Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Sepsis Among Neonates Admitted Into Neonatal Intensive Care Units of Public Hospitals in Dhaka
Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Sepsis Among Neonates Admitted Into Neonatal Intensive Care Units of Public Hospitals in Dhaka
Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Sepsis Among Neonates Admitted Into Neonatal Intensive Care Units of Public Hospitals in Dhaka
1. Epidemiology and Public Health, American International University Bangladesh, Dhaka, BGD 2.
Epidemiology and Public Health, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Dhaka, BGD 3.
Epidemiology and Public Health, United International University, Dhaka, BGD 4. Epidemiology and
Public Health, North South University, Dhaka, BGD 5. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dhaka
Medical College and Hospital, Dhaka, BGD
Objective: To determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of sepsis among neonates
admitted into neonatal intensive care units (NICU) of public hospitals in Dhaka.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted among 173 neonates admitted into the
NICUs of Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) and Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital from
March 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016 at Dhaka, Bangladesh. On the basis of the presence
of clinical signs and symptoms of sepsis, neonates were admitted into the NICUs. The weight of
the baby was measured and blood culture, complete blood count (CBC), C-reactive protein
(CRP) and urine R/M/E were done at the time of admission. The neonates, who had positive
blood culture reports, were confirmed as having sepsis. After receiving informed written
consent, maternal data were collected from the mother of the neonate and neonatal data were
collected from NICUs.
Results: The prevalence of sepsis among the neonates admitted into NICU of the concerned
public hospitals in Dhaka was 69.35%. In the multiple logistic regression model, perinatal
asphyxia (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 3.37, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.27-8.90), presence
of infection at umbilical cord (aOR = 3.32, 95% CI = 1.40-7.85), history of bottle feeding of the
neonates (aOR = 3.02, 95% CI = 1.11-8.25) and pre-existing maternal infection (aOR = 4.44, 95%
CI = 1.92-10.26) were significantly (p-value < 0.05) associated with neonatal sepsis. The odds of
developing sepsis among the neonates with ≤ 2.5 kg weight at admission was more than three
Received 03/19/2020 times higher (aOR 3.82, 95% CI = 1.59-9.19) than neonates with admission weight > 2.5 kg.
Review began 03/21/2020
Review ended 03/26/2020
Published 03/29/2020
Conclusion: Like other South Asian countries, the prevalence of neonatal sepsis is alarming in
Bangladesh. Further research should be conducted to measure the burden of infections in the
© Copyright 2020
entire neonatal period and observe the effects of biological risk factors on the early and late-
Nyma et al. This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of
onset neonatal sepsis.
the Creative Commons Attribution
License CC-BY 4.0., which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided Categories: Pediatrics, Epidemiology/Public Health
the original author and source are Keywords: neonatal sepsis, prevalence, risk factors, bangladesh
Neonatal sepsis, a systemic infection precipitating within the first 28 days after birth,
encompasses blood-stream infection, meningitis, and pneumonia [7]. It currently is responsible
for about 1.6 million annual deaths among neonates worldwide, 99% of which take place in
developing countries [8,9]. Of the total sepsis-related neonatal deaths in 2013, 38.9% occurred
in South Asia alone [7]. Epidemiological estimates suggested that the global prevalence of
neonatal sepsis was 1.7 million in 2010 [10]. South Asia and sub-Saharan African countries
share the highest-burden of neonatal sepsis cases in the world; Bangladesh, being a developing
South Asian country, is not an exception to this very trend [7,11].
Some studies conducted in Bangladesh focused only on the bacteriological profile and
antimicrobial susceptibility regarding neonatal sepsis [18-20]. As neonatal sepsis encompasses
a number of diseases that are preventable, along with lab-based study for causative organisms,
it is crucial to identify the risk factors related to it [21]. Depending on the variation of the study
population, marked divergence concerning risk factors of neonatal sepsis has been reported
[12]. In Bangladesh, only very few studies attempted to determine the risk factors of neonatal
sepsis [22-23]. The overall lack of data on neonatal sepsis in Bangladesh spurred this research
to identify risk factors influencing neonatal sepsis so that appropriate intervention measures
and resource mobilization can be initiated for addressing the modifiable risk factors.
