Tempilstik°: Temperature Indicators

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Vendor Code: TEM

Temperature Indicators

Tempil’s industrial melting point standards are simple, reliable and guaranteed ac- At temperatures above 700° F (371° C) or under prolonged heating, the
curate within 1%. Tempilstik° technology was developed to meet the demand Tempilstik° mark may evaporate or be absorbed. Under these conditions, stroke
for measuring surface temperatures during preheat, interpass and postweld heat the workpiece with the selected Tempilstik° from time to time during the heating
treatment temperatures. When the Tempilstik° mark melts, the temperature has operation. When the rated temperature has been reached, it will leave a liquid
been reached. Over 100 temperature ratings available between 100° F (38° C) smear. This method should also be used if a smooth surface is involved, where
Welding Accessories

and 2500° F (1371° C). Lot numbered for NIST traceability in accordance with the hard Tempilstik° chalk will not leave a mark. (If it is necessary to mark a
ISO 10012-1. smooth surface before heating, use Tempilaq°.)
Applications Cleaning
A few of the hundreds of uses for Tempilstik° temperature indicators include: For temperature ratings of 650° F (343° C) or below, the Tempilstik° mark can
Determining surface temperatures during welding and metal fabrication including be removed (if it has not been charred) with alcohol or water; for ratings above
preheat, interpass, postweld heat treatment, annealing and stress relieving. 650° F (343° C), use water only. If the mark has been heated well above the rated
Determining operating temperatures of bearings, transformers, steam traps, temperature and has become charred, an abrasive procedure may be required.
molds, PC board preheaters, motors, electronic components, hydraulic systems, Standard Packaging
commercial irons, hot plates & heat exchangers. Tempilstik° temperature indicators are 5" long and come in adjustable aluminum
How to Use holders with pocket clip. 10 indicators per box, either loose or in individual blister
When working below 700° F (371° C) on relatively rough surfaces, where packs. Bar-coded per NWSA guidelines. Approximate weight per box of 10: 1/2 lb.
6 prolonged heating is not required, the simplest method is to mark the workpiece
before heating begins. The dry opaque Tempilstik° mark will change to a distinct Part Number System
melted mark; this phase change will occur when the temperature rating of the TempilStik° Fahrenheit
selected Tempilstik° has been reached. Part No. TS and degree
CAUTION: Disregard any color change that may occur during heating. This has TempilStik° Celsius
no significance. It is only the melting of the Tempilstik° mark that indicates when Part No. TSC and degree
the rated temperature has been reached. TempilStik° blister packs
Part No. TSB and degree
Fahrenheit Ratings for Tempilstik˚
Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C
TS0100 100 38 TS0213 213 101 TS0331 331 166 TS0600 600 316 TS1500 1500 816
TS0106 106 41 TS0219 219 104 TS0338 338 170 TS0650 650 343 TS1550 1550 843
TS0109 109 43 TS0225 225 107 TS0344 344 173 TSO700 700 371 TS1600 1600 871
TS0113 113 45 TS0231 231 111 TS0350 350 177 TS0750 750 399 TS1650 1650 899
TS0119 119 48 TS0238 238 114 TS0363 363 184 TS0800 800 427 TS1700 1700 927
TS0125 125 52 TS0244 244 118 TS0375 375 191 TS0850 850 454 TS1750 1750 954
TS0131 131 55 TS0250 250 121 TS0388 388 198 TS0900 900 482 TS1800 1800 982
TS0138 138 59 TS0256 256 124 TS0400 400 204 TS0932 932 500 TS1850 1850 1010
TS0144 144 62 TS0263 263 128 TS0413 413 212 TS0950 950 510 TS1900 1900 1038
TS0150 150 66 TS0269 269 132 TS0425 425 218 TS1000 1000 538 TS1950 1950 1066
TS0156 156 69 TS0275 275 135 TS0438 438 226 TS1022 1022 550 TS2000 2000 1093
TS0163 163 73 TS0282 282 139 TS0450 450 232 TS1050 1050 566 TS2100 2100 1149
TS0169 169 76 TS0288 288 142 TS0463 463 239 TS1100 1100 593 TS2200 2200 1204
TS0175 175 79 TS0294 294 146 TS0475 475 246 TS1150 1150 621 TS2300 2300 1260
TS0182 182 83 TS0300 300 149 TS0488 488 253 TS1200 1200 649 TS2400 2400 1316
TS0188 188 87 TS0306 306 152 TS0500 500 260 TS1250 1250 677 TS2500 2500 1371
TS0194 194 90 TS0313 313 156 TS0525 525 274 TS1300 1300 704
TS0200 200 93 TS0319 319 159 TS0550 550 288 TS1400 1400 760
TS0206 206 97 TS0325 325 163 TS0575 575 302 TS1450 1450 788

