Management of Patients
Management of Patients
Management of Patients
Diagnosis: Epilepsy/Seizure
Investigations Plans
FBC 1. Prop up patient
RP/LFT/Ca2+/Mg2+/PO4/C 2. Monitor vital signs
K 3. Keep nil by mouth
RBS (reflo) stat 4. For oxygen therapy
ECG 5. Fit and GCS charting
CXR 6. For CBD and RT insertion
7. Medications:
- IV Diltiazem 5 mg PRN
- T. Epilim 300 mg BD
Shakir Ariff Bin Zulkifli | Management of Patients
Diagnosis: Acute Pulmonary Oedema (APO)
Investigations Plans
FBC 1. Prop up patient
RP/LFT/Ca2+/Mg2+/PO4/C 2. Monitor vital signs
K 3. High flow mask (FM) O2 10 L/min
Page CKMB/Trop I (within 6 4. SpO2 monitoring 4 hourly
14 hours) 5. Medications:
PT/APTT/INR - IV Furosemide 60 – 80 mg stat & TDS
ABG - IV Morphine 2.5 – 5 mg stat
CXR a. T. Digoxin 0.125 (if atria l fibrillation
URINE FEME 6. Fluid restriction to 500 – 800 ml/day
7. Strict I/O charting
8. Withhold beta-blocker in acute episode
9. May need IV Aminophylline 250 – 500 mg stat
10. For ECHO later
11. To inform if SOB/chest pain
Diagnosis: Pneumonia
Investigations Plans
FBC 1. Prop up patient
RP/LFT/Ca2+/Mg2+/PO4/C 2. Monitor vital signs
K 3. O2 PRN
ESR/CRP 4. SpO2 monitoring 4 hourly
Cold agglutinin (if suspect 5. IV drip 2 – 3 pints/24 hours
mycoplasma) 6. Tepid sponging (if fever)
Page Blood C+S 7. Neb AVN 1:2:1 stat & 6 hourly
Sputum C+S 8. Medications:
14 Sputum FEME - IV Augmentin 1.2 g stat & TDS (or T.
Sputum AFB x 3 Augmentin 625mg BD)
ABG - Syr. Benadryl 15ml TDS
CXR - IV Rocephin (if partially
Pleural aspiration (if effusion treated/HAP/aspiration)
(+)) - T. Bisolvan 8mg I/I TDS (if (+)
Bronchoscopy (lung abscess) sputum but can’t cough)
ECHO - T. EES 400 mg BD (or T.
URINE FEME Azithromycin 500 mg OD)
Atypical Pneumonia: Mild CAP (1 week)
- Serology for - T. Augmentin 1.2g stat & TDS (or T.
mycoplas Augmentin 625 mg BD) OR
ma, - T. EES 800 mg BD (or T.
Chlamydia Azithromycin 500 mg OD)
, legionella - Recent antibiotics: both
- PCR Moderate and Severe CAP – not requiring
- mechanical ventilation (1 week)
Immunoflo - IV Azithromycin 500 mg OD PLUS
rescence/ - T. Augmentin 625 mg BD
Giemsa - Pseudomonas infection:
staining IV Piperacillin/Tazobactam 4.5 g IV TDS PLUS
for IV Gentamicin 5 mg/kg OD PLUS
Pneumocy IV Azithromycin 500 mg OD
stis carinii Moderate and Severe CAP – requiring mechanical
ventilation (1 week)
- IV Ceftriaxone 2g OD PLUS
- IV Azithromycin 500 mg OD
- Klebsiella pneumonia (ESBL)
IV Imipenem 500 mg QID
IV Vancomycin 1g BD
Lung Abscess/Empyema (4 – 6 weeks)
- IV Ceftriaxone 2g OD PLUS
- IV Metronidazole 500 mg TDS & T.
