, August 5, 1909, p. 21; "The
Airship. Further Evidence from Kelso. Statements by Eyewitnesses," Otago
Daily Times, August 6, 1909, p. 5.
44. Fire balloons were available in New Zealand during this period and
typically sold at shops selling pyrotechnics. They consisted of paper balloons
with candles attached near the mouth and were made buoyant by the generation
of heat. The stimulus for artificial devices sent aloft during the Zeppelin
sightings was more likely to have been kites, which were more popular and
45. "Possible Explanations," Otago Daily Times, August 30, 1909; "Fire
Balloons Suggested," Evening Star, July 29, 1909; "A Fire Balloon Found in
Dunedin," Geraldine Guardian, July 31, 1909.
46. For instance, on the evening of August 10, four reports of mysterious
lights were recorded in the Southland Times, August 11, 1909. The first two
were from Goulburn and Moss Vale in Australia, the other two from Waihi and
Stony Creek in New Zealand. The reports were limited to no more than four
sentences and appeared as follows: "In the Air. Glimmers at Goulburn," "Visions
in Victoria," Wonder at Waihi," and "Stony Creek Stratagem."
48. "A Fire Balloon. Found in York Place," Otago Daily Times, July 30,
1909; "Fire Balloons," Tapanui Courier, August 4, 1909.
52. "The Supposed Airship. Nelson People Hoaxed," Timaru Post, August
3, 1909.
59. Sydney Morning Herald, August 7, 1909, p. 13; "Venus and Jupiter,"
The Mercury (Hobart), August 16, 1909.
In the years immediately preceding the episode, intense excitement swept across
Europe and North America in anticipation of the first practical, mechanically
powered heavierthan-air flight. Enthusiasm waxed and waned with each of the
five attempts at piloted powered flight between 1874 and 1899. These crude,
modest successes were interspersed with numerous failures. From the first
known attempt in 1874 until 1899, there were just five successful documented
flights. Each was erratic, brief, and mundane by contemporary standards.
However, with the dawn of the twentieth century there were rapid, dramatic
advances coupled with heavy newspaper coverage of powered flight attempts,
leading to a spectacular climax just prior to the airship delusion.
If the Channel crossing made the greatest impact on the public, it was
the Reims aviation week which provided the greatest technical and
governmental stimulus to aviation, and proved to officialdom and the
public alike that the airplane had indeed "arrived." .. .
Reims marked the true acceptance of the airplane as a practical
vehicle, and as such was a major milestone in the world's history.'
Chronology of Events
It is within this historical setting that the Boston Herald of December 13,1909,
published a lengthy newspaper interview with prominent local businessman
Wallace Tillinghast, a credible and creative figure,' in which he confidently
proclaimed to have perfected and flown the world's first sophisticated airship, far
exceeding any devices of the period. Tillinghast also asserted that his
experimental flights were continuing. This fantastic account appeared in
spectacular front-page headlines:
In describing his machine, Mr. Tillinghast says: "It is one of the monoplane
type, with a spread of 72 feet, a weight of 1550 pounds, and furnished with a
120-horsepower gasoline engine made under my own directions and
specifications. It differs from others in the spread of the canvas, the spread of the
plane and in stability features. Special attention is given in making it adaptable
for high speed. All the important parts are covered by patents.
"I also decline to say what is the limit of speed of the aeroplane or the
highest altitude that I can reach, because I wish to enter the international races in
a fair trial and without rivals knowing what speed reported at the recent meeting
at Reims that I feel sure the result will be that the Tillinghast aeroplane is more
than an 'also ran.' .. .
While Tillinghast's story was a hoax, it seemed plausible in the wake of his
reputation as an inventor, coupled with recent rapid progress in aerial flight
technology and the expectant social climate. Within two days of the published
interview, news of Tillinghast's purported feats made headlines in virtually every
New England newspaper and many others throughout the world. The heavy
press coverage included conflicting opinions regarding the legitimacy of his
claims by aviation experts, local authorities, and newspaper editors. Wilbur
Wright scoffed at the notion, while avi-ationist Glenn Curtiss declared it to be
"extraordinary if facts can be improved."6 The ensuing newspaper debate
provided a degree of legitimacy to the initial hoax interview. It was at this point
that many locals believing claims to be true, began rethinking various past
events in light of this new worldview.
Cyril Herrick wrote in a letter to the Boston Globe that the most likely
explanation for his sighting of a "double meteor" during the previous year was
the Tillinghast airship:
I [would like to] recount the following, seen while in camp on the
shores of Lake Winnipesankee last August. Shortly after dark one
evening we saw approaching from Meredith way, two bright lights in
the sky a fixed distance apart, high in the air and drawing near with
lightning speed. Passing our camp, whatever it was, disappeared over
toward the Ossipee hills. Only the great speed of the lights marred our
belief that it was an aircraft. All doubt was dispelled the next morning
by news received from two vacation people a half-mile distant-Dr.
Frank Chapman of Grovetown, N.H., and Dr. Walter Westwood of
Beachmont, but saw them returning about an hour later. Thus the
meteor theory is disposed of, and this news from Worcester as to
Tillinghast offers itself as a refreshing possible hypothesis in
explanation of the strange sight we saw that night.12
Meanwhile, several Willimantic, Connecticut, residents told a reporter from the
Hartford Daily Times that one night in early September they had spotted an
unusual aerial object that, in light of recent events, must have been the airship.13
The first mass observations in the vicinity of Worcester took place on the
evening of December 22, as an airship was reported by over two thousand
people, "circling" Boston several times and remaining visible for some three
hours and twenty minutes. The incident began at about 5:40 P.M., when a squad
of police officers noticed an unusual aerial light." By about 6:30, a crowd of
Christmas shoppers and several policemen reported an unusual light estimated to
be one thousand feet aloft in the southeast, steadily growing in size. By seven
o'clock the "airship" had "sailed over the city," remaining stationary for several
minutes over the State Mutual Life Insurance building.15 An "airship" was also
sighted at about six the same evening in nearby Marlboro, heading northwest.16
There were hundreds of reports in nearby Worcester, Marlboro, Cambridge,
Revere, Greendale, Nahant, Maynard, Fitchburg, Leominster, and Westboro,
which spread over the telephone. As with previous press coverage, the airship's
existence was typically reported as factual, although the Berkshire Evening
Eagle described it as a "fire balloon."" One report said that Tillinghast "was seen
by fully a thousand residents here tonight repeatedly circling the city in a huge
airship."" Another account stated that "there is no doubt that some person was
navigating a heavierthan-air machine here."19
The mass sightings continued for several days and were concentrated in the
vicinity of Boston and Worcester. On December 23, the vessel reappeared above
Worcester and several nearby communities between 6:00 and 7:30 P.M. In
Worcester an estimated fifty thousand residents poured into the streets and
nearly brought the city to a standstill:20 "In the main thoroughfares people with
bundles stood agape.... Men and boys poured from the clubrooms and women
rushed from the houses to view this phenomenon. The streets were thronged."21
While the Boston Globe reported that the Worcester sightings were of Venus,
mass observations in Boston, Revere, Cambridge, and Willimantic were
described with less skepticism.22 Other press accounts continued to lend
plausibility to the airship stories, such as the Boston Herald's headline
"Mysterious Air Craft Circles About Boston for Nearly Six Hours."13 Alex
Randell of Revere even claimed to see "the frame quite plainly,"24 while Baltic
resident P. D. Donahue stated that he could make out two men in the vessel as it
passed overhead.' When the strange light was seen by many residents above
Willimantic, even its mayor, Daniel Dunn, said that "there was no doubt but that
it was an airship."26
The episode peaked on Christmas Eve, with thirty-three separate reports
from Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut to Vermont, New York, and
Maine. In Boston, on December 24 "thousands upon thousands of people ...
stood on sidewalks, street corners and squares from soon after dark till well on
toward midnight" hoping for a glimpse of the airship. Most were rewarded.
Lower Washington st, Dock sq, Scolay sq, Tremont row, Court st,
Bowdoin sq, Court sq, Tremont st and the Common were haunted by
large groups of more or less excited and awe-struck belated Christmas
shoppers, many of them laden with bundles, all gazing well up into the
zenith at the gleaming lights....
At the corner of Washington and Summer sts the elevated roads
starter had the hardest job he had since the last big fire in his district,
all owing to the crowd of sky gazers that would persist in obstructing
the car track.
Another man plainly distinguished that one of the twin lights was
green, the other red, as they should be to conform to the rules of
navigation, and he flatly told an observer at his elbow that he must be
blind not to be able to see the difference in the color of the lights.
Just when the nervous tension had reached its most critical stage,
apparently, the operator appeared to see his danger, for the machine
approached no nearer and appeared to be at a standstill as the crowd
uttered a concerted sigh of relief and dispersed, to be succeeded by
another a moment later.27
Tillinghast was the perceived inventor and pilot, and his movements were
closely monitored.
[P]eople who saw the airship took it for granted that Tillinghast was
the aviator, and a Journal reporter, with others, at once made inquiries
and learned that Mr. Tillinghast was away from home and that he
telephoned his house from his office at four o'clock in the afternoon
that he would not be home tonight. Further, [he] usually goes to where
he says his aeroplane is hidden in [an] automobile but his auto is now
out of repair, and he was seen taking a train shortly after four o'clock
this afternoon. At eleven o'clock tonight he had not returned to his
home and he was not expected until morning. All this taken into
consideration, together with the... thin black form of the airship
hovering about the city from almost every point ... leaves no doubt in
the minds of all who witnessed it that Mr. Tillinghast was the operator
and the airship was his own invention.29
On December 24, when numerous sightings were reported across New England,
the Boston Journal reported that when Tillinghast returned home in the morning,
"his eyes were terribly bloodshot and his face was cut and wind tanned, showing
every evidence of having been out in a strong high and cold wind for a long
while." On the basis of this description, the reporter concluded that it was
"almost certain Mr. Tillinghast is the mysterious aviator of the marvelous
Tillinghast's silence about his airship during this time served only to
enhance the claims made during his hoax newspaper interview and was
interpreted as affirming the evidence. He was characterized as secretive, a
common stereotype of inventors of the period. As the search for the secret
location of Tillinghast's airship broadened, scores of sheds and buildings in
remote locations were scrutinized as possible hiding places. One reporter was
arrested for trespassing on private property while checking a shed owned by a
business associate of Tillinghast. While not actually seeing the vessel, the
reporter concluded that it must be the secret machine shop, for why else would
they have arrested him?31
The reports tailed off dramatically from Christmas to the end of the month
with the exception of six sightings on December 27. Newspaper editors and
citizens were increasingly skeptical. People began evoking the popular ideas of
French psychologist Gustave LeBon, which attributed the sightings to
individual, "primitive" impulses activated within emotional situations that
produced a form of temporary irrationality or madness.32 While a Boston Globe
reporter described the city of Marlboro, Massachusetts, as "airship crazy,"33 a
reporter in nearby Rhode Island depicted it as "airship mad," implicitly
comparing it to LeBon's contagious mental disease model, which was well
known during this period.
One newspaper editor commented that "these must, indeed, be times sorely
troublesome to the human imagination." He concluded that rapid progress in
knowledge and technology "have no doubt brought the popular mind under no
little strain and made it more susceptible than common to seeing phantoms in the
air if not ghosts on the earth."35
By December 26, a deluge of skeptical press accounts began to. appear. The
Boston Globe expressed concern that residents of Worcester and its environs
would soon become the laughingstocks of the world, since reporters representing
newspapers from around the globe were wiring information that there was
apparently little basis for the "fantastic stories."36 That same day C. D. Rawson
of Worcester confessed to sending up large owls with lanterns and a reflector
attached to their legs.37 A letter to the editor noted that most observations were
consistent with misidentifications of Venus, which was prominent in the western
sky in the early evening.38 One press correspondent wired back to his West
Virginia office, noting the growing doubts of the remarkable claims: "Go where
you will in New England today and you will hear them talk about Tillinghast and
his mysterious airship. The majority of New Englanders don't believe in
Tillinghast."39 By December 27, several correspondents with a vested interest in
keeping the sensational story alive were criticized by their colleagues. One editor
commented that while the mysterious light was seen on three consecutive
evenings in the same position of the sky between 6 and 7 P.M. and corresponded
exactly with Venus, "one ambitious news writer ... sent long dispatches to two
New York papers, telling how hundreds had stood out and watched the airship
maneuver, and the metropolitan papers printed the story along with the story of
Tillinghast's ship, giving the impression that it was the Worcester man." The
editor concluded that the brilliant light "without doubt, is Venus.""
The steadily increasing skepticism soon turned to embarrassment and then
hostility, as residents in Boston and especially Worcester were becoming the butt
of jokes and ridicule by the national press, and there were fears that the publicity
would have a negative impact on business investment in the region. This led to
demands that Tillinghast either prove his assertions or refrain from making such
The main point is that the citizens who are interested in the move
believe they should protect the reputation of their city... If there be
absolutely no basis for all the airship worries which have descended
upon New England, they want to publish the fact to the world and
close the incident.
While such attempts failed, Tillinghast and his family were overwhelmed
by the media spotlight. He was a virtual prisoner in his home and was constantly
followed wherever he went. This seemed to accomplish what the business
community could not achieve-to silence Tillinghast.
Only four sightings were reported during January, and these were met with
great incredulity. When several Willimantic residents, including a police officer,
noted an unusual nocturnal light in early January, the press descriptions were
restricted to just two small paragraphs. There was no credible suggestion that an
airship was actually sighted, and one newspaper proclaimed: "Willimantic
people have been 'seeing things' again."43 When the airship was sighted by R.
W. Tyler of East Poultney, Vermont, on the evening of January 6, a local press
account began sarcastically: "The expected has occurred, the inevitable has come
to pass. Rutland county has seen the airship."44 On the evening of January 19,
several Fair Haven Heights, Connecticut, residents reported observing the
airship, at which time the local newspaper prominently published the opinion of
a local astronomer who had studied the object through a telescope and was
certain that it was the star Sirus45 It was at this point that the reports ceased,
ending the remarkable and strange sequence of events.
7. "What Mr. Hanna Saw May Have Been the Worcester Airship!"
Willimantic Chronicle, December 14, 1909, p. 8.
11. "Sailed Over the Harbor ... ," Boston Globe evening edition, December
20, 1909, p. 1.
12. "Air Ships Seen at Night," Boston Globe, December 23, 1909, p. 6.
13. "Light Seen in Hartford, Also," Hartford Daily Times, December 24,
1909, p. 3.
18. "Thousands See Big Airship Over Worcester ... Machine Circles City
Several Times at Height of Two Thousand Feet," Boston journal, December 23,
1909, p. 1.
19. "Worcester Palpitating ... ," Boston Globe evening edition, December
23, 1909, p. 1.
20. "Mysterious Air Craft Circles about Boston for Nearly Six Hours. Some
Declare They Discern Outlines of Monoplane Bearing Two Men ... ," Boston
Herald, December 24, 1909, p. 1.
21. "Airship Is Just Venus," Boston Globe, December 24, 1909, p. 1.
22. Refer to the following press accounts appearing in the Boston Globe,
December 24, 1909, p. 1: "Seen in Boston. Many Persons Positive They Saw the
Light of Some Mysterious Navigator of the Air"; "Revere Sees Its Wings.
Several Observers Say They Were Able to Make Out Outlines of the Airship";
"Cambridge Also Sees It. Airship Described as Moving from West to East and
Then in Opposite Direction"; "Again the Searchlight."
23. "Mysterious Air Craft Circles about Boston . . . ," Boston Herald,
December 24, 1909, p. 1.
24. "Skyship of Mystery Flies above Boston. Revere Man Gets Close
Enough to See Framework and Hears the Engine ... ," Boston Journal, December
24, 1909, p. 1.
25. "Mystery Airship Just Like Venus. Machine Hovers Over Willimantic,"
Daily Times, December 24, 1909, p. 3.
26. Ibid.
27. "Certain as the Stars. Airship Again on Route. Even Skeptics See Its
Changing Lights," Boston Globe, December 25, 1909, p. 1.
30. "Skyship of Mystery Flies above Boston ... Worcester Man Again
Absent from Home All the Evening," Boston Herald, December 24, 1909, p.1.
32. G. LeBon, Psychologie des joules, 2d ed. (Paris: Felix Alcan, 1896).
33. "Marlboro Has It, Too," Boston Globe evening edition, December 23,
1909, p. 1.
34. "City Is Airship Mad. All Kinds of Aeroplanes Flying About,
According to Reports," Providence journal, December 25, 1909, p. 2.
36. "Airship Story Worries Them ... ," Boston Globe, December 26, 1909,
p. 14.
38. "Venus and the Public Rye," Providence Sunday Journal, December 26,
1909, sec. 2, p. 5.
39. "Tillinghast in His Shop, Not in His Airship. New Englanders Probably
Mistake Venus for a Soaring Flying Machine and Get Excited," Wheeling
Register, December 26, 1909.
40. "Willimantic Laughs at the Airship Faking," Hartford Daily Times,
December 27, 1909, p. 11.
42. Ibid.
43. "The Inky Sky, and Not a Star in Sight," Willimantic Daily Chronicle,
January 7, 1910, p. 1; "Willimantic Men See Things Again," Hartford Courant,
January 8, 1910, p. 1.
44. "The Inevitable Airship," Rutland Daily Herald (Vermont), January 10,
1910, p. 4.
45. "Fair Haven Sees Phantom Airship ... Astronomer Has Solution,"
Hartford Daily Times, January 19, 1910, p. 9.
It was realized, though certainly not universally, that as soon as an
efficient flying machine made its appearance England lay open to an
invasion from the air, that her traditional reliance upon the Navy and
seapower was no longer so valid as it had been in what was looked
upon as the dawn of a new age, the air age. As one contemporary
expressed it... "England is no longer an island."
Between October 14, 1912, and March 1, 1913, tens of thousands of people
across Great Britain reported seeing Zeppelins that far exceeded the
technological capability of the period. The popular folk theory held that the
sightings were of hostile German Zeppelins on aerial reconnaissance missions as
a prelude to invasion. In the years immediately preceding the episode, anti-
German sentiments rose steadily. The period between 1907 and the start of
World War I was characterized by extraordinary public fear over the growing
strength of the German military, especially relative to Zeppelin airships and
dreadnought naval vessels, and the perceived weakening of the British navy.
In 1909 Britain's vulnerability to aerial attack was recognized and its long-
standing rule as the unrivaled sea power suddenly questioned? "Hysteria
germanica" began to grow3 and continued to wax and wane until the beginning
of World War 1.1 Here is a summary of Anglo-German relations in 1909:
Anglo-German tensions and mistrust had been steadily growing from 1907
to the start of World War I in 1914, but in 1912 "the naval race" between the two
powers was especially daunting, and by late April "London and Berlin were as
far apart as possible."' With news of a German plan to construct three additional
battleships, the British Admiralty became concerned with the large increase of
German battleships on active service. This led to a vigorous debate in which the
Admiralty considered ordering its remaining large ships home from the
Mediterranean," provoking "a furious row throughout the rest of the year over
whether Britain was still an 'imperial' power or merely a North Sea one.""
Through the first half of 1912, there were several well-publicized attempts
by the British to achieve a German arms agreement, but all efforts failed to reach
a compromise. Tensions escalated further in October 1912 with the outbreak of
the first of three Balkan wars, which had a negative impact on Anglo-German
relations. During November 1912, the month of the first documented Zeppelin
sighting, so concerned were Britain and France by the possibility of a war with
Germany, that they implemented the Grey-Cambon exchange, which morally
obligated Britain to aid France in the event of a Franco-German altercation.12
This agreement heightened Belgian distrust of Britain and fueled concerns that
Belgium, a French neighbor, might side with Germany. Between February 1909
until the German invasion to Belgium on August 2, 1914, fears of a secret
German-Belgian agreement were reported in Britain," During the period of the
Zeppelin sightings through 1914, the distance between England and Germany
was "as wide as ever," and the political mood in Britain prior to World War I
was filled with anxiety:
In factual articles the danger that Britain was lagging behind the
aeronautical developments of Russia, Germany and France were
constantly brought to our attention. One good example of this type of
warning appeared in The Strand Magazine of July 1911. The article by
a well-known and respected aviator, Claude Grahame-White, was
titled "The Aerial Menace. Why There Is Danger In England's
Apathy." Accompanying it is an aerial view of London at night. The
sky is full of aeroplanes and the caption informs us that they are, "A
Fleet of Two Thousand Aeroplanes Dropping Bombs on London."
Grahame-White sums-up the situation by noting that:
As each year goes by this peril of the destructive potentialities of
the aeroplane will increase. Its scouting powers will improve also. The
longer we delay in England in this regard to placing ourselves abreast
of other nations in aerial armaments the worse our position will be.18
The sightings in South Wales were mystifying, as the Zeppelin would have
had to have crossed the English Channel in daylight, yet there were no
corresponding sightings in England.31 This prompted speculation in some
quarters that the mysterious vessel was actually an airship that was being
secretly developed by a local inventor," or more likely by the War Office in
response to the Zeppelin threat.33
As the sightings continued, what had earlier been described as a possible or
actual airship of unknown origin was increasingly referred to as a hostile
Zeppelin. Cardiff aeronaut E. T. Willows made headlines when he suggested that
it could have been one of several Zeppelins that were capable of making the
journey.34 On January 23 a Knowle resident expressed fear that a man-o-war
airship was recently seen over Bristol.35 A Manchester man described his
displeasure with the government for allowing Britain's lack of aerial
preparedness: "The country will not be satisfied with a reassurance that the
Admiralty has the matter in hand."-6A former naval officer noted the enormous
advantages of a foreign power's knowing the nocturnal geography and suggested
bolstering coastal defense.31 A British press correspondent in Germany warned
of the German superiority in airship technology, remarking ominously that
"England's maritime superiority [had] lost its whole significance, as superiority
in the air [now] brings mastery of the world."' A technical editor of the leading
aviation journal Flight, A. F. Berriman expressed his conviction that Zeppelins
were capable of making long-distance voyages over England.39
Near the end of the sighting reports, many Britons ridiculed the witnesses,
something that the German press had done since the start of the episode. A
Penarth resident wrote: "The German airship Flying Venus, showing bright
headlight, with no body discernible, was plainly seen between eight and ten
o'clock this evening," signing his name "SCARED ONE."49 German
newspapers typically referred to the "airship ghost.""' Psychopathological
explanations were also discussed in the press, especially in the waning two
weeks. The editors of the London Daily Mirror suggested that England was in
the midst of an epidemic of "air-shipitis" and quoted a prominent mental doctor
who claimed that mass hallucinations were responsible.51 A psychologist was
quoted as saying that "the idea of a wandering ship ... is so firmly fixed ... that
these mind impressions succeed in rendering it visible."52 When a couple in
Kilmarnock, Scotland, attributed a distant light to the vessel, a local newspaper
proclaimed: "The Airship Epidemic ... Breaks Out."53 Many German
newspapers described the reports in pathological terms. One press headline
stated: "The Airship Psychosis in England."54 The Germania, Berlin organ of
the Centre Party, said the reports were laughable, the result of "iniquitous
influencing of the masses,"55 while another account referred to it as "the new
English sickness."56
The phantom Zeppelin sightings reflected the prevailing sociopolitical
climate in Britain just prior to World War I. The skies reflected the collective
psyche, and a variety of ambiguous, prosaic, almost exclusively nocturnal aerial
stimuli, circumstances, and events were widely redefined. For over a century
prior to the episode, Britain's status as the world's naval leader was never
seriously challenged, but this long-held rule was suddenly shattered with the
advent of rapid aeronautical advancements.
3. Ibid., p. 437.
16. D. Suvin, "The Extraordinary Voyage, the Future War, and Bul-wer's
'The Coming Race': Three Sub-Genres in British Science Fiction, 1871-1885,"
Literature and History 10 (1984).
18. Ibid.
19. "The Alleged Visit of a Foreign Airship," London Times, November 22,
1912, p. 8.
24. "An Airship over Cardiff," Times of London, January 21, 1913, p. 10.
27. "The Airship at Cardiff," Times of London, January 22, 1913, p. 10;
"Cardiff Airship Mystery. Chief Constable's Story Supported by Other
EyeWitnesses," Nottingham Daily Express, January 22, 1913; "Airship
Mystery," Western Mail (Cardiff), January 22, 1913, p. 6; "The Mysterious
Airship," Yorkshire Post, (Leeds), January 22, 1913. "Seemed to Carry a
Searchlight" (letter), Western Mail, January 25, 1913; "That Mysterious Airship.
Seen at Foxwood, Rogerstone, near Newport, Jan. 23" (letter), Monmouthshire
Evening Post (Newport), January 25, 1913, p. 5.
28. "Two Mysterious Aircraft," London Daily Express, January 22, 1913, p.
29. "Is There Secret Garage in This Country? War Time Danger. M.P.
Alarmed at Country's Lack of Preparation," Daily Dispatch (Manchester
edition), January 22, 1913.
31. "Airship Mystery. Sighted by Many People," South Wales Daily Post
(Swansea), January 22, 1913, p. 3.
33. "The Mysterious Airship. Seen over Bristol," Bristol Evening News,
February 7, 1913, p. 3; "That All!" The Wiltshire Telegraph (Devizes,
Wiltshire), February 15,1913, p. 2; "Fly-by-Night. Another Cruise by the
Mysterious Airship," Bath and Wilts Chronicle (Bath, Somerset), February 8,
1913, p. 3.
34. "Welsh Airship Mystery," London Daily Express, January 23, 1913, p.
5; "Is It a German? The Mystery of the Airship. Mr. E. T. Willows' Opinion,"
South Wales Daily Post, January 23, 1913, p. 6; "The Mystery Airship. Track of
Craft Through Glamorgan. Is It a German Vessel? Suggestion by Mr. E. T.
Willows," Western Mail (Cardiff), January 23, 1913, p. 5.
35. "Correspondence. Airships over Bristol?" (letter), Bristol Times and
Mirror, January 25, 1913.
42. "A Mysterious Airship," The Bath Herald, March 11, 1913, p. 4;
"Mysterious Light. What a Newport Man Saw," The South Wales Argus, March
10, 1913, p. 4.
46. "Night Raids by Air. German Dirigibles Flights over England. The New
Peril. Wanted, 1,000,000 to Meet It," London Daily Express, February 25, 1913,
p. 1.
47. "A Propaganda Campaign Over Mastery of the Air," Berliner Tageblatt
(Berlin), February 27, 1913.
49. "Flying Venus" (letter), South Wales Daily News, March 3, 1913, p. 5.
For similar examples of sarcasm, see: "Correspondence. The Airship Again,"
The Bury Times, March 8, 1913, p. 4; "Fly-by-Night. Another Cruise by the
Mysterious Airship. Star-Gazing in Bath," Bath and Wilts Chronicle (Bath,
Somerset), February 8, 1913, p. 3.
50. "About the Airship Ghost," Neue Preussische Zeitune (Berlin), March
8,1913, Sunday evening edition, p. 2. For other German examples, see "German
Ridicule," London Daily Telegraph, February 26, 1913, p. 11; "The German
Airship Scare. Incredulity in Berlin. John Bull's Powers of Seeing Visions,"
Manchester Guardian, February 26, 1913, p. 6.
51. London Daily Mirror, February 26, 1913.
'n late August of 1914, Canada entered World War I following the
.unanimous vote of a special session of Parliament. This event occurred amid
great exuberance and unanimity and was marked by "parades, decorations,
cheering crowds and patriotic speeches."' Canada was far from the European
front lines, and its distant, vast land mass and cold climate also contributed to a
feeling of invulnerability to attack or invasion. However, despite an initial
enthusiasm to enter the war and a general feeling of distance from its unfolding
events, there was a rapidly growing realization that German sympathizers and
enemy agents might pose a more immediate threat.
During World War I a series of espionage dramas unfolded. Canada and the
United States had their share of actual spy scandals, acts of subversion and
sabotage, and there was considerable concern among Canadians that German-
Americans and sympathizers acting on orders from Berlin or independently
might cross the border and cripple Canada's war efforts. In reality, the acts of
espionage, sabotage, and subversion that took place had relatively little impact
on everyday life in the United States or Canada, or on the war's outcome. The
few successful incidents that did occur only heightened fears and suspicions
surrounding the intentions of German sympathizers in Canada and especially in
the United States. It is difficult to give an exact figure for the number of enemy
acts in Canada, since during the war "there was hardly a major fire, explosion, or
industrial accident which was not attributed to enemy sabotage," and by the time
an incident had been thoroughly investigated, it "invariably led elsewhere."3
Beginning in 1914, anti-German hysteria steadily rose in North America and did
not subside until well after the armistice agreement that ended the war on
November 11, 1918.
During the Great War vivid imaginations and wild rumors were the order of
the day, and politicians did little to ease fears. For instance, U.S. President
Woodrow Wilson told Congress that Germans "filled our unsuspecting
communities with spies and conspirators."' The German scare in America
reached such proportions that foods, streets, schools, businesses, and cities with
Germanic names were renamed; communities prohibited German music or
theater performances; and suspected traitors were occasionally assaulted, tarred
and feathered, or hanged by vigilantes.' Similar social paranoia swept across
Canada as schools and universities stopped teaching German, the city of Berlin
was renamed Kitchener, and the Anti-German League was formed to rid Canada
of all German influence, including products and immigrants.' In August 1915,
miners in Fernie, British Columbia, refused to work until immigrant employees
at the Crow's Nest Pass Coal Company were dismissed, after which they were
promptly placed in a makeshift internment camp.' As in the United States,
politicians further stoked the fires of public hysteria. For instance, the former
Saskatchewan lieutenant governor made the sensational claim that 30 percent of
Canada's newer provinces were composed of "alien enemies, who made little
secret of their desire to see the flag of Germany waving over the Canadian
West."' Between 1914 and 1918, 8,579 men of German and Austro-Hungarian
background were placed in internment camps.' But Canadians clearly viewed the
greater threat as coming from the United States, where in 1910 there were nearly
ten million German-Americans.10 The German scare was initially more intense
in Canada, who entered the war in 1914, while the United States remained
neutral until April 1917.
Of the many rumors circulating across Canada during the war, one was
particularly persistent and widespread. From the very onset of hostilities it was
widely rumored that German-Americans sympathetic to the kaiser had been
secretly training for large-scale military raids or an invasion into Canada."