Identification of the risk factors associated with neonatal sepsis could also provide significant
insights leading to new findings for neonatal sepsis prevention, early diagnosis, and better
treatment, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality.
Considering all these contexts, we carried out a cross-sectional study to determine the
prevalence and associated risk factors of sepsis among neonates admitted into neonatal
intensive care units (NICU) of public hospitals in Dhaka.
A standard semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect neonatal and maternal data.
Before data collection, the mother of a neonate was given a detailed explanation of the study.
After receiving informed written consent, maternal data were collected from the mother of the
neonate which included socio-demographic conditions, location of delivery, maternal health
conditions. Neonatal data were collected from NICUs which included admission weight of the
baby, presence of neonatal sepsis, the gender of the baby, TORCH infection (toxoplasmosis,
others - syphilis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex viral infection), perinatal
asphyxia, fetal malformation, cord care of the neonate, history of bottle feeding and pre-lacteal
feeding. The presence of neonatal sepsis was the outcome variable. Neonatal sepsis and
perinatal asphyxia were defined as follows:
Neonatal sepsis was defined as a systemic infection occurring in the first 28 days of life that
encompassed blood-stream infection, meningitis and pneumonia occurring among the
neonates evidenced by positive blood culture report [7].
Perinatal asphyxia is a clinical condition that results from the impaired gas exchange in the
fetus. This leads to hypoxia, hypercarbia, and acidosis and these ultimately culminate in failure
to establish and sustain spontaneous respiration immediately after birth [24].
After gathering all the required information, data was compiled, analyzed and tabulated in
accordance with key variables. Data analysis was performed on the basis of the research
question and the objective. The statistical software package Stata, version 14.0 (LP StataCorp,
College Station, TX) was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were calculated for all
the variables, including mean, standard deviation, frequencies, and percentages. In order to
assess the association between the outcome variable (neonatal sepsis) and independent
variables, at first, we performed a simple logistic regression analysis (Chi-square test). The
variables that were found statistically significant (having p-value ≤ 0.25) at the simple logistic
regression model, we kept them in a multiple logistic regression model. The results of the
multiple logistic regression model were presented in terms of the adjusted odds ratio (aOR)
with respective 95% confidence interval (CI).
Ethical approval for our study protocol was obtained from the Ethical Review Committee of the
American International University Bangladesh (AIUB). Permission for collecting data was taken
from the authority of DMCH and Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital.
A total of 173 neonates were included in our study, of which 69.36% (120 neonates) had been
suffering from neonatal sepsis (Figure 1). Admission weight of 124 neonates was ≤ 2.5 kg and
mean admission weight was 1.28 (standard deviation (SD)=0.45). Fifty-eight percent of
neonates were male and 79.77% had been suffering from perinatal asphyxia. Sixty-six percent
of neonates represented the presence of infection at the umbilical cord.
The mean age of the mothers of the neonates was 24.81 (SD=5.47) and mean age at the marriage
of them was 19.93 (SD=3.27). Fifty-five percent of mothers did not complete secondary school
certificate (SSC) level and 67.63% of them were unemployed. Among 173 mothers, 63 had a
history of single unclear or >3 sterile vaginal examinations during labor. Fifty-five percent of
mothers had pre-existing maternal infections (TORCH infection/ hepatitis B, hepatitis C/
hepatitis E/ gonorrhea/chlamydia). Among 173 mothers, 135 had the history of co-morbidities
state (pre-eclampsia/ diabetes/ urinary tract infection (UTI)/ pneumonia/maternal peripartum
fever) (Table 1).
Variables Values
Maternal Characteristics
No 46.82 (81)
No 45.09 (78)
No 21.97 (38)
Anemia (%, N)
Neonatal Characteristics
Gender (%, N)
No 34.68 (60)
We presented the association of neonatal sepsis with different independent variables such as
admission weight, gender, perinatal asphyxia, cord care, history of bottle feeding of the
neonates, pre-existing maternal infection, co-morbid states, UTI, anemia and single unclear or
>3 sterile vaginal examinations during labor in bivariate analysis (Table 2).
