Crypto 1
Crypto 1
Crypto 1
Cloud based data is safer than paper and client-server records. Now, medical
practices just have to be willing to look to the cloud for the future of healthcare IT.
There are lots of security issues related with the storage of sensitive personal health
information in the cloud, which will make lots of security challenges to the PMR
our data accuracy. The Cryptographic techniques can be employed to protect the
data in cloud environment. The technique used for security is multiple authority
scenario and divide the users in the PMR system into multiple security domains
which leads to key management complexity for owners and users. In the proposed
distributed attribute based encryption scheme PMR can be accessed from any
hospital using a single key thereby reducing the complexity of key management.
This Security concern can be solved using various ways, the most commonly used
used to provide security to data. All the algorithms use 128- bit keys. LSB
Steganography technique is used to securely store the key information. Key
information will contain the information regarding the encrypted part of the file,
the algorithm and the key for the algorithm. File during encryption is split into
two parts. These individual parts of the file will be encrypted using different
1.1 Data security 1
1.2 Problem statement 1
1.3 Cryptography and Steganography 2
1.3.1 Features of cryptography 2
1.3.2 Steganography protocols 3
1.3.3 Pure Steganography 3
1.3.4 Secret key Steganography 4
1.3.5 Public key Steganography 4
1.3.6 Image Steganography 4
1.4 Objective 5
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Literature Review 6
3.1 Overview 11
3.3 Rivest cipher 6 (RC6) 13
3.4 Architectural design 15
4.1 STEGANOGRAPHY algorithm and image 16
4.2 RC6 encryption combined image 19
3.1 System Overview 11
3.3 Rivest Cipher 6 (RC6) 14
3.4 System Sender Architecture 15
4.1 Input-original information 16
4.2 Encryption key of the input 16
4.3 Cover image 17
4.4 Stego image 17
4.5 Decrypt-stego image 18
4.6 Output-retrieved original information 18
4.7 Original data 19
4.8 Password to protect 20
4.9 Cover image 20
4.10 Output-Stego image 21
Cloud computing is an efficient technique by which the user can access any
data from anywhere and anytime through internet. Thus it’s providing the new
world of computing technology to the world. The personal health records are thus
also using this cloud computing technology for the efficient storage and retrieval
system. But there is still a comparison is going on with the electronic health record
and personal health record. Electronic health record is the electronic version of the
medical record of the care and treatment the patient receives. It is maintained and
managed by the health care organizations. But our PMR is the collection of
important information that the patient maintain about their health or the health of
someone they are caring for. It may be short and simple or very
electronic files maintained by their computer, but now the PMR is created by using
the tools available in the internet. So which make the facility to use the health
information across any distances, and to share with the selective users with special
read and write access. But while using third party service providers there are many
security and privacy risks for PMR. The main concern is whether the medical
record owner actually gets full control of his or her data or not, especially when it
improve the quality of life. In this fast life where every person uses a
smartphone and has access to the internet, the major concern that the people face
technique is used here. Cryptography techniques convert original data into Cipher
text. So only legitimate users with the right key can access data from the
cloud storage server. The main aim of cryptography is to keep the security of
the data from hackers, online/software crackers, and any third party users. No
legitimate user access to information results in loss of confidentiality. This data can
security should be completely reliable. It is necessary that the data in the cloud is
A new type of sociotechnical challenge has arisen with the advent of eHealth and
big data technologies. For example, ubiquitous and wearable health systems collect
data through sensors and mobile apps and store the data in the servers of multiple
Twitter. This is significantly different from the traditional health service, where
It has been argued that these new technologies can lead to positive health
Some of the ways in which self-management can have a positive effect include
supporting the patient’s motivation to look after their health, greater levels of
helping researchers learn about the drivers of different pathologies, or how people's
symptoms and can help to provide support and/or consultation. Social networks are
now being leveraged to provide people with a better lifestyle and health, without
However, privacy DataData, trust, and security issues associated with health data
make patients hesitant to post sensitive health information and share it with health
providers DataData. Data are not ephemeral and will be stored in servers and
shared. All stakeholders need to worry about the lifecycle of the data; not just who
can access and manage the data at a particular point in time, but also who will be
guarantee that their sensitive health information will only be visible to the doctors,