During January 1915 the British consul in Los Angeles warned Canadian
authorities that German sympathizers were planning attacks on Port Arthur, Fort
William, and Winnipeg." Meanwhile,
It was within this setting that a series of phantom aeroplane scares swept
across Ontario and Quebec between 1914 and 1916. Aeroplanes of the period
were crude affairs, very limited in maneuverability, and night flying held its own
risks, with the first nocturnal flight occurring not until 1910 and lasting just
twenty kilometers," yet sightings over Canada during the war took place almost
exclusively at night.
The first reports were confined to southeastern Ontario and began in the
village of Sweaburg, six miles south of Woodstock, on Wednesday evening,
August 13, 1914, when High County constable Hobson and many others
reported seeing "two large aeroplanes" pass from east to west.19 Sporadic
sightings of mysterious aeroplanes continued over the next two weeks in such
places as Aylmer, Tillsonburg, and Port Stanley.20 As a result, a special guard
was installed at the radio station in Port Burwell on Lake Erie.21 The next major
incident occurred at about 9 P.M. on September 3, when three aeroplanes, with
powerful searchlights sweeping the countryside, were spotted in the oil town of
Petrolea.22 Scores of residents watched for hours as "every field glass in
Petrolea was brought into requisition."'3 The "aeroplanes" were widely thought
"to have some connection with Great Britain's war against Germany."24 One
"plane" flew in the direction of Oil Springs, while a second hovered near
Kingscourt and a third appeared to travel eastward toward London along the
Grand Trunk, "evidently scanning the line carefully."" Petrolea police chief
Fletcher was in communication with nearby towns and immediately began inter
viewing witnesses.26 Meanwhile, military authorities attempted to allay fears by
suggesting the possibility that the planes were merely privately owned
aircraft.21 There were also reports that the planes were owned by an American
pilot who crossed the border at night.28
Several "mysterious aeroplane[s]" were reported near Hamilton during
early September, prompting military personnel to investigate.29 After a spate of
sightings between September 8 and 10 at Springbank, residents were "greatly
stirred."30 One witness was Fred Bridge, who urged Canadian authorities to take
the reports seriously.
The city of London was greatly alarmed on the morning of October 21,
when several soldiers reported that an aeroplane car rying a powerful spotlight
flew directly over the Welseley Barracks and nearby ordnance stores early in the
morning. Sergeant Joseph, who was on guard duty, stated:
It was an aeroplane all right ... I and three members of the guard were
sitting around the camp fire when we heard the purr of engines and
looking up saw the aeroplane coming from the northeast of the
barracks. It had a bright light and was traveling rapidly. It came
practically over us and the ordnance stores and then turned to the east
and south. There was no use firing at it for it flew too high and at too
rapid a rate. It was an aeroplane, of that we are sure.36
This incident followed a series of aeroplane sightings and reports of aerial motor
sounds in the London vicinity over the previous several weeks, which
investigations had traced to causes such as toy balloons or boat engines.37
Meanwhile, shortly after the barracks sighting at London, Canadian military
authorities once again reiterated the implausibility of a spy or war plane flying
overhead, since, it was argued, spies could travel in the city unmolested in broad
daylight and achieve similar results. They also wondered why planes on a secret
mission would use brilliant searchlights that would surely attract attention.m
On the following night, February 15, and the early morning hours of the
sixteenth, the Parliament buildings again remained dark, and marksmen were
posted at strategic locations.52 This was both a precautionary and a face-saving
measure, for information was rapidly coming to light, indicating that a series of
toy balloons had been sent aloft the previous night on the American side and was
mistaken for enemy aeroplanes. Premier Robert Borden was defensive, and
when asked for information on the "invasion," he replied that when told of the
reports, he had left the matter to the judgment of the chief of staff and chief of
dominion police.53 The Toronto Globe was also embarrassed, since it had
reported the aerial incursion as fact in its previous edition. However, in its next
edition it blamed the affair on "hysterical" residents in Brockville.' Meanwhile,
the charred remains of two large toy balloons had been found near Brockville,
which local residents, in turn, blamed on boys from nearby Morristown.55 A
number of toy balloons in other locations had also been sent aloft by Americans
on February 14 and 15, in commemoration of the centenary of peace.56 An
adviser for the Canadian Aviation Corps, J. D. McCurdy, stated that a mission
by German sympathizers from northern New York was highly improbable,
especially given the difficulty in night flying.57
The last major sighting wave during World War I occurred during mid-July.
In the first week of the month, an aeroplane reportedly landed in a field near
Nolan Junction, Quebec. Two men carrying plans and papers supposedly
disembarked, then shortly after flew off toward Montreal.58 On July 16, an
illuminated aeroplane was seen by Silvanus Edworthy in London,' while on the
morning of the seventeenth a craft was seen near Massena, Ontario 60 During
midmonth, aeroplanes were widely reported by many people in the vicinity of
Quebec City61 and Montreal.62 When the craft was spotted near a factory in
Rigaud, the lights were extinguished and precautions "taken to protect the place
from possible attack."63 On Sunday night, the eighteenth, a military guard at the
Point Edward radio station fired five shots at what he took to be aeroplanes, and
two large paper balloons plummeted to the ground.64
Widely scattered nighttime airplane sightings continued from the latter half
of 1915 until July 1916, including sightings at Tillsonburg on July 221 and at
London on August 8 of 1915.67 On February 5, 1916, a railway worker spotted
two aeroplanes near Montreal. There was thought to be a connection between
this sighting and a suspicious man who was seen at about the same time under
the Victoria Bridge. Fearing an attempt to blow up the bridge, guards on the
structure opened fire on the figure, who fled.' Several days later on February 13,
a rare configuration of Venus and Jupiter resulted in a brilliant light in the
western sky that was mistaken by hundreds of residents of London as an
aeroplane about to attack.69 The last known scare during the war occurred at
Windsor on July 6, when a biplane was sighted' by hundreds of anxious people
for about thirty minutes. Several people using binoculars actually claimed "to
distinguish the figure of the aviator.70
The scare began on Monday evening, January 31, 1916, when a mysterious
"aeroplane" was spotted flying near the large gunpowder plants owned by the
duPont Company at both Carney's Point and Deep Water Point, just across the
Delaware border in New Jersey. Company employees, including guard Captain
Albert J. Parsons, reported seeing the craft. Parsons told an excited press corps
that the aeroplane was flying at about fifteen hundred feet and was visible for
some fifteen minutes before disappearing to the southeast.75 "The light and the
blurred object about it hovered about the powder plant ... [moving] at times and
then appeared to be still and then it seemed to be going up and down or moving
in a semi-circle."76 There was considerable press speculation that the plane was
going to drop bombs or was reconnoitering the area for a future attack." A few
days later an illuminated aeroplane was seen by several people near Fenton
Beach, where "one man declared that his wife started praying that a bomb would
not be dropped close by."78 When an astronomer correlated their sighting with
the positions of Jupiter and Venus, the Fenton Beach witnesses steadfastly
refused to believe it.79
On Saturday night, February 12, the aeroplane was seen over Dover,
Delaware, by two people,' while on the evening of the fifteenth, at least two
dozen residents of Middletown reported seeing the aeroplane in the eastern sky,
shining three lights-one red, one white, the other bluish green. It was first spotted
by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Beale, hovering above the Delaware River in the
direction of Odessa. Mr. Norman called the telephone switchboard with the
news, and word quickly spread. One of those who was alerted, town druggist
Ernest A. Truitt, claimed that he could not only see the object from his Cochrane
Street home, but was "positive he heard a whirring noise, like the noise of a
gasoline engine."81
A major scare took place in Wilmington on Sunday evening, February 13.
People were greatly excited by what was thought to have been a German
aeroplane between 8 and 9 P.M. During the sighting, the Wilmington Morning
News alone received over one hundred telephone calls from anxious citizens
who gathered in crowds across the city to gain a better vantage point.
The first report received at this office stated that the airship was ...
hovering ... over Ninth and Broome streets, and it was "just floating,
with practically no motion." Roofward went the entire office force....
On April 6, 1917, the United States Congress voted to enter World War I against
Germany. There was much debate in the press over the possibility that Germany
might launch small raids on U.S. territory in order to disrupt the American war
effort, or that sympathizers residing within the United States might mount their
own subversion campaign. As with the incident in the Delaware region, the
prime target for such activities was assumed to be military installations along the
Atlantic coast. Further, on January 31, 1917, Germany announced a renewal of
its policy on unrestricted submarine warfare, and there were fears that a German
victory would result in their control of the Atlantic Ocean and vital American
shipping routes.86
During the early morning hours of Friday, April 13, 1917, two national
guardsmen from Company L of the Sixth Massachusetts Infantry were stationed
on the bridge linking Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Kittery, Maine, when
they thought they heard an aeroplane. After catching sight of it, one of the
guards panicked, thinking that the plane was starting to descend to make a pass
over the bridge. He immediately fired his rifle at the object, at which point it
moved off and soon disappeared in the distance.87 On the same night, two
soldiers guarding a railway bridge at Penacook reported that two mysterious
intruders fired four shots in their direction before fleeing into the night. Not a
single clue as to these "attackers" was found," and it may have been a backfiring
motor or firecrackers in combination with war jitters. That a hostile aeroplane
was secretly operating in the skies above New Hampshire, taking off and landing
under cover of darkness from a secret air base in the mountains, performing
sophisticated maneuvers and remaining aloft for several hours at a time, as was
reported, was simply impossible.
The still, cool air at Deerfield was rent, late Monday night, by a sound
unfamiliar to the ear of residents, and in the distance, an uncertain light
was seen to flicker higher and yawn-no, yon.
"Airships," said one resident, and at once the farmers' phone lines
became active. All agreed, as they say in the country press, that
Deerfield was menaced by hostile aircraft. All still agree, perchance,
and would doubtless continue to agree, except for the fact that
somebody always has to take the joy out of life.
Aeroplane scares during World War I were not confined to North America.
Thousands of residents of British South Africa claimed to observe a sinister
German monoplane between August 11 and September 9,1914. It appeared
almost exclusively at night and at a dis tance, and coincided with the war's
outbreak in Europe. But there were no aeroplanes in British South Africa during
this period., Although three German monoplanes were known to be in adjacent
German SouthWest Africa during this period, none was capable of the
sophisticated maneuvers performed, such as remaining in flight for many hours
and traveling great distances without refu-eling.100 Only after the wave had
ceased was it revealed that two of these three German planes had been disabled
during this time, while the third was for show purposes and of little practical
War had broken out in Europe, but not in British South Africa. However,
rumors began circulating across the country that a German monoplane was
conducting spy missions for an eventual attack that would involve bombing
various targets. In conjunction with these rumors, during the first week of
August there were scattered sightings of a mystery plane in the Cape Peninsula
region. In discussing the reports, one prominent newspaper stated that "there is
no reason to suppose that their information is incorrect, as wholly independent
reports seem to establish the fact."102 From this point on, the floodgates opened,
and phantom monoplanes were frightening people in widely spaced areas.
On the evening of August 16, an aeroplane with "a very strong headlight"
was seen by fifteen people near Worcester.103 There were also many sightings
near Cape Town and the western districts of the province, prompting appeals to
the public to look for the plane so that "its movements could be communicated to
the military authorities or the police without delay."104 When residents near
Vryburg reported seeing a mysterious aerial light the previous week,105 one
newspaper heightened concern by proclaiming: "Aerial Scouts! German
Aeroplane Near Vryburg."106
Press coverage was instrumental in the spread of the aeroplane scare and
gave credence to the initial rumors of a German attack. By August 22 six
prominent newspapers had all published accountsdescribed as fact-that one or
more potentially hostile German monoplanes were traversing the skies.107 As is
typical with war scares, once the situation was legitimized as real, various
mundane events and circumstances were redefined as monoplane-related. For
instance, in the Durban district a quantity of sugar that was burned under
ambiguous circumstances was blamed on the plane:
Once the episode was under way, many vague aerial objects that had been
casually noted in the previous weeks and months were often recategorized as
having been a German plane. In the following incident from Germiston, what
was originally thought to have been a shooting star over Pretoria becomes an
aeroplane, presumably of German origin.
And oh, the theories that were advanced. Men laid down the
law.... Ladies became alarmed and wanted to go home and protect
their babies from bombs.... And it was not until it disap peared behind
a heavy bank of clouds in the west that East Londoners breathed a sigh
of relief at another happy escape, and went home to dip their pens in
the candle and write to the "Daily Dispatch" to describe in letters of
fire and words of flames the dastardly attempt to blow up an
undefended city.
Judge of the general surprise when the same aeroplane appeared
yesterday in about the same place. However, it is safe to predict that it
may be looked for again tonight and for several following nights. As a
matter of fact what was seen was the evening star, Venus, which
happened to be particularly brilliant. A heavy bank of clouds fringed
with flying scud and aided by vivid imaginations accounted for all the
evolutions and manoeuvres, and we have to hesitate in assuring
everyone that they may sleep in peace, for if it depends upon this
particular aeroplane, no bombs will be dropped on East London.1'
7. Ibid., p. 46.
16. Ibid.
21. Ibid.
25. Ibid.
26. "Petrolea Planes.... Military Men Say, 'We Shouldn't Worry,' "
London Free Press, September 5, 1914, p. 2.
27. "Why Get Excited?" London Free Press, September 5, 1914, p. 16.
30. "Pipe Line Road Saw Three Aeroplanes. Mr. Fred Bridge ... and
Other People Say They Saw Spies," London Free Press, September 11, 1914, p.
31. Ibid.
34. "Had an Aeroplane Scare," Toronto Star, October 10, 1914, p. 10.
36. "Soldiers Claim They Saw Airship Over Barracks.... Flew Directly
Over the Ordnance Stores Department. Men Are Emphatic There Was No
Mistake," London Evening Free Press (Ontario), October 21, 1914, p. 1.
37. "Many Reports," London Evening Free Press, October 21, 1914, p.1.
38. "Still See Them, But Military Authorities Are Not Worrying,"
London Free Press, October 23, 1914, p. 2.
40. "Seeing Things in Air. Forestville Man Says Two Aeroplanes Went
Over Town in Dark," Buffalo Express, November 21, 1914, p. 7.
45. Ibid.
46. Ibid.
47. Ibid.
49. "Were Also Seen at Gananoque," New York Times, February 15,
1915, p. 1; "Brockville's Story of the Air Craft," Toronto Globe, February 15,
50. "Ogdensburg Heard of This Friday," New York Times, February 15,
1915, p. 1.
51. "Police Force Augmented," London Evening Free Press, February 15,
1915, p. 1.
52. "Ottawa Again Dark," New York Times, February 16, 1915, p. 4.
55. Ibid.
56. "Ottawa Again Dark," New York Times, February 16, 1915, p. 4;
"Were Toy Balloons," Toronto Globe, February 16, 1915, pp. 1-2.
57. "Air Raid from the States Improbable," Toronto Globe, February 16,
1915, p. 7.
58. "Saw Aeroplane ... After Landing, Took Flight Towards Montreal,"
London Free Press (Ontario), July 6, 1915, p. 1.
59. "Saw an Aeroplane... Passed Over the Southern Part of City," London
Evening Free Press, July 17, 1915, p. 3.
63. Ibid.
64. "Point Edward Guard Brings Down Balloons. Were at First Thought
to Be Aeroplanes," London Evening Free Press, July 21, 1915, p. 7.
77. Ibid.
81. "Are Sure They Saw an Aeroplane," Every Evening, February 16,
84. "Honest, Now, Did You Yourself See That Aeroplane?" Every
Evening, February 14, 1916, p. 7.
87. "Hunt for Aircraft Base. Fire at Aircraft Near Portsmouth. Effort
Now to Trace Its Course-Shots Aimed at Penacook Sentries," "Portsmouth
Guards Fire at Plane-Course Is Changed at Once," Manchester Union, April 14,
1917, pp. 1, 3.
88. "Hunt for Aircraft," Manchester Union, April 14, 1917, pp. 1, 3.
91. Ibid.
92. "Aeroplane Heard Over East Side. Darkness Prevents Clear View of
It," Manchester Union, April 17, 1917, p. 14.
94. Ibid.
96. For instance, the next report of a phantom aeroplane over New
Hampshire occurred on May 20 and consisted of a tiny article three short
sentences in length, on page 2 of the Manchester Union. The account simply
described the report of Dover resident Mrs. Arabella R. Mason, who claimed to
see an aeroplane fly over her farm on Middle Road. See "Airship Seen above
Dover," Manchester Union, May 21, 1917, p. 2.
102. "Cape Town and Peninsula. Mysterious Airplane Flight," Cape Times,
August 15, 1914, p. 7.
106. "Aerial Scouts!" Rand Daily Mail (Johannesburg), August 19, 1914, p.
107. "The Aeroplane ... On Table Mountain," Cape Times, August 20,
1914, p. 5; "The Aeroplane. Seen at Porterville," Cape Argus, August 21, 1914,
p. 5; "At Ashton," Johannesburg Star, August 21, 1914, p. 4; "That Aeroplane,"
Rand Daily Mail (Johannesburg), August 21, 1914, p. 5; "The Mysterious
Aeroplane," Natal Advertiser (Durban), August 22, 1914, p. 1; "The Mysterious
Aeroplane," Rand Daily Mail (Johannesburg), August 22, 1914, p. 5.
111. "Alleged Native Restlessness. What the Officials Have Done," Natal
Advertiser (Durban), August 2, 1914, p. 14.
etween early May and September 30, 1946, a panic swept like wildfire
across Sweden as tens of thousands of people reported seeing missiles.' This led
to the widespread folk theory that remote-controlled German V-rockets
confiscated by the Soviets at the close of World War II were being test fired as a
form of political intimidation or as a prelude to an invasion. Despite the widely
publicized views of Swedish and foreign politicians, military officials,
newspaper editors, and scientists supporting the rocket's existence, and
voluminous press reports often treating the rockets as fact, no concrete physical
evidence was ever found. By the episode's end, Swedish military investigators
concluded that most observations were of meteors and related celestial
phenomena, and of those that were unexplained, none were V-rockets. This
phantom rocket hysteria was one in a long history of Soviet invasion fears that
have preoccupied Swedes for centuries.
The Soviet relationship with northern Europe was characterized by two hundred
years of ideological conflict and distrust, exchanges of political rhetoric, spy
accusations, border disputes, wars, and fears of invasion.' From 1899 to 1914,
itinerant Russian workmen traveled the Swedish countryside. They were called
"saw-filers" (sagfilare), as they were renowned for sharpening various tools,
especially saws. Most were Russian farmers from the Novgorod region who
traveled to Sweden in the autumn and remained through the winter. Between
fifty and three hundred saw-filers came to Sweden each winter to earn good
wages.' The term eventually became synonymous in Sweden with Russian spies,
although the saw-filers' intention of spying was never confirmed.° Speculations
as to their possible clandestine purpose were particularly intense between 1899
and 1902 and from 1910 to 1914.5 Swedish police maintained a close
surveillance on them and even masqueraded as saw-filers, but none was ever
caught in the act of spying. Newspaper editorials were primarily responsible for
portraying saw-filers as possible spies.'
During the 1930s, mysterious "ghost planes" were seen across northern
Sweden. Also popularly known as "ghost fliers" or "flier x," they were typically
described as gray monoplanes with no identifying insignias or markings. They
were sometimes seen or heard during fierce blizzard conditions, occasionally
landing and taking off, and always in remote areas. Sightings of the phantom
plane were almost exclusively nocturnal, and there was typically a searchlight
beam coming from the craft. Despite a pervasive folk belief in the flier's
existence, no plane or secret airfield was ever found. The flier possessed quasi-
supernatural qualities, because period aircraft were incapable of operating under
treacherous blizzard conditions for hours at a time, performing the daring
maneuvers described by witnesses, and eluding the massive military search that
ensued during the heaviest concentration of sightings, between December 1933
and February 1934. Many thought the fliers may have been liquor smugglers
avoiding customs,' or possibly weapons smugglers.' The most prominent and
more sinister theory held that they were potentially hostile reconnaissance
missions from Russia,' Germany," or Japan."
Since the early 1980s there have been thousands of reports of phantom
submarines in Swedish territorial waters, which are popularly assumed to be
Soviet spy missions. The Swedish government's Submarine Commission was
given the task of assessing over six thousand reports of suspected underwater
incursions between 1981 and 1994.12 While the Commission's report focuses on
a few major incidents that were concluded to have involved Soviet vessels, most
cases were ambiguous visual sightings that could not be accurately evaluated,
including reports of wave movements, marine lights and sounds, and possible
divers. The Commission stated that "many different objects and conditions ...
can be interpreted as being connected to underwater activity," noting that natural
explanations had been found for a "great number of reports." It also remarked on
the influx of cases in proportion to media publicity.13 Waves of claims and
public discourse about Soviet submarines routinely violating Swedish territory
have occurred intermittently throughout this century, becoming particularly
intense after 1981, when a Soviet Whiskey Class U137 probably carrying
nuclear weapons ran aground during a reconnaissance mission, which resulted in
an international incident that engendered Swedish political protests and intense
media publicity.14
This poem appeared in a regular column called "This Day's Melody." Entitled
"The Big Street," it begins with: "What kinds of machines are those, traveling
late in the evenings and frightening each and everyone?" Source: The
Stockholms-Tidningen, August 18, 1946.
Near the end of World War II, German V-rockets devastated parts of the
United Kingdom. Occasionally the rockets strayed into Scandinavia, causing no
damage but raising concerns. One V-2 fell near Backebo in southeastern
Sweden, leaving a crater sixteen feet wide and nine feet deep. Fears of a
destruction like that in England were rekindled in Sweden during 1946, since
Russian forces occupied Peenemunde, the former center of German rocket
science. Soviet troops controlled much of northern Europe during this time, and
it was unclear as to how much Scandinavian territory they might claim in the
political uncertainty following the war.15
There was speculation as early as March 19 that the Soviets would soon
begin test firing rocket bombs. A newswire from the Swedish newspaper agency
Tidningarnas Telegrambyra appeared in numerous newspapers on March 19,
including Sydostra Sveriges Dagblad, Umebladet, and Norra Vasterbotten, and
served as a prelude of what was to come in the spring and summer. It quotes the
London Daily Mirror's Berlin correspondent as stating that "German scientists
and technicians who work under Russian supervision will shortly release a
number of V-2 bombs from secret research stations on the Baltic." Xenophobia
resurfaced between April 23 and 26, 1946, as a series of earth tremors were
reported in the Swedish counties of Blekinge, Skane, and Kalmar, and in the
vicinity of the Danish island of Bornholm in the southern Baltic. One newspaper
suggested that they were Russian tests of nuclear weapons.16 On April 28
Swedish foreign affairs minister Osten Unden met privately with his Norwegian
counterpart Halyard Lange, who warned that there was great consternation in
American political circles that the Soviets would soon possess atomic weapons.
Lange stated "that there was an imminent danger of war" and that a group
aligned with General Dwight Eisenhower felt that "differences between the U.S.
and the Soviets had taken on such a nature that the U.S. ought to strike with a
preventative war. President Truman, however, was opposed to this. The rumours
came from the U.S."17
The words beneath the man say "Defense Staff," and the woman is "Mother
Svea," the traditional name for Sweden depicted as a giant woman. The
poem says: "The swarms of rockets unfortunately cannot be expelled. Do
they come from other planets? Or are they a closer threat?Damned, where's
the wasp's nest? asks the (Defense) General Staff, and we agree." Source:
Morgon Tidningen, August 13, 1946.
Morgon Tidningen, August 13, 1946.
The Swedes and the Soviets traded political accusations about the rockets'
origins. The Soviet journal Novoie Vremia denounced the test-firing claims as
anti-Soviet "slander which is poisoning the international atmosphere."89 The
same publication quoted by a Swedish source characterized the allegations as
"Swedish lies" precipitated by mass panic.90 When the Swedish Defense
Department issued its August 6 communique vindicating foreign-power
involvement in the "rocket" sightings, Ny Dag, a Communist newspaper
published in Stockholm, chided the "meddlesome" Swedish press for blaming
the Russians and made disparaging references to the truth content of their reports
in noting that "the nose is lengthened ... among the Swedish newspaper
family."91 One editor commented that the Russians were using Sweden "as a
shooting range and as a guinea pig at trials with new weapons."92 Some circles
speculated that the missiles were being guided over Sweden as a tactic of
intimidation either to "scare us somehow"93 or as a Soviet response to the well-
publicized atomic detonations on Pacific atolls.94
Many authorities discussed their most dreaded fear: that the Soviet's newly
captured missile technology would soon bear atomic weapons. Political writer
Marquis Childs warned in the New York Post that the rocket intrusions were an
omen of how the next war would be fought. "If the arms race ends in a new
andmore terrible war, Sweden's advanced civilization will be torn asunder along
with nearly any other.... It is this which makes the use of Sweden as a suitable
military laboratory so serious."95 The Svenska Dagbladet's New York editor,
Per Persson, concurred with this assessment and the peril, of Sweden: "If these
projectiles carried explosive charges of atomic bomb character and if they were
directed against industrial centers ... Sweden would be destroyed and the war
would be over."96 Swedish magazine Se described the rocket episode as "a
premonition of 'push-button war.' "97 A press editor confidently asserted: "Now
we know what it's all abouttrial shootings. And Sweden is the target, or a part of
it."" One press columnist suggested that the United States should drop "atom
bombs on Moscow, before ... the ghost rockets become palpable,"' and other
commentators expressed their fear in poems.100
American assistance to Sweden during the ghost bomb crisis reflected their
concern over the Soviet's long-range missile deployment capacity, given the
widespread conviction that they would soon develop atomic weaponry.
American aerial warfare expert General James Doolittle flew to Sweden and
discussed the sightings with Swedish air force commanders on August 21,101
the same day that Swedish officials approached Great Britain about buying radar
equipment to track the "rockets, 11112 since British radar experts had reportedly
visited Sweden to provide firsthand evaluations of radar investigations.103
Curiously, a British intelligence report ("Investigation of missile activity in
Scandinavia," dated September 9) bears no evidence of such a visit. Most of the
data in this report are from Norway, and nothing is said about radar sightings or
analysis thereof. The radar cases that have been documented in the Swedish
Defense Staff archives are unimpressive and are judged as such by competent
Swedish air force personnel. Meanwhile, phantom rockets were occasionally
sighted during this time in other Scandinavian countries,104 and to a lesser
extent in Europe,"'- 'but none matched the Swedish reports in terms of volume
and social reaction.
[Of the many alleged crashes] ... remains mainly consist of coke
or slag-like formations.... In no case has anything come forth that can
be considered as if the material came from any kind of space
projectile. In certain lakes very thorough investigations have been
made because of supposed crashes. So far, however, no find has turned
up which can be presumed to originate from a V-type weapon.
During 1947, the year after the rocket crisis had passed, there were more
reports of mysterious aerial objects over Sweden, with most observations being
described as "flying saucers,""' reflecting heavy Swedish press coverage of the
massive flying-disk sightings in the United States during that summer. There
were also many reports of objects thought to be meteors,"' but just a few
scattered ghost rocket sightings. 113
The Swedish ghost rocket episode of 1946 is prominent in its lengthy
history of security scares involving the Soviet Union as the primary alleged
antagonist. There were many major exaggerated security concerns, from the
saw-filers to the ghost flier to phantom rockets and mystery submarines. There is
no reason to doubt that future episodes will continue-instigated by social and
political fears and a relatively small number of perhaps legitimate espionage
attempts. Only the form these sightings take will change to reflect the changing
political and technological circumstances.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
11. "The Ghost Flier a Japanese Machine," Umebladet, January 23, 1934,
p. 3; "The Japanese Warship Near Lofoten?" Umebladet, January 24, 1934, p. 1;
"The Ghost Flights Now Directed from the White Sea Coasts?" Vasterbottens-
Kuriren, January 25, 1934; "Japanese Help Cruiser Confirmed Off the Coast of
Northern Norway," Norrbottens-Kuriren, January 31, 1934, p. 7.
12. Statens Offentliga Utredningar (Official Swedish committee reports).
Forsvarsdepartementet (Ministry of Defense), 1995, p. 135; Ubats-fragan 1981-
1994 (The submarine question, 1981-1994). Report from the Submarine
Commission: Stockholm.
13. For a discussion on the submarine debate in the Swedish media, refer
to M. Leitenberg, Soviet Submarine Operations in Swedish Waters 1980-1986
(Washington, D.C.: The Center for Strategic and International Studies; New
York: Praeger, 1987); A. Hasselbohm, Ubatshotet. En Kritisk Granskning av
Harsfjardenincidenten och Ubatsskyddskommissionens Rapport (Stockholm:
Prisma, 1984); Q. Agrell, Bakom Ubatskrisen. Militar Verk-samhet,
Krigsplanlaggning och Diplomati i Ostersjoomradet (Stockholm: Liber, 1986);
H. von Hofsten, I Kamp mot Overheten (Stockholm: T. Fischer & Co., 1993).
14. It was never conclusively proven that the vessel carried nuclear
weapons, although analysts from the Research Institute of National Defense
found traces suggestive of nuclear activity.
18. "A New Aurora-the Most Beautiful for Ages," Sydostra Sveriges
Dagblad, March 29, 1946; "The Magnetic Storm the Most Powerful Ever,"
Sydostra Sveriges Dagblad, March 30, 1946.
23. Borlange Tidning, January 18, 19, 24, 26, and February 2, 1946;
Dala-Demokraten, January 19, 1946; Saters Tidning, January 19, 1946.
24. There were also numerous reports of meteoric and auroral activity
between February and early May 1946. Among the most prominent was a
fireball in Vasterbotten County, parts of Vasternorrland and Norrbotten, and in
western Finland on February 17, and a possible train of meteors on February 21
in the counties of Vasterbotten, Vastemor-rland, Kopparberg, Gavleborg,
Uppsala, Ostergotland, and Skaraborg, while an unprecedented aurora borealis
was reported for several days in late March. For descriptions of these and other
reports, see Norra Vasterbotten, February 19-21; Vasterbottens-Kuriren,
February 21-23; Orn-skoldsviks-Posten, February 18; Hufvudstadsbladet,
Helsinki, Finland, February 22, 24, 26, 28, and March 3, 7, 10; Borlange
Tidning, February 22; Sundsvalls Tidning, February 23; Falu-Kuriren, February
22; Smalands Dagblad, February 22; Mora Tidning, February 25; "Northern
Lights Continue," Norra Vasterbotten, March 26; "Fireball Flew Over the Town
Yesterday," Sundsvalls Tidning, April 25.