Metronidazole 400 mg TDS
9. For chest physiotherapy
10. Ill patients not responding to conventional
- Bronchoalveolar lavage
- Percutaneous lung aspiration
- Lung biopsy (transbronchial/open lung
Diagnosis: Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
Page Investigations Plans
14 FBC
1. Prop up patient and rest in bed
2. Monitor vital signs
CK 3. BP every 15 – 30 minutes then 1 – 2 hourly
FBS/FSL 5. SpO2 monitoring 4 hourly
CK/CKMB/Trop I 6. ECG daily & on chest pain
PT/APTT/INR 7. Maintain INR: 1.5 – 2.5
ABG 8. Medications:
ECG – stat & post streptokinase - IV Morphine 2.5 mg – 5 mg PRN
FSL CM - IV Maxolon 10 mg PRN (and on
RBS (reflo) stat morphine)
- S/C Clexane 60 mg stat and BD x
- S/C Fundaparinox (factor Xa
inhibitor) 2.5 mg OD (not for
renal impairment pt)
- S/L Glycerin Trinitrate (GTN) I/I
- T. Aspirin 300 mg stat & 75 mg OD
(not for ICB pt)
- T. Isordil 10 mg BD/TDS
- T. Lovastatin 20 mg ON
- T. Vasteral (anti-ischemic) 20 mg
9. To inform if SOB/chest pain
Diagnosis: Hypertensive Crisis (Emergency/Urgency)
Investigations Plans
FBC 1. Prop up patient
RP/LFT/Ca2+/Mg2+/PO4/C 2. Monitor vital signs
K 3. To keep BP at 160/90 mmHg (diastolic BP: 100-
PT/APTT/INR 110 mmHg)
FSL Emergency: within a few hours – to prevent organ
ABG damage
Blood C+S Urgency: slowly
ECG stat 4. BP hourly till stable (BP control within 4 hours)
Funduscopy 5. CBD insertion
UFEME 6. Medications:
CXR CAD and Heart Failure
- IV GTN 50 mg in 250 ml NS or D5%
= 200mcd/ml; 10 mcg/min :
* Start at 5 – 10 mcg/min and titrate until desired
BP is achieved (max: 200 mcg/min)
- T. Prazosin (thiazide) 0.5 mg stat and 1
mg TDS (if no hypokalemia)
Aortic Dissection
- IV Esmolol 2.5 g in 250 ml NS or
D5% to a concentration of 10 mg/ml
Loading dose: 500 mcg/kg/min for 1 min;
Maintenance dose: 50 mcg/kg/min and titrate (not
more than every 4 min within a range of 50 – 200
Pulmonary Oedema
- IV Furosemide / IV GTN
Hypertension in pregnancy
- IV Hydralazine 50 mg in 500 ml NS =
100 mcg/ml; 50 mcg/min = 30
5 – 20 mg, repeated if necessary at about 15 – 30
min interval
IVI Hydralazine 50 – 150 mcg/min
- IV Labetolol 25 – 50 mg over 1 – 5
min repeated every 5 – 10 min until
max dose of 200 – 300 mg or until
desired BP achieved (T. Labetolol
200 mg BD)
IVI Labetolol 200 mg in 200 ml D5% running at 1
– 2 mg/min (1 – 2 ml/min)
*Excessive bradycardia: IV Atropine 0.5 – 2 mg in
divided doses of 0.5 mg
- IV MgSO4
- IV Esmolol/T. Amlodipine 10 mg BD
7. To refer ENT if BP still high
Shakir Ariff Bin Zulkifli | Management of Patients
Shakir Ariff Bin Zulkifli | Management of Patients
Shakir Ariff Bin Zulkifli | Management of Patients
Diagnosis: Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus (DM)
Investigations Plans
FBC 1. Monitor vital signs
RP/LFT/Ca2+/Mg2+/PO4 2. Withhold OHA
FBS/FSL 3. Continue other medications
RBS (reflo) stat and hourly 4. For diabetic diet and counseling
VBG 5. Medications:
ABG Reflo 15 – 20 mmol/L