A trivial solution to sharing data in the cloud involves the data owners first
encrypting their data before storing to cloud servers. The data owner can then
distribute encryption keys to every user in the group thereby keeping the data
protected from the cloud provider and also malicious users. Authorized users in the
group can then download the encrypted data from the cloud and decrypt the data
using the encryption key provided. However, the main problem with this solution
is user revocation. When the data owner wishes to revoke one of the users in the
group, he must re-encrypt the data with a new encryption key and redistribute the
new key to all the remaining users in the group. This renders the revoked user’s
key useless and he or she will thus not be able to access the data contents. This
process of re-encrypting the data and redistributing keys to all the remaining users
in the group every time a user is revoked access can place a huge burden on the
data owner. This is especially the case when the group size is very large, in excess
cloud service provider (eg, employees) can steal data, because they have direct
access to it. Insiders who are not happy with their job and who have recently been
terminated may take revenge and destroy, corrupt, or sell all data owner’s data
sell to third parties Data,Data. Such privacy attacks affect the trust of users and
make them skeptical of using cloud services for sensitive data storage. It has been
argued that this is one of the main reasons why patients have a lack of trust for
using the cloud for storage and sharing of highly critical medical information
There have been multiple studies around privacy and trust in health systems in
research Data-Data. One of the most effective ways of keeping data private in the
cloud, and thus increasing the trust of the data owners, is keeping data encrypted
when stored on untrusted servers, backup servers, and when in transit on untrusted
public channels.
provided privacy management to help data owners create and manage the network
their users because users rarely have the power “to force a system to put personal
rules into effect.” Our paper contributes a novel security architecture that can help
Even when data are encrypted, it may still be possible for a malicious cloud
propose a novel solution that adds noise obfuscation based on a time-series pattern
to client data stored in the cloud. This can help protect the privacy of the owner’s
Little of this work has focused on private data sharing between patients and doctors
using social networks. We present a new security model that would allow users to
One of the major issues with private sharing of health information, and hence the
major focus of this paper, is encryption key management. As discussed above, the
and manage their health and fitness information, as well as share the data securely
with their friends and family. The encryption is done within HealthVault and does
not rely on the patient to generate and distribute keys. The patient can decide who
specifically can view his health information. With our system, the patient has
greater control over his health information and can choose to store his health data
on any cloud service provider that he wishes. The patient himself distributes
encryption keys to people he wishes to share the data with and does not rely on
current techniques aimed at secure and private data sharing in the cloud DataData.
Ming et al DataData use ABE for efficient revocation for outsourced data sharing
stronger security.
Silva et al DataData present a data encryption solution for mobile health apps and a
We live in an age and society that surrounds us with information, and increasingly
our day-to-day lives depend upon this information and our ability to manipulate
information's to protect from hackers. Sadly, whenever there are services for
elements in society that will seek to subvert these services for their own benefit.
This has led to the growth of cryptography and Steganography scan pattern for
secured communication.
algorithms are used to provide security to data. LSB algorithm is used for
image Steganography. Sensitive data of the user is hidden into a cover image
part assists in storing the key information safely. It makes it difficult for the
attacker to recover the secret file of the user. File that the user wants to store on
cloud is split into two parts for encryption. These two parts of the file will be
encrypted using different encryption algorithm mentioned above. The key
when imparting over any untrusted medium, which incorporates pretty much
any organization, especially the Internet. Within the setting of any application-
• Integrity: Assuring the collector that the got message has not been changed
As the use of internet has increased for day to day communication between the
people and organization in various ways through mobile phones, fax, computer
Pure Steganography
prior is not needed to start the communication. Thus it is secure and the entire
1.3.4 Secret key Steganography:
A secret key steganographic system is alike symmetric cipher where the secret
key is used to embed the secret message in to the cover which is selected by the
sender. If the secret key is known to the receiver, the process can be reversed
Public key Steganography doesn’t depend upon the exchange of a secret key.