26. "Ship Among the Clouds," Sydostra Sveriges Dagblad, May 27,
27. Saters Tidning, January 15, 1946; Mora Tidning, January 18, 1946.
28. Hufvudstadsbladet, February 22, 1946.
51. Letter in Defense Staff files, from S. H. Liljhage, chief of staff of the
western airbase, Gothenburg, describing a telephone report to the local base by
engineer Berglund.
53. Report to the Malmo regional defense area staff to the Defense Staff
on July 11, 1946.
63. "MT Continues to Say There Have Been Many Fires ... in the Dry
Weather, Some Probably Started By Arson. Sparks Not Ghost Bomb, the True
Cause ... a Blasting Cap," Morgon-Tidningen, August 1, 1946, p. 3.
64. "Ghost Rocket Caused the Svartvik Fire?" Sundsvalls Tidning, July
31, 1946; "Ghost Bomb Was Not the Cause of the Svartvik Fire," Svenska
Dagbladet, August 1, 1946, p. 1.
69. Letter from Jan Flinta, Stockholm, August 9, 1946 to the Defense
Staff; Varmlands Folkblad, July 19, 1946; Sundsvalls Tidning, July 20, 1946;
Nya Wermlands-Tidningen, August 1, 1946.
70. "Did the Accident Plane Collide with a Returning Ghost Rocket?"
Expressen, August 13, 1946.
71. "Space Rocket Not the Cause for the Valdshult Accident,"
Jonkopings-Posten, July 15, 1946; "Investigation of the B18 Accident: The Pilot
Lost Control," Expressen, August 16, 1946; "Fatal Accident: The ... Crash Not
Because of Space Rocket," Morgon Tidningen, August 16, 1946, p. 11.
86. "The Reality Behind the 'Ghost Bombs,' " Stockholms Tidningen,
July 26, 1946.
90. "The Russians Talk About Lies and Panic," Svenska Dagbladet,
September 4, 1946, p. 3.
95. "The Ghost Bomb a Serious Threat. 'Monster in Miniature for the
Next War,' " Svenska Dagbladet, August 7, 1946, p. 7.
96. Ibid.
102. "Special to the New York Times," New York Times, August 22, 1946,
p. 2.
103. "Inquiry into Arms in Germany Seen," New York Times, August 23,
1946, p. 6.
105. "Ghost Rockets Over France Too," Svenska Dagbladet, August 21,
1946, last page; "Carrier Cancels Athens Air Show," New York Times,
September 6, 1946, pp. 1, 11; "Ghost Bomb Over Austria," Svenska Dagbladet,
September 13, 1946, last page. A survey of fourteen Italian daily newspapers
between July and October 1946 yielded seventy articles primarily describing
sightings of mysterious aerial objects over Italy. Edoardo Russo of Torino, Italy
(personal communication, 16 January 1997), summarizes these: " 'strange
bolides' at Imola and 'rocket projectiles' in Bologna of September 17, 'flying
bombs' over Vercelli and a 'fire bolide' again at Imola on the 18th, 'luminous
bolides' at Turin on the 19th, at Florence on the 21st and on the 22nd, 'bright
signals' over Rome on the 20th, more 'rocket projectiles' at Livorno on
September 20 and in Bari on October 5, 'flying bolides' in Trieste on October 12
and even a 'fire disc' at Varazze on October 4." Russo remarks that most reports
described rapidly moving luminous objects with tails, which, although initially
connected to the Scandinavian phenomena in the press, were subsequently
explained as meteorological events by astronomers. For details on these
sightings, refer to the following Italian press reports: "Bombe Volanti Anche a
Vercelli?" Il Giornale Di Torino, September 20, 1946; "Il Bolide Luminoso. Chi
l'ha Visto?" Gazzetta d'Italia, September 21, 1946; "Un Bolide Luminoso Nel
Cielo di Firenze, Nazione Del Popolo, September 22, 1946; "I Bolidi Misteriosi.
L'opinione di un Astronomo sull Natura," Nazione Del Popolo, September 24,
1946; "1 Proiettili Razzo sull'Italia Sono Fenomeni Cosmici," Corriere Di
Sicilia, September 25, 1946; "Proiettile Razzo Nel Cielo di Livorno," Corriere
Tridentino, October 1, 1946; "Un Corpo Luminoso Nel Cielo di Bari, Giornale
Alleato, October 6, 1946; "Un Bolide Volante Avvistato a Bari," La Prealpina,
October 6, 1946; "Anche Nel Cielo di Trieste i Misteriosi Razzi," Voce Libera,
October 10, 1946; "I Razzi Luminosi di Trieste Sono Frammenti di una
Cometa," La Prealpina, October 13, 1946.
106. "Ghost Bomb Awakens Interest in England. Star Reporter Sent to
Sweden," Svenska Dagbladet, September 4, 1946, p. 3.
110. Press release from the Defense Staff published by the Tidningaras
Telegrambyra news agency, October 10, 1946.
'bile there are a few scattered and often vague historical references to
disc or saucershaped objects-and a variety of other shapes, for that matter-being
sighted in the sky, no consistent pattern emerged until 1947. Prior to this time
there is not a single recorded episode involving mass sightings of saucerlike
objects. The genesis of the flyingsaucer wave of 1947 and numerous sighting
clusters that have followed can be traced to the western United States during the
summer of 1947. On June 24, Boise, Idaho, businessman Kenneth Arnold was
flying his private plane over the Cascade Mountains of Washington State when
he saw near Mount Rainer what appeared to be nine glittering objects flying like
geese in formation. He kept the rapidly moving objects in sight for about three
minutes. His subsequent use of the word "saucer" when he later reported the
event received intense media coverage and is generally credited with providing
the impetus for the massive wave of worldwide flying saucer sightings that
almost immediately followed during that year,' and the many other waves since.'
Despite this deluge of saucer reports, a review of Arnold's original news
conference reveals that he described the objects as crescent-shaped, and said
only that they moved "like a saucer would if you skipped it across the water."'
Unlike previous sighting waves, there were no mass reports of phantom airships
or ghost rockets.' Conditioned by the media, scores of individuals with a saucer
mindset saw flying saucers around the globe.
The Associated Press story describing Arnold's "saucers" appeared in over
150 newspapers, encouraging others who had witnessed mysterious aerial
phenomena to report their sightings, which numbered in the tens of thousands'
The descriptive phrase "flying saucer" allowed people "to place seemingly
inexplicable observations in a new category."' The text of the original Associated
Press dispatch describing the existence of the "saucers" appeared as follows:
The post-World War II cold war fostered considerable tension between East and
West, beginning with the U.S. foreign policy of intervention to halt the spread of
communism, which first occurred in Greece during 1947. Fighting was limited,
and most of the conflict was waged through ideological, economic, and political
maneuvering, but this fostered a fear of communism that resulted in numerous
witch-hunts spearheaded by U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy. Of even greater
concern than ideological communist infiltration of the United States was the
possibility that for the first time in history, a devastating atomic war could ensue.
Soon atomic fallout shelters were constructed in every American community,
and public schools were required to conduct mock attack drills. It is within this
setting that the 1947 flying saucer sightings took place.
For the past fifty years or so the most common folk theory about UFO
reports involves the existence of extraterrestrials. However, given Americans'
cold war mindset, this view was not expressed at the time of Kenneth Arnold's
highly publicized "saucer" sighting. The American obsession with the cold war
and possible atomic conflict was reflected in the explanations for the sightings.
On August 15,1947, a Gallup poll revealed that 90 percent of Americans
surveyed were aware of the flyingsaucer sightings and that most believed that
U.S. or foreign secret weapons, hoaxes, and balloons were responsible.14
"Nothing [in the poll] was said about 'alien visitors,' not even a measurable 1
percent toyed with the concept."15 In fact, Kenneth Arnold made his now-
famous sighting public, despite possible ridicule, "for patriotic reasons,"16
telling the Associated Press on June 26, 1947, that he believed they may have
been "guided missiles." For several weeks following Arnold's sighting, the
Federal Bureau of Investigation seriously entertained the possibility that many
reports were emanating from Soviet agents who were attempting to promote fear
and panic by spreading disinformation. As a result, according to FBI Bulletin
Number 42, as of late July, local bureau offices were asked to conduct
background checks on saucer witnesses.17 These concerns reflect American
preoccupation with the spread of communism during this time. These concerns
and a belief that many of the flying objects were remote-controlled rockets
reflect a transition from the Scandinavian "ghost rocket" sightings of the
previous year, which received considerable U.S. and foreign press coverage.
However, with the great number of sightings during mid-and late 1947, it soon
became obvious that no communist saucer conspiracy existed.
Once flying saucers became part of taken-for-granted reality, people began
to act within a different frame of meaning. Such retrospective interpretation was
applied to observations occurring long before the 1947 saucer wave. For
instance, in 1910 a minister claimed to see three rapidly moving objects at night,
which he believed were meteors, until decades later when flying saucers gained
notoriety.18 On July 15, 1947, a flaming, twenty-eight-inch "saucer" was
discovered on a Seattle, Washington, rooftop. After firefighters extinguished the
turpentine-soaked object, one observer claimed to see a hammer and sickle on
the disc, which, although unfounded, resulted in FBI personnel and military
bomb experts rushing to the site.19 Eight days later, the four-hundred-foot
wooden Salmon River Bridge in Oregon was destroyed by a fire of
undetermined origin. The FBI investigated the possibility of communist
sabotage, but it was also mysterious that the bridge's steel suspension cables had
melted in several places, since heat from a wood fire would not ordinarily reach
the melting point of steel (2800° F). The ambiguous nature of the fire and its
occurrence near the peak of a UFO wave led to speculation that flying saucers
were responsible.20
The common notion that flying saucers represented a U.S. or foreign secret
weapon continued to dominate popular opinion through May 1950, when a
Public Opinion Quarterly poll appeared.21 Of the 94 percent of Americans
surveyed who had heard of "flying saucers," most (23 percent) believed them to
be secret military devices. Only 5 percent placed them in the category of
"comets, shooting stars; something from another planet." Later in 1950 the
secret-weapon explanation dramatically shifted to an extraterrestrial explanation,
and has remained so ever since. The primary reason for this attitude change was
the publication of several popular books and magazine articles advocating the
extraterrestrial hypothesis. A bestselling book, The Flying Saucers Are Real
(1950), by retired Marine Major Donald Keyhoe, is one example. Frank Scully's
Behind the Flying Saucers (1950) claimed that extraterrestrials from a crashed
saucer were being kept at a secret U.S. military installation.' The book sold sixty
thousand copies and was later revealed as a hoax.23 In The Riddle of the Flying
Saucers: Is Another World Watching? (1950), science writer Gerald Heard
claimed that extraterrestrial "bees" were responsible for the sighting reports." As
a result of these books and continued press accounts of sightings, numerous
popular articles soon appeared in such magazines as Life, Look, Time,
Newsweek, and Popular Science, typically emphasizing the extraterrestrial
hypothesis. From the standpoint of popular literature, it is interesting that
between 1947 and January 9, 1950, The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature
lists eight magazine articles on flying saucers. However, reflecting the period's
popular belief, these articles were listed under the headings of "Illusions and
Hallucinations," "Aeronautics," "Aeroplanes," and "Balloons-Use in Research."'s
Beginning in 1952, and continuing to the present, the extraterrestrial theory was
solidified 16 as the dominant motif in UFO movie and television portrayals.
The most significant aspect of the transition from the belief that flying
saucers were weapons to the idea that they are extraterrestrials' spacecraft is
found in the explanation put forth by the writers of these popular articles:
concern over A-bomb development and the aliens' desire to help earthlings
survive a dangerous period. This belief continues to be the most favored
explanation for the persistence of contemporary UFO reports.
The assumption that UFO believers represent a small, albeit deviant, irrational or
psychopathological portion of the population is strongly disputed in the results
of Gallup polls of 1966, 1973, and 1978.32 In 1966 46 percent surveyed
believed that UFOs "are something real," and 29 percent responded that they
were "imaginary." By 1978, the figures had increased to 57 percent believing
they were real and 27 percent thinking they were imaginary.
Flying saucer witnesses and nonwitnesses who simply believe in the
existence of such objects have often been called hysterical and irrational.
Sociologist Neil J. Smelser's classic book on collective behavior views the
etiology of "saucer" sightings within this category, depicting witnesses as
emotionally unbalanced.33 Writing in the Journal of Popular Culture, popular
UFO author John Keel applies a psychoanalytic perspective to members of the
flyingsaucer subculture and classifies many members of flyingsaucer clubs as
"neurotic and paranoid personalities."34 He offers the following typical
personality profile of a person interested in the study of UFOs or involved with
the UFO social world:
While famous psychoanalyst Carl Jung and physician J. A. Meerloo relate the
phenomena to the need for the existence of a higher power, they also suggest the
likelihood that many experiences result from repressed, infantile, sexually
oriented conflicts.36 In his witty expose of pseudoscientific eccentrics and their
followers, science writer Martin Gardner assumes that most saucer "cults" are
composed of "neurotic middle-aged ladies."37 Smelser contends that participants
in all UFO "cults," and for that matter any norm or value-oriented social
movement, are engaging in irrational, "hysterical" behavior. Canadian
sociologist H. Taylor Buckner has characterized members of flyingsaucer "cults"
as mentally ill and unbalanced, based on his observations at numerous
meetings.38 Buckner writes that "by any conventional definition the mental
health ... is quite low. Hallucinations are quite common.... If one were to attend a
meeting and watch the action without knowing in advance whether the audience
was in a mental hospital or not, it would be very difficult to tell, because many
symptoms of serious illness are displayed."39 This interpretation is not unlike
medical historian Gregory Zilboorg's portrayal of people alleged to be witches
during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as typically suffering mental
illness,' a contention which has received much recent criticism.41
Religious cult author Christopher Evans views many of those who believe
in flying saucers as partaking in a "cult of unreason,"42 while D. W. Swift notes
that several skeptics have erroneously branded anyone who thinks UFOs are
extraterrestrial spacecraft as belonging to "the lunatic fringe."43 Scientist and
writer Arthur C. Clarke takes this position, describing flying saucer witnesses as
typically exhibiting "irrationality" and "nuttiness."' Other scholars have labeled
many witnesses as mentally ill or hallucinating. Psychiatrist Berthold Schwarz
notes that until recently, the mass media have attributed UFO sightings to mental
disturbances in observers despite contrary evidence.45 Dr. Herbert Strentz
analyzed 511 UFO news items selected from U.S. Air Force and civilian files.
Of these, ninety-four (18.4 percent) included references to witnesses who
refused to be identified or who said they would never again publicly make
another report or who suggested that people who see or report UFOs "could be
considered gullible, untrustworthy, drunk, unstable or have other characteristics
that may make them fit subjects for ridicule ... [or] mentioned physical, personal
or property damage a person suffered after making public a report of a UFO."46
Between 1900 and 1950, humanlike aliens typically landed in crude saucers
that rested on large metal legs, climbed down ladders brandishing ray guns that
were attached to Batman-style utility belts around the waist, and claimed to hail
from Mars. This caricature is laughable in comparison to present-day aliens with
large heads and bulbous eyes who instantly materialize or vanish and usually
claim to have traveled from outside our solar system. The same comparative
historical approach can be fruitfully applied to crashed-saucer claims in order to
show that they are part of a broader myth.
In July 1947 a flying saucer supposedly crashed during a thunderstorm in
the desert near Roswell, New Mexico, killing or critically injuring its crew. It is
claimed that the U.S. military sealed off the area, carted away the evidence, and
has engaged in a cover-up ever since to protect the public from mass panic. The
best evidence to verify these claims is of the "soft" variety-verbal accounts by
alleged eyewitnesses. Most of these narratives are secondhand and hearsay,
commonly referred to in folklore literature as "friend of a friend stories." There
is overwhelming evidence that the "saucer" was actually debris from a top secret
experiment being conducted at Alamogordo, New Mexico, called Project Mogul.
New York University scientists were involved in a project that flew balloons into
the atmosphere with instrument packages attached to detect pressure waves
emitted from Soviet nuclear-weapons tests.68 Claims that the U.S. government
had a crashed saucer in its possession were originally made by the military itself
during the initial stages of the investigation on July 8.69 By the following day, it
correctly announced that the object was instead part of a balloon launch."
[The survivors] had given up all hope and had clustered at the
base of a cliff waiting for the awful end, while the wind howled and
the furious waves dashed against the rock.
Suddenly another terror was added to the horrors of the scene, for
high in the air they saw what seemed to be an immense ship driven,
uncontrolled in the elements ... and it crashed against the cliff a few
hundred yards from the miserable sailors.
But their horror was intensified when they found the bodies of
more than a dozen men dressed in garments of strange fashion and
texture. The bodies were a dark bronze color. But the strangest feature
of all was the immense size of the men. They had no means of
measuring the bodies, but estimated them to be more than twelve feet
high. Their hair and beard were also long and as soft and silky as the
hair of an infant.
They found tools of almost every kind but they were so large that
few of them could be used. They were stupefied with fright and one
man, driven insane, jumped from the cliff into the boiling waves and
was seen no more.
The others fled in horror from the fearful sight, and it was two
days before hunger could drive them back to the wreck. After eating
heartily of the strange food, they summoned courage to drag the
gigantic bodies to the cliff and tumble them over.
Then with feverish haste they built a raft of the wreck, erected
sails and gladly quit the horrible island.... They tried as best they could
to steer for Vergulen island, but fortunately in about sixty hours fell in
with a Russian vessel headed for Australia. Three more of the old
man's companions succumbed to their injuries and the awful mental
strain and died before reaching port.
About six o'clock this morning the early risers of Aurora were
astonished at the sudden appearance of the airship which has been
sailing through the country.
It was traveling due north, and much nearer the earth than ever
before. Evidently some of the machinery was out of order for it was
making a speed of only ten or twelve miles an hour and gradually
settling toward the earth. It sailed directly over the public square, and
when it reached the north part of town collided with the tower of Judge
Proctor's windmill and went to pieces with a terrific explosion,
scattering debris over several acres of ground, wrecking the windmill
and water tank and destroying the judge's flower garden.
The pilot of the ship is supposed to have been the only one on
board, and while his remains are badly disfigured, enough of the
original has been picked up to show that he was not an inhabitant of
this world.
The ship was too badly wrecked to form any conclusion as to its
construction or motive power. It was built of an unknown metal,
resembling somewhat a mixture of aluminum and silver, and it must
have weighed several tons.
The town is full of people to-day who are viewing the wreck and
gathering specimens of the strange metal from the debris. The pilot's
funeral will take place at noon tomorrow."
There were other alleged UFO crashes in America during the nineteenth
century, most coinciding with the 1896-97 wave of imaginary airship sightings.
Like contemporary saucer conspiracy theories, there were even claims of a
government cover-up during the airship wave. According to one account, the
airship sightings were secret military experiments: "A profound secrecy has been
maintained as to what has been accomplished, even army officers themselves
only getting vague inklings of what is going on."73 There were also claims that
airships were being constructed and hidden in U.S. military installations,
including Fort Sheridan near Chicago and Fort Logan in Colorado.74
On the night of December 3,1896, a wrecked airship was found in the gully
of a cow pasture in a San Francisco suburb after dairy farmers heard a loud bang
followed by cries for help. Rushing to the scene, they found two dazed
occupants staggering near a fortyfoot coneshaped tube of galvanized iron with
broken wings and propellers. After causing a local sensation, and under cross-
examination by those inspecting the "wreckage," the alleged pilot, J. D. deGear,
eventually confessed that the "ship" had been pulled to the top of the hill in a
wagon and pushed over.75 The spot had been chosen for its strategic location
behind a clump of trees less than one hundred feet from the road and a nearby
saloon (which, incidentally, enjoyed a boom in business during the spectacle).76
Claims of pre-Roswell UFO crashes were not limited to the United States.
For instance, during the Second World War, the British government allegedly
obtained the wreckage of a downed saucer containing tiny aliens." And there
have been numerous claims of crashed UFOs around the world since the Roswell
incident 13
1. V. Sanarov, "On the Nature and Origin of Flying Saucers and Little
Green Men," Current Anthropology 22 (1981): 165.
5. From the time of Arnold's sighting until 1950, there were numerous
reports of missilelike aerial objects, reflecting the popular notion that the
mysterious sightings represented a domestic or foreign secret weapon. While
there were several missile reports, from the very beginning of the 1947 wave,
and subsequently, most objects were saucershaped. For instance, T. Bloecher's
1967 Report on the UFO Wave of 1947 catalogs a minimum of eight hundred
sightings during this wave alone. Of these, approximately two-thirds were
saucershaped (Bullard, "Mysteries," p. 259). Accounts of missile sightings
include: "Glowing Missile Seen in Sky-by Five Persons," San Francisco News,
October 14, 1947; "Cavalry to Aid Mexico Mystery Bomb Search," San
Francisco Examiner, October 14, 1947.
6. T. Bloecher, Report on the UFO Wave of 1947 (Washington D.C.:
self-published, 1967).
9. "Just Seeing Things, Scientists Assert," St. Louis Star Times, July 9,
1947, p. 1; H. W. Blakeslee, "Optical Laws May Explain Flying Saucers," St.
Louis PostDispatch, July 7, 1947, p. 7.
12. "Pilots Report Seeing Discs," Boise Statesman (Idaho), August 20,
1947; "More Flying Saucers: Air Force Boys Saw 'Em," Oakland PostEnquirer,
March 23, 1950; "AF Reports 'Saucers' on Radar," Berkeley Daily Gazette, July
22, 1952; "Fighter Pilot Chases Disc 37,000 Feet," Oakland PostEnquirer, March
8, 1950; "Noted Astronomer Admits He Was 'Flying Disc' Viewer," Berkeley
Daily Gazette, July 8, 1952.
13. A. J. Snider, "Radar Crews Keep Watch for Saucers," San Francisco
Chronicle, August 11, 1952; "Flying Saucer Radar, Spotter Posts Are Urged,"
Richmond Independent, February 26, 1951, p. 16; "Fourth Air Force Drops Disc
Inquiry; Search Held Futile," San Francisco Examiner, August 9, 1947.
14. G. Gallup, "Nine Out of Ten Heard of Flying Saucers," Public Opinion
News Service, Princeton, N.J., August 15, 1947.
15. L. Gross, UFOs: A History, Volume 1, July 1947-December 1948
(Scotia, N.Y.: Arcturus Books, 1982), p. 30.
17. B. Maccabee, "UFO Related Information from FBI File: Part 1," The
UFO Investigator (November 1977), p. 3 (official publication of the National
Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena); Gross, UFOs: A History, p.
18. C. Lorenzen and J. Lorenzen, LIFOs Over the Americas (London:
N.E.L. [Signet], 1968).
22. F. Scully, Behind the Flying Saucers (New York: Henry Holt, 1950).
24. G. Heard, The Riddle of the Flying Saucers (London: Carroll &
Nicholson, 1950).
26. A. Simon, "The Zeitgeist and the UFO Phenomenon," in R. Haines, ed.,
UFO Phenomenon and the Behavioral Scientist (Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow,
1979), pp. 43-59; J. Keel, "The Flying Saucer Subculture," Journal of Popular
Culture 8, no. 4 (1975): 871-96, see p. 877.
36. C. G. Jung, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky
(New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1959); J. A. M. Meerloo, "The Flying
Saucer Syndrome and the Need for Miracles," Journal of the American Medical
Association 203, no. 12 (1968): 170; J. A. M. Meerloo, "Le Syndrome des
Soucoupes Volantes," Medecine et Hygiene 25 (1967): 992-96.
39. H. Buckner, "The Flying Saucerians," pp. 226, 228. Buckner (personal
communication, 1989) writes that, regarding the attribution of mental illness to
flyingsaucer clubs, "I would not write now as I did in the 1960s." He goes on to
emphasize the importance of "part-time alternate reality" in shaping UFO-related
mind outlooks.
40. G. Zilboorg, The Medical Man and the Witch during the Renaissance
(Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1935). He states: "No doubt is left
in our mind that the millions of witches, sorcerers, possessed and obsessed were
an enormous mass of severe neurotics, psychotics, and considerable deteriorated
organic deliria ... for many years the world looked like a veritable insane asylum
without a proper mental hospital" (p. 73).
41. See T. Szasz, The Manufacture of Madness (New York: Harper & Row,
1970); R. Neugebauer, "Treatment of the Mentally Ill in Medieval and Early
Modern England: A Reappraisal," Journal of the History of the Behavioral
Sciences 14 (1978): 158-69; T. J. Schoeneman, "Criticisms of the
Psychopathological Interpretation of Witch Hunts: A Review," American
Journal of Psychiatry 139, no. 8 (1982): 1028-32; T. J. Schoeneman, "The
Mentally Ill Witch in Textbooks of Abnormal Psychology: Current Status and
Implications of a Fallacy," Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 15,
no. 3 (1984): 299-314.
44. A. C. Clarke, Voices from the Sky (New York: Pocket, 1980), pp. 197-
56. G. Creighton, "Healing from UFOs," Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 5
(1969): 21-22; R. Sigismond, "CE Ills: New Dimensions in Investigations," The
International UFO Reporter 7, no. 5 (1982): 9-15.
59. I. Granchi, "An Encounter with 'Rat Faces' in Brazil," Flying Saucer
Review (London) 29, no. 1 (1983): 6-13.
60. L. Willis, "Mother and Child Texas Abduction Case," Mutual UFO
Network journal 167 (1982): 3-7.
61. R. Blum and J. Blum, Beyond Earth: Man's Contact with UFOs (New
York: Bantam, 1974), p. 147.
64. J. Michell, The Flying Saucer Vision (New York: Ace, 1974), pp. 57-
58; G. Creighton, Postscript to the Most Amazing Case of All," Flying Saucer
Review (London) 11, no. 4 (1965): 24-25; J. Vallee, Passport to Magonia: From
Folklore to Flying Saucers (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1969).
71. "A Windmill Demolishes It," Dallas Morning News, April 19,1897, p.
73. "Airships May Be Uncle Sam's," The Galveston Daily News, April 29,
1897, p. 10.
74. Ibid.
75. "An Airship which Rode in a Wagon. Was Planted in a Gulch," San
Francisco Chronicle, December 4, 1896, p. 5.
77. "An Inquest Now in Order. Air Ship Falls Near Bethany and One Man
Said to Be Killed," St. Joseph Daily Herald, April 6, 1897, p. 5.
78. "Stranger Than Fiction," Iowa State Register, April 13, 1897, p. 1.
79. "Is a Clever Fake. Airship Comes Down at Waterloo with One
Passenger," Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette, April 16, 1897, p. 1.
81. "That Airship. It Is Out of Order and Is Now Resting for Repairs in the
Tennessee Mountains," St. Louis PostDispatch, April 25, 1897, p. 10.
The first type of mass delusion involves exaggerated feelings of danger within
communities, where members of the affected population are concerned about
what is believed to be an immediate personal threat. Episodes usually persist for
a few weeks to several months and often recur periodically. Participants may
express excitement and concern, but not panic and take flight. The underlying
process of fantasy creation involves the flaws of human perception and the
tendency for people in group settings who share similar beliefs to yield to the
majority consensus.
Examples of immediate community threats include each of the war-scare
UFO waves discussed previously. But there are many similar examples of
community threats that have nothing to do with UFOs. For instance,
occasionally the feared agent is a mysterious attacker believed to be terrorizing
an area. During a two-week period in 1956, newspapers in a Taiwan community
reported that a maniacal figure was randomly slashing victims with a razor or
some such weapon.2 At least twenty-one people reported attacks. N. Jacobs,
who studied the events concluded that affected persons, mainly women and
children of low income and education, reinterpreted ordinary scratches and slash
marks to a crazed slasher. The social delusion was amplified by sensational press
coverage that treated the enigmatic figure's existence as reality. In the wake of
plausible newspaper accounts that manipulated people's perceptions to include
the existence of a daring slasher, police eventually determined that various
ordinary lacerations were erroneously attributed to the phantom. In one case, a
middle-aged man described to police in vivid detail how he was slashed by a
cavorting figure who was carrying a mysterious black bag. After a physician
determined that the wound could not have resulted from a razor, but came
instead from a blunt object, the "victim" admitted to being unable to recall the
circumstances surrounding the wound's appearance, assuming he was slashed
"because of all the talk going around." Another incident involved an elderly man
who sought medical treatment for a wrist laceration. The man's doctor reported
the incident to the police after the man casually described being touched by a
stranger and then noticed he was bleeding. It was subsequently determined that
the "slash" was actually an old wound that had been reopened by inadvertent
A second type of collective delusion is the community flight panic, where people
attempt to flee from an imaginary threat. This category is rarely associated with
UFOs, but when they do occur in conjunction, the results can be spectacular.
Episodes may last a few hours to several days or weeks, subsiding only when it
is realized that the harmful agent did not materialize. Perhaps the bestknown
example is the panic that ensued in the United States on Halloween eve, 1938,
following the radio reenactment of H. G. Wells's book War of the Worlds by the
CBS Mercury Theater.15 Author H. Cantril noted that in general those who
panicked failed to exercise critical thinking, such as calling the police or
checking other media sources. There remains a great potential for similar hoaxes
to recur if they are presented with plausibility and a degree of realism. A similar
broadcast in South America nearly a decade later had disastrous consequences.
During 1949, near Quito, Ecuador, a radio play based on War of the Worlds
resulted in tens of thousands of frantic residents pouring into the streets and
running for their lives, preparing to defend themselves against Martian gas raids.
Broadcast in Spanish, the program was highly realistic and used the name of a
local community, Cotocallo, as the Martian landing site. The play included
impersonations of politicians, vivid eyewitness descriptions, and was so
convincing that police rushed to the nearby town to repel the invaders. Quito was
left with a skeleton police force that was unable to prevent an angry mob from
burning down the radio station that broadcast the drama, killing fifteen people,
including the event's mastermind.16
Spontaneous mass flights from the city of London have occurred over the
centuries in response to prophesies of its destruction by a great flood in 1524, the
day of judgment in 1736, and an earthquake in 1761." One of many
contemporary examples involving apocalyptic prophesies and mass panic
occurred in Adelaide, Australia, in the month leading up to January 19, 1976.
Many people fled the city and some even sold their homes after "psychic" John
Nash predicted that an earthquake and tidal wave would strike at midday. In
examining the circumstances of the event, many of those who sold their homes
or ran to the hills for the day were first-generation Greeks and Italians. Both
countries have a long history of devastating earthquakes, and the belief in
clairvoyants is generally taken very seriously there."
