Lesson 7 Answers

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Microsoft Disk Operating System and Batch file


Activity 4.1.1
Let’s begin the lesson by performing the activity below for you to fully understand the
process of system booting. This section will introduce you to the lesson properly. Kindly
answer the questions.
1. How do you turn on your computer? List down the steps you performed.
You press the power button in order to turn on the computer. Then, wait
for the computer to boot. Lastly, you can now use the computer.

2. State your observation of what happens between the time that you press
the power button and when the icons appear on the desktop?
The booting of my laptop is faster because of the SSD storage
installed within the laptop making loading times faster. The applications boot
faster than a normal PC using an HDD type of storage.

Congratulations on performing the first task. For you to move forward you must
understand and reflect first on your previous activity. Complete each statement based on
your experience.

The activity above made me notice and recognize

That the booting of the computer depends on the type of storage it possess, whether
it is an HDD or SSD where the latter is faster.

It made me aware of

The type of storage my laptop possesses and its booting speed. Now, I want to learn
more on: How to make the computer boot much more faster?
Activity 4.1.2
After learning the process behind the system booting, examine the boot sequence of your
computer. Your job is to find out what the current boot order of your computer. When you
first turn on your computer there should be a manufacturer screen that says (in the
corner) press F2 for Setup and F12 for the boot order or something similar. Press the
button that it says for the boot order. An ordered list should pop up on your screen that
shows you the order of boot devices. Jot down or take note of that order on a sheet of
paper. Now, you have to compare your observation and boot sequence to your
classmate’s observation of their computer boot sequence and see the differences.

This section will practice your understanding of the lesson.

Goal: To retain and master the steps in the system boot process

Role: You are an engineering student.

Audience: Teacher and classmates

Situation: You will discuss the step by step process of the booting up of a
computer system. The result of this work is for you to memorize and understand what
happens when you turn the computer on without looking at your notes.

Product/Performance and Purpose: A simple flowchart representation of the system

booting process with a brief explanation. You can discuss/present it in class through a
recorded video or during the class consultation.

Standard: Your output/discussion must have the following:

- Brief introduction about System Booting Process

- Flowchart representation of System Booting Process
- Explanation of each steps
1. Before taking up this lesson, what is your idea of what happens when
you turn your computer on and what learnings you have acquired after
this lesson?

Now, I know that my computer applications will be seen once the

computer boots or opens and this lesson made my intuition precise and
accurate. This lesson reminded me of booting speeds and how to turn on
the computer properly.

2. What do you think is the importance of understanding the system

booting process as an engineering student?

It is important in order to know the booting of the computer system

because it is important when you need to use the computer and computers
are essential to engineers, for most of the projects and applications for
designing machines are mostly modernized and digitalized that can only
be accessed through such devices.

Activity 4.2.1
Let’s begin the lesson by completing the activity below to check your prior knowledge
about MS-DOS.
Your task is to identify and to place the correct event happens on each year indicated on
the timeline. If you have shallow knowledge about this, don’t worry you can make a wild
guess. The events are kept on the box below, just write the corresponding letter for each
event on the small boxes below the years.

1981 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1995



A. MS DOS version introducing support for volume serial numbers was


B. The last stand-alone version of MS-DOS was released.

C. Windows 95 was released. In the Windows 95 command line, the

operating system version number was listed as MS-DOS version 7.0.

D. MS-DOS 5.0 was released. It featured support for 3.5-inch 2.88 MB

floppy disks, and a full-screen text editor, "edit."

E. The first version titled "MS-DOS was release.

F. MS-DOS was Marketed as "MS-DOS for networks," it was the first

version of DOS that supported local area networks.

G. Microsoft licensed the operating system 86-DOS from SCP (Seattle

Computer Products) for $25,000
Good job! You did the first step in investigating the MS-DOS history. In this stage, you
will use your knowledge to organize and summarize your thoughts. Answer each
question below.
1. Was it easy to determine the exact event that happen on a specific year?
No, because remembering specific years of discovery are much
harder than knowing what happened. Years are much more confusing than
knowing the actual event.
2. How did the keywords in the events help you in identifying which
happens first?
It did not do much help at all except for year acronyms that make it
much easier to be identified.
3. Do the previous activities make you interested to go further on this topic?
Yes, because I lack knowledge to the history of the DOS and
Windows and how to utilize it to its maximum potential.

Topical Questions:
1. How do you describe the MS Disk Operating System?
MS-DOS is an operating system for x86-based personal computers mostly developed
by Microsoft. Collectively, MS-DOS, its rebranding as IBM PC DOS, and some operating
systems attempting to be compatible with MS-DOS, are sometimes referred to as "DOS"

2. How does MS-DOS differs from WINDOWS OS?

IRF Worksheet

Initial Answer
The difference between DOS and Windows is that the DOS (Disk Operating System) is an
operating system that provides a command line or a text-based interface while the
Windows provides a Graphical User Interface
Revised Answer
DOS is more text-based than the Windows which provides a GUI.
Final Answer
The DOS is a command type of operating system while the Windows relies on the
Graphical User Interface it provides
That was good! Now that you know the important insights about this topic especially on
the history of MS-DOS, let’s go deeper by applying what you’ve learned.

