Finaljunior Ecological Relationship
Finaljunior Ecological Relationship
Finaljunior Ecological Relationship
A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of the subsystems (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere
and biosphere) that make up the Earth
B. Performance Standard:
The learners shall be able to… make a concept map and use it to explain how the geosphere,
hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere are interconnected
C. Learning Competency:
Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter and energy
flow. (S11/12ES-Ia-e-4)
D. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to:
1. identify the four major subsystem;
2. differentiate each subsystem through student activity; and
3. recognize the importance of each subsystem to the stability of life on Earth.
d. Materials: Blackboard, Chalk, Pictures, Manila Paper, Power Presentation and Video
Presentation (if technology is available)
e. Process Skills: Observing, Analyzing, Describing
Preliminary Activities
A. Daily Routine
•Opening Prayer
Teacher: Please stand.
“Let us pray.”
Students will stand.
Students: Everyone will say the prayer
Teacher: “Good morning/afternoon, class!”
Students: “Good morning/afternoon, Ma’am”
•Checking of Cleanliness and Attendance
Teacher: Who are the absent today?”
Students will respond.
Asks what happened to those who are not present that day.
Elicit/ Engage
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Challenge1: Say the word 5 times while you are angry. BIOSPHERE
Challenge2: Say the word 3 times while you are jumping. ATMOSPHERE
Challenge3: Say the word 3 times while you are clapping your hands LITHOSPHERE
Challenge4: Say the word 5 times while you are covering your nose. HYDROSPHERE
Challenge5: Say the word 2 times while you are laughing and smiling. SYSTEM
A. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Teacher: For better understanding let us first watch this video and after this we will have again
another activity.
All you have to do is to listen and watch attentively.
Is that clear class?
Student: Yes! Ma’am
Teacher: Good!
Video Presentation (Geosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere)
After the video….
A. Developing Mastery
System - a set of interconnected
components that are interacting to form a
unified whole.
• The Earth is a system consisting of four
major interacting components:
comprises the solid Earth and
includes both Earth’s surface and
the various layers of the Earth's interior.
o Geo means “earth.” The Earth’s geosphere (sometimes called the lithosphere)
is the portion of the earth that includes rocks and minerals. It starts at the
ground and extends all the way down to Earth’s core
o We rely on the geosphere to provide natural resources and a place to grow food.
Volcanos, mountain ranges, and deserts are all part of the geosphere. Put simply,
without the geosphere, there would be no Earth!
Atmosphere: gaseous envelope that surrounds the Earth and constitutes the transition
between it and the vacuum of space.
o Atmos means “air.” The atmosphere includes all the gases surrounding the Earth.
We often call the atmosphere “air.” All planets have an atmosphere, but Earth is
the only planet with the correct combination of gases to support life.
o The atmosphere consists of five layers and is responsible for Earth’s weather.
Even though it seems like air is made of nothing, it consists of particles too small
to be seen. All these particles have weight that push down on Earth. The weight
of air above us is called air pressure.
Hydrosphere: includes all water on Earth (including surface water and groundwater).
o Hydro means “water. “The hydrosphere includes the oceans, rivers, lakes,
groundwater, and water frozen in glaciers. 97% of water on Earth is found in the
oceans. Water is one of the most important substances needed for life and makes
up about 90% of living things. Without water, life would not be possible.
Biosphere: the life zone of the Earth and includes all living organisms, and all organic
matter that has not yet decomposed.
o Bio means “life.” The biosphere is made up of all the living things on Earth and it
includes fish, birds, plants, and even people.
o The living portion of the Earth interacts with all the other spheres. Living things
need water (hydrosphere), chemicals from the atmosphere, and nutrients gained
by eating things in the biosphere.
Teacher: Any question or clarification?
Student: None Ma’am! (answer’s may vary)
Teacher : okay, Good!
A. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living
Teacher: Let us have this picture for you to be able to realize and analyze things in this earth
as you being part of it.
Take note class to identify sphere interactions, think of one feature in the image at a time,
decide which sphere it is a part of, then consider how it interacts with the other spheres.
3. As a student how could you help prevent at least mitigate the negative effects of the interaction of
the Earth spheres?
Student: Answer may vary.
Painting your house? Use a latex paint. ...
Get a tune-up. Properly maintained vehicles get better gas mileage and emit fewer
Don't top off your gas tank. ...
Conserve energy. ...
Don't burn your yard waste. ...
Plant a tree. ...
Park the car.
Water treatment etc.
Guide Questions:
1. What sphere interactions can you
infer from this photograph?
Student: Answers may vary.
(Plants (biosphere) draw water
(hydrosphere) and nutrients from the
soil (geosphere) and release water
vapor into the atmosphere. Humans
(biosphere) use farm machinery
(manufactured from geosphere
materials) to plow the fields, and the
atmosphere brings precipitation
(hydrosphere) to water the plants.
Energy from the sun is stored by
plants (biosphere). When humans or
animals (biosphere) eat the plants,
they acquire the energy originally
captured by the plants. Humans
expend some of this energy
arranging bricks and wood (geosphere and biosphere) into buildings.
A. Evaluating learning
Evaluation 1: Activity-embedded assessment
TOTAL ------------------------------------------------100%
Assignment: Group into 3
1.1 Each group must create a skit related to earth subsystems and on how you are going to take good
care each of the subsystems.
1.2 Each group should be guided with the SKIT RUBRIC.
1.3 In whole sheet of paper answer the following question.
1) Lithosphere are mostly composed of rocks and soil, in what areas in Antique rocks are mostly
dangerous and not safe?
2) What do you think is the role of the atmosphere to the continuation of life on Earth? 3) How does
living things interact with each other?
4) What is the role of the photosynthesis in the Biosphere process?