It requires two keys, one of them private (secret) and therefore the other
public: the general public key is stored during a public database, whereas the
general public key’s used in the embedding process. The secret key is used to
.3.6Image Steganography
Concealing the information by taking the cover object as the picture is known
present in the in the digital representation of a picture. There are a great deal of
To secure the communication of crucial digital data from the intruders, the
A literature survey is that part which shows the different examinations and
distributed, considering the different parameters of the project and the degree of
the undertaking.
Hybrid Cryptography and Steganography
to secure the data. The security of data or information in this digital world
has become a challenge. Hybrid cryptography has been applied using the
symmetric key used for encrypting the message has been encrypted to create
the stego-image at the transmission side DataData. At the receiving side, digital
signature which is created using hash value is used to check integrity. The
Salim Ali Abbas (207), in this paper, they focus on RC6 encryption for the
the cloud. Because of the low security there exists an information misfortune,
hijacks and so on. The RC6 algorithm which is a block cipher derived from
RC5 where encryption and decryption are performed using the similar keys. The
RC6 encryption algorithm where the clients are given a unique ID and password
so that information sent through cloud are secured and it can be accessed
anywhere Data2Data. RC6 algorithm has been proposed to enhance the security
level for the data stored within the cloud to protect user’s data against threats and
with Cryptography
LianJing Jin (206), an improved LSB algorithm of color image using secret
key and peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) are combined to hide information
authentication and encryption technology make the unauthorized users not to know
and cryptography, the human eye visual features are increased to improve the
secured information. An improved LSB algorithm has better security than general
Vasim Ahamad (207), this paper focuses on LSB substitution method using
modulus function for hiding data. To achieve better PSNR, secret data is break
can be hidden separately in cover image Data8Data. Only 3 bits have been
used for indicating repetitions while hiding the remainder sequence and in
interest (BOI) using the HOG algorithm to hide secret data in the cover
image. Pixel value differencing (PVD) and least significant bit substitution are
(HOG) algorithm is proposed to find the dominant edge direction for each 2
adaptively based on the gradient magnitude and angle of the cover image.
6. An Efficient Filtering Based Approach Improving LSB Image Steganography
Ayasha Siddiqa (204), to hide large data in Bitmap image using filtering based
text to ensure two layer security of the message before the Steganography
technique. PSNR is calculated for each of the images tested and various sizes
of data are stored inside the image. The Stego image has higher PSNR value
with Cryptography
and the Reversible data hiding technique Data4Data. Improved RDH is carried
out considering the security and the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR).
8. A Secure Video Steganography with Encryption Based on LSB Technique
Pooja Yadav (203), in this paper, a high capacity video Steganography based
cover video stream. Each frame of secret video will be broken into individual
components and then converted into 8-bit binary values, and encrypted using XOR
with secret key Data2Data. Using sequential encoding of cover video the
encrypted frames will be hidden in the least significant bit of each frames. LSB
technique directly embeds the secret data within the cover image. The quality
of secret video stream is acceptable and there is no distortion in the host video
stream as experimented.
9. Multiple layer Text security using Variable block size Cryptography and Image
ratio in Red Green Blue (RGB) plane. The steganographic technique used is
LSB and raster scan pattern where the data is hidden up to a maximum of 480
and stores the RSA private key with himself and also create an RSA
public key while uploading the data Data6Data. In the cloud, the
server calls the RSA and STEGANOGRAPHY algorithm for encryption of the file
Palash Uddin (204), researched an efficient way for information hiding using
of pure text was proposed, including private key cryptography that provides
embedding the cipher text in the cover text, the text seems like ordinary text.