If you were to retell the important event in the history of MS-DOS to a friend, how would
you tell it? Write a brief retelling of the history of MS-DOS in the box below.

MS-DOS was a renamed form of 86-DOS – owned by Seattle Computer Products, written by
Tim Paterson. Development of 86-DOS took only six weeks, as it was basically a clone of Digital
Research's CP/M (for 8080/Z80 processors), ported to run on 8086 processors and with two
notable differences compared to CP/M: an improved disk sector buffering logic, and the
introduction of FAT12 instead of the CP/M filesystem. This first version was shipped in August
1980. Microsoft, which needed an operating system for the IBM Personal Computer, hired Tim
Paterson in May 1981 and bought 86-DOS 1.10 for US$75,000 in July of the same year.
Microsoft kept the version number, but renamed it MS-DOS. They also licensed MS-DOS
1.10/1.14 to IBM, which, in August 1981, offered it as PC DOS 1.0 as one of three operating
systems for the IBM 5150, or the IBM PC.

Within a year, Microsoft licensed MS-DOS to over 70 other companies.[11] It was designed to
be an OS that could run on any 8086-family computer. Each computer would have its own
distinct hardware and its own version of MS-DOS, similar to the situation that existed for CP/M,
and with MS-DOS emulating the same solution as CP/M to adapt for different hardware
platforms. To this end, MS-DOS was designed with a modular structure with internal device
drivers (the DOS BIOS), minimally for primary disk drives and the console, integrated with the
kernel and loaded by the boot loader, and installable device drivers for other devices loaded
and integrated at boot time. The OEM would use a development kit provided by Microsoft to
build a version of MS-DOS with their basic I/O drivers and a standard Microsoft kernel, which
they would typically supply on disk to end users along with the hardware. Thus, there were many
different versions of "MS-DOS" for different hardware, and there is a major distinction between
an IBM-compatible (or ISA) machine and an MS-DOS [compatible] machine. Some machines,
like the Tandy 2000, were MS-DOS compatible but not IBM-compatible, so they could run
software written exclusively for MS-DOS without dependence on the peripheral hardware of the
IBM PC architecture.

This design would have worked well for compatibility, if application programs had only used MS-
DOS services to perform device I/O, and indeed the same design philosophy is embodied in
Windows NT (see Hardware Abstraction Layer). However, in MS-DOS's early days, the greater
speed attainable by programs through direct control of hardware was of particular importance,
especially for games, which often pushed the limits of their contemporary hardware. Very soon
an IBM-compatible architecture became the goal, and before long all 8086-family computers
closely emulated IBM's hardware, and only a single version of MS-DOS for a fixed hardware
platform was needed for the market.

This version is the version of MS-DOS that is discussed here, as the dozens of other OEM
versions of "MS-DOS" were only relevant to the systems they were designed for, and in any
case were very similar in function and capability to some standard version for the IBM PC—
often the same-numbered version, but not always, since some OEMs used their own proprietary
version numbering schemes (e.g. labeling later releases of MS-DOS 1.x as 2.0 or vice versa)—
with a few notable exceptions.
Great! You are almost done with this lesson. Keep in mind all the insights you learned in
our discussions and activities to help you make your reflection in this stage. As a takeoff
from this lesson, answer each question below.

1. What are your discoveries regarding MS-DOS?

I discovered that it has a rich history and a revolutionary

timeline of how it progressed and became the very application that we
utilize today.
2. What is the importance of studying the history of MS-DOS?

It is important in order to know what tweaks they made in order

to improve the performance and the overall use of the program similar to
the patch notes commonly found in games.

3. After learning the comparison of MS-DOS and WINDOWS OS, will

you choose MS-DOS as your operating system over WINDOWS
OS? Explain your answer.
Windows OS is the most user-friendly of the two and is most
commonly used in every PC today with its multitasking capabilities
and minimal limitations.



That was amazing! What you did on the previous test gave you a hint on what to expect
in this lesson. Now, let’s have an ice breaker before we move on to the lesson proper.
Complete the puzzle below, the hints are given to you below.


1. Move files of directory

2. Dis lay the disk Remove Directory
volum identification of Show directory list
the specified drive. Changing the
Change Directory background c lor
Dis lay a text on the 7. Copy file
screen 9. Set the title of the
8. Start a new window session
Allows you to change 10. Change Time
the M -DOS prompt to 11. Change Date
displa more or less
Cl se the window
Rename a directory
2. VOL
3. RD
4. DIR
5. CD
6. D
10. TIME
11. DATE
13. EXIT
14. REN

Congratulations! You tried your best in finding the possible correct command to be used
in each situation. It’s time to share your experience from the previous activity by
answering the questions below.

How did the activity help you gain more knowledge about the command in
preparation for the next stage of this lesson?

