Supports and Strategies in Communication and Language
Supports and Strategies in Communication and Language
Supports and Strategies in Communication and Language
ID 607016
Septimo semestre
Currently, many children are diagnosed with different Special Educational Needs (SEN) and,
undoubtedly, society in general and schools in particular, must be organized in such a way that
they meet their educational needs and help with their learning difficulties to achieve a good
educational inclusion that will be the basis for their subsequent integration into society and the
world of work. But, how can we face the difficulties before students with SEN in the classroom?
Is it easy to promote integration among students?
o It is important to speak to them at their height and within their visual field to that the
student can better receive the indications and instructions given.
o It is necessary to identify how the communication between the student and his classmates
will be carried out. We must foresee how the interrelation and communication with their
peer group will be carried out.
o If oral communication is very complex for the person or he simply cannot do it, it is
necessary to introduce augmentative / alternative communication systems. For the
supports that are provided in this sense, it is important to identify with which system the
student feels most comfortable and initiate a process of adaptation and accommodation in
front of it, making the necessary adjustments and taking into account the individual
characteristics of the student. (See support products).
o When there is a bit of distorted but understandable speech it is, it is important to give the
student a prudent time so that he does not feel pressured.
o For people who do not have major commitments at the motor level; hemiplegia,
hemiparesis, monoplegia, among others, is important promoting an autonomous march
and the use of its members does not affected for the realization of motor processes, thick
and fine.
o In the case of people with compromise of their four limbs, who are very rigid in their
movements or too weak in terms of muscle tone, it will be necessary to adapt the chairs in
such a way that they are aligned with their body and that it does not slide easily.
o If sitting is not possible (sitting position), it will be evaluated, another postural alternative,
taking into account the point of view of the professional expert in the area.
o It is necessary to speak to the student at the level of his body and way to avoid tensions at
the neck level that hinder your postural stability. Positions should be promoted in which
the person feels comfortable and relaxed, totally ready at the motor level to start a
teaching-learning process.
o When people with disabilities have involuntary movements, as in the case of athetosic
cerebral palsy, the material should be fixed to the table where they are working and the
size of the objects, graphics, drawings, letters, etc. must be increased.
o Search for playful sensory stimulation activities, such as activities in corners where
different textures, shapes, objects, smells, tastes, sounds, etc. can be explored and
identified. You should try to increase the level of sensory experiences that allow you a
greater perception of what is in your environment, so that you can identify, differentiate,
establish characteristics and functions.
o In this sense, it is important to start any activity from the student knowledge and begin to
increase their degree of complexity, respecting the levels of fatigue they may present.