Centigrade Ratings for Tempilstik˚

Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C
TSC0040 104 40 TSC0110 230 110 TSC0180 356 180 TSC0250 482 250 TSC0500 932 500
TSC0045 113 45 TSC0115 239 115 TSC0185 365 185 TSC0260 500 260 TSC0560 1040 560
TSC0050 122 50 TSC0120 248 120 TSC0190 374 190 TSC0270 518 270 TSC0600 1112 600
TSC0055 131 55 TSC0125 257 125 TSC0195 383 195 TSC0280 536 280 TSC0625 1157 625
TSC0060 140 60 TSC0130 266 130 TSC0200 392 200 TSC0290 554 290 TSC0650 1202 650
TSC0065 149 65 TSC0135 275 135 TSC0205 401 205 TSC0300 572 300 TSC0680 1256 680
TSC0070 158 70 TSC0140 284 140 TSC0210 410 210 TSC0320 608 320 TSC0700 1292 700
TSC0075 167 75 TSC0145 293 145 TSC0215 419 215 TSC0340 644 340 TSC0800 1472 800
TSC0080 176 80 TSC0150 302 150 TSC0220 428 220 TSC0350 662 350 TSC0850 1562 850
TSC0085 185 85 TSC0155 311 155 TSC0225 437 225 TSC0370 698 370 TSC0900 1652 900
TSC0090 194 90 TSC0160 320 160 TSC0230 446 230 TSC0400 752 400 TSC1010 1850 1010
TSC0095 203 95 TSC0165 329 165 TSC0235 455 235 TSC0420 788 420 TSC1100 2012 1100
TSC0100 212 100 TSC0170 338 170 TSC0240 464 240 TSC0460 860 460 TSC1200 2192 1200
TSC0105 221 105 TSC0175 347 175 TSC0245 473 245 TSC0475 887 475

360 www.middlesexgases.com
Vendor Code: TEM

Test Kits / Paintpens

Min/Max Double Tempilstik®

Tempilstik® Min/Max Indicators allow for higher-rated and lower-rated testing in a
single, handy, double-ended holder. Available as a custom kit of six min/max holders,
each with two kit-size sticks. You specify your preferred ratings from Tempil’s range of
100 to 650° F, 38 to 343° C.

Welding Accessories
Part No. ˚F ˚C Part No. ˚F ˚C Part No. ˚F ˚C Part No. ˚F ˚C Part No. ˚F ˚C
T100/38 100 38 T225/107 225 107 T350/177 350 177 T536/280 536 280 T1150/621 1150 621
T104/40 104 40 T230/110 230 110 T356/180 356 180 T550/288 550 288 T1157/625 1157 625
T109/43 109 43 T239/115 239 115 T363/184 363 184 T554/290 554 290 T1200/649 1200 649
T119/48 119 48 T248/120 248 120 T374/190 374 190 T572/300 572 300 T1250/677 1250 677
T122/50 122 50 T250/121 250 121 T375/191 375 191 T575/302 575 302 T1292/700 1292 700
T125/52 125 52 T256/124 256 124 T383/195 383 195 T600/316 600 316 T1300/704 1300 704
T131/55 131 55 T257/125 257 125 T388/198 388 198 T608/320 608 320 T1350/732 1350 732
T140/60 140 60 T263/128 263 128 T392/200 392 200 T650/343 650 343 T1400/760 1400 760
T150/66 150 66 T266/130 266 130 T400/204 400 204 T662/350 662 350 T1450/788 1450 788
T158/70 158 70 T269/132 269 132 T410/210 410 210 T700/371 700 371 T1472/800 1472 800
T163/73 163 73 T275/135 275 135 T413/212 413 212 T750/399 750 399 T1500/816 1500 816
T167/75 167 75 T284/140 284 140 T419/215 419 215 T752/400 752 400 T1550/843 1550 843
T169/76 169 76 T288/142 288 142 T425/218 425 218 T800/427 800 427 T1600/871 1600 871
T175/79 175 79 T294/146 294 146 T428/220 428 220 T850/454 850 454 T1650/899 1650 899
T176/80 176 80 T300/149 300 149 T437/225 437 225 T860/460 860 460 T1700/927 1700 927
T182/83 182 83 T302/150 302 150 T446/230 446 230 T900/482 900 482 T1800/982 1800 982
T185/85 185 85 T306/152 306 152 T450/232 450 232 T932/500 932 500 T1850/1010 1850 1010
T188/87 188 87 T311/155 311 155 T455/235 455 235 T950/510 950 510 T1900/1038 1900 1038
T194/90 194 90 T313/156 313 156 T463/239 463 239 T977/525 977 525 T1950/1066 1950 1066
T200/93 200 93 T320/160 320 160 T475/246 475 246 T1000/538 1000 538 T2000/1093 2000 1093
T203/95 203 95 T325/163 325 163 T482/250 482 250 T1022/550 1022 550
T206/97 206 97 T329/165 329 165 T488/253 488 253 T1040/560 1040 560
T212/100 212 100 T338/170 338 170 T500/260 500 260 T1050/566 1050 566
T213/101 213 101 T344/173 344 173 T518/270 518 270 T1100/593 1100 593
T219/104 219 104 T347/175 347 175 T525/274 525 274 T1112/600 1112 600