Collective Wish-Fulfillment
On the night of July 29, 1992, beginning at about 11 P.M., nearly two
hundred students and a female instructor at the Hishamuddin Secondary Islamic
School in Klang, Malaysia, observed a variety of seemingly miraculous sights in
the sky during a five-hour period, including the word "Allah" (God) in Arabic. A
total of twenty-six images were reported. The following evening, July 30, the
words "Allah" and "Muhammad" reportedly appeared while the students were
praying in a school field. Unlike the first episode, this time the script was much
larger. The images in both instances were reportedly formed in, on, or by clouds.
Twenty-six drawings of the images were made by students," yet they appear to
have misperceived clouds in the night sky reflective of their religious
Small group scares is another category of collective delusion that has yet to be
discussed in scientific literature. These involve individuals in close physical
proximity, within temporarily close settings, where escape routes are limited.
Incidents occur in isolated, ambiguous geographical surroundings, when
participants panic after seeing something unusual that is assumed to pose an
immediate threat. Thus, an aerial light source is transformed into a flying saucer,
or bushes rustling or an unfamiliar noise becomes Bigfoot. Table 1 lists fourteen
cases of small-group pursuits, sieges, or attacks. Most involve sightings of UFOs
and mysterious creatures. While the factual quality of such reports varies, and
there are numerous historical reports, only episodes that were thoroughly
investigated by reputable authorities are included. In all cases investigators
possess doctorates, are police officers, or are personally known to the authors.
Small group scares often occur during UFO waves and can contribute
significantly to an escalation of community excitement and interest, since they
tend to receive widespread and spectacular press coverage.
UFO Examples
On the evening of August 21, 1955, members of the Sutton family reported
being terrorized by space creatures on their remote farm near the tiny community
of Kelly, Kentucky.33 Ten family members (seven adults, three children) were
inside the farmhouse with landlord William Taylor. Taylor told police that while
drawing water from a backyard well at about 7 P.M., he saw a luminous "flying
saucer" land in a nearby gully. The family was incredulous to Taylor's account,
believing it to be an embellishment of a falling meteor. By 7:30, after a pet dog
started barking uncontrollably, Taylor and Sutton reported seeing a faint glow in
a distant field, which appeared to be slowly approaching the house. They soon
saw what looked like a three-and-a-half-foottall creature with an oversized head,
elongated arms, and elephantlike ears. Panicking, they grabbed their guns,
withdrew to just inside the house, and began firing. During the next three and a
half hours, the creatures peered into windows on several occasions and were shot
at. By 11 P.M., with the children in hysterics, everyone crammed into two cars
to summon the police. A search of the house and surroundings revealed nothing
extraordinary, and the last officer departed by 2:15 A.M. Soon after, the family's
mother, who was lying in bed staring at a window, became convinced that a
creature was peering in. After alerting the household, more sightings and
intermittent shooting continued until 5:15 A.M., just prior to sunrise. All eleven
people reported seeing the creatures at some point. A subsequent investigation
by police revealed no unusual physical evidence, only a house riddled with
bullets and frightened occupants.
The group reported that their car was raised into the air and then dropped, at
which point the rear tire blew out. After changing the tire, they traveled on to
Mundrabilla, where two truck drivers saw the family and noted that they looked
very disturbed. One of the truck drivers said there was an unusual "black ash" on
the family's car, whereas the other noted only normal road grime. The episode
made world headlines when the family was interviewed by police and claimed
that their car had literally been picked up by a UFO and was covered in black
ash. However, when a policeman inspected their car, he reported only normal
road dirt. UFO researcher Keith Basterfield conducted a thorough investigation
of the incident and obtained a copy of the police record interview, police photos
of the car, and even tracked down the two truckers. One truck driver had been
driving behind the family and reported that she had not seen anything unusual,
despite clear skies and a flat horizon. The Australian Mineral Development
Laboratory examined the car and its flat tire, finding nothing out of the ordinary.
After the lab obtained a sample of the "ash" from the police department, analysis
of the sample revealed that it was composed entirely of clay and salt particles-
just what would be expected on a vehicle traveling across the sandy Nullarbor
Plains near the Great Southern Ocean.
In a separate incident in western Australia at 7:45 P.M. on March 27, 1982,
Francis Collins, a thirty-four-yearold shop owner, and Maggie Yeend, a forty-
two-yearold potter and weaver, left Merredin in the evening for a lengthy
journey to their home town of Esperance, four hundred miles southeast of Perth.
The two friends were tired even before setting out and decided to take turns
driving for one hour, then sleeping the next. By 3 A.M. they were fifty miles
west of their destination when Maggie noticed a light in the sky near the horizon,
watched it for several moments, then woke Francis, saying, "There's a UFO in
front of us." Both women described a large ball of white light ahead to their left,
which seemed to be on a collision course with them. Frances's first thoughts
were "that it was coming for us, would explode the van and I could not get home
to my children and no one would know what happened." At one point, Maggie
shouted, "Frances, look behind us. Is it another one?" This light turned out to be
a truck. They decided that their van was having engine trouble, as it would not
go faster than fortyfive miles per hour. Convinced that they had had a close
encounter with a UFO, which had affected the van's performance, they reported
the incident to police upon arriving in Esperance. An investigation by Keith
Basterfield revealed that they almost certainly mistook Venus for a spacecraft
and convinced themselves that it was affecting their van. At 2:27 on the morning
in question, Venus rose as azimuth 105 degrees; at 3 A.M. it was at 7 degrees
elevation and azimuth 101 degrees; and at 3:45 was at 17 degrees elevation and
azimuth 94 degrees. Its astronomical magnitude was 4.1, the brightest object in
the sky. Basterfield examined a detailed map of the road they were on at 3 A.M.,
noting that it ran azimuth 135 degrees for 15 miles, then 070 degrees for the next
20 miles, and 20 miles at roughly 090 degrees before turning 160 degrees for the
final 7 miles. Thus, the positions they reported their UFO had been in matched
the positions of Venus. Their descriptions fit that of Venus, and they did not
report seeing both Venus and the UFO in the morning sky.
In another incident, a phantom overnight siege was reported by people in a
sparsely inhabited area near Lowell, Michigan, in 1978. According to sociologist
Ron Westrum,35 who interviewed the people a month after the episode, Masters,
a twentyfour-yearold suspected drug dealer, and Cordell, twenty-nine (not their
real names), became increasingly suspicious of mundane events near the house,
such as finding half of a grape bubble-gum wrapper on the roof and the other
half near a wood pile. They also thought there were people peering in the
windows at night.
By the afternoon of November 7, both men suspected the house was being
watched and so were "on the lookout." They saw several fleeting figures lurking
outside during the day. Near dusk, the two thought they saw a "kid" in a
camouflage suit. Cordell pursued the figure unsuccessfully, then warned "the
people he felt were hiding but could not see that if the nonsense did not stop
somebody was going to get shot." Shortly thereafter, both men thought they
heard people near the back door. Cordell fired a warning shot. Masters
telephoned a friend to bring over some more guns. A third companion, Hamby,
twenty-three, soon joined them. Keeping a watchful vigil, at about 1:30 A.M.,
they fired ten shots at "figures" near the house. When Hamby insisted that he did
not see or hear anyone, they thought they may have imagined it. However, they
continued to hear and see intermittent noises and figures throughout the
morning. Near 5 A.M., they panicked, after believing they were under attack,
and began firing indiscriminately. Cordell was certain that he shot someone
hanging from the roof in front of the bedroom window.
After Hamby fired a shotgun blast that was intended to draw the attention of a
police car, but struck its windshield instead, the three were charged with assault
with intent to commit murder, which was later reduced to firearm misuse. A
police search yielded no evidence of intruders or of bullets fired by anyone but
the three.
Common Features
All fourteen episodes listed in Table 1 took place at night in dark, isolated
environments, with the group "leader" often remarking that he or she was
physically or mentally fatigued, which enhances suggestibility and reduces
critical thinking ability. In popular folklore dark, isolated environments are
populated with nefarious creatures or agents, which correspond to the phantom
attack scenarios. All such cases involve relatives or close friends. The primary
witness (the first to draw attention to the unusual agent, to initiate detailed
discussion as to its origin, or to panic) almost always holds an influential social
position (is the oldest in the group, household head, vehicle driver, or group
leader) and is the one who interprets the stimulus as a potential threat. In each
case, the group soon reaches a bogus consensus that the object or agent is
pursuing them. The ambiguous stimulus is then rapidly defined within popular
cultural labels (Bigfoot, extraterrestrial spacecraft, drug dealers or drug police).
Once the episode ends, people often cannot account for "lost" time and have
difficulty recalling the event. However, time estimates are very poor when one is
under extreme stress, and are subject to wide variability," while, as discussed in
chapter 1, the accuracy of eyewitness recall and memory reconstruction are also
notoriously unreliable. This effect is especially pronounced when one is under
great stress, such as a perceived threat to self and family or friends. Further,
various astronomical," meteorological," and geophysical phenomena" are
commonly misidentified as UFOs. Each episode in Table 1 is characterized by a
conspicuous absence of confirming physical evidence. For example, the media
made much of the mysterious black dust in the Mundrabilla case, but on
examination, it was found to be entirely mundane. All that remains is eyewitness
testimony from a small, socially cohesive unit, with no independent observers
from outside of the particular social dynamic.
16. "Mars Raiders Caused Quito Panic; Mob Burns Radio Plant, Kills 15,"
New York Times, February 14, 1949, pp. 1, 7.
26. There are numerous similar reports among religious faithful claiming to
observe miraculous events or objects. In 1986 a devout Catholic grandmother,
Rita Ratchen, who lived in a tiny Ohio town, was driving along a road when she
saw what appeared to be a miraculous image on the side of a soybean oil tank.
The yellowish-orange tank had rust spots that resembled an image of a man
dressed in robes with outstretched arms. A child appeared next to the man. The
figure was thought to be that of Jesus Christ. Once the media reported the story,
hundreds of people began flocking to the tower, many of whom agreed that on it
was a miraculous image. It is noteworthy that the tower "image" was highly
ambiguous. The perceived figures were so faint that when a local newspaper
published a picture of the tower, the editor had to get an artist to enhance the
29. C. Jung, Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky
(New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1959).
31. J. Clark and L. Coleman, Creatures of the Outer Edge (New York:
Warner, 1978); T. Healy and P. Cropper, Out of the Shadows: Mystery Animals
of Australia (Chippendale, New South Wales, Australia: Ironbark,1994).
32. For a list of the sources for cases cited in Table 1, see, in order of
appearance: D. Rogo, UFO Abductions (New York: Signet, 1980); C. Hind,
UFOs: Close Encounters of an African Kind (Salisbury, Zimbabwe: Gemini,
1982); B. Schwarz, UFO Dynamics: Psychiatric and Psychic Aspects of the
UFO Syndrome, vols. 1 and 2 (Florida: Rainbow Books, 1983); Story, The
Encyclopedia of UFOs (1980); F. Johnson, The Janos People (London:
Spearman, 1980); R. Sheaffer, UFO Verdict; H. Evans, UFOs: The Greatest
Mystery (London: Albany, 1979); Keith Basterfield, personal communication
(1997); I. Davis and T. Bloecher, Close Encounter at Kelly and Others of 1955
(Evanston, Ill.: Center for UFO Studies, 1978); P. Bartholomew, R. E.
Bartholomew, B. Braun, and B. Hallenbeck, Monsters of the Northwoods: An
Investigation of Bigfoot Sightings in New York and Vermont (Utica, N.Y.:
Northcountry, 1992); R. Westrum, "Phantom Attackers," Fortean Times (Winter
1985): 54-58.
33. Davis and Bloecher, Close Encounter at Kelly; J. A. Hynek and J.
Vallee, The Edge of Reality: A Progress Report on Unidentified Flying Objects
(Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1975); R. J. M. Rickard, "More Phantom Sieges,"
Fortean Times (Winter 1985): 58-61; Story, The Encyclopedia of UFOs.
34. Sheaffer in Story, The Encyclopedia of UFOs, p. 176.
A claim that one has been contacted or abducted by aliens is much more
serious. Such phenomena will be considered separately. Part I presented the data
on which we based our analysis of UFO sightings and the conclusions drawn
from the data. The picture that emerges from examining the cases of alien
contact or abduction in part II is more tentative due to the nature of the data.
There is a certain amount of overlap between the data used in parts I and II.
Recall, for example, that a few people reported having conversed with space
beings who emerged from UFOs. However, the overwhelming majority of
reports in part I were of people who claimed to have seen strange things in the
In Praise of Foresight
Foresight works so well, and in so many ways, that some people mistakenly
think that foresight and thinking are synonymous. They are not. For example,
one can use the intellect to analyze past events, but this does not involve
foresight. One uses foresight when one tells a possibly true tale of the future and
then mentally examines the outcomes of this possible future in order to
determine whether or not it would represent an acceptable outcome.
For example, it is now 2:30, and my sons expect me to pick them up from
school at 3:00. Should I first go get another cup of coffee and then pick them up?
The ideal time to leave my office is 2:40. (Anything later than a 2:55 departure
guarantees that I'll arrive late, and thus I will incur a cash penalty for each son
for afterschool care.) Getting coffee can take from five to fifteen min utes-
depending on who I meet between my office and the coffee lounge. Once back
in my office, it takes me from ten to thirty minutes to drink the coffee. Assuming
all goes perfectly (five minutes to get the coffee and ten minutes to drink it), I
will leave at 2:45, five minutes later than ideal but still early enough. Assuming
typical times (ten minutes to get the coffee and twenty minutes to drink it), I
leave at 3:00 and am certain to pay afterschool fees-one heck of an expensive
cup of coffee!
Or perhaps Twain had the following sort of tragedy in mind as one he
foresaw and thus took steps to ensure that it never occurred: "If I attend the party
alone, I might be propositioned by someone, but I'm sure I'll be able to decline if
my wife is present. If she is not present, then I can still decline unless I am
drunk. Here's how I'll avoid a tragedy: I'll invite my wife to attend the party. If
she accepts, I can drink if I wish. If she declines, I either go but don't drink or, if
I can't be certain that I won't drink, I simply will not go."
I've foreseen many tragedies in my life (e.g., being late when picking up my
boys; falling prey to temptations), but fortunately most of them never occurred.
In the first case, my foresight actually might have been the cause of the bad luck
(e.g., meeting someone interesting on my way to the coffee lounge) not
occurring. In the second case my wife's presence at a party might preclude a
proposition that would have occurred had she stayed home. Or the proposition
might occur in spite of her presence at the party, but under those circumstances I
would be able (whether drunk or sober) to respond, "No. That really wouldn't be
a good idea."
These are but two of literally millions of examples of how foresight can be
an invaluable tool in enriching our lives. In the next chapter we will learn that
the meaning of an alien "abduction" or a prolonged "contact" is ambiguous and
the interpretation of the event's meaning is up to us. So how ought we to
interpret the event? It turns out that foresight provides the crucial tool in helping
us to determine the meaning of the "contact" or "abduction" event for ourselves,
for potential helpers (e.g., therapists, family members), and for society at large.
In Praise of Fantasy
Someone once said that novelists are the luckiest people, for they live many
lives-whereas the rest of us live but one. Since the events in a novel never
actually occurred, one is totally dependent on the novelist's imagination to
determine not only what can and cannot occur but also what will occur. The
novelist's imagination becomes lord over all it surveys in its fantasies. And what
of the demands of reality? Are there absolutely no constraints on a novelist's
fantasy? Apparently little or none. As Henry James wrote, "The only obligation
to which in advance we may hold a novel, without incurring the accusation of
being arbitrary, is that it be interesting."2
Because life is more interesting on the fantasy side, a child would be crazy
not to spend more time there than on the boring, constraining, "real" side of his
or her experience. Since a child can create a perfect, imaginary playmate so
easily, why wouldn't he or she enjoy spending more time with this ideal
companion than with hurtful, frustrating, or noncompliant peers? Young boys
and girls relish their hours engaged in rich, satisfying fantasies, and over time
they begrudgingly learn to spend greater amounts of time living in the "real
One reason that young children can be oblivious to reality for so many
years is because we adults protect them from the world's worries and dangers.
Many lower organisms like fish, frogs, or insects never see their parents. Not
only do adults of many species fail to protect their young, but they are often their
offspring's most lethal predators. Why has nature molded human parents into
such dedicated protectors of their young? What developmental tasks could
possibly have such evolutionary importance that they justify leaving human
children virtually defenseless-save for their parents' intercession-for over a
An enormously long period of dependency is required to develop higher
mental processes such as language use, the mores of social life, and the creative
use of capacities like foresight and fantasy. Humans spend decades puzzling
over the question of what is real and what is fantasy. Each of us has come to a
very sophisticated answer to the question of what is real and what is fantasy. We
all think we know where the line of demarcation between the real and the
fanciful is. Fortunately or unfortunately, we don't always agree with one another
on the positioning of that line.
For example, is God real? Some people believe that all Godtalk lies in the
domain of fantasy. For others, God represents the most concrete and important
of all realities. Similarly, where do you stand on the reality of black holes,
quasars, pulsars, fuzzy attractors, free will, superconductivity, and cold fusion?
This book's second author is old enough to remember a time when all of these
concepts were nothing more than scientists' fantasies. How many of them do you
think have now passed into the land of the real? Any? Yes! All? No! Is it simply
a matter of time until all of these scientists' fictions make it into the domain of
reality? Probably not-in our opinion. We wager that at least one of these
concepts-cold fusion-will never make it into the land of the real. If we are
correct, it will enter the "nice try but no go" category of failed scientific
concepts, where it will join the ether, phrenology, astrology, ESP, Lamarkean
evolution, and many other scientific fictions that proved to be less than
satisfactory, and therefore have not been demonstrated to be "real."3
Unfortunately, some people have not kept current with the revolution in the
philosophy of science over the last twenty years. Those people are probably still
operating with a vision of how science works that has now been discredited.
Perhaps you've heard of the realist-antirealist debates in philosophy of science,
or the objectivist-constructivist debates in many scientific disciplines.'
Regardless of how these controversies eventually settle out, they are destroying
our old positivistic, objectivistic understandings of how science works. These
older views of science were based largely on what philosopher Richard Rorty
refers to as "mirror of nature" images.' The newer notions of science rely on
different construals of "truth" and "reality" in their appreciations of how science
Reality-What a Concept!
For most people, the reality of God and religion is so strong that they are willing
to live their lives according to the dictates of their religious beliefs. But to this
book's authors, all of our life experiences appear to have been completely natural
(as opposed to supernatural-demanding a religious explanation). Similarly, no
experience in my life suggests that aliens have made contact with humans. Thus
my own experiences do not now compel me to be a theist or a believer in aliens.
Consequently, I might choose either to believe or not to believe in these
possibilities (God or aliens). If it is important to God or to aliens that I believe in
them, then they must make themselves better known to me than they have done
to date.
I am, however, open to new experiences. Consider the following thought
experiment (a research strategy of ever-increasing importance in contemporary
science) on what experiences might actually change my mind about the
existence of God or aliens. The Saint Paul story furnishes a tale of a dramatic
conversion of an anti-Christian (Saul) into the most committed of Christians
(Paul). We put a new spin on the Saint Paul story to highlight the kind of
evidence (i.e., experiences) that would compel us to alter our present beliefs.
This is a humorous thought experiment, in the hope that (with apologies to
William Congreve) "humor has charms to soothe the overcommitted breast."
Imagine that in the near future the second author finds himself riding on a
horse from Jerusalem to Damascus in order to torture and murder some poor
alien abductees if they are unwilling to admit that UFOs do not exist. Suddenly
the skies darken, and I say, "Whoa! This don't look so good." A bolt of lightning
then knocks me off the horse, and I think, No big deal! People get struck by
lightning all the time-I'm just glad to be alive to interpret the experience. But
when a booming voice from out of the heavens says, "George, George, why
doest thou persecute righteous UFO abductees so?" that's when it becomes a
nonnatural experience for me. The voice orders, "You are no longer to be called
George; henceforth you are to be known as 'Stupid.' "
Or imagine that the lightning bolt had been a laser, and the booming voice
replied, "I am Jaopg from the planet Rooze." Sud denly this experience would
have nothing to do with God and religion. I would immediately believe
completely in the "reality" of alien contact. However, since no experience in my
life currently suggests the existence of visitors from another world, I choose not
to believe in aliens for pragmatic reasons. The next chapter will spell out the
pragmatic consequences of belief or nonbelief in aliens in most contemporary
All of this talk of belief (or nonbelief) in God or aliens for pragmatic
reasons probably strikes most readers as a bit odd. This is because most people
believe in the existence of a free standing, objective reality. Black holes either
do or do not exist; aliens either have or have not contacted humans; there either
is or is not a God; humans either do or do not possess ESP; and so forth. It is the
job of science to go out and get hard, objective evidence of the existence (or
nonexistence) of any of these entities or human powers. Then rational humans
will believe in aliens, if aliens do exist; we will believe in ESP, if humans
possess that power; and so forth. This is the position contained in the "spectator
view of science" or "science as the mirror of nature." On this view, one holds the
world up to science and the undistorted "Truth" or "Reality" about the world will
then pop out at you. Again, this represents an older, less sophisticated
understanding of what science is able to achieve.
2. Henry James, The Art of Fiction and Other Essays (New York: Oxford
University Press, 1948).
3. By the way, how many of you chose "free will" as a concept that science
wouldn't demonstrate as real? Sorry folks! Free will passed into scientific reality
a few years ago. G. S. Howard and C. G. Conway, "Can There Be an Empirical
Science of Volitional Action?" American Psychologist 41 (1986): 1241-51. D. L.
Lazarick, S. S. Fishbein, M. J. Loiello, and G. S. Howard, "Practical
Investigations of Volition," Journal of Counseling Psychology 35 (1988): 1-26.
G. S. Howard, "Some Varieties of Free Will Worth Practicing," Journal of
Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 14 (1994): 50-61. Self-determination
(or freedom of the will) is now every bit as much a scientific reality as are, for
example, black holes and superconductivity.
Imagine you have a new neighbor whom you meet for the first time. The
neighbor calmly describes the following event: "I know you'll find this hard to
believe, but last week I was abducted by aliens who held me for about seven
hours in their spaceship." After careful questioning, you find that your new
neighbor believes that he is also telepathic, has had religious visions in the past,
and spent a large part of his childhood conversing with an imaginary playmate.
You describe the neighbor to a friend, who asks, "Is there extreme
psychopathology here? Do you believe your neighbor is severely disturbed?"
What would be your answer?
Ever since mass sightings of flying saucers were first reported, those
claiming contact with saucer occupants (or even some claiming to watch such
craft at a distance) were often labeled socially deviant or mentally disturbed.
Such diagnoses were often based on the fantastic nature of the claims and not on
firsthand psychological evaluation. Despite the unreliability of eyewitness
testimony3 and the ambiguous nature of most flying saucer reports (usually
misinterpretations of ordinary celestial objects4), the media has typically
attributed sightings to "psychopathological disturbances in the witness."5
[In] flying saucer clubs I have had contact with ... by any conventional
definition the mental health ... is quite low. Hallucinations are quite
common.... If one were to attend a meeting and watch the action
without knowing in advance whether the audience was in a mental
hospital or not, it would be very difficult to tell, because many
symptoms of serious illness are displayed.'°
They see sights equally well with their eyes opened or closed. Also,
imagined aromas are sensed, imagined sounds are heard, and imagined
tactile sensations are felt as convincingly as those produced by actual
stimuli.... Almost all of the fantasyprone subjects have vivid sexual
fantasies that they experience "as real as real" with all the sights,
sounds, smells, emotions, feelings, and physical sensations ... [and
they] are so realistic that 75 percent of the fantasizers report that they
have had orgasms produced solely by sexual fantasies!
As children, all but one of the FPPs lived in a make-believe world much or
most of the time. Of those playing with dolls or toy animals, 80 percent believed
them to be living, with unique feelings and personalities. While imaginary
playmates are common in children, and in recent years have been viewed as a
sign of mental health and creativity," there are important differences between the
fantasyprone and control groups on this dimension.
While most (perhaps all) children play make-believe games, it is uncommon for
them to continue with imaginary companions into adulthood. But the
extensiveness and vividness of imaginary companions apparently does not
decrease substantially for the fantasyprone group as adults. Based on their
findings, Wilson and Barber hypothesized that many figures from history who
claimed psychic or paranormal experiences may have been fantasyprone.29
Table 2* Summary of 132 Alleged UFO Abductees and Contactees with Major
FantasyProne Personality Characteristics Based on a Sample of 154 Subjects
UFOs and Psychic" Phenomena: Results
Out-of-Body Experiences
Wilson and Barber found that over two-thirds of their subjects labeled as
FPPs reported the ability to heal (0 percent in comparison group), while 73
percent of fantasizers reported apparitions (16 percent in the control group). In
our sample just over 14 percent reported apparitions, and just under 6 percent
claimed healing ability. While six FPPs (none in the comparison group) reported
religious visions, 11 percent of our sample mentioned such experiences. Under
the category "religious visions" are included only those experiences of a
religious or spiritual nature interpreted by subjects as separate from the UFO
experience. However, to have included all alleged UFO encounters by aliens
claiming to be acting on behalf of a god (almost always Christ), easily half of
our sample could be categorized as religious visionaries.;'
Hypnotic Susceptibility
Time and time again in various cases, a primary witness will be easily
regressed, giving a vivid and full account of the experience; any
corroborating witness to the same case will either resist hypnosis
altogether or prove a very poor trance subject.36
Similar findings have been mentioned by other UFO researchers who have
conducted firsthand interviews with alleged abductees or contactees.37 These
general anecdotal findings on hypnotic susceptibility correspond with results by
Wilson and Barber and Lynn and Rhue.38 In each study a strong relationship
was found between FPPs and hypnotic susceptibility.
Physiological Effects
Wilson and Barber note that a high proportion of their FPP sample reported
physiological effects in conjunction with fantasies. Nineteen FPPs, and only two
in the comparison group, reported sickness or physical symptoms corresponding
with their fantasy content.
Further, fifteen FPPs would become physically ill while watching television
violence, and seventeen experienced heat or cold as if it were affecting them
directly. One subject told "how she was freezing as she sat bundled in a warm
living room while she was watching Dr. Zhivago in Siberia on television. "I
Within our sample, there are numerous instances of reported copulation and
general mischievous sexual encounters with aliens. Sexual encounters can take
the form of ongoing contacts or singular events. Brazilian subject Antonio Villas
Boas falls into the latter category, claiming to have been taken aboard an
ovalshaped craft, undressed, and seduced by an extremely fairskinned, freckled
young female with high cheekbones. Regarding the sex act, he said it was a
normal act, and she behaved just as any woman would.'
Spiritual Themes
In addition to frequently interacting with imaginary companions, FPPs
fantasized a supernatural worldview that typically included the taken-for-granted
existence of a variety of mythical guardians and spirit beings.
The case of Jessica Rolfe is typical. She claims that at age five, while living
with her family in Miami Beach, Florida, she was visited one night in bed by
three well-built tall "men" with golden skin. They lifted her from bed,
telepathically asking, "Would you like to come with us now?" After refusing the
invitation, they returned her to her bed, and comforted her before disappearing.
She claims that ever since various alien males from the same race visit her
bedside and teach her many things.-'O
The current social milieu plays a role in the relationship between the
fantasyprone process and the FPPs' worldview. The FPPs living in the twentieth
century are heavily exposed to books, television programs, and movies on the
subject of extraterrestrial visitation. It is only natural, therefore, to expect their
experiences to reflect the science-fiction and popular beliefs of the time. This
could explain why prior to the nineteenth century there are virtually no explicit
reported contacts with extraterrestrials. Yet, in the United Kingdom and Europe
especially, there were thousands of reported sightings, abductions, and contacts
with fairies at this time.53 This relationship between UFO encounters and fairy
lore was first mentioned by British investigator Gordon Creighton and later by
French astrophysicist Dr. Jacques Vallee, Loren Coleman, Jerome Clark, John
Rimmer, and Hilary Evans.'
Most of those we saw again later told us that our interviews had made
a significant difference in their lives. They typically stated that they
had gained greater understanding of themselves and felt less alone-
previously they had assumed that no one else was like them. Following
participation in our project, some of the fantasizers felt ready to share
their "secret" with important people in their lives. One told her
husband of twenty years and gave him a copy of our preliminary report
of the study55 so that he could see her as she really was. Another gave
a copy ... to her counselor so that he could understand her.'
12. T. S. Szasz, The Manufacture of Madness (New York: Harper & Row,
1970); T. J. Schoeneman, "Criticisms of the Psychopathological Interpretation of
Witch Hunts: A Review," American Journal of Psychiatry 139 (1982): 1028-32.
13. G. A. Zilboorg, The Medical Man and the Witch during the
Renaissance, The Hideyo Nogushi Lecures (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press,
1935); G. A. Zilboorg and G. W. Henry, History of Medical Psychology (New
York: W. W. Norton, 1941).
24. Ibid.
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
35. A. Druffel, "Encounter on Dapple Gray Lane: Part 2," Flying Saucer
Review 23 (1977): 2.
40. Ibid.
48. Ongoing sexual contacts were more common. Typical is the case of
Elizabeth Klarer of Drakensberg, South Africa. A seemingly sincere lady who
has come under extreme criticism and ridicule in the press, she has staunchly
maintained that since April 7, 1956, she has had sex with and a child by "Akon"
from the planet "Menton." Akon contacted her for "breeding" purposes as their
race needed "new blood" and she was chosen for one of their "experiments."
They fell in love and had a son, "Alying," who she often visits along with Akon
on Menton. True to the typical FPP sexual profile, her alien companion was very
handsome and ideal, while the planet Menton was a utopian existence, having no
war, politics, or disease (C. Hind, "UFOs: African Encounters" [Zimbabwe:
Gemini, 19821; E. Klarer, Beyond the Light Barrier [Cape Town, South Africa:
Timmons, 1980]).
One thing we have learned when we have gone into the background of
persons who claim to have been abducted by UFOs, to have had
contacts with UFOs, or to have received messages from space is that
for the most part they have a history of being battered children or have
had sad histories in other ways. (C. G. Fuller, comp. and ed.,
Proceedings of the First International UFO Congress [New York:
Warner, 1980], p. 325)
53. R. Kirk, The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies
(London: Longman, 1815); T. Keightley, The Fairy Mythology (England, n.p.,
1815); W. Y. Evans-Wentz, The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries (Rennes,
France, 1909); K. Briggs, An Encyclopedia of Fairies (New York: Pantheon,
In the relative sense, then, the sense in which we contrast reality with
simple unreality, and in which one thing is said to have more reality
than another, and to be more believed, reality means simply relation to
our emotional and active life. This is the only sense which the word
ever has in the mouths of practical men. In this sense, whatever excites
and stimulates our interest is real: whenever an object so appeals to us
that we turn to it, accept it, fill our mind with it, or practically take
account of it, so far it is real for us, and we believe it. Whenever, on
the contrary, we ignore it, fail to consider it or act upon it, despise it,
reject it, forget it, so far it is unreal for us and disbelieved?