R.T. Patil (204), suggested a system for the hiding text in cover images
using the LSB algorithm and for decoding using the same method. The use
of the data of this algorithm can be stored in the Least Significant Bit of the title
image Data8Data. Even then, the human eye cannot notice the hidden text in
the image.
The architecture for whole process is shown in Figure 3.. In the proposed
system, a method for securely storing files in the cloud using a hybrid
cryptography algorithm is presented. In this system, the user can store the file
safely in online cloud storage as these files will be stored in encrypted form in
the cloud and only the authorized user has access to their files. Syntactic
Figure 3.: System Overview
As in the above figure 3., the files that the user will upload on the cloud will be
encrypted with a user-specific key and store safely on the cloud. The file
uploaded is then split into two which is then encrypted by using the two
algorithms as mentioned above. Then the key generated is stored in the form
of the image using the Steganography technique and is stored in the user’s profile.
If the user wants the file, the file is then decrypted by using the same algorithms
that are being used for encryption. Then the decrypted files are merged
version of the old RC5 algorithm. RC6 – w/r/b means that four w-bit-word
algorithm has a block size of 28 bits and also works with key sizes of 28-bit,
Figure 3.2: Rivest Cipher 6 (RC6)
the system.
4. Python
3. Encrypte
d File 2. R
1. Image
aphy with
Figure 3.4: System Sender Architecture
Figure 3.4 represents the sender architectural design of the system where the
interface asks the user to input the file he wants to store on cloud, image he
chooses to hide the key. The file then subjected to two algorithms
STEGANOGRAPHY and RC6. The encrypted file with the stego image is sent to
the server.
be secured. The data is encrypted and hidden into a cover image. Then the stego
the receiver side reverse Steganography and decryption is applied and the results
are obtained.
In figure 4., the original information that is to be encrypted using
In figure 4.2, the encryption key for the original data is obtained
Figure 4.3: cover image
The figure 4.3 is the cover image in which the encrypted data is to be encoded.
The cover image is selected which is the ‘cover.jpg’ and the data will be
The figure 4.4 is the resultant stego image in which the data is encoded and
hidden using the LSB technique. The encrypted data will be in a random
Figure 4.5: Decrypt Stego image
In figure 4.5 the stego image which is obtained from the sender is to be
decrypted to get the original data. So the stego image which is encrypted on
The figure 4.6 is the result where the original data “hello world” entered in the
sender side is obtained after the carrying the decryption process in the stego
user. The data is encrypted using a password and encoded into the cover image
information inside the stego image is invisible and it is highly secure by the
Figure 4.7: original data
In figure 4.7, the original data is entered as “my name is bruno”. This data is to
Figure 4.8: Password to protect
The figure 4.8 shows the password which is entered by the user to protect the
Figure 4.9: Cover image
The figure 4.9 shows the cover image ‘dog.jpg’ which is selected to encode the
Figure 4.0: Output-Stego image
The figure 4.0 is the resultant stego image in which the data is secured by using
RC6 encryption and LSB technique to encode the data in a Z scan pattern. This
RC6 encryption combined with image Steganography with a new scan pattern
is highly secure
The main aim of this system is to securely store and retrieve Doctor Data on the
cloud. Cloud storage issues of Data security are solved using the combination
LSB technique (Steganography). Less time is used for the encryption and
decryption process using multithreading technique. With the help of the proposed
In the future the Data which is sent to the cloud will be accessed after the
public key cryptography to avoid any attacks during the transmission of the
Data from the client to the server. To improve the security further, the key size
can reduce the percentage of uncertainty an intruder can get that some Data is
being transferred.
November 207.
o Ako Muhamad Abdullah, “Advanced Encryption Standard
o Xingtong Liu, Quan Zhang, Chaojing Tang, Jingjing Zhao and Jian
o Xinyi Zhou, Wei Gong, WenLong Fu, LianJing Jin, “An Improved
o Nadeem Akhtar, Vasim Ahamad, Hira Javed, “A Compressed LSB
Steganography Using SCAN Pattern for Secure Communication”,
Processing, 203.