Tempstik° Test Kit

Tempstik° Test Kit consists of twenty 2-1/2"
temperature indicating crayons, each with its
own holder, with ratings from 125° F/ 52° C to
800° F/ 427° C. For welders who frequently weld
different types of heat treated alloy steels in
various thicknesses, and need to know precise
preheat and interpass temperatures.
Part No. TSTK

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Vendor Code: TEM

Temperature Indicators

Tempilaq° G
Tempilaq° G is made of the same materials as Tempilstik°. Tempilaq° G is available in the same 2 oz. 2 oz.
Part No. Part No.
102° temperature ratings as Tempilstik° and carries the same ± 1% accuracy. Lot numbers on °F °C °F °C
each bottle allow it to be traced to the specific batch of raw material from which it was made. TL0175 175 79 TL0700 700 371
How to Use TL0200 200 93 TL0750 750 399
TL0225 225 107 TL0800 800 427
Welding Accessories

Apply a thin coating of the appropriate Tempilaq° G to a clean, dry surface. Tempilaq° G will dry
rapidly to a dull, opaque film. As heat is applied and the rated temperature is achieved, the Tempilaq° TL0250 250 121 TL0850 850 454
G film will liquefy. Upon cooling, re-solidified mark will be distinctly different than the original mark. TL0275 275 135 TL0900 900 482
TL0300 300 149 TL0950 950 510
CAUTION: Disregard any color change that may occur during heating.
TL0313 313 156 TL1000 1000 538
This has no significance. It is only the melting of the Tempilaq° G mark that indicates when the
rated temperature has been reached. Upon cooling, the melted Tempilaq° G mark will solidify to a TL0325 325 163 TL1022 1022 550
glossy-transparent appearance. TL0350 350 177 TL1050 1050 566
TL0363 363 184 TL1100 1100 593
Tempilaq° G can be diluted to any desired consistency without changing its melting point. The thinner TL0375 375 191 TL1150 1150 621
the coating used, the quicker the reaction time will be when temperature has been reached. Use only
TL0400 400 204 TL1200 1200 649
Tempilaq° G thinner, and only the thinner recommended for the specific temperature rating being used.
TL0425 425 218 TL1250 1250 677
6 Cleaning TL0450 450 232 TL1300 1300 704
For temperature ratings of 650° F (343° C) or below, the Tempilstik° mark can be removed TL0475 475 246 TL1400 1400 760
(if it has not been charred) with alcohol or water; for ratings above 650° F (343° C), use water TL0488 488 253 TL1450 1450 788
only. If the mark has been heated well above the rated temperature and has become charred, TL0500 500 260 TL1500 1500 816
an abrasive procedure may be required. TL0525 525 274 TL1600 1600 871
TL0550 550 288 TL1700 1700 927
TL0575 575 302 TL1800 1800 982
Typical Applications TL0600 600 316 TL1900 1900 1038
Tempilaq° G should be used on surfaces such as polished metal, TL0650 650 343 TL2000 2000 1093
glass, plastics, rubber, fabrics or electronic components. It
Part No. °F °C UM
should also be used for making larger marks for viewing at a distance.
TL0175QT 175 79 1 quart
Other applications include dielectric heatsealing, postforming plastic
TL0275PT 275 135 1 pint
laminate, and annealing polished metal surfaces.
TL0950PT 950 510 1 pint