Urine ketone stat and - S/C Actrapid 6 – 8 units stat then TDS
hourly - Omit if < 6 mmol/L
Urine FEME - Reflo an hour later
- Withhold OHA
- Continue other medications
Reflo > 20 mmol/L
- S/C Actrapid 10 – 12 units stat
- Reflo an hour later
- Inform MO
- KIV Insulin sliding scale
Diagnosis: Hypoglycemia
Investigations Plans
FBC 3. Monitor vital signs
RP/LFT/Ca2+/Mg2+/PO4 4. Watch out for SSx of hypoglycemia
RBS (reflo) stat 5. IV drip 1pint D10%/24 hours
FSL/FBS CM 6. Encourage oral intake
Urine FEME 7. Strict I/O charting
CXR 8. If insulin/OHA overdose:
- > 3 mmol/L: encourage orally
- < 2 mmol/L:
D50%/50 cc stat
IVD ½ pint D5/24 hours
Page Shakir Ariff Bin Zulkifli | Management of Patients
Diagnosis: Acute Renal Failure (ARF)
Investigations Plans
FBC 1. Monitor vital signs
RP/LFT/Ca2+/Mg2+/PO4/C 2. Watch out for SSx of uraemia
K 3. Fluid management:
ESR/CRP Hypotensive patients:
ANF/anti dsDNA - Fluid challenge with 250 ml NS over
Urine FEME 15 min
Urine C+S - If CVP does not increase by 2 cm, to
ECG repeat fluid challenge up to 500 –
CXR 1000 ml NS
AXR - Stop if CVP: 5 – 10 cmH2O
USG Kidney-Ureter-Bladder - Establish urine > 40 ml/hour
(KUB) - If not, give IV Furosemide 40 – 120
mg at 10 – 30 mg/hour
Euvolaemic patients:
- Start IV Furosemide as above
Fluid overload patients:
- Restrict fluid
- Start IV Furosemide as above
- Consider dialysis if not improved
4. Blood pressure
- Volume expansion, vasopressors
- BP should be controlled
5. Correct any electrolyte imbalances
Metabolic acidosis
0.5 x Body weight (kg) x Base deficit
Base deficit: 24 – Actual HCO3
1 ml of 8.4% NaHCO3 provides 1 mmol/L of NaHCO3
6. Nutrition:
Protein: 0.8 – 1.2 g/kg/day (higher protein intake if in
hypercatabolic state)
NaCl: 2 – 4 g/day
Caloric intake: 35 – 50 kcal/kg/day
Potassium: 40 mmol/day (if dialysed)
Diagnosis: Allergies
Investigations Plans
FBC 1. Monitor vital signs
2. Medications:
- IV or T. Piriton 10 mg TDS
- IV Ranitidine 50 mg TDS
- T. Hydrocortisone 100 mg TDS
- T. Prednisolone 30 mg OD
Shakir Ariff Bin Zulkifli | Management of Patients
RP/LFT/Ca/Mg/PO4 Green
PT/APTT/INR Light blue
DVT Fibrinogen/D-dimer
Values Units
Hb 12 – 15 g/dL
WBC 4 – 10 10’9/L
Plt 150 – 410 10’9/L
Hct 36 – 46 %
PT 11.2 – 14.4 sec
INR 0.8 – 1.2
APTT 31.5 – 46.7 sec
Urea 2.8 – 7.2 sec
Sodium (Na) 136 – 145 mmol/L
Potassium (K) 3.5 – 5.1 mmol/L
Chloride (Cl) 98 – 107 mmol/L
Uric Acid 150 – 420 umol/L
Creatinine 45 – 84 umol/L
Total Protein 64 – 83 g/L
Albumin 35 – 50 g/L
Globulin 25 – 39 g/L
A/G Ratio 0.9 – 1.8
Total Bilirubin 3.4 – 26.0 umol/L
ALP 40 – 150 u/L
ALT < 55 u/L
AST 5 – 34 u/L
LDH 105 – 333 IU/L
Lactate 0.5 – 2.2 mmol/L
Magnesium (Mg) 0.73 – 1.06 mmol/L
Calcium (Ca) 2.10 – 2.55 mmol/L
Phosphate (PO4) 0.74 – 1.50 mmol/L
Amylase 25 – 90 u/L
Trop T < 0.1 ug/mL
Trop I < 0.04 ug/mL
CK 38 – 120 ng/mL
pH 7.35 – 7.45
pO2 75 – 100 mmHg
pCO2 35 – 45 mmHg
HCO3 22 – 28 mEg/L
BE -2 - +2
CRP 0 – 0.5 mg/L
ESR 0 – 10 mm/hour
GGT 9 – 64 u/L