Maternal Characteristics
Single unclear or >3 sterile vaginal examinations during Yes 79.37 (50) 20.63 (13)
labor No 63.64 (70) 36.36 (40)
Child Characteristics
In the multiple logistic regression model, admission weight, perinatal asphyxia, presence of
infection at the umbilical cord, history of bottle feeding of the neonates and pre-existing
Maternal Characteristics
Child Characteristics
The neonates whose mothers had the pre-existing infection had more than four (aOR = 4.44,
95% CI = 1.92-10.26) times higher chance of developing neonatal sepsis compared to the
neonates whose mothers did not have pre-existing infections. The odds of developing sepsis
among the neonates with ≤ 2.5 kg weight at admission was more than three times higher (aOR
3.82, CI: 1.59 to 9.19) than neonates with admission weight > 2.5 kg. Neonates having perinatal
asphyxia had 3.37 times (CI: 1.27 to 8.90) higher chance of developing neonatal sepsis
compared to those who did not have this complaint/ diagnosis. Bottle-fed neonates had 3.02
times (CI: 1.11 to 8.25) higher chance of developing sepsis. The adjusted odds of developing
neonatal sepsis among children with umbilical cord infection were 3.32 times higher compared
to neonates without cord infection.
This study illustrates the prevalence of neonatal sepsis which is one of the prime causes of
hospitalization for neonates in developing countries [25-26]. This study also revealed the
association of risk factors with sepsis after the hospitalization of neonates. We categorized
maternal and neonatal factors to see their relationship with sepsis. Maternal factors mainly
include urinary tract infection, pre-existing maternal infection and anemia while neonatal
factors include admission weight, perinatal asphyxia, presence of infection at umbilical cord
and history of bottle feeding of the neonates.
Our study found a high prevalence of neonatal sepsis (69.36%) in NICU admitted patients.
Another study at Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh had almost the same
In this study, we found that the mothers’ educational level below secondary level had a higher
effect in neonatal sepsis which is similar to another study from Saqeeb et al. [29]. Several risk
factors are associated with early and late-onset of neonatal sepsis and low birth weight was
found highly significant [27-29]. We found that almost 81.5% of patients in NICU were suffering
from sepsis and their admission weight was 2.5kg. Some studies indicated, perinatal asphyxia
as one of the major reasons for developing sepsis in neonates, and this is similar to our study
[12,27,29]. The study from Mitra et al. found that uncleaned cord care had a significant effect on
developing sepsis in neonates [28]. In our observation, there was a higher proportion of
umbilical cord infection which supports other studies.
Some other factors like history of bottle feeding of the neonates, pre-existing maternal
infection were also found responsible for developing sepsis in neonates. Though UTI had a
significant association with developing neonatal sepsis, our research did not find any
significance [30]. There should be further prospective research implemented with a larger
sample size to observe the effects of biological risk factors on early- and late-onset neonatal
The prevalence of neonatal sepsis among the neonates admitted at NICU in Bangladeshi public
hospitals is higher. Major determinants of neonatal sepsis are pre-existing maternal infection,
weight of the baby, perinatal asphyxia, and presence of infection at the umbilical cord of the
neonate. Therefore, we recommend interventions at three stages - during pregnancy, during
delivery, and during neonatal period in order to address the problem of neonatal sepsis.
However, further studies are needed to be conducted with large sample size to strengthen our
Additional Information
Human subjects: Consent was obtained by all participants in this study. Ethical Review
Committee issued approval 15-98437-1. This is to certify that Dr. Zannatun Nyma (ID # 15-
98437-1) enrolled at the Masters in Public Health (MPH) Program under the Department of
Public Health in the American International University-Bangladesh, (AIUB). She has presented
a research proposal on April 02, 2016 entitled "Risk assessment of Neonatal Sepsis among Low
Birth Weight Babies in Public and Private Hospitals in Bangladesh" to the Research Review
Committee (RRC) and Ethical Review Committee (ERC) under the Department of Public Health.
The authors would like to express their earnest thanks to all the staff members of the neonatal
intensive care units of Dhaka Medical College Hospital and Dhaka Shishu (Chindren) Hospital
including physicians and nurses for their valuable support.
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