• Self-adhesive temperature indicating labels. Benefits:
• Each label consists of heat sensitive indicator(s) sealed under transparent • Inexpensive- alternative for temperature measurement.
window(s). • Simple- easy to apply self-adhesive label; no gauges or electronics.
• As the rated temperature(s) are reached, the indicator(s) color change from • Accurate- within ±2% rated temperature or better.
light gray to black. • Guaranteed- accuracy certification is available.
• Color change is one-way; irreversible. • Reliable- monitor surface temperature continuously.
• Temperature from 100° F to 500° F (38° C to 260° C) are available. • Calibration- Tempilabels° are always in calibration.
• Shapes, sizes and types available are numerous and can satisfy a wide •  ermanent Record- easily removed after use providing documentation
range of application requirements. warranty claims and inspection or quality control reports.
• Traceable- production lot numbered.

Series 4 Tempilabel° Series 21 Tempilabel°

• 4 temperature ratings per label. • Label size: .050" square
• Label size: .087" L x 1.75" W • Unit: Packs of 210 and rolls of 1000
• Unit: Available in packs of 10 or rolls of 500 (4 rolls minimum)
Part No. °F °C °F °C °F °C °F °C Part No. °F °C Part No. °F °C
TLL4A100 100 38 110 43 120 49 130 54 TLL-21-100 100 38 TLL-21-220 220 104
TLL4A130 130 54 140 60 150 66 160 71 TLL-21-110 110 43 TLL-21-230 230 110
TLL4A170 170 77 180 82 190 88 200 93 TLL-21-120 120 49 TLL-21-240 240 116
TLL4A190 190 88 200 93 210 99 220 104 TLL-21-130 130 54 TLL-21-250 250 121
TLL4A220 220 104 230 110 240 116 250 121 TLL-21-140 140 60 TLL-21-260 260 127
TLL4B125 125 52 150 66 175 79 200 93 TLL-21-160 160 71 TLL-21-270 270 132
TLL4B225 225 107 250 121 275 135 300 149 TLL-21-170 170 77 TLL-21-280 280 138
TLL4C100 100 38 150 66 200 93 250 121 TLL-21-180 180 82 TLL-21-290 290 143
TLL4C200 200 93 250 121 300 149 350 177 TLL-21-190 190 88 TLL-21-300 300 149
TLL-21-200 200 93 TLL-21-400 400 204
TLL-21-210 210 99 TLL-21-500 500 260

362 www.middlesexgases.com
Tempil, Weld-Aid Products
Vendor Code: TEM, WAP

Bloxide / Anti-Heat / Lube Pads

Bloxide° Rust Preventative

Bloxide° is a weldable rust preventative that insures x-ray quality welds. The aluminized coating acts as an oxygen barrier that
protects against rust. It also forms aluminum oxide in the weld puddle which reduces porosity and pinholing.
Chemicals, Coatings, and Fluxes

The use of Bloxide° eliminates recleaning of sub assemblies prepared for welding even after they have been in outside storage
for several months. It is an excellent weldable primer paint, and leaves no objectional residue or slag. Bloxide° is free of lead,
sulfur, zinc, cadmium, mercury, chlorine or other halogens which makes it safe for the nuclear fabrication industry. It will also
withstand temperatures up to 800° F.

How to Use Part No. UM

Bloxide° can be applied by brush or spray. It requires no special training, equipment, or precautions for effective application. BLAR 12 oz. aerosol
Bloxide° is quick drying, forming a tack-free, tenacious film in minutes. Coverage is approximately 800-1,000 sq. ft. per gallon. BLGL 1 gallon
BLQT 1 quart
Typical Applications
BL5GL 5 gallon
Bloxide° can be used on all steels, and is compatible with most welding processes. It should definitely be considered for x-ray
quality work.
• Type Approved by ABS- American Bureau of Shipping and by DNV- Det Norske Veritas for Marine and Offshore Fabrication applications.