In a little less than two decades, James had refined this perspective into his
instrumental (or pragmatic) view of reality and truth:
Let me now say only this, that truth is one species of good, and not, as
is usually supposed, a category distinct from good, and coordinate with
it. The true is the name of whatever proves itself to be good in the way
of belief, and good, too, for definite, assignable reasons.3
For example, James might have argued that clinicians have used diagnostic
categories over the years because diagnostic systems enable them to conceive of
clients' problems in ways that lead them to helpful therapeutic interventions.
Such utility is the chief argument for the validity of any diagnostic
categorization scheme. But scientist-practitioners are committed to periodically
testing the utility of various diagnostic practices by comparing their beliefs with
possible alternatives. Such periodic testing, with the possibility of revising one's
beliefs, lies at the very heart of scientific rationality and clinical wisdom.
This book presents a story that depicts some UFO abductees and contactees
as fantasy prone rather than as severely disturbed individuals. In addition to
furnishing mental-health professionals with an alternative scheme for diagnosis
and treatment of such clients, we hope to demonstrate to scientist-practitioners
that the heart of professional rationality rests not in the truth of current beliefs,
but in a commitment to improving these beliefs. As philosopher of science
Stephen Toulmin put it, "A man demonstrates his rationality not by a
commitment to fixed ideas, stereotyped procedures, or immutable concepts, but
by the manner in which, and the occasions on which, he changes those ideas,
procedures, and concepts."6
The emergence of this constructivist metatheory in psychology' has moved
us away from either/ or considerations of the truth value of differing
conceptualizations (e.g., psychopathological or fantasy prone). Issues of "truth"
often give way to considerations of utility. Because human thought might be
understood as instances of storytelling,' psychotherapy can be seen as instances
of story elaboration, narrative modification and repair.' The critical issue, for the
diagnosis of UFO abductees and contactees, takes on a different hue in a
constructivist perspective. Is it helpful to the course of therapy to identify the
client as a person whose rich and absorbing fantasy life can sometimes be
harnessed to produce creative and productive personal and professional lives (as
was often the case with Wilson and Barber's10 normal FPP sample), or as one
whose runaway fantasies invite derision and potentially risk the diminishment of
the quality of life and societal status? Can therapy framed in this manner help
UFO witnesses more than therapeutic efforts grounded in the view that such
clients' psychopathology is pervasive? We'll never know the answer to these last
questions until mental health professionals begin to treat these clients from the
FPP perspective.
UFO Clubs
More generally, how might abductees and contactees themselves think of their
experiences with aliens? At present, most people who "come out" publicly with
their stories risk ridicule, but it is natural for people to talk about such unsettling
experiences, despite society's generally unsupportive attitude. Thus, many such
people have sought out support groups of like-minded individuals.
While William James would see UFO groups as a healthy way to deal with
the experience of UFO contact, these pro-UFO groups often fall into the same
mistakes as society in general-they tend to focus on the reality of specific aliens
and alien contact. In doing so, group members simply take the opposite stance
against the objectivist majority in (what James believes to be) a completely
wrongheaded conversation. Does anyone really believe that the possibility of the
existence of aliens will be settled by people stating their beliefs, and objecting to
the beliefs of people who think differently? Of course not! The more important
function for UFO groups (from James's perspective) would be to help people
think pragmatically about the consequences of their beliefs and how they will act
(or refrain from acting) on those beliefs in their everyday lives.
Recall our praise of foresight in chapter 11. UFO clubs could be helpful to
the extent that they encourage people to use their foresight to determine and deal
with the likely pragmatic consequences of their belief or their decision not to
believe that their experiences with aliens: (a) really occurred; (b) reflect their
fantasyproneness; (c) represent pervasive psychopathology; (d) suggest that they
should let only their most intimate friends know their beliefs; (e) suggest that
they announce their beliefs to the world; and so forth. While UFO clubs often
already serve this important function, there is a strong temptation for groups to
lapse into an unhelpful fixation on objectivist, ontological concerns, such as
"What were your aliens like?" and "Did your abduction include experimentation
and questioning?" Further, conversations at clubs could well devolve into
conspiracy theories, which are pragmatically unhelpful.
If you are convinced that aliens do not exist and that no contacts or
abductions have occurred, you may well believe that UFO percipients are either
hoaxers or crazy. From this perspective, any solution, such as seeing the issue as
a case of overactive fantasies, is suspect because it gives some degree of
credence to either a lie or craziness. Thus, all talk of seeing the abduction as the
result of an overactive fantasy that may or may not be pragmatically useful to
continue to believe might strike you as ill-advised and potentially dangerous.
But consider the case of Whitley Strieber.
Prior to the night of December 26, 1985, fantasy novelist Whitley Strieber
had it all: wealth, fame, a loving wife, a successful career. During the 1970s and
early 1980s he attained global notoriety as an author of bestselling novels. The
Wolfen, The Hunger, and Black Magic are but a few. Some were even made into
movies. But something bizarre happened to him that night.
Strieber was asleep with his wife, Anne, in a picturesque log cabin nestled
in upstate New York. Snow fell lightly outside. Sometime during the night he
awoke with a bolt. Startled upon hearing an unnerving swirling sound in the
downstairs living room, he stiffened with fear, peering intensely at the bedside
burglar alarm panel. All was normal according to the reassuring glow of lights.
Then, still puzzled but beginning to reassure himself, he was suddenly overcome
with disbelief. One of the bedroom doors was opening. A small figure edged
around the corner. Strieber lay mute and paralyzed with wonder and fright. It
was impossible, yet it was happening. The silhouette of a three-and-a-half-
foottall creature moved forward. Glaring brightness suddenly flooded the room
as the motion-sensitive light went on. Strieber groped for the shotgun by the bed
and pursued the creature downstairs, but a search of the premises revealed
nothing. Confused, he returned to the bedroom. Without warning the figure
jumped out and rushed toward him. Everything went black. He next recalls being
paralyzed and floating into what appeared to be an alien spacecraft, where tiny
creatures probed his mind. This incident is one of several contacts Strieber has
claimed since.
Although Strieber's decision to see the aliens as real fits his life nicely, we
suspect that few clinicians could feel comfortable in endorsing Strieber's
accommodation with reality. But his options were extremely limited: either the
aliens did not exist and he was delusional, or the aliens were real and society is
struggling mightily to repress that terrifying reality. If you were Whitley
Strieber, which option would you choose?
What about a third possibility-that the aliens did not exist and that Strieber
is a fantasyprone personality type? He gave evidence of virtually every FPP
symptom in Communion. Might Strieber, his family and friends stand a better
chance of understanding his experiences from the perspective of an FPP
Are there aliens out there? Have they already made contact with humans?
Appendix A presents over two hundred brief case histories of reported
communication between aliens and humans. Far from exhaustive, this
compilation represents but the tip of the iceberg of a growing social
phenomenon. What cannot be denied is that science is searching for answers to
this question with all the intellectual and technological resources in its power.
Similarly, the explosion of books, movies, and television programs that posit
alien contact proves that the imaginations of the creative and artistic
communities are consumed with this idea. Why wouldn't the rest of humanity
want to get in on this exciting exploration into the possibility that there might be
other forms of intelligent life out there? Don't many scientists in their enthusiasm
sometimes overstate their scientific claims? Don't members of the artistic
community sometimes go overboard and produce bad books, bad movies, and
bad TV? Then why is it a surprise that some ordinary people also get carried
If we someday learn that there is no God, how will we evaluate the history
of religious belief? Did we learn anything about our nature as humans from our
experiment with religion? What of the good that came from the many billions of
people whose lives were enriched by their beliefs of God? Were these not
enormous benefits to derive from a "failed" experiment?
Similarly, imagine that someday humanity's great experiment to determine
if Earth holds the only intelligent life in our universe is answered negatively.
Will all our efforts then have to be counted as wasted? Certainly not! For this
end returns us to our beginning-all that will remain are humans seeking meaning
in life and companionship in an otherwise cold and lonely universe. Does this
not tell us something very important about ourselves? Even this meager reward
would be rich indeed, for it would help us to better understand what it means to
be human.
Yet what if our spiritual journey leads us to God and our scientific journey
leads us to other intelligent beings? Then no honest scientist, theologian, or
believer who played any role at all in these journeys would need to justify their
part in humankind's great adventures of discovery.
1. E. G. Boring, A History of Experimental Psychology (New York:
Century, 1929).
The Bruce Herald (Milton, New Zealand), August 2, 1909, citing a 1909 letter
sent to and published in The Free Press (Clutha, New Zealand).
3. 1912, western Canada, morning
A sixyear-old boy living on a farm claims to have been in contact with "space
men" in a round craft resembling a helicopter. The short male beings had no
knees or elbows and had circular feet; they examined the boy, communicating
John B. Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters (Amherst, Wis.: Amherst Press
and Global Communications, 1980), pp. 40, 56, citing a personal phone
conversation between John Brent Musgrave and the witness, in addition to a
letter at the Center for UFO Studies, Evanston, Illinois.
4. Summer, 1920, Mattawa River, Ontario, Canada
As a teen, Albert Coe claims to have been walking in a rocky area and heard a
young blond, blue-eyed boy caught in the rocks, yelling for help. He wore a
silvery, leatherlike suit with broken "dials and instruments" on his chest. The
boy said he had landed his "plane" nearby, stopping to fish. Helping him back to
the "plane," Coe found a silver-colored saucer (about twenty feet in diameter)
standing on three legs. The boy made Coe vow secrecy about the incident, and
Coe pushed the boy up into the vessel, which flew off.
Coe claims a series of contacts with the being over the years, often fishing
together. He was one of one hundred volunteers sent "at the turn of the century"
to monitor Earth's technological development and encourage peace. The entity
and his companions are from Tau Ceti but now live on Venus. They've placed an
"ionized neutralizing screen" around Earth, preventing "any hydrogen chain
reaction" which could destroy it. They have life spans of six hundred years, are
vegetarians, and have the sole intent "to help their fellow man."
Mrs. Evelyn Wendt, beauty salon operator, recalls an incident fifty years earlier,
when she was a schoolgirl playing in the yard of the Holy Name Convent
School. "The first thing I remember is that this eggshaped thing was on the
ground, and this bright light was shining in my eyes." The light went out, a
"hatch" opened, and little robot people emerged. "They were smaller than I and
resembled animated flowers with faces where the bud would be. Remember, I
was just a bitty thing then, and kids don't fear flowers."
She said, "There seemed to be a man with the little people ... everything
looked real, even though I wasn't so sure. The conversation wasn't real talking,"
but she understood mentally what was being said. As they were leaving, "they
asked if I wanted to go. I said, 'No,' but I could have gone." She adds, "They
promised to come back for me in thirty-five years, but that was up a long time
ago, and nothing happened that I know of." Then the "saucer" flew straight up,
hovered a minute and disappeared.
A retired minister claims to have seen bright lights and visions when having to
make important decisions about church affairs. "All at once the main street was
lit up with the whitest of white lights. It was much brighter than the Sun at noon
days ... the City lights looked like globs of blood in the whiteness. The light
came from 'a round Cloud' with an 'etched' or 'scalloped' outer edge ... a light
streamed down like a laser beam, which I've seen since." He then turned and saw
"standing beside me ... a young man with golden hair" and a similar colored suit.
"He had radiant blue eyes, [was] about my height-he smiled, oh how beautiful he
was. He told me my real work would be training ... in that City, he said
remember the cottage in the rear of the Mansions are as important as those who
dwell in the mansions...."
Personal letter from John B. Musgrave, citing a letter written to him by a retired
(anonymous) minister, dated March 16, 1976. Musgrave is employed with the
Mobile Planetarium Project of the Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton,
9. 1932, New Jersey
At age ten, sign painter Howard Menger claims to have encountered "the most
exquisite woman my young eyes had ever beheld." She had golden hair and eyes
and wore a shiny, nylonlike seamless outfit similar to what a skier would wear.
"I have come a long way to see you, Howard ... and to talk with you." She "knew
where I had come from and what my purpose would be on Earth." She said "her
people" had been watching him for a long time and "we are contacting our own."
The woman "answered questions before I could ask them ... she seemed to know
all my thoughts." She was "about my mother's height." She told Howard "of a
great change to take place ... wasteful wars, torture and destruction would be
brought on by misunderstandings of people." Before leaving, she told him they
would meet again and that "they will always be around-watching out for you ...
guiding you."
In his several subsequent contacts, he described the aliens as looking "just
like we do," except for their dress. They "come from Mars, Saturn, Venus and
probably Jupiter." Because they are "our brothers" and "love us," their purpose is
to create a higher understanding "so we can help ourselves in preventing any
future destruction of our planet." They are vegetarians, and have schools, cities,
factories, and gardens. During a later contact, Menger says he was flown to the
moon in a bell-shaped craft, and he saw many buildings and was able to breathe
comfortably in the atmosphere.
Howard Menger, From Outer Space (New York: Pyramid, 1967), also published
as From Outer Space to You (Clarksburg, W.Va.: Saucerian Press, 1959).
10. Winter, 1936, near Port Colborne, Ontario,
At age fifteen, Johann Purchalski observed "a saucer type object" pass over Port
Colborne and land in a nearby field. While investigating, he found a "space ship"
and was introduced to the occupants. Johann said "they did not wish to cause any
harm by killing any of the earth people." After being shown "their machinery, I
left." He was given a metal badge which "states that [the ship] was owned by a
member of the Planet Mars Police Force in the main city, Marsopolis."
At age forty-six, William Ferguson was heavily into meditation and relaxation
techniques, and while in a deep meditation state he traveled at "the speed of
consciousness" and reached Mars within ten seconds. A "great Celestial Being"
greeted him and said he wanted to discuss "the observations that we have made
of your planet ... and we also want to tell you things that we want you to say to
Earthlings." The "Celestial Being," called Khauga, showed him a great canal
network and large cities enclosed in an electromagnetic field. Martians moved
via levitation. They all had red hair and were about a foot shorter than humans,
with broad features (not sharp) and red complexions. Their scientists (called
Uniphysicists) dressed in cream-colored gold-trimmed robes and had
shoulderlength hair. Ferguson was asked, "Is it true ... people on your planet go
out and kill one another in battle?" Khauga replied, "The very thought ... to us is
abhorrent." Martians "are twenty thousand years ahead of us in all kinds of
thinking, consciousness, spiritual development, and scientific development."
Knowing Earth has "been passing through a great crisis ... and that they needed
assistance," the Martians told Ferguson, "We are going to release positive energy
particles into the Earth's atmosphere ... to counteract the negative energy
particles that man himself has released." Khauga wanted the following message
relayed: "To all fellow Earthmen, I can assure you we are now in a wonderful
development period in our Earth's history. We have entered the expansion phase
of our development, and as a result, all things will become new and finer for the
enjoyment and happiness for each and every being."
William Ferguson, My Trip to Mars, a 13-page pamphlet published by the
Cosmic Study Center, 7405 Masters Drive, Potomac, Maryland 20854 USA,
September 1954.
12. July 23, 1947, near Bauru, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil
They surrounded him and apparently tried to lure him into the disc, but,
seeing they shunned sunlight, he managed to elude them and hid nearby for half
an hour. Watching from thick shrubs, he watched them move with extraordinary
agility, frolicking about and tossing huge stones. They then reentered the craft
and flew off.
Gordon Creighton, "The Humanoids in Latin America," in C. Bowen, ed., The
Humanoids (Great Britain: Futura, 1977), pp. 88-89, citing Diari da Tarde
(Curitiba), Brazil, August 8, 1947; 0 Cruzeiro (Rio de Janeiro), 1954; La Razon
(Buenos Aires), Argentina, April 13, 1950; Flying Saucer Review 7
(NovemberDecember 1961), which cites a report from the Aerial Phenomena
Research Organization.
13. 1948, Lineville, Alabama
An anonymous woman was drawing water from a well when a bright round
object landed in a nearby cornfield. Two men with long hair and beards and
wearing long robes emerged. One approached and told her in accented English
not to be afraid, assuring her no harm if she would cooperate and answer some
questions. After they talked for about thirty minutes, she ran into her house, but
the other being stood in the doorway. The two beings then reentered the craft
and flew off.
SBEDV Bulletin, April 15, 1968; also SBEDV Special Bulletin of Humanoid
Cases, 1975.
Claude Blondeau saw two round objects "resembling two enormous folded
napkins, one upside down on the other" hovering above the ground. A
normalsized man in a "flying suit" emerged from each craft. They "installed or
moved" a "plate that rested on a base similar to rubber." Blondeau approached,
asking if they were having trouble. One replied (in French), "Yes, but not for
long." The inside was brilliantly lit and contained a chair next to a control
console, with a large steering wheel. Asking how the ship was operated, the man
replied, "Energy." The being reentered the craft, the portholes glowing as it left.
The entire episode lasted two minutes.
Jimmy Guieu, Flying Saucers Come from Another World (London: Hutchinson,
1956), pp. 229-31.
17. Summer 1950, Manitoba, Canada
After seeing an NBC-TV documentary in January 1979 on UFO abductions,
Virginia Horton (pseudonym) told UFO investigator Budd Hopkins that at age
six on her grandfather's Manitoba farm, while going to gather eggs in a barn, she
remembered standing in the yard and her leg being wet. Her left leg had a
painless one-halfinch-deep by one-inch-long incision, but no tear in her jeans.
She requested regressive hypnosis, which was performed by New York
psychologist Dr. Aphrodite Clamar in 1979. She told that while walking to the
barn, she was suddenly lying on a "couch" and seeing "plenty of light" (soft
grayish in tint). She was told that her leg cut wouldn't hurt, "that they need a
little bitty piece of you for understanding." An unseen being said, "We're from a
long way away" in the sky and that there are many inhabited worlds similar to
Earth. The being said his place of origin was "nice" and "he was very happy." He
offered to take her at a later time to visit other worlds, but cautioned: "Your
Mom would be upset if we went away for a while."
Jacques Vallee, Messengers of Deception (New York: Bantam, 1980), pp. 59,
90-93, originally published in June 1979, Berkeley, Calif.: And/Or Press.
Orfeo Angelucci suffers a prickling sensation in the hands, arms, back, and feet
during the approach of thunderstorms, and claims similar "symptoms" just prior
to or after alien contact. He claims to have seen a flying saucer in Trenton, New
Jersey, August 4,1946. Contact was allegedly made on May 23, 1952. Driving
home from work just outside Los Angeles, he felt a prickling sensation while
observing a red, luminous, ovalshaped object in the sky. Angelucci followed it
off a side, road where it hovered above a field. Several beings appeared on a
luminous screen, communicating telepathically. He was told that friendly,
helpful beings were visiting Earth because life on Earth was at a crisis point.
During a later contact (August 2, 1952), he described meeting a spaceman
who was taller than he, well-built, wearing a tightfitting, seamless uniform. The
alien was totally solid but wavered like a ghost. He said Earth was called "the
home of sorrows" and we face a crisis which in history will be known as "the
Great Accident." Space people are here to assist humanity during this critical
period. Bryant Reeve and Helen Reeve, Flying Saucer Pilgrimage (Amherst,
Wis.: Amherst Press, 1957), pp. 222-32.
21. Late July 1952, near Mormon Mesa, Nevada, about 5 A.M.
Falling asleep in his truck in the Nevada desert, Truman Bethurum awoke
surrounded by "eight to ten small men, all about four feet eight inches to five
feet high." He said the beings were fully developed men. They spoke English,
saying, "We have no trouble with any language." Bethurum was invited aboard a
nearby saucershaped "space scow" and was introduced to their captain, Aura
Rhanes, whose "smooth skin was beautiful olive and roses." The thirty-two-man
crew were "Latin types ... [with complexions] something like Italians." All were
neatly dressed in uniforms similar to those "worn by Greyhound bus drivers."
All had coal-black hair and dark eyes. Aura Rhanes wore a black skirt and red
blouse. She was four and a half feet tall, and she said they hailed from the planet
Clarion. They came to Earth to rekindle old values like family and home in order
to prevent a nuclear holocaust and bring humanity closer to God. Bethurum
wasn't told how old Aura was because, like Earth women, she was cautious
about revealing her age, but she assured him she was "under a thousand." Based
on conversations with Captain Rhanes, Bethurum predicted that "there will be no
atomic or hydrogen warfare, ever," and that "our fiveyear-old children of today
will not marry soldiers. We are on the threshold of a lasting peace and prosperity
Auto repair shop owner Cecil Michael observed a flying saucer with two
humanlike occupants near Bakersfield in mid-August. He viewed the craft "too
closely" and "had been spotted and tagged for a return visit."
At about 9:30 A.M. on October 14, Michael was working alone in his shop
when two "big men" (some 220 pounds and about six feet tall) walked in. They
had "medium dark" complexions, were "smooth-shaven" and "athletic"
appearing. They asked telepathically: "Did we scare you, Red?" "You sure as
hell did," he replied. The beings stayed for a couple of months, vanishing
whenever customers came.
One day, the beings put Michael in a "trance" state, taking him on a
telepathic trip. He was tied up inside a saucer, and the two beings took him to an
orange planet that was very hot (about one hundred degrees), where he met the
"devil." Suddenly, "In the middle of a light, Christ appeared in plain view.... I
turned to the old bum [the devil] and, pointing my hand to the light, said, "If you
don't let me go, He will send for me." The devil responded: 'Yes, He is always
interfering.'" Michael was returned to Earth after spending about two and a half
weeks on the planet. Upon returning, the two space beings tried to regain his
friendship, asking him to write the story of the incident with the devil for the
benefit of humanity. The beings then left, never to return.
Cecil Michael, Round Trip to Hell in a Flying Saucer (Auckland, New Zealand:
Phoenix, 1971), originally published by Vantage Press, n.p., 1955.
23. November 20, 1952, California desert, afternoon
Prior to his initial contact, George Adamski claims to have taken over five
hundred photos of UFOs. After several unsuccessful expeditions to the
California desert in hopes of meeting aliens, he reported contact on November
20. A "gigantic cigarshaped silvery ship without wings or appendages" landed in
a flash of light. A man from Venus, shorter than Adamski, but generally human
in appearance, with long, beautiful golden hair, emerged. They communicated
telepathically for about an hour. "Orthon" said the friendly Venusians "are
concerned about the buildup of radioactivity in the Earth's atmosphere. They feel
the radiation from the U.S. and Russian atomic tests is a danger to our planet."
On several future occasions Adamski claims contacts with space beings,
frequently being invited to board ships from Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter,
often enjoying the company of "beautiful" female inhabitants. The beings were
normal enough in appearance that they often made contact with humans in bars
and nightclubs before inviting them aboard. An elderly space being, "The
Master," told Adamski that the space people came to save Earth from nuclear
destruction and that Adamski had been selected to warn humankind.
George Adamski, Inside the Spaceships (New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1955).
Aladina Felix (alias Dino Kraspedon) claims that a bell-shaped UFO landed in
the mountains, and he entered it and made contact. One of the occupants, a man
over six feet tall, told him they lived on lo and Ganymede (two moons of
Jupiter), where there were races of tall, medium, and small people, including
races of black, white, and red-skinned beings. The craft then left.
In March 1954, Felix claims a male Venusian pilot came to his house in a
cashmere suit, white shirt, and blue tie. They have met on numerous occasions
since, discussing flying saucers, how they fly, and the universe.
In 1965, Felix warned of disasters to hit Sao Paulo, and in 1968 predicted a
wave of violence in the city. He was correct. In 1968 public buildings and police
stations were dynamited. When the perpetrators were caught, Felix was named
as leader and arrested on August 22, 1968. The group reportedly planned to take
over Brazil via a series of assassinations.
Jim Lorenzen and Coral Lorenzen, UFOs over the Americas (London: N.E.L.
[Signet Paperback, 1968]), pp. 122-48; Flying Saucer Review 16, no. 6 (1970):
Only one of the men spoke (in Spanish), "stringing the words together" in a
strange accent, while the other apparently understood the conversation but did
not speak. At first they discussed trivial matters, including his car. Then, at one
point, the man said, "We are not of this planet. We come from one far distant,
but we know much about your world."
At dawn Villanueva went with them to their saucershaped craft, located in a
clearing by the road. They crossed a swampy area in which Villanueva's legs
sank deeply, but the legs of both men remained clean. "When their feet touched
the muddy pools, their belts glowed, and the mud sprang away as if repelled by
some invisible force."
Villanueva was invited aboard the craft, which stood on three great metal
spheres, but he declined and ran away. The craft rose, began glowing intensely,
then shot off at fantastic speed.
27. March, 1954, near Santa Maria, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Rubem Hellwig claims to have twice contacted aliens. The first encounter
(March 1954) occurred as he was driving down a road and saw a melon-shaped
craft about the size of a Volkswagon car resting near the road. The crew
consisted of two men (about five feet tall) with slim builds and brown faces.
Hellwig stopped the car and approached. One man was inside the object and the
other was collecting specimens of grass. Hellwig claims he somehow understood
what they asked him, which was where could they get some ammonia. After he
directed them to a nearby town, the craft emitted bright blue and yellow flames
as it vanished silently and instantly.
Early the next day, Hellwig claimed to have contacted a similar machine
but with a different crew. The trio said they were scientists, they spoke
enthusiastically of Brazil's natural resources, and were surprised that unlike other
people they encountered, Hellwig didn't flee in fear.
Gilbert Lelay was walking and saw a "phosphorescent cigar" in a pasture and a
man in a gray suit, boots, and gray hat nearby. The man put his hand on Lelay's
shoulder and said in French, "Look, but don't touch." He held a flashing sphere
emitting purple rays in his other hand. He then reentered the craft, which had
colored lights and what appeared to be a control console. The door shut, the
object rose up, made two loops, and flew off while radiating light.
John A. Keel, Why UFOs (New York: Manor, 1970), pp. 260-61.
A Czechoslovakian citizen living in France, Lazlo Ujvari was heading for work
starting at 3 A.M. when he met a portly man of medium height a quarter mile
from his house. The man wore a gray jacket with shoulder insignias, a
motorcycle helmet and was carrying a gun. After the man addressed Ujvari in an
unknown language, Ujvari tried speaking Russian, to which the stranger
immediately responded, asking in a highpitched voice, "Where am I? In Italy, in
Spain?" He then asked how far he was from the German border, and, "What time
is it?" Ujvari replied, "It's 2:30." The being then pulled out a watch and bluntly
snapped, "You lie-it is four o'clock." He then inquired how far and in what
direction Marseilles was. He had Ujvari walk on the road with him. They soon
came upon a grayish saucershaped craft (three feet high and five feet in diameter
with an antenna on top) on the road. Ujvari approached to within thirty feet
when the man told him to move away. The object soon flew off "with the noise
of a sewing machine."
Jacques Vallee, The Invisible College (New York: E. P. Dutton paperback
edition, 1976), pp. 26-27; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia (Chicago: Henry
Regnery, 1969), pp. 146-47; Allan Hendry, The UFO Handbook (New York:
Doubleday, 1979), p. 141.
35. August 30, 1955, Mulberry Corners, Ohio, 1:45 A.M.
Driving home, David Ankenbrandt saw a bright yellow light land. He stopped,
approached and found a domed craft (thirty feet in diameter). A paralyzing green
ray hit him and a man (at least six feet tall) in a onepiece outfit came out and
said in a highpitched voice to tell the government to stop all wars. The being
reentered the object and flew off. Two days later, Ankenbrandt went to the spot
and encountered the same being, who repeated the earlier message. Report filed
by O. D. Hill, Project Bluebook.
36. 1955, Toronto, Canada
An inner circle of twelve people claim to have made "tele-contact" with "saucer
people." Their voice carried an unearthly accent which varied depending on
which planet a particular speaker was from. They found English difficult to
speak and said they had to learn it before being able to communicate with the
group. One of the lectures was on vegetarianism.
Natal Witness (South Africa), April 16, 1983. Cynthia Hind, UFOs: African
Encounters (Zimbabwe: Gemini, 1982), pp. 21-43.
Todd Kittredge was awakened by a loud noise and his barking dogs and watched
an eight-feet gold-colored sphere land in his yard. Three men about six feet five
inches tall with long blond hair and green onepiece outfits came out. Todd shook
hands with them, and they said in mechanical-sounding voices that they hailed
from Venus and were on a mission to help Earthlings. Todd claimed several later
After eating lunch, Luciano Galli left home and was headed back to work when
a black car pulled up and a man he had met once on a Rome street asked him to
take a ride. He agreed, and a third man drove them to a saucer by Croara Ridge.
Galli followed the tall, dark-complexioned, black-eyed man into the craft.
Suddenly, two lights flashed and he was told, "We have just taken your picture."
He was taken for a ride to a nearby two-thousand-foot-long cigarshaped space
station, which several saucers were entering and leaving. They went into a
chamber with "four or five hundred people there ... standing and walking
around." After touring the complex, Galli was returned to Croara Ridge. The
whole episode lasted less than four hours.
John A. Keel, Why UFOs (New York: Manor, 1970), pp. 186-87, also published
as UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (New York: Putnum's Sons, 1970).
42. July 1957, Bela Island, Brazil, evening
Brazillian lawyer Joao de Freitas Guimaraes was walking alone on a beach when
a pot-bellied object surfaced and came ashore. Two men, about five feet ten
inches tall wearing tight green uniforms, emerged. He tried Portuguese, Italian,
English, and French, but they didn't understand anything. The pair helped him
climb the long ladder into the craft. As the ship flew off, water splashed against
the portholes. Guimaraes asked if it was raining, and he got a telepathic reply.
For the forty minutes they flew in the upper atmosphere he felt pain, along with
a cold feeling in his genitals. He was then dropped off at the same spot he was
picked up.
John A. Keel, Why UFOs (New York: Manor, 1970), pp. 187-88, also published
as UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (New York: Putnum's Sons, 1970).