It gave me knowledge on the basic commands of the MS DOS system and what
they do.
Do you think you can identify all the correct answers? If not, what hindered you to do
No, because of my lack of knowledge with the MS DOS user and I am Windows

Write your expectations for this topic below.

My knowledge with commands of the MS DOS will broaden.

This section is created to demonstrate what you’ve learned. Perform each item to your
computer. Open a windows command prompt to run the code and execute each
1. The session color must be blue on yellow.
2. Change the session title to your NAME. (Lastname, Firstname, MI.)
3. Create a folder “TEST” on the Documents folder.
4. Create a folder “ACTIVITY” on the Desktop folder.
5. Change the date on your computer to the date tomorrow.
6. On Desktop, create a folder inside the ACTIVITY folder and name it as
7. Now, show the content of the Document Folder.
8. Rename the TEST folder to “MSDOS” on the Documents folder.
9. Delete the VIRUS folder.
10. Close the current MS-DOS session window.

For checking purposes, kindly list down the correct order of commands you used to

successfully perform all the items above.


Congratulations! You’ve made it this far. Reflect on what you’ve learned in the MS-DOS

1. What important insights you have grasped in this topic?

There are variations of commands that can be utilized in order to use
the MS-DOS, where some are simple and some are complex. It is full of
command prompts that can be used in different ways.

2. After learning the operation and commands of MS-DOS which had

been used in our computers before, how difficult do you think for us
today if we are still using this kind of operating system in our system?
For me, the MS-DOS system has an outdated interface than its
predecessors and has much more illegible command prompts that are
much more harder to memorize.

Activity 4.4.1

This activity will serve as a motivation for this topic. You will be creating your first batch
file using the command we had used in MS-DOS. Type the commands below to your
notepad and save it as .bat file. Run or open the file and take a screenshot.

@echo off Date

color 02



Good job for creating your first batch file! Did you enjoy them? Before you move forward,
Tell us your reflection from your previous activity.

After I wrote and before I run my first batch file, my initial thought of the output will be
I expected that repetitiveness of command sequences are reduced to a halt
making a much more cleaner and precise code.

After running my first batch file, I felt

That coding is hard and takes up too much time but fun and wonderful at the same
time. I feel like a hacker man like what they do in the movies.

Did the activity give you motivation and excitement to go further on this lesson?
YES, I am motivated to further expand my knowledge on how to code much more


This section is created to demonstrate what you’ve learned. Perform each item to your
computer. You can use any text editor to create a batch file.

1. Create a batch file that will fill the entire screen with your name. Use
different colors.

2. Create a batch file that will create a directory named TEST in drive C:

then copy all files in drive C: that ends in .bat to the directory TEST and
display all files copied.

3. Create a batch file that will test if the inputted number is 0, it will display a

text “HELLO WORLD”, if the inputted number is 1, it will display a text



After performing all the activities, it is assumed that you have understood the function of
batch file commands. Now, it’s time to reflect on what you’ve learned from the topic.

1. What do you think are the advantages of batch file?

It makes repeated jobs are done fast in batch systems without user interaction
and you don't need any special hardware and system support to input data in
batch systems.

2. Will you use a batch file for some basic and repetitive operations on your
computer? Why?
Yes, because I already understand the basics of how to use the batch file as
a remover of repetitiveness of the codes.

3. If you were to write a batch file for a certain action/operation on your computer,
what would it be?
I will use it to find files and manipulate them to my wishing and satisfaction. It
gives me power to control my computer freely.

Congratulations! You’ve come this far. You have completed this chapter. Before you go
to the next chapter, you had to answer the following post-test questions.

Part 1: System Booting Process

Matching Type. Write the letter of the correct match next to each problem.

1. I
2. A
3. G
4. H
5. B
6. J
7. E
8. D
9. C
10. F
Part 2: MS-DOS and Its History

IRF Worksheet. Return to abstraction and compare your revised thoughts with the final
discussion and application then answer the Final Answer part of the IRF worksheet.
Topical Questions:

1. How do you describe the MS Disk Operating System?

Short for Microsoft Disk Operating System, MS-DOS is a non-graphical command
line operating system derived from 86-DOS that was created for IBM compatible computers.
MS-DOS allows the user to navigate, open, and otherwise manipulate files on their computer
from a command line instead of a GUI like Windows.

2. How does MS-DOS differs from WINDOWS OS?

IRF Worksheet

Initial Answer
The main difference between DOS and Windows is that the DOS
(Disk Operating System) is an operating system that provides a
command line or a text-based interface while the Windows provides
a Graphical User Interface
Revised Answer
DOS is more text-based than the Windows which provides a GUI.
Final Answer
The DOS is a command type of operating system while the
Windows relies on the Graphical User Interface it provides
Part 3: MS-DOS Commands

Crossword puzzle. Complete the crossword puzzle below by filling up the correct MS-
DOS command.

D own

1. CD
2. DIR
8. RD
10. COPY
11. MD

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