Anti-Heat° is a protective heat-sink compound that confines heat to the welding, brazing or soldering zone, protecting adjacent
7 areas from undesirable heat build-up. It minimizes risk of heat damage, prevents discoloration, warping, buckling or other
distortion of light-gauge metals.

How to Use
Anti-Heat° is easy to apply. Simply spread it on right from the can. Tube will fit standard caulking gun. It is harmless to the
skin, odorless, non-toxic and will not stain the base metal. To clean, just wipe off excess with water. Part No. UM
AHTB 12 oz. tube
Typical Applications
Anti-Heat° can be used effectively to protect thin gauge metals from objectionable heat inflow due to welding, brazing, AHQT 1 quart
soldering or other heat sources. Will also protect components, parts etc. from heat related damages, such as the gasket of AHGL 1 gallon
a valve being welded to pipes, or paint on automobiles while being locally repaired by brazing, soldering or welding. AH5GL 5 gallon

LUBE-MATIC® products are engineered to reduce tip and liner wear, burnback, wire jams,
and promote smoother arc feed. The solution is to clean and lubricate at the time of the weld.
By doing this, the wire, tips and liners realize a 60% reduction in wire drag, providing long life
and smooth arc feed. Cuts rust and dirt. Pad & clip for concentric cleaning.

LUBE-MATIC® Liquid Black Lube Pads

Cuts dirt and reduces wire drag 60%. Use to re-lube For all types of steel wire. Not recommended for
black pads and liners. aluminum wire. Pre-treated with LUBE-MATIC® Liquid.
Part No. Description • Six pads per pack.
Part No. 007060
007040 5 oz.
007050 46 oz Red Kleener Pads
For all wire, all the time. Excellent for aluminum.
• Six pads per pack.
Part No. 007061

For maximum torch life, use together.

• Combo-Pack (1 red, 1 black)
Part No. 007062

386 www.middlesexgases.com
Tempil, Ullman
Vendor Code: TEM, ULM

Paintpen™ / Scriber Tools

Tempil™ Paintpen™
Tempil™ Paintpen™ is a valve action felt tip marker. Paintpen™ waterborne
acrylic paint formulations are in compliance with CONEG regulations,
Clean Air Act, SARA legislation and California VOC regulations.
• Contains NO solvents and NO ODC’s.
• Tip is washable, can’t dry out.
• Simply shake well; gently depress tip until saturated with paint.
There is no ball point to freeze.
• Permanently marks metals, plastic, wood, cardboard,
glass, and most other surfaces - even wet or oily.
It is non-hazardous, non-flammable and
environmentally safe. It is waterproof and
quick drying. Part No. Description
• Available in 4 bright lead-free colors TPPBLK Paintpen Black
(black, red, white, yellow). TPPRED Paintpen Red
• 12 markers per box/ 144 per case. TPPWHT Paintpen White
TPPYEL Paintpen Yellow
Marking and Layout Tools

Scriber Hooks and Picks

tip just pull
cover down
just turn cover
clockwise. It
AREAS. and twist. It automatically
locks in “clicks”
position. shut!

Scriber has straight and 90° Hook is used for removing springs,
angle points for marking in wadding, washers, “O” rings —
awkward places. prying stuck gaskets loose.

Heat-treated, bright polished, Handy steel hook for any tool box;
high carbon needle steel points. repairmen, technicians, service
For the technician or craftsman personnel. 7" long, has strong steel Sharp tungsten carbide tip cuts into hard
who needs a sharp marking tool shaft and hook, knurled aluminum surfaces, leaves clear mark on metal,
that works in cramped quarters, handle. Magnetic end retrieves glass, plastics and tools.
as well as, in regular applications. dropped nuts, bolts, washers and All-in-one “Push-Click” SAFETY
Knurled aluminum handle gives other ferrous parts. COVER on tungsten carbide with
sure grip. magnetic pick-up.
Utility Packing Hook
Double Pointed Scriber with magnetic pick-up handle Pocket Scriber
• Overall length 9-1/2" • Overall length 7" • Overall length 5-7/16"
• Std. pkg. 1 dz. • Std. pkg. 1 dz. • Std. pkg. 1 dz.
• Pkg. wt. 1 lbs., 2 oz. • Pkg. wt. 15 oz. • Pkg. wt. 15 oz.
Part No. 1810 Part No. 1820 Part No. 1830

570 www.middlesexgases.com

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