On a mission with two other officers to guard a downed air force plane until
proper men and equipment could reach the site and recover it, an unnamed male
officer was left alone in a tent while his companions went for supplies. He heard
a highpitched hum; and a large, bright metal disc was hovering above him. The
disc slowly descended, causing grass and plants to flutter wildly. Frantically
tugging on his gun, the officer could not unholster it. A gentle voice (in Spanish)
said not to fear, explaining that the interplanetary spaceship had a base in the
nearby province of Salta. "We intend to help you," it said, "for the misuse of
atomic energy threatens to destroy you." The voice then predicted that the entire
world would soon know of the saucers. Bushes and trees rustled as the craft flew
45. October 15 and 16, 1957, near Sao Francisco de Sales, state of Minas Gerais,
Brazil, night
During the night of October 15 and 16, farmer Antonio Villas Boas reportedly
witnessed a birdlike object land nearby as he was plowing with a tractor. The
craft stood on three legs and emitted a blinding red light and was covered with
small purple lights. After his tractor engine stopped Boas ran, but he was
grabbed by four people in rough, gray, onepiece garments and helmets. He was
taken aboard, undressed, and seduced by an extremely fairskinned, freckled
young female with high cheekbones, a very pointed chin, and vivid "Chinese-
type" slanted eyes. Regarding the sex act, Antonio said "It was a normal act, and
she behaved just as any woman would...." Shortly after the act, the woman
"pointed at her belly and then pointed toward the sky." She stood five feet eight
inches without a helmet.
The occupants, two men and two women (all middle-aged), wore ordinary
clothing and were working on some wiring. Instead of walking, the beings "slid."
Schmidt was told to tell people they meant no harm, and in "a short time" he
might "know all about it." After being asked to leave, the ship silently lifted
straight up and disappeared. After it left, Schmidt's car engine was able to be
Coral Lorenzen, "UFO Occupants in the United States," in Charles Bowen, ed.,
The Humanoids (Great Britain: Futura, 1977), p. 153, citing reports by United
Press International, Associated Press, Chicago Sun Times, November 8, 1957.
47. November 6, 1957, near Playa del Rey, California, 5:40 A.M.
Richard Keyhoe claims that while driving along the Vista del Mar roadway, his
engine stopped, as did those of three other cars. The drivers saw an eggshaped
object enveloped in a "blue haze" on the nearby beach. According to Keyhoe,
two "little men" (five feet five inches tall) left the object and began asking
questions of him and other drivers, such as "where we were going, who we were,
what time it was, etc." Keyhoe said their skin was yellowish-green, but
otherwise they were normal. They wore black leather pants, white belts and
light-colored jerseys. After telling the beings he had to go to work, they
reentered the ship and flew off. The presence of the other witnesses has never
been corroborated.
Coral Lorenzen, "UFO Occupants in the United States," in Charles Bowen, ed.,
The Humanoids (Great Britain: Futura, 1977), pp. 156-57, citing C.S.I.
Newsletter, December 1957.
48. November 6, 1957, Everittstown, New Jersey,
John Trasco walked outside to feed his dog and saw a brilliant eggshaped object
hovering in front of his barn. Confronted by a three foottall being with large
froglike eyes, Trasco thought the "little man" said, in broken English, "We are
peaceful people, we only want your dog." Frightened, he replied, "Get the hell
out of here."
Mrs. Trasco saw the object from inside the house, but the shrubbery
prevented her from seeing the creature. It was dressed in a green suit with shiny
buttons, a green tam-o-shanter-like cap, and gloves with a shiny object at the tip
of each finger. His "putty-colored" face had a nose and chin. After Trasco yelled
at the creature to leave, it fled into the craft, which took off rapidly. Trasco
reportedly had a green powder on his wrist and under his fingernails, which
washed off.
Coral Lorenzen, "UFO Occupants in the United States," in Charles Bowen, ed.,
The Humanoids (Great Britain: Futura), p. 156, citing the Knoxville News-
Sentinel (Tennessee), 6, 1957; the Delaware Valley News, November 15, 1957;
C.S.I. Newsletter, December 1957.
49. November 18, 1957, Cynthia Appleton house, Birmingham, England, 3 P.M.
The man said he was from another world and was looking for a certain
substance, which Appleton thought sounded like "titium," but which her metal-
worker husband later suggested might be titanium. She agreed that was the
name. Through a mysterious process involving his hand, the stranger conveyed
the picture of a saucershaped craft with a transparent dome. The visitor indicated
that he came from a world of peace and harmony. At the end of the contact
"suddenly he wasn't there anymore."
Appleton has since claimed several other contacts. During one encounter
two beings appeared in her home and in a foreignsounding English said they
appear only to her because her brain was suitably fitted for such contacts. On
one particular occasion she was told, "The Deity itself dwells at the heart and
core of the atom." Charles Bowen, "Few and Far Between," in Charles Bowen,
ed., The Humanoids (Great Britain: Futura, 1977), pp. 17-18, citing
"Birmingham Woman Meets Spacemen," Flying Saucer Review 4 (March/April
50. December 1957, El Cajon, California, night
Awakened by a roaring sound, Edmund Rucker saw an object land near his
house. He saw four creatures with large heads through the lighted windows.
When they emerged, he noticed they had domed foreheads and bulging eyes.
They communicated to him in English their philanthropic and scientific motives.
Metempirical UFO Bulletin (MUFOB), 14, no. 48 (Spring 1979): 10, citing UFO
Critical Bulletin 111 2: 5. Also, Saucers, Space & Science (March 1959). The
account appears in MUFOB as part of Peter Rogerson's international catalogue
of "type 1" UFO records.
52. 1957, Bayswater, western Australia, evening
Early one evening a "strange object in the sky" was seen by Mr. Laurie
Campbell while he was driving with friends. Later the same evening, a five-feet
twoinch being with "human features" came to his house and spoke telepathically
"about various things." Campbell says, "Since then I have been obsessed with
outer space." Sunday Times (Perth), western Australia, September 16, 1984.
Mr. A. Berlet was hitchhiking and saw a light on the ground. He approached it
and found a round object (one hundred feet in diam eter). When he was within
about thirty yards of the object he was hit by a light and passed out. He awoke to
find himself tied to a bed in the craft. He was untied and dressed in skin-tight
clothing, then left the craft and walked through a city of large glowing buildings.
He was fed meat and bread, felt unusually light, and given a bath in water that
didn't feel heavy. After trying several languages, including Spanish and Italian,
only German evoked a response. A guide called Acorc said that he was on Acart,
thirtyone million miles from Earth. It has a population of ninety million in its
capital city and is faced with serious overcrowding. They plan to colonize Earth
soon, after we've destroyed ourselves. After eight days on the planet, Berlet was
returned to Earth (three miles from Sarandi), but it took him three hours to walk
home as he had to readjust to the heavy gravity.
SBEDV Special Bulletin, 1975, pp. 49-51, citing a publication by A. Berlet,
Discos Voadores da Utopia a Realidade, published privately in Rio de Janeiro,
54. Approximately 1958, Miami Beach, Florida, night
Jessica Rolfe (pseudonym) was living at age five in Miami Beach, Florida, with
her adoptive parents. One night three well-built, tall "men" with golden skin and
brownish-gold hair materialized in her room. They lifted her from bed,
telepathically saying, "Would you like to come with us now?" She replied, "No,
I like it here." The men then returned her to bed and said it was okay, and then
disappeared. Between ages five and fourteen, she claims various alien males
from the same race would visit her bedside, teaching her many things. At age
fourteen, she "chose" to ride in their spacecraft "powered by ... magnetic energy
and the energy of the navigator." The race of beings is highly evolved relative to
Earth and often act as guides for other alien races visiting Earth. She decided to
call them the Kuran race. According to their version of creation, several species
of beings which once inhabited a planet in our solar system were offered the
chance to be transported to other planets before their planet broke up into what is
now the asteroid belt. Of the two races that agreed, Cro-Magnon was put on
Earth; the other race went to a planet in the Pegasus constellation. Another alien
race inhabited Earth at the time (known as Bigfoot today) but were unable to
leave because of a transportation problem. Rolfe says she has read extensively in
the paranormal.
Alan Gansberg and Judith Gansberg, Direct Encounters: The Personal Histories
of UFO Abductions (New York: Walker & Walker, 1980), pp. 29-37.
Watching a silvery object descend in his yard, chicken farmer Joe Simonton
approached it without fear. A "hatch" opened and he saw three dark-skinned men
inside. One of them handed him a silver-colored jug with two handles and made
a motion like drinking, apparently indicating he wanted water. Simonton took
the jug, filled it, and handed it back.
Awakening from sleep, an unnamed man notices two small men standing next to
his bed. He is suddenly paralyzed, but strangely content and fearless. The beings
(four to five feet tall) were clad in dark-colored two-piece garments with a belt
around the middle. One of the two "beautifully proportioned" men appeared
older and had a receding hairline. They didn't walk, but floated. They spoke for
about a minute, intimating that they would visit again. One of the visitors then
said to the other, "I think he's waking up on us. We'd better go." The figures
vanished while a hissing sound was heard. As soon as they disappeared the man
was no longer frozen. His wife (also in the house) recounted a similar experience
of seeing two men and being unable to move.
A neighbor claims at the same time the experience occurred to have seen a
brilliant blue globe in front of the couple's house, which slowly flew off.
59. September 19-20, 1961, Indian Head, New Hampshire, about midnight
On February 22, 1962, Barney, after suffering from extreme tension and
nervousness (apparently attributable to high blood pressure), sought prescribed
hypnotic regression with Dr. Benjamin Simon, a psychiatrist and neurologist.
Barney recounted how he and Betty had been escorted to a craft by short beings
with large, hairless heads, slits for nostrils, and metallic skin. They were given
medical exams and were told they would forget the experience and be released.
Barney was given a posthypnotic suggestion by Dr. Simon that he would not be
able to consciously recall the abduction. Then, unbeknownst to Betty, Simon
regressed her and found a very similar abduction story. Betty was told the reason
for her regression was medical in nature. She had no prior knowledge of
Barney's story.
Betty told of having a needlelike instrument pushed into her navel during
the alien exam. The beings said it was a pregnancy test. Barney had a cuplike
device placed over his genitals and experienced coldness and pain there. After
the incident he developed a mysterious ring of warts around his genitals.
Ronald Story, Sightings (New York: Quill, 1982); Coral Lorenzen and Jim
Lorenzen, Abducted!: Confrontations with Beings from Outer Space (Berkeley,
Calif.: Medallion, 1977); R. Sheaffer, The UFO Verdict (Amherst, N.Y.:
Prometheus Books, 1981); J. G. Fuller, The Interrupted Journey (New York:
Dial, 1977).
Fishing on a branch of the Salado River, a man saw an object (thirty-three feet in
diameter) land nearby and approached it. Two beings (four and a half to five feet
tall) wearing what appeared to be plastic diving suits came near him, inviting
him aboard via drawings and signs. He was sprayed to protect him from the
craft's interior atmosphere. The craft began whistling and rotating, then he was
taken for a ride.
Returning from a hunting trip, four men were in a car driving through freezing
rain and sleet. Only the driver was awake, who saw a brilliantly illuminated
object descending one-half mile ahead to the right of the highway. They soon
came upon the glowing tail of a silverish "silo-appearing type craft" protruding
from the ground about one hundred fifty yards off and four "people" who were
"standing around it." Thinking a plane had crashed, they pulled over and shone a
flashlight on the scene. One of the "people" was close enough to be able to get a
fairly good description-five feet five inches tall or less wearing a white coverall
garment. They appeared to be humans. Surprisingly, "he made this gesture of,
well, move back, or get out of here!" After summoning a highway patrolman
they had passed earlier on the road, the men returned to the site to find
everything gone. Seeing a taillight off in a field, they drove "right up behind this
'vehicle,' its lights went out and it vanished." There were no indications that any
object had been there, despite heavy mud in the area. After the perplexed officer
left, the men drove two miles and saw a glowing object land one hundred fifty
yards away. One of the hunters then shot toward the object, hitting "the right
shoulder of one of the 'forms.' " It spun to its knees, "got up with the other guys'
assistance ... and said, or hollered, 'Now what the hell did you do that for?' " The
men ran back to the car and drove off. They also reported a period of lost time en
route home.
A Canadian now living in Auckland, New Zealand, Mr. I. Boyes claims he was
telepathically attracted to a spacecraft one hundred miles from his Ontario home.
He hitchhiked to the spot and was taken aboard a circular craft (one hundred feet
in diameter). The three crewmen said they came from the Earth's "coniferous"
age (coniferous refers to pine trees!) and time-traveled to the present. They had
white hair, bronze skin, and spoke highly accented English. Boyes says he was
picked to help form a group, which he is presently promoting, called "Integral
Structures Utopia."
Personal letter from John B. Musgrave, employee of the Mobile Planetarium
Project at the Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, citing the New
Zealand Herald, April 24, 1972.
In October 1961, Lael visited the mountainside, again entering the invisible
door. This time he was offered and accepted a ride to Venus. Two days later he
arrived on what he believed was Venus, and met direct descendants of people
from Pewam. He described an attractive female named Noma, scantily clad in a
bra and panties. While on Venus, he was also shown what appeared to be
newsreels showing the destruction of Pewam, along with scenes of early humans
on Earth.
Milt Machlin and Timothy G. Beckley, UFO (New York: Quick Fox, 1981), p.
Returning home from visiting a sick friend, tailor Mario Zuccula skirted a
cemetery. Suddenly feeling a current of air from behind, he saw a gray or white
metallic object hovering seven feet off the ground, from which a small metallic
cylinder detached itself and landed. An intense bright light radiated from the
door and two small men (about four and a half feet) emerged. The men, wearing
hoods over their heads, approached, lifted Zuccula up, and carried him into the
cylinder. They spoke in a serious tone (in Italian), which seemed to come from
an amplifier. One of them said that "at the end of the fourth moon, about one
hour from morning, we will return to give you a message to humanity." Zuccula
next recalls standing near his house, where he was found.
Aerial Phenomena Research Organization Bulletin, January 1963, p. 6; Flying
Saucer Review 8, no. 4 (1962). The accounts conflict slightly. FSR has the date
April 10, while APRO gives April 11. APRO says the mother ship was white;
FSR, gray.
65. April 30, 1962, Mount Manfre, near Sicily, Italy, night
66. August 19 and 20, 1962, Duas Pontes, near Diamantina, state of Minas
Gerais, Brazil, night
In the early 1960s, several newspapers carried the fantastic story of twelve-year-
old Raimundo Aleluia Mafra, who, after his father (Rivalino Mafra da Silva) was
reported missing, claimed that he was abducted by a UFO. The boy says on the
night of August 19, his family was in bed-himself, his father, and two brothers
(six yearold Fatimo, two-year-old Dirceu)-when he heard a noise and saw a
strange silhouette floating in the house. "It was a weird shadow, not looking like
a human being." It looked at him and his two brothers "for a long time" before it
left the room. Soon he heard a voice say, "This one looks like Rivalino." The
boy says he then heard the entities talking outside the house, saying they were
going to kill his father.
The next morning, two floating spheres were seen hovering near the ground
by the house. One globe was black, while the other was black and white. Both
had antennalike protuberances and gave off fire through an opening. The objects
then merged and slowly moved toward his father, enveloping him in yellow
smoke. "Then the yellow smoke dissolved. The balls were gone. My father was
Gordon Creighton, "Healing from UFOs," Flying Saucer Review 15, no. 5
(1969): 20.
A woman saw a gray object hovering off the ground. Three occupants were
visible through a transparent front section. One of the entities was suddenly
standing outside the craft, wearing "asbestos-textured coveralls." Its face, hands,
and feet were not visible. After asking, "What do you want?" the entity replied in
English: "One of our party knows you; we will return." The object began to get
smaller, tilted, sank partially into the ground, expanded to its earlier size and
flew east, giving off steam, a flash, and noise.
70. April 24, 1964, Tioga City, New York, approximately 10 A.M.
Farmer Gary Wilcox was spreading fertilizer in an open field when he stopped to
check on another field nearby. Approaching the field, he saw a tiny eggshaped
object on the ground. He saw two small men (about four feet) clad in seamless
outfits with hoods completely covering their faces. Each carried a tray with what
appeared to be soil. One of them told Wilcox they were from Mars and that he
need not be afraid, as they had talked to people before. The man's voice (he
spoke smooth, effortless English) seemed to come from his body rather than his
head. They then discussed organic material, including fertilizers. Wilcox was
told that on Mars, food was grown in the atmosphere. The being said they could
travel to Earth only every two years. They then asked for fertilizer, but when
Wilcox went to get it, the craft flew off. Wilcox got a bag of fertilizer and left it
in the field; he claimed it was gone the next day.
Coral Lorenzen, "UFO Occupants in the United States," in Charles Bowen,' ed.,
The Humanoids (Great Britain: Futura, 1977), pp. 163-64, citing Sun-Bulletin
(Binghamton, N.Y.), May 1, 1964.
Several boys saw a human-looking dwarf in a black suit with a helmet and glass
in front of his face. He spoke in a strange voice "as if it came from a pipe." He
walked into a shiny object in some nearby brush as the boys raced home. The
witnesses were Randy Travis, age nine; Edmund Travis, age nine; Floyd Moore,
age ten; and two other boys.
In a later contact, three beings appeared in the bedroom, thanked her for not
being afraid, and said that they were leaving soon.
Flying Saucer Review 22, no. 3 (1976): 27; Northern UFO Network News, no.
25 (1976); Awareness (Autumn 1976): 9.
76. August, 1964, northern New Jersey, afternoon
During the morning, a group of thirteen people, including Robert A. Wilson, saw
a saucershaped object land on a hill. Some of the witnesses saw what appeared
to be humanoid occupants wearing silverish suits. During the afternoon, Wilson's
fiveyear-old son, Graham, met an "extraterrestrial" in a wooded area near the
same hill. She had silverish skin and told him he should become a medical
doctor as an adult.
Robert A. Wilson, The Cosmic Trigger (Berkeley, Calif.: And/Or Press, 1977).
77. Approximately 1964, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Philip Osborne watched a 1979 NBC-TV documentary on UFO abductions
featuring researcher Budd Hopkins. A few weeks later he became paralyzed for
about a minute in the middle of the night. He called Hopkins and told him of a
similar experience in 1964, while at Carnegie Tech in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
when he awoke during the night paralyzed with the feeling that someone was
watching him. He recalled another childhood experience (at age six or seven)
while vacationing in the Tennessee Smoky Mountains. He became frightened
while searching for his brother's lost jacket at night near a remote picnic site.
The next week, during another hypnosis session, he said that he thought he
was carried to "a large, illuminated, round spherical" object. He felt calm and
saw "a large eye.. . staring at me," possibly suspended overhead. During the
incident he also saw a metallic arm which he associated with a cut on his leg.
Regarding the Carnegie Tech incident, he told of walking outside after the
one-minute paralysis and being "led" to the remote grounds of the Heinz
mansion. He saw a light and was drawn to a group of beings behind the mansion
who had big foreheads and "metallic" eyes.
A third session with Dr. Clamar occurred June 7, 1979, again concentrating
on this experience. He described seeing a being with pinkish skin. Then he
"suddenly ... felt much more calm." The being's eyes were deep-set under its
protruding forehead. A voice said, "Everything will be all right."
He had a fourth hypnotic session April 12, 1980, and remembered that a
"flying saucer" was near the Heinz mansion and he soon realized he was inside a
dome-shaped room with two glowing spheres hovering on each side of his head,
apparently calming him. In addition to the large-headed humanoids, there was at
least one tiny robotlike figure present.
Coral Lorenzen, Flying Saucers: The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from
Outer Space (New York: Signet, 1966), p. 80, originally published as The Great
Flying Saucer Hoax (Tucson: William-Frederick Press, 1962).
Walking along Manresa Beach, Mr. S. Padrick came upon a landed object, and a
voice invited him inside. He met a man about five feet ten inches tall with short
auburn hair, a pale face, sharp chin and nose, and long fingers. He called himself
John A. Keel, Why UFOs (New York: Manor, 1970), p. 212, also published as
UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (New York: Putnum's Sons, 1970).
One of several saucers seen in flight landed. About fifty Toba Indians, along
with Argentine police, allegedly watched as three tall beings descended from the
craft and slowly approached. The Indians knelt, praising them with uplifted arms
in the traditional sun-worshiping ceremony of their ancestors, when they heard a
voice from either the beings or their craft. It said they should not fear, for the
space people would soon return to convince Earthmen of their existence, and
bring peace. One Indian attempted to approach the machine but was dissuaded
by gestures. The creatures (all the time enveloped in luminous halos) then slowly
returned to the saucer. Luminous beams seemed to emanate from small wings on
the craft. The luminosity became blinding as it took off. Several photos were
reportedly taken.
82. April 1965, near Monte Grande, province of Entre Rios, Argentina
Shopkeeper Felipe Martinez claims to have seen a large eggshaped craft while
hunting. It was hovering silently just off the ground, and as he rushed
enthusiastically toward it, shouting "Amigo!" (Spanish for "friend"), he suddenly
became paralyzed. A door in the object opened, and a man (three feet tall)
wearing a "diver's costume" stepped out. Two cables ran from his helmet to the
saucer. As they talked, the entity spoke slowly, with difficulty. He said his
people were friendly and "came from near the moon." He called his machine a
"sil" and told Martinez they would meet again May 3, 1965. He also said they
needed help from us. Martinez replied that he wasn't in a position to give them
much help, but that he'd report the contact to the local radio station. "Yes, we
know," the little man said, extending a clammy hand and promising to see him
again May 3.
Martinez claims to have met with aliens on May 3 and several occasions
since. After a third alleged meeting (11 P.M. on July 21, 1965), he told the same
little man his difficulty in finding anyone to believe him, to which the being
replied they would soon show themselves to people everywhere on Earth. He
was then warned if he failed to keep a December 3,1965, rendezvous, they
would take him and his family away, then burn Earth as punishment for failing
to accept their existence.
While quietly fishing in the River Paraiba, Joao do Rio, a railway worker,
noticed a saucer land nearby. A strange man, just over two tall feet with large
luminous eyes, approached him. Speaking perfect Portuguese, he said he was
from a flying saucer from another world and told him to relate his contact to
fellow countrymen. Before reentering the saucer, he gave the man a piece of
metal, which was later analyzed with inconclusive results.
John A. Keel, Our Haunted Planet (Conn.: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1971), p. 123.
85. August 23, 1965, near Mexico City, night
Three students of La Salle University claim to have seen a shiny 160-foot disc
emitting an intense white light land just outside Mexico City. The fair-haired,
blue-eyed beings looked entirely like Earthlings, but towered over seven feet
high. They wore seamless onepiece garb, metallic in appearance. The students
were invited into the ship and taken for a three-hour journey to a large space
station. The saucer ride was exceptionally quiet, and the beings said they
communicated with each other telepathically. Their instruments were also
operated by thought-power. The space station was occupied by aliens of
different sizes and appearance from various parts of our solar system. The
students also claimed to have met aboard the space station a Brazilian family
who became lost in the jungles of their own country whom the aliens picked up.
The beings who picked the students up hailed from Ganymede, the third moon of
Jupiter. The visitors said they were a thousand years ahead of Earth and that they
knew seven hundred Earth languages in addition to Spanish. The aliens said they
would make a mass landing on Earth in October 1965 to effect a peaceful
conquest and teach us how to use the power of thought properly and
constructively, not destructively, as we presently do.
Gordon Creighton, "The Humanoids in Latin America," in Charles Bowen, ed.,
The Humanoids (Great Britain: Futura, 1977), pp. 118-19, citing Ultimas
Noticias (Mexico City), August 22, 1965; Ultima Hora (Buenos Aires), August
22, 1965 (which gives full names of all students); Noticias Populares (Sao
Paulo), August 23, 1965; La Montagne (France), August 23, 1965; Bayreuther
Tagblatt (Germany), September 28, 1965.
86. August 23, 1965, near Mexico City, night
A trio of boys from a secondary school claimed to have contacted occupants
from a saucer which landed by a road outside Mexico City, on the same night,
time, and location as the three La Salle University students in the previous case.
Their stories are identical in every respect.
A popular musician and a companion were driving when their car stopped and
rose into the air. A voice said, "We come from a distant star ... know your ...
languages.... We like music very much, and ... especially esteem yours." They
also said, "We believe in God." The car was then returned to the ground.
Helping another man deliver oil barrels by truck, an unnamed mechanic claims
to have set a homing device in a field. He said then a saucershaped object (thirty
feet in diameter) set down on three legs. The five-foot-tall pilot inside allowed
him to come aboard, telling him in Spanish that the craft was used only for
travelling on Earth and that it took eighteen to twenty years to reach Earth. The
witness also claims to have received letters from an alien living in Seattle,
90. July 31, 1966, between Chatham and Rochester, England, 12 P.m.
Kevin Kane heard a hum and saw a round object (about sixty feet in diameter)
with wings and an antenna. "Everything glowed" upon the craft's landing. A six-
foot-tall man dressed in black "told me to say no more than I have said," and
snatched his camera. Male crew members wore black; the women, white. The
craft then flew off.
Inside her home, Mrs. Everett Steward smelled a bad odor, felt someone was
watching her, and went to the bedroom where she saw an eggshaped object with
revolving red, green, and white lights and portholes. Several other people
claimed to have seen it (seventy-five to one hundred feet off the ground).
After she went to bed, a bright white light filled the room, then vanished.
Suddenly, a glowing globe appeared at the end of her bed, containing five "non-
human" beings with bald heads and oval sunken eyes. They had slits for noses,
appeared mouthless, and repeated the mental "We have made contact" message
several times.
Leonard Stringfield, Situation Red: The UFO Siege! (Garden City, N.Y.:
Doubleday, 1977), pp. 33-36.
93. November 2, 1966, between Mineral Wells, West Virginia, and Marginia,
Ohio, night
Derenberger claims several visits with Indrid Cold since. Cold and
companions often arrive by car. They hail from Lanulos in "the galaxy of
Genemedes." Derenberger says he was taken there and saw many cities and
people with "colorful shorts" and signs written in Chinese-type script. The air
and climate are identical to Earth.
John A. Keel, Why UFOs (New York: Manor, 1970), pp. 178-80, also published
as UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (New York: Putnum's Sons, 1970). 94.
November 17, 1966, Gaffney, South Carolina, 4 A.M.
Two Gaffney, South Carolina, police officers (Charles Hutchins and A. G.
Huskey) were patroling an isolated road when they saw a gold metallic sphere
with a wide flat rim hovered just above the ground. A small door opened and a
tiny ladder came down. They had a conversation with a four-foot-tall man.
Hutchins said, "He talked real good ... like a college graduate ... acted like he
knew exactly what he was saying and doing ... didn't make any quick or false
moves ... just stood there and talked to us." Hutchins asked what he was doing
and where he was from, but "he just laughed ... a funny kind of laugh." The
being asked "why we were both dressed alike...." The conversation lasted two or
three minutes. Speaking slowly and precisely, the small man declared, "I ... will
... return ... in ... two ... days," climbed up the ladder, and took off with a noise
"like an engine with a muffler on it." The being never returned.
John A. Keel, Strange Creatures from Time and Space (Conn.: Fawcett Gold
Medal, 1970), pp. 149, 157-61.
Under regressive hypnosis ten years later, Betty said she saw four aliens
(about three feet tall) in dark blue uniforms and having big pear-shaped heads.
Their outfits had a bird insignia on the left sleeve. They had gray claylike skin,
slit mouths, and lined up one next to the other. The leader (taller than the rest-
about five feet) telepathically communicated his name as Quazgaa. Like the
others, he had two holes for a nose, a hole for each ear, and threefingered hands
covered with gloves. Betty offered them food, but Quazgaa said they needed
mind food. Betty gave him a Bible, and in return she got a thin blue book. Betty
was taken to an ovalshaped craft hovering in the back garden.
Inside the object, Betty saw a brilliant white light. She was told to undress,
was given a white garment to wear, and was examined. A probe was pushed up
her nose, while another entered her navel. They said she was being "measured
for procreation."
Betty then passed through a glass wall with two humanoids to a red region
where reptilelike beings were crawling everywhere. They next entered a very
beautiful area where everything was green. Floating over a pyramid, she saw a
crystal city where she was taken inside one of the structures. There she saw a
large bird. The room was suddenly bathed in heat and light, hurting Betty. When
the temperature dropped, the bird was gone, leaving only a mound of embers
from which a "big fat worm" emerged. Betty then heard what she believed to be
the voice of God.
The beings appeared to Betty in order to "reveal to man his true nature....
Man seeks to destroy himself. Greed, greed, greed ... it draws all foul things...."
She says they want "the truth-freedomlove-to understand man's hatred-to deal
with it righteously."
Under hypnosis, Betty's daughter Beckey also told of seeing the beings.
Betty, who at the time of the original incident was thirty years old and
unemployed, claims further contact since.
96. February 16, 1967, off Highway 70 near St. Louis, Missouri, morning
A 180-feet cigarshaped object landed in a field, and three beings in silver suits
invited Raymond Wettling inside for breakfast. They talked over coffee for an
hour and fortyfive minutes, and he was given a tour of the vessel's two rooms,
one engulfed in bright red light and the other looking like an office. He left the
craft, and it flew away vertically very fast.
While racoon hunting in the woods, DeWitt Baldwin heard a buzzing sound and
saw a gold-colored circular object land. A door slid open and a man in a
tightfitting suit with a helmet and some type of goggles "asked me what I was
doing ... he talked very plainly with no accent. I told him I was hunting. He
asked if I was born here and I said no.... He told me he would be back." The man
reentered the saucer and "seconds later zipped out of sight."
Buffalo Evening News (Buffalo, N.Y.), March 4, 1967, p. 1;. John A. Keel, Our
Haunted Planet (Greenwich, Conn.: Fawcett Gold Medal, 1971), p. 110; also, a
copy of a report by James Reed Jr. on the incident to the National Investigations
Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), via Robert C. Girard, UFO book
dealer, Scotia, N.Y.
An anonymous Butler man saw an unusual aerial light and with his daughter left
the house to investigate. He drove the family Volkswagen to the edge of town.
Minutes after parking on a back road, they spotted two spheres of light, which
rapidly picked up speed. The pair braced for a collision which never came. The
globes changed and took the forms of five beings who stood only feet from the
car. The humanlike entities had faces "totally devoid of expression.... Their
noses were narrow and pointed, and their mouths were slits like the eyes." Their
skin was like scar tissue or skin which has been severely burned. They wore
grayish-green shirts and pants, helmets which were flat on top, and had blond
hair. They stood five feet seven inches tall, although one was about five feet.
The daughter said there was "no noise in connection with either the lights or the
figures." The couple hurried into the car and sped away. The daughter later
remarked that when the lights approached the car, she could hear a telepathic
"chorus of voices" in her mind. "The voices said: 'Don't move ... don't move.'
