Coulomb's Law / Image Charge Basic Principle: Electric Field
Coulomb's Law / Image Charge Basic Principle: Electric Field
Coulomb's Law / Image Charge Basic Principle: Electric Field
Basic Principle
When A small electrically charged ball is positioned at a certain distance in front of a metal plate lying
at earth potential. The surface charge on the plate due to electrostatic induction together with the carged
ball forms an electric field analogous to that which exists between two oppositely charged point garges.
The electrostatic force acting on the ball can be measured with a sensitive torsion dynamometer.
Related topics
Electric field
The presence of an electric charge produces a force on all other charges present. The electric force
produces action-at-a-distance; the charged objects can influence each other without touching. Suppose
two charges, q1 and q2, are initially at rest. Coulomb's law allows us to calculate the force exerted by
charge q2 on charge q1 (see Figure 23.1). At a certain moment charge q2 is moved closer to charge q1. As
a result we expect an increase of the force exerted by q2 on q1. However, this change can not occur
instantaneous (no signal can propagate faster than the speed of light). The charges exert a force on one
another by means of disturbances that they generate in the space surrounding them. These disturbances
are called electric fields. Each electrically charged object generates an electric field which permeates the
space around it, and exerts pushes or pulls whenever it comes in contact with other charged objects. The
electric field E generated by a set of charges can be measured by putting a point charge q at a given
position. The test charge will feel an electric force F. The electric field at the location of the point charge
is defined as the force F divided by the charge q:
The definition of the electric field shows that the electric field is a vector field: the electric field at each
point has a magnitude and a direction. The direction of the electric field is the direction in which a
positive charge placed at that position will move. In this chapter the calculation of the electric field
generated by various charge distributions will be discussed.
The electrostatic potential V at a given position is defined as the potential energy of a test particle
divided by the charge q of this object:
In the last step of eq.(25.3) we have assumed that the reference point P0 is taken at infinity, and that the
electrostatic potential at that point is equal to 0. Since the force per unit charge is the electric field , eq.
(25.3) can be rewritten as
The unit of electrostatic potential is the volt (V), and 1 V = 1 J/C = 1 Nm/C. Equation (25.4) shows that
as the unit of the electric field we can also use V/m.
A common used unit for the energy of a particle is the electron-volt (eV) which is defined as the change
in kinetic energy of an electron that travels over a potential difference of 1 V. The electron-volt can be
related to the Joule via eq.(25.3). Equation (25.3) shows that the change in energy of an electron when it
crosses over a 1 V potential difference is equal to 1.6 . 10-19 J and we thus conclude that 1 eV = 1.6 . 10-19
Dielectric Strength
Dielectric materials are insulators (conduction cannot generally occur). However, under certain
conditions, dielectric materials can break down and conduct a significant current. Generally, the
lattice of a dielectric has sufficient strength to absorb the energy from impacting electrons that are
accelerated by the applied electric field. However, under a sufficiently large electric field, some
electrons present in the dielectric will have sufficient kinetic energy to ionize the lattice atoms
causing an avalanching effect. As a result, the dielectric will begin to conduct a significant amount
of current.
1. Establishment of the relation between the active force and
the charge on the ball.
2. Establishment of the relation between force and distance,
ball to metal plate.
3. Determination of the electric constant.
Required Apparatus
Plate capacitor, 283 283 mm 06233.02 1
Make connections as u shown above.The metal ball connected to the DC amplifier is used to calculate
the charges by touching it with the grey conducting suspension ball.
The DC amplifier is set for measuring charges by pressing button Q set the range of charge
measurement at 100 (nAs).The voltmeter is set for measuring voltages of range
0-20V.A reading of 2.3 V means that the charge is 23 (nAs).
Carefully align the suspension ball hanging from the dynamometer with the centre of the plate.Note the
distance between the ball and the plate i.e a (m).
The metal ball connected to power supply is used for charging the suspension ball by touching.
Press the rest button on DC amplifier to get 0V on the multimeter display screen.first take the screened
cable out of the metal ball connected to the DC amplifier and ground at such that the reading on
voltmeter reads 0V.
Now connect it back and the value of voltage and hence charge appearing on the voltmeter Vi (V).
Now read the value of force twisting the ball initially on the dynamometer and note it as Fi mN.
Now touch the power supply ball with the suspension ball that will charge it resulting in the creation of
attractive force force between the plate and the suspension ball and the reduction in the distance between
the ball and the plate.
Now twist the dynamometer knob till the distance between the plate and the ball again becomes a
(m).Note Ff (mN).Calculate F=Ff-Fi (mN).
Touch the DC amplifier ball with the suspension ball and note the value of Vf (V) and hence charge Q
Calculate Aa.
Repeat above steps with different values of distance a (m) ranging between 0.04m to 0.08m.
Draw F Vs Q2
(m) (V) (mN) (mN) (mN) (V) (nAs) (nAs)2 (V/A sm)
2 0.05 -.01 0.3 0.575 0.275 1.71 1.71 17.1 292.41 9.4046E+11
3 0.06 -.01 0.47 0.725 0.25 1.99 1.99 19.9 396.01 6.31297E+11
Aa=F/Q2 (m-2)
1012 V/Asm