They kept repeating 'Don't move ... don't move,' but they dragged out the words-
'Dooooooonnnn'tttt Mooooove.' When the lights vanished, the voices stopped at
once." Her father heard no voices.
Brad Steiger, Alien Meetings (New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1978), pp. 52-54.
While driving home, Carroll Watts saw an unusual light and turned his car off
the main road to get closer. He came upon a craft (one hundred feet by eight to
ten feet), left the car, and approached. A door slid open and a voice asked if he
would submit to a physical exam. The voice said it was needed if he wished to
take a ride-that any man passing the exam could fly with them-but women and
children weren't allowed. Watts was asked to stand in front of a device in order
to pass the test. He never saw an occupant, but just heard a voice: "They were
stationed all over the world and could come and go as they pleased-no one could
stop them.... When I declined the physical, they told me that several people had
taken the test and made flights." Watts returned to his car, and the craft flew off
Two weeks later, while driving near his home, Watts saw a light, and his
pickup truck stalled. An eggshaped craft landed, and he talked to four muscular
men (five feet tall) with slit mouths and elongated eyes and wearing white
coverall-type suits. When speaking, their mouths remained still. He was taken to
a bigger craft and examined with a machine that probed his body with wires.
Watts claims several contacts since.
John A. Keel, Strange Creatures from Time and Space (Conn.: Fawcett Gold
Medal, 1970), pp. 155-57.
100. March 1967, Mexico City, midnight
While Maria Cristina Leguizamo listened to the radio, a flying saucer landed in
her yard and an "extremely handsome man with green eyes" and shoulderlength
silver hair invited her to take a ride. She was told to remove her shoes first. The
being hailed from "the Green Planet" and said that the planet Arcobolus is
pulling Earth "little by little toward the sun." He also said "neither Russians nor
Americans will ever arrive at the moon."
The witness was returning from work and saw a round bluishwhite object land in
a wooded area. After alerting the sheriff's department, he drove to the area with
his wife and kids. The man and officers split up and searched the region, and the
witness saw a craft sitting in a swampy area and a man (five and a half feet tall)
nearby. After yelling hello a couple of times, he got a telepathic message to "get
away from here!" The witness fled back to the car.
Copy of a letter from the wife of the witness to the National Investigations
Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), via Robert C. Girard, UFO book
dealer, Scotia, N.Y.
A red sphere came through the bathroom window, struck a sixyear-old boy on
the forehead, and then traveled "up through the ceiling." Outside the window
there were bright red and blue lights and a lipless being with short horns and
slanted eyes. The entity asked the boy about the composition of the garden soil,
then asked him to "watch the rocketship" as he "would be right back." The being
(with two tanks on its back jetting white exhaust) flew to the roof. There were
two more beings in the ship. One of them came over and asked the boy what a
tree was. When it pointed a gunlike object at him, the boy ran out of the
bathroom, screaming.
Copy of a letter from the boy's mother to the National Investigations Committee
on Aerial Phenomena, via Robert Girard, UFO book dealer, Scotia, N.Y. The
letter is dated June 22, 1967.
103. Late June 1967, Wild Plum Campground near Downieville, California,
A group of tourists claim they were camping at the Wild Plum Campground and
heard a highpitched whistle. They saw a saucershaped object land in a gravel
parking area. A mechanical voice then requested they "identify themselves from
left to right," and they complied. The craft gave a whistling sound again and flew
straight up.
Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1969), pp. 147-
48, 347.
Driving near Big Tujunga Canyon, Mrs. Maris De Long and Michael Kisner
both heard a voice tell them to look for something unusual. They soon saw a
flash, and a disc-shaped object appeared. A creature called Kronin emerged,
saying he was "a space robot encased in a time capsule." He was very tall,
boneless, eyeless, and was head of the Kronian race.
Personal letter from John B. Musgrave of the Mobile Planetarium Project at the
Provincial Museum of Alberta, Canada, citing a Dusbury, Ontario (Canada),
newspaper dated autumn 1967.
107. August 16, 1967, Caracas, Venezuela
A four-foot-tall being with a big head and big eyes and wearing a shiny outfit
told Pedro Ramirez he was here because the Earth was "cracking and they
wished to save it."
Allan Hendry, The UFO Handbook (New York: Doubleday, 1979), p. 141; also
a copy of a letter to the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena
written by Vladimir Scheffer, August 22, 1967, via Robert C. Girard, UFO book
dealer, Scotia, N.Y.
108. August 29, 1967, Craddle Hill, Warminster,
A fiery, coneshaped object with a revolving rim landed, and Arthur Shuttlewood
claims to have approached and talked with a being during a "reassuring
meeting." The craft "blacked out" after six minutes, and he soon heard a
thumping noise pass by and felt a gust of wind.
Daniel Cohen, Creatures from UFO's (New York: Archway, 1979), p. 104.
In front of city hall police officer Porfirio Andrade saw a four-foottall man with
bulging, red glowing eyes wearing a silver uniform. He pointed his gun at it
when a voice from a disc-shaped object overhead said, "Don't do him any harm.
We are here on a peaceful mission. He'll do you no harm." Then the being on the
ground began talking, first repeating that they were peaceful and saying "they"
wanted Andrade to go with them to another planet where he would enjoy many
benefits over being on Earth. Frightened, Andrade refused, saying he was on
duty. The creature flew to the disc, into a door, and it flew away. The object
emitted flame and noise as it left.
Daniel Cohen, Creatures from UFO's (New York: Archway, 1979), pp. 104-105.
111. September 14, 1967, La Baleia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
A domed object (sixty feet in diameter) with portholes landed on a football field.
Underneath the object were red, blue, and yellow flashing lights. As Fabio Jose
Diniz (age sixteen) approached, two men (seven feet tall) in tightfitting, green
"diver suits" emerged, saying (in Portuguese): "Don't run away-come back!"
They said, "Appear here tomorrow, or we will take your family." They reentered
the craft and flew away. Their suits obscured part of their faces. Their large
round eyes were set far apart, and they appeared to have green skin and
triangular-shaped eyebrows.
The next day Diniz returned to the site with a UFO investigator without
Brinsley Le Poer Trench, Operation Earth (Aylesbury: Tandem, 1975), pp. 18-
A six-foot-tall man with a goatee flagged down an anonymous male on his way
home and telepathically asked the location of the North Star and the current date.
He wore a jacket with four gold bars on both shoulders. He asked and was told
that the witness had a cigarette in his mouth, and he said, "Oh, one of your
primitive vices." After asking what the man was driving, the being responded,
"Oh, your primitive mode of transportation." When the witness asked where he
was from, the entity said he couldn't say, "but my colleagues and I will return."
He then walked a few feet away and disappeared. The witness next heard a
whining noise and saw an object (one hundred yards long) rise straight up to
where two other objects were, and they flew off rapidly.
Project Bluebook, case investigated by Lieutenant Colonel A. P. Webb, U.S. Air
Upon seeing a huge, bright metallic object with "enormous rivets on it" hovering
fifty feet off the ground, an unnamed highway patrolman heard a humming noise
and experienced a headache. His police car's engine and lights failed. When the
object left, his vehicle acted normally. About forty-eight hours later, on
November 28, the object returned, the officer again became paralyzed and two
men in tightfitting clothes with glowing belts emerged on a cylinder under the
craft. The witness was told in Portuguese not to be frightened and to put away
his gun. They said that they would return. The craft then flew away.
His patrol car engulfed in a bright light on the edge of town, Ashland police
officer Herbert Schirmer recalls seeing a UFO fly away. Unable to account for
missing time, he underwent regressive hypnosis, during which he recounted that
his engine quit, his headlights and two-way radio failed. A football-shaped
object with "tripod legs" landed in a nearby field. He was paralyzed, and several
beings approached his car and invited him aboard. They communicated
mentally, explaining they are from "a nearby galaxy," with bases on Venus and
Jupiter. Climbing a ladder into the ship, he was taken into a room with red
lighting. The interior contained computerlike machines and two triangular-
backed chairs in front of a "vision screen." Inside the ship was cold. The four
alien men (four and a half to five feet tall) had muscular limbs. Their "chest[s
were] larger and bigger than you might expect on someone of their size." Their
posture was rigid and they walked with a definite military motion. Their heads
were long and thin, with "large Oriental eyes ... more like cat's eyes." Their faces
were "a pastry dough color." They had five fingers and wore silvery-gray gloves
and boots. Seamless coverall garments "resembling a flight suit you buy at the
Army surplus stores" covered their bodies, extending over their heads like a
helmet with a little "antennae" protruding from the sides of the head. They had
"funny-looking lips" and long, flat noses. Each wore a flashlightlike gun in a
holster on the waist, capable of producing a paralyzing ray. While on board, two
beings paced back and forth outside the ship "like regular soldiers on guard duty
... looking as they walked." The ship was made entirely of magnesium, he was
told. They landed to "take some electricity from the powerlines.... This is an
observation ship ... they have been observing us for a long time ... they put out
reports slowly to prepare us ... for the invasion ... not to conquer the world, just a
showing of themselves.... He did not tell me why they are here." He was returned
to the car as the ship emitted a reddish glow, followed by a highpitched whine.
The tripod legs retracted as the vessel rapidly flew away.
Warren Smith, The Book of Encounters (New York: Kensington Publishing,
1976), pp. 87-113.
116. December 12, 1967, between Ithaca and Auburn, New York, 7:00 P.M.
Driving home from visiting a friend in North Lansing, Rita Malley with her son
Dana in the back seat were southbound on remote Route 34. Midway between
North and South Lansing, the car was drenched in a red light from a circular
dome-shaped object with brilliant red and green lights, moving as quickly as the
car. Glancing back, Dana "was sitting straight up. His eyes were just bugging
right out of his head.... I yelled at him.... His response was-nothing." The object
"extended a white beam of light ... and it was just completely right over the
controls of my car. My car stopped.... I kept stamping the accelerator-but the car
wouldn't move." Soon she heard a "low humming ... like a whole swarm of
bees." Suddenly the hum stopped and "voices came out of the ... hovering object
... my car windows were rolled up tight ... they were all talking at the same time,
saying the same thing,.. . as if what they were saying was being translated into
English." The "voices were not impressions in my mind. They were external,
coming from that hovering thing ... like ... they were talking through a
loudspeaker, but not quite. I couldn't tell whether they were male or female ...
there were so many of them all at once." They said: "Paul Donalds, Moravia,
killed ... near or in Massena in a tractor-trailer owned by Joe Etinger, Moravia."
The voices then said that Dana would not recall the incident. Malley gradually
regained control of the car, and the object left. Both statements reportedly
proved true. The next day she learned the man was killed exactly as predicted.
Her son did not recall any of the experience.
The Official Guide to UFOs (New York: Ace, 1968), pp. 67-74. The case is
written by and based upon a personal interview by Lloyd Mallan with Rita
117. December 1967, near Adelphi, Maryland
A psychology major in college, Tom Monteleone claims to have talked with a
man, Vadig, from a grounded UFO on four separate occasions. During a later
encounter Vadig came to a Washington, D.C., restaurant dressed in conventional
clothes, where Monteleone was a waiter. Vadig appeared normal, except for
bulging "thyroid eyes." Each encounter ended with the alien saying, "I'll see you
in time."
Walking home from a Buenos Aires theater in the fog, Benjamin Solari
Parravicini, an Argentine painter/sculptor, encountered a man at the corner of
Avenida Belgrano and Avenida 9 de Julio. He was a fairskinned Nordic type
"whose eyes were so light in color that it looked as though he were blind." The
man spoke in an unintelligible guttural language, his manner "kindly and gentle."
Looking upward, Parravicini saw an aerial ship without lights.
Overcome by dizziness, he awoke inside the craft, which was in flight, in
the presence of three beings. A very handsome alien questioned him in an
unintelligible language, yet he understood. He was told not to be alarmed; they
would take him on a trip around the Earth, returning him precisely where they
found him. He next found himself on the same street corner from where he left.
Charles Bowen, ed., Encounter Cases from Flying Saucer Review (New York:
Signet, 1977), pp. 41-42.
Motel owner Pedro Pretzel saw an object with two bright red headlights on the
road. Arriving home, he found his daughter unconscious. Upon reviving, she
told of a blond man (about six feet five inches tall) in a bright blue outfit and
holding a light-blue globe in his hand, who had talked to her.
Riding horseback on his father's farm near Sierra Chica, Oscar Hariberto Iriart
noticed three men (five and a half feet tall) standing near a wire fence, making
signs which appeared to be encouraging him to approach. Thinking they could
be bird hunters, he rode over. He found two white-haired men wearing red shirts.
"Apart from the constant unblinking way in which they gazed fixedly at me with
their deep-set eyes, they might have been just any ordinary men such as we see
everyday," except they had transparent eyes. The boy could see through to the
grass behind them. The following conversation ensued:
Visitor: "No. We will take you. We cannot take you now, as we have a big
Charles Bowen, ed., Encounter Cases from Flying Saucer Review (New York:
Signet, 1977), pp. 50-53.
Six girls (ranging in age from seven to thirteen) claim they saw a dark hexagonal
object in the sky. Inside was a figure wearing a white veil. Two of the six,
Manon Saint-Jean and Line Grise, reported hearing a "soft and slow" voice
advising them to pray and promising to return on Monday, October 7. The voice
also promised that other signs would appear. The Virgin Mary also spoke to
them concerning peace and brotherhood. Other UFOs were reported in the area
at the time. It is unknown if the object and being reappeared October 7.
John A. Keel, Why UFOs (New York: Manor, 1970), p. 251, also published as
UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (New York: Putnum's Sons, 1970); personal
letter from John B. Musgrave, employee of the Mobile Planetarium Project at the
Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, citing Montreal U.F.O.
Newsletter, no. 3: 18-19. It should be noted that Saucer News, no. 74 (Spring-
Summer 1969): 34, describes the object as a cloud.
122. August 31, 1968, South America, early morning
Two unidentified male casino cashiers were driving home from work when their
car quit. Investigating the cause, the pair found themselves surrounded by four
small men who were entirely bald and stocky. They talked without moving their
lips, and the men said they felt like a transmitter inside their heads was
generating the words "Don't fear, don't fear." During their conversation, the little
men said that the sun is "the reason for everything" and that mathematics is the
universal language. Something resembling a TV screen was then produced,
which projected a scene resembling Niagara Falls, a giant descending cloud,
then what appeared to be Niagara Falls but without water. The creatures took
blood samples by pricking the middle finger of both men.
Although frightened, the pair could do nothing until the visitors finished,
whereupon they disappeared into an illuminated disc hovering some three feet
off the ground. After the object left, the car started without difficulty.
Two men were returning home when their car's engine and headlights quit. After
getting out and checking under the hood, they saw a large circular object
hovering near them. They saw a trio of small humanoids, and the men suffered
paralysis. Two other figures were seen near the object as well. The three
communicated telepathically and showed pictures to them before reentering the
craft and flying off rapidly.
126. October 1968, Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires), Argentina, 3:00 P.M.
Feomenologia, no. 41, citing 7 Dias Ilustrados (Buenos Aires), December 1968.
127. December 28, 1968, Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia
Ten years prior to this encounter, the same man, while foxhunting, says he
shot at an aerial disc-shaped object near the same spot. After firing, there was a
flash of light, and the man says he was burned.
Tiago Machado was awakened by shouts from area residents who were watching
a parachute-shaped object emitting a blue light. Running to where the object was
seen, he reportedly encountered a disc from which two small men (three feet
eight inches tall), emerged, clad in silvery-colored outfits, including gloves and
boots. The faces looked yellow through their helmets and they had noses
"squashed" at the ends. The men seemed to fly from the craft's opening to the
ground. The figures spoke in unintelligible hoarse guttural sounds, which
appeared to come from a tube projecting down from their chin. Nervous, Tiago
then lit up a cigarette and began smoking, causing the creatures to laugh (when
they did so, he noticed their teeth were black). He then laid the pack on the
ground and pushed it toward them with his foot. One of them extended his hand
above the cigarette pack, and it rose up into his palm. He then made a quick
movement toward his body and the pack disappeared.
Appearing to converse by signs, the men made the outline of a sphere in the
air, then indicated a motion which Tiago interpreted as denoting a craft falling or
drifting to the ground. About this time, shouts of others could be heard, and the
creatures drifted into the object. One pointed a pipe-shaped object at Tiago's
legs, causing him to fall. The disc then flew away.
After the craft landed (not on Earth), Antonio was taken into a brilliant gray
room where bodies of humans were lying at one side. He was forced to drink a
greenish liquid and asked many questions about Earth conditions. Once he drank
the liquid he was better able to understand what they were saying. They wanted
his help in staying on Earth, but he refused, pointing to his rosary. Then a
Christlike man appeared and gave him a message in Portuguese, which Antonio
promised not to disclose. The disc then returned to Earth, and he was let out in
the darkness about two hundred miles from the original incident. The encounter
lasted forty-eight hours, but he claims four and a half Earth days had passed
during the period.
He claims another contact May 21, 1969, in which the beings wanted him
to "work against my own people." He became scared that the world was in grave
Under regressive hypnosis five years later, Bill and Nora recounted similar
stories of being taken aboard a ship and seeing grasshopperlike creatures with
large heads, huge eyes, and telepathic communication. The beings apparently
examined them as they were placed on a reclining chair or table.
Pyhala Timo, "Contact in Helsinki," Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, no. 8
(December 1971): 7-8.
132. About 1969, Belfast, Northern Ireland
A married mother of three claims to have been taken aboard a spaceship several
times by "perfect human beings" with shoulderlength hair. The inside is white,
has large rooms with circular furniture, and a kitchen. She was actually "shown
some cooking methods that she has since tried with success." The aliens speak
English and proposed a peaceful solution to the Northern Ireland fighting and
asked her to write a book on it. The beings are here to aid humans. They hail
from different planets, some from the dark side of the moon.
Northern UFOlogy, no. 1 (October 1976).
133. 1970, near East Lancashire, England
An anonymous East Lancashire woman's car stalled while she watched a red and
blue UFO. Soon after, "UFOs started talking to me. They said they had been
watching me. I had been ill but they made me well by operating on my brain"
telepathically. They made contact because of her telepathic abilities. "They ...
watched me from birth. It took them six years to sort out our languagethey
whistle to communicate to each other and hoot in case of danger. I have seen
them through my telepathic eye. They have large heads ... high foreheads.
Beauty to them is a large brain."
Anthony Wilkens reported to the Alton police that a silver craft emitting green
lights appeared by his back porch and two humanoids inside telepathically gave
him a formula giving him "the universe at his fingertips," which was in turn
given to police. After he refused an invitation to ride in the craft, they left,
promising to return August 3. No contact was reported on that date, however.
Wilkens was a patient in Alton's state mental institution at the time.
Evening Telegraph (Alton, I11.), June 16, 1971, p. 1; various wire sources, June
He claims to have contacted the aliens via astral projection since, but not in
After claiming to have seen a UFO and occupants on three previous occasions,
Paulo Caetano Silveira, a twenty-seven-yearold typewriter repairman, says that
he was invited inside a craft and heard the beings speaking in an
incomprehensible language to one another, without moving their mouths. He
was made to understand (apparently telepathically) that they were peaceful and
planned to prepare Earth for contact. The beings (twenty inches tall) had slanted
eyes, fair skin, spiked "Roman helmets," and onepiece blue outfits. The craft
gave off multicolored lights.
Dr. Walter Buhler, Flying Saucer Review Special Bulletin, no. 5 (November
1973): 11-25; Aerial Phenomena Research Organization Bulletin
(SeptemberOctober 1971): 1, 3; Ultima Hora (Rio de Janeiro), October 2, 1971;
Gordon Creighton, "Uproar in Brazil," Flying Saucer Review 17, no. 6
(NovemberDecember 1971): 24-26.
138. 1971, Cairns, Queensland, Australia
While looking for mushrooms, a young man came across a landed object and
talked with its humanoid occupants, who gave him a ride. He was let out on the
other side of Cairns. The conversation was apparently spiritual, with the beings
saying that Cairns, Byron, and Coff Harbour were the "greatest centers of
religion," implying such religion was due to UFO activity and "mushrooms" of a
hallucinogenic nature.
Aarno Heinonen heard a noise in his house, and then a female voice told him to
go to a crossroad-which he did-where he found a four-foot eight-inch tall,
blonde-haired female in a luminous yellow outfit and silver-colored shoes. She
held a silver ball with three projections resembling antennas. The witness was
told in Finnish that the woman and her race hail from the other side of the Milky
Way, that she was 180 years old, and that aliens had landed at Imjarvi before. He
was told to keep silent about the encounter. He later reported further contacts
with the female alien.
H. Gris and Dick William, The New Soviet Psychic Discoveries (New York:
Warner, 1979).
143. July 25, 1972, Frankston, Victoria, Australia, about 9:15 P.M.
144. November 26,1972, near Cash Creek Bridge, West Woodland, California,
Returning home from an outing with two women companions, legal secretary
Judy Kendall, recalls driving but "we didn't seem to be getting anywhere." They
remembered seeing a disc-shaped craft with bright lights hovering nearby. Under
regressive hypnosis she told of how the trio were abducted by aliens. She
described being physically examined by three types of creatures. One was
humanlike, while another group appeared to wear gas masks. "And then there
was one I nicknamed the witch doctor," Kendall said. "He was huge looking and
he had a large bulboustype head and grasshopper-type eyes and no ears. There
were holes on the sides of his head. He had a small nose and I couldn't see much
of a mouth. The only thing he said to me was, it will be OK." They expected to
arrive home at 8:30 P.M., but didn't make it until past midnight.
John A. Keel, The Mothman Prophecies (New York: Signet, 1975), p. 137.
147. Sometime after October 11, 1973, Pascagoula, Mississippi, 8:00 P.M.
Fishing on a Pascagoula River pier, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker watched
a bright object descend. Three five-foot-tall entities with pointed ears, sharp
noses, crablike hands, and elephantlike skin emerged and approached. Parker
fainted and Hickson was floated aboard, examined by an eyelike device, and
twenty minutes later said that he and Parker were deposited outside.
Dottie hypnotically recalls seeing a dark Indian girl wearing a dress on the
UFO. She said "they put a needle in and they took my mind, my thoughts." A
regular-looking man participated in the exam. He was five feet five inches tall,
bald on top of his head with a fringe on the sides, dressed in black, wearing
horn-rimmed glasses and a rubber glove. The alien asked "what I love, what I
hate. What animals I like. They asked me about my family. They manipulated
me." At one point during the exam a needle was pushed into her abdomen
without pain. Daughter Betty also recalled her mother lying nude on the table
surrounded by three aliens and a tall human male.
Coral Lorenzen and Jim Lorenzen, Abducted!: Confrontations with Beings from
Outer Space (New York: Berkley, 1977); John Rimmer, The Evidence for Alien
Abductions (London: Aquarian, 1984); Ronald Story, The Encyclopedia of
UFOs (Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 1980).
149. October 25, 1973, Uniontown, Pennsylvania, 9:00 P.M.
At least sixteen people saw a red sphere of light hovering high above a field.
"Stephen" and two ten-year-old male friends drove out to investigate. His car
headlights weakened as they approached. They walked over a hill crest and saw
a domed-shaped object (one hundred feet in diameter) "like a big bubble ...
making a sound like a lawnmower." One of the young boys spotted the
silhouette of a hulking creature nearby. Stephen fired a tracer bullet above two
figures. In the light they could see two similar-looking seven-to eight-foot-tall
creatures walking along a fenceline. They had long dark hair and green eyes.
The arms were so long they almost touched the ground. The creatures were
apparently communicating to each other with sounds similar to a baby crying. A
burned rubber smell was also present. After Stephen fired three rounds of bullets
into the bigger creature, it whined, moved its right shoulder close to the other
creature, and the glowing object above the field vanished. The beings then
turned and slowly walked into the woods.
By 9:45 P.M. state trooper Byrne arrived. He and Stephen soon started
walking near the scene and heard a rustling. About a half hour later Stephen saw
something coming from the woods, and the pair drove off. Just prior to this the
officer let Stephen shoot his gun at a brown object nearby.
By 1:30 A.M., after being contacted by the police, a team of five UFO
investigators, Stephen, and his father were on the scene. At about 2 A.M. a bull
in a nearby field and Stephen's dog became excited. "Stephen began shaking
back and forth as if he were going to faint. George Lutz asked him if he was OK,
and Stephen then began shaking back and forth.... He began breathing very
heavily and started growling like an animal.... Stephen was running around,
swinging his arms, and loudly growling like an animal." After collapsing, he
soon regained consciousness, saying: "Get away from me. It's here. Get back....
Keep away from the corner. ... It's in the corner!" He later said during an
interview that he saw a man dressed in a black hat and coat, carrying a sickle. "I
kept seeing the date 1976. It popped out of my mouth: "If these people don't
straighten out, the whole world will burn." He continued: "I'm living in hell now.
What I'm telling you happened before. This is how the world was destroyed. It
will be very soon, and this world will be gone."
B. E. Schwarz, "Berserk: A UFO-Creature Encounter," Flying Saucer Review
20, no. 1 (1974); B. E. Schwarz, UFO Dynamics Book I: Psychiatric and Psychic
Dimensions of the UFO Syndrome (Florida: Rainbow, 1983), pp. 195-213.
Schwarz received his M.D. degree from New York University College of
Medicine and is a fellow in psychiatry at the Mayo Foundation. Schwarz based
his articles on an in-depth personal interview with Stephen and UFO
investigators on the scene, including Stan Gordon, head of the Westmoreland
County (Pennsylvania) UFO Study Group.
While walking his dog in a park, a man watched a fluorescent bluegreen light
forming a circle on a brick wall. Inside this illuminated circle was a TV screen
that emitted images, including that of alien entities. The man then communicated
with the screen images. The witness became physically sick, and his dog was
very frightened.
Checking on his barking dog, Yoshiro Fujiwara claims to have seen a three-foot-
tall "starfish" creature which held out an appendage, resulting in Fujiwara's
being pulled about seventy feet off the ground and into a hovering object. After
passing out, he awoke to see two beings with toadlike skin and a bad odor
holding him down. After being told not to be frightened, he remained
panicstricken. Soon the craft landed, and a door opened, and he left.
Copy of a letter stating details of the report by Junichi Takanashi for the Mutual
UFO Network via Robert C. Girard, UFO book dealer, Scotia, N.Y; also Caveat
Emptor (SeptemberOctober 1974).
The two beings had "large chests, necks-[were] hairless, [had] two arms,
two legs, no toes" and no visible sex organs. The friendly figure came from the
"Outer Galaxy" and told Peter "they are time travelers, not space travelers." They
speak all languages and come from a system of twelve planets of the Milky
Way. "They don't fight, they have no wars ... they are 2,000 light-years ahead of
us." Peter also said there are thousands of them living with us as apparently
normal humans to "direct the Earth."
155. October 25, 1974, Medicine Bow National Forest, Wyoming, 4:00 P.M.
While hunting in the Medicine Bow Mountains, Carl Higdon spotted five elk. He
fired his rifle, but "the bullet only went about 50 feet and dropped." Retrieving
the bullet, he saw a six-foot twoinch, 180-pound "man" in a black outfit and
black shoes, wearing a belt with a star in the center. The bowlegged man had
human facial features, except for a slanted head, no chin and his hair stood
straight up. He called himself Ausso. Higdon said, "He asked me if I was hungry
and I said yea ... he tossed me some pills and I took one. I don't know why I did
it-I never take pills of any kind unless a doctor prescribed them, not even
aspirin." Another man appeared, asking if he wanted to go with them, and
Higdon said yes. A helmet was put over Higdon's head and he was told they
were going "home," 163,000 "light miles" away in a cubicle. He was taken to a
room with a ninety-foot tower, where a shield came out from the wall and stayed
in front of him for three to four minutes before retracting. Higdon was told he
wasn't what they needed and would be returned. He was floated back to the ship
and next found himself on a mountain slope. He fell on loose rock, injuring his
head, neck, and shoulder. He managed to walk back to his truck and call for help
on the C.B. radio, although he didn't know who or where he was. By 11:30 P.M.
sheriff's officers found him and brought him to the Carbon City Memorial
Hospital, where a physical exam by Dr. R. C. Tongco found nothing unusual
besides amnesia. Dr. Tongco stated that Higdon's eyes "could not be examined
properly because [Higdon] claims that the light is just too bright." Some of the
details of his experience were brought out under regressive hypnosis.
Rawlings Times (Wyoming), October 19, 1974, and June 7, 1978; Jim Lorenzen
and Coral Lorenzen, Abducted! Confrontations with Beings from Outer Space
(New York: Berkley, 1977). A copy of the original medical report on Higdon by
Dr. R. C. Tongco, dated October 26, 1974, appears in Leo Sprinkle,
"Investigation of the Alleged UFO Experience of Carl Higdon," in Richard
Haines, ed., UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist (Metuchen, N.J.:
Scarecrow, 1979), pp. 225-357.
"John" and "Elaine Avis" and their three kids were returning home after visiting
Elaine's parents, when their son "Kevin" noticed a pale blue, ovalshaped aerial
object. The object was soon lost to view. Suddenly they drove into a green mist,
the car engine quit, the radio began smoking, and the car shook violently. Upon
arriving home at 1 A.M., they were unable to account for two and a half hours of
missing time. The family, especially John, began having dreams involving
strange creatures. John soon became obsessed with these dreams. After hearing a
UFO radio program, he contacted a UFO researcher and underwent regressive
hypnosis, during which he told of encountering apelike humanoids with beaklike
noses, triangular eyes, slanted mouths, pointed ears, and clawlike hands who
gave him a medical exam. They verbally communicated that Earth would be
destroyed by pollution. He was later returned to the car. Elaine later said she
could consciously recall generally similar details. She initially refused, but later
underwent limited hypnosis.
Andrew Collins, "The Aveley Abduction," Flying Saucer Review 23, no. 6
(April 1978), and 24, no. 1 (June 1978); Ronald Story, The Encyclopedia of
UFOs (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1980); Hilary Evans, UFOs-The Greatest
Mystery (Albany: London, 1979).
157. October 28, 1974, near Bahia Blanca, Argentina, 1:15 A.M.
Argentinian truck driver Dionisio Llanca was admitted to Bahia Blanca Hospital
at 7:45 A.M. Sunday morning, October 28, 1974, in a state of amnesia, after
being found stumbling about the Bahia Blanca railyards. Three days later he
related a fantastic story.
Llltima Hora (Buenos Aires), Argentina, evening edition, May 21, 1975; El
Cronista Comercial (Buenos Aires), Argentina, June 10, 1975; Flying Saucer
Review 21, nos. 3 and 4 (1975): 62.
160. June 9, 1975, Tenerife, Canary Islands
Spanish psychologist Emilio Bourgon claimed he and two others were taken into
an alien craft at Tenerife Beach. The group of aliens, tall males in black and
white outfits, huge gloves, and helmets, were "friendly," wanting "to help man."
They were "very concerned with misery, ignorance and insalubrity" on Earth.
Watching a meteor shower on a deserted dirt road, U.S. Air Force Sergeant
Charles Moody claims to have seen a dull metallic object giving off a
highpitched sound, which suddenly stopped when he felt numb, peaceful, calm.
He was taken aboard and met several beings (about five feet tall) looking "much
like us" except they had large hairless heads, small ears and noses, big eyes and
thin lips. "There was speech, but their lips did not move." They wore black skin-
tight clothing, except one being "had on a silver-whitelooking suit." They
seemed to read his mind "and called me by my proper name-Charles-and did not
use my nickname, Chuck." Inside the craft was very clean.
At the end of the meeting, the leader or elder placed his hands on the sides
of Moody's head, said it was time to leave and asked him not to recall his
experience for two weeks. (Two weeks later he claims to have remembered.)
The being said they would meet again shortly and that he should see a doctor
soon. When asked why he was contacted, he was told that in time "you will
Moody later said a group of races is studying us and within three years
would make themselves known to all mankind. "It will not be a pleasant type of
meeting, for there will be warnings made to the people of this world. Their plan
is for limited contact and after twenty years, of further study and only after
deeper consideration will there be any type of closer contact. They fear for their
own lives and will protect themselves at all costs. Their intent is a peaceful one,
and if the leaders of this world will only heed their warnings we will find
ourselves a lot better off."
Aerial Phenomena Research Organization Bulletin (June 1976): 6 (July 1976): 5-
162. October 12, 1975, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada, evening
Mr. and Mrs. David Hamel were watching TV when it went "snowy." Two
beings emerged in "a silver dust." The entities-one male, one female-resembled
humans and wore onepiece suits. Coming to where David sat, they touched his
arm and telepathically explained they intended to elevate him to a spaceship
above his home, then did so.
Personal letter from John B. Musgrave, employee of the Mobile Planetarium
Project at the Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, citing
Canadian UFO Report, no. 34 (Spring 1979): 8-10.
David Stephens suggested to his friend "P" they take a ride. A few minutes later
P suddenly lost control of the van. Both panicked and soon saw multicolored
aerial lights nearby. When P regained control of the vehicle, they stopped, but
seeing aerial lights, they soon panicked and sped off. The van skidded sideways,
and the two lost consciousness. Upon regaining awareness, they drove on, then
returned to search for the lights. They saw an aerial object and P again lost
control of the van, which then stalled out. The vehicle was enveloped by a fog
and several objects were seen, which eventually flew off. Soon the van restarted.
Stephens experienced a series of nightmares after the incident. Both noticed a
period of missing time.
Sandra Larson awoke to see two beings with luminous, mummylike heads and
brown "vinyl" bodies standing at her bed. She was floated through a wall into a
nearby ship. When she was escorted from the craft, she was on another planet,
where she was taken to a square building, questioned telepathically, and later
taken home, floating through a closed door. As she began considering taking a
bath, one being asked what soap was. At this, she gave him a cup of laundry
A report investigated by Jerome Clark in UFO Report, August 1976, pp. 21-23,
Driving down a highway, three women saw what they thought was a plane on
fire. Mona Stafford was the first to spot the object. She became frightened, as
did the others. Stafford says the car then drove by itself and accelerated to
eighty-five m.p.h. Soon the car slowed, and she gained control of it. Stafford
suffered severe eye irritation and red marks on her body, while Louise Smith
suffered minor eye irritation and red marks. Elaine Thomas reported minor eye
irritation. Unable to account for two hours and ten minutes of time in the auto,
the trio agreed to undergo regressive hypnosis.
Mona Stafford recounted lying alone on a white table or bed while a large
"eye" watched. She was then examined by four or five short humanoids wearing
"surgical masks." During this time a "power" transfixed her to the bed/table.
Elaine Thomas recalled being separated from her companions and taken
into a "chamber" containing a window. Humanoids with dark eyes and gray skin
moved back and forth in front of the window, appearing to watch her. A bullet-
shaped object (an inch and a half in diameter) was placed on her chest, causing
Louise Smith described being examined while lying down. The aliens
communicated telepathically. Specific details of her experience were withheld,
since she wanted to write a book outlining the incident.
Driving the Rio de Janeiro-Belo Horizonte Highway, Erminio Reis felt "sleepy"
and pulled off to nap. Minutes later, his wife, Bianca Reis, saw a bluish light
illuminate the landscape. It advanced, and their Volkswagen "was absorbed as if
through a chimney" into "a kind of circular garage, intensely lighted." At this
point, Erminio was awake. Two dark male beings (about six feet six inches tall)
approached and signaled for them to leave the car. Bianca said "the ground
seemed to move." She also "felt as if drunk without having had anything to
drink." The two men talked in a strange language. They were then taken up a
staircase to a large room with many instruments. She said, "One of the strangers
gave us headsets, put a pair over his ears" and "plugged" them into a device. A
voice in Portuguese proclaimed, "My name is Karen, calm down...."
Bianca was given a series of medical tests. Later they were made to drink
an ill-tasting liquid substance. Then others, including a female, arrived. Karen
said, "We also perform medical research. Old age continues being an illness, but
we have been about to conquer it. In our world death does not exist." They were
later instructed not to "talk about what has happened," as people would think
they were crazy. "If you wish, we have a method to erase memories." The pair
declined. Since the incident, Bianca claims to have been contacted by a small
device the aliens use to measure brain waves.
John Wallace Spencer, The UFO Yearbook (Springfield, Mass.: Phillips, 1976),
pp. 65-69.
Using a riding lawn mower on a golf course, Dean Anderson stopped after
seeing a big orange object land nearby. Two beings floated out a door on a "band
of light." As they approached, the object left. They extended their hands, shaking
Anderson's hand, and the male said, "We come in peace. I am Sunar, from
Jupiter. This is Treena; she comes from Saturn." They said they were on a
scientific specimen-gathering mission. Treena had shoulderlength hair, bluish-
gray eyes, a light tan, stood five feet two inches tall, and resembled Elizabeth
Taylor. She wore a onepiece, skin-tight light green suit of a "glistening metallic
material." Sunar has copperlike skin and claimed to be over two hundred years
After talking for twenty minutes, Anderson was given an envelope and
asked not to open it for five Earth days. They then left. When Anderson opened
it, it contained a golden "amulet" with a dovelike bird on one side; on the other
were the words "Peace and friendship forever, Treena and Sunar." Beside the
names were depictions of Saturn and Jupiter. Anderson will not allow the amulet
to be photographed. During the encounter, Sunar claimed to have once met the
Baha'u'llah, who founded the Baha'i religion (Anderson is chairman of the local
Baha'i chapter).
Keta Steebs, writing in The Advocate (Sturgeon Bay, Wis.), March 31, 1977.
171. December 1976, Ossining, New York
Self-proclaimed psychic Greta Woodrew claims that while in a deep hypnotic
trance during an experiment with parapsychologist Dr. Andrija Puharich she
contacted beings from the planet Ogatta, light-years away. She passed through a
long, shadowy tunnel which was guarded by Hshames, a humanlike being, along
with a pair of birdlike entities. Hshames was covered with tiny feathers and
stood just over five feet, had glowing, gold-speckled eyes with no lashes and an
upper lip that resembled a bird beak. They communicated telepathically, the
being telling her about Ogatta.
In a later contact, during her next hypnotic trance session, she says her soul
separated from her body and traveled to Ogatta, the surface of which was
covered with small glistening points of light that had a fluidlike appearance.
During the third experiment, a figure named Ogatta spoke, telling her that
"beings had set up a way-station on the minor planet Vesta in our solar system,
which will be used to help Earth. An armada of spacecraft would come down to
Earth after drastic changes occurred. Their preparations were well under way."
She was then showed scenes of the destruction to follow in the coming decades,
such as earthquakes, volcanic displays, floods, hurricanes, droughts, and
magnetic storms. Woodrew also said, "I was told by the extraterrestrials that they
were survivors of what could come."
N. Blundell and R. Boar, The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries (New York:
Exeter, 1983), p. 189.
172. 1976, British Columbia, Canada, night
Helene was dying of pancreatic cancer. She says a voice called her out of bed
two months before doctors predicted she would die. Called from her house to a
clearing several miles away, she came to a brilliant light and a spacecraft. "From
the center of this large craft came a cylinder of light, and in this cylinder these
two beings came down." The "small humanoids" wore "tightfitting suits." She
was floated to the ship where another being used several unusual instruments to
cure her. This was done, they said, because they might need her help in the
future. She was apparently still living in 1983.
In early February the pair were again driving in the country when they
heard a whistling sound. The car rocked and Bowles said, "Suddenly we were
both inside this machine.... One of the spacemen standing a few feet from me
was the same man I saw the first time. Lights were blinking and flashing
everywhere. The man told us this was his field, whatever that meant." The
beings wore luminous silvery suits and "high jackboots with pointed toes." At
the center of their belts was "a glittering stone, and the man next to me kept
pressing his stone or touching it." Suddenly they were back in the car.
Bowles claims at least two later contacts, one with sixty-fiveyear-old Ann
Strickland on March 7, 1977, and the other with Ted Pratt in June of 1977.
N. Blundell and R. Boar, The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries (New York:
Exeter, 1983), pp. 128-31.
Camping on a steep hill to watch for UFOs during a wave of sightings, three
women ("B," "S," and "I") talked intermittently and dozed. They recall
simultaneously waking in panic and fleeing to their car. Unable to account for
two hours, B said under hypnosis that she suddenly awoke at 1 A.M. and
touched a metallic boot. She turned away so as not to see the figure, looked at
her sleeping friends, remained calm, and fell back asleep. B was taken to a small
multicolored room and telepathically communicated with normalsized human-
looking male beings wearing white coveralls and boots. She also saw S in the
craft. B was beamed back to the hill and began kicking in her sleep, waking her
companions. They all panicked and fled.
M. Dykes, Strangers in Our Skies: UFOs Over New Zealand (Lower Hutt,
Wellington, New Zealand: INL Publications, 1981).
177. August 6, 1977, near Pelham, Georgia, between 6 A.M. and noon
Mr. Dawson was walking his two dogs near a cow pasture when a circular object
suddenly appeared in the sky and hovered above the ground. Paralyzed, he
noticed his dogs and some forty nearby cows were also "frozen." The craft
landed and a door opened; three men and two women emerged. They had pale
white skin, pointed ears, sharp turned-up noses, and no necks. Two were nude,
having hairless bodies. Clothing on the three other beings was "beautiful" and
both sexes dressed alike in "silky" shoes with toes pointing upward. Dawson was
given what he believes was a medical exam. He was fitted with a "skullcap" with
cords extending into a ringlike device containing dials. Near the end of the
exam, Dawson says a voice from inside the craft shouted, "I am Jimmy Hoffa! I
am Jimmy Hoffa! I am-" The cry abruptly stopped in mid-sentence. After the
exam, the beings got together and talked in unintelligible, shrill voices. They
then reentered the craft and flew off.
Milt Machlin with Timothy Green Beckley, UFO (New York: Quick Fox, 1981),
p. 48.
178. September 4, 1977, Barrio Abr Centro, Puerto Rico, 3:30 P.M.
The prospector claims several UFO sightings in the vicinity, and on one
previous occasion he saw a male and a female being in an aerial object.
Leaving his house at the usual hour of 2:20 A.M., Antonio La Rubia walked to a
nearby field where he noticed a gray object on the ground. As a bright blue light
enveloped the area, he became paralyzed as he suddenly noticed three "robots"
(four feet tall). They each had a single antenna jutting from the top of their
heads, which looked like a football placed sideways. A band of small, blue-
shaded mirrors extended across the middle of their heads. They had two long
armlike appendages (compared to an elephant's trunk) which narrowed to
pointed tips. Their bodies were covered with scales, and they had only one leg,
extending down from the center of the trunk. They didn't walk, but floated. One
robot pointed an instrument at Antonio, and he involuntarily moved toward the
disc, where inside he was shown a series of color pictures:
(1) Antonio naked, being examined by two robots.
(3) Antonio clothed, carrying a shopping bag (his teeth were noticeably
Antonio also told of being struck with a syringe in the middle finger,
removing some blood. Later he was thrown overboard and fell into a street near
the abduction site. The entire episode lasted about thirty minutes.
Nigel Blundell and Roger Boar, The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries (New
York: Exeter, 1984), p. 54, quoting an interview based on an investigation by the
British UFO group Contact UK.
Investigating a UFO in a field, auto mechanic William Herrmann left his mobile
home and next recalls being in a strange area with an object whirring overhead.
After flagging a car, he found it was several hours later than he thought.
Herrmann didn't recall the abduction until nearly a year later, when he says a
UFO raced toward him, projecting a blinding aquamarine light. "I tried to run,
but my legs wouldn't move ... I was paralyzed. I couldn't yell. I thought, oh God,
I'm going to die."
Later, he was "on this low examination table only two feet above the floor."
Three strange-looking beings watched him. "Their skin was the color of a
marshmallow. Their eyes were long and dark with a brown iris. Their heads
looked like overgrown human fetuses with no ears or hair. I heard a voice telling
me to have no fear." The aliens said there are three races of intelligent space
beings that visit Earth, conduct experiments, and observe life.
On April 21, 1979, he says a metal bar bearing the letters "MAN" and
mysterious symbols suddenly materialized in "a globe of bluegreen light" in his
bedroom. On a second trip aboard the UFO (May 16, 1979), he was told the bar
"was a gift ... signifying they were thankful for and appreciative of the way I
handled the situation" after the earlier abduction. A Massachusetts Institute of
Technology analysis of the bar revealed ordinary elements (a cast alloy of lead
and 6 percent antimony).
News and Courier (Charleston, South Carolina), November 18, 1979.
184. May 15, 1978, near Caujimolpa, Mexico
Walking along a road, Ignacio Sanchez Munoz saw a hovering multicolored
luminous cube emitting a buzzing sound and a yellow beam. He then received
telepathic thoughts saying the cube was empty, but soon humanlike beings
would arrive on Earth. After conversing with the voice for an hour, he was told,
"Soon we shall return to chat with you."
186. June 19, 1978, near Brockworth, Gloucestershire, England, 10:15 P.M.
John Mann and his family were driving home after visiting John's mother in
Reading. John noticed a light one mile ahead. The family soon all saw a huge,
multicolored, saucershaped object near Stanford-in-the-Vale, and they briefly
stopped to watch. Everyone became frightened by the sight. John panicked and
sped off. He then lost control of the car, which began driving by itself. The car
then slowed down, and John snapped out of a "dream" state. Within twenty
minutes they arrived at home, at 10:35 P.M., only to find the fortyfive-minute
trip took an hour longer. John developed skin irritation and itching. Soon, his
daughter Natasha dreamed about UFOs, and John and his sister Francis sought
and underwent regressive hypnosis. John described how the family was abducted
when they stopped by the road to watch the UFO. Everyone floated upward in a
"light beam" to a circular room where there were three men in metallic suits with
blue eyes and pale faces. They were given medical exams. A man called
Uxiaulia had a disc insignia on his uniform and told Francis that their planet,
Janos, was devastated by meteorites from nearby Sarton, a planet that got too
close to their sun and broke up. They escaped to a huge base ship which now
sends out explorer ships-like the one they were on-to find a suitable planet to
inhabit. She was told they "would like to live here." They were given fizzy
drinks as they left the ship "to help you forget ... you must forget because you
will be exploited. In time you will remember. We will meet again, and you will
know us." John's wife and two daughters did not undergo hypnosis, but Natasha
later consciously recounted details similar to the story told by John and Francis.
F. Johnson, The Janos People (London: Neville Spearman, 1980); N. Blundell
and R. Boar, The World's Greatest LIFO Mysteries (New York: Exeter, 1984).
187. September 14, 1978, near Belden, Nebraska,
While driving on Interstate 20, a prominent businessman watched a bright object
land on the road ahead. He stopped his car twenty yards from the object, which
closely resembled an army tank. As the witness began to exit the car, a door in
the craft opened and a man stepped out. He appeared normal in every respect-
darkhaired, of normal size, wearing white duck pants and a white shirt. He then
spoke, addressing the witness by his first name: "Well, Bob-what do you think of
this?" The man then reentered the object, which left the same way it came:
ascending on a brilliant column of light. A highpitched whine was heard as the
object left.
Driving home after visiting friends, Pam Owens, her husband and son saw a
rotating "ovalshaped" object with a red flashing light hover above the car.
Arriving home an hour and twenty minutes late from what is usually a thirty-
minute drive, Pam later underwent regressive hypnosis, recalling being "lifted"
by the UFO and examined by two aliens. "When the object appeared, I got off
the road" and stopped on the side. "The next thing I remember is lying on a table
... paralyzed, without being able to move arms or legs, only the eyes,... looking
in fright at the two beings.... They are bald ... their cranium was enormous ...
they had enormous, very deep-set eyes." Green skin covered their eight-foot-tall
bodies. "It seemed rough, like the wrapping of a mummy. They had four fingers
on each hand ... double as long as human fingers." As she wondered where son
Brian was, a thin voice replied, "We are taking care of him." Asking about her
husband, Chris, "the voice repeated that everything was all right. Then the two
creatures appeared. One told me all would be fine but did not move his lips.
They lifted my shirt and touched me as if trying to determine the size of the baby
and its position. I was five months pregnant. I then saw the needle." It was
inserted just above the navel. She next recalls being in the car and watching the
UFO leave. Four months later she gave birth to a normal girl.
El Independiente, January 22, 1980.
Fortunato "Piero" Zanfretta, an on-duty private security guard near a small house
in Marzano, observed four lights in a garden. Thinking they were thieves, he
tried to radio for help, but his car's radio, engine, and lights failed. He then
investigated with a flashlight and gun. Piero came face to face with a
monsterlike creature at least ten feet high with undulating gray skin. Fleeing, he
noticed a bright triangular object bigger than a house fly off.
During another hypnotic session, he said, "I know that you need me, but I
won't ... I'm not the qualified people you need! Why are you undressing me? I
won't.... This thing on my head ... it's hurting me.... You are telling me that next
time you'll bring me away. I won't. I won't. I'm well here with my wife and
191. December 1978, between Harold Hill and Essex, England, 12:45 A.M.
John Day (thirty-three) and his wife, Sue (twenty-nine), were driving home after
visiting her parents, who lived thirty minutes away. They left at 9:20 P.M. and
arrived home at 12:45 A.M. During the trip the couple drove into a thick green
fog. Unable to account for two hours fifty-five minutes, and both suffering
recurrent nightmares of beings examining them on tables, John contacted a UFO
group and underwent regressive hypnosis. He told of a white light following the
car and landing by the road. John found himself in a large room with three
entities (seven feet tall) wearing onepiece, silver-gray clothes similar to body
stockings. Hoods covered the bottom parts of their faces, and they looked at him
with bright pink eyes which had no eyelids. They communicated telepathically,
asking him to lie on a table, which he did. "A metal arm swung over me,
scanning my body. Then, three other beings, squat and ugly like dwarfs,
appeared. One started to prod me with a pen-shaped object." They later agreed to
let him tour the ship. He was left alone in a room with "an incredibly beautiful
woman" who was surrounded by a gray mist and golden hair. She walked in but
soon vanished. He next recalls being back in the car and driving on the road.
Sue declined hypnosis. Later, when discussing John's statements, she claims
to have recalled part of the experience. "When I lay on the operating table they
painted me with a mauve liquid. Then they washed it off. They prodded me all
over with a penlike object and didn't spare my blushes. Then I screamed." A tall
being put his hand on her forehead and she lost consciousness. "Later they took
me on a tour round the ship ... I told the beings I didn't want to go back. I asked
if I could stay on the craft and they agreed. I saw John climb into the car and it
started to vanish. As it disappeared, I said I had changed my mind and wanted to
go back. Then I found myself sitting in the car."
Nigel Blundell and Roger Boar, The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries (New
York: Exeter, 1984); News of the World, England, 1980; article by John Clare,
specific date unknown.
192. 1978, Torrente, province of Valencia, Spain
Francisco Ramon Jimenez, age fourteen, says a dream about aliens while
hospitalized in Alencia Clinical Hospital at age eleven changed his life. He
claims to be an extraterrestrial and that he needed the successful leg operation
because "they crippled me coming out, with the foreceps." While he was
hospitalized, aliens appeared in a dream and have appeared every night since.
"When I sleep, my body remains on earth and I go to the planet Canymede. ...
They have explained to me how to cure people ... given me ... energy...." He
claims to cure all diseases by passing energy to the sick. He sees many patients
and takes donations. He claims his energy is something we all have but don't use.
It comes from another galaxy. Each night he "charges the batteries" by visiting
Canymede. Many cures, usually in the form of gradual improve ments, are
claimed. Yet, Francisco says, "I cannot even cure myself of a simple cold. All
the energy I have I must use for others."
CAMBIO 16, August 10, 1981.
Meagan Quezet and her son Andre were looking for their dog and were driving
on a rural road when they noticed a strange aerial glow. They found the pet
twenty yards from an eggshaped, leadcolored "spaceship" that gave off a pink
glow and had spiderlike legs. Near it stood five or six olive-skinned beings. Two
of the men (all just over five feet tall) approached. One, assumed to be the
leader, was bearded. He looked at her with a penetrating stare, bowed at the
waist, and appeared to greet her, speaking in a highpitched, unintelligible,
Chinese-sounding voice. The figures wore white suits tinted pink. She told
Andre to get her husband. By the time Andre returned, he saw the ship flying off
in the distance.
Later, under regressive hypnosis, she revealed that the bearded entity asked
her in English to go away with him in the ship. "You know we'd like to take you
away. It's a lovely place where we are. Very nice. You'll be happy there." She
declined, saying, "I've got children. I don't think my husband would mind, but
what about the child ... I can't leave him." Inside the ship were chairs and panels,
along with a table in the center. She said she and Andre jumped from the vessel,
and Andre ran off to get his father. She was told she would receive a message
and "then you'll forget about it afterwards. You'll never remember." They tried to
persuade her to go, and then the legs of the craft retracted, and it flew off.
Jean Hingley was at her Bluestone Walk home when a flying saucer landed on
the lawn. "I opened the back door and there was a blinding light. Then these
three men bombed past me and went into the lounge. The little green men had
wings and horrible waxy faces, like corpses." She offered them coffee, but they
asked for a glass of water. Upon leaving, they took her mince pies and said they
would return some other time.
Northern Ohio UFO Group Newsletter, issue 12 (June 1979): 8.
Under regressive hypnosis, Shari N. said she left her car to get a better look at a
bright light. She claims to have been taken aboard an alien craft, strapped to a
metal table, and examined by a slimy robotlike "thing" with a small head, and no
shoulders, nose, or mouth. The creature poked at her with threefingered
appendages. When it touched her she felt an electric shock. She noticed other
creatures in the background, although she didn't describe them in detail.
196. August 28, 1979, near Winchester, Virginia, about 11:00 P.M.
Southbound on U.S. Route 17, just past Paris Mountain (seventeen miles from
Winchester, Virginia), in his tractor-trailer loaded with ketchup and mustard,
truck driver Harry Joe Turner noticed a bright illumination "like a helluva light
bulb" behind him. His rig "was vacuumed up into this thing" and taken to an
unidentified galactic community 6.8 light-years away and returned to a
Fredericksburg warehouse several hours later. His captors "were like you or me,
only dressed in white clothes like a surgeon." They also had white caps, and
"when they lifted up the fronts of them there were numbers, like identification
numbers, written across their foreheads." Turner felt he was taken to a city 2.5
light-years beyond Alpha Centauri. He also stopped on the moon and saw
astronaut Neil Armstrong's footprint. He said the alien city had undergone an
apparent nuclear holocaust long ago and that their mission was to prevent an
occurrence on Earth. "They want to help us, but ... things have gone pretty far
here and ... the end is coming soon." Before the ordeal, Turner never read
"anything but the Winchester Evening Star and Hustler magazine, but now reads
a variety of literature and has 'a craving' for bananas, coconut and deer, items he
never liked before."
Manuel Fidel Cruz Lopez was weeding his father's palm grove when eight armed
men approached after exiting a hovering saucershaped object. They looked like
tall Africans, were well dressed, had green lenses and radio transmitters, and
touted machine guns. Lopez was ordered to cut off his penis, which he did with
his machete. He got medical aid the next day after wandering that night in shock.
Four hours after the encounter, two schoolteachers saw a green object race
across the sky then back again within seconds.
Lopez, who has a wife and three kids, said, "I am not ashamed of being
castrated. That was fate and it could happen to anyone."
Probe (September 1980): 79, quoting Carteles del Sur, December 11, 1979. The
case is part of an article called "UFO update," written and researched by Allan
Hendry and J. Allen Hynek of the Center for UFO Studies.
Taking an early morning walk in the Brevik Hills recreation area, Lilli-Ann
Karlsson was suddenly paralyzed. Ahead was a luminous object hovering above
the ground. A pair of five-foot-tall beings appeared from behind the object. "I
couldn't hear it, but in a strange way I sensed that they were discussing my
person. I felt ridiculous in their presence but suddenly heard a voice beside me
saying I shouldn't be afraid." They approached and one outstretched its hand to
her, but she remained paralyzed. They talked among themselves for a while and
returned to the craft, disappearing behind it as they had appeared. Smoke came
from the bottom, then suddenly it was not there.
UFO Journal (Cleveland, Ohio), issue 35 (July 1981), citing the Nyhetsblad
Newsletter (Sweden), April/September 1980, citing an investigation by Tor
Wiklund who wrote a report on the case in the publication UFO-Information
(Skanninge, Sweden), issue 4 (1980).
199. 1979, state of Parana, Brazil, night
On her way to chat with a neighbor, Yolanda Kmiecik, mother of six, claims she
was engulfed by an eerie foggy light that lifted her up and into a hovering disc.
The crew, "resembling earth men, but with leather clothes," treated her well,
serving a "viscous, tasteless liquid" before returning her. The crew said they
weren't hostile, but concerned by the "contamination of our race by pollution,
especially by the cigarette."
Milt Machlin with Timothy Green Beckley, UFO (New York: Quick Fox, 1981),
p. 77; Scientific Bureau of Investigation Report 1, no. 10 (1978): 49. The S.B.I.
account says it occurred in November, while Machlin dates it as August.
200. November 1980, near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Concert pianist Luli Oswald was driving with her male companion, Fauze
Mehlen, when several unusual crafts emerged from the ocean. The car became
uncontrollable: weaving, doors opening and shutting. Suddenly the car stopped.
When they later arrived at a restaurant, they couldn't account for two hours.
Under regressive hypnosis, Oswald said the car was floated into the bottom of a
black disc. She next found herself out of the car and "They are putting a tube in
my ear ... tubes everywhere ... they are pulling my hair.... They look like rats ...
have huge horrible rat ears and their mouths are like slits. They are touching me
all over with their thin arms. There are five of them, their skin is gray and
Oswald could also see Mehlen being examined on a table with a light ray.
The beings communicated telepathically, saying they were from Antarctica,
claiming, "There is a tunnel that goes under the South Pole, that's why they came
out of the water. Others are extraterrestrials." Two hours later they found
themselves back in the car on Earth.
Nigel Blundell and Roger Boar, The World's Greatest UFO Mysteries (New
York: Exeter, 1984), pp. 67-68.
201. Late November 1980, Braganca, Para, Brazil,
A luminous dot grew in size as it approached at an incredible speed and landed
on a nearby beach. Two beings resembling normal men emerged from a disc,
asking farmworker Domingos Monteiro Brito several questions in his native
language, including if there were large uninhabited areas in the neighborhood.
Paralyzed with fear, Brito says he couldn't remember how or if he replied. He
only recalls that before entering the craft, they promised to reappear at dawn on
November 25 for another contact.
0 Dia, December 14, 1980.
202. January 2, 1983, Chillan, Chile, night
Chilean schoolteacher Sergio Baeza claims telepathic communication with
extraterrestrials after "a powerful light descended" and came "to rest on the
ground" in a forest on the outskirts of Chillan. "When I thought of running away,
there was something that stopped me from doing so; it was as if it was
unnecessary, as if I knew that to attempt it would be useless." He says he felt the
presence of unseen aliens, and their intention was to make contact. "[They were]
asked mentally about the things I wanted to know, and they responded by
turning lights on and off in the negative or affirmative." He determined "their
intentions are peaceful" and they wish "to establish contact with us."
While fishing near Government Bridge over the Basing-stoke Canal, Alfred
Burtoo saw a flying saucer land and two forms (four feet tall) emerge. They
wore pale green suits, and dark visors covered their faces. After following them
inside the ship Burtoo was asked to stand under an amber light, and they told
him, "You can go. You are too old and too infirm for our purpose." Burtoo was
seventy-seven at the time.
Eight hours after first seeing the object, he awoke, lying beside highway
BR-282 near the Electro-Diesel Batistella works. He also claims to have
discovered a "W" with an exclamation mark imprinted into his back.
A note about cases from 1984 to present: This list of contact cases since 1900 is
relatively comprehensive until 1983. However, since the early 1980s, UFO
groups, researchers, and authors have compiled thousands of claimed abductions
and contacts with aliens. To list them all is not necessary to the central purpose
of the catalogue. It is intended to show the content and form of the UFO contact
narrative over eight decades.
Adamski, G. 1955. Inside the Spaceships. New York: Abelard-Schuman.
Adamski, G., and D. Leslie. 1953. Flying Saucers Have Landed. New York:
British Book Centre.
Angelucci, O. 1955. The Secret of the Saucers. Amherst, Wis.: Amherst Press.
Barker, G. 1956. They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers. New York:
University Books.
. 1983. Men in Black: The Secret Terror Among Us. N.p.: New Age.
. 1987. "Your Mind: The Final Frontier." Unpublished manuscript, pp. 58-59.
1988. Abstracts of Possible Abduction Cases Where the Percipient Was in
Bed/Asleep. Adelaide, Australia: K. Basterfield. See page 4 citing Aerial
Phenomena Research Organization Bulletin 26, no. 5 (1977): 1-3.
Beckley, T. G. 1980. Psychic and UFO Revelations in the Last Days. New York:
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. 1975. Ultima Hora (Buenos Aires), evening edition, May 21